
▼C▲The Acarological Society of Japan151

Description of the Female of cornus Ito (:Tarsonemidae)

Jianzhen LIN and Yanxuan ZHANG

Plant Preotection R

esearch(Received25August1999;Accepted25October1999) Intitute,Fujian Academy of Agricultural Science Fuzhou350013,China


The female of Tarsonemus cornus Itois described for the firsttime.It was collected fromleaves of bamboo,Phyllostachys pubescensMazel in Fujian,China.

Key words:Tarsonemus cornus,female description,bamboo,Fujian,China


Tarsonemus cornus was originally described by Ito(1964)from a single male specimen

found on Hamamelis japonica in Tokyo,Japan.It was mentioned in a list of the described

species of Tarsonemus by Lindquist(1986).It was collected from bark of the snow pine,

ro(Roxb),and humus layer of Pyrus calleryana Dcne in Shanghai,by LinCedrus et deodara

al.(1996)and listed in"Tarsonemidae of China" by Lin and Zhang(1999),but so far the

female of this species has not been described.This is the first report of the female of

cornus Ito onbamboo in Fujian,China. Tarsonemus

The te㎝inology and notation are adopted from Lindquist(1986).All measurements are given in micrometers(μm).

Tarsonemus cornus Ito,1964 DIAGNOSIS

Adult fbmale of Tarsonemus cornus is distinguished from that of the other congeners by the fbllowing features:1)vertical setae longer than any other setae on idiosomal dorsum;2) setae d,e,f,and h stout and pilose;3)fbmur of legⅡwith crescent-shapedprocess.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE Body length193-216,width116-134(all measurements from threeexamples). Dorsal side(Fig.1):Idiosoma broadly elliptical,about1.5times longer than wide. Prodorsal shieldhoodlike over half of gnathosoma,with anteriormargin broadly rounded. Stigmata opening on lateralmargin of prodorsal shield,trachealtrunks without sclerotized structureintemally.Vertical setae inserted on middle part of rounded cover,and longer than any other of tergitalsetae.Scapular setae insertedon posteriorthird of prodorsum.Pits v2 difficultto discern,locatedin frontof bothridialsetae.Bothridial setae capitate,spiculate, 10-14long.Tergite C with setaec1and c2smooth,tapered.Setae d,e,f and h finelybarbed, 152 Jianzhen LIN・Yanxuan ZHANG

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Figs.1-2.Tarsonemus cornus Ito,female.1.Dorsum.Scale:20μm;2.Venter.Scale:20μm


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Figs.3-6.Tarsonemus cornus Ito,female.3,LegⅠ;4,legⅡ;5,legⅢ;6,.legⅣ.Scale:20μm Female of Tarsonemus cornus Ito 153

slightly thicker and less tapered.Cupules im located in front of setae e.Cupules ih well

removed mediad of setae h.Length of setae:v1 19-22,sc2 13-14,c1 8,c2 8-10,d5-6,e6-9,

4-5,h7-8.Distance between setae:v1-v1 23-25,sc2-sc2 42-47,c1-c1 49-53,c2-c2f 108-110,c

c2 37-40,d-d30,e-e68-72,f-f15-18,e-f28-30,h-h37-38. 1-

Ventral side(Fig.2):Gnathosomal capsule28-31long,30-32wide;dorsomedian

apodeme well developed,extending nearly entire distance from union basally with

circumcapitular apodeme to level of insertion of dorsal gnathosomal setae,dorsal setae

longer than ventral setae,both pairs smooth,slender,tapered.Pharynx17long,6-7wide,

with muscular,thinly sclerotized walls.Prostemal apodeme extending posteriorlyf from its

union with apodeme l nearly to level of medial extremities of apodeme2.Apodeme2not

connecting medially with prostemal apodeme.Sejugal apodeme interrupted in the middle

part.Coxal setae Ia and2a simple,Ia inserted well behind apodemel,2a inserted just behind apodeme2,coxal pits Ib and2b small,diffbult to discern,located laterad of setae Ia

and2a,respectively.Poststernal apodeme well developed,bifurcate anteriorly.Apodeme3

extending laterally to articulation point with anterior extremities of trochanterⅢ,and

medially near to insertion ofcoxal setae3a.Apodeme4extending posterolaterally from connection with poststemal apodeme to insertion of coxal setae3b.Tegula short,crescent-

shaped,4.8long,14wide.Aggenital plate broadly rounded posteriorly.Pseudanal plate with

setae ps slender,minute.Length of setae:Ia5-6,2a6,3a10,3b5-6,ps3-4.Distance between setae:Ia-1a12,2a-2a27,3a-3a24-25,3b-3b28-30,ps-ps12-16.

Legs(Figs.3-6):LegsⅠandⅡsimilar in size.Formla of setae and solenidia on segments of legs:legⅠ:4-4-8(2ψ)+7(1ω);LegⅡ:3-3-4-6(1ω);LegⅢ:1+3-4-4;Tarsi l,ⅡandⅢ

with spinelike unguinal seta u′bluntly pointed apically.Leg I:tibial sensory cluster withψ narrowly capitate,ψ2slightly clavate,and famulus k poorly tapered;tarsal solenidion1 fusiform,inserted on distal third of segment.LegⅡ:femur with crescent-shaped process,

setae d lanceolate on femur and genu.femorogenuⅢwith femoral seta v′(8)and genual

seta v′(15-16),both similarly slender.TibiotarsusⅣwith tibial seta v′(26-28)clearly stouter than,but shorter than apical seta tc″(31-40).


Ten females and nine males were found on June3.1999,from leaves of bamboo,

Phyllostachyspubescens Mazel,in Jianou,Fujian Province,by Y.-X.Zhang,and deposited in the collection of Plant Protection Research Institute,Fujian Academy of Agricultural



The senior author would like to thank Prof.Y.Saito(Hokkaido University,Japan)who recommended him to join the Acarological Society of Japan,and kindly instructed him excellent mounting technique of preparation.The authors also thank Dr.Y.Ito(formerly

National Grassland Research Institute,Japan),Prof.E.E.Lindquist(Biosystematics

Research Centre,Ottawa),Dr.R.Ochoa(university of Michigan,USA)and Prof.Z.-Q.

Zhang(A Crown Research Institute,New Zealand)for offering valuable papers for 154 Jianzhen LIN・Yanxuan ZHANG supPorting this research.

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