OSALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE STATEW UNIVERSITY OF NEWE YORK AT OSWEGGO n VOL. 41, NO. 4 On FALL/WINTER 2015 OZ to LA: Oswego Graduates Transition From Campus to California PLUS: Wicked Weather Oswego’s Meteorology Alumni Predict and Reflect We give you Oswego however YOU want it! Can’t get enough NEWS about Oswego? Make sure you’ve opted IN to ALL of our email categories! To help our alumni customize your interactions with your alma mater, we established more email categories so you can receive the news and announcements you want to know about. You can opt in to the kinds of emails you wish to receive at any time by logging in to OsweGoConnect, the exclusive online community for Oswego alumni, at alumni.oswego.edu. 4 Alumni General 4 Regional Events 4 Reunion 2016 General interest alumni Invites to events/happen- Communications relating communications or those ings in your geographic to a specific year’s reunion with expected appeal to a area, osweGO Digest activities, currently broad alumni audience monthly events calendar Reunion Weekend 2016 4 Newsletters 4 Campus General 4 Solicitations Lake E-ect, athletics, Major campus news Appeals for support for Parents, special interest and messages from the The Fund for Oswego and school/departmental president or college and special fundraising newsletters leadership challenges and initiatives
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