Ordinary Meeting of Council 18 March 2020
ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 18 MARCH 2020 14.6 AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC - LEASE PROPOSAL FOR SOUTH MELBOURNE TOWN HALL EXECUTIVE MEMBER: CHRIS CARROLL, GENERAL MANAGER, CUSTOMER AND CORPORATE SERVICES PREPARED BY: ANTHONY SAVENKOV, HEAD OF PROPERTY PROJECTS 1. PURPOSE 1.1 To outline an assessment of a proposal from the Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM) to lease the South Melbourne Town Hall, and to recommend a response to that proposal. 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1 The Town Hall is an extraordinarily significant building – a grand architectural presence that shapes the character of Emerald Hill, helps tell the story of the City’s history, and provides a focal point for community gatherings and events, including musical concerts. It is an irreplaceable asset. 2.2 Due to its limited functionality, the local government reforms of the 1990s, and the subsequent expansion and upgrading of the St Kilda Town Hall, the South Melbourne Town Hall serves a far more limited civic role than it once did – at least in the sense of a home for government and public services. 2.3 The most fundamental way to ensure its ongoing place in the community is for it to be used sustainably and to its potential. This is irrespective of who manages it. 2.4 Sustainable uses of the building are limited. For a tenant it has many positive features and attributes – such as its large total floorspace and architectural appeal. Countering this however, are its archaic and inefficient layout, high operating costs, poor natural light, limited views, no off-street parking, and its location outside the suburb’s central activity areas (of Clarendon Street, South Melbourne Market).
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