IMAGINE. INNOVATE. INSPIRE. 3 @USD SHILEY - MARCOS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO, FALL 2017 “We envision a future where students select engineering as a major because they want to make a diference in society, and their education prepares them to do so.” Chell Roberts, Founding Dean Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering Imagine. Innovate. Inspire. As we enter into the fifth year since the founding of the Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering, USD’s Shiley-Marcos I am reminded daily of the collective inspiration of those individuals whose vision and School of Engineering character are fostering a new engineering mindset at USD. We envision a future where Chell Roberts, PhD students select engineering as a major because they want to make a difference in society, and Founding Dean their education prepares them to do so.
[email protected] This issue of I3@USD offers compelling examples of how we sustain this mission. We develop Elisa Lurkis leaders of the first order. Alumnus Matthew Dominick ’05 was one of the 12 men and women Director of Development/ selected for the NASA astronaut candidate class of 2017; Matt Craig ’03, 2017 Alumni Honors Alumni Relations recipient, is paying it forward with an endowed scholarship in honor of his mentor, associate
[email protected] dean Rick Olson; and Rachel Lloyd ’17 was honored this year as the school’s historic inaugural Michelle Sztupkay valedictorian. Marketing and We partner with parents, like Dennis and Eileen Schaney, who want to give back in order to Communications provide their children with opportunities that broaden their horizons.