CANISIUS HIGH SCHOOL TODAY SPRING 2019 CANISIUS HIGH SCHOOL 1180 Delaware Avenue • Buffalo, NY 14209 • 716.882.0466 • ARE YOU RECEIVING OUR MONTHLY CRUSADER CHRONICLE E-NEWSLETTER? Don’t miss the latest school and alumni news. Email us at
[email protected] and ask to get on the e-newsletter list. YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE Greg Stamm ‘19 and Ethan Bushway ‘20 DID YOU KNOW? canisiushs Roughly 66% of Canisius students require financial assistance to attend. @canisiushs 100% of Canisius students benefit from the Blue Doors Annual Fund. @canisiushs Learn more and make a gift to the Blue Doors Annual Fund at 2 canisius-high-school ON THE COVER (Back row, left to right) Jake Doane ‘19, WHAT’S Joe Ingrando ‘19, Cameron Hall ‘19, Jack Augustine ’19. (Front row, left to right) Jordan Marks ‘19, John Scrocco ’19, INSIDE Josh Kracker ‘19. Fr. David Ciancimino, S.J. President Andrea Tyrpak-Endres Principal David Cristantello, Ph.D. Vice President for Institutional Advancement Matthew Carver ‘94 Vice President of Finance & Chief Financial Officer OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Debbie Burke Director of Advancement Services Ginger Geoffery Director of Communications FEATURES Jason Josker ‘01 Director of Alumni Relations Katheryn Ross-Winnie 06 A HOCKEY LIFE 09 SPORTS MEDICINE Director of Annual Giving Colleen Sellick Stan Bowman ‘91 worked his way up with Dr. John Zvijac ‘78 applies lessons the Blackhawks, building a Stanley Cup learned at Canisius in his work as a team Director of Special Events championship team. orthopedic surgeon. Paul Zablocki ‘01 Development Gifts Officer SCRIBES AND BROADCASTERS KICKER HIGH CONTRIBUTING WRITERS 10 17 Fr.