Municipality of Pembina Meeting Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council in the Municipality of Pembina Council Chambers on Thursday, May 14, 2015
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Municipality of Pembina Meeting Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council in the Municipality of Pembina Council chambers on Thursday, May 14, 2015 PRESENT Reeve: Glenn Shiskoski Deputy Reeve: Bill Howatt Councillors: Cindy Hunter, Mike Dymond, Don McLean, Chad Collins, Frank Frisch Staff: Wes Unrau, Judy Young, Clare Jago, Doug Scharf 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM 2. Adoption of 121/2015 McLean / Hunter the agenda BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the agenda of the May 14th , 2015 regular meeting of council for the Municipality of Pembina be approved as presented. CARRIED 3. Adoption of 122/2015 McLean / Hunter the minutes BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of March 26 th , 2015 Special Meeting of Council and April 9th , 2015 regular meeting of council be approved as circulated. CARRIED 4. Business Arising from the minutes 5. Finance 123/2015 McLean / Hunter BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT council authorize the payment of Outstanding Municipal Accounts from cheque numbered 20150470 to 20150634 in the amount of $417,784.05. CARRIED 124/2015 Hunter / McLean BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT council approves the April 2015 Financial Statement. CARRIED 6. Bylaws 125/2015 Hunter / McLean BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT bylaw 6 - 2015 being a By-law of the Municipality of Pembina to authorize the expenditure and borrowing of money for the construction of a water pipe line to bring potable water from the Glenora Aquifer to Pilot Mound and then to Manitou (Manitou’s Water Treatment Plant will change to a Distribution Plant), as a Local Improvement, be read a 2 nd time. CARRIED 126/2015 Collins / Hunter BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT bylaw 6 - 2015 being a By-law of the Municipality of Pembina to authorize the expenditure and borrowing of money for the construction of a water pipe line to bring potable water from the Glenora Aquifer to Pilot Mound and then to Manitou (Manitou’s Water Treatment Plant will change to a Distribution Plant), as a Local Improvement, be read a 3 rd and final time and be signed and sealed and therefore passed as a bylaw of the Municipality of Pembina. CARRIED 7. Delegations 7.1 Jim Munro; A/Sergeant RCMP 7.2 Genco Engineering 8. 8.1 Recycling Bins Correspondence 8.2 Manitoba Dental Association 8.3 Dutch Elm Disease Management Program 8.4 MB Education and Advance Learning – Notice of Hearing 8.5 MB Conservation and Water Stewardship – Pembina Valley Provincial Park Expansion 8.6 Proposed Subdivision 8.7 Fire Department Letter 9. General or 127/2015 Hunter / Frisch other business BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT Council authorize the Reeve and CAO to sign the Credit Facilities agreement with the Royal Bank of Canada. CARRIED 128/2015 Hunter / Dymond WHEREAS the 2013 audited financial report has now been received at the municipal office; THEREFOR BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the 2013 audited financial statement be accepted as delivered. CARRIED 129/2015 Hunter / Howatt WHEREAS council for the Municipality of Pembina may change members to a committee or a board by resolution of council, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT council authorize Chantelle LeVasseur to be added to the Library board as of May 19 th , 2015 with a terms ending on December 31, 2018. CARRIED 130/2015 Hunter / Dymond BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT Council and/or staff be authorized to attend the 2015 AMM June District Meeting at the Somerset Community Hall in Somerset, MB on June 19 th , 2015. CARRIED 131/2015 Collins / Hunter BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT Council authorize the Reeve and CAO to sign the Disability Income Plan and the Group Insurance Plan from the Municipal Employees Benefits Program. CARRIED 132/2015 Collins / Hunter BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT Council authorize the CAO the sign the Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation Small Capital Sponsorship Program for the possible funding for a sun shade project at the Manitou & Community Pool. CARRIED 133/2015 Collins / Hunter BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT Council authorize the Reeve and CAO to sign the Pembina Valley Veterinary Services District agreement. CARRIED 134/2015 Collins / Hunter BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT Council authorize staff to attend the Utility Rate Boot Camp Seminar on June 5, 2015 at the Victoria Inn in Winnipeg, MB. CARRIED 135/2015 Collins / Hunter BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT Council agrees to rent the portion of S ½ and N ½ 30-3-8 to Lorne Schultz for the 2015 crop year, for $1,000.00 . CARRIED 136/2015 Dymond / Hunter BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT Council move in Camera to discuss personnel matters. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT any matters discussed while In Camera, be held confidential until such time as discussed in an open meeting of Council. CARRIED 137/2015 Dymond / Hunter BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT Council now move out of Camera and resume the Regular Meeting of Council. CARRIED BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT Council hire Griffen McLean and William Lovell for summer employment under the Manitoba Government Green Team Program. CARRIED 10. Closing 139/2015 Dymond / Hunter BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT Council do now adjourn at 10:52 PM. CARRIED Glenn Shiskoski, Reeve Wes Unrau, CAO .