Red Bank Register Volume Lxx, No

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Red Bank Register Volume Lxx, No RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXX, NO. 24. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1947 SECTION ONE—PACES 1 TO County Official Die* S«'n;if;r I'lant I'huis v Garden Club Little Silver J. A. Wcinlieimer A|i|irovc(l At Kum-mi 'Large Post-War j """"""' " Council Approves Plans appruved nt Fiiil;iy night's Plans Program Homes Planned Named To County meeting nf the Runuon mayor ami Home (loinplelcri School Addition council for a new si'w;ii,'O disposal plant bavi? born forwrmlr-d to tho For Christmas For Next Spring Probation Job Stale Department or Health for In River Oaks \ For Eatontown final apptuvill. Tli<! plant will he erected in tho West Park section, Navcsink GI-<MI|» TO L>. C. Hciiililing Co. Little Silver Alan and for the present will service i \ iitilloi-n Itrokrr In ; Hark- I p l!iJural(uii only tile section of the borough in- Sing Carole, Make Buys Five Lois To lit; Suorn In cluded hi the first sower district. JEoaril Iti I'lnii* I'or Hospital Decoration* Purchase of 100 feet of Hie lius-n. ICrally Ir;in-Jirlioii OH lli'uncli AVOIIIIC At I'Wehftlfl Today as recommended by Councilman Ed- gar 13. Blake, chairman of tho lire Plans Tor holiday activities for The Constance Smith agency of Jack A. Wi'lnhcinier of Salem committee, wns fiu thu fixed, (.'oun- The Hay \':ui HuriT fiftiint-y. roal- riy.i ?md council at the Navesinic Garden club and thu Fair Havnn repoi-ts the sale of live lane, Little Silver, will be sworn in cllni'in Francis J. Nary reported tur-s ()f K;v('i- in.ul. J-*;iii Uav.-n. ic- , I > 1 n f,ht approved pnit tlie silt; Mtul i-ompNt ion in Ihc Junior Navcsink Garden club, were lots, located on Branch avenue, Lit- today iis a county probation olilccr, that tile borough rrrordt'i '.s oilier- ; I i n ,, tho board of made at a meeting Monday at tle Silver, near Rtimson road, from it was announced by John I., Mont- h;i.s been furnished ami Councilman Uivcr fj:iks sfitictn of K:iir Haven f , d 1 tionfl to the Naveslnk library. The club will dec- gomery, chief probation ofilcor. of I he l.i rj;i'st p()st-w:ir honii1 rii.s- i I I it a rt,si eatimatf-d Emil Staldor of Little Silver to the J. Edward Wilson reported on the : orate a large community Christnuis D. C. Hombling Development com- Mr. WeiniieiMit'r, u member of mprling held IHKI wi-ck at Sri tum built in d.itc by Alien I'.iulh- i p! m of the borird tree on the library grounds for the pany of Red Bank. the N'ew York state bar, rorpivrd Uright in thi! inti-ii'st uf ii n Inlet ri5. Ini-.. )niili|in;:.<t :tn.| devIopiM.-- nf. of the borough'i holiday aeason, with electric lights Five bungalows witli attached iiU n.:ipointnient by virtue of re- :it Low Moor, of thi- Hivn (X'lUs ciiinininity, ,-i t fji the project. loaned by the Navcsink lire com- garages will be constructed on ceiving top honors in a civil sorvi<:p tr;irt nf 171) ;iri es adjoining 1 h". I it ri M't a combination pany. half-acre plots and will -lie ready exnminntiun conducted several Uum.'sun bdiindiM y. The house was ill I I i in-i.-iurn with a seat- Monday and Tuesday nights, De- for occupancy in early spring, months ago. Ho was jointly ap- comLriirtpfl acfordiir^ tf» plins ior Mr. ami Mrs. Hu.^seli S. Ohl uf \At- 1 cember 22 and 23, Junior Gurdun The Smith agency also reports pointed by Judge J. Edward Knight Guidance Director ll •clic-il find !.•• rooni an*i \\? Silvrr, whn incuipoi aleil their ; 1:L;».- clubs will assemble at the library Frank K, Price the sale of a double Vionrio and and .Ind^e John C. Giordano upon o^'n pust-uMi- linniu ideas intn tin* tu ijlhi'i- fi were out- grounds to sing carols. Christmas seven garages at 8S-9O Wnllncn recommendation of Mi'. Montgom- imi'il i<y Si mind Howar , president Explains Program plans iin.!*-!' t hn ^ititliiMce df "Mr- »!' f !i<- h.'j'i: <1. S*;it ing eve they will participate in n com- street, Red Hank, from Mr. Stakler ery. Murray and ('hiif;oti.-i, HI chitct'tH of thnt the munity program which calls for to Mr. and Mrs. Jamrs Chadwiclt Previous to his appointment, Mr. Union, Florists Elect .-ch'Hil li.'i.i i'jtii; In•.••!! ovcfcrowded, singing carols throughout the bor- Frank E. Price, of Red Bank, and M stucco bungiv- Weinheinier was employed hy the Sixson S|MUIKS To Mr. liu'.viiil :,.i;d th<- planned addi- ough. Mrs, Lester Sickles Is direct- The. house of seven rooms with tion.i arnl irnprovt'iiirnt^ would take low at 234 Third street. Fair Ha- U. S. Unemployment service and two colored lil<> hat hs is loratcd at. ing the juniors, ven, from Mr. and Airs. Leif^ Nnrd- worked with this group while it Mechanic Si. 1*1 V Hairy (lollis '•;ii •• nt .-ichuul rw.-ndd Im at least Members will make .iO wreaths, County Official thn roriuH' of iirooU.side I t--n yt-ars. lie to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Toman was under both federal and stntn 1 avenue nnr| Ijiiulen drive in :\ /let 00 laurel sprays, 50 holiday bouton- Willis SiK«on, KUiHnuce diU'cUii I S'lt'inidiH objection to the build- of Newark. Kiipcrvi.sinn. A veteran of World 1 tin;,' of trees on a .stuping plot, uf n .Man llr of tin; rtcd Ufmk juihlri sehoolr, ] ,riK f.I a . tiinii bungalow on an ad- nieres, and holiday gieen ioptis, Voi Banker, 77, Dies The Smith agency and William War II, he is at present working almost an ;tct(\ with ;m nrtive iuoolt the decoration program at Tiitun Hintelmann of Runi.son were cn- for hiis membership to the Newpointed out Ihc inipurtancc of os-at the iTcir houndry* The e:;(rrior (»rouj» |jjin:!j:; )'ioj.«-ity t(, her home was General Hpspital at Kort DiN. This brokcrs in a tniiusuction In which Jersey bar and expects to take the tahlishinj; a Kiiidancc program for dcyi(,'ti i.s rumbling, ("ic and one- : VUH'.MI hy .Mtc. H;t i! let K. Gas ton program is sponsored by the Gar- Long A Kcpiiltlican river property, located at 66 ldxsl examinations soon. children in the primary gnuleH, tin-1 half stories, with n wide, up,;n Tlif Motiiiidtith nnd KJljrnxi Hnr- of ISrtjsul Hlrmt, who headed a den Club of New Jersey, anil dec- Eivcr road, Runifion, was sold by After graduating from Leonardo the follow-up of that program porch lit Ihc south mil of the housti tli'iiltuiMl .stM'itMy, miH;tirii< Mon.i.-iy , l;irgo d<;li'(:at ion of renidnntji of that orations made by the N'avcslnu header Ami Active Fred Adams tu Mr. and Mrs. Ben- hlKh school, Mr. Wclnheimpr re- through fiTfinuniir nnil high m.'hi.ul, and an ntLaiiicd two-car ^:uaKe nt. nijiht .-)'. the vntnrjins1 hoinn in Kl |.si*uiion. Stating that she had com» club will be taken to the hospital ceived his A.B. 'degree from Duke at a meeting of tho Mechanic .Struct tho ncuth end. Ci'nst r net '.an i.s ltcinn, iili.fti'd ll.'irry Cullia of Jium- ' lu K.'itontiiwn «iine years ag"o to jamin Levi of New York city. Mr. 1 by the Red Cross motor corps, Mrs. In Lmlge Circles IJCVI is president of the Benjamin university in N'orth Carolina and .school Pa rent-Tear her tistiocwition fraiiin with cut sUm« usotl uii tin-HMIV iirt>t;id<<n1 fov tlv coining yuav. j riiak* il h'.i |n;t mat\«:iit home, Mra. F. L. Eldridge is project chairman, Levi Auto Screw company of New gained his law degree at New York lnst weclc at the ffchool, front of tho tli'st s'.niy. Some of Mr. Collis n-pl.ifi'H Walli'r Nonn.-in (itt:>ttm a.-^I'.i.'d Mayur Harry S. Row. aided by Mrs. George kanjjenber- Frank E. Price, vice president York. Law school. He has always been The good points of tln> local hl^li tho unusual (VaMirpH ufthn dwelling Of KIllt'l-CiM. |;ind if lu; w;inti;d to drive all the ger, Mrs. Henry Werlemann imd and trust officer of The Merchants An eight-room dwelling at 35 interested in athletics and was aschool are not stre.sdutl, he stattsl, include the exluiwivu usn of HLTI Other nlliciM.s fliM'tfil uvrc .lolin !old piM.pii! out uf Katontown by al- as he praised the high schnors "lino lowing .-uch type uf homes to be Mrs. Sickles. Trust company Cjf Red Bank, com- Irving place, Red Bank, owned by member of the tennfe team nt 1 casPinent windows Ihrouuhout the C'hcrt'l of Hdinar. Mr.iL vi'-c pi.-.-ti- Mrs. John L. Opfuimann was missioner of registration of the Fred Glittenbeig, has been sold to Duke. He is well known on locul iiciitlcmiu jn'OKrimi." Ml , Sisstm nl- flint, floor, willi pict uro windows .iml '!rnt; \Villi;iin Undhiiiclt «*r I*<ini; I I'l.M'tCll. elected a member oC the club. r»Irs. golf comaes, lmvinK won several KO tiiild a .special tfuidanei? proifnirn Ilroplart! in the "ly .shaped living Hl'.'lUCh.
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