Ciência & Saúde Coletiva ISSN: 1413-8123 [email protected] Associação Brasileira de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva Brasil

Liberato da Silva, Guilherme; Nunes Pereira, Thiago; Juarez Ferla, Noeli; Santos da Silva, Onilda The impact of management linked with resistance expression in spp. populations Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, vol. 21, núm. 7, julio, 2016, pp. 2179-2188 Associação Brasileira de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative TEMAS LIVRES FREE THEMES 2179 ------(kdr), que cau (kdr), Anopheles, Knock- Anopheles, spp. . Malária, Malária, (kdr), Pesticidas. Saúde Pública Pesticidas. (kdr), Anopheles Anopheles spp. populations spp. A resistência de algumas espécies de a inseticidas químicos está se espalhan knock-down resistance knock-down

DOI: 10.1590/1413-81232015217.00922015 malária em surtos críticos Palavras-chave resistance down Resumo Anopheles teme por mundo dificul o todo rapidamente do tado as ações de prevenção e controle da malária. O principal pela mecanismo responsável resistência insetosnestes ser parece o sítio-alvo conhecido como resistência assim, Mesmo no canal de sódio. sa mutações progressos significativos países na muitos fizeram prevenção da malária, concentrando-se em grande inseticidasparte redes no controle do vetor através e de pulverização residu (RILD), de longa duração al interna (PRI) de inseticidas. O objetivo desta re visão é contribuir com informações os inseti sobre cidas o controle dos principais mais aplicados para da malária,vetores seus efeitos, e os diferentes me é necessárioAtualmente canismos de resistências. alternativas,como por outras exemplo, para olhar controle biológico derivados de plantas e produtos e pela utilização de outrosfungos, organismos como da um possível de vetores de populações regulador Anopheles ------Knock-down re Knock-down . Anopheles, Anopheles, The resistance of someThe resistance species of to chemical to insecticides spreading is ,

1 fects, and the different mechanisms of resistance. and the different mechanismsfects, of resistance. it is necessary others for Currently look alterna to biological derived e.g. control and products tives, plants and fungi, using otherfrom by organisms of the populationsas a possible regulator of ma laria vectors in critical outbreaks words Key Health. Public Pesticides, sistance (kdr), quickly throughout the world throughout quickly and has hindered the actions of prevention and control of malaria. in resistance for mechanismmain The responsible these appears be to the target known site as knock-down which causes (kdr), muta resistance coun many so, tions in the sodium Even channel. triespreven in the made significantprogress have tion of malaria, largely on vector control focusing through long-lasting in nets (LLINs), and (IRS) of insecticides. spraying door residual The objective of this review contribute is to with information applied insecticidesthe more on for the control of the main vectors of malaria, its ef Abstract Abstract Anopheles The impact ofThe impact insecticides management in with expression linked resistance manejo do O impacto inseticidas de relacionado de populações em resistência de a expressão com


1 2 Laboratório de Acarologia, Laboratório Acarologia, de Departamento de UNIVATES. Lajeado RS Lajeado UNIVATES. Brasil. [email protected] 2 Naturais, Ciências de Museu Universitário Centro Parasitologia, Universidade Universidade Parasitologia, do Grande Rio do Federal 500, Leite Sarmento R. Sul. 90050-170 Histórico. Centro Alegre RS Brasil. Porto 1 e Imunologia Microbiologia, Noeli Juarez Ferla Ferla Juarez Noeli da Silva Onilda Santos Guilherme Liberato da Silva da Silva Liberato Guilherme Pereira Nunes Thiago 2180 et al. Silva GL Silva Background mental conditions, and reports of host preference also vary depending upon the methods used to According to the World Health Organization measure this poorly defined behavior9-11. (WHO), Malaria kills over a million people per In an effort to malaria transmission re- year and other 3.2 billion people are living in ar- duction, some countries have implemented eas at risk. Over 80% of deaths occur in Africa, indoor residual spraying (IRS) and universal where approximately 66% of this population is distribution of insecticide-treated nets ITNs in at risk area1. In the Americas, 14% of the pop- combination in years12,13. Many countries have ulation is at risk of transmission. Since the year made significant progress in preventing malar- 1990, the number of malaria cases reported in ia by focusing largely on vector control through South and Central America and the Caribbean long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor remain relatively low, however there is a risk of residual spraying (IRS) of insecticides and use of malaria transmission in nine countries that are DDT has been compromised, not only because of part of the Amazon region and in eight countries resistance, but also because of its environmental in Central America and the Caribbean1. effects14,15. In areas with insecticide-susceptible Malaria is a disease caused by Plasmodium populations, the insecticide on LLINs species which are transmitted by several species mitigates the loss of personal protection if the net of Anopheles mosquitoes. There are approxi- becomes holed. mately 400 species of Anopheles world-wide and The reduction in disease burden of malaria of these about 50 species are exclusive vectors of in recent years has in large part been attributed human malaria2,3. The most important vectors in to the massive scale up of the two main vector Sub-Saharan Africa and the most efficient ma- control interventions, LLINs and IRS, particu- laria vectors world-wide belong to the Anopheles larly in Africa south of the Sahara. A number of gambiae Complex. In this complex, A. gambiae countries have deployed the two interventions and Anopheles arabiensis are the most import- in combination in an attempt to further reduce ant vectors of (the most transmission16. severe malarial pathogen) in Africa. At level of However, both IRS and LLINs face the de- Americas, Anopheles darlingi is one of the most velopment of physiological resistance (against important malaria vectors4, occurring mainly in insecticide) and ‘behavioural resistance’ in mos- Amazon region and showed high degree of vari- quitoes, which can reduce effectiveness of these ability in behavioral traits and capable of main- interventions and possibly reverse the gains taining a relatively high transmission of malaria made in reducing malaria morbidity17, but there even when found in low densities5,6. This makes it are currently not enough data to determine the difficult to predict the impact of ongoing chang- impact of resistance on the effectiveness of such es in the environment on the mosquito popula- combinations16. Maybe, IRS has some utility in tions. Due to their anthropophilic behavior and areas with low resistance as part of an overall re- physiological feasibilities, they possess a higher sistance management strategy aimed at preserv- vector capacity than other closely related sibling ing the effectiveness of pyrethroids16. Although species with no or low vector capacity. Falavig- such resistance may be inevitable with successful na-Guilherme et al.4 carry out the reported au- control programmes, new strategies need to be tochthonous cases of malaria after construction developed to mitigate development and spread of the Itaipu Hydroelectric in Foz do Iguacu. The of insecticide resistance and to preserve the ef- impact of dams and irrigated schemes Anopheles ficacy of currently available insecticides and the populations has been elucidated by Sanchez-Ri- effectiveness of malaria control interventions. bas et al.7 revealing the proliferation of Anopheles The aim of this review is to elucidate the species in anthropogenic environments. Anopheles spp. literature about the mainly vector Apparently, pathogen/parasite and vector species of malaria disease, what insecticides are (mosquito) either adapted to each other during applied, their effects and the different mecha- the course of evolution, resulting in coexistence, nisms resistances arising in these species. or the pathogen/parasite was repelled8. Anopheles gambiae has been considered the most anthropo- Approach about Anopheles philic species, followed by A. arabiensis, Anoph- in agricultural fields eles melas, and Anopheles merus. However, host preference likely varies considerably within spe- Agricultural practices have significant influ- cies owing to population structure and environ- ence on mosquito species diversity and abun- 2181 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 21(7):2179-2188, 2016

dance and that certain habitat characteristics fa- Anopheles species to the four families of insecti- vor production of malaria vectors. For example, cides available for public health use (organochlo- the creation of fishponds basins and the develop- rines, organophosphates, carbamates, and pyre- ment of market-gardening activities, which also throids) is a genuine concern throughout Afri- serves as breeding sites, can increase drastically ca18,42-44. In Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto, there proliferation of Anopheles species, especially A. are two point mutations at the voltage-gated so- gambiae18. These factors should be considered dium channel gene confer knockdown resistance when implementing larval control strategies (kdr) to DDT and pyrethroids insecticides. which should be targeted based on habitat pro- Martinez-Torres et al.45 identified a Leu- ductivity and water management19. There is ev- cine-Phenylalanine substitution at position idence for direct relationship between irrigation L1014F of the gene encoding the S6 transmem- development and increased malaria transmis- brane segment of domain II of the sodium chan- sion20,21. Rice fields have proved to be particularly nel, in laboratory strains derived from field resis- well suited as larval sites for A. gambiae s.l.. Jarju tant samples of Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast. A et al.22 showed that the treating rice fields close second mutation, a Leucine-Serine substitution to the landward edge of the floodplains with lar- at the same codon (L1014S), has been identified vicides would help to reduce transmission levels in a colony derived from specimens from Ken- because demonstrates the human-made changes ya30. Kabula et al.46 observed the co-occurrence of are exploited by anopheline mosquitoes resulting L1014S and L1014F mutations associated to py- in increased malaria transmission. rethroids resistance and maybe this phenomenon is spreading in vector malaria populations. Field Insecticide resistance surveys revealed a widespread distribution of the 1014F allele in West Africa28,47. In addition, signif- DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and icant differences were found in the frequency of pyrethroids share the same mode of action on this allele between two molecular forms, denot- the nervous system, targeting the neuro- ed M and S, that are considered units of incipi- nal voltagegated sodium ion channels. Molecular ent speciation within A. gambiae26. These forms characterizations have revealed that various mu- are characterized by sequence differences in tations in the S1-S6 transmembrane segments of transcribed and non-transcribed spacers of the domain II of the sodium ion channel gene give ribosomal DNA. The S-form is the most wide- rise to resistance to these insecticides23,24. San- spread throughout Sub-Saharan Africa while the tolamazza et al.25 reported the distribution of M-form is mostly confined to the West part of knock-down resistance mutations in A. gambiae Africa, from Senegal to Angola. In general, the molecular forms, and suggest that there is an im- 1014F allele is common in the S-form but rare pact of human activities on kdr distribution in in the M-form, even when populations of both some samples. The different distribution of the forms occur in sympatry26,48. In the few M-form two kdr mutations between sympatric M and S populations where it has been found, sequencing populations could also reflect different ecologi- analysis of the upstream intron-1 of the kdr locus cal/behavioural traits between M and S-forms showed that the 1014F allele apparently occurred that might promote different exposure to insecti- through introgression with the S-form49. Recent cide selective pressures. For example, the M-form surveys have reported the co-occurrence of both may be more adapted to urbanized, man-influ- 1014F and 1014S alleles in localities of Gabon, enced ecological settings, whereas the S-form Cameroon and Uganda37,50. tends to prevail in rural settings where a use of The distribution and frequency of these mu- insecticides for agricultural purposes is expected tations poses serious questions about the sustain- to be greater26,27. ability of insecticide-based vector control pro- Vector resistance to pyrethroids has been grams. This is particularly evident when one con- reported in African continent28-33 and China34. siders that pyrethroids are the only insecticides Many studies conducted in Africa have reported recommended by the World Health Organization the presence of the kdr gene, associated with the for insecticide-treated materials and that DDT is “knock-down resistance” mechanism, in A. gam- being re-introduced for malaria control in sever- biae complex species35-39. The development and al countries51. The pyrethroids produced a more spread of malaria vector resistance to insecticides immediate irritant effect than DDT52. Knowledge has been attributed to the intensive use of insec- of the way kdr resistance is evolving in A. gam- ticides in agriculture40,41. To date, the resistance of biae is therefore of great epidemiological impor- 2182 et al. Silva GL Silva tance. Lol et al.53 showed that molecular evidence throids, Deltamethrin and Permethrin in LLINs, suggests the presence of kdr-type resistance in despite resistance being an important factor in field-collected Anopheles albimanus associated to reducing their effectiveness and showed that they mutations on the voltage-gated sodium channel are likely to be cost effective against malaria even (VGSC) gene. VGSC can be in many cases the re- in areas with strong pyrethroid resistance31. The sponsible to resistance of pyrethroids. insecticide susceptible mosquitoes can become Xu et al.54 discuss the diagnostic of insecticide extremely adapted your feeding behavior after resistance and showed how the sample collection LLINs implementation and occur the increase and preparation methods affect insecticide sus- in frequency of kdr L1014F genotype. Despite ceptibility bioassay. Field-collected female adults this, through the observations, Plasmodium fal- consistently exhibited the highest monooxygen- ciparum prevalence and gametocyte rate in vil- ase and Glutathione-S-transferases activities, lagers decreased dramatically after LLINs deploy- responsible by mechanism is metabolic detoxifi- ment61. These authors support the view that it is cation of pyrethroids. Awolola et al.55 tested Per- important to pursue the use of LLINs in compli- maNet® 3.0, known as insecticide synergist-com- ance with the WHO recommendations62. bination long-lasting insecticidal net used to In A. darlingi, Long-term DDT use resulted metabolic resistance when combined with kdr. in a changed susceptibility of A. darlingi popula- The PermaNet® 3.0 significantly reducedAnoph - tions over time63. Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) eles gambiae densities per house and confirmed and Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) reduced increased efficacy of PN 3.0 compared to the py- intra-domiciliary vector densities64. ITNs for in- rethroid-only LLIN. stance proved very successful against A. darlingi Pinto et al.56 genotyped the kdr locus and in southern Venezuela, where a reduction of 56% sequenced the upstream intron-1 in samples of of malaria cases was recorded in local indigenous A. gambiae S-form, so their studies proved that populations after the introduction of lambdacy- selection through insecticide pressure will favor halotrin- treated hammock nets65.There is strong kdr alleles and remove wild-type alleles. There- evidence that A. darlingi may be insecticide re- fore, the frequency of haplotypes carrying the sistant to deltamethrin, due to the low mortality wild-type allele will be lower than expected under in bioassays66. Anopheles arabiensis is a member neutrality, and so frequency need not reflect age. of the Anopheles gambiae Giles complex and the Through these studies the kdr mutations are third most important malaria vector mosquito in not homogeneously distributed in the two mo- Africa67. In recent reports, it was shown that the lecular forms of A. gambiae (termed M and S), kdr Leu → Phe mutation was present in a single which are considered as incipient species. In fact specimen of A. arabiensis from Burkina Faso68 in early studies, the absence of the L1014F allele and two specimens from Tanzania58. The Leu → in the M-form was considered one of the major Phe mutation has been found in two specimens pieces of evidence for a severe restriction of gene from Uganda50 and one specimen from Kenya69. flow between the two forms. All the above specimens were heterozygous for Ilboudo-Sanogo et al.57 reported malaria vec- the kdr alleles and none of the reports correlate tor resistance to pyrethroids and DDT in five the kdr alleles with resistance phenotypes. A localities exposed to high insecticide pressure in study with colonies of A. arabiensis from Sudan Burkina Faso and assessed by PCR the frequency was done by Matambo et al.70 with the aim of in- of the kdr gene allele, associated with the “knock- vestigation the importance of the kdr mutation down resistance” mechanism in A. gambiae and and potential enzyme-related resistance mecha- A. funestus. Thus, A. gambiae indicates a decrease nisms in a DDT-resistant and other insecticides in vector susceptibility to DDT in four localities classes throughout of populations’ generations. included rural, suburban, and urban areas. The Exposures of F-16 generation adults to other in- problem of physiological resistance against insec- secticides showed a high level of resistance to all ticides is more acute for LLINs than for IRS, as four classes of insecticides used for malaria vec- LLINs rely solely on pyrethroids, whereas IRS can tor control, whereas the base colony exhibited a be done with several classes of insecticides. There high level of resistance to dieldrin only. All spec- is evidence of increasing levels of pyrethroid resis- imens from F-16 exposure DDT- strain, regard- tance58 and corresponding decreases in the effec- less of insecticide susceptibility phenotype, were tiveness of malaria control programmes that rely homozygous (RR) and showed no correlation on pyrethroid-based interventions59. between the resistant phenotype as ascertained Since, Briët et al.60 assessed the use of pyre- by bioassay and the presence of the kdr mutation. 2183 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 21(7):2179-2188, 2016

In Sudan, Abdalla et al.71 also verify that in A. ara- selection pressure of this species because of its re- biensis the 1014F allele was significantly associat- stricted breeding sites in agricultural water. ed with resistance to pyrethroids and DDT. A resistance case of multiple insecticide was Due to the rapidity with which high levels of reported for Qin et al.77 where Anopheles sinensis resistance to DDT it is suggested that this insec- populations showed high monooxygenase and ticide should be avoided for vector control inter- carboxylesterase activities and resistant to DDT ventions and underlines the need for rotational and deltamethrin. Anopheles vagus was suscep- use of the other classes of insecticides to manage tible to deltamethrin but resistant to DDT and the situation. Pyrethroids are the only group of malathion with high monooxygenase, glutathi- insecticides approved by WHO Pesticide Evalua- one S-transferase and carboxylesterase activi- tion Scheme (WHOPES) for LLINs13. ties. Low kdr mutation (L1014F allele) and high In otherwise, Okumu et al.72 no detected kdr Ace-1frequency was detected in A. sinensis, but gene mutation in wild A. arabiensis populations no kdr and Ace-1 mutation was detected in A. tested LLINs and IRS compounds, however the vagus populations. Aïzoun et al.42 used carba- observed tolerance to pyrethroids necessitates mates and organophosphate with the attempt to prudence against possibility of physiological re- develop strategies that will be alternatives against sistance arising and spreading rapidly across the pyrethroids-resistant malaria vectors in the field. area and reported the lose insecticidal efficacy These mutations were observed in A. gambi- with time. ae populations that can be confers resistance to Similar studies were conducted by Proto- organophosphates and carbamates compounds. popoff et al.73 showing opposing results report- Chang et al.78 verified the effect of rotational use ing high levels of resistance in A. gambiae pop- of insecticides with different modes of action in ulations to pyrethroids and DDT. Anopheles A. sinensis populations, the results showed mul- gambiae s.s developed phenotypic resistance to tiple resistances to chemical insecticides, mainly these insecticides and kdr frequency has in the A. long-term rotational use of various insecticides gambiae s.s population but was absent in A. Ara- has to evolved a high insecticide resistance, be- biensis. Due to selection of pyrethroids resistance ing metabolic detoxification was the dominant is probably that A. gambiae s.s persists at high mechanism of resistance. Nkya et al.79 detected frequency in north-western Tanzania. elevate frequency in L1014Skdr mutation in A. DDT and pyrethroids resistance are at least gambiae s.s. in the urban area and in the same partially attributed to the reductions in insecti- area showed a moderate DDT resistance in larvae cide efficacy caused by point mutations in their and adults in populations. The link between agri- common target site, the voltage-gated sodium culture and pyrethroids resistance was confirmed channel (VGSC), and perhaps also some shar- by a significant correlation between deltamethrin ing of metabolic resistance mechanisms45. Or- resistance levels and agriculture intensity across ganophosphates and carbamates inhibit Acetyl- all populations. The authors discussed that both cholinesterase (AChE), an important enzyme in agriculture and urban areas are likely favoring the central nervous system. Inhibition of AChE the emergence of resistance to insecticides. In ag- leads to accumulation of acetylcholine in nerve riculture areas, the mainly factor is the massive junctions (or synapses), which prevents the in- usage of pesticides and in urban areas the un- terruption of electrical impulse propagation74. controlled indoor spraying with insecticides may Essandoh et al.75 revealed that absence of 119S strongly select for kdr mutations and metabolic allele strongly predicted susceptibility on carba- resistance mechanisms with a potential role of mate and organophosphate resistance in Anoph- pollutants in favoring the selection of particular eles gambiae s.s. and Anopheles coluzzii. However, detoxification enzymes. Matambo et al.70 reported the inhibitory effect of In Côte d’Ivoire a multiple-resistance of py- the carbamate insecticide propoxur on acetyl- rethroids were reported, organochlorides and cholinesterase activity and did not show correla- carbamate in A. Gambiae and the resistance tion with the resistant phenotype. Hemingway et mechanisms seem to be varied41,80,81. Ace-1 is al.76 recorded that larvae and adults of some sam- strongly associated with organophosphate and ples revealed broad-spectrum organophosphate carbamate81, but Koffi et al.80 did not detected the and carbamate resistance in Anopheles nigerrim- L1014S kdr and Ace-1R mutations, Knox et al.82 us but not in Anopheles culicifacies. The authors established an online tool for mapping insecti- suggested that the lack of resistance in the sample cide resistance, susceptibility in major Anophe- A. culicifacies probably reflects the lower levels of les vectors of human malaria parasites and what 2184 et al. Silva GL Silva resistance mechanisms data were detected. The spread mainly all over Africa dramatically. Use online platform can be accessed by IR Mapper of insecticides in agriculture has been linked to ( resistance in malaria vectors. Although surveys of insecticide resistance are limited to a few species, Comments and Perspectives the results can be alarming and can be under- stood that the mechanisms of resistance occurs In American continent, the insecticide DDT in unstudied species of Anopheles. The rotational was used widely, although developed countries strategies applying a diversity insecticide classes, have made use of this insecticide for much longer exploring their different modes of action is most time. With respect to South American countries, usual, in order to decrease the probability of ex- the “technology gap” benefited somehow because pressing resistance89. The rotational strategies it began using DDT later, thus avoiding higher showed successful in many applications in field concentrations in rivers and reservoirs. The use showing to be effective if the resistance gene has of DDT in Brazil and Latin America was main- an associated fitness cost90. ly performed with the aim to control of malaria Other very important issue is how to apply vectors, being A. darlingi as the main target, once these insecticides, these practices which often this species is generally considered susceptible were made without adequate monitoring, lead- to DDT. Though, signs of resistance were de- ing to wrong handling of what and how much tected in Colombia and Venezuela, as well as in should be applied. some areas of the Brazilian Amazon, it real role Currently it is necessary to look for others but have not been sufficiently studied. It is clear alternatives, e.g. biological control, by using oth- that studies of resistance of A. darlingi in South er organisms as a possible regulator of the pop- America have been neglected and a lot remains to ulation of malaria vectors in critical outbreaks. be done. Such that remains a possibility of have Possibly the “biological products” appear to be resistant strains to the current insecticides (ex: undergoing laboratory tests or even define the pyrethroids). There are a wide variation in the protozoan Plasmodium as a target to these new A. darlingi behavior83,84. For example in the Bra- technologies. zilian Amazon, reports described that some A. Products derived from plants and fungi are in darlingi populations can modify their endophilic constant study currently, as they offer several an- behavior for exophilic and anthropophilic85,86 to tagonistic activities on Anopheles mosquitoes91-93, zoophilic, possibly caused by excito-repellency of through of crude extracts from the fungus and these insecticides used in household spraying87. plants. The program managers have few options These kind of studies open the possibility available when confronted with multiple-insecti- for further investigations of the efficacy of larvi- cide resistance and it level, reported in this review, cidal properties of natural product extracts and combined with continual selection pressure will should be encouraged to find out the new prod- inevitably lead to suboptimal mosquito control. ucts with mosquitocidal and larvicidal activities, Other strategies of monitoring and samplings supporting the idea that they are less harmful to were utilize odour baits contain carbon dioxide88. the environment. We could conclude that the resistance has 2185 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 21(7):2179-2188, 2016

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