September 19, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H10599 health of children, and I’m pleased it’s not in Green, Gene Matheson Ryan (WI) Carney Dicks McHugh the bill. Grijalva Matsui Salazar Carter Granger Ortiz Gutierrez McCarthy (CA) Sali Cole (OK) Jindal Putnam In all negotiations there is give and take. Hall (NY) McCarthy (NY) Sa´ nchez, Linda Cubin Johnson (GA) Waters There are items I supported that didn’t make Hall (TX) McCaul (TX) T. Davis, Jo Ann McCotter Hare McCollum (MN) Sanchez, Loretta it into this package, including the permanent Harman McCrery Sarbanes b 1555 extension of PREA which I championed as Hastert McDermott Saxton Mr. GOODE changed his vote from part of my legislation and the original House Hastings (FL) McGovern Schakowsky ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ bill. I hope we’ll have a chance to revisit the Hastings (WA) McHenry Schiff Hayes McIntyre Schmidt Mr. PRICE of North Carolina issue in the next reauthorization, if not sooner. Heller McKeon Schwartz changed his vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ On balance, this bill will make a huge im- Hensarling McMorris Scott (GA) So (two-thirds being in the affirma- provement in the safety of drugs and devices. Herger Rodgers Scott (VA) Herseth Sandlin McNerney Sensenbrenner tive) the rules were suspended and the We should pass it and send it to the President Higgins McNulty Serrano bill was passed. today. Hill Meek (FL) Sessions The result of the vote was announced I want to commend Chairman DINGELL, Hinojosa Meeks (NY) Sestak as above recorded. Hirono Melancon Shadegg Ranking Member BARTON and the professional Hobson Mica Shays A motion to reconsider was laid on staff of the House Energy and Commerce Hodes Michaud Shea-Porter the table Committee, especially John Ford and Virgil Hoekstra Miller (FL) Sherman Stated for: Miller, as well as Jennifer Nieto Carey formerly Holden Miller (MI) Shimkus Mr. COLE of . Mr. Speaker, on Holt Miller (NC) Shuler of my staff, who worked extensively on this Honda Miller, Gary Shuster Wednesday, September 19, 2007, I was un- bill. Hooley Miller, George Simpson avoidably detained due to a prior obligation. Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I want Hoyer Mitchell Sires Had I been present and voting, I would have to thank everyone again, and I yield Hulshof Mollohan Skelton Hunter Moore (KS) Slaughter voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 885. back the balance of my time. Inglis (SC) Moore (WI) Smith (NE) f The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Inslee Moran (KS) Smith (NJ) INSURANCE CRISIS FACING question is on the motion offered by Israel Moran (VA) Smith (TX) Issa Murphy (CT) Smith (WA) HOMEOWNERS the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. DIN- Jackson (IL) Murphy, Patrick Snyder GELL) that the House suspend the rules Jackson-Lee Murphy, Tim Solis (Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Flor- and pass the bill, H.R. 3580. (TX) Murtha Souder ida asked and was given permission to The question was taken. Jefferson Musgrave Space address the House for 1 minute and to Johnson (IL) Myrick Spratt revise and extend her remarks.) The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Johnson, E. B. Nadler Stark opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Johnson, Sam Napolitano Stearns Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Flor- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Jones (NC) Neal (MA) Stupak ida. Mr. Speaker, after terrorists at- Jones (OH) Neugebauer Sullivan Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, on that tacked New York City and , Jordan Nunes Sutton DC on September 11, 2001, our Nation I demand the yeas and nays. Kagen Oberstar Tancredo The yeas and nays were ordered. Kanjorski Obey Tanner came together. Without a study com- Kaptur Olver Tauscher mission or partisanship, Congress The vote was taken by electronic de- Keller Pallone Taylor quickly passed the Terrorism Risk In- vice, and there were—yeas 405, nays 7, Kennedy Pascrell Terry surance Act to help business owners, not voting 20, as follows: Kildee Pastor Thompson (CA) Kilpatrick Payne Thompson (MS) and acted swiftly again by passing an [Roll No. 885] Kind Pearce Thornberry extension in 2005. Now again, less than YEAS—405 King (IA) Pence Tiahrt King (NY) Perlmutter Tiberi 2 years later, we just considered an- Abercrombie Burgess DeLauro Kingston Peterson (MN) Tierney other TRIA extension. Ackerman Burton (IN) Dent Kirk Peterson (PA) Towns If Congress can come together and Aderholt Butterfield Diaz-Balart, L. Klein (FL) Petri Turner help businesses after a terrorist attack, Akin Buyer Diaz-Balart, M. Kline (MN) Pickering Udall (CO) Alexander Calvert Dingell Knollenberg Pitts Udall (NM) we should be able to come together to Altmire Camp (MI) Doggett Kuhl (NY) Platts Upton help homeowners who cannot afford Arcuri Campbell (CA) Donnelly LaHood Poe Van Hollen the skyrocketing costs of insurance. Baca Cannon Doolittle Lamborn Pomeroy Vela´ zquez Bachmann Capito Doyle Lampson Porter Visclosky For over 3 years, Congress has forgot- Bachus Capps Drake Langevin Price (GA) Walberg ten about homeowners around the Baird Capuano Dreier Lantos Price (NC) Walden (OR) country who are grappling with ever- Baker Cardoza Edwards Larsen (WA) Pryce (OH) Walsh (NY) increasing insurance rates. Baldwin Carnahan Ehlers Larson (CT) Radanovich Walz (MN) Barrett (SC) Carson Ellison Latham Rahall Wamp For these reasons, Mr. BUCHANAN and Barrow Castle Ellsworth LaTourette Ramstad Wasserman I offered an amendment in the Rules Bartlett (MD) Castor Emanuel Lee Rangel Schultz Committee that would have added Barton (TX) Chabot Engel Levin Regula Watson homeowners’ reinsurance as losses cov- Bean Chandler English (PA) Lewis (CA) Rehberg Watt Becerra Clarke Eshoo Lewis (GA) Reichert Waxman ered under TRIA. This measure would Berkley Clay Etheridge Lewis (KY) Renzi Weiner have helped new families, parents, and Berman Cleaver Everett Linder Reyes Welch (VT) grandparents who are homeowners. Berry Clyburn Fallin Lipinski Reynolds Weldon (FL) Biggert Coble Farr LoBiondo Richardson Weller Sadly, the Rules Committee did not Bilbray Cohen Fattah Loebsack Rodriguez Westmoreland allow this amendment to be part of the Bilirakis Conaway Feeney Lofgren, Zoe Rogers (AL) Wexler rule and so Members did not have the Bishop (GA) Conyers Ferguson Lowey Rogers (KY) Whitfield opportunity to help their constituents. Bishop (NY) Cooper Filner Lucas Rogers (MI) Wicker Blackburn Costa Forbes Lungren, Daniel Rohrabacher Wilson (NM) Although I voted for TRIA, we should Blumenauer Costello Fortenberry E. Ros-Lehtinen Wilson (OH) be saddened that the majority chose Bonner Courtney Fossella Lynch Roskam Wilson (SC) only to help business owners today and Bono Cramer Foxx Mack Ross Wolf Boozman Crenshaw Frank (MA) Mahoney (FL) Rothman Woolsey to ignore the insurance crisis facing Boren Crowley Franks (AZ) Maloney (NY) Roybal-Allard Wu homeowners. Boswell Cuellar Frelinghuysen Manzullo Royce Wynn f Boucher Culberson Gallegly Marchant Ruppersberger Yarmuth Boustany Cummings Garrett (NJ) Markey Rush Young (AK) INJUSTICE IN JENA Boyd (FL) Davis (AL) Gerlach Marshall Ryan (OH) Young (FL) Boyda (KS) Davis (CA) Giffords (Ms. JACKSON-LEE of asked Brady (PA) Davis (IL) Gilchrest NAYS—7 and was given permission to address Brady (TX) Davis (KY) Gillibrand Braley (IA) Davis, David Gingrey Duncan Goode Paul the House for 1 minute and to revise Broun (GA) Davis, Lincoln Gohmert Emerson Hinchey and extend her remarks.) Brown (SC) Davis, Tom Gonzalez Flake Kucinich Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Brown, Corrine Deal (GA) Goodlatte Speaker, tomorrow in Jena, Louisiana Brown-Waite, DeFazio Gordon NOT VOTING—20 Ginny DeGette Graves Allen Bishop (UT) Boehner will be the culmination of the frustra- Buchanan Delahunt Green, Al Andrews Blunt Cantor tion and the outrage felt by so many

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:22 Sep 20, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00087 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19SE7.056 H19SEPT1 bajohnson on PRODPC68 with HOUSE H10600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 19, 2007 across America as relates to the Jena priest, his grandfather and his uncle if sented him with the Congressional 6. they would go to Lala’s father and ask . President Reagan stat- The Jena 6 is not about a few boys permission for Roy to marry her, and ed that if this were a movie, no one misbehaving, because we understand he agreed. Mr. Speaker, you have to ap- would believe it because of the heroic that when young people need cor- preciate that old school that marry deed of Roy Benavidez. recting, we do so, but it is about the this way. Mr. Speaker, after he retired from systemic discrimination, if you will, of While he was in the Army, however, the military, Roy Benavidez went African American males and Hispanic he was in a lot of trouble, even though around America talking about the im- males as relates to the juvenile justice he was a member of the Military Po- portance of an education, since he only system. This young man should have lice. So he finally joined the Special went to the seventh grade. He talked to been tried in the juvenile justice sys- Forces training at and young gang members, he talked to tem, but he was tried in a system that reached the rank of staff sergeant and youth, telling them to stay in school gave him a sentence that was clearly, went to Vietnam as a Green Beret. and get an education. clearly without merit. But on May 2, 1962, his life changed He was a remarkable individual. A Tomorrow we go to ask for justice and the lives of many Americans Navy ship has been named after him, not just for this young man and the changed. It is a story that is almost several elementary schools in Texas other five that are there, but for young unbelievable. On the morning of May 2, have been named after Roy Benavidez, men across America who have been dis- 1968, a 12-man Special Forces team was and even a toy company has issued a criminated against, not given a second inserted in Cambodia to observe a Roy Benavidez GI Joe action figure. chance, and using the justice system to large-scale North Vietnamese troop Mr. Speaker, as we celebrate and punish on the basis of race or ethnic movement, and they were discovered honor Hispanic Heritage Month, one of background. by the enemy. those great Hispanic Americans was Enough is enough. Where is the De- Most of the team members were close Roy Benavidez, a Texas hero, an Amer- partment of Justice Civil Rights Divi- friends of Roy Benavidez, who was the ican hero, a war hero that loved Amer- sion? Obviously, the lights are out. forward operating officer in Loc Ninh, ica and, as he said, got to live the They need to turn their lights on. Vietnam. Three helicopters were sent American Dream the way that he to rescue this 12-man team, but they wanted. f were unable to land because of the And that’s just the way it is. b 1600 heavy enemy concentration. When a f SPECIAL ORDERS second attempt was made to reach the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. stranded team, Benavidez jumped on- SIRES). Under a previous order of the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. board one of the helicopters, armed House, the gentleman from Maryland COURTNEY). Under the Speaker’s an- only with a Bowie knife. (Mr. CUMMINGS) is recognized for 5 min- nounced policy of January 18, 2007, and As the helicopters reached the land- utes. under a previous order of the House, ing zone, Benavidez realized the team (Mr. CUMMINGS addressed the the following Members will be recog- members were likely too severely House. His remarks will appear here- nized for 5 minutes each. wounded to move to the helicopters. So after in the Extensions of Remarks.) f by himself he ran through heavy small f arms fire to the wounded soldiers. He GREEN BERET AND MEDAL OF IRAQI CIVILIAN DEATH TOLL HONOR HERO ROY BENAVIDEZ was wounded himself in the leg, the face, and the head in the process. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a He reorganized the team and signaled previous order of the House, the gen- previous order of the House, the gen- the helicopters to land. But despite his tleman from Washington (Mr. tleman from Texas (Mr. POE) is recog- injuries, Benavidez was able to carry MCDERMOTT) is recognized for 5 min- nized for 5 minutes. off half of the wounded men to the heli- utes. Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, America is copters. He then collected the classi- Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, we about people. Who we are and what we fied documents held by the now dead now know that the President intends are is because of the people who have team leader. As he completed this task, to keep U.S. forces in Iraq throughout come to America. They are individuals he was wounded by an exploding gre- the remainder of his term and that he who have lived and died and influenced nade in the back and shot in the stom- intends for the U.S. to perpetually oc- the rest of us because of their tena- ach. At that moment, the waiting heli- cupy Iraq via massive and permanent cious spirit and determination. copter’s pilot was also mortally wound- military bases he has ordered built. We Mr. Speaker, I am a history fan. I ed, and that helicopter crashed. have just learned of the staggering loss love American history especially, and He ran to collect the stunned crash of life as a result of this war. Texas history, not the history of dates survivors and form a perimeter. He di- According to a new and incredible and movements, but the history of the rected air support, ordered another ex- study, the number of civilians killed in lives of individual Americans who traction attempt and was wounded Iraq since the war began now exceeds 1 made a difference. again when shot in the thigh. At this million Iraqi people. The Iraqi civilian Roy Benavidez was one of those point he was losing so much blood from death toll exceeds the death toll from Americans. Roy Benavidez was born in his face wounds that his vision became the genocide in Rwanda. For years, we South Texas in a small town called blocked. Finally, another helicopter and others said we didn’t know how bad Cuero, August 5, 1935. He was the son of landed and as Benavidez carried a it was in Rwanda. With this report, a sharecropper. He was an orphan and wounded friend to it, he was clubbed in that excuse is no longer valid in Iraq. he had mixed blood of Yaqui Indian and the head with a rifle butt by an enemy The official death toll in Iraq, fewer Hispanic. He was raised by his uncle soldier. That soldier bayonetted than 100,000 is what the official number after he lost his family and he dropped Benavidez twice. is, has long been considered fictitious out of school in the seventh grade. He Mr. Speaker, Benavidez was wounded by humanitarian and other inter- didn’t see the need for an education at in that one battle 37 times; seven gun- national organizations. Now we are that time. shot wounds, he had mortar in his forced to confront evidence that puts He was a migrant farm worker. He back, and two bayonet wounds. He was the death toll above 1 million Iraqis. worked all over Texas and as far as taken for dead and left for dead and Opinion Research Business, a re- Colorado in the sugar beet fields and zipped up in a body bag, but right be- spected and mainstream London-based the cotton fields. He decided to join the fore they zipped the bag up, he spit in research company that works for major Army in 1955, and he the doctor’s face, letting the doctor corporations and government clients, joined in , Texas. He was in know he was yet alive. including the U.K.’s Conservative love with his hometown sweetheart, He later recovered. He received the Party, conducted the survey in August. Lala Coy. So while he was away in Ger- Distinguished Service Cross and then I point this out to inoculate my col- many on active duty, he asked a local many years later pre- leagues, the media and the American

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:30 Sep 20, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00088 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19SE7.079 H19SEPT1 bajohnson on PRODPC68 with HOUSE