GE Software Overview

Dr. Ben Beckmann

[email protected] The vision is clear

The real opportunity for change… surpassing the magnitude of the consumer … is the Industrial Internet, an open, global network that connects people, data, and machines.

2 | @GESoftware | #IndustrialInternet Forces shaping the Industrial Internet

Internet Intelligent Big Data Analytics of things machines Transforming Generating 1 2 3 massive volumes 4 data-driven insights A living network Increasing system of machines, data, intelligence through of information and enhancing asset and people embedded software into intelligence performance

3 | @GESoftware | #IndustrialInternet The value to customers is huge Connected machines could eliminate up to $150 billion in waste across industries

Estimated value Industry Segment Type of savings over 15 years (Billion nominal US dollars)

Aviation Commercial 1% fuel savings $30B

Gas-fired 1% fuel savings Power generation $66B

1% reduction in System-wide Healthcare system inefficiency $63B

1% reduction in Freight Rail system inefficiency $27B

Exploration and 1% reduction in Oil and Gas development capital expenditures $90B

Note: Illustrative examples based on potential one percent savings applied across specific global industry sectors. Source: GE estimates

4 | @GESoftware | #IndustrialInternet GE brings experience & GEexpertise… has a history of making the machines and software that make the world work. We have access to, and a deep understanding of, the information that can make them work better.

Internet Intelligent and machines Big Data Analytics Emerging experiences Hyper- System Democratization Data-driven Interaction with intelligent connectivity: intelligence of data insights, systems machines, through enhanced Multi-modal experiences data and embedded asset Collaboration people performance software Decision support Information exploration and visualization Mobile and embedded contexts

5 | @GESoftware | #IndustrialInternet Introducing the GE Software IgnitingCenter the next industrial revolution by connecting minds and machines

$1B investment over 3 years • Launched in 2011 • Silicon Valley location • Aggressive strategy for talent acquisition & growth

6 | @GESoftware | #IndustrialInternet Predix™ Predictivity™ Services Ecosystem

GE capabilities

7 GE Confidential | @GESoftware | #IndustrialInternet GE’s Industrial Internet software platform

1 One platform

2 One architecture

Modular, cloud- 3 agnostic approach Predix Predix Predix Faster development, operation and 4 management

Secure connectivity Predix 5

Predix From machine cloud On premise server

8 | @GESoftware | #IndustrialInternet Many Industries, Many Solutions – One Platform.

9 GE Confidential | @GESoftware | #IndustrialInternet Shared capabilities portfolio

Advanced Architecture Data Research Development science

Developing and Defining new business Developing applications Transforming raw data deploying scalable and delivery models and solutions around into insights and predictive solutions to for software and asset optimization and opportunities, through enable Industrial Internet services operations optimization descriptive, predictive, programs and prescriptive analytics

User Commercial Cloud Cyber Experience (UX) strategy Services Security

Driving revenue and Optimizing the Focusing on security Providing a unified, growth by increasing software portfolio to management strategies service-based solution on a protected, fully- adoption and demand maximize market to prevent, detect, and success fix risks to GE’s data, automated network assets, and intellectual property

10 | @GESoftware | #IndustrialInternet GE Software’s evolving ecosystem We collaborate to extend the reach of our Industrial Internet solutions


CONSUME Software (SaaS) BUILD (PaaS) HOST Infrastructure as a service (laaS)

• Work with the best • Develop distinctive technologies Guiding • Share risk and reward Principles • Pursue new markets

11 | @GESoftware | #IndustrialInternet We’re growing quickly… • Talent acquisition – The rise of the Industrial Internet requires a new breed of talent & organizational capacity • GE Software Leadership Program – Launched in 2013, this new program identifies and grows the next generation of software leaders in architecture, data science, engineering, and user experience & design. • Community Involvement – GE coordinates volunteer efforts to help employees build stronger communities where we live and work

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12 | @GESoftware | #IndustrialInternet Connect with us

@GESoftware software company/ge-software

13 | @GESoftware | #IndustrialInternet Thank you

Dr. Ben Beckmann

[email protected]