Journal of Geek Studies The biological basis of Marvel Comics mutants Damián E. Pérez Instituto Patagónico de Geología y Paleontología (IPGP CCT CONICET- CENPAT), Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina. E-mail:
[email protected] “Feared and hated by a world they have changes in human offspring, and mutants sworn to protect” is the catchphrase always were the consequence (Accorsi & Accorsi, present in nearly all comics of Marvel’s mu- 1994; Clemente, 2000; Kakalios, 2005). tants, the X-Men. This phrase was coined by Stan Lee, the co-creator of the X-Men to- Beyond Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, this is gether with Jack Kirby. A popular proverb the same concept used in the Japanese God states that “we fear what we do not under- zilla films of previous years. Thus, the word stand” and this is probably the case with ‘mutant’ was often used in sci-fi literature the mutants within Marvel’s comic book of the 1950s to designate human varia- universe. Therefore, the question is: can we tions with strange superpowers. The term understand Marvel’s mutants? That is the was used a few times during those years in main aim of this essay. some Atlas (previous name of Marvel Com- ics editorial during the 1950s) comic books The word ‘mutant’ is often found in sci- from 1952 to 1963 (for example, in Tales of ence fiction literature, television and mov- Suspense #6, from 1959). Officially, accord- ies. The mutant condition is not an inven- ing to the established cannon, the first time tion of these arts and media.