Board of Education Sets Public Hearing on School Expansion
A Newspaper Devoted To lhe Community Interest Complete News Picture* Full Local Coverage Presented Fairly, Clearly And Impartially Each Week Voi, XXXVIII-NO. 14 , (fartmt CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 7f), TnM nifrM •< !nrt rim Mill PRICE TEN CENTS Board of Education Sets Public Hearing By 0 on School Expansion i;(,- is jiPtting more com- Tux Payments for i 959 jPll.1)11C /,trd every day. Any l.l,,:st will tell you that , tnnd old days" are gone, Hold Up Well, Comba Says iT O G C t ,,niM- At nearly every ,..,,,-you find a traffic light CARTERFT Tax oollof-tlonsjtion. the Ian office collected J ,\ nearly everyone is try- for 1P5S RIT holding up well and*40-62"01 ln back taxes cover- in brat you to the corner. wramb fltthr end of the first j!"" thf vear5 from 1951 to • • • 1 Details -.ix months nf this your nrej wise, tax collec- i:;r ;nod things in life are pretty close to those for the uons for the six months CARTERET — Another pub* .-,,; taken away from you. period of 1958. according meeting to discuss the prO"* ,„- i he running board of a amounted to 40.60, but this to Tnx Collector Alexander figure will be upped when the ised school expansion program i: When the autd makers Onmha. next Installment due August 1 111 be held by the Board ot ,,,,K,.d off the running Of the total 1959 levy amount- Is paid. ducatlon July 22 at S P.M. In ,,-d from your car,' they he High School Auditorium.
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