The Society for Marine Mammalogy President Charles Littnan 636A Halela Street HONORABLE MARK A. VILLAR Honolulu, HI 96374 USA
[email protected] Secretary of the Department of Public Works and Highways Bonifacio Drive, Port Area President-Elect Metro Manila, Philippines Simon Goldsworthy South Australian Research and Dev. Ins. 2 Hamra Avenue West Beach, SA 5024 Australia
[email protected] Dear Secretary Villar, Secretary Tara Cox Savannah State University As President of the Society for Marine Mammalogy, I write to express 3219 College Street concern about the potential for the proposed Panay-Guimaras-Negros Savannah, GA 31404 USA
[email protected] (PGN) Bridges Project to threaten the survival of a Critically Endangered population of Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) that resides in Treasurer 1 this region. The Society for Marine Mammalogy is the world’s largest Katie Moore International Fund for Animal Welfare professional group dedicated to the study of marine mammals, with a 290 Summer Street membership of approximately 2,000 scientists from more than 35 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 USA countries. Our goal is to facilitate the understanding and conservation of
[email protected] marine mammals and the ecosystems that support them. Members at Large Cecile Vincent The Irrawaddy dolphin population in the Iloilo-Guimaras Straits is Centre d’Études Biologiques de Chizé extremely small, with roughly 10-30 remaining individuals. The CNRS/University of La Rochelle 2 rue Olympe de Gouges population’s core habitat is limited to the Pulupandan-Bago estuary and 17 000 La Rochelle, France coastal waters of Buenavista. These dolphins are integral to the lives of
[email protected] fishermen in Iloilo, Guimaras, and Negros, who use the dolphins’ Cindy Peter occurrence to indicate the locations of concentrations of fish and shrimp.