
ISBN: 978-9988-2-1989-5



Mr. Eric Opoku Osei

Noah Darko-Adjei

Emmanuel Wiredu

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Department of Information Studies


University of Ghana, Legon.












In this day and age, technology is the driving force of development and innovation, as the true essence of modernity. Inventions such as the , smart homes, the driverless cars, and even artificial organs, are all brilliant examples of this golden era of technology.

As part of a learning activity project under the topic '’ in the INFS 428 course syllabus, each students was tasked with choosing and researching any ground-breaking topic supported by the theories of microelectronics and systems computerisation. This book was the end result.

From scientific breakthroughs, to agricultural methodologies, to household accessories and everyday objects, any field one could possibly imagine is contained within this book. Whatever one may be interested in or looking for, this book has it all.

It is an essential must have for any potential information profession






CHAPTER 1 (AGRICULTURE)…………………………...... ………………………...……...29

CHAPTER 2 (BUSINESS ) ………………………...………………………………….…...... 60

CHAPTER 3 (CONSTRUCTIONS)……………………………………………………………78


CHAPTER 5 (ELECTRONIC)……………………..……………………………….…………99

CHAPTER 6 (ENERGY)…….………………………………………………………………..110 CHAPTER 7 (FINANCE)……………………………………………………….…………….118

CHAPTER 8 (HEALTH TECHNOLOGY)…...…………..…………………………………131

CHAPTER 9 (IT AND COMMUNICATION………………………………………………..194

CHAPTER 10 (LIFE STYLE)…………………...………………………...………………….235

CHAPTER 11 (MILITARY)…………………………………………………………………267

CHAPTER 12 (NEUROSICENCE)…………………….....………………..………...…....…271 CHAPTER 13 ()...…..……………………………………………………....282

CHAPTER 14 (RECRUITMENT)……………………………...……………………………284

CHAPTER 15 (ROBOTICS (ROBOTICS)………………………………………..………..288

CHAPTER 15 (SECURITY)……………………………….....………………………………293



In the last fifty (50) years, the world has experienced a great surge in technological advancements across many industries and fields of interest; science is continuously unlocking new frontiers. New inventions pop up every day and serve to improve human quality of life in various ways. As mentioned before, this book is a collation of the above mentioned innovations that exist in the modern world. Some are already widely known and patronised; others are still in the design phase, while others are fresh off the drawing board.

Emerging technology is all about new technical innovations or advancements being made in technology. This includes those currently being developed and those proposed to be developed in five or ten years’ time. There are various kinds of emerging technologies found today and they include: information technology, wireless data connections, man-machine communications, customized printing, bio technology or robotics. Emerging technologies have become a major of part of our lives today by making tough tasks easier and quicker.

Advantages of emerging technologies include: it may be used as a tool for improving businesses thus ensuring maximum number of needs are fulfilled, the technological advancements are helpful in providing continuous broadband services which may lead to larger data storage capacity, it makes large data sharing from one point to another a possibility, it aids rational decision making in information management which results in efficient resource allocation for organizations and lastly it helps strengthen business relationships which allows organizations collaborate regardless of how widespread they are from each other.


Some flaws of emerging technologies include: high chances of security issues such as hackers which may be a threat to businesses, when used illegally it may lead to increase in crime in many areas for example online banking, it is very costly; there are costs involved in manufacture, maintenance and training, some technologies may be inaccessible in poor or developing countries due to their high cost, complexity and the countries’ low literacy ratio.

IT experts are now under pressure to ensure the accuracy and availability of the new systems being designed so large organizations acquire 24/7 IT teams to cater for issues arising between operations. This kind of pressure may result into large stress and imperfections in work due to overload.

This introduction contains brief summaries of each chapter or section. Each chapter contains articles written by students highlighting various emerging technologies that they have identified as noteworthy and therefore explained in terms of mode of operation and the benefits and/or drawbacks of these technologies to society. These technologies span across sectors, from neuroscience to education, and lifestyle.


Agriculture has not been left out of the technology race; from devices that are able to accurately monitor weather patterns, to robots capable of performing various farming processes, innovation also exists in agriculture. Designs like the vertical farming array allow for the cultivation of produce in places where arable land is in short supply. Machines that have access to vast libraries of plant data are able to identify and differentiate weeds from regular plants, enabling effective weeding and application of herbicides; agricultural drones are able to help farmers design and


create their ideal farming space; monitoring systems are available to track farm vehicles and machinery using mobile devices; a farming knowledge-based community app exists to help farmers receive and share advice regarding best farming practices.

We have seen an improvement in the Agricultural sector; gone are the days where people in the

Agricultural field had to do everything manually. This section explores how the emergence of sophisticated technology has and can contribute to the Agricultural field


Electronics have contributed immensely in various fields leading to a much smoother and easier means of operation. It’s been employed in communication, sports, retail shops and more, performing various tasks that make a once cumbersome task much more simpler.


Education is definitely not left untouched by the technological paintbrush. This section explores adaptive learning software, educational systems supported by mobile devices (enabling education on the go), handheld scanners to help students scan textbooks and diagrams to study with on mobile devices, and text-to-speech software to aid learning.


This chapter considers various potential applications of technology to the field of business, from mobile money and crypto currency, to pyrometrics (the use of artificial intelligence and


neuroscience to create a game-based aptitude test simulation that helps to match users to the right professions).

The business world is characterized by the constant need for transactions, outsmarting competition and ensuring that consumers are satisfied with products and services. This has probably fuelled the rise in various emerging technologies that make transactions easier and very convenient as well as safe for consumers.


The section explores the promotion of sustainable construction and preservation of the natural environment, through the use of arcology (a combination of architecture and ecology), bringing societies a step closer to futuristic design which incorporates natural elements without destroying them.

The world as we know now is moving rapidly towards an industrialized society however, with these achievements come frightening cases of pollution and climate change which threaten the very existence of humans in the long run. Scientists are hard at work building safe havens which could become the saviour to these detrimental hazards plaguing man.


Learning forms a part of our lives from birth till death. The educational sector is not left out as emerging technology has contributed to making learning easier and much more available to people.


It satisfies teacher's needs by providing easy means for them to grade STUDENT’S work, finding solutions for people with dyslexia, among many others.


The financial world is defined by the exchange of currencies for various transactions. Slowly, the financial sectors are moving towards an era where every business transaction will be cashless. The introduction of crypto currencies as well as digital payment networks is gradually making waves as it’s more convenient.


The articles in this chapter deal with technological advancements in the health sector, such as robot systems designed to aid surgical procedures, a mat that uses magnetic therapy to cure patients with arthritis, insomnia, fatigue and convulsions, a real tie virtual reality system that gives physicians the ability to view and interact with patients’ tissues and organs, and many more innovative designs.

The health sector has seen tremendous improvements in the early detection of diseases such as cancer, altering genes, monitoring patient’s health and more. Technology that actually helps patients perform tasks that they were unable to due to certain ailments has been introduced and surgeries are even more safer and devoid of mistakes human doctors may make through robots.


IT and Communication

The emergence of sophisticated technology in the field of information technology and communication has led to the need to bridge the gap between humans and machines by providing means by which commands can be sent easily to machines to be executed. Also, the gap between humans are being bridged as well as technology that ensures that people are able to communicate more efficiently across distances with ease.


Human lifestyle has changed over the years for various reasons. Technology has been made to meet the various demands of people to be incorporated into their lifestyle to make their way of living much more comfortable.


The military is not exempted from the great contributions of emerging technology. Technology that actually ensures the safety of the soldiers on the field as well as provide them with better navigation options has been introduced into the military


The nervous system is an intricate and complex part of the human system. With the help of technology, diseases related to the nervous system can be detected easily and brain controlled computers among others have been developed.


Outer Space

The earth forms just a tiny part of the whole galaxy and those parts need to be explored. Due to the differences between the different planets and the whole area beyond, there is the need for technology that can enable scientists explore further to know what environment the planet earth is found.


Business owners are gradually improving the ways by which they employ workers. The existence of various branches of many organizations spread all over the world has led to the need to interview and assess workers in various locations. Several technologies have been made to meet this need.


Technology is infiltrating every sector now and in as much as some come in the form of software and machines, a step further has been taken to create machines that act like humans. These machines are not to replace humans but rather make certain tasks much easier for humans.


Security is an important part of our lives and various technologies have been introduced in the form of cameras, GPS tracking devices, alarms and more to make sure that the safety of people is ensured.


Moving from one place to the other has come a long way since people had to walk long distances from one destination to another. The emergence of vehicles has made movement easier yet more


and more technology has been introduced to complement the common means of transport as well s provide easier and safer means of moving around.

Sensing Cities

Imagine a city with driverless cars and no form of pollution whatsoever. Scientists have come up with an ideal city that will basically be as a smartphone, ensuring citizens are safe and life in the city is smoother without any hassle.











In the agriculture, it is critical to know the water content in the soil in order to maintain flourishing agriculture business. It is important to limit the amount of water used to the level that is necessary for the health of the plant as a result of the high cost of water. There are current technologies that provide soil moisture information limited to areas near the surface of the soil. As the demand on water resources increases, there is a need for technology that provides subsurface measurements of water held in lower layers of soil. Sandia National Laboratories has invented the Soil Moisture

Sensor, a method and system for determining the soil moisture at depths of more than a few feet.

It is used to measure the water content of soil.


 The Soil moisture sensors enhance irrigation efficiency.

 Its measurement apparatus is practical, inexpensive, easy to install, and requires little



 It provides available data in "real time".

 It also measures relatively wide area of soil.

In my view this technology will be helpful to the economy of developing countries, especially the agricultural sector. Due to its ability to ensure the reduction of the amount of water that plants absorb, and its advantage of reducing the death of seedlings and some parent plants, there will be better plant yields, reduced dependency on fertilizers and improved crop quality, hence the production of good yields for exports which will in turn generate foreign exchange revenue for the country.

Reference; http://techportal.eere.energy.gov/technology.do/techID=546


Incubation refers to the process by which certain oviparous (egg-laying) animals hatch their eggs; it also refers to the development of the embryo within the egg. An incubator is an agricultural device that simulates avian incubation by keeping eggs warm and in the correct humidity, and if needed, to turn them and to hatch them.

Hearson invented the first commercial machine in the year 1881. The reason behind the development of the incubator was to produce a low cost incubator and increase the production of day old chicks for small and medium scale poultry farmers.

There are two common used methods of incubation, that is the single-stage incubation and multi- stage incubation. In the single-stage incubation, the incubator contains only eggs of the same


embryonic age. In multi-stage incubation the setter contains eggs of different embryonic ages, usually 6 or 2 age groups. The incubator requires water to be placed in it and then it is turned on to regulate the temperature within the incubator. Afterwards the eggs are placed in a tray and put in the incubator for incubation to begin.

The features of the egg incubators include; water tank, egg trays, humidity tubes and controller

The advantages of incubators include: climate conditions can be adjusted according to the needs of the growing embryo, several eggs can also be hatched at once, spread of diseases and pests to chicks is impossible and chances of egg spoilage are minimized. However it is expensive to buy an incubator and it also requires a lot of skill to manage and maintain it.

In my view, the incubators are a great technology for expanding poultry farming since it helps in large quantities of chick production. However, due to Ghana’s power situation, especially in the rural areas where power supply is unstable, it may be difficult to use these incubators in those areas. Yet these are the areas where poultry farming is practiced most.


Pas Reform Academy (2014). Incubation Guide Broiler v5, p: 25


Rude, Emelyn (2016). Tastes Like Chicken: A History of America's Favorite Bird. Wiley. ISBN



Technology is transforming nearly every aspect of our modern lives, and farming is no exception.

Over the years farmers have had to make decisions about weather conditions on the basis of guesswork because reliance on local weather report did them no good. In light of this, developers have created several applications enable farmers to track the weather themselves. Farmers can access these services on dedicated onboard and handheld farm technology as well as via mobile apps that run on just about any consumer smartphone. This technology can give farmers enough advanced notice of changes in weather conditions so that they can take precautions to protect the

crops or at least reduce losses by a significant amount.

Furthermore, with access to reliable connection, these devices help farmers to track soil moisture and soil temperature, hence helping them pinpoint when to plant seeds and when to apply fertilizer. For spraying, a wind speed monitor gives farmers precise local conditions on weather


conditions. Some of these apps include CropWater app and TurboDrop app. These devices keep records on wind speed and direction, making it possible for farmers to take account of their practices. Also, they give farmers the option to download the information thereby making it easy to track historic weather reports for better decisions.

In this era of global warming where weather conditions are not stable, farmers cannot rely solely on yearly weather patterns or seasons to make informed decisions about when to plant or harvest.

Thus, these apps help save farmers from possible losses arising from unexpected deviations in weather conditions. A major limitation of this technology is its dependence on the internet to function. In Ghana, all the major farming communities are in rural areas where there is no internet access. This makes it impossible for farmers in these areas to use such apps hence they record huge losses when there are changes in weather conditions. It will, therefore, be helpful for developers to create apps that will depend on mechanical means such that all farmers irrespective of their geographical location and connectivity issues can benefit from such applications.

As a country, we import a great amount of what we eat even though over 60% of the populace are farmers. In my opinion, such low produce is a result of lack of modern technology in the agricultural sector. I believe the introduction of weather trackers is a step in the right direction as it will increase produce and reduce loses. An increase in what we produce can go a long way to support the first and second goals of the sustainable development goals’, which stress on eliminating poverty and hunger respectfully. Thus, boosting the Country’s economy.

Name: Josephine Tsalah ID No.:10522000



1. Ayoka L.L.C., (2016, January 28). 7 Emerging Agriculture Technologies. Retrieved from


2. Gaines T., (2018, April 5). 7 Free Irrigation Apps. Retrieved from



The intensified use of herbicides has contributed to herbicide

resistance which has been documented in 250 species of weeds.

Herbicide resistant weeds have cost a financial loss of $43 billion

Figure 1.See and spray robot worth as stated by The Weed Science Society of America. To address the challenges that weeds are presenting to farmers, Blue River Technology launched the see and spray robot which is weed spraying machine. See and spray robot is the first farm robot technology that can see, diagnose and execute actions such as deciding to spray the weed with herbicide and avowing the crop.

The see and Spray robot has been programmed to identify every weed and it has the ability to sense and decide. It uses computer vision to sense every plant and determine which treatment is appropriate for it. Massive libraries of plant images enables the robots’ unparalleled ability to distinguish subtle differences between cotton plants and weeds of many species and size. See and

Spray does not rely on spacing or color to identify weeds but intelligently and instantaneously recognizes the difference between plants even in conditions that would challenge the human eye.

With great accuracy and precision, it applies herbicide only to weeds, avoiding chemical application on the crop.


It also examines the applied herbicide, makes

adjustments, and learns as it goes. In a unique "closed-

loop, the robot consists of a second set of cameras and

the ability to automatically check its work as it operates.

The See & Spray robots constantly gathers data on the tens of thousands of plants in each field, so that its software can continue improving in service to its users. This awesome technology has several benefits. Some of which are: the improvement in yields, a reduction in required herbicide, pesticide, fungicide and fertilizer on an aggregate farm wide basis and the use of data to allow for more precise and efficient production of crops which are all in economic benefit for the farmer and the public in general. They also reduce the amount of work humans have to undertake on the farm and does this even faster and more efficiently and protect human workers from the harmful effects of handling chemicals by hand through a system of high spraying.

That notwithstanding, the use of the see and Spray robot also has a few limitations in my opinion.

Firstly, it is an expensive technology that cannot be purchased by all. Though useful a lot of farmers cannot patronize it due to its price. It also needs maintenance since it’s a machine and that is also another cost. Loss of jobs by farmers who are specialized` in spraying is another disadvantage of using the See and Spray robot. Irrespective of the aforementioned cons the See and Spray robot is an emerging technology that can help revolutionize agriculture in Ghana and

Africa as a whole with its useful features.

Tsri Miriam Selinam 10530057



Louisa B.T (2017, September 6). acquires A See and Spray Robotics start up Blue

River Technology for $305m.Retrieved from https://agfundernews.com/breaking-exclusive.

See and Spray Blue River Technology’s Weed Control Machine (n.d). Retrieved from http://www.bluerivertechnology.com/.


Artificial photosynthesis is a chemical process that replicates the natural process of photosynthesis, a process that converts sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygen. It is classified under energy.

Artificial Photosynthesis Approaches

To recreate the photosynthesis that plants have perfected, an energy conversion system has to be able to do two crucial things: harvest sunlight and split water molecules. Plants accomplish these tasks using chlorophyll, which captures sunlight, and a collection of proteins and that use that sunlight to break down H2O molecules into hydrogen, electrons and oxygen (protons). The electrons and hydrogen are then used to turn CO2 into carbohydrates, and the oxygen is expelled.

The hard part is splitting the water molecules to get the electrons necessary to facilitate the chemical process that produces the hydrogen which is why the process requires a catalyst such as

Manganese, Dye-sensitized titanium dioxide and Cobalt oxide.

Artificial Photosynthesis Applications


Fossil fuels are in short supply, and they're contributing to pollution and global warming. For one thing, it has benefits over photovoltaic cells, found in today's solar panels. The direct conversion of sunlight to electricity in photovoltaic cells makes solar power a weather- and time-dependent energy, which decreases its utility and increases its price. And unlike most methods of generating alternative energy, artificial photosynthesis has the potential to produce more than one type of fuel.

It has the ability to produce a clean fuel without generating any harmful by-products

Obstacles in the way of using artificial photosynthesis on a mass scale.

While artificial photosynthesis works in the lab, it's not ready for mass consumption. Replicating what happens naturally in green plants is not a simple task.

Efficiency is crucial in energy production. Plants took billions of years to develop the photosynthesis process that works efficiently for them; replicating that in a synthetic system takes a lot of trial and error. The manganese that acts as a catalyst in plants doesn't work as well in a man-made setup, mostly because manganese is somewhat unstable and doesn't last particularly long. Stability is an issue in many potential photosynthesis systems which can damage the workings of the cell.

Solutions to these obstacles; Advances in the last few years are starting to address these issues.

Cobalt oxide is a stable, fast and abundant metal oxide. Researchers in dye-sensitized cells have come up with a non-solvent-based solution to replace the corrosive stuff.


Inorganic metal-oxide catalysts are a good possibility, but they have to work fast enough to make efficient use of the photons pouring into the system. That type of catalytic speed is hard to come by. {https://s.hswstatic.com/gif/artificialphotosynthesis-2.jpg} shows NREL scientist John Turner demonstrates the ability of a photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell to produce hydrogen from water using energy from a light source.

References; 1. Yarris, Lynn. "Turning Sunlight into Liquid Fuels: Berkeley Lab Researchers

Create a Nano-sized Photocatalyst for Artificial Photosynthesis". Berkeley Lab News Center.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Retrieved 16 January 2012.

Listorti, Andrea; Durrant, James; Barber, Jim (December 2009). "Solar to Fuel". Nature

Materials. 8 (12): 929–930. Bibcode:2009NatMa...8..929L. doi:10.1038/nmat2578.

PMID 19935695. Retrieved 24 January 2012.


I.D. NO.; 10537299


This project invention was developed by Sidewalks Labs which is a subset of the larger company called Alphabets. It was founded in 2015 to develop smarter cities that will develop technologies which will alleviate urban problems of pollution, increased energy consumption and easier transportation routes thereby creating a positive impact in the way we live, work and enjoy recreation in our communities. The project was set to start in Quayside Canada where the new


invention will headline a place where driverless shuttles replace private cars; traffic lights track the flow of pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles; robots transport mail and garbage through tunnels, and modular buildings can be expanded to accommodate growing companies and families.

An image of Quayside.

DRIVERLESS CARS: Driverless cars are presumed to navigate more precisely and obey traffic laws better than human drivers so Sidewalk will develop narrower roads and put in broader sidewalks and parks in Quayside. This means less people will own and buy cars allowing them to save money. This innovation also ensures the sensing and monitoring of public activity accurately.

This will be possible by running autonomous buses which know when a traffic light changes lights as well as knowing other signals to be able to give cyclists and pedestrians priority.


CITY AS A SMARTPHONE: Sidewalk thinks of smart cities as therefore it seeks to provide a city that functions like a smartphone. It sees itself as a platform provider to offer the basic tools and software to make such functionalities possible. For instance, a software that can identify available parking spots to location-based services as well as monitor the exact position of delivery robots. This would be well possible by allowing a third party like Google and Apple software tools to access the data and technologies. The smart cities however are proposed to be designed such that people can change it easily as they would their smart phone settings. This makes it authentic to reflect the people living and working in the community.

UBIQUITOUS OR OMNIPRESENT SENSORS: The Company will install sensors to measure building occupancy, sewage flow rates and the frequency of use of public waste bins in Quayside.

It also includes a means for residents to pay for things and gain access to services just like we buy items from Amazon or pay Uber bills through an app. The data collected would provide information to run checks like providing discounts for low income workers and keeping bins form overflowing among others.

TRASH ROBOTS: Robots are expected to be developed to transport garbage through underground tunnels to reduce traffic and greenhouse- emissions. Robots would sort and haul waste and also deliver mail and packages.

The main advantage of this innovation is its promising fit in the near future where technology would play an even greater role in our communities. However, it may not be applicable in every part of the world and a lot of sensitive personal data would be required therefore stronger security issues must be put in place for confidentiality of personal information.


REFERENCES https://www.technologyreview.com/s/610249/a-smarter-smart-city/

 Landroid Robotics Mower

This is an autonomous robot with an artificial intelligence algorithm used to weed lawns. It was introduced in the early 1969 by MowBot in its primitive stage. Currently, this technology has become more sophisticated with android features which allows it to be controlled with smart phones over a wide distance. Some types include: Worx, Denna and Husqvarna auto mower. The objective for the development of this technology is to provide a comfortable way of keeping lawns short, ensure security and safety of the user and mowing machine, reduce mowing noise, ensure efficient use of power and also integrate your mobile device with your mowing activity. In operating this technology, a user has to confirm a secret code for security reasons, he then demarcates the area to be mowed with a cable, this allows the mower to sense and stay within the demarcated terrain. After a start button is pressed the mower automatically mows down lawns without any direction or supervision. Some stunning features of this device includes:

1. Automatic recharging when battery is low; it can move back to its station automatically for recharging.

2. It has the ability to mow narrow and intricate areas of lawns autonomously.

3. Landroid can detect rain, stop mowing and return to its station and later come back to continue when the rains have stopped.


4. It ensures safety by stopping the blades beneath it when the mower is raised during the course of mowing. 5. Carries out automatic mulching of mowed grasses by cutting them into tiny pieces.

6. Users can adjust cutting height to preferred mowed grass length. 7. It also has a shock sensor system to sense obstacles in its path enabling it to maneuvers to a different direction easily.

Some advantages of the robotic mower are that, it saves time which enables users to perform other activities while mowing. It is also power efficient; it can be used in the absence of power once the battery is charged, and it also consumes less energy compared to manual mowers. One disadvantage is that, without fixing a cable boundary, it will end up mowing anything in its path such as flowers. To conclude, this technology uses artificial intelligence to carry out mowing activities just as would be done by humans and even more efficiently. It is very economical since with this technology, you wouldn’t be hiring a mower to carry out your mowing activities for you.

It is also convenient as it allows you to control the mower with a mobile device without necessarily touching the mower. It also fertilizes lawns by spreading mowed grasses evenly on the weeded portion.


FarmBot is an open source farming project started by Rory Aronson in 2011. Aronson, still a mechanical engineering student at that time, was inspired by a that used machine vision to detect and cover weeds, hence reducing the need for herbicides or manual labor. Aronson’s objective for the FarmBot project is in relation to the suspected demand in production due to the rapid growth of the human population and also to aid in precision in agricultural processes.


The first commercial edition of the project is the FarmBot Genesis which is capable of planting over 30 different crops as well as other farming processes including mechanical weed control, watering and harvesting. The FarmBot performs its various tasks by automatically attaching different tools and nozzles to a universal tool mount. It is also able to weed the planted area using a weed suppressor with the aid of a camera which helps identify weeds.

It also implores linear guides in the X, Y, and Z axis to aid in its navigation. FarmBot Genesis is controlled through a web-based interface which allows for remote access on most internet enabled devices. The web app is capable of adjusting inputs like water, fertilizer, pesticides, seed spacing and other such related factors. FarmBot works by graphically designing your farm by simply dragging and dropping plants into the farm. Users can also build regimens for taking care of plants throughout its entire life by scheduling sequences to be run.

FarmBots come with its various advantages. For instance, it isn’t much of a sophisticated system, with most of its parts built with aluminium which makes it less costly. Also, since it’s an open source project, computer aided drawings and designs are openly available which allows one to build his own parts and this saves farmers the cost of purchase and importation. It is also estimated that FarmBots produce relatively fewer carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, due its mechanism and handiness, it can be used outdoors, indoors as well as for laboratory purposes. Again,

FarmBots ensure precision in farming processes with the use of modern technology.

Notwithstanding, FarmBot has its disadvantages too: although it’s less costly to build a FarmBot, the means for powering it, whether solar or electric is quite expensive. Moreover, FarmBots can’t be used on extremely larger farms.


FarmBot is a very helpful and handy technological invention in the agricultural sector. The use of the FarmBot technology to ensure plants are always in perfect and desired conditions as well as providing a constant eye to monitor plant’s growth and development helps to provide healthy and strong harvests for consumption and commercial purposes. It also certainly would save a farmer’s time and stress with the help of automatic schedulers and task performers which would carry out tasks at stipulated times.


Vertical farming is the practice of growing produce in vertically stacked layers. The practice can use soil, hydroponic or aeroponic growing methods. Vertical farms attempt to produce food in challenging environments, like where arable land is rare or unavailable. The method helps mountainside towns, deserts and cities grow different types of fruits and vegetables by using skyscraper-like designs and methods.

Most vertical farms use enclosed structures similar to greenhouses that stack vertically, either directly above each other or staggered for better natural light exposure. If saving space is of utmost importance, hydroponic methods as a growing medium instead of soil allow for reduced weight and lower water requirements by up to 70%. The use of aeroponics further reduces weight and water requirements. Most vertical farms are either hydroponic or aeroponic and do not have run off, which would make the potted plants heavier.

Vertical farming typically uses a mix of natural light and artificial light. Artificial lighting is often LED-based and may be driven by a renewable power source such as solar power or wind turbines.


Supporters of vertical farming praise the impact it can have now and, in the future, to increase food security and have a positive impact on human health. It would reduce the amount of farmland needed, which could decrease deforestation and pollution, and help urban areas be self-sufficient.

Critics of vertical farming claim that most designs don’t efficiently deliver the necessary artificial light to keep the design green. Also, many vertical farms have hefty or large electric bills to produce good yields. Furthermore, the necessity for vertical farming is disputed as critics argue that the problem is not a lack of farmable land but inefficient usage


 https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/vertical-farming

 https://www.google.com.gh/search?q=vertical+farming&oq=vertical&aqs=chrome.1.69i5




Vertical farming is the practice of growing produce in vertically stacked layers. In 1915, American geologist Gilbert Ellis Bailey used the concept of tall multi-story buildings for indoor cultivation and this lead to the emergence of vertical farming. The practice can use soil, hydroponic or aeroponic growing methods. Aeroponic methods use digitalized systems to provide plants with an enclosed air and water/nutrient ecosystem. It stimulates rapid plant growth without the use of soil. The ideal purpose of Vertical farming is its attempt to produce food in challenging environments, like where cultivable land is rare or unavailable. An example of a scenario like this could be the northern Ghana. The method helps mountainside towns, deserts and cities grow different types of fruits and vegetables by using skyscraper-like designs and precise agricultural methods.

Vertical farming typically uses a mix of natural light and artificial light. Artificial lighting is often

LED-based and may be driven by a power that can be renewed, such as solar power or wind turbines. Some of the advantages of vertical farming is that: It reduces the amount of farm land needed. It also helps decrease deforestation and pollution and lastly helps urban areas to be self- sufficient. In my opinion as a research and information analyst, I think this technology is extremely


helpful because it can help Ghana as a country entirely, to reduce hunger in the northern sector and other related sectors which will be a contribution to one of the Sustainable Development Goals

Africa which is “No hunger.”





is a greenhouse structure that enables the growth of crops in hot, arid regions by combining two unlimited resources: sunlight and seawater. The technique involves pumping seawater (or allowing it to gravitate if below sea level) to an arid location. The Seawater Greenhouse enables year-round crop production in some of the world’s hottest and driest regions. The seawater greenhouse concept was first researched and developed in 1991 by a British inventor, Charlie Paton who was the owner of Light Works Ltd, now known as Seawater Greenhouse Ltd. The first pilot project began in 1992 with the search for a test site that was eventually found on the Canary Island of Tenerife. A prototype seawater greenhouse was assembled in the UK and constructed on the site in Tenerife.

The results from this pilot project validated the concept and demonstrated the potential for other arid regions.

The innovation utilizes the processes of humidifying, cooling the air which is then evaporated by solar heating and distilled to produce fresh water. The remaining humidified air is expelled from the greenhouse and used to improve growing conditions for outdoor plants. Concentrated salt water


may also either be further evaporated for the production of salt and other elements or discharged back to the sea. It can be said that the seawater greenhouse is a remedy to the global water crisis.

The combined effect of reducing temperature and increasing humidity, together with providing a protected environment for crops, results in up to 90% reduction in evapotranspiration.

Some advantages of the seawater greenhouse system are that, it can thrive well even in the harshest conditions and also provides drought protection for local and regional industries. The technology enables year-round crop production in some of the driest regions there by providing and sustaining jobs. It also plays a role in climate rehabilitation by rehydrating the landscape using water vapor derived from seawater. The technology creates a humid microclimate that promotes plant growth both inside and outside the greenhouse. The technology imitates natural processes, helping to restore the environment while significantly reducing the operating costs of greenhouse horticulture. It also reduces production cost in the sense that the Greenhouse provides for itself the resources it requires including the energy and water which means that it is not affected by price fluctuations or unstable prices of fossil fuel inputs. The most important benefit of the Seawater

Greenhouse is that it cools and humidifies large volumes of air at very low costs, and to do this, it must evaporate large volumes of seawater, thereby dealing with the discharge from desalination.

In addition to not having to discharge concentrated brine, it also benefits from the fact that high salinity water has a powerful biocidal or sterilising effect on the air that passes through it. This reduces or eliminates airborne pests.


Seawater Greenhouse, Oman.

REFERENCE https://seawatergreenhouse.com/technology/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seawater_greenhouse http://www.globalwaterforum.org/2012/05/28/seawater-greenhouse-a-new-approach-to- restorative-agriculture/


Livestock identification refers to the process of accurately recognizing individual livestock and their products through a unique identifier. The individual livestock identification has been practiced for thousands of years back to times of biblical era. One of the earliest documentation of tracing diseases to a specific animal was in 1275. According to Blancou (2001), in Historia

Anglicana, Thomas of Walsingham related the story behind a sheep disease that traced back to a

Spanish ewe brought to England by a rich man from France which he said was rotten and had infected the whole country. So, for one man to have traced this disease to one particular animal, there must have been some sort of documentation that allowed him do that. It is mainly the spread of diseases that motivated governments to produce Biometric Livestock Identifications.


Even though the main objectives of Biometric Livestock Identification are disease trajectories, there are other countless reasons, one being for vaccination. This is to keep track of the records and number of times an animal is vaccinated. We also have the animal traceability: this feature of the Biometric Identification helps the owner track the animal with ease. Lastly, there’s the animal ownership assignment. With the help of the animal ownership assignment, the livestock of one particular farmer are given one particular range of Identification Numbers to identify or tie them uniquely to the owner to avoid theft or confusion.

For farmers to identify their livestock in the past, they used paint branding: a method of tagging or making a permanent mark on livestock with the use of a very hot metal. Unfortunately, this form of branding didn’t take long to wash off the animals. It also caused severe tissue damage to the livestock. Farmers also resorted to ear notching where the livestock were tagged with pieces of paper or cards on their ears. These various methods of identification helped in identifying the livestock but not trace their vaccinations, health etc. Therefore, there was the need for more sophisticated technological methods like nose recognition, iris scanning and most importantly the

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). Nose prints is a permanent identification method commonly used in cattle and sheep and cannot be modified. Another technological method is the iris recognition which involves a video-based snapshot of the eye. The iris pattern is then pulled out, encoded and stored in a database. There’s also the RFID which includes microchip implants, neck collars and ear tag buttons. RFID allowed farmers to instantly pull up information on an animal’s production history, lineage, weight and health records. Also, farmers can see data of the animals such as when the cow is feeding or when they are in danger. Some farmers use pedometers


or GPS to track the animals as well as well as track their heartbeat. Swiss biologists created the neck collar to track their sheep and ward off wolves by releasing repellents either by noise or smell.

Some advantages of livestock biometrics are that, they are mostly painless as compared to the other methods. The identification methods are unique to the individual animals and none of the animals require a line of sight for visual reading. Lastly the RFID signals travel through various body tissues which can be read from a scanner. Now, since everything has a downside, livestock biometrics is no exception. Some disadvantages are that initial startup cost is very high. Also, there is the need for technological know-how. Lastly there are potential losses of RFID transponders.

To conclude, I think Biometric Livestock Identification is one of the best breakthroughs in the agricultural section since time immemorial. This is because every single detail can be tracked. This avoids theft and also helps with disease control. With the help of biometrics, most issues with animal agriculture can be minimized completely.


INDEX NUMBER: 10525010


AGRICULTURAL DRONES are drones applied to farming in order to help increase crop production and monitor crop growth. Through the use of advanced sensors and digital imaging capabilities, farmers are able and to use these drones to help them gather a richer picture of their fields. This will increase production of foodstuff for the society.


The first person to use the agricultural drone was called Robert Blair, a fourth-generation farmer from the University of Idaho in North Central Idaho managing 15000 dry land acres of wheat and cows.

Now, information gathered from agricultural drones may prove useful in improving crop yields and farm efficiency. Agricultural drones play a big role when it comes to planting crops. Startups have created drone-planting systems that achieve an uptake rate of 74% and decrease planting cost by 85%. Also, drones can be instrumental at the start of the crop cycle.

They produce precise 3-D maps for early soil analysis, useful in planning seed planting patterns.

After planting, drone driven soil analysis provides data for irrigation and nitrogen-level management.

Agricultural drones are also used in crop spraying. Drones can scan the whole ground and spray the right of amount of liquid, modulating distance from the ground and spraying in real time.

Experts estimated that aerial spraying is 5 times faster with drones than man power.

A disadvantage of drones is that, it is much too expensive to buy.

Reference https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316361965


Agricultural robotics is the logical propagation of automation technology into the bio-systems such as agriculture, forestry, green house, horticulture and fisheries. It is replacing the common techniques to perform the same tasks with higher efficiency.


Now the use of animals has been prominent in agriculture since ages past. Surprisingly, archaeologists believe that dogs were the first animals to be trained to help in hunting and also keep rodents and some pests from destroying farm crops. The agriculture revolution lasted from

1750-1900 when farming absolutely changed in America. The cause of the revolution was to make agricultural machines known. In the 1800, England created the Norfolk rotation system where four fields with four different crops were cultivated on rotational bases. John Deere was the first to invent the first steep plow for farming in the 1800s. After several trial and errors, testing and innovations were done on the then and machines which have now grown to become agricultural robots.

The aim of the agriculture robots is to ease the processes in agriculture i.e. make it less tedious most especially at the harvesting stage. The method of operations of the Agric robots are that, it performs weeding, fertilizing, sprinkling of seeds and planting. It also handles pruning when there is a need to and sprays the crops with pesticides to prevent pests from destroying the crops, pricking flowers among others.

These are the images of some agri-robots being used on the farm:


Some examples of these robots are fruit picking robots, driverless tractor or sprayers, sheep shearing robots among others. Some advantages are that: the robot protects the human work force as it replaces the human labor. It also works efficiently and effectively as it offers fresh produce of high quality. In contrast, the agri-robots are very costly and easily make farmers redundant.

Agricultural robotics generally make life easier and safe even though it may lead to unemployment in the agricultural sector which may be harmful to the members of the agricultural society. On the other hand, if the government invests too much into these robots, it can help improve good health and well-being as stated as the third Sustainable Development goal as well as lead to responsible consumption and production (SDG 12).




 UjuziKilimo

There are many technologies that can boost growth and development in Africa. The main sector in Africa is agriculture and for the purpose of this essay, the focus would be on agriculture. How can technological innovations promote growth in Africa? According to the Food and Agriculture

Organization of the United Nations, the world population will reach 9.1 billion by 2050, and to feed that number of people, global food production will need to grow by 70%. For Africa, which is projected to be home to about 2 billion people by then, farm productivity must accelerate at a faster rate than the global average to avoid continued mass hunger. The technology I would talk about is Ujuzikilimo.

UjuziKilimo is a Kenyan startup which uses big data and analytic capabilities to transform farmers into a knowledge-based community, with the goal of improving productivity through precision insights. This helps to adjust irrigation and determine the needs of individual plants. The main vision of this startup is to help small scale farmers with analytical data and prompt information about the soil condition as well as climatic conditions. It has several features and advantages to help the farmers.

UjuziKilimo aids in Precision Farming. It makes use of sensors to precisely capture soil and farm data from which farmers get real time actionable and easy to understand advise on fertilizers, seeds, weather and best practices to ensure they practice productive and sustainable agriculture. Precision farming reduces the risk of using the wrong quantities and high cost on fertilizers, enhances soil conservation and increases productivity.


Most farmers lack information on improved seeds so, UjuziKilimo ensures farmers get to know the exact varieties suited for their locality. Secondly, they also provide data analytics services where they use a comprehensive agricultural database and precise farm data to generate insights, using machine learning and data analytics to ensure that farmers get quality timely information and service providers access accurate data to deliver targeted services through its platform.

Thirdly, they provide interactive text messaging services for continuous agronomic support to farmers. Farmers receive farm specific advice over the crop cycle and share knowledge amongst themselves anytime, anywhere using mobile technology. Finally, they provide Climate Smart services. They help make farmers more resilient through timely weather updates, and predictive insights on the weather expectations. This helps farmers plan well for their season and reduce risk from bad weather. Thus, from the above, they provide considerable help for farmers.

However, it has several disadvantages which include: high cost, the need for computer literacy, the fact that it operates on a small scale as well as lack of awareness of its existence.

In conclusion, this technology is really helpful and can transform the agricultural sector in Africa tremendously. Notwithstanding, this technology is a must for many farmers and should be supported by governments to make it large scale.

References: http://www.ujuzikilimo.com/



Telematics is a technology that merges the fields of electrical engineering and computer science techniques such as sensors, wireless communication, instrumentation, internet and multimedia equipment to disseminate and receive computerized information over long geographical distances.

In the agricultural sector, telematics allows agricultural stakeholders to monitor vehicle(s) and equipment in the farm and also gather data pertaining to machines and equipment for analytical purposes in order to make decisions in regards to the efficiency and the effectiveness of these farm tools. Telematics has likewise aided agricultural stakeholders to obtain information concerning the state and the usage of machines, equipment and vehicles in time hence taking required curative measures to deter any imminent threats. Through the advent of telematics, farmers and other agricultural workers can distantly manage their field equipment, collect and evaluate data off-site without interjecting the workflow or making numerous expeditions to the field. With detailed broadcasting and alerts, farm managers can receive immediate notifications to validate the activities of sprayers, combiners, planters and other operating machines through electronic sensors installed on tractors and the other field equipment.

The system works in real time on a live updating format. Depending on the level of functionality demanded, your vehicle(s) will be fitted with a Vehicle Tracking Unit (VTU) and the requisite

GSM/GPRS antenna. All auxiliaries are made furtively with no signs of the installation having taken place within the vehicle. Telematics system has been designed in a simple interface that can be used by people with low level of IT skills and a comprehensive PDF User Guide on how to operate the system is supplied to users.


One major setback of telematics is its low upload speeds especially in most rural areas. Without swift uploads, producers utilizing telematics technologies are often deprived from real time uploads and must resort to transmitting field data in batches from the operation center later in the evening hence affecting decisions and response time regarding any looming danger on machines and equipment.

In my opinion, consultants and managers in the agricultural field must leverage and take advantage of telematics to revolutionize their operations by monitoring equipment and machines remotely to easily detect anomalies hence reducing the cost of maintenance and facilitating efficiency and the effectiveness of workflow thereby increasing productivity as a whole. However, amelioration must be done to moderate the transmission process in order to stimulate its utility in remote areas precisely developing countries where internet connectivity is relatively poor.



 https://www.trackyou.co.uk/about.html

 http://www.westernfarmpress.com/equipment/telematics-giving-farmers-increasing-


 http://precisionagricultu.re/how-to-successfully-incorporate-telematics-in-agriculture/




Business and Finance


Cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets. Cryptography is the process of converting legible information into an almost uncrackable code, to track purchases and transfers. Cryptocurrencies use decentralized control as opposed to centralized electronic money and central banking systems. Cryptocurrency emerged through the creation of Bitcoin, the first and still most important cryptocurrency, by Satoshi Nakamoto, it’s still unidentified inventor. Honestly, Bitcoin was never meant to be a currency, but rather as

Nakatomo puts it in his announcement of Bitcoin, “a peer-to-peer electronic cash system”, meaning it was original intended to be digital cash system and also a decentralised one.

The mechanism of cryptocurrencies is quite complex Transactions

are sent between peers from “cryptocurrency wallets”

by matching up public codes which relate back to user-

held private passwords ( “cryptographic keys”).

Transactions made between peers are recorded on a

public ledger of transactions called a “blockchain.” All

users of a given cryptocurrency have access to the ledger if they choose to download a “full node” wallet (as opposed to holding their coins in a third party wallet. The transaction amounts are public, but who sent the transaction is encrypted. Each


transaction leads back to a digital “cryptocurrency wallet.” Whoever owns the password (or key) to the wallet, owns the amount of cryptocurrency denoted on the ledger. When someone sends or receives cryptocurrency, when they send from one wallet to another wallet using a set of private and public passwords, that transaction is queued up to be added to the ledger. Many transactions are added to a ledger at once. These “blocks” of transactions are added sequentially. That is why the ledger and the technology behind it are called “block” “chain.” It is a “chain” of “blocks” of transactions.

There are many benefits of using cryptocurrency, these include: highly secured transaction due to the use of cryptography; easy access due to its decentralized form; quick and easy payments and also its pseudonymous nature ensures privacy for its users. Disadvantages of cryptocurrency include: the lack of knowledge and difficulty to understand cryptocurrency; it is not widely accepted as a currency yet; there is no way to reverse payments and finally, its volatility and uncertainty has created hesitance in adopting it.

In conclusion, Cryptocurrency is a phenomenon that is gradually piquing the interest of people and is predicted to soon take the world by storm. As of April 2018 total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies is bigger than 278 billion USD and record high daily volume is larger than 500 billion USD. It has also brought about an increase in entrepreneurship in the world. As of

April 2018, there were 3500 and growing cryptocurrencies in existence. Like anything else, there are few shortcomings but the positive aspects outshine the drawbacks. I personally would


encourage one to venture into cryptocurrency given he/she has a great perspective of it and is willing to take the risks involved.



Generally, a well-functioning payment system is imperative for ensuring the safety, stability, and soundness of a financial system. Efficient payment system facilitates timely completion of financial transactions to enhance job creation, economic growth and improved standard of living.

Overall improvement in payment systems reflects in the entire economy through its inter-linkages with the fiscal, external and the real sectors. The payment systems in Ghana consist of an array of institutional arrangements and processes that facilitate movement of monetary claims between two or more economic entities. These institutional arrangements and processes include payment streams such as Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS), Cheque Codeline Clearing (CCC), and

Ghana Automated Clearing House (GACH) consisting of Direct Credit and Direct Debit. Others are payments cards, E-zwich, Mobile Money (MM) and other payment service providers.


Mobile Money (MM) is gradually becoming a major means of payment for the unbanked and the underserved in Ghana. The rapid growth in MM usage in Ghana is partly on account of increasing penetration and application of mobile phones particularly in the rural areas. The widespread proliferation of MM among the unbanked and underserved is premised on recent advances in


handset functionality, chip and mobile network technologies, and upgrade in Point-Of-Sale (POS) infrastructure. These developments have improved the environment for MM solutions, and brought together different industry players, such as banks and mobile money operators to establish MM businesses. The use of MM services as a means of payment brings a number of benefits to the user including convenience, speed, flexibility and affordability (GSMA, 2013).

 Mobile money Interoperability

The inability of users to make off-net transactions is seen as a major challenge facing the delivery and use of mobile money services. The Lack of interoperability means that agents only have to resort to token-based transactions which they complained about as been too cumbersome.

Interoperability is defined as “the possibility to transfer money between customer accounts at different mobile money schemes and between accounts at mobile money schemes and accounts at banks” (GSMA, 2014). Interoperability is considered important because of its potential effects on consumers, businesses and the economy. In mature markets and where scale has been achieved, interoperability can help businesses to manage costs, increase efficiencies through shared infrastructure and to increase transaction volumes. Customers benefit from network effects and ideally from reduced transaction costs. Governments believe that interoperability can help advance financial inclusion due to reduced transaction costs and can also lower the cost of printing and managing cash (CGAP, 2012). A 2008 study of interoperability in Latin America by the World

Bank Payments Systems Group suggests that a more efficient payments system, through interoperability, in Brazil could result in a saving of 0.7 percent of GDP per year. Similarly, the practical experiences of interoperable payments schemes such as VISA and MasterCard illustrate


that interoperability can contribute to an exponential increase in transactions. In view of the problem stated, the use of the interoperability system will help with the cross net transactions, as well as create jobs for the people of Ghana and improve the banking sector.

Recommendations and Future Work

As the world is fast advancing and users are moving away from the dumbphone to feature phones and smartphones, it is recommended that a design of a smartphone interface for mobile money should be the next big plan for the mobile money operators and developers. In this modern technological era, USSD and SIM toolkit hierarchical menu interfaces might be a factor keeping many users away from intensively using mobile money services for payment. Smartphone interfaces not only have the chance to make basic transactions simpler, but they can potentially address a host of other barriers.


GSMA. (2014). Financial Inclusion in Paraguay: New Mobile Money Regulation. Retrieved from

GSMA. (2012). What makes a Successful Mobile Money Implementation? Learnings from M-

PESA in Kenya and Tanzania. Retrieved from www.gsmworld.com/membership

GSMA. (2013). State of the Industry Report. GSMA.



Self-checkout is known as Self-service checkout machine. It is also known as SACAT, that is, Semi -Attended

Customer Activated Terminal. As the name SACAT implies, this machine gives customers the opportunity to process their own purchases made from Retail shops. The machine was invented by David R. Humble.

The machine was introduced to enable customers to have service on their own to ensure customer satisfaction.

The Self-Checkout machine allows customers to process their own purchases by scanning the selected items which have codes and to input the items which has not been bagged or does not have bar codes such as bakeries and fruit into the machine by using the touch screen displayed by the machine. The customer will have to place all scanned items on a scale that comes together with the machine. The items are then billed by the machine and it can accept different modes of payment which include card and physical cash (coin, bank note).

The machine has the advantage of reducing labor cost to the Retailer since it replaces Cashiers who should be payed for their services. It also saves space since the size of the machine is much smaller than the regular checkout space.

The machine has the disadvantage of causing unemployment, since most activities will be computer based, which will results in increasing the poverty level in developing countries like Ghana, bringing about social vices and resulting in society unrest since the youth will be idle.


To conclude, the technology is much helpful to the Retailer and helpful to the society as it supports SDG Goal 9 but unhelpful to the society at large since it might bring about society unrest and also violates SDG Goals 1,2,3,8,16.





It’s a technology that allows to make more money from the sale of airtime. It's an easy business

one can engage in to get extra cash at his own convenience. one unique feature of GSM is airtime

for cash.

Its aim is to create a community of numerous avenues through individual partnership, desirable

products & services, attractive rewards and opportunities that makes dream become a reality

With GSM you sign up for free and load your wallet with any account by dialing *161*444# .and

for any amount of airtime you sell you earn 4%commision on it aside the 10%you earn from your

network. Also, one can sell airtime to different networks irrespective of the network one uses.

Unlike the normal transfer system its restricted per the network you registered or signed up but

GSM is not like that

Aside individual commissions, it rewards based on team levels from a gold watch to a house. As

the saying goes if you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far go fast


5.its helpful because it’s the only platform where individuals can convert their airtime into cash through ones mobile money account which is very convenient. This what all networks in Ghana are unable to do.


The payment terminal, also known as ‘Point of Sale terminal’ or ‘Credit Card terminal’, is an electronic device that allows card payment end electronic funds transfer. There are multiple types which serve multiple functions and purposes.


Before the emergence of the payment terminal, Manual Imprinters were used to capture the information on credit cards unto paper slips with exact copies. These papers were then taken to banks to be processed. In 1979, the payment terminal was developed by Visa. Their device was bulky. Verifone in 1981 developed the first dedicated payment terminals. In 1983, Verifone developed the ZON terminal series which is still a standard for modern payment terminals. Over the decades, different functionalities have been added to payment terminals as an improvement.


Payment terminals allow merchants to enter the required card information, accept transactions and transmit data service providers (mostly banks in Ghana) to be authorized for the monetary transfer.

Some modern payment terminals are more engaging with an interactive user interface. These modern devices can accept gift cards, cheques, mobile wallets and loyalty card. These devices are designed to also assist the visually impaired.



After purchasing items from an organization, the database of the items purchased is scanned by a barcode scanner or input into a computerized system manually. When the cost of items purchased is summed, you are given an option to pay using cash or with your card. When using your card, you will just have to insert the card into the payment terminal or swipe the card on the device. The device then picks you information and waits for approval from your bank or financial institution.

This approval is done by inputting your secret pin. After approval, the fund transfer goes through and you receive your purchased product.


Transactions on this device saves time. It is also safe and secure since you do not need to carry physical cash on you which might be prone to theft.


Depending on your financial institution, there might be high charges when using this payment model. Also, theft can also be done using the device and that is much more dangerous than physical theft. When your accounts are frozen, you become helpless if this is the only means you use as payment


Generally, I will say that this device is a really helpful device considering the how technology is advancing in the business and financial world.



Definition: A mobile point of sale (mPOS) system is the tool retailers use when collecting payment from a customer at the time of purchase.

Short history:

In 1883, James Ritty invents and patents the first mechanical register, to register transactions made at his business. In 1906, Charles Kettering invented a cash register with an electric motor. The barcode reading register was introduced in 1970 when Logicon Inc. standardized it across multiple industries. Late 1980s - 1990s, Gene Moshel designed the first touch-screen POS system. Color screens soon followed in 1995, ushering in the digital era. Currently, Mobile phones and tablets are now common devices and therefore makes mPOS a success.

Aim or purpose of mobile POS: to save time for business owners and providing flexibility in the account of sales and keeping of stocks.

How the POS system works:

 The POS system itself: This could be a cash register linked to a server or PC, or even an

iPad or other tablet device linked to a cloud-based system.

 A cash drawer – used to store the day’s takings, along with cheques, vouchers and payment


 A receipt printer – used to print receipts to hand to customers.

 A barcode reader – typically used in retail environments with many different products.

 A card machine – used to process payments made by debit or credit card.

Key benefits of mobile POS or it relevance are:


 Speed up checkout and return lines. Using mPOS keeps your customers moving through

the checkout line as efficiently as possible, even during your busiest periods. Using mPOS

can also avoid backups at the sales registers due to returns.

 Cashiers become sales consultants. Improve customer service with mPOS. It enables

your salespeople to better inform consumers — and helping customers to make faster

purchasing decisions can drive higher revenues.

 Offer receipt options. More and more consumers prefer their receipts to be emailed to

them to cut down on paper and help them stay organized. Cater to their preference by giving

them the choice of digital or traditional paper receipts.

Some disadvantages of mPOS

Connection reliability – A reliable Internet connection and ISP are required to maintain a POS system that is web-based. If there is an Internet outage, you won’t have access to your system. Even though there may be safe options in place, there is still the inconvenience of waiting for the system to get back up and operating.

Costly software upgrades – Unlike web-based systems that provide FREE upgrades that keep them up-to-date, software-based upgrades come with a high cost attached to them. Every time an upgrade is necessary, you are going to have to pay for new licenses and software when your business expands.

Costly web-based POS fees – You’ll be charged a monthly subscription fee with web-based systems which will diminish your return on investment in the long run. Be sure that you figure this monthly expense into your budget when considering the purchase of this type of POS system.


Conclusion: Despite the few technical disadvantages of the technology, it is very helpful to employers, business owners and consumers as well. It saves time during a business transaction and also increase productivity since to many employees are not needed to run the POS system.


Pymetrics is a new game-form hiring tool that accesses the strengths of applicants and suggests the perfect career and businesses for them. This cutting edge innovation was founded by Frida E

Polli, an award winning neuroscientist and Julie J Yoo, a data scientist expert both with PhD’s from Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology where the pair met to introduce this marvelous revelation to the world. Pymetrics combines Artificial Intelligence and

Neuroscience in recruiting people with talents for the right jobs as well helping companies to get people with the right set of skills for a precise portfolio in a company and the best part of this is that, it seeks to eradicate any bias whether it be racial or religious from the recruitment process.

The game basically allows job applicants to sign up using either their Email, Facebook, LinkedIn and GitHub ID then move on to play a set of neuroscience-based games after which they are being analyzed and identified based on data and trends by using custom algorithms to represent success and audits for bias and match their talents to opportunities. After, candidates get to receive a personalized report on their cognitive, emotional and career attributes which will help them obtain a well-fit job. The clientele base of pymetrics include reputable companies such as Unilever, Tesla and LinkedIn who use pymetrics for recruiting their workforce.


Advantages of pymetrics include it being a bias free process where applicants cannot be judged on their limitations but rather on their strengths in finding their made out jobs. It also spares companies the headache in recruiting job applicants as well in training that recruit.

Technology illiterates will be left at the downside of this recruitment process due to some level of computer literacy involved and as well candidates from rural areas with no electricity supply would be found wanting in this technological approach.

I personally think this innovation is a marvelous revelation as it will spearhead applicants to get jobs that suits their requirements, taste and preference hence will help to improve work productivity in jobs but also deny applicants the chance to contest for jobs outside their horizon as they may be seeking to acquire a new skill in a different field far from their designated prospects.

References https://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/28/upstart-25-pymetrics.html https://www.pymetrics.com/employers/ https://www.communitycareercenter.org/blog/view/you_heard_it_here_first_pymetrics


Network marketing is fundamentally just a different way of selling a product to the end-user. With network marketing manufacturers can use the money that would have been invested into advertisement in compensating its customers for recommending their products. Network marketing was introduced by a man named Carl Rensburg around the 1940’s. He was the first to introduce the benefits of using supplements in our diets. He set up a company in America called


The California Vitamin, with countless days of strategies in trying to improve upon sales within his company, the idea of network marketing was invented. Today network marketing has gained enormous popularity. In Ghana, there is Max International Herbal life etc.

The main aim and objectives of network marketing is to help people become financially independent and self employed as well as companies.

How does it work? The company signs up people who are willing to be financially independent by recommending the company’s product to others. These already signed up people introduce about two or three other individuals who will become their downlines base on the company’s policies. The downlines also replicate the process by also recommending the product to others, sign them up to also become their downlines. With every person a downline signs up and recommends a product to, an upline receives a percentage.

Network marketing makes one becomes financially stable and entrepreneurial in this shrinking world of unemployment. But with all these benefits it also some shortcomings, the very first upline that started makes a lot of money compared to his downline. Also, signing up and recommending a product to someone is very difficult if the product doesn’t meet his or her needs.

In conclusion, I think there should be mechanism checks on the number of network marketing platforms that should be allowed in a particular country especially deprived country. Why? This is because one networking platforms employs about thousands of people and when this people become financially employed, they become too comfortable and fail to research and startup businesses of their own thereby leaving thousands of business areas unexplored and unearth since most of the able men are involved in one


 Mobile money cardless ATM technology

Mobile money is an electronic wireless service which allows users to store, send and receive money using their mobile phone. The safe and easy electronic payment makes mobile money a popular alternative to bank accounts and can be used on both smart and featured phones.

This technology has emerged in the banking sector as well as the telecommunication sector with the aim to reduce the traffic congestion at the banking sectors. This write will focus on MTN mobile money cardless ATM in Ghana.

MTN mobile money remains the biggest mobile platform for many Ghanaians. For a long time withdrawing mobile money wallet was solely facilitated by mobile money merchants. For a lot of

MTN mobile money users, the inability to withdraw their money when there is no mobile money merchant around caused a lot of pain.to really make MTN mobile money a real 24/7 service, MTN

Ghana has introduced the ability to withdraw mobile money funds from automatic teller machine nationwide.

Some banks which ATMs nationwide support the withdrawal of funds via MTN mobile money are Access Bank, Zenith Bank, Eco Bank, Fidelity Bank.

How to withdraw MTN mobile money from the ATM

1. Dial *170#

2. Select option 7 for bank services

3. Choose option 3 for ATM cash-out

4. Choose option 1 to generate the token


5. On the ATM,choose cardless transactions

6. Choose MTN mobile money

7. Enter your generated code

8. Enter your four digit secret code(your pin)

9. Enter the amount of between ghs 5 to ghs 400

10. Enter your pin to authorize the transaction

11. Wait to receive your money from the ATM

Advantages of using MTN mobile money

 Its hassle free.MTN mobile money is easy to use once you get your account registered.

You can simply set your pin and send and receive money seamlessly.

 MTN mobile money is safe. With a pin set, no one can withdraw your money without your

permission, also when a wrong transaction is made you can call MTN call Centre and it

will be almost immediately solved for you.

 You can link to your bank account.


Emerging technologies are those technical innovations which represent progressive developments within a field for competitive advantage .e.g includes Machine vision, Optical computing, artificial brain etc.

Machine Vision(MV) is the technology and method used to provide imaging-based automatic inspection and analysis, process control and robot guidance, usually in industry.MV is a term encompassing a large number of technologies, software and hardware products, intergrated systems, actions, methods and expertise. It is a discipline of systems engineering and distinct from computer vision a form of computer science. It is used in broader sense by trade shows and trade groups; this broader definition also encompasses products and applications must often associated with image processing.MV is defined as a method or technology used to extract information from an image where the output is another image. The information can be simple good-part/bad-part signal or more complex set of data such as identity, position in an image.

MV can be used as automatic inspection and robot and process guidance in industry or the security monitoring. The primary used of the MV are imaging-based automatic inspection and sorting and robot guidance. The overall process includes planning the details of requirements and project and then creating a solution. This section describes the technical process that occurs during the operation of the solution.MV is used to inspect the quality of workmanship. Its inspection consists of narrowly defined tasks such as counting objects on converging, reading serial numbers and searching for surface defects.

The first step in the automatic inspection of operation is acquisition of an image typically using cameras, lenses and lighting that has been designed to provide the differentiation required by subsequent processing.MV packages and programs developed in them then employ various digital


image processing techniques to extract the required information and often make decisions based on the extracted information. The equipment used includes lighting, camera or other imager a processor software and output devices. The imaging device can either be separated from the main processing unit or combined with it in which case the combination is generally called a smart camera or smart sensor. Comparison against target values to determine a “pass or fail” OR “go/no go” result.e.g bar code verification, the read value is compared against the proper value and tolerance.

The global Machine vision Market is expected to reach USD 15.46billion by the end of 2022 with

8.18% CAGR the forecast period 2017-2022.Machine vision Market is growing with positive growth in all regions. Increasing year by year and advancement in technology and integration is driving the market on global market with 30% of market share followed by Europe standing as the second biggest market due to heavy demand from automotive and healthcare industy.North

America stands as the thired biggest market. Manufacturers offer prefer machine vision systems for visual inspections that requires high speed, high magnification around the clock operation and repeatability of measurements.MV plays an important role in achieving 100% quality control in manufacturing reducing costs and ensuring a high level customer ratification.

MV is needed in every developing country because it would improve on our production and errors would be checked as the Goal 9 states growth in Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

1. Steger, Carsten;Markus Ulrich; Christian

Wiedemann(2018)Machine Vision Algorithms and Applications.





The concept of arcology was envisioned by an Italian architect known as Paolo Solerio. He was a lecturer at the Arizona state University in the college of Architecture and established the educational Consanti foundation. Paolo wrote six books, one of which is the ‘Omega Seed’ in which he defined the concept of arcologo as “Arcology: City in the image of man.” The idea backing this concept has to do with the merging of architecture and ecology as a response to a city’s growth. In simple terms, arcology is a field of creating architectural design principles for very densely populated, ecologically low- impact human habitats. This is to say that the concept was created to help reduce human environmental impacts as well as help provide the necessary living requirements. Below is an image of an arcology structure.

The structure is a large-dimensioned contrivance,

consisting of three dimensional spaces in large and

small subspaces, creating its own weather and

cityscape. The structures are mostly designed

vertically, making it occupy just a little space. The

arcology structures are designed in such a way that they can produce their own energy and food, control air and water quality as well as support sustainable water management. Also there is a reduction in pollution and carbon emissions as cars are not used there. Aside all these benefits, it also has some negative factors: Due to high costs


involved in putting up the structures, most of the designs are left envisioned, and even those under construction have been suspended for a while.

The concept of arcology will be helpful to the society as it employs its own available resources to ensure comfortable living based on its self- sustainable component. On the other hand, it might not be helpful because it makes people live a parasitic kind of life. Also it causes people to go in search for self-sufficiency that can set them apart in an ideal place rather than socializing with other people to develop a culture.


Materials retrieved from:

 https://www.codinaarchitectural.com

 https://www.google.com

 https://images.google.com

 https://www.em.m.wikipedia.org





 Virtual and Remote Laboratories

Virtual and Remote Laboratories are educational technologies that stimulate the operation of actual laboratories.Their aim is to make it simpler and less expensive for students to remotely do experiments . It impacts learning by increasing experiment quality and accuracy as the student is able to watch, practice and rehearse. It usually uses a computer, LCD,projector,internet,lab cameras,specialized software etc. Firstly with the remote laboratories,the receiver system is directly connected to the laboratory equipment, allowing the user to carry out actions on the hardware which are common for that particular experiment.The user is connected by a personal computer (or any other device, like a smart phone etc) to the Internet. The user then operates by using an exact software or just by accessing a web application running in any typical web browser and activities are transmitted to a receiver system with a public IP address.A virtual lab can be accessed like a real hardware lab. The user merely carries out operations remotely by using an ordinary computer system sending input over a network (internet) to a receiver system which will likely be connected directly to the virtual lab. Some situations involve different virtual machines or additional server systems (database systems etc) essential to the virtual lab. The system directly sends only feedback over the communication channel back to the users computer.


Some advantages include: flexible access (more users simultaneously), instant feedback, high quality equipment, lower costs, safety and higher efficiency. On the other hand, there are disadvantages such as lack of equipment setup experience, lack of hands on experience, no consideration for disabled users, as well as it being impossible to include all environmental factors in the virtualization.

Technology can help aid the sustainable development goals, in this case goals 4 and 9 concerning quality education and innovation. Schools in developing countries may not have access to lab equipment thus, with the use of virtual and remote labs, they can still have the same experience as children in more developed countries. This will boost their interest in learning and creating. Virtual labs are not only limited to science labs but engineering labs as well. There are gifted children with the ability to create but without the right resources but with these labs they will be able learn and create at a cheaper cost which will help in promoting quality education and innovation. However, the importance of hands on practice should not be undermined. Virtual labs should not be intended to be a permanent substitute.


Remote lab Virtual lab


Andriots,N.(2016) what are virtual laboratories and how do they work?.Retrieved from https://www.talentlms.com/blog/virtual-laboratories-elearning/

Jara,C et al (2012)Synchronous collaboration of virtual and remote laboratories.Retrieved from http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=virtual+and+remote+laboratories&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis




Lynch.M.(2016) 4 Benefits of virtual labs. Retrieved from


Dr.Seiler.S.(2014) Definition of Remote,Online,Virtual,Simulation and Distance Labs.Retrieved from


The New Media Consortium.Virtual and Remote Laboratories.Retrieved from

https://www.nms.org/horizon_topic /virtual-and-remote-laboratories/



There are several emerging technologies which have improved the lifestyle of people. These technologies cover various field such as agriculture, education, military, sports, medicine and so on. One of these aspects I would like to talk about is education as this is a major key to the success of every nation.


Electronic marking, also known as e-marking and onscreen marking is the use of digital educational technology specifically for marking. The term refers to the electronic marking or grading of an exam.

Early adopters include the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, which operates under the brand Cambridge Assessment which conducted its first major test in November

2000. In 2007, the International Baccalaureate implemented e-marking and by 2012, 66% of nearly

16million exam scripts were “e-marked” in the United Kingdom. e-marking can be used to mark examinations that are completed on paper and then scanned and uploaded as digital images, as well as online examinations. Multiple-choice exams can be either marked by examiners online or be auto marked where appropriate. When marking written script exams, e-marking applications provide markers with the online tools and resources to mark as they go and can add up marks as they progress without exceeding the prescribed total for each question.

All candidate details are hidden from the work being marked to ensure anonymity during the marking process. Once marking is complete, results can be uploaded immediately, reducing both the time spent by examiners posting results and the wait time for students.

E-marking provides item level marks to inform grade boundary decision. It also significantly reduces the likelihood of clerical errors. It maximises efficiency, effectiveness and security. It is environmentally friendly as it reduces the number of script journeys and procedural meeting.

Meanwhile, the introduction of e- marking has some short- term drawbacks related to the learning of new processes and practices. These include access to computers and a reliable broadband


internet connection, learning how to use a new interface while maintaining the same high level of marking reliability. Examiners are also exposed to new feedback mechanisms and new rules surrounding the marking and they must become accustomed to working exclusively on a computer screen.


Asuni, Nicola. "TCExam Computer-Based Assessment". Retrieved 2008-07-15.

D. Fowles, “Literature review on effects on assessment of e-marking,” Manchester: AQA Centre for Education Research and Policy, 2005.


Renaud Pelissier is from Paris, France and the founder of PUP and a lyric singer. He came up with

Pup scan because he couldn’t efficiently scan his music scores, books, bills etc. Pup is a tiny, light, wireless portable scanner and its long-lasting battery allows you to scan up to 2000 pages and allows one to identify a wide array of formats from A3 to A8 in high resolution.

Connecting to a computer in order to scan is obsolete as PUP scan is 100% mobile and can be used anywhere unlike the old scanners that require a lot of processes and hardware in other to scan. Pup scanner is a very simple and easy to use device. You must first decide what you want to do with the document you are scanning, then you press the button and adjust Pup’s laser to fit the document and then initiate the scan. A flash will illuminate the document and it will be scanned within a second. With this you can accurately create the scan for variety of documents no matter the size.


Also, it helps one to scan just a portion of documents such as sections from a book or diagrams in a study. The documents are automatically stored on your computer, tablets or smartphone via the cloud or Bluetooth. A single click allows users to send scans by email or share them on social networks. In addition, it can be used to capture pictures from a book or full pages. While some books do have slight curves in their pages, the device will automatically adjust curve issues.

Below are the pictures of the device and how it works:

The Pup scanner has the following benefits: it has the ability to remove all deformations within the document, remove curves from books or oddly aligned documents, auto-crop your document, adjust rotation, auto compress the image to make it a smaller sized file, adjust the sharpness etc. but the device has the following demerits: it requires Wi-Fi and may not be able to be used in remote areas, the battery life also has a limit that makes it unreliable as it can go off at any time.

In my opinion, Pup scan will be very useful to students. Its portability makes scanning painless as it scans portions of a book or any document one comes across that can help boost his or her educational life, contributing to the quality education as enshrined in the SDGs. Pup has also made entrepreneurial life easy by a single click. One can save copies of contracts, scan all receipts as soon as they come and forward them to the accountant for recording easily and faster. This technology has made a great impact on our society making life easy for most students.


REFERENCES http://Odditymall.com/pup-smart-scanner http://startups.com/pup-pockect-scanner-uses

 Mobile Learning

In those days where we thought mobile devices were only used for the purpose for which it was invented is over due to the advancement in technology. The mobile phone which is an example of these mobile devices can do more than you could imagine from networking to gaming than the normal placing of calls and sending of texts we know it does. The mobile devices have gotten to the extent that, it is now used in our educational activities, business, among others. Introducing to you is Mobile Learning.

Mobile Learning also known as M-Learning is an educational system which supports with the help of mobile devices, a continuous access to learning process. This can be on appliances like phone, , tablet, among others and you can learn wherever and whenever you want. The idea of this

Mobile Learning was brought up by two professors namely, Cathie Norris and Elliot Soloway who on the urge to improve highly- interactive computing in education had their inspiration upon analyzing sports fans which they say is the birth of M- Learning. They took this decision at a dinner they had for themselves at a restaurant on the 22nd of January 1998.

The purpose or aim for the introduction of this technology in society was to aid in learning wherever and whenever one wants and to improve upon the interaction of individuals in a business, school, or everywhere irrespective of the locations of the individuals involved.

The diagrams below emphasize on the methods and principles of operation of M-Learning


The advantages of M-Learning are as follows; supports self-paced learning, accessibility, can suit multiple learning styles, source of motivation, transparency, among others. Also, the disadvantages are as follows and they are mostly related to the mobile devices; cost, size inconvenience, limited storage, unexpected distractions, short battery life, limited connectivity, technological problems.

Critically, this technology has helped individuals gain the consciousness that; learning is a lifelong activity and can be done anytime and anywhere. It has also helped improve the working habits of individuals at work and has also helped in bringing up collaborative learning among lecturers and students. Again, it has improved communication among students and among workers at workplace.

In conclusion, in our urge for quality education which is stated in the SDG’s as the fourth goal, I think this technology will help us achieve it since it entails techniques and strategies needed to promote quality education and has also proven itself as a powerful tool for education.


Akademie, D. W. (2018). What is Mobile Learning? Retrieved from https://www.easy- lms.com/help/lms-knowledge-center/mobile-learning/item10388

Heick, T. (2018, January 28). 12 Principles of Mobile Learning. Retrieved from https://www.teachthought.com/learning/12-principles-of-mobile-learning/


Lee, C. (2018, January 18). All the Benefits and Limitations of Mobile Learning. Retrieved from https://www.eztalks.com/elearning/all-the-benefits-and-limitations-of-mobile-learning.html

Mcpheat, S. (2017). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Learning. Retrieved from https://www.skillshub.com/advantages-disadvantages-mobile-learning/

 Global future councils

The World Economic Forum’s Network of Global Future Councils is the world’s foremost interdisciplinary knowledge network dedicated to promoting innovative thinking on the future.

The network convenes the most relevant and knowledgeable thought leaders from academia, government, business and civil society to challenge conventional thinking and develop new insights and perspectives on the key global systems, as well as the impact and governance of key emerging technologies. In a global environment marked by short-term orientation and soloed thinking, the network fosters interdisciplinary and long-range thinking to support a sustainable and equitable future. Members of the network meet annually at the Annual Meeting for the Global

Future Councils in the United Arab Emirates, and virtually several times a year to monitor trends, identify global risks, discuss ideas and explore interconnections between issues. They also develop recommendations and integrate their findings into World Economic Forum activities such as the

Annual Meeting in Davos and regional and industry events, as well as into global decision-making processes.


In my view this technology, deals with strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable developments, the world is more interconnected today than ever before, thanks to the internet, travel and global institutions. And the sustainable development goals are no small matter either, agreed by 193 countries.


Dyslexia is a condition characterized by difficulty with spelling, decoding abilities and word recognition. While dyslexic students are no less intelligent than their non-dyslexic peers due to a disorder in the brain’s language processing centre, dyslexia can make things like reading comprehension and word organization a struggle. Cliff Weitzman had challenges catching up at


school because of this condition but through determination he was able to graduate from Brown

University in 2016. Weitzman’s struggles in college to find textbooks available in audio format prompted him to build a text-to-speech software called Speechify.

The main aim for developing Speechify by Weitzman was to ‘create a product that made dyslexic users feel empowered rather than judged or singled out’. At the same time, he wanted the tool to appeal to the general markets thus, he branded the product in a way that made its benefits clear to both users with learning differences and users who simply wanted to save time. In its usage,

Speechify is an intelligent reading assistant that is able to:

 Highlight or scan any text from your computer screen and read it out.

 Toggle reading speed up to 800 words per minute.

 Choose from a range of high quality voices and languages such as French, Spanish etc.

 Send readings from your desktop to phone as a mobile audio book.

 Scan physical textbooks.

Using Speechify to address the needs of dyslexic students in the classroom is beneficial for both educators and students. For educators, the ease of distributing these types of apps to all


students reduces the need for specialized training. For students, being able to use the same tools as their peers removes the potential stigma of using separate assistive technology tools.

I believe Speechify has reshaped the educational landscape of dyslexic students and society as a whole in the sense that it has helped to reduce stigmatization and isolation among people aiding them to also achieve their goals just like everyone else without feeling inferior or not able to just because they cannot read faster or understand what they read. However, its limitation to devices such as Mac and IOS makes it a technology for only the elites. What about those who cannot afford these devices? This does not satisfy its main purpose to serve everyone.

Nevertheless, the Speechify technology is a phenomenon that has helped improve the learning experience of dyslexic students and other auditory learners.


The C- pen exam reader scanner is a major technological breakthrough for anyone wanting to read English, Spanish, French, Italian and German exam questions. The C- pen exam reader is totally a portable pocket-sized device that reads text aloud with an English, Spanish,

French, Italian and German human-like digital voice. The Exam Reader has been approved by The

Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) for use in exams.

This means students who have reading difficulties such as dyslexia can independently take exams knowing that they can read and understand the questions.

The pen is half the size of other portable scanners on the market and at 50g is half the weight.


C-pen exam reader uses a standard micro USB connector for charging and a standard 3.5 mm connector for your favourite headphones.

The C-Pen Exam Reader is small, portable and lightweight making it easy to carry.

The device is ideal for hearing words and reading aloud lines of text; it is great for students with dyslexia, reading difficulties and English as a second language. No special skills are required. The only setback however, is that the language coverage is limited to English, Italian, German, French and Spanish.

In my opinion, I believe the C-pen reader is highly efficient and effective as well as useful and as such should be approved by school authorities all over the world to enable students with difficulties in reading and dyslexia gain equity and equality with normal students. This will hugely improve the quality of students produced in our schools. Aside its benefits, the device has the tendency to minimize the efficiency of students to manipulate text manually. This way, students with such defects may never get over them.


REFERENCES http://www.scanningpens.com/c-pen_exam_reader.html


Adaptive learning is an educational method which uses computers as interactive teaching devices and to orchestrate the allocation of human and mediated resources according to the unique needs of each learner. It can also be defined as an educational technology that can respond to a student’s interactions in real-time by automatically providing the student with individual support.

Adaptive learning technology uses real-time data collection, automatic responses and redirection based on the learner’s unique choice. By tracking responses, adaptive learning tools responds to the learners need by changing the learner’s task to suit unique individual behavior and answers.

This differs from other learning tools and instructional strategies which normally provide one path for all learners.


There are three ways in which adaptive learning tools adapt or respond to learners in real-time.

Based on learner’s specific answers, tools with adaptive content respond with hint, feedback or other resources related to that area of content. Tools with adaptive assessment change the difficulty level of the question based on the responses to the previous question. Tools using adaptive sequence collect real-time data and analysis to change the sequence of what the learners see next.

This permits each student to proceed at his/her own pace.



In a decade after the introduction of artificial intelligence, educational technology has continuously transformed. Computer aided instruction emerged in 1990’s and offered drills, practices, tutorials and simulation activities. In the early 2000’s, learning management systems were implemented and educational opportunities to re-secure the centralize system. Massive online courses gain popularity in 2011 by delivering learning content online to individuals anywhere at any time.

Today, adaptive e-learning technology and data driven approach that respond to the individual learner’s need is in progress.

instruction and this has change the instructor’s role.


replacing the traditional classroom model of impersonal instructions.

In summary, adaptive learning has vastly improved pedagogy. It has also transformed learning from passive receipt of knowledge to cooperate in the educational process. Adaptive learning technology is continuously developing personalized technology with data driven approach that responds and adapt to the individual learning needs.

Reference: "Personalised Elearning – Tailored Pathways". Retrieved January 26, 2016.




Early home automation started with labor-saving machines. Self-contained electric or gas- powered home appliances was active in the 1900s by presenting electric power distribution and led to the introduction of washing machines (1904), water heaters (1889), refrigerators, sewing machines, dish washers and clothes dryers.

The first general purpose of home automation network technology in 1957, X10, was developed.

It is a communication protocol just for electronic devices. It uses electric power transmission wiring for signaling and control. By 1978, X10 products included a 16-channel command console, a lamp module and an appliance module. Soon after came the wall switch module and the first X10 timer. According to ABI Research, 1.5 million home automation systems were installed in the United States by 2012.

Home Automation is a building automation for a home called a smart home. It controls

lighting, climate, entertainment systems and every appliance available. It may also include

home security such as access control and alarm systems. When connected with the Internet,

home devices are an important constituent of the .


1. A home automation system typically connects controlled devices to a central hub or

"gateway". The user interface for control of the system uses wall-mounted terminals, tablet


or desktop computers, a mobile phone application or a Web interface. It is accessible off-

site also using the internet.

2. It is easy to have remote control of all energy monitors over the internet enabling a simple

and friendly user interface like heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning.

3. It controls lighting systems.


1. Security, a household security integrated with a home automation system can provide additional services such as remote surveillance of security cameras over the Internet or central locking of all perimeter doors and windows.

2. Leak detection, smoke and CO detectors.

3. Occupancy-aware control system: In your absence it is possible to sense the occupancy of

the home using smart meters and environmental sensors like CO2.

5. Easy use for the elderly and the disabled.

Home automation suffers a lack of technical standards, a situation where the variety of home automation devices, in terms of both hardware variations and differences in the software running on them, makes the task of developing applications that work consistently between different inconsistent technology ecosystems hard. Customers may be hesitant to bet their IoT future on proprietary software or hardware devices that use proprietary protocols that may fade or become difficult to customize and interconnect.

In conclusion, I can say that this technology will be the most dependable very soon in the future because a decade ago, the idea of controlling your home's thermostat, lights and security systems remotely via smartphone would have seemed like futuristic science fiction but 2017 proved to be the year of the smart home. Technology in this market continues to grow leaps


and bounds and Ghana needs this to prevent frequent break ins of robbery due to its high

security and also easy access of control.


1. Hill, Jim (12 September 2015).’The smart home: a glossary guide for the perplexed.

Retrieved 27th March 2017.

2. Open Source Automation System Projects We Love. Fast Company.2014-12-01. Retrieved


3. Best Home Automation System-Consumer Report. www.consumerreports.org.Retrieved






A lane departure warning system is a mechanism designed to warn the driver when the vehicle starts to move out of its lane freeways and arterial roads. These systems are designed to minimize accidents by addressing the main causes of collisions: driver error, distractions and drowsiness.

The first production lane departure warning system in Europe was developed by the United States company, Iteris for Mercedes Actros commercial trucks. The system debuted in 2000 and is now available on most trucks sold in Europe. Later, vehicle-manufacturing companies like Nissan

Motors, Toyota, Honda and others adopted this technology and year by year, improvements were made to prevent accidents on road. There are three types of the system:

 Systems which warn the driver (Lane Departure Warning, LDW) if the vehicle is leaving

its lane (visual, audible, and/or vibration warnings).

 Systems which warn the driver and, if no action is taken, automatically take steps to ensure

the vehicle stays in its lane (Lane Keeping System, LKS).

 Systems, which take over steering, keep the car centered in the lane, and ask the driver to

take over in challenging situations.


Lane assist camera of VW Golf. The PCB and camera sensor from a Hyundai Lane Guidance camera module.

Lane Keeping Assist is a feature that, in addition to the Lane Departure Warning system automatically takes steps to ensure the vehicle stays in its lane. Some vehicles combine adaptive with Lane Keeping Systems to provide additional safety. Tesla uses the most advanced Lane assist system combined with their system marketed together as 'Autopilot’. It includes features like Lane-Keeping Assist and Automatic Lane

Changing without driver input. A similar technology to lane assist is used for the Auto park feature as well. Telsa Mode X, 2017 is the first year of the release of the second-generation Autopilot 2 system using the NVidia DrivePX2 hardware. This combines Automatic Lane Change, Adaptive

Cruise Control, and sign recognition to regulate speed and location and makes use of eight cameras, one radar and several ultrasonic sensors. Lane Departure Systems and Lane Keeping

Systems rely on visible lane markings. They typically cannot decipher faded, missing, or incorrect lane markings. Markings covered in snow, mud, or old lane markings left visible can hinder the ability of the system.

This technology will serve as a great measure to reduce most highway accidents which leads to death in Africa and for that matter Ghana. The Ministry of Road, Highway and Transport n Ghana can encourage the importing of vehicles with such mechanism and educate the public with the use of them especially in the urban centers to reduce road accidents.




Over the years, the soccer game has been marred with controversies and conflicts regarding inaccurate decisions made by officiating referees of the game. This led to the introduction of the goal line technology or goal decision system to help address these issues in the game as well as help the referees in awarding goal or not. The goal decision system uses a process to ascertain when a ball has fully crossed the goal line during a football game with the help of an electronic device.

The goal decision system as earlier mentioned has an objective of supporting referees in making accurate decisions during the game but not to replace them entirely. The use of the goal decision system was approved by the International Football Association Board in July 2012. The technology was produced by a German company called Cairos technologies AG, alongside Adidas.

How does goal line technology work? The technology operates through the use of an electronic chip which has been embedded into the ball. There is an electro-magnetic field which is created in the goal mouth and its strength is monitored by the computer.


The image depicts the goal post of a field with an embedded chip in a ball. The circuit or the chip embedded in the ball serves as a determinant when the ball crosses the line. The electromagnetic field changes and the referee is automatically notified by the computer or by a radio signal transmitted to specially designed to watch for match officials.

There are several advantages and disadvantages of the technology. The advantages include: The technology results are more accurate than human observation and decisions. Also, there are less disputes since the decisions are decided in an objective manner mechanically. A disadvantage to this technology is that, it undermines the authority of the referees. Also, waiting for the signal from the ball may be time consuming and slows the game.

In conclusion, the technology has helped to ensure accuracy in decision making, objectivity and peace to the football lovers.


Due to the emergence of new technologies, life which used to be complex, tiring and time consuming has now been made easier and saves time. Now let’s look at one of these emerging technologies which is mostly found in retail shops: RetailNext Camera. It is a camera with a sensor used to get details of a person or client for future prospectus. It tracks clients or customers; to know the kind of person they are in detail. It can show your gender, age, your taste and preference.


The camera helps shop owners identify their best customers. The system does not necessarily need exaggerated expression because it can detect micro expression. It can also tell how you feel about a product and can also show whether you have been to the shop before or not. This way, shop owners can get your preference before you come there again another time.

This is obviously a great invention which will help retailers know more about their customers and how to relate to them, improving customer relation. Knowing the customer’s tastes and preferences will go a long way to help retailers make more money since the customers will always get what they want at their shops.


An electronic nose is an array of non-specific chemical sensors, controlled and

analyzed electronically, which mimics the action of the mammalian nose by recognizing patterns

of response to vapors. It is a device that identifies the specific components of an odor and

analyses its chemical makeup to identify it. An electronic nose consists of a mechanism for

chemical detection such as an array of electronic sensors and a mechanism for pattern recognition

such as a neural network. It is also an intelligent sensing device that uses an array of gas sensors

which overlap selectively along with a pattern reorganization component. The electronic noses

have provided external benefits to a variety of commercial industries, agriculture, biomedical,

cosmetics, environmental, food, water and various scientific research fields as it’s able to detect

the hazardous or poisonous gas which is not possible to human sniffers. Electronic noses have

been around for several years but have typically been large and expensive. Current research is

focused on making the devices smaller, less expensive, and more sensitive. The smallest version,

a nose-on-a-chip is a single computer chip containing both the sensors and the processing

components. The first generation of e-nose were based on Sensor Arrays (with different types of


sensors). This E-Nose Sensor Unit flight experiment, which flew aboard the STS-95 (1998), used

an HP-200LX Palmtop Computer for device control and data acquisition; data were collected

and analyzed after landing. The second-generation E-Nose (Figure 5) had the same functions as

the first-generation device, but has been miniaturized to occupy less than 1000 cm3 with a mass

~800 g, not including the operating computer. The 3rd generation E-Nose uses the basic sensing

unit developed as the second generation device; it also includes an ISS interface unit, which

conforms to electrical, data telemetry, display and data storage requirements for ISS. The E-Nose

Sensor Unit consists of an anodized aluminum chassis which houses the Sensor array and

pneumatic system.

The Electronic Nose was developed in order to mimic human olfaction whose functions are non- separate mechanisms i.e. the smell or flavor is perceived as a global finger print. Essentially the instrument consists of sensor array, pattern reorganization modules, and headspace sampling to generate signal patterns that are used for characterizing smells. The electronic nose consists of three major parts: detecting system, computing system and sample delivery system. In most electronic noses, each sensor is sensitive to all molecules in their specific way. However, in bioelectric noses, the receptor proteins which respond to specific smell molecules are used. Most of electronic noses use sensor arrays that react to volatile compounds. Whenever the sensors sense any smell, a specific response is recorded and that signal is transmitted into the digital value. The more commonly used sensors in electronic nose are Metal oxide semiconductor (MOSFET),

Conducting , Quartz crystal microbalance, piezoelectric sensors and Metal Oxide sensors.


The electronic nose is applied in Medical diagnostics and health monitoring, Environmental monitoring, food industry, Detection of explosive, Space applications (NASA), Research and

Development Industries, Quality control laboratories, Process and Production departments, Detection of drug smells, Detection of harmful bacteria, etc.

In conclusion, electronic nose can be used to identify and differentiate complex mixtures and individual chemicals. Eventual deployment of the E-Nose as one part of a fully automated environmental monitoring and control system is envisioned. Work continues in developing a model of sensor-analytic interaction to optimize selection of materials for a sensing array, as well as, for possible future use to identify array responses from untrained-for compounds. Further work will involve comparing neural network sensor analysis to more conventional techniques, exploring other neural network paradigms, and evolving the preliminary prototypes to field systems.

10525172 (Infs428)


Short history of video assistant referee technology

The International Football Association Board (IFAB) is the body that determines the law

of the game football. It approved the use of video referee during its 2016 annual general

meeting. A pitch side monitor was introduced allowing referees to review footage from the

field.it was first used in Australian a-league on 7th April 2017 when Melbourne city played

Adelaide united.


Objective and reasons for its introduction

Video assistant referee (VAR) is an association of football assistant referee that reviews decisions made by the head referee with the use of video footage and a headset for communication with the aid of internet connection. Video assistant referee technology is a device developed to check the authenticity of the debatable goals and decisions in football on equal measures.

Video assistant referee technology method of operation and principles of operation

If the video assistant referee believes that there has been a potential clear error, it will signal the referee with the judgement. The referee goes to a designated spot on the sidelines called the Referee Review Area (RRA) to view the error with the help of review assistant.

Benefits /advantages of video assistant referee technology

 Video assistant referee technology helps determines the fairness of the game.

 It also helps referees in making good decisions when needed.

Disadvantages of video assistant referee technology

12. It creates much controversies.

13. Video assistant referee also creates as much confusion as clarity.

14. It slows the tempo of the game.



Without a doubt, the idea of the video assistant referee technology is a good one. However,

the implementation of the system is the issue. So many questions have been raised and not

just around the mechanics of video assistant referee (VAR). Many fans see it as an affront

to their sport and culture that comes with it. As in most times if your team is given an

advantage from the use of VAR then great, but the team that loses out should have no

complain and football doesn’t work like that.

Reference: “Historic steps for greater fairness in football”. International football Association

Board. 3 March 2018.

 Concentrator photovoltaics (CPV)

Concentrator photovoltaics (CPV) also known as concentration photovoltaics is a photovoltaic technology that generates electricity from the sunlight. It uses lenses and curved mirrors to focus sunlight onto small but highly efficient, multi-junction solar cells. In addition, CPV systems often use solar trackers and sometimes a cooling system to further increase their efficiency. Ongoing research and development is rapidly improving their competitiveness in the utility-scale segment and in areas of high insolation. This sort of solar technology can be thus used in smaller areas.

CPV systems must be located in areas that receive plentiful direct sunlight. It operate most efficiently in highly concentrated sunlight (i.e. concentration levels equivalent to hundreds of suns), as long as the solar cell is kept cool through the use of heat sinks



• Low energy payback time.

• Increased and stable energy production throughout the day.

• Low cost per watt for manufacturing capital.


• Lack of standardized technology.

• May require frequent cleaning to mitigate soiling losses depending on the site.

• CPV systems are more expensive.

In conclusion, relating to the SDG goal 7 “Affordable and Clean energy” in my opinion CPV solar system may become cost effective in the short term, it is only a matter of standardizing the technology and reducing costs with economies of scale. Also, it would not hurt if Government and private institutions provide incentives specifically for CPV where cost will be reduced and affordable.


REFERENCES www.wikipedia.com www.solar-nation.org



 Perovskite Solar System.

Emerging technologies for the development of developing countries: Perovskite solar system.

Solar cells are considered as one of the prominent sources of renewable energy suitable for large- scale adoption in a carbon-constrained world and can contribute to reduced reliance on energy imports whilst improving the security of energy supply. A new arrival in the family of solar cells technologies is the organic-inorganic halide perovskite. Commercially, in September 2015,

Australia-based organic PV and perovskite solar cell developer Dyesol declared a major breakthrough in perovskite stability for solar applications. Dyesol claims to have made a significant breakthrough on small perovskite solar cells, with “meaningful numbers” of 10% efficient strip cells exhibiting less than 10% relative degradation when exposed to continuous light soaking for over 1000 hours.

In general, Photovoltaic (PV) technologies can be viewed as divided into two main categories: wafer-based PV also called 1st generation PVs and thin-film cell PVs. Traditional crystalline silicon cells and gallium arsenide cells belong to the wafer-based PVs with c-Si cells dominating the current PV market exhibiting the highest efficiency

However, perovskite solar cell is an emerging thin-film PV class is being formed also called 3rd generation PVs, which refers to PVs using technologies that have the potential to overcome current efficiency and performance limits which can be useful in developing countries to achieve the structural adjustment goal number seven (7) which talks about affordable and clean energy provision. This 3rd generation of PVs includes quantum dots which help minimize energy


consumption that can be used to produce fluorescent bulbs that will help conserve energy and perovskite PV.

Perovskite solar cells are without a doubt, the rising star in the field of photovoltaics. They are causing excitement within the solar power industry with their ability to absorb light across almost all visible wavelengths, exceptional power conversion efficiencies already exceeding 20% in the lab and relative ease of fabrication. Perovskite solar cells still face several challenges but much work is put into facing them and some companies are already talking about commercializing them in the near future.

Its main aim is to increase the efficiency and lower the cost of solar energy. Perovskite PVs has high efficiency as well as low potential material and reduced processing costs. A big advantage perovskite PVs have over conventional solar technology is that they can react to various different wavelengths of light, which lets them convert more of the sunlight that reaches them into electricity. Moreover, they offer flexibility, semi-transparency and light-weight.

A set back of perovskite PVs is that despite its great potential, perovskite solar cell technology is still in the early stages of commercialization compared with other mature solar technologies as there are a number of concerns remaining.

To conclude, perovskite materials such as methylammonium lead halides are cheap to produce and relatively simple to manufacture and it possesses intrinsic properties like broad absorption spectrum which enable fast charge separation, long carrier separation lifetime with promising materials for solid-state solar cells which can be affordable for any third world country to build an industry that will create job opportunities for the youth in order to reduce unemployment in the country.



Perovskites: The Emergence of a New Era for Low-Cost, High-Efficiency Solar Cells. Henry J.

Snaith, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Vol 4, p3623-3630 (2013)


Definition: A technology that fills a volume of space with confined by a magnetic field.

With current technology, this volume is quite small and the plasma is generated as a flat plane inside a cylindrical space. Plasma is any gas that has had its or molecules ionized and is a separate phase of matter commonly achieved by heating the gas to extremely high temperatures with the plasma becoming increasingly viscous.

A plasma Window’s allows it to separate gas at standard atmospheric pressure from a total at the same time allowing radiation such as lasers and electron beams to pass

History: The Plasma Window was invented at Brookhaven National Laboratory by Ady

Hershcovitch and patented in 1995. Further inventions using this principle include the plasma valve in 1996.

Objectives: Electronic-beam welding is a major application of plasma windows making EBW practical outside a hard vacuum. It also permits for radiation that can only be generated in a vacuum to be applied to objects in an .

Technology Method: The physical properties of the plasma window vary depending on application. The initial patent cited temperatures around 15,000 K (14,700 °C, 26,500 °F). The only limit to the size of the plasma window are current energy limitations as generating the window


consumers around 20 kilowatts per inch (8KW/ cm) in the diameter of a round window. The plasma window emits a bright glow with the color being dependent on the gas used.

Advantages :

 Plasma Window (the aperture itself) cannot be damaged

 It can act as a lens for charged particles

 It has a lower target thickness than any solid window resulting in significantly less

attenuation and scattering of particles passing through.

 In addition to fewer interactions with beams, plasma windows are impervious to thermal



 The only limit to the size of the plasma window are current energy limitations as generating

the window consumes around 20 kilowatts per inch (8KW/cm) in the diameter of a round


Conclusion: In my opinion, it is a good technology considering its advantages but the only worry

I have about this technology is the higher current energy generation the window consumes .



OFF-THE-GRID TECHNOLOGY are stand-alone photovoltaic system that offers a cost-

effective mode of supplying amenity power for lighting and appliances to remote off grid

household. The term off-the-grid (OTG) refers to living in a self-sufficient manner


without reliance on public utilities. The purpose of this technology is to reach out remote areas where there is no source of energy and provide electricity.

The configurations of off grid system include the following; High efficiency solar panels, High capacity battery backup bank, professional DC-AC inverter, Junction box and Backup generator. Electrical power can be generated on-site with renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, micro-hydro, geothermal, with generator or micro combined heat and power with adequate fuel reserves.

In situations where the GRID PARITY has been reached, it is cheaper to generate one’s own energy or electricity. Off grid system has some advantages such as; Users of the system are self- sufficient since they have access to energy, rural areas where there is frequent power blackout off grid system curbs this predicament. It also has some disadvantages and some are; Burning large amount of diesel produces substantial greenhouse gas emission which contribute to climate change which negatively affects community. Generators can be noisy and disruptive, especially in quite remote communities. Emissions from diesel generators could contribute to health problem among members of the community.

To conclude, OFF GRID is a system and lifestyle designed to help people function without the support of remote infrastructure, it improves the standard of living by reducing indoor air pollution and therefore improving health as they replace kerosene and lamps, facilitates the access to information and communication ( radio, television, mobile phone charging) and giving the possibility of working at night. With reference to all that, I can say that OFF GRID system is very important in our modern day of living and will curb some economic differences that are being faced by people living in remote


communities and also breach the gap between urban-rural developments.



 Concentrator photovoltaics


Concentrator photovoltaics (CPV) also known as concentration photovoltaics is a photovoltaic technology that generates electricity from the sunlight. It uses lenses and curved mirrors to focus sunlight onto small but highly efficient, multi-junction solar cells. In addition, CPV systems often use solar trackers and sometimes a cooling system to further increase their efficiency. Ongoing research and development is rapidly improving their competitiveness in the utility-scale segment and in areas of high insolation. This sort of solar technology can be thus used in smaller areas.

CPV systems must be located in areas that receive plentiful direct sunlight. It operates most efficiently in highly concentrated sunlight (i.e. concentration levels equivalent to hundreds of suns), as long as the solar cell is kept cool through the use of heat sinks


• Low energy payback time.

• Increased and stable energy production throughout the day.

• Low cost per watt for manufacturing capital.



• Lack of standardized technology.

• May require frequent cleaning to mitigate soiling losses depending on the site.

• CPV systems are more expensive.

In conclusion, relating to the SDG goal 7 “Affordable and Clean energy” in my opinion CPV solar system may become cost effective in the short term, it is only a matter of standardizing the technology and reducing costs with economies of scale. Also, it would not hurt if Government and private institutions provide incentives specifically for CPV where cost will be reduced and affordable.

REFERENCES www.wikipedia.com www.solar-nation.org




Emerging Technologies are technologies that are perceived as capable of changing the status quo.

These technologies are generally new but include older technologies that are still controversial and relatively undeveloped in potential, such as preimplantation genetic diagnosis and which date to 1989 and 1990 respectively. Emerging Technologies include a variety of technologies such as Educational Technology, Information Technology, Nanotechnology,

Biotechnology, Cognitive Science, Psychotechnology, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.


Blockchain Technology was created in October 2008 as the technology behind Bitcoin by Satoshi

Nakamoto. It is used to verify diamonds to know the authenticity of the asset. Blockchain is a decentralized database where electronic transaction are surely recorded and verified. It is currently used for digital currencies like Bitcoin. Blockchain is known as Distributed Ledger Technology.


Any data put into the blockchain must be verified. Transactions are grouped together in blocks hence the name Blockchain, then verified by the computers (nodes) in the network. When a computer joins the network as a node, they receive a copy of the blockchain which acts as proof of all the transaction that have been performed.


Data stored on the network is transparent .ie. it is public by default. Data in the blockchain network cannot be corrupted or deleted.


Mobile money is a cash management service available on the mobile phone or the internet. It is mainly about facilitating money transfer for the Ghanaian market. The mobile money service is for both mobile and non- mobile users.


Statistics obtained from the national communications authority revealed that about 12.6% million people of the population of Ghana were using mobile phones in Ghana as at the end of the first quarter of 2009 and recent statistics tags the figure at 14 million. It was also revealed that a high percentage of Ghana’s population are “unbanked” meaning they conduct their transactions outside the banking sector with no access to financial services. Products like “mobile money” that enable safe and secure money transfers without the use of a bank account could have the major impact on this unserved segment of the population. The mobile phone has gradually shifted from being a device used in communication when doing business to being a business tool/device itself and it takes into consideration the technology level of the average person. Mobile money gives anyone with a phone the ability to transfer money, make payments and conduct other financial transactions


over the phone. MTN Mobile Money, the first Mobile Money transfer service was introduced in

Ghana in the year 2009. Other mobile money services include Tigo cash, Airtel money and

Vodafone cash but MTN mobile money is the most widely used in Ghana.


Mobile money is very convenient in that it limits the number of times people have to travel far from home to be able to send money to their families to pay bills. The cost of money remittances is very high in most parts of the world ranging from 3% to 10% and this is why people depend on mobile money. Unquestionably, the service has helped people living in urban areas to transfer funds to friends and families with ease within and outside their communities. As it is in Ghana, most city dwellers often send money to members of their extended family living in rural areas.

Analysts say Mobile Money presents certain advantages for Ghanaians without access to banks. It reduces the transaction costs of financial services for the poor especially those in rural areas where financial services seldom exist. It is used as storage medium since it’s accessible and also reduces the risk of robbery.

Another advantage is that most banks have mobile money services such as Ecobank. With this, one is able to link his account to mobile money and deposits can be done through mobile money.

You can also check your balance and also generate tokens.

Mobile money serves as a source of employment for Ghanaians. People are employed as mobile money agents and they are being paid. It also generates income for the country through the payment of tax.



Illiteracy among the populace is high in Ghana. Most people are not able to use the platform due to some procedures that one has to go through in transactions and some even lose huge sums of money due lack of knowledge of mobile money.


In conclusion, people should be educated more on the use mobile money both in payments and receipts of money.

References www.academia.edu

Goschen, B. (2010); MTN Mobile Money; Policy Research Working Paper for MTN Ghana; www.mtn.com.gh

MaCarthy, Yasmin et al (2011); Mobile Money for the Unbanked, GSMA Annual





Coinbase is the leading exchange service when it comes to buying and selling Bitcoins. It started as an exchange and eventually had a feature to work as a software Bitcoin wallet. It is available in

32 countries with 8.9 million clients served as of this writing. In july 2011, Coinbase was introduced by Brian Armstrong and Fred Ehrsam. The original founding team included

Blockchain.info, co-founder, Ben Reeves, but he later left due to their differences in decision making. Services to buy and sell bitcoin through bank transfers in October 2012. In may 2013 and

December 2013, the company received US$5 and US$25 million respectively from the venture capital firm.


Coinbase is a global digital asset exchange company (GDAX), providing a venue to buy and sell digital currencies, as well as send information about those transactions out to the blockchain network in order to verify those transactions. Coinbase serves as a wallet, too, where the digital currencies can be stored. The application operates exchanges of Bitcoin, Ethereum,

Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin, as well as other digital assets with fiat currencies in 32 countries, and

Bitcoin transactions in many more countries. According to their website, Coinbase has served over

10 million customers, and facilitated the exchange of more than $50 billion worth of digital currency



Coinbase can also be a software wallet that can help you store, buy, and sell bitcoins. The wallet also offers a vault where the bitcoins are stored. It is also convenient because you can easily add funds to your wallet.

This wallet ensures that all funds are stored offline. Drives and backups are placed in deposit boxes and vaults for safe keeping. The bitcoins can directly go the vault and is secured with a password.

There is also a choice of creating a group vault but only up to five users.


Although, it is a well-known and reliable company, there are still some flaws in its system.

The vault feature is skeptical to customers because it seems like the company has power over their fund. It is feels like how a bank would operate. Another would be some close and frozen accounts.

A lot of customers have complained regarding this issue since it integrates its system to traditional banking laws. As much as this company receives love, it also receives a lot of hate from its customers. There are a lot of customers who complained that this company does not fix its bug problems or even bother to answer some of their questions. There was even a time when the company promised to give out rewards to those customers who can refer other customers but never received their coins.



Ripple also called Ripple Transaction Protocol (RTXP) is a technology that acts as both a cryptocurrency and a digital payment network for financial transactions. Ripple was released in

2012 and co-founded by Chris Larsen and Jed McCaleb. The coin for the cryptocurrency is labelled as XRP. Ripple was more known for its digital payment protocol than its being a cryptocurrency, but now users value it more as a cryptocurrency. Ripple operates on an open source and peer to peer decentralized platform that allows for transfer of money in any form, whether USD, YEN,

Litecoin, bitcoin etc

The purpose of ripple was developed to solve the problem of transfer of money between countries. The existing system of International bank transfers takes days for transfer and costs 50 dollars or more, but then the use of ripple allows the transfer to occur in seconds at a fraction of the cost. Ripple is to enable security and nearly free global financial transactions of any sort with no chargebacks. For that matter, it has connected to banks and other payment providers to ensure this initiative. While nearly all cryptocurrencies designate themselves as an international currency, ripple has taken the global approach to a new level with an emphasis on being a tool for banks

around the world.

Ripple works by using a medium known as Gateway; this serves as a link between two parties wanting to make a transaction. It acts as credit intermediary that sends and receives currencies over ripple network. Anyone can register and open a gateway which authorizes the registrant acting as middleman for exchanging currencies and transferring payment on the network.

Also ripple acts as a bridge currency to other currencies, thus it does not discriminate between


cryptocurrency and another and thus makes it easy for any currency to be exchanged for another.

The advantages of this advanced technology is as follows; -It is fast, thus takes only four seconds per transfer as compared to ethereum and bitcoin transfers which takes couple of minutes. Traditional Bank transfers as well as may take three to five days. -Safety is ensured, all accounts and transactions are encoded and critically verified, therefore only the account holder can make payments -Long Term Stability; Investing in all forms of cryptocurrency is a risk-based endeavor , however due to the strong connection with banking institutions many see ripple as safer. The disadvantages of ripple are as follows;

-It can lead to delay in transactions due to the other party being slow in confirming transactions.

-Value of ripple can be reduced, this is in the case of decline in market value. -

If gateway does not honor its IOU, the user could lose the value of his money held at that gateway.

Ripple technology is helpful to the society with reference to the economy, because it allows transactions to be conducted in speed without delay this in the long run allows for greater productivity. It also increases an investor financial standings this is mainly because of the sky rocketing of price. In 2017,the massive price increased ripple to be the second largest cryptocurrency becoming second to bitcoin. Ripple becomes unhelpful to the economic sector in that it works closely with banks. This can however repels all those interested in investing in and supporting technology in order to dismantle current financial standing.



A cashless society describes an economic state whereby financial transactions are not conducted with money in the form of physical banknotes or coins, but rather through the transfer of digital


information (usually an electronic representation of money) between the transacting parties. One major example of cashless transaction is the usage of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. A cryptocurrency and wide payment system. On

9th, January, 2009, an unknown person under the name Satoshi Nakamoto invented the bitcoin. it was release as an open source software in the same year.

The objectives of bitcoin system of payment may include; anonymity. Each bitcoin transaction is recorded in a public log but names of buyers and sellers are never released. only their wallet IDs.

Bitcoin users can buy or sell anything without easily tracking back to them. this has made bitcoin currency a first choice for people doing illegal transactions online. In addition, another aim of

introducing bitcoin is for easy and cheap international payments. This

is because, bitcoins are not tied to any country or subject to regulation.

Small businesses may like them because there are no credit card fees.

Also, another aim is to serve as an investment opportunity where one can buy bitcoins, hoping that they will grow in value and sold at a high price.


Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency as transactions are made between users directly with no intermediaries such as the central bank or a single administrator. The transactions are verified by network nodes through the use of cryptography and recorded in public distributed ledger called a blockchain. Bitcoins can be transfer from one individual to the other using mobile apps of their computers. It is similar to sending cash digitally. Bitcoins are stored in a 'digital wallet', which exists either in the cloud or on a user’s computer. The wallet is a kind of virtual bank account that allows users to send or receive bitcoins, pay for goods or save their money.

The advantages of bitcoins include; it allows people to buy or sell bitcoins using different currencies. It can also be used to book hotels on Expedia, shop for furniture on over stock and buy Xbox games. Makes international payments very easy since they are not tied to any regulations.it also serves as an investment opportunity.

Some disadvantages include; security is of concern, since in 2016, Bitfinex, a bitcoin exchange market was hacked and bitcoins worth tens of millions of dollars were stolen. Wallet in cloud; servers have been hacked and companies have fled with clients' bitcoins. wallet on computer; accidentally delete them. could destroy them. Anonymity has made bitcoin currency a first choice for people to involve themselves in illegal business.


The introduction of bitcoin currency as electronic cash has made transactions very convenient and easy since one could order for goods and services without being present physically. Its usage could help the economy of a country specifically Ghana to grow. The adoption of bitcoin usage in Ghana can open doors for numerous investments opportunities as investors would find it convenient to transact business. Ghana as a developing country and a developing economy, may face several challenges in the use of bitcoin, since computer illiteracy is high, huge network security problem, and unreliable power supply, as well as hackers and internet fraudsters are the main issues on the ground. Online buying of drugs and illicit activities due to the anonymity of the system may pose huge challenge to Ghana.

(Tal Yellin, 2016)

Martey John, is the name.



Mobile banking refers to the use of a smartphone or other cellular device to perform online banking tasks such as monitoring account balances, transferring funds between accounts, bill payment and


locating an ATM. The earlier mobile banking services were offered over short message services

(SMS), as service known as SMS banking. With the introduction of smart phones with wireless application protocol (WAP) support enabling the use of the mobile web in 1999, the first European banks started offering mobile banking to their customers. Mobile banking seeks to provide convenient banking.

The scope of services includes facilities to conduct bank transactions, to manage accounts and to access personalized information. According to this model, mobile banking consists of three interconnected conceptions. These are mobile accounting, mobile brokerage and mobile financial information services. Mobile services in the categories under accounting are transaction based.

The non-transaction-based services of an informational nature are however essential for conducting transactions. For instance, balance inquiries might be needed before sending money to someone. Typical mobile banking services may include, account information, bank statements and checking of accounts history, alerts on accounts activity, monitoring of deposits, access to loan and card statements, funds transfer between the client’s linked accounts, mobile alerts and other notifications. Some of these are the advantages of using mobile banking.

Other advantages include, less time in sending money. Imagine joining long queues at the bank just to send money while it can be done conveniently with your mobile phone. Mobile banking saves us the stress and discomfort in spending long hours in the bank to perform simple transactions.

Despite these advantages, there are disadvantages associated with mobile banking. Firstly, anyone who comes into contact with your pin can make illegal transfer of money to others. Again, since it is done over a mobile network, sometimes poor network delays transactions, at worst, it doesn’t


go through. To add to it, as a result of the increase of cybercrime, anyone can hack into one’s phone especially phones that have IP addresses.

However, steps can be put in place to prevent unauthorized use of one’s mobile banking application, such as the introduction of one-time password (OTPs) which is the latest tool used by banking sectors in the USA to fight against cyber fraud. Instead of relying on the traditional way of memorizing passwords, OTPs are requested by clients anytime they want to perform a transaction. When the request is received, the password is sent via SMS to the client’s phone. The password expires once it has been used or once its time schedule has passed. Also banking services should add more security features to mobile banking such as another way of authenticating if the client is indeed the one making the transaction. Some of these security features could be a personal question that only the client knows the answer aside the password.

In my opinion, mobile banking is an emerging technology that has come to stay as most banks already have their applications for it already. Examples of the banks using mobile banking are

GCB Bank limited, Ecobank, Fidelity bank and others. Personally, it is an impressive innovation as I do not like going to the banking hall most at times because of the long queues and delay. With the introduction of mobile banking, my banking services have greatly improved as I can easily check my account balance and other banking services through my phone. As it is still an emerging technology, I know and hope more and more updates will be made to it to make more secure and better than it is now


Hmar, M. (2016). Mobile Banking: A Project Report on Mobile Banking.Business,1-6.

Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/MimiHmar/mobile-banking-project-62820800





A team of Google researchers has developed machine learning and Augmented reality powered microscope that can help in real-time detection of cancer and save millions of lives. In the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) in Chicago, Illinois, Google described a prototype Augmented Reality Microscope (ARM) platform that can help accelerate and modify the adoption of deep learning tools for pathologists around the world.

In principle, the ARM can provide a wide variety of visual feedback, including text, arrows, contours, heat maps or animations, and is capable of running many types of machine learning algorithms aimed at solving different problems such as object detection, quantification or classification," Martin Stumpe, Technical Lead and Craig Mermel,

The ARM can be reconstructed into existing light microscopes around the world, using low-cost, readily-available components, and without the need for whole slide digital versions of the tissue being analyzed.


We believe that the ARM has the potential for a large impact on global health, particularly for the diagnosis of infectious diseases, including tuberculosis and malaria, in the developing countries which can save millions of lives comparatively

Eye Strain: while using AR/VR headsets we are confined in a limited area from our environment.

And we see and focus on particular details for long due which we mat end to blink less compared to normal frequency of blinking. This results in drying of the front surface of our eyes and strain on eyes. Efficiency in the health sector for practitioners to use

PRAMS, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System is a system developed in 1987 in the

United States. PRAMS collects information on maternal attitudes and experiences before, during, and shortly after pregnancy.

These data can be used to identify groups of women and infants at high risk for health problems, to monitor changes in health status, and to measure progress towards goals in improving the health of mothers and infants.

The purpose of PRAMS is to find out why some babies are born healthy and others are not.


The system work with advance technological devices such as the computers, communication apps and devices such as the email and phones. The system activities cannot be facilitated without these technological devices. The system works by sending mails to selected women who have had a recent live birth. The names are drawn from the state’s birth certificate file. If there is no response to repeated mailings, women are contacted and interviewed by telephone or via skype. Data collected are compiled and sent to an online data platform called the PRAMStat. PRAMStat is an online data platform developed to provide public access to over 250 maternal and child health indicators from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS). Users can view and interact with PRAMS visualizations, such as maps and charts, and save visualizations for use in creating fact sheets and presentations.

PRAMS data are used by researchers to investigate emerging issues in the field of reproductive health and by state and local governments to plan and review programs and policies aimed at reducing health problems among mothers and babies.

The only problem the system has is, mails sent through the internet are not responded in time. This delays the processes to be taken to sure efficient data collection.

In conclusion, I believe the world is leaving a nightmare of environmental degradation, a declining economy, crippling taxes, chronic diseases, a life expectancy shorter than that of their parent and thirty thousand dollars of debts for every man, woman and child to the next generation. What is even serious here is that the kids to solve these problems are dying during birth. This is a serious problem that need an immediate solution especially in Africa. Africa is targeted as the most dangerous place to give birth due to poor infant and maternal care. However the implementation of this systems would contribute to the reduction of high death rates and other issues that are related to the tearing apart of an economy.



An Augmented Reality Microscope for Cancer Detection. (2018). Research Blog. Retrieved 30

April 2018, from https://research.googleblog.com/2018/04/an-augmented-reality-


Index Number: 10531874

Course Code: INFS 428

Emerging Technology- Gene Therapy 2.0

The concept of gene therapy is elegant: like computer bugs, faulty letters in the human genome can be edited and replaced with healthy ones. In its common form, gene therapy involves delivery of a strand of DNA packaged inside a modified . This virus finds and essentially injects this

DNA template into cells across the body on in a specific tissue, and your body then transcribes that DNA into proteins. This usually either replaces a faulty copy of a gene, blocks 'bad' gene expression, or adds extra copies of a beneficial one. A four-year old girl became the first gene therapy patient on September 14, 1990 at the NIH Clinical Center. She has adenosine deaminase

(ADA) deficiency, a genetic disease which leaves her defenseless against infections. White blood cells were taken from her, and the normal genes for making adenosine deaminase were inserted into them. The corrected cells were re-injected into her. In the early 1970s, scientists proposed

"gene surgery" for treating inherited diseases caused by faulty genes. The idea was to take out the disease-causing gene and surgically implant a gene that functioned properly. Although sound in theory, scientists, then and now, lack the biological knowledge or technical expertise needed to perform such a precise surgery in the human body. However, in 1983, a group of scientists from

Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, proposed that gene therapy could one day be a


viable approach for treating Lesch-Nyhan disease, a rare neurological disorder. The scientists conducted experiments in which an -producing gene (a specific type of protein) for correcting the disease was injected into a group of cells for replication. The scientists theorized the cells could then be injected into people with Lesch-Nyhan disease, thus correcting the genetic defect that caused the disease. . In 2017, the FDA approved a double whammy of CAR-T . The first, green-lighted in August, helps kids and young adults battle an especially nasty form of leukemia called B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Two months later, a therapy for adults with non- hit the scene

In a developing country like Ghana, where people are abandoned as a result of these diseases that affect them, gene therapy is a very good medical technology that can cure them. This would reduce the number of people who are depending on others financially. Diseases such as cancer, hereditary blindness, hemophilia, blood disease and immune deficiencies can be cured by the emergent technology known as Gene therapy 2.0. This treatment however, comes with it bad sides as well. The use of viral gene transfer vectors, such as retroviruses has raised skepticism about their safety, as it was shown that integration of the may occur in an actively expressed site, presenting a possible threat to patients. Also, the technique remains risky and is still under study to make sure that it will be safe and effective. There is also the fact that it is very expensive to use. Another questionable outgrowth of gene therapy is that scientists could possibly manipulate genes to genetically control traits in human offspring that are not health related. For example, perhaps a gene could be inserted to ensure that a child would not be bald, a seemingly harmless goal. If a gene is found that can enhance intelligence of children who are not yet born, will everyone in society, the rich and the poor, have access to the technology or will it be so expensive only the elite can afford it?


All are legitimate concerns raised but it cannot deny how effective this technology is going to be when implemented on a large scale. Developing countries like Ghana can breathe a sigh of relieve because of how it is going to help us. People with all kinds of diseases would no longer be a liability on others in the society.


Zimmer C (16 September 2013). "DNA Double Take". The New York Times.

Lowenstein P (2008). "Gene Therapy for Neurological Disorders: New Therapies or Human

Experimentation?". In Burley J, Harris J. A Companion to Genethics. John Wiley &

Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-75637-9.

Richards S (6 November 2012). "Gene Therapy Arrives in Europe". The Scientist.

Maguire AM, Simonelli F, Pierce EA, Pugh EN, Mingozzi F, Bennicelli J, et al. (May

2008). "Safety and efficacy of gene transfer for Leber's congenital amaurosis". The New England

Journal of Medicine. 358 (21): 2240–8. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa0802315. PMC 2829748

. PMID 18441370.

Eurolab. Neovasculogen listing in Eurolab Page accessed 4 August 2015

EARVIN KOFI OKYERE….10528980 eSIGHT eSight is a wearable medical device designed to improve the functional vision of those living with low vision or legal blindness. This invention is by Canadian-based company eSight Corp which


was established in 2006 by Conrad Lewis, a Canadian electrical engineer with two legally blind sisters. His push towards this innovation was to build a device that would enable his sisters to see and to perform the normal day to day activities. Its first generation was released in October 2013, with the second in May 2015 and the current generation in February 2017.

The main aim of the technology is very simple. It is designed to make the blind see and engage in activities they used to do before like sports, games, watching TVs, etc.

Its principle of operation is based on it being the world’s most powerful pair of glasses which once users put on eSight, it records high definition video and uses magnification, contrast and proprietary algorithms to enhance that imagery into something the legally blind can see enabling them to partake in a variety of activities, including sports which would be impossible to do.

Features of this technology includes two HD color displays, one in front of each eye, with prescription lenses tailored to the user’s specific prescription. The displays integrate dual independent and high contrast OLED screens, 1024x768 resolution and a 37.5 degree field-of- view. The camera on the front of the device captures video in Ultra HD at 21.5 MP and allows for up to 24x zoom. eSight’s user interface also features HDMI and USB inputs, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and removable SD cards.

With advantages, it helps the blind to see, engage in sporting activities, does not need guide dogs and navigation canes anymore and literally do everything a normal person can do. On the other hand, with the disadvantages, it is very costly, costing almost $10,000 per device and it is not accessible everywhere; it is made on request.

In summary, I see this technology to be very helpful since most blind people in our part of the world think life is over for them. With this, they can have a stronger confidence that it is not over yet and they can also do something. Even though it is very expensive, the company funds potential


users by helping them with the cost through grants. As such governments can cooperate with other charitable organizations to get some for blind people in their various countries.

MasSpec Pen

The MasSpec Pen is a real-time diagnostic tool created by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin. The journal Science Translational Medicine, the researchers report that their handheld device (which is not yet FDA-approved) uses tiny droplets of water to analyze human tissue samples for cancer with 96% accuracy. When it comes to treating cancer, surgeons want to get rid of as much cancerous tissue as possible during tumor removal. Now a new technology that has been designed like the size of a pen, is attempting to make that easier by distinguishing between tumors and healthy tissue in just 10 seconds. Getting rid of most cancerous tissue and at the same time preventing any harm to healthy tissue is a very delicate process. For instance, when operating on a woman with , for example, a doctor needs to remove the tumor and other affected tissues while maintaining the rest of the breast. Currently there are other tools available to surgeons for tissue diagnosis, but many use or solvents that can be harmful for the human body. In 2016, researchers in Massachusetts reported that they developed a probe that can find and light up cancer cells, making them easier for surgeons to see. But other methods currently available to surgeons today are slower than the MasSpec Pen, the study authors say, in


some cases by 30 minutes or more. The current method for spotting cancerous tissue during surgery is called frozen section analysis, which requires that a sample be removed from the patient and examined under a microscope. That process can take 30 minutes or more, during which time the patient faces an increased risk of infection and negative effects of anesthesia.

This device “MasSpec Pen” is 96% accurate at identifying cancerous tissues. Researchers also tested the MasSpec Pen in live mice with tumors and found that the device was able to identify the presence of cancer without harming healthy surrounding tissues. The device can also identify different subtypes of lung and thyroid cancer, and the team hopes to make it more specified for other types of cancer, too. Costs are also a big question for health-care providers. Although the pen itself is disposable and fairly cheap to make (its 3-D printed), hospitals will need to make a big upfront investment in the mass spectrometer.

In conclusion, I would say this technology would be very helpful to society, the health care and the economy. Human cells produce a variety of small molecules, and cancer can creates a unique set of them that will require for pattern identification. The MasSpec Pen produces a small drop of water that extracts molecules from a person’s cells during surgery and able to determine what molecular fingerprint is normal and that of cancer.

 Artificial Embryo


Science proves that life begins not only in nature, but also in the lab. A world premiere has recently taken the field of embryology by storm, with the creation of the first successful artificial embryo from mice stem cells. Previous attempt to grow ARTIFICIAL EMBRYO was not successful because it was made up of only Embryonic Stem Cells forgetting the fact that life doesn’t grow from only embryonic cells but together with other 2 stem cells known as Extra-Embryonic

Trophoblast Stem Cells and Primitive Endoderm Stem Cells.

The revolutionary exploits of researchers from the Cambridge University offers unprecedented insight into the way different types of cells communicate with each other to produce a fully-formed embryo. This scientific breakthrough separates their accomplishments from previous studies, which have only resulted in partial embryonic construction. The first successful artificial embryo was developed by a team led by Prof. Magdalena Zenricka Goetz at the Cambridge University


which faithfully mimics the structure of a natural mouse embryo, as well as its ability to develop and assemble itself. The research is required to propel the embryo into the next stage (i.e. that of a live fetus).

The objective of this development was discovered after developing artificial mice embryos to the equivalent stage and realized that same technique can be used to develop an artificial human embryo for experimental purposes instead of using the natural embryos. This study also brought into light a more comprehensive understanding of early embryonic development and could help improve fertility treatments and create a major headway in reproductive medicine.

Stem Cells (cells in embryos that can mature into any type of body tissue) from mice and growing them alongside Trophoblast Stem Cells (cells that produce the placenta). These two types of cells after growing separately, are combined in a gel matrix. The 2 types of cells begun to mix together and develop together. The embryos begun to resemble normal mouse embryos.



 Studying life outside the womb by growing artificial life without sperms and egg cells

 Studying causes of miscarriage at the first trimester of human pregnancy

 Help screen drugs to see which cause defects

 To help increase the chance of pregnancy

 Help to study embryo through developing structure similar to part of the human

 Lab-generated organs like brain, lungs or intestine from stem cells


 Artificial embryos can’t have the same qualities as natural embryo

 Despite the provision of embryo natural growing environment can’t be

compared to the Petri Dish

 Lack of cell types needed to make organs like heart or brain do not guarantee the

production of normal human being

 It will promote homosexual relationship

From the argument levelled above, it can be deduced that the success of Artificial Embryo can bring about solutions to problems such as birth defects and miscarriages during first trimester of pregnancy, provision of organs to replace faulty once beyond repairs for people with whole in heart, just to mention but a few. Despite the fact that artificial embryos will encourage homosexuality, the pros always outweigh the cons.



Hill, M. 3RD MARCH 2017. Artificial ‘embryos’ created in Lab. BBC News. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/news/amp/health


Tata Swach is produced by a company called Tata Chemicals Limited (TCL). Tata Swach is a water purifier that purifies water without electricity. The unveiling of Tata Swach was a step taken towards delivering on the commitment that the company had set out with; that is to provide affordable water purifying water options to eradicate water borne diseases. Tata Chemicals has interest in businesses that focus on Living, Industrial and Farm Essentials (LIFE). Tata is a global company present in four continents and is part of the over hundred billion US dollars Tata Group.

The managing director of Tata Chemicals Limited is R. Mukundan.

Tata Swach uses Nanotech purification technology. In the Tata Swach design, water purification is carried out using processed rice husk ash impregnated with Nano silver particles for purifying the water and to destroy disease causing bacteria, germs and other organisms. The bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties of silver are attributed to its ability to react with the sulphhydryl groups in the bacterial cells that produces the structural changes in bacterial cell membranes and interacts with nucleic acids. The Nano sized particles help in increasing the surface area so that the bacteria get enough reaction time.

The Swach can purify water at the rate of about 3 to 4 liters every hour. The purifier consists of two parts; an upper reservoir where the untreated water enters and a lower middle portion with a bulb to which the cartridge can be attached. Another reservoir is placed at the lower end, which collects purified water. The two chambers are stackable and arranged so that the entire system can


function on gravity. The Tata Swach Smart is a variant with a more compact design, holding 15 liters.

Tata Swach Bulb is the main purifying unit of the product. The Swach Bulb, depending on the quality of water, can purify about 3,000 liters of water, after which the bulb must be replaced.

The bulb has a "fuse" indicating when a cartridge change is required.

Some advantages of the Tata Swach is that, it does not require any form boiling or application of external heat energy. It does not use any form of harmful chemicals which can give adverse side effects to the consumers of the end product of Tata Swach. It does waste water at all. Lastly, it is very affordable. The only disadvantage is that, the Tata Swach bulb needs replace after using it purify about 3,000 liters of water.

Tata Swach is very useful product and was awarded the product of the year in 2012. It is said that Tata Swach the most awarded water purifier across the globe, winning awards in innovation, design and various other categories.

Tata Swach images

Leslie Ainooson




Karl Deisseroth (an electrophysiologist) and his crew from various fields including bioengineering, physics, chemistry amongst others sent many years or research to find solutions to mental disorders that could not be dealt with because of the sensitivity of the brain. The brain is made up of tans interconnected of cells called neurons. The electrical activity that goes on amongst these cells is what facilitates all human activities such as walking, talking etc. A deficit in this electrical activity causes mental dysfunctions. These cells are so mute that any external power can cause extreme damage to other cells which is very fatal. This is where optogenetics come in.

Optogenetics is a neuromodulation method that uses a combination of techniques from optics and genetics to control and monitor the activities of individual neurons in living tissue—even within freely-moving animals—and to precisely measure these manipulation effects in real-time. Here photo centric molecules (natural molecules that convert light into electricity) are extracted and kept on the particular neuron of interest using the optopactcher. Then light is introduced to turn on or off the neuron.

With this technology, neuroscientist can turn neurons on and off selectively with unprecedented level of precision. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that mental disorders affect one in every four people globally with long term consequences for individuals and societies.

Optogenetics have made revolutionary impact on the treatment of many mental disorders such as

Parkinson’s disorder, Epilepsy, Chronic depression amongst others. This technology has also contributed to the understanding of the biological basis of psychiatric disorders. In 2010, optogenetics was chosen as the "Method of the Year" across all fields of science and engineering by the interdisciplinary research journal Nature Methods. At the same time, optogenetics was


highlighted in the article on "Breakthroughs of the Decade" in the academic research journal


Although its emergence has moved neuroscience to the next level, it has no yet been use on human.

This is because there is still a percentage of risk that would have side effect on them. More research needs to be done into its administration on humans but there are very limited experts in the field of genetics.



Deisseroth, K.; Feng, G.; Majewska, A. K.; Miesenbock, G.; Ting, A.; Schnitzer, M. J. (2006).

"Next-Generation Optical Technologies for Illuminating Genetically Targeted Brain Circuits".

Journal of Neuroscience. 26 (41): 10380–6. doi:10.

Retrieved from: https://www.a-msystems.com/s-191-optogenetics.aspx


Retrieved from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optogenetics


There have been several technologies which emerged in the course of the years and they have contributed massively to the growth of economies in the world. One of these technologies is the additive manufacturing and as its name suggests, it adds a substance or material to design an item.

It emerged in Japan in the 1980s. It is not a new technology but it has been improved, enhanced and finally been brought to light to be used. Basically, it has advanced from the analog type to a digital form. It was invented when the production times of prototyping with the process, stereolithography was slow. Alternatively, additive manufacturing is called the 3D printing. Also, it is a process that creates a physical item from a digital design". With additive manufacturing, 3D objects are built by adding layers of materials on each other where it could be plastic, metal, concrete or maybe human tissue. The additive manufacturing uses the 3D modeling software

(Computer Aided Design) which acts as the machine equipment and layering material. The CAD sketch is produced, the additive manufacturing reads in data from the CAD file and adds successive layers of liquid, powder, sheet material or other, in a layer-upon-layer fashion to fabricate a 3D object. The additive manufacturing is used in a number of places and they are namely; aerospace, the medical field, transportation, energy and consumer products. For instance, the additive manufacturing with the help of the design software (3D print technology) can create any geometric form of designs on and in objects. Additive manufacturing has some advantages and they are: its variety and complexity are free, there is the freedom to design and innovate, it needs little-skill for manufacturing, little lead time, less waste, few constraints on designing and it has various shades of materials that can be used to print them out. On the other hand, it has disadvantages as well and


they are; the cost involved in high quality of additive manufacturing machines production is high, requires post-processing, slow build rates and poor mechanical properties. One of the most helpful ways of using additive manufacturing is that designs produced can be modified and it is flexible in its design and economical as well. It can be used in various places especially industries to boost up their market but the production cost is high.

REFERENCES www.linkedin.com/pros-cons-additive-manufacturing-processes additivemanufacturing.com/basics

Https://www.ge.com/additive/additive-manufacturing www.spilasers.com/whitepapers/practical-applications


INFS 428



The first 3D attempts are granted to Dr. Kodama for his development in rapid prototyping technique, and who was first to describe a layer to layer approach to manufacturing. Charles Hull, jumped on board to develop upon the technology and deposited a first patent for Stereo lithography

(SLA), a printing process that enables a tangible object to be created from digital data in 1986.


This was made and used to create a 3D model from a picture. Also known as additive manufacturing, it creates parts from scratch by fusing together layers of materials. That is, it is the processes in which material such as water molecules and powdered grains are fused together or solidified under computer control to create a 3 dimensional object. However recently, the list of printable materials are rapidly expanding to include materials such as metals and gold.

There are different types of 3D printing but the most commonly recognized ones are fused disposition modelling (FDM), stereolithography and binder jetting. The materials and printer used usually depends on the method of 3D printing used. For instance, the MakerBot uses the FDM method whiles the objet 30 pro supports material binder jetting. FDM may use sandstone materials whiles binder jet and FDM uses plastic or resin.

3D printer works like a jet ink printer but instead of ink, it deposits the desired material in a successive layers to create a physical object from a digital file. It has 3 main general principles or steps which include conversion from a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) model to STL (Standard

Triangle Language) file, to virtual slicing then finally, to printing. In printing, the printing head deploys a layer of material, the layer is cured and the printer tray moves around after which the finished work is sanded, coated, and the supporting material is removed. The printing technologies differ in the way the layers are deposited and cured as well.

In recent times, it is used in a variety of exciting applications and industries such as the design and architecture, production of jewelry, toys, more especially it is medically used to create prototypes of certain organs and human tissues. Thanks to advances in 3d metal printing, automotive industries are looking at the potential of 3d printing to fulfill after sales part of demand rather than holding large inventories. In the medical field for example, in the medical field, companies that use 3d printing for commercial medical applications have emerged such as Organovo, a company


that uses 3d printing to replicate human tissue such as veins and kidney prototypes, capable of performing the normal functions of the original organ.

3D printing technology has a few features such as the storage and support features. They have automation support structures that ensure accuracy in the process of printing is removable though a semi automate system without any damage to the parts. As an expensive production device, backing up is critical, which is why manufacturers of the printers sell storage device and spare parts in addition to the printer.

It is already making an enormous impact on prototype development by giving designers and engineers the ability to go from an idea to a physical object within hours. In contrast, creating prototypes using conventional methods can take weeks and is often expensive. This also adds up to a faster turnaround as things can be developed faster and at a lower cost with 3d printing. Also, the layer to layer production allows for greater flexibility and creativity in the design process.

Additionally, many 3d printers have claimed performance figures for accuracy and reliability.

Conversely, in general, the hardware and software materials of 3D printing are usually expensive.

Moreover, a CAD designer is sometimes needed to draw out what the customer has in mind and it can be expensive if the parts are very complex.

Evidently, 3D printing technology is helpful as current and emerging trends indicates that there is potential application of the 3d printing crosses a wide range of business sectors from architectural design to medicine and health for rapid organ and body structure (e.g. the tooth) prototyping and scientific and structural research. This when adopted in developing countries, can help to improve the manufacturing and health sector, thereby leading to economic development and effective health provision in the long run. It can a many ways help realize the sustainable development goals such


as goal 3and 8 (Good health and wellbeing and Economic Development), as investing in it will yield great returns and solve many health related problems, as some organs can be manufactured quicker without having to wait a long time for donors and a whole lot of other array of opportunities.


 The Ministry Of Education and Employment. (2013). Domain Group 3D Printing

Workshop Notes. Retrieved From: www.education.govt.mt

 Pii. (2015). An Introduction to 3D Printing. Retrieved From: www.whateverittakes.com



E-Sight is a wearable medical technology constructed to enhance the eyesight of people with low vision or the legally blind. It was invented at Canadian-based company eSight Corp which was established in 2006 by Conrad Lewis. Conrad was a Canadian electrical engineer with two legally blind sisters so his motivation for this innovation was to build a device that would enable his sisters to see and perform their normal daily activities. Its first generation was released in

October 2013, the second in May 2015 and the current generation in February 2017.

The main aim of the technology is very simple, it is designed to make the blind see and engage in activities they used to do before becoming blind such as playing sports, games, watching television, etc.


Its principle of operation makes it the world’s most powerful pair of glasses. Once users put on eSight, it records high-definition video and using magnification, contrast and proprietary algorithms, it enhances the imagery into something the legally blind can see. This enables them partake in a variety of activities including sports which would normally be impossible for them to do.

The features of eSight include dual HD colour displays with one in front of each eye and each display having prescription lenses tailored to the user’s specifications. These displays incorporate two independent OLED screens with high contrast, a resolution of 1024x768 plus a 37.5° field of view. A camera in front of the device takes videos in Ultra HD at 21.5 MP and allows zooming up to 24x. The user interface of eSight also boasts of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, HDMI input, USB inputs and removable SD card slot.

Advantages of eSight include helping the blind to see and engage in sports activities, helping the blind not to depend on guide dogs and canes for navigation anymore and it helps blind people be able to do almost everything a person with sight can do. The disadvantage on the other hand is that it is very costly. It costs almost $10,000 per device and is not accessible all the time; it is made on request.

In summary, I see this technology to be very helpful since most blind people in our part of the world think life is over for them. With this, they can have hope that it is not over yet and they can have opportunities. Even though it is very expensive, the company helps potential users with the cost by offering them grants so the government can cooperate with other charitable organizations to purchase a few for the benefit of blind people in their various countries.



An electronic nose is an array of electronically controlled chemical sensors that mimic the action of the mammalian nose by recognizing patterns in response to vapors. It is a device that picks up the specific components of an odor and identifies it by analyzing its chemical makeup.

An electronic nose consists of electronic sensors which make up two mechanisms: one for chemical detection and another for pattern recognition. Electronic noses have been beneficial to a variety of commercial industries including agriculture, biomedical, cosmetics, environmental, food, water and various scientific research fields because it detects the hazardous or poisonous gasses otherwise harmful to human sniffers. Electronic noses have been around for several years but have typically been large and expensive so current research is focused on making the devices smaller, less expensive, and more sensitive. The smallest version (a nose-on-a-chip) is a single computer chip containing both the sensors and the processing components. There have been three generations of electric noses.

The electronic nose was developed with the aim of mimicking human olfaction whose functions are a non-separate mechanism (the smell or flavor is perceived as a global finger print). Essentially, the instrument consists of sensor array, pattern reorganization modules, and headspace sampling to generate signal patterns that are used for characterizing smells.

The electronic nose features three major parts which are: detecting system, computing system and sample delivery system. They work by each sensor being sensitive to all molecules in their specific way but in bioelectric noses receptor proteins which respond to specific smell molecules are used. Most of electronic noses use sensor arrays that react to volatile compounds; whenever the sensors sense any smell, a specific response is recorded that signal is transmitted into the digital value. The more commonly used sensors in electronic nose are Metal oxide semiconductor


(MOSFET), Conducting polymers, Quartz crystal microbalance, piezoelectric sensors and Metal

Oxide sensors.

The advantage of the electronic nose is that it can be applied in various fields: Medical diagnostics, health monitoring, Environmental monitoring, food industry, Detection of explosive,

Space applications (NASA), Research and development industries, Quality control laboratories, process and production departments. It is also useful for detection of drug smells, detection of harmful bacteria, etc. The disadvantage is that is expensive to make and maintain.

In conclusion, the electronic nose can be used to identify and differentiate complex mixtures and individual chemicals. Eventual deployment of the ENose as part of a fully automated environmental monitoring and control system is envisioned while work continues in developing a model that identifies and responds to untrained-for compounds.


Samsung health is an all-in-one companion for your new Samsung lifestyle. This App was developed to keep record of our health activities ranging from exercises, diet, blood pressure, heartbeat rate among other health related activities. Samsung launched the application on 2nd of

July 2012 in their new smartphones beginning with Galaxy S3 and continuing onto their subsequently released phones. The App comes pre-installed on the device or can also be downloaded from Samsung Galaxy play store. It was available to KitKat 4.4 android version users from mid-September 2015. On the 4th of April 2017, the app’s name was changed to Samsung

Health for the android 5.7.1 version and was made available in 80 languages.


The App was developed purposely to monitor the health activities that are carried out by the device’s owner and to give them a progress report on those activities.

The Samsung Health App operates with regards to the senses; it is sensitive to the environment around the mobile device. It checks the activity the human being is engaged in, calculates and performs its function of checking the benefit of the activity in relation to your health. The app also operates with regards to the human pulse for instance checking the pulse when a person touches the sensor on their device. Before one can use the App, one must first activate the App settings on his or her mobile device.

Features of the app include: a pedometer that calculates movement, a dietary monitor that checks calorie intake, weight tracker, sleep monitor, blood pressure monitor and other vital features necessary to regulate health activities.

Some advantages of the App include: helping provide guidelines to keep our body fit, helping to keep our weight and blood pressure in check. Disadvantages include: It prevent people from wanting to seek professional help, sometimes the app does not give accurate information and the app lacks proper regulations to run it.

In conclusion, I will say that this app is a very helpful one as it seeks to help people keep records of their health activities. It also helps them adopt the habit of engaging in activities that will help them improve on their health. This will go a long way to reduce the pressure on our health facilities and health personnel.


Bahar.G (13 may, 2014).Tips for using Samsung Health App. Retrieved from Livescience.com and www.app.samsunghealth.com



Echo Pixel Inc. is a private healthcare technological company which was incorporated in

2012 and is located at the Fogarty Institute for innovation in Mountain view, California. It was founded by Mr. Sergio Aguirre Valencia. It offers a True 3D Viewer system which is a real time virtual reality system that has an advanced medical visualization software solution. It gives physicians an unprecedented opportunity to view and interact with patient tissues and organs in

3D form as if they were real physical objects

The research aim of Echo pixel is to highlight on True 3D System as an emerging technology in the Health Sector and how it will help developing countries. Its objective is to know and understand the True 3D System; it’s mode of operation, features, benefits and disadvantages.

The system operates by allowing medical professionals to interact with patient-specific organ and tissue in an open 3D space. This emanates from a display enabling doctors to immediately identify, evaluate and dissect clinically significant structures.

Echo Pixel True 3D’s series of specialized features and tools include: Freehand clip plane control; creates cross sections in volume and 2D multi-planar reconstruction, region growing segmentation; allows physicians to create a 3D surface model of patient’s anatomy and select areas of interest, Object measurements; calculates the surface area and volume of selected anatomy, Centerline extraction; determines the center path along a 3D surface model. Some advantages include: Real time interactive virtual reality system, optimal image strategy, effortless interpretation, engaging user interface, advanced protocols and sharing. The disadvantages are that it is expensive and it requires skilled professionals to operate it.


In my opinion, this technology which is True 3D, enables doctors to simply experience the 3D tissue and organs as real physical objects which is going to transform the health sector in

developing countries to help curtail and solve many

health issues.


 Rene, D. & Juan, A. (2011). Echo Pixel Technologies Inc.: A Latin American SME

Competing in Global Market. New York, NY: Sage Publications Limited.

 American meteorological society. (2000). Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic

Technology, Volume 17(Issue 1-6). The Michigan University Publishers.

 Echo Pixel: A Revolution in 3D Medical Imaging. Retrieved from




The OMI (Oxford Medical Instruments) PEMF (Pulse Electromagnetic Field) therapy mat is the most popular PEMF therapy product available today. The mats offer low frequency therapy which scientific research has shown to produce the best results when used consistently; in fact, this therapy is one of the earliest forms of therapy outside of herbal supplementation and the use of essential oils. Galen, a Greek physician was the first to note the healing power of magnetism. The human body contains trace amounts of magnetite and this is where the foundation has been laid for magnetic therapy. Placing lodestones on the body would help to correct imbalances, and it was then that Galen discovered what we refer to as magnetic therapy which evolved into PEMF therapy.

This therapy was introduced to help in fatigue, insomnia, arthritis and convulsions. Research has been done proving that magnets possess healing qualities. It is also true that research is still ongoing in an attempt to further improve PEMF therapy, the effects of this therapy, and how to make it more accessible; this is the primary reason why Oxford Medical Instruments designed and produced the OMI PEMF therapy mat. The mat is built for treating the whole body which makes it more useful and effective for all who choose to use it. The mat is beautifully designed, with a soft, microfiber surface that is easy to wipe down and is comfortable to lie on.

The advantages of the OMI mat are: its frequency ranges from 1 to 30 just like the human body making it have a great therapeutic effect in terms of improving sleep and renewing energy, it removes the unnecessary biorhythm clock in PEMF therapy and introduces a P3 program that gives users full control of the settings to use according to the time of the day, it offers three custom settings that gives the user full control of their therapy, it uses the square waveform which is most effective in body healing and regeneration according to NASA and lastly, it uses


tightly wound and evenly distributed copper coils thus ensuring the delivery of a pure magnetic field. The disadvantage is that the body can become immune to PEMF therapy because of interruptions from the earth’s electromagnetic field and the fact that our cells are always changing. Another disadvantage is that although it is one of the most affordably priced mat on the market it is still expensive costing up to $1,250 even though financing options are available.

In conclusion, the OMI mat emits pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF therapy) to the body. The therapy at its core is essentially the same but with different settings and delivery methods, it provides an easy-to-use, safe and effective PEMF Therapy


 https://www.pemfsupply.com/products/omi-pemf-therapy-mat

 https://www.pemftherapyeducation.com/2016/12/science-behind-omi-mat/


Robotic surgery is a type of surgery that uses robot systems to aid in surgical procedures.

Its purpose of development was/is to overcome the limitations of surgical techniques that limit the size of incisions needed and also enhance the capabilities of surgeons performing open surgery.

The first robot developed to assist in surgery was the Arthrobot but the first documentation of robot assisted surgery was documented in 1985 when PUMA 560 robotic surgical arm was used in a delicate neurosurgical biopsy. In 2000, the Da Vinci surgery system broke the records


by being the first robotic surgery system approved by the FDA for use in both adult and pediatric surgery procedure but currently, it has gone beyond that.

The principle of operations involves a surgeon performing a procedure while sitting at the surgical console. The surgeon uses the console to control surgical instruments which move just like a miniature version of the surgeon’s hands. The device seamlessly translates the surgeon’s hand, wrist and finger movements into exact, real-time movement of the surgical instrument.

Benefits of robotic surgery are: it reduces pain, decreases blood loss, minimal scarring, shorter hospital stay which makes it advantageous over the traditional human surgery. It is also advantageous that it can be used for both basic and complex surgeries including gynecology and pediatrics. High cost of procurement of the system, complicated set up and training are some of the limitations of robotic surgical systems.


In my opinion, this kind of system can help my country in the health sector because most of the articles I’ve read which tested the system at gynecological and pediatrics units were rated above average better than human surgery. This system performs complex surgeries in surgeon’s stead thereby decreasing fatigue and tension hand tremors in surgeries which eventually saves lives by decreasing blood loss which is a prominent cause of death in surgery.

As part of the developmental plans of the country, good electricity should be factored in because robotic surgery will lead to loss of lives if there is weak power supply.

REFERENCES www.gundersenhealth.org/robotic/surgery www.roboticoncology.com/history-of-robotic-surgery

Virtual Doctors

The importance of good health cannot be emphasized enough which is why the United

Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has Good health and well-being as the third goal on its sustainable development chart. Africa and more precisely Ghana can achieve this goal by employing an emerging technology such as Virtual Doctor. Virtual Doctor can simply be described as a technology of using data networks to reach health care professionals. It started in 2001 when a surgical robot named Zeus made it possible for a team of physicians in New

York to conduct a surgery on a patient in Strasbourg, France; The Lindbergh Operation. It has encouraged the use of telemedicine to remotely offer treatment to patients in every aspect of health care.


MOTIVATION: This technology simply aims to make healthcare more accessible. It is a reality that the world’s population is increasing and this has led to a rise in health needs as well.

In Ghana, the doctor to patient ratio is 1: 10,450 which is a great imbalance when compared to the recommendations of the World Health Organization which is 1: 1,320. The problems that come with this imbalance include: poor health care, high death rate, adverse effect on the economy, etc. Health care delivery should be affordable, serve as an intermediary between patients and doctors and also be accessible to all. This is specifically what virtual doctor seeks to achieve.

MODE OF OPERATION: One has to create a profile of him or herself on the virtual doctor app which can be remotely accessed on any smart device (phone, tablet, etc.) with internet access. A clinical officer or doctor then creates a patient file with the examination notes, images when necessary and then reviews them before they are uploaded onto the cloud. Diagnosis and treatment advice are then given online using video conferencing. Its features include a connection with doctors, quick diagnosis, treatment advice and referrals.

ADVANTAGES: It affords flexibility in booking an appointment with a doctor, it is time efficient and cost effective, provision of quality health care (professional doctors), it is stress- free, it is convenient and it offers automatic book-keeping. DISADVANTAGES: Restricted physical examination, not suitable for all health cases and it is prone to technical glitches.

ANALYSIS: In my opinion, this is a technology which can help improve health care delivery.

Health is the underlying factor for all the SDG’s so this technology should be embraced for its potential to improve lives by making healthcare more accessible and healthcare delivery better.


How networks are extending the reach of medical care in the digital age. www.virtualdoctors.org


Sustainable Development Goals www.gh.undp.org


Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated scenario that simulates experience. It creates an environment very similar to the real world with options deemed impossible in reality. The

Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) was first introduced in 1994 for the development of "virtual worlds" independent from headsets but elements of virtual reality appeared as early as the 1860s. The VR industry mainly provided VR devices for medical, flight simulation, automobile industry, design, and military training purposes from 1970 to 1990.

VR technology in rehabilitation aims to recreate scenarios that stimulate discomfort in victims or serve as a reminder of hurtful events and help them overcome it; it therefore helps in treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD). Gunshot victims, victims of war, victims of abuse can be exposed to scenarios that trigger their anxiety and through coaching or guidance, they can handle the emotions that flood their minds. It has since become a direct means for the treatment of such disorders.

The advantage of the technology is that it serves as a good way of treating PTSD. The disadvantage however, is that it can have adverse effects on patients including: seizures, developmental issues in children, discomfort, repetitive stress injury and it interferes with medical devices. It is also not the cheapest way of treating these disorders.


The impact of VR in rehabilitation is commendable because of the nature and swiftness of its treatment process unlike traditional methods that demand a lot of counselling sessions. VR places patients in a scenario and studies reactions thus allowing treatment to take a more direct form. This technology when used to help soldiers who suffer from disorders can allow them overcome their fears and join another line of work if they decide not to go back to their previous employment.


Schultheis, M. T., & Rizzo, A. A. (2001). The application of virtual reality technology in rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Psychology, 46(3), 296-311. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0090-5550.46.3.296

WATER HARVESTING - Metal Organic Framework (MOF)

Water in the atmosphere is the source of 10% of Earth’s lakes so exploiting air for clean water is a sensible move. Water harvesting from air is using a metal organic framework (MOF) to extract water from ambient air with sunlight as the source of energy. This technology was developed by a team of researchers at the Device Research Laboratory of Massachusetts

Institute of Technology (MIT) and Omar Yaghi from University of California, Berkeley led


the project. They realized that the atmosphere actually contains an estimated 13,000 trillion liters of water that remains untapped. A solar-powered water harvester built by the MIT-UC

Berkeley team works even when relative humidity (RH) is as low as 20%; the level common in arid areas and deserts of the world.

A feature of this technology is its high affinity to water molecules, pulling them out of ambient air but not holding them too tightly so that water can be concentrated and released with a slight temperature. Their vision for the future is to have water off-grid in homes; a device running on ambient solar energy delivers enough water to satisfy the needs of the household.

The method used to collect water from the atmosphere is by embedding the MOF crystals in copper sheets sandwiched between a solar absorber and a condenser which uses porous crystals to convert the water using no energy at all.

Advantages of the MOF if adopted include: the ability to bring a reliable water source to the driest parts of the nation, it can be tweaked to suit different environments, it would increase literacy in children in rural areas by ensuring they get more time to study instead of going to fetch water from far off reservoirs for cooking and drinking; for example, in Accra during the dried season many students don’t go to school because they have to spend more time to search for water. The disadvantage is that it is expensive to build, expensive to maintain and it does not generate so much water at a time compared to its cost.

In conclusion, struggling for water in world especially the third countries will be history if this technology is adopted. Sustainable development goal six (Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all) can be achieved by adopting this method.



1. Kim, H. et al. Water harvesting from air with metal-organic frameworks powered by

natural sunlight. Science. doi: 10.1126/science.aam8743 (2017)


Artificial Insemination (A.I) is defined as the medical or veterinary process of manually injecting semen into the vagina or uterus. It is a means of treating infertility that involves directly inserting semen into the woman's womb. It was originally used for livestock but has recently been adapted for human use. The sperm originates from the woman's male partner, unless the male is infertile or there is no male partner then a sperm bank or donor is used.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is the most commonly used method of A.1 and is also the most successful method as measured by the number of live births.

Artificial insemination was adapted for human use because it gives infertile women the chance to conceive. People that produces healthy sperm and eggs but are unable to have intercourse (maybe due to a medical condition such as erectile dysfunction) can be helped to conceive in this way. It is also useful if a man is unable to produce enough sperm for successful fertilization or if his sperm is not sufficiently motile which means the sperm cannot move


effectively towards the egg. A single woman or a couple in a same-sex relationship may want

to raise a child without a man. They can

use sperm from a donor.

There are four types of artificial

insemination: Intrauterine Insemination

(IUI), Intrauterine tub peritoneal insemination (IUTPI), Intracervical insemination (ICI), Intratubal insemination (ITI). The method of operation is that sperm is collected and kept frozen when not in use. When needed, it is thawed and is delivered into the uterus using a catheter. The procedure is best done after the woman has ovulated to ensure conception.

The advantages are that it helps people with infertility procreate, it helps improve population density in countries with high death rate in the long run. The disadvantage is that it is expensive and it has a few risks. The risks include multiple births (twins, triplets) which increase the chances of complications like miscarriage and failure in the fertility treatment may harm the woman’s emotional health.

In conclusion, artificial insemination is a good thing as it solves the problem of infertility but even though it is introduced in to a developing country such as Ghana it may not make too much of an impact because of how expensive it is and the lack of extensive information about it by the people that need it; they prefer to seek more traditional methods of curing infertility such as herbs and prayers.


Wireless mobile telecommunication technology has undergone several developments since its introduction in the 1980s. The first generation (1G) supported voice only with maximum


speed of 2.4kbps. In 1991 there was an upgrade to 2G which supported SMS & MMS with speed ranging between 50kbps and 1Mbps making it a clear improvement on the 1G. Third generation (3G) was introduced in 1998 with a maximum speed of around 2Mbps thus enabling faster data-transmission speed while supporting video calling and mobile internet. 3.5G and

3.75G were released to usher the new age into 4G before it was introduced in 2008. 4G was a generation of wireless network which supported mobile web access like 3G but also gaming services, HD mobile TV, video conferencing, 3D TV etc. The maximum speed for 4G ranges between 100Mbps and 1Gbps. The next generation of wireless mobile connectivity is the 5G networks which is expected to be global by 2020.

Mobile giants like AT&T, Huawei, T-Mobile, Verizon, Samsung, Intel etc. are investing heavily into 5G network connectivity. The government of UK, for example, has revealed a

25million price fund for UK 5G development. The advantages for having a 5G network are include: faster download and uploads speeds and smoother streaming of online content since the average speed of 5G is expected to be around 10Gbps. Other advantages include: higher quality voice or video calls and more reliable mobile connection. The disadvantage is that access to 5G service will require a 5G supported device and a monthly subscription which will come as an extra cost not everyone can afford.

With the current innovations in fast pace telecommunication devices, 5G connectivity will be very instrumental and developing countries cannot afford to be uninvolved. Having a 5G network can help address some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for example

Goal 4 which concerns quality education. Virtual libraries for e-learning are being developed but this can be enhanced with a fast speed connectivity. Goal 9 which is concerned with industry, infrastructure and innovation can be improved if mobile cellular signal coverage is expanded to 5G. goal 3 concerned with good health and well-being for people can be achieved with telemedicine but this will require a high speed network like 5G.



Campanaro, A. (2018, March 12). What is 5G? The next wireless revolution explained.

Retrieved from NBC Universal: https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/tech/what-5g-next-wireless- revolution-explained-ncna855816

Fendelmen, A. (2017, December 18). An Introduction to 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G & 5G Wireless.

Retrieved from Lifewire: https://www.lifewire.com/1g-vs-2g-vs-2-5g-vs-3g-vs-4g-578681

Moore, M. (2018, April 16). What is 5G? Everything you need to know. Retrieved from techradar.com: https://www.techradar.com/news/what-is-5g-everything-you-need-to-know


A pollution mask is a device worn over the face that prevents you from breathing in polluted air, spreading of germs and other dangerous air situations. Recent study has shown that globally, air pollution kills more people than road accidents, HIV/AIDS and malaria put together. The report estimates that about 170,000 people die prematurely each year in Africa due to air pollution. According to a research by the World Heath Organization (WHO), over

65,000 Ghanaians die every year from air pollution a situation worsened by the fact that respiratory illnesses from air pollution is one of the top ten causes of outpatient hospital visits in the Ghana.

An anti-pollution mask is designed to protect the wearer from pollutants in the ambient air.

It can be disposable (single-use) or reusable (multi-use). These masks filter up to 95% of particulate matter (non oily particulate) and air born bacteria and viruses. It is specifically designed for drivers and motorcycles but can be used by anyone at any time. The first anti- pollution mask was made in France with name R-PUR Mask and Nano filter. There are many types depending on the design and the level of protection and sizes.


Advantages of the mask include: it is made of water repellent fabric (used in some military uniforms) so it dries easily, it filters inhaled air thus leaving the pollutant outside, it will help reduce the effect of air pollution on Ghanaians and Africa at large, the production of this mask will help provide employment to many.

The disadvantages include: the shape of the wearer's face and the presence of a beard may impair the tightness of the mask which enables the infiltration of ultrafine particles, the anti- pollution mask efficiency falls off after a few weeks then the mask or its dirty filter has to be replaced. Use problems of the mask also include: heating of inhaled air, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, condensation of sweat inside the mask, additional costs related to the replacement of the mask or its filter when worn out, they are effective against particles but are uncomfortable and they would be useless if poorly positioned on the face.

The major factor that affects the use of this face mask is the positioning; if it is positioned poorly, it is rendered ineffective and useless.

In my opinion, the use of this mask can be regulated by Environmental Protection

Agenct together with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA0 and enforcement from the Ghana Police Service to make it compulsory for motorcycle riders and factory workers. This is inconvenient on the short run but in the long run it will prevent lot of respiratory illnesses in Ghana.



Vega,E(2018, December 18). The coolest new Tech in 2018.

Retrieved from


Gupta,S(2017, November 8). Are the Anti -Pollution masks effective? Choose wisely.

Retrieved from https://www.holostick.com/blog/anti-pollution-masks/


Hybrid Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery System

Definition and history

The most anticipated disruptor of 2018 will be the hybrid closed-loop insulin delivery system, better known as an artificial pancreas. It is the next step in creating a fully- automated delivery system. In 2016, the FDA approved the first hybrid closed-loop insulin delivery system.


The system is designed to help manage type 1 diabetes.

Principles of operation

It is a fully automated insulin delivery system that connects a continuous glucose monitor with an insulin pump, eliminating the need for people with diabetes having to test and manage their insulin levels themselves. Studies have shown that the system steadies blood glucose levels and has even dropped A1C levels by a half percent.



Advantage and disadvantage it does handle the insulin function well but comparatively, it has taken so long to get to market because of a “fear of failure” too much or too little insulin could be a problem.


I think it is a good initiative specifically for health centers, though it may come with some challenges like high cost and others.


DEFINITION: An artificial uterus or artificial womb is a hypothetical device that would allow for external pregnancy by growing a foetus outside the body of an organism that would normally carry the foetus to term.

BACKGROUND: The illustration of the artificial womb was patented by Emmanuel M

Greenberg in November, 15, 1955.


PURPOSE: The objective of an artificial uterus is to make both men and women equally responsible for bearing and raising the children, liberating women from the tyranny of biology.

It has also put an end to surrogate mothers.


The system in the new study relies on a fluid filled plastic bag to keep the lamps alive. A bath of artificial amniotic fluid fills the bag to mimic conditions inside the womb. A n external oxygenator fills in for the mother’s placenta, allowing gas exchange of carbon 2 oxide(CO2) and oxygen in the fertile blood. This new technology has been experimented on lamps and has been proven successful so far. They have successfully incubated lambs born before reaching full term in an artificial womb. Lambs have a shorter gestation period so the 105 to 115 day- old premature lamb foetuses in that study were the equivalent of about 23 weeks in human, hence the hope is that, such systems could also help babies born as early as 22 weeks.




 Preventing birth defects

 Medical benefit- helping infertile couples to have a child of their own


15. Creating sick or malformed babies

16. Destroying social structure

To conclude, the invention of artificial womb could be very helpful to the society. In the sense that, it would give infertile couples the chance to have children of their own, hence reduce the rate of surrogacy, where another woman carries a baby for another, which may involve certain risks and other uncertainties. Furthermore, the structure of the womb, as it has been made similar to that of the one in the human body can help premature babies develop to their full term.


REFERENCES: Bulleti,C.; Palagiona, Pace, C; A, Borini, De Ziegler, D.(2011).”The

Artificial womb”. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1221: 124-128.


An Electronic Health Records(EHR) is a systematized collection of patient and population electronically stored health information in a digital format. The records can be shared across different healthcare settings through network-connected, enterprise-wide information systems or other information networks. Electronic health records include data such Demographics, medical history, medication and allergies, status, laboratory test results, radiology images, vital signs, personal statistics (age and weight), and billing information.

BRIEF HISTORY: Development of Electronic Health Records can be divided into two major time periods. The efforts began in 1960s and 70s, when academic medical centers developed their own systems but in early 1980s, leaders saw benefits to industry-wide perspective and began forming organizations to tackle the broader issues that would facilitate the widespread use of electronic medical information. DR. Lawrence L Weed is mostly credited for developing the first electronic medical records, first known as PROBLEM ORIENTED MEDICAL

INFORMATION SYSTEMS(PROMS) in 1969, while he was working at the University of


GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: The following are the goals and objectives behind the creation of this technology. To improve health care quality, safety, efficiency, and reduce health disparities.

(a) Improve care coordination

(b) Engage patients and families in their care

(c) Improve population and public health


(d) Ensure adequate privacy and security protections

MODE OF OPERTION: Electronic health records system is designed to store data accurately and to capture the state of a patient across time. It eliminates the need to track down patient’s previous paper medical records and assists in ensuring data is accurate and legible.

IMPACT/BENEFITS: The benefits of HER is enormous. Some of its benefits are: It improves patient care, increase patient participation, Improve care coordination, Practice efficiencies and cost savings, Improved diagnostic and patient outcomes.




In conclusion the introduction of electronic health records system technology is not only beneficial to the developed world but also if adopted fully in operation will help developing countries like Ghana to realize their dreams as far as the attainment of the sustainable development goal is concerned. This is true because with the full adoption of this technology patient will not que for too long for healthcare to be delivered to them and also it will save lives and money as the technology will stop the duplication of records and also accurately relate one folder to a single patient without any discrepancies. In my candid opinion if the health agenda of the sustainable development goal will be attainable, the acceptance and adoption of the electronic health records system is a must do thing especially here in Ghana and specifically attention must be paid to the rural areas of the sub region.

Regenerative medicine

Regenerative medicine, is an aspect of and molecular biology which focuses on “process of replacing, engineering or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function”. This holds the hope of engineering damaged tissues and organs by stimulating the body’s repair mechanisms to efficiently and effectively heal irreparable tissues and organs. It also includes the possibility of growing tissues and organs in the lab and implanting when the body cannot naturally heal.


The term came about in a 1992 article on hospital administration by Leland Kaiser. Kaiser’s paper closes on future technologies that will impact hospitals. One paragraph had “regenerative medicine” as a bold print title and emphasized “a new branch of medicine will develop that attempts to change the course of chronic disease and in many instances will regenerate tired and failing organ systems.

Some of the biomedical approaches within the field of regenerative medicine involves the stem cells use. Examples include the injection of stem cells acquired through cell therapies, the induction of regeneration by biologically active molecules taken alone or as a secretion by infused cells and tissue engineering. If a regenerated organ’s cells would be taken from the patient’s own tissues or cells, this potentially solves the problem of a shortage of organs made available for donation and the problem of organ transplant rejection. Particular research has been done into extracellular matrix materials where they are made commercially available and are used in reconstructive surgery, treatment of chronic wounds and some orthopedic surgeries; as at January 2017 clinical studies were used in a heart surgery to try to repair damaged heart tissue. Cord blood, being a regenerative medicine has also been studied as an antidote for diabetes. However, aside blood disorders, the use of cord blood for other ailments is not a routine clinical modality and remains a crucial challenge for the stem cell community. Along with cord blood, Wharlton’s jelly and cord lining, cardiovascular diseases as well as neurological deficits, diseases, immune system diseases, lung injury, diabetes, kidney injury and leukemia can be curbed.

The disadvantage of these medicines is that it makes us get into our bodies artificial systems which may one or the other damage our internal organs. For example, when an extracellular matrix is inserted into our bodies, it may affect the presence of our liver which is one of the most vital parts of our human system.


As seen from above examples, we can identify the strength of regenerative medicine as being helpful for sustaining our health and being fit everyday possible. With these medicines, we can always have substitutes for worn out cells which may cause us to die. With all the pollution and toxic waste around entering our bodies, we can easily get our cells infected and weaken it day by day even with what we eat. Thanks to the introduction of these medicines, we can prolong our lives substantially. According to the Sustainable Development Goal number 3 which indicates “good health and wellbeing for all”, every individual must be able to access free healthcare and ensure we are living healthy lives. So, with the help of the regenerative medicines, this development goal can be easily achieved.


Hereditary disorders are the conditions that can be transmitted from parents to offspring through the genes. An example of such condition is hemophilia. Hemophilia is a medical condition in which the ability of the blood to clot is drastically reduced leading to severe bleeding even from a slight injury.

This and many other genetic conditions led to the introduction of a genetic therapy called Gene

Therapy 2.0. Researchers have been working extensively on the dream of gene therapy for decades. The idea of gene therapy is to use an engineered virus to deliver healthier samples of a gene into patients with defective versions. The efforts of these researchers have not produced any positive solutions to the problem until recently. The field of gene therapy was very slow in

1999 when a patient of 18 years with liver disease called Jesse Gesinger died in a gene – therapy experiment.

However, recent times have witnessed a crucial health condition been solved. The gene therapies are on the verge of curing genetic disorders. Two gene therapies have been


successfully discovered for inherited diseases. The first one is the Strimvelis. This is developed for the form of severe Combined Immune defeciencey (SCID) which renders the body defenseless against infections. Meaning, The Strimvelis is a type of gene therapy that is used to infuse healthier genes into the immune system to help the body fight against infections. This type of gene therapy was developed in Stanford University in Italy by a scientist known as

Maria-Grazia Roncarolo. The second type is the Glybera which is developed for disorders that makes fat build up in the blood stream. These two therapies have won regulatory approval in

Europe. In USA, Sparks therapies could be the first market; it has a treatment for a progressive form of blindness. Other gene therapies were developed to cur hemophilia and also relief from an incapacitated skin disorders known as epidermolysis bullosa. In addition to the treatment found for disorders caused by the malfunctioning in a single gene, researchers are trying to engineer these therapies to treat more common diseases like the Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancer and heart failure.

The success of the long research into gene therapy was achieved in 2015 when a couple named

Kala Looks and Philip gave birth to twin boys with one harboring a deadly mutation in his genes. He was later diagnosed with SCID which makes his body defenseless against infections.

He further loses the small immune he had left and was left with no immune in his system to fight infections. After several medical consultations to cure him, Philip learned of an experimental gene therapy at Boston Children’s Hospital. In May 2015, the couple flew to

Boston where their son (Levi) got an infusion of the therapy into his veins. Levi has been normal since then. Thus, the success of the gene therapy began in May 2015.

Gene therapy in my opinion is a very vital innovation which if properly utilized will help shape the health sector. This is because, genetic disorders are very difficult to treat. However, the therapy may put the lives of the patients at risk since it is still in it trial session and need highly skilled people to use them.



ID: 10528112




The history of wearables starts with the watch, which was worn by people to tell time. In 1500 the German inventor Peter Henlein created small watches which were worn as necklaces. A century later, men began to carry their watches in their pockets as waistcoat became a fashionable item, which led to the creation of pocket watches. Over time, the watch become smaller and more precise. In 1904, the aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont pioneered the use of the wristwatch as it allowed him to save his hands occupied when piloting. This proved that the wrist is a convenient place to a watch which led people to start using wristwatches. People started to create wearables to use in every occasion.

A wearable electronic device can be defined as one that has intelligence and is able to take input, process that input and provide meaningful output. Body-adapted wearable electronics are body adapted devices that help people to better understand their personal health and physical fitness. It isworn on the body or embedded in clothes, these devices gives individuals real-time feedback about their health. The wearable electronics are typically very small and contain a wide variety on sensors and a feedback system. Body-adapted devices can be worn by making a small incision in your skin and placing the device inside. Stitching a patch that contains small sensors unto skin is another way of wearing them. One could wear an accessory

(eg: ear piece, wristband, shoe with sensors, glasses), or place article of clothing on that contains the device, eg shirt with sensors. One advantage of the wearable electronics is that it camouflages with your body, therefore it is seen as more socially acceptable. Also, it is


becoming less expensive because the type of sensors used are becoming more common. It has wide range of functions and it also helps maintain good health. Although body-adapted wearable technology has a wide range of benefits, it has some disadvantages. The devices do emit heat which can be uncomfortable to many people so this will sway people from purchasing them. Also, since they are smaller, the mechanism within the devices is smaller and therefore it means that the devices can’t do everything that devices like smartphones can do. An example of the body-adapted wearable electronic is lethal haptic shoe soles. It helps the blind navigate the way to a particular destination. This is done through vibration alerts in the shoe that are felt by the feet, letting the individual know when to turn and where there are objects to avoid. The

shoe could potentially help improve the lives of millions of blind individuals. Body-adapted wearable device is indeed helpful because it helps maintain good health and also in the future, wearable technology will collect several different kinds of health data and will be really little in size.

Tormachio, Francesca. (June 5, 2014). Body-adapted Wearable Electronics. www.prezi.com.


ID NUMBER:10538814



Genomic vaccines are standard vaccines to prevent infectious diseases. It consists of killed or weakened pathogens or proteins from those microorganisms. Vaccines that treat cancer also rely on proteins. Genomic vaccines take the form of DNA or RNA that encodes desired proteins. A genomic based approach to vaccines also enable more rapid adaptation in the event of pathogen mutating and finally allows scientists to identify people who are resistant to pathogen. The availability of a complete microbial genome sequence in 1995 marked the beginning of a genomic era that has allowed scientists to change the paradigm and approach vaccine development. The genomic vaccines take the form of DN or RNA, on injection the genes enter cells which chain out selected protein compared with manufacturing proteins in cell cultures or eggs production of genetic material should be simpler and less expensive. In the future investigators could sequence the genomes of the circulating strains and produce a better matched vaccine in weeks. Genomics also enable a new twist on vaccination approach known as passive immune transfer, in which are delivered instead of anti.

Genomics vaccines promise to offer many advantages, including fast manufacture when a virus, such as Zika or Ebola becomes more virulent suddenly. They have been decades in making but dozens have now entered clinical trials. The genomic vaccine fools the system into thinking it has been infected by the real pathogen. It can be argued that the arrival of the genomic era has significantly shifted the paradigm of vaccine and therapeutics development from microbiological approaches and potentially in the development of antibiotics.

In conclusion it can be proven to be the most efficacious and effective means of minimizing the impact of infectious disease on the human population. In my opinion, genomic vaccines help in satisfying the SDG goal 3 which seeks to address and improve reproductive healthcare.

With it aim being able to achieve a better healthcare coverage and provide vaccines and medication across the globe.



Cancer has been one of the deadliest diseases claiming human lives with a mortality rate of about 70% occurring in low income countries and globally nearly one in six deaths(approximately 8.8 million) is due to cancer. This has rapidly increased the search for a cure for cancer. The first suggestion for the use of ‘virus’ to cure cancer was made by DePace in 1912, fourteen years after the first virus was discovered.

The aim of the Oncolytic virus is to kill cancer cells by imitating the cancer cells while spreading within the tumor without destroying the other tissues. So these oncolytic viruses regenerate and help the immune system by preventing the growth of other cancer cells. It provides a diverse platform for . There are many unique features of oncolytic virus that sets them apart from other therapeutic modalities

There is a low probability of the generation of resistance since oncolytic virus’ often target oncogenic pathways and employ multiple means of psycotoxicity

They replicate in a tumor selective function and are nonpathogenic, only minimal systematic toxicity has been detected.

The effectiveness of the oncolytic virus has made it a preferred option against a variety of cancer types.

Some side effects include symptoms such as chills, fever nausea, loss of appetite and muscle ache.


Generally, oncolytic virus’ is a good and effective cure for various types of cancer. It has helped saved people who were at the edge of death due to this disease. With the increase rate of various types of cancers, the use of the oncolytic virus will aid in the reduction of cancer in the health sector.


KimJH, Oh JY, Park BH, Lee DE, Kim JS, Park HE, et al. Systematic armed oncolytic and immunologic therapy for cancer with JX- 594, a targeted poxvirus expressing GM-CSF. Mol

Ther. 2006;14:361-70



Robotic assisted surgery has been gradually adapted over the last decade. It is a technological development that uses robotic systems to aid doctors in performing several types of complex surgical procedures with more flexibility, control and extra precision. Surgical robots date back as far as 1983 when the first ever one was invented in Vancouver which was called an arthrobot.

It was to manipulate and position the patient’s limb during orthopedic surgery on voice command by the surgeon. The individuals involved in the invention of this arthrobot were Dr.

James McEwen, Geof Auchinleck and Dr. Brain Day as well as a team of engineering students from the University of British Columbia.

Dr. McEwen told The Medical post that “the use of robotic assistance during orthopedic surgical procedures has the potential to make operations safer and improve the quality of results. The surgeon no longer has to do two jobs at once - that is manipulate the joint and perform the procedure” he said, holding a limb for long periods of time can be very fatiguing


thus, the whole idea behind the robot is to reduce the labor intensiveness of certain surgical procedures. As time went on more features were built into the robot thus not limiting it to just manipulating and positioning limbs but also actually performing surgical operations.

Unlike the arthrobot which receives instructions through voice command, the modern surgical robots are manipulated either through a direct tele manipulator or through computer control.

This allows doctors to operate with maximum precision. With the direct tele manipulator, the surgeon sits at a special console and uses the hand and foot controls of the console to move the robotic arms that are attached to the surgical instruments. Also, at the operation table is an assistant who makes sure that everything is in place. The robotic arms come with a 3d camera that gives the surgeon a 360-degree view of the operative field. In the computer control also, the computer is used by the surgeon to control the arms of the robot, with this the surgeon does not necessarily have to be in the operation room but can be even outside the country and still be able to conduct the surgery accurately. Some surgeons even perform this remote surgery through iPads.

The robot assisted surgery is advantageous because, the surgery is done through small incisions hence patients may experience less pain, decrease in blood loss, minimal scaring, shorter recovery times, shorter hospital stay resulting in a faster return to normal daily activities, reduced labor on the path of the doctors and also the remoteness of the surgery allows the surgeon to also carry out other personal/private activities without spending the whole time in the operation room. The disadvantage of this technology is that it’s very expensive, also the surgeons have to go through intense training on how to operate the system which is very complex to adapt, in addition, remote surgery done from distance locations can be interrupted when there is bad internet connection network, this can slow down the operation and to some extent cause complications.


In conclusion, this technology is helpful to society because it allows for surgeons to operate a large number of patients within a short period as compared to the traditional way because, they are less fatigued due to the relaxed nature of the operation ,where the surgeon does not necessarily have to exert so much energy on operating patients, also on the path of the patients the surgery is done with less damage and results in quick recovery hence individuals who have been operated on can return to their normal activities within a short period of time. This goes a long way to improve the economic growth and influence lifestyle changes since it reduces the stress level of surgeons.


 Olga L.,(1985).World’s First Surgical Robot in B.C.The Medical Post.,21(23),93.

 Retrieved from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK168902/#!po=1.31579

 Retrieved from: http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/robotic-


 Retrieved from: http://www.gundersenhealth.org/services/surgery/robotic/

 Retrieved from: http://www.en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot -assisted_surgery/


The smart condone is a new technology that is about to be introduced into the system.

Typicality, it is not actually a condom: It is a ring the sits at the base of the condom which is lightweight, water resistant and extremely comfortable when worn. This device uses a Nano- chip and has sensors. It also has integrated micro USB port for charging and plugging into a computer.


The smart condom will record data like calories burnt during intercourse, speed of thrust, total number of thrust, frequency of sessions, total duration of sessions, STI’s, average skin temperature, etc.

However, all data recorded will be kept secretly. Users will have to choose to share it with their friends or partners or keep it safe. A major advantage of the smart condom is its ability to detect sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis and etc. This can help in national development especially when it comes to disease control. This is because the device will send signal to a mobile device using a Bluetooth technology.


Dyslexia is a condition characterized by difficulty with spelling, decoding abilities and word recognition. While dyslexic students are no less intelligent than their non-dyslexic peers, due to a disorder in the brain’s language processing centre, dyslexia can make things like reading comprehension and word organization a struggle. Cliff Weitzman had challenges catching up at school because of this condition but through determination, he was able to graduate from

Brown University in 2016. Weitzman’s struggle in college to find textbooks available in audio format prompted him to build a text-to-speech software called Speechify.

The main aim for developing Speechify by Weitzman, was to ‘create a product that made dyslexic users feel empowered, rather than judged or singled out’. At the same time, he wanted the tool to appeal to the general markets. Thus, he branded the product in a way that made its benefits clear to both users with learning differences and users who simply wanted to save time. In its usage, Speechify is an intelligent reading assistant that is able to:

 Highlight or scan any text from your computer screen and Speechify will read it out.


 Toggle reading speed up to 800 words per minute

 Choose from a range of high quality voices and languages such as French, Spanish etc

 Send readings from your desktop to phone as a mobile audio book

 Scan physical textbooks



Using Speechify to address the needs of dyslexic students in the classroom is beneficial for both educators and students. For educators, the ease of distributing these types of apps to all students reduces the need for specialized training. For students, being able to use the same tools as their peers removes the potential stigma of using separate assistive technology tools.

I believe Speechify has reshaped the educational landscape of dyslexic students and society as a whole in the sense that it has helped to reduce stigmatization and isolation among people, aiding them to also achieve their goals just like everyone else without feeling inferior or incapable just because they are not able to read faster or understand what they read.

However, its limitation to devices such as Mac and IOS, makes it a technology for only the elites. This does not satisfy its main purpose to serve everyone.


Nevertheless, the Speechify technology is a phenomenon that has helped improve the learning experience of dyslexic students and other auditory learners.






History Truecaller is mobile phone application developed by True Software Scandinavia AB in Stockholm, Sweden by Alan Mamedi and Nami Zarringhalam in 2009. It was initially launched on Blackberry on 1 July 2009 and was made available on other devices and operating systems.

Remember the days when the phone rang and you didn’t know who it was? Maybe it was the company you always dreamt of working for, or the hospital trying to tell you someone close to you got sick, or a fraudster trying to dupe you. According to the developers Truecaller was born out of this uncertainty. They wanted to make it possible for everyone to know who is trying to contact them, and also tell them when not to pick up. The developers wanted to remove all uncertainty and separate the important stuff from the noise.

Features, functionality and disadvantages

The truecaller service is a global telephone directory in both standard use and reverse telephone directory format that has caller ID, social media integration, and call-blocking functionality. It uses crowdsourced data, which enables it to work even in countries such as the UK and India where public data is not available.


The technology allows you to set your own profile and customise it the way you want it.It is an app that one can install on his/her phone and resolve the mystery of apparently unknown callers by a click, the app can be used to block calls beginning with a certain set of numbers,

Truecaller allow you to see who is calling even without data connectivity once the number has been identified before, Truecaller automatically safeguards you from the known spammers, can be used as a default dialler, Identify numbers with Search bar and also the application gives you the opportunity to remove your number from its database.

The three main disadvantages of true caller are: too many prompts show up once you block some spam numbers, the app works slowly in 2G connection and also invades into peoples’ privacy (one is able to detect if another person’s phone is on silent or not with truecaller)

The application is now available for android, iOS, BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows Mobile

(windows 7, 8, and 10). The app is available in all countries.

In conclusion, truecaller has helped us to control our calls through blocking of calls and messages and also to know the identity behind every strange number or caller hence reducing uncertainties.


Retrieved from https://www.truecaller.com/about and https://blog.truecaller.com/2015/05/08/6-things-you-didnt-know-about-truecaller/


Id checker is a mobile application that permits one to turn his or her smartphone into an identification scanner. It was designed to be used at businesses conducting the sale of age controlled products such as alcohol, tobacco, among others and also to help law enforcers like the police in their daily duties. This application is however updated based on the intelligence


related to fake identifications. Id checker was developed by custosoftware which was officially released on 29 April, 2013.

Once again, it has premium account which is yearly free and this account allows its users to automatically store ids scanned with the id checker application. Moreover this account provides every user a key that can be shared with people which enable them to scan ids with their phones to save a recipient’s account.

Now, how does it operate and where can it be located? It is available on every iPhone and iPod online marketing stores. It can be downloaded at 1 megabyte; however there are registrations and other terms and conditions that needed to be satisfied before its operation.

Id checker comes with enormous advantages and perhaps disadvantages depending on the environment in which it is used. The advantages are as follows: in businesses, it helps employers or employees to verify the ages of customers so as not to violate any law. As stated earlier, it also helps law enforcement officers to detect fake ids and calculate ages as well.

Finally, it can even be used to detect ids that are virtually undetectable by other similar devices.

The disadvantages that it comes with, could somewhat be ascribed to the application itself as well as the country or environment in which it is operated. That is to say, id checker uses internet connection for its operation so in a situation where the bandwidth is low then it will slow down work. It also requires that every data on passport, national ids, driving license, among others is digitized. The purchasing of such a smartphone like iPhone is not affordable, thus digitization of all relevant documents will really be a huge cost for many countries.

In conclusion, I think id-checker or scanner is very helpful, especially for a country like Ghana to combat corruption in way of detecting people who use fake documents to loot from the nation’s resources.

Reference: www.iosnoops.com/appinfo/idcheck-id-scanner-for-iphone-and-ipod.




“Alter- Ego” is a wearable system that allows users to communicate in high-bandwidth natural languages with machines, artificial intelligence assistants and other people without actually using one’s voice or any visible external movements. Arnav Kapur, together with other MIT scientists created this device with the aim of enhancing human intelligence and producing a discreet way of communicating with machines and people. The creators say the goal is to interweave computers, the internet, and A.I. into the human experience,

Creating what they call a “second self.” The device is worn on one side of the face and picks up neuromuscular signals that are generated when we subvocalize, in the form of electrical signals and are sent to computers equipped with neural networks to decipher. The computers can also silently send information back to the user through a process known as bone conduction. The technology, as said by some critics is ushering humans into the birth of telepathy.

This device will usher the world into a new age of computing where information processing will be much faster and easier. Speech and hearing impairment will cease to be a boundary in communication with computers and normal people as a whole. However, the problem of the information security still stands as there is no guarantee how a person’s information will be handled outside his or her control and computer related vices will become easier to commit.

Checking these issues will aid in the development of global economy and lifestyle as a whole.


Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology

1. “Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a form of wireless communication that

incorporates the use of electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling in the radio frequency

portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to uniquely identify an object, animal or a

person” (Rouse, 2017). RFID was invented in the 1940s and used more frequently in

the 1970s. Charles Walton is the first patent holder for the RFID device. RFID is often

used as an alternative for barcodes.

2. The main aim for inventing RFID systems is for tracking and management. This

includes pet and livestock tracking, inventory management and asset tracking, cargo

and supply chain logistics, and vehicle tracking. It can also be used in retail for

advertising customer service and loss control, for improved visibility and distribution

in the supply chain, and for access control in security situations (Rouse, 2017).

3. A RFID system has three components: a RFID tag (transponder); a RFID reader

(interrogator); and an antenna. RFID methods utilize radio waves. The RFID

transponder contains an integrated circuit and an antenna, which are used to transmit

data to the RFID reader. The reader then converts the radio waves to a more usable

form of data. Information collected from the tags is then transferred through

communications interface to a host computer system, where the data can be stored in a

database and analyzed at a later time (American barcode and RFID, 2018). The

diagram below represents how a RFID system works.


4. Its main advantage is that, it can identify individual objects, animals or people without

a direct line of sight; it can identify many items (a thousand and more) simultaneously;

it can scan items anywhere from inches to feet away depending on the type of tag and

reader; and the read time for its tags is typically less than 100 milliseconds. However

the system is expensive as compared to barcodes.

5. I think RFID systems are helpful to the society because in the entrepreneurial sector,

such us in the manufacturing context, RFID systems in warehouses track inventories of

goods with the aim of substantially reducing theft and losses while increasing

efficiency, and thus potentially reducing the cost of goods to customers. However,

economically, RFID systems are not helpful because they are relatively expensive.


Americam Barcode and RFID. (2018, May 1). What is RFID. Retrieved March 12, 2018, from

ABR.com: http://www.abr.com/what-is-rfid-how-does-rfid-work/

Rouse, M. (2017, April 3). RFID (radio frequency identification). Retrieved March 12, 2018,

from IOT Agenda: https://internetofthingsagenda.techtaget.com/defition/RFID-radio-




Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) VMS was originally a satellite-based system that provides data on the time-stamped location, course and speed of vessels to fisheries authorities at regular intervals. Prior to the 1980s, the only way to communicate with vessels beyond the horizon was by using satellites. In 1978, the members of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) created the

International Mobile Satellite Organization (later re-named as Inmarsat) to improve safety at sea and provide the maritime community with satellite telecommunication services. It launched the first satellite constellation to provide VMS services, Inmarsat. In the 1990s, the Argos constellation provided a solution to environmental monitoring and later for VMS. In the early 2000s, Eastern

Adriatic riparian countries sought an alternative to satellite-based VMS required by the Common

Fisheries Policy (CFP).The Global Packet Radio System (GPRS) network was identified as an alternative and adopted by other European countries such as Greece and the United Kingdom.

The aim or purpose of this vessel is to be able to track vessels or monitor the movement of vessels on the water bodies. By so doing, this can aid track criminals who may try to fish beyond their boundary. Also, it is a cost effective way of monitoring vessels on the sea.

VMS rely on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) such as GPS for position and information on time. These transceivers transmit data to monitoring systems. Generally it uses a variety of communication technologies including terrestrial & satellite AIS and conventional satellite systems from Inmarsat, Iridium, Argos, ORBCOMM or Qualcomm. GPS satellite monitors the vessels, where the vessel information is sent through the Inmarsat which is also a satellite which then sends it to the to the ground station and then, to the server, where the server also sends a message to the computer or even a cell-phone to verify whether the vessel is a registered vessel or not.

Some of the features of the vessel monitoring system include the GPS satellite, Inmarsat satellite, a Ground station, Server and also a computer or cell-phone. The advantages and


disadvantages of the VMS is that, it enables fishing vessels to be communicated to at a far distance.

VMS is implemented nearly worldwide with various ranges of transceivers. Collecting data on vessel movements can improve management and compliance with fisheries policies by allowing governments to collect near real-time observations of fishing vessel positions. VMS map the spatial distribution of fishing vessels and calculate fishing intensity. In addition, VMS can be a cost-effective tool. However, the scale of VMS remains a challenge as the data collection on vessel movements currently only applies to vessels over 15m in length or 300 in weight. In addition, vessel captains may decide to turn off their VMS transponder risking penalties if caught.

In conclusion, with the rampant sailing on the sea by unauthorized vessels, the Ghana navy can employ the VMS to combat criminals. The only challenge is that, one needs to be trained before he can operate it. REFERENCE:




Light Fidelity or Li-Fi is a data communication system running wireless communications

through the use of visible lights between 400 and 800 THz. It is also regarded as a visible light

communication system. Currently, only light emitting diodes (LED) is used in its transmission.

In 2011 the term Li-Fi was introduced by Herald Haas, a mobile communications professor at

the University of Edinburgh who aims at being the leader in Visible Light Communication

through the setting up of a company called PureLiFi.

Li-Fi is capable of transmitting data at a very high speed over the visible light spectrum,

ultraviolet and infrared radiation. The technology is similar to Wi-Fi but one major difference

is that, Wi-Fi uses radio frequency to transmit data whiles Li-Fi uses light to transmit data.


Although Li-Fi LEDs needs to be kept running to transmit data, they could be dimmed below human visibility while still emitting enough light to transmit data. In 2013, researchers using

Li-Fi reached data rates of over 224 Gbits/s which was faster than a typical fast broadband.

Using this technology allows users to work across a higher bandwidth and areas susceptible to electromagnetic interference like aircraft cabins and hospitals. Direct line of sight is not necessary for Li-Fi. Light reflected off walls can achieve 70Mbits/s.

One advantage of Li-Fi technology is the security. Li-Fi internet can only be used in a confined space while rendering a restricted access to other users around this confined spaces. Another advantage of this technology is its availability. Light bulbs are present everywhere meaning that high speed data transmission could be available everywhere.

Although the technology seeks to improve the transmission of data, there are some disadvantages. The light waves cannot penetrate through walls making it assume a short range position. Also installation may be costly since it is not common. Internet cannot be used without a light source hence not all locations can use the technology

In all, Li-Fi technology is a technology that is going to improve the way information is sent from one place to another.

Reference: https://www.techopedia.com https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li-Fi





History Truecaller is mobile phone application developed by True Software Scandinavia AB in Stockholm, Sweden by Alan Mamedi and Nami Zarringhalam in 2009. It was initially launched on Blackberry on 1 July 2009 and was made available on other devices and operating systems.

Remember the days when the phone rang and you didn’t know who it was? Maybe it was the company you always dreamt of working for, or the hospital trying to tell you someone close to you got sick, or a fraudster trying to dupe you. According to the developers Truecaller was born out of this uncertainty. They wanted to make it possible for everyone to know who is trying to contact them, and also tell them when not to pick up. The developers wanted to remove all uncertainty and separate the important stuff from the noise.

Features, functionality and disadvantages

The truecaller service is a global telephone directory in both standard use and reverse telephone directory format that has caller ID, social media integration, and call-blocking functionality. It uses crowdsourced data, which enables it to work even in countries such as the UK and India where public data is not available.

The technology allows you to set your own profile and customise it the way you want it.It is an app that one can install on his/her phone and resolve the mystery of apparently unknown callers by a click, the app can be used to block calls beginning with a certain set of numbers,

Truecaller allow you to see who is calling even without data connectivity once the number has been identified before, Truecaller automatically safeguards you from the known spammers, can be used as a default dialler, Identify numbers with Search bar and also the application gives you the opportunity to remove your number from its database.


The three main disadvantages of true caller are: too many prompts show up once you block some spam numbers, the app works slowly in 2G connection and also invades into peoples’ privacy (one is able to detect if another person’s phone is on silent or not with truecaller)

The application is now available for android, iOS, BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows Mobile

(windows 7, 8, and 10). The app is available in all countries.

In conclusion, truecaller has helped us to control our calls through blocking of calls and messages and also to know the identity behind every strange number or caller hence reducing uncertainties.


Retrieved from https://www.truecaller.com/about and https://blog.truecaller.com/2015/05/08/6-things-you-didnt-know-about-truecaller/


Id checker is a mobile application that permits one to turn his or her smartphone into an identification scanner. It was designed to be used at businesses conducting the sale of age controlled products such as alcohol, tobacco, among others and also to help law enforcers like the police in their daily duties. This application is however updated based on the intelligence related to fake identifications. Id checker was developed by custosoftware which was officially released on 29 April, 2013.

Once again, it has premium account which is yearly free and this account allows its users to automatically store ids scanned with the id checker application. Moreover this account provides every user a key that can be shared with people which enable them to scan ids with their phones to save a recipient’s account.


Now, how does it operate and where can it be located? It is available on every iPhone and iPod online marketing stores. It can be downloaded at 1 megabyte; however there are registrations and other terms and conditions that needed to be satisfied before its operation.

Id checker comes with enormous advantages and perhaps disadvantages depending on the environment in which it is used. The advantages are as follows: in businesses, it helps employers or employees to verify the ages of customers so as not to violate any law. As stated earlier, it also helps law enforcement officers to detect fake ids and calculate ages as well.

Finally, it can even be used to detect ids that are virtually undetectable by other similar devices.

The disadvantages that it comes with, could somewhat be ascribed to the application itself as well as the country or environment in which it is operated. That is to say, id checker uses internet connection for its operation so in a situation where the bandwidth is low then it will slow down work. It also requires that every data on passport, national ids, driving license, among others is digitized. The purchasing of such a smartphone like iPhone is not affordable, thus digitization of all relevant documents will really be a huge cost for many countries.

In conclusion, I think id-checker or scanner is very helpful, especially for a country like Ghana to combat corruption in way of detecting people who use fake documents to loot from the nation’s resources.

Reference: www.iosnoops.com/appinfo/idcheck-id-scanner-for-iphone-and-ipod.


“Alter- Ego” is a wearable system that allows users to communicate in high-bandwidth natural languages with machines, artificial intelligence assistants and other people without actually using one’s voice or any visible external movements. Arnav Kapur, together with other MIT


scientists created this device with the aim of enhancing human intelligence and producing a discreet way of communicating with machines and people. The creators say the goal is to interweave computers, the internet, and A.I. into the human experience,

Creating what they call a “second self.” The device is worn on one side of the face and picks up neuromuscular signals that are generated when we subvocalize, in the form of electrical signals and are sent to computers equipped with neural networks to decipher. The computers can also silently send information back to the user through a process known as bone conduction. The technology, as said by some critics is ushering humans into the birth of telepathy.

This device will usher the world into a new age of computing where information processing will be much faster and easier. Speech and hearing impairment will cease to be a boundary in communication with computers and normal people as a whole. However, the problem of the information security still stands as there is no guarantee how a person’s information will be handled outside his or her control and computer related vices will become easier to commit.

Checking these issues will aid in the development of global economy and lifestyle as a whole.


Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology

1. “Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a form of wireless communication that

incorporates the use of electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling in the radio frequency

portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to uniquely identify an object, animal or a

person” (Rouse, 2017). RFID was invented in the 1940s and used more frequently in

the 1970s. Charles Walton is the first patent holder for the RFID device. RFID is often

used as an alternative for barcodes.


2. The main aim for inventing RFID systems is for tracking and management. This

includes pet and livestock tracking, inventory management and asset tracking, cargo

and supply chain logistics, and vehicle tracking. It can also be used in retail for

advertising customer service and loss control, for improved visibility and distribution

in the supply chain, and for access control in security situations (Rouse, 2017).

3. A RFID system has three components: a RFID tag (transponder); a RFID reader

(interrogator); and an antenna. RFID methods utilize radio waves. The RFID

transponder contains an integrated circuit and an antenna, which are used to transmit

data to the RFID reader. The reader then converts the radio waves to a more usable

form of data. Information collected from the tags is then transferred through

communications interface to a host computer system, where the data can be stored in a

database and analyzed at a later time (American barcode and RFID, 2018). The

diagram below represents how a RFID system works.

4. Its main advantage is that, it can identify individual objects, animals or people without

a direct line of sight; it can identify many items (a thousand and more) simultaneously;

it can scan items anywhere from inches to feet away depending on the type of tag and

reader; and the read time for its tags is typically less than 100 milliseconds. However

the system is expensive as compared to barcodes.


5. I think RFID systems are helpful to the society because in the entrepreneurial sector,

such us in the manufacturing context, RFID systems in warehouses track inventories of

goods with the aim of substantially reducing theft and losses while increasing

efficiency, and thus potentially reducing the cost of goods to customers. However,

economically, RFID systems are not helpful because they are relatively expensive.


Americam Barcode and RFID. (2018, May 1). What is RFID. Retrieved March 12, 2018, from

ABR.com: http://www.abr.com/what-is-rfid-how-does-rfid-work/

Rouse, M. (2017, April 3). RFID (radio frequency identification). Retrieved March 12, 2018,

from IOT Agenda: https://internetofthingsagenda.techtaget.com/defition/RFID-radio-



Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) VMS was originally a satellite-based system that provides data on the time-stamped location, course and speed of vessels to fisheries authorities at regular intervals. Prior to the 1980s, the only way to communicate with vessels beyond the horizon was by using satellites. In 1978, the members of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) created the

International Mobile Satellite Organization (later re-named as Inmarsat) to improve safety at sea and provide the maritime community with satellite telecommunication services. It launched the first satellite constellation to provide VMS services, Inmarsat. In the 1990s, the Argos constellation provided a solution to environmental monitoring and later for VMS. In the early 2000s, Eastern

Adriatic riparian countries sought an alternative to satellite-based VMS required by the Common

Fisheries Policy (CFP). The Global Packet Radio System (GPRS) network was identified as an alternative and adopted by other European countries such as Greece and the United Kingdom.


The aim or purpose of this vessel is to be able to track vessels or monitor the movement of vessels on the water bodies. By so doing, this can aid track criminals who may try to fish beyond their boundary. Also, it is a cost-effective way of monitoring vessels on the sea.

VMS rely on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) such as GPS for position and information on time. These transceivers transmit data to monitoring systems. Generally, it uses a variety of communication technologies including terrestrial & satellite AIS and conventional satellite systems from Inmarsat, Iridium, Argos, ORBCOMM or Qualcomm. GPS satellite monitors the vessels, where the vessel information is sent through the Inmarsat which is also a satellite which then sends it to the to the ground station and then, to the server, where the server also sends a message to the computer or even a cell-phone to verify whether the vessel is a registered vessel or not.

Some of the features of the vessel monitoring system include the GPS satellite, Inmarsat satellite, a Ground station, Server and also a computer or cell-phone. The advantages and disadvantages of the VMS is that, it enables fishing vessels to be communicated to at a far distance.

VMS is implemented nearly worldwide with various ranges of transceivers. Collecting data on vessel movements can improve management and compliance with fisheries policies by allowing governments to collect near real-time observations of fishing vessel positions. VMS map the spatial distribution of fishing vessels and calculate fishing intensity. In addition, VMS can be a cost-effective tool. However, the scale of VMS remains a challenge as the data collection on vessel movements currently only applies to vessels over 15m in length or 300 in weight. In addition, vessel captains may decide to turn off their VMS transponder risking penalties if caught.

In conclusion, with the rampant sailing on the sea by unauthorized vessels, the Ghana navy can employ the VMS to combat criminals. The only challenge is that, one needs to be trained before he can operate it. REFERENCE:




Light Fidelity or Li-Fi is a data communication system running wireless communications through the use of visible lights between 400 and 800 THz. It is also regarded as a visible light communication system. Currently, only light emitting diodes (LED) is used in its transmission.

In 2011 the term Li-Fi was introduced by Herald Haas, a mobile communications professor at the University of Edinburgh who aims at being the leader in Visible Light Communication through the setting up of a company called PureLiFi.

Li-Fi is capable of transmitting data at a very high speed over the visible light spectrum, ultraviolet and infrared radiation. The technology is similar to Wi-Fi but one major difference is that, Wi-Fi uses radio frequency to transmit data whiles Li-Fi uses light to transmit data.

Although Li-Fi LEDs needs to be kept running to transmit data, they could be dimmed below human visibility while still emitting enough light to transmit data. In 2013, researchers using

Li-Fi reached data rates of over 224 Gbits/s which was faster than a typical fast broadband.

Using this technology allows users to work across a higher bandwidth and areas susceptible to electromagnetic interference like aircraft cabins and hospitals. Direct line of sight is not necessary for Li-Fi. Light reflected off walls can achieve 70Mbits/s.

One advantage of Li-Fi technology is the security. Li-Fi internet can only be used in a confined space while rendering a restricted access to other users around these confined spaces. Another advantage of this technology is its availability. Light bulbs are present everywhere meaning that high speed data transmission could be available everywhere.

Although the technology seeks to improve the transmission of data, there are some disadvantages. The light waves cannot penetrate through walls making it assume a short-range


position. Also, installation may be costly since it is not common. Internet cannot be used without a light source hence not all locations can use the technology

In all, Li-Fi technology is a technology that is going to improve the way information is sent from one place to another.

Reference: https://www.techopedia.com https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li-Fi




History Truecaller is mobile phone application developed by True Software Scandinavia AB in Stockholm, Sweden by Alan Mamedi and Nami Zarringhalam in 2009. It was initially launched on Blackberry on 1 July 2009 and was made available on other devices and operating systems.

Remember the days when the phone rang and you didn’t know who it was? Maybe it was the company you always dreamt of working for, or the hospital trying to tell you someone close to you got sick, or a fraudster trying to dupe you. According to the developers Truecaller was born out of this uncertainty. They wanted to make it possible for everyone to know who is trying to contact them, and also tell them when not to pick up. The developers wanted to remove all uncertainty and separate the important stuff from the noise.

Features, functionality and disadvantages


The truecaller service is a global telephone directory in both standard use and reverse telephone directory format that has caller ID, social media integration, and call-blocking functionality. It uses crowdsourced data, which enables it to work even in countries such as the UK and India where public data is not available.

The technology allows you to set your own profile and customise it the way you want it.It is an app that one can install on his/her phone and resolve the mystery of apparently unknown callers by a click, the app can be used to block calls beginning with a certain set of numbers,

Truecaller allow you to see who is calling even without data connectivity once the number has been identified before, Truecaller automatically safeguards you from the known spammers, can be used as a default dialler, Identify numbers with Search bar and also the application gives you the opportunity to remove your number from its database.

The three main disadvantages of true caller are: too many prompts show up once you block some spam numbers, the app works slowly in 2G connection and also invades into peoples’ privacy (one is able to detect if another person’s phone is on silent or not with truecaller)

The application is now available for android, iOS, BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows Mobile

(windows 7, 8, and 10). The app is available in all countries.

In conclusion, truecaller has helped us to control our calls through blocking of calls and messages and also to know the identity behind every strange number or caller hence reducing uncertainties.


Retrieved from https://www.truecaller.com/about and https://blog.truecaller.com/2015/05/08/6-things-you-didnt-know-about-truecaller/



Id checker is a mobile application that permits one to turn his or her smartphone into an identification scanner. It was designed to be used at businesses conducting the sale of age controlled products such as alcohol, tobacco, among others and also to help law enforcers like the police in their daily duties. This application is however updated based on the intelligence related to fake identifications. Id checker was developed by custosoftware which was officially released on 29 April, 2013.

Once again, it has premium account which is yearly free and this account allows its users to automatically store ids scanned with the id checker application. Moreover this account provides every user a key that can be shared with people which enable them to scan ids with their phones to save a recipient’s account.

Now, how does it operate and where can it be located? It is available on every iPhone and iPod online marketing stores. It can be downloaded at 1 megabyte; however there are registrations and other terms and conditions that needed to be satisfied before its operation.

Id checker comes with enormous advantages and perhaps disadvantages depending on the environment in which it is used. The advantages are as follows: in businesses, it helps employers or employees to verify the ages of customers so as not to violate any law. As stated earlier, it also helps law enforcement officers to detect fake ids and calculate ages as well.

Finally, it can even be used to detect ids that are virtually undetectable by other similar devices.

The disadvantages that it comes with, could somewhat be ascribed to the application itself as well as the country or environment in which it is operated. That is to say, id checker uses internet connection for its operation so in a situation where the bandwidth is low then it will slow down work. It also requires that every data on passport, national ids, driving license,


among others is digitized. The purchasing of such a smartphone like iPhone is not affordable, thus digitization of all relevant documents will really be a huge cost for many countries.

In conclusion, I think id-checker or scanner is very helpful, especially for a country like Ghana to combat corruption in way of detecting people who use fake documents to loot from the nation’s resources.

Reference: www.iosnoops.com/appinfo/idcheck-id-scanner-for-iphone-and-ipod.


“Alter- Ego” is a wearable system that allows users to communicate in high-bandwidth natural languages with machines, artificial intelligence assistants and other people without actually using one’s voice or any visible external movements. Arnav Kapur, together with other MIT scientists created this device with the aim of enhancing human intelligence and producing a discreet way of communicating with machines and people. The creators say the goal is to interweave computers, the internet, and A.I. into the human experience,

Creating what they call a “second self.” The device is worn on one side of the face and picks up neuromuscular signals that are generated when we subvocalize, in the form of electrical signals and are sent to computers equipped with neural networks to decipher. The computers can also silently send information back to the user through a process known as bone conduction. The technology, as said by some critics is ushering humans into the birth of telepathy.

This device will usher the world into a new age of computing where information processing will be much faster and easier. Speech and hearing impairment will cease to be a boundary in communication with computers and normal people as a whole. However, the problem of the


information security still stands as there is no guarantee how a person’s information will be handled outside his or her control and computer related vices will become easier to commit.

Checking these issues will aid in the development of global economy and lifestyle as a whole.

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology

1. “Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a form of wireless communication that

incorporates the use of electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling in the radio frequency

portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to uniquely identify an object, animal or a

person” (Rouse, 2017). RFID was invented in the 1940s and used more frequently in

the 1970s. Charles Walton is the first patent holder for the RFID device. RFID is often

used as an alternative for barcodes.

2. The main aim for inventing RFID systems is for tracking and management. This

includes pet and livestock tracking, inventory management and asset tracking, cargo

and supply chain logistics, and vehicle tracking. It can also be used in retail for

advertising customer service and loss control, for improved visibility and distribution

in the supply chain, and for access control in security situations (Rouse, 2017).

3. A RFID system has three components: a RFID tag (transponder); a RFID reader

(interrogator); and an antenna. RFID methods utilize radio waves. The RFID

transponder contains an integrated circuit and an antenna, which are used to transmit

data to the RFID reader. The reader then converts the radio waves to a more usable

form of data. Information collected from the tags is then transferred through

communications interface to a host computer system, where the data can be stored in a

database and analyzed at a later time (American barcode and RFID, 2018). The

diagram below represents how a RFID system works.


4. Its main advantage is that, it can identify individual objects, animals or people without

a direct line of sight; it can identify many items (a thousand and more) simultaneously;

it can scan items anywhere from inches to feet away depending on the type of tag and

reader; and the read time for its tags is typically less than 100 milliseconds. However

the system is expensive as compared to barcodes.

5. I think RFID systems are helpful to the society because in the entrepreneurial sector,

such us in the manufacturing context, RFID systems in warehouses track inventories of

goods with the aim of substantially reducing theft and losses while increasing

efficiency, and thus potentially reducing the cost of goods to customers. However,

economically, RFID systems are not helpful because they are relatively expensive.


Americam Barcode and RFID. (2018, May 1). What is RFID. Retrieved March 12, 2018, from

ABR.com: http://www.abr.com/what-is-rfid-how-does-rfid-work/

Rouse, M. (2017, April 3). RFID (radio frequency identification). Retrieved March 12, 2018,

from IOT Agenda: https://internetofthingsagenda.techtaget.com/defition/RFID-radio-





Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) VMS was originally a satellite-based system that provides data on the time-stamped location, course and speed of vessels to fisheries authorities at regular intervals. Prior to the 1980s, the only way to communicate with vessels beyond the horizon was by using satellites. In 1978, the members of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) created the

International Mobile Satellite Organization (later re-named as Inmarsat) to improve safety at sea and provide the maritime community with satellite telecommunication services. It launched the first satellite constellation to provide VMS services, Inmarsat. In the 1990s, the Argos constellation provided a solution to environmental monitoring and later for VMS. In the early 2000s, Eastern

Adriatic riparian countries sought an alternative to satellite-based VMS required by the Common

Fisheries Policy (CFP).The Global Packet Radio System (GPRS) network was identified as an alternative and adopted by other European countries such as Greece and the United Kingdom.

The aim or purpose of this vessel is to be able to track vessels or monitor the movement of vessels on the water bodies. By so doing, this can aid track criminals who may try to fish beyond their boundary. Also, it is a cost effective way of monitoring vessels on the sea.

VMS rely on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) such as GPS for position and information on time. These transceivers transmit data to monitoring systems. Generally it uses a variety of communication technologies including terrestrial & satellite AIS and conventional satellite systems from Inmarsat, Iridium, Argos, ORBCOMM or Qualcomm. GPS satellite monitors the vessels, where the vessel information is sent through the Inmarsat which is also a satellite which then sends it to the to the ground station and then, to the server, where the server also sends a message to the computer or even a cell-phone to verify whether the vessel is a registered vessel or not.


Some of the features of the vessel monitoring system include the GPS satellite, Inmarsat satellite, a Ground station, Server and also a computer or cell-phone. The advantages and disadvantages of the VMS is that, it enables fishing vessels to be communicated to at a far distance.

VMS is implemented nearly worldwide with various ranges of transceivers. Collecting data on vessel movements can improve management and compliance with fisheries policies by allowing governments to collect near real-time observations of fishing vessel positions. VMS map the spatial distribution of fishing vessels and calculate fishing intensity. In addition, VMS can be a cost-effective tool. However, the scale of VMS remains a challenge as the data collection on vessel movements currently only applies to vessels over 15m in length or 300 in weight. In addition, vessel captains may decide to turn off their VMS transponder risking penalties if caught.

In conclusion, with the rampant sailing on the sea by unauthorized vessels, the Ghana navy can employ the VMS to combat criminals. The only challenge is that, one needs to be trained before he can operate it. REFERENCE:



Light Fidelity or Li-Fi is a data communication system running wireless communications

through the use of visible lights between 400 and 800 THz. It is also regarded as a visible light

communication system. Currently, only light emitting diodes (LED) is used in its transmission.

In 2011 the term Li-Fi was introduced by Herald Haas, a mobile communications professor at

the University of Edinburgh who aims at being the leader in Visible Light Communication

through the setting up of a company called PureLiFi.


Li-Fi is capable of transmitting data at a very high speed over the visible light spectrum, ultraviolet and infrared radiation. The technology is similar to Wi-Fi but one major difference is that, Wi-Fi uses radio frequency to transmit data whiles Li-Fi uses light to transmit data.

Although Li-Fi LEDs needs to be kept running to transmit data, they could be dimmed below human visibility while still emitting enough light to transmit data. In 2013, researchers using

Li-Fi reached data rates of over 224 Gbits/s which was faster than a typical fast broadband.

Using this technology allows users to work across a higher bandwidth and areas susceptible to electromagnetic interference like aircraft cabins and hospitals. Direct line of sight is not necessary for Li-Fi. Light reflected off walls can achieve 70Mbits/s.

One advantage of Li-Fi technology is the security. Li-Fi internet can only be used in a confined space while rendering a restricted access to other users around this confined spaces. Another advantage of this technology is its availability. Light bulbs are present everywhere meaning that high speed data transmission could be available everywhere.

Although the technology seeks to improve the transmission of data, there are some disadvantages. The light waves cannot penetrate through walls making it assume a short-range position. Also, installation may be costly since it is not common. Internet cannot be used without a light source hence not all locations can use the technology

In all, Li-Fi technology is a technology that is going to improve the way information is sent from one place to another.

Reference: https://www.techopedia.com https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li-Fi



5th generation wireless systems, abbreviated 5G, are improved wireless network technologies that will be deployed in 2018 and later. 5G when deployed will offer performance as 20 gigabits per second and will also be ten times faster than the current 4G network. As of

2017 the development of 5G is being led by several companies, including Samsung, Intel,

Qualcomm, , Huawei, Ericsson, ZTE and others. 5G is planned to be commercially available in 2020, however during the 2018 winter Olympics South Korea demonstrated 5G to its visitors. Many companies like Samsung and Intel showed of their technology including self- driving cars, virtual reality viewing stations and super-fast video streaming.

5G promises almost unimaginable capabilities that have never been available before such as

Immersive virtual reality, real-time television viewing, see-in-the-dark cameras, hard drives that provide nearly infinite content for instant downloads from any location, and virtual meet- ups with friends and family where they appear in the space in front of your phone. The networks should provide a significant upgrade to current download and upload speeds - with the GSMA proposing minimum download speeds of around 1GBps. Most estimates expect the average speed of 5G networks to reach 10Gb/s, and some even think transfer rates could reach a whopping 800Gb/s. This would mean that users could download a full-length HD quality film in a matter of seconds, and also downloading and installing software upgrades would be completed much faster than today.


1. Education will become much easier as students can attend join class from any part of

the world.

2. 5G will make it possible to visualize the universe, galaxies and other planets


3. Medical treatment will become easier as a doctor can treat patients in remote areas of

the world

4. Natural disasters like tsunami’s, earthquakes can be detected faster

5. Monitoring will be easier as government can monitor any part of the world.

6. 5G will also make it possible to locate and search missing persons anywhere.

7. 5G is essential to support the internet of things as new devices such as lights,

refrigerators and others require cellular networks, so 5G will ensure that they get the

speed needed

8. 5G will be critical in driving self-driving cars


1. Many of the old devices would not be compatible with 5G, hence, all of them need to

be replaced with new ones.

2. Developing infrastructure needs high cost.

I will conclude by saying that the emergence of 5G network is already here and existing smartphones, tablet or other devices that were released when 4G networks were the standard may not be able to connect to 5G to begin with, this will make it impossible for majority of people especially in Africa, Ghana to be precise to get the benefits of the technology but by

2020 when 5G becomes the standard in the production of new phones this particular problem will be dealt with.

REFERENCES www.eweek.com www.techradar.com www.wikipedia.comVMS (COMMUNICATION) STUDENT I.D: 10525059


Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) VMS was originally a satellite-based system that provided data on the time-stamped location, course and speed of vessels to fisheries authorities at regular intervals. Prior to the 1980s, the only way to communicate with vessels beyond the horizon was by using satellites. In 1978, the members of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) created the International Mobile Satellite Organization (later re-named as Inmarsat) to improve safety at sea and provide the maritime community with satellite telecommunication services. It launched the first satellite constellation to provide VMS services, Inmarsat. In the 1990s, the

Argos constellation provided a solution to environmental monitoring and later for VMS. In the early 2000s, Eastern Adriatic riparian countries sought an alternative to satellite-based VMS required by the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).The Global Packet Radio System (GPRS) network was identified as an alternative and adopted by other European countries such as

Greece and the United Kingdom.

The aim or purpose of this vessel is to be able to track vessels or monitor the movement of vessels on the water bodies. By so doing, this can aid track criminals who may try to fish beyond their boundary. Also, it is a cost effective way of monitoring vessels on the sea.

VMS units principally rely on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) such as GPS for position and time information. LORAN may be a backup or complementary technology. These transceivers transmit data to monitoring systems generally using a variety of communication technologies including terrestrial & satellite AIS and conventional satellite systems from

Inmarsat, Iridium, Argos, ORBCOMM or Qualcomm. GPS satellite monitors the vessels, where the vessel information is sent through the Inmarsat which is also a satellite which then sends it to the to the ground station and then, to the server, where the server also sends a message to the computer or even a cell-phone to verify whether the vessel is a registered vessel or not.


Some of the features of the vessel monitoring system include the GPS satellite, Inmarsat satellite, a Ground station, Server and also a computer or cell-phone. The advantages and disadvantages of the VMS is that, it enables fishing vessels to be communicated to at a far distance. VMS is implemented nearly worldwide with various ranges of transceivers.

Collecting data on vessel movements can improve management and compliance with fisheries policies by allowing governments to collect near real-time observations of fishing vessel positions. VMS map the spatial distribution of fishing vessels and calculate fishing intensity.

In addition, VMS can be a cost-effective tool. However, the scale of VMS remains a challenge as the data collection on vessel movements currently only applies to vessels over 15m in length or 300 in weight. In addition, vessel captains may decide to turn off their VMS transponder risking penalties if caught.

In conclusion, with the rampant sailing on the sea by unauthorized vessels, the Ghana navy can employ the VMS to combat criminals. The only challenge is that, one needs to be trained before he can operate it. REFERENCE: http://www.oecd.org



The Samsung Galaxy S9 plus is an android smartphone produced by Samsung Electronics as part of the Samsung Galaxy S series. The device was revealed at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on 25 February 2018.


To continue making our technology accessible to everyone, Samsung has developed and applied range of technical solutions for vision, hearing, dexterity and interaction, people with disabilities can easily use it and take advantage of new and exciting features like lens and sound balance.

Features and Functions (How it operates)

This device has a dual camera system 12 and 8MP of high resolution. It uses dual SIM which are dust and water proof (resistant) lasting up to 1.5m for 30 minutes. The cam has a selective focus which allows you blur background effect. Furthermore, Super Slow-Mo only supports

HD resolution like the Samsung s9+.Limited to 20 shots per video with approximately

0.2seconds of recording and 6seconds of playback for each shot. It also creates an Augmented

Reality version of yourself simply by taking a selfie then share your real life feelings as emoji stickers and videos. There is Multi-device experience whereby you can share your content by syncing devices. Surround sound stereo speakers inbuilt surrounds you in a Dolby Atmos

Sound on stereo speakers which delivers powerful and vibrant sound giving a theater-like audio experience. This device again comes with a Bluetooth dual audio function. This feature enables you to connect 2 Bluetooth devices to the galaxy s9+ to play audio via the 2 devices simultaneously. The recording is so unique in that minimizes distortion in noisy environments.

Strengths / Weaknesses

It can easily aid in tracking and detecting fraudulent activities which might go unnoticed in the real time world. It delivers stunning image quality and has a unique experience. It enables you


to see things you could have missed in a blink of an eye. It had a touchscreen issue which was a weakness, fail to register input in any particular area of screen even after factory reset which was termed dead zones by users.

Conclusion: This technology can link to Goal 9 on SDGs highlighting industry’s innovation and infrastructure as to mobile cellular signal coverage improved a greatly in Ghana which has assisted some skilled citizens with job opportunities and minimizing of theft case on crime scene.


Wireless mobile telecommunication technology has undergone several developments, since it was first introduced alongside cell phones in the 1980s.The first generation (1G) supported voice only with maximum speed of 2.4kbps. In 1991, the 1G saw an upgrade into 2G which took cell phones from analogue to digital. The 2G supported SMS & MMS with speed ranging between 50kbps and 1Mbps. The 2G was clearly an improvement on the 1G. The third generation (3G) was introduced in 1998. With maximum speed of around 2Mbps, 3G enables faster data-transmission speed while supporting video calling and mobile internet. 3.5G and

3.75G were released to usher the new age into 4G. 2008 presented the 4th generation of wireless network which like 3G supports mobile web access like 3G but also gaming services, HD mobile TV, video conferencing, 3D TV etc. The maximum speed for 4G ranging between

100Mbps and 1Gbps. The next generation of wireless mobile connectivity is the 5G networks

– expected to be global by 2020.


Currently mobile giants like AT&T, Huawei, T-Mobile, Verizon, Samsung, Intel etc. are heavily investing in 5G network connectivity. Samsung and Intel, for instance, introduced

5G technology at the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics to stream live VR coverage of sporting events. Australia, U.S.A, China and UK are all making major moves to ensure that the

5G network is developed. The government of UK, for example, has revealed a 25million price fund for UK 5G development. The European Union (EU) Parliament and the US congress are also taking steps to accelerate 5G Legislation. The advantages for having a 5G network are enormous. From faster download and uploads speeds to smoother streaming of online content.

The average speed of 5G is expected to be around 10Gbps. Also, higher quality voice and video calls, more reliable mobile connection etc. Andrus Ansip, EU Commissioner for Digital Single

Market, had said that without first class connectivity, many applications from connected vehicles to smart cities and telemedicine will not happen.

Having a 5G network can help address some of the

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For example, concerning quality education – Goal 4, there are developments in the establishment of virtual libraries and e-learning. This can be enhanced with a fast speed connectivity. Also, goal 9 – industry, infrastructure and innovation. Mobile cellular signal coverage has improved a great deal but with 5G, it can be better and the coverage expanded wider. Then again, good health and well-being for people –

Goal 3, can be facilitated with telemedicine taking a center stage. This will require a high speed network.

The disadvantage is that access to 5G service will require a 5G supported device and a monthly subscription which will come at an extra cost. And therefore, not everyone can afford it.


However, with the current developments in fast-paced telecommunication and technological innovation, 5G connection will be instrumental in these emerging technologies.

And developing countries cannot afford to stay out of its involvement.


Campanaro, A. (2018, March 12). What is 5G? The next wireless revolution explained.

Retrieved from NBC Universal: https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/tech/what-5g-next-


Fendelmen, A. (2017, December 18). An Introduction to 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G & 5G Wireless.

Retrieved from Lifewire: https://www.lifewire.com/1g-vs-2g-vs-2-5g-vs-3g-vs-4g-


Moore, M. (2018, April 16). What is 5G? Everything you need to know. Retrieved from

techradar.com: https://www.techradar.com/news/what-is-5g-everything-you-need-to-




Improving significantly in the last several years are technologies that can mimic human ability to recognize and read faces, they are now maturing for use in medical and security application.

A facial recognition system is a technology capable of verifying a person from digital image or video source. It is typically used for authentication control as compared to other biometrics such as fingerprint, etc.

Researchers have developed systems to tackle some of the challenges facing the face recognition systems. These systems include one that can distinguish between identical twins.

Morden Application






What is it?

Accelerator 3D is a graphic board that can be installed into a computer to quickly speed up the time it takes for a machine to load and create image on the monitor of a computer.


Accelerators main objective is to create three-dimensional images on a computer screen.

Method Of Operation

The mode of operation is a bit more complicated to explain how it works. It all begins when a computer user sends a command to their computer system to draw an image. The computer processor will recognize that this message needs to be sent to the 3D accelerator. This message would then be sent at a top speed of megahertz. Another way of determining how it works is by analyzing how much memory it is allowed to use. The accelerator will work best when more memory is allocated to it. The sharpness and resolution of an image always depends on the amount of memory used by the accelerator.


1. Machine loads at a top speed.

2. A three- dimensional image is created on a

person’s computer screen.



In my opinion I think if one wants to see images in a realistic three-dimensional view then he must incorporate accelerator 3D. Almost all game manufacturers take advantage of these cards by incorporating better graphics to make a more realistic interface of games.

Ambient intelligence (AmI)

In the past years we have witnessed an impressive twirl of mobile computing. In this technological era, a third of the world’s population are keen on getting the newest technological device that have powerful processors, sensors, high speed communications, cameras and intelligent applications, of which is part. Ambient intelligence (AmI) is an emerging technology that brings intelligence to our everyday environments and makes these environments sensitive to us. This technology builds upon advances in sensors and sensor networks, pervasive computing and artificial intelligence. These are hidden network intelligent interfaces that recognize human presence and structure our environment to our immediate needs.

In 1998 Philips and Palo Alto Ventures came about with this technological term in order to illustrate a vision of the future where technologies seamlessly interact and adapt to human needs while being none obtrusive. There were a series of presentations and internal workshops being coordinated by Eli Zelkha and Brian Epstein both of Palo Alto Ventures and alongside

Simon Birrell who devised the term Ambient Intelligence.

The principle operation of this technology can be applied in basically all societal areas such as healthcare, offices, homes, education, transportation, entertainment and others. Thus this technology is not limited to a particular aspect of the society but it is meant for the entire


society. Ambient intelligence in offices will be able to recognize employees by intelligent surveillance cameras when they appear at the entrance as well as other societal areas.

Ambient intelligence primarily aims at enhancing the medium through which humans interact with the environment as well as to promote safety and enrich their lives. Merits of ambient intelligence include:

 High level security measures for humans.

 Interconnectivity of computing devices.

 Context awareness based on human preferences.

 Ambient sytems tend to be adaptive with available resources and information.

 Universal helpfulness to every societal area.

However, just like everything else, ambient intelligence has its demerits of which the following are inclusive:

 Privacy protection is not guaranteed

 Autonomy and trust can be reduced if appropriate tasks are not fulfilled according to

user’s preferences.

 Reliability is not certain.

Nonetheless, ambient intelligence though seemingly sounds expensive, it is however helpful to countries since it helps in the security of humans. Ambient intelligence if applied in countries would tackle goal eleven of the sustainable development goals which looks to ensure safe, resilient ad sustainable communities and also would be helpful to other societies which cover the other goals of the SDGs since it looks to safeguard them as well. It however may object to its helpfulness if privacy protection, trust and reliability is not enforced properly.

Thus causing panic to humans and causing them not to adopt this technology.



1. Ambient Intelligence: from Synthetic Telepathy.



2. Ambient Intelligence: from Wikepedia.


3. Ambient Intelligence – The Ultimate IoT Use Cases.





Humanity is producing data at an unimaginable rate, to the point that storage technologies can’t keep up. Every five years, the amount of data we’re producing increases 10-fold, including photos and videos. Not all of it needs to be stored, but manufacturers of data storage aren’t making hard drives and flash chips fast enough to hold what we do want to keep. Since we’re not going to stop taking pictures and recording movies, we need to develop new ways to save them.

Over millennia, nature has evolved an incredible information storage medium – DNA. It evolved to store genetic information, blueprints for building proteins, but DNA can be used for many more purposes than just that. DNA is also much denser than modern storage media: The data on hundreds of thousands of DVDs could fit inside a matchbox-size package of DNA.


DNA is also much more durable – lasting thousands of years – than today’s hard drives, which may last years or decades. And while hard drive formats and connection standards become obsolete, DNA never will, at least so long as there’s life.

The idea of storing digital data in DNA is several decades old, but recent work from Harvard and the European Bioinformatics Institute showed that progress in modern DNA manipulation methods could make it both possible and practical today. Many research groups, including at the ETH Zurich, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Columbia University are working on this problem. Our own group at the University of Washington and Microsoft holds the world record for the amount of data successfully stored in and retrieved from DNA – 200 megabytes

Traditional media like hard drives, thumb drives or DVDs store digital data by changing either the magnetic, electrical or optical properties of a material to store 0s and 1s. To store data in

DNA, the concept is the same, but the process is different. DNA molecules are long sequences of smaller molecules, called nucleotides – adenine, cytosine, thymine and guanine, usually designated as A, C, T and G. Rather than creating sequences of 0s and 1s, as in electronic media, DNA storage uses sequences of the nucleotides. There are several ways to do this, but the general idea is to assign digital data patterns to DNA nucleotides. For instance, 00 could be equivalent to A, 01 to C, 10 to T and 11 to G. To store a picture, for example, we start with its encoding as a digital file, like a JPEG. That file is, in essence, a long string of 0s and 1s. Let’s say the first eight bits of the file are 01111000; we break them into pairs – 01 11 10 00 – which correspond to C-G-T-A. That’s the order in which we join the nucleotides to form a DNA strand. Digital computer files can be quite large – even terabytes in size for large databases.

But individual DNA strands have to be much shorter – holding only about 20 bytes each. That’s because the longer a DNA strand is, the harder it is to build chemically.



(2017, July 27). Storing data in DNA brings nature into the digital universe. Retrieved April

13, 2018, from http://theconversation.com/storing-data-in-dna-brings-nature-into-the-digital- universe-78226






Imagine owning an apartment where immediately someone steps foot infront of the door, the door asks for a pass in a voice like Cortana or Siri. When the person does not have the pass, you get a message on your mobile device with the person’s face appearing and you allowing the person to enter the apartment by using your mobile device.

If you have imangined the above, then you have imagined an intelligent environment (IE) or an ambiance intelligence. It is the use of computers, making them invisible to enchance user experience in the physical space in which the user finds himself or herself with telecommunication systems, sensor systems, voice systems, movement systems and other makeups of artificial intelligence in rooms and other physical spaces to help users interact.

Intelligent environment can be used in many physical spaces such as cities, metropolis, kitchens, bedrooms, offices and many physical spaces one can think of. It was originally developed by Eli Zekha and his team in 1990.


The image on the left is an example of an intelligent environment. (A smart home). The home has a light control, bed usage, heating, daily activities, room occupancy and security. All these things apart from the security would be controlled by a controller on a mobile device even at kilometers away. The security door would be controlled by sensors and recognition and light would combine sensing the times to operate together with the controller. (Image; https://www.slideshare.net/AhmadLotfi/adaptive- ambient-intelligence-and-smart-environments ). “Click IE combines different disciplines in its hyperlink to view full picture”. implementation and creation. The disciplines range from information and computer science, material engineering and science, sociology, architecture, design and artificial intelligence.

The advantages are numerous as it is helps make life easier, improves accuracy and speed, great user interaction and entertainment and also helps provide numerous employment because of the combination of disciplines among others. Among its numerous advantages are limitations like it being expensive, that is tuned to its creation, implementation, use and maintenance, it also requires a lot of expertise from various disciplines and it is electricity dependent therefore power surges can be a problem in that when there is power outage, one can have difficulty in access.

IE is very helpful to society in many spheres like education by making teaching and learning easier, communication , lifestyle changes , also in entertainment and many more because it helps people interact with their environment easily in all these spheres. I would recommend anybody ready to get a home or office to include this technology. And also cities would be very interactive with IE.




Imagine owning an apartment, where immediately someone steps foot infront of the door, the door asks for a pass in a voice like Cortana or Siri. When the person does not have the pass, you get a message on your mobile device with the person’s face appearing and you allowing the person to enter the apartment by using your mobile device.

If you have imangined the above, then you have imagined an intelligent environment (IE) or an ambiance intelligence. It is the use of computers, making them invisible to enchance user experience in the physical space in which the user finds himself or herself with telecommunication systems, sensor systems, voice systems, movement systems and other makeups of artificial intelligence in rooms and other physical spaces to help users interact.

Intelligent environment can be used in many physical spaces such as cities, metropolis, kitchens, bedrooms, offices and many physical spaces one can think of. It was originally developed by Eli Zekha and his team in 1990.


IE combines different disciplines in its implementation and creation. The disciplines range from information and computer science, material engineering and science, sociology, architecture, design and artificial intelligence.

The advantages are numerous as it is helps make life easier, improves accuracy and speed, great user interaction and entertainment and also helps provide numerous employment because of the combination of disciplines among others. Among its numerous advantages are limitations like it being expensive, that is tuned to its creation, implementation, use and maintenance, it also requires a lot of expertise from various disciplines and it is electricity dependent therefore power surges can be a problem in that, when there is power outage, one can have difficulty in access.

IE is very helpful to society in many spheres like education by making teaching and learning easier, communication , lifestyle changes , also in entertainment and many more because it helps people interact with their environment easily in all these spheres. I would recommend anybody ready to get a home or office to include this technology. And also cities would be very interactive with IE.




First introduced by Amazon in November 2014, a smart speaker is a type of wireless speaker and voice command device with an integrated virtual assistant (artificial intelligence) that offers interactive actions and handsfree activation with the help of one "hot word" or several

"hot words".


As humans, we all just want to be listened and understood. For this reason, Jeff Bezos and his corporation decided to develop a device that can listen, understand and reply humans when we speak and also do simple task upon command. They therefore developed the Amazon

Alexa which comes in various modules and sizes example Echo. The device has built-in omnidirectional speakers that play music and other audio. Echo connects to the Internet via your home Wi-Fi network. It's always on and listening for the magic word to wake it up.

Once it hears that, the device gathers the voice commands that follow and sends them to a natural voice recognition service in the cloud called Alexa Voice Service which interprets them and sends back the appropriate response. The device has an array of microphones that can pick up your voice from across the room, even over music and other environmental noise.

Amazon echo has a lot of advantages; it can play a song you like to hear: Alexa can act as your personal DJ, playing whatever music that suits the occasion or your mood. It helps track your packages: just say, "Alexa, where's my stuff?" and Alexa will check on where your packages are in the delivery process. It helps keep in touch with friends and family: you can use Alexa to call or send messages to other people who have Echo–supported devices or the

Alexa app on their compatible mobile phones.

There is no perfect technology, amazon Alexa also has some demerits; Lack of privacy: everything you ask Alexa to do is being sent back to Amazon. Language Barrier: the only language Alexa responds to is English and this is a major problem. Security issues: yes, the

Echo is prone to hacking.

To conclude, in spite of its disadvantages, Alexa as the first ever smart speaker has proved beyond doubt to be a very essential technology in today’s twenty first (21st) century.

Images of amazon alexa (Echo dot)



“ Amazon Alexa for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the iTunes App Store”.

Itunes.apple.com. Retrieved 6th June, 2016.

Smart speaker, techtarget.com. May, 2017.


The dishwasher is basically a cleaning robot. It is a mechanical device developed for the purposes of cleaning dishware and cutlery. It serves as an alternate to the ancient practice of hand-washing utensils.

The first invention was made by Joel Hougton in 1850, a hand powered wood device. Overtime, this invention was improved and modified into our modern day automatic dish washers.

The automatic dish washer was built with the purpose of reducing the stress of hand-washing and creates convenience. It was meant to save time and energy expended on hand-washing.

The principles of operation of the dishwasher requires the individual to first load the dishes into the machine, add detergent, set washing cycle and turn it on. Afterwards the dishwasher adds water, heats the water to the appropriate temperature, automatically opens the detergent dispenser at the right time, shoots the water through jets to get the dishes clean, drains the dirty water, sprays more water on the dishes to rinse them, drains itself again and heats the air to dry the dishes off if the user has selected that setting.


The features of the dish washer include; adjustable racks and loading aids, soil sensor, wash zones, filters, operational buttons and hidden touchpad controls.

In my opinion, the dish washer is essential in reducing time spent in washing dishes especially for very busy people and working mothers. It also helps in making economical use of electricity and water especially in Ghana. However, because of its costly nature and the need for

ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES  Makes cleaning easier  it may be costly in terms of  Saves time and energy operating the machine  Reduces water wastage  Likelihood of damages to dishes. electricity, not all individuals, especially those

in the rural areas, get to enjoy the benefits.

GE Wi-Fi CONNECT APPLIANCES (Lifestyle Technology)

GE Appliance was one of the primary business divisions of the General Electric Company until

2016 when it was sold to Haier Company at 5.4billion dollars. The headquarters is located at

Louisville, Kentucky. GE Appliances produces a variety of Wi-Fi connect appliances ranging from kitchen to laundry and other home appliances. They include Wi-Fi connect refrigerators, wall ovens, dishwashers, air conditioner, generators, cooktops, water heater and many more.


In the 21st century where most parents are corporate people they are occupied with heavy workload and little time and energy is left for house work and spending ample time with kids. This is where GE appliances step in to save the day. The main purpose of these Wi-Fi connect appliances is to enable people control and monitor their homes from anywhere either on their smart phones or by talking to their appliances.

How do they work? After purchasing the GE Wi-Fi Connect Appliance, the owner must download and install the GE Appliance application unto his smartphone from either Google play store or apple store. There are three applications; kitchen, laundry and comfort apps. The appliance comes with a built in Wi-Fi Connect and application when launched walks the user through the connection process. The smartphone then becomes the remote control for the appliance. The appliance can also be controlled using the voice control assistance known as

Geneva and it available on both ‘Amazon Alexa’ and ‘Google Assistant’.


GE Wi-Fi Connect Appliances are beneficial in that they make life flexible, healthy, comfortable and grant users peace of mind. There are software updates that keep appliances running at optimum performance. They are convenient since all products are programmed to ones needs, environmentally friendly and can be controlled for optimal energy efficiency. In spite of all these advantages, GE Wi-Fi Connect Appliances are expensive, can be hacked into and are not always reliable since they require internet connection. Should they malfunction, for example washers, they can make life difficult.

From my point of view, these appliances are very helpful as they can help achieve SDG

9 by fostering innovation and Goal 5 (Gender Equality). Women in developing countries can rise up on the corporate ladder to be CEOs, Managers, etc. and still manage to carry out their social responsibilities of running their homes efficiently and effectively without house helps, something our society does not encourage.



The emergence of computer systems brought along the need for a way to allow users to interact with them. This interaction started with command line interfaces, a type of interfaces that allowed for the user to type in commands in order to instruct the machine on what to do. Soon, another kind of interfaces emerged: the graphical user interfaces that allowed the user to interact with the computer in a much more visual way. These interfaces led to the popularization of computers and were the main interface paradigm for many years. Today we are experiencing a new transition of interface paradigms from graphical to natural user interfaces.

The term Natural User Interface was introduced for the first time by Steve Mann in 2001. It was defined as "the use of wearable computing or of physical matter (solid, liquids and gases) as direct user interfaces for metaphor-free computing". Mann considered human beings as cyborgs in the sense that the way we experience nature is not direct, but rather through objects such as shoes, clothing, smartphones, etc. He expected natural user interfaces to challenge this wall that comes between users and nature.

In 2011, a group of experts incited a discussion to stimulate the exchange of knowledge about the subject. In their paper, they describe natural user interfaces as “those that allow their users to interact with computer systems in the same way they interact with objects in the real world.

They advocate that these interfaces are based on combinations of inputs and outputs that are perceived as natural by the users. This includes interfaces such as gesture, body language,


proximity, position, audio and visual inputs, eye direction, expression, smell, object location and touch.”


Their main aim is to focus on human abilities such as expression, perception and recall.


NUI uses voice, hands and body movement to interact with computing devices.


1. Direct manipulation: Possibility of the user to perform actions without invasive devices.

The user can manipulate virtual objects using his own body.

2. Natural feedback: The system must respond to the user in a way that makes sense and

seems natural to him.

3. Immediate feedback: The system should respond immediately to every user’s action.

4. Natural commands interpretation capability: Is the capability of the recognizing system

to interpret commands based on human body.


 The user does not need to be trained in how to use the interface.

 More flexibility than a dialogue interface.

 Suitable for physically handicapped people.



 They are not reliable - the interface can only respond to commands that have been


 Not widely available as other forms of interface are often superior.

 Highly complex to program.

To conclude, NUI is very helpful because it fits the skills and context of the user.

NUIs can be considered an attractive paradigm of tools for education and training because of the potential to provide a sense of immersion in the learning environment to the student; since this paradigm is based on few elements on the interface and low gap for understanding and mastering the gestures and commands available, students can indeed focus on the content target of the class and improve the outcome learning. Even due to the fact NUIs largely doesn’t support multiple open windows and files helps keep students focused on their work and not tempted to multitask with applications such as social networks.


The fancy microwave that is so cherished and used even till date was invented as an accidental by-product of the war-time (World War 2) radar research using magnetrons. Dr.

Percy LeBaron Spencer, an engineer, in 1946, worked for the Raytheon Corporation and was working on magnetrons. To his surprise one day at work, he had a candy bar in his pocket and found that it had melted. After going through the hardship of finding how the candy bar melted, he realized that the microwaves he was working with had caused it to melt. After conducting experiments such as placing some popcorn kernels near the tube and standing a little farther away, he watched as the popcorn sputtered, cracked and popped all over his lab. He then realized that microwaves would cook foods quickly - even faster than conventional ovens that cook with heat. The first commercial microwave oven in 1954 was called the 1161 Radarange


and the first domestic microwave oven was produced in 1967 by Amana. Over the years, microwave is said to be the boss of the kitchen as it saves a lot of time and cost. It has made one’s cooking life become so easy and simple.


The electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range aids in making it easier to cook and heat, as it is an electric oven too. As at now the Amana Radarange is said to be 35 years old.


Sweepovac is an invention in the form of an in wall vacuum made mainly for collecting debris after sweeping the kitchen. It is basically an alternative to dustpans that usually still leave lines or strokes of debris even after collecting. Three years in development and four years in the market, Sweepovac is now sold in over 20 countries worldwide.

Sweepovac was invented by Henry Fingleton, a computer engineer whose hate for using dustpans led to this extraordinary breakthrough.

The reasoning behind the creation of the Sweepovac is to reduce the stress that comes along with sweeping and collecting of debris in the kitchen. The unreliability of dustpans since they break easily or could get missing and the line of dirt it usually left led to its invention.


The workings of the Sweepovac is such that, it is created to be fitted conveniently into the toe kick space underneath the kitchen cabinets. All it requires is for you to sweep your dirt to the front of the machine, press the button and the suction pulls the trash inside a fitted vacuum cleaner bag. After 10 seconds the motor turns off.

The features of Sweepovac include; an already fitted trash bag, a pushbutton and a suction tube

In my opinion, the Sweepovac is a very helpful tool for ensuring hygiene in our home kitchens and saving time. However, its usage does not extend to industrial kitchens or even restaurant kitchens because of its small nature. It would require several of them to be installed which may

ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES  Reduces household work  Consistent removal of trash bags  Reduces bending thus preventing could weaken tray. back aches.  May not be affordable to all  No loss of space and immediate removal of dirt  Greater hygiene

be costly.

OrCam MyEye

In the past few years, wearable technology has come a long way. Despite its struggle in the open marketplace, experts are finding usage for it in the field of special education technology.

These eyewear pieces are finding ways and means to assist people who might otherwise


struggle with bulkier or diagnosed with autism, blindness or more distracting items. One piece of technology developed to aid in the field of education when it comes to the visually impaired is the OrCam MyEye Spectacle.


OrCam MyEye Spectacle was recently developed by OrCam, an Israeli tech company. It was jointly founded in 2010 by Professor Amnon Shasshua and Mr. Ziv Aviram, with the mission being to harness the power of artificial vision by incorporating pioneering technology into wearable platform which will improve the lives of individuals who are blind, visually impaired, and having reading difficulties. OrCam MyEye is all about using technology to help empower blind and partially sighted people live their lives with a high degree of independence.


The piece which was recently developed is an intuitive portable device with smart camera mounted on the frames of a person’s eyeglasses that recognize text and products and speaks to the user wearing them. The device uses the power of Artificial Vision to assist people, thus, the user simply points their finger and the device will respond. Essentially, they are glasses for the blind to “see” the world around them. The OrCam device has two parts; the lightweight camera that clips onto the wearer’s glasses and is connected by a thin cable to the second part of the device which is a tiny wearable computer designed to fit in a pocket. The computer uses feedback to relay visual information (through speech) to the user via a mini earpiece.



The main functions of these glasses are to read texts, recognize faces and identify products.

With OrCam MyEye, life becomes easier for visually impaired people to be able to read any printed or digital text: newspapers, books, computers and smartphone screens. Thus, it makes daily activities easier for those living with vision loss.

In my opinion, this incredible life-changing device can help people who are blind or visually impaired in the society to regain their independence. Again, in the educational sector, the visually impaired will not only have to depend on the braille system to study but this will also assist them climb the academic ladder.


The quest for authentic Chinese products have been so high in many African households. The attempt to satisfy those needs and enable Africans to purchase quality products directly from

Chinese manufacturers whiles cutting cost has led to the creation of a new smartphone App called “Kikuu”.

Kikuu is basically a mobile phone application that enables African consumers to shop for

Chinese products online at affordable prices. The CEO of Kikuu, Mr. Jerry Xu Zheng, invented the Kikuu app in 2016 and it is now available in 6 African countries namely; Cameroon, DR.

Congo, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda. As the second largest populated continent in the world, Mr. Zheng was motivated to create the app to capitalize on the great opportunities in the African markets. Again, as one of the fastest growing markets for smartphones, he thought it wise to make the App phone-accessible in order to make shopping easy and convenient with Kikuu. The purpose for the app was to link African buyers to Chinese sellers and to allow buyers to order for products online, to be delivered to them at their doorsteps.


To use the App, start by downloading Kikuu from Google PlayStore or AppStore, sign in with your personal details such as your name, country of residence, email, password, telephone number etc. After this has been completed, you can now browse through their various categories ranging from fashion to electronics and so much more, to select the products you want. To purchase an item, click on “BUY”. Your order will be automatically saved in the

Cart and in the Wishlists. If you want to purchase it immediately, click on the product/ products in the cart, then checkout. The shipping fee and the actual price of the product including the manufacturer’s name will be displayed. You must then provide your location address and other personal details and finally choose the method of payment ( mobile money, Kpay or credit card). The processing and shipping takes 7days and so does sorting and delivery, hence it takes a total of 2 weeks for your product to be delivered at your doorstep, provided the address and number you entered are correct and active.

Based on personal experience, Kikuu – Online Shopping is advantageous in the following ways: the products are of high quality, all products are brand new, nicely package and delivered to your doorstep with no delivery charge. Also, you can shop from the comfort of your home without having to travel far to get what you need. However, it has a few disadvantages, some of which are: sometimes, the product description given does not match the received product.

Example, the sizes of clothes, shoes etc. are often smaller or bigger than perceived. Other times, delivery takes more than the required time. Also, the return and refund of product in some cases are not allowed depending on the seller’s agreement. Often times, the shipping fee is more expensive than the product itself.

Evidently, Kikuu as an emerging technology is both helpful and unhelpful to the society for the following reasons: it reduces the time and cost to travel outside the continent to get foreign


products especially because they offer products that are 20-50% cheaper than that of other online shopping apps and physical shops.

Conversely, it is unhelpful to local business as almost every product is available to be purchased on the Kikuu app, which is taking over the markets of the local businesses who have to pay tax at the end of the day to help generate income for the government.


It seemed that the Babel Fish envisaged in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy nearly 40 years ago was finally here. However, one immediate thought that comes in mind is “Poor Danny”.

Danny Manu's product was called Clik, and he built it as "the world's first truly wireless earbuds with live voice supporting 37 languages.

In the cult sci-fi classic, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, you slide a yellow Babel fish into your ear to get translations in an instant. “Poor Danny” because, in the real world, Google has come up with an interim solution: a $159 pair of earbuds, called Pixel Buds which works together with its Pixel smartphones and Google Translate app to produce practically real-time translation.

One person wears the earbuds, while the other holds a phone. The earbud wearer speaks in his or her language (English is the default), and the app translates the speech and plays it aloud on the phone. The person holding the phone responds; this response is translated and played through the earbuds in real-time.

Google Translate already has a conversation feature, and its iOS and Android apps let two users speak as it automatically figures out what languages they are using and then translates them.

Nonetheless, background noise can make it hard for the app to understand what people are saying, figure out when one person has stopped speaking and thus recognize that it is time to start translating.


Pixel Buds get around these problems because the wearer taps and holds a finger on the right earbud while talking. Also, splitting the interaction between the phone and the earbuds gives each person control of a microphone and helps the speakers maintain eye contact, since they’re not trying to pass a phone back and forth.

That being said, both technologies are monumental in how they will eventually mold our future. Now, is this for the better? Will this lead to people not learning other languages? I do not know. However, I do know that, learning languages is a phenomenal way to keep your brain healthy.

On the positive side, this technology can single handedly defy or break language barriers and unite countries across seas. I think that this technology will encourage individuals to travel and enjoy different cultures without feeling too lost or ignorant.

This app will probably be used mostly by tourists, who are not familiar with the native language of the country they are traveling to.

ID: 10523241


A trash can with a sensor is called an automatic trash can, touch-less trash can or motion sensor trash can. They all mean the same.

Before the cans and bins, we know, and love became household items, trash was thrown into the streets, buried in holes, and even dumped into bodies of water. For over many years, there was no solution to the garbage disposal problem until the late 1800s when a waste cleanup system came into place. Trash cans can therefore be referred to as a piece of technology that has undergone radical changes over hundreds of years and now we even have in existence, touch-less trash cans. The technology that we use today which was conceived by Frank Yang, is mainly to improve the sanitation and cleanliness of customer sites.


These modern bins are equipped with an infrared sensor which allows you to dispose of trash without having to touch the can. By simply waving your hand or the piece of trash in front of the trash can’s sensor, the lid will open automatically. The lid closes automatically three seconds after your hand or trash moves away from the sensor. The built-in Artificial Intelligent

(AI) Smart-Chip has the ability to know when you need to open the trash can. There is also a reflex touch-free sensor which reduces unintentional lid opening and prevents the lid from closing on your hand.

These automatic trashcans come in different forms; some features include manual open and close buttons and an extra-wide lid opening to accommodate large and bulky items. There is also a replaceable activated carbon odor filter which helps eliminate garbage odors naturally for three months so the kitchen smells fresh and clean. The advanced seal technology and garbage bag retainer ring ensures effortless bag removal and prevents the bag from falling inside. Air vents in the base allow airflow to assist with full bag removal.

Different shapes and sizes

This new technology comes with many advantages; some of which are the fact that it prevents spreading germs and bacteria because users don’t need to touch the bin at all unless there is the need to replace a full trash bag of course.


Another advantage is that these bins are difficult to open for cats, dogs and other pets. So, if there is a dog walking around in the house that is always curious about the content of your kitchen trash can, you might want to consider a sensor bin.

However, these bins are costly compared to other types of trash cans such as plastic cans and the metal trash can.

It is also not a great outside choice. It can be blown around in rainstorms and thrown around by garbage collectors. This can lead to dents and eventually, a trash can that will lose its sensing ability. This technology is helpful to society in the aspects of health and sanitation though it has its shortcomings.


Best Automatic trash cans. (2018). Retrieved from Recycling.com:


Pros and Cons of a metal trash can. (2018). Retrieved from Superpages.com:



It is a new technology designed to replace pocket breathalyzer. It is a wristband that’s linked to a mobile application on device to check the alcohol level one has taken unlike the pocket breathalyzer whereby the person has to blow some air from the mouth to the device to be able to read the alcohol level. Proof Alcohol wristband emerged in December 2014 and it was launched in May, 2017 by Evan Strenk with his team. PROOF is the first alcohol tracking wearable device and it is quite unique in that it detects very specific molecules.


This technology was designed for people in Europe and other parts of the world to help reduce the risk of drink and drive. Statistically, it shows that many people lose their life through alcohol. In Africa, South Africa recorded the highest number of road accidents due to the fact that drivers were drunk whilst driving. The aim behind the development of PROOF alcohol wristband is to help reduce road accidents caused by taking in alcohol to drive.

The principle of operation for PROOF alcohol wristband works this way. Instead of tracking your motions with an accelerometer, Proof reads alcohol molecules through your skin. The enzyme-based electrochemical sensor converts alcohol into an electrical current and is able to accurately display your blood alcohol content level using its accompanying smart phone app. Its tracking is done through a disposable cartridge which logs the information within a smart phone app. Our enzymatic electrochemical sensor cartridge converts the alcohol leaving your skin into an electrical current that is amplified, digitized, and sent via Bluetooth to a smartphone where our algorithms convert it into an estimate of Blood Alcohol Content

(BAC). When one hits his or her limit, a notification is then sent to the app. The cartridge measurement method senses alcohol molecules that naturally evaporate from your skin which is much more socially acceptable than pulling out a breathalyzer in the bar or simply tallying shots.

PROOF wristband is very beneficial to everyone for safe drinking, for the individual to make sure that he or she doesn’t cross his or her limit while drinking. It saves life by notifying the person when he or she is drunk too much. In Ghana specifically, it would help reduce the rate of road accident on our roads. Also, it can be beneficiary to a nation or a society but it needs a bit of training for illiterate people to use the wristband in connection with the mobile app which shows the statistical data via the app. Users must be trained in order to know how to use Proof wristband to save lives.


In conclusion, I think Proof wristband is a very helpful technology to the world since the rate of alcohol taking is increasing in leaps and bounds. In Africa, it can be helpful in achieving one of the SDG’s goal which is Good health and well-being. Alcohol taking has become common in Ghana and some parts of Africa from the aged to the youth and with the help of Proof

Wristband, good health can be achieved.

References www.proofwearable.com http://roundthetech.com www.indiegogo.com



Airbnb is an American company which operates an online marketplace and hospitality service for people to lease or rent for short-term lodging. It is a privately held company and it’s served worldwide. With Airbnb, one can find travel adventures and new places to go far or near. This includes holiday cottages apartments, homestays and hostel beds to facilitate experiences.

The company does not own any real estate or conduct tours. It is a broker which receives percentage service fees in conjunction with every booking. Like all hospitality services, Airbnb is an example of collaborative consumption and sharing. The company has over 4 million lodging listings in 65000 cities and 191 countries. It has facilities over 260 million check-ins.

This Airbnb Company was put together in August 2008 by Brian Chesky (CEO), Joseph ‘Joe’

Gebbia (Chief Product officer (CPO)) and Nathan ‘Nate’ Bleckarczyk (Chief Technology

Officer(CTO)). The first listing was in Brian and Joe’s apartment on Rausch Street in San

Francisco. It has its headquarters in 888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, California. It is a peer- peer property rental. The Airbnb application can be found on Google play store.

The guests review their hosts each day of their stay. Airbnb charges host 3% including taxes on every guest which is known as host service fee

To be an Airbnb host is free and simple. All you need to do is create a listing on Airbnb, you describe your place, upload quality pictures and the number of rooms or guests you can accommodate, allocate a price that is worth the facilities and services that you provide or offer.

Get to know your guests before their arrival through messages on the Airbnb platform.



The Castrol performance index is a ranking system created by Castrol for men's club association football as part of a sponsorship package with FIFA. The system uses mathematical formulas which evaluate various player performance in terms of how individual actions either assist or prevent goals. The system takes into account the strength of the opposition and the time in a game the player's actions occurred.

Castrol publishes several rankings: players in top five European leagues monthly during a season, MLS player ranking and international tournament rankings. Castrol became the official oil lubricant of FIFA in 2008. It published a ranking in UEFA Euro 2008. It was an official sponsor of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa and an index measuring World Cup player performance which was updated after each round of matches. Castrol made a ranking in Euro 2012 and the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup. Castrol, official sponsor of the 2014

FIFA World Cup Brazil™, are experts in using pioneering technology and data analysis to understand the performance of their oils and have used similar expertise to create the Castrol

Index, the definitive system for rating player performance.

Previously used at the FIFA Confederations Cup in 2009 and 2013 and the 2010 FIFA World

Cup, the Castrol Index uses the latest FIFA tracking technology to capture data on each player which will then be analyzed by a team of Castrol Performance Analysts. Every pass, tackle and move on the field is measured and assessed to see if it has a positive or negative impact on a team's ability to score or concede a goal. The team of Castrol Performance Analysts crunch all the data to award each player a Castrol Index score out of 10 - the stronger the player's performance, the higher their score. In 2014, Brazil’s Fred topped the Castrol Index whilst back


in 2010 it was Spain’s Sergio Ramos who came out on top. The FIFA World Cup Castrol Index will be published at FIFA.com/castrolindex for the 2018 World Cup.

One critique of this technology is that the mode of using mathematical formulas to rate players’ performance is alien to the ordinary man, therefore it is difficult for the masses to fully appreciate it.

a) b)

Figure a and b shows images and video of how Castrol Performance Index are operated.

Finally, I personally feel Castrol Performance index provides an unbiased rating of players such that awarding of individual accolades does not become debatable to some extent. As we are in a world cup year, spectators will be critical of individual performances so the CPI definitely helps. The technology has not been introduced yet in most parts of Africa such as

Ghana. In years to come, this can be used to assess our local players before they are picked at national level in the Black Stars. This way people can justify evidently if players are chosen based on merit or not.

Electronic Cigarettes


One of technology’s emerging trends is the electronic cigarette. Sometimes known as

“e-cigarette” or “e-cigs”, it is a handheld, battery-operated electronic device that simulates the feeling of tobacco smoking by emitting vaporized nicotine or non-nicotine solutions for the user to inhale. The first patent for this invention was requested by Herbert A. Gilbert in 1963, but the invention of the current device is credited to Hon Lik, a Chinese pharmacist, who invented it in 2003. Using e-cigarettes is sometimes called “vaping”.

E-cigarettes aim to resemble cigarettes but without burning tobacco to provide a similar sensation to inhaling tobacco smoke without the smoke. They serve as a healthier alternative to the traditional cigarettes.

Most e-cigarettes have a mouthpiece or cartridge, a heating element, a rechargeable

battery, and electronic circuits.

As the user sucks on the mouthpiece, a sensor activates a heating element that vaporizes a flavored, liquid solution held in the mouthpiece. The person then inhales the aerosol solution.

The mouthpiece is a cartridge that is fixed to the end of a tube. A small plastic cup within the mouthpiece holds an absorbent material drenched in the liquid solution. The cartridge can either be refilled or replaced with another pre-filled cartridge when necessary. The atomizer is a heating element that heats the liquid, causing it to vaporize. The solution can then be breathed in or inhaled. The battery powers the heating element. This is normally a rechargeable, lithium- ion battery. The sensor activates the heater when the user sucks on the device. A LED may show when it is activated. The solution, known as e-liquid or e-juice, is made by extracting nicotine from tobacco and mixing it with a base usually propylene glycol and flavoring.


The use of the e-cigs come with some benefits over the traditional ones. E-cigarettes do not produce tar and carbon monoxide which are two of the main toxins in conventional cigarette smoke. The vapor from e-cigarettes are at much lower levels as compared to the traditional cigarettes. However, some of the chemicals in most e-cigarettes such as the nicotine can bring about health effects such being addictive, harmful to children and adolescent brain development while defective e-cigarettes can cause unintended accidents such as fire and explosion.

E-cigarettes are very helpful in so many ways such as reducing environmental pollution and reducing health risks associated with the traditional cigarettes. As well as serving as an aid to help break addiction on actual smoking, they can be ‘vaped’ anywhere including public places and helps with discretion as some people would not want other people to know that they smoke. E- cigarettes is however unhelpful due to the fact that it is popular among the youth who have taken it up as another fashion trend while there is also the increase in consumption among women


Most people would love to lose a few pounds and get a lean and healthy body with no extra efforts. MODIUS is a ground-breaking new technology which helps you reduce body weight and gain a leaner body. Modius is developed by neuroscientists based in San Diego, California.

The Chief Executive Officer & co-founder, Jason McKeown, earned his medical degree from

Queen’s University, Belfast in Northern Ireland. He is the youngest ever visiting scholar to be invited to study neuroscience and neuromodulation under Professor Ramachandran. Jason enjoys electronics and technology and is very proactive in the health & fitness community.


The other co-founder & Chief Scientific Officer, Paul McGeoch is a trained neurosurgeon and proposed the idea of using vestibular stimulation to modulate body mass composition while doing a post-doctoral fellowship in brain science at the University of California in 2010. He has a medical degree and research doctorate from the University of Aberdeen, has authored about 20 peer-reviewed papers on neuroscience, is a Member of the Royal Colleges of

Physicians of the UK and a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

The rationale behind the creation of Modius, is to help deal with weight loss. They believe weight loss is more in the brain than in the body and that wearing the headset can help you lose weight without extra efforts. Modern diets are not working. Across the globe, people are struggling to maintain a lean and healthy body. This is putting enormous pressure not just on individuals but entire healthcare systems. Neuroscience has proven that unhealthy weight gain is often an issue which is controlled by the brain.

MODIUS works by stimulating the vestibular nerve which connects to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the area of the brain that controls body weight and appetite. Vestibular stimulation has been shown to influence body weight.

The headset is made of white plastic and has two bits

that hang behind your ears. You attach little sticky

electrode pads on the back of your ears and use them

to hook in the little bits. Then, you turn the gadget on

and it starts sending electrical signals to your brain. It

is used for an hour each day and is intended to assist adults with their weight management goals when used in conjunction with a fit and healthy lifestyle.


Some advantages of using Modius is that, the device will lower the set point of the body and melt off pounds with no fear of gaining them back. Studies have also noted positive hormonal changes coupled with a reduction in appetite for users of Modius. The disadvantage is that the headset gives you headache. There has been reports of people feeling nauseated and disoriented.

I think the technology is helpful because it monitors the individuals eating habits and cuts some off with no effects whatsoever. From reviews read online, it speeds up metabolism, improves sleep, reduces cravings, and there is no bloated over eating feelings.

It will be unhelpful if used without physical activity because no level of brain activity can replace physical exercise.

REFERENCES; https://www.theverge.com/2018/1/9/ https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/modius-get-lean#/ https://www.modiushealth.com/testimonials/



simply known as the science of craft. A lot of scholars refer to it as the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives such as scientific investigation. According to this definition, technological inventions can be used to solve health related complications in every individual and therefore improve a healthy living in every society. Modern technology has changed the structure and organization of the entire medical field. From widespread adoption of electronic medical records to advances in bio-medical engineering and technology, modern healthcare and its delivery methods are changing at an increasing rate. A typical example is the fat freezing/ burning technology in this modern age. Electronic muscle stimulator, CoolSculpting treatment and Liposonix devices are typical fat freezing/ burning technology. It is widely known that the negative implications of too much fat in the human body can be harmful to the individual and also lead to increase in the death rate of a country.

The CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure is the only Food and Drug board-cleared, non- surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise. The association, ZELTIQ was founded in 2005 by

Mitch Levinson as Juniper Medical Systems. ZELTIQ's CoolSculpting procedure was invented by Dieter Manstein from the Massachusetts General Hospital and Rox Anderson, from Harvard

Medical School. An early prototype was created to advance cryolipolysis studies being done on pigs in 2008. This technology is to help solve fat related complication in every individual’s health.

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), also known as neuromuscular electrical stimulation

(NMES) or electromyostimulation, is the elicitation of muscle contraction using electric


impulses. Its objective is to help maintain body shape and also burn higher amount of fat in the human body. The earliest known use of EMS was by the Egyptians during the year 2012. They discovered the electrical properties in fish and with the help of technology, that electrical stimulation was used to treat pain and ailments such as gout.

LipoSonix uses focused ultrasound waves to permanently get rid of fat cells selectively in problem areas on the human body. LipoSonix gets rid of these fat cells without surgery and with minimal side effects or downtime. LipoSonix uses special technology called High-

Intensity Focused Ultrasound


James A. (2016) History of CoolSculpting, https://www.coolsculpting.com/what-is- coolsculpting/

Kelvin H. (2001) Introductory Overview - Innovation and Invention - In Medical Devices, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK223832





An Airborne Network (AN) is a wireless infrastructure owned by the United States Air Force that provides communication transport services through at least one node that is on a platform, capable of flight. The intent of the US Air Force's Airborne Network is to expand the Global

Information Grid (GIG) to connect the three major domains of warfare: Air, Space, and

Terrestrial. The Transformational Satellite Communications System network currently provides connectivity for all communication through platforms across all domains. Airborne

Wireless Network is an early stage company with the principal business strategy of developing, marketing and licensing a fully meshed high-speed broadband airborne wireless network by linking aircraft in flight Pace assets.


The Airborne Networks was designed as the cornerstone for the new military doctrine known as Network Centric Warfare. This doctrine was developed to use information superiority to equip warfighters with more precise information enabling commanders and shooters to make smarter decisions faster. The Airborne Networks contribute to Network Centric Warfare by enabling commanders to provide real-time information to warfighters in the air and on the ground. Warfighters can then utilize more information and make more educated decisions about how to act in a particular situation. Once the act has been carried out, commanders will have immediate information about the result and can then make judgments on how to continue.

Airborne Networks was designed to reduce the time necessary to identify a target, make clear and educated decisions to pull or not to pull the trigger, and assess battle.

Airborne Networks provide global service by providing connectivity for worldwide broadband carrier services using commercial aircraft. It also works in real time as, if there is any instance where the link is interrupted, the signal will be redirected to the next participating aircraft, ship or earth station in the chain. Also, unlike satellites, which can be disabled or knocked out of orbit by space-junk, Airborne Wireless Networks system operates in a safe and controlled environment. Airborne networks are easy to update, upgrade or service. When new and more efficient data-transmission technologies emerge, upgrading AWN’s system can be as easy as replacing a single module, and the system is ready for “the future”.


Airborne Networks can be used in Ghana, to implement a single network for all services for the country as a whole.

Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

The U.S. military has experimented on the concept of the powered exoskeleton since the 1960s much like a less incredible version of Marvel’s Iron Man suit. In the mid-1960s, the U.S government proposed ideas for a wearable robotic suit. Exoskeleton development was impeded by limitations of technology. The suit was slowed down by computers, which were usually too slow to respond to the wearer’s commands and movements. These problems created impracticability which caused research to continue. The Defense Advanced Research Projects

Agency (DARPA) is developing an exoskeleton with computerized fabrics that monitor heart and breathing rates and will be equipped with sensors and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).

The aim of the powered exoskeleton here is to aid soldiers to move faster, be invulnerable to bullets and carry heavy weapons across the battlefield.

The powered exoskeleton has also played a substantial role in the field of medicine. Paraplegics or people born with serious neurological problems hindering mobility use it to gain access to the mobility that they are denied. This helps them improve their quality of life and gives them greater independence. According to Ashley (2017), the Phoenix exoskeleton developed by


suitX is a motorized lower body framework that enables people with severe mobility issues to rise up from their wheelchairs and walk. A Japanese company called Cyberdyne is offering lower body exoskeletons to medical facilities in the U.S. To instruct the legs to move, sensors are attached to leg muscles to detect bioelectric signals to the brain. The suit uses the wearer’s nervous system to signal the robot when and how to move which is the main concept of the powered exoskeleton in terms of medicine.

Though the powered medical exoskeleton is beneficial to all, it is not accessible by everyone.

This is because it is very expensive with its price starting at $40,000. This technology will be very helpful in society because it gives physically impaired people a chance at opportunities that were formerly inaccessible to them and ensures equality for all which helps the Sustainable

Development Goal (SDG) 10 which aims at reducing inequality.


Bonsor, K. & Kiger, J. P (n.d). How Exoskeletons Will Work. Retrieved from


Ashley, S. (2017, February 21). Robotic Exoskeletons Are Changing Lives in Surprising Ways.

Retrieved from www.nbcnews.com.





From Bill Gates drinking sewage water, to devices that use the tongue as “eyes”, and even cell phones that are saving the rainforest, we are blessed with many innovations that are moving our society forward. This essay is however about the Ceribell Rapid

Response Electroencephalography technology.

Seizures have been traditionally identified by a patient’s clear physical convulsions, or by reading a complicated Electroencephalography (EEG) correctly (a series of unpredictable lines that reflect brain wave activity for which people need to be comprehensively trained to interpret).

However, Josef Parvizi, a professor of neurology, and Chris Chafe, a professor of music at the university have developed a sort of “brain stethoscope”. This device enables any medical professional to quickly detect a seizure trying to sneak by without any outstanding external symptoms in as little as 6 minutes. The Ceribell Rapid Response EEG converts brain waves into sound. It’s a sort of “brain stethoscope” allowing medical professionals to register another of their senses in order to detect silent seizures. Now we have the technology to hear seizures and this development makes it possible for even the most beginner of individuals to detect a

“silent seizure” (A silent seizure is one with no physical shakings), with almost 100% accuracy.

The normal exercise for detecting one of these silent seizures can take a cumbersome amount of time. In an article that Stanford University put out introducing the device, Nathan Collins


reports that the process include “First, a trained technician coming in, setting up sensors on a patient’s skull to record the brain’s electrical activity, then making a recording and sending it to a neurology specialist for analysis. By the time the diagnosis comes in, hours may have passed. After hours or in smaller hospitals, the process can take even longer. For one thing, a technician may have to come from hours away just to set up the equipment.”

One the other hand, Ceribell Rapid Response EEG have helped societies in the sense that it has reduce the time use to detect silent seizures as compared to the traditional or old method (a couple of hours to 6minutes). This has gone a long way to save the lives of many people and has been of great benefit to the health sector in developed countries. When employed in developing countries, this technology can help reduce the death rate and generally save the lives of many.


Brain-controlled computers can be described as one of the greatest emerging technologies in recent times, especially in the world of the sciences. The research for this technology first started in the 1970’s at the University of California. Matthew Nagle became the first human to be implanted with a Brain Controlled interface.

This technology allows direct communication between an external device and the brain and combines technologies from the fields of electrical engineering, computer science, biomedical engineering and neurosurgery.

The brain-controlled computers were made specially to help people with certain disabilities such as strokes, ALS, the visually impaired among others. The aim of this technology was to


help them interact with their environment with the help of a computer. This technology has come a long way to help the physically challenged to work in the corporate world with little or no hindrances.

Brain controlled computers requires deliberate conscious thought, while prospective future applications are expected to work effortlessly. That is to say that, an improvement is being made to this technology to reduce the use of the manual frame to being more automated. However, this technology has come with the tendency of retraining the brains of people with strokes to aid in speedy recovery.

Although this technology has helped in the improvement of the health conditions of people, it however has some limitations. One of these limitations is that, it doesn’t read the brain accurately but detects the smallest of change in the energy radiated by the brain when you think in a certain way.

In my opinion, although this technology could be one of the most important technologies in decades, it hasn’t reached other parts of the world, specifically developing countries. It is also very costly to use and as such can be used by only a particular target market.



The Playertek wearable GPS tracker is a football clothing technology launched by Catapult sports in the year 2014. This is a football performance tracking technology created to track everything about a football player’s physical performance during training sessions or games.

Playertek measures accurately, players’ performance in areas such as speed, distance covered, number of sprints, positioning and tactics. This allows for effective monitoring and analysis of performances by coaches, analysts and players themselves.


The Playertek Kit is made up of a pod that is attached to a vest with a compression crop top with neoprene pockets and a back panel as well as a lightweight breathable front panel.

Performance is monitored using an accelerometer, magnetometer and a GPS and data is stored on 8GB on-board storage. To use the Playertek device, download the Playertek app on a mobile device and sign up with a username and password. Next, turn on the pod and link it to the account created. Finally attach the pod to your vest and wear.

This technology provides acccurate data and analysis of individual aspects of a player’s physical game perfomance as well as a summary of the overall performance. It also compares players’ statistics with the performance of othe proffessionals using the same technology to allow them know how they would perform in competitive situations against such proffessionals. GPS sensors in the Playertek takes readings much more rapidly and frequently, and is able to track every small directional movement even those at sprinting pace. However, the Playertek technology works only in outdoors meaning it can not be used when training indoors or on a covered pitch.

This technology is very helpful in performance development of football players as it enables them to identify their strenghts in other to make most use of it and also their weakenesses to train towards improving them.



Easton, R. (2017, October 20). What is the Playertek? United States of America.



Recent developments in computer technology and the call for better security applications have brought biometrics into focus. A biometric is a physical property: it cannot be forgotten or mislaid like a password, and it has the potential to identify a person in very different setting, be it for purposes of security or human-computer interaction, there is a wide application of robust biometrics.

Biometrics is an application of statistical analysis to biological data. It is used to identify a single person in a group of over a million people. They are categorized under psychological and behavioral characteristics. The system gathers information from fingerprints, DNA, Palm prints, iris, retina and face recognition.

Three-dimensional face recognition (3D face recognition) is a modality of facial recognition methods in which the three-dimensional geometry of the human face is used. It has been shown that 3D face recognition methods can achieve significantly higher accuracy than their 2D counterparts. This avoids pitfalls of 2D face recognition algorithms such as change in lighting, different facial expressions, make-up and head orientations.

3D Biometrics should be used in sensitive positions in various organizations and institutions to keep important files and information very secured from unauthorized access. 2D Biometric systems should also be upgraded to 3D in other to ensure a more efficient security system.


Optogenetics is a method that uses light to modulate molecular events in a targeted manner in living cells. It depends on the use of genetically encoded proteins that change the conformation


in the presence of light to alter cell behavior, for example by changing the membrane voltage potential of excitable cells. In 2005 optogenetics was created to allow for more precise and easy brain stimulation in living organisms. This technique makes use of both light and genetic information of a living thing by inserting or deleting information found in their genetic makeup.

In optogenetics studies, scientists make new neurons by taking the genetic code of neurons they are working with and adding new pieces of code to it. These new neurons then make special proteins known as opsins which occur naturally and were first discovered in algae. The Opsins get into special cells of the brain and the neurons through specialized laboratory techniques.

Neuronal control is achieved using optogenetic actuators such as channel rhodopsin,

Halorhodopsin and Archaerhodopsin while optical recording of neuronal activities can be made with the help of neuronal activities for calcium and other components. Recording of the activity is restricted to genetically defined neurons and performed in a spatiotemporal specific way by light.

The human brain is very different in terms of its complexity however, many of the properties of the human brain can be compared to those of other animals such as the mouse which has been used to conduct many experiments that have contributed to the strides in optogenetics .

The fascinating aspect of optogenetics is the ability to control the activities of the living organism by using light to sensitize or modify those aspects of the brain responsible for them.

It is also a fast technique for determining the functions that every part of the brain performs as well as controlling how and when they are performed. Optogenetics has proven not only to be useful to neuroscientists but may have potential uses in the clinic for the successful treatment of Parkinson’s disease and other neurological and psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia, drug abuse, and depression.


Optogenetics also includes the development of genetic targeting strategies such as cell specific promoters and other customized conditionally active viruses to send light to sensitive probes of specific populations of neurons in the brain of living organisms such as worms, fruit flies, rats, mice and monkeys. Invertebrates like fruit flies and worms have all- trans -retinal that is supplemented with food.

In a nutshell, optogenetics talks about the interesting ways by which the brain can be controlled through the use of simple light and special laboratory techniques. It also provides the quickest ways of tracking activities in the brain of living organisms without having to go through surgical procedures which could take hours and months to perform


Karl Deisseroth (an electrophysiologist) and his crew from various fields including bioengineering, physics, chemistry amongst others sent many years or research to find solutions to mental disorders that could not be dealt with because of the sensitivity of the brain.

The brain is made up of tans interconnected of cells called neurons. The electrical activity that goes on amongst these cells is what facilitates all human activities such as walking, talking etc.

A deficit in this electrical activity causes mental dysfunctions. These cells are so mute that any external power can cause extreme damage to other cells which is very fatal. This is where optogenetics come in. Optogenetics is a neuromodulation method that uses a combination of techniques from optics and genetics to control and monitor the activities of individual neurons in living tissue—even within freely-moving animals—and to precisely measure these manipulation effects in realtime. Here photo centric molecules (natural molecules that convert light into electricity) are extracted and kept on the particular neuron of interest using the optopactcher. Then light is introduced to turn on or off the neuron.


With this technology, neuroscientist can turn neurons on and off selectively with unprecedented level of precision. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that mental disorders affect one in every four people globally with long term consequences for individuals and societies. Optogenetics have made revolutionary impact on the treatment of many mental disorders such as Parkinson’s disorder, Epilepsy, Chronic depression amongst others. This technology has also contributed to the understanding of the biological basis of psychiatric disorders. In 2010, optogenetics was chosen as the "Method of the Year" across all fields of science and engineering by the interdisciplinary research journal Nature Methods. At the same time, optogenetics was highlighted in the article on "Breakthroughs of the Decade" in the academic research journal Science. Although its emergence has moved neuroscience to the next level, it has no yet been use on human because there is still a percentage of risk that would have side effect on them. More research needs to be done into its administration on humans but there are very limited experts in the field of genetics.


Deisseroth, K.; Feng, G.; Majewska, A. K.; Miesenbock, G.; Ting, A.; Schnitzer, M. J. (2006).

"Next-Generation Optical Technologies for Illuminating Genetically Targeted Brain Circuits".

Journal of Neuroscience. 26 (41): 10380–6. doi:10.

Retrieved from: https://www.a-msystems.com/s-191-optogenetics.aspx

Retrieved from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optogenetics



Brain Computer Interface (BCI) directly integrates our thoughts and emotions with the technology we use every day; computers and devices you can control with your brain. A computer controlled by the mind could allow those without the ability to use their arms or legs to properly control a prosthetic, exoskeleton, or any other device. This is just one of the many ways humans are trying to improve as a species.

For a prominent example of how this could benefit people, think of Steven Hawking and others who suffer from ALS and gradually lose the ability to move their body. Brain-controlled computers, in combination with other technologies, could change all of that. Even a braincontrolled computer alone without connected prosthetics could allow users to browse the

Internet, play games, or watch movies — things many of us take for granted.

As far back as 2004, scientists have successfully hooked up brain-controlled computers to allow users to play pong with their minds. Lots of work has to go into this field before practical real-world results can be seen but it has the potential to change the lives of millions of disabled people although there are some scary facets of this as well, like the ability to have your brain hacked.

BCIs reduce the lag between deciding to move the mouse, moving it and the cursor actually moving. The lag is small but makes all the difference to some time-sensitive applications

(military uses, computer games etc)

They hold great potential for people who are paralyzed or otherwise unable to use their hands.

This is also true for people whose hands are just otherwise occupied.

On the negative side; BCIs are currently fairly inaccurate in terms of classifying neural activity and also, BCIs placed outside of the skull have a limited ability to read brain signals. Although


they can be placed under the skull, there will be the need of a pretty drastic surgery and finally, reading people's inner thoughts comes with a massive amount of ethical issues.






ABOUT: The hypertelescope is a giant telescope pushing away the frontiers of the invisible..

Has a discrete and sporadic structure which allows to see farther in space. It has very large arrays of linked telescope. The hypertelescope overcomes size limits that restrict the traditional telescopes of today

HISTORY: Antoine Labeyrie now Professor Emeritus at the College de France is the pioneer of the HYPERTELESCOPE. He began to realize in the alps of the south of France the hypertelescope and proposed for its development. The first prototype is being developed since 2011.

OBJECTIVES: The particularly innovative design of the hypertelescope is to replace the single mirror of conventional telescopes by a diluted mirror that is composed of many non-full complement small mirrors, positioned very precisely, to form them all a giant virtual concave mirror.

TECHNOLOGY METHOD: Astronomical Interferometry. With 800 mirrors 15cm. it will accumulate two times more of collecting area than the Hubble Space Telescope and a visual acuity almost 100 times greater. It will be five times as powerful in resolution.



By its dimensions dozens of times bigger than conventional telescopes, the visual acuity of a hypertelescope will reach thresholds never untouched

By its splitted form, there is no limit to the number of mirrors that make up a hypertelescope.

You can associate a large amount of mirrors together to get a greater light collecting area in total.

There is no theoretical limit of distance between the small mirrors for a hypertelescope and so the diameter of the hypertelescope can take dimensions of a simple swimming pool or the hollow of a volcano or a mountain valley

Eco-friendly. IT dissolves itself in its environment and its mode of operation correspond with facilities in the middle of wild, classified and protected natural mountain sites

The manufacture, transport and installation costs of a hypertelescope’s mirrors are much reduced compared to a very large conventional telescope mirror

CONCLUSION: The hypertelescope is the future; allowing to install and operate several optical devices at the same time over a same telescope mirror permitting to practice as much simultaneous observations of different objects in the sky with exactly the same technical specifications at even lower costs than very large conventional telescope mirror.





Online recruiting has modernized the way businesses worldwide hire employees. The next step is to effortlessly integrate existing systems to create a comprehensive and complex corporate career centre. One of the most profound changes in the business environment over the last decade was the emergence of e-business. E-recruiting is one of the most successful e-business applications as a method for quickly reaching a large pool of potential job seekers.

Major reasons cited for the rapid and successful adoption of e-recruiting methods include cost savings, efficiency and convenience for both recruiters or employers and job seekers

Better understanding of the e-recruiting industry poses certain categories of e-recruiting method of operation comprising the general-purpose job board, niche job board, e-recruiting application service provider, hybrid (online and offline) recruiting service provider, e- recruiting consortium, and corporate career website. The General-purpose job boards provide a widespread online recruiting solution to both employers and job seekers across different industries. Job seekers can search for jobs by category, experience, education, location or any combination of these job attributes

Advantages include Brand recognition, E-recruiting experience, High traffic industry best tools urge candidate and recruiter base, Gathering of passive observers, focused search

Community professionals, application development cost or recruiters, Quick Application


development, expertise in advertising industry Portfolio of recruiting, media Price bundling with low service cost, direct and immediate link to corporate career site, Candidate relationship management, High interest in job by job applicants and integration with existing systems.

Comparatively, it poses certain disadvantages which include Relatively high job posting cost, potentially low quality applications, limited content control, Stickiness of the job board, limited candidate relationship, low brand recognition, possibility of identity, the integration issues with existing systems, Possibility of close out due to competition, Possibility of lock -in low traffic, Strong image as a conventional media low traffic low technology, potential conflicts among members, low exposure, low technology Needs or IT specialists High up onto development cost.

In conclusion, even though the holistic e-recruiting system is the most advanced and effective one among the e-recruiting systems, it is also the most expensive and complex. It is expected that further advances in Web based technologies and experience with best practices will accelerate the adoption of the holistic e-recruiting. In analysing the above-mentioned technology as each user has unique reporting requirements, this subsystem should provide recruiters with an easy to use report generator equipped with a variety of reporting options in the entrepreneurial field.


HireVue is an enterprise video interviewing technology vendor headquartered in Draper, Utah.

Mark Newman founded HireVue in 2004 as a video interview platform when he was 20 years


old. The HireVue’s video platform is aimed at helping recruiters and hiring managers to screen candidates and conduct live interviews over the internet. Furthermore, HireVue operates as an easy to use in-built video software interface through the combination of I/O psychology and the power of artificial intelligence. Some HireVue features include multiple languages, live video interviews, LinkedIn Integration, intro and outro videos, mobile user support etc. In addition, HireVue generates certain benefits like convenience to interview whenever/wherever, saves time as it enables companies screen candidates faster, positive user experience, efficient, variety of question types to choose from, gain competitive advantage, augments human decision making in the hiring process etc. However, HireVue can make some candidates nervous and sometimes, candidates can accidentally submit an unfinished video and have no way to go back and re-record. In conclusion, HireVue can be of huge benefit to entrepreneurs to enable them discover, hire and develop talent when setting up their businesses. In my opinion, this technology can aid businesses or entrepreneurs in Ghana to employ highly skilled personnel in their companies and reduce youth unemployment as well. This can provide decent work for people which in turn boosts economic growth.


 About HireVue. Retrieved from https://www.hirevue.com/company/about-us.

 Feloni, R.(2017). HireVue: AI Powered Job Interview Platform. Retrieved from


 Remaining Pre-Hire Assessments. Retrieved from https://www.hirevue.com

 Rouse, M.(2017-2018). HireVue. Retrieved from



 TrustRadius(2013-2018).HireVue Reviews. Retrieved from






The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word humanoid as ‘having human form or characteristics so it can be inferred that humanoid robots are robots designed to look like the human body. Their humanlike features help them interact better with their environment and perform specialized humanlike functions such as locomotion. They could be built completely humanlike that is with a torso and limbs or they could be partly humanlike that is from the waist upwards. Historically, the first humanoid robot design was found in Leonardo da Vinci’s notebook which was rediscovered in the 1950’s. It contained detailed drawings of a mechanical knight able to sit up and move both its head and jaw. Some recent humanoids include Sophia from Hanson Robotics, Atlas from Boston Dynamics, iCub, and Asimo from Honda,



Asimo Sophia

Humanoid research initially started with the aim of building better prosthesis for human beings but has now become a research tool for various scientific areas. An example of such field is which simply means enhancing ordinary humans using robots. Other than research, humanoid robots have been developed to perform human tasks such as healthcare, customer service, therapy, education and performing dirty or dangerous jobs.

Humanoids can theoretically perform any task a human being can, as long as they have the proper software.

Humanoid robots are operated by artificial intelligence or necessary software and algorithms. Their brains are run by processors and they also use features like sensors example tactile sensor for sensing touch, CCD cameras and facial recognition for vision, actuation modules for movement and lastly controllers on hand and feet to ensure biped gait which differentiates humanoid robots from regular robots.


CCD Camera Biped gait in robots

The advantage of humanoid robots in business, education and healthcare is that, they provide consistent quality of service unlike humans, whose service fluctuates because of moods. Also, they help in research to extend our limited knowledge of things such as the ocean, they can help in sanitation of the ocean since humans cannot be submerged indefinitely and lastly they can perform dangerous tasks instead of humans such as flight simulations, dealing with toxic materials and expedition into dangerous territories. The disadvantages of humanoids are they require a lot of skill to build and maintain, they are expensive and they help automated systems in putting actual humans out of work.

In conclusion my opinion is that although humanoids are very advantageous for example in Ghana they can help achieve SDG 14 (conserve sustainability in the oceans) because most of our beaches are very dirty but their use should be regulated so as to prevent increase in unemployment. Automated systems lead to loss of jobs which also lead to increase in crime.

REFFERENCES http://www.merriam-webster.com


http://futurism.com www.machinedesign.com https://en.wikipedia.org



EverCam is a home and office wireless security camera developed by Anker's Eufy. The

EverCam is a 1080p entirely wireless security camera meant for both indoor and outdoor use.

The EverCam is a water-resistant full-HD-recording security camera.


For facial recognitions that is to recognize familiar faces, differentiate between pets and humans, and others.

Principle of operation

It uses battery and it has an inbuilt magnet so you just have to cling it to any metal surface.

It also comes with a screw so you can also mount it.




It easy to use, it has water resistance, it promotes security system, and also has a long life battery.


It is expensive


I think it is a good technology which actually helps solve our security issues especially in our various offices and homes





ISmartAlarm is a do-it-yourself (DIY) smart home security system controlled with a user’s smartphone. The system and devices are designed and manufactured by iSmart Alarm, Inc., a start-up based in Sunnyvale, California. The system uses a hub connected to a home’s router to allow users full control of home security and home automation devices, including multiple wireless devices. Users can arm and disarm their system, and receive push notifications, phone call, email, and text messages if the system is triggered. The ISmartAlarm system is to be used as self-monitored solution with no monthly fees and no contracts, as opposed to tradional monitored systems such as ADT or Vivint.

ISmartAlarm is currently a closed ecosystem, only operating with its own devices.

Announcements have been made for future integrations with Google Thread Group, Homekit, and Z-Wave device support. On august 10, 2017, ismart Alarm, Inc. Announced the integration with Amazon Alexa. ISmartAlarm also known as ISmartAlarm Home Security System which was released on June 28,2013. ISmartAlarm works when all devices have been setup and connected to CubeOne, where you can set the system mode. ISmartAlarm has four different modes: Arm, Disarm, Home and Panic.

Arm activates all the sensors, devices and cameras in your home. in Arm mode, contact sensors on your doors and windows will be activated, as well as motion sensors wherever you’ve placed them in your home. These are triggered when contact is broken with a door, window or when


motion is detected. Disarm deactivates your system so don’t worry if you hear beeping when your alarm is in the Disarm mode. Home lets you choose when to activate the devices (except motion sensors) and Panic triggers CubeOne’s 110 dB siren as well as sends push notifications.

You can arm the system via the iSmartAlarm’s app on your smartphone or through the remote tag. Since CubeOne is connected to your home Wi-Fi, you can activate and deactivate your system from anywhere. iSmartAlarms contact sensors will beep when you open a door or window where a sensor is attached. This is to let you know the sensor is working properly. If the beeping stops over time, it means the batteries probably need replacing –or you need new contact sensor.


Vehicle and fleeting tracking systems is the use of automatic vehicle location and software to collect data on the location of a vehicle. Tracking technology with the use of the GPS was developed in the 1960s for the military and intelligence application during the cold war. Later in 1996, Bill Clinton issued a policy for this development to be used by the general public. GPS innovation laid the foundation for other tracking mechanisms such as the vehicle tracking, even though very expensive at its inception. The core purpose of this development is monitoring, management and control of vehicles and fleets.


Some features of a vehicle and fleet tracking system includes.

1. Immobilizer helps owners to stop their vehicle at any point in time and anywhere when it is stolen or when driver is moving to an unapproved location away from fenced zone.

2. Geo fence allows vehicle owners to determine places their vehicle can be driven to, allowing functionality at some identified places only.

4. Alarms Notification on over speeding, dwindling

fuel tank and Geo-fencing.

5. Live tracking to monitor vehicle moving live on the


6. Replay back

activities of a vehicle on the road. 8. Email and SMS alert by the system on over speeding, fuel theft and ignition.

Vehicle and fleet tracking system provides a real time monitoring of vehicles, securing vehicle from being stolen simply by remotely offing the car engine, ensure efficient use of fuel, and operation demarcation. Despite the advantages, it is non-functional without a good internet connection, also improper installation of system can be tempered with to favor users, and finally the privacy of the driver is limited since he/she is always under strict surveillance.


In conclusion vehicle and fleet tracking provides value especially to commercial owners, this impacts their economic gains positively. It also promotes accountability, and finally ensures security of the driver for quick location in case of accident.


Ghana Post GPS is Ghana’s official addressing system which covers every inch of the country and ensures that all locations in the country are addressed.

With GhanaPostGPS every location has a unique digital address AK-039-5028.

Ghana Post GPS is a web and smartphone application sponsored by the Government of Ghana and developed in 2017 by Vokacom; a Ghanaian software development and content aggregation company with systems that integrate with Telcos and has expertise in mobile applications, same developer for assase; a GPS app

GhanaPostGPS provides a digital addressing and postal codes for every 5 square meter location in Ghana. The postal codes are alphanumeric with the first two characters representing region and district. AA: represents Asante Akim South District. AB represents Asanti Bekwai

Municipal District and so on. The next three to five digits represent the post area and identify a more precise location within a 5meter square area.

To have a digital address you will have to download the GhanaPostGPS app from the play store for android users and IOS store for apple products. Once downloaded you will be required to input your personal information which will generate an automatic identity of you. However, when registering, the app makes critical use of your location therefore where you stand to


register count a lots. For instance, if you download and register in your house at Madina, note that the generated address cannot be used for identification and location at Spintex vicinity because it makes use of a global GPS to assign the addresses.

Some advantages of GhanaPostGPS is the no more “jack where are you”. One can easily find a location without stress. It gives precise location to where you are going with directional guides enroute to the location.

Another fantastic useful feature is that emergency services; Ghana police, fire, and ambulance have direct links or short cuts that directly notifies them when they are needed with just a click on your phone. Again one good feature is its free access. To have access to the GhanapostGPS app requires no payment but a smart phone with internet.

However, some limitations will have to do with the unavailability of smartphones by some people in our communities. It can also not be used without internet connection and has no offline version.

In my opinion, if the whole of Ghana is to be covered, then everyone must be registered with their assigned address.


Throughout the existence of human, there have been robbery and many other crimes which have been ignored. From the early beginning of the 18th century, the use of forensic evidence

(DNA for forensic) evolved. Currently, below are the two crime scene detectors which are used by the police for crime investigations: The crime scene lamp and the PAG LAB MSA-810


for physical or trace evidence investigation and designed to be operated in the laboratory

respectively. video

Crime Scene Lamp SL-450

The SL-450 is fully portable. No interconnected cables or shoulder packs. Therefore, unlimited movement around the crime scene is guaranteed. The Xenon powered light source submits an out-standing light output for general crime scene investigation.


Independent of mains supply, Xenon light source, High UV intensity, Maintenance-free,

Robust and lightweight construction, specially designed accessories, Telescopic arm for ergonomic securing of evidence, Filter assembly with 3 filters for side light, beam expander, and light reduction to 60 %.

The PAG LAB MSA-810 is designed to be operated in the laboratory. This light source compliments the SL-450 and make an ideal pairing for trace evidence investigation, verification and documentation. One light does it all – instead of carrying 8 individual lights.

The SL-450 is a single unit with 7 built-in filter settings giving you everything you need to work with on the crime scene. It is lighter and smaller than the other crime scene lights being used around the world. This means your crime scene kit is easier to transport and handle. You can repair it in the field if the bulb breaks – unlike other crime scene lights. Recharge on the move – the battery lasts for 90 minutes and the SL-450 comes with two, so you can recharge


one while you’re working on the scene with the other. This means you can have 100% availability to work on a scene for as long as it takes.

In my point of view, I suggest that, since policemen and crime detectors in developed countries like China, USA and Canada use Forensic equipment to detect, collect, and process samples and evidence for further evaluation and determination, developing countries like

Ghana, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Algeria and Nigeria should adapt to the system in order to help them reduce crime rates or arrest criminals.




Several attempts have been made in the past to develop varieties of ways to determine positions on earth, then came the Global Positioning System which is a satellite navigation that is used to determine the ground position of objects. It was invented by Ivan Getting, Roger L.

Easton and Bradford Parkinson of the U.S Department of Defense in the 1970s which was to serve the military in precision weapon delivery before it was widely used for other purpose. It became fully operational in 1994. Tracking devices are currently developed to be installed in vehicles to monitor its movement in three dimensions.

The purpose of GPS vehicle tracking system is to monitor the movement, exact location and speed of vehicle. This has been introduced into our society to increase security measures.

GPS tracking system operates with the help of satellites in the process called trilateration. A chip and memory sim is embedded in the tracking device which is connected to your mobile


phones, or any device that has access to the internet and an accurate time. How information is received depend on the type of tracking system used, a passive system will monitor and store data on journeys and memory card can be retrieved at a later time to check information. The active tracking system will automatically update you in real time to your monitoring device as events unfolds

Plate How Information is relayed from the car to the monitoring devices

There are several advantages associated with using the GPS tracking system for government, private companies and individuals in Ghana. For governmental institutions is important to track all their vehicles secretly so the problems of missing vehicles after every transition can be stopped and also state bus can be monitored on their speed during journeys to reduce reckless driving. For individuals they can track their vehicles so that in case of theft it will assist the

Police in investigations. Businesses like delivery services such as Jumia can install trackers in their vehicles and monitor the routes used by their staff.

A major disadvantage of GPS tracking is that it is not always installed so u have to bear extra cost to protect your vehicle.

REFERENCES http//:www.gps.gov/




Proximity Sensors for Road Vehicles

A road vehicle proximity sensor is a device or organ that detects anything that may have an impact on the vehicle. It detects the presence of nearby objects around without any physical contact.

The reason for its introduction in society is to provide safer vehicles that will help to reduce road accidents, protect the drivers and give them better assistance features for a comfortable and confident drive.

For instance, when you are driving, the position sensors of the car system detect the position of moving objects, analyses the distance between the vehicle and the objects then notifies the

driver on how close he gets to the objects. It sends a reflection signal all around and when that reflection touches an object it transfers the information to the system to be processed. It is possible to have different types of sensors fixed on one machine to maximize the operation of the vehicle. For example: multiple position sensor, integrated


RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging) and a GPS (Global Positioning System). The advantage of such technology is that it helps in security enhancement in society especially in road traffic. It helps reducing road accidents and offers a better driving experience.

The disadvantage here is that vehicles with such technology are expensive and can’t be afforded

by everyone.

Car Sens

Although expensive, I think proximity sensors technology for road vehicles is a great invention and other similar technological advancement should be considered to enhance its performances. It is also important because it improves security and reduces road accidents.


Michael, P.G.; Leeming, F.C.; Dwyer, W.O. Head way on urban streets: observational data and intervention to decrease tailgating. Transp. Res. Part F 2000, 3, 55–64.

Kissinger, D. Millimeter-Wave Receiver Concepts for 77 Ghz Automotive Radar in Silicon-

Germanium Technology; Springer: New York, NY, USA, 2012.




An amphibious vehicle or simply amphibian, is a means of transport, viable on land as well as on or under water. Amphibious vehicles include amphibious bicycles, ATVs, cars, buses, trucks, military vehicles, boats and hovercraft.

The first amphibian vehicle was invented by an Australian navigator known as Ben Carlin.

He completed a 10year journey, circumnavigating the earth surface by water and land using amphibian vehicle. Some years later Charles and Frank Duryea manufactured the first

American-made automobile, in Springfield, Massachusetts. This amphibian vehicle was not only a land-craft, but a steam locomotive and dredging barge on water. During the world war

I, these amphibian vehicles were not recognized until the world war II when US military established amphibian vehicles for transporting troops and suppliers.

Objective or purpose for its introduction in society

To facilitate transport, save time and energy. Unlike the traditional mode where you join by car and later by ship or boat to cross oversea.

Features and principle of operation

The single engine is the Caterpillar diesel which operates the road wheels. This single

Caterpillar diesel is with a rear engine Power Take Off unit that operates the marine transmission. The rear engine Power Take Off unit cut off the power from the road wheels and transmits the power to the propeller. The principles of operation of these amphibian cars are quite technical. It has a watertight internal space, watertight tanks filled with closed-cell foam or empty and flexible air tanks. The empty tanks can be used as the watercraft capability to return to the original position after the heeling forces vanishes. On land it operates as normal vehicle with totally no difference from the normal car we know. Whereas on water it operates


equally like a fast boat possessing almost everything about a boat. It has an automatic change over system when it senses water body to make the conversion. Military amphibian vehicle carries more passengers whereas the

Commercial ones carry a maximum of four people. The car is fixed with a GPS system to enable navigation on the sea, communication system, fast engine and overhead light.

Advantages and Disadvantages of amphibian cars

It serves as amphibious army surveillance vehicle, transporting troops across water borders, for circumnavigating the earth surface and quickest means of transport. Others use it as a domestic catch or fishing for domestic use. They are also used at beaches for entertainment and for travelling or touring. Also, during some critical conditions like flood, amphibian cars are recommended. Aside the advantages amphibians have, there are some limitations. Which are; it requires technical know-how to operate, it is also expensive therefore only the noble and the larger organizations are able to buy, fuel consumption is very high, high initial cost, it requires regular maintenance, it involves high maintenance cost and has limited speed range on the roads.

One impact of this technology is that, it creates a high-speed capability to enable the Marine

Corps’ concept of operational manoeuvre from the sea. Another impact of this technology is its improvement in surveillance security system on both land and water.



An autonomous car {also known as a driverless car, self-driving car and an } is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input.

Autonomous cars use a variety of techniques to detect their surroundings, such as radar, laser light, GPS, Odometry and computer vision. Advanced control systems interpret sensory information to identify appropriate navigation paths, as well as obstacles and relevant signage. Autonomous cars must have control systems that are capable of analyzing sensory data to distinguish between different cars on the road.


The potential benefits of autonomous cars include reduced mobility and infrastructure costs, increased safety, increased customer satisfaction and a significant reduction in traffic collisions; the resulting injuries and related costs, including less need for insurance.

Autonomous cars are predicted to manage traffic flow; provide enhanced mobility for children, the elderly, disabled and the poor; relieve travelers from driving and navigation chores; lower fuel consumption; significantly reduce needs for parking space; reduce crime; and facilitate business models for transportation as a service, especially via the sharing economy. This shows the vast disruptive potential of driverless cars.


Maglev is derived from magnetic levitation (magnetic levitation is a method by which an object is suspended with no support other than magnetic fields). Few countries are using powerful electromagnets to develop high speed trains called Maglev train. It is a system of train transportation that uses two sets of magnets; one set to repel and push the train up off the track


then another set to move the ‘floating train’ ahead at great speed taking advantage of the lack of friction. They work on a basic principle of magnetism which is “like pole repel each other and unlike pole attract each other".

Alfred Zehden of Germany invented the first Maglev train in 1902 and the first commercial

Magnetic train was officially opened in 1984 in Birmingham, England. It ran 42km/h (26mph).

It was closed in 1995 due to technical problems. In 2004, the first high-speed Maglev train that people can ride on, was opened in Shanghai, China. It is currently operating in china, Germany,

Japan and other countries. The aim of Maglev is to reduce congestions at airports, traffic on roads, reduces need for additional highways in major urban areas and also needed for rail capacity and airport expansion.

A Maglev train floats about 10mm above the guideway on a magnetic field. It is propelled by the guideway itself rather than an on board engine by changing magnetic fields. The train then pulls into the next section; the magnetism switches, so that the train is pulled on again.

The Electro-magnets run the length of the guideway. It requires three major components; a large electrical power source, metal coils lining a guide way or track and a large guidance magnets attached to the underside of the train.

Since there is no friction, these trains can reach high speeds. It is safe and an efficient way to travel and since there is no engine there won’t be a problem of attaching and detaching the engine to run the train on either side. It is also easy to maintain; it doesn’t need to use fossil fuel to work. Maglev trains have safety issues either when there is loss of power supply which could cause serious accidents and it is also expensive to build.


Maglev train is a transport technology that is fast; no traffic, no delay. It is helpful in the society because it saves time, money, stress of being in traffic or a slow train for days. With a country that is overpopulated, this train can help in their daily movement and people who can’t afford a flight ticket can use the train.


Zorn, M. (2014, august 10). Visionlauch when was the Maglev train invented.

Retrieved from http://www.visionlauch.com

ID NUMBER: 10531150


Self -driving cars are a form of autonomous cars that are able to operate on its own without anyone directing the steer or the car wheel.

The dream of a self –driving automobile goes as far back as the Middle Ages, centuries prior to the invention of the car. The evidence for this comes from a sketching by Leonardo De

Vinci that was meant to be a rough blueprint for a self-propelled cart.

The main aim of self-driving cars is to eradicate the numerous road accidents by vehicles.

The number of road accidents we record in this country is quite outrageous. Some of these accidents are as a result of tiredness but with the emergence of these self-driving cars there is a minimized number of accidents in this country.

The Technology behind self-driving cars is that there are different types of sensors associated with it. The main type of sensor used in self-driving cars is , laser-based radar. Also is GPS and also there is a sensor called the Inertia Measurement Unit (IMU)


Self-Driving Car

Although expensive, I think this kind of technology is helpful to our soceity because it helps to reduce traffic and road accidents and generally offers easy and stress free movement.


After having trouble hailing a cab on a snowy evening in 2008, Travis Kalanick and Garrett

Camp came up with the idea of an app which orders a ride with nothing more than a tap on a button. The idea led to the founding of Uber Technologies in 2009 and the introduction of the

Uber iPhone app in San Francisco in 2010. Uber positions itself as a tech company with the mission, “whether it’s a ride, sandwich, or a package, we use technology to give people what they want, when they want it”. Uber’s idea of bringing supply and demand for ride and delivery services together on an ICT-platform has now, in 2016, spread to 503 cities in 73 countries across the globe. How does it work?

To begin with, before an individual will be able to enjoy ride from Uber, he or she needs to create an account. The account can be created on the Uber website on your computer or downloading the app from play store on your smart phone. Once installed, tap the icon to launch it. Creating Uber account requires a valid email address and phone number. After launching,


fill in your first and last name, phone number and preferred language. Once this step is completed you will receive a message to verify your number. Adding a credit card or debit card number allows your fares to be automatically charged after each ride. Uber does not accept prepaid cards. An email will be sent to you to confirm your account registration. Once you confirm, you will be able to use your app to request a ride.

Furthermore, Uber works in a very simple and convenient way. In cities where Uber operates, use your rider app to request a ride. When a nearby driver-partner accepts your request, your app displays an estimated time of arrival heading to your pickup location. Your app notifies you when the driver-partner is about to arrive through google map. The first name, vehicle type and license plate number will be provided by your app of your driver. This helps the two of you connect at your location. Use your app to enter your preferred destination anytime before or during the ride. When you arrive at your destination and exist the vehicle your trip ends. Your fare is automatically calculated and charged to the payment method linked to your Uber account. In some cities Uber allows you to pay with cash. This option must be selected before you request a ride. Immediately after your trip ends, your app will ask you to rate your driver 1 to 5 stars.

In relation to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 8; “Decent Work and

Economic Growth”, I think a city with Uber has more economic opportunities, fewer drunk drivers, and better access to transportation.



Uber Technologies (2016). Ride. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from https://www.uber.com/nl/ride