The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus HAWAII—Universal Notre Dame Night in Alohaland, held in April at the Pacific Club, featured a talk on the 1961 theme of personal f responsibility by Most Rev. James Sweeney (seated, center), Bishop of Honolulu. Vol. 38 JUNE, 1961 No. 3 JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, '25, Editor JOHN F. LAUGHLIN, '48, Managing Editor f"^^ CHAPTER I—U.N.D. NIGHT '61 First installment of stories and pictures on 38th Annual Universal Notre Dame Night on pp. 14-51, NOTRE CATHOLIC HIGHER EDUCATION IN 20th CENTURY AMERICA Father Heshurgh's "Atlantic City" address, pp. 3-5. DAMi: 1961 CLASS REUNION WEEK END Program on the eve of the event, pp. 7-8. ALUMNUS COACH KUHARICH and Mascot "Mike" (right) watch "Yankee" Nick Buoniconti, Springfield, Mass., and "Rebel" Norb Roy, Baton Rouge, La., open spring practice as co-captains for 1961, Civil War Centennial Year and Notre Dame's 73rd football season. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SdUtorM Comment BOARD OF DIRECTORS* Officers JOHN C. O'CONNOR, '38 Honorary President WALTER L. FLEMING, JR., '40 President from your PAUL J. GUSHING, '31.J^und Vice-President JAMES J. BYRNE, '43 Club Vice-President Alumni Secretary W. EDMUND SHEA, '2i..Class Vice-President JAMES E. ARMSTRO.NG, '25.— _ Executive Secretary In pursuit of our theme of Univer Directors to 1962 sal Nottc Dame Night — Personal Re sponsibility— (and it \ras much more the problems of public responsibility, JAMES J. BYRNE, '43 Byrne Plywood Co.