ARCHICAD 20 New Features Demo

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ARCHICAD 20 New Features Demo ARCHICAD 20 New Features Demo GRAPHISOFT PARTNER CONFIDENTIAL! Copyright © 2016 by GRAPHISOFT, all rights reserved. Reproduction, paraphrasing or translation without express prior written perMission is strictly prohibited. Trademarks ARCHICAD® is A registered trAdeMArk of GRAPHISOFT. All other trAdeMArks Are the property of their respective holders. Credits Courtesy of GRAPHISOFT DeAr Presenter! This docuMent contAins the deMo script of the generic ARCHICAD 21 new features demo. The presentation introduces the Most importAnt new feAtures, version Messages and user benefits of Rhino- GrAsshopper-ARCHICAD Connection, ARCHICAD 21, and BIMx. You cAn show this presentation to any pArties however you are not allowed to share the ARCHICAD and BIMx project files other than GRAPHISOT sales chAnnel pArtners. Important note: The deMo files in this pAckAge were custoMized for deMonstrAtion purpose. They do not contain the coMplete building docuMentation and some Model parts May also be Missing, so we highly recoMMend thAt you use theM ONLY for this particular demo. The full presentAtion tAkes About 60 minutes. PleAse wAtch the recorded deMo Movie (included in this pAckAge) for reference. Demo package content: The slide nArrAtion is written in ‘norMAl forMAtted blAck AriAl10 pt’ fonts. The to-do instructions are in ‘(italic formatted blue arial 10 pt)’ fonts. If needed, pleAse locAlize the ARCHICAD file, nArrAtion and slides cArefully. LeArn and prActice the contents, so you can present A high quAlity deMo to your pArtners! If you hAve any questions or encounter any probleMs regArding this demo package, please contact Enikő Paukó ([email protected]) Table of Contents Version InforMAtion ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Before the DeMo ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Rhino-GrAsshopper ................................................................................................................................................. 4 ARCHICAD .............................................................................................................................................................. 4 BIMx ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 ARCHICAD 21 New FeAtures DeMo Script And NArrAtive .......................................................................................... 6 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 ARCHICAD Rhino-GrAsshopper DeMo ................................................................................................................... 6 PPT Slide 08-09. ................................................................................................................................................ 10 ARCHICAD 21 StAir And RAiling DeMo ................................................................................................................. 10 PPT Slide 10-16. ................................................................................................................................................ 10 01. Top-Linked stairs ..................................................................................................................................... 10 02. 2D input ................................................................................................................................................... 11 03. ScheMAtic/DetAiled view ......................................................................................................................... 14 04. Baseline-BoundAry edit ........................................................................................................................... 15 05. Editing CoMponents ................................................................................................................................ 16 06. Railing And BoundAry .............................................................................................................................. 21 07. ExAMples ................................................................................................................................................. 22 PPT Slide 17-18. ................................................................................................................................................ 26 ARCHICAD 21 OPEN BIM And Productivity FeAtures DeMo ................................................................................ 26 PPT Slide 19-23. ................................................................................................................................................ 26 01. Hotlinking IFC .......................................................................................................................................... 26 02. ManAging hotlinked IFC files ................................................................................................................... 27 03. UpdAting Hotlinks .................................................................................................................................... 27 04. ManAging InforMAtion .............................................................................................................................. 28 05. Collision Detection ................................................................................................................................... 31 06. TrAnslAtors ............................................................................................................................................... 32 07. Dashed Lines .......................................................................................................................................... 33 08. DiMensioning ........................................................................................................................................... 33 09. Selective ParAMeter TrAnsfer .................................................................................................................. 34 10. Autotext bAsed LAbels ............................................................................................................................. 34 11. CoMfortAble Section/ElevAtion Control ................................................................................................... 34 12. Multiply Along pAth .................................................................................................................................. 35 13. RandoM plAcing ...................................................................................................................................... 35 14. 3D Styles ................................................................................................................................................. 35 PPT Slide 24 ...................................................................................................................................................... 36 ARCHICAD 21 BIMx-BIMcloud DeMo ................................................................................................................... 36 PPT Slide 25-29 ................................................................................................................................................. 36 01. ShAring Hyper-models ............................................................................................................................. 36 02. BIMx Model TrAnsfer Site ........................................................................................................................ 37 03. Push notificAtion ...................................................................................................................................... 38 04. Deep links froM FAcility MAnAgeMent ..................................................................................................... 38 05. TeAMwork push notificAtions ................................................................................................................... 38 06. ShAring on FAcebook .............................................................................................................................. 39 PPT Slide 30-33 ................................................................................................................................................. 39 Version Information This deMo pAckAge is creAted for ARCHICAD 21 New FeAtures deMo BEFORE the finAl releAse of ARCHICAD 21. You cAn open the files with ARCHICAD 21 RC1 or RC2 or later. The BIMx project is shared in a teMporAry BetA BIMcloud Server using ARCHICAD RC1 version, you Are not Able to shAre your own projects. However, we cAn give you access to use the messAging service necessAry to the BIMx demo. To get a login please contact Enikő Paukó ([email protected]) or István Moharos ([email protected]). After the finAl releAse of ARCHICAD 21, the entire deMo environMent will be moved to the DeMo BIMcloud you cAn access with your own GrAphisoft ID. Once moved, we will releAse a FAst FActs announcement, and stop the Beta BIMcloud Server. The BIMx folder contAins
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