Possible Carcinogen IARC 2B. IARC Carcinogen Possible

Carcinogen ACGIH A1. Ethylbenzene is classified as a a as classified is Ethylbenzene A1. ACGIH Carcinogen

IARC Group 1 proven and Confirmed Human Human Confirmed and proven 1 Group IARC

Known Carcinogen NTP, Known Human Carcinogen Carcinogen Human Known NTP, Carcinogen Known


vacuolization erythroleukemia, and even death. even and erythroleukemia, vacuolization


leukemia, bone marrow depression, corneal corneal depression, marrow bone leukemia,

has resulted in aplastic anemia, acute myoblastic myoblastic acute anemia, aplastic in resulted has

neuropathy and blurred vision. Chronic exposure exposure Chronic vision. blurred and neuropathy


Potential chronic effects include peripheral peripheral include effects chronic Potential EFFECTS CHRONIC

Public protection measures protection Public • may cause chemical pneumonia, severe lung damage. lung severe pneumonia, chemical cause may

780-523-5955 ...... County Lake Big

diarrhea may occur. Aspiration of liquid into the lungs lungs the into liquid of Aspiration occur. may diarrhea

Emergency notification Emergency

Local Authority Local

If ingested, abdominal cramping, vomiting and and vomiting cramping, abdominal ingested, If WALLOWING S

1-800-222-6514 ...... line emergency 24-hour AER

Canada’s High Prairie Fractionation Plant. Fractionation Prairie High Canada’s

throat, dizziness and drowsiness. and dizziness throat,

and leukemia. Symptoms may include coughing, itchy itchy coughing, include may Symptoms leukemia. and Energy Regulator (AER) Regulator Energy Alberta

and area residents related to Plains Midstream Midstream Plains to related residents area and

human carcinogen that may result in aplastic anemia anemia aplastic in result may that carcinogen human

Public Awareness Information for landowners landowners for Information Awareness Public

liver and kidneys. The benzene component is a known known a is component benzene The kidneys. and liver

the local authority. local the

Potential effects target the Central Nervous System, System, Nervous Central the target effects Potential REATHING B

and AER the with working be will Plains emergency, an of event the In

cause (days) impairment to your vision. your to impairment (days) cause


This product is a moderate eye irritant and could could and irritant eye moderate a is product This EYES

Plains Midstream Canada’s 24-hour Emergency Response number: number: Response Emergency 24-hour Canada’s Midstream Plains or prolonged contact may defat the skin. the defat may contact prolonged or

If you suspect a problem at a Plains facility in your area, please call call please area, your in facility Plains a at problem a suspect you If

This product is a moderate skin irritant and repeated repeated and irritant skin moderate a is product This SKIN SKIN

Emergency Contacts Emergency

Potential Health Effects from LVP Products Exposure Products LVP from Effects Health Potential


• Provide a telephone number which you can call to get additional additional get to call can you which number telephone a Provide •

• Address any concerns which you may have. may you which concerns any Address • as a carcinogen. a as

• Verify the information you have provided. have you information the Verify • OSHA or ACGIH NTP, IARC, with listed is Benzene


(shelter / evacuation). / (shelter


safety your protect to instructions you Give •

damage, and damage to the bone marrow including including marrow bone the to damage and damage,

• Describe the problem and what is being done. being is what and problem the Describe •

abdominal pain, loss of appetite, liver damage, kidney kidney damage, liver appetite, of loss pain, abdominal

• Announce that they are a Plains Midstream Canada representative. Canada Midstream Plains a are they that Announce •

irritation, giddiness, staggered gait, nausea, nausea, gait, staggered giddiness, irritation,

• Identify themselves by name. by themselves Identify •

vapour concentrations may cause eye and respiratory respiratory and eye cause may concentrations vapour

emergency situation, the caller will: caller the situation, emergency

anemia and leukemia. Repeated exposure to high high to exposure Repeated leukemia. and anemia

If you are contacted by Plains Midstream Canada to advise you of an an of you advise to Canada Midstream Plains by contacted are you If

has been associated with blood disorders including including disorders blood with associated been has

dermatitis. Inhalation of one component, benzene, benzene, component, one of Inhalation dermatitis.



Defatting and drying of skin may occur and cause cause and occur may skin of drying and Defatting


preparedness and response, communications and continuous improvement. improvement. continuous and communications response, and preparedness

nausea, unconsciousness or death. or unconsciousness nausea,

and audits, performance and achievement recognition, emergency emergency recognition, achievement and performance audits, and

dizziness, headaches, giddiness, drowsiness, fatigue, fatigue, drowsiness, giddiness, headaches, dizziness,

commitment and leadership, employee training and awareness, inspections inspections awareness, and training employee leadership, and commitment

in the lungs and/or central nervous system depression, depression, system nervous central and/or lungs the in

are at the core of our operations. These programs include management management include programs These operations. our of core the at are

Swallowing mists or vapours may cause accumulation accumulation cause may vapours or mists Swallowing


Our Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) Management Programs Programs Management (EH&S) Safety and Health Environment, Our

nausea, unconsciousness or death. or unconsciousness nausea,

or otherwise related to protecting the environment. the protecting to related otherwise or dizziness, headaches, giddiness, drowsiness, fatigue, fatigue, drowsiness, giddiness, headaches, dizziness,

and regulations governing the discharge of materials into the environment environment the into materials of discharge the governing regulations and in the lungs and/or central nervous system depression, depression, system nervous central and/or lungs the in

Plains’ operations are subject to stringent federal, provincial and local laws laws local and provincial federal, stringent to subject are operations Plains’ Breathing mists or vapours may cause accumulation accumulation cause may vapours or mists Breathing

Keeping Pipelines Safe and Reliable and Safe Pipelines Keeping


Irritation of eyes may occur. may eyes of Irritation

surrounding our facilities. our surrounding EYES Pipeline Safety Pipeline

health and safety of our employees, contractors and the communities communities the and contractors employees, our of safety and health

absorbed through the skin. the through absorbed

throughout our organization. We provide a workplace that protects the the protects that workplace a provide We organization. our throughout

dermatitis. One component, benzene, may be be may benzene, component, One dermatitis.

Plains adheres to the highest environmental and safety standards standards safety and environmental highest the to adheres Plains

to progress and occur may skin of Irritation


E nvironment, Health & Safety & Health nvironment,

Potential Health Effects from HVP Products Exposure Products HVP from Effects Health Potential Response Consideration Consideration Response

Public Protection Measures Our Operations in your Area Low Vapour Pressure (LVP) Products Evacuation, Shelter & Ignition Procedures LVP products are generally limited to hydrocarbon condensate which Plains Midstream Canada ULC (Plains) is the operator of the High Evacuation Procedures Prairie Fractionation Plant within . Operation of the remains in a liquid state at atmospheric pressure. LVPs are heavier than If it is necessary to evacuate, you will be contacted by telephone immediately. If facility includes storage of NGL’s which is classified as High Vapour air and collect in low places or depressions in the ground. LVPs are clear, pale golden flammable liquids with an odour similar to gasoline. there is no answer to our calls, we will proceed to your residence to inform you Pressure (HVP) including condensates which is classified as of Low of the situation. The following steps should be taken if “Evacuation” procedures Vapour Pressure (LVP). As these storage tanks a contain substances Main Hazards: have been implemented: in excess of threshold limits listed in Schedule 1 of the Canadian • Fire hazard and intense heat if condensate is ignited. • Gather all residents and bring any medicines required. Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), an Environmental Emergency • Potential explosion hazards if condensate vapours seep into • Lock all windows and doors. (E2) plan has been developed for the High Prairie Fractionation Plant enclosed areas. • Turn down thermostat and shut off any air exchange fans to outside. to meet Environment and Climate Change Canada Environmental • Contamination of soil and water. • Drive safely on the route provided and proceed directly to the evacuation Emergency Regulations, 2019: SOR/2019-51. Included below is the • Products can flow under snow or ice, making the actual spill area centre and check in calculated Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) , including the substances larger than it appears. with the representative. • Wait for further instruction. stored at the facility. Refer to the map on the back of this brochure • Breathing mists or vapours may cause accumulation in for more details. lungs and/or central nervous system resulting in dizziness, Shelter-in-Place Procedures headaches, depression, giddiness, drowsiness, fatigue, nausea, If you are advised to stay sheltered, do not leave your house or attempt to start PMC High Prairie Fractionation Plant 08-20-74-16 W5M unconsciousness or death. any vehicles until a Plains representative advises you that it is safe to do so. E2 Regulated Substances: Propane, NGL, Condensate and Butane The following steps should be taken if “Shelter-In-Place” procedures have been Emergency Planning Zone: 200 m If You Suspect a Problem implemented: High Vapour Pressure (HVP) Products Please call Plains Midstream Canada’s 24-hour emergency number if • Immediately gather everyone indoors and stay there. you suspect a problem (1-866-875-2554). • Tightly close and lock all windows and outside doors, if convenient, tape HVP products include propane, butane, pentane, and Natural Gas any gaps around exterior door frames. Liquids (NGLs). At atmospheric pressure, HVP products are gases. While the chance of an uncontrolled spill or problem is remote, the Plains Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for this area is in place to • Extinguish indoor wood-burning fires and close flue dampers if possible. Under pressure, HVP products exist in a liquid state. In humid air, a • Turn off appliances or equipment that either blows out or uses indoor ensure your safety. If a leak should occur, emergency crews will take leak of an HVP product may form a visible white cloud of cold vapour air, such as: immediate steps to minimize the risk to the public and environment. considerably heavier than air. Under extreme conditions, pools of • furnaces • built-in vacuum systems • gas stoves super-cooled liquid may briefly form. When HVP products vapourize, Additional emergency response personnel will be notified and • kitchen fans • clothes dryers • air conditioning they expand (70 to 300 times) and can form a plume, which may drift dispatched to the area to safely manage the emergency. • bathroom fans • gas fireplaces • ventilators downwind from the source under moderate wind speed conditions. • Turn off appliances or equipment that suck in outdoor air, such as Under higher wind speed conditions, the vapour would dissipate • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems faster. • Fans for heat recovery ventilators or energy recovery ventilators • Turn down furnace thermostats to the minimum setting, turn off Main Hazards: air conditioners • Potential explosion hazards from delaying ignition • Leave all inside doors open. of drifting vapour cloud. • Wait in an interior room upstairs for further instruction. • Fire hazard from burning gas and radiant heat. • Avoid using the telephone, except for emergencies, so that you can be • Critical hazard because of oxygen deficiency as expanding gas contacted by Plains emergency response personnel. cloud or plume displaces air at • Call Plains if you are experiencing symptoms, smelling odours or have contacted government agencies (so the response can be coordinated). ground level. • Stay tuned to local radio and television for possible information updates. • Even if you see people outside, do not leave until told to do so. • If you are unable to follow these instructions, please notify Plains emergency response personnel. After the hazardous substance has passed through the area you will receive an “all-clear” message from Plains emergency response personnel. You may also CLICK OR CALL BEFORE YOU DIG receive, if required, instructions to ventilate your building by: To create a safe work environment for everyone, before undertaking • opening all windows and doors • turning on fans any ground disturbance, you must contact your provincial One-Call centre. Go to the One-Call information you need before conducting any • turning up thermostats ground disturbance activity within the prescribed area (which extends 30 metres on each side of the centre line of pipe). You may also require During this time the air outside may be fresher and you may choose to leave written consent for your activity, please contact Plains at your building while ventilating. Once the building is completely ventilated, [email protected] for more information on return all equipment to normal settings and operation. permissions. www.sask1stcall.com 1-866-828-4888 Ignition Procedures www.albertaonecall.com 1-800-242-3447 If it is determined that ignition is required, the Incident Commander is fully authorized to ignite the release at the pipeline, facility or terminal. Ignition of the gas source would ensure your safety if evacuation was not practical.

Possible Carcinogen IARC 2B. IARC Carcinogen Possible

Carcinogen ACGIH A1. Ethylbenzene is classified as a a as classified is Ethylbenzene A1. ACGIH Carcinogen

IARC Group 1 proven and Confirmed Human Human Confirmed and proven 1 Group IARC

Known Carcinogen NTP, Known Human Carcinogen Carcinogen Human Known NTP, Carcinogen Known


vacuolization erythroleukemia, and even death. even and erythroleukemia, vacuolization


leukemia, bone marrow depression, corneal corneal depression, marrow bone leukemia,

has resulted in aplastic anemia, acute myoblastic myoblastic acute anemia, aplastic in resulted has

neuropathy and blurred vision. Chronic exposure exposure Chronic vision. blurred and neuropathy


Potential chronic effects include peripheral peripheral include effects chronic Potential EFFECTS CHRONIC

Public protection measures protection Public • may cause chemical pneumonia, severe lung damage. lung severe pneumonia, chemical cause may

780-523-5955 ...... County Lake Big

diarrhea may occur. Aspiration of liquid into the lungs lungs the into liquid of Aspiration occur. may diarrhea

Emergency notification Emergency

Local Authority Local

If ingested, abdominal cramping, vomiting and and vomiting cramping, abdominal ingested, If WALLOWING S

1-800-222-6514 ...... line emergency 24-hour AER

Canada’s High Prairie Fractionation Plant. Fractionation Prairie High Canada’s

throat, dizziness and drowsiness. and dizziness throat,

and leukemia. Symptoms may include coughing, itchy itchy coughing, include may Symptoms leukemia. and Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) Regulator Energy Alberta

and area residents related to Plains Midstream Midstream Plains to related residents area and

human carcinogen that may result in aplastic anemia anemia aplastic in result may that carcinogen human

Public Awareness Information for landowners landowners for Information Awareness Public

liver and kidneys. The benzene component is a known known a is component benzene The kidneys. and liver

the local authority. local the

Potential effects target the Central Nervous System, System, Nervous Central the target effects Potential REATHING B

and AER the with working be will Plains emergency, an of event the In

cause (days) impairment to your vision. your to impairment (days) cause


This product is a moderate eye irritant and could could and irritant eye moderate a is product This EYES

Plains Midstream Canada’s 24-hour Emergency Response number: number: Response Emergency 24-hour Canada’s Midstream Plains or prolonged contact may defat the skin. the defat may contact prolonged or

If you suspect a problem at a Plains facility in your area, please call call please area, your in facility Plains a at problem a suspect you If

This product is a moderate skin irritant and repeated repeated and irritant skin moderate a is product This SKIN SKIN

Emergency Contacts Emergency

Potential Health Effects from LVP Products Exposure Products LVP from Effects Health Potential


• Provide a telephone number which you can call to get additional additional get to call can you which number telephone a Provide •

• Address any concerns which you may have. may you which concerns any Address • as a carcinogen. a as

• Verify the information you have provided. have you information the Verify • OSHA or ACGIH NTP, IARC, with listed is Benzene


(shelter / evacuation). / (shelter


safety your protect to instructions you Give •

damage, and damage to the bone marrow including including marrow bone the to damage and damage,

• Describe the problem and what is being done. being is what and problem the Describe •

abdominal pain, loss of appetite, liver damage, kidney kidney damage, liver appetite, of loss pain, abdominal

• Announce that they are a Plains Midstream Canada representative. Canada Midstream Plains a are they that Announce •

irritation, giddiness, staggered gait, nausea, nausea, gait, staggered giddiness, irritation,

• Identify themselves by name. by themselves Identify •

vapour concentrations may cause eye and respiratory respiratory and eye cause may concentrations vapour

emergency situation, the caller will: caller the situation, emergency

anemia and leukemia. Repeated exposure to high high to exposure Repeated leukemia. and anemia

If you are contacted by Plains Midstream Canada to advise you of an an of you advise to Canada Midstream Plains by contacted are you If

has been associated with blood disorders including including disorders blood with associated been has

dermatitis. Inhalation of one component, benzene, benzene, component, one of Inhalation dermatitis.



Defatting and drying of skin may occur and cause cause and occur may skin of drying and Defatting


preparedness and response, communications and continuous improvement. improvement. continuous and communications response, and preparedness

nausea, unconsciousness or death. or unconsciousness nausea,

and audits, performance and achievement recognition, emergency emergency recognition, achievement and performance audits, and

dizziness, headaches, giddiness, drowsiness, fatigue, fatigue, drowsiness, giddiness, headaches, dizziness,

commitment and leadership, employee training and awareness, inspections inspections awareness, and training employee leadership, and commitment

in the lungs and/or central nervous system depression, depression, system nervous central and/or lungs the in

are at the core of our operations. These programs include management management include programs These operations. our of core the at are

Swallowing mists or vapours may cause accumulation accumulation cause may vapours or mists Swallowing


Our Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) Management Programs Programs Management (EH&S) Safety and Health Environment, Our

nausea, unconsciousness or death. or unconsciousness nausea,

or otherwise related to protecting the environment. the protecting to related otherwise or dizziness, headaches, giddiness, drowsiness, fatigue, fatigue, drowsiness, giddiness, headaches, dizziness,

and regulations governing the discharge of materials into the environment environment the into materials of discharge the governing regulations and in the lungs and/or central nervous system depression, depression, system nervous central and/or lungs the in

Plains’ operations are subject to stringent federal, provincial and local laws laws local and provincial federal, stringent to subject are operations Plains’ Breathing mists or vapours may cause accumulation accumulation cause may vapours or mists Breathing

Keeping Pipelines Safe and Reliable and Safe Pipelines Keeping


Irritation of eyes may occur. may eyes of Irritation

surrounding our facilities. our surrounding EYES Pipeline Safety Pipeline

health and safety of our employees, contractors and the communities communities the and contractors employees, our of safety and health

absorbed through the skin. the through absorbed

throughout our organization. We provide a workplace that protects the the protects that workplace a provide We organization. our throughout

dermatitis. One component, benzene, may be be may benzene, component, One dermatitis.

Plains adheres to the highest environmental and safety standards standards safety and environmental highest the to adheres Plains

to progress and occur may skin of Irritation


E nvironment, Health & Safety & Health nvironment,

Potential Health Effects from HVP Products Exposure Products HVP from Effects Health Potential Response Consideration Consideration Response

Public Protection Measures Our Operations in your Area Low Vapour Pressure (LVP) Products Evacuation, Shelter & Ignition Procedures LVP products are generally limited to hydrocarbon condensate which Plains Midstream Canada ULC (Plains) is the operator of the High Evacuation Procedures Prairie Fractionation Plant within Big Lakes County. Operation of the remains in a liquid state at atmospheric pressure. LVPs are heavier than If it is necessary to evacuate, you will be contacted by telephone immediately. If facility includes storage of NGL’s which is classified as High Vapour air and collect in low places or depressions in the ground. LVPs are clear, pale golden flammable liquids with an odour similar to gasoline. there is no answer to our calls, we will proceed to your residence to inform you Pressure (HVP) including condensates which is classified as of Low of the situation. The following steps should be taken if “Evacuation” procedures Vapour Pressure (LVP). As these storage tanks a contain substances Main Hazards: have been implemented: in excess of threshold limits listed in Schedule 1 of the Canadian • Fire hazard and intense heat if condensate is ignited. • Gather all residents and bring any medicines required. Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), an Environmental Emergency • Potential explosion hazards if condensate vapours seep into • Lock all windows and doors. (E2) plan has been developed for the High Prairie Fractionation Plant enclosed areas. • Turn down thermostat and shut off any air exchange fans to outside. to meet Environment and Climate Change Canada Environmental • Contamination of soil and water. • Drive safely on the route provided and proceed directly to the evacuation Emergency Regulations, 2019: SOR/2019-51. Included below is the • Products can flow under snow or ice, making the actual spill area centre and check in calculated Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) , including the substances larger than it appears. with the representative. • Wait for further instruction. stored at the facility. Refer to the map on the back of this brochure • Breathing mists or vapours may cause accumulation in for more details. lungs and/or central nervous system resulting in dizziness, Shelter-in-Place Procedures headaches, depression, giddiness, drowsiness, fatigue, nausea, If you are advised to stay sheltered, do not leave your house or attempt to start PMC High Prairie Fractionation Plant 08-20-74-16 W5M unconsciousness or death. any vehicles until a Plains representative advises you that it is safe to do so. E2 Regulated Substances: Propane, NGL, Condensate and Butane The following steps should be taken if “Shelter-In-Place” procedures have been Emergency Planning Zone: 200 m If You Suspect a Problem implemented: High Vapour Pressure (HVP) Products Please call Plains Midstream Canada’s 24-hour emergency number if • Immediately gather everyone indoors and stay there. you suspect a problem (1-866-875-2554). • Tightly close and lock all windows and outside doors, if convenient, tape HVP products include propane, butane, pentane, and Natural Gas any gaps around exterior door frames. Liquids (NGLs). At atmospheric pressure, HVP products are gases. While the chance of an uncontrolled spill or problem is remote, the Plains Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for this area is in place to • Extinguish indoor wood-burning fires and close flue dampers if possible. Under pressure, HVP products exist in a liquid state. In humid air, a • Turn off appliances or equipment that either blows out or uses indoor ensure your safety. If a leak should occur, emergency crews will take leak of an HVP product may form a visible white cloud of cold vapour air, such as: immediate steps to minimize the risk to the public and environment. considerably heavier than air. Under extreme conditions, pools of • furnaces • built-in vacuum systems • gas stoves super-cooled liquid may briefly form. When HVP products vapourize, Additional emergency response personnel will be notified and • kitchen fans • clothes dryers • air conditioning they expand (70 to 300 times) and can form a plume, which may drift dispatched to the area to safely manage the emergency. • bathroom fans • gas fireplaces • ventilators downwind from the source under moderate wind speed conditions. • Turn off appliances or equipment that suck in outdoor air, such as Under higher wind speed conditions, the vapour would dissipate • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems faster. • Fans for heat recovery ventilators or energy recovery ventilators • Turn down furnace thermostats to the minimum setting, turn off Main Hazards: air conditioners • Potential explosion hazards from delaying ignition • Leave all inside doors open. of drifting vapour cloud. • Wait in an interior room upstairs for further instruction. • Fire hazard from burning gas and radiant heat. • Avoid using the telephone, except for emergencies, so that you can be • Critical hazard because of oxygen deficiency as expanding gas contacted by Plains emergency response personnel. cloud or plume displaces air at • Call Plains if you are experiencing symptoms, smelling odours or have contacted government agencies (so the response can be coordinated). ground level. • Stay tuned to local radio and television for possible information updates. • Even if you see people outside, do not leave until told to do so. • If you are unable to follow these instructions, please notify Plains emergency response personnel. After the hazardous substance has passed through the area you will receive an “all-clear” message from Plains emergency response personnel. You may also CLICK OR CALL BEFORE YOU DIG receive, if required, instructions to ventilate your building by: To create a safe work environment for everyone, before undertaking • opening all windows and doors • turning on fans any ground disturbance, you must contact your provincial One-Call centre. Go to the One-Call information you need before conducting any • turning up thermostats ground disturbance activity within the prescribed area (which extends 30 metres on each side of the centre line of pipe). You may also require During this time the air outside may be fresher and you may choose to leave written consent for your activity, please contact Plains at your building while ventilating. Once the building is completely ventilated, [email protected] for more information on return all equipment to normal settings and operation. permissions. www.sask1stcall.com 1-866-828-4888 Ignition Procedures www.albertaonecall.com 1-800-242-3447 If it is determined that ignition is required, the Incident Commander is fully authorized to ignite the release at the pipeline, facility or terminal. Ignition of the gas source would ensure your safety if evacuation was not practical.

Rge 16 W5M Rge 16 W5M


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Twp 74

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Twp. Rd. 742


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? ? Twp 74 Twp 74 ? ? Rge 16 W5M Rge 16 W5M

HIGH PRAIRIE AREA OVERVIEW MAP " Third Party Facility " Petroleum River Flow Direction 1:1,000,000 FRACTIONATION PLANT " Facility 8 Surface Development Hydrology HIGH PRAIRIE ERTP UV679 ¯ Y Communication Tower Waterbody ER LESSER Gas Plant RIV C UV749 ART SLAVE HE TH TR LAKE õ OU AV Farm Use Area Urban Area S C ER PMC Facility Boundary RE SE EK D Locked Gate AER Field Centre Draft Date: May 23, 2019 DS Scale: 1:25,000 Map: 8813 Mapped Area Third Party Pipeline UV750 !S Staging Area Revision Date: April 15, 2020 DS UTM ZONE 11 NAD83 Discontinued Oil/LVP Pipeline Alberta Health Services 00.50.25 HIGH PRAIRIE C N Local Authority km UV2 Other Roads Main Hwy RCMP 0 5 10 20 WEST PRAIRIE RIVER km Railway Facility Storage Facility