presents 2012 New sacred and secular choral music for college, community and professional Featuring music from: ensembles, including works for mixed, women’s and men’s ensembles and a selection of lighter works for adult choruses, ideal for pops concerts, encores, small collegiate groups and more. Online ResOuRces Visit online. Titles will be listed in the same order as they appear in this brochure. Or type the 8-digit product code into the “Search” field. ChoralChoral iSessioniSession Wherever you see the Closer Look icon, New this year, visit our online reading just click it to preview sample pages and session at audio excerpts. iSession. This innovative technology will allow you to see the full score and hear full recordings of many new titles. WORKSHOPS Choral iSession Full choral arrangements, instrumental Over 100,000 songs available for iPad, accompaniments and mp3 audio including over 2000 choral titles: ORDeR TODAY! available for digital download at Please see the participating music retailers listed on the back cover to order reference or quantity orders. For questions and comments, please email
[email protected]. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice and may vary outside the U.S.A. WORKSHOPS MixeD VOices – seculAR MixeD VOices – New King’s Singers Collection bOb chilcOTT – seculAR nORTh AMeRicAn fOlksOnGs (collection) All The PReTTY arr. Bob Chilcott liTTle hORses Hal Leonard Corporation Yale Glee club series Bob Chilcott joined the King’s Singers in 1987 and sang tenor in the group for 12 years while also serving as their arr.