TM Favourite Tale: Storytime WORD and Cut out and arrange our Cinderella word ards and picture cards in the right order, then picture c tell the story out loud.

cinderella fireplace


pumpkin © 2017 TM Favourite : cinderella Storytime

mice lizard


clock glass slipper

© 2017 TM Favourite Fairy Tale: Cinderella Storytime Name Class

Use the pictures below to write Cinderella’s tell the story in your own words. tale

© 2017 Favourite Fairy Tale: Cinderella prince N ame Class Des Charac


jealous c

Mean ribe the


Write themhere! Can youthinkofsomewordstodescribe thePrince? Cinderella

ters sweet

dirty her stepsisters? Circletheminred. Which wordswouldyouusetodescribe Cinderella? Which wordswouldyouusetodescribe



Circle theminblue.


cruel bullying stepsisters Storytime



TM © 2017 TM Favourite Fairy Tale: Cinderella Storytime Name Class

Imagine you are Cinderella before she meets her Cinderella’s fairy godmother. Write a diary entry for a day in her life. What time does she get up and go to bed? What Diary chores does she have to do? How does she feel?

Date dear diary

© 2017

N Favourite Fairy Tale: Cinderella MAGIC MEMORY B. A. C. ame Class What do you get if you add them alltogether? add getifyou them doyou What Howmanymicedoessheusetomake horses?  cinderella make acarriage? How manypumpkinsdoesthefairygodmother useto How manylizardsdoessheusetomake footmen? + + + + sums + + + + + + + + Write youranswersintheboxes. some mathspuzzlesforyou. Cinderella’s fairy godmotherhas + + + + + + + - Storytime = = = = TM Answers :A. 6, B. 7, C. 5, D. 4. Magic Memory: A. 1, B. 6, C. 1, 8 in total. A. 1, B. 6, C. 1, 8 in total. 4. Magic Memory: C. 5, D. 6, B. 7, Answers :A.

© 2017 TM Favourite Fairy Tale: Cinderella Storytime Name Class

Cinderella is at the ball, but the clock isn’t Tell the Time working. Can you draw in the missing hands, so she can tell the time?

7:30 9:10

10:45 11:55 © 2017 Favourite Fairy Tale: Cinderella Finger Puppets Cinderella

sticks andputonyourownCinderellaplay. Cut outthefingerpuppets,gluethemtolollipop 2015 Storytime TM © 2017 TM Favourite Fairy Tale: Cinderella Storytime Name Class

Colour in this picture of Cinderella’s carriage.

© 2017 TM Favourite Fairy Tale: Cinderella Storytime Name Class

Which of these is right for Cinderella Cinderella’s to wear to the ball? Circle it! Slipper

TIP! © 2017 Can you write your own funny version of the story, where Cinderella leaves behind a football boot? How would that change her ? TM Favourite Fairy Tale: Cinderella Storytime Name Class

tion to a invita ball

is invited to

PLACE: date: time:

© 2017