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The! Clinton Independent. VOL XXXI—NO. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1897. WHOLE NO.—16( Loral Brevities. PERSONAL. St. Johns . Mich , July 18,1897. To Whom it May Concern :— —This is Ringling Rros' day in St. Harry H. Pouch went to Detroit yesterday. Johns. ANOTHER OLD PIONEER The undersigned hereby confesses that BY ONE-HALF SECOND. Harry Waldron spent Sunday In Durand. CLINTON FAIR. mm she lias made statements to different —Mrs. Charles Fowler entertained Ellla Gould went to Ionia Monday on busi parties derogatory to the character of Shaffer DefeatedScotney Friday about fifteen friends Saturday evening. In the Person of William Roberts ness. A Bountiful Harvest the Fore Prudence B. Tripp, of St. Johns, Mich.; -Charles B. Ingersoll. w’ho was very Has Been Called up Higher. Loab Stowell has been visiting friends in runner of a Big Show. that said statements were made by me Evening. sick last week, has so far recovered as Ovid. without any knowledge upon my part of to be able to attend to business. Hoy Boll, of Maple Rapids, was In town yes their truth ; and I hereby retract all that The Tie* Which Had Bound Him and HI* terday. WITH A UNITED EFFORT WE MAY EX I have said derogatory to the character VERY GOOD TIME MADE CONSIDER —Mrs. Mary E Strickland continues to improve from dav to dav. However, Faithful Wife Together for Nearly 4B John tylckels went to Big Rapids Monday PERIENCE ALL IN STORE FOR US. and reputation of Prudence B. Tripp; ING NATl'KE OF THE TRACK. it is still necessary to keep herquiet. Year*, Have Beeu Severed, Only to he to work. and hereby further certify that 1 know Re-united In the New and Better Life, J. H. Fedawa transacted business In Fowler Generou* Nature Ha* Doue Her Full of no;fact or circumstance that would re — Reraenyi will be assisted by Louise yesterday. flect in any way upon her moral charac Shufler Made the Half In 1:08«, WhileScot- M. Brehany. mezzo soprano, and Wm. * William Roberts, who had been seri .Share, Now Let Meu aud Women do Sauvlet. pianist, at the concert at the M. Mrs. R. M. Swlgart Is visltintr friends in ter, and I wish to undo the wrong that liejr’s Best Time Wti 1:08\, ously affected by the excessive heat about Ludington. Correspondingly Well. I have doue to her, and I sign this state E. church. August 3. ment as a full settlement of all difficul Owing to the necessity of securing a Mr. and Mrs. Eugene King were Fowler visit With the bountiful harvests of grains, —Close buyers will keep the fact well five weeks ago, and who had been suf ors yesterday. ties and claims between me and theBaid permit from the L. A. W. to conduct a in mind that the “Fenny Store ’’ will be grasses, fruits and vegetables which the fering, at intervals, with neuralgia of Mrs. Chas. Heed returned to her home in Prudence B. Tripp. matched bicycle contest for a prize, the continued in all branches in the opera dilligent husbandman and earnest tiller Eliza Estes. house block, its present locatiou. Grand Rapids Monday. race last Friday evening between Sam the stomach, causing great dizziness .and Fred Tremper went to Bay View Monday of the soil are now experiencing, every Special offer for the next 60 days at Shaffer and Q. Scotney was decided by —“ Extracts without pain.” but pulled which went to his heart instead of to for a month’s vacation. thing bids fair for holding of one of the the wrong tooth. Girl still has aching Mrs. F. A. Percey and children returned from Plunkett ’s Studio a 16x20 Portrait with each of the contestents riding against one which can be saved. Teeth, pain some other part of his body on the day largest and most interesting fairs that every dozen Florentine Panel Photos. their visit In Detroit. Monday evening. the people of Clinton county have wit time. and money saved by consulting Dr. of his sudden death, July 22, 1867, Mrs. LaBarr, of Saginaw, is visiting her A large and enthusiastic crowd gath Corbin first. sister-in-law, Mrs. E. T. Hughe, in this village. nessed for some time past. Where l)o You Dine ? —Frank A. Smith, who has been terminated his life work at mitf-day. He ered at the fair grounds shortly after Mrs. A. D. McCabe and son, Byron, are spend These annual exhibitions, when cou Persons looking for a good clean place, carrying on a harness shop at Fowler, had just come in from the door-yard pled with due interest from all persons where good, wholesome and well-cooked 7:00 o'clock to see the result of this for the last few veal's, has sold his busi ing a month at Bay View aud Harbor Springs meals may be procured, should keep in race. The friends of each of the con ness to Davies A Adams and entered and taken a seat in his accustomed large Miss Maud Vreeland left Monday for We- who own property and have a perma mind the fact that I have moved to the testents were quite in evidence and lost their employ. chair. His good wife, who had always nona Beach for the retuander of the warm nent home m any section of the county, next room to my old quarters, which are no chance to encourage their man. —J. II. Fildew is fixing un the J. O. season. are of incalculable benefit to every one pleasanter, and where I shall be pleased kept a watchful eye over his best inter Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Glllott, of Detroit, spent to meet my old friends and new patrons. The track was in very fair condition , Selden residence property, which he re of such in a social, business and tinan* cently purchased for a home, in fine ests and happiness, noticed something last Sunday with relatives and friends in this W. H. Watts . having been leveled and prepared ear shape, with the addition of all the mod village. cial way. Many persons who are con lier in the evening. Although not a ern improvements. wrong with him, and hurried to his as Fannie Chapin returned from Grand Haven templating changing their place of resi For Sale. track on which very fast time could be —It looks now as though the M. E. sistance. She had said but a few words Monday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. dence visit these fairs for the purpose of Or trade for St. Johns property, 100 Chapin. acres heavy timbered land and 80 acres made, all things were equal in this re church would be filled to hear Remenvi to him, to which he responded, when he learning something ot what the farms next Tuesday evening ’. It would be tried to get up from hiB chair, and with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Spaulding returned from partly cleared in Kalkaska county, gard for each of the riders. and gardens of this county produce. three miles from a good railroad town. well to secure your neats without delay the last effort, settled back and died. Long Lake, Monday, where they have been on After warming up, Shaffer was the at Hunt's drug store. No extra charge an outing. Here in Clinton county we depend al 44tf. E. M. Smith. The deceased was born in England in Charles Tredo, of Saginaw, is visiting bis most wholly upon the products of the first to score and finished the half uu- for reserved seats. Painting and Papering. the year 1830. In February, 1853, he step-son, Levi Friable, salesmen for CJurk A farms, gardens and orchards for the sup paced in 1:08$. Scotney then attempted —Bert Gardner, recently from Chica Leave orders for Painting anu Paper go, where he has had the advantages of was united in marriage with Miss Eliza Hulse Bros. port and upbuilding of the villages and to cut this but in two attempts his best Mrs. A. J. Hicks and child, of Ithaca, are ing, at A. O. Hunt's drug store, and the fine points in painting and paper beth Cox, and in the following March the maintainee of their citizen's inter time was 1:08}. hanging, has again taken up his resi here spending a few days in the family.of her your order will be attended to properly. It is believed by some that Shaffer dence in St. Johns, and will onen busi they took passage for America, accom sister-in-law, Mrs. H. D. McCabe. ests. All work guaranteed to lie satisfactory. , F. K. Perkins . could have finished a few seconds better ness in his line in all its branches. panied by the father, mother and two E. H. Sltnpson and Harry Russell, of Lan Whenever you find a flourishing vil had not a pesky pug dog undertook to —President Geo. W. Estes has called brothers of Mrs. Roberts. On arriving sing, Suudayed in this village, the guests of lage or city that is not largely built up Fresh Fish Daily. the former ’s cousin. Miss Lizzie White. officiate as pacemaker on the first quar a special meeting of the fire department here they first settled in Clarence, Erie and sustained by manufacturing inter 1 have made arrangements with the to be held at their hall Monday evening, Myrtle Leonardson, who had been the guest best fresh fish dealers at Grand Haven ter and made a mess of it by getting county, N.