A&A 393, 425–438 (2002) Astronomy DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20020991 & c ESO 2002 Astrophysics

XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole?

II. Spectral analysis

V. Mainieri1,2,J.Bergeron3,G.Hasinger4,5,I.Lehmann4,P.Rosati2,M.Schmidt6,G.Szokoly4,5, and R. Della Ceca7

1 Dip. di Fisica, Universit`a degli Studi Roma Tre, via della Vasca Navale 84, 00146 Roma, Italy 2 European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, 85748 Garching, Germany 3 Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France 4 Max-Planck-Institut f¨ur extraterrestrische Physik, Giessenbachstrasse PF 1312, 85748 Garching bei Muenchen, Germany 5 Astrophysikalisches Institut, An der Sternwarte 16, Potsdam 14482, Germany 6 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA 7 Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, via Brera 28, 20121 Milano, Italy

Received 8 May 2002 / Accepted 2 July 2002

Abstract. We present the results of the X-ray spectral analysis of the first deep X-ray survey with the XMM-Newton observa- tory during Performance Verification. The X-ray data of the Lockman Hole field and the derived cumulative source counts were reported by Hasinger et al. (2001). We restrict the analysis to the sample of 98 sources with more than 70 net counts (flux limit in the [0.5–7] keV band of 1.6 × 10−15 erg cm−2 s−1) of which 61 have redshift identification. We find no correlation between the spectral index Γ and the intrinsic absorption column density NH and, for both the Type-1 and Type-2 AGN populations, we obtain hΓi'2. The progressive hardening of the mean X-ray source spectrum with decreasing flux is essentially due to an increase in intrinsic absorption. The marked separation between the two AGN populations in several diagnostics diagrams, involving X-ray colour, X-ray flux, optical/near IR colour and optical brightness, is also a consequence of different absorption column densities and enables the classification of optically faint obscured AGN. The Type-2 and obscured AGN have weaker soft X-ray and optical fluxes and redder R − K0 colours. They follow the evolutionary tracks of their host in a color- redshift diagram. About 27% of the subsample with R − K0 colour are EROs (R − K0 ≥ 5) and most of these 18 X-ray selected EROs contain an obscured AGN as revealed by their high X-ray-to-optical/near IR flux ratios. There are six sources in our 44 −1 22 −2 sample with LX[0.5−10] > 10 erg s and log(NH) > 10 cm : which are likely Type-2 QSOs and we thus derive a density of ∼69 objects of this class per square degree.

Key words. surveys – galaxies: active – galaxies: quasars: general – cosmology: diffuse – X-ray: galaxies – X-rays: general

1. Introduction and XMM-Newton (Hasinger et al. 2001, hereafter Paper I) deep surveys; a few objects of this class had already been de- The deep ROSAT survey of the Lockman Hole showed that tected in ROSAT deep and shallower surveys (Lehmann et al. about 80% of the soft (0.5–2 keV) X-ray background (XRB) 2001a; Mittaz et al. 1999). In the hard band (2–10 keV), the is resolved into discrete sources (Hasinger et al. 1998). These X-ray source density derived from the number counts in the two findings have recently been confirmed and strengthened us- Chandra deep surveys is about 4000 deg−2 (Brandt et al. 2001; ing the two deep Chandra surveys of 1 Msec each (Brandt Rosati et al. 2002) resolving ∼85–90% of the 2–10 keV XRB. et al. 2001; Rosati et al. 2002). An important population of This population of X-ray sources show a progressive harden- X-ray sources with hard spectra, most probably obscured ac- ing of the average X-ray spectrum towards fainter fluxes (Tozzi tive galactic nuclei (AGN), is present in the Chandra (Barger et al. 2001; Mittaz et al. 1999). et al. 2001; Hornschemeier et al. 2001; Rosati et al. 2002) The XMM-Newton deep survey ('100 ksec of good quality Send offprint requests to: V. Mainieri, data) of the Lockman Hole was obtained during Performance e-mail: [email protected] Verification. The X-ray data reduction and analysis (restricted ? Based on observations obtained with XMM-Newton,an to sources within a 10 arcmin radius) was reported in Paper I ESA science mission with instruments and contributions directly where it was demonstrated that the different populations funded by ESA Member States and the USA (NASA). of X-ray sources are well separated in X-ray spectral

Article published by EDP Sciences and available at http://www.aanda.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361:20020991 426 V. Mainieri et al.: XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. II. diagnostics based on hardness ratios. The extensive respectively. We have used only EPIC-pn data in this work. optical follow-up programs of this field (Lehmann et al. We restrict the X-ray spectral analysis to sources with more 2001a, and references therein) provide an understanding of than 70 counts in the [0.5–7] keV band after background sub- the physical nature of the X-ray sources. The point sources traction, for which a reasonable parameter fit can be obtained. detected in the soft band by ROSAT are predominantly This defines a sample of 98 sources, of which 76 within an off- unobscured (in both optical and X-ray bands) AGN span- axis angle of 100. The full sample includes 38 Type-1 AGN, ning a wide redshift range. In the XMM-Newton sample, 15 Type-2 AGN, 34 unidentified sources (mostly newly de- there is a significant fraction of sources with hard spectra. tected XMM-Newton sources), four extended sources, two nor- This new population is most probably dominated by in- mal galaxies and five stars. trinsically absorbed AGN. This assumption can be tested using the available optical spectra and, more efficently, by 2.2. The X-ray source catalogue X-ray spectral study. To this aim, we have performed an X-ray spectral analysis The catalogue of the 98 X-ray sources studied here is given in of the sources in the Lockman Hole to understand their physical Table 2. We report in the first two columns the source num- nature combining the X-ray data with the optical/near IR infor- ber and the ROSAT number (if any); in the third column the mation. We also use the subsample with redshift identification classification scheme (see Schmidt et al. 1998): 1 = Type-1 to check the validity of our conclusions concerning the specific AGN, 2 = Type-2 AGN, 3 = , 4 = group/cluster of galax- properties of the obscured AGN population. Preliminary results ies, 5 = star, 9 = unidentified source; in Cols. 4 and 5 the of this work were reported by Mainieri et al. (2002). X-ray source coordinates (J2000). Off-axis angles and ob- In the following we will refer to Type-1 (broad and narrow served counts in the [0.5–7] keV band are reported in Cols. 6 emission lines) and Type-2 (high narrow emission and 7. The X-ray flux is given in three different bands: [0.5– lines) AGN using the optical spectroscopic classification. 2], [2–10] and [5–10] keV (see Table 2 in Paper I for the en- The observations are presented in Sect. 2. The results of ergy conversion factors in the different bands). Columns 11, 12 the spectral analysis are described in Sect. 3, in particular the and 13 give the R and K0 magnitudes, and R−K0 colour respec- range of the X-ray spectral index, the observed NH distribu- tively. In Col. 14, we give the redshift based on low-resolution tion and colour-colour diagnostic diagrams. The optical/near Keck spectra. The column density, log(NH) (in excess to the IR properties are discussed in Sect. 4 together with a compar- galactic ones), and the spectral index Γ as measured from spec- ison with QSO and galaxy evolutionary tracks. The search for tral fitting are reported in Cols. 15 and 16. The errors corre- relations between X-ray and optical/near IR fluxes is presented spond to 90% confidence level for one interesting parameter inSect.5.Theeffect of the absorbing column density on the (∆χ2 = 2.706). The last two columns give the absorbed X-ray X-ray luminosity and the Type-2 QSO candidates are discussed luminosities, which are derived from the X-ray spectra in the in Sect. 6. Representative spectra of the different classes of rest-frame bands: [0.5–2] and [2–10] keV. We assume a critical −1 −1 X-ray sources are given in Sect. 7. Finally, our conclusions are density universe with H0 = 50 km s Mpc and Λ=0. outlined in Sect. 8. 3. Spectral analysis 2. X-ray observations 3.1. Spectra extraction 2.1. Sample definition The purpose of this work is to perform an X-ray spectral anal- The X-ray results reported in this paper are obtained from the ysis of the sources in the Lockman Hole field, taking advan- XMM observation of the Lockman Hole field, centered on the tage of the large collecting area of the XMM-Newton satellite. sky position RA 10:52:43, Dec +57:28:48 (J2000). This is a This represent a step forward respect to the hardness ratios di- region of extremely low Galactic column density, agnostic diagrams and stacking techniques (Tozzi et al. 2001; 19 −2 NH = 5.7 × 10 cm (Lockman et al. 1986). The observa- Alexander et al. 2001a) in which the range of source redshifts tion was performed in five separate revolutions (70, 71, 73, 74 will smear out the signature of absorption and other X-ray spec- and 81) during the period April 27–May 19, 2000 for a total tral features (e.g., the iron Kα line). exposure time of 190 ksec. Due to periods of high background We use an automated procedure to extract the X-ray spectra and flares, the good time intervals added up to approximately of the 98 sources. Firstly, a source catalog is constructed using 100 ksec. the SAS detection algorithm (see Paper I for details on the de- The dataset, the cleaning procedure used, the source detec- tection process). We then perform the source detection using tion and the astrometric corrections are described in details in SExtractor (Bertin et al. 1996) on the same image ([0.5–7] keV Paper I. band). SExtractor yields shape elliptical parameters for each In this work, we use a sample of 192 sources with a likeli- source (the semi-major/minor axes and the orientation angle) hood value >10 (corresponding to ∼4σ; see Paper I), and ex- which are added to the main SAS catalog by cross-correlating tend the analysis to the whole Lockman Hole field of view (in the two source lists. Paper I only sources with off-axis angle <100 were considered). Elliptical parameters for each source are used to define The flux limits of this sample in the [0.5–2], [2–10] and [5– the appropriate region for the extraction of the spectrum, thus 10] keV bands are 0.31, 1.4 and 2.4 × 10−15 erg cm−2 s−1, taking into account the broadening of the PSF at increasing V. Mainieri et al.: XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. II. 427

Fig. 2. Intrinsic NH distribution for sources inside an off-axis angle of 100 with more than 70 counts in the [0.5–7] keV band. The shaded part indicates the sources without redshift, for which the measured NH value represents a lower limit. Fig. 1. The power-law index (Γ)versuslog(NH). Filled cir- cles show the Type-1 AGN spectroscopically identified in the ROSAT Γ ultradeep HRI survey (Lehmann et al. 2001a) and in the on-going In Fig. 1, we plot versus the column density NH for the optical follow-up of the newly detected XMM-Newton sources (PI: sources with known redshifts. This diagram suggests that the Maarten Schmidt), open circles are Type-2 AGN, crosses are three still intrinsic slope of the X-ray spectrum is the same for all the ob- unidentified objects for which we have photometric redshift estima- jects whatever the absorption levels, with hΓi'2. Therefore tions (Lehmann et al. 2001a). The histogram shows the spectral index the increasing hardness of the source spectra at fainter fluxes distribution (shaded area). For both parameters, error bars correspond observed in the Chandra deep fields (Giacconi et al. 2001; to 90% confidence level for one interesting parameter (∆χ2 = 2.706). Tozzi et al. 2001; Brandt et al. 2001) is probably due to intrinsic absorption and not to an intrinsically hard power law. Several teams (Della Ceca et al. 1999b; Akiyama et al. 2000; Fiore off-axis angles. The background region is defined as an et al. 2001; Maiolino et al. 2001a; Page et al. 2001; Reeves annulus around the source, after masking out nearby sources. et al. 2000; Risaliti et al. 2001) reported the existence of AGN The XSELECT tool is used to extract the spectrum, and the optically classified as Type-1 but with an indication of absorp- GRPPHA tool is used to bin the data so as to have at least tion in their X-ray spectra. In our sample, there are seven ob- − 20 counts per bin. In this process, the background count rate is jects with an intrinsic absorption between 1021 and 1022 cm 2 rescaled with the ratio of the source and background areas. which are optically classified as Type-1 AGN. Moreover, the source #96 (ROSAT #39) shows a high intrinsic absorption of +5 × 22 −2 5−3 10 cm while it was optically classified as an unab- 3.2. Spectral parameters sorbed QSO at a redshift of 3.279. In these cases the optical We use XSPEC (v11.1) for the spectral fitting analysis. As a classification is de-coupled from the X-ray classification. This / first approximation, a powerlaw model with an intrinsic ab- could be due to a -to-dust ratio and or a chemical composi- ff sorption (wabs or zwabs if the redshift is known) is used. An tion di erent from those in Galactic interstellar gas (Akiyama additional photoelectric absorption component (wabs)fixedto et al. 2000; Maiolino et al. 2001b). The three sources with pho- 21.5 −2 the Galactic column density is also included in the model. tometric redshifts have an absorption greater than 10 cm R − K0 This fit yields the power-law photon index Γ, the intrinsic which, combined with the colours, suggest that they are probably obscured AGN (Lehmann et al. 2001a). column density NH, and the X-ray luminosity in the [0.5–2] and [2–10] keV rest-frame bands. A clear soft excess is present in several sources (especially the absorbed ones). In order to re- 3.3. Observed NH distribution produce this feature we add two separate components to the baseline model (wabs∗zwabs∗powerlaw): a blackbody or an The NH distribution and its cosmological evolution are key in- extra powerlaw. Extra parameters measured from this compos- gredients in the XRB synthesis models (Comastri et al. 1995; ite fit (second power-law index or blackbody temperature) are Gilli et al. 2001). In Fig. 2 we show the NH distribution for the ff 0 not reported in Table 21. 38 sources with an o -axis angle <10 . In this central region where the exposure time is approximately constant, our thresh- 1 In Sect. 7, we present six spectra and best fit models representative old of 70 counts in the [0.5–7] keV band corresponds to a flux − − − of different classes of objects. of 1.6 × 10 15 erg cm 2 s 1. The surface density of sources 428 V. Mainieri et al.: XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. II.

Fig. 3. X-ray diagnostic diagrams based on hardness ratios. Filled circles show the Type-1 AGN spectroscopically identified in the ROSAT ultradeep HRI survey (Lehmann et al. 2001a) and in the on-going optical follow-up of the newly detected XMM-Newton sources (PI: Maarten Schmidt). Type-2 AGN are marked with open circles and unidentified sources with crosses. The large filled circles are EROs (R − K0 ≥ 5). The sources inside a box are those with an intrinsic log(NH) > 21.5. For clarity, only sources with hardness ratio errors less than 0.1 are plotted. The source #50 is indicated, see Sect. 7.3 for more details. down to this flux limit, ∼1700 deg−2, is in very good agree- These diagrams also suggest that a large fraction of the uniden- ment with that derived from the log N − log S relation given in tified sources (mainly newly detected XMM-Newton sources) Paper I. Therefore our sample can be regarded complete and are X-ray obscured AGN. the derived NH distribution representative of the overal AGN population at the afore mentioned flux limit. 4. Optical properties 4.1. Optical-to-near-IR colours 3.4. X-ray colour-colour diagrams A deep broad-band K0 (1.92–2.29 µm) survey of the Lockman A useful method to constrain the nature of X-ray sources, in Hole region was carried out with the Omega-Prime camera particular when the signal-to-noise ratio is not high enough for (Bizenberger et al. 1998) at the Calar Alto 3.5 m telescope spectral analysis, is to use X-ray colour-colour diagrams (e.g. in 1997 and 1998. This survey covers approximately half the Della Ceca et al. 1999a; Paper I). In Fig. 3 we present two of Lockman Hole field. these diagrams. We have used the energy bands: 0.2–0.5 keV Several X-ray surveys (Hasinger et al. 1999; Giacconi et al. (US), 0.5–2 keV (S), 2–4.5 keV (M) and 4.5–10 keV (H) to de- 2001; Lehmann et al. 2001a; Alexander et al. 2001a) have fine three different hardness ratios: HR1 = (S − US)/(S + US), shown that the R − K0 colour of the optical counterparts of X- HR2 = (M − S)/(M + S), HR3 = (H − M)/(H + M). We use ray sources increases with the optical faintness, and this in a different symbols to indicate Type-1 AGN, Type-2 AGN and more pronounced way than for the field sources (Rosati et al. unidentified sources. The sources with log(NH) > 21.5have 2002). This trend is also evident in the colour-magnitude dia- special labels (square box); when the redshift is unknown, the gram R − K0 versus R shown in Fig. 4a. We note that the still derived column densities are only lower limits. We also high- unidentified objects are significantly redder than the bulk of the − 0 ≥ light the sources with R K 5, usually called Extremely Red identified sources. Using the X-ray information on NH,wealso Objects (see Sect. 4.2 for a discussion of the properties of this find that there is a strong correlation between the X-ray absorp- class of objects). tion and optical colour. For comparison, we also plot the evolu- In both diagrams, Type-1 AGN are confined in a small tionary tracks of an early, late and irregular galaxy type using region, as opposed to Type-2 AGN and unidentified sources the template library of Coleman et al. (1980), whose spectral which are spread over a much broader area with high hardness energy distributions (SEDs) were extended to the near-IR and ratios (see also Paper I). Moreover, using the additional infor- far UV using Bruzual & Charlot (1993) models as updated in mation on the measured intrinsic absorption column density, it 2000 (private communication). Magnitudes are normalized to is now clear that the hardening of non-Type-1 sources is mainly the measured local value K∗ = 10.8, and no dust extinction due to the presence of intrinsic absorption with log(NH) > 21.5 is assumed. The QSO evolutionary track is derived from the superimposed on relatively soft spectra (see Fig. 1), rather than empirical template from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Vanden intrinsically hard spectra (this is also consistent with the fact Berk et al. 2001), together with the models of Granato et al. ∗ = − that Type-1 and Type-2 AGN span similar range in HR3). (1997), normalized to MB 22.4 (for brighter objects the V. Mainieri et al.: XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. II. 429

Fig. 4. Color-magnitude diagram, R − K0 versus R a) and R − K0 versus K0 b), of Lockman Hole sources. Symbols are as in Fig. 3, while field = ∗ = ÷ sources are marked with small dots. The four evolutionary tracks correspond to an unreddened QSO with L LB and z 0 6 (solid line), and to an unreddened elliptical, Sbc and irregular L∗ galaxies (z = 0 ÷ 3) from the Coleman et al. (1980) template library (dashed lines). curve should be shifted to the left), for the extension in the near IR. In the R − K0 versus K0 diagram, shown in Fig. 4b, there is no evident trend between R − K0 colour and near-IR flux. Moreover, the range of K0 magnitudes covered by the Type- 2 AGN and unidentified sources is almost the same as that of the Type-1 AGN population. This is likely due to a combina- tion of a less pronounced absorption effect in the K0 band, a different K-correction for AGN-type spectra (small) and star- like galaxy spectra (large), as well as an increased contribution of the host galaxy light in the K0 band relative to that of the AGN. Consequently the difference in the observed magnitudes between absorbed and unabsorbed sources is smaller than in the R band. The R−K0 versus redshift diagram is shown in Fig. 5 for the subsample with optical identification (redshift and AGN type) and X-ray spectral fit (see also Fig. 7 in Lehmann et al. 2001a). The correlation between optical classification, optical/near IR colour and X-ray absorption is even clearer than in Fig. 4. Most Fig. 5. Optical/near- colours as a function of redshift for a of Type-2 AGN, whose optical colours are dominated by the sample of ROSAT and XMM-Newton sources in the Lockman Hole host galaxy, are also significantly absorbed (log NH > 21.5), with optical spectroscopy. Symbols are as in Fig. 3. The evolutionary whereas Type-1 AGN are unobscured and the emission from tracks shown are the same as in Fig. 4. Type-1 AGN have the typical the central AGN is contributing significantly to their optical blue colour of a QSO and are unabsorbed, Type-2 AGN follow much colours. There are two exceptions, high redshift Type-1 QSOs, redder optical colour tracks expected for their host galaxy – because which are optically unobscured but absorbed in the X-ray band the optical nucleus is obscured – and are intrinsically absorbed. There (see Sect. 7.4): this could indicate a variation in the gas-to- are, however, two high-redshift Type-1 QSOs whith strong X-ray ab- sorption (see Sect. 7.4). dust ratio (Granato et al. 1997; Maiolino et al. 2001a; Maiolino et al. 2001b). The colours of the three sources with photomet- ric redshifts appear to be dominated by the light from their host (PI: Maarten Schmidt). There is an increasing fraction of Type- galaxies. 2 AGN among these fainter X-ray sources, and almost all the The spectroscopic identification is still in progress and, to identified Type-2 AGN are at z < 1. The derived but still pre- date, we have 24 new XMM-Newton sources with measured liminary redshift distribution seems to be in clear disagree- redshift using LRIS at the Keck II telescope in March 2001 ment with predictions from X-ray background models (e.g. 430 V. Mainieri et al.: XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. II.

Table 1. X-ray detected EROs. selected EROs are detected at X-ray energies, and their stacked spectrum is consistent with absorbed objects. In that field 19% Ty-1a Ty-2b Unid.c Absd of the X-ray sources are EROs, down only to the flux limits of R − K0 ≥ 3 12 (24%) 14 (28%) 21 (43%) 20 (41%) our complete sample in the Lockman Hole. R − K0 ≥ 4 2 (6%) 10 (30%) 19 (57%) 16 (48%) R − K0 ≥ 5 0 (0%) 2 (11%) 14 (78%) 12 (67%) 5. X-ray-to-optical flux ratios R − K0 ≥ 6 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 6 (100%) 4 (67%) X-ray-to-optical flux ratios can yield important information on a Type-1 AGN. the nature of X-ray sources (Maccacaro et al. 1988). A value b Type-2 AGN. of −1 < log( fX ) < 1 is a clear sign of AGN activity since fR c Unidentified sources. normal galaxies and stars have usually lower X-ray-to-optical d f Sources with log (NH) > 21.5. flux ratios, log( X ) < −2. In Fig. 6, we plot the X-ray flux in fR [0.5–2.0] (a) and [2.0–10] (b) keV bands as a function of the R Gilli et al. 2001) based on the integrated emission of magnitude for the 98 sources of the sample. A large fraction Type-1 and Type-2 AGN and constrained by deep ROSAT sur- of the sources spans the typical X-ray-to-optical flux ratio of veys (see also Hasinger 2002; Rosati et al. 2002). This calls AGN. While in the soft band (Fig. 6a) the Type-2 AGN and the unidentified sources are confined at the lower fluxes of our for a revision of the evolutionary parameters of these models ff for both the space density of Type-1 and Type-2 AGN and the sample, in the hard band (Fig. 6b), where the e ect of the ab- obscuration fraction (Type-1/Type-2 ratio) as a function of the sorption is weaker, the range of fluxes covered by these sources redshift. The latter is directly related to assumptions in the uni- is almost the same as that of the Type-1 AGN sample. We also note that 32% of the sources are confined in a region with fied AGN scheme. − log( fX [2 10] ) > 1. Among the sources with a high X-ray-to- fR optical flux ratio, ∼85% are heavily absorbed (log(NH) > 21.5) 4.2. X-ray detected Extremely Red Objects and ∼60% are EROs. Their optical classification is still largely incomplete due to their faintness: two are Type-1 AGN, four are In recent years, much efforts have been devoted to understand Type-2 AGN, one is an extended source and 13 are unidentified. the nature of Extremely Red Objects (EROs hereafter). We de- 0 At the current flux limit of our complete sample, the pop- fine EROs as objects with R − K ≥ 52. ulation of objects with very low X-ray-to-optical flux ratio In a recent wide-area survey, Cimatti et al. (2002) have is largely missing. Such a population was unveiled by the spectroscopically identified a sizable sample of field EROs with Chandra deep surveys (Giacconi et al. 2001; Hornschemeier K < 19.2 and found them to be almost equally divided between et al. 2001) and found to comprise normal galaxies and low- old passively evolving ellipticals and dusty star-forming galax- − luminosity AGN (with L < 1042 erg s 1 in the [0.5–10] keV ies at 0.7 < z < 1.5. With XMM-Newton and Chandra obser- X energy band). vations (Alexander et al. 2001b; Brusa et al. 2002), the fraction There are examples in the literature of “X-ray bright” ob- of optical counterparts with extremely red colours has signifi- − jects (L [2–10] > 1041 erg s 1) but without any obvious sig- cantly increased when compared to the first examples of EROs X nature of nuclear activity in the optical spectra (Griffiths et al. found in ROSAT surveys (Lehmann et al. 2001a). 1995; Comastri et al. 2002 and references therein). A heavily In the subsample of 66 X-ray sources with measured R− K0 obscured AGN is among the most likely explanations. In our colour, we find 18 (or 27%) EROs. Two of them are Type-2 sample there are two sources (#60 and #92) optically classified AGN, one is classified as a normal galaxy, one is an extended as normal galaxies (their optical spectra show emission lines source and 14 are unidentified sources; no Type-1 AGN are that declare them as star-forming galaxies) which are how- found. From Table 1, we infer that the fraction of Type-1 AGN 41 0 ever X-ray luminous: LX[2−10] = 3.7 × 10 and LX[2−10] = decreases with increasing values of R−K , whereas the fraction − 1.9 × 1042 erg s 1 respectively. Their X-ray spectra are clearly of unidentified sources and intrinsically absorbed (log(N ) > + + − H absorbed (N = 2 2.8 × 1023 and N = 9 3.2 × 1020 cm 2)rein- 21.5) sources increases. Moreover, all the X-ray detected EROs H −1.6 H −1.4 − forcing the evidence that they contain an obscured AGN. More have an X-ray-to-optical flux ratio log( fX [2 10 keV] ) > 1(see fR examples of this class of objects are expected at the comple- Fig. 6b) and they sample the hardest part of X-ray colour- tion of the optical identification of the newly detected XMM- colour diagrams (see Fig. 3). The X-ray luminosities in the Newton sources. [0.5–10] keV rest-frame energy band of the seven EROs with In Fig. 7, we plot the X-ray flux in [0.5–2.0] (a) and [2.0– known spectroscopic and/or photometric redshift are in the 0 10] (b) keV bands as a function of K magnitudes. In these range 2.6×1042−8×1044 erg s−1. We thus conclude that our X- diagrams, there is a strong overlap between Type-2 AGN and ray selected sample of EROs is heavily dominated by sources unidentified sources and the Type-1 AGN population, more with strong AGN activity and absorbed X-ray spectra (twelve, prounonced in Fig. 7b. The overlap in magnitudes is likely due or 67%, have log(N ) > 21.5). H mainly to a K-correction effect (see also Fig. 4b), whereas in In the 1 Msec observation of the Chandra Deep Field South the X-ray hard band the effect of the absorption is weaker (see (Tozzi et al. 2001; Rosati et al. 2002) about 5% of the optically also Fig. 6b). 2 Other selection criteria have also been used, such as R − K ≥ 5.3 Finally, in the soft band (Figs. 6a and 7a) the fraction of or I − K ≥ 4. absorbed objects increases significantly as the flux decreases. V. Mainieri et al.: XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. II. 431 e X L e X ...... 44.903 ... 44.230 ...... 44.958 ...... 43.072 ... L 43.35644.911 43.715 44.783 44.745 44.276 44.964 44.366 43.880 43.663 44.882 45.088 44.48443.833 44.708 43.365 43.837 43.310 43.631 44.127 42.905 42.922 44.352 44.100 44.239 44.528 43.20243.825 43.288 44.192 44.644 44.258 44.307 44.169 44.634 44.239 44.383 42.362 44.185 43.711 42.32743.018 43.572 43.248 43.284 43.485 44.55541.209 44.552 41.862 42.78944.335 43.304 42.855 44.524 43.879 93 85 53 45 94 87 06 98 56 45 99 86 91 80 35 06 88 65 91 72 12 89 80 61 71 45 38 20 38 91 97 41 28 98 76 56 11 79 50 21 87 40 64 92 90 20 01 59 33 65 07 63 48 15 25 31 89 52 34 30 06 53 75 27 32 88 59 16 83 97 00 57 ...... 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 3 2 d Γ 1.89 2.18 2.03 2.02 2.14 1.67 1.63 2.27 1.50 1.77 1.95 1.81 1.95 2.17 1.90 1.75 1.50 1.49 1.47 c 32 26 30 76 36 30 74 29 90 76 77 39 18 70 63 37 53 06 48 76 32 76 11 76 29 60 30 73 40 83 11 76 41 76 29 72 31 23 ) ...... H 21 21 20 19 21 20 23 23 20 19 22 22 23 22 23 23 22 22 20 19 21 19 21 19 22 21 22 21 22 21 22 19 21 19 22 21 22 21 N log( 22.59 23.51 22.02 . . . phot phot phot g g g z 0 K − R 0 RK b Flux b Flux b [0.5–7] [0.5–2] [2–10] [5–10] [0.5–2] [2–10] f -axis counts Flux ff angle 57 25 43 13.58 6071 11.06 20.31 9.30 ...... 0.205 21.29 57 23 4257 21 17 5.3257 32 7.54 4757 30 681 29 612 8.32 0.86 2.75 1.1157 31 570 58 1.3357 516 28 21 0.77 0.4157 0.62 27 3.18 04 0.62 0.34 22.3 3.57 3.2957 427 20.1 25 18.3 9.37 06 1.15 2.17 426 17.3 4.0 0.4657 0.70 22.9 20 412 4.16 17 2.8 0.54 22.1 18.0 1.28 0.761 0.6557 18.8 368 18 9.21 52 0.467 0.75 4.9 0.6457 30 10 0.89 0.00 3.3 0.61 11.0657 25.0 0.45 332 32 22 0.990 0.00 0.56 19.6 20.4 1.75 2.83 1.676 0.72 23.50 0.32 28757 20.8 36 17.7 2.81 5.36 50 5.457 0.00 25 286 18.6 50 1.51 0.00 0.47 2.7 1.94 21.1 277 8.05 2.2 0.35 0.75 18.0 1.56 0.52 3.79 1.568 0.39 25.5 224 1.720 0.64 3.1 0.0057 21 19.3 216 21 0.50 0.00 21.2 0.2857 0.00 28 00 1.527 0.00 6.2 0.16 0.00 22.4 ... 2.12 7.45 0.81 2.71 22.0 18.0 1.66 0.79 0.72 0.00 0.49 199 ... 19.5 4.4 0.49 191 18.8 2.35 2.5 0.30 0.711 24.6 ... 1.009 0.19 18.3 0.29 20.32 1.872 20.94 ... 0.44 6.3 20.73 0.00 0.34 20.5 0.137 ... 24.4 19.0 22.26 19.1 1.5 22.04 5.3 2.832 1.21 0.00 2.12 57 24 3257 35 5257 25 4.28 4357 34 39 8.40 444057 31 05 7.65 359057 11.30 42 10 5.87 316457 24 56 7.95 1958 5.9057 13.58 38 01 6.02 4.73 1537 7.64 8.60 4.66 1271 2.97 11.67 6.45 3.16 1208 3.86 17.9 0.65 3.58 962 2.62 18.8 16.1 3.15 0.00 1.84 0.00 19.5 16.6 1.8 2.42 1.33 ... 17.2 2.21 2.2 0.00 19.4 0.00 1.113 2.3 ... 1.16 ... 16.3 1.204 0.00 20.5 0.784 0.00 3.1 ...... 17.7 ... 0.00 2.49 0.586 0.00 2.8 ...... 1.91 2.02 1.956 0.00 ...... 2.50 0.00 ...... 1.93 ...... 57 28 41 8.33 746 1.17 1.69 0.50 20.8 18.0 2.8 1.816 0.00 1.89 57 34 36 8.7457 39 13 744 10.57 1.2457 35 27 599 1.60 13.09 1.14 0.74 511 21.2 1.5557 37 18.3 57 1.35 0.48 2.957 ... 33 1.44 9.53 22 0.877 0.63 ... 387 4.62 20.20 ...... 0.63 352 ... 1.06 1.437 0.17 ... 21.03 0.48 2.03 21.0 1.61 ... 18.3 22.6 2.7 17.5 0.00 1.881 5.1 2.29 57 29 24 0.707 0.00 23.01 1.94 4.92 187 0.15 0.84 0.34 21.8 17.5 4.3 0.708 21.93 57 29 24 2.87 443 0.76 0.8157 30 35 0.00 22.0 8.99 17.557 15 321 45 4.5 0.34 13.04 0.78857 27 37 1.27 20.79 25057 28 07 10.1157 1.02 31 05 0.57 22.9 7.87 209 0.46 19.5 2.40 207 0.16 3.4 0.00 206 0.3057 ... 30 1.24 40 0.780 0.26 0.45 0.60 ... 22.27 11.90 0.47 23.6 0.00 ... 178 20.0 0.32 21.2 20.9 19.2 3.6 0.43 2.144 16.1 2.0 0.00 ... 4.8 0.00 3.409 0.00 2.29 22.15 0.708 21.08 ... 20.99 ...... 57 20 36 13.72 179 0.44 0.00 0.00 ...... 0.00 2.74 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + RA Dec O a X-ray catalogue. 1 282105421.3 2 321105239.6 3 61105316.8 4 291105335.1 5 85105130.9 6 161105339.7 7 05105300.5 8 311105331.9 9 232 5 10 53 36.3 111213 9 51314 1 3715 116 2 10 1 51 54.3 10 12 5217 54.4 1 77 10 52 48.1 219 0 10 1 52 30.1 1020 51 48.6 9 14 1021 52 59.1 12022 10 9 54 07.1 2723 1 1024 5 52 42.2 1 10 30 5325 09.3 1 10 0 53 51.5 1 8427 10 53 02.5 2 1028 52 57.3 9 4529 10 52 37.8 23 10 52 17.0 2 1331 132 10 53 19.2 1 104 10 52 24.6 491 10 2 52 13.1 9 10 5236 41.3 10 5237 25.3 81438 486 1 9 0 10 52 45.2 10 2 52 43.2 10 52 06.6 10 25 1 10 53 44.9 18 426 1 10 53 03.8 26 117 230 10 53 48.6 5233 134 12335 10 52 43.4 80 9 116 1 10 51 28.3 2 1039 51 44.6 10 5240 37.5 0 20 9 5 10 54 04.5 10 54 10.5 Table 2. XID Rosat Type 432 V. Mainieri et al.: XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. II. e X L e X ... 45.000 ...... 43.715 ...... L 42.41344.004 43.613 44.478 44.439 44.651 41.020 41.831 41.03142.952 42.219 43.626 43.198 43.514 44.061 43.108 43.539 43.256 42.53843.604 42.996 43.640 44.13940.228 44.546 41.566 42.701 42.663 43.022 43.471 42.521 42.843 43.725 44.007 85 33 24 59 15 55 55 91 76 96 74 00 82 17 34 63 90 26 02 93 21 41 08 49 58 93 45 92 58 14 21 35 82 06 74 49 18 18 73 66 25 21 60 95 91 77 60 40 69 89 73 16 09 02 93 38 30 33 64 28 38 38 30 22 27 64 05 59 ...... 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 9 0 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 d Γ 2.00 1.89 1.84 1.75 1.51 1.83 1.91 1.52 2.97 1.77 2.18 2.34 1.81 2.56 2.69 2.08 1.65 1.74 1.74 1.77 1.68 c 80 31 75 76 32 76 83 95 55 28 16 56 00 76 85 76 82 37 73 76 60 76 00 76 84 00 65 76 71 82 15 76 34 76 39 40 42 65 54 63 64 76 ) ...... H 23 23 21 19 22 19 22 21 22 21 22 21 21 19 20 19 23 23 21 19 20 19 20 19 21 20 21 19 23 22 21 19 21 19 22 21 22 21 22 21 21 19 N log( z 0 K − R 0 RK b Flux b Flux b [0.5–7] [0.5–2] [2–10] [5–10] [0.5–2] [2–10] f -axis counts Flux ff angle 57 28 10 3.08 176 0.00 0.88 1.15 23.1 17.8 5.3 0.792 23.55 57 28 5257 30 48 5.26 10.6257 26 30 170 161 4.91 0.25 0.27 158 0.26 0.33 0.1457 0.00 31 05 0.5757 28 22.7 19 0.64 19.357 21 18.7 3.03 04 17.657 0.00 34 5.62 25 4.0 136 24.3 9.96 1.7 132 2.340 19.0 6.88 0.17 3.41057 23 130 21.43 02 5.3 0.2457 21.84 37 128 34 0.26 0.2757 15 05 6.22 0.41 ... 0.19 0.00 9.22 0.33 14.11 0.00 22.6 125 21.95 0.28 0.00 123 22.4 19.5 122 0.22 0.00 21.3 18.8 3.1 0.28 22.7 ... 0.27 0.21 3.6 19.1 0.993 0.00 0.00 0.28 1.598 ... 3.657 0.00 23 0.00 22.5 56 21.20 0.0057 25 1.145 15.9 13 18.6 1.213 1.78 57 23 ... 08 20.34 5.27 ... 3.9 0.00 9.81 ... 100 6.86 1.524 ... 2.24 21.34 98 ...57 0.17 30 42 97 ... 0.21 2.416 0.25 9.02 0.13 0.27 ... 0.00 0.00 0.23 26.6 92 0.00 1.66 0.00 19.9 ...... 57 35 0.13 18 23.2 ...... 0.34 ... 10.01 ...... 0.340 0.00 ... 88 22.2 0.033 ...... 1.544 19.0 0.20 ... 3.2 0.00 0.42 ... 0.894 1.43 0.00 ... 20.20 42.173 22.8 42.546 39.754 17.2 39.902 5.6 1.250 ...... 43.843 44.022 57 34 25 6.3957 23 159 06 0.2257 28 6.46 59 0.26 147 1.36 0.00 0.19 20.3 138 18.4 0.28 0.05 1.9 0.00 0.33 24.1 2.949 1.25 19.8 0.00 15.3 4.3 11.9 2.21 ... 3.4 20.52 0.204 23.64 57 22 51 6.40 10157 25 06 0.18 5.41 0.00 0.00 94 21.3 0.14 17.857 29 23 3.5 0.00 10.14 0.807 0.00 22.8 0.00 89 19.0 2.25 0.15 3.8 0.00 0.960 0.00 0.00 22.5 1.64 ...... 1.843 0.00 1.84 57 28 16 8.77 148 0.18 0.4257 30 57 0.00 12.00 25.5 18.5 127 7.057 36 22 0.3157 41 28 ... 7.60 0.37 12.69 21.88 0.00 121 118 ... 0.00 0.25 ... 0.72 0.26 ... 1.12 0.00 17.9 ...... 57 24 30 19.92 ...... 57 35 4.55 46 ... 0.118 6.97 23.35 94 ... 0.00 91 20.51 0.49 0.14 0.34 0.00 24.1 0.00 19.6 ... 4.5 ...... 0.00 1.66 ...... 57 34 12 7.23 87 0.12 0.27 0.00 23.1 ...... 57 34 02 5.3157 26 35 149 12.47 0.14 142 0.52 0.25 0.4257 32 24.2 0.36 00 ... 0.00 3.41 ...... 125 ... 0.164 0.1657 15 21.85 00 ...57 31 33 0.28 14.0357 25 16 ...57 32 0.00 3.03 04 113 21.3 7.31 19.90 106 16.8 5.38 0.18 104 4.5 0.07 102 0.2857 0.15 24 51 0.664 0.45 0.00 0.06 21.41 0.00 0.00 5.90 ... 0.53 0.00 19.1 ... 0.00 25.9 16.0 9557 30 35 25.3 19.7 3.1 ...57 29 0.04 34 19.5 6.257 33 7.78 51 ... 5.8 0.53 ... 6.45 ... 9.98 21.97 91 0.00 20.75 ... 90 24.5 0.00 0.18 22.04 90 19.4 0.12 1.84 0.00 5.1 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 ... 0.00 25.6 0.00 24.7 19.2 22.12 20.4 ... 6.4 4.3 ...... 0.00 0.00 ... 1.96 1.63 0.00 1.91 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + RA Dec O a continued. 41 0 2 10 53 05.4 4243 821 7545 1 1 430 10 5347 22.1 10 9 51 25.3 0 10 53 15.3 95152 10 53 48.1 1853 42854 1 3855 1 804 10 52 28.2 1 10 5357 24.6 0 158 10 53 29.6 9 10 36 53 12.4 80260 10 1 54 10.9 61 5 10 0 52 25.7 10 52 21.9 0 3 9 10 52 47.6 10 52 48.5 67 34 472 10 52 58.2 7374 0 19 9 0 1 10 52 31.8 9 10 51 37.3 79 10 52 43.4 228 4 10 53 39.8 59 54 1 10 53 07.7 6869 128 634 4 1 10 53 50.8 10 53 11.6 80 0 9 10 52 07.2 44 47746 148 0 10 5349 05.6 607 150 0 9 10 901 52 36.7 9 10 52 20.2 2 10 51 11.8 10 52 53.0 56 0 2 10 52 51.6 626364 065 0 966 0 2 0 10 53 870 01.8 9 10 52 52.1 9 1 10 53 30.5 70 10 52 11.1 1071 52 25.4 0 82 9 175 10 53 15.5 76 10 53 12.3 77 078 0 9 0 861 9 10 51 46.6 9 1 10 51 55.3 10 53 47.1 10 53 58.3 Table 2. XID Rosat Type V. Mainieri et al.: XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. II. 433 e X L e X ...... 44.472 ...... L 41.890 42.901 42.309 43.115 41.853 42.282 42.862 43.123 42.097 42.719 06 . 98 39 24 71 80 40 23 83 39 47 03 52 37 26 65 68 37 20 53 10 90 30 56 69 20 00 33 78 51 21 ...... 31 0 . 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 0 1 1 d 2 − Γ 1.22 1.10 1.42 2.42 1.06 1.61 2.12 2.55 1.36 1.13 c 24 00 70 95 37 18 53 90 57 76 52 90 66 78 85 76 00 30 01 76 ) ...... H 22 20 22 21 22 21 21 20 21 19 22 20 21 20 22 19 23 22 22 19 N log( z 0 K − R 0 RK b Flux b unidentified source. = Flux star, 9 = b cluster, 5 / group = [0.5–7] [0.5–2] [2–10] [5–10] [0.5–2] [2–10] . ) and 90% confidence range. 1 2 − − f cm 19 -axis counts Flux galaxy, 4 ff 10 angle = × 7 . 5 ∼ 57 31 51 3.44 87 0.08 0.28 0.33 22.9 ...... 21.71 57 22 51 6.3057 33 30 71 5.14 0.13 71 0.00 0.09 0.00 22.2 0.00 18.0 0.00 4.2 22.1 18.4 0.762 21.36 3.7 0.696 21.08 57 31 48 5.98 7857 26 59 0.1057 33 35 0.27 11.2257 30 43 5.24 0.0057 25 73 6.70 03 25.5 72 19.3 0.12 4.05 7257 30 6.2 0.10 39 0.00 0.09 71 0.00 ... 0.00 1.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 ... 21.53 0.00 70 24.3 0.23 ... 24.2 19.0 0.07 0.38 20.1 5.3 ... 24.8 0.00 4.1 19.8 0.417 ... 0.00 20.97 ... 5.0 25.5 20.3 ...... 0.00 5.2 22.28 1.89 ...... 0.00 1.46 ... 57 16 0357 39 23 12.7757 25 21 12.3957 26 86 7.90 0657 25 81 32 0.1557 20 48 9.01 80 0.00 4.16 0.0057 24 9.36 0.07 20 75 0.64 0.00 75 0.34 0.61 7.27 0.10 73 ... 0.09 0.00 ... 0.00 ... 0.15 73 21.8 0.00 ... 0.39 17.4 0.0057 21 ... 0.07 04 0.00 23.2 4.4 ... 0.00 24.7 19.6 0.20 8.94 ... 17.5 19.6 0.676 3.6 ... 0.32 21.97 ... 5.1 71 0.00 22.2 22.04 ... 19.4 ...... 0.14 1.98 2.8 0.00 0.340 0.00 0.00 0.974 2.00 0.00 ... 1.63 0.00 21.7 20.6 0.67 ... 1.1 42.336 3.281 42.279 22.69 57 29 11 0.41 73 0.08 0.20 0.00 24.0 19.8 4.2 ... 19.60 Type2 AGN, 3 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + = RA Dec O . 2 − Type1 AGN, 2 cm = 1 a − erg s 14 − continued. 81 0 9 10 52 54.8 85 0 9 10 53 21.4 919293 0 0 9 2195 3 10 9 51 20.6 0 10 52 58.6 98 10 51 55.1 9 0 10 52 31.5 9 10 52 41.5 828384 0 0 986 0 987 10 52 37.0 288 0 10 53 30.9 0 10 51 50.1 9 4190 9 10 4 53 46.9 33 10 52 23.8 10 53 19.0 194 10 52 00.3 4349697 2 39 108 10 52 58.4 1 2 10 52 09.7 10 52 27.8 89 0 9 10 52 42.3 In arcmin. Spectral Index and 90% confidence range. Optical classification: 1 In units of 10 Photometric redshifts (see Lehmann et al. 2001a). Intrinsic absorption in excess to the Galactic ones ( Log of observed luminosity in the rest-frame band, in units of erg s f Table 2. XID Rosat Type a b c d e g 434 V. Mainieri et al.: XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. II.

Fig. 6. X-ray flux in the [0.5–2.0] a) and [2.0–10.] b) keV bands versus optical R magnitudes for those sources in the Lockman Hole with available R band photometry. Symbols are as in Fig. 3. The dashed lines are X-ray-to-optical flux ratio log( fX )of−1, 0 and 1. fR

Fig. 7. X-ray flux in the [0.5–2.0] a) and [2.0–10.] b) keV bands versus optical K0 magnitudes for those sources in the Lockman Hole with available K0 band photometry. Symbols are as in Fig. 3.

This inevitably leads, in a flux limited sample, to a bias in Type-1 (1 × 1042–2 × 1045 erg s−1) and Type-2 AGN (1 × 1042– 44 −1 the NH distribution at high value of NH (see Fig. 2). 2 × 10 erg s ) is comparable. We have derived the unab- sorbed luminosities for objects with log(NH) > 21.5andre- ported them in Fig. 8 as arrows. In the soft band (Fig. 8a), 6. X-ray luminosity and Type-2 QSO candidates where the effect of absorption is stronger, luminosities increase substantially and the range of intrinsic luminosities of Type-2 ∼ We have redshifts (and luminosities) for 61 objects or 62% AGN fall in the same range as that of Type-1’s (see also Gilli of the sample with X-ray spectral analysis. In Fig. 8, we plot et al., in preparation). In Fig. 8b, we have highlighted the X-ray luminosity in the [0.5–2] (a) and [0.5–10] (b) keV rest- 44 −1 region where LX[0.5−10] > 10 erg s and log(NH) > frame bands as a function of the log(NH). Type-1 AGN (objects 22 cm−2, i.e. the “Type-2 QSO region”. Six objects fall in- × 41 −1 without soft absorption) cover a range between 1 10 erg s side this area: one is optically classified as a Type-1 AGN (see × 44 −1 and 9 10 erg s in the [0.5–2] keV band; whereas ab- Sect. 7.4 for more details), two are Type-2 AGN. For the re- × 41 sorbed Type-2 AGN have luminosities in the range 1 10 – maining three, we derived photometric redshifts and due to × 43 −1 ff 2 10 erg s . In the total band (Fig. 8b) the e ect of their X-ray absorption and optical/near-IR colours are likely absorption is less evident so that the range of luminosity of V. Mainieri et al.: XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. II. 435

Fig. 8. X-ray luminosity in the [0.5–2] a) and [0.5–10] b) keV rest-frame band versus the logarithm of the column density NH. Symbols are as in Fig. 3. Arrows show luminosities corrected for intrinsic absorption. The dashed lines in panel b) define the “Type-2 QSO region”.

Fig. 9. X-ray luminosity in the [2–10] keV rest-frame band versus redshift. Symbols are as in Fig. 2. The dashed line shows the current limit in the X-ray flux of our sample.

Type-2 AGN. Four of them are also EROs. We argue that these The redshift of the sources are reported in Lehmann et al. six sources are reliable Type-2 QSO candidates. All of them are (2001a). Sources with interesting line features will be reported within an off-axis angle of 100 where the sample is complete in a future work (Hasinger et al. 2002, in preparation). (see Sect. 3.3) and we thus derive a density of ∼69 objects of this class per square degree. 7.1. Unabsorbed sources In Fig. 9, we show the X-ray luminosity as a function of redshift, using the observed hard band luminosity which is rel- Source #4 (ROSAT #29): this source was already observed atively unaffected by absorption. by ROSAT (Lehmann et al. 2000) and optically classified as a Type-1 AGN at z = 0.784. This is one of the brightest sources in our sample (3164 EPIC-pn counts in the [0.5–7] keV 7. High S/N spectra 2 = band). This source is very well fitted (χν 1.03) by a sim- Γ= +0.04 In Fig. 10 we show six X-ray spectra representative of the dif- ple power law model with 2.02−0.04 and NH consis- ferent classes of objects in our sample. The source numbers tent with the Galactic value (5.7 × 1019 cm−2). We measure 44 −1 refer to the catalogue presented in this work, for reference we LX = 4.2 × 10 erg s in the [0.5–10] keV rest-frame band, give also the ROSAT catalogue numbers (Hasinger et al. 1998). and log( fx ) = 0.6. fR 436 V. Mainieri et al.: XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. II.

Fig. 10. XMM EPIC-pn CCD spectra and best fit models. Top: source #4 (ROSAT #29) and source #6 (ROSAT #16); middle: source #25 (ROSAT #84) and source #26 (ROSAT #117); bottom: source #50 (ROSAT #901) and source #96 (ROSAT #39).

Γ= +0.08 Source #6 (ROSAT #16): it was observed by ROSAT with 2.47−0.03 and NH consistent with the Galactic value 19 −2 44 −1 (Schmidt et al.1998) and classified as a Type-1 AGN at z = (5.7 × 10 cm ). It has LX = 1.2 × 10 erg s in the [0.5– 0.586. This source (1537 EPIC-pn counts in the [0.5–7] keV 10] keV rest-frame band. 2 = band) is well fitted (χν 1.15) by a simple power law model V. Mainieri et al.: XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. II. 437

7.2. Absorbed sources served in Chandra deep fields (Giacconi et al. 2001; Tozzi et al. 2001; Brandt et al. 2001) is mainly due to the increasing level Source #25 (ROSAT #84): this object was part of the ROSAT of intrinsic absorption rather than intrinsically flat spectra. ultradeep HRI survey (Hasinger et al. 1998). Lehmann et al. 0 We confirm that the R − K colours of X-ray counterparts (2001a) give a photometric redshift z = 2.71+0.29.The phot −0.41 get redder towards fainter R magnitudes. Such a trend is not spectrum extracted from the EPIC-pn data (332 counts in the 0 present between R − K and the K0 magnitude; this is likely due [0.5–7] keV band) is well fitted (χ2 = 1.09) by a wabs ∗ ν to a combination of a less pronounced absorption effect in this zwabs(powerlaw) model, with an intrinsic absorption of N = H band, a different K-correction for AGN-type spectra (small) 3+1 × 1023 cm−2 and Γ=2.3+0.3; the unabsorbed rest-frame lu- −1 −0.3 and star-like galaxy spectra (large), as well as an increased con- minosity in the [0.5–10] keV band is L = 5.49 × 1045 erg s−1. X tribution of the host galaxy light in the K0 band relative to that Source #26 (ROSAT #117): was observed by ROSAT of the AGN. (Schmidt et al. 1998) and optically classified as a Type-2 AGN Comparing the R − K0 colours of the X-ray sources with at z = 0.780. From the fit of the X-ray spectra we get the + − + evolutionary tracks of various galaxy-types as a function of values, N = 2 1 × 1022 cm 2 and Γ=1.5 0.4. The unab- H −1 −0.3 redshift, we find that Type-2 AGN have colours dominated by sorbed X-ray luminosity in the [0.5–10] keV rest-frame band − the host galaxy and are also significantly absorbed (log N > is L = 4 × 1043 erg s 1. H X 21.5). On the other hand, for Type-1 AGN, the large major- ity of which are unabsorbed, the nuclear component is signifi- 7.3. Multi component spectra cantly contributing to their optical colours. In addition, there is a strong correlation between the R − K0 colour and the amount Source #50 (ROSAT #901): this source was classified as a of intrinsic X-ray absorption. Type-2 AGN at z = 0.204 by Lehmann et al. (2001a). As noted We have also defined an X-ray selected sample of 18 EROs in Paper I, a very soft component superimposed on a heavy 0 (R − K ≥ 5) and found that it mainly comprises X-ray ab- absorbed power law, is likely present in this source as sug- sorbed objects with a strong correlation between colour and gested by the unusually large value of the hardness ratio HR3. intrinsic column density. The XMM-Newton spectrum clearly shows such a feature. By We have derived the unabsorbed rest-frame luminosities of fitting a double power law model (wabs(zwabs(powerlaw) + + − + the sources with strong intrinsic absorption. There are six ab- powerlaw)), we obtain: N = 4 2.5 × 1023 cm 2, Γ=3 1 H −1.5 −1 − Γ= +0.4 sorbed, bright X-ray objects in our sample with LX[0.5 10] > for the hard component and 3.3−0.5 for the soft compo- 44 −1 22 −2 2 = 10 erg s and log(NH) > 10 cm : one is an optically clas- nent (χν 1.2). We also find an unabsorbed X-ray luminosity 43 −1 sified Type-1 QSO (source #96 see Sect. 7.4), two are Type-2 LX = 5.7 × 10 erg s in the [0.5–10] keV rest-frame band f AGN and the remaining three have a photometric redshift and and a ratio log ( x ) = −2.4, unusually low for an AGN, which fR due to their X-ray absorption and optical/near-IR colours likely is probably due to the strong intrinsic absorption. Type-2 AGN. Four of them are also EROs (R − K0 ≥ 5). These are likely to be Type-2 QSO candidates and we derive a density 7.4. Type-1 QSO with X-ray absorption of ∼69 objects of this class per square degree at a flux limit in the [0.5–7] keV band of 1.6 × 10−15 erg cm−2 s−1. Source #96 (ROSAT #39): this object is optically classified as Our analysis of the unidentified sources (mostly newly de- a Type-1 QSO at z = 3.279 (Lehmann et al., 2001a). A clear tected XMM sources) shows that the majority of these sources absorption is present in the X-ray spectrum and the fit yields have absorbed X-ray spectra and are consequently located in N = 5+5 × 1022 cm−2. As already argued in Sect. 3.2, this H −3 the harder part of the diagnostic X-ray colour-colour diagrams. mismatch between the optical and X-ray classifications could They are also optically fainter (∼80% of them have R > 24) be due to a gas-to-dust ratio or a chemical composition different and their optical-to-near-IR colours are redder (∼90% have from that of the Galactic interstellar gas (Akiyama et al. 2000; R − K0 ≥ 4) than already identified sources. Their X-ray-to- Maiolino et al. 2001b). − optical flux ratios are log( fX [2 10] ) > 1. From these properties, fR we argue that the majority of these sources are Type-2 AGN. 8. Conclusions This is confirmed by our on-going optical spectroscopic survey which is showing that the bulk of these sources is at z < 1. We have discussed the X-ray spectral properties of a sample of Two X-ray bright optically “normal” galaxies are present in 98 sources found in the 100 ksec XMM-Newton observation our sample. Their X-ray spectra are clearly absorbed suggest- of the Lockman Hole, using data from the EPIC-pn detector. ing the presence of an obscured AGN. We expect this class of The large throughput and the unprecedented sensitivity at high objects to increase from the optical identification of the newly energies of the X-ray telescope and detectors allow us, for the detected XMM-Newton sources. first time, to measure separetely the intrinsic absorption and the slope of the power law emission spectrum for the faint source Γ Acknowledgements. We thank Andrea Comastri, Roberto Gilli, population. We have derived the spectral index ( ) and the col- Giorgio Matt and Paolo Tozzi for useful comments and discussions. umn density (NH) for sources with more than 70 counts in the We thank the referee, X. Barcons, for helpful comments that improved [0.5–7] keV band. We find that the value of Γ is independent the manuscript. RDC acknowledge financial support from the Italian of the absorption level with < Γ > ≈ 2. Thus, we infer that the Space Agency, ASI (I/R/037/01), under the project “Cosmologia progressive hardening of the X-ray spectra of faint sources ob- Osservativa con XMM-Newton”. 438 V. Mainieri et al.: XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. II.

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