The Question of the Legal Regularization of Urban Barrios in Venezuela Teolinda Bolívar Barreto, Teresa Ontiveros and Julio de Freitas Taylor © 2000 Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Paper The findings and conclusions of this paper are not subject to detailed review and do not necessarily reflect the official views and policies of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Please do not photocopy without permission of the Institute. Contact the Institute directly with all questions or requests for permission. (
[email protected]) _ Lincoln Institute Product Code: WP07TB1 Abstract This article records the work pursued in the wake of an enlightening conference in October 1998 in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. Bidding farewell to a Brazilian researcher after the congress, it occurred to us to seek answers to a key question regarding the legal regularization of the urban barrios in Venezuela: Why has it not taken place? Among the answers found by interviewing social actors who participate in the production of barrios were the existence, acceptance, and reproduction of legally precarious but stable possession. Certain evident causes serve to obscure other causes that may be key to understanding this question (Parts Two and Three). About the Authors Teolinda Bolívar is a professor in the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Studies (Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo - FAU) at the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). She is the coordinator of the research group The Production of Urban Barrios (La Producción de los Barrios Urbanos) at the FAU-UCV School of Architecture. She got her doctorate in Urban Studies at Paris XII.