Dorset AONB Partnership Board Meeting, 10.00Am, Thurs 26Th May
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Dorset AONB Partnership Hosted by Dorset County Council County Hall, Dorchester DT1 1XJ tel: 01305 228239 email: [email protected] web: twitter: @DorsetAONB May 2016 Dear Board Member Dorset AONB Partnership Board Meeting, 10.00am, Thurs 26th May Dorchester Cricket Pavilion, Weymouth Avenue, Dorchester The cricket pavilion is located off Weymouth Avenue to the south of Dorchester’s town centre. There is limited parking on-site, but it is a short walk from Dorchester South Railway station and close to Dorchester Park & Ride (parking £1 all day) park-and-ride The meeting will start at 10.00 am (refreshments from 9.45am). If you are unable to attend it would be helpful if you could send a briefed representative. Please confirm attendance to Katharine Wright on 01305 228239 or [email protected] AGENDA Welcome, introductions and apologies 1 Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising 2 Short updates from Board Members re AONB opportunities/issues 3 Delivering the AONB Management Plan [information] 4 Dorset Local Authorities’ governance review [verbal update] 5 National Grid Visual Impact Provision [information] Presentation by a member of the National Grid team. 6 Dorset’s Environmental Economy Study [information] 7 Proposed dates of next meetings: 24th November 2016 1 © Crown Copyright 201 6 OS licence number: 100019790. 2 ITEM 1: Minutes of the Partnership Board meeting (26 th Nov 2015, Weymouth Ave Pavilion, Dorchester) Present : Jim White (Dorset LNP & Partnership Chairman), Cllr Audrey Burch, Kevin Morris & Cllr Deirdre Skipwith (North Dorset District Council), Cllr Matthew Hall (West Dorset District Council), Cllr Peter Webb & Alison Turnock (Purbeck District Council), Hilary Jordan (WDDC, WPBC & NDDC), Helen Mann (The National Trust), Matt Low (Natural England), Ben Rayner (Environment Agency), Janet Page (Dorset Association of Town and Parish Councils), Brian Bleese (Purbeck Heritage Network), Roderick Knight (Dorset Cultural Partnership), Team: Tom Munro (Manager), Sue Mitchell (Transport & Recreation Officer), Ian Rees (Countryside Officer), Julie Turner (AONB Project Officer), Katharine Wright (Dorset Food & Drink Coordinator), Sue Dampney (Communications Officer), Richard Brown (Landscape Planning Officer) Apologies: Cllr Hilary Cox, Phil Sterling (Dorset County Council), Rupert Best (CLA), Sally King (Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site), Alison Moore (Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership), Bridget Downton (Purbeck District Council), Rupert Best (CLA) and from the AONB team Jill Hearing (South Dorset Ridgeway Support Officer), Marie McLeish (South Dorset Ridgeway Learning Officer), James Sharpe (SDR Manager), ITEM 1: Welcome & minutes of the last Partnership Board meeting Minutes of the last meeting all agreed as correct, with matters arising covered on the agenda. Welcomes were extended to new members representing North Dorset DC (Cllr Audrey Burch), West Dorset DC (Matthew Hall), Purbeck DC (Cllr Peter Webb) and the Purbeck Heritage Network (Brian Bleese). ITEM 2: Board member ambassadorship & AONB opportunities The Chairman introduced the new emphasis to this item. NE : Working up Area Delivery Plans to express 5-year priority work areas. WDDC & WPBC : Joint Local Plan for WDDC & WPBC adopted. EA : Poole and Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan signed off although there remains a struggle to locate land suitable for creating compensatory habitats, for which a contract has been let. Also working on a Water Framework Directive delivery plan. Cultural Partnership : European bid developing for c£1M to support arts and culture developments; spring notification. Arts & Culture services of the County Council have been transferred to a 3 rd sector delivery model in the Arts Development Community Interest Company. Culture Partnership future is unknown having completed the strategy 2016-2021 (to be launched in Feb). Cultural Tourism Action Plan has been agreed and a contract is being let for its delivery. PDC: Planners appreciate the maintained good relations with the Dorset AONB Team. Swanage Local Plan to be submitted early next year. Purbeck Heritage Network : Considering how to build on the past strategy. Expressed gratitude to Prof May for his service to both Purbeck Heritage and the Dorset AONB. ACTION: TM/JW to write to Vince on behalf of the AONB Board NDDC : Local plan nearing fruition. Keeping watching brief on Neighbourhood Plans emerging. The full staff structure following partnership with WDDC & WPBC is being put in place. DAPTC : Much training of new councillors following May’s elections. Many Neighbourhood Plans coming through, particularly in the West. NT : Leading on a landscape-scale initiative in Purbeck. 2015’s Coast Festival, celebrating 50 years of the Neptune Fund is nearing completion; Shifting Shores has been re-launched alongside: Also working with DAONB on hill forts project development and Hardy Country. 3 Dorset Local Nature Partnership : Developing a shadow growth plan to add weight to the LEP’s growth plan, reinforcing the importance of Natural Capital, helping ensure greater sustainability in developments. ITEM 3: Delivery of the AONB Management Plan TM gave a short presentation covering: South Dorset Ridgeway LPS: a wide array of delivery engaging significant numbers of people in conservation and celebration activity, as well as reaching many more through the education programme. Wild Purbeck: Developing future projects with a view to S106 funding or alternative sources. West Dorset Rivers and Coastal Streams: An appraisal has been done and it’s building up community development and engagement. Environmental Economy: Defining and describing the environmental benefits and comparing with other natural areas. Report to be circulated by AONB team. Members were given an opportunity to find out more about Woodlink, Dorset Food & Drink and Fingerposts from the officers involved. Stepping into Nature: Julie Turner gave the board an oversight and introduction to the new project that the Dorset AONB are developing and currently looking for external funds to take it beyond the developmental stage. The Board approved and noted the progress made towards delivering the AONB ITEM 4: Dorset Local Authorities’ governance review Hilary Jordan gave an explanation of discussions and developments regarding the organisation of local government in Dorset. All the councils in Dorset (the County Council, six districts and the two unitary councils – Bournemouth and Poole) have been exploring new ways of working together to promote economic growth. In November 2014 the Department of Communities and Local Government awarded Dorset councils £755,000 from the Transformation Challenge Award Fund to enable the councils to jointly assess the best way of delivering economic development across Dorset. Officers from the councils agreed a report that all Dorset councils are currently considering setting out the findings of the assessment work. The report concludes that the formation of a Dorset Combined Authority offers the greatest benefits in delivering strategic economic development and transport infrastructure planning across Dorset. If set up, a Dorset Combined Authority would be a new organisation in addition to the existing councils. Each council would be represented on the Combined Authority by its Leader. A Growth Unit would provide the staff resource to support the Combined Authority. If all the Councils in Dorset agree to the proposal, a case for the Combined Authority will be submitted to the Secretary of State. Not all councils have yet considered the report. Those that have considered it so far have either supported it or asked for further information. In addition, and quite separate to the discussions about the Combined Authority, four councils in the East of the area recently announced their intention to consider setting up a unitary authority. The Councils are two districts - East Dorset and Christchurch and the two unitaries - Poole and Bournemouth. If this proposal goes ahead, these four councils would be replaced by one council. Following this surprise announcement, the leaders of all of the nine councils in Dorset have now agreed that they need to explore 3 options which are: 1. do nothing – stay as the current 9 councils; 2. form two unitary councils to replace the existing nine councils; 3. or form one unitary council to replace the existing nine councils. Clearly there is still some work that needs to be done before any conclusions can be drawn. In the meantime it is business as usual for all of us and there are currently no implications for the management of the AONB. If that changes, we will, of course, let partners know. In addition to the above considerations, a possibility for devolution exists following the Government’s Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill. This would involve the statutory granting of powers and resources from central government to local government (whatever shape that takes in Dorset), so that powers ordinarily delivered from on high would be devolved to a local level. Bids would be required from a partnership of authorities working together to the same aims. Difficult to know whether that is possible in Dorset at the moment, but it is certainly an opportunity we should consider. 4 AONB Board Chairman JW mentioned the Dorset & East Devon