Genetics: Early Online, published on July 9, 2014 as 10.1534/genetics.114.167569 Population genetic consequences of the Allee effect and the 2 role of offspring-number variation Meike J. Wittmann, Wilfried Gabriel, Dirk Metzler 4 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit¨at M¨unchen, Department Biology II 82152 Planegg-Martinsried, Germany 6 Running title: Allee effect and genetic diversity Keywords: family size, founder effect, genetic diversity, introduced species, stochastic modeling 8 Corresponding author: Meike J. Wittmann Present address: Stanford University 10 Department of Biology 385 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305-5020, USA 12
[email protected] 1 Copyright 2014. Abstract 14 A strong demographic Allee effect in which the expected population growth rate is nega- tive below a certain critical population size can cause high extinction probabilities in small 16 introduced populations. But many species are repeatedly introduced to the same location and eventually one population may overcome the Allee effect by chance. With the help of 18 stochastic models, we investigate how much genetic diversity such successful populations har- bor on average and how this depends on offspring-number variation, an important source of 20 stochastic variability in population size. We find that with increasing variability, the Allee effect increasingly promotes genetic diversity in successful populations. Successful Allee-effect 22 populations with highly variable population dynamics escape rapidly from the region of small population sizes and do not linger around the critical population size. Therefore, they are 24 exposed to relatively little genetic drift. It is also conceivable, however, that an Allee effect itself leads to an increase in offspring-number variation.