Petrography and Stratigraphy of Seville-Trident Exploration Wells Near Deming, New Mexico
Petrographyandstratigraphy 0fSeville-Trident exploration wells near Deming,New Mexico byBusse// E. Clemons,Professor of geology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003 Abstract Methods Petrographicanalyses of cuttingsfrom four wildcatoil andgas exploration Well cuttings of varied intervalswere washed and scannedunder wellsdrilled by Seville-TridentCorp. near Deming, New Mexico,from 1981 a binocularmicroscope. The selectedintervals depended on the col- to 1983are reported. Thickness of upperTertiary-Quaternary basinfill south- lectionintervals available, types of lithologiespresent in the cuttings, eastof Demingis interpretedto be about4,000 ft. Basin-fillsediments overlie in lithologies.Eighty-five about5,000 ft of Miocene-Oligocenevolcaniclastic rocks and ash-flowtuffs. and bracketingdistinctive changes petro- TheMiocene-Oligocene rocks overlie up to 3,600ft of RubioPeak Formation (Eocene),which is intrudedby a fine-crystallinequartz monzonite The No. 2 City of Demingwell was drilled to a depth of 12,385ft and bottomedin o/ RubioPeak Formation. The o^ No. 1 McSherrywell wasdrilled to a depthof -1 tttl, 12,495ft, but cuttingsare available only to 12,430ft. About300 ft of probable 2r- PaleoceneLobo Formation is interpretedbeneath the RubioPeak Formation -A andabove about 570 ft of Precambrianmetamorphic rocks. The No. I Hurt z :: Hill Ranchwell, westof Deming,is reportedto have6een drilled to a totaldepth ,. t- of 7,723ft. About 2,300ft of basinfill, 4,800ft of Tertiaryvolcanic roiks intrudedby rhyolite of Red Mountain,and M0 ft of El Paio Dolomiteare \1, representedin the cuttings(deepest cuttings studied were from 7,640ft). Silve Introduction Seville-Trident Corp., of Carlsbad, California, drilled five wildcat oil and gas exploration wells in central Luna County from 198Lto 1983(Fig. 1.).All were completedas dry holes and no shows of oil Big Eurro j MrsMfs ,.='lr f+'$.X.{r,o.*'"""",-2/S.{fii| t,,i.
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