Locals Special Catch a Sunset Over 1/2 OFF entrées Beautiful Pensacola Bay 4:30-5:30 p.m. Tuesday thru Friday 51 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 | (850) 932-8638 | labrisarestaurant.com Follow us on August 27, 2015 YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER 75¢ County eyes GB Volunteer FD raising gas celebrates 60 years tax by 6 ¢ Since 1955, members of the Gulf Breeze BY PAM BRANNON Gulf Breeze News Volunteer Fire Department have dedicated
[email protected] countless hours of time, energy and “When you keep kicking that can down the road, it will soon start rolling downhill back at sacrifice to keep Gulf Breeze safe. ya.” That’s how county commission chairman Don Salter feels about Santa Rosa County not fixing In fact, the department formerly more roads and infrastructure over the past several BY MELANIE KORMONDY Gulf Breeze News known as the Casablanca Volunteer years. He told his fellow county commissioners
[email protected] Fire Department predates the city at last week’s budget meeting that is why he is in by six years with help from the favor if increasing the gas tax in the county and get They are on the scene at a Bonifay family. The Gilmores busy fixing some roads. moment’s notice. Commonly deeded the property where the Commissioners asked staff to schedule a public running towards danger while original station is located to the hearing for he Sept. 10 county meeting to get input others run away, these everyday fire department. from residents and discuss it more. men and women hold regular jobs Currently, there are about 30 The county currently levies a six cent gas tax and have lives just like any other; members of the GBVFD, with as allowed by law which is raising just over $3.6 but when emergency strikes, they 15 to 20 active members who million a year.