Decision Sciences C 2007, The Author Volume 38 Number 1 Journal compilation C 2007, Decision Sciences Institute February 2007 Strategic Outsourcing Decisions for Manufacturers that Produce Partially Substitutable Products in a Quantity-Setting ∗ Duopoly Situation Tiaojun Xiao School of Management Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210093, P. R. China, e-mail:
[email protected] Yusen Xia† Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303, e-mail:
[email protected] G. Peter Zhang Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303, e-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT This article examines production and outsourcing decisions for two manufacturers that produce partially substitutable products and play a strategic game with quantity com- petition. When both manufacturers outsource key components to the same upstream supplier, their products become more substitutable due to the increased commonality of the products. In addition, outsourcing may create better consumer perception about the product if the manufacturers choose reputable suppliers with better brand or quality. We explicitly model the substitutability change and the brand/quality effect and provide conditions under which the manufacturers should outsource the components to a sup- plier. We present the subgame perfect Nash equilibriums for the situation in which there is only one supplier and the case in which two suppliers compete with each other in the upstream supply chain. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the findings. Subject Areas: Common Components, Game Theory, Outsourcing Strategy, Product Substitutability, and Supply Chain Management. INTRODUCTION With globalization and competitive pressure on specialization, outsourcing has be- come prevalent in many industries.