Attempted Rape Raises Crime Awareness Phones
0 0 - Attempted Rape Raises CrIme Awareness By Amelia Sheldon Safety Richard Young. The attempted rape of an 18 year old Sue Riseling, assistant director of the female resident of Wagner College early last Public Safety Department, said that she, the Thursday morning is still under investiga- Vice President for Campus Residences, and tion, according to Public Safety officials. the Eleanor Roosevelt quad director met A white male with dark hair and a bad with students of Wagner and Ernest, complexion attacked the woman shortly Thursday evening to discuss the attempted after 3 am. in the first floor hallway of the rape. Eleanor Roosevelt residence hall, according "Practically the whole building was there to Public Safety reports. There were no wit- [at the building meeting]," said NikaulisVas- nesses to the crime. quez, a junior and a resident in Wagner. Walking down her hallthe victim had "They took the time to come and -speak been touched on the shoulder, she turned to with us," said Maria Brito, also a resident of see who it was and the assailant cut her with Wagner, "I have heard of a lot of things but a sharp object on the arm. The man pushed not of Public Safety coming to talk to stu- the victim to her knees after she kicked him dents - that is really good." in the groin area. When she got up to run, he *There was a very good turn-out, we told grabbed her again on the behind. She turned the students what happened..and took any once again and kicked him in the face and questions they had to ask us," Riseling said, then ran out of the building to her car, ac- adding, "I like to meet with students as soon cording to Public Safety reports.
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