Funding: HE Student Bursary Fund 2000-01

To be read in conjunction with Circular 00/14

To Principals of colleges in receipt of specific HE access funds Chief education officers

Further information: Robin Richmond – Funding Team Tel 024 7686 3383 Fax 024 7686 3112 E-mail [email protected]

or Funding and research and statistics helpdesk Tel 024 7686 3224

or write to: The Funding Council Cheylesmore House Quinton Road Coventry CV1 2WT

HE Student Bursary Fund 2000-01

Introduction 1 In Circular 00/14: Learner Support Funds 2000-01 information is given on learner support funds for the 2000-01 teaching year. These funds are intended to meet: • general access needs for further education (FE) students • specific access needs of higher education (HE) students • additional costs faced by full-time undergraduate, and full- and part-time school-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) and postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE) mature students in FE colleges who have dependent children • childcare costs for FE students • residential accommodation costs for FE students who have to study away from home. 2 The circular sets out the eligibility criteria for learner support funds and the terms and conditions governing the use of these funds for 2000-01. It also includes provisional allocations of FE and HE access funds, the FE childcare fund and the FE residential bursary fund to colleges in the further education sector, external institutions and higher education institutions for 2000-01. 3 Advance notification of the new HE bursary fund for mature students is also included in Circular 00/14: Learner Support Funds 2000-1. The terms and conditions governing the use of this fund for 2000-01 and the allocations to colleges offering Council-funded HE provision are now available from the and Employment (DfEE) and are set out in this document.

Background 4 The bursary fund is part of a new support package for HE students announced by the secretary of state for education and employment. The DfEE has allocated £1.36 million for bursaries for HE students in FE colleges for 2000-01. Allocations of this fund will be additional to the existing allocations of specific HE access funds. 5 The fund will run for one year only. It is intended to phase out payments gradually from September 2001-02, taking account of existing commitments to students, following the introduction of childcare grants of up to £100 a week for each child to students with dependent children. Local education authorities will administer these new grants. 6 The fund will change in nature in 2001-02 to enable institutions to provide non- repayable bursaries for young students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Purpose of the New HE Bursary Fund 7 The fund will provide bursaries for full-time undergraduate, and full- and part- time SCITT and PGCE mature students in FE colleges who have dependent children. The bursaries, which will be given according to need, will be for up to £1,000. They are for students with dependent children and are intended to help many mature students with children - especially lone parents - with the additional costs they face on


entering higher education, particularly childcare, but also travel and other course- related costs. Both new entrants and existing students will be eligible. The bursaries will be discretionary, and will be administered by colleges. HE students in receipt of bursaries may receive additional help from the HE and FE access funds.

Basis of Distribution 8 In line with the guidance from ministers, the new fund has been distributed among colleges offering HE provision. The fund has been allocated on the basis of full-time equivalent (FTE) numbers of full-time students aged 25 or over on HE level qualifications. The provisional rate is £181.92 for each FTE. 9 Colleges with less than 1.0 FTE full-time students have not received an allocation. However, they have been included in annex B for completeness. Where allocations have been made there is a minimum allocation of £500. While the bursaries are for up to £1,000 in most cases, colleges with small allocations will not be able to give this amount.

Learner Support for HE students in FE Colleges 10 Both part-time and full-time HE undergraduate students are eligible for specific HE support (existing access and new bursary funds) and, where necessary, the general FE access fund: see paragraphs 4 – 6 in supplement A, annex A of Circular 00/14. Postgraduate students are eligible only if they are facing severe hardship. Eligible HE students should be considered for the new bursary fund before they can be considered for specific HE or general FE access funds. HE students are not eligible for support from FE childcare or residential funds (see Terms and conditions and guidance notes on the new HE bursary fund are given in annex A to this document). Guidance on hardship loans for 2000-01 will be issued by the DfEE in August 2000.


Table 1. Learner support for HE students in FE colleges FE colleges Part-time HE students Full-time HE students Support Fee Other Childcare, Other access needs Childcare, category remission access travel and other travel and other needs course- related course- related costs costs Funding source Existing specific HE New HE Existing specific HE New HE access fund bursary fund access fund bursary fund Funding type Grant Student All home students Mature home All home students All mature eligibility (inc. those on students on (inc. those on undergraduate criteria sandwich courses) SCITT and sandwich courses) and PGCE other than PGCE training other than home students postgraduates, unless courses with postgraduates, unless with dependent facing severe dependent facing severe children hardship. children hardship. Students losing Students losing employment. employment Benefit recipients Priority groups National policy and priority groups Students achieving Lone parents Lone parents regular and significant part-time attendance Not eligible Students on franchised or partnership HE courses Mature students Students eligible for Mature students in receipt of a a student loan, but in receipt of a TTA bursary not applying in full TTA bursary or in part Notes: i. Unspent HE bursary allocations may be vired to the HE access fund to help other HE students ii. Specific HE access funds may be paid to recipients of mature student bursaries, but may not be used to meet general FE access needs iii. General FE access funds may be paid to HE students who have taken up fully their HE loans and any other HE entitlement. Students over 25 do not need to have taken up a hardship loan iv. HE students are not eligible for FE childcare and residential bursary funds This table contains new information and replaces table 2 in Circular 00/14.

11 General FE access funds cannot be paid to students in FE colleges on franchised HE courses, who can only receive student support from their franchisor or HE institution. The franchise rule also applies to partnership arrangements where the course delivery is split between the HE institution and an FE college and the student is registered at the HE institution. Colleges should liaise with HE institutions to ensure that adequate support services are available for franchised and partnership students. 12 For the purpose of administering these funds, a part-time HE student is a student who is working to a minimum of 60 credit points in a teaching year where the full- time equivalent is 120 credit points, or 50% of a course in other schemes.


Availability of FE and HE Funds for Childcare Support 13 FE students in colleges and external institutions are eligible for childcare support from the FE childcare and general access funds. HE students in FE colleges are eligible for childcare support from the HE bursary fund. FE students on Council-funded provision in HE institutions are eligible for childcare support from the FE childcare fund see Table 2.

Table 2. Sources of childcare funds in FE and HE institutions FE colleges and external HE institutions institutions FE students HE students FE students HE students (colleges only) FE childcare fund ! " ! " General FE access fund ! " " " Specific HE access fund " " " " Specific HE bursary fund " ! " "

Benefit Implications 14 Subject to parliamentary approval, the Department of Social Security (DSS) proposes to disregard in full these bursaries for mature students, as they are not intended for general living costs. Further guidance is given in annex A.

Allocations 15 The allocation of the HE student bursary fund to colleges offering Council-funded HE provision is shown in annex B, together with a re-statement of their allocations of other funds. Funds included in the total for administration have been increased to reflect this additional allocation of funds. The allocations shown in annex B are provisional and may be amended once the enrolment data have been validated or in the light of other developments. 16 It is open to any college to decline the allocation offered if it considers that the level of the allocation is such that the administrative burden of complying with the terms and conditions outweighs the possible benefit to students. Institutions declining their allocation of the HE student bursary fund are asked to complete a copy of the certificate included in supplement B, annex F of Circular 00/14.

Payments 17 The DfEE has set terms and conditions under which HE student bursary funds may be paid and these are set out in annex A. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions could result in access funds being withheld from the Council or individual colleges.


18 Before HE student bursary funds may be paid to a college, the Council must receive a completed copy of the certificate included in supplement B, annex F in Circular 00/14 to confirm that the college accepts the allocation made, or a reduced amount, and will comply with the terms and conditions. Colleges which return a completed certificate by 28 July will receive half their allocation during August; 25% of the allocation will be paid in December and the remaining 25% in March 2001.

Use of Learner Support Funds 19 Colleges are not required to hold HE student bursary funds in separate interest- bearing bank accounts. However, they should ensure that administrative procedures exist to ensure that appropriate interest is identified and recorded. For simplicity, institutions may wish to allocate all interest to the general FE access fund: see Circular 00/14. Interest earned on an institution’s learner support fund accounts may be used to defray audit costs. Bank charges may not be deducted from HE student bursary fund allocations. 20 The secretary of state for education and employment requires colleges to provide information detailing how HE student bursary funds were spent in 2000-01. By the end of each teaching year, the Council will require each college to demonstrate its contribution to improving access and retention and the national learning targets. For this purpose, forms are provided in supplement B, annex G of Circular 00/14 for colleges to photocopy, complete and return to the Council or its successor body by 24 August 2001.

Unspent HE Student Bursary Funds 21 If, during the course of the teaching year, a college considers that it will be unable to spend all of its HE bursary fund allocation, it is asked to consider whether there is a need for additional HE access funds to help other HE students. If so, it may vire HE student bursary funds to the specific HE access fund to meet additional HE student needs. If not, it is asked to contact the Council and arrange to repay any funds that are not required. The Council will distribute any returned funds to other institutions that can make use of additional learner support funds. Colleges which do not comply with this request may prejudice their future eligibility to learner support funds. 22 The Council will recover funds identified by colleges as undistributed at the end of the teaching year from the normal monthly payments to the college. For the 2000- 01 teaching year, recovery of such funds will be made in October 2001.

Reallocation of Learner Support Funds 23 Colleges which return their monitoring information (supplement B, annex G in Circular 00/14) by 24 August 2001, and have shown that they have distributed additional funds from their own resources, may be considered for a share of any unused funds that are returned to the Council following the year-end. The Council will redistribute funds within the learner support umbrella. It is anticipated that this redistribution will be made in November 2001.


Identification of Unmet Need 24 There may be a need for colleges to use their own hardship funds to supplement the funds allocated by the Council for HE student bursaries. Colleges may wish to consider using the budgeting and accounting processes shown in Circular 00/14: Learner Support Funds 2000-01: paragraph 44, which offer potential benefits to themselves, the Council and the DfEE.

Guidance to Institutions 25 The terms and conditions, which are attached to the payment of the new HE student bursary fund, give colleges discretion in the use of funds. Guidance notes, which amplify and explain the terms and conditions, have been prepared by the DfEE and are published in supplement A, annex D of Circular 00/14. 26 Colleges should provide full information to HE students about any extra costs of courses before HE students enrol. They should develop and publicise application, decision-making and appeal processes, which are fair, transparent and effective. Colleges should aim to make this information available to students both at the college and through their local careers service.

Key Dates 27 Key dates and action required by those dates are presented in table 3. Failure by colleges to return annex F or the relevant forms in annex G (in supplement B of Circular 00/14) for the HE student bursary fund allocated to them could prevent the fund being made available or lead to the fund being recovered from the institution.

Table 3. Key dates Key date Action required By whom Consequence of missing key date 28 Jul 2000 Return a certified copy of All colleges Failure to comply with this annex F in Circular 00/14 allocated the condition will result in the non- for the HE student bursary HE student payment of the allocated HE fund bursary fund student bursary fund 21 Aug 2000 First payment of the HE Council student bursary fund 20 Dec 2000 Second payment of the HE Council student bursary fund 20 Mar 2001 Third payment of the HE Council student bursary fund 24 Aug 2001 Return a completed copy All colleges Failure to comply with this of annex G(AB-HE) in allocated the condition will result in the Circular 00/14 for HE HE student normal October 2001 monthly learner support (specific bursary fund payment being reduced by the HE student access and full amount of the allocated HE HE student bursary funds) student bursary fund

7 Annex A

Guidance for the Payment of HE Student Bursaries: 2000-01 Teaching Year

Introduction 1 The secretary of state has announced that £17 million has been made available to provide non-repayable bursaries for full-time and certain part-time mature students with dependants in the teaching year 2000-01. Some £1.36 million of this will be available for HE students in FE colleges. The DfEE is making this guidance available now, so that colleges can make arrangements to advertise, promote and process applications for the bursaries from existing and prospective mature students.

Bursary Allocations 2 As part of this guidance, you will receive details of the funds that the Further Education Funding Council (FEFC) has allocated to you for bursaries. Colleges will receive half their allocation during August, 25% in December and the remaining 25% in March.

Eligibility for the Bursaries 3 These bursaries for mature students should only be awarded to full-time undergraduate home students and full-time or part-time (where part-time is at least 50% full time equivalent) home students on initial teacher training courses, who have dependent children. In this context ‘home’ student means a student who meets the conditions relating to residence which apply to learner support funds.

Who are the Bursaries for? 4 The bursaries are for full-time undergraduate, and full- and part-time SCITT and PGCE mature students (that is, aged 25 and over) with dependent children, according to need. Within this group, priority should be given to lone parents. Bursaries can be given to existing students as well as new entrants. If funds are available, students aged under 25 who are lone parents or who have dependent children can also receive a bursary, if the college considers that they are in need of this additional help. 5 SCITT or PGCE students who are eligible to apply for a Teacher Training Agency (TTA) bursary through the Secondary Shortage Subject Scheme should apply for that first, rather than an access bursary. Mature students who receive a TTA bursary should not receive an HE student bursary as well. They will, however, continue to be eligible for help from specific HE and general FE access funds subject to the Terms and Conditions of Grant in Circular 00/14 annex A: Learner Support Funds 2000-01. 6 When awarding bursaries, colleges should bear in mind that from September 2001, an HE Childcare Grant will be available to existing and new full-time students with dependent children, which is intended to replace both the bursaries for mature students and the current flat rate lone parent’s grant.

8 Annex A

What are the Bursaries for? 7 The bursaries are available to meet the costs of childcare, travel and other course- related costs. They should not be given to help pay contributions to tuition fees. The bursaries are also not intended to meet general living costs. Payments from the specific HE and, subject to the Terms and Conditions of Grant in Circular 00/14: Learner Support Funds 2000-01: annex A, may be used to help mature students who need such additional help. Note: FE access funds are not intended to be paid to HE students on franchised or partnership courses.

How much can Individual Students Receive Through HE Student Bursaries? 8 Bursaries of up to £1,000 can be given to individual students, based on need. Colleges should also have regard to the availability of funding when deciding how much to give to individual students.

When Should the Bursaries be paid to Students? 9 Bursaries should not be paid to students until they have enrolled and are attending the course. However, we would encourage colleges to begin assessing applications and awarding the bursaries well before this and ideally, during the summer term. Many mature HE students may wish to apply for the bursary before finally deciding whether to take up a place on a course. The firm commitment of a bursary may be an important factor in their deciding to do so.

How will Mature Students know about the Bursaries? 10 The department has produced a booklet – Making a Difference – which sets out the help available to mature students and others currently under-represented in higher education. This leaflet advises mature students to contact their college - or their parent HE institution if they are on a franchised or partnership course - to ask about applying for a bursary at the same time as they apply for the course. Colleges should have already received copies of the leaflet to give to mature students and copies will also be sent to LEAs, Job Centres and others. For further copies, colleges can ring 0800 731 9133. 11 Colleges should ensure that prospective and existing students know about the bursaries and when, how and where to apply for them. The DfEE encourages colleges to ensure that staff are able to answer questions from prospective students about the bursaries and how they will operate. It will be particularly important for this information to be available to those staff within the college who have contact with prospective mature students, that is, admissions personnel, course tutors; and that mature students on access or foundation courses are also made aware of the availability of the bursaries and when, how and where to apply for them. These arrangements are already in place at HE institutions for students who are thinking of enrolling on a franchised or partnership course. The DfEE looks to colleges to be proactive in targeting students, for example those on access courses.

9 Annex A

How Should the Bursaries be paid? 12 The DfEE is giving flexibility so that colleges can decide how to pay the bursaries, in a way that suits the need of the college and the student. For example, they can be paid in one lump sum, or in instalments (for example, weekly, termly, quarterly) or on the basis of actual costs incurred. If the bursaries are given to meet the costs of childcare, payment can be made direct to a third party, for example, childminder or nursery.

How will the Bursaries be Treated by the DSS? 13 The department has been discussing with the DSS how these bursaries should be treated for benefits purposes. Subject to parliamentary approval, the DSS proposes to disregard in full these bursaries for mature students, as they are not intended for general living costs. The appendix to annex A sets out this guidance in a form of words which colleges can provide for students to take to their local benefits agency which explains that the payment is from the bursary fund and covers course-related costs. The DSS has indicated that this would be helpful in ensuring that students are correctly assessed.

How Should Colleges Assess Need? 14 The department has set broad criteria for the awarding of the bursaries because it believes that colleges are best placed to assess who should receive them. It also believes that it should not be necessary for colleges to carry out a detailed income assessment when deciding who should receive a bursary, since these are not intended to help meet general living costs. Colleges should, however, look at estimates of likely or actual childcare, travel or other course costs, and ability to meet these costs, in order to decide how much to award to individual students. 15 Priority in allocating the bursaries should be given to mature students who: • receive the lone parents’ grant (given that this will be replaced by the Childcare Grant in 2001-02) or receive allowances for dependent children • are on benefit, or whose partner is on benefit, or • whose partner is in receipt of Working Families Tax Credit or • who have a gross family income of about £10,000 or less. 16 College staff may also need to look at other factors, such as the student’s ability to complete the course without the bursary. As explained above, bursaries can also be given to younger students who are lone parents or who have dependent children, if colleges consider there is a need to do so and there is sufficient funding available.

Students on Franchised or Partnership Courses 17 Colleges should note that responsibility for students who attend franchised or partnership courses at further education colleges are the responsibility of the ‘parent’ HE institution, and these students will have been taken into account in the HE institution’s allocation. Guidance to HE institutions has stressed the importance of informing these students about bursaries, and ensuring that they can apply for the bursaries without difficulty and at the right time, and that their applications are

10 Annex A considered on an equal footing with students attending the HE institution. This guidance also applies to partnership arrangements where the course delivered is split between the HE institution and an FE college and the student is registered at the HE institution.

What About Other Funds for HE Students? 18 HE students in FE will also be able to apply for the specific HE access funds, which are designed to meet the tuition fees and other access needs of part-time students on benefit or low incomes, or who lose their jobs during their course, but are also open to full-time HE students for their other access needs. Furthermore, all HE students on non-franchised or non-partnership courses may also be eligible for FE access funds. Students on HE franchised or partnership courses should apply for funding from their franchisor or higher education institution. However, all home students in higher education in colleges will continue to be eligible to receive help from specific HE and general FE access funds subject to the student meeting the Terms and Conditions of Grant in Circular 00/14: Learner Support Funds 2000-01: annex A. HE students who are eligible for a student loan should have taken out the full loan before being eligible to apply for these other funds.

What Will Happen to Unspent HE Student Bursaries? 19 Money allocated specifically for bursaries is intended to be used for that purpose only, and colleges should therefore strive to spend all their allocation for the bursaries in full. Where that is not possible, however, they may use any unspent bursary allocation to help other HE students, by moving those unspent funds into the specific HE access fund.

Monitoring Information about Bursaries 20 Colleges will need to keep records of the number of bursaries, which they have committed, or spent. A form for monitoring information is included in Circular 00/14: Learner Support Funds 2000-01: annex G(AB-HE).

Hardship Loans for Mature Students 21 The secretary of state has agreed that from September 2000, mature students (that is, those aged 25 and over) need not take out hardship loans before receiving help from specific HE and general FE access funds. Younger students must apply for a hardship loan before receiving help from these funds. Mature students will still be eligible to apply for a hardship loan if they wish. Guidance about hardship loans for 2000-01 will be issued to institutions in August 2000.

Other Help for Mature Students in 2000/01 22 From September 2000, the amount of income which mature students can have disregarded when assessing their entitlement to student support is being increased from the current minimum of £820 to £7,500. This applies to existing as well as new students.

11 Annex A

23 Also, from September 2000, all students with dependent children aged 3-16 will be eligible for a means-tested grant to meet the cost of school meals paid through their LEA. Students who receive the school meals grant should not receive help from specific HE and general FE access funds to cover these costs. 24 Loans of up to £500 will be available from September 2000 for part-time students to help meet the cost of books, equipment and travel. Part-time students will continue to be eligible for help from the specific HE access fund and (subject to the guidance in the Terms and Conditions of Grant in Circular 00/14: Learner Support Funds 2000- 01: annex A), may receive essential support for living costs from the general FE access funds. Further details about the loans scheme for part-time students will be available shortly and will include guidance on how payments from the specific HE access fund or general FE access fund should be given to part time students eligible to take out a loan.

Further Information 25 If you need further information about the HE student bursaries, please contact one of the following: Department for Education and Employment (Access/Hardship Funds Team) Helen Brooks (0207 925 5572) or email: [email protected] Nina Curley (0207 925 5399) or email: [email protected] Higher Education Funding Council for Alasdair Liddell (0117 931 7312) or email: [email protected] Further Education Funding Council Robin Richmond ( 024 7686 3383) or email: [email protected]

12 Appendix to Annex A

Form of Words to Use when Awarding HE Bursary Payments for Students to Use when Contacting the Benefits Agency

[Name of student] has received a payment of [£amount] from the Hardship Fund/Access Bursary Fund provided by the Government.

Delete as appropriate:

It is a single payment

It is part of a series of [number of payments] payments which will be made during the period [enter period].

The payment is a short-term loan, which is repayable when the student receives the first instalment of the student loan.

The student has not applied for this payment to meet every day living costs.


on behalf of [stamp or other identification of institution]

13 Annex B Allocation of Learner Support Funds to Colleges 2000-01 College name General FE General FE FE childcare FE childcare FE Memo: access fund access fund fund fund residential Total Total learner Funds for 16-18 for 19+ for 16-18 for 19+ bursary fund learner support included students students Specific HE HE bursary students students for all support funds (inc. in total for (inc WP) (inc WP) access fund fund (inc WP) (inc WP) students funds childcare units) administration 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 1999-00 2000-01 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Abingdon College 23,433 28,591 147 0 1,910 18,187 0 72,268 33,948 3,613 Accrington and Rossendale College 51,606 70,353 1,974 3,802 4,215 45,475 0 177,426 106,591 8,871 Arts Institute at Bournemouth (The) 14,407 12,209 16,503 12,052 1,171 7,846 316,473 380,663 176,490 19,033 Askham Bryan College 7,269 13,924 3,861 7,375 639 8,961 146,065 188,093 85,770 9,405 College 18,365 27,343 1,415 0 1,499 17,278 0 65,899 42,551 3,295 Barking College 102,968 178,764 5,452 3,518 9,085 117,595 0 417,381 207,784 20,869 Barnfield College 69,082 122,221 3,035 1,119 6,403 80,015 0 281,876 193,395 14,094 Barnsley College 134,890 383,573 49,097 56,484 13,765 249,137 0 886,945 531,110 44,347 Basingstoke College of Technology 63,411 66,357 2,269 509 5,142 42,898 0 180,587 73,430 9,029 Bedford College 49,846 57,921 3,861 1,326 4,133 37,213 0 154,300 79,250 7,715 Beverley College of Further Education 13,033 21,589 442 0 1,119 13,888 0 50,072 21,519 2,504 Bexley College 56,234 96,934 1,798 1,974 5,562 68,987 0 231,489 186,992 11,574 Bicton College of Agriculture 14,401 13,869 59 0 1,197 8,844 215,310 253,680 123,408 12,684 Birmingham College of Food, Tourism and Creative Studies 121,124 60,155 66,396 26,302 10,686 39,855 0 324,518 161,306 16,226 Bishop Auckland College 21,423 59,393 973 740 1,736 38,420 0 122,684 43,134 6,134 Bishop Burton College 22,853 11,732 3,124 0 1,989 7,562 292,129 339,389 144,869 16,969 Blackburn College 156,501 141,197 26,995 15,350 12,792 91,586 0 444,422 273,167 22,221 Blackpool and The Fylde College 76,768 126,621 32,715 41,367 6,228 81,906 0 365,604 187,280 18,280 Bolton College 45,335 99,831 2,417 500 4,707 65,480 0 218,269 141,329 10,913 37,661 29,288 88 0 3,061 18,827 0 88,925 55,042 4,446 Bournemouth and Poole College of Further Education (The) 104,629 118,894 707 0 8,481 76,795 0 309,506 163,695 15,475 Bracknell and Wokingham College 16,262 37,267 1,768 533 1,325 23,693 0 80,847 58,022 4,042 Bradford and Ilkley Community College 171,491 259,845 80,819 124,932 14,898 171,968 0 823,951 588,681 41,198 Braintree College 32,577 12,292 29 0 3,549 10,464 0 58,911 33,587 2,946 Bridgwater College 55,258 60,948 1,827 0 4,497 38,948 0 161,478 82,789 8,074 Brighton College of Technology 58,752 91,917 1,680 6,524 4,740 60,512 0 224,124 127,672 11,206 Bromley College of Further and Higher Education 45,204 60,719 177 0 5,988 54,381 0 166,469 138,816 8,323 65,421 31,828 5,953 1,759 5,323 20,407 0 130,692 66,996 6,535 Broomfield College 7,364 7,717 796 2,296 600 4,993 157,966 181,733 73,079 9,087 Broxtowe College, Nottingham 22,264 64,918 2,741 1,659 1,871 42,161 144,983 280,596 161,806 14,030 New data Changed data

14 Annex B Allocation of Learner Support Funds to Colleges 2000-01 College name General FE General FE FE childcare FE childcare FE Memo: access fund access fund fund fund residential Total Total learner Funds for 16-18 for 19+ for 16-18 for 19+ bursary fund learner support Included students students Specific HE HE bursary students students for all support funds (inc. in total for (inc WP) (inc WP) access fund fund (inc WP) (inc WP) students funds childcare units) administration 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 1999-00 2000-01 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Burnley College 51,004 61,137 183 0 4,131 39,662 0 156,117 93,465 7,806 Calderdale Colleges Corporation (The) 46,158 130,951 530 0 3,770 85,363 0 266,773 198,995 13,339 Cannington College 9,447 9,645 1,739 1,776 1,116 8,940 235,326 267,988 132,111 13,399 Canterbury College 84,589 54,610 1,709 0 10,402 53,259 0 204,569 156,493 10,228 Carlisle College 40,182 66,885 6,984 13,411 3,286 43,106 0 173,855 65,447 8,693 Chesterfield College 51,737 48,829 3,802 988 5,996 44,449 0 155,801 136,627 7,790 of Arts, Science and Technology 47,146 73,299 2,446 1,313 3,842 46,654 0 174,701 86,533 8,735 Chippenham College 22,169 25,095 3,124 1,212 1,806 15,984 0 69,390 28,890 3,469 City College, Birmingham 185,736 720,983 3,212 3,016 15,855 479,432 0 1,408,235 798,154 70,412 City College, Manchester 97,523 367,945 13,055 23,670 8,426 243,662 0 754,281 562,212 37,714 City of Bath College 39,290 49,414 2,358 2,054 6,065 60,236 0 159,416 118,775 7,971 City of Bristol College 116,555 259,510 2,092 3,575 9,410 170,321 0 561,464 245,004 28,073 City of Sunderland College 198,980 265,577 4,332 2,832 16,102 175,079 0 662,903 406,992 33,145 City of Westminster College 121,558 154,752 3,890 1,936 10,376 102,697 0 395,209 222,912 19,760 Cleveland College of Art and Design 19,197 8,316 6,690 5,654 1,708 5,418 269,949 316,931 159,938 15,847 College of North West London (The) 111,690 394,790 4,656 8,150 9,405 262,349 0 791,040 423,694 39,552 Cornwall College 47,949 117,901 3,360 0 6,587 76,140 328,375 580,311 295,443 29,016 Coventry Technical College 59,757 107,861 4,244 3,065 5,239 71,139 0 251,304 136,608 12,565 Craven College 18,496 41,003 413 500 1,731 26,445 0 88,588 49,416 4,429 35,129 51,324 5,246 10,439 2,858 32,730 0 137,726 54,564 6,886 Cricklade College 31,917 23,603 265 500 3,682 21,474 0 81,441 52,011 4,072 Croydon College 121,754 155,188 24,106 30,073 10,672 101,578 0 443,372 309,026 22,169 Darlington College of Technology 57,937 66,121 3,978 1,450 4,702 42,758 0 176,947 98,473 8,847 Daventry Tertiary College 18,831 28,864 236 0 1,527 18,629 0 68,087 25,478 3,404 Dearne Valley College 27,005 35,185 413 0 2,520 22,885 0 88,008 67,112 4,400 Derby Tertiary College, Wilmorton 73,564 130,096 973 500 5,981 85,239 0 296,352 126,931 14,818 Dewsbury College 52,970 47,194 4,303 3,844 4,348 30,862 0 143,521 105,605 7,176 Doncaster College 84,040 211,206 21,752 32,407 8,844 138,857 0 497,107 296,896 24,855 Dudley College of Technology 138,872 336,760 7,839 3,986 11,893 222,066 0 721,416 383,933 36,071 Dunstable College 26,791 46,238 914 0 2,308 30,070 0 106,321 56,207 5,316 New data Changed data

15 Annex B Allocation of Learner Support Funds to Colleges 2000-01 College name General FE General FE FE childcare FE childcare FE Memo: access fund access fund fund fund residential Total Total learner Funds for 16-18 for 19+ for 16-18 for 19+ bursary fund learner support included students students Specific HE HE bursary students students for all support funds (inc. in total for (inc WP) (inc WP) Access fund fund (inc WP) (inc WP) students funds childcare units) administration 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 1999-00 2000-01 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Ealing Tertiary College 96,214 212,891 560 1,710 8,429 140,245 0 460,049 245,841 23,002 East Devon College 20,748 21,461 943 500 1,687 13,710 0 59,049 37,787 2,952 East Durham and Houghall Community College 55,972 116,284 1,709 3,094 4,581 75,994 117,934 375,569 196,886 18,778 43,337 58,518 2,033 6,647 3,519 37,826 0 151,881 52,563 7,594 East Yorkshire College of Further Education 7,560 20,589 1,385 4,402 1,299 27,948 0 63,183 47,069 3,159 41,104 52,269 1,002 0 3,488 33,982 0 131,845 54,923 6,592 Eccles College 29,327 3,963 29 0 3,235 2,566 0 39,120 24,138 1,956 Enfield College 66,270 79,896 354 0 5,556 52,688 0 204,764 116,078 10,238 Epping Forest College 101,328 56,977 295 0 9,004 37,201 0 204,805 108,358 10,240 Evesham College 13,864 26,982 147 0 1,125 17,350 0 59,470 29,260 2,973 Exeter College 98,462 54,771 5,305 3,111 8,013 34,989 0 204,650 122,597 10,233 41,285 36,320 1,267 0 3,395 23,169 0 105,436 54,802 5,272 Farnborough College of Technology 29,671 49,843 33,537 24,819 2,416 31,729 0 172,016 108,102 8,601 Filton College 65,369 45,928 1,031 0 5,292 29,805 0 147,425 81,516 7,371 Gateshead College 60,813 104,214 5,923 3,962 5,768 68,459 0 249,140 175,419 12,457 Gloucestershire College of Arts and Technology 77,832 97,126 6,159 3,591 6,309 62,756 0 253,773 119,522 12,689 18,712 39,815 707 500 1,521 25,573 0 86,827 57,006 4,341 Grimsby College 94,827 132,112 4,067 2,405 7,704 85,967 0 327,083 135,410 16,354 of Further and Higher Education 61,649 75,802 7,191 4,684 5,016 48,443 0 202,786 86,100 10,139 6,615 11,261 295 500 539 7,239 145,524 171,973 81,061 8,599 Halesowen College 77,125 24,214 413 0 6,911 15,733 0 124,395 79,536 6,220 Halton College 25,664 188,232 4,804 1,885 2,524 121,688 0 344,796 259,412 17,240 Hammersmith and West London College 118,257 238,203 2,593 3,269 10,139 158,619 0 531,081 286,132 26,554 Harrow College 111,834 66,349 206 0 9,636 43,066 0 231,091 114,030 11,555 Hartpury College 17,424 12,347 3,389 2,325 1,417 7,961 273,736 318,598 131,318 15,930 Hastings College of Arts and Technology 41,898 46,308 560 810 3,393 30,024 0 122,992 72,970 6,150 Havering College of Further and Higher Education 98,995 92,541 13,615 61,391 8,314 60,197 0 335,052 131,691 16,753 Henley College Coventry 58,323 71,999 3,746 3,105 5,307 47,493 0 189,974 111,657 9,499 Herefordshire College of Art and Design 8,757 5,822 6,366 7,894 720 3,686 168,245 201,489 87,935 10,074 Herefordshire College of Technology 25,010 46,995 3,831 1,319 2,039 30,035 37,869 147,097 95,179 7,355 New data Changed data

16 Annex B Allocation of Learner Support Funds to Colleges 2000-01 College name General FE General FE FE childcare FE childcare FE Memo: access fund access fund fund fund residential Total Total learner Funds for 16-18 for 19+ for 16-18 for 19+ bursary fund learner support included students students Specific HE HE bursary students students for all support funds (inc. in total for (inc WP) (inc WP) access fund fund (inc WP) (inc WP) students funds childcare units) administration 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 1999-00 2000-01 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Hertford Regional College 61,408 68,661 1,385 0 5,032 43,749 0 180,235 67,158 9,012 , Portsmouth 78,029 133,916 8,929 6,327 6,321 87,675 0 321,198 163,299 16,060 Hopwood Hall College 107,774 90,360 2,918 1,066 9,116 59,173 0 270,406 201,860 13,520 Huddersfield Technical College 103,470 128,856 973 0 8,476 83,671 0 325,445 230,496 16,272 Hugh Baird College 151,035 127,086 29 0 12,551 84,227 0 374,928 219,447 18,746 Hull College 143,439 197,737 1,562 0 13,100 129,615 0 485,453 342,000 24,273 (The) 45,556 44,846 1,680 0 12,655 99,279 0 204,015 165,796 10,201 Joseph Priestley College 7,858 57,625 29 0 841 37,791 0 104,145 54,257 5,207 Keighley College 22,811 52,262 530 0 2,108 34,388 0 112,100 79,372 5,605 Kendal College 16,695 47,614 530 864 1,354 30,841 0 97,898 24,620 4,895 Kensington and Chelsea College 7,802 167,893 501 0 642 111,568 0 288,406 172,419 14,420 Kidderminster College 18,891 33,906 855 500 1,539 21,950 0 77,641 41,598 3,882 Kingston College 90,411 44,428 3,035 606 7,716 28,841 0 175,036 88,881 8,752 Lackham College 8,660 5,422 2,446 1,810 706 3,438 180,146 202,628 102,586 10,131 Lambeth College 99,150 498,891 1,503 2,443 8,891 332,056 0 942,933 656,263 47,147 Lancaster and Morecambe College 39,384 62,679 648 500 3,476 43,756 0 150,443 113,841 7,522 Leeds College of Art and Design 23,763 15,454 6,749 3,500 2,387 10,087 329,457 391,397 183,794 19,570 Leeds College of Building 22,861 35,528 147 500 2,305 23,378 0 84,719 45,830 4,236 Leeds College of Technology 48,554 61,548 855 0 4,973 40,497 0 156,427 101,438 7,821 150,917 273,424 5,334 5,514 13,196 179,275 0 627,660 307,407 31,383 Lewisham College 130,141 390,312 3,566 5,017 11,947 259,705 0 800,688 441,960 40,034 Liverpool Community College 174,493 448,072 9,519 21,323 15,307 297,137 0 965,851 637,915 48,293 31,073 50,206 6,248 2,520 2,634 32,195 0 124,876 83,883 6,244 Macclesfield College 26,745 41,314 943 1,359 2,198 26,877 0 99,436 36,573 4,972 Manchester College of Arts and Technology 73,377 442,724 7,102 7,359 6,431 293,003 0 829,996 436,322 41,500 Matthew Boulton College of Further and Higher Education 123,158 254,860 3,448 2,665 10,215 170,985 0 565,331 233,088 28,267 Melton Mowbray College 14,149 16,184 59 0 2,982 26,014 0 59,387 47,532 2,969 Merton College 51,994 92,346 118 0 4,469 60,631 0 209,557 125,155 10,478 Mid-Cheshire College of Further Education 44,046 46,411 5,187 1,175 3,715 30,176 0 130,709 89,227 6,535 Middlesbrough College 64,394 79,987 118 0 6,533 52,271 0 203,302 127,131 10,165 New data Changed data

17 Annex B Allocation of Learner Support Funds to Colleges 2000-01 College name General FE General FE FE childcare FE childcare FE Memo: access fund access fund fund fund residential Total Total learner Funds for 16-18 for 19+ for 16-18 for 19+ bursary fund learner support Included students students Specific HE HE bursary students students for all support funds (inc. in total for (inc WP) (inc WP) access fund fund (inc WP) (inc WP) students funds childcare units) administration 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 1999-00 2000-01 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Mid-Kent College of Higher and Further Education 99,269 121,165 15,708 26,244 8,057 78,098 0 348,540 183,757 17,427 34,193 35,165 619 0 2,778 22,535 0 95,290 54,514 4,765 14,035 20,136 118 0 1,140 12,900 245,605 293,935 129,023 14,697 New College, Durham 56,633 46,632 27,201 41,976 4,630 29,893 0 206,964 125,084 10,348 New College, Nottingham 204,177 495,134 3,802 4,483 18,643 325,550 0 1,051,788 746,169 52,589 New College, Swindon 32,424 16,082 118 0 2,640 10,256 0 61,519 26,226 3,076 Newbury College 17,979 46,768 1,562 1,308 1,463 29,931 0 99,012 48,614 4,951 Newcastle College 151,220 284,734 45,089 37,070 13,437 186,196 0 717,746 382,779 35,887 Newham College of Further Education 220,811 435,040 11,700 16,726 18,760 289,747 0 992,784 622,075 49,639 North Birmingham College 29,422 106,129 1,061 817 2,624 70,259 0 210,311 135,049 10,516 North Devon College 77,178 59,938 766 0 6,346 38,685 0 182,913 88,414 9,146 North East Surrey College of Technology 44,594 37,929 31,533 53,686 3,694 24,374 0 195,811 113,461 9,791 North East Worcestershire College 50,416 87,722 8,340 10,762 4,123 56,557 0 217,921 114,442 10,896 North Hertfordshire College 36,860 50,838 3,743 1,435 3,019 32,370 0 128,265 65,072 6,413 North Lincolnshire College 49,899 86,248 4,863 500 4,048 55,936 0 201,494 118,019 10,075 North Lindsey College 52,064 48,774 973 500 4,239 31,441 0 137,991 58,376 6,900 North Nottinghamshire College 23,213 67,789 1,149 1,244 1,903 43,509 0 138,808 80,490 6,940 North Oxfordshire College and School of Art 32,494 26,246 3,713 1,997 3,611 23,040 0 91,102 57,199 4,555 North Shropshire College (The) 16,739 23,892 265 0 1,362 15,361 0 57,619 28,870 2,881 North Trafford College of Further Education 36,294 96,570 1,827 0 3,136 63,320 0 201,147 143,378 10,057 North Tyneside College 47,720 116,297 3,595 2,008 4,394 75,956 0 249,970 136,003 12,499 North Warwickshire and Hinckley College 60,518 147,693 1,974 3,104 4,943 94,806 0 313,038 185,919 15,652 North of Technology 63,480 44,400 2,947 3,165 5,225 28,540 0 147,758 64,389 7,388 66,291 65,858 324 0 5,386 42,306 0 180,165 91,076 9,008 Northbrook College, Sussex 41,158 77,107 12,731 16,598 3,345 49,457 0 200,396 87,529 10,020 Northumberland College 24,990 46,510 1,650 0 2,673 29,863 43,278 148,966 150,676 7,448 Norwich City College of Further and Higher Education 96,832 74,645 4,863 620 7,862 47,973 0 232,795 127,090 11,640 Oaklands College 68,825 95,582 3,212 1,459 5,672 61,096 157,425 393,272 172,039 19,664 Oldham College 62,409 99,752 4,037 1,221 6,292 65,693 0 239,404 160,461 11,970 Otley College of Agriculture and Horticulture 15,602 41,507 1,149 1,750 1,267 26,801 253,720 341,796 146,514 17,090 New data Changed data

18 Annex B Allocation of Learner Support Funds to Colleges 2000-01 College name General FE General FE FE childcare FE childcare FE Memo: access fund access fund fund fund residential Total Total learner Funds for 16-18 for 19+ for 16-18 for 19+ bursary fund learner support Included students students Specific HE HE bursary students students for all support funds (inc. in total for (inc WP) (inc WP) access fund fund (inc WP) (inc WP) students funds childcare units) administration 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 1999-00 2000-01 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Oxford College of Further Education 67,623 64,016 1,916 544 5,484 41,339 0 180,920 122,094 9,046 Park Lane College 87,920 225,257 4,541 1,954 11,015 170,758 0 501,444 422,217 25,072 People's College, Nottingham (The) 47,886 116,074 2,446 2,470 4,311 76,695 0 249,883 154,919 12,494 Peterborough Regional College 58,191 80,475 7,161 7,444 4,717 51,962 0 209,950 151,067 10,498 Plymouth College of Art and Design 17,793 15,186 236 0 1,527 9,958 232,080 276,780 136,842 13,839 Plymouth College of Further Education 110,031 215,147 2,976 1,817 9,343 140,576 0 479,890 250,947 23,995 and School of Arts & Design 54,226 64,543 14,529 14,015 16,879 160,279 350,014 674,485 436,552 33,724 Richmond upon Thames College 129,085 49,154 796 500 11,355 31,864 0 222,754 121,555 11,138 Rother Valley College 26,178 83,744 324 0 2,199 54,296 0 166,742 118,016 8,337 Rotherham College of Arts and Technology 46,685 123,998 3,743 1,192 3,887 81,085 0 260,590 153,070 13,030 Royal Forest of Dean College 18,705 18,213 88 0 3,047 23,202 0 63,255 47,414 3,163 Rugby College of Further Education 15,567 37,874 943 0 1,733 32,824 0 88,941 64,250 4,447 Rycotewood College 3,969 4,520 2,210 3,589 326 2,905 63,836 81,355 38,523 4,068 Salford College 47,607 129,837 2,063 3,053 4,476 85,413 0 272,448 210,023 13,622 Salisbury College 35,765 68,061 7,456 9,467 2,913 43,341 0 167,003 105,257 8,350 Sandwell College 123,406 304,983 9,401 9,403 10,786 202,660 0 660,639 371,679 33,032 Selby College 22,705 22,991 501 0 2,079 15,813 0 64,088 40,911 3,204 Sheffield College (The) 313,668 462,167 7,279 3,624 28,920 304,473 0 1,120,131 733,188 56,007 Shipley College 26,230 36,895 59 0 2,562 25,389 0 91,134 73,402 4,557 Skelmersdale College 27,309 98,006 6,336 19,860 2,413 69,236 0 223,161 167,974 11,158 Solihull College (The) 83,123 301,241 9,578 6,174 7,315 197,694 0 605,125 280,479 30,256 Somerset College of Arts and Technology 36,121 66,193 3,330 500 2,941 42,132 0 151,217 111,349 7,561 Soundwell College 30,741 64,864 943 1,026 2,501 42,204 0 142,279 72,892 7,114 South Birmingham College 145,435 331,630 324 500 12,551 220,179 0 710,620 408,204 35,531 South Cheshire College 64,476 54,288 4,244 2,450 5,234 34,938 0 165,630 72,596 8,282 South Devon College 70,963 134,289 914 0 5,749 87,446 0 299,359 191,117 14,968 South Downs College 98,865 76,419 1,562 504 7,996 49,833 0 235,179 165,375 11,759 South East Derbyshire College 29,625 44,016 619 0 2,416 28,077 0 104,752 56,408 5,238 South East Essex College of Arts and Technology 100,695 70,953 1,886 1,903 8,162 45,913 0 229,511 105,232 11,476 59,636 111,610 2,181 2,292 4,834 72,093 0 252,645 167,625 12,632 New data Changed data

19 Annex B Allocation of Learner Support Funds to Colleges 2000-01 College name General FE General FE FE childcare FE childcare FE Memo: access fund access fund fund fund residential Total Total learner Funds for 16-18 for 19+ for 16-18 for 19+ bursary fund learner support Included students students Specific HE HE bursary students students for all support funds (inc. in total for (inc WP) (inc WP) access fund fund (inc WP) (inc WP) students funds childcare units) administration 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 1999-00 2000-01 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ South 35,196 104,923 413 0 3,311 68,073 0 211,916 124,144 10,596 South Thames College 75,627 274,490 3,330 2,072 6,557 182,602 0 544,679 406,865 27,234 South Trafford College 65,821 103,044 884 0 5,518 67,109 0 242,377 126,343 12,119 South Tyneside College 109,189 140,871 14,151 7,135 10,522 92,117 0 373,985 222,411 18,699 55,618 115,537 1,356 0 5,499 75,613 0 253,622 209,991 12,681 Southport College 55,998 76,768 1,444 4,803 4,614 49,712 0 193,338 100,016 9,667 Southwark College 80,062 259,451 1,562 1,845 7,188 173,240 0 523,349 372,565 26,167 , Hampshire 28,496 17,545 5,747 6,951 2,375 11,399 490,128 562,641 280,095 28,132 Spelthorne College 13,537 8,743 118 0 3,214 16,199 0 41,811 32,425 2,091 St Austell College 22,774 74,794 413 617 4,365 47,752 0 150,714 103,112 7,536 St Helens College 70,712 218,101 24,519 16,922 6,898 142,482 0 479,634 335,806 23,982 Stamford College 27,817 18,705 236 0 2,265 11,901 0 60,924 24,450 3,046 Stephenson College 12,388 36,209 2,240 593 1,025 23,025 0 75,479 41,887 3,774 Stockport College of Further and Higher Education 72,007 90,198 32,446 39,679 6,133 58,532 0 298,995 182,009 14,950 Stourbridge College 60,016 75,248 1,002 500 4,966 48,990 0 190,722 95,833 9,536 Stratford upon Avon College 25,616 10,216 206 0 2,088 6,533 0 44,659 18,127 2,233 Stroud College of Further Education 17,695 31,526 1,120 0 1,956 27,302 0 79,599 57,594 3,980 Suffolk College 48,668 41,881 58,527 97,676 3,957 26,781 0 277,490 216,311 13,875 Sutton Coldfield College 127,703 89,311 530 0 11,741 58,773 0 288,059 189,906 14,403 Swindon College 71,805 199,401 12,289 6,565 5,823 128,854 0 424,737 174,902 21,237 Tameside College 76,057 111,679 4,362 4,002 7,576 72,482 0 276,159 182,054 13,808 Tamworth and Lichfield College 29,918 58,297 0 2,809 2,433 37,623 0 131,080 85,733 6,554 Telford College of Arts and Technology 29,263 88,107 2,711 0 2,378 56,725 0 179,185 85,794 8,959 The Pershore Group of Colleges 18,853 10,333 1,680 795 1,564 6,632 216,392 256,248 129,983 12,812 Thomas Danby College 42,520 155,215 589 0 4,248 102,322 0 304,895 159,960 15,245 Tile Hill College of Further Education 48,394 112,992 295 0 4,457 74,402 0 240,540 126,901 12,027 Tresham Institute 43,666 66,616 2,534 2,239 3,548 42,765 0 161,368 63,556 8,068 Trowbridge College 31,849 39,489 3,360 7,035 2,601 25,014 0 109,347 61,241 5,467 Truro College 17,841 22,081 206 0 4,399 14,042 0 58,570 29,577 2,929 Tynemouth College 33,864 14,900 383 0 3,363 9,861 0 62,371 47,488 3,119 New data Changed data

20 Annex B Allocation of Learner Support Funds to Colleges 2000-01 College name General FE General FE FE childcare FE childcare FE Memo: access fund access fund fund fund residential Total Total learner Funds for 16-18 for 19+ for 16-18 for 19+ bursary fund learner support Included students students Specific HE HE bursary students students for all support funds (inc. in total for (inc WP) (inc WP) access fund Fund (inc WP) (inc WP) students funds childcare units) administration 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 1999-00 2000-01 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Uxbridge College 65,397 74,591 530 890 5,645 48,376 0 195,429 104,215 9,771 Wakefield College 81,500 74,437 5,305 1,743 8,666 48,230 0 219,880 150,330 10,994 Walford College, Shropshire 4,566 3,654 1,090 1,475 371 2,345 105,491 118,993 57,332 5,950 Walsall College of Arts and Technology 97,175 144,508 3,006 1,050 9,480 95,138 0 350,357 230,555 17,518 Warrington Collegiate Institute 39,540 88,347 39,785 30,601 3,237 57,466 0 258,975 123,126 12,949 Warwickshire College, Royal Leamington Spa and Moreton Morrell 64,951 78,566 3,360 1,275 5,384 50,524 275,359 479,418 251,955 23,971 West Cheshire College 52,756 138,066 2,475 529 4,299 89,515 0 287,641 163,767 14,382 West Cumbria College 21,472 24,230 5,629 6,365 1,746 15,475 0 74,917 38,883 3,746 West Herts College 103,451 83,324 20,216 12,769 8,479 53,582 0 281,821 115,734 14,091 West Kent College 47,753 57,835 1,149 997 3,901 37,003 0 148,638 65,948 7,432 West Nottinghamshire College 51,481 87,701 3,625 755 4,185 56,601 0 204,347 94,162 10,217 West Oxfordshire College 11,524 15,328 1,031 0 938 9,760 0 38,581 14,816 1,929 West Thames College 64,402 69,463 3,035 3,447 5,423 45,611 0 191,382 137,835 9,569 Westminster College 95,780 300,860 5,953 9,893 8,369 199,996 0 620,851 316,242 31,043 Weymouth College 53,238 52,866 678 0 4,324 33,910 0 145,016 85,219 7,251 Wigan and Leigh College 110,045 114,584 18,360 15,339 11,445 74,297 0 344,071 223,489 17,204 of Further Education 12,231 36,290 29 0 1,056 23,451 0 73,058 37,306 3,653 Wirral Metropolitan College 52,144 144,995 17,417 31,983 4,878 94,371 0 345,788 259,566 17,289 Wolverhampton College 63,782 520,657 5,688 16,315 6,172 336,313 0 948,927 553,894 47,446 Woolwich College 68,006 165,728 295 0 6,126 110,148 0 350,302 210,034 17,515 Worcester College of Technology 59,569 68,027 11,611 12,500 4,837 43,666 0 200,210 80,115 10,011 Yeovil College 36,883 37,015 2,122 0 3,004 23,566 0 102,590 33,331 5,130 York College of Further and Higher Education 74,357 48,354 6,778 5,079 6,089 30,854 0 171,511 84,802 8,576 Yorkshire Coast College of Further and Higher Education 25,465 39,477 4,538 2,520 2,069 25,434 0 99,503 65,953 4,975

Specialist designated colleges Cordwainers College 8,278 8,007 3,212 5,820 728 5,536 58,967 90,548 20,215 4,527

Total all colleges in receipt of Specific HE access funds 13,956,774 24,181,584 1,295,153 1,359,986 1,258,828 16,209,200 5,851,781 64,113,306 37,182,683 3,205,665 New data Changed data