
Notes by Sven Balnojan to script by Andreas Gathmann 11th January, 2017, Mannheim


0.1 Introduction...... 1

1 Generalizing Vector Bundles 1 1.1 (Quasi-)CoherentSheaves ...... 2 1.2 Examples ...... 2

2SheafCohomology 3 2.1 SerreDuality ...... 3 2.2 TwistingSheaves ...... 3 2.3 DifferentialForms...... 4 2.4 SheafCohomology ...... 5

3Resources 7

0.1 Introduction Iquicklywalkthroughtheverybasicsofsheafcohomologyforsheavesthatgeneralizevector bundles. I mention how this is related to derived and mostly work with facts & examples. I mention Serre mostly because I need it in a seminar talk, but it’s an extremely important feature.


I’I’m assuming you’ve heard all the terms that I now mention. So how do quasicoherent sheaves generalize vector bundles again? X -modules form a nice (i.e. abelian) , so O do e.g. vector spaces. But locally free sheaves (= vector bundles) do not (see [Vakil2013, p. 362] for all this + counter example); We can enlarge that category to an abelian one however. So we have

1 X modules Qcoh(X) coh(X) vector bundles O . (abelian) (abelian) (abelian) (not abelian) So we enlarge the category and get an abelian one. Is this the smallest abelian enlarge- ment which is “local”? Turns out no, the category of coherent sheaves is even smaller. Remark 1. (i) The category is abelian so we can form the , meaning we can consider the objects as “complexes of objects”. (ii) The category of vector spaces is abelian, but it’s also triangulated = semisimple. ) Semisimple categories are kind of boring (that every of vector spaces splits is the incarnation of the semisimplicity), from the homological point of view, any complex is quasi-isomorphic to a complex with Hi =0for all i>0. (iii) The next simple categories have complexes (in their derived categories) with Hi =0 for all i>1. Those are called hereditary categories.

1.1 (Quasi-) Coherent Sheaves

The class of X -modules is usually too large to study. Any R determines an affine O specR = X with structure sheaf X .AnyR- M determines a sheaf M˜ of O X -modules on X = specR.Iseverysheafof X -modules of this form? O O No, the ones that are are called quasicoherent. The ones that are associated to a finitely generated R-module are called coherent.

1.2 Examples We have a good idea on how coherent sheaves on the look like. Theorem 2. Any on P1(k) is the finite of line bundles and degree one skyscraper sheaves (as not every coherent sheaf is locally free we need the skyscraper sheaves; that’s the point we want to generalize vector bundles). Let’s look at an example of a non-coherent sheaf.

1 Example 3. We want to construct a non-coherent sheaf. So we fix a affine scheme X = Ak; We are look for a sheaf M˜ of X -modules (= an assignment: set X -module) that is not O 7! O induced by some X -module M. O If this were the case, then we’d know that M˜ (X)=M;Ifweconstructanon-trivialsheaf with no non-trivial global sections this then equals M =0;Whichissufficientbecausethe sheaf induced by the module M =0is the trivial sheaf. The sheaf in question is simply (the sheaf associated to the presheaf defined by):

00U U 2 . 7! (U)0/ U (OX 2

2 2SheafCohomology

Why do we care about in this talk? For two reasons.

Serre duality is an important feature of the categories we described above (cohX on • wpls, but not wps) and it’s formulated in terms of sheaf cohomology.

(Related) We have an equivalence to a category given by Exti which is just a derived • . Indeed for the categories we are looking at, if we derive from the functor of global sections, we get the sheaf cohomology functor, so to determine Exti we can work with sheaf cohomology (as already mentioned in a talk before).

2.1 Why is Serre duality important? Serre duality is a “pretty” property relating two cohomology classes (a special case being the Poincaré duality which lets us compute cohomology classes in terms of homology classes). It states roughly: there is a unique !X (a line = dualizing sheaf = ; unique up to isomorphism) such that for all coh(X), i,thereisanatural F2 8 isomorphism

i i n i (H (X, _ !X ) =) Ext ( ,!X ) = H (X, )⇤. F ⌦ ⇠ F ⇠ F We start with a couple of reminders of basic .

2.2 Twisting Sheaves Take a X Pn,it’shomogeneouscoordinateringS(X) (with grading by ⇢ degree, pieces denoted by S(d))andconsiderthelocalizationonthenon-zerohomogenous elements. It has a grading, so we can simply define the nth graded piece f K(n)= ; f S(d+n),g S(d), some d 0 and g =0 { g 2 2 6 }

and we define the twisting sheaf X (n) by O f (n)(U)= K(n); g(P ) =0 . OX { g 2 6 } P U \2

Example 4. (a) n (0) = n . OP OP (b) n ( 1) is for n =1e.g. with coordinates x0,x1 OP 1 P1 ( 1)( (x0 : x1); x0 =0 ) x0 2O { 6 }

3 (c) locally X (n) is isomorphic to X .In(b)e.g.wehavethemaps(onU,upperindices O O mean degrees):

f 1 1 f 1 f 1 f 1 1 0 0 and 1 1 g 7! x0 · g g 7! g · x0 (d) however the sheaves are not globally isomorphic. If they where, then the global n n sections would be the same. But (P , X ) = k while (P , X (n)) is either empty for k O ⇠ k O n<0 or defined by homogeneous polynomials of degree n (that’s pretty evident, the twisting is really a shifting of the grading; “Shifting k by 1 produces non-holomorphic functions, while shifting k by +1 produces polynomials of degree 1”).

Some more interesting properties of twisting sheaves are the following.

n Example 5. (i) Let X = P .Wehave X (d) X (l)= X (d + l) using the isomorphism O ⌦O O f f˜ ff˜ (U) . g ⌦OX g˜ 7! gg˜ (this defines a presheaf; associate to it the sheaf). This is enough a the product of the modules is generated by the images of the . ⌦OX (U) (ii) We have X (d)_ = X ( d). The dual sheaf is defined (again by a presheaf) as O O U Hom (U)( X (d), X ).Butthe X -linear homomorphisms are given exctly by mul- 7! OX O O O tiplication with sections of X ( d) (multiplication obviously gives an element in X ). O O 2.3 Differential Forms

If Y = Speck is a point, then we write ⌦X for the sheaf of differential forms.Inthatcase, for a smooth this coincides with usual differential forms (we could also define the sheaf of relative differential forms and make this a special case). If X is a , then (if and only if) is ⌦X locally free of n.Soit’savectorbundle,thecotangent bundle.Wedefine

Definition 6. The canonical bundle of a smooth n-dimensional scheme X is the bundle n !X := ⌦X (top exterior power of 1-forms). ^ (It’s canonical because it’s canonically defined for any scheme and thus gives a method to compare schemes up to isomorphism).

n n Example 7. !X on P . The canonical bundle = of P is determined by an exact sequence

'1 (n+1) '2 0 ⌦ n ( 1) 0 ! P ! O ! O! n+1 (n+1) then a “basic AG theorem” yields !X = ( ( 1) ) = ( n 1). ⇠ ^ O ⇠ O

4 Example 8. (i) (Of Serre duality, even though we haven’t defined the sheaf cohomology n 1 yet) Determine H (X, _ !X ). _ is locally free, and !X = ( n 1).Sowehave OX ⌦ OX ⇠ O n 1 n 1 H (X, _ ! )=Ext ( , ( n 1)). OX ⌦ X OX O 1 By Serre duality the last expression is isomorphic to H (X, X )⇤.IfX is affine, then O 1 this is (dual to) zero; If X is projective and 1 dimensional, then H (X, X )=... . In any O case, this is a lower cohomology group and simpler to calculate. n 1 n 1 The other way around we could try to determine H (X, X );FirstdetermineH (X, X ) 1 O O by the stuffabove, we only need to do H (X, _ ( n 1)) which again, is doable. OX ⌦O (ii) ??? (A doable calculation could be done for P1 or other curves)

2.4 Sheaf Cohomology

We explain the statement above in slightly more detail now. Let 0 1 2 3 0 !F !F !F ! be an exact sequence of quasicoherent sheaves on some scheme X.IfX = SpecR is an affine scheme, then :qcoh(X) Mod(R) is an (and an equivalence of categories). ! However if X = ProjS is projective, then may not be exact.

Example 9. Let X Pn be some smooth of degree d.Denotetheinclusionby ⇢ i.Weusetheexactsequenceforthecotangentsheaftodeterminethepullbackbundlesglobal sections (= trivial). We then use the relative differential form sequence (which includes the pullback global sections!) to show that this sequence then is not exact. The cotangent sheaf is even defined by the exact sequence

(n+1) 0 ⌦ n ( 1) 0 pulling back + global sections yields ! P !O !O! (n+1) 0 (i⇤⌦ n ) ( ( 1) ) ( ) 0 ! P ! O ! O ! since ( 1) has no global sections (remember, global sections of (d) are “defined by O O degree d polynomials”), the doesn’t either (as it’s an exact sequence!). On the other hand we have

0 X ( d) i⇤⌦ n ⌦X 0 taking global sections !O ! P ! ! 0 ( X ( d)) (i⇤⌦ n ) (⌦X ) 0 where the last term is i.g. not trivial! ! O ! P ! ! So we conclude, the sequence is not exact and is not exact.

Remark 10. Aroughsketchofderivedfunctors:WegetafamilyoffunctorsRi by postu- lating that we want to extend sequences under this functor. So we want the functor to have the following exact sequence

5 0 ( ) ( ) ( ) R1( ) R1( ) R1( ) R2( ) R2( ) ! F1 ! F2 ! F3 ! F1 ! F2 ! F3 ! F1 ! F2 in that way, the measures the exactness of our functor. If R1=0,then is already exact. But in our case it’s not (for projective schemes that is).

i i So we could introduce R ( l) as H (X, l). F F That the following definition actually satisfies this and that it’s independent of the (which as we are using Cech-cohomology isn’t trivial) is something we don’t discuss. Definition 11. Let X be an arbitrary scheme an be a quasicoherent sheaf on X.Wedefine F 0 sequence of Abelian groups and homomorphisms C0( ) d C1( ) ... with dp+1 dp =0 F ! p F ! p p 1 (complexes with boundary operators) as usual, and then set H (X, )=kerd /imd and F equal to zero for p<0.(ForX aschemeoverafieldk those are k-vector spaces). p (i) We set C ( )=⇧i0<...

↵ : ↵i (Ui); ↵ ↵i ↵j U U . 2F 7! | i\ j

0 This is zero if and only if we can glue the ↵istogethertoaglobalsection.SoH (X, )= F ker(d0)=( ). F (ii) Let X be affine. Then we can choose the affine cover X of only one element (any p 2 { } p 2 cover can be trivially extended by empty sets); Then C =0and thus H (X, )=0. F This generalizes easily to a cover of size m.IfX has a size m affine cover, then Hp>m(X, )= F 0.Inparticular,ifX is projective and of dimension n,thenHp>n(X, )=0. 1 F 1 0 (iii) Take X = P and = X ( 2). The only interesting cohomology group is H (H F O is given by (i) and the rest are 0 by (ii)). By what we said above we know H1(X, )= F degree d polynomials (thus 0 for d<0, = k for d =0). n ⇠ (iv) X = P and = X (d) (just state the result). Let S = k[x0,...,xn] denote the F O (graded) coordinate ring of X. Then the only non trivial cohomology groups are for i =0 and i = n with

n 0 H (X, ) = S n 1 d := S . F ⇠ d Z d Z M2 M2 n n (v) For X = P and = !X = ( n 1) in particular we have H (X, ) = S. F O F ⇠ (vi) (Doing calculations with this new better functor and with the long exact sequence) n X = P and =⌦X .Wecanfitthecotangentbundleintotheexactsequence(ofsheaves) F from before (the Euler sequence). Then we get a long exact cohomology sequence (that’s

6 the point of deriving the functor) and get a pretty statement about the cohomology groups. Recall the sequence

(n+1) 0 ⌦ ( 1) 0 ! X !O !OX ! i 0 Then using what we’ve learned before (H ( ( 1)) = 0 for all i and H =or 0 for X ) O O we have

i (⌦X ) i =0 i 1 i =0 H (X, ⌦X ) ⇠= h (X, ⌦X ) ⇠= . (0 i>0 (0 i>0


Most of this is from the script by Andreas Gathmann [Gathmann2013]. The intro to sheaves of X -modules is by Ravi Vakil [Vakil2013] and the homological considerations are from the O book by Gelfand and Manin [GM1996].

7 References

[Vakil2013] Vakil, R. (2013). MATH 216: Foundations of algebraic geometry (pp. 1–764).

[Gathmann2013] Gathmann, A, (2013). http://www.mathematik.uni- kl.de/~gathmann/class/alggeom-2002/main.pdf

[GM1996] Gelfand, Manin - Methods of . (1996). Gelfand, Manin - Methods of homological algebra.