Apr 16, 2013 07:00 BST Get a closer look at the Xperia ZL

Sony Xperia ZL entered the smart phone world with an impressive Guinness World Record, ushering a new era for the . Sony succeeded in forming the largest smart phone mosaic through using in a single mosaic 196 whopping units of Xperia ZL. The breathtaking mosaic was seen by those who attended February’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. The out of this world display measured 1.9m x 1.03m with a surface area of 1.95 square meters as the mosaic was made into a 14 x 14 grid. All the units were synchronized to each other, forming a whole display.

After the grand reveal of the awaited ZL to the Android world, the unit has been made available shortly in European territories as well as in India and North America. After declaring the unit’s price, the model has been experiencing success in pre-orders. For those who are curious about the record breaking Sony Xperia ZL, its specs are certainly fanciable and top of the line. Equipped with a quad core Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064 at 1.5 GHz, it also boasts of a 5-inch full HD touch screen display. With a density of 443ppi, graphics and videos will come alive. With a 2GB RAM and the latest Android 4.1 Jelly Bean OS, the Xperia ZL can be updated to the awaited 4.2 Jelly Bean which will be made available to Android users soon.

With the new Sony Xperia ZL, Sony has once again upped the ante in the smart phone game. By showcasing the phone’s brilliant and true to life graphics during its exhibition in Barcelona, everyone is keen on seeing the phone up close. Along with the other slew of phones Sony is poised to release in the coming months, the anticipation is building from smart phone enthusiasts all over the world.

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