8 MARCH 2020: SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT “And Jesus was transfigured before them; Mission his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light.” “Being the Joy of the through a deeper love (Matthew 17: 2) for Jesus and by a stronger commitment to each other!” Davies and Allison beautifully describe that “the transfiguration of Jesus has a remarkable twin of sorts in the account of Jesus’ execution (Matthew 27:32-54). In the one, a private epiphany, an exalted Jesus, with garments glistening, stands on a high mountain and is Weekday Mass: flanked by two religious giants from the past. All is light. In the other, a public spectacle, a Tuesday: 5:30 PM humiliated Jesus, whose clothes have been torn from him and divided, is lifted upon a cross Wednesday: 7:00 AM and flanked by two common, convicted criminals. All is darkness.” (Matthew II, 706 p) Thursday: 8:00 AM Friday: 7:00 AM In both accounts those looking on are overcome by fear; and in both instances, Jesus is con- fessed by others to be the Son of God. In this confession inheres the unity beneath transfigura- tion and crucifixion. As God’s beloved Son, it is Jesus’ lot to participate in the polarities of Weekend Mass: human experience. In the Son of God, eschatological pattern of suffering—vindication, tribula- Saturday: 5:00 PM tion—salvation, plays itself out. In fulfilling the prophets and their ancient oracles of doom Sunday: 7:30; 9:00; and and consolation, Jesus is humiliated and exalted, surrounded by and ringed by sinners, 11:00 AM clothed with light and yet wrapped in a garment of darkness. (Matthew II, 706 p) *Confession: Created in God’s image, human beings participate in the eschatological pattern of transfor- Tuesday: 4 — 5:15 PM mation (darkness—light, tribulation—salvation) here and now. No human being is condemned Saturday: 9 — 10:30 AM to die; redemption is possible for everyone. To see God in those faces tarnished by evil, de- formed by ugliness, and diminished by rupture is call of Christian discipleship. *Father Chinna is How willing are we about embracing the possibilities of hope and transformation? As we available for Confession dur- journey through this week, let us ask the Lord to renew our hope for redemption! ing the week: Please call the office! In Christ, Father Chinna


 WELCOME TO SAINT BONIFACE Saturday, 7 March If you are a visitor to Saint Boniface, we want you to Saints , know you’re welcome here—whether you have come Dt 26:16-19/Mt 5:43-48 (229) from another part of the country, from across the world, Sunday, 8 March or another parish in the diocese. Say hello to the SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT parishioners, please! Gn 12:1-4a/2 Tm 1:8b-10/Mt 17:1-9 (25) Pss II Monday, 9 March PARISH REGISTRATION Saint Frances of Rome, Religious] If you desire to become a member of the Saint Boniface Dn 9:4b-10/Lk 6:36-38 (230) Tuesday, 10 March family, please plan to attend a newcomers meeting held Is 1:10, 16-20/Mt 23:1-12 (231) on the second Sunday of the month after the 11:00 AM Wednesday, 11 March Mass, or call the parish office at 515-987-4597 to pre- Jer 18:18-20/Mt 20:17-28 (232) register for a meeting. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 12 March 8 March in the Room. Jer 17:5-10/Lk 16:19-31 (233) Friday, 13 March SACRAMENTS Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 (234) If you need information on Baptism, Marriage, Saturday, 14 March Confession, and Anointing of the Sick, please contact Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 (235) the office! Sunday, 15 March PARISH CONTACTS THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Pastor Ex 17:3-7/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, Father Chinna Devaraj 39a, 40-42 (28) Pss III Administrative Coordinator Nancy Horsch | [email protected] MASS INTENTIONS Office Associate Vicki Spenner | [email protected] Office Associate Saturday, 7 March Tiffany Hilgenberg | [email protected] 5:00 PM [Albert Schmidt] Finance & Facilities Manager Sunday, 8 March Cathy Bellis | [email protected] 7:30 AM [Kathy Bringle] Bookkeeping and Facilities Assistant 9:00 AM [Fritz Sheldon] Monica Vanorny | [email protected] 11:00 AM [Harold Haag] Health & Wellness Minister Tuesday. 10 March Sara Krohnke | [email protected] 5:30 PM [Monica Strong] Communication & Parish Life Development Wednesday, 11 March Christina Bell | [email protected] 7:00 AM [Mary Ann Kirsch] Director of Music & Ministry Formation Thursday, 12 March Sarah Graf | [email protected] 8:00 AM [Souls in Purgatory] Director of Faith Formation Friday, 13 March Amy Slick | [email protected] 7:00 AM [Intentions of our Parish Family] Faith Formation Coordinator Saturday, 14 March Nora Morales | [email protected] 5:00 PM [James Wilke] Confirmation Coordinator Sunday, 15 March Lori Hurkin | [email protected] 7:30 AM [Intentions of our Parish Family] High School Youth Ministry Leader 9:00 AM [Nancy Emerson] T. J. Irvin | [email protected] 11:00 AM [Melvin Guy]


“Y Jesús se transfiguró delante de ellos; The Sanctuary Light burning for one week at su rostro brillaba como el sol y su ropa se the tabernacle is being offered this week by volvió blanca como la luz ". Pam Danzer in loving memory of Thomas (Mateo 17: 2) and Murphy Families. We pray that they be with God in heaven, where the light of God’s Davies y Allison describen bellamente que "la transfigura- happiness and peace will always be bright. ción de Jesús tiene un tipo gemelo notable en el relato de la ejecución de Jesús" (Mateo 27: 32-54). En el primero, una epifanía privada, un Jesús exaltado, con vestimentas The altar bread and wine is being offered this brillantes, se encuentra en una montaña alta y está week by Pam Danzer in loving memory of the flanqueado por dos gigantes religiosos del pasado. Todo es Thomas and Murphy families. Let us remem- luz En el otro, un espectáculo público, un Jesús humilla- ber these family members who have passed as do, cuya ropa le ha sido arrancada y dividida, es elevado the bread and wine we receive becomes the sobre una cruz y flanqueado por dos delincuentes comunes Body and Blood of Christ. y condenados. Todo es oscuridad. (Mateo II, 706 p)  En ambos casos, los que miran son vencidos por el miedo; A Devotional Offering for Weekend y en ambos casos, Jesús es confesado por otros como el Hi- Liturgies: jo de Dios. En esta confesión está la unidad debajo de la transfiguración y la crucifixión. Como el Hijo amado de Make a donation to Altar Bread & Wine, Dios, le corresponde a Jesús participar en las polaridades and Sanctuary Candles! de la experiencia humana. En el Hijo de Dios, el patrón ⇒ Making a donation to Altar Bread & escatológico de sufrimiento (vindicación, tribulación, Wine: During the week and at all weekend salvación) se manifiesta. Al cumplir a los profetas y sus antiguos oráculos de fatalidad y consuelo, Jesús es humil- Masses, the intention of your loved ones lado y exaltado, rodeado de santos y rodeado de pecadores, will be remembered and prayed for as the vestido con luz y aún envuelto en una prenda de oscuri- bread and wine you donated become the dad. (Mateo II, 706 p) Body and Blood of Christ!

Creado a imagen de Dios, los seres humanos participan ⇒ The gift of our Sanctuary Light burning en el patrón escatológico de transformación (oscuridad, for one week: This is another beautiful way luz, tribulación, salvación) aquí y ahora. Ningún ser hu- to give thanks for your loved ones and pray mano está condenado a morir; la redención es posible pa- that they are with God in heaven, where ra todos. Ver a Dios en esos rostros empañados por el mal, deformados por la fealdad y disminuidos por la ruptura es the light of God’s happiness and peace will un llamado al discipulado cristiano. always be bright.

¿Qué tan dispuestos estamos a aceptar las posibilidades If you would like to make a donation, please de esperanza y transformación? A medida que avanzamos visit our website and click on the donate esta semana, ¡pidamos al Señor que renueve nuestra es- page. For more information, please call the peranza de redención! parish office at 515-987-4597. Your offering

will be acknowledged in the bulletin. En Cristo, padre Chinna Thank you! WEEKLY CALENDAR ADA 2019

Sunday, 8 March Thank you for those who have contributed to the 9:00 & 11:00 AM: FF Classes 2019 Annual Diocesan Appeal! 9:30 AM: Word & Communion Service [Legacy Retirement Center} Without your continued faith and stewardship, 12:00 PM: Newcomers Welcome Reception our diocese will not be able to care [Mother Teresa] for the needs of priests and seminarians, 1:00 PM: Joy of Forgiveness [ Mary & Room] the needs of the poor and the 4:30 PM: Spanish Mass marginalized! 6:00 PM: Knights 1st Degree Ceremony [Mary & Joseph Room ] As of 5 March 2020, Monday, 9 March 5:45 PM: Faith Formation Classes we still have $64,540.32 to complete 6:00 PM: El Salvador Committee Meeting [Conf. Rm.] our parish goal! 7:00 PM: Prayer Group [Chapel] Tuesday, 10 March Please prayerfully consider 6:30 PM: Pastoral Council Meeting [Conf. Rm.] helping our parish meet this 2019 goal: 6:30 PM: Lenten Study Group [Mother Teresa] Thank you for your generosity! 7:00 PM: Harmony Choir [Church] Wednesday, 11 March 10:00 AM: Playgroup [M & J Room] WEEKLY TITHES 4:30, 5:45, & 7:00 PM PM: FF Classes 5:30 PM: Grace Within Week of 1 March 5:30 PM: Liturgy Committee Meeting [Conf. Rm.] 6:00 PM: Children’s Choir Practice Plate $1,339.93 7:00 PM: Music Rehearsal Thursday, 12 March Tithes received $19,455.00 6:30 AM: Men of Boniface [Mother Teresa] 8:30 AM: Scripture Study Group Building Faith received $1,025.00 7:00 PM: RCIA Friday, 13 March Parish Debt as of 1 March $1,553,285.88 5:00 PM: Fish Fry [Parish Hall] 5:45 PM: Stations of the Cross [Church] Saturday, 14 March 6:00 PM: Boniface Plus Pizza Night [M & J Room] St. Boniface Website Sunday, 15 March Please visit our newly-designed website: 9:00 & 11:00 AM: NO FF Classes for more 6:00 PM: StBYG [ M & J Room] information on the Liturgy, Sacraments, ministries, events, and the many ways the Lord may be calling you to serve our parish family and community.

To view our Lent and Be sure to check out, check in, like us, and Easter schedule, please visit follow us on our Facebook page: St. Boniface Catholic Community. our website at This is a great place to stay connected and up to date on what’s happening at St. Boniface and in our com- munity. EASTER FLOWERS

As in the past, we invite the Saint Boniface family to donate to the flower fund for Easter! It is a devotional offering for all of us. Through this gift, we acknowledge how truly grateful we are to the Risen Lord for His blessings of peace in our lives; through this gift, we also remember those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith so that they may soon experience the joys of the heavenly kingdom! Please complete this form and mail it to the parish office 1200 S Warrior Lane, Waukee, IA 50263; or pay online at These donations will be listed in the bulletin on Easter weekend. Please print clearly so we get the spelling of names correct. The deadline for ordering is Sunday, April 5th. Any questions, please call 515-987-4597.

 In celebration of Easter, I/we would like to donate to the flower fund for Easter

Name: Phone: ______

In Memory of: ______- OR - In Praise/Thanksgiving for: ______

Suggested donation is $15.00; Make checks payable to St. Boniface Catholic Church. We would like to receive the donations by April 5, to meet bulletin deadline. A CORONAVIRUS PRAYER JESUS CHRIST, you traveled through towns and villages Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and all medical pro- “curing every disease and illness.” At your command, the fessionals who seek to heal and help those affected and who sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of put themselves at risk in the process. May they know your the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience protection and peace. your healing love. Be with the leaders of all nations. Give them the foresight to Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their act with charity and true concern for the well-being of the strength and health through quality medical care. people they are meant to serve. Give them the wisdom to invest in long-term solutions that will help prepare for or Heal us from our fear, which prevents nations from working prevent future outbreaks. May they know your peace, as they together and neighbors from helping one another. work together to achieve it on earth.

Heal us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnera- Whether we are home or abroad, surrounded by many peo- bility to a disease that knows no borders. ple suffering from this illness or only a few, Jesus Christ, stay

with us as we endure and mourn, persist and prepare. In Jesus Christ, healer of all, stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow. place of our anxiety, give us your peace.

Be with those who have died from the virus. May they be at Jesus Christ, heal us! rest with you in your eternal peace.

Courtesy: Be with the families of those who are sick or have died. As they worry and grieve, defend them from illness and despair. faith/2020/03/02/coronavirus-prayer May they know your peace. UPCOMING EVENTS

Fish & Fellowship every Friday during Lent! Boniface + Pizza/Game Night! Saturday, 14 March Fish, cheese pizza, spaghetti, breakfast pota- 6:00 PM (Right after Mass) toes, veggies, and more will be served up by If you are 50 years and older, you the Knight of Columbus during the Lenten are invited to join us for a fun season. Desserts will be available for purchase evening of pizza and games, and the best part, the pizza is on us! by the StBYG. Please bring your own beer, soda or wine to drink and also any white elephant gifts you wish to Cost: $10 Adults, $5 Children 3-10, $35 for bring.We encourage you to register for this great immediate family. All are welcome! event at: bonifaceplus. You can also make a last minute registration in person just before the 5:00 PM Mass on 14 March. If you would like more infor- mation or have questions, please contact Wayne Chizek at [email protected] or call 515-250-4617.


Chad & Heidi Bowden Steve & Mary Jane Michaels Kelsey Steil Julia, 2 mos.

Brendan & Nannette O’Reilly Steve & Pat Vorwerk


Thank you to all the ladies who joined together on Friday, February 21 for ladies night: Breakfast at Tiffany’s! It was a great evening full of fun all while supporting our community outreach ministry and Dress for Success!! Together, we raised a total of $4,044.88! Thank you as well to our charming waiters (Knights of Columbus) for taking the time to help: Mark Masters, Dick Brdicko, Lonnie Waknitz, Luke Lichty, Mike Lemmon, Mark Spen- ner, and Aaron Bartholomay. We were so blessed to have gift baskets donated to us by individuals and business- es throughout our community. We are grateful for their generosity! Thank you to the following individuals and businesses for your support: 1908 Draught House + 7 Stone + Achieving Inner Piece + Albany James + All About you Nails Board and Brush + Broheim's Golf + CoCo Nails + Color Street Nails- Kathryn Braet + Echos Cookies Escape Room + Estillo Salon + Flemings Steakhouse + Flix Brewhouse + Fridley Theatres + Funny Bone Fusion Boutique + Gastro Pub + Glow Golf + Granite City + Holly Rasavong- Pampered Chef Jasper Winery + Jerel Merical + Jethros + John & Nicks Steakhouse + Kathryn Braet- Color Street Nails Krave Gym + Lip Sense- Rachelle Herman + Lori Rowan + Lynn Harder + Mainstream Boutique Massage Envy + My Hair Lady by Lindsay Lou + Nothing Bundt Cakes + Painting with a Twist Pampered Chef- Holly Rasavong + Rodan & Fields- Lori Rowan + Salon Vici + Sarah Petersen + Scooters Cof- fee + Signature Nails + Starbucks + The Club Car Restaurant + Totally Rolled Ice Cream + Trades of Hope - Alicia Karwal + Vera Bradley + Warrior Lanes

We look forward to another fun ladies night next year! EDUCATION Education is a strong priority for the children and youth of El Recreo. Our donations allow children and youth the opportunity to go to school—and to college. Our goal is to motivate the young to have a real passion for learning and to offer support for their academic pursuits so that they can make a difference in their local communities. Our contributions to the Education Fund cover the cost of school supplies (stationery, shoes, and clothing). It also provides tuition for High School and College students. Education is vital to envisioning a bright future for their lives! It also helps to break the cycle of poverty.

HEALTH CARE Health Care is essential for this community. With limited access to medical professionals and financial means, the community continues to struggle with taking care of even the basic health care needs. The Padre Vince Rosonke Health Clinic is within walking distance and has become a life-saving addition to the community. The health provider team assists with day-to-day medical problems and provides immediate care for emergencies, medications and medical supplies to those who previously had nothing. Prenatal checkups and early childhood healthcare can make all the difference to their future. Items such as stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs, thermometers, sterilizers for instruments, a scale, plus money to purchase vitamins, aspirin, Ibuprofen etc. are a must. Imagine a life without the help of any health care!


Supporting the physical and emotional needs of the El Recreo community is essen- tial to their wellbeing. Our parish family attends to the physical needs of providing clean water, food and shelter. As in the past, our donations will continue to provide this community with clean water by maintaining the water collection barrels we in- stalled in every household, corn in times of crop failure, seed and fertilizer for agri- culture, and building materials such as lamina to construct proper shelter. Our sup- port has also enabled them to build Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Health Clinic, repair classrooms, restrooms and roads. Through our continued support, we create opportunities for leadership, employment, community involvement!


$______Education of Children & Youth ($60) $______Health Care ($50) $______Community Support & Development — water, food, shelter, agriculture ($100) $______Any Other Donations

Name ______Address ______

Please make checks payable to St. Boniface Church; memo: El Salvador. EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE COMMUNITY

Catholic Culture Series: A Model for Fatherhood Saturday, 28 March 7:00-9:00 PM St. Augustin Catholic Church Joe Teeling, co-founder of Iowa Catholic Radio and the father of five, will share insights on the lessons we can learn from an under appreciated but highly im- portant saint. For more information, please visit:

TAIZE SERVICE AT ST CATHERINE All are welcome to join St. Parish, 1150 28th St., Des Moines, for a Lenten Taize Service on Wednesday, 11 March. The service will take place from 7:00-7:45. A Taize service incorporates sung and chanted prayers, meditation, a period of silence, and liturgical readings. The short chants repeated over and over, create a meditative environment. The result is to gradually move prayer from the head to the heart. Please join us.

CYC Camp Open House Saturday, 11 May Not quite sure about sending your child to CYC Camp? Would you like to see more? Hear more? Fanning the Flame is a Diocesan retreat for any and Here’s a great opportunity to come to the all teens. It is ideal for teens who are preparing for St. Center, home of the beautiful Confirmation as well as for those who have been Con- Catholic Youth Camp, on Saturday, May 11th to firmed, as they continue to discern the Spirit’s move- learn more about the programs we offer during the ment in their life. Additionally, parents and Confir- summer. This is a great opportunity to meet the staff mation sponsors/mentors are encouraged to come and ask questions while enjoying a day outside with along for this day of retreat. This year’s retreat is on the family. A selection of camp games will be available Saturday, April 4th, and runs from 9:30 am until and free lunch will be provided. Reservations are not 5:00 pm at the Catholic Pastoral Center in down- necessary. Hope to see you there! town Des Moines. Cost is $40 for teens, $20 for Call the office with questions: 515-309-1936 adults, and more information along with registration can be found at fanningtheflame Bob & Lisa Smith Parishioners

Nick Finkenauer, CPA Parishioner Bob D Smith, Agent 80 4th Street PO Box 1056 515-288-3279 We are proud to be central Iowa’s Waukee, IA 50263-1056 Bus 515 987 5404 Catholic health care provider. Fax 515 987 2498 Find a physician or clinic near you at [email protected] NMLS #139716 NMLS MLO #1068586 MLO License #21445 Providing Insurance and Financial Services

Phone: 515-252-9989 Colin King Tune In! Dean Vogel Your Style, Your Budget, Your Home.

Michael Billings Sales & Leasing

Connecting people with Christ and His O: 515-964-1587 C: 515-664-6559 [email protected] Church on their faith journey 758 Alice’s Rd. • Waukee, IA 50263 Licensed to Sell Real Estate in the State of Iowa

Contact Terri Roe to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x5897

Iles Funeral Homes

Dr. Kaisha Brown, DDS (515) 777-7568 “Over 100 Years of Combined Experience Right Here in Waukee” • Estate Planning

• Family Law 515-222-2300 | Member FDIC • Real Estate • Personal Injury & Workers Compensation Abigail Schiltz, PA-C • Free Initial Consultation PSYCHIATRY Parishioner of St. Boniface Welcoming new patients (515) 987-4578 480 6th Street, Waukee, IA 50263 8553 Urbandale Ave/Urbandale, IA WelcomingWaukee Family Medicine Clinic new Laurapatients Bowshier, M.D. (515) 274-4006 • (515) 987-8575 25 W. Hickman Rd. Brianne Day, D.O. 515-643-7000 Kruse, D.O. Brian M Becker, AAMS® Waukee Family Medicine Clinic Laura Bowshier, M.D. Julie Sarcone, ARNP Financial Advisor, Parishioner 25 W. Hickman Rd. Brianne Day, D.O. Kirby Singleton, PA-C 515-643-7000 Kirby Singleton, PA-C 4646 86th St Look no further for the quality eye care you deserve. Adam Kruse, D.O. Urbandale, IA 50322 Dr. Barbara A. Scheetz Phone: 515-440-4610 Julie Sarcone, ARNP Dr. Todd R. Pietig 5970 Ashworth Rd 515-331-9059 Kirby Singleton, PA-C Doctors of Optometry West Des Moines, IA 52066 Member SPIC

Travis Gaule Bernhardt & Smith Physicians: Nurse Practitioners: Financial Advisor, Parishioner Dennis Dornbier, DO Darci Lewis, ARNP Orthodontics Stephen Feltz, MD Kathy Lamb, ARNP 14225 Univirsity Ave Ste #240 Jeffrey Fagerland, DO Jamie Butterworth, ARNP Waukee, IA 50263 9295 Dr., Tamara Dassanayake, MD Jeanna Panosh, ARNP 515-270-5375 Ste. 120, WDM Francesca Turner, DO 987-9130 Emily Chang, DO Hydro Heat Lindsey Jenkins, MD Geothermal Systems Lisa Vigue, MD 475 S. 50th St., Ste. 400, WDM Mechanical Contractor 222-0010 25750 U Avenue • Waukee • Iowa 50263 (515) 992-3735 | (515) 288-3287 Don Dorrian Jr. Fax: (515) 987-1551 Des Moines, West Des Moines, Ankeny, Pleasant Hill, Knoxville and Winterset. Phone: (515) 987-4310 Mobile: (515) 208-4310 1204 Linden St. • Dallas Center For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Boniface, Waukee, IA A 4C 02-0564 Family, Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry

(515) 987-8387 Carpet & Furniture Tile & Grout Cleaning Elizabeth M. Craig D.D.S., Parishioner 1005 E. Hickman Rd. • Waukee Dan Angstman Georgianne N. Nelson D.D.S, Parishioner (515) 216-2760 515-274-9109 Office: 515-299-4431 Mobile: 515-669-1130 [email protected] Karl Chevrolet | 1-35 Exit 90 | Ankeny “Getting Trucks Ready to Work Since 1970” 515-266-5189 [email protected]

Pete Comito - CPA 470 W. Hickman Rd. Waukee, IA 987-0170 Irene’s Flowers 274-3859 • Lonnie & Linda Waknitz, Parishioners

New Construction Remodels Service Calls Sewer & Water Install & Repair LYNN HARDER Parishioner Since 1950 515.210.2344 80 SE Laurel St Waukee IA 515-993-3426 [email protected]

Your Orthopedic Injury Experts Returning You Safely to Work, Sports & Life Ankeny | Clive | Des Moines | Pella | Pleasant Hill

BRODERICK Call LPi today for advertising info (800) 950-9952 ANIMAL CLINIC

John Broderick Dr. Nick DeRocher, Parishioner 10 N. 4th St., Waukee 978-8889 987-1447 70 E Hickman Rd, Waukee Carl "Chip" Davis Parishioner Retirement Specialist 987-3600 CK Davis Financial 1100 Alice’s Rd. 5550 Wildrose Lane Waukee, IA W.D.M, IA (515) 491-4576

Helping you get back to living.

welcoming Insurance Solutions for your new Patrick Sullivan, M.D. Patricia Kallemeier, M.D. Home, Auto, Business and Life. Hip & Knee Surgery Hand and Upper patients. Extremity Surgery 12345 University Ave, Ste 300, Clive, IA 50325

Bill Pratti 515.224.4391 Jon Raftis Parishioner [email protected] [email protected] Parishioner For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Boniface, Waukee, IA B 4C 02-0564