PANAMA CITY INDEPENDENCE DAY | A7 JULY 4 IN BAY COUNTY See reader and staff photos from events across the county Thursday, July 5, 2018 @The_News_Herald 75¢ PCB seeks 18 new fi refi ghters New fi re station who has been employed with firefighter.” range is $32,086 to $52,942 said there still is a high level set to open in 2019 Panama City Beach for three In May, the Beach City for firefighters; $40,951 to of interest for those looking to years, said it’s a tough job, but Council voted to update its $67,569 for a firefighter EMT; tap into the profession. By Tyra L. Jackson the payoff is worth it. compensation plan to pro- and $57,622 to $97,957 for a “People still are inter- 850-522-5121 | @TyraJackPCNH “I do enjoy being a part vide a 5 percent pay increase fire captain. ested in being a firefighter. It
[email protected] of a work family that cares to public safety officials. Plus, said Fire Chief Larry remains a great profession,” for each other like their own First responders were on the Couch said, there is room for he said. “After 9/11, every- PANAMA CITY BEACH — family,” Conrad said. “The receiving end of that increase. advancement. one wanted to be a firefighter Panama City Beach officials best part, though, is knowing The base salary for a fire- Couch said recruitment for or police officer. There was are looking for 18 people to that you’ve got a chance to fighter now is about $34,000, firefighters is low across the great patriotism in our coun- fill new firefighting positions make a difference in some- plus incentives if they are state, but especially in the try, and these first responder at the city’s new $3 million fire body’s life every time you step a paramedic or an experi- Panhandle, as many young jobs were very attractive.