Extensions of Remarks E2251 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E2251 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS November 19, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2251 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN HONOR OF JANIS KING ARNOLD TRIBUTE TO MAJOR GENERAL Knight Order Crown of Italy; and decorations JOHN E. MURRAY from the Korean and Vietnamese Govern- ments. HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. Madam Speaker, I was truly saddened by the death of General Murray. I would like to OF OHIO OF NEW JERSEY extend my deepest condolences to his family. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES My thoughts and prayers are with his daughter Wednesday, November 19, 2008 Valerie, of Norfolk Virgina, his granddaughter Wednesday, November 19, 2008 Shana and grandson Andrew of Norfolk Vir- Mr. PASCRELL. Madam Speaker, I rise ginia; his brother Danny of Arlington Virginia, Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor the life and accomplishments and a large extended family. today in honor of Janis King Arnold, and in of veteran, civil servant, and author Major General John E. Murray (United States Army f recognition of 36 outstanding years of service Retired). HONORING REVEREND DR. J. in the Cleveland Metro School District. She Born in Clifton, New Jersey, November 22, ALFRED SMITH, SR. has been instrumental in bringing innovative 1918, General Murray was drafted into the educational programs to the Greater Cleve- United States Army in 1941 as a private leav- HON. BARBARA LEE land Area. ing his studies at St. John’s University and OF CALIFORNIA rose to the rank of Major General. The career Janis Arnold has a multifaceted and rich his- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tory in public service and recently retired from that followed was to take him through three Wednesday, November 19, 2008 a long and illustrious career in the Cleveland wars, ten campaigns and logistic and transpor- tation operations throughout the world. He Metro School District. She attended public Ms. LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise today with earned his LL.B. from New York Law School schools in the Greater Cleveland Area and my colleague, Congressman PETE STARK, to in 1949, LL.D. in 1975 and M.A. from George honor the extraordinary life accomplishments went on to earn a degree in Education from Washington University in 1961. He was a of the Reverend Dr. J. Alfred Smith, Sr. He is Central State University. During her 36-year member of the New York and United States a leader, teacher, spiritual guide, and inspira- tenure in the Cleveland Metro School District, Supreme Court Bar as well as a member of tion to all who know him. Pastor Smith will be Mrs. Arnold served as a classroom teacher, the Korean Bar. retiring this year from his position as Senior parent engagement coordinator, administrative He fought and served bravely during the Ko- Pastor at Allen Temple Baptist Church in Oak- intern and assistant principal. She was further rean War and went on to become the Director land, California. able to demonstrate her leadership skills when of Army Transportation in 1969 and 1970. He Pastor Smith has led this church and our she became Principal of John Buhrer School then served as Chief of Logistics to the Pacific community for 40 years. In that time he has in 1987—a position she would remain in until Command and Chief of Logistics for the Mili- positively influenced countless lives and left an indelible mark. It is without doubt that his leg- her retirement in August of this year. During tary Assistance Command from 1972 until late 1973, under the command of Admiral John S. acy will continue to inspire people and pro- her time at John Buhrer School, Mrs. Arnold McCain, Sr. After the cease of hostilities in mote the strong ideals and unwavering hu- instituted a unique dual language program at Vietnam, he remained as chief military in manity Pastor Smith has always stood for. the school—the first program of its kind in the charge of intelligence operations and support Throughout his life and tenure as Senior State of Ohio. The program, designed to foster of the Vietnamese Armed Forces. Pastor, Dr. Smith championed the causes of cross-cultural understanding and to give stu- President Reagan called General Murray the poor and the disenfranchised. Through his dents the proper tools to become bilingual is back to service in 1988–1989 where he many publications, interviews, and sermons, partly funded through a grant by the U.S. De- served as the Principal Deputy Assistant Sec- Dr. Smith reminded us everyday of our human partment of Education. She also expanded the retary of Defense for Special Operations and obligation and the standards of dignity, charity, and common love that we must all live by. In school’s music program through a grant from Low Intensity Conflict. He was inducted into the Army Transportation Corps Hall of Fame, the Greater Bay Area, he also spearheaded VH1’s Save the Music Program and through groundbreaking programs to reach out to partnerships with the Cleveland Museum of located at Fort Eustis, Virginia in 2001. After retiring from the military he served as those most in need and assist them in their Art and the Cleveland Cultural Coalition. struggles. He is an individual who never failed Vice President of the Association of American to practice what he preached, and who has Mrs. Arnold has been recognized several Railroads and as special counsel to American used his own life as an example with grace, times for leadership, innovative work and the International Underwriters. He served on the humility, and an unsurpassable kindness and relationships she forged between numerous White House Agent Orange Working Group empathy for others. and the Defense Intelligence Task Force on churches and community agencies. Under her The ministries and message of Dr. J. Alfred leadership, John Buhrer School was awarded POWs and MIAs. He also served with the Smith, Sr. has made an impact locally, nation- the School of Excellence Award from White House Office of Science and Tech- ally, and internationally. From testifying before Esperanza, Inc. in 2001 and the Excelling nology on epidemiological studies and with in- the United Nations in New York City in 1989 School Award in 1997. Mrs. Arnold was recog- dustry of a variety of legal and logistics mat- against the apartheid government in South Af- ters. nized at the 21st Annual Multicultural/Multi- rica to securing affordable housing for seniors, General Murray lectured at Georgetown Uni- lingual Conference for her significant contribu- he has dedicated his career to promoting versity on Crisis Management and at the Na- tions to multicultural education. peace and equality. His work has inspired and tional Defense University. He was a prolific uplifted people from all faiths and backgrounds Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join author of articles involving logistics and busi- to dedicate their lives to this same noble pur- me in honor of Janis King Arnold, and in rec- ness matters and also contributed book re- suit. ognition of her significant contributions to edu- views to Time-Life books and National De- This is Dr. Smith’s true gift to us all—the gift cation in the Greater Cleveland Area. May her fense Transportation magazine. Publications of positive influence. He has inspired our lead- work on fostering cross-cultural understanding include Lawyers, Computers and Power; War ers and our children to carry on the difficult Transport; Show Biz; The Myths of Business and work with community organizing serve as fight for justice in a way that is both compas- and the Business of Myths; Sweet Adversity; sionate and relentless. an example for all of us to follow. and The U.S. Army, how it Motivates. Through the many programs for youth that Among his numerous awards were the he has created and supported, Dr. Smith has D.S.M.; Legion of Merit; the Italian War Cross, invested himself fully in the education of the ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:00 Nov 20, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19NO8.001 E19NOPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E2252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 2008 next generations. By doing this, he has cre- tion, he served on the Clinton Presidential Jackson County Judge. In his last year, 1972, ated irreplaceable opportunities which would transition team and as a social worker for the the Truman Sports Complex opened in East- not have existed for these children without state of Connecticut. ern Jackson County. We were the talk of the him. By remaining personally involved in their Outside of work, Jim is involved in his sports nation as we cut the ribbon on the top experiences and progress, he has empowered church as a Chairperson for the St. Columba’s designed major league facilities. them to believe in the importance of their own Episcopal Church Outreach Steering Com- By 1973, Jackson County had adopted a efforts and to commit themselves to carrying mittee. Jim also dedicates his time to advising charter form of government, consisting of a others up behind him, as he has done for so young people as a mentor for the Georgetown County Executive and 15 legislators. Joe Bol- many years. Dr. Smith has shown our commu- University Law School and as the Washington ger Jr. was voted to continue his service as a nity that we can live our lives with eloquence, Coordinator for the MIT/UVA summer intern- member of the original 15 legislators, rep- devotion, and with a deep respect for all of ship program.
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