The Advertiser – Bredbury and Woodley - people and places, mentions of residents – Volume One 1822 – 1850


ALLEN, Thos – re sale of houses at Hatherlow – listed as a tenant – 1836 Apr 15th. ANDERTON, Wm – Bredbury Overseeer – 1840 Apr 24th ANDREW, George – having 12 shillings stolen at Hare & Hounds – 1826 Dec 8th. “ James - of Bredbury fined 10s for the use of the Stockport Dispensary – 1823 June 20th “ James – for entering the dwelling house of Sarah Lowe, and stealing 4 cheeses – 1844 Apr 5th (1841 July 23rd) “ John – mentioned as occupier - re sale of houses at Butterhouse Green – 1840 Nov 20th “ Joseph – fowl stealing at The Hare & Hounds – “ the depredator conveyed to Mr Birch`s “ (Stockport) – 1833 Oct 17th. “ Joseph – of a notoriously bad family – threatening George Hopwood police constable – 1835 Sept 18th. “ Joseph – of Bredbury another notorious character – charged with assaulting Mr Shuttleworth of The Anchor public House – 1835 Nov 12th. “ Joseph – “Joseph Andrew a name notorious in Bredbury” – re intoxication, stealing and pawning picks and raping a pauper – 1838 Jan 19th. “ Mr – John Hardy guilty for breaking into the house of Mr Andrew of Bredbury – 1840 Aug 21st “ Samuel, - ` a terror to the neighbourhood` given 3 months – 1828 May 16th. “ Samuel – assaulting James Mycock – mentions Mr Howards colliery – 1831 June 24th. And July 1st (also mentions James Andrew) “ Samuel – charged with stealing at the Hare & Hounds – 1830 May 7th - Fighting at Woodley – 1835 Dec 18th. “ Samuel – applying for a license for a beer shop near the Bredbury toll bar – 1845 Sept 5th “ Thos – collier of Bredbury – for brutal attack (on Jane Blease) – 1827 Nov 2nd. “ Thos – for assaulting Henry Platt and maltreating his ass, drawing coal from Bredbury – 1831 June 13th. “ Thos – charged with assault on Joseph Shufflebottom one of Mr Howards new hands – 1831 July 8th. “ Thos – for assaulting Bough constable of Bredbury at Harrytown – 1832 Jan 27th. Mention - Charge of robbing a drunken man – 1842 July 13th “ Thos Andrew - married to Miss Mary Ann Bailey both of Bredbury. – 1842 Dec 2nd “ William – Fighting at Robert Robinson`s beershop Woodley – 1835 Dec 18th “ William – mentioned as occupier - re sale of houses at Butterhouse Green – 1840 Nov 20th “ William - re inquest at the Greyhound Inn on Wm Andrew who was suffocated in a pit belonging to Ann Jowett – 1847 Mar 12th ANTROBUS, John – paid the penalty of 3s-4d for Sabbath breaking – 1824 June 11th ARDEN ARMS – re advert for a meeting – mentioned J K Winterbottom, agent of Jesse Howard 1838 Sept 28th. ARDEN HALL – The Storm - re an immense stack of chimneys, fell through the roof into a chamber, and a hat shop was also blown down – 1822 Dec 13th “ “ Re inquest on a Samuel Robinson found dead near Arden Hall – 1824 June 4th “ “ Jos` Kitchen charged with stealing corn 1833 Aug 23rd. – Also Sheep being stolen – 1839 Oct 18th “ “ James Mack – transported for 15 yrs for theft at Arden Hall – 1839 Oct 18th “ “ John Kirkham wiining a prize for best cultivated farm at Arden Hall – 1832 Oct 5th “ “ Sale of Cattle at Arden Hall – 1843 Nov 10th. ARDEN HOUSE – Valuable freehold estate – sale at the Warren Bulkley – desirable messuage & dwelling house etc etc – 1850 July 5th ARDEN MILL – To be let – from year to year or a term of 7 years etc – 1846 Apr 10th ASHLEY, John – re a sale of houses (built 1786) at Butterhouse Green – he was a tenant – 1835 May 15th. ASHTON James – re Game Lists – receiving a licence – 1837 Sept 20th. Also Game Lists 1839 Sept. Also 1840 Oct 2nd. Also1842 Sept 16th “ Mr – mentioned a Mr Stafford working in the warehouse of M r Ashton at Woodley – 1840 June 12th “ Mr – Death by drowning re Wm Milton - lodge keeper at Mr Ashton`s factory at Woodley – fell in the river behind the Wm 4th pub – 1841 July 23rd ASHWORTH, Thos of Bredbury – for neglecting his family – 1825 May 13th. ASTBURY, John – farmer of Bredbury, charged with stealing wheat. 1833 Jan 25th. AXON, Joseph – charged with cutting and carrying away timber the property of Jesse Howard – 1843 May 5th “ Phillip – To Be Let the premises lately occupied by Mr Phillip Axon at Butterhouse Green – 1846 Oct 23rd BAILEY, Mary Ann – married to Thomas Andrew – both of Bredbury. – 1842 Dec 2nd “ John – mentioned as a tenant re a sale of cottages, smithy and workshops in Bredbury – 1840 Apr 10th BATES, Sarah – Married to George Clayton Hulley – both opf Bredbury – 1841 June 18th BAYLEY, Thos – mentioned as a tenant, in a sale of 3 dwelling houses at Woodley – at the Navigation Inn – 1837 Jan 13th. BANK HOUSE – advert for substantial and commodious dwelling house at Harrytown – apply Mr Ryle Bank House Bredbury - 1822 Oct 4th. BARBER, John – mentioned as a tenant, in a sale of cottages, smithy and workshops in Bredbury – 1840 Apr 10th BARDSLEY, Levi – mentioned as occupier dwelling houses and hatshops & 2 acres of land in Bredbury – 1823 Aug 22nd. “ Thos – Mentioned re contributions for the repair of Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th BARLOW, Henry – Wm Chappel, Ezekiel Robison . with trespass on his land – 1828 Dec 12th “ Henry – Died on Wednesday after a few days illness – Henry Barlow of Highfield – 1836 Jan 15th. “ Henry re election of Guardians in Bredbury – 1840 Apr 3rd “ Henry – A Sale of Farming Stock, valuable furniture etc for Henry Barlow – 1846 May 29th “ Mr – re sale of premises Highfield House -1844 July 12th “ Mrs - Highfield , £5.00 subscription to the fund re the Victoria Ward – Stockport Infirmary - 1838 Aug 24th. “ `s beer shop (Harrytown) – George & Aaron Brittle for being drunk there, Harrytown – 1835 May 8th. “ Thos – Mentioned re advert for property at Ludworth – 1831 Apr 8th “ Thos – applying for a licence for a beer and provision shop in Bench Lane – 1838 Sept 7th BENNETT, George – mentioned as a tenant in a sale of cottages at Bredbury – 1840 Apr 10th “ Robert of Bredbury – mentioned re having, a waistcoat, hat and silk handkerchief stolen by Peter Corn – 1838 Oct 19th. BIRCHENOUGH, Charles – of The White Bear Butterhouse Green – re inquest at his house on murdered Betty Shallcross - 1823 Mar 28th - And re a sale at the house – 1828 June 3rd. “ Charles – of Butterhouse Green - Jos Bradshaw & Wm Andrew – stealing his ducks – 1829 Oct 2nd. “ Mr C Birchenough at his house Butter House Green an inquest on Jos Hurst – 1831 Feb 25th . Charles – Notice to Creditors – Whereas Charles Birchenough of Bredbury Innkeeper etc etc – 1839 June 14th. “ Charles – His vote objected to at the revising barrister court – struck off – 1840 Oct 2nd Births, Deaths & Marriages – Meeting of the Stockport Union re electing a proper person for registrar – Bredbury 2, 300 acres – 2,400 population – 1837 May 26th. BOOTH, Hannah – mention re an article re Longevity in Bredbury – died aged 80 – 1835 Apr 24th. “ Henry – of Bench Lane dying on the way to visit a new coal pit – mentioned The Greyhound Inn – 1844 Sept 13th. “ John - “ “ “ “ died aged 82 – 1835 Apr 24th. “ Joseph – Mentioned as tenant of house near Barrack Hill - Sale by Auction – 1832 Jan 6th “ Joseph – mention re an article, Longevity in Bredbury – died aged 84 – 1835 Apr 24th. “ Joseph landlord of The White Hart – ad re sale of furniture and utensils – 1845 Jan 3rd “ Mr – Died Charlotte wife of Mr Booth of Bredbury aged 37 yrs – 1831 Jan 14th “ Thos – of Harrytown appointed constable for Bredbury – 1829 Dec 4th. “ Wm – Married to Mary Harrison both of Bredbury 1833 Jan 10th BOUGH ?, Constable of Bredbury assaulted at Harrytown – 1832 Jan 27th. BRADBURY, James – re sale at the Travellers Call of silk manufacturing, buildings and household furniture of James Bradbury of Bench Lane – 1841 Mar 5th BRADSHAW, Charles – Burglary at his shop, Butterhouse Green – 1828 Dec 19th. “ Joseph – Chare against a Benevolent Soc` - Joseph Bradshaw being refused the money for his wife and childs funeral – 1842 Feb 18th “ Mary – mentioned re stolen goods being concealed in her garden at Bredbury – 1841 Apr 30th And Mary Bradshaw 46, receiving property knowing it to be stolen – 1841 Aug 6th “ Samuel collier at Bredbury – mentioned – 1841 Aug 6th BRAMHALL, John – re sale of houses (built 1786) at Butterhouse Green – he was a tenant – 1835 May 15th. “ Robert – mentioned as owner of a chief rent – re Leigh`s Tenement – 1841 Sept 3rd BREDBURY, Bar – re ad` for Turnpike tolls to be let – 1825 May 13th. And – Bredbury Gate up for auction – 1825 Sept 16th. “ Bar – re highway robbery near Bredbury Toll Bar – 1823 Oct 17th. - Also 1828 Dec 13th “ Bar – Highway Robbery near to – 1831 Aug 26th. “ Bar – Thos Royder for evading the toll, with a cart and two horses – fined 20s and costs – 1836 Jan 15th. “ Benevolent Botanical Society – 1st anniversary meeting at The Hare & Hounds. 1834 Jan 10th. “ County Rates - mentioned George Woodruff, Abraham Taylor overseers , John Thorniley assistant – 1835 May 15th. “ County Registration – Gives names of good votes inc Samuel Kirk and Thos Cheetham Morrey etc (Bredbury residents) – 1835 Oct 9th “ Colliery – re partnership dissolved ( Morrey & Howard (Jesse) carried on the firm. – 1829 May 29th. And 1829 June 19th “ Estate – ref to the estate sale of several plots etc – 1825 Sept 9th ditto June 3rd “ Estate – ref Estate sale at the Warren Bulkley – 1833 July 24th. - and Sept 27th. “ Estate – ref to the estate sale at the Warren Bulkley under the will of the late Jesse Howard – 1849 Sept 21st “ Gang – Highway Robbery – Wm & Joseph mentioned as being members of the notorious `Bredbury Gang` - 1843 Feb 3rd – “ Gang Joseph Oldham & John Hopwood a pair of the notorious Bredbury Gang , for being drunk, riotous and disorderly in New Bridge Lane. 1845 Dec 12th “ Gang – Wm Lowe exhibited a warrant against Jos` Oldham for assaulting him in New Bridge Lane - mentioned a gang of violent characters form Bredbury – 1846 Jan 23rd “ Hall – Henrietta Maxwell youngest dtr of Josiah Howard – 1834 Jan 10th. “ Hall – John Sumner of Stockport committing suicide from a tree near to Bredbury Hall – 1840 Feb 21st BREDBURY, Hall – Re two beggars charged with stealing a snuffers & extinguisher from Bredbury Hall – 1847 Mar 12th “ Hall – To Be Let – all that capital messuage or mansion house etc etc apply John Stanley New Bridge Mills – 1848 Apr 28th “ House – To be let – Bredbury House – apply Mr W Broadhurst on the premises. – 1831 Aug 12th – Also 1844 Apr 12th “ Inhabitants (To The) of Bredbury re the necessity of a Sunday School on New Bridge Lane – 1823 June 27th “ James – mentioned at the Revising Barrister Court re vote registrations – 1840 Oct 2nd “ Map Survey re a contract for and the Valuation of Bredbury – 1840 July 17th - And a map approved by Tithe Commissioners – tenders re valuation to be made – 1843 Jan 20th. “ Medical Practitioner re an appointment of for Bredbury & – 1840 Sept 25th - And Smallpox vaccinations Mr Isaac Chubb the dispensary Butterhouse Green 1840 Nov 20th. “ Overseeres of the Poor – mentioned 1824 June 11th “ State of the Borough – mentions Yeomanry & Police chasing towards Bredbury some hundreds of lads with sticks – 1842 Aug 26th (see Travellers Call 1842 Aug 12th) “ Sunday School – mentions the committee- 1825 May 20th. “ Suicide (attempted) – mentions wife of a shopkeeper at Butter House Green – 1837 June 9th. “ Toll Bar – George Frost (Glossop) being attacked by four men – 1832 July 20th “ Toll Bar – Wm Kinsey attacked near to – 1832 Dec 6th “ Toll House – Desperate Robbery – re Wm Wilkinson occupier and his wife being robbed of 40 sovereigns by 5 ruffians – 1840 July 24th “ Township – Turnpike Trust – Tolls to be let by auction – 1824 Sept 10th - Also article re repairs etc - 1843 June 9th “ James Whittaker charged with robbing Thos Colboune near the Bredbury Toll bar – mentioned John Hawks alias Westwood and John Oldham – 1840 Sept 4th “ Toll Bar Keeper – complaints against Wm Willkinson (keeper) from Thos Royle 1836 Jan 15th. Also complaints against keeper Lowe for overcharge – 1843 July 28th. “ Toll House – Desperate Robbery at the premises – the parties escaping through Crookily Wood up Broken Brow – 1840 July 24th. “ Turnpike – Re special meeting at Warren Bulkley for improving road between Newbridge and Bench lane end – 1832 July 13th “ Turnpike – To be Let – re Bredbury Turnpike repairs – 1835 Nov 20th. – Also a general survey of the turnpike, from the guide post in Bredbury – 1823 Nov 28th “ Turnpike – Highway Robbery of Mr Benjamin Harrison – between the Travellers call and Arden House – 1848 Feb 25th “ Wakes – In lieu of the ferocious sport of bull & bear baiting, which have hither been the custom at their annual feasts etc etc – 1823 July 25th “ Wanted an assistant overseer for the Township of Bredbury – mentions Joshua Hardy & James Ashton – 1836 Apr 22nd. BRETTEN, John - re embezzlement and John Bretten coal proprietor of Bredbury being robbed – 1846 Nov 6th BRINDLEY, Samuel – of Bredbury – his sheep stolen by Moses Mottram & James Andrew – 1829 Sept 11th. BROUDBENT, John – farmer – overseer of Bredbury – 1849 Mar 30th BROUDHURST, Louisa Owen – died aged 5yrs dtr of Mr Broadhurst of Bredbury House – 1840 May 8th “ Wm – mentioned of Bredbury house – 1831 Aug 12th. Also 1844 Apr 12th – Mentioned re contributions for repairs to Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th “ Wm of Bredbury House advertising re the Hole House Fold Lime Kilns- which he had got up and running – 1838 May 18th. “ Wm – an ad` re a dissolution of a partnership between Wm Broadhurst and Wm Lane of Stockport – re Wm Broadhurst & Co, coal dealers & lime burners – 1839 Mar 22nd. “ Wm Broadhurst`s advert –` having seen an ad` signed Wm Lane re a dissolution of partnership – no dissolution has ever taken place` etc etc – 1839 April5th “ Wm – ad` Important to Colliery Proprietors – Sale of machinery, Utensils of Wm Broadhurst & Co of Bredbury etc etc – 1839 Aug 2nd. BROMILEY, James – beer seller fined 20s for allowing people to play dominos in his house – 1838 Dec 7th “ Mr – re Hare & Hounds Hatherlowe – 1826 Dec 8th. And 1833 Oct 17th re fowl stealing. “ Mrs – Mentioned re contributions re the repair of Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th BROOKES, Benjamin – for refusing to pay £3, for arrears of bastardy ; Bredbury – 1829 Mar 6th. BROWN, John – aged 14 son of Ralph Brown miner of Bredbury – re inquest at The White Hart after accident at coal pit in Duckinfield – 1844 Sept 6th. BRUCKSHAW, Joshua – mention re stopping up a foot path near the house of Joshua Bruckshaw – 1824 Oct 1st “ Joshua – of Harrytown – at the North Conservative`s Dinner at the Warren Bulkley. – 1836 Aug 26th. “ Joshua – mentioned at the Revising Barrister Court re vote registrations – 1840 Oct 2nd – Mentioned re contributions for repairs to Chadkirk Chapel 1834 Dec 5th “ Mr – ad` re Excellent Ley For Horses – 1822 May 3rd. – And – A Ball in aid of the Stockport Infirmary – 1833 Aug 16th “ Mr & Mrs of Harrytown - at Stockport Grand Fancy Dress Ball – 1828 Apr 14th “ Mrs of Harrytown – re the late Stockport Bazaar – 1833 Aug 9th. And – A Ball in aid of the Stockport Infirmary – 1833 Aug 16th. – And 1834 Jan 3rd. BURGESS, Betty – re bigamy against her by a Wm Hurst – 1827 May 11th. “ Hannah – mentioned as a tenant in a sale of cottages in Bredbury – 1840 Apr 10th “ Wm – mention Mr Marsland`s land and poacher Wm Burgess – 1834 Jan 3rd. BURTENSHAW, George – Mentioned re contributions for the repair of Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th “ William - “ “ “ “ “ BUTTERHOUSE GREEN, – mention in advert re - Wanted Two Surveyors etc – repair and management of the Turnpiike Road – 1842 Feb 11th CANAL (at Bredbury) – James Dorton for throwing Emma Robinson of Stockport into the canal – 1834 April 11th. CASS, Christopher – toll collector re over charging (by JC Vaudrey) – 1827 Aug 10th. CASTLE HILL – re Mary Richardson of Denton being assaulted on her way to Stockport – mentioned beer shop near the Castle Hill toll bar – 1836 Dec 18th. CHADKIRK CHAPEL– Repairing of – mentions Bruckshaw Ryle, George Woodruffe, Samuel Wooley – 1834 Dec 5th CHAPMAN, John – mention re sale of cottages at Woodley (fronting the Turnpike) – occupied by him and Thos Smith – 1835 Feb 27th. CHARLTON, Betty – Mention re an article Longevity in Bredbury – died aged 82 – 1835 Apr 24th. “ Daniel – elected as registrar for Bredbury – 1837 June 9th. “ Thomas – Mention re an article Longevity in Bredbury - died aged 82 – 1835 Apr 24th. CHEETHAM, Ann – of Bredbury married to James Hayner of Ashton – 1842 Apr 15th “ Edward – mentioned re burglary at Butterhouse Green – 1828 May 16th. CLAY, Jerimiah – re Game Lists – receiving a licence – 1837 Sept 20th. And Game Lists - 1838 Sept 28th. Also 1840 Oct 2nd “ Jerimiah – Overseerer of the Poor – Jerimiah Clay Butterhouse Green – 1848 Apr 28th “ Joseph – married, Mary Wood third dtr of Joseph Clay of Arden Mills to Mr John Hardy – 1839 Jan 4th. “ Joseph - re election of a Coroner at the Travellers Call – Joseph Clay chairman – 1841 Feb 5th COLLIER, John – of Bredbury – died 21st inst – 1836 Mar 25th. COLLINS, John – Mentioned as tenant of house near Barrack Hill – Sale by Auction – 1832 Jan 6th “ Hannah – mentioned as a tenant in a sale of cottages at Bredbury – 1840 Apr 10th CORNAL, Robert – constable at Bredbury, being assaulted at Rising Sun. – 1825 May 20th “ Robert - overseer of Bredbury - summoned by Samuel Martin a pauper – 1828 Aug 15th. CRITCHLEY, John – mentioned as a tenant , at a sale of 3 dwelling houses at Woodley – at the Navigation Inn – 1837 Jan 13th. CROWTHER, Wm – Died Wm Crowther – formerly of Highfield Bredbury CRUCKILY WOOD, – two Irish women prisoners being rescued by 36 men – 1828 Oct 17th. “ James Hultz, Wm Hadley, charged with pitching & tossing there – 1830 Feb 26th . “ To Road Contractors – re the hollow in Cruckilly Wood – letting at the Travellers Call – 1835 Feb 20th. “ Robbery at the toll house – parties escaping through Crookily Wood up Broken Brow - 1840 July 24th “ Highway Robbery re a man named Hough being knocked down and robbed near Crookily Wood – 1840 July 31st “ – Wm Stanny & Geo Sykes - for stealing timber form Crukilly Wood – 1843 May 12th DARK LANE, (tenement) re sale of Highfield House and Dark Lane Tenement – 1844 July 12th DAVENPORT, Thos – mentioned at the Revising Barrister Court re vote registration – name struck off – 1840 Oct 2nd DAWSON, Jerimiah – mentioned at the Revising Barrister Court – objected to and struck off (re votes) – 1840 Oct 2nd “ Joseph – mentioned at the Revising Barrister Court – claiming for tenancy of a farm held for 3 yrs under Jesse Howard – 1840 Oct 2nd DEARNALEY James – charged with neglecting his wife at Bredbury – 1830 June 4th. “ James re having his house robbed – on Harrison`s Brow – 1836 Feb 12th. “ Joel – mentioned at the Hatherlow Gooseberry Show – 1840 Aug 14th EVANS, Thos – Applying for a license for a beer house near Briinington Toll Bar – 1839 Aug 30th. GASKELL, Thos – re an advert for the sale of houses at Hatherlow – and a yearly rent paid to Thos Gaskell – 1836 Apr 15th. “ Thos - objected to at the vote registrations on a account of a change of address – struck off the lists – 1839 Oct 2nd GATLEY, Constable of Bredbury – mentioned in article – What is an outhouse – 1842 Oct 28th GILLSON, Charles – mentioned as occupier re sale of houses at Butterhouse Green – 1840 Nov 20th GILLETT, Richard – mentioned re a sale of houses at Butterhouse Green – 1840 Nov 20th GLADDHILL, Wm – mentioned as occupier of dwelling house with loom shops at Bredbury Green – advert re Highfield House – 1823 Aug 22nd GOOSTRY, Wm – mentioned re a £50 tenancy of Timperly Farm (occupied for 2 years) – 1840 Oct 2nd GOYTE HALL, John Astbury charged with stealing wheat from the barn – 1833 Jan 25th. “ Mentioned re the vote registrations – Wm Wood occupier name struck off – 1840 Oct 2nd “ Mentioned re John Moors insolvent debtor – 1841 Feb 26th GREEN, John – burglary at his house, Bredbury Green – 1829 Aug 7th. GREENWOOD, George – of Bredbury – fined for being drunk and disorderly in the church yard – 1839 July 26th. GREGORY, James – mentioned re contributions for the repair of Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th GREYHOUND – re an inquest at the house, on Wm Moore – who`d cut his own throat – 1836 May 27th. “ Mentioned re a Henry Booth dying on his way to visit a new coal pit – 1844 Sept 13th “ Re inquest at the Greyhound Inn on Wm Andrew who suffocated in a pit belonging to Ann Jowett – 1847 Mar 19th GRIMSHAW, James - committed to Knutsford for £5. 8.6 due to the Township of Bredbury. GRUNDY, George – re an attack on John Vaudrey surgeon of Bredbury - and a submission making him pay £5 to charity – 1834 Dec26th. “ Wm – Overseeer of the poor Bredbury – 1839 Apr 5th. “ Wm – mentioned re £63 tenancy of a farm at Moor – at the vote registrations – 1840 Oct 2nd HATHERLOW, Gooseberry Show – mention Joel Dearneley , James Warhurst – 1837 Aug 11th. – Notice re the spring meetings – 1823 Feb 14th “ “ “ - mention Caleb Warhurst and Joel Dearnaley – 1840 Aug 14th “ – Pitch Battles – re pitch battle to be fought at Hatherlow between Benjamin Thompson the Hillgate Pet and Abraham Heald of Portwood – 1835 Oct 15th. “ Warf – mention damaging a coal boat at Hatherlow Warf the property of Lord Vernon – 1837 Oct 13th. HATHERLOW, Chapel – re collier`s wife, and her body being stolen – 1827 May 18th.; “ Mention the sexton Samuel Swindells and the interment of Maria Simpson – 1827 June 8th. “ Mention of a sermon preached at Hatherlow by Rev G Edge of Congleton , raising upwards of £40 – 1834 May 23rd HATHERLOW, Wakes – Jos Bradshaw, Joseph Butterworth & John Lord, charged for running their dogs at a bull – 1836 Aug 5th. HARTLEY, Wm – charge with intent to commit a felony – 1827 Dec 14th. HATTERSLEY, Isaac – mentioned as an occupier – re buildings and water wheel – Leigh`s Tenement (sale) 1841 Sept 3rd HARE & HOUNDS – Re a Geo Andrew having 12s stolen, mentioned the house of Wm Bromiley – the Hare & Hounds Hatherlow – 1826 Dec 8th “ Samuel Andrew, Thos Brindley charged with stealing money there – 1830 May 7th and 1833 Oct 17th re Jos Andrew and fowl stealing. “ re Mrs Moore, landlady complaining against James Lord & Thos Barnes for behaving in a riotous manner – 1836 July 1st. “ Situated at Hatherlow - To be let – 1840 Apr 3rd “ To Publicans & Others – sale at the Hare & Hounds effects of Mr Samuel Redfern, who is declining the business – 1840 May 22nd - And 1840 Nov 20th HARRISON, James – metioned re a vote registration (living on Bench Lane) 1840 Oct 2nd “ Mary – Married to Wm Booth – both of Bredbury – 1833 Jan 4th “ Samuel – mentioned re a vote registration – 1840 Oct 2nd “ Benjamin – Highway Robbery re Mr Benjamin Harrison of Bredbury – robbed between the Travellers Call and Arden House – 1848 Feb 25th HARTLEY, Wm - of Bredbury charged with intent to commit a felony – 1827 Dec 14th HAUGE, Thos – of Bredbury, assaulted by Samuel Wooley – 1832 July 20th. HERBERT, Charles – married to Harriet Marriet – both of Bredbury – 1843 May 5th HIBBERT, Betty – of Bredbury , John Redfern charged with assaulting her – 1831 Nov 11th. HEGINBOTHAM, Ralph – Mentioned re contributions for the repair of Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th HIGGINBOTHAM, M. W. Of Barrack Hill – re a throstle pursued by a hawk taking refuge in his house – 1823 Nov 15th HIGHFIELD HOUSE – To Be Sold By Auction – The very eligible and freehold estate called Highfield in Bredbury – gives full description of the property – 1823 Aug 22nd “ Mention Mrs Barlow of – re ladies` bazaar fund – 1833 June 14th. “ Mr H Barlow of – at Stockport Fancy Dress Ball – 1828 Apr 14th. “ Mr Henry Barlow jnr – accident when horse bolted – 1829 Apr 24th. “ re Irishmen charged with riotous & disorderly conduct after mowing for Mr Barlow – 1835 July 24th. “ Estate Sale – valuable freehold mansion house called Highfield House – 1844 July 12th “ Highfield Bredbury – There is in the garden a peach tree , bearing 21doz or 258 fine peaches – 1844 Aug 2nd HILL, James – paid the penalty of 3s-4d for Sabbath breaking – 1824 June 11th HODKIN, George – married to Mary Ann Wood – both of Bredbury – 1841 June 25th HOLT, James – of Butterhouse Green married to Alice Redfern of Bredbury – 1838 Feb 16th. HOPWOOD, Betty – of Bench Lane, assaulted by Geo Farrington at Cruickly Wood – 1831 Aug 5th “ John – Where as I John Hopwood the younger weaver did assault Samuel Bowker constable of Hyde (submission etc) – 1823 June 27th “ John – mentioned as being a member of the notorious Bredbury Gang – 1845 Dec 12th “ Mary – of Barrack Hill – 84 yrs mother of 13 children etc – walks 3 miles an hour etc – 1830 Mar 26th. “ “ mention re an article re Longevity in Bredbury – died aged 90 – and also in a separate article, re Mary Smith better known as Hopwood - 1835 Apr 24th. “ Samuel – mentioned as a tenant in a sale of cottages at Bredbury – 1840 Apr 10th “ Wm – Bredbury Overseeer – 1840 Apr 10th HOWARD, Elizabeth Maxwell – Died in of scarlet fever, the eldest dtr of Josiah Howard of Bredbury – 1837 Oct 20th. “ James Wm – Vote registrations – claiming for a freehold rent charge for land and buildings adjoining the Stockport to Mottram highway – 1845 Oct 24th “ James Wm of Bredbury Hall - at the Charity Ball for the Infirmary, held at the court house – 1846 Jan 23rd. “ Jesse – re a complaint by 6 of his colliers – discharged without notice – 1830 Aug 20th. And – Strike Amongst Colliers – 1841 Feb 5th “ Jesse – Benjamin Hurst, Jos Lomas charged with breaking the fences of Jesse Howard – 1831 June 13th – Also vandalism at one of his coal pits 1838 June 22nd “ Jesse – Wheat stolen from Goyte Hall barn – the property of Jesse Howard – 1833 Jan 25th. And timber being Stolen form his property – 1843 May 5th “ Jesse – John Washington for allowing his dog to worry sheep – the property of Jesse Howard of Bredbury – 1834 Feb 14th “ Jesse – re bones being stolen from Middle Farm – the property of Jesse Howard – 1834 March 7th and April 11th. “ Jesse – Abraham Harvey for stealing new & old brass form Jesse Howard – 1834 Mar 14th - Also sheep being stolen from Jesse Howard – 1838 Oct 26th. “ Jesse – Evading Tolls -Two gates put on his land one before the gate and one above – carters in his service, entered one and came the other -1836 Jan 29th. “ Jesse – Sale by Auction – on the premises of Bredbury Hall & Pear Tree Farm – the entire live and dead farming stock, carriage, harness etc of Jesse Howard deceased – 1850 Mar 1st “ Josiah – John Ward for trespassing on his land in Bredbury – 1834 Aug 1st. “ Josiah – re powerful fall of water to be let – on the river Goite – apply Josiah Howard Bredbury Hall – 1835 Feb 13th HOWARD, Josiah – re mowers coming from his land, being attacked by Irish men, on the Stockport road – 1835 July 24th. “ Josiah – Samuel Redfern for evading the toll by passing up the private carriageway (Bredbury Hall) – 1836 Jan 15th. “ Josiah - Vote registrations – Josiah Howard was objected to by the general clerk - 1836 Oct 26th. And 1833 Oct 17th appointed High Constable Josiah Howard Bredbury. “ Josiah – Vote registrations – claiming for a tenancy of Bredbury Hall – name struck off the list – 1840 Oct 2nd “ Josiah – Vote registrations – claiming for a freehold rent charge for land and buildings adjoining the Stockport to Mottram highway – 1845 Oct 24th “ Josiah – of Bredbury Hall – occupied the vice presidents chair at the Waterloo dinner, at the Warren Bulkley – 1836 June 24th. ( And Aug 26th. ) and 1843 June 23rd “ Josiah – Thos Shaw, Wm Radley, Thos Hopwood & Thos Crabtree, brought to justice by Josiah Howard for damaging hay in Warth Meadow – 1836 Nov 4th and Aug 11th. “ Josiah – appointed Churchwarden of Stockport – 1841 Apr 30th – Stockport Church Missionary Association – meeting chaired by Josiah Howard – 1847 April 2nd. “ Josiah – Re advert for Bank of Stockport lists - Josiah Howard Bredbury gentleman – 1846 Apr 3rd – The Sale of all Furniture – the property of Josiah Howard – 1847 Nov 12th HOWARD, Mr – of Bredbury re trespassing on his land – 1826 June 16th. “ Mr – re colliers turn out and assaults from old hands – 1831 June 24th, July 1st and July 8 “ Mrs – re £2.00 subscription to the Victoria Ward _ Stockport Infirmary – 1838 Aug 24th. HOWARTH, Wm – re Derby Quarter Sessions, to try a cause – 1822 Aug 9th. HOWLES, John – late of Bredbury – mentions the will of – 1828 Sept 5th. HUNT, Wm – late of Bredbury – dealer in bones & rags – insolvent debtor – 1841 July 16th HULLEY, George Clayton – married to Sarah Bates – both of Bredbury – 1841 June 18th HYDE, Esther – re a planned Turnpike near her land at Woodley – 1835 Nov 13th “ Isaac – re tailer of ale Bredbury, charged with company in his house at 11.30 – 1835 Sept 11th. HYDE`S BEER SHOP – (Rid Plough Inn) mentioned near Cruckilly Wood – Wm Whitehead went there for assistance , after being robbed in the wood – 1835 Aug 21st. HYDE Thomas – mention re an article re Longevity in Bredbury – died aged 82 – 1835 Apr 24th. “ William – applied for a license to some premises near the Bredbury toll bar – 1841 Aug 27th HINGHAM John – Suicide at Bredbury re John Hingham who hanged himself – 1837 May 19th “ Mr – mention re drunks coming out of his house (The Travellers Call) – 1835 May 7th. HIGGINBOTHAM Hannah – Married to John Stringer – both of Bredbury – 1841 Mar 19th HIGHER WATERSIDE FARM – re - To be Let – apply New Bridge Lane Mills – 1847 Feb 5th HOPWOOD -Thos of Bredbury married to Nancy Rowbotham – 1840 Sept 11th HOWLES, John (otherwise Holles) late of Bredbury a notice re a will and certain dwelling houses – 1828 Sept 5th HULLEY, Anis – mentioned as living on Bench Lane in advert re cottages for sale – 1840 July 31st HUNT, Wm – election of a Coroner at the Travellers Call – Wm Hunt secretary – 1841 Feb 5th HURST, Jos – an inquest at the house of C Birchenough on Jos Hurst a miner – 1831 Feb 25th. INGHAM, James – Road Case – Trustees of the Stockport & Ashton Turnpike, summoned by Mr James Ingham on behalf of the inhabitants of Bredbury – 1841 Nov 12th “ Sarah – Bredbury beer seller fined for out of hours drinking – 1837 Mar 17th “ Wm – granted a license for The Three Hards (Travellers Call) – 1834 Sept 26th. ISHERWOOD, Thos – mention as a tenant - re a sale of houses at Butterhouse Green – 1840 Nov 20th JACKSON, John – re houses (built 1786) to be sold at Butterhouse Green – he was a tenant – 1835 May 15th. “ John – mentioned as owner of a chief rent – re sale at Leigh`s Tenement – 1841 Sept 3rd JENKINSON, James – servant to Mr Savage of Bredbury Hall (being attacked) 1827 June 1st. JOWETT, Ann – re inquest at the Greyhound Inn on a Wm Andrew, who suffocated in a pit belonging to Ann Jowett – 1847 Mar 12tyh “ John – Bredbury overseer – 1830 Apr 9th. “ John – re election of guardians in Bredbury – 1840 Apr 3rd “ John – re advert for the Bank of Stockport – lists John Jowett Bredbury coal merchant – 1846 Feb 6th “ Mr – Samuel Sykes charged with stealing a frame saw, from Mr Jowett`s premises Bredbury – 1836 Oct 7th. “ Mrs – article What is an outhouse – mentioned Mrs Jowett`s coal pit – 1842 Oct 28th KELLETT, Samuel – mention re an article re Longevity in Bredbury – died aged 86 – 1835 Apr 24th. “ Thos – of Bredbury – for having a hare in his procession – 1828 June 27th. “ Thos of Bench Lane – Peter Higgins and Edward Evans charged with breaking into his property – 1831 Aug 5th. “ Thos – mentioned at the vote registrations – for an occupation under Mr Horsefield – 1840 Oct 2nd KIRK, Grace – dtr of Mr Kirk of the Traveller`s Call married to Wm Horrocks of the Printer`s Arms, Daw Bank – 1841 Sept 12th “ Hannah – eldest dtr of Samuel Kirk of Bredbury – married to Joseph Bradbury of Stockport – 1835 Jan 30th. “ Mr – of Bredbury Bar – re stolen bones from Middle Farm – 1834 Mar 7th. “ Mrs – Thos Bennett for assaulting her – whilst passing thro` the Bredbury Gate - 1835 Apr 3rd.++ “ Samuel of Bredbury toll house, being broken into by Peter Higgins and Edward Evans – 1831 Aug 5th and Aug 19th. “ Samuel – sale of Valuable Freehold Property - the sign of the Traveller`s Call – 1843 Sept 8th “ Samuel – Sale of brewing utensils and household furniture of Mr Samuel Kirk at the Travellers Call – 1847 Oct 8th. KIRKHAM, Isaac of Bredbury married to Miss Matilda Fynnes of – 1836 June 3rd. “ John – of Bredbury farmer – charged with assaulting James Beswick – 1828 Sept 5th. “ John of Arden Hall – winning a prize with the Manchester Agricultural Society for best cultivated farm – 1832 Oct 5th. “ Mr – of Arden Hall re corn being stolen – 1833 Aug 23rd. – Also sheep being stolen 1839 Oct 18th “ Mr – mentions Henry Bardsley dying suddenly in a barn, after reaping all day for Mr Kirkham – 1837 Sept 1st “ Richard – Thos Pugh charged with stealing a top coat of Richard Kirkham of Arden Hall – 1840 Mar 6th LANNEY, Wm – re sale of houses at Hatherlow – he was listed as occupying a cellar - 1836 Apr 15th. LEE, Geo – re a sale of houses at Hatherlow – he was listed as occupying a cellar – 1836 Apr 15th. “ Wm - charged with refusing to maintain his family at Bredbury – 1830 May 28th. “ Wm – mentioned as a tenant , at a sale of 3 dwelling houses at Woodley – at the Navigation Inn. LEIGH, Edward – charged James Hardy & Daniel Stafford for damage to a bridge – 1829 June 19th . “ Edward – Overseeer Bredbury – 1830 April 9th. – Mentioned re contributions for repairs to Chadkirk Chapel 1834 Dec 5th “ Edward – Richard Edwood – 3 m`nths imprisonment for stealing tobacco from Edward Leigh, Bredbury – 1835 Apr 17th. “ John – of Woodley, mentioned re a sale of houses at the Navigation Inn – ie for further particulars apply Mr John Leigh Woodley - 1837 Jan 13th. “ John – Overseeer of the poor Bredbury – 1839 Apr 5th. “ John – Valuable Estate and Cheif Rents – tenement named Leigh`s Tenement now in the occupation of Mr John Leigh (aged 33 yrs) – 1841 Sept 3rd “ John – Insolvent Debtors – John Leigh late of Bredbury under firm Leigh & Bredbury, as bobbin turners etc – 1842 July 8th “ Mary – mention re an article re Longevity in Bredbury – died aged 84 – 1835 Apr 24th. “ Mr – of Woodley, presenting a head of oats of unprecedented size – 1824 Aug 22nd “ Mr – of Woodley and trespass on his land – 1826 Aug 18th “ Phillip of Woodley shopkeeper, (newly appointed constable of Bredbury) being robbed – 1833 Oct 25th “ Phillip of Woodley – objected to at the vote registrations – losing his qualification – 1839 Oct 2nd “ Wm – mentioned as a tenant re a sale of houses at Butterhouse Green – 1840 Nov 20th LOMAS, George – of Bredbury married to Miss Hannah Shaw of Hyde – 1839 May 24th. “ Oliver – a turn out collier charged with threatening to maim John Dale at Mr Howards colliery Bredbury – 1831 July 15th. LOWE, Charles Retailer of ale Bench Lane – for keeping his house open Sun` afternoon – 1833 Mar 31st. “ John – beer seller fined 20s for allowing persons to play dominos – 1838 Dec 7th “ John – mentioned at the vote registrations – 1840 Oct 2nd “ Mrs of Bench Lane – re her provision shop being broken into – cheeses, sugar, tea and butter – concealed in a garden – 1841 Apr 30th “ Samuel – beer retailer (Red House Lane) for after hours drinking – 1835 Sept 11th. “ Sarah – Assizes - re burglary at her house (1841 Apr 30th) – 1841 Aug 6th “ Wm – Arden Arms, summoned by a musician for 2s 6d – 1833 May 31st. LOWES ARMS – To be Let – for particulars apply to Messrs Samson & Boreham, Sun Brewery Ardwick (see also Charles Birchenough ) – 1839 June 21st. “ Mentioned re an argument and stabbing – ` he called at the Lowes Arms for a glass of ale` - 1843 Mar 9th Also Apr 14th. “ Valuable Freehold Estate Sale – 1845 July 11th “ Re public meeting at the pub for adopting measures to build St Marks Church – 1847 Jan22nd “ Re inquest at the pub - on a Wm Burgess hatter “found drowned” – 1846 Apr 3rd MANOR HOUSE WOODLEY, – to be let with garden, orchards, coach house etc – 1848 Apr 7th MANSION HOUSE – situated in Woodley – to be let – late in the occupation of Robert Morrey etc – 1827 June 22nd MARRIET, Harriet – married Charles Herbert – both of Bredbury – 1843 May 5th MARSLAND, Henry – A ball in aid of the Stockport Infirmary – mentioned Henry Marsland of Woodbank – 1833 Aug 16th. And an election re the borough - H Marsland – 1834 Dec 5th. “ Mr – re poaching - the preserves around Bredbury – 1834 Jan 3rd. “ Mrs - A ball in aid of the Stockport Infirmary – mentioned Mrs Marsland of Woodbank – 1833 Aug 16th. And 1834 Jan 3rd. “ Mrs – Woodbank – re £5.00 subscription to the Victoria Ward – Stockport Infirmary – 1838 Aug 24th. “ Notice is hearby given by Peter Marsland etc – mentioned stopping up a useless and unnecessary foot path to Harrytown – 1824 Oct 1st “ Peter – Wm Wood & Geo Stoneley 6 Wks each et Knutsford for poaching on the grounds of the late Peter Marsland - 1833 Aug 23rd. “ Peter – Married at Paris – Fredrick Lardet to Pheobe 2nd dtr of the late Peter Marsland – 1834 Oct 9th. MIDDLE FARM – re £400 worth of bones being stolen, near the riverside – 1834 Mar 7th. “ To be sold by auction – at Middle Farm Bredbury – the property of Mr Thorniley ? who is leaving the premises – 1848 MILNES, John – re a sale of houses at Hatherlow – he was listed as a tenant – 1836 April 15th.c MOORE Mrs – mentioned as the landlady of the Hare & Hounds Hatherlow – 1836 July 1st. “ Sarah (Mrs) – mentioned re contributions re the repair of Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th MOORS, John – Provision shopkeeper & carter previously of Goyte Hall – insolvent debtor – 1841 Feb 19th MORREY, Mr R. C. of Woodley – employer of Betty Shallcross – brutally murdered – inquest at the White Bear, the house of Mr Charles Birchenough – 1823 Mar 28th “ Thos C – duck stealing from his farm in Bredbury – 1830 Apr 17th. “ Thos Cheetham – re him placing an advert – in consequence of a conspiracy, having been formed against him etc etc . 1836 Apr 22nd. “ Robert – ad` re the mansion house Woodley – 1827 June 22nd. NAVIGATION INN – Sale of 3 dwelling houses – at the house of Mr Samuel Travis – 1837 Jan 13th – Also Auction at the house of Samuel Travis 1838 July 13th. Also 1839 July 19th “ To be Let – well suited for a public brewery – apply Mr Shaw – Navigation Inn – 1850 Apr 12th “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Also the spindle mill occupied by Mr Shaw – apply Mr Shaw – Navigation

Inn – 1850 May 31st NEEDHAM, James – of Bredbury for assaulting Mary Price – 1829 Oct 2nd, NUTTAR ? James – of Bredbury charged with robbing Thos Burtenshawe – 1831 Mar 11th. OLDFIELD, Allan – mentioned as a tenant re sale of houses at Butterhouse Green – 1840 Nov 20th OLDHAM, Alexander – Mention re contributions for the repair of Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th “ Charles – Complaint against Charles Oldham re assault by Bowker constable of Hyde – case dismissed – 1823 July 4th “ Charles – of the Rising Sun being assaulted – 1825 May 20th “ Charles -re claims on his brother`s estate – 1829 Dec 4th. “ James – discharged after paying fine for cutting timber – 1843 May 5th “ John – given 2 months at Knutsford – abandoned the terms of his indenture and threatening to throw his father into the canal – 1837 Aug 18th “ John of Bredbury – for (with others) assaulting Moors an assistant constable, in Newbridge Lane – 1839 Oct 25th “ John – mentioned re a tenancy of Boggart House - £55 a year, at the Revising Barrister Court (re votes) – 1840 Oct 2nd “ John – charged with entering the house of Johnathan Lee and re robbery near Bredbury Toll House – 1841 Feb 12th – Ches` Assizes - Jailed for 4 months – 1841 Apr 16th “ John – commited to Chester Assizes – re Highway Robbery near Bredbury Toll Bar along with a Wm Birkett – 1843 Feb 24th. “ John – commited for not paying fine for cutting timber – 1843 May 5th. “ Joseph of Bredbury – Convicted in the penalty of 40s, for assaulting Miss Sarah Armfield of the King Wm 4th New Bridge Lane – 1839 Dec 6th “ Joseph – mentioned re being a member of the notorious Bredbury Gang – 1845 Dec 12th –(committed to Knutsford for 3 months) “ Joseph – committed to Chester Assizes re Highway Robbery – mentioned as members of the Bredbury Gang – and Joseph Towers a watcher at Bredbury Hall – 1843 Feb 3rd “ Wm “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Wm – Attempted Highway Robbery – trying to rob Wm Wilding – 1843 Oct 20th PEARSON, Thos – of Bredbury, having his pockets picked – (a servant to Mr Savage) – 1830 Jan 8th. PEAR TREE FARM – a cottage to be let – for particulars apply Jesse Howard New Bridge Lane - 1831 June 24th. – also To be sold by auction – household, books furniture etc – 1850 Apr 19th PERCIVAL, Mary – Married to Daniel Sexton – both of Bredbury – 1831 Apr 1st PICKFORD, Mary – for hawking spirits at Bredbury – 3 months at Knutsford . 1833Oct 24th. “ Mathew – Sale This Day – re 299 Oak Trees standing on Crookiley Tenement occupied by Mathew Pickford – 1843 Apr 7th PLATT, Wm – Mentioned re contributions for the repair of Chadkirk Chapel – 1835 Dec 5th PLOUGH (THE) – Beer House, near the toll bar – belonging to Mr Shaw - a licence application by James Bowker – 1846 Sept 4th Also an application by Wm Robinson – 1847 Sept 3rd POLLIT, John – of Bredbury – for removing night soil and spilling it in the street. – 1834 Mar 14th. “ Jos – of Bredbury re assault by John Bramhall – 1828 Feb. PRIMITIVE METHODIST SOC` - mentioned as owners of a chief rent – Leigh`s Tenement – 1841 Sept 3rd RADCLIFFE, Benjamin – re a sale of houses at Hatherlow – he was listed as a tenant – 1836 Apr 125th. RAILWAY PACKET BOATS – between Marple & Duckinfield – lists Woodley and Butterhouse Green – 1843 Mar 31st. REDFERN, Alice – of Bredbury Green married to Kames Holt of Butterhouse Green – 1838 Jan 26th. “ Daniel – mentioned as landlord of the Rising Sun - Property Sale – 1845 Jan 10th “ John – of Bredbury, charged with assaulting Betty Hibbert – 1831 Nov 11th. “ Samuel – re To Publicans and Others – sale re effects – declining the business – 1840 May22nd REDFORD, Louisa – Inquest on her – accidently crushed to death – 1833 July 12th. RENSHAW, Wm – mention re an article re Longevity in Bredbury – died aged 82 – 1835 Apr 24th. RISING SUN – To Road Contractors – re making and completing improvements on the Turnpike Road – 1832 Apr 27th. “ – To be Sold –re 700,000 bricks lying in a field ajoining – 1835 Oct 23rd. “ - At the house of Charles Oldham cottages and vacant land for sale on Bench Lane – 1840 July 31st. ROBINSON , Alfred – hatter – appeared to have a heart attack- inquest on him at the Greyhound Inn – 1848 Oct 16th “ Robert – of Woodley and fighting at his beershop – 1835 Dec 18th “ Rose Ann – stealing flour at Bredbury – transported 7 years – 1840 Jan 7th “ Samuel – A coroners Inquest held on Samuel Robinson – found dead near Arden Hall – 1824 June 4th “ Samuel – for assaulting Bough constable, at Harrytown – 1832 Jan 27th “ William – application for a license for the Plough beer house by Wm Robinson – 1847 Sept 3rd ROWBOTHAM, Nancy – of Bredbury married to Thos Hopwood – 1840 Sept 11th RYLE, Mr – Found a pointer bitch – apply Mr Ryle Bredbury – 1831 May 13th – also mentioned – house to be let late residence of Mr Ryle – 1850 Apr 12th SAVAGE, Mr – mentioned of Bredbury Hall – 1827 June 1st SAXON, Ralph – Mentioned re contributions for the repair of Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th SCOTT, John – iron founder – Guardian Bredbury – 1839 Apr 5th. “ John – Death of John Scott iron founder – of Arden House Bredbury – 1849 Mar 16th “ Mr – Joseph Politt – charged with stealing lead from cottage belonging to Mr Scott – 1836 Sept 2nd SEXTON, Daniel – married to Mary Percival – both of Bredbury – 1831 Apr 1st SHAW, Mr – advert mentioned apply Mr Shaw at the Navigation Inn – 1850 Apr 12th – also 1850 May 31st “ Thomas – Re serious accident in a coal pit belonging to Thos Shaw of Woodley - mentions Thos Seal & Thos Price – 1844 Apr 5th “ Thomas of Woodley coal merchant – overseer of Bredbury – 1849 Mar 30th – Also mentioned 1849 Oct 5th SLATE, John – of Bredbury returning home through the fields, found the body of John Stalkey – 1842 Apr 29th SMITH, James – Mentioned re contributions for the repair of Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th “ Joseph – Mentioned re Voters Registrations – Joseph Smith – collier – Turner Lane. “ Mary – better known by the name of Hopwood (see under Mary Hopwood). “ Robert – mentioned as a tenant re sale of houses at Butterhouse Green – 1840 Nov 20th “ Thos – mentioned re sale of cottages at Woodley (fronting the Turnpike) – occupied by him and John Chapman – 1835 Feb 27th. SIDDALL, William – mentioned as occupier of Dark Lane Tenement – 1844 July 12th SIDEBOTTAM, George – paid the penalty of 3s-4d for Sabbath breaking – 1824 June 11th “ Henry – Of Butterhouse Green – sentenced for highway robbery – 1829 Jan 2nd. SIMMISTER, Henry – Mentioned as a tenant of a house near Barrack Hill – Sale by Auction – 1832 Jan 6th SPREAD EAGLE , Hatherlow – Prize Gooseberry Show (Mr Cooke the landlord) – 1822 Oct 4th. “ At the house of Caleb Thorniley – re the closing of the Stockport Hunt – 1835 Mar 20th. “ To be sold by ticket at the Spread Eagle in Hatherlow – Timber growing in Werneth & Romiley etc 1824 Mar 5th “ To be sold – at the house of Mr Thorpe in Hatherlow – 1845 Dec 19th Also 1846 Apr 10th. Also 1847 Jan 15th “ Drowned While Intoxicated – re Nathan Wagstaffe & John Bailey getting beastly drunk at the pub – later Wagstaffe drowned in the Goite – 1846 June 26th ST MARK`S – Bredbury re adopting measures to build the church – meeting at the Lowes Arms – 1847 Jan 22nd “ Re the opening of the church – gives names of contractors etc – 1849 Jan 12th – a mention of St Mark`s – 1850 Sept 20th STACY, John – paid the penalty of 3s-4d for Sabbath breaking – 1824 June 11th STAFFORD, Charles – Re a daughter of Charles Stafford of Bredbury losing her life at play in a gravel pit – 1823 Nov 15th “ Ellen – committing suicide – her husband kept a beershop also worked in the warehouse of Mr Ashton at Woodley – 1840 June 12th STANNEY, Robert – Insolvent Debtor – Previously of Woodley – Retailer of Ale and labourer – 1844 Mar 8th STANLEY, Charles – mentioned as an occupier re buildings with water wheel – re Leigh`s Tenement (sale) – 1841 Sept 3rd STANTON, Emanuel – Publican for a term and at a rent – re the Travellers Call – bankruptcy (Samuel Kirk) – 1847 Nov 5th STRINGER, Hannah – Mentioned as landlady of Lowes Arms - re stabbing case (Mar 9th) 3 men sentenced to 12 months hard labour – 1843 Apr 14th “ William – mentioned as landlord of The Lowes Arms (estate sale) – 1845 July 11th “ John – Married to Hannah Higginbotham - both of Bredbury – 1841 Mar 19th STRINGER`S WEIR – (Bredbury) – re one of the privates of the 8th foot drowning, whist bathing at the weir – 1833 Aug 2nd. and Aug 9th. SWINDELLS, Mary – Died - relict to late Henry Swindells of Bredbury – 1840 Oct 9th “ Mr – farmer of Bredbury- re fire at the house of and a person named Bruckshaw. – 1834 Jan 17th. “ Samuel – Letter to the Stockport Advertiser re the internment of Maria Simpson – Samuel Swindells sexton of Hatherlow Chapel -1827 June 8th SYDALL, Mr – mentioned re house to be let late the residence of Mr Sydall (near Hatherlow Chapel) – 1850 Apr 12th TAYLOR, James – mentioned as a tenant re sale of houses at Butterhouse Green – 1840 Nov 20th “ Levi – a collier at Butterhouse Green – his house being broken into – 1828 May 16th, “ Sarah – drowned herself being a lunatic – 1834 Jan 31st. THOMPSON, Samuel – of Bredbury publican - charged with allowing gaming in his house – 1847 May 7th THORNILEY, Caleb – Closing of the Stockport Hunt – at the house of that veteran sportsman Mr Caleb Thorniley – (The Spread Eagle) – 1835 Mar 20th “ John – apples stolen from his trees – 1827 July 27th “ John – 5 guineas reward re a stolen mare at Yew Tree – 1827 Aug 3rd “ John – Joseph Makin brought up in the custody of Mr John Thorniley constable of Bredbury – for stealing apples from his garden – 1834 Sept 5th. “ Mary Ann – of Bredbury married to Mr Wm Weelton of Stockport – 1835 Jan 9th. “ Miss – Married Miss E Thorniley - dtr of the late John Thorniley of Bredbury, to Thos Brookes butcher of – 1841 Dec 17th “ Mr – The constable of the Township (John Thorniley of Yew Tree) – 1835 Sept 11th. Also overseer Oct 1st. “ Mr – A man named Crabtree fined 20s for assaulting the Constable of Bredbury – 1836 Aug 5th “ Mr re the wife of a labouring man who worked for him at Yew Tree (Hannah Dawson) commiting suicide – Miss Thorniley cousin of the deceased – 1839 Dec 6th “ Mrs – Deaths – Mrs Thorniley of Yew Tree Farm 1835 Dec 4th. “ Mrs – Death – Mrs Thorniley wife of Caleb Thorniley, formerly of the Spread Eagle Hatherlow – 1837 Oct 20th. “ Samuel of Bredbury married to Elizabeth Carrington of Bramhall – 1837 June 2nd. “ Samuel declining farming – sale of stock, dairy utensils etc on the premises the Yew Tree Farm – 1844 Apr 12th THORPE, Mr – mentioned as landlord of The Spread Eagle (estate sale) – 1845 Dec 19th. And sale -1846 Apr 10th - And sale 1847 Jan 15th. TIMPERLY FARM – Mentioned re Wm Goostry at the vote registrations – 1840 Oct 2nd TITHES --- to be rated mentioned Mr Vaughen (Stockport) solicitor to Bredbury – 1836 Aug 19th TOMLINSON, James – mentioned as a tenant re sale of houses at Butterhouse Green – 1840 Nov 20th TOWERS, Joseph – re Game Lists – receiving a licence – 1837 Sept 20th. Also mentioned as a watcher on the grounds of Josiah Howard (Bredbury Hall) – 1843 Feb 3rd “ Thos – mentioned as occupier re dwelling houses , with loom shops at Bredbury Green – advert for Highfield House – 1823 Aug 22nd TRAVELLERS` CALL – re letting taking place , re the hollow in Cruckilly Wood – 1835 Feb 20th. “ Election of a Coroner at the Travellers Call - 1841 Feb 5th “ Foot Race re between Titler & Brown (Brown was trained by Mr Kirk of the Travellers Call – 1840 Sept 25th – Victoria Coarse Travellers Call – 1844 Apr 12th - 1839 June 21st “ mention re drunks coming out of – and Mr Hingham the landlord – disorderlys and Barlow`s beershop Harrytown – 1835 May 7th “ Re a meeting to the propriety of erecting a Toll gate near the Traveller`s Call (another near Lingard lane) – 1836 Jan 29th. “ Re sale of buildings and furniture of James Bradbury of Bench Lane – 1841 Mar 5th “ Gooseberry Show at The Travellers Call – 1842 Aug 5th “ Serious Disturbances in the manufacturing districts – re several thousand men & woman, stopping at the pub on their way to Stockport – 1842 Aug 12th / Aug 26th “ Tithe Commissioners – notice re a copy of Rent Charge for Bredbury – for inspection at the Travellers Call – 1843 Aug 18th. Also 1844 Sept 6th “ Sale of valuable freehold property – The Travellers Call – 1843 Sept 8th “ Sale – Brewing utensils, stock in trade etc and household furniture of Mr Samuel Kirk - Travellers Call – 1847 Oct 8th “ A Violent Character – Wm Barker charged with threatening to stab a man named Hopwood at the Travellers Call – 1843 Oct 27th TRAVIS, Samuel – mentioned as landlord of the Navigation Inn Woodley (sale this day etc) 1837 Jan 13th – and 1839 July 19th TYMN, Mathew – Retailer of ale – at petty Sessions Disley – for disorderly house – 1832 Nov 16th TYPHUS, Fever – re a woman and her family at Bredbury Green – 1825 Nov 18th – and 1835 Dec 2nd UPTON TAYLOR, Ellis – Inquest at his house (Hare & Hounds) on Martha Potter 18 yrs – 1842 July 13th VAUDREY, John – surgeon of Bredbury – Chester Summer Assizes ref right of way – 1828 Sept 12th. “ John – surgeon of Bredbury – re an outrageous attack on him – mentions Grundy & Sidebottom. – 1834 Oct 17th and Dec 26th. “ John – Whereas John Vaudrey of Bredbury surgeon re an agreement for the lease of Dinting Mill – 1840 July 10th “ John Collier – mentioned re making a new road in front of Stockport Sunday School – 1834 May 16th. “ John Collier - Died John Collier Vaudrey – eldest son of John Vaudrey of Bredbury – 1842 Feb 4th “ Mr – surgeon – To Spindle Makers & Bobbin Turners – To Be Let Premises suitable for the above purpose – apply Mr Vaudrey Surgeon – 1844 Oct 11th “ Mr Wm junr – at Stockport Fancy Dress Ball – 1828 Apr 14th. “ Wm – granted a license for The Navigation Woodley – 1834 Sept 26th. “ Wm – re a missing £100 bank note – female servants cleared of theft – the note returned from Manchester – 1843 Mar 24th. “ Wm – Overseers of the Poor – W Vaudrey senior Butterhouse Green – 1848 Apr 28th WAGSTAFF, Mr J – of Bredbury examined at the Apothecaries Hall London – found qualified – 1824 May 24th WARBURTON, John – mentioned as a tenant re sale of houses at Butterhouse Green -1840 Nov 20th WARD, John – re sale of houses at Hatherlow – he was listed as a tenant – 1836 Apr 15th. “ George – applying for a licence for a beerhouse – 1838 Sept 7th – Also applying 1839 Aug 30th (house on New Road Bredbury) – Also applying 1841 Aug 27th WARHURST, Caleb – mentioned at the Hatherlow Goosberry Show 1840 Aug 14th and 1841 Jan15th WARTH MEADOW – re Thos Shaw damaging hay ( Josiah Howard) – 1836 Nov 4th. WHARBY, Timothy – re assistance to the overseers of Bredbury- mentions he was a marine aged 81 – the victory of the Nile (and more) – 1834 Dec 5th. WHITTAKER, Benjamin – W Chappels charged with stealing washing form his hedge – 1833 Feb. WHITE BEAR – at Butterhouse Green re inquest on the body of Betty Shallcross, sevant to Mr R C Morrey – murdered, discovered in a outbuilding – 1823 Mar 28th “ Butterhouse Green – inquest on Isaac Booth of Werneth – who fell in the canal – 1824 Apr 9th “ Butterhouse Green – ref to earlier name for the Lowes Arms -1828 June 3rd WHITE HART Woodley – mention Miss Woodruff`s house and music on a Sunday – 1836 Nov 26th. “ Woodley – ad re Miss Woodruff moving to the Kings Arms – 1841 Oct 15th “ Woodley – Inquest on Mr James Orme Reed – drowned in the canal – 1841 Dec 24th “ Woodley – inquest on John Brown aged 14 – miner – accident at Duckinfield – 1844 Sept 6th. “ “ To Publicans, Butchers etc Sale of household furniture – brewing and butchers utensils etc the property of Mr Joseph Booth – 1845 Jan 3rd WILD, Ellis ( Elias? ) – Mentioned re the jury lists – 1835 Oct 1st 1835. WILDE, Betty (Miss) – Mentioned re contributions for the repair of Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th “ Elias (Mr) “ “ “ “ “ “ Hannah (Mrs) “ “ “ “ “ “ Mrs – re her shop at Bredbury Green, and theft – 1826 Jan 27th. “ Thos (senior) – Mentioned re contributions for the repair of Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th WILKINSON, Richard – for leaving his master`s service, Edward Wood of Bredbury - 1827 Dec 14th. “ William – toll bar keeper – complaints against him form Thos Royle – 1836 Jan 15th. “ William – Desperate Robbery at the toll house – mentioned keeper Wm Willkinson – 1840 July 24th “ William – Highway Robbery near the Bredbury Toll Bar – 1840 Sept 4th WILLIAMSON, Henry – charged with theft – 1826 Dec 8th. (metioned the Hare & Hounds Hatherlow) “ John – mention re an article re Longevity in Bredbury – died aged 83 – 1835 Apr 24th. WINTERBOTTAM, J K – Duly authorised agent of Jesse Howard - re meeting at the Arden Arms -1838 Sept 28th. WOOD, Edward – mentioned hatter of Bredbury – 1827 Dec 14th. “ Edward – re a sale of houses (with hatshops) at Hatherlow – he was listed as a tenant – 1836 Apr 15th. “ Mary Ann –married to George Hodkin – both of Bredbury – 1841 June 25th “ Ralph – charged with theft – 1826 Dec 8th. (mentioned the Hare & Hounds Hatherlow) “ Wm of Goit Hall – name struck off at the vote registrations – 1840 Oct 2nd . WOODLEY MILL – To Be Let The `Manor House` Woodley – apply the counting house Woodley Mill – 1848 Apr 7th WOODRUFF, George – farmer of Bredbury married to Miss Ann Hough of Cheadle – 1833 Aug 9th. – Mentioned re contributions re repair Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th “ George – mentioned as occupier of Higher Waterside (to be let) – 1847 Feb 5th “ Mary – Mentioned re contributions for the repair of Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th “ Mr – of Waterside Bredbury re a domestic servant leaving too early – 1830 Aug 13th. “ Mr re Robbery by a domestic – Ann Burns for robbing Mr Woodruff of Bredbury – 1843 Feb 24th “ Mrs – Died Wednesday last – Mrs Woodruffe of Waterside farm – 1831 Oct 14th “ Miss Woodruff`s White Hart (Woodley) and bands of musicians playing profane music on a Sunday – 1836 Nov 26th. “ Miss Woodruff (late of the White Hart Woodley) ad re her moving to the Kings Arms , Park – 1841 Oct 15th WOOLEY, Daniel – Shopkeeper of Bredbury, robbed on his way to Stockport – 1828 Oct 31st. “ Mrs – Wm Whitehead & John Holford accused re breaking into the house of Mrs Wooley who lived near the Navigation Inn Woodley – 1847 Feb 16th “ Samuel of Bents Lane, married to Phillis Gee of Romiley 1834 June 13th. “ Samuel – Mentioned re contributions for the repair of Chadkirk Chapel – 1834 Dec 5th YEW TREE – John Thorniley`s reward re stolen mare – 1827 Aug 3rd.