Magazine Media’s Most Trusted Source Since 1947

November 16, 2015 | Vol. 68 No. 44 Read more at: Steve Smith's Eye on Innovation: 2 Cosmo's Anniversary Party Netted 9 Billion Media Impressions Traffic Is A Drug And Facebook Is Dealing Any publisher that isn't at least a little bit wary of relying on Facebook for the tor- 3 RadarOnline's 'Decent' App Is Nearly Ruined by 'Messy Monetization' rent of traffic it sends to content sites over the past two years is either daft or suf- fers short-term memory loss. One of the reasons media have enjoyed such massive 8 October 2015 Social Media Box- traffic spikes was due to a fundamental algorithm change that pushed consumer scores (Facebook and Twitter) brands out of the feed in favor of shared media—a shift that forced these brands into Facebook’s paid advertising business. After years of being encouraged by Fa- 12 Programmatic Paradox: We cebook to cultivate likes and enjoy the free distribution, many advertisers consid- Aren't Embracing New Efficiencies ered this shift in policy a bait and switch. At the very least, it should remind other 13 Are Mobile Ad Numbers Add- Facebook partners of the company’s willingness to change the rules of the game ing Up? and use its remarkable control to move partners into paid relationships. ( Continued on page 4 Linda Wells' Allure-ing Legacy The departing EIC's success was not predicted in 1991. In March 1991, Allure launched not with a party but with a sigh of relief from its founding editor-in-chief, Linda Wells. The issue was a quick redo after the late Condé Nast editorial director Alexander Liberman tore up the first version. The maga- zine's "truth in beauty" theme (based on 1987 launch Condé Nast Traveler's "truth in travel") was not welcomed by colleagues at Glamour, Self and Vogue that were beauty-advertising dependent. By June 1991, Allure was down to seven ad pages and Wells would later confess to Charlie Rose that "I had my head ripped off and handed to me." CN chairman S.I. Newhouse, Jr.'s support for Allure is why it and Wells survived (the same can be said for the then Vanity Fair and The New Yorker who were both losing money at the time). The turnaround came in the early-2000s when reality shows such as Extreme Makeover made beauty more than just an "accessory" to fashion. Wells became a celebrity herself with her Confessions of a Beauty Editor in 2006, and Allure's "Best of Beauty" awards have become a top event in the industry. Continued on page 2

Welcome to min's Seventh Editorial & Design Awards Join us at our November 18 breakfast at the Yale Club in New York when we recognize the best in print and digital. We will also honor four new members of min's Editorial & Design Hall of Fame: Margaret Russell (Architectural Digest, EIC) Robert Newman (This Old House, creative director) Jake Silverstein (New York Times Magazine, editor) Tom Shoop (Government Executive, EIC) Pages 6 and 7 list the nearly 250 Editorial & Design Awards finalists in 42 categories. For further information, including registration, click here.

© 2015 Access Intelligence, LLC. Federal copyright law prohibits unauthorized reproduction by any means and imposes fines of up to $150,000 for violations. Linda Wells' Allure-ing Legacy (continued from page 1)

Media Industry Newsletter In March 2011, Wells had come full circle when the same advertisers Editor-in-Chief: that had shunned Allure at the launch bought congratulatory pages to Steven Cohn ([email protected]) celebrate her's and the brand's 20th anniversary. 203/899-8437 That turned out to be the apex as Allure was impacted by the evo- Digital Media Editor: lution from print to digital. Women's Wear Daily reported that "with Steve Smith ([email protected]) the emergence of beauty bloggers and YouTubers, not to mention 302/691-5331 a steep pullback in beauty advertising [-15.9% to 762.99 ad pages min through September 2015, per Publishers Information Bureau], Al- Group Editor: Caysey Welton ([email protected]) lure had lost its dominance in the industry." 203/899-8431 On November 11, Condé Nast president Bob Sauerberg announced Editorial Intern: Jameson Doris that Wells was being succeeded, "effective immediately," by former ([email protected]) Nylon Media editor-in-chief and chief marketing officer Michelle Lee. VP Publisher: Amy Jefferies ([email protected]) The terms "native advertising," "branded content," "custom publishing," "Millennials" and "plat- Director of Market Development: forms" were all in the press release, and the rumor du jour is that Lee and Allure VP and chief Laurie M. Hofmann revenue officer Agnes Chapski will convert the 1.15 million circulation monthly to digital only. ([email protected]) Marketing Associate: Allie DeNicuolo Wells remains on the Allure masthead as "founding editor," and we expect her to be in ([email protected]) demand by the beauty industry that went from scorning her to respecting her. Senior Account Executive: Tania Babiuk ([email protected]) Cosmo's 9 Billion Media Impressions Production Manager: Streaming the anniversary party on Snapchat was a catalyst. Sophie Chan-Wood ([email protected]) Combine a perennially hot magazine with a hot 50th anniversary party with hot guests, and Graphic Designer: Yelena Shamis the whopping sum of 9 billion media impressions (not a typo) is the result, says Cosmopolitan ([email protected]) publishing director Donna Kalajian Lagani. Fans followed the October 12 gala in Los Angeles Data and Analytics Manager: Stacy Hill on Snapchat, and the Kardashian sightings (all six–including mom Kris Jenner) helped make ([email protected]) Cosmo the social media powerhouse shown. Access Intelligence, LLC President & As for 2016, the three-time winner of Hearst Magazines president, marketing and publish- Chief Executive Officer: Don Pazour ing director Michael Clinton's "Tower Award" (shared in 2015 with Woman's Day's Kassie Means, Car and Driver's Felix DeFillippo and Elle's Kevin O'Malley) promises that "it will be fun." SVP, Media Group: Diane Schwartz Chief Operating Officer: Heather Farley Subscriptions/Client Services: Great Editorial Content Drives Social Engagement 888-707-5814 Last October, People published a cover story on Brittany Maynard, the cancer patient who List Sales: Statlistics, 203-778-8700 chose to end her own life. The piece performed very well Advertising: 203-899-8498 BY THE NUMBERS on social, according to min's Social Media Boxscores pro- Reprints: Wright’s Media, 877-652-5295 ([email protected]) vided by True Social Metrics, and is why the brand saw a Facebook Replies Editorial Offices: 10 Norden Place, drop in overall engagement on social this October, versus Norwalk, CT 06855; 40 Wall Street, last year. 50th floor, New York, NY 10005; Faxes: 203-854-6735, 212-621-4879; On the other end of the spectrum is Cosmopolitan. The 75% women's beauty and fashion magazine saw a huge spike Cosmo's engagement growth in Facebook likes (65% YoY) and replies (75%) compared (YoY) in October on Facebook Access Intelligence LLC, 9211 Corporate Blvd, 4th Floor, Rockville, MD to October of last year. The cover appearance of all six thanks to Kardashians 20850; Ph: 301-354-2000 Published 2015 © by Access Intelligence LLC. ladies in the Kardashian clan is largely the reason. Distributed via email and online. For email and postal address changes, Other notable numbers came from brands like allow 2 weeks notice. Send to: Client Bloomberg Businessweek, which beefed up political cov- 9% Services or call 888-707-5814. For advertising info contact 301/ 354- erage the past month. Increasing post output by 800% People's decreased engage- 1629. Contents may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. over last year has led to an amazing 1,400% increase in ment (YoY) due to success of favorites (now likes) and a 408% increase in replies on last October's Maynard piece Subscription Rate: $1099 Twitter for the brand. Continued on page 8

2 Magazine Media’s Most Trusted Source Since 1947 11/16/2015 Steve Smith's App Review RadarOnline: A Clean, Well-Lit Place…Until The Ads Show Up A decent user experience is nearly ruined by messy monetization. American Media’s flagship celebrity news site RadarOnline claims to have grown its traffic over 60% in the past year (more than 300% in mobile) and expanded its audience 55%. As it also gears up to launch a branded TV project with The Weinstein Company, the site has issued a full cross-screen redesign. Here, I looked at the mobile experience. Clean and fast are the watchwords for the new RadarOnline. Following its tabloid DNA, the design sports huge celebrity images and bold-faced headlines that satisfy the mobile user’s key value­—speed. The scroll gets some visual variety with the occasional pink headline and variable type- face sizing. The mobile experience at RadarOnline benefits from smooth interface devices, although many come with downsides. The persistent sandwich menu activates a slide in menu curtain with a baker’s dozen of sections. The list is cumbersomely long and too small for easy navigation, even on the massive iPhone 6S Plus. The article pages are as clean as the homep- age. Bolding and typeface colors are a nice hedge against the blandness of the mobile scroll. I like that the galleries operate seamlessly with touch and that videos start neatly within the page, go to full-screen, and then recede back into the page. But the video sharing tools only seem available before a video starts. And generally, the article sharing tools were avail- able at top and bottom (or persistently) in an article instead of just at the end of the story. Finally, once the mobile user gets beyond the main article, the scroll becomes interminable­—cluttered with too many internal recommenda- tions and those always-unwelcome promoted links from Taboola appear- ing before I got to user comments. Can we have a shortcut, please? One of my favorite editorial pieces at the site is an “Explore This Story” timeline widget that follows select trending and evolving stories. Other recent items that are directly related to the celebrity or storyline are ar- ranged in a swipeable timeline with date stamps. This is a great way to serve fans and readers tracking a breaking story, and it probably merits being higher up in the article body. There are a number of navigation and other tech and usability glitches in the mobile experience, however. The persistent RADAR navigation bar at the top of the scroll often obscures introductory text and even top line ads and, at times, it crawls down into the center of the site. Backing out of articles—especially photo galleries—is problematic. Once you are deep into a gallery, the browser back button doesn’t want to return you to the front page. While the site has focused on serving advertisers with a range of formats, I experienced the most trouble with ad units. Some didn’t load at all (in galleries) and others, like the front-page APP REPORT CARD leaderboard, were often not fully visible because of the persistent menu bar. In general, the site suffers the common malady of frantic mobile monetization. There are persistent banners, User Experience B- in-line oversized units, third-screen pop-ups and other irritants distracting you from the other- Overall Design B+ wise clean scrolling experience. At times it feels like an invading overlay of hand wavers all vying at once for attention. Social Integration C+ When the ads behave, RadarOnline can be a clean, well-lit place for celebrity-watchers. Mobile Utility B- The design is actually a smidge less sensational than the content, but with that familiar tab- loid sense throughout. The key assets of a celebrity site, images and video, are handled well, Monetization D+ although I wish sharing was easier throughout. As with so many mobile sites I've reviewed B- lately, a good underlying experience is still marred by tech glitches and advertising overkill. Final Grade

11/16/2015 Magazine Media’s Most Trusted Source Since 1947 3 EYE ON INNOVATION Traffic Is A Drug And Facebook Is Dealing (continued from page 1)

Which makes one wonder and reacting accordingly in order to get visibility and clicks Steve Smith about news last week that referral back to our sites. Overall, that discipline helps us create more traffic from Facebook to its top media partners has declined engaging content, but the opaque nature of Facebook’s algo- substantially in 2015. As first reported in Digiday, the social rithm makes this challenging and requires additional effort analytics firm SimpleReach finds that Facebook referrals and resources.“ to the 30 publishers getting the most traffic from the social It's also quite possible that user behaviors are changing. network declined 32% since January. The impact is even Kroski cites a recent survey by GlobalWebIndex in which greater among the top 10, which saw a 42.7% drop. “The a third of FB users claimed declines in their own posting fre- biggest drops are for those who had" a very high volume to quency and item sharing. begin with,” SimpleReach CEO Edward Kim tells min. “Overly As social strategies mature among publishers, Facebook’s relying on any platform obviously comes with its risks,” he ever-changing algorithms (and perhaps their ever-changing goes on to say. business models) will impact traffic flows. Bauer Xcel Me- Yeah, what he said. dia has a famously well-developed social distribution sys- Of course, this drop comes at a time when Face- tem, and that company confirms what SimpleReach found. book is trying to encour- “We have seen a age publishers to rely moderate decline less on links back to their We use innovative ways in referring , but home sites and plant nothing drastic,” more of their content na- to insulate our revenue Christian Baesler, tively on FB’s own servers. model from Facebook's president, says. No one outside of FB can For the time be- say whether algorithm ups and downs. ing, Facebook’s al- changes in the feed are gorithmic or feed dialing up or down certain kinds of media. Facebook itself composition changes are manageable. Echoing Kroski, how- claimed to Digiday in a statement that refers to its top 1000 ever, Baesler indicates that it does require a publisher stay on partners has remained the same since January. If anything, their toes. “We use innovative ways to insulate our revenue it suggests, it's an increase in user-generated content overall model from Facebook’s ups and downs,” he says. “Bauer is that is impacting formal media’s reach. active across a variety of Facebook" channels, including In- As is often the case with stories like these, publishers stant articles, text sharing and mobile traffic, so a fluctuation clam up quickly when Facebook is involved, and many of the in one channel is normally offset by another one.” major publishers I asked declined to comment. And some While no one cops to being overly dependent on Face- publishers are still in growth mode; still ramping up a more- book for traffic, the fact is that most major media are heavily aggressive position on Facebook that nullifies any algorithm invested in this channel despite attempts to diversify. More- change. over, no one knows how much the social network will priori- But the picture is complicated even for publishers still en- tize Instant Articles, to the detriment of other shared links, joying the Facebook firehose. For instance, American Media thus compelling publishers to play along with FB’s own native says that it's seeing more referral traffic from Facebook this publishing platform. year over last, but that's mainly from its own shift in focus to In just the last week, Facebook launched an app that le- social. Nevertheless, “the fact is we have found it harder to verages mobile alerts to drive users to branded media from generate referrals from Facebook,” says Brian Kroski, chief outside of the feed experience. digital officer. “In the past one could increase the number of posts or change cadence for optimal visibility and find a Steve Smith covers digital trends and innovations as min's digital media editor. rhythm with predictable results," Kroski says. “Now we find Send him tips or feedback: [email protected] ourselves testing each individual post, monitoring response

4 Magazine Media’s Most Trusted Source Since 1947 11/16/2015 THE NEW RECRUITS

Condé Nast president Bob Sauerberg has appointed Cam- to joining Meredith, Martin served as president and GM of eron Blanchard executive vice president of corporate com- WE TV for nine years. munications. Blanchard succeeds Patricia Röckenwagner and was previously senior vice president of corporate communi- Stephen G. Smith has been named editor-in-chief of Na- cations at NBCUniversal. tional Journal. Additionally, Ben Pershing has been pro- moted to managing editor. Smith was editor of National Condé Nast Entertainment has appointed Jonathan Koa Journal magazine from 1996 to 1998. Before his first tour at senior vice president, scripted programming. Koa previously National Journal, he was the founding editor of Civilization. served as a comedy executive at ABC, where he oversaw the production and development of the network’s comedy series Eliza Borné has been named the new editor of the Oxford and worked with the industry’s top comedy talent. American, succeeding Roger D. Hodge, who left the maga- zine in June. Borné joined the magazine in 2013 as associate Karthic Bala has been appointed head of data strategy at editor and was promoted to managing editor in 2014. Since Condé Nast. She will lead Condé Nast’s data capabilities June 2015, she has served as interim editor. across the company’s business groups, with a focus on grow- ing its ad supported and consumer revenue streams. Bala Brought to Maxim to change its image and help broaden its most recently served as president of Precision Health Data ad base, Kate Lanphear has left her post as editor-in-chief. Institute at Everyday Health. This news comes just six months after unveiling a sweeping redesign that ultimately failed to impress. Prior to Maxim, JJ Miller has been named executive producer, video, for Lanphear was an editor at The New York Times T magazine. Time Inc.’s People and Entertainment Weekly. In this newly created role, Miller will oversee all aspects of video program- Paul Turcotte has been named publisher and chief revenue ming, and she will develop TV and other brand extensions, officer at TV Guide magazine and He was reporting directly to Jess Cagle, Editorial Director of People formerly CEO at AMPitLIVE. and EW. Garden & Gun has made two executive appointments. Jessi- Trusted Media Brands, Inc. (formerly Reader's Digest As- ca Derrick and David DiBenedetto have been named se- sociation) announced that Alec Casey has been appointed nior vice presidents. Derrick oversees the company’s creative chief marketing officer. With more than two decades of pub- services and brand development, while DiBenedetto serves lishing experience, Casey joins from Bloomberg, where he as the publication’s editor in chief. Both joined G&G in 2008. served as head of global circulation and production. Michelle Lee has been named editor-in-chief at Allure. Lee Meredith Corporation announced that chief strategy offi- will take over the role held by Linda Wells since the maga- cer Kim Martin will be expanding her responsibilities to in- zine launched in 1991 (see page 1). Lee joins the brand from clude oversight for Meredith National Media Group’s original Nylon, where she was also editor-in-chief. video programming development across all platforms. Prior Send us your new recruits!

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Entry Deadline: December 4 | Final Deadline: December 11

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11/16/2015 Magazine Media’s Most Trusted Source Since 1947 5 26909 Best of the Web Ads_7.5x2.indd 1 10/28/15 3:57 PM NOVEMBER 18 | 8:00 – 10:30 AM THE YALE CLUB, NYC Breakfast REGISTER NOW AT: WWW.MINEDITANDDESIGN.COM

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2015 FINALISTS Advice Column ham Issue struction Workforce Development Sorority Row §§ Redbook - Whys Guy §§ Time Out New York - Summer’s Article Series §§ More magazine - “Superbugs in §§ This Old House - Advice Column: Last Hurrah §§ - Main Street Your Supper” Ask TOH §§ Time Out New York - Undateables §§ Outside Magazine - Unprotected Cover Design - Consumer §§InStyle - You Can Do, Beauty §§ Yoga Journal - 40-Day Digital §§ Prevention - The Natural Superbug §§ Architectural Digest - May 2015: §§InStyle - You Can Do, Fashion Countdown to Yoga Journal’s 40th Cure No One is Telling You About Inspiring Style Around the World Anniversary Best E-Newsletter §§ Architectural Digest - October Magazine Design / Single §§Architectural Digest 2014: Fast Forward Feature Article Issue §§Golf Digest Hit List §§Coastal Living - July/August §§ AARP - Bob Dylan: The Uncut §§ AARP The Magazine - June/July §§Greece Real-Time Newsletter §§Entertainment Weekly - Birdman Interview 2015 §§ §§ Harper’s Bazaar - December §§ - Snakebites Always §§ Coastal Living - July/August Issue §§POLITICO Playbook 2014/January 2015 a Farm Danger §§Design New England Magazine §§ - 10 Things You §§Harper’s Bazaar - March 2015 §§ CFO Publishing - Cyber Security §§Food & Wine - April 2015 Need to Know Today §§ Harper’s Bazaar - September Technology - Threat Assessment §§JCK - May 2015 2014 §§ Consumer Reports - A Beautiful §§Travel + Leisure - June 2015 Best Launch §§ Live Happy magazine - December Death §§Hampton’s Monthly 2014 §§ MODERN TRADER magazine Magazine Redesign §§Rodale’s Organic Life §§Travel + Leisure - August 2015 §§ People Magazine - Bruce Jenner §§Equipment Today § May Media Group, LLC - KIWI Best New Online Tool or App Transitioning Into a Woman § Cover Illustration § People Magazine - Diem Brown magazine for Publishers § §§ IEEE Power & Energy Magazine - §§ Prevention - Why Getting A §§Parents magazine §§ The Bump - Week by Week Preg- July/August 2015 Mammogram May Cause More §§Residential Lighting nancy and Newborn Tracker App §§ Live Happy magazine - Live Happy Trouble Than It’s Worth §§Sierra § The Knot - Wedding Planner § April 2015 §§ Travel + Leisure - A Pot-Smoker’s §§Travel + Leisure §§The Knot - Wedding Lookbook §§ mental_floss - The History of Guide to Elite Marijuana Tourism §§ Prevention - The 21 Day Challenge Everything 12.14 Media Kit or Marketing §§ The Rotarian - In Praise of How-To/Instructional Materials Blog/s Libraries (March 2015) §§ AARP The Magazine - 10 Myster- §§AAHA §§ NAA’s APTly Spoken - Lauren §§ Time Out New York - Lonely NYC ies of the Human Body—Explained §§ - NPE Boston §§ American Baby - The New Rules 2016 Show Guide §§ Custom Publication Design of Giving Birth §§IEEE Spectrum § Golf Digest – The Loop § §§Cambria Style §§ Coastal Living - Host on the Coast §§Coastal Living - Cottage Style Most Improved Publication Cover Design - Association §§ Cosmopolitan Magazine - Harder. §§ Health Magazine - Your Best Body §§American Baby Media Brand Better. Faster. Stronger: Cosmo’s Now Guide to Your Best Orgasm Ever §§Reader’s Digest §§ AARP The Magazine - The §§ Hotline magazine - Volume 1 2014 § Farm Journal Magazine - 9 Ways Survivors! § New Publication Design §§Whole Foods Market Magazine to Cut Costs without Sacrificing §§ The Rotarian - Annual Photo §§Dorado Yield Contest (June 2015) Digital Magazine Edition §§HAMPTONS Monthly §§ AARP The Magazine - June/July §§ InStyle - “The 20 Most Googled §§Rodale’s Organic Life Cover Design - B2B 2015 Style Questions Answered” §§Home View §§ APEX Experience Magazine - The §§ Architectural Digest - July 2015: §§ InStyle - “Future-Proof Your Skin” Technology Issue The Best Country Houses §§ Marie Claire - Bank on This Online Column §§ Ingram Micro Advisor - Shorten §§ Architectural Digest - November §§ Parents Magazine - “Rock Your §§ AgWeb - Perspective: Overlooked the Sales Cycle 2014: Before + After Disney Trip!” Obamacare Opportunities §§ Pragmatic Marketer - Summer §§ Computer - IEEE Computer §§ SHAPE magazine - “Flat belly? §§ Architectural Digest - The 2014 Society (Yes, please!) Your 4-week plan” Architect’s Eye §§ Successful Farming Magazine - §§ The Knot - LGBTQ Weddings §§This Old House - All About §§ Light Reading - Between the December 2014 CEOs Special Edition Investigative §§ Successful Farming Magazine - §§ Sustainable Construction §§ AARP The Magazine - ‘She Stole Online Feature/Section November 2014 Magazine - Spring 2015 My Life’ Design Cover Design - City/Re- Editorial Series §§ Fortune - Inside the Hack of the §§espnW - #LifeUnfiltered gional §§ - Farm Bill Decisions Century §§ Hospitality Design magazine - HD §§ Time Out New York - 24 Hour §§ - I Lived Like Kim §§ Health Magazine - Too Many NextGen Forum website NYC Kardashian for a Week Scans? §§Outside Magazine - Unprotected §§ Time Out New York - Lena Dun- §§ - Con- §§Marie Claire - Somaly’s Story §§ Sustainable Construction §§ Marie Claire - Revolution on Magazine

The winners of the Editorial and Design Awards will be announced at an awards breakfast on Nov. 18 at New York’s Yale Club. Congratulations to all of the finalists! To register for the event, visit: Advertising Contact: Tania Babiuk at [email protected] | Questions: Allie DeNicuolo at [email protected] NOVEMBER 18 | 8:00 – 10:30 AM | THE YALE CLUB, NYC NOVEMBER 18 | 8:00 – 10:30 AM REGISTER NOW AT: WWW.MINEDITANDDESIGN.COM THE YALE CLUB, NYC Breakfast REGISTER NOW AT: WWW.MINEDITANDDESIGN.COM Opinion/Commentary Profile or Q&A Single Article - Consumer Special Supplement Breakfast §§ ESSENCE Magazine - Melissa §§ AARP The Magazine - Bob Dylan §§ The Atlantic – What ISIS Really §§ AARP The Magazine - Your Guide Harris-Perry’s Parenting Column Does the American Songbook His Wants to Health @ 50+ §§ InsuranceNewsNet - Letter from Way §§ Better Homes and Gardens §§Coastal Living - Cottage Style CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2015 FINALISTS the Editor §§ InStyle - “Funny That Way,” a magazine – Save Your Own Life §§ Cosmopolitan Magazine - Cosmo §§ The Rotarian - In Praise of profile of Mindy Kaling §§ Consumer Reports – How Safe is Careers: Rise To The Top Advice Column ham Issue struction Workforce Development Sorority Row Libraries (March 2015) §§ InStyle - “How Sweet It Is,” a Your Shrimp? §§ Food Logistics - July 2015 Special §§ Redbook - Whys Guy §§ Time Out New York - Summer’s Article Series §§ More magazine - “Superbugs in §§ The Rotarian - Sacking the Super profile of Jennifer Aniston §§ Essence Magazine – Pride and Edition on Software & Technology §§ This Old House - Advice Column: Last Hurrah §§ - Main Street Your Supper” Bowl (February 2015) §§ InStyle - “Practical Magic,” a profile Prejudice in the Global Food Supply Chain Ask TOH §§ Time Out New York - Undateables §§ Outside Magazine - Unprotected of Julia Roberts §§ Garuda Indonesia Colours §§ InStyle - Your Look Special Issue Cover Design - Consumer Photo Gallery §§InStyle - You Can Do, Beauty §§ Yoga Journal - 40-Day Digital §§ Prevention - The Natural Superbug §§ Marie Claire - Very Kerry magazine –Oct 2014 § Architectural Digest - May 2015: §§ AARP The Magazine - The Technical Article § InStyle - You Can Do, Fashion § Countdown to Yoga Journal’s 40th Cure No One is Telling You About §§ More magazine - The Accidental §§ Live Happy magazine – Can § Boomer List §§ APEX Experience Magazine - Inspiring Style Around the World Anniversary Activist Happiness Save the Planet? Best E-Newsletter §§ Architectural Digest - October Magazine Design / Single §§ Harper’s Bazaar - Bazaar’s New §§ More magazine - Courting §§Marie Claire – Gone Girls “Ahead By a Century,” The §§Architectural Digest 2014: Fast Forward Feature Article Issue Funny Face Controversy §§ Marie Claire – Iraq’s Most Wanted Technology Issue § Harper’s Bazaar - Rihanna: § Farm Journal Magazine - Get More §§Golf Digest Hit List §§Coastal Living - July/August §§ AARP - Bob Dylan: The Uncut §§ AARP The Magazine - June/July § §§ People Magazine - Living Out Woman § §§Greece Real-Time Newsletter §§Entertainment Weekly - Birdman Interview 2015 Swimming With Sharks Loud! Broadway Legend Joel Grey §§ More magazine – The Legacy of Bushels From Every Drop § Harper’s Bazaar - Jennifer Aniston: § The Institute - The Psychology §§ §§ Harper’s Bazaar - December §§ - Snakebites Always §§ Coastal Living - July/August Issue § §§ The Rotarian - The Fighter (May Campus Rape § Nothing But Blue Skies Behind Wearables §§POLITICO Playbook 2014/January 2015 a Farm Danger §§Design New England Magazine 2015) § InStyle - Capital K Single Article (online) § Live Happy - Redefining Love §§ - 10 Things You §§Harper’s Bazaar - March 2015 §§ CFO Publishing - Cyber Security §§Food & Wine - April 2015 § § § InStyle - Strike it Rich Repackaging of Archived § - Romance Scam § Top Producer Magazine - Weather Need to Know Today §§ Harper’s Bazaar - September Technology - Threat Assessment §§JCK - May 2015 § § § § Travel + Leisure - A New Day § - Think deleted text mes- the Storm climate change deep 2014 §§ Consumer Reports - A Beautiful §§Travel + Leisure - June 2015 § Content § Best Launch §§ Live Happy magazine - December Death Dawning §§ - AARP Livable sages are gone forever? dive, Summer 2014 §§Hampton’s Monthly Magazine Redesign Think again 2014 §§ MODERN TRADER magazine Photography Spread Communities Use of Social Media §§Rodale’s Organic Life §§Travel + Leisure - August 2015 §§ People Magazine - Bruce Jenner §§Equipment Today §§ - Market Outlooks §§ - In the §§ Architectural Digest - Summer §§ Coastal Living - Tax Day Moment Transitioning Into a Woman §§ May Media Group, LLC - KIWI eBook Makeup Chair Best New Online Tool or App Splendor of Zen Cover Illustration §§ People Magazine - Diem Brown magazine §§ Coastal Living - View of the Day for Publishers §§ Coastal Living - Wheels of Fortune Single Magazine Issue §§Food & Wine §§ IEEE Power & Energy Magazine - §§ Prevention - Why Getting A §§Parents magazine §§ - 30-Day Weight Loss §§ Entertainment Weekly - The §§ American Road Magazine - “The §§Golf Digest §§ The Bump - Week by Week Preg- July/August 2015 Mammogram May Cause More §§Residential Lighting Challenge nancy and Newborn Tracker App Hobbit Sound of Silents” §§ §§ Live Happy magazine - Live Happy Trouble Than It’s Worth §§Sierra §§ § The Knot - Wedding Planner §§ Harper’s Bazaar - A Bigger Splash §§ Architectural Digest - July 2015: §§The Knot § April 2015 §§ Travel + Leisure - A Pot-Smoker’s §§Travel + Leisure §§The Snug §§ Harper’s Bazaar - High Gloss The Best Country Houses §§ Outside Magazine - Best Towns §§The Knot - Wedding Lookbook §§ mental_floss - The History of Guide to Elite Marijuana Tourism §§ Prevention - The 21 Day Challenge Everything 12.14 Media Kit or Marketing §§ Harper’s Bazaar - Light As A Series §§ ELLIMAN Magazine - Spring/ 2015 §§ The Rotarian - In Praise of How-To/Instructional Materials Feather §§ APEX Experience Magazine - §§Summer 2015 §§People Magazine Blog/s Libraries (March 2015) §§ AARP The Magazine - 10 Myster- §§AAHA §§ InStyle - Go Reese Lightning! Travelogue Series §§Food & Wine - July 2015 §§Residential Lighting Magazine §§ NAA’s APTly Spoken - Lauren §§ Time Out New York - Lonely NYC ies of the Human Body—Explained §§ - NPE §§InStyle - Lady Midnight §§ Garuda Indonesia Colours maga- §§Harper’s Bazaar - March 2015 §§Seventeen Boston §§ American Baby - The New Rules 2016 Show Guide §§ InStyle - Portrait of an Artist zine - The Archipelago Journal §§ Harper’s Bazaar - September §§ Yoga Journal - Intimate and §§ Custom Publication Design of Giving Birth §§IEEE Spectrum §§ The Rotarian - Slow Fade §§Entertainment Weekly - Binge 2014 Inspiring §§Golf Digest – The Loop §§Cambria Style (April 2015) §§ IEEE Potentials - March/April 2015 §§ Coastal Living - Host on the Coast §§Marie Claire - The State of Sex Video Program §§Coastal Living - Cottage Style §§ Cosmopolitan Magazine - Harder. Most Improved Publication §§ Time Out New York - Lena §§This Old House - Pests §§ It Is Innovation (i3) - Jan/Feb Issue Cover Design - Association §§ The Bump - Milestones Video §§ Health Magazine - Your Best Body Better. Faster. Stronger: Cosmo’s §§American Baby Dunham §§Parents magazine - May 2015 Media Brand Series Now Guide to Your Best Orgasm Ever §§Reader’s Digest Single Article - Association/ Issue: The Millennial Issue §§ AARP The Magazine - The Print/Online Coverage of §§Entertainment Weekly - In 30 §§ Hotline magazine - Volume 1 2014 §§ Farm Journal Magazine - 9 Ways Media §§Rodale’s Organic Life Survivors! New Publication Design §§Glamour §§Whole Foods Market Magazine to Cut Costs without Sacrificing Single Topic §§ AARP The Magazine - Our Dog §§SHAPE Magazine - June 2015 §§ The Rotarian - Annual Photo §§Dorado §§Golf Digest - Golf Assassins Yield §§ Coastal Living - Host on the Coast Years Contest (June 2015) Digital Magazine Edition §§HAMPTONS Monthly Slideshows §§ - #TheTipJar §§ InStyle - “The 20 Most Googled §§ Consumer Reports - How Safe Is §§ AARP The Magazine - The True §§ AARP The Magazine - June/July §§Rodale’s Organic Life §§ Kiplinger’s - Worst Things to Buy Series Style Questions Answered” Your Shrimp? Story of Medicated Me Cover Design - B2B 2015 §§Home View on Amazon §§ Inc. Magazine - The Ask Marcus § APEX Experience Magazine - The §§ InStyle - “Future-Proof Your Skin” §§ Country Living – Small of Fame/ §§ AOPA Pilot - Ageless Aviators § §§ Architectural Digest - July 2015: §§ Travel + Leisure - Take One Last Lemonis Show Technology Issue §§ Marie Claire - Bank on This Online Column Tiny Houses §§ The Rotarian - Business Class The Best Country Houses Look at Tokyo’s Iconic Hotel Okura §§MetLife Multipliers of Prosperity § Ingram Micro Advisor - Shorten §§ Parents Magazine - “Rock Your §§ AgWeb - Perspective: Overlooked §§ CRN - Coverage: Hewlett-Packard (September 2014) § §§ Architectural Digest - November Before It’s Gone §§ and Joyus the Sales Cycle Disney Trip!” Obamacare Opportunities Splits Into Two Companies §§ The Rotarian - Slow Fade (April 2014: Before + After § Entertainment Weekly - §§Yahoo Travel - A Broad Abroad §§ Pragmatic Marketer - Summer §§ SHAPE magazine - “Flat belly? §§ Architectural Digest - The § 2015) Special Section / Microsite §§ Computer - IEEE Computer Comic-Con 2014 (Yes, please!) Your 4-week plan” Architect’s Eye §§ The Rotarian - We Are Brushing §§ - AARP Livable Website Redesign - Josh Society §§ Entertainment Weekly - Game of §§ Successful Farming Magazine - §§This Old House - All About §§ Light Reading - Between the Against Death Every Day (February Communities §§ §§ The Knot - LGBTQ Weddings Thrones December 2014 CEOs 2015) §§ - Internet’s §§The Bump Special Edition Investigative §§Food & Wine - Best New Chefs §§ Successful Farming Magazine - Most Fascinating §§ §§ Sustainable Construction §§ AARP The Magazine - ‘She Stole Online Feature/Section §§ The Institute - Special Report: Big Single Article - B2B November 2014 §§ Federal Times - The OPM data §§ Magazine - Spring 2015 My Life’ Data §§ InsuranceNewsNet - Celebrity Design breach: What you need to know §§ §§ Fortune - Inside the Hack of the §§ People Magazine - Brittany Advisors Tell All - July 2015 Cover Design - City/Re- Editorial Series §§espnW - #LifeUnfiltered §§Glamour - §§ Century Maynard §§ Successful Farming Magazine - gional §§ - Farm Bill Decisions §§ Hospitality Design magazine - HD §§ The Institute - Tech History §§Racked §§ Health Magazine - Too Many §§ People Magazine – @#$*% Weather! No, It’s @#$*% §§ Time Out New York - 24 Hour §§ - I Lived Like Kim NextGen Forum website Channel §§ Scans? Climate Change! NYC Kardashian for a Week §§Outside Magazine - Unprotected §§Prevention – Alzheimers Disease §§Prevention - Eat Clean §§Marie Claire - Somaly’s Story §§ Successful Farming Magazine - §§ Time Out New York - Lena Dun- §§ - Con- §§ Sustainable Construction §§ §§ Marie Claire - Revolution on The Robots are Coming! Magazine §§ Travel + Leisure - 40 Reasons to Travel Now 26888 The winners of the Editorial and Design Awards will be announced at an awards breakfast on Nov. 18 at New York’s Yale Club. Congratulations to all of the finalists! To register for the event, visit: The winners of the Editorial and Design Awards will be announced at an awards breakfast on Nov. 18 at New York’s Yale Club. Congratulations to all of the finalists! To register for the event, visit: Advertising Contact: Tania Babiuk at [email protected] | Questions: Allie DeNicuolo at [email protected] Advertising Contact: Tania Babiuk at [email protected] | Questions: Allie DeNicuolo at [email protected] min Social Media Boxscores October 2015 - Facebook and Twitter % % % % % Likes & Publication Source Followers Differential Posts Differential Differential Replies Differential Shares Differential Favorites in Followers in Posts in Favorites in Replies in Shares October October October October October 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 AARP Facebook 1,307,870 1.75% 85 -4.49% 265,311 122.96% 17,604 349.66% 58,452 224.90% Twitter 93,618 1.35% 126 -56.55% 2,925 -9.67% 252 62.58% 2,323 24.89% All You Facebook 1,617,477 2.34% 420 -36.75% 209,701 -37.48% 4,097 -43.88% 105,506 -49.46% Twitter 40,075 0.71% 466 -38.28% 556 -48.94% 11 -77.08% 426 -51.86% Allrecipes Facebook 1,031,893 0.83% 303 -2.57% 194,267 -21.46% 4,309 -13.18% 179,294 -27.54% Twitter 49,018 2.38% 145 -12.65% 1,048 -29.19% 34 -50.72% 627 -26.49% Allure Facebook 489,397 7.76% 944 4.54% 154,837 12.21% 4,453 -9.34% 28,514 -9.31% Twitter 376,633 0.40% 707 -22.14% 8,936 -10.41% 270 -13.18% 4,675 -6.59% American Baby Facebook 179,152 0.93% 195 10.80% 19,408 15.54% 1,022 -26.95% 4,666 -71.55% Twitter 11,150 1.15% 192 6.08% 162 25.58% 28 250.00% 108 28.57% American Photo Facebook 40,324 1.04% 53 -1.85% 426 -1.16% 9 -18.18% 112 -39.46% Twitter 67,320 0.52% 88 66.04% 393 89.86% 11 22.22% 361 67.13% Architectural Digest Facebook 2,637,175 3.52% 406 17.00% 996,736 12.56% 6,281 4.74% 82,473 -2.41% Twitter 288,733 2.56% 472 1.94% 12,943 -18.19% 330 -9.59% 9,288 -14.85% Automobile Facebook 879,058 3.38% 169 -14.65% 135,934 -26.53% 1,953 -44.75% 6,604 -42.09% Twitter 89,307 2.46% 425 -0.70% 3,832 19.38% 131 -25.57% 2,256 -8.40% Autoweek Facebook 26,163 0.50% 399 -5.00% 1,248 -8.24% 264 14.29% 284 -37.86% Twitter 94,136 1.77% 430 -15.52% 1,321 -15.05% 78 -48.68% 1,074 -7.65% Backpacker Facebook 282,847 3.75% 137 6.20% 79,065 1.01% 4,033 -13.94% 15,459 -25.39% Twitter 89,719 2.75% 99 -16.10% 1,532 -14.56% 111 14.43% 661 -32.89% Better Homes and Gardens Facebook 3,303,962 1.87% 746 2.61% 905,411 -17.29% 15,312 -15.65% 385,806 -32.29% Twitter 149,685 2.03% 173 24.46% 959 36.03% 83 10.67% 731 24.74% Bicycling Facebook 293,022 2.00% 689 6.00% 103,622 4.83% 5,400 8.61% 29,504 11.77% Twitter 131,475 1.36% 777 0.13% 8,664 -14.13% 532 14.90% 4,543 -15.96% Birds & Blooms Facebook 695,990 4.82% 96 7.87% 279,988 -9.69% 3,628 -18.78% 50,501 1.41% Twitter 14,100 0.71% 93 13.41% 434 32.32% 12 -33.33% 433 21.97% Bloomberg Businessweek Facebook 1,510,873 2.61% 869 -0.23% 283,881 7.56% 27,487 -4.02% 95,887 7.49% Twitter 1,218,432 3.03% 153 800.00% 5,519 1003.80% 193 407.89% 6,299 1043.19% Boating Facebook 82,753 7.79% 146 -8.75% 31,009 -14.23% 657 -12.17% 6,227 5.45% Twitter 25,991 1.50% 67 -40.71% 95 -49.20% 13 -13.33% 135 -25.41% Bon Appetit Facebook 969,766 5.81% 714 5.47% 555,336 14.21% 13,626 23.47% 171,590 9.94% Twitter 965,270 3.42% 967 11.28% 57,576 8.85% 1,374 12.35% 29,974 13.22% Brides Facebook 1,612,350 2.64% 883 16.18% 530,546 6.44% 9,940 10.26% 46,403 44.64% Twitter 175,920 1.36% 830 12.77% 5,045 20.09% 149 37.96% 4,833 19.63% Car and Driver Facebook 1,841,059 2.21% 524 0.00% 546,755 -12.49% 22,773 -12.56% 59,218 -14.06% Twitter 247,361 2.53% 450 9.49% 13,913 1.70% 549 -15.28% 8,265 1.14% Car Craft Facebook 1,408,666 0.49% 155 -11.43% 100,809 -23.35% 1,593 -4.38% 9,599 -21.64% Twitter 1,669 2.39% 143 -2.05% 184 -26.40% 1 -66.67% 18 -30.77% Closer Facebook 25,133 7.79% 612 11.27% 6,207 24.56% 525 10.53% 452 -23.39% Twitter 2,470 3.22% 708 -2.21% 1,992 13.25% 72 -43.31% 738 -10.55% Coastal Living Facebook 1,184,033 4.49% 342 35.71% 814,366 38.93% 10,923 16.28% 113,518 26.53% Twitter 51,050 1.14% 378 24.34% 2,866 38.86% 67 28.85% 1,187 21.87% Conde Nast Traveler Facebook 508,722 3.76% 582 9.81% 275,141 22.30% 12,003 28.20% 71,616 20.96% Twitter 734,249 1.13% 1,311 17.26% 24,632 1.74% 971 12.00% 19,397 -26.22% Consumer Reports Facebook 308,922 10.13% 362 1.97% 39,526 11.78% 7,837 4.96% 23,925 18.35% Twitter 249,255 0.28% 446 8.25% 3,358 14.26% 241 16.43% 2,781 21.87% Cooking Light Facebook 4,687,826 3.95% 757 -5.26% 2,040,717 -3.23% 21,794 4.42% 639,572 -11.73% Twitter 171,856 1.48% 675 -18.18% 9,894 -20.24% 169 -10.11% 4,878 -18.47% Cosmopolitan Facebook 6,349,983 1.64% 1,313 28.10% 2,978,713 65.07% 204,137 75.40% 778,333 115.18% Twitter 1,417,940 1.16% 3,337 9.95% 207,136 10.51% 5,265 27.48% 96,619 10.92% Country Facebook 67,295 0.07% 34 9.68% 2,534 -19.89% 40 -41.18% 438 -23.69% Country Living Facebook 2,621,335 4.20% 776 5.87% 2,915,832 19.93% 76,788 24.99% 1,083,686 20.57% Twitter 127,592 2.37% 571 4.58% 8,613 -2.25% 226 -23.39% 5,407 2.99% Cruising World Facebook 82,345 2.99% 42 -6.67% 8,135 -34.69% 285 -45.61% 1,515 -43.62% Twitter 5,621 1.28% 33 -28.26% 21 -67.69% 1 -92.31% 15 -72.22% Cycle World Facebook 411,676 3.96% 105 34.62% 53,082 5.65% 2,385 58.58% 8,570 17.09% Twitter 33,420 2.68% 105 -16.67% 825 -29.67% 38 -39.68% 562 -27.11% Departures Twitter 29,827 1.53% 215 1.90% 522 6.10% 22 4.76% 361 29.39% Details Facebook 232,604 2.39% 804 12.29% 54,700 23.63% 3,145 37.16% 17,802 97.95% Twitter 124,945 0.73% 769 8.31% 6,535 31.20% 248 20.98% 3,504 52.75% Dirt Rider Facebook 480,362 2.02% 116 -15.94% 103,983 -14.98% 1,098 -42.39% 4,183 -43.03% Twitter 21,117 0.79% 94 -31.39% 138 -57.01% 4 -63.64% 88 -50.00% DuPont Registry Auto Facebook 5,606,366 0.78% 421 30.75% 4,008,795 -6.82% 26,733 3.55% 248,252 -9.71% DuPont Registry Home Facebook 290,265 3.50% 91 4.60% 139,701 14.87% 997 4.95% 15,035 9.62% Dwell Facebook 423,667 11.97% 789 10.81% 893,909 28.70% 9,937 17.75% 75,562 20.69% Twitter 595,365 0.47% 1,232 12.00% 21,717 0.63% 446 -11.33% 10,611 8.09% EatingWell Facebook 1,514,681 1.44% 134 1.52% 91,336 -17.18% 3,455 28.82% 39,991 -18.76% Twitter 103,455 1.18% 177 24.65% 978 -4.12% 59 68.57% 496 -5.52% Elle Facebook 3,340,676 1.34% 1,060 11.34% 1,156,824 -0.44% 28,201 27.74% 66,502 23.84% Twitter 4,215,767 4.22% 2,835 1.18% 210,905 -17.38% 4,683 -2.15% 112,457 -22.09% Elle Decor Facebook 2,307,049 3.92% 649 21.54% 1,031,730 48.28% 6,642 67.39% 55,733 34.09% Twitter 290,089 2.27% 86 -50.86% 1,929 -45.23% 67 -30.21% 1,495 -37.63% Entertainment Weekly Facebook 3,284,906 0.53% 1,595 -3.86% 2,470,933 -46.18% 104,158 -41.97% 352,955 -36.11% Twitter 4,425,011 5.34% 4,279 24.82% 432,473 12.51% 12,289 7.27% 225,593 8.21% Entrepreneur Facebook 2,323,756 2.45% 1,122 2.09% 614,390 -0.17% 16,994 5.72% 247,015 -11.62% Twitter 1,725,964 6.57% 2,087 12.51% 107,502 7.23% 2,593 3.64% 84,340 -0.49% Esquire Facebook 637,239 4.72% 1,096 11.72% 432,560 51.52% 31,897 39.19% 134,878 123.78% Twitter 334,550 1.91% 2,415 -9.52% 45,908 12.38% 2,659 6.15% 33,498 22.80% Essence Facebook 1,965,806 0.63% 539 -4.26% 1,002,188 -20.40% 45,337 19.12% 167,630 10.72% Twitter 188,275 2.45% 844 -8.26% 18,626 -39.26% 1,009 -20.55% 17,301 -16.87% Every Day with Rachael Ray Facebook 592,883 1.84% 177 14.94% 80,008 5.71% 2,700 1.09% 19,446 -0.52% Twitter 59,253 0.77% 251 49.40% 1,328 9.12% 44 -27.87% 581 22.32%

8 Magazine Media’s Most Trusted Source Since 1947 11/16/2015 % % % % % Likes & Publication Source Followers Differential Posts Differential Differential Replies Differential Shares Differential Favorites in Followers in Posts in Favorites in Replies in Shares October October October October October 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Family Circle Facebook 779,161 2.60% 152 14.29% 286,044 66.69% 8,670 56.39% 27,087 19.94% Twitter 147,093 0.73% 72 10.77% 169 16.55% 13 8.33% 120 4.35% FamilyFun Facebook 556,008 0.83% 244 37.08% 57,291 -1.88% 2,082 49.35% 40,175 10.01% Twitter 54,153 1.00% 217 16.67% 240 11.63% 25 31.58% 554 18.63% Field & Stream Facebook 724,556 1.60% 461 -4.36% 453,224 29.10% 22,536 10.25% 105,538 -14.41% Twitter 78,178 1.85% 251 709.68% 2,040 491.30% 47 422.22% 695 329.01% First for Women Facebook 169,751 6.10% 387 41.76% 42,678 43.78% 1,159 38.31% 13,601 22.29% Twitter 2,249 1.76% 77 133.33% 17 1600.00% 4 N/A 5 400.00% Fit Pregnancy Facebook 594,763 1.77% 195 14.04% 117,419 20.05% 4,854 25.36% 38,602 28.39% Twitter 72,212 1.23% 102 5.15% 525 136.49% 18 20.00% 309 45.07% Fitness Facebook 2,283,855 1.56% 325 6.21% 181,876 9.65% 4,839 20.07% 54,643 -10.16% Twitter 544,669 2.20% 340 1.19% 7,180 -9.21% 124 -27.06% 4,475 -18.62% Flying Facebook 217,492 4.35% 45 4.65% 55,799 -18.00% 902 -19.89% 7,690 -30.26% Twitter 40,783 2.27% 68 21.43% 686 15.29% 29 38.10% 544 16.74% Food & Wine Facebook 1,229,361 8.66% 958 5.51% 547,087 8.26% 18,584 21.93% 137,377 1.56% Twitter 2,270,598 10.14% 1,097 10.25% 54,251 5.81% 1,575 15.05% 29,477 -0.19% Food Network Magazine Facebook 6,115,969 1.90% 261 8.30% 667,731 6.24% 18,789 15.40% 303,964 0.98% Twitter 3,762,504 1.49% 773 8.57% 52,022 -4.08% 2,381 9.17% 20,681 -5.60% Forbes Facebook 2,234,000 3.06% 501 2.66% 74,110 -15.01% 6,668 3.11% 44,478 47.57% Twitter 7,147,414 4.33% 3,460 7.19% 240,391 10.91% 11,197 3.39% 223,851 6.31% Fortune Facebook 1,011,687 3.47% 1,473 20.05% 375,483 75.95% 22,517 34.15% 79,322 33.27% Twitter 1,905,520 1.31% 3,743 -9.83% 67,567 -14.91% 4,107 -23.79% 71,781 -14.69% Game & Fish Facebook 177,086 0.79% 51 50.00% 8,279 5.79% 159 -10.67% 651 -23.59% Twitter 1,841 0.82% 38 22.58% 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 N/A Glamour Facebook 4,465,225 0.94% 894 45.60% 722,593 99.77% 49,616 334.28% 304,276 1163.87% Twitter 1,119,676 1.73% 1,167 36.17% 32,518 33.28% 1,031 29.20% 17,131 8.73% Golf Digest Facebook 309,686 1.55% 479 3.90% 144,771 -34.79% 12,593 -14.11% 24,997 -27.55% Twitter 276,754 2.32% 1,121 -1.15% 38,067 -11.91% 1,854 -12.09% 18,492 -11.73% Golf Magazine Facebook 173,000 2.61% 724 25.04% 142,554 -2.16% 9,135 -17.49% 17,021 21.40% Twitter 149,948 1.70% 793 15.77% 6,327 -13.11% 481 -11.74% 3,454 -8.24% Good Housekeeping Facebook 2,621,455 1.70% 669 9.31% 887,979 -4.53% 34,368 3.87% 289,046 -7.14% Twitter 71,309 1.68% 771 -12.39% 2,063 -12.40% 115 -23.33% 1,771 -2.69% GQ (Gentlemen's Quarterly) Facebook 1,776,196 1.45% 900 2.39% 362,844 -28.60% 27,244 -15.65% 46,986 -13.94% Twitter 762,279 1.76% 1,089 1.30% 64,906 -0.61% 2,100 -2.60% 37,715 -6.85% Guns & Ammo Facebook 721,542 -0.59% 33 -2.94% 8,954 -40.79% 322 -39.36% 2,587 -49.13% Twitter 95,627 3.04% 21 -8.70% 267 -3.26% 22 29.41% 181 27.46% Harper's Bazaar Facebook 2,380,077 1.92% 1,554 -1.46% 1,292,464 -5.13% 26,239 -5.68% 103,880 -21.85% Twitter 1,348,303 2.09% 1,442 -9.99% 51,308 -23.57% 1,046 -14.54% 25,804 -42.67% Health Facebook 3,710,876 2.62% 867 14.38% 624,614 -0.89% 13,330 4.39% 145,295 -9.43% Twitter 2,934,574 0.15% 917 4.80% 23,775 -4.80% 573 -14.48% 19,141 -18.68% HGTV Magazine Facebook 3,761,748 2.12% 164 -2.38% 539,548 -17.43% 24,547 -18.82% 35,591 -88.55% Twitter 591,783 1.25% 196 5.38% 15,583 32.84% 637 -3.92% 3,632 0.06% Hot Rod Facebook 3,160,917 1.47% 252 -6.67% 647,972 -7.68% 14,726 10.32% 92,878 3.48% Twitter 57,230 3.24% 338 -26.36% 3,377 -33.47% 211 -7.05% 1,017 -38.51% House Beautiful Facebook 5,201,078 3.28% 640 -1.08% 2,137,677 -3.63% 25,760 30.09% 223,385 1.27% Twitter 293,335 3.68% 126 -57.43% 3,844 -52.93% 116 -45.54% 3,060 -45.91% In Touch Facebook 2,165,760 1.08% 1,324 23.51% 670,506 3.11% 39,703 -5.01% 20,068 -11.71% Twitter 56,889 2.12% 869 4.20% 3,392 34.76% 343 -1.15% 1,840 91.87% In-Fisherman Facebook 129,591 0.05% 21 90.91% 810 -2.53% 38 15.15% 256 57.06% Twitter 4,364 1.02% 23 130.00% 17 112.50% 0 0.00% 10 42.86% InStyle Facebook 4,219,438 0.63% 1,189 -5.71% 742,810 -14.04% 15,390 -15.63% 34,000 -14.18% Twitter 3,459,150 3.83% 1,915 -3.38% 94,423 -9.25% 2,182 -6.43% 52,538 -7.24% Islands Facebook 496,090 3.60% 54 28.57% 56,775 49.84% 969 -4.72% 8,217 31.43% Twitter 15,518 0.60% 5 -50.00% 11 -52.17% 0 0.00% 12 0.00% J-14 Facebook 5,496,726 0.82% 556 5.30% 3,287,630 -5.74% 28,016 -5.35% 65,194 3.75% Twitter 295,957 0.49% 767 -3.76% 83,784 18.47% 1,342 -3.31% 42,457 34.80% Life & Style Facebook 3,585,884 1.32% 1,271 11.69% 1,729,646 12.29% 63,848 -0.80% 33,299 -14.29% Twitter 160,543 55.39% 637 1.76% 2,543 -30.18% 198 -30.04% 630 -44.20% Lucky Facebook 578,720 0.48% 283 -16.27% 15,211 -36.98% 600 -26.29% 1,413 -40.43% Twitter 465,476 0.80% 729 -13.32% 9,690 23.16% 223 -2.19% 4,381 -45.57% M-Magazine Facebook 3,378,165 0.84% 433 20.28% 1,189,625 29.14% 9,320 18.53% 13,452 0.39% Twitter 167,852 0.59% 360 10.09% 24,263 -38.30% 422 -18.06% 11,427 -30.32% Marie Claire Facebook 2,292,867 1.23% 1,238 17.57% 742,639 8.13% 21,221 22.50% 61,138 6.15% Twitter 2,034,715 0.84% 1,622 -27.04% 31,264 -32.46% 927 -28.36% 17,132 -41.08% Marlin Facebook 92,314 6.25% 141 18.49% 30,351 -10.40% 527 -19.91% 4,451 -18.87% Twitter 2,378 5.92% 4 100.00% 5 25.00% 0 -100.00% 2 0.00% Martha Stewart Living Facebook 1,650,754 1.49% 482 -13.77% 388,889 53.91% 18,121 157.88% 121,859 49.93% Twitter 122,104 0.99% 231 -23.76% 1,908 -31.91% 108 24.14% 802 -31.74% Men's Fitness Facebook 2,724,587 1.15% 594 -0.50% 367,288 4.71% 10,097 60.91% 68,041 -1.83% Twitter 532,398 1.53% 748 -5.44% 35,521 -12.04% 389 3.73% 14,105 -5.60% Men's Health Facebook 4,191,402 2.68% 1,055 4.56% 513,435 -14.89% 24,049 -25.05% 196,719 -58.39% Twitter 3,162,835 0.00% 1,065 5.97% 62,732 1.15% 1,168 -1.52% 17,790 -18.70% Men's Journal Facebook 267,254 4.37% 443 3.75% 25,702 -36.69% 1,197 -41.32% 9,127 -40.10% Twitter 51,844 2.21% 432 11.05% 2,667 12.96% 88 -11.11% 1,545 21.37% Midwest Living Facebook 176,475 2.59% 66 3.13% 54,605 -4.76% 1,121 -14.95% 13,120 -7.14% Twitter 9,979 1.50% 105 -2.78% 302 -25.43% 11 -38.89% 191 -5.91% Money Facebook 533,813 7.12% 1,165 9.91% 179,508 12.04% 6,317 -3.75% 63,400 2.01% Twitter 283,208 2.23% 3,152 16.05% 29,896 2.80% 1,341 14.52% 23,860 12.94% More Facebook 138,542 0.71% 73 -3.95% 11,861 -9.90% 786 -13.72% 6,130 40.60% Twitter 29,124 0.65% 298 39.91% 514 32.47% 55 57.14% 426 10.36% Mother Earth News Facebook 2,095,135 2.58% 264 0.00% 1,031,691 -36.33% 31,726 -45.05% 126,910 -26.52% Twitter 65,319 0.86% 1 0.00% 0 -100.00% 0 0.00% 0 -100.00% Motor Trend Facebook 2,911,242 0.53% 104 -14.75% 167,430 -28.88% 3,489 -38.20% 9,351 -23.21% Twitter 268,455 1.57% 292 -32.25% 9,175 1.93% 494 -20.96% 4,459 -14.66%

11/16/2015 Magazine Media’s Most Trusted Source Since 1947 9 min Social Media Boxscores October 2015 - Facebook and Twitter % % % % % Likes & Publication Source Followers Differential Posts Differential Differential Replies Differential Shares Differential Favorites in Followers in Posts in Favorites in Replies in Shares October October October October October 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Motorcyclist Facebook 815,588 2.37% 134 -2.19% 111,658 -39.85% 2,782 -16.31% 12,049 -40.96% Twitter 7,465 5.21% 271 60.36% 643 39.18% 34 -22.73% 395 32.11% Muscle & Fitness Facebook 5,700,321 1.05% 669 -1.91% 1,575,510 -6.87% 27,415 0.33% 117,215 -7.56% Twitter 510,365 1.74% 671 -2.89% 36,006 4.56% 506 9.29% 13,720 6.95% National Enquirer Facebook 32,738 1.49% 74 0.00% 249 -37.75% 122 -22.29% 92 -41.77% Twitter 7,110 1.02% 82 6.49% 21 -43.24% 15 200.00% 35 59.09% National Geographic Facebook 37,705,052 1.10% 283 2.17% 4,860,962 2.87% 75,915 -13.83% 568,495 4.15% Twitter 10,647,230 1.36% 380 -1.81% 103,613 4.47% 3,076 -1.32% 80,542 4.05% National Geographic Kids Facebook 2,583,611 1.28% 43 -20.37% 22,548 -20.94% 171 -7.07% 1,993 -21.78% Twitter 25,823 3.89% 45 -40.79% 82 -52.60% 9 28.57% 117 -49.13% National Geographic Traveler Facebook 3,626,952 -0.02% 274 18.10% 182,314 31.12% 2,302 21.99% 22,285 18.29% Twitter 2,125,802 1.16% 487 14.05% 17,473 -0.48% 435 -9.19% 12,908 -6.44% Natural Health Facebook 58,214 7.43% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Twitter 12,000 0.47% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% New York Magazine Facebook 1,696,148 2.10% 812 7.41% 426,380 -13.91% 29,593 -1.37% 77,881 1.65% Twitter 977,259 2.76% 2,113 8.69% 53,868 1.04% 4,232 0.36% 49,317 13.19% Nylon Facebook 1,714,305 1.24% 934 3.09% 1,198,238 9.35% 43,864 -9.59% 105,138 -51.00% Twitter 903,995 0.68% 984 -4.37% 51,228 -7.40% 850 -14.05% 21,568 -21.35% Nylon Guys Facebook 94,055 0.12% 20 -28.57% 589 -30.95% 30 -46.43% 66 -31.25% Twitter 18,326 0.30% 16 -15.79% 33 -35.29% 0 -100.00% 23 -82.03% O, The Oprah Magazine Facebook 757,047 2.29% 398 0.51% 165,755 11.97% 6,744 26.93% 39,995 -5.69% Twitter 429,370 0.65% 437 6.85% 8,262 22.27% 395 11.58% 3,481 -13.17% OK! Facebook 1,372,420 2.53% 309 -6.93% 355,180 -39.41% 27,633 -2.52% 14,600 -26.24% Twitter 270,278 0.60% 718 11.15% 4,570 -11.64% 706 36.03% 2,278 -18.56% Outdoor Life Facebook 233,950 5.01% 475 41.79% 136,759 45.26% 5,471 24.12% 24,936 1.30% Twitter 74,231 2.18% 204 5000.00% 1,035 4212.50% 21 950.00% 422 3416.67% Outside Facebook 485,523 1.79% 343 -14.46% 135,272 -15.21% 8,214 -26.39% 31,382 -17.50% Twitter 197,982 1.91% 865 11.90% 12,373 6.10% 381 -28.92% 6,047 -23.63% Parents Facebook 1,526,453 0.44% 326 48.86% 156,755 68.96% 18,117 73.02% 167,327 315.99% Twitter 1,749,589 12.97% 409 104.50% 8,925 270.18% 371 178.95% 4,959 175.19% People Facebook 5,717,976 0.72% 1,618 -11.73% 5,566,053 -12.00% 307,249 -8.66% 527,512 -11.27% Twitter 6,737,122 1.71% 3,437 -0.43% 381,206 -17.83% 16,012 -2.79% 165,155 -20.23% People en Español Facebook 3,767,513 0.29% 844 26.73% 2,174,243 16.08% 51,234 2.23% 41,738 0.28% Twitter 1,319,750 0.61% 816 15.42% 34,520 50.98% 1,414 63.85% 18,945 59.78% People StyleWatch Facebook 172,116 6.99% 388 -1.27% 9,866 24.48% 434 -1.36% 858 -8.92% Twitter 88,674 -89.90% 383 -19.71% 806 -47.22% 35 -25.53% 481 -53.79% Playboy Facebook 16,481,438 0.23% 590 -4.07% 1,904,450 -32.02% 53,890 -37.47% 213,195 -44.24% Twitter 1,032,953 1.33% 444 -62.53% 23,766 -52.27% 861 -48.16% 9,404 -52.34% Popular Mechanics Facebook 249,202 6.10% 629 -4.41% 114,367 99.81% 11,122 121.77% 281,716 970.96% Twitter 153,047 1.15% 789 -17.47% 10,436 -19.58% 630 -23.73% 8,943 -19.97% Popular Photography Facebook 568,482 2.17% 69 -5.48% 40,155 45.02% 447 -51.47% 2,907 -51.99% Twitter 125,918 0.80% 80 95.12% 627 309.80% 23 53.33% 382 270.87% Popular Science Facebook 3,000,165 0.38% 470 24.67% 447,601 7.25% 18,310 -4.62% 104,279 3.36% Twitter 583,262 1.83% 611 -5.71% 24,778 12.31% 1,338 -9.72% 23,097 15.13% Prevention Facebook 1,637,269 2.43% 768 15.66% 407,387 11.57% 8,974 7.83% 224,703 -0.83% Twitter 220,834 1.42% 916 13.93% 12,670 15.91% 213 15.14% 11,322 19.97% Reader's Digest Facebook 2,612,349 1.29% 561 14.96% 245,982 0.64% 3,371 5.15% 65,491 -4.81% Twitter 83,561 1.52% 508 -1.74% 3,251 -14.94% 91 -28.35% 2,839 -7.34% Real Simple Facebook 2,711,929 1.29% 745 1.50% 405,825 3.39% 23,898 56.50% 217,368 8.71% Twitter 1,482,911 -0.18% 1,018 2.83% 16,033 1.78% 342 25.74% 6,873 -3.01% Redbook Facebook 462,226 3.52% 716 10.49% 259,427 9.52% 14,948 -1.53% 74,834 13.08% Twitter 47,873 0.34% 742 -5.36% 960 -13.36% 44 -22.81% 1,342 48.78% Reminisce Facebook 56,555 0.57% 18 80.00% 2,396 11.03% 201 40.56% 450 48.03% Road & Track Facebook 1,001,464 8.82% 828 24.51% 1,615,496 18.36% 34,565 26.46% 133,121 18.56% Twitter 107,352 2.38% 770 -9.09% 12,026 7.12% 578 0.70% 6,558 -0.64% Rolling Stone Facebook 4,292,772 0.89% 589 6.13% 1,136,982 -16.36% 72,482 1.54% 239,158 -25.29% Twitter 4,777,085 0.84% 1,294 8.38% 224,695 19.16% 6,679 10.45% 141,968 19.44% Runner's World Facebook 1,587,389 1.49% 599 22.49% 627,889 31.90% 26,446 21.39% 136,992 14.50% Twitter 1,092,719 0.47% 779 15.58% 45,619 -3.23% 1,096 -18.09% 21,326 -9.44% Sailing World Facebook 133,360 3.55% 60 -3.23% 26,525 9.58% 639 113.71% 4,790 40.97% Twitter 27,648 1.68% 101 -3.81% 94 -37.75% 4 -42.86% 220 -7.17% SaltWater Sportsman Facebook 97,888 4.16% 113 5.61% 22,188 -0.60% 325 -23.71% 2,273 -19.17% Twitter 3,162 2.43% 1 -50.00% 0 -100.00% 0 0.00% 0 -100.00% Saveur Facebook 301,083 6.21% 220 10.00% 65,337 44.78% 2,280 74.31% 29,038 77.16% Twitter 434,118 1.37% 314 28.69% 5,344 58.06% 213 69.05% 2,745 -8.13% Scientific American Facebook 2,327,484 1.17% 353 42.91% 349,313 45.03% 12,776 33.78% 117,681 46.70% Twitter 1,162,462 1.68% 583 14.09% 26,622 52.07% 1,671 29.03% 31,323 45.26% Scuba Diving Facebook 210,539 6.48% 110 1.85% 58,241 -21.78% 1,311 -18.16% 8,595 -28.98% Twitter 36,204 1.70% 81 -1.22% 614 -10.36% 17 0.00% 466 -10.90% Self Facebook 1,237,190 1.45% 529 -20.33% 214,660 53.26% 6,180 94.40% 78,621 80.85% Twitter 373,451 1.38% 1,167 -2.18% 22,019 -5.12% 303 -37.27% 11,110 2.58% Ser Padres Facebook 491,634 0.32% 201 2.55% 35,100 36.58% 938 38.35% 21,362 9.37% Twitter 25,096 1.33% 60 -7.69% 84 23.53% 2 0.00% 45 -40.00% Seventeen Facebook 4,095,550 0.89% 1,225 13.01% 4,087,254 6.83% 73,678 -1.78% 272,422 10.94% Twitter 878,030 0.13% 1,387 6.28% 94,783 -32.59% 1,663 -20.16% 37,351 -21.12% Shape Facebook 2,619,803 0.32% 562 -2.94% 132,763 -7.50% 4,208 8.20% 56,022 -3.08% Twitter 469,926 1.25% 594 0.34% 11,628 -10.47% 197 -18.60% 4,822 -17.77% Siempre Mujer Facebook 1,703,471 2.28% 274 35.64% 347,060 39.67% 4,122 31.78% 68,671 3.13% Twitter 12,305 0.54% 121 30.11% 92 10.84% 7 -83.33% 22 -46.34% Sierra Magazine Facebook 4,064 7.29% 55 34.15% 1,180 54.86% 48 50.00% 213 27.54% Twitter 67,666 0.27% 37 23.33% 92 84.00% 7 600.00% 122 148.98%

10 Magazine Media’s Most Trusted Source Since 1947 11/16/2015 % % % % % Likes & Publication Source Followers Differential Posts Differential Differential Replies Differential Shares Differential Favorites in Followers in Posts in Favorites in Replies in Shares October October October October October 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Ski Magazine Facebook 72,991 3.42% 61 84.85% 16,185 94.98% 659 118.94% 1,395 59.61% Twitter 44,885 2.16% 55 3.77% 405 -12.34% 24 0.00% 227 -15.61% Smithsonian Facebook 672,811 1.73% 282 1.44% 374,799 15.47% 14,407 25.29% 150,721 28.24% Twitter 139,831 1.41% 1,283 3.22% 14,479 8.29% 678 8.48% 15,135 -4.85% Soap Opera Digest Facebook 473,050 1.33% 60 25.00% 92,944 2.69% 9,383 12.18% 7,768 21.72% Twitter 105,126 1.43% 125 27.55% 2,893 66.84% 541 54.57% 1,365 44.75% Southern Living Facebook 1,407,131 6.76% 134 -79.48% 167,866 -81.11% 4,327 -90.20% 61,894 -92.71% Twitter 143,189 1.17% 460 4.55% 7,708 -8.19% 205 9.63% 3,757 -13.15% Sport Diver Facebook 123,009 4.74% 120 -4.76% 34,586 4.28% 817 79.96% 6,620 15.15% Twitter 20,908 1.76% 110 -15.38% 490 -25.53% 8 -50.00% 405 -0.74% Sport Fishing Facebook 193,567 3.89% 162 0.62% 55,679 -18.07% 1,545 -34.89% 6,440 -19.89% Twitter 6,902 4.69% 2 -33.33% 1 N/A 1 N/A 4 100.00% Sports Illustrated Facebook 2,373,725 0.84% 1,803 17.46% 1,266,614 -8.78% 66,099 -2.97% 140,117 15.92% Twitter 1,364,867 7.36% 4,368 13.31% 112,946 -12.12% 8,165 -19.02% 86,809 -13.81% Star Facebook 664,191 0.27% 231 35.09% 43,761 60.20% 8,433 35.97% 4,105 90.84% Twitter 88,047 0.46% 489 6.77% 481 7.61% 75 -19.35% 226 25.56% Street Rodder Facebook 1,779,771 1.41% 36 -70.25% 92,654 -77.90% 989 -77.52% 18,088 -73.28% Sunset Facebook 171,339 6.75% 340 71.72% 96,063 64.69% 3,173 51.10% 22,248 13.24% Twitter 64,886 0.43% 200 0.00% 1,098 4.77% 32 -25.58% 640 -39.05% Taste of Home Facebook 3,736,570 2.34% 216 26.32% 1,127,651 4.19% 12,288 -4.71% 922,340 -2.65% Twitter 24,461 1.51% 9 200.00% 65 N/A 1 N/A 33 N/A Teen Vogue Facebook 4,925,323 0.09% 120 -85.52% 267,942 -89.42% 2,090 -90.31% 5,762 -88.33% Twitter 2,515,839 0.29% 1,599 15.45% 105,868 -25.54% 1,567 -8.58% 46,915 -32.45% Texas Monthly Facebook 166,402 1.66% 125 -8.76% 17,589 -29.39% 2,183 -29.19% 8,674 9.66% Twitter 139,583 1.19% 185 12.80% 1,877 13.62% 173 -0.57% 1,613 21.92% The Atlantic Facebook 1,253,960 2.93% 1,242 0.89% 729,522 31.56% 48,282 -3.43% 294,216 28.49% Twitter 1,124,219 2.27% 1,527 -4.62% 59,092 -0.07% 5,273 -5.54% 51,808 -3.20% The Economist Facebook 5,906,824 1.80% 954 -14.59% 806,551 6.83% 53,370 4.99% 252,850 15.40% Twitter 11,052,789 3.99% 3,171 7.93% 220,856 -7.38% 21,240 -5.61% 285,748 -11.23% The Family Handyman Facebook 469,452 4.40% 166 0.00% 110,855 -13.58% 2,419 -14.82% 86,675 -15.80% Twitter 13,318 1.89% 88 144.44% 250 121.24% 9 50.00% 103 71.67% The New Yorker Facebook 2,511,015 1.58% 693 16.47% 642,503 20.36% 30,767 17.58% 223,418 33.08% Twitter 5,704,047 1.90% 1,076 19.96% 80,540 4.15% 4,025 -6.33% 58,616 2.95% This Old House Facebook 526,748 3.12% 354 17.22% 144,770 12.19% 5,091 34.40% 33,075 -15.61% Twitter 78,385 2.19% 364 10.30% 3,654 14.55% 176 38.58% 1,450 -2.62% Time Facebook 8,677,538 1.29% 2,036 -11.82% 3,829,445 -15.73% 198,087 -31.78% 589,834 -18.72% Twitter 8,613,124 3.39% 4,296 7.48% 422,824 46.57% 25,623 28.75% 345,037 34.47% Town & Country Facebook 77,703 13.11% 837 66.07% 127,195 72.19% 5,203 68.93% 35,836 60.44% Twitter 35,958 1.96% 866 57.17% 7,062 52.33% 185 26.71% 4,118 48.40% Traditional Home Facebook 1,799,260 0.72% 134 47.25% 379,853 45.42% 7,803 105.61% 33,340 35.40% Twitter 108,171 2.39% 298 17.79% 782 -6.79% 50 38.89% 659 0.76% Travel + Leisure Facebook 1,125,320 7.46% 734 9.55% 651,203 10.84% 15,520 30.95% 105,835 21.35% Twitter 1,756,396 0.42% 1,304 13.10% 38,187 16.15% 1,118 0.81% 28,159 8.23% Twist Facebook 3,347,856 1.41% 422 2.43% 1,388,614 -22.13% 8,661 -20.04% 9,635 -27.88% Twitter 202,120 0.91% 637 -8.21% 59,723 -24.62% 1,051 -4.63% 22,105 -24.99% US Weekly Facebook 3,259,043 0.88% 692 -7.24% 1,433,950 8.92% 87,993 5.52% 95,689 -7.03% Twitter 1,723,901 1.52% 2,767 0.51% 117,802 8.51% 7,324 11.95% 55,397 2.40% Vanity Fair Facebook 2,324,205 1.15% 966 0.73% 853,754 11.25% 32,311 13.33% 74,307 -4.60% Twitter 2,713,577 6.44% 1,442 1.84% 94,393 19.42% 3,258 -4.99% 61,676 22.15% Vegetarian Times Facebook 1,673,236 1.77% 62 1.64% 62,768 7.50% 1,709 25.48% 13,019 24.10% Twitter 99,627 1.17% 50 6.38% 853 -8.67% 36 -30.77% 583 -10.31% Veranda Facebook 942,470 8.57% 577 15.63% 1,205,530 64.38% 9,005 75.47% 82,357 48.83% Twitter 43,348 2.59% 120 -32.20% 559 -45.41% 18 -33.33% 687 -28.14% Vogue Facebook 6,829,400 1.30% 1,021 -2.95% 975,390 -7.99% 17,819 24.83% 49,737 2.27% Twitter 8,098,066 5.36% 928 -26.93% 100,439 -28.55% 1,387 -21.55% 50,163 -27.33% W Facebook 1,115,047 1.26% 553 1.65% 122,146 -1.40% 2,612 4.94% 10,427 1.65% Twitter 1,123,034 2.20% 956 -1.04% 27,381 -17.69% 475 -7.41% 13,427 -32.45% Wired Facebook 1,751,469 1.22% 807 11.16% 413,882 2.87% 29,983 6.52% 141,008 -0.08% Twitter 5,280,764 2.52% 1,438 5.74% 121,762 10.79% 6,909 8.82% 112,706 6.24% Woman's Day Facebook 1,318,864 4.31% 660 7.32% 598,538 5.09% 21,387 14.83% 171,612 9.09% Twitter 39,514 1.20% 372 -59.87% 509 -53.89% 45 -8.16% 835 -68.26% Woman's World Facebook 46,173 0.94% 383 54.44% 4,459 14.04% 217 1.88% 1,630 16.43% Women's Health Facebook 4,783,064 3.30% 1,190 10.90% 537,553 -3.76% 24,895 8.15% 136,695 -10.29% Twitter 3,903,204 0.10% 1,319 19.58% 45,632 -4.70% 1,498 20.22% 26,835 -11.99% Working Mother Facebook 154,984 5.06% 92 -4.17% 31,421 360.45% 4,003 1195.47% 82,217 2604.51% Twitter 42,500 1.70% 314 44.70% 353 56.89% 38 80.95% 681 75.52% Yachting Facebook 145,977 5.94% 108 -5.26% 66,589 -14.40% 594 -40.06% 8,392 -9.18% Twitter 21,507 2.13% 55 -12.70% 224 32.54% 15 -6.25% 188 21.29% Yankee Facebook 85,277 4.65% 82 0.00% 84,332 30.39% 9,583 10.95% 24,960 31.68% Twitter 11,621 1.40% 23 -42.50% 168 -7.69% 3 -78.57% 116 -23.18% Yoga Journal Facebook 1,740,958 2.69% 221 -0.45% 375,079 27.79% 5,347 18.59% 87,778 14.94% Twitter 267,445 1.73% 182 10.98% 6,723 14.20% 139 11.20% 4,132 31.30% *data provided by True Social Metrics.

11/16/2015 Magazine Media’s Most Trusted Source Since 1947 11 Problematic Programmatic While programmatic is creating new efficiencies, publishers aren't making the most of it. Publishers have been struggling to adopt programmatic platforms that media buyers seem to love, but these systems still represent a larger share of headaches than revenue. According to a recent Operative survey of 85 media executives, almost everyone (85%) is selling at least some inventory programmatically. But of those, two-thirds say they make less than 20% of overall revenue from it, and 80% of that group are only generating 20% of their sales through premium programmatic. Despite the public enthusiasm many media companies tout about data-driven, automated ad tech, doubts and frustration persist. For instance, 48% of respondents complained that programmatic is not as automated as advertised, and requires too much manual labor and optimization. The second most common complaint (37%) is the quality of the ads themselves. Curiously, 74% of publishers either do nothing to optimize programmatic revenue or do it manually. Generally, the publish- ers just don’t have the resources in place to get the most from programmatic platforms. So, even though theoretically this ad technology should let buyers cherry pick the best inventory for them (and extract higher prices) it doesn't seem to be happen- ing for many. The biggest concern among media executives right now in their business is decreasing CPMs, followed by sales effectiveness. In fact, manpower and product awareness within sales teams are the driving concerns for media companies. Far and away, the most cited priority (19%) was educating sales teams to sell more technically advanced platforms. Second highest priority is optimizing all revenue sources (13%). The Operative survey cut across broadcast, digital native and print publishing brands. However, it was the print media that showed the highest concern in catching up on the video front. Indeed, print executives felt challenged on one side by the video assets TV brought to the Web and by the nimbleness and scale enjoyed by the digital endemics. Not surprisingly, perhaps, print executives registered the highest levels of pessimism—much more likely to agree that publishers were at the “losing end” of the online ad ecosystem than other media types.

Tackling Advertising’s Biggest Challenges – From Ad Blocking to Viewability

December 1 | New York City | 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. At our December 1 minsider breakfast, you’ll learn how publishers are handling the new hurdles that have evolved as the number of people using ad-blocking software continues to rise. As well as the issue of confl icting viewability standards. Listen, learn and network at the December 1 Q&A breakfast!

YOU’LL LEARN: • Should publishers block those who ad block? • How publishers are readjusting their inventory to satisfy viewability demands from the buy side. • How publishers are managing under confl icting ad viewability standards. • Is the private exchange model working for publishers? • How can publishers tell advertisers more about the audience the buyers don’t already know from the data ecosystem? • How are publishers pricing and managing mobile inventory?

Register Online: Questions? Contact Allie DeNicuolo at [email protected] Sponsorship Opportunities: Contact Tania Babiuk at [email protected]


27031 min breakfast Tackling Advert Half Ad.indd 1 10/28/15 2:58 PM

12 Magazine Media’s Most Trusted Source Since 1947 11/16/2015 COMMENTARY Mobile Advertising: What the Numbers Tell Us Insights and surprises from the mobile front line.

The mobile Web is booming, and Conversely, brands placing integrated, cross-platform Todd Krizelman thousands of national advertisers campaigns should be targeted with messaging emphasizing are jumping in and taking advan- your ability to showcase their brand and marketing message tage of the trend. From July to September 2015, 10,137 ads across many media channels. were placed on mobile sites–and that's Q3 alone. As with any rapidly emerging format, there are many questions about Campaign Breadth Is Narrowing how advertisers buy ads. Publishers may be surprised to learn that most mobile cam- Here are some initial observations: paigns run on only a small selection of mobile sites. Seventy percent of campaigns were placed in five or fewer mobile Cross-Format Ad Placement Is Already sites. Happening Although it's true that the largest multinational brands Media buyers are actively testing different types of campaigns (think Home Depot) buy on thousands of mobile sites, they and deploying mobile ads strategically–and they are often represent less than 1% of advertisers; a drop in the bucket. running ads in other for- Why does "campaign % of Mobile Campaigns Continuing One Additional Month mats. The most common July-October 2015 concentration" matter? It pairing consists of desktop 120% implies that there is a lot display and mobile ads, 100% of upsell opportunity for with 62% of advertisers 100% publishers to extend their running this combo. This 80% advertising relationship is a good fit for publishers, into mobile. because most websites 60% 53% have 50% or more of their Campaign Duration traffic coming from mo- 40% 34% Is Short 21% bile devices. In fact, the 20% The average mobile cam- largest websites–led by paign is 15% shorter Facebook and Google– 0% than a desktop campaign. July August September October require advertisers to buy Among the advertisers mobile inventory. buying in July, only 51% Although mobile and placed an ad for the same desktop is the most com- campaign in August and mon pairing, it's not the only 34% continued for only combination. We two months. found that 27% of adver- These short durations, tisers pair mobile, desktop however, don't indicate and print. And, we found failed campaigns. Instead, that 11% place mobile ads we find that many brands alone. are marketing time-sensitive It's important to know propositions, and they're which formats advertisers trying to create either an en- are choosing, As a pub- gagement or a transaction. lisher, you should be targeting your messaging to prospective Above you will find examples of time-sensitive creative. advertisers. For example, when targeting advertisers that only purchase mobile, you should make sure you are empha- sizing your strength in mobile when pitching them. Todd Krizelman is CEO of MediaRadar

11/16/2015 Magazine Media’s Most Trusted Source Since 1947 13 THE WRAP At 60, National Review Declares Victory (Sort of) In November 1955, 31-year-old William F. Buckley, Jr. launched the biweekly National Review as a conservative response not only to liberalism but also to the Red-baiting crudeness of the late Sen. Joe McCarthy and the John Birch Society. Buckley's eloquence through NR and his books, TV appearances and newspaper columns was quite a contrast, and NR was an unofficial mentor to Ronald Reagan that gave it credit by the conservative intelligentsia for ending the Cold War. Buckley passed away in 2008, and the current NR hierarchy under editor Rich Lowry (he was just 29 years old when he got the job in 1997) and publisher Jack Fowler adhere to his legacy. In the November 19 anniversary issue, they write that Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Lech Walesa, Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin "all played major roles in ending [the 20th century's] most blatant force of satanic utopianism... We played our own role, smaller, but vital." NR's 143,000 circulation has been fairly consistent except for 1993, when Rush Lim- baugh plugging its anti-Bill Clinton rhetoric helped push the number to over 200,000. But then-publisher and CEO Ed Capano told min that the gain was brief, because the language was not the red meat favored by most of Limbaugh's "dittoheads." Bernie Sanders Is a Friend of The Postal Service That doesn't automatically make the self-described Democratic Socialist, Vermont senator and presidential hopeful a friend of publishers, but they had to like Sanders' policy director Warren Gunnels. He told The Washington Post that "he wants to maintain and improve the quality of service that has improved the lives of the American people for more than 200 years." Brides' EIC Keija Minor Is a 'Most Compelling' Woman in Travel Minor joins pilots, travel and hotel executives, a banker, a wine steward and South Korea president Park Geun-Hye in this eclectic group of 20 women cited in the November 2015 Premier Traveler–the bimonthly trade magazine for people "on the go." The descriptive matches Minor's career, because about a decade ago the Howard University law school graduate gave up a six-figure salary in corporate law ("My heart wasn't in it," she told Adweek) for an internship at Travel Savvy that came with an 85% pay cut. Minor took "an enormous personal risk," wrote PT. It turns out that Minor's second career was as fast-track as the first. She quickly rose to TS editor-in- chief, and honed her travel journalism skills at Niche Media's Los Angeles Confidential and Aspen Peak before EIC stints at Gotham and Uptown led to her November 2011 hire by Condé Nast as Brides man- aging editor. When EIC Anne Fulenwider moved to Marie Claire in September 2012, Minor got the job. In the three years since, Minor and Brides VP and chief revenue officer Michelle Myers have presided over increased digital ad revenues (+20% in 2014), more than 125 new print and digital advertisers and, best of all, three "Live Weddings." The destinations and honeymoons further enhanced Minor's travel credentials, and she has found bridal-journalism bliss to be a lot more fun than legal briefs.

Congratulations to the 'Most Compelling' Keija Minor,

The Editors NEXT WEEK Steven Cohn, Editor-in-Chief A pre-Thanksgiving Glimpse at Steve Smith, Digital Media Editor min's 2015 Most Intriguing Caysey Welton, Group Editor

14 Magazine Media’s Most Trusted Source Since 1947 11/16/2015