Tuesday 28th November Duncan Priddle A hike across the Pyrenees This summer Duncan Priddle, Countryside Officer, achieved his long held ambition of hiking the entire length of the Pyrenees on the GR11, the famous long distance route that runs along the Spanish side of the mountain range. Join Duncan as he presents an illustrated talk on the magnificent scenery, landscapes and wildlife as well as the practicalities and physical challenge of undertaking a 6-week trek. Duncan is presenting this talk to our Active Memories Group who meet every Tuesday morning, but members of the public are very welcome to come along on this occasion. Venue: The John Gray Centre, Haddington, EH41 3DX Time: 10.00am Tickets: free tickets direct from Haddington library or call 01620 827827 Email:
[email protected] Michael T R B Turnbull St Andrew and the Saltire In the lead up to St Andrews Day, Michael Turnbull, East Lothian based historian, will be exploring the origin of the Saltire Flag in the Vision of Constantine the Great before a crucial battle outside Rome in 312 AD. Constantine saw the Cross of Christ in the sky and had his army carry that symbol into battle and he won, leading to the liberation of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Constantine had accompanied his father on his campaign against the Picts and several coins of the Emperor have been found on Traprain Law. The talk shows the connection between King Angus at Athelstaneford and Constantine, bearing in mind that six kings of Alba and Scotland were named ‘Constantine’ after the Emperor.