Pichon Parat Sens
As two teenage friends living in the difficult Pichon-Parat, Sens (Pichon-Parat, of course!), aftermath of WW2 and thinking about what lies but in truth it referred to the place where the ahead regarding work, life and careers, Andre new company was located; a small body shop at Parat and Bernard Pichon would meet and think, 39 rue Mocquesouris, at Sens, in the department talk about and sketch ideas of how to turn good of Yonne, region of Burgundy. but unexciting second-hand saloons into sporting Pichon-Parat, sometimes simply referred to as convertibles. Sens, was in essence a bodybuilding workshop Andre was training for a career in automotive where new panels were hand-formed by sheet metal work; shaping and welding, while ‘traditional’ coachbuilding methods. Their Bernard was from a privileged middle-class principal work was therefore not in repair, but in background. It was with money put up by reworking the bodywork on existing cars to Pichon, and the expertise of Parat, that brought create new variants of the original. Over the next into existence the company of Pichon Parat Sens. couple of years Pichon Parat transformed 40 The Sens part may be interpreted as a sort of a vehicles, mostly second-hand American, into promotional pun, as in making sense, i.e. vans, utilities and station wagons for tradesmen and traders at a time when such vehicles were difficult to obtain and expensive to buy. Then in 1949 they took a bulky Ford V8 sedan and turned it into a coupe, the Ford Vedette, of which three were made.
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