TUGboat, Volume 25 (2004), No. 2 203 The Treasure Chest fonts accfonts in fonts/utilities Programs to generate accented fonts. antt in fonts/psfonts/polish/antt This is a selected list of the packages posted to CTAN Antykwa Toru´nska is a two-element typeface de- from January 2004 through December 2004, with signed by Zygfryd Gardzielewski, a Polish typog- descriptive text pulled from the announcement or rapher. A great variety of characters, including researched and edited for brevity. Please inform us many mathematical symbols, in many weights, are of any errors. included. This installment, like the last, lists entries al- aurical in fonts phabetically within CTAN directories, rather than Calligraphic font resembling handwriting. by date. We’ve also omitted some packages which bera in fonts had only minor updates, again for brevity. New fonts Bera Serif, Bera Sans, and Bera Mono, Hopefully this column and its companions will based on the Vera fonts made freely available by help to make CTAN a more accessible resource to the Bitstream. (Renamed due to the license condi- T X community. Comments are welcome, as always. tions.) E cirth in fonts Tolkien’s Cirth font. Mark LaPlante cm-lgc in fonts/ps-type1 109 Turnbrook Drive Type 1 fonts converted from METAFONT sources of Huntsville, AL 35824 the Computer Modern font families.
[email protected] courier-scaled in fonts/ps-fonts Sets the default typewriter font to Courier with a biblio possible scale factor. dictsym in fonts babelbib in biblio/bibtex/contrib Symbols commonly used in dictionaries. Generates multilingual bibliographies in coopera- esint in fonts/ps-type1 tion with babel.