"C'ass CITY Chronic
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d "C'ASS CITY CHRONIc VOL. 21, NO. 19. ' CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1925. 8 PAGES. entries, as but two or three of the Guyette and youngest Son, Clifford, known and highly respected by ev- entries placing were from other remained on the farm three years. eryone. November 18, 1896, he mar- CLUB EXHIBITORS points in the county. 7TH YEAR • Mrs. Guyette felt the responsibility SUDDENPASSlNO ried Eva Ada Waldon. To this union, LARO[ ATTEND/IN[[ In the boys' milking contest held was too great, and so decided to four children were born: Van, who WiN MANY PRIZ[8 Thursday evening, contestants fin- leave the farm. Since then, she has died at the age of six months, N[XT TIIESDAY OF PH![!P M0,Kin ~ughn, ~viae and Eleanor. A! P!ONFFRM[[[ Coe Emmons, Hillsdale, 98%; J. C. their respective homes. She was a Mr. Jones always upheld the gos -? Blade, Cass City, 93.7%; Arthur member of the Episcopal church. A pel and spent many of the best years :EXCEPTIONAL SHOWING MADE W. S. CLUB WILL STUDY PROMINENT COLWOOD MER- Graham, Hillsdale, 93.3%; James Mc- beautiful Christian character, she was of his life winning souls to Christ in HURON cO. SETTLERS RELATE IN CLUB AND OPEN CLASSES Tavish, Cass City, 90.3%; Keith Mc- "THE AMERICAN HOME" loved by all who knew her. She was CHANT FOUND DYING ON whatever way God called upon him. INCIDENTS OF THE EARLY AT -STATE FAIR. Conkey, Cass City, 83%; M. Austin, THIS YEAR. truly an apostle of sunshine. CARO-COLWOOD ROAD. He will be greatly missed by his DAYS. Washtenaw county, 82.1%. Of the eight children born to Mr. many friends and loved ones. The Cass City team finished with and Mrs. Guyette, six survive their James McTavish's Holstein Heifer the best team score. Hillsdale was Has Established Circulating Library parents. They are Mrs. Win. Paul of Funeral Services Held Wednesday One of Most Interesting Numbers on Placed as Grand Champion for second and Washtenaw third. in Cass City of Nearly 1,500 Cass City, Mrs. Oscar Ashe of Vas- Afternoon at Residence Were COMING AUCTIONS. In the elimination Friday evening sar, Clifford Guyette of Grand Rapids, Program Was the Memorial Second Time. Volumes. Largely Attended. in which the three highest contes- Mrs. Gilbert Laird of Brantford, Ont., Mrs. Catherine Ryan will have an • Service. tants in both the boys' and girls' Mrs. Robt. Coleman of ~ondon, Ont., auction sale of real estate and perSo- Willis Campbell and his club team classes were ent@red, Arthur Graham The Woman's Study Club of Cass and Hale Guyette of Windsor, Ont. nal property at Gagetown on Satur- of,:~ Hillsdale finished in first place Hundreds of the friends of Philip H. have made good their boasts of "do- City ~will open its seventeenth year The body was accompanied to Mor- Muck, prominent Colwood merchant, day afternoon, Sept. 19, with L. S.. The meeting of the Huron County wl~h"4- a score of 98.2 and J. C. Blade peth, Ont., by Mrs. VVm. Paul, Mrs. ing something" at the state fair by Tuesday evening, September 22, at 8 were shocked and grieved when they McE!downey as auctioneer. FulI par- Pioneer and Historical Society on second with 98. Oscar Ashe, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford some exceptional showings in club o'clock~at the Presbyterian church heard of his sudden death on Monday ticulars were printed in the Chronicle Sept. 10 in the Erskine church and The milking contest was decided on Guyette. last week. McTagget's grove in Sheridan was work and open class. when the following program will be morning while on his way from his three counts--time, quantity milked • Relatives from out of town in at- marked by a good attendance, more One of the outstanding" animals presented: home in Colwood to Caro on a busi- J. Wells Spencer of Novesta town- and the amount of strippings. J.C. tendance at the services here were pioneers being present than last year. sho~¢h was James McTavish's Hol- Presentation of new president, Mrs. ness trip. Mr. Muck left his home ship wilt have a farm sale on Tues- Blades milked 11.2 pounds in three Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ashe of Vassar, After a social time in the grove and stein heifer which was awarded 1925 H. F. Lenzner, by retiring president, about nine o'clock and had traveled a day, Oct. 6. The list of property will minutes and 45 seconds. The strip- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Guyette of be printed in a later edition. on the church lawn, a bountiful bas- grand champion female. For this, it Mrs. A. D. Gillies. mile south of Colwood when his Ford pings weighed 2-10 pound. Grand Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. McDu- ket dinner was spread on the tables was necessary to compete with the President's address. coupe left the road, and going up the gald, Dr. and Mrs. James Higgs, and in the church dining" room. In the af- winners from all of the classes, ap- Community singing. ditch a short distance, tipped over on Mr. and Mrs. J. H. HigHs, all of Caro, ternoon, the company gathered in the proximately one hundred entries. The Pageant, "Woman's Garden," in its side. Mr. Muck lived but a few Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bentley of Ell- church and was presided over by the same heifer was also 1924 grand charge of Mrs. J. H. Holcomb. moments after he was taken from the ington, Mr. and l~rs. John Race and JOHNS[iN IS I EW president, Angus Morrison, of Har- champion. car. A deep cut was found on the Sixteen years ago in 1908 the Mr. and Mrs. H. Sofa, all of Pontiac. bor Beach with secretary pro tern, In the Holstein division, the Tus- side of his forehead caused either by Woman's Study Club of Cass City Richard Gwinn, of Pigeon at the ta- cola county entries placed as follows: the broken glass of the coupe or when was organized by a company of pro- SHERIFFOF SANILACble. The exercises began by all sing- Heifer, 2 years old or over, first his head came in contact with the gressive women -who had for their ing "America," followed by prayer by James McTavish. body of the car as it tipped over. slogan "the uplift of womanhood." the pastor of the church. The pastor, Senior yearling heifer, first, Nor- B[AN OUTLOOK Funeral services were held at the GREENAN SAYS BUSINESS RECORDS • SHOW THAT APPEAR- One year later the club became affili- Rev. Fo To Kyle, gave an address of man Carpenter. family residence in Colwood on ated with the State Federation of WON'T PERMIT HiS RETAIN- welcome response was Junior yearling heifer~ second, Ar- ANCE OF ROCKS ON SHORES Wednesday af'telmoon at two o'clock. to which a giv- Women's clubs, and each successive N0[ GOOD ING POSITION. by Captain McDonald of Caseville. thur Battel. IS PERIODICAL. They were largely attended and at- en year has seen some pronounced re- Then followed the president's address All the above are from Cass City° sult of the club's efforts, perhaps the tested to the high esteem in which Senior first, Wiley and the secretary's reports. heifer calf, greatest being the large circulating the young business man was regard- Kirk, Fairgrove. DIS-EASE AND DROUGHT CAUSE John A. Johnson, a farmer of Much time was given to talks 9n Will the level of Lake Hdron come library of about 1,500 volumes which ed, not only in his own community, Herd of 4 females from one club, Watertown township, was ap- old times in the townships. J.W. back to make Hut.on county shores now furnishes wholesome reading for DAMAGE IN MANY SECTIONS but over the northern part of Tuscola pointed sheriff of Sanilac county Desjardin of Bad Axe gave pioneer u~rst, Cuss City. attractive as they were a few years the community. This club alsoo has the OF THE STATE. county and western Huron county. by the committee on Wednesday~ reminiscences of Port Hope and John Herd of 7 females from one com.: ago? This question which is being distinction of being the only cosmo- Rev. Clark, pastor of the Remington Sept. 16. Mr. Johnson was one Moore spoke of pioneer days in Grant ty, second, Tuscola. asked by property owners, resorters politan woman's club in Cass City. M. P. church, conducted the service, of the candidates for that office in township. Several others spoke inter- In the Jersey division, the results and real estate dealers is probably At present the club has 55 mem- That extensive damage from disease assisted by Rev. Bostwick. Rev. Clark the last primary election. estingly of early days in different are as follows: answered by the graphical sheet is- bers--44 active; 10 associate; 1 and drought during the past few chose as Ms text 2 Cor. 5:1 and spoke parts of the county. Junior yearling heifer, first, Delos sued by the U. S. Lake Survey show- honorary. The following officers will weeks have affected the bean outlook words of comfort to the bereaved. Dr. James Greenan of Carsonvilte, who Parrish; second, Kenneth Parrish, ing-that the lake levels have had a officiate the ensuing year: in the stat6, causinghopes for an un- George Sutton of Caro sang a solo at was appointed sheriff of Sanilac' One of the most interesting parts of the program was the memorial both of Fairgrove.