CSO Pub List Master 6-25-08
1.) A 12CO Map of M82: The Significance of Warm Molecular Gas Ward, J., Zmuidzinas, J., Harris, A. & Isaac, K., 2003, ApJ, 587, 171 2.) A CS J=5-->4 Mapping Survey Toward High-Mass Star-forming Cores Associated with Water Masers Shirley, Y.L., Evans, N.J., Young, ,K.E., Knez, C. & Jaffe, D.T., 2003, ApJS, 149, 375 3.) A Massive Disk/Envelope in Shocked H2 Emission around UCHII Region Kumar, M.S., Fernandes, A.J.L., Hunter, T.R., Davis, C.J. & Kurtz, S., 2003, A & A, 412, 175 4.) A Submillimeter Atmospheric FTS at the Geographic South Pole Chamberlin, R.A., Martin, R., Martin, C.L. & Stark, A., 2003, In `Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy`, T.G. Phillips & J. Zmuidzinas, SPIE 4855 Erratum, pg. 609 5.) A Wide-Bandwidth, Low-Noise SIS Receiver Design for MM & SUBMM Wavelengths Sumner, M., Blain, A., Harris, A., Hu, R., H. LeDuc, Miller, D., Rice, F., Weinreb, S. & Zmuidzinas, J., 2003, In `Proc. Far-IR, SUB-MM & MM Detector Technology Workshop`, J. Wolf, J. Farhoomand, C. McCreight, pg. 195 6.) + Abundant H2D in the pre-stellar core L1544 Caselli, P., van der Tak, F., Ceccarelli, C. & Bacmann, A., 2003, A & A, 403, 37 7.) AFGL 5376: Submillimeter Dust Emission from a Large Scale Shock Region Near the Galactic Center Staguhn, J. G.; Morris, M. R.; Uchida, K. I.; Benford, D. J., 2003, American Astronomical Society Meeting 203, , 112.09 8.) Astronomical demonstration of superconducting bolometer arrays Staguhn, J., Benford, D., Pajot, F., Ames, T, Chervenak, J., Grossman, E., Maffei, B., Moseley, H., P:hillips, T.G., et al., 2003, In `MM &Submm Detectors for Astronomy`, T.G.
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