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Hertfordshire 40 GREAT l3ERKHA:\1STED. HERTFORDSHIRE. Earl Brownlow P.C. and held since 1883 by the Rev. r2.22 p.m.; North, 1.15 p.m.; London & Arthur Johnson M.A. of Clare College, Cambridge. The South of England, 2.50 p.m.; North of England, Rectory House is on the hill to the south of the church: Scotland & Ireland, 8.10 p.m., with extra !d. stamp, here in the old rectory, now pulled down, the poet until 8.30 p.m.; London & South of England, 9 p.m.; Cowper was born, Nov. 26, 1731, and in the garden is London & all parts South of l3letchley, IO p.m. the old well-house known as " Cowper's well.'' The Con­ Parcel despatches, week days only, London & all gregational chapel seats 6oo; the Claremont Baptist parts, IO a.m. ; all parts, 2.30 p.m. ; all parts, except chapel, in High street, erected at a cost of £2,ooo, is an London districts, 6.30 p.m. ; London districts, 7.40 edifice of brick and freestDne, in the Early English style, p.m. ; all parts, 8.30 p.m. Parcels for London to and has a tower with spire go feet high, and ~ittings for be delivered the same day should be in time for the 65o persons; there is also a Strict Baptist chapel, with z.so a. m. dispatch. Letter & parcel deliveries, week 120 sittings; Wesleyan chapel, 200; Primitive Metho­ days, 6.30 & 9.30 a.m.; 3.15 & 5·45 p.m.; sundays, dist, 350; and places of worship for the SDciety of letters only, 6.30 a.m Friends and the Brethren. The TDwn Hall, in High street, erected in rBsg, is a structure of brick with stone County Magistrates for Dacorurn Petty Sessional Divi­ dressing.>, in the Gothic st.yle, and comprises a spacious sion attending here. a,sembly room with magistrates' rooms, a market and For complete list, see Hemel Hempstead. stores: the Mechanics' Institute, founded in I846, has Cooper Sir Astley Paston Paston D.L. bart. Gadesbridge a library of about s,ooo volumes, and there are now park, Hemel Hempstead, chairman (1894) about 300 members. The Police Station for this Barclay Col. Hanbury, Tingrith manor, Woburn, Beds divisiDn of the county police is in High street and has a Cranfurd Henry Rt. Gregan esq. Brightwood house, resident inspector. The V\'orking Men's Liberal Club, Aldbury, Tring situated in Holliday street and established in I86g, is Curtis Captain Constable, The Hall, Great Berkhamsted well supported and has now (I894) IOO members. The Dorrien-Smith Thomas Algernon Smith- esq. Haresfoot, l3erkhamsted Lodge of Freemasons, No. 504, meets at Great Berkhamsted the King's Arms Hotel, High street; worshipful master, Granville Major Bevil, X orthchurch, Great Derkhamsted Hev. C. J. Langley; provincial grand secretary, C. :\Iarnham John esq. The Rallies, Boxmoor, Hemel Bullock esq. The Working :\fen's CDnservative Club, in Hempstead High street, was esta;blished in 1874, and has 125 mem­ Pearson Edwin James esq. Millfield house, :Korthchurch, bers. Straw plait is made here, also tent pegs for the Berkhamsted army, spoons, scoops, shovels, bowls, powder and shaving Ryder Dudley H. esq. Basset Wood, Southampton boxes of beech; a considerable trade is ciuried on in Streatfeild-1\Ioore Alexander McNeill esq. Woodchurch • coals, malt, brushes and timber, and there is a large hall, N orthchurch, Berkhampstead chemical manufactory; and nursery gardens and water­ Williams Joseph Grout esq. Pendley manor, Tring cress is grown. .A. Stock market is held every 'lther Clerk to the :\Iagistrates, Waiter Graver, Hemel Friday. Almshouses for six widows were founded here Hempstead by John Sayer, chief cook of Charles II. in I68I; the Pdty Sessions held in the Town Hall every alternate income of this charity am\Junts to £75 yearly, each in­ ~Wednesday, at II a.m. & at Hemel Hempstead mate receiving 4s. 4d. weekly and also firing at Christ­ mas : other charities are those of King J.ames I. and The following places are in the division :-Aldbnry, King Charles I. ; Sir Henry Atkins kt. of Clapham, Berkhamsted St. Peter, Dovingdon, CadUington, Flam­ Surrey, in r636; Thomas Baldwin, in 1639; Edward stead, I<'launden, Great Gaddesden, Hemel Hempstead, Salter, in r6g6; Elizabeth Cradock, in 1703; Richard Kensworth, King's Langley, Little Gaddesden, Long Balshaw, in I782 and others: these comprise £48 I2s.7d. Mar stone, l'l orthch urch, Puttenham, Tring, W igginton yearly for clergy and church lectures; £16 ns. for & \Vilstone church repairs; £28 for education; £go for distribu­ Volunteers. tion in bread ; and £I 15 for distribution in money. 2nd (IIertfordshire) Volunteer Battalion, Bedfordshire Berkhamsted was a residence of the Kings of Mercia and Regiment (E Co. ), Hon. Major Henry J. Foster, a stronghold in Anglo-Saxon times; subsequent w the commandant ; Samuel Howland Timson, lieut.; Job Domesday Survey (1086) a castle was built here, of Seabrook, sergeant-instructor which the ruins still remain: in this castle Henry IJ. kept his court; and it was besieged by Prince Louis in Public Establishments. r2r6. King Edward Ill. constantly resided here, as also Fire Engine Station, High street; George Edwin Wing­ did his son the Black Prince: here also lived and died field, captain the famous Cecily Neville, Duchess of York, mother of Inland Revenue Officer, .Adin Chamberlain, 14 Chapel st Edward IV. and Richard IlL : the castle, now belonging Mechanics' Institute, High street; Rev. Arthur John­ to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales as Duke of Cornwall, is san .M . .A.. president ; Richard Oliver Hippon, trea­ held hy the Earl Brownlow P.C. and is frequently re­ surer; W. J. Pickin, hon. sec. ; W. Saville, librarian sorted to for picnics. Berkhamsted HDuse or Place, on Police Station, High street ; Charles Boutell, inspector the hill, a mansion in the Elizabethan style, built out of & 3 constables the ruins of the castle, is now occupied. by Lauy Sarah Stamp Office, Anthony Slater, High street Spencer. Haresfoot is the residence of Mrs. Smith­ Town Hall, High stmet, Henry N ash, sec Dorrien; Ashlyns Hall, of Alfred George Lucas esq. J.P. Berkhamsted Union. Earl Brownlow P.C. is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The area is 4,364 acres of land and I9 of Board day every fortnight at the "Workhouse at IO a.m. water; rateable value, £28,285; the population in I89I The Union comprise.s the following parishes :-Aldbury, was s,034· including 8I officers and inmates of the union. Great Berkhamstcd, Little Gaddesden, Long Marston, .Marsworth (Bucks), :K ellleden, Northchurch, Pitstone, FIUTHSDE~ (or Friesden) is a hamlet 2 miles north­ Puttenham, Tring & "\"Vigginton. The area of the east, on the Buckinghamshire border of the county. union is z6,o36 acres; rateable value in r8g3, £96,743; l'OTTKN E.:\"D is a hamlet 2 miles north-east: here is population in IBgi, IS,BS4· Holy Trinity chapel of ease, erected in r 86o; it is of Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Saml. brick, in the Byzantine style, from the designs of Mr. Stallon, Hemel Hempstead F. C. Penrose, architect, of London, and consists of nave Treasurer, Frederick Butcher, Bank, Tring only with I bell. Collector to the Guardians & Relieving & Vaccination Letter Box in the church wall is cleared at 6.45 p.m. Officer, John Cook, Tring week days only. Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Aldbury district, Parish and Vestry Clerk, Samuel Timson, 147 High J ames Brown .M.D. Tring ; Berkhamsted district, street. Richard Legg Batterbury M. D. Berkhamsted; Tring Post, :\I. 0. & T. 0., S. B. Express Delivery, & Annuity district, Ed win J oseph LeQuesne M.B. Tring & Insurance Office, High street.-Frederick Howard, Superintendent Registrar, George Loosley, I2 Castle postmaster. Office hours, week days :-For sale of street, Great Berkhamsted; deputy, George "\"Villiam stamps & postal orders, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. ; licences, Loosley, 12 Castle street money orders & savings bank withdrawals paid, 9 Registrars of Births, :Marriages & Deaths, Berkhamsted a.m. to 6 p.m.; savings bank deposits, 7 a.m. to 9 sub-uistrict, Thomas Rolloway, High street, Great p.m. ; licences, money orders & savings bank, on Berkhamsted; deputy, Harry Holloway; Tring sub­ saturdays, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; telegrams, 8 a.m. to district, J. Gibbs Jones, Tring; deputy, H. Rawlins, 8 p.m. ; sundays, registration, stamps & telegrams, Tring 8 a.m. to Io a.m. Letter despatches, week days, ·workhouse, Berkhamsted, erected in 183r & will hold Amersham, Chesham & Missenden, 3-45 a.m.; North rzo inmates, James Jesty, master; Richard Legg of Eng:and, Scotland & Ireland, 7.15 a.m. ; London Batterbury M.D. medical officer; Mrs. Augusta C. & South of England, Io a.m. ; London & South, J esty, matron .
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