Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1999 No. 110 Senate The Senate met at 8:31 a.m. and was SCHEDULE be imposed on amounts received, and lands recovered, by Holocaust victims for their called to order by the President pro Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, on be- tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. heirs. half of the leader, I have the following Roth (for Sessions) amendment No. 1412, to statement: provide for the Collegiate Learning and Stu- PRAYER Today, by a previous order, the Sen- dents Savings (CLASS) Act title. The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John ate will begin 30 minutes of debate for Roth (for Collins/Coverdell) modified Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: closing remarks with respect to the amendment No. 1446, to eliminate the 2-per- Dear God, You have taught us that cent floor on miscellaneous itemized deduc- Bingaman amendment regarding edu- tions for qualified professional development yesterday is already a memory and to- cation and the Hutchison amendment and incidental expenses of elementary and morrow is only a vision, but today regarding the marriage tax penalty. secondary school teachers. well-lived makes every yesterday an Two back-to-back votes will then occur Roth (for Abraham) amendment No. 1455, affirmation of Your grace and every to- at approximately 9 a.m. to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 morrow an expectation of Your bless- Following those votes, any additional to expand the deduction for computer dona- ing. Make our life an accumulation of amendments will be limited to 2 min- tions to schools and to allow a tax credit for donated computers. grace-filled days. We’ve learned that utes of debate. Therefore, numerous AMENDMENT NO. 1462 we can’t do much with our yesterdays, votes will occur in a stacked sequence, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under and worry over tomorrow is futile. Liv- and Senators are asked to remain in the previous order, there will now be 15 ing today is so crucial. We want to be the Chamber in order to conclude the faithful and obedient to You today. We minutes equally divided with respect to voting process as early as possible dur- the Bingaman amendment No. 1462. know that anything is possible if we ing today’s session of the Senate. Who yields time? take it in day-sized bites. The dynamic I thank my colleagues for their at- Mr. BINGAMAN addressed the Chair. person You want us to be, the issues we tention and their cooperation. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- want to confront, the people we want I yield the floor. ator from New Mexico. to bless, the projects we want to f Mr. BINGAMAN. How much time is start—all can be done by Your grace RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME allotted to me? today. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Bless the Senators. Enable them to The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ator has 7 minutes 30 seconds. enjoy the sheer delight of glorifying SANTORUM). Under the previous order, Mr. BINGAMAN. I yield myself 4 You by serving this Nation. May they leadership time is reserved. minutes. live Andrew Murray’s motto: ‘‘To be f The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ator is recognized for 4 minutes. thankful for what I have received and TAXPAYER REFUND ACT OF 1999 for what the Lord has prepared is the Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, the surest way to receive more.’’ Amen. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under amendment I presented yesterday and the previous order, the Senate will now that we are going to vote on first this f resume consideration of S. 1429, which morning is a simple statement that we the clerk will report. should reduce the size of the tax cut PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The legislative assistant read as fol- that is proposed by $132 billion so that lows: we will have funds available to main- The Honorable CONRAD BURNS, a A bill (S. 1429) to provide for reconciliation tain the current level of effort in sup- Senator from the State of Montana, led pursuant to section 104 of the concurrent res- port of education. It, I grant you, is a the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: olution on the budget for fiscal year 2000. sense-of-the-Senate resolution. It does I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Pending: not ensure that the money is spent United States of America, and to the Repub- Bingaman amendment No. 1462, to express there, but to my mind it at least re- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, the sense of the Senate regarding investment serves those funds so we can maintain indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. in education. the current level of effort in support of Hutchison modified amendment No. 1472, education. In other words, I believe we f to provide for the relief of the marriage tax should be on record for funding edu- penalty beginning in the year 2001. Roth (for Grassley) amendment No. 1388, cation at least at current levels before RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING we settle on the size of the tax cut that MAJORITY LEADER making technical corrections to the Saver Act. we can afford. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Sen- Roth (for Abraham) amendment No. 1411, Some might ask why am I singling ator DOMENICI is recognized. to provide that no Federal income tax shall out education. Well, S. 1429 is more ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S9885 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:06 Nov 01, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1999SENATE\S30JY9.REC S30JY9 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9886 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 30, 1999 than just a tax bill; it is a reconcili- have extra money that we can turn Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, as I ation bill, which means, at least in around and spend on discretionary ac- said yesterday, I don’t normally take rough form, it purports to set national counts. to the Senate floor and speak in oppo- priorities for the next 10 years. I be- Mr. President, that doesn’t add up in sition to an amendment of my col- lieve that a very top priority should be my mind. I believe discretionary ac- league from New Mexico. But I did yes- providing quality education to the counts are important. I believe edu- terday, and I must this morning be- young people of this Nation. Our future cation has to be at the top of that list. cause if this amendment is reported in depends more on that investment than I do not see where we can expect to New Mexico, and if it says to constitu- it does on virtually any other invest- find the money to maintain current ents of our State that the budget reso- ment we might make. levels of effort on education if we vote lution we adopted, and what will be left So if education is a priority, what is for this very large tax cut. That is why over after the tax cut would decimate the relationship of this tax cut bill to the size of the tax cut should be re- education, then it would appear to me education? Now, as I understand the es- duced so that education programs will that I must answer because that isn’t timates for the next 10 years, the tax not have to be cut. true. cut bill is so large that it will require How much time remains? First of all, the Senator from New us to make significant cuts in discre- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mexico, my colleague, is at least not as tionary spending, including education, ator has 2 minutes 25 seconds. sensational in his approach as the Mr. BINGAMAN. I yield the balance in this coming decade, and that is the President was yesterday. The President of my time to the Senator from Wash- concern I have and that is what has even knows right down to the nickel ington. what is not going to be spent in edu- prompted this amendment. Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I rise Yesterday, as I was describing the cation. That is impossible. He says in support of the amendment offered by amendment, I was informed that my the Senator from New Mexico, Mr. that 544,000 kids aren’t going to be able concern is unfounded; that in fact even to learn to read. That is ludicrous. If BINGAMAN. This is a very important after the tax cut—and I know people do amendment that he has offered. Cer- that is the kind of talk he needs to de- not like to have it referred to as a mas- tainly, as we are talking about what feat a tax bill, then good luck to him. sive tax cut; I notice that is what the the future of our country is going to It is just absolutely untrue. Let’s get the facts as I remember and Wall Street Journal called it this be, we should be looking at what we understand them. We produced a budg- morning in their headline—there will are doing to invest in our young chil- be plenty of discretionary funds for dren today so they can be economically et resolution. It is nothing new with education. That was the information I viable when they graduate from high reference to the taxes; $792 billion was given.