Excise Violator Fined for the Boysjn Blue
i. • ' LASLASTT EDITION. LAST ED/TI The ON Daily PRESPressS EstablishedESTABLISHED MAY IOMay, 1887 . io, 1887. PLAINFIELDPLAINFIELD,, N. J.. WEDNESDAYN. J., , APRIWEDNESDAY.L 29, 1896. April 29, TwTwoo 1896.CENT SCents A COPY— $5a J A Copy—$5 ! a Yea* JOKEJOKE NOT APPRECIATEDNOT . APPRECIATED. NONOTT AN ICE-CREAAN M NIGHTICE-CREAM. MARRIEMARRIEDNIGHT.D AT HIGATH NOON. HIGH NOON. A LONG RUN FOR EXCISE VIOLATOR FINED. A LONG RUN FOR3 FIREMEN EMEN.. jihmjeha KelsoNcl*onn Though Thoughtt the Wron thef Ma n WaWrongn EXCIS M«n E VIOLATOWim R FINED stilStilll PeoplPeoplee Wantad WbiiUmIIt aad the ComIt -MrsNn.. Lydianda SR..Lydia Bogart the. orBofart, ThisCom- City . FORof THETh»« BOYSJNCity. BLUE. CallingCalling HimHim Name* .Name*. FOR THE BOYSJN BLUE A House BurneHoumcd at the iCoraeBurnedr of at the jCoraer of DOMINICDOMINICKK PARRON PARRONCONVICTE D O CONVICTEDmittemittee e KnrnhheOFdKurnhdted It. WeddeWcdiMIt. d to» H. Bt<. PaulH. , of TrentonIL . WINFIELWINFIELDPaul, D SCOTofSCOTTT POSTrenton.T GIVE POSTA RE NorthGIVE AvenueA RE-and Terrill Koad. j JokesJokes are not alwayare s the mosnot always the most North Arrnoe and TerHll BMML SELLINGSELLING LIQUOLIQUORR ILLEGALLY . ILLEGALLY.LasLastt nighnightt wa s nowast wha t mighnott be ThThewhate weddin weddinggmight of Mrs of. Lydi Mrs.bea S . Bo- LydiaCEPTIOCEPTION N TS.O GTO. A . R. Bo-G.OFFCERS A. R.A fire firebrok OFFCERS.e oubroket las t nighoutt at last11: « night at 11:40 profitableprofitable sourcesourcess of pleasurof e as pleasurewas as was callecalledd an "ice-creaman “ice-cream”" nlght,bu t nevernight,but- gartgart, ,never- of thiof s citythis, an d Henrcity, y Band. Paul , Henry B.
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