ISSN 2414-0562 (Print) ISSN 2617-2224 (Online) DOI:



№ 1 (21) — January 2020

Collection is trained in scientific partnership with the Ukrainian Technological Academy

Kyiv 2020 Редакція Editorial Головний редактор Editorial in Chief Романенко Євген Олександрович, Yevgen Oleksandrovych Romanenko, доктор наук з державного управління, Doctor of sciences in Public Administration, Professor, професор, академік Української Технологічної Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, Академії, Міжнародної Кадрової Академії International Personnel Academy and Academy та Академії наук публічного управління, of Sciences of Public Administration, Honored Lawyer заслужений юрист України of Заступник головного редактора Deputy Editor Жукова Ірина Віталіївна, Iryna Vitaliivna Zhukova, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент PhD in Public Administration, assistant professor

Публічне урядування Public management Свідоцтво КВ 21596-11496 Р Certificate КВ 21596-11496 Р Видається з листопада 2015 року Published from november 2015 Періодичність: 1 раз на квартал + 1 на рік Pereodisity: 4 times on a year + one Друкується за рішенням Вченої ради Published by the decision of Academic council of Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Протокол № 5 від 29.05.2019) (Protocol № 5 from May 29, 2019) Видання є таким, що реферується в міжнародних Сollection is included to the international and та вітчизняних наукометричних базах: domestic scientometrics databases Index Copernicus Index Copernicus, РИНЦ, ResearchBib, CiteFactor, International, ResearchBib, CiteFactor, Turkish Edu- Turkish Education Index, Eurasian Scientific Journal cation Index, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Polish Index, Polish Scholarly Bibliography, Electronic Scholarly Bibliography, Electronic Journals Library, Journals Library, КиберЛенинка, Scientific Indexing РИНЦ, КиберЛенинка, Scientific Indexing Services, Services, Cosmos Impact Factor, Google Scholar, Google Scholar, Cosmos Impact Factor, “Україніка “Україніка наукова”, “Джерело”. наукова”, “Джерело”. Збірник “Публічне урядування” внесено The collection “Public management” до Списку друкованих періодичних видань, is included in the List of printed periodicals, which are що включаються до Переліку наукових фахових included in the List of scientific professional editions видань України, яким присвоєно категорію “Б”. of Ukraine, which have been assigned the category “B”. (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки (Ministry of Education and Science України від 07.11.2018 № 1218) of Ukraine dated November 7, 2018, № 1218) Відповідальність за зміст, достовірність фактів, The authors are responsible for the content, цитат, цифр несуть автори матеріалів. Редакція accuracy of the facts, quotes, numbers. The editors залишає за собою право на незначне редагування reserves the right for a little change and reduction і скорочення (зі збереженням авторського стилю та (with preservation of the author’s style and main головних висновків). Редакція не завжди поділяє conclusions). Editors can not share the world думки авторів та не несе відповідальність за надану views of the authors and are not responsible for the ними інформацію. Матеріали подано information provided. Materials filed в авторській редакції. in the author’s edition. Передрук — тільки з дозволу редакції. Reprinting — with the editorial’s permission strictly. Адреса редакційної колегії: Андріївський узвіз, Address of the editorial board: 11, Andriyivskyy буд. 11, оф. 68, м. Київ, Україна, 04070 Descent, office 68, , Ukraine, 04070 Е-mail: [email protected] Е-mail: [email protected] Адреса видавництва: Addres of the editorial: ПрАТ “ВНЗ “МАУП” Private Joint-Stock Company Interregional вул. Фрометівська, 2, Academy of Personnel Management Київ, Україна, 03039 Str. Frometivska, 2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03039

Public management : collection. — № 1 (21). — January 2020. — Kyiv : PJSC “HEI “IAPM”, 2020. — 322 p.

2 Головний редактор — Романенко Євген Олександрович, Проректор Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, академік Української Технологічної Академії, Міжнародної Кадрової Академії та Академії наук публічного управління, заслужений юрист України. Заступник головного редактора — Жукова Ірина Віталіївна, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент, завідувач кафедри професійної освіти та управління навчальним закладом Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом. Редакційна колегія 1. Акімова Людмила Миколаївна — док- професор кафедри державного управління та тор наук з державного управління, кандидат місцевого самоврядування Івано-Франків- економічних наук, доцент, Заслужений пра- ського національного технічного університе- цівник освіти України, професор кафедри ту нафти і газу. фінансів та економіки природокористування 9. Валевський Олексій Леонідович — Національного університет водного госпо- доктор наук з державного управління, стар- дарства та природокористування. ший науковий співробітник, провідний нау- 2. Андрущенко Тетяна Вікторівна — док- ковий співробітник Національного інституту тор політичних наук, професор, провідний стратегічних досліджень. науковий співробітник Інституту вищої осві- 10. Ващенко Костянтин Олександро- ти Національної академії педагогічних наук вич — доктор політичних наук, Голова Націо- України. нального агентства України з питань держав- 3. Афонін Едуард Андрійович — док- ної служби, член-кореспондент Національної тор соціологічних наук, професор, академік академії педагогічних наук України, заслуже- Української технологічної академії, заслуже- ний економіст України. ний діяч науки і техніки України, професор 11. Вендт Ян Анджей — доктор хабіліто- кафедри публічної політики та політичної ваний наук про Землю у сфері географії, про- аналітики Національної академії державного фесор, заступник директора з питань науки управління при Президентові України. та розвитку Інституту океанографії та геогра- 4. Балашов Анатолій Миколайович — фії Гданського університету (Польща). доктор наук з державного управління, про- 12. Гаєвська Лариса Анатоліївна — док- фесор, професор кафедри публічного ад- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, міністрування Міжрегіональної Академії заступник начальника управління з навчаль- управління персоналом, президент Всеукра- ної роботи — начальник відділу менеджмен- їнської академії наук публічного управління. ту знань Національної академії державного 5. Бова Тетяна В’ячеславівна — доктор управління при Президентові України, про- наук з державного управління, доцент, Хер- фесор кафедри управління освітою. сонський національний технічний універси- 13. Гвожьджєвіч Сильвія — кандидат тет, професор кафедри державного управлін- наук, кафедра адміністрації та національ- ня і місцевого самоврядування. ної безпеки Державної професійної вищої 6. Бодров Володимир Григорович — док- школи ім. Якуба з Парадижа в Гожуві-Ве- тор економічних наук, професор, завідувач ликопольcькому (Гожув-Великопольський, кафедри управління національним господар- Польща). ством та економічної політики Національної 14. Гечбайя Бадри Нодарович — доктор академії державного управління при Прези- економічних наук, асоційований професор, дентові України. Батумський державний університет ім. Шота 7. Бульба Володимир Григорович — док- Руставелі, факультет економіки і бізнесу. тор наук з державного управління, професор, Керуючий департаментом управління бізне- декан факультету підготовки магістрів дер- сом (Грузія). жавного управління Харківського регіональ- 15. Гурковський Володимир Ігорович — ного інституту державного управління На- доктор наук з державного управління, пер- ціональної академії державного управління ший заступник директора ВГО “Центр до- при Президентові України. слідження проблем публічного управління”. 8. Бутирська Тетяна Олександрівна — 16. Дацій Надія Василівна — доктор наук доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, з державного управління, доцент, завідувач

3 кафедри менеджменту і маркетингу Київ- фахових дисциплін, Інститут менеджменту ського національного лінгвістичного універ- та психології Національної академії педаго- ситету. гічних наук України. 17. Девадзе Анзор Хемидович — кан- 27. Кіслов Денис Васильович — док- дидат економічних наук, доктор економіки, тор наук з державного управління, доцент, професор, Батумський державний універси- член-кореспондент Української Академії. тет ім. Шота Руставелі, факультет туризму Наук, професор кафедри публічного адміні- (Грузія). стрування Міжрегіональної Академії управ- 18. Денисюк Світлана Георгіївна — док- ління персоналом. тор політичних наук, професор кафедри су- 28. Козаков Володимир Миколайович — спільно-політичних наук Вінницького на- доктор наук з державного управління, профе- ціонального технічного університету. сор, професор кафедри державної політики 19. Довгань Валерій Іванович — доктор та суспільного розвитку Національної акаде- наук з державного управління, доцент, про- мії державного управління при Президентові фесор кафедри державного управління та України. місцевого самоврядування Хмельницького 29. Корнієвський Олександр Анатолі- університету управління та права. йович — доктор політичних наук, професор, 20. Драган Іван Олександрович — доктор головний науковий співробітник Націо­ наук з державного управління, старший нау- нального інституту стратегічних дослідже­ ковий співробітник, професор кафедри еко- нь. номічної безпеки, публічного управління та 30. Кринична Ірина Петрівна — доктор адміністрування Житомирського державного наук з державного управління, доцент, про- технологічного університету. фесор кафедри державного управління та 21. Драгомирецька Наталія Михайлів- місцевого самоврядування Дніпропетров- на — доктор наук з державного управління, ського регіонального інституту державного професор кафедри філософських та соціаль- управління Національної академії держав- но-політичних наук Одеського регіонально- ного управління при Президентові Украї- го інституту державного управління Націо- ни. нальної академії державного управління при 31. Крюков Олексій Ігорович — доктор Президентові України. наук з державного управління, професор ка- 22. Жулева Гергана — Доктор PhD, ви- федри політології та філософії Харківського конавчий директор болгарської урядової регіонального інституту державного управ- “Програми доступу до інформації” (Болга- ління Національної академії державного рія). управління при Президентові України. 23. Іваницька Ольга Михайлівна — док- 32. Литвин Юрій Олексійович — доктор тор наук з державного управління, професор, наук з державного управління, професор, за- професор кафедри теорії та практики управ- відувач кафедри державного управління та ління Національного технічного університе- місцевого самоврядування Академії муніци- ту України “Київський політехнічний інсти- пального управління. тут ім. Ігоря Сікорського”. 33. Лопушинський Іван Петрович — док- 24. Ірвін Студін — Доктор PhD, профе- тор наук з державного управління, профе- сор Школи державної політики та управ- сор, Херсонський національний технічний ління Університету Торонто, Президент університет, завідувач кафедри державного Інституту питань ХХІ століття, головний управління і місцевого самоврядування. редактор і видавець журналу Global Brief 34. Мамічев Олексій Юрійович — доктор (Канада). політичних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри 25. Кайдашев Роман Петрович — доктор теорії та історії російського та зарубіжного юридичних наук, доцент, професор кафедри права Владивостоцького державного універ- публічного адміністрування Міжрегіональ- ситету економіки і сервісу (Росія). ної Академії управління персоналом. 35. Миколайчук Микола Миколайо- 26. Карташов Євген Григорович — док- вич — доктор наук з державного управління, тор наук з державного управління, завідувач професор, Одеський регіональний інститут кафедри управління проектами та загально- державного управління Національної акаде-

4 мії державного управління при Президентові 45. Пархоменко-Куцевіл Оксана Ігорів- України, професор кафедри економічної та на — доктор наук з державного управління, фінансової політики. завідувач кафедри публічного адміністру- 36. Мікеладзе Едуард Важаєвич — кан- вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління дидат економічних наук, професор, Хіча- персоналом. урський навчальний університет ім. святої 46. Пивоваров Костянтин Володимиро- Тбел Абусерідзе, факультет економіки та вич — доктор наук з державного управління, бізнесу (Грузія). професор кафедри публічного адміністру- 37. Мішель Маффесолі — професор вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління університету ім. Рене Декарта/Сорбонна — персоналом. Париж V (Париж, Французька республіка). 47. Пірен Марія Іванівна — доктор соці- 38. Молодцов Олександр Володимиро- ологічних наук, професор, Чернівецький на- вич — доктор наук з державного управлін- ціональний університет імені Юрія Федько- ня, доцент, професор кафедри державного вича, завідувач кафедри. управління та місцевого самоврядування 48. Плющ Руслан Миколайович — док- Івано-Франківського національного техніч- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, ного університету нафти та газу. професор кафедри державного управління 39. Мотренко Тимофій Валентино- і місцевого самоврядування Херсонсько- вич — професор кафедри публічного адміні- го на- ціонального технічного універси­- стрування Міжрегіональної Академії управ- тету. ління персоналом, доктор філософських 49. Половцев Олег Валентинович — док- наук, професор, Академік Національної ака- тор наук з державного управління, професор демії педагогічних наук України. кафедри державного управління і місцевого 40. Наумкіна Світлана Михайлівна — самоврядування Херсонського національно- доктор політичних наук, професор Дер- го технічного університету. жавного закладу “Південноукраїнський на- 50. Радченко Олександр Віталійович — ціональний педагогічний університет доктор наук з державного управління, про- ім. К. Д. Ушинського” (м. Одеса). фесор, професор Університету Яна Длугоша 41. Непомнящий Олександр Михайло- в Ченстохові (Польща). вич — доктор наук з державного управління, 51. Ромат Євгеній Вікторович — доктор професор, академік Академії будівництва наук з державного управління, професор, України, професор кафедри публічного ад- завідувач кафедри маркетингу та реклами міністрування Міжрегіональної Академії Київського національного торговельно-еко- управління персоналом, заслужений буді- номічного університету. вельник України. 52. Руденко Ольга Мстиславівна — док- 42. Новак-Каляєва Лариса Миколаїв- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, на — доктор наук з державного управління, директор Науково-дослідного інституту пу- доцент, професор кафедри державного управ- блічного адміністрування та менеджменту ління Львівського регіонального інституту Чернігівського національного технологічно- державного управління Національної акаде- го університету. мії державного управління при Президентові 53. Ручка Анатолій Олександрович — України. доктор соціологічних наук, професор, Інсти- 43. Новаченко Тетяна Василівна — док- тут соціології НАН України, головний науко- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, вий співробітник. професор кафедри парламентаризму та полі- 54. Саханєнко Сергій Єгорович — док- тичного менеджменту Національної академії тор наук з державного управління, професор державного управління при Президентові кафедри державного управління і місцевого України. самоврядування Одеського регіонального ін- 44. Олуйко Віталій Миколайович — док- ституту державного управління НАДУ при тор наук з державного управління, професор, Президентові України. голова Хмельницького обласного територі- 55. Сіцінська Майя Володимирівна — ального відділення Антимонопольного комі- доктор наук з державного управління, про- тету України. фесор кафедри філософії та політології На-

5 ціонального університету державної подат- нізацій та зовнішньоекономічної діяльності кової служби України. Волинського інституту економіки та менедж- 56. Слінько Олександр Анатолійович — менту. доктор політичних наук, професор, завідувач 63. Філіпенко Тетяна В’ячеславівна — кафедри політології та політичного управ- доктор наук з державного управління, про- ління Воронезької філії Російської академії фесор Міжрегіональної Академії управління народного господарства та державної служ- персоналом. би при Президентові Російської Федерації 64. Жукова Ірина Віталіївна — кандидат (Росія). наук з державного управління, доцент ка- 57. Соболєва Наталя Іванівна — доктор федри публічного адміністрування Міжре- соціологічних наук, старший науковий спів- гіональної Академії управління персоналом. робітник, Інститут соціології НАН України, 65. Червякова Ольга Володимирівна — провідний науковий співробітник. доктор наук з державного управління. 58. Сурай Інна Геннадіївна — доктор наук 66. Чернишов Юрій Георгійович — док- з державного управління, доцент, професор тор політичних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри публічного управління та публічної кафедри Алтайського державного універси- служби Національної академії державного тету, директор Алтайської школи політичних управління при Президентові України. досліджень (Росія). 59. Суший Олена Володимирівна — док- 67. Шайгородський Юрій Жанович — тор наук з державного управління, доцент, доктор політичних наук, доцент, головний Інститут соціальної та політичної психології науковий співробітник Інституту політичних НАПН України, завідувач лабораторії. і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф. Кура- 60. Тадеуш Троціковскі — доктор наук са НАН України. про управління, професор, член-кореспон- 68. Шпак Юрій Валерійович — доктор на- дент Регіональної Академії Менеджменту, ук з державного управління, професор кафе- Голова Правління Регіонального Центру Єв- дри економіки підприємства Східноєвропей- ропейської Інтеграції (Польща). ського університету економіки і менеджменту. 61. Усаченко Лариса Михайлівна — док- 69. Якимчук Аліна Юріївна — доктор еко- тор наук з державного управління, професор, номічних наук, професор, професор кафедри професор кафедри публічного адміністру- державного управління, документознавства вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління та інформаційної діяльності Національного персоналом, Заслужений діяч науки і техні- університету водного господарства та приро- ки України. докористування. 62. Халецька Аліна Анатоліївна — 70. Яутріте Бріеде — доктор юридичних доктор наук з державного управління, про- наук, професор, Латвійський університет, фесор, завідувач кафедри менеджменту орга- юридичний факультет (Латвія).

6 Editor in Chief — Yevhen Oleksandrovych Romanenko, Vice-Rector of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Doctor of sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, International Personnel Academy and Academy of Sciences of Public Administration, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine. Deputy Editor — Iryna Vitaliivna Zhukova, PhD in Public Administration, assistant professor.

Editorial board 1. Lyudmila Nikolayevna Akimova — Doc- the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Uni- tor of Science in Public Administration, Ph.D. versity of Oil and Gas. in Economics, Associate Professor, Honored 9. Oleksii Leonidovych Valevskyi — Doc- Worker of Education of Ukraine, Professor of tor of science in Public Administration, Senior Finance and Economics of Nature Management Researcher, Senior Research of the National In- Department, National University of Water and stitute for Strategic Studies. Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine. 10. Kostiantyn Oleksandrovych Vash- 2. Tetiana Viktorivna Andrushchenko — chenko — Doctor of Political Sciences, Head Doctor of Political Science, Professor, leading of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil researcher of the Institute of Higher Education Service, member-correspondent of the National of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. Honored Economist of Ukraine. 3. Eduard Andriyovych Afonin — Doctor of 11. Andrzej Jan Wendt — Habilitovanyy sociological science, Professor, Professor of the doctor of Earth Sciences in the field of geogra- Department of Political Analysis and Forecast- phy, professor, Deputy Director from questions ing of the National Academy for Public Admi­ of Science and Development of Institute of the nistration under the President of Uk-raine. Oceanography and Geography of the Gdansk 4. Anatolii Mykolaiovych Balashov — University (Poland). Doctor of science in Public Administration, 12. Larysa Anatoliivna Haievska — Doctor Professor, Professor of the Department of Pub- of science in Public Administration, Associate lic Administration of the Interregional Academy Professor, chief of Management from Educa- of Personnel Management, President of the tional Work is a Chief of Department of Mana- Ukrainian Academy of Science of Public Ad- gement of Knowledge of the National Academy ministration. of State Administration at President of Ukraine, 5. Tetiana Viacheslavivna Bova — Doctor Professor of Department of Management Edu- of science in Public Administration, Associate cation. Professor of the Dept. of Public Administration 13. Sylvia Hvozhdzhyevich — Candidate and Local Self-Government of the Kherson Na- of Science, Dept. of Administration and the tional Technical University. National Security of State Higher Professional 6. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Bodrov — School. named Jakub from Paradyzhu in Lub- Doctor of economic science, Professor, Head of lin-Velykopolckomu (Gorzow Wielkopolski, the Dept. of administration of National Econo- Poland). my and Economic Policy of the National Aca­ 14. Badry Nodarovych Hechbayya — Doc- demy of Public Administration under the Presi- tor of Economics, Professor Asotsiirovanyy, dent of Ukraine. Batumi State University of Shota Rustaveli. 7. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Bulba — Doc- Faculty of Economics and Business. Managing tor of Science in Public Administration, Profes- of the Dept. of business management (Georgia). sor, Dean of the Faculty of Masters Prepara- 15. Volodymyr Ihorovych Hurkovskyi — tion of Public Administration of the Kharkov Doctor of science in Public Administration, Regional Institute of Public Administration of First Deputy Director of the NGO “Center of the National Academy of Public Administration studies of problems of public administration”. under the President of Ukraine. 16. Dadiy Nadezhda Vasilivna — Doctor 8. Tetiana Oleksandrivna Butyrska — of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Doctor of science in Public Administration, Professor, Head of the Department of Manage- Associate Professor of the Dept. of Public ment and Marketing of the Kyiv National Lin- Administration and Local Self-government of guistic University.

7 17. Anzor Hemydovych Devadze — Candi- 27. Kislov Denis Vasilievich — Doctor date of economic science, Doctor of Economics, of Sciences in Public Administration, Associ- professor, Sh. Rustaveli Batumi State Univer- ate Professor, Corresponding Member of the sity, Dept. of Tourism (Georgia). Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the 18. Svitlana Heorhiivna Denysiuk — Doc- Department of Public Administration of the In- tor of Political Science, Professor of the Dept. terregional Academy of Personnel Management. Sociopolitical Sciences of the Vinnitsa National 28. Volodymyr Mykolaiovych Kozakov — Technical University. Doctor of science in Public Administration, Pro- 19. Valerii Ivanovych Dovhan — Doctor of fessor of public policy and social development of science in Public Administration, Associate Pro- the National Academy of Public Administra- fessor of the Dept. of Public Administration and tion under the President of Ukraine. Local Self — government of Khmelnytsky Uni- 29. Oleksandr Anatoliiovych Kornievs- versity of Management and Law. kyy — Doctor of Political Science, Associate 20. Dragan Ivan Alexandrovich — Doc- professor, Chief Scientist of the National Insti- tor of Science in Public Administration, Se- tute for Strategic Studies (NISS). nior Researcher, Professor of the Department of 30. Iryna Petrіvna Krynychna — Doctor Economic Security, Public Administration and of science in Public Administration, Associ- Administration of Zhytomyr State Technologi- ate Professor, Professor Department of Public cal University. Administration and Local Self-Government of 21. Natalіia Mykhailivna Drahomiret- the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Institute of Pub- ska — Doctor of science in Public Administra- lic Administration of the National Academy of tion, Professor of the Dept. of Philosophy and Public Administration under the President of Social and Political Sciences of the Odessa Re- Ukraine. gional Institute of Public Administration of the 31. Oleksii Igorevych Kryukov — Doctor National Academy of Public Administration un- of science in Public Administration, Professor der the President of Ukraine. of the Dept. of Political Science and Philosophy 22. Gargana Zhuleva — Doctor PhD, of the Regional Institute of Public Ad- Executive Director of the Bulgarian govern- ministration of the National Academy of Public ment’s “Program of access to information” (Bul- Administration under the President of Ukraine. garia). 32. Yurii Oleksiyovych Lytvyn — Doctor 23. Ivanitskaya Olga Mikhailovna — Doc- of science in Public Administration, Professor, tor of Science in Public Administration, Profes- Head of the Dept. of Public Administration and sor, Professor of the Department of Theory and Local government of the Academy of Municipal Practice of Management of the National Tech- Management. nical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic 33. Ivan Petrovych Lopushynskyi — Doc- Institute named after M. Sc. Igor Sikorsky”. tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- 24. Irvin Studin — PhD, Professor in the sor, Head of the Dept. of public administration School of Public Policy and Governance of the and local government of the Kherson National University of Toronto, President of the Institute Technical University. for ХХІ Century Questions, and also Editor-in- 34. Oleksii Yuriyovich Mamichev — Doc- Chief and Publisher of Global Brief magazine tor of Political Science, Associate professor, (Canada). Head of the Department of Theory and history 25. Roman Petrovych Kaidashev — Doctor of Russian and international law of the Vladi­ of juridical science, Associate professor, Profes- vostok State University of Economics and Ser- sor of the Department of public administration vice (Russia). of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Ma­ 35. Mykola Mykolaiovych Mykolai- nagement. chuk — Doctor of science in Public Administra- 26. Evgeny Grigoryevich Kartashov — tion, Professor of the Dept. of economic and fi- Doctor of science in Public Administration, nancial policy of the Odessa Regional Institute Head of the Department of Project Manage- of Public Administration of the National Aca­ ment and General Professional Disciplines, In- demy of Public Administration under the Presi- stitute of Management and Psychology of the dent of Ukraine. National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of 36. Edward Vazhayevych Mikeladze — Ukraine. Candidate of Economic Science, Professor, Tbel

8 Abuseridze Hichaurskiy University. Faculty of Administration of the Interregional Academy of Economics and Business (Georgia). Human Resources Management. 37. Michel Maffesoli — Professor of the 47. Maria Ivanivna Piren — Doctor of So- Paris Descartes University/Paris V (Paris, the cial Sciences, Professor, Head of the Dept. of the French Republic). Chernivtsi National University. 38. Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Molodt- 48. Ruslan Mykolaiovych Pliushch — Doc- sov — Doctor of science in Public Admini­ tor of science in Public Administration, Associ- stration, Professor of the Dept. of Public ate Professor of the Dept. of Public Administra- Administration and Local Self-government of tion and Local Self-government of the Kherson the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Uni- National Technical University. versity of Oil and Gas. 49. Oleh Valentynovych Polovtsev — Doc- 39. Tymofiy Valentinovich Motorenko — tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- Professor of the Department of Public Adminis- sor of the Dept. of Public Administration and tration of the Interregional Academy of Person- Local Self-government of the Kherson National nel Management, Doctor of Philosophy, Profes- Technical University. sor, Academician of the National Academy of 50. Oleksandr Vitaliiovych Radchenko — Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Doctor of science in Public Administration, 40. Svіtlana Mykhailivna Naumkina — Professor of the University of Jan Dluosha in Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Częstochowa (Poland). South Ukrainian National Pedagogical Univer- 51. Yevhenii Viktorovych Romat — Doctor sity named after K. D. Ushynsky. of science in Public Administration, Professor, 41. Oleksandr Mykhailovych Nepomni- Head of the Dept. of marketing and advertising ashchyi — Doctor of science in Public Admini­ of the Kyiv National University of Trade and stration, Professor, Academician of Academy Economics. of building of Ukraine, Professor of the De- 52. Olha Mstyslavivna Rudenko — Doctor partment of Public Administration of the Inter- of science in Public Administration, Associate regional Academy of Personnel Management, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Honored Builder of Ukraine. Public Administration and Management of the 42. Larysa Mykolaivna Novak-Kaliaie- Chernihiv National Technological University. va — Doctor of science in Public Administra- 53. Anatolii Oleksandrovych Ruchka — tion, Associate Professor, Professor of the Dept. Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Chief of Public Administration of the Lviv Regional researcher of the Institute of Sociology of Na- Institute of Public Administration of the Na- tional Academy of Science of Ukraine. tional Academy of Public Administration under 54. Serhii Yehorovych Sahanienko — Doc- the President of Ukraine. tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- 43. Tetiana Vasylivna Novachenko — Doc- sor of the Dept. of public administration and lo- tor of science in Public Administration, Associ- cal government of the Odessa Regional Institute ate Professor of the Dept. of parliamentary and of Public Administration under the President of political management of the National Academy Ukraine of the National of Public Administra- of Public Administration under the President of tion under the President of Ukraine. Ukraine. 55. Maiia Volodymyrivna Sitsinska — Doc- 44. Vitalii Mykolaiovych Oluiko — tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- Doctor of science in Public Administration, sor of the Dept. of Philosophy and Political Sci- Professor, Head of Khmelnitsky regional terri- ence of the National University of the State Tax torial office of the Antimonopoly Committee of Service of Ukraine. Ukraine. 56. Alexander Anatoliiovych Slinko — 45. Oksana Ihorivna Parkhomenko- Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of Kutsevil — Doctor of science in Public Adminis- the Department of political science and politi- tration, Head of the Department of Public cal administration of the Voronezh branch of the Administration of the Interregional Academy of Russian Academy of National Economy and Personnel Management. Public Service under the President of the Rus- 46. Konstantin Vladimirovich Pivova- sian Federation (Russia). rov — Doctor of Science in Public Adminis- 57. Natalia Ivanivna Sobolieva — Doc- tration, Professor of the Department of Public tor of Social Sciences, senior researcher, lead-

9 ing researcher of the Institute of Sociology of Professor of the Interregional Academy of Per- National Academy of Science of Ukraine. sonnel Management. 58. Inna Hennadіivna Suraі — Doctor of 64. Iryna Vіtalіivna Zhukova — Ph.D. in science in Public Administration, Associate Public Administration, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Admini- Head of the Department of Professional Educa- stration and Public Service of the National of tion and Management of the Educational Insti- Public Administration under the President of tution of the Interregional Academy of Person- Ukraine. nel Management. 59. Olena Volodymyrivna Sushyi — Doctor 65. Olha Volodymyrivna Chervyakova — of science in Public Administration, Associate Doctor of science in Public Administration. Professor, head of the laboratory of the Institute 66. Yurii Heorhiiovych Chernyshev — Doc- of Social and Political Psychology of the Na- tor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the tional Academy of Political Science of Ukraine. Department of Altai State University, Director 60. Tadeusz Trocikowski — Doctor of Ma- of the Altai School of Political Studies (Russia). nagement Sciences, professor, corresponding 67. Yurii Zhanovych Shaigorodskyi — member of the Regional Academy of Manage- Doctor of Political Science, Associate professor, ment, Chairman of the Regional Centre for Eu- Chief Research Scientist of the I. F. Kuras Insti- ropean Integration (Poland). tute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS 61. Larysa Mykhailivna Usachenko — of Ukraine. Doctor of science in Public Administration, 68. Yurii Valeriiovych Shpak — Doctor of Professor of the Department of Public Adminis- science in Public Administration, Professor of tration of the Interregional Academy of Person- the Dept. of Economics of the enterprise of the nel Management, Honored Worker of Science East European University of economics and and Technology of Ukraine. management. 62. Alina Anatoliivna Khaletska — Doctor 69. Alina Yuriivna Yakymchuk — Doctor of science in Public Administration, Professor, of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Head of the Dept. of Management of Organiza- Dept. of public administration, documentation tions and Foreign Activity of the Volyn Institute and information activities of the National Uni- of Economics and Management. versity of Water Household and Environment. 63. Tetiana Viacheslavіvna Filipenko — 70. Jautrite Briede — Doctor of Law, Profes- Doctor of science in Public Administration, sor, University of Latvia, Faculty.


Amosov O.Y., Gavkalova N. L., Koroliuk K. A. Rozumnyuk I. V. Conceptual schemas of modern state Archetypal foundations of the development (archetypal approach) domestic economy transformation...... 17 cjnvergence of tradition Afonin E. A., Martynov A. Y. and innovation...... 132 Tradition as a factor of integration Lozinskaya T. N. and consolidation of Ukrainian society Conflict of traditionality and in the conditions of postmodern: innovation in state creating: archetypic approach...... 27 an archetypic approach...... 142 Lashkina M. H., Bielska T. V. Makarenko A. S. Concepts of irrational and rational Mentality issues in the transformation in the informational space of Ukraine: processes of the public-management aspect...... 42 society...... 154 Bobrovskyi O. I. Mamontova E. V. Archetypes of management models Archetypal projections of archaic and systems thinking as factors spiritual practices into the symbolic in the development of the traditions landscape of post-politics...... 168 of democratic state-building...... 57 Marchenko L. Y. Valevskyi O. L. State treasury service of ukraine as Archetype component in the a subject in a modern — postmodern electoral cycle of ukraine in 2019...... 71 society (archetypic approach)...... 183 Veremchuk O. O., Veremchuk O. M. Marchuk O. O. The influence of the psychotype of the Transformation of social responsibility rational and the irrational in lending of the modern state in context and forming traditions in the period of security of the global world: oа postmodern : the media aspect..... 86 the archetypical approach...... 193 Ievdokymova V. V. Omelyanenko V. A. The archetypes of social justice Analysis of archetypic dimension principles are exemplified by improving of institutional-evolutionary the targeting of social benefits...... 96 trajectories of system innovations...... 207 Karpa M. I. Pielievin I. Y. Archetypic bases of mass political Interactivity of archetype types consciousness: public as an instrument of politicization and management aspects...... 107 of modern digital art ...... 221 Kozhemiakina O. M. Plakhtiy T. O. Tradition and archetype: creative Political parties as subjects of traditional foundation of the postmodern activities in a postmodern society interpretation...... 121 (archetypal approach)...... 236

11 Ponomarenko L. V. Sudakov V. I. Mentality of ukrainian society The archetypes of culture and subculture and its impact on modern processes as the determinants of social actions of institutionalization (Archetypal and social management...... 286 approach)...... 252 Fedotova T. A. Samarska L. O., Sas N. M. Tradition and innovation in public Formation of new identities in the administration training personality of a young person of the (archetypal approach)...... 296 postmodern age (on the example Chernykh G. A. of an exchange student)...... 264 Research Traditions in Cognitive Semenets-Orlova I. A. Sociology and Sociolinguistics – Transformation leadership and Language and Meaning in Social value-oriented public management: Interaction...... 308 modern approaches...... 277


On behalf of the scientific and pedagogical staff and the leadership of the National Academy of Public Ad- ministration under the President of Ukraine, I warmly congratulate you on the unique scientific events in January 2020! These events are unique, first of all, because they raise a very relevant topic, on which the author's scientific school of the respected Professor of our Academy, Mr. Eduard Afonin, his colleagues and students have been working for many years. We should admit that, the archetypal approach is the invention itself, which allows us to humanize, to bring to the per- son, person’s mind, heart and soul the achievements of serious, the most concise and logical science “public ad- lectual centers of the planet, in the fa- ministration”, is the symbiosis and the mous library of Alexandria, which was path to the core, which is able to unite founded in the III century BC. The ar- Ukrainian community, to overcome chives of this library, its halls, and espe- such a sad phenomenon of our lives as cially its spirit, if we take into account internal and external migration; and all its history, were prayed-in for more Professor Afonin together with the than one millennium and warmed, con- community of like-minded people has secrated by the starry names of centu- clearly been proving during all these ries of existence of mankind. years that archetypes can unite the Your meeting in the library of Al- world. exandria-2020 clearly shows that the The events of the archetypes enthu- Ukrainian science of public adminis- siasts in January 2020 are unique also tration has steadily reached not just because they take place – and this is not the international, but the planetary an exaggeration – in one of the intel- level, and thanks to you we gathered in

13 one event a unity of scientific schools I sincerely congratulate all of us on of Ukraine, France and Egypt from two this magnificent scientific holiday and continents – Eurasia and Africa. achievement! Good luck to everyone!

Chairman of the organizing Committee of XI International Theoretical and Methodological Seminar, Vice-President of the National Academy Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor М. М. Bilynska


I would like to congratulate you with the publication of the specialized edition of the collection “Public Man- agement”, which contains the materi- als of the XI International Theoretical and Methodological Seminar and the VIII International Contest for Young Scientists on the topic: "Archetype and Public Management: Tradition, Its Subjects and Sources in Postmodern Society." This is the fourth specialized issue of the collection, which includes articles from the archetypal workshop participants. On the pages of the collection are published objective information on ways to ensure the life of the united ter- ritorial communities, improve the so- cio-economic situation and create con- ditions for their development through administrative-territorial reform, possibilities of social archetype as a which will provide solutions to legal, diagnostic tool of state anti-crisis man- economic and organizational problems agement. The authors emphasize that taking into account the influences of since the archetype Divine Child is a social archetypes . The socio-psycho- kind of matrix of the potential of the logical nature of scientific knowledge collective unconscious experience, it is is revealed, which is connected not precisely its adaptation in the modern only with the individual achievements life stream that should become the ba- of the researcher, but also with the sis for the realization of socio-cultural manifestation of the collective uncon- demands of being. The materials of the scious, including the archetype-logo issue suggest modern archetypes of as an intangible cultural and historical different groups of public authorities result of the development of the social in Ukraine and highlight their main institute of science. Emphasis is placed archetypal characteristics as a major on the value filling of the information component of their image. policy of the state, which should be I will note that in recent years, the based on the state approaches inherent collection Public Management has in the historical Kyiv and the modern gained a reputation as a publication Ukrainian state. An analytical projec- with a strong professional potential tion of the social crisis has been carried and high publishing and editorial cul- out, which reveals the potential and ture. He enjoys great and well-deserved

15 respect from a wide range of readers. characteristics as the main component Deep and accurate analysis, breadth of of their image. interest and thoughtfulness of the po- I wish all the staff of the publication, sition of research authors are the key the authors of interesting scientific to our success. The materials propose works and inexhaustible creative im- contemporary archetypes of different agination. New victories, success, un- groups of public authorities in Ukraine derstanding and support of colleagues, and highlight their main archetypal associates, loved ones!

Sincerely, Editor-in-Chief, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Y. O. Romanenko

16 UDC: 316.354 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-17-26 Amosov Oleg Yuriyovych, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Economic Theory and Finances Depart- ment, Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration National Academy of Public Administration attached to the Office of the President of Ukraine, 61075, Kharkiv, Pros- pekt Moskovski. 75, tel.: +38 (050) 237 97 25, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8718-6343 Амосов Олег Юрійович, доктор економічних наук, професор, зав. кафедри економічної теорії та фінан- сів, Харківський регіональний інститут державного управління Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України, Харків, 61075, пр. Московський, 75, тел.: +38 (050) 237 97 25, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8718-6343 Амосов Олег Юрьевич, соискатель кафедры политологии и фи- лософии, Харьковский региональный ин- ститут государственного управления Национальной академии государствен- ного управления при Президенте Укра- ины, 61075, г. Харьков, пр. Московский, 75, тел:. +38 (050) 237 97 25, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8718-6343 Gavkalova Nataliia Leonidivna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Public Administration and Regional Eco­ nomy Department, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, 61166, Kharkiv, Str. Naukу, 9-а +38 (050) 622 6148, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1208-9607 Гавкалова Наталія Леонідівна, доктор економічних наук, професор, зав. кафедри державного управління, публічного адміністрування та регіональної економіки, 61166, м. Харків, пр. Науки, 9-а, тел.: +38 (050) 622 61 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1208-9607

17 Гавкалова Наталья Леонидовна, доктор экономических наук, профессор, зав. кафедры государственного управле- ния, публічного администрирования и ре- гиональной экономики, 61166 г. Харьков, пр. Науки, 9-а, тел.: +38 (050) 622 61 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1208-9607 Rozumnyuk Iryna Viktorivna, PhD, Egypt, Cairo, Maadi, El Khames, block 1, bld. 50, +201223048877, irynaroz28@ ORCID: 0000-0002-3081-7703 Розумнюк Ірина Вікторівна, PhD, Єгипет, Каїр, Мааді, Ель Хамс, блок 1, буд. 50, +201223048877, irynaroz28@ ORCID: 0000-0002-3081-7703 Розумнюк Ирина Викторовна, PhD, Егиипет, Каир, Маади, Ель Хамс, блок 1, дом 50, +201223048877, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3081-7703


Abstract. The author's vision of the institutional nature of social transfor- mations taking into account the influences of existing archetypes is presented. The conceptual and categorical analysis of an institute, institutionalism, and societal transformations is offered to prove the ideas. In particular, theoretical and methodological institutional aspects that directly influence on the course of social transformations in Ukrainian society are considered, taking into account the influence of archetypes. According to the results of a conceptual-categorical analysis, the basic properties of institutionalism which include time lag , sys- tem, set of rules — formal, informal, determined by social archetypes are identi- fied. The purpose is to form a structure of social interaction, under which the mechanisms are laid and social transformations can take place. Based on the generalization of theoretical approaches, it was found that the institute, creating a symbiosis with archetypes, is a system of formal and informal socio-economic rules, which are determined by the powerful duality of both long and short-term goals, limiting the relationship between individuals in economic, legal, socio-eco-

18 nomic, innovation spheres and help to identify the historical conditions under which the socio-economic mechanisms of social transformation are created. It is suggested to consider the Institutional-archetypal approach as a ruling one in distinguishing the general and special path of country`s development, since there is an individual national matrix, which was formed under the influence of archetypes. It is concluded that the problem of ensuring the sustainability of socio-economic processes in society at the existence of public transformations implying the existence of an institutional-archetypal matrix but the considera- tion of problems of institutional influence on transformational processes, occur- ring in Ukraine lacks a comprehensive vision taking into account the impact of social archetypes,providing timely establishment of thorough scientific concepts relating to institutional theory that defines the archetypal social transformation under the influence. Keywords: institutions, institutionalism, social transformations, archetypes. АРХЕТИПНІ ОСНОВИ ІНСТИТУЦІОНАЛЬНОЇ ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЇ ВІТЧИЗНЯНОЇ ЕКОНОМІКИ Анотація. Представлено інституціональну природу суспільних тран- сформацій з урахуванням впливів існуючих архетипів. Для доведення думок запропоновано понятійно-категоріальний аналіз інституту, інсти- туціоналізму, суспільних трансформацій. Зокрема, визначено теорети- ко-методологічні інституціональні аспекти, що прямо впливають на хід суспільних трансформацій в Українському суспільстві з урахуванням впливу архетипів. За результатами понятійно-категоріального аналізу ви- значено основні властивості інституціоналізму, а саме: часовий лаг; систе- му, сукупність правил — формальних, неформальних, які визначаються суспільними архетипами; мету — формування структури соціальної вза- ємодії, за якої можуть закладатися механізми та здійснюватися суспільні трансформації. На основі узагальнення теоретичних підходів з’ясовано, що інститут, створюючи симбіоз із архетипами являє собою систему фор - мальних та неформальних соціально-економічних правил, які визнача- ються потужною двоєдністю як довготермінових, так і короткочасних ці- лей, що обмежують відносини між індивідами в економічній, соціальній, правовій, соціально-економічній, інноваційній сферах та сприяють визна- ченню історичних умов, за яких створюються соціально-економічні меха- нізми суспільних трансформацій. Запропоновано розглядати Інституці- онально-архетипний підхід як визначальний при визначенні загального і особливого шляху розвитку країни, оскільки передбачається існування індивідуальної національної матриці, що сформувалася під впливом архе- типів. Доведено, що проблема забезпечення сталості соціально-економіч- них процесів у суспільстві при існуванні суспільних трансформацій пе- редбачає існування інституційно-архетипної матриці. Розгляду проблеми інституціонального впливу на трансформаційні процеси, які відбувають- ся в Україні, бракує комплексного бачення, за якого враховується вплив

19 суспільних архетипів, що передбачає своєчасність створення ґрунтовної наукової концепції, яка стосується інституціональної теорії, що визначає суспільні трансформації під впливом архетипів. Ключові слова: інститути, інституціоналізм, суспільні трансформації, архетипи. АРХЕТИПНЫЕ ОСНОВЫ ИНСТИТУЦИАЛЬНОЙ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИИ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННОЙ ЭКОНОМИКИ Аннотация. Представлено авторское видение институциональной природы общественных трансформаций при учете влияния существую- щих архетипов. В качестве доказательной базы предложен категориаль - ный анализ понятий, связанных с институтами, институционализмом, общественными трансформациями. В частности, определены теоретико- методологические институциональные аспекты, которые прямо влияют на ход общественных трансформаций в украинском обществе с учетом влияния архетипов. В результате понятийно-категориального анализа определены основные свойства институционализма, а именно: временной лаг; система, совокупность правил — формальных, неформальных, кото - рые определяются общественными архетипами; цель — формирование структуры социального взаимодействия, при котором могут формиро- ваться механизмы и осуществляться общественные трансформации. На основе обобщения теоретических подходов подытожено, что институт, создавая симбиоз с архетипами, представляет собой систему формаль - ных и неформальных социально-экономических правил, определяемых двуединством как долгосрочных, так и краткосрочных целей, ограничи - вающих отношения между индивидами в экономической, социальной, правовой, социально-экономической, инновационной сферах и способ- ствуют определению исторических условий, при которых формируются социально-экономические механизмы общественных трансформаций. Предложено рассматривать институционально-архетипный подход как определяющий при выделении особого пути развития государства, по - скольку предполагается существование национальной матрицы, сфор- мировавшейся под влиянием архетипов. Доказано, что проблема обес - печения устойчивости социально-экономических процессов в обществе при существовании общественных трансформаций предполагает суще- ствование институционально-архетипной матрицы. Рассмотрению про- блемы институционального влияния на трансформационные процессы, происходящие в Украине, не хватает комплексного видения, при котором учитывается влияние общественных архетипов, что предусматривает свое­временность создания научной концепции, касающейся институци- ональной теории, которая определяет общественные трансформации под влиянием архетипов. Ключевые слова: институты, институционализм, общественные транс- формации, архетипы.

20 Formulation of the problem. The likely and socio-economic processes­ current state of the domestic economy occurring, the social archetypes that is determined by the reform, including determine the existence of a system of the evolution of the archetypes, in all institutional matrices, and thus affect the spheres of life, other endogenous the social transformations, are subject and exogenous factors of influence. The to less adjustment and influence. This implementation of the reform is aimed determines the relevance and timeli- at providing profound changes in the ness of the topic stated by the authors. society, which is impossible without Analysis of the recent publica- understanding the methodology of tions. In the writings of foreign and institutionalism, which underlies the domestic researchers one can find sci- dominant archetypes, its determinants, entific work devoted to the methodol- evolutionary laws, which allows to ogy of institutionalism. In particular, clarify the actions of the social laws D. North [1] analyzes the institutional and determine the course of the social changes and functioning of the econo- transformations. With the gradual so- my; O. A. Gritsenko [2] determines the cio-economic transformations taking place of the state in the institutional place in the Ukrainian society in order environment; O. O. Prutska [3] con- to accelerate the country’s integration siders the economic behaviour based into the world economic system, the on an institutional approach, indirectly requirements for methods of analysis touching the archetypes and analyzing and forecasting the consequences of deregulation as a way of improving the decisions made in the management of quality of the archetypal-institutional the economy are increasing. There is a environment, and others. The issue of need to ensure a reliable forecasting of actualization of the institutional and the functioning of the Ukrainian econ- archetypal provision of the state regu- omy in the short and long term, which lation of the economy needs further in- allows for sound decisions about stra- vestigation. tegic and tactical challenges. In this The purpose of the article. Sub- connection, it is promising to use the stantiation of the archetypal founda- modern economic and mathematical tions of the institutional transforma- methods and simulation modeling to tion of the domestic economy as a analyze and evaluate the priorities of scientific-theoretical basis of transfor- the socio-economic policy of Ukraine, mational changes, taking into account with due regard to the influence of the the influence of the social archetypes. national archetypes. The data used for Presentation of the main material. assessment is astounding in diversity. Recent research has attracted interest In particular, most scholars consider in the study of the institutional and re- the macroeconomic values to be the lated archetypal influences on the level most objective starting point for analy- of the social development. It cannot be sis, but it is rather limited to account said that the issue of institutionalism for institutional tendencies, archetypal has not been addressed by scientists, manifestations, and use of factual mate- on the contrary, the number of them is rial, without which predictions are less increasing every year, but the magni-

21 tude of the questions, the use of mainly and informal, fixed in the common law, foreign theoretical evidence, makes the boundaries that structure the interac- problem open for further research in tion of the individuals in the economic, the national knowledge space. In par- political and social spheres” [4, p.188]. ticular, the foundations of the institu- A more common and methodologi- tional-archetypal were detailed in the cally sound definition can be found in writings of the well-known scientists J. Lafta: “Institutions are understood who considered themselves to be the to mean a set of socio-economic rules followers of three waves: classical insti- that operate under historical condi- tutionalism (Veblen T., Gelbraith J. K., tions, over which individuals or groups Polanyi K., etc.); neoinstitutionalism of individuals are largely unremark- (Buchanan J., Coase R., McNeill J., able, both in the short and medium North D., Peyovic S., Poser R., Stigler term. From an economic point of view, J., Williamson O., etc.); and modern these rules are intended to determine institutionalism (Bouye R., Nash J., the conditions under which the indi- Teveno L., Favro O., etc.). vidual or collective choice of the al- In terms of the institutional ap- location and use of the resources may proach, understanding how the econom- be exercised. In this sense, institutions, ic system works, how the social trans- unlike markets or organizations, do formations take place requires account not become mechanisms of coordina- of the very complex relationships be- tion; they help to determine the socio- tween the society and the economy, that historical conditions under which such are determined by the existence and in- mechanisms can be laid” [5, P. 12]. fluence of the social archetypes. The re- Interesting is J. Lafta’s argument lationship between them is determined about the understanding of the eco- by a set of institutional constraints, that nomic institutions as mechanisms — are a form of ensuring the functioning regulators of the economic functions. of the economic system. Institutions in The characteristic of such institutions relation to the archetypes are the key to is “the relations that include, as appro- understanding the relationship between priate, components of the power, force the society and the economy and the interactions between the individuals or key to the impact of these relationships their groups” [6, P. 13]. on the economic growth (or stagnation One of the founders of the institu- and decline). Ultimately, institutions tional economic theory, Veblen T. inter- are fundamental factors in the function- preted institutions as units of selection ing of the economic systems in the long in the evolutionary process of the Dar- run, determining the social transforma- winist type [7, p. 13]. These research- tion. It should be emphasized that the ers are close to identifying the impact continuous influence of the social ar- of the archetypes, but do not take them chetypes, which may change the insti- into account. tutional matrices, is constantly taken In defining institutions, J. Hodgson into account. considers the last long-term systems of Under the institute A. Oliynyk rules that have been established and means “a set of formal, fixed in the law entrenched and that give structure to

22 the social interactions [8, p. 11]. That to understanding the general and eco- is, the definition focuses on the essence nomic evolution, which is appropri- of the system of the social rules. ately dependent on its path…”, — noted Many features in common with the D. North [1, P. 198]. preceding have the definition of Searle The institutional-archetypal ap- J.: institute — a special type of social proach eliminates the question of the structure, which includes codified rules general and particular path of the de- of interpretation and behaviour. Some velopment of a country, since it as- of the rules are related to the conven- sumes the existence of an individual tional symbols or values, such as in the institutional matrix in each country case of money, etc. [8, P. 12]. formed under the influence of the ar- Thus, these definitions make it pos- chetypes, namely, the interlocking of sible to determine the basic properties the interconnected formal rules and in- of institutionalism, to which we attrib- formal constraints that guide the coun- ute a time lag — long-term or short- try’s economy, different from the path term; system, set of rules — formal, in- of development of another country. formal, socio-economic; the goal — the The commonality of the borrowed formation of the structure of the social rules of the game in the countries with interaction, a special type of social different institutional systems leads structure, contribute to the definition to significantly different consequenc- of the socio-historical conditions under es. Although the rules are the same, which such mechanisms that regulate but the mechanisms and practices for economic functions can be laid. monitoring the compliance with these Based on the generalization of the rules, the rules of conduct and subjec- theoretical approaches, we conclude tive models of the actors are different. that the institution, creating a sym- Therefore, the real incentive system biosis with the archetypes is a system and the subjective assessment by the of formal and informal socio-economic actors of the consequences of the deci- rules, which are determined by the sions made are the others. powerful unity of both long-term and The abstract concept of “institu- short-term, limiting the relations be- tional matrix” logically summarizes the tween the individuals in the economic, various real links of the archetypes and social, legal, socio-economic, innova- institutions that can be observed in re- tion spheres and help to determine the al life. These are legal and social norms, historical conditions under which the rules and sanctions, conciliation pro- socio-economic mechanisms of the so- cedures and laws, traditions and cus- cial development are created. toms, organizations and legal acts, The institutional-archetypal ap- etc. [7]. The specific characteristics of proach involves considering the eco­ each national model are defined in the nomy not as a static system, but as a overall relationship in their structure dynamic process that is constantly of the basic and complementary addi- in motion, changed and transformed. tional institutional matrices. Thus, in “Technological and institutional the U-matrix coordinates the econo­ changes (transformations) are the keys mic institutions of the market, political

23 institutions of the federation (building role as guarantor of the Constitution, society, starting from the bottom of becomes the focus of the both systems. the individual independent territorial The President is the guarantor of the communities) and subsidiary values institutional invariant of the society. (subsidiarity as a principle means the All the activities of the guarantor of priority of the individual relative to the constitution should be aimed at the community of which he stands), in ensuring the effective, efficient and which the priority of the Self over We active functioning of the branches of is fixed [8]. Here we see a sufficiently the power, as fundamental archetypal well-defined influence of the social ar- principles of the society. The role and chetypes. status of the President as the guaran- Public administration can also iden- tor of the Constitution must be secured tify some of the problems of Ukraine’s institutionally and be based on the ar- institutional recovery: chetypes. 1. creation of conditions for the It should be noted that an institu- development of “decent” public insti- tional structure has been formed in tutions that can ensure the socio-eco- Ukraine that does not always fit the nomic development of the state; matrix of its socio-economic traditions 2. formation of favourable condi- and does not take into account the ar- tions for the functioning of all the chetypes. It also does not fit either the branches of the power. Anglo-Saxon model of the institutional The bearer of the power is the peo- structure of the society or the conti- ple, but in order to realize this, institu- nental one. tional conditions are needed, that is, it The characteristic features of the in- is necessary: stitutional structure of the Ukrainian 3. an extensive stable system of law; society include: the institute of anti- 4. a powerful human rights protec- law. That is, the rules of the law, if used, tion system; are very selective. 5. an extensive system of informing Directing the transformation of the the people. institutions or resisting those that have 6. law — protection of the state already formed and exerting appropri- structure, is: The Security Service of ate influence on the whole (space) con- Ukraine; The State Bureau of Inves- tinuum of the society. The presence of tigation; Anti-Corruption Court; The the institutes and the links between National Agency for the Prevention of them creates a society invariant. This Corruption; the National Guard; Mi­ invariant provides the self-reproduc- nistry of International Affairs; tion of the system. A special place is 7. institutional conditions for the taken by the judiciary. All the institu- functioning of the institution of the ju- tions are interconnected and closely diciary: legal protection of the rights of intertwined. Loss of the influence of the judges. some of them will certainly cause deg- Public institutions interact with the radation of the others. Institutions in- system of the public institutions. The fluence the social transformations and President, by virtue of his function and distort the archetypes [9, 10].

24 Conclusions. The generalizations of place of the state in the institutional the research suggest that the problem space of a transformational economy]. of ensuring the sustainability of the so- Problemy I perspektyvy rozvitku cio-economic processes in the society bankivskoi systemy Ukrainy — Prob- and the correct direction of the social lems I am a promising development of the banking system of Ukraine, 11, transformation, firstly, is the difficult Sumy: VVP “Мriya-1” LTD, U ABS, determination of the matrix priorities 76-82 [in Ukrainian]. with respect to the institutional-arche- 3. Prutska O. O. (2003). Instytut- typal matrix in the country; secondly, sionalizm I problemy ekonomichnoi the domination in Ukraine during a povedinry v perehidnyi ekonomitsi certain time of the command-admi­ [Institutionalization is a problematic nistrative system has influenced the economic issue in the transition econ- formation of the communitarian pro­ omy]. Kyiv: Logos [in Ukrainian]. perty not only as a public, but as arche- 4. Оliynyk О. М. (2005). Іnstytutsionalna typal despite the fact that the mental екonomika [Institutional Economics]. Kyiv [in Ukrainian]. factors are one of the most influential 5. Lafta Dzh. К. (1999). Effektivnost in initiating the processes of different menedzhmrnta organizatsii [Orga- nature; thirdly, when considering the nization management effectiveness. problem of the institutional impact on Moscow [in Russia] the transformation processes occur- 6. Hodzhons Dzh. (2003). Ekonomi- ring in Ukraine, domestic scientists are cheskaya teoriya i instituty: Manifest limited to separate works, sections in Sovremennoy institutsionalnoy eko- monographs, which detracts from the nomicheskoy teorii [Economic Theory consideration of institutionalism from and Institute: A Manifesto of Contem- the standpoint of a complex, syste­ porary Institutional Economic Theo- ry] (Trans) Moscow: Delo [in Russia]. matic, process-based approach in com- 7. Coase R. (1988). Firma, rynok i zakon pulsory consideration of influences of [The Firm, the Market and the Law]. the society that is, from the creation of Chicago: The University of Chicago a thorough domestic scientific concept Press that relates to the institutional theory 8. Кirdins S. G. (2001). Теоriya insti- that determines the social transforma- tutsionalnyh маtrits: v poikah no- tions under the archetypal influence. voy paradigm [Institutional Matrix Theory: In Search of a New Para- digm]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy REFERENCES аntropologii — Journal Sociology and Social Anthropology. (Vols. 1). No 1, 1. Nort D. & Dzyub l. I. (2000). Insty- 101-115 [in Ukrainian]. tutsii, instytutsiyna zmina ta funkt- 9. Аfonin Е. А. & Маrtynov А. Yu. (2016). sionuvannya ekonomiky [Institution, Аrhetypni zasady моdeluyvannya sot- institution of change and functioning sialnyh protsesiv [Arereptic principles of economy]. Kyiv: Osnovy [in Ukrai- of social process modeling]. Publichne nian]. uryaduvannya — Public Governance, 2. Gryshchenk O. A. (2004). Mistse 2, 34–47. Retrieved from http://nbuv. derzhavy v instytutsiynimu prostori [in transformatsiynoi ekonomiky [The Ukrainian].

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26 UDC: 316.012:141.7 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-27-41 Afonin Eduard Andriyovych, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Profes- sor, Professor of the Chair of Public Policy and Political Analytics, National Acad- emy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Antona Tsedika, 20 mob.: +38 (067) 244 46 59, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7493-6907 Афонін Едуард Андрійович, доктор соціологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри публічної політи- ки та політичної аналітики, Націо- нальна академія державного управлін- ня при Президентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Антона Цедіка, 20, моб.: +38 (067) 244 46 59, e-mail: bpafonin@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0002-7493-6907 Афонин Эдуард Андреевич, доктор социологических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры публичной политики и политической аналитики, Националь- ная академия государственного управ- ления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Антона Цедика, 20, моб.: +38 (067) 244 46 59, e-mail: bpafonin@gmail. com ORCID: 0000-0002-7493-6907 Martynov Andrii Yuriyovych, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher, Department of His- tory of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 01001, Kyiv, Str. Hrushevskоho, 4, mob.: +38 (044) 483 15 72, e-mail: mar- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9802-5980 Мартинов Андрій Юрійович, доктор історичних наук, професор, провідний науковий співробітник відділу істо- рії міжнародних відносин і зовнішньої політики України, Інститут історії України

27 НАН України, 01001, м. Київ, вул. Грушевського, 4, моб.: +38 (044) 483 15 72, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9802-5980

Мартынов Андрей Юрьевич, доктор исторических наук, профессор, ведущий научный сотрудник отдела истории международных отношений и внешней политики Украины, Институт истории Украины НАН Украины, 01001, г. Киев, ул. Грушевского 4, моб.: +38 (044) 483 15 72, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9802-5980


Abstract. The article deals with the phenomenon of socio-historical tradition as a factor of the social integration and consolidation of the Ukrainian society. Tradition is defined as the process of reproducing, through social institutions, the experience of generations and the adaptation of this experience to the require- ments of the present. It is argued that the adaptation of tradition to the postmo­ dern modernity is a complex socio-historical and socio-psychological process, in the context of which a paradigm shift is taking place and a new — rational type of thinking influencing the social practices and social behaviour is emerging. By setting posterity to innovation, the postmodern blurs the great narratives of the tradition and denies the social experience of the previous generations. Under the influence of innovation, the social system is fragmented and constantly gravitates to the state of anomie. In these circumstances, tradition, its subjects and carriers become a constructive factor of the social consolidation, which takes place in the context of solving pressing issues of the innovative development. Tradition and traditional activity act as a kind of value-semantic forms in the form of new myths and myth-making, which counteract the loss of the national identity and social integrity. The theoretical basis of such activity, according to the authors, was presented by the French sociologist J. Durant, who proposed the concept of the imaginary as a mechanism for constructing the social reality. This mechanism, according to J. Durant, is both imagination, imaginary and imagined, and reality is the embodiment of a free play of the imagination, which is influenced by myths and archetypes. The imaginary exists in two modes: daytime (diurnal) and night (nocturne). The former functions in a dual form characterized by the hierarchy and patriarchy embodied in the heroic myth. Instead, the second is presented as a holistic mystical myth or death as another reality. According to the authors, the

28 imaginary, as the embodiment of the collective unconscious, is associated with such archetypal properties of the social system as externality / internality (exter- nal / internal locus control), extraversion / introversion (social / social identity), executiveness / intentionality (female / male social roles). Accordingly, the past social and historical era of the modernity is connected with the functioning of the regime of the diurnal, archetypes and myth-making, which are closely linked to the realization of the external social control, patriarchy (social identity) and the growth in the social system of the number of women’s social roles. The post- modern modernity actualizes the nocturnal regime under which conditions the system increases self-control, blurs hierarchy and increases the number of the male social roles. Keywords: archetype, identity, imaginary, innovation, social integration, so- cial control, social roles, postmodern. ТРАДИЦІЯ ЯК ФАКТОР ІНТЕГРАЦІЇ ТА КОНСОЛІДАЦІЇ УКРАЇНСЬКОГО СУСПІЛЬСТВА В УМОВАХ ПОСТМОДЕРНУ: АРХЕТИПІЧНИЙ ПІДХІД Анотація. Розглядається феномен соціально-історичної традиції як чин- ник соціальної інтеграції та консолідації українського суспільства. Тради- ція визначається як процес відтворення через соціальні інститути досвіду поколінь та адаптація цього досвіду до вимог сучасності. Стверджується, що адаптація традиції до постмодерної сучасності є складним соціально-іс- торичним і соціально-психологічним процесом, у контексті якого відбува- ється зміна світоглядної парадигми та виникає новий — раціональний тип мислення, що впливає на соціальні практики і соціальну поведінку. Налаш- товуючи нащадки на інноваційну діяльність постмодерн розмиває великі нарративи традицій і заперечує соціальний досвід попередніх поколінь. Під впливом інновації суспільна система фрагментується і невпинно тяжіє до стану аномії. За цих обставин традиція, її суб’єкти і носії стають конструк- тивним фактором соціальної консолідації, що відбувається в контексті ви- рішення актуальних питань інноваційного розвитку. Традиція і традицій- на діяльність виступають своєрідними ціннісно-смисловими формами у вигляді нових міфів і міфотворчості, які протистоять втраті національної ідентичності і суспільної цілісності. Теоретичне підґрунтя такої діяльності, на думку авторів, представив французький соціолог Ж. Дюран, який за- пропонував концепцію імажинера як механізму конструювання соціальної реальності. Цей механізм, за думкою Ж. Дюрана, є одночасно уявою, уяв- леним та уявленням, а реальність — втіленням вільної гри уяви, на яку впли- вають міфи та архетипи. Імажинер існує у двох режимах: денному (діурн) та нічному (ноктюрн). Перший функціонує в дуальній формі, їй властиві ієрархічність і патріархальність, втілені у героїчному міфі. Натомість дру- гий предстає як цілісний містичний міф або смерть як інша реальність. На думку авторів, імажинер як втілення колективного несвідомого, пов’язаний з такими архетипними властивостями суспільної системи як екстерналь-

29 ність / інтернальність (зовнішній / внутрішній локус-контроль), екстравер- сія / інтроверсія (соціальна / соцієтальна ідентичність), екзекутивність / інтенціональність (жіночі / чоловічі соціальні ролі). Відповідно минула суспільно-історична доба модерну пов’язана з функціонуванням режиму ді- урну, архетипами і міфотворчістю, які тісно пов’язані з реалізацією зовніш- нього соціального контролю, патріархальності (соціальної ідентичності) та зростанням у суспільній системі кількості жіночих соціальних ролей. Пост­ модерна сучасність актуалізує режим ноктюрну, за умов якого в системі по- силюється самоконтроль, розмивається ієрархічність та зростає кількість чоловічих соціальних ролей. Ключові слова: архетип, ідентичність, імажінер, інновація, соціальна інтеграція, соціальний контроль, соціальні ролі, постмодерн. ТРАДИЦИЯ КАК ФАКТОР ИНТЕГРАЦИИ И КОНСОЛИДАЦИИ УКРАИНСКОГО ОБЩЕСТВА В УСЛОВИЯХ ПОСТМОДЕРНА: АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД Аннотация. Рассматривается феномен социально-исторической тради- ции как фактор социальной интеграции и консолидации украинского обще- ства. Традиция определяется как процесс воспроизводства через социаль- ные институты опыта поколений и адаптации этого опыта к требованиям современности. Утверждается, что адаптация традиции к постмодерной современности является сложным социально-историческим и социально- психологическим процессом, в контексте которого происходит изменение мировоззренческой парадигмы и возникает новый — рациональный тип мышления, который влияет на социальные практики и социальное пове- дение. Настраивая потомки на инновационную деятельность постмодерн размывает большие нарративы традиций и отрицает социальный опыт предыдущих поколений. Под влиянием инновации общественная система фрагментируется и постоянно тяготеет к состоянию аномии. В этих усло- виях традиция, ее субъекты и носители становятся конструктивным фак- тором социальной консолидации, которая происходит в контексте решения актуальных вопросов инновационного развития. Традиция и традиционная деятельность выступают своеобразными ценностно-смысловыми формами в виде новых мифов и мифотворчества, которые противостоят потере на- циональной идентичности и общественной целостности. Теоретические основы такой деятельности, по мнению авторов, представил французский социолог Ж. Дюран, который предложил концепцию имажинера как меха- низма конструирования социальной реальности. Этот механизм, по мнению Ж. Дюрана, является первичным процессом, состоящим из воображаемого, воображающего, воображения и самого процесса воображения одновремен- но, а реальность — воплощением свободной игры воображения, на которую влияют мифы и архетипы. Имажинер существует в двух режимах: днев- ном (диурну) и ночном (ноктюрн). Первый работает в дуальной форме, ей присущи иерархичность и патриархальность, воплощенные в героическом

30 мифе. А второй предстает как целостный мистический миф или смерть как другая реальность. По мнению авторов, имажинер, как воплощение коллек- тивного бессознательного, связан с такими архетипическими свойствами общественной системы, как экстернальность / интернальность (внешний / внутренний локус-контроль), экстраверсия / интроверсия (социальная / со- циетальная идентичность), экзекутивность / интенциональность (женские / мужские социальные роли). При этом прошлая общественно-историческая эпоха модерна связана с функционированием режима диурна, архетипами и мифотворчеством, которое тесно связано с реализацией внешнего социаль- ного контроля, патриархальностью (социальной идентичностью) и ростом в общественной системе количества женских социальных ролей. Постмо- дернистская современность актуализирует режим ноктюрна, в условиях ко- торого в системе усиливается самоконтроль, размывается иерархичность и растет количество мужских социальных ролей. Ключевые слова: архетип, идентичность, имажинер, инновация, соци- альная интеграция, социальный контроль, социальные роли, постмодерн.

General formulation of the prob- all the objects around us are united by lem. Complex and ambiguous in con- the “Internet of Things”, in which any tent and orientation, the current trends significant differences between the on- in the development of science most line and offline world disappear. People prominently manifest themselves in need a new definition of the “common the humanitarian sphere. After all, the sense”. We are now turning into a current transitional processes of the de- “world of gamification”, dominated by velopment of man, society and huma­ game practices and mechanisms based nity as a whole will not only change the on human instincts. Formation and de- nature of people’s activities, but also velopment of the artificial social spa­ destroy their behavioural stereotypes, ce — the space of “Internet of Things” blur the values and social norms. With that blurs the boundaries between the the transition to a postmodern society, material reality and the virtual real- the importance of the human imagina- ity. Artificial intelligence becomes a tion is enhanced as a way of construct- threat to man, which becomes more ing a social reality that results from dangerous than the nuclear weapons. transformational processes in the so- The history of civilization, figuratively ciety and the disruption of cause and speaking, turns into the race between effect relationships characteristic of education and disaster. the former objective scientific method. Thus, as humanity progresses The total “subjectivation of the pub- through innovation, it becomes more lic space” creates a bias towards such apparent that our powerlessness to compensatory capacities as traditional solve the problems of the present with knowledge and intuition. The real so- the same way of thinking we have used cial space is becoming cybernetic, and in the previous times.

31 Analysis of the recent publications A solid basis for the new theoreti- and solutions to the undefined issues. cal construction is the modern social The problem of the social conflict that thought, which favoured a rational accompanies the path to postmodern explanation of the social reality and modernity actualizes the discourse the role of the social actors in its deve­ around finding ways to consolidate and lopment. Thus, the French sociologist harness the potential of tradition in Emile Durkheim (1858–1917) pro- this process. The 2017 National Report posed to view the society as outside “Ukraine: The Road to Consolidation” and above the individual reality, which states that “the model of the social con- possesses and does not depend on in- solidation cannot be a natural pheno­ dividuals with imperative power. The menon. We need a strategy to achieve German sociologist Max Weber (1864- it”. The authors of the report refer to 1920) interpreted subjectivity through social consolidation as “the unity of the the notion of ideal type and rationa­ society on the basis of common values lization [3, p. 6–7]. and common purpose” [1, p. 12]. The The purpose of the article is to components of such a strategy are so- highlight in the context of the arche- cial partnership, democracy, the cul- typal approach of the phenomenon of tural diversity of a pluralistic society tradition as a factor of the social con- and common foreign policy interests. solidation in a post-modern social en- In search of theoretical and meth- vironment. odological foundations of the above Presentation of the main mate- strategy you come across the work of rial. The social reforms that testify to the French sociologist Gilbert Durant the new quality of the Ukrainian so- (1921-2012) “Anthropological Struc- ciety have a complex systemic charac­ tures of the Imaginary” (1969). In this ter. They cover different spheres of the the author proposes to supplement the public life — politics, economy, culture, traditional dichotomy of object-sub- structures of the social organization ject with the notion of “trajectory” or and social control. At the same time, the of a phenomenon that is “situated” be- quality of radical institutional changes tween the subject and the object, bet­ depends to a large extent on changes ween the project (future) and the past in the human psycho­logy — the rate of (history). Such a trajectory he called dismantling of its old mechanisms (out- “imaginary”, which simultaneously side — external) social control and the represents “imaginary”, “imagination”, speed of formation of (inside — inter- “imagined”. In the context of this theo- nal) social control, which will guaran- retical construction, J. Durant pro- tee the sustainability of a qualitatively poses to analyze the archetypes of the new social system called Ukraine. collective unconscious in the modes of At the same time, the phenomenon diurnal (day) and nocturnal (night), of social control is one of the most con- and the imaginary interprets as an ex- troversial in the current system of the panded structure of the imagination sociological terminology. The most that feeds on the myths of the collec- common of these is the understanding tive unconscious [2, p. 1]. of the social control as a set of norms

32 and values of the society, as well as the relevant social institutions, such as the sanctions that are used to enforce the institutions of the state with their them. This view of the mechanism of instruments of coercion and the means the social control was observed, in par- of influencing the public opinion. ticular by E. Durkheim, who in his so- Quite often, the notion of social cial theory gave a prominent place to control is identified with political the control social norms, emphasizing power. For example, the American that their deformation leads to anomie, political scientist Hans Morgenthau that is, the paralysis of the mechanisms (1904–1980) by this term understands of formation of the social norms, and to the control over the consciousness and crises phenomena in the society that actions of others [5, p. 140]. It is this are associated with the dismantling of method of social control that has been the social solidarity. At the same time, used since the beginning of written his- the social will in the anomie state is tory. Thus, it was the basis of the politi- paralyzed [4, p. 64]. That is, under these cal rule in the ancient Egypt, Mesopo- socio-historical circumstances one can tamia, where the caste of priests thus observe a state where the institutional exercised the sacred power. During the power is still there, the individual will late Middle Ages, when the Reforma- is, but there is no overall will of the sole tion radically changed the spiritual entity aimed at controlling the obser- world of the average Western Europe- vance of the social norms that form the an, and, according to Niccolo Machia- basis of the social control mechanism. velli, institutionalized differentiation In this context, M. Weber in his classic of the religious life and secularization work “Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of politics took place. Under these con- of Capitalism” (1904) emphasized the ditions, the individual skills of exercis- importance of the interplay between ing effective social control have gained the norms of the social control and the particular weight for the Machiavel- self-control, in particular in the form of lian Lord. various forms of religious asceticism. The idea of social control has ac- The logical development of these ideas quired some development in German is the “imaginary” of J. Durant, whose sociology. In particular, Ferdinand regime of the diurnal during the last era Tönnies (1855–1936) genetically dis- of stimulated dual, hierar- tinguished two types of societies: tra- chical, patriarchal social practices with ditional (Gemeinschaft) and industrial their dominant forms of outside (ex- (Gesellschaft), which were characte­ ternal) social control over the activity rized by different types of social control. of the social subjects. Accordingly, the For the first, still poorly structured so- social imagination (imaginary) that ciety, the importance of the traditional emerged in people in the diurnal mode, authority and, accordingly, external formed primarily moral and ethical control, and for the industrial, modern norms, intended to regulate the social society — the legal norm, which relies life from the outside. The mechanism on internal social control. According to of (outside — external) social control, Max Weber, traditional domination is established in a day, was thus fixed by based on a belief in the sanctity of long-

33 standing orders. Charismatic domina- society in order to make and implement tion is based on a leader’s commitment the desired political and administrative to charisma. Legal domination exists decisions. An important tool for such because of established rules. Its pur- influence was social control and various est type is bureaucratic domination [6, methods of the social regulation of the p. 157]. community behaviour. These include The foundations of the bureaucratic legal rules, rational or irrational reason- domination emerged in a modern so- ing, or even outright manipulation and, ciety that laid the foundations for the finally, methods of force pressure. This la­test means of original creating, accu- whole arsenal is directed at the person mulating and disseminating informa- and the public opinion as the main ob- tion as an important power resource. jects of influence of the mass communi- With the development of the modern cation. communication technologies, social Because what we call public opin- manipulation becomes essential as a ion, as noted by the famous British method of administration, which con- politician Benjamin Disraeli (1804– sists in the development of latent influ- 1881), most likely deserves the name ences on the mass consciousness and of public emotions — this sphere is the behaviour of people in order to force object of constant manipulation that them to act (or to show passivity) in become a universal mechanism for ef- the interests of certain social forces [8, fective social control over the exis- p. 286]. Most often this mechanism of tence of the information society [7, social control is implemented through p. 18]. Accordingly, a narrower, even, the mass media. Describing it as one one might say, specialized became the of the manifestations of the mass cul- view of the social control in the Ameri- ture, the British Prime Minister Win- can sociological thought. For the most ston Churchill (1874–1965), in his part, it is related to interpretations of memoirs, stressed that after the end of the organization of control over dif- World War I, Britain was saved from a ferent embodiments, first of all, devi- devastating social revolution by public ant behaviour. Thus, the classic of the opinion, football and traditional beer American sociology, Robert Merton pubs. Thus, the social imagination and (1923–2000), believed that the Ameri- the instruments of influence on it neu- can society intensely creates a signifi- tralized the conflicting social potential cant contradiction between the deve­ and shifted people’s consciousness to a loped psychology of consumer desires new social reality, focused on consen- and the circle of legally achievable, as a sus models of social discourse and mak- result, the norms and institutions that ing important power decisions. regulate and discipline people’s behav- During the 20th century the practice iour are weakened, which ultimately of the government institutions involved leads to the denial of the authority of in social manipulation became more social norms and to various forms of complex and widespread. The public ad- deviant behaviour [9, p. 282]. ministration socio-technology increas- Thus, apart from forms of the social ingly focused on direct influence on the control in the form of certain power

34 mechanisms that operate at the state mund Husserl (1859–1938), the most level and in the structures of the civil conceivable is the “Self”, which rep- society, as well as control over deviant resents for the subject-individual the behaviour, no less important category initial intentional basis of his world. that determines the two previous ones Under these conditions the postmod- is self-control of the individual. This ern era “blurs” the social traditions. concept successfully conveys the term All this is happening in the context of of the social psychology, the locus of new meaning-making. However, new control, which is the fixation of the de- ones — dynamic norms, current ste- gree and measure of how one perceives reotypes, overarching communications one’s life, that is, one controlled by and sensitive prestige are acquired to- one’s own efforts and actions, or exter- day in parallel with becoming a subject nally controlled by chance or anony- of object-practical activity. Even at the mous external forces [10, p. 74]. dawn of human history, Homo sapiens The above forms of social control al- differed from herd animals with their ways interact in a complex system and social instincts by the presence of a cannot be considered separately. The normative-value system that regulates mechanism of the social control func- the individual behaviour. In this sense, tions precisely because of the complex the monkey did not create man by his interaction between the relevant insti- hard work, but on the contrary, the tutions, designed to regulate social rela- man rose intelligently over the animal tions and the moral and ethical norms world through the development of lan- of self-control of the individuals whose guage communication. With the emer- decisions significantly affect the institu- gence of a special — informational and tional social control. At the same time, sign activity, the socio-material world any functional type of social control is became already doomed to “idealize always relative, because the actions of the magic of the Word”. Since then the historical entities are determined by there has been a psychological chasm the past at some time, and they may also between the animal and social worlds. determine the future, which may also An important factor in anthroposocio- influence these actions. Taking into ac- genesis were moral prohibitions and count that the nature of the social norms ethical taboos, whose role in the de- of the modern past is static and social velopment of man in the work “Taboo norms of the postmodern — dynamic, and Totem” (1913) was revealed by it can be argued that the social control the Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund always depends on the shaky balance Freud (1856–1939). Developing his between social static and dynamics. ideas, the Swiss Carl-Gustav Jung con- In the postmodern situation, where ceptualized the connection between the role of the subject in the socio-his- the social and mental (psychological) torical process increases, individual at- in the idea of the collective uncon- titude to society becomes a key factor scious, which is represented by the in further social development. After all, deep flows of the human history. as noted by the German philosopher, Thus, in the epoch of traditional the founder of phenomenology Ed- society the unity of the biological and

35 the social in man was indicative. In gitimized the mechanisms of the social particular, the ancient Greek thinker control, formed stereotypes of the mass Aristotle (384-322 BC), emphasiz- behaviour, fourthly, the sacralized so- ing the presence in man as part of the cial helps to solve the existential prob- nature of animal (biological) and so- lems by producing new meanings of cial (political) traits, called members the social activity in certain historical of the society “political animals”. In- stages, finally, fifthly, the traditional le- stead, his teacher Plato (427-347 BC) gitimization of the power, as M. Weber believed that individuals were unit- has proved, is through its sacralization. ed in the society to meet their basic There is a constant information- needs. Only the ideal society can best energy interaction between the society do this, since social life is the natural and the individual, that is, between essence of man. “We” and “Self”. Accordingly, commu- A certain objection of the biological nicative connections are established in man in favour of the social denotes between the social psyche, which cha­ a religious tradition that sharply con- racterizes the parameters of the society trasts the bodily — the sinful with the as a whole, and the individual psyche spiritual. In this dichotomy the biologi- of a particular person. Therefore, we cal ensures the functioning of instincts, have every reason to consider as a sub- while the social is responsible for cul- ject only that part of the society that tural values and norms. The Austrian actively influences other objects be- anthropologist Conrad Lorenz (1903- yond ourselves. For example, political 1989), in particular, believes that some actors are large social groups with their higher values, such as compassion, soli- own specific interests that determine darity, altruism, interact directly with the meaning of the political action. At instincts. At the same time, the social some stage in their development they allows to control the manifestations of create their own political structures the biological. On the other hand, cul- designed to act effectively for the ben- tural values are not biologically inher- efit of their groups. ited but acquired socially. In general, Individual organizers act as direct the link between the social and the sa- organizers of the political action as cred is extremely important. This is the they determine the direction, course, hierarchy of the social world. The social and content of the political processes, performs vital sacred functions. Firstly, so another actor plays an important it concerns the problems of connection role — a political leader, as a person with the world of the Absolute, spiritu- who has a decisive influence on the ality, functioning of the mechanisms of members of a particular social group. psychological compensation, secondly, The leader is the entity that has orga- the social and the sacred contribute nizational and integrative influence. to integration, that is, to unite the As the rich historical experience at- members of a certain society around a tests, the activity of a leader helps to sanctioned worldview, moral and ethi- unlock the creative potential of a small cal norms, thirdly, the sacralization of or large social group, sometimes, on the the social in the traditional society le- contrary, hinders it.

36 According to M. Weber’s typology, A representative of the Frankfurt the following main types of leadership School of Sociology, Herbert Marcuse are distinguished: traditional, based (1898–1979), emphasizing the flaws on a belief in the sanctity of a certain of the industrial society, the conflict entity; rational, legal or bureaucratic, of the individual and the society, the based on the belief in the legitimacy of contradictions between freedom and the existing order and its appropriate- existence, said that reality became a ness; charismatic leadership, supported technological reality, and the subject by a belief in extraordinary capabili- is now so closely linked to the object, ties, that is, in fact, formed on the basis that the concept of the object necessar- of a cult of the personality. The style ily includes the concept of the subject. distinguishes between authoritarian The subject itself is a constitutive part leadership, which implies sole leader- of a scientifically determined object. ship on the basis of the mechanism of The subject of the scientific methods threatening the use of force sanctions, and the subject of business life — are and democratic leadership, which en- the expression of the same subjecti­ ables the members of the group to par- vity — man. ticipate in the achievement of the goals The above ideas characterize, in our and to lead its activities. view, only the initial stage of the for- The most complete role of the sub- mation of post-industrial civilization, ject in history is enlightened in the which humanity is experiencing at the existential philosophical thought, the turn of the 20-21th centuries and which different directions of which are united is only part of its great life cycle. We by the belief that existence precedes have repeatedly written that the socio- essence. For example, the French exis- historical development can be exami­ tentialist Jean Paul Sartre (1905-1980) ned as a sequential unfolding in the emphasized that subjectivism means, time-space continuum of the universal on the one hand, that the individual epochal cycles, which are the relevant subject chooses himself, and on the oth- units of the analysis and prediction of er, that man cannot go beyond human the socio-historical reality [11]. subjectivity. Choosing myself, I create Modern societies are not just repro- a common understanding of the project ducing themselves in history, they are of any other person, no matter what era involved in the process of creating a she belongs. This absoluteness of the mega-society. Therefore, decisive social choice does not eliminate the relativity relations today are not the relation- of each era. Historical circumstances ships about property, but relationships change, a person may be born a slave in about the strategy of shaping the future. a pagan society, a feudal lord, or a pro- Postmodern ideology denies the static letarian. Not only does it change the norms and procedures of the social life, need for her to be in the world, to be in totally criticizing “big meanings” and her work, to be in it among others and projects. Faith in messianic histori- to be mortal in it. The borders are not cal perspectives is lost. Postmodern- objective or subjective, but rather have ism deprives the history of the vector objective and subjective sides. of the future. According to J. Durant’s

37 concept, draws the so- dividual and collective subjects can be ciety into the nocturnal mode, that is, represented as follows [13, p. 72]: the mythological imagination of the Conclusions and prospects for fur- mystical, the irrational. If democracy, ther research. Thus, each type of the equality and progress were the leading social entity has its own traits of politi- values of the modernity, then the liber- cal consciousness, which differ in five als of the postmodern, on the contrary, main features. affirm the equivalence of any intervals Firstly, the nature and manner of and suggest leaving concerns about the exercising power. In a totalitarian meaning and focus of the social time. society — it is universal control and Most symptomatic of the postmodern social coercion. In an autocratic soci- in interpreting the social is a return to ety — certain areas of freedom that are concepts that prioritize the biological unavailable to control may arise. In a component of man. It is about racism pre-democratic society the govern- and social Darwinism that bring the ment begins to engage in dialogue with society into the arena of the struggle independent groups that have matured for existence, in which only the most under autocracy in a kind of enclave of adapted are victorious. public freedom, but it itself determines It should be emphasized that the the results of that dialogue. Finally, in conditional scale of values for the dom- a democratic society the power is exer- inant in the Modern time of the subject cised on a representative basis in accor- of “WE” is characterized by moral and dance with the law. ethical values, while for the subject Secondly, such a sign is the attitude “SELF” of the postmodern modernity of the people to the regime of power. is absolutely natural the rational and For totalitarian consciousness, a merg- pragmatic, we can even say selfish in- er with power is characteristic, for au- terests and values. If for a collective thoritarian consciousness — alienation subject the category “SELF” is es- from the power, for a pre-democratic sentially an emanation of “individual consciousness — limited influence on manifestations of nationality”, then for the power, for democratic conscious- the subject-individual “WE” it is a per- ness — the choice of specific power sonification of the social [12, p. 67]. bearers. From the point of view of social psy- Thirdly, the status of horizontal so- chology, the “Self-concept” for the in- cial structures is an important factor.


Individual subject “Self” Collective subject “We” Identification Individual goals Public goals Personal interests, rights and Social and group interests and soli- Priority freedoms darity Conviction Conformity Selfishness Slogan-lifestyle “Be true to yourself” “None of us are an island” Culture Individualistic Collective

38 The totalitarian regime destroys any dition and social innovation is harmo- horizontal structures. An authoritar- nized. In particular, if the third wave ian regime permits their existence as of the industrial revolution was pos- long as they are not political in nature. sible on the basis of national consolida- A pre-democratic regime allows any tion and modern traditions, then the organization except those who claim question of the social mechanisms for power. The opposition has the same securing the fourth industrial revolu- mentality as the authorities. In a demo- tion remains open. Such technologies cratic society the structure of the pub- as three-dimensional printing, biotech- lic organizations becomes the founda- nology, neurotechnology, production tion of the political system. of reproductive energy, blockchain, Fourthly, the hierarchy of the so- artificial intelligence are by definition cial taboos is of some importance. In a the results of the transnational indus- totalitarian society what is ordered by trialization. the authorities is allowed, the rest is In short, there is still a selection of forbidden. In an autocratic society the forms of interaction between the social right to life has something that is not innovation and the tradition, lest the about politics. In a pre-democratic so- nation-state become a new closed so- ciety everything is allowed except the cial system that cannot functionally re- change of power. In a democratic soci- spond to the global innovation trends. ety everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed. Finally, the fifth attribute concerns REFERENCES the political ideals. In a totalitarian so- ciety the power is required of all-pow- 1. Ukraina: shliakh do konsolidatsii sus- pilstva: natsionalna dopovid [Ukraine: erfulness, and of people — enthusiasm The Road to Social Consolidation: A and modesty. In an authoritarian so- National Report]. (2017). Kyiv: In- ciety competency is required from the stytut politychnykh i etnonatsional- power, from people — professionalism nykh doslidzhen im. I. F. Kurasa NAN and loyalty. In a pre-democratic society Ukrainy ; Natsionalna akademiia nauk the power is demanded morality, and Ukrainy, Sektsiia suspilnykh i human- from the people — activity, which is not itarnykh nauk, Instytut politychnykh necessarily combined with responsibil- i etnonatsionalnykh doslidzhen im. I. ity. In a democratic society the govern- F. Kurasa NAN Ukrainy [in Ukraini- ment and the citizens are required only an]. 2. Dugin, A. G. (2010). Sotsiologiya voo- to comply with the law. brazheniya. Vvedenie v strukturnuyu Is it possible to define a universal sotsiologiyu [Sociology of imagina- formula for the social consolidation tion. Introduction to structural so- based on tradition? ciology]. Moscow: Akademicheskiy Such a general formula, in our view, Proekt; Triksta [in Russian]. may be to preserve conservatism in 3. Shcherbina, V. (1998). Subektnaya principles and traditions, but to as- sostavlyayushchaya teoretizirovaniya sume a liberal attitude to the society. kak predmet refleksii razlichnykh In this way, the interaction of the tra- napravleniy sotsiologii [The subject

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41 UDC: 351:35.078.3 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-42-56 Lashkina Mariia Hryhoriivna, psychologist-conflictologist, PhD in Public Administration, Assistant Professor, De- partment of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of International Relations, National Aviation University, 03058, Kyiv, 1, Prospekt Lyubomyra Huza, tel.: +38 (050) 397 2912, e-mail: maria. [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853 Лашкіна Марія Григорівна, психолог-конфліктолог, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент кафе- дри журналістики, реклами і зв’язків з громадськістю, факультет міжнарод- них відносин, Національний авіаційний університет, 03058, м. Київ, пр. Лю- бомира Гузара, 1, тел.: +38 (050) 397 29 12, e-mail: maria.lashkina@gmail. com. ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853 Лашкина Мария Григорьевна, психолог-конфликтолог, кандидат на- ук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры журналистики, ре- кламы и связей с общественностью, факультет международных отноше- ний, Национальный авиационный уни- верситет, 03058, г. Киев, пр. Любоми- ра Гузара, 1, тел.: +38 (050) 397 29 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853 Bielska Tetiana Valentynіvna, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Pub- lic Administration, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshalа Bazhanovа, 17, tel.: +38 (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700

42 Бєльська Тетяна Валентинівна, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту і публічного адміністрування, Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, 61002, м. Харків, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: +38 (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: [email protected]. ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700 Бельская Татьяна Валентиновна, доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмен- та и публичного администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет го- родского хозяйства имени А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: +38 (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700


Annotaion. The authors claim that the field of rationality has changed in the national governmental activity. They point out that a new technological reality destroys established rules of coexistence in the society, a logic of interaction, a decision-making system, political theories and practices. The authors determine that concepts of rational and irrational in modern management practices, adver- tising, public relations have their transformational social and psychological fea- tures. The article substantiates that in the information space of Ukraine there are too much information noise, fakes, manipulative information messages that in- terfere with formation of rational thinking that influences decision making, both for each individual person and at the state level. It is argued that the archetypal methodology makes it possible to assume that relation between rational and irra- tional in the social consciousness of the Ukrainian society is unstable and variable and changes under external influences, in particular mass media. It is stated that in the society, having freedom and independence, we cannot be free from social influences. The authors predict that under such conditions a democratic princi- ple of “free speech” effectively transforms an informational space of Ukraine into a sphere of influence of corporate interests of different political groups. The authors assert that a cross disciplinary survey of the information space in regarding to formation of a concept of rational and irrational demonstrates an increase of influence on the irrational subconscious of the population. The article proves that there are attempts of media owners to influence processes of cognitive changes in the society, by the use of mythologization, prejudices and stereotypes of mass public consciousness; there is a shift to showcasing of political discourse, amplifying of information noise that leads to an increase in a number of people with a developed mode of irrational identity.

43 Keywords: archetype, management, influence, an informational space, deci- sion making, rationality, irrationality, a Ukrainian school of archetype. КОНЦЕПТИ ІРРАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ТА РАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО В ІНФОРМАЦІЙНОМУ ПРОСТОРІ УКРАЇНИ: ПУБЛІЧНО-УПРАВЛІНСЬКИЙ АСПЕКТ Анотація. Визначено, що в національній державно-управлінській діяль- ності змінилося поле раціональності, і нова технологічна реальність руй- нує усталені правила співіснування у суспільстві, логіку взаємодії, систему прийняття рішень, політичні теорії та практики. Зазначається, що концепти раціонального та ірраціонального в сучасних практиках менеджменту, ре- клами, зв’язків з громадськістю мають свої трансформаційні соціально-пси- хологічні особливості. Обґрунтовується, що в інформаційному просторі України забагато ін- формаційного шуму, фейків, маніпулятивних інформаційних повідомлень, які заважають формуванню раціонального мислення, що впливає на при- йняття рішень як кожною окремою людиною, так і на державному рівні. Стверджується, що архетипова методологія дає можливість припустити, що співвідношення раціонального та ірраціонального в суспільній свідомості українського соціуму є нестійким та мінливим й змінюється під зовнішніми впливами, зокрема засобів масової комунікації. Зазначається, що в суспіль- стві, маючи свободу та незалежність, не можна бути вільними від соціальних впливів. За таких умов, прогнозують автори, демократичний принцип “сво- боди слова” фактично перетворює інформаційний простір України на сферу впливу корпоративних інтересів різних політичних груп. Доводиться, що оглядове міждисциплінарне дослідження інформацій- ного простору на формування концепту раціонального та ірраціонального демонструє підвищення впливу на ірраціональну підсвідомість населення. Відбуваються спроби власників засобів масової інформації впливати на процеси когнітивних змін у суспільстві, використовуючи міфологізацію, забобони та стереотипи масової суспільної свідомості; відбувається перехід до шоутизації політичного дискурсу, посилення інформаційного шуму, що призводить до підвищення кількості людей з розвиненим модусом ірраціо- нальної ідентичності. Ключові слова: архетип, управління, вплив, інформаційний простір, прийняття рішень, раціональність, ірраціональність, Українська школа ар- хетипіки. КОНЦЕПТ ИРРАЦИОНАЛЬНОГО И РАЦИОНАЛЬНОГО В ИНФОРМАЦИОННОМ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ УКРАИНЫ: ПУБЛИЧНО-УПРАВЛЕНЧЕСКИЙ АСПЕКТ Аннотация. Обозначено, что в национальной государственно-управлен- ческой деятельности изменилось поле рациональности, и что новая техно- логическая реальность разрушает устоявшиеся правила сосуществования в

44 обществе, логику взаимодействия, систему принятия решений, политиче- ские теории и практики. Указывается, что концепты рационального и ир- рационального в современных практиках менеджмента, рекламы, связей с общественностью имеют свои трансформационные социально-психологи- ческие возможности. Обосновано, что в информационном пространстве Украины много инфор- мационного шума, фейков, манипулятивных информационных сообщений, ко- торые мешают формированию рационального мышления, влияет на принятие решений как каждым отдельным человеком, так и на государственном уровне. Утверждается, что архетипическая методология дает возможность предполо- жить, что соотношение рационального и иррационального в общественном сознании украинского социума является неустойчивым и непостоянным и изменяется под внешними воздействиями, в том числе, средств массовой ком- муникации. Указывается, что в обществе, имея свободу и независимость, не возможно быть свободными от социальных воздействий. При таких условиях, прогнозируют авторы, демократический принцип “свободы слова” фактически превратил информационное пространство Украины на сферу влияния корпо- ративных интересов различных политических групп. Доказывается, что комплексное междисциплинарное исследование ин- формационного пространства на предмет формирования концепта рацио­ нального и иррационального демонстрирует повышение влияния на ир- рациональное подсознание населения. Происходят попытки владельцев средств массовой информации влиять на процессы когнитивных измене- ний в обществе, используя мифологизацию, предрассудки и стереотипы массового общественного сознания; происходит переход к шоутизации по- литического дискурса, усиление информационного шума, что приводит к увеличению количества людей с развитым модусом иррациональной иден- тичности. Ключевые слова: архетип, управление, влияние, информационное про- странство, принятие решений, рациональность, иррациональность, Украин- ская школа архетипики.

“The government and media also play a role, protecting us from information, which most strongly contradicts our views….. Reporters and editors select, what materials should be presented to the public” From the Book “Social Impact,” edited by F. Zimbardo, M. Leype, 2000, р. 157.

Problem statement. It should be tivity. Public-management practices of noted that the field of rationality has interaction in the information space are changed in a national governmental ac- very quickly transformed and take forms

45 that are unusual for humans. A new of Ukraine, how rational is the infor- technological reality destroys estab- mation and communication discourse lished rules of coexistence in the society, that is offered by mass communication logic of interaction, a decision-making to the Ukrainian society and how the system, political theories and practices. psychological and cognitive possibili- At the same time, the human psyche is ties of the Ukrainian society are able to arranged in such a way that it requires digest that information cocktail. The certain conditions and time to adapt to study is based on a hypothesis that in the new circumstances of the technolog- the information space of Ukraine there ical world. Development of technology is too much information noise, fakes, today is already ahead of development of manipulative information messages human skills and psyche, which do not that interfere with the formation of have time to adapt to new circumstances rational thinking that influences de- of the technological world. Technologies cision-making, not only for each indi- affect all systems of human life, relation- vidual person in their lives, but also at ships, communication, decision-making, the state level. government, transformation and desa- Analysis of recent publications and cralization of scientific approaches, the- unresolved issues. Relations of ratio- ories and concepts, etc. nal and irrational are considered in sci- The concepts of rationality and irra- entific discourse since the emergence tionality that derive from philosophical of human philosophical thought on the theories, were grounded in liberal eco- theories of the existence of the soci- nomic theories, theories of cognition, ety: Descartes, Spinoza, G. V. F. Hegel, and other developments in social and B. Pascal, A. Schopenhauer, K. Jaspers, humanitarian knowledge. In today’s M. Foucault and others. In our study, context of interdisciplinary approach- we draw on the approaches of M. We- es and their application in scientifically ber, Y. Habermas, K. G. Jung, Z. Freud, applied management, advertising, pub- A. Adler, M. Mafesoli, J. Duran and lic relations practices, the concepts of others. “rational/irrational” have their trans- Studies of modern Ukrainian scho­ formational social and psychological lars of the Ukrainian School of Arche- features. We propose to look at sustain- type have contributed to the deve­ able concepts from an interdisciplinary lopment of tools for the study of the perspective by using of an archetypal modern holistic world, in particular: methodology that explains irrational E. Afonin, A. Martynenko, O. Sushiy, manifestations. The proposed research O. Donchenko, S. Sibiryakova. Mo­ has a scientifically applied interdisci- dern Ukrainian researchers consider plinary character, based on the meth- the relation of concepts of rational and odology of hermeneutics and content irrational in the development of histo- analysis practices. ry, in political processes, political ide- In the article we will try to analyze ologies and in a cyclical behavior of an how the concepts of formation of ratio- electorate during electoral processes: nal thinking and approach to one’s life D. Dodonov, V. Bogdanov, I. Galitsky, are reflected in the information space H. Slyusarchuk, A. Chorna.

46 The purpose of the article is analy- ronment. Rationalization is already sis of the information space of Ukraine, a manifestation of the psyche, one of prediction of its impact on the forma- mechanisms of psychological protec- tion of rational consciousness of the tion that provides secrecy, masking population, determination of possibi­ of true thoughts and motives. At the lity of authorities to influence process- same time, unconsciousness of motives es of cognitive change in the society. can be determined not only by social or Presentation of the main material. individual unacceptability of the situ- Philosophical interpretation of ratio- ation, but also by effects of hypnotic nalism involves inclusion of intellec- trance, acts in the state of affect or un- tual, mental operations of each person conscious irrationality [1, p. 556]. That to make decisions about own behavior is, people begin to justify their irratio- in the society, the organization of own nal actions and feelings with rational life and social interactions. Political thoughts and motives. theories and practices use a notion of Interpretation of irrationality (from rationality based on the philosophical Latin. Irrationalism — unreasonable, interpretation of cognitive approaches unconscious) in various philosophical to one’s life. Ideological approaches to traditions is opposed to rational cogni- democracy, as a form of government, tive cognition, a reference to intuition, and liberalism, as the economic basis of belief, instincts, stereotypes and tradi- democracy, are wholly based on ratio- tions. All religious and philosophical nalism. tendencies are based purely on irratio- The basis of democratic freedoms nal perception of reality. and human rights is a free choice and In the social aspect, effects of the rational decision-making towards irrational were described by Karl Gus- one’s life. Rationality has helped man- tave Jung in his writings, who drew at- kind to arrange this world, and in this tention to an archetypal component of paradigm humanity has lived for many personality that can not but influence centuries. Rationality is build on calcu- decision making of a single person. lations of mathematical and statistical Archetypes (from the Greek “begin- grade that became a basis of all con- ning,” “sample”) in various scientific cepts, theories and strategies of public fields are interpreted as a proforma, a policy formation and interaction in the prototype, an initial sample. In literary state. Human psychology is not based works, archetypes are often repeated solely on a cognitive capacity that was images that underlie literary subjects, first highlighted by Sigmund Freud in folk motives; in art — an original that his research, where he showed a struc- is a basis of myths, tales, culture itself. ture of an individual in which the sub- From a point of view of representatives conscious plays an important role. of the School of Analytical Psycho­ The subconscious mind is not based logy (K. Jung) archetypes are univer- on rational processes, it involves a large sal mental structures that make up the number of irrational components — collective unconscious and are reflect- feelings, empirical experience, social ed in our experience through certain traditions and influences of an envi- ideas, motives, dreams, etc. [2, p. 251].

47 S. Krymsky noted that one of the own forces, without expectations of the main archetypes of the Ukrainian na- state. tion is cardiocentricity. An argumen- According to the monitoring of tation of the philosophy of the heart social changes conducted under the has been a constant in Ukrainian lit- auspices of the Head of the Ukrainian erature, spirituality and mentality. It School of Archetype E. Afonin, 46 % is an archetype, that is, a through sym- of the adult population of Ukraine is bolic structure. Another archetype is formed and ready to continue to re- wisdom, the same ancient Greek “lo- produce its identity [5]. According to gos” associated with mental opera- E. Afonin, an identity modus has al- tions. ready been formed in the majority of But not in the sense of rational, but the population of Ukraine, which gives one that manifests in wisdom of things, social optimism for further develop- which S. Krymsky calls sophistication. ment and advancement on the way of These features of the Ukrainian men- reforming of the society, inclusion of tality suggest that a rational approach citizens in solving social problems and to life and rational management can transformation of the value-motiva- hardly be expected from the society tional sphere from paternalistic to ra- that consists of cardiocentric intro- tional, and means responsible. verts [3, p. 166]. The scientist believes that the num- The archetypal methodology makes ber of citizens with rational and intui- it possible to assume that relation be- tive composition will only increase that tween the rational and the irrational in gives hope for the “Ukrainian miracle,” the social consciousness of the Ukrai- a breakthrough in all spheres of social nian society is unstable and changeable and political life. In general, sharing and changes under external influences, the optimism of E. Afonin, do we want in particular mass media. The conges- to see how much information space in- tion of the information space leads to fluences an increase of consciously of fatigue and loss of interest, a desire to thinking people with a rational modus switch off the TV, not follow the news, of identity? hide in your inner world and follow a In the society, having freedom and stereotypical habitual decision making. independence, however, we cannot be The Ukrainian society, in its world- free from social influences. In the mo­ view, is only beginning to emerge from dern world, these influences become the traditions of Soviet paternalism. A more prominent as we are surrounded survey of the social well-being index, by a large number of informational conducted by the Institute of Sociol- messages. The information space of a ogy since 1992, has for the first time person is so wide and colorful that of- recorded an improvement in the well- ten we do not even realize where and being of Ukrainians in 2018 [4]. So- how this or that thought came to our ciologists associate this phenomenon head. Development of the Internet and with awareness of Ukrainians of their social networks have not only created independence in making decisions a convenient space for social influen­ about their lives and reliance on their ces, but have in fact become influential

48 political players in public and politi- television a key news source. In Feb- cal discourse. Beginning in the 1930’s ruary 2018, the share of these people and 1940’s, the mass media, which was much higher — 86 % [7]. There are was developed as a place for news ac- more than 800 broadcasters registered cumulation, became a platform for the in Ukraine. Development of a digital technological formation of thoughts and satellite segment of a television and ideas. Today, however, the tech- market allows us to talk about improv- nological revolution has transformed ing quality of a television signal and them into an instrument of manipula- reaching of its distribution area, which tion, fakes, information wars and so- automatically leads to an increase in cial influence. An example of changes viewership. Each household has one or is the election results in the United more TV transmitters. States, when Barack Obama became Most channels are owned by finan- president. Funds and votes to support cial industry groups or representatives it were already collected through so- of the oligarchic sector. There is only cial networks. In 2015, the election of one channel for Independent Broad- the next president of the United States casting, the popularity of which is quite social media information was used by low. Three years ago, the Verkhovna Ra- professionals of advertising and mar- da passed a law that obligates the media keting, and the impact was exercised to disclose names of final owners and through targeted advertising, based on beneficiaries. However, according to user profiles that were created with a the Institute of Mass Media, only 28 % help of special programs for social net- of popular online media in Ukraine have works. Each person received a target- provided information about the con- ed, emotionally charged, tailored pic- tacts, an editor-in-chief and an owner. ture of the world that influenced her/ information about real owners is gener- his choice. Experts argue that the de- ally unavailable on websites. Therefore, cision to withdraw from the European the media market in Ukraine is more Union that was made by UK citizens opaque than transparent. in a referendum, can also not be called The most popular, according to the a uniquely independent and rational observations of Business Censor, are choice. During the parliamentary elec- national channels of the StarLightMe- tions in Ukraine, users of the social dia group owned by V. Pinchuk (“Novyj network “Facebook” also noticed that Kanal,” ICTV, STB, , , “Otce”), political advertising offered them ma- R. Akhmetov’s “Ukraine” channel and joritarian candidates from a territory “1+1,” which is part of I. Kolomoisky’s where they enter the network [6]. “1 + 1” Media Holding. The total au- IN Ukraine until 2019, television dience they reach can be seen in Table was the main source of news and infor- 1. According to the Industrial Televi- mation for the public. The share of peo- sion Committee, the top ten channels ple that watch news on TV was 90 % in include only channels owned by oli- 2017. At the beginning of 2019, accord- garchs. Half of these channels feature ing to the Kiev International Institute daily news, weekly newspapers, and of Sociology, 74 % of Ukrainians called three feature political talk shows.

49 Table 1 Popularity of Ukrainian channels [8]*

Channels Political person Percentage of total TV viewing, % “Novyj Kanal,” ICTV, STB, M1, M2, “Otce” 27,66 “1 + 1” Media Holding Igor Kolomoisky 16,9 “Ukraine” Rinat Akhmetov 14,8 Inter Media Group, including Inter Dmitry Firtash, 14 Sergey Levochkin 112, NewsOne, ZIK Viktor Medvedchuk 2,98 Pryamiy, Channel 5 Петро Порошенко 1,26

* Source: According to the Industrial Television Committee (ІТC) for May 2019, audience 18-54 years old live in cities of 50 thousand population.

In July 2019, the return to “1 + tremely painful and important for 1” Channel of the popular “Swati” Ukraine, through many years of pro- series, which first aired in 2012, in- paganda in the information space, has creased its viewership to 22.8%, ex- led to a change of opinion of citizens ceeding even the premiere of the se- and sometimes just misunderstanding ries “Chornobyl,” which was the most of what is happening [11]. Selection of popular viewer of Ukrainian televi- news messages is simply terrifying in sion in 2019 [9]. some news channels. In this sense, the Monitoring of news reports, which channel “1 + 1” stands out the most. is regularly done by the media organi- News items on this channel are some- zation Media Detector, shows that the times based on a classic attention- channels feed information, disrupting grabbing formula: 90% of news items a balance of opinions of their owners are those with six “S” and one “M” or the ideology of the party they sup- signs — scandals, sensations, sex, fear, port, neglecting journalistic standards death, laughter and money. Moreover, of news coverage, and in weekly re- the principle of infotainment (inform- views they create such a polar picture ing to entertain) is characteristic of of an event that is difficult to gauge all topics presented in news. In fact, the truth of the information. As an a news space is transformed into an example, we can look at monitoring of entertaining one, and it makes it im- the outcome programs of November possible to rationally evaluate what is 3, 2019, which highlights the event happening to form a balanced picture of the withdrawal of troops at the de- of the day. The democratic principle of marcation line [10]. “freedom of speech” has in fact trans- Monitoring of talk shows of vari- formed Ukraine’s information space ous channels, where the problem of into the sphere of influence of cor- land market reform is discussed, has porate interests of different political shown that the problem, which is ex- groups, drowning consumers with en-

50 tertaining content, manipulative mes- The poll was carried out by InMind, sages and information noise. a poll company commissioned by the A characteristic feature of the international non-profit organization Ukraine’s modern information space is Internews, which determined the level its strong politicization and aggressive- of media credibility, the level of critical ness. Political talk shows have ceased to thinking and media literacy. A survey be an informative discussion platform, of media consumption showed that the and politicians, using the media, try to share of Ukrainian Internet users has constantly influence public opinion by increased by 14 % compared to 2015. broadcasting opposing, and often false Today, 85 % of Ukrainians are online. messages and information. The infor- Media literacy testing showed that mation space is filled with rumors and only 11 % of respondents were able to fakes, often consciously, because the correctly distinguish true news from global introduction of information is a false information among the three op- sign of the times, and the hybrid war, tions presented. Respondents also which is going on in the country, uses noted that a level of information on re- the information component. forms has decreased significantly, such The recent presidential election materials become less visible in the in- in Ukraine has shown another impor- formational space [13]. tant phenomenon, which we refer to Increasing of Internet users and so- as “show politics.” In our opinion, the cial networking is a worldwide trend, show-shifting of politics means the use that shows that popularity of a tradi- of elements of shows, entertainments, tional media is declining. At the same simplifications of political problems time, it testifies the existence of threats and processes in political discourse, a of influence and manipulation of public transfer of the vector of communica- opinion, the use of emotional states of tive interaction with the society from users of social networks, viral distribu- serious balanced rational dialogue into tion of content. entertaining, simple, fun content. In Under uncertainty, to manipulate fact, the principle of infotainment has a choice is much easier, so manipula- shifted from the TV channel “1 + 1” tion technologies are becoming more to political discourse, the support of popular, sophisticated, and invisible which is more than 70 % for the popu- for people. A Ukrainian researcher lation (in September 2019, support for S. Teleshun offered his own rating of President Zelensky’s actions is 71 % manipulative influences, which is ac- [12]). The new president of Ukraine tively used before elections by politi- has changed the rules of communica- cians, among which he named: global tion with an audience that has tradi- or “cloud” fakes; social deafness syn- tionally participated in elections by ac- drome when politicians ignore real cessing it through social networks and social problems; information kalei- “YouTube” videos. doscope; mosaic; sensationality and In 2019, researchers first noted urgency; focus on minor; emotional that Ukrainians began receiving most grayness; technology “information of the news from the Internet — 68 %. boiler” and others [14].

51 Table 2 Rating of professional standards of online media*

Channnels Political person Percentage of law enforcement (no violations), % Ukrinform state news agency 98 The Mirror of the Week website Anatoly Gritsenko 94 RBC-Ukraine Joseph Pintus 86 Website Today Rinat Akhmetov 84 Country 62 Site of the 77% of the shares belong to the 82 wife of Lviv Mayor Andriy Sa- dovy — Catherine Keith-Sadovy Site 112 Viktor Medvedchuk 76 UNIAN together with Igor Kolomoisky 74 TSN and Glavred sites (are includ- 72 ed in Holding “1 + 1” Media) Obozrevatel Michael Brodsky 70 Znaj Vadim Yakimets, 14 Ludmila Pogiba

* Source: compiled according to the data of Ліга.net [Ibid], rating as of October 17, 2019.

We can state that news programs communication between the govern- and political talk shows, that have ment and the society, which creates been analyzed by us, show that all risk of losing meaning and meaningful these technologies are available in the discussions about the content of poli- modern information space. Adding tics. Today, about 2 million people are here to social networks that broadcast subscribed to the pages with the par- meta-narratives of a large number of ticipation of Volodymyr Zelensky on people and draw in their information the social network Fasebook, 8.8 mil- galaxy, there is a picture of a continu- lion on the Instagram network, while ous information flow where there is his posts and videos on the social net- often no constructive content. All this work Instagram gained 5 million views. does not help to form rational thinking, 987,000 users have watched videos of but only creates dangers, stirs up fears the President bathing in the pool since and panic that lead to an increase of a April 9, 2019, with a total audience of level of anxiety and pathopsychologi- 3.5 million [15]. cal conditions of the society. When there are conflicts or political We can also assume that there is issues that create tension in the society, transition to political showmanship, the president uses a form of video chat which was demonstrated by the results that is also popular with social network of the presidential election in Ukraine, users. reaction of the society, psychological Recent events, which are covered in reticence in humor and simplicity. So- the news space with the participation cial networks have become a basis of of the country’s top newsmaker, testify

52 to his sensitivity to public opinion and Publichne upravlinnya: teoriya ta his use of populist ideas and approaches praktyka — Public Administration: to political problems, which in turn do Theory and Practice, Issue 4 (special not promote rationality, but rather use edition), 162-168, available at : http:// memes and prejudices of the Ukrainian cgiirbis_64.exe?C21COM=2&I21D traditional and archaic consciousness. BN=UJRN&P21DBN=UJRN&IMA Conclusions and prospects for GE_FILE_DOWNLOAD=1&Image_ further research. Reviewing of inter- file_name=PDF/ disciplinary study of the information Pubupr_2015_1(spets.__28.pdf [in space in the contecst of formation of Ukraine]. the concept of rational and irrational 4. Kotlyar A. (2019). Vidchuttya, shcho show increasing influence on the irra- zaraz my perezhyvayemo novyy tional subconscious of the population. osʹovyy chas [There is a feeling that Attempts by media owners to influ- we are now experiencing a new ax- ence the processes of cognitive change ial time] Dzerkalo tyzhnya — Mir- ror of the week, Issue 50, December in society, to use mythologization and 28-January 11, available at : https:// mass public consciousness are noted. There is a shift to showcasing politi- chas-298133_.html [in Ukraine]. cal discourse, amplifying of informa- 5. Afonin E. A. (2013). Rezulʹtaty tion noise that lead to an increase in monitorynhu sotsiyetalʹnykh zmin the number of people with a developed ukrayinsʹkoho suspilʹstva (1992– mode of irrational identity. Perhaps, a 2012): kontekst upravlinnya ta osv- more detailed study of the problem will ity [The results of the monitoring of allow proving the scientific conclusion social changes in Ukrainian society of experts on the manifestations of this (1992–2012): the context of manage- ment and education]: Upravlinsʹki negative impact only on the part of the kompetentsiyi vykladacha vysh- society that does not have high charac- choyi shkoly: tezy dopovidi mizhnar. teristics of rationality. nauk.-prakt. konf. (14–15 bereznia. 2013 r.) — Management competen- REFERENCES cies of a teacher of higher education: abstracts of the international report. 1. Golovin S. Y. (1998). Slovarʹ prak- scientific-practical Conf. (Mar 14–15, tycheskoho psykholoha [Dictionary 2013). — Kyiv [in Ukraine]. of the practical psychologist]. Minsk: 6. Pravdichenko A. (2019). Personalʹni Harvest [in Belarus]. dani onlayn: problemy rehulyuvannya 2. Jung K. G. (1997). Bozhestvennyy ta perspektyvy zakhystu [Personal rebenok : analytycheskaya psykholo- data online: regulatory issues and hyya y vospytanye [Divine Child: An- prospects for protection]. alytical Psychology and Education]. ua. Retrieved from Sb. — M. : “Olymp” [in Russia]. ua/analytics/personalni-dani-onlajn/ 3. Lashkina M. G. (2015). Khaos, samoor- ?fbclid=IwAR3SPYL9O3mQATtIzm hanizatsiya ta kooperatsiya yak arkhe- fW-CYxmPU-4nd2uJtBg5iUH4j3J- typy derzhavnosti dlya Ukrayiny [Cha- nuxZkgwJOSYGuw os, self-organization and cooperation as 7. Verstyuk I. & Berdynskikh K. (2019). archetypes of statehood for Ukraine] Tochky dostupa [Access points]. No-

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56 UDC: 35:159.955:316.6 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-57-70 Bobrovskyi Oleksii Illich, graduate student of the Department of Pub- lic Administration and Local Government Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Pub- lic Administration of the National Acad- emy of Public Administration, the President of Ukraine; 49000, Dnipro, Str. Tіtova, 2, e-mail: [email protected]; mob. tel.: +38 (097) 578 74 75. ORCID: 0000-0001-7395-7477 Бобровський Олексій Ілліч, аспірант кафедри державного управ- ління та місцевого самоврядування Дніпропетровського регіонального ін- ституту державного управління Націо- нальної академії державного управління при Президентові України; 49000, м. Дні- про, вул. Титова, 2, e-mail: bobelur@meta. ua, моб. т.: +38 (097) 578 74 75. ORCID: 0000-0001-7395-7477 Бобровский Алексей Ильич, аспирант кафедры государственного управления и местного самоуправления Дне- пропетровского регионального института государственного управления Нацио- нальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины; 49000, г. Днепр, ул. Титова, 2, e-mail: [email protected]; моб. т.: +38 (097) 578 74 75. ORCID: 0000-0001-7395-7477


Abstract. The necessity of changing approaches to building innovative ways of improving the efficiency of public power is substantiated. The theoretical bases of formation and development of human mental abilities and possibilities of their application as socio-psychological factors of democratization of power and in- crease of efficiency of public management of territorial communities are investi- gated.

57 The expediency of including social and psychological factors of social develop- ment into the factors used in the construction of public administration systems has been proved. The idea about the existence of a direct connection of systemic thinking and human intelligence with its archetype has been formed, and a hy- pothetical opinion has been expressed about their influence on the ‘unconscious’ personality. The essence of the concepts ‘archetype’, ‘thinking’, ‘system thinking’, ‘intel- ligence’ and ‘intellectual models’ as the basis of intellectual development and development of cybernetic and system archetypes of management, as a way of intellectualization and improvement of management efficiency, starting from the grassroots levels of society is considered. The expediency of simultaneously con- sidering the archetypical nature of people, their systemic thinking and intellectu- al models have been proved, which deepens their interconnectedness, mutual in- fluence, and mutual development. The model of connectedness, interaction, and influence of key human factors of development are offered on the development of management systems. The model is intended to get an idea of the possibility of applying an archetypal approach and systemic thinking in mastering theoretical and practical knowledge by future specialists of public administration science. It illustrates the impact of accumulated human properties on the creation and op- eration of a new type of model for managing territorial community development processes. It is shown that the introduction of the archetypal approach, systems thinking and systems of archetypes of management require the creation of a basic analyti- cal basis. It should be built on the results of research on personnel composition and management systems of territorial communities through the use of analytical and synthetic models of the Universal Epochal Cycle. It is proposed to supple- ment the concept of building and development of territorial community man- agement systems by applying an archetypal approach as a new opportunity to identify and engage the intellectual potential of residents in the processes of ter- ritorial development and the country as a whole. Keywords: social and psychological properties of human, an archetype of hu- man, systemic thinking, intellectual models, archetype of the management sys- tem, socio-psychological factors of increase of efficiency of management, democ- ratization, and intellectualization of processes, and management of development. АРХЕТИПИ МОДЕЛЕЙ УПРАВЛІННЯ І СИСТЕМНЕ МИСЛЕННЯ ЯК ЧИННИКИ РОЗВИТКУ ТРАДИЦІЙ ДЕМОКРАТИЧНОГО ДЕРЖАВОТВОРЕННЯ Анотація. Обґрунтовано необхідність зміни підходів до побудови інно- ваційних шляхів підвищення ефективності публічної влади. Досліджено теоретичні засади формування і розвитку розумових здатностей людини і можливості їх застосування як соціально-психологічних чинників демокра- тизації влади і підвищення ефективності публічного управління територі- альних громад.

58 Доведено доцільність включення соціально-психологічних чинників роз- витку суспільства до складу чинників, які використовуються при побудові систем публічного управління. Сформовано уявлення про існування прямо- го зв’язку системного мислення й інтелекту людини з її архетипом, гіпоте- тично висловлюється думка щодо їх впливу на “несвідоме” особистості. Розглянуто сутність понять “архетип”, “мислення”, “системне мислен- ня”, “інтелект” й “інтелектуальні моделі” як інтелектуального підґрунтя опанування і розвитку кібернетичних системних архетипів управління як шляху інтелектуалізації і підвищення ефективності управління, починаю- чи з низових ланок суспільства. Доведено доцільність одночасного розгляду архетипічності людей, їх системного мислення й інтелектуальних моделей, що поглиблює їх взаємопов’язаність, взаємовплив і взаєморозвиток. За- пропоновано модель пов’язаності, взаємодії і впливу ключових людських чинників розвитку на розвиток систем управління. Модель призначена для отримання уявлення про можливість застосування архетипного підхо- ду і системного мислення при опануванні теоретичних і практичних знань майбутніми фахівцями науки державного управління. Вона ілюструє вплив акумульованих властивостей людини на створення і функціонування ново- го типу моделей управління процесами розвитку територіальних громад. Показано, що запровадження архетипічного підходу, системного мислен- ня і систем архетипів управління потребує створення базового аналітично- го підґрунтя, яке має побудуватися на результатах дослідження кадрового складу й управлінських систем територіальних громад шляхом застосуван- ня аналітико-синтетичної моделі “Універсального епохального циклу”. За- пропоновано доповнити концепцію побудови і розвитку систем управління територіальними громадами заходами із застосуванням архетипного підхо- ду як нову можливість виявлення і задіяння інтелектуального потенціалу жителів до процесів розвитку територій і країни в цілому. Ключові слова: соціально-психологічні властивості людини, архетип людини, системне мислення, інтелектуальні моделі, архетип системи управ- ління, соціально-психологічні чинники підвищення ефективності управлін- ня, демократизація й інтелектуалізація процесів, управління розвитком. АРХЕТИПЫ МОДЕЛЕЙ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ И СИСТЕМНОЕ МЫШЛЕНИЕ КАК ФАКТОРЫ РАЗВИТИЯ ТРАДИЦИЙ ДЕМОКРАТИЧЕСКОГО ГОСУДАРСТВА Аннотация. Обоснована необходимость изменения подходов к построе- нию инновационных путей повышения эффективности публичной власти. Исследованы теоретические основы формирования и развития умственных способностей человека и возможности их применения как социально-пси- хологических факторов демократизации власти и повышения эффективно- сти публичного управления территориальных общин. Доказана целесообразность включения социально-психологических фак- торов развития общества в состав факторов, используемых при построении

59 систем публичного управления. Сформировано представление о существо- вании прямой связи системного мышления и интеллекта человека с его ар- хетипом, гипотетически высказана мысль об их влиянии на “бессознатель- ное” личности. Рассмотрена сущность понятий “архетип”, “мышление”, “системное мышление”, “интеллект” и “интеллектуальные модели” в качестве знаниево интеллектуального основания освоения и развития кибернетических сис- темных архетипов управления, как пути интеллектуализации и повышения эффективности управления, начиная с низовых звеньев общества. Доказана целесообразность одновременного рассмотрения архетипичности людей, их системного мышления и интеллектуальных моделей, что углубляет их вза- имосвязанность, взаимовлияние и взаиморазвитие. Предложенная модель связанности, взаимодействия и влияния ключевых человеческих факторов развития на развитие систем управления. Модель предназначена для полу- чения представления о возможности применения архетипного подхода и си- стемного мышления при овладении теоретическими и практическими зна- ниями будущими специалистами науки государственного управления. Она иллюстрирует влияние аккумулированных свойств человека на создание и функционирование нового типа моделей управления процессами развития территориальных общин. Показано, что введение архетипического подхода, системного мышления и систем архетипов управления требует создания базового аналитического обоснования, которое должно строиться на результатах исследования кадро- вого состава и управленческих систем территориальных общин путем при- менения аналитико-синтетической модели “Универсального эпохального цикла”. Предложено дополнить концепцию построения и развития систем управления территориальными общинами мероприятиями с использовани- ем архетипического подхода как новой возможности выявления и задейст- вования интеллектуального потенциала жителей в процессы развития тер- риторий и страны в целом. Ключевые слова: социально-психологические свойства человека, архе- тип человека, системное мышление, интеллектуальные модели, архетип сис- темы управления, социально-психологические факторы повышения эффек- тивности управления, демократизация и интеллектуализация процессов, управление развитием.

Problem statement. The organi- The driving forces of social and demo- zation of an effective system of public cratic development are the knowledge management of territorial communities and collective competence of civil ser- is one of the most important problems vants; their ability to predict tenden- of public state formation in Ukraine. cies and patterns of development, flex-

60 ible, rationally structured structures of systems and methodological support of government bodies; and their internal power actions. and external well-established, directed Considering that the activity of and balanced direct and feedback rela- people is the basis of their conscious tions in the implementation of manage- existence and development, the appli- ment solutions. cation of socio-psychological factors However, at the present stage in in the improvement of the systems of the public administration of Ukraine, state and municipal government be- neither the organization of manage- comes extremely relevant. The exis- ment nor the level of competencies of tence of complex problems in ensuring managerial staff sufficiently provides a the progressive social movement of timely and high-quality solution to ur- society motivates the search for new gent problems of life of the Ukrainian ways of improving the existing state. society. They are particularly acute Analysis of recent researches and at the territorial level. In the reform publications. The social purpose of the of local self-government, new rights state and its social responsibility to- have not been fully realized yet. Ter- wards its citizens is to create the con- ritorial communities are not provided ditions for their development, meeting with effective organizational models the needs and participation in building for the development and implementa- a democratic platform of their lives. tion of management processes, they do But in the public management of ter- not have a sufficient number of experi- ritorial communities to solve this prob- enced, innovative thinking leaders and lem, there are no effective programs or civil servants who would fully accept plans yet. In the research of the theory the new conditions of management and practice of management, a special and feel masters of their own lives. place is occupied by humans as the Management continues to use tradi- main object and subject of state ad- tional approaches to building systems ministrative activity and social devel- of management organizations and links opment. Therefore, radical improve- between higher authorities, businesses, ment of the situation in Ukraine is and society. The behaviour of civil ser- impossible without the development vants has not changed. Their powers of new scenarios for the development and vision of their own future are not of a democratic society, the formation yet sufficiently independent. of new managerial traditions and rules, The general psychological state of the broad involvement of thinking and the society is becoming threatening, as intellectually developed citizens. This the distrust of the authorities; their ca- is the focus of theoretical and practical pabilities and the ability to create a new research on the formation of conditions climate in society are deepening. It be- for enhancing the creative ability of the comes evident that the progressive so- deep psychological development of hu- cial movement requires the formation man archetypes and their communities of new management traditions, a new in order to activate and engage them in approach to meaningful, functional and the systems of life support and deve­ organizational design of management lopment of mankind.

61 Issues of mental change processes public management of territorial com- that affect the social status of people munities. in the context of political, cultural and Purpose of the article: To find out social content, principles of regulation unused possibilities of archetypal ap- of the ability of emotional activity of proach and systemic thinking as fac- subjects, profound factors of activity tors of levelling outdated traditions of reproduction in the processes of activ- management for increase of efficiency ity have become the subject of research of activity of management personnel; to of many foreign scientists: V. Yadov, find new ways of interaction between A. Shirozii, D. Uznadze, M. Odintso- authorities and active members of so- va and other representatives of the ciety through their grouping and un- schools of psychology of O. Leontiev derstanding through the development and the psychology of D. Uznadze [1]. of their archetypal meta-settings, sys- Ukrainian scientists, representa- temic thinking and the use of system- tives of the Ukrainian school of arche- atic archetypes of governance in the type academician E. Afonina (A. Mar- formation of governing bodies, training tynov, O. Sushii, O. Donchenko, and recruitment for public service. T. Novachenko, O. Balakirev, S. Bla- Presentation of the main research hodietelev-Vovk, V. Druk, T. Belska material. Since the beginning of the and N. Havkalov, etc.) [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; third millennium, the life of the Ukrai- 7], in addition to the above areas, ex- nian people has been accompanied by plore the archetypal components of serious disturbances: new political government, the archetypal develop- forces are emerging, economic and so- ment of society’s traditions, the de- cial problems are increasing, the role velopment of psychological analytics, of historical roots is diminished, tra- the participation of the unconscious ditions, preferences, human values in solving social problems; develop change, inter-ethnic respect disap- methodological foundations for the pears, which disperse basic values and research of the individual and col- negatively affect the consciousness lective unconscious in the social and of the population. The perception of other spheres of life. The new method- new realities creates profound shifts ology and technique of psychosocial in the formation of the personal and analysis of the society of E. Afonina collective consciousness of people and are implemented using the model of does not inspire them to be active in the Universal Epochal Cycle. new conditions. Although sprouts of At the same time, some issues of positive sentiment have already taken practical use of human archetypes in root, which has been proved by Ukrai- the reform processes of democratiza- nian scientists [8; 9; 10]. It promotes tion of power in society are still pend- the self-realization and restoration of ing. One such issue is the application the energy of social actions, increases, of an archetypal approach, that is, the and development of traditions of the formation of systemic thinking and Ukrainian people. intellectual models of people in the However, the moods, hopes, and construction of systemic archetypes of aspirations of the population have not

62 been realized to date. This is also un- is difficult to distinguish and formally derstood by the Ukrainian authorities, describe. Although it is believed that who, as Ukrainian scientists point out, there are boundaries of communica- ‘no longer claim a monopoly of violence tion and human activity, in which its and prohibition, but try to function as archetype can manifest itself quite a technique for managing life in the clearly, namely: during the manifesta- form of advice and recommendations tion of professional and social qualities of specialists’ [10, P. 11]. of a human, when evaluating during a It is obvious that without the active certain position, when communicat- participation of the people of the coun- ing, in professional activity, etc. It is try in the realization of the develop- believed that the archetype of a person ment goals chosen by the state, such a influences his or her ability and desire state in the society cannot be changed to learn, master new competencies and by either the chosen policy or scientifi- form processes of thinking in humans. cally substantiated and approved long- In doing so, the archetype itself deve­ term development plans. Reproduction lops. The ‘unconscious’ is nourished at of social harmony, interaction and har- the expense of new knowledge, skills, monious activity of power with society and new connections and increases requires a serious change in the think- the power of influence on the human ing of the society and the restructuring mentality. During a group activity or of the organization of power activity study, a nourished individual arche- [11]. type changes the group’s ‘unconscious’ The change in consciousness of and mentality. However, ‘the mentality ‘metanoia’ (transcendence) in the is not given to a person from birth, but Christian tradition was emphasized cultivated as a way of thinking, world- as insight and penetration into the view, and character of emotional life’ essence of the high God [12]. Subse- [10, P. 9]. The mentality is considered quently, it became the object of the as a historically conditioned specific- research of many scientists. From the ity of thinking, totality, and forms of concept of ‘consciousness’ of humans organization of features of the social was distinguished and its part, which and political psychology of people, and man cannot recognize and distinguish. their socio-cultural conscious. This This feature of humans and the com- suggests that exploring the ‘archetype’ munity has been called the archetype. of humans, at the same time should For the first time, the philosophical consider its properties such as the way interpretation of the term ‘archetype’ of thinking, systemic thinking, intelli- was made by K. Jung and his followers, gence, and intellectual model. and later by Avicenna and many other In order to gain a better under- researchers who analysed the individ- standing of the formation of human ual and collective unconscious gener- archetypal abilities, it is hypothetically ated by humans in some strange way assumed that the emphasized quali- [13]. For a long time, the archetype is ties of the human mind and activity regarded as one of the characteristics are directly related to the archetype, of humans and the community, which although it is not quite clear as such.

63 Let’s consider these qualities in more skills, and experience. The develop- detail. ment of human thinking at a certain To characterize the thinking pat- stage begins to form so-called systemic terns, K. Jung divided people into ex- thinking. It is ‘a conceptual framework troverts and introverts. Among the of a set of different knowledge and in- components of general thinking are tuitions over the last 50 years, designed ‘speed, depth of thinking, breadth of to facilitate the perception of the integ- thinking, the flexibility of thinking, rity of phenomena that helps to bring strategic, reflection (self-awareness) about change’ [12, P. 23] (Translated and organization’ [13]. A characteristic by the author O. B.). To such thinking feature of the way of thinking is deter- in practical activity leads to the obser- mined by its ability to acquire a new vation of direct and feedback relation- quality in its highest cumulative ex- ships, the vision of integrity not as its pression: a state of systemic thinking, static state, but as a series of regular which allows identifying the connec- changes that enhance the ability of the tions of the analysed phenomenon not phenomenon to counteract undesirable as a set of objects or social events, but as influences, to create its equilibrium regularities and systemic changes made and balance. General and vocational in them. Although these changes may training, culture, and experience, sys- not always be described by qualitative temic thinking develop human intel- or quantitative indicators, they do help lectual abilities. But the archetype and to give an idea of the trends or cyclical intelligence of man are not the same nature of changes in the society, indi- things. Unlike archetypes, human in- vidual systems, and links that make it telligence is created and subjected to work. Systemic thinking is linked to development. According to Albert Ein- and identified with the model of hu- stein, the creations of the intellect have man consciousness and subconscious- been through the noisy bustle of gen- ness (human archetype), which can erations and have warmed the world be influenced by a subconscious direc- with warmth and light for centuries. tion for a deeper understanding of the Today, the science that studies intel- mystery of the creation of the human ligence gives more than 70 definitions conscious and the unconscious and to of it. Common to them, integrity and predict their manifestation in the pro- consistency of mental experience can cesses of social evolution and human ac- be identified its ability to activity and tivity in society. In the presence of such the psychological characteristics of the properties, a person can assume that human. The development of intelli- they are able to embody in its arche- gence is directed to the formation of an type, develop and manifest themselves intellectual model of a human, which in communication with other people. reflects in his mind certain provisions, It is obvious that properties should be generalizations, pictures or even imag- considered as inalienable and inter- es that influence his understanding of connected features of a person, which the world and the choice of ways of ac- can be formed and developed when it tion. One of the important and poten- acquires new knowledge, competency tially valuable possibilities of system

64 thinking is that its application allows flows, which becomes its calling card. getting an idea that some manifesta- The archetypes of control systems of- tions of the behaviour of the processes fered by Cybernetics are a general ar- of the structure of a phenomenon occur chetype that implements the follow- again and again. This manifestation of ing principles: interaction of control the idea was called the type of struc- systems with the environment, black- ture, and the formation of phenom- box principle, and feedback principle. ena archetype of the system, including Considering the general archetype, a ‘limits of growth’, ‘change of problem’, number of system archetypes were pro- ‘pattern of behaviour’ and others. [12, posed: open-loop control archetype, P. 109]. This type of archetype is com- closed-loop control archetype, adap- pared with stories and situations, or the tive control system archetype, system state of systems that repeat themselves archetype in which optimal control al- under different conditions more than gorithms and reflective control arche- once. This phenomenon is reflected in type are implemented [15; 16]. different fields of knowledge (Biology, In order to identify, describe and Economics, Management, and Psy- analyse the archetypes of control sys- chology, etc.), which allows combining tems, efforts should be directed to the a large number of repetitive situations use of a higher form of concentration of into a much smaller number of manage- knowledge and skills capable of imple- able archetypes. menting control algorithms. Thus, the Recognizing the existence of human management of the systemic archetype archetypes and taking into account of reflective control implies the need the possibilities of mastering systemic to possess a set of management science thinking and the formation of intellec- knowledge about managed objects, the tual models, allows the recognition of interpretation of knowledge of public the behaviour of complex systems and control functions to rebuild this knowl- the existence of relationships in them, edge in the processes of functioning their constant periodicity or constant and self-organization of systems, mod- repetition, called ‘system archetypes’ els and management algorithms. This and primarily ‘archetypes of control will solve the problem of recognition systems’. Their definition should be of the environment and technologies due to the science of Cybernetics, for preparing the appropriate response which proposed six types of system ar- to the effects of management objects, chetypes of management. the allocation of causal chains, trends, The term ‘archetype’ in Cybernet- and patterns, the identification of fac- ics is interpreted as a high degree of tors, the construction of analytical and abstraction of the system, which gives static models and their analysis. each system a certain status, which In order to recognize and use the characterizes the level of development archetypes of control systems, distin- of knowledge and management skills guished by the science of cybernetics, [14]. The archetype of management it is necessary to create conditions for systems reflects the principles and their harmonization with the collec- contours of control using information tive archetypes of management (their

65 collective unconscious), since this of increasing the efficiency of manage- phenomenon is implicit and almost un- ment at the content-functional, design, manageable. It can be about other abi­ technological and experimental stages lities of people who will implement the of modernization of public authorities positive archetypal properties of man- to provide the authorities with intel- agers in management activities and lectually developed employees. implement them in management. The The functioning of a set of models archetypal approach to the application of the type of systemic archetypes of of systemic management archetypes management and the connections be- proposes to consider ways of thinking, tween them can create the basic basis systems thinking, intelligence, and in- for the formation of a new psychologi- tellectual models that can, with some cal climate in the management of soci- conventionality, be considered the key ety through innovative technologies of to intuition and the subconscious. The social harmonization, common vision, logical structure of the connection and and interaction to achieve the goals interaction of key human factors, their of developing a common life. It is also inclusion in the development of man- advisable to use our model when de- agement systems is shown in the figure. veloping strategic and on-going devel-

System Thinking (Personalities & Teams) Archetypes of Systematic Impact Archetypes Management System on the Socio- economic (Personalities & Teams) & Management Development of Decisions Territories

Intellectual Models (Personalities & Teams)

Fig.: The Model of Connectedness, Interaction & Influence of Key Human Factors on the Development of Management Systems

The model is intended to get an idea opment measures for a country and its of the possibility of applying an arche- regions. typal approach and systemic thinking It should be noted that in the ex- in mastering theoretical and practical isting models of management sys- knowledge by future specialists of pub- tems, the composition of methods of lic administration science. It illustrates their construction (linear, functional, the impact of accumulated human linear-functional, matrix, divisional, properties on the creation and opera- staff) and in the recruitment of mana- tion of a new type of model for ma­ gerial positions do not take into ac- naging territorial community develop- count the socio-psychological factors ment processes. This model is proposed that would impede the consideration to be used in the research of problems of ways of thinking, systemic influence

66 and opportunities of individuals and changes in the managed processes and collectives for active participation in influence their social abilities. There- management, which does not allow to fore, the process of mastering system involve psychological factors in posi- thinking and the formation of intelli- tive changes in society. gent models must be focused and man- At the same time, the proposed aged. means of systemic thinking and peo- The development of social think- ple’s intellectual ability to apply the ing becomes a powerful source of for- archetypal methodology in improving mation of intelligence, both individual the effectiveness of public management and collective. It also enriches the hu- of territorial communities do not cover man archetypes, which creates the con- all the necessary archetypes of gover- ditions for the development of system- nance systems in building a democratic ic archetypes, in particular in the state society. It is necessary to have a basic and municipal government. analytical basis to know the real possi- It is necessary to create conditions bilities of applying the archetypal ap- for expanding the concept of improve- proach in the system of public power ment of organizational-content and in the conditions of transformation functional forms of management sys- processes. It can be created using the tems. It will take into account behav- analytic-synthetic model of the Uni- ioural theories, structural images of the versal Epochal Cycle by E. Afonina, collective unconscious, tendencies, and which allows conducting a socio-his- dynamics of archetypal layers of real- torical analysis of the development of ity, the achievements of cybernetics, society and civilization, deepening into systematic thinking, and management the very foundations of human social of processes. existence [2]. Further directions of research of Conclusions and prospects for this problem should become as fol- further researches. Systemic think- lows: creation of analytical models of ing, systemic vision, systemic improve- the analysis of quality of management ment, and systemic development are systems at the initial level of society- the key concepts of the human world territorial communities; identification perception, which leads to in-depth of existing problems and an assessment studies of their transformation and ap- of ability of the power to their deci- plication in various spheres of human sion; development of methodology of activity. development by cybernetic system The application of already known archetypes of management and devel- systemic archetypes of governance pro- opment of methods of their practical vides an opportunity to recognize the construction and functioning; concep- existing systems of public administra- tualization of archetypal and system tion of the territories, their archetypal approaches in increase of efficiency of and intellectual models. It will help to public management for their applica- solve today’s multifaceted problems of tion in practice; development of the democratic governance and the ability content of additions to educational of leaders to make the necessary timely programs of training of future special-

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70 UDC: 342.531.3 ‘ 845 : 328. 162 (477) “2019” DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-71-85 Valevskyi Oleksii Leonidovich, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Senior Researcher, National Institute for Strategic Stugies, 01030, Кyiv, Str. Pirohova, 7-a, tеl.: + 38 (050) 654 38 98, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 000-003-0403-0277 Валевський Олексій Леонідович, доктор наук з державного управління, провідний науковий співробітник, На- ціональний інститут стратегічних досліджень, 01030, Київ, вул. Пирогова, 7-a, тел.: + 38 (050) 654 38 98, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 000-003-0403-0277 Валевский Алексей Леонидович, доктор наук государственного управ- ления, ведущий научный сотрудник, Нацио­нальный институт стратегических исследований, 01030, Киев, ул. Пирогова, 7-a, тел.: +38 (050) 654 38 98, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 000-003-0403-0277


Abstract. The research objective of the publication is to analyse the results of the 2019 election cycle in Ukraine (presidential and early parliamentary elec- tions) through the lens of K. Jung’s socio-cultural archetypes. It was necessary to determine the reasons for the victory of the candidate Zelenskyi, who had no political and managerial experience over competitors who had been active in po­ litics and governance for a long period. It is proved that the result of the election cycle was the socio-economic and institutional crisis in which Ukrainian society found them. Another reason was the decline in the legitimacy of political and administrative institutions, caused by the inability to carry out successful reforms. The models of the positioning of the main competitors during the election campaign are analysed. It is shown that Poroshenko’s unprecedented loss is due to the fact that society has not adopted a national-conservative ideology.

71 Voters under the influence of socio-cultural archetypes chose a candidate who was not affiliated with the political class, attributing to him qualities that he did not have. The ‘unsystematic’ candidate won the electoral race because society was in a state of disintegration of institutions and low legitimacy of the authorities. It is shown that the 2019 election cycle symbolizes the end of the post-Soviet period in the history of Ukraine and the beginning of the destruction of the ad- ministrative-oligarchic model. The political and economic groups that have come to power have adopted the doctrine of ‘market fundamentalism’ (or libertarian- ism). It is predicted that in the future the implementation of this doctrine will be accompanied by the consolidation of the raw material model of the economy, export of labour and the destruction of social obligations of the state. It is concluded that the use of socio-cultural archetype methodology provides the key to understanding the unprecedented results of the 2019 election process in Ukraine. Keywords: socio-cultural archetypes, presidential elections in Ukraine in 2019, parliamentary elections in Ukraine in 2019, socio-economic crisis, institu- tional crisis. АРХЕТИПНА СКЛАДОВА В ЕЛЕКТОРАЛЬНОМУ ЦИКЛІ УКРАЇНИ У 2019 РОЦІ Анотація. Дослідницьке завдання публікації полягає в аналізі результа- тів виборчого циклу в Україні у 2019 р. (президентські і дострокові парла- ментські вибори) через призму соціокультурних архетипів К. Юнга. Необ- хідно було визначити причини перемоги кандидата Зеленського, який не мав політичного та управлінського досвіду над конкурентами, які тривалий період функціонували у сфері політики і управління. Доведено, що причиною результатів виборчого циклу стало соціально-­ економічна та інституційна криза, в якій опинилося українське суспільство. Наступною причиною стало падіння легітимності політичних та управлін- ських інститутів, викликане нездатністю до проведення успішних реформ. Аналізуються моделі позиціонування основних конкурентів під час ви- борчої кампанії. Показано, що безпрецедентний програш Порошенка спри- чинений тим, що суспільство не прийняло націонал-консервативну ідеоло- гію. Виборці під впливом соціокультурних архетипів вибрали кандидата, який не був пов’язаний з політичним класом, приписуючи йому властивості, яких у нього не було. “Несистемний” кандидат став переможцем у виборчих перегонах тому, що суспільство перебувало у стані дезінтеграції інститутів і низької легітимності органів влади. Показано, що виборчий цикл 2019 р. символізує закінчення пострадян- ського періоду в історії України і початок деструкції адміністративно-олі- гархічної моделі. Політико-економічні групи, які прийшли до влади, взяли на озброєння доктрину “ринкового фундаменталізму” (або лібертаріанство). Робиться прогноз, що у перспективі реалізація цієї доктрини супроводжу-

72 ватиметься закріпленням сировинної моделі економіки, експортом робочої сили і руйнуванням соціальних зобов’язань держави. Робиться висновок, що використання методології соціокультурних архе- типів дає ключ до розуміння безпрецедентних результатів виборчого проце- су в Україні в 2019 р. Ключові слова: соціокультурні архетипи, президентські вибори в Україні у 2019 р., парламентські вибори в Україні в 2019 р., соціально-економічна криза, інституційна криза. АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКАЯ СОСТАВЛЯЮЩАЯ В ЭЛЕКТОРАЛЬНОМ ЦИКЛЕ УКРАИНЫ В 2019 ГОДУ Аннотация. Исследовательское задание публикации состоит в анализе результатов избирательного цикла в Украине в 2019 г. (президентские и до- срочные парламентские выборы) через призму социокультурных архетипов К. Юнга. Необходимо было определить причины победы кандидата Зелен- ского, который не имел политического и управленческого опыта над конку- рентами, которые длительный период функционировали в сфере политики и управления. Доказано, что причиной результатов избирательного цикла является со- циально-экономический и институциональный кризис, в котором оказалось украинское общество. Следующей причиной стало падение легитимности политических и управленческих институтов, вызванное неспособностью к проведению успешных реформ. Анализируются модели позиционирования основных конкурентов во время избирательной кампании. Показано, что беспрецедентный проигрыш Порошен- ко вызван тем, что украинское общество не приняло национал-консервативную идеологию. Избиратели под воздействием социокультурных архетипов выбра- ли кандидата, который не был связан с политическим классом, приписывая ему свойства, которых у него не было. “Несистемный” кандидат стал победителем в избирательной гонке потому, что само общество находилось в состоянии дезин- теграции институтов и низкой легитимности органов власти. Показано, что избирательный цикл 2019 г. символизирует окончание пост- советского периода в истории Украины и начало деструкции административно- олигархической модели. Пришедие к власти политико-экономические группы взяли на вооружение доктрину “рыночного фундаментализма” (или либерта- рианства). Делается прогноз, что в ближашей перспективе реализация этой доктрины будет сопровождаться закреплением сырьевой модели экономики, экспортом рабочей силы и разрушением социальных обязательств государства. Делается вывод, что использование методологии социокультурных архе- типов дает ключ к пониманию беспрецедентных результатов избирательно- го процесса в Украине в 2019 г. Ключевые слова: социокультурные архетипы, президентские выборы в Украине в 2019 г., парламентские выборы в Украине в 2019 г., социально- экономический кризис, институционыльный кризис.

73 Problem statement. The results necessary to determine the reasons for of the 2019 election cycle in Ukraine the victory of the candidate Zelenskyi, (presidential and early parliamentary who had no political and managerial elections), when the ‘non-systematic’ experience over competitors who had candidate Zelenskyi confidently de- been active in politics and governance feated competitors who had consid- for a long period. In particular, to anal- erable political and managerial expe- yse the positioning patterns of the rience for a long time to attract the main competitors during these election attention of researchers. As a result of campaigns. It was also a task to prove this election, the political configura- that the 2019 election cycle symbolizes tion was completely changed when the end of the post-Soviet period in the Servant of the People presidential Ukrainian history and the beginning of party, which was created specifically the destruction of the administrative- for ‘elections’, won a majority of seats oligarchic model that has emerged over in parliament. the last decades. This situation has attracted the at- Analysis of recent research dedi- tention of the world media, who are cated to the 2019 election cycle, in lost in speculation about the causes of particular, Ye. Holovakha [1], V. Hor- the collapse of the ‘old’ political forces bulin [2] and A. Yermolaiev [3] shows in Ukraine. Observers noted that the that the socio-cultural causes of social election of the new president was large- transformations are clearly not given ly innovative and, at the same time, sufficient attention. These and other meaningless, it was conducted mainly authors mainly focus on the analysis on social networks while avoiding di- of purely political and electoral fac- rect political debate. Most observers tors. At the same time, through the indicated that millions of voters sym- use of the methodology of cultural ar- pathized with the candidate who pre- chetypes, it becomes possible to more sented them with the image of a ‘simple systematically explore the cultural and guy’ from the Servant of the People macro-social tendencies that led to the TV series. However, these estimates victory of the neophyte candidate over only recorded the outside of the situ- the administrative-oligarchic system, ation, without touching on the politi- which at that time was embodied by cal, economic and social causes of the Poroshenko and other candidates from collapse of the political system that has the ‘old’ politics. developed over the decades. It is ob- Presentation of the main material. vious that a systematic study of these The archetype of the Clown and the social and political transformations is King in political discourse an extremely urgent matter, given the The key to understanding the vicis- need to identify further ways of deve­ situdes of the 2019 election cycle may lopment of Ukrainian society. be the archetypes of the Clown and The purpose of the article is an the King. K. Jung notes that ‘the mo- analysis of the results of the election tive of the stuntman is manifested not cycle in Ukraine in 2019 through the only in mythical form but also inherent lens of socio-cultural archetypes. It was in the modern man, who does not sus-

74 pect anything when he feels like a toy pants. The character who became the in the hands of a ‘case’, which paralyzes subject of ridicule of the Clown invari- his will and actions with an openly evil ably loses legitimacy. Dictators, as well intention. Any cultural person looking as Democrat politicians, are well aware for excellence somewhere in the past that laughing at them is the first step to should be surprised to meet a trickster delegitimization. At the same time, the figure. The so-called civilized man for- Clown does not take part in the over- got the trickster. He only mentions the throw of the idol of power, because the figurative and metaphorical meaning joke (anecdote, satire) has no political of his image when irritated by his own alternative. Therefore, the Clown can- helplessness, he talks about the fate of not claim the role of a collective King. playing evil jokes with him’ [4]. The archetype of the Clown and the In the socio-cultural tradition of the King provides a socio-cultural code for King (monarch, political leader, lead- understanding the 2019 election dra- er, top-manager, and commander) are ma, when Zelenskyi, a well-known suc- fixed the desire for power, leadership, cessful comedian who has never been in and political demagogy. The clown (aka the system of government and politics, trickster, clown, comedian, humour- was able to convincingly defeat the ist, joker, jack-pudding) is associated collective King, then the President Po- with the King in such a way that, in the roshenko, and all the other candidates guise of a joke (irony, anecdote, variety who had extensive experience in go­ speech, literary sketching, etc.), he does vernment and political work. And lat- not speak in official political discourse. er, virtual haste for the early elections At the same time, the Jester does not made the Servant of the People party play the role of an oppositionist.­ He, of Zelenskyi, which included many using his position, simulates rebellion. random people, also convincingly won Therefore, both the King himself and the parliamentary elections of all com- the real political opposition are loyal petitors. to the Clown. Thus, the actions of the In the 2019 election drama, the logic Clown perform the functions of political of the genre should not have happened communication, when in a playful form to the Clown; he himself took the place an assessment of the actions of both the of the King, squeezing numerous com- King and his opponents. petitors. Some experts interpret this The advantage of the Clown over transformation as a result of manipula- any politician is that his jokes do not tion by screenwriters and actors. Oth- require additional interpretation for ers call it ‘electoral independence’. We the mass audience. They are clear to all, argue that this was not a consequence cause laughter, which is an unmistak- of manipulation, but a reaction of the able feature of approval. Therefore, the population to the institutional and ide- Clown is ‘his’ for various social groups. ological crisis of society. Another obvious advantage of the The example of Ukraine shows that Clown is that he cannot be ridiculed. the Clown painfully occupies the place The Clown can act as a virtual dis- of the King when social mechanisms creditor for political process partici- fail. He is elected by voters because

75 other candidates in the King appear The commodity structure of exports insincere and dangerous. And as stated was mainly raw material, consisting above, the Clown enjoys a high level of mainly of agricultural raw materials, trust. For a mass voter who does not ore and of ferrous metallurgy of low trust the ‘official’ politicians, the per- level of processing. son of the Clown is a means of fighting These economic tendencies contrib- against corrupt and deceitful power, uted to the decline in the well-being of unable to represent the interests of citizens. According to the IMF, in 2018 ‘ordinary people’. In this respect, jokes Ukraine is the poorest country in Eu- (sometimes on the verge of an image) rope with a GDP per capita of $ 2.96 addressed to the current politicians thousand. As of December 2018, wage and the entire system of government in arrears reached their historic high the Servant of the People TV series and UAH 2.8 billion. [6]. Labour migra- the Quarter 95 show were in tune with tion is gaining ground in the country: the sentiments of large social groups. according to the World Bank, in 2018, The socio-economic context of the workers have transferred about $ 14 entry on the Trickster political scene billion to Ukraine. For comparison, The 2019 election cycle saw Ukraine foreign direct investment in Ukraine in in the worsening economic crisis, wars 2018 amounted to about $ 2.8 billion. in the east of the country and discon- According to expert data, about 3.2 tent with the ruling elite. Despite the million Ukrainians worked abroad on fact that the country’s economy ended a permanent basis, with seasonal jobs in 2018 with slight GDP growth of ranging from 7 to 9 million. 3.3 %, it did not close the decline in A real nightmare for citizens was 2014 by 6.6 % and in 2015 by 9.8 %. the rapid increase in tariffs for utili- The experts pointed to alarming ten- ties. Thus, from 2014 to 2018, natural dencies in the quality of this economic gas tariffs for the population increased growth, which was mainly achieved by 1080 %, hot water supply by 560 %, through the export of raw materials heating by 1240 %, and electricity by and trade. The industry did not show more than 221 %. In the conditions a convincing growth tendency, on the of progressive poverty, the increase in contrary, de-industrialization was utility tariffs has led to the population gaining ground in the country. The simply not being able to pay them. As foreign trade deficit also showed a sig- a result, in the pre-election year 2018, nificant deficit. Thus, the negative bal- Ukrainians paid only 80.6 % of the ance of foreign trade in goods in 2018 amount charged for utilities. At the amounted to $ 9.8 billion, in particu- end of December 2018, public debt on lar, with the EU countries — $ 3 bil- housing and utilities services amoun­ lion. [5] The downturn in the economy ted to UAH 55.6 billion. [7]. was indicated, in particular, by a fall in The so-called ‘external governance’, Ukrainian exports of goods, which in when international financial institu- the year 2018 was down 25.3 % from $ tions dictated the main directions of so- 63.3 billion in 2013 to $ 47 in compari- cial and economic policy, and ‘friendly’ son with ‘domidan’, $ 3 billion in 2018. states defined personnel policy. An elo-

76 quent illustration of this was the story of reforms in 17 directions [10]. To surrounding the intervention of US implement these programmatic docu- Vice President Biden on the appoint- ments, the Legislative Support Plan for ment of Attorney General of Ukraine. Ukraine was approved, which envis- These crisis tendencies have con- aged the preparation of 488 bills [11]. tributed to the growing negative at- In order to coordinate the implemen- titude of citizens to the authorities. tation of the reform policy, a National According to the Rating Group, in De- Reform Council was established [12]. cember 2018, 70 % of the population However, this ‘reformist giganti- were of the opinion that things were cism’ has largely been a pretext for po- going wrong in the country. 57 % of litical class self-promotion. The prom- respondents said that their family’s fi- ised reforms have either not begun at nancial situation had deteriorated dur- all, or their implementation has been ing 2018. 62 % said rising prices were ‘sunk’ in fruitless discussions. The po- one of the three most important prob- litical class got the most out of pre- lems for them. 77 % indicated that they senting itself as ‘reformers’, but no real did not approve of the activities of the institutional ‘European’ reforms were then President Poroshenko, 88 % indi- carried out. In the public conscious- cated that they were dissatisfied with ness, the frustration with unjustified the work of the of hopes for quick results from the signing Ukraine [8]. The fall of the legitimacy of the Association Agreement between of the authorities at the moment of the Ukraine with the EU increased. beginning of the election cycle reached Having come to power in an atmo- such a level that the politicians associ- sphere of revolutionary enthusiasm ated with it actually acted in a hostile for , the ruling factions environment. were essentially repeating the politi- To these economic and social de- cal behaviour patterns of the previous structions should be added the ideo- Yanukovych regime. Namely, no real logical consequences of the failure anti-corruption policy was carried out, of the proclaimed reform policy. The nepotism flourished, material strati- events of 2013–2014, which led to the fication increased. Added to this, the fall of the then President Yanukovych, campaign of ‘universal Ukrainization’ were held, in particular, under the slo- aimed at displacing the Russian lan- gans of ensuring the European integra- guage from the public sphere, rewrit- tion of Ukraine and the need for radi- ing history and instilling a national- cal reforms. In response to these public ist conservative ideology began. This, opinion queries, the ruling political of course, contributed to the increase class had adopted several reform pro- of negativity in the population of the grams during 2014–2015. It was the South and East to the State Humani- Presidential Strategy for Sustainable tarian Policy. As a result, the reform Development ‘Ukraine 2020’, which trend ended and never started. Poro- identified 10 areas of major reform [9]. shenko entered the election campaign European Ukraine Coalition Agree- as a carrier of nationally conservative ment provided for the implementation ideological units.

77 The devastating social and eco- His team used the so-called traditional nomic processes have shaped society’s methods of Ukrainian politics as ‘seg- demand for a ‘non-systemic’ politician, mentation of the electorate’ when, in that is, a person who would not be af- order to mobilize ‘their’ supporters, an filiated with the ruling political elite. image of the enemy from social groups Models of the positioning of the main who refused to vote was created. In competitors particular, this was achieved through Zelenskyi perfectly met the expec- the use of so-called ‘hate speech’ in tations of society. His lack of political controlled media, as well as ‘dirty’ experience, as well as his high level of technological techniques. At the same popularity thanks to the television se- time, the population did not receive ries and the 95 Quarter show, which clear answers from candidate Porosh- aired on the rating TV channels, gave enko regarding further ways of solving him an increase in electoral popularity. urgent socio-economic problems. On The stage image of ‘one of the boys’, the whole, the image of a belligerent formed under the influence of satire on orthodox nationalist turned out to be incumbent politicians, has been under- unacceptable to the majority of voters. stood by millions of potential voters. Zelenskyi avoided commenting on It should be noted that the elec- themes that divide society. Poroshen- tion campaign was the most successful. ko, on the contrary, used them without During the electoral race, Zelenskyi restrictions, contributing to the injec- himself and his team members kept qui- tion of hysteria. Poroshenko’s election et. The voters were not presented with campaign was no longer a ‘European any programming document or public reformer’ (due to the lack of real re- statement, which could give an idea of sults of the proclaimed reforms), but a what the candidate plans to do with preacher of radical ethnonationalism. the country in case of victory. There However, the destructive style of the were isolated posts on social networks, election campaign did not produce the a few insignificant interviews, and pro- desired results. Against Poroshenko’s motional material. As a result, it turned candidacy, the electorate of the south- out that millions of voters attributed to ern and eastern regions was consolidat- Zelenskyi those qualities he would like ed, and a moderate voter in the western to see in him. This can be called a situ- regions chose other candidates. ation of ‘self-forgery’. In this regard, The propaganda thesis that Zelen- Zelenskyi himself successfully defines skyi was not ready to perform the func- his position in the public debate, stat- tions of the head of state was widely ing that he is ‘not a competitor but a used but was not received by public verdict of Poroshenko’. opinion, first of all, due to the poor Against this background, its main results of Poroshenko’s work and the competitor Poroshenko developed an system of government he formed. The active outreach, promoting national population saw with their own eyes conservative ideological settings, try- that Poroshenko himself with his po- ing to portray himself as a Russophobe litical ‘experience’ is not able to show and an orthodox Ukrainian nationalist. positive results.

78 It should be noted that, unfortu- popularity was diminishing towards nately, on the whole, the presidential the end of the polls. About 17 % of vot- and parliamentary election campaigns ers were ready to support it by the date were characterized by an anti-intel- of voting. lectual trend. The attempts of the can- From the outset, sociological mea- didates for the presidency to initiate surements of electoral sympathies public dialogue on the concept and revealed tendencies that ultimately mechanisms of reforms (most of these determined the outcome of the cam- efforts were made by Yulia Tymosh- paign. First, it is the consistently high enko through her New Deal Program) anti-rating of President Poroshenko were unsuccessful. The problems of at the time about 50 % of respondents structural reforms were brought out of refused to vote for him. This indicator the public sphere. was maintained throughout the elec- The vicissitudes of the election cam- tion cycle. Whereas in Zelenskyi, this paign figure was in the range of 20 %. Sec- There is a lot of unconfirmed infor- ondly, Poroshenko ‘confidently’ lost to mation about the motives for joining all possible candidates when modelling Zelenskyi’s election race. At present, the second round of voting. the most plausible version remains that The widespread use by Porosh- Zelenskyi’s Project was conceived as enko’s team of technologies aimed at a spoiler for the Vakarchuk Project, discrediting its competitors has played which Western sponsors had previous- a negative role. The so-called ‘black ly prepared for the role. technologies’, aimed at destroying the As a potential candidate, Zelenskyi reputation of competitors, have always firstly appeared in sociological rank- been used in election campaigns, but ings in March 2018 with a very good this time they crossed a kind of ‘red’ starting rating of 6 %. Throughout line. From the vast arsenal of various 2018, intrigue was maintained as to fakes, it is worth mentioning the innu- whether he would ever participate in endo around Zelenskyi’s allegations of the campaign. At the same time, its drug addiction. Moreover, Poroshenko potential rating increased, and since himself on the air of one of the cen- September it has been measured by a tral TV channels stated that ‘I think double-digit index (11 %). Since Jan- that it is an extremely big threat when uary 2019, there has been a break in there is a suspicion that a candidate electoral sympathies in favour of Zel- or even the President of Ukraine, the enskyi: the level of willingness to vote Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the for him has reached the mark of 22 % Armed Forces may become a person and increased until the very date of who is not excluded having a drug ad- voting [13]. diction. Because the drug addiction of Tymoshenko for a long period was the candidate is a direct threat to na- considered a favourite of the campaign. tional security’ [14]. This statement In particular, in November 2018, its was duplicated on the official presi- rating peaked at 21%. However, she did dential website. Of course, this was a not manage to stay in the lead and her kind of ‘bottom’ that managed to break

79 the current president, who, under the struck a colossal blow. The society did influence of his political technologists, not accept the setting of xenophobic tried to turn the election campaign hysteria, the practice of recruiting peo- into a clown. For which he paid. The ple and destroying the identity of the result was that no one could believe inhabitants of the south and east of the at the start of the election campaign: a country. The defeat of Poroshenko’s successful comedian and variety actor election project actually meant the toppled the entire ‘old’ political party defeat of the authoritarian ideological with spectacular results. doctrine that was associated with the Another note characterizing the population’s socio-economic crisis and helplessness of the election cam- poverty. Therefore, it is not surpris- paign tactics conducted by Porosh- ing that the election results provoked enko’s team. As noted above, 70 % of almost apocalyptic sentiments among the citizens were of the opinion that the supporters of national-conserva- things were going wrong in the coun- tive ideology. Zelenskyi’s victory was try. Against this background, the basic rated almost like a worldwide threat motto of the Poroshenko campaign was when the ‘non-Ukrainians’ elected used: ‘We are going our way!’ Is this their president. not an indication of the amusement of The statistics eloquently illustrate the then President when he could not the extent of this collapse. Zelenskyi in be perceived with these mottos other the 1st round gained 30 % of the vote, than with a surprised smile? As a result winning in 20 regions. Its closest com- of these twists and turns, the King ap- petitor Poroshenko gained 15.9 %, win- peared to be a fool, and the Clown took ning in 2 regions. In the second round, the throne. Zelenskyi had 73 % of the vote and a As V. Horbulin noted, ‘the problem convincing victory in all regions except of Petro Poroshenko in this election Lviv. Poroshenko received 24 %. was manifested in a simple but criti- Equally impressive are the results cally important link: his mottos should of the Servant of the People’s Party in not be sent to the future. Proposed early parliamentary elections. In fact, by him a refined ‘Ukrainian conserva- virtual, made by a snap on the date of tive idea’ that appealed to things that early elections and without any politi- were unimportant or perceived by cal history, this party gained 43 % in two-thirds of the population, passed by the multi-member constituency, win- electoral preference. ‘Language, faith ning in 22 oblasts. The party showed and the army’ is not entirely about the similar success in single-member con- bright image of the future. It’s a preser- stituencies, taking 130 seats. The latter vation of values, but not an ‘Explosive is a historical sensation: the Servant of Development Program’. This triad did the People Party simply ‘undermined’ not answer the question, ‘What is to- the majoritarian party, which for de- morrow?’ More precisely, not the kind cades was considered the most corrupt of answer most would like to hear’ [15]. component of the electoral process. Public-conservative ideology pro- In 2019, the majority constituencies, moted by Poroshenko, public opinion most often ‘fed’ by local barons, won

80 no known candidates just because they of institutions and political disorienta- were running for the Servant of the tion... People Party’. This has never been the However, what is important is that case in Ukrainian politics. the tectonic shift is affected. Therefore, Conclusions the painful process of shaping the de- 1. The defeat, more precisely the de- sign of a new political and economic feat of Poroshenko, marks the collapse model, which may well be even worse, of the former political and economic characteristic of peripheral countries model, which he personified for mil- with their inherent preservation of lions of voters. The election of a ‘non- poverty and technological backward- systemic’ candidate who had no expe- ness, should be anticipated. rience or understanding of government 3. The 2019 election cycle symbol- was an open demonstration of rebellion izes the end of the post-Soviet period in against the old political class. Ukrainian history. The country demon- At the same time, the 2019 election strated the so-called ‘negative consoli- cycle did not solve any problems. The dation’, supporting Zelenskyi, seeing winners clearly captured the society’s in him the image of a new policy. This request for the so-called. ‘New faces’ consolidation was based not so much and tried to satisfy him. This does not on the support of any conscious goals mean creating a new model of power and values, but rather on the rejection relations, because Zelenskyi and his of national-conservative ideology and team simply had no idea of its content. the inability of previous authorities to The scale of the crisis is not yet under- carry out effective social and economic stood, as are the ways to overcome it. policies. This ‘negative consolidation’ Therefore, in the near future, society will shattered the misconceptions about have to go through irreversible turbulent the ontological split of the country into processes. the East and the West, which had been 2. In 2019, Ukrainian society re- thoroughly fuelled by previous politi- ceived a unique historic opportunity. cal groups for decades. The president, with the support of 4. As a result of the election cycle, 73 % of the population, has a tremen- representatives of grant organizations, dous amount of credibility for change whose network has been carefully con- and reform. Unfortunately, the new structed by Western governments and government, firstly, does not fully un- international donors, have found them- derstand the reasons why it has ‘fallen’ selves in many key positions in the pub- this happiness, secondly, does not have lic administration system. As a result, at the moment any idea what to do, the so-called ‘external governance’. thirdly, the public opinion itself unable Zelenskyi’s first practical steps as to articulate a request for a strategic president and his government show agenda view. As a result, not only can- that the absence of a program of his didate Zelenskyi, who was left with the own has not become an insurmount- choice of millions of citizens, turned out able obstacle for them. They have to be ‘unsystematic’, but also the society adopted the neo-liberal doctrine of itself, which was in a state of imbalance ‘market fundamentalism’ (or liber-

81 tarianism), which is strongly encour- phone’, ‘e-democracy’ and the reduc- aged by Western centres of influence. tion of functions of the state to provid- The national-conservative ideology, ing services are in many ways a refrain based on the mottos ‘Army, Language of the corporate model of the state, be- and Faith’, has changed to the same cause these concepts only contribute limited neoliberal triad ‘Deregulation, to its modernization. privatization, and liberalization’. So 6. Zelenskyi owes his success, above there is reason to predict that in the all, to the total crisis of state and po- near future, Ukraine is facing threats of litical institutions, the inability of transformations that will be dictated by competitors to form an actual agenda, ‘external governance’: consolidation of as well as luck, intuition, production the raw material model of the economy, talent, and amateurism. Millions of vot- export of labour, destruction of social ers, following the actions of deep socio- obligations of the state, refusal of the cultural archetypes, chose a candidate proactive role of the state in the forma- unrelated to the political class, attribut- tion of priorities of social and economic ing to him qualities he did not have. As a development. result, the Clown archetype destroyed 5. For decades, a system of power re- the political and ideological monster lations has emerged in Ukraine, which created by the King. So, the methodo­ has received surpluses from the exploi- logy of cultural archetypes proves use- tation of natural and human resources. ful in understanding the victory of the This system of organization of power showman, the satirist, the mocker over relations has been defined as an admin- the administrative-oligarchic system, istrative-oligarchic model [16]. The which was embodied by Poroshenko phenomenal results of the 2019 elec- and other candidates from the ‘old’ tion cycle have been a clear indication politics. of the model’s rejection by the public. At the same time, the beneficiaries of this model were also dissatisfied: first REFERENCES of all, the large capital formed on the 1. Holovakha Ye. (April 18, 2019) ‘relationship of godparents’ with the Fenomen Zelenskoho — svoierid- bureaucracy, as the traditional politi- nyi “elektoralnyi Maidan” [Zelensky cal parties, which were the leaders of phenomenon - a kind of “electoral the oligarchy, showed their absolute Maidan”]. Retrieved from inefficiency. In this regard, 2019 marks the beginning of the destruction of the articles/2019/04/18/7212520/ [in administrative-oligarchic model and the Russian] formation of a new system of power re- 2. Gorbulin, V. (May 16, 2019). Peres- menka na puti k natsionalnomu edin- lations. stvu: uroki dlya Poroshenko i vyzovy However, it is equally obvious that pered Zelenskim [The reshuffle on the new president and his team are not the path to national unity: lessons for fully aware of the reasons for their vic- Poroshenko and challenges to Zelens- tory. Because they offer the concepts kiy]. Retrieved from https:// of libertarianism, ‘the state in a smart-

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85 UDC: 159.99 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-86-95 Veremchuk Olga Oleksandrivna, practical psychologist, post-graduate stu- dent of the National University “Odessa Law Academy”, 65000, Odesa, Fontanskaya do- roha, 23, tel.: + 38 (093) 590 64 22, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3298-7076 Веремчук Ольга Олександрівна, практичний психолог, аспірант Націо­ нального університету “Одеська юри- дична академія”, 65000, м. Одеса, Фон- танська дорога, 23, тел.:+38 (093) 590 64 22, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID:0000-0003-3298-7076 Веремчук Ольга Александровна, практический психолог, аспирант На- ционального университета “Одес- ская юридическая академия”, 65000, г. Одесса, Фонтанская дорога, 23, тел.: + 38 (093) 590 64 22, e-mail: dayofapple@ ORCID: 0000-0003-3298-7076 Veremchuk Oleksandr Mykolaiovych, independent researcher, 65000, Odesa, Str. Serednofontanska, 19В, tel.: + 38 (068) 908 40 60, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8608-6789 Веремчук Олександр Миколайович, незалежний дослідник, 65000, м. Оде- са, вул. Середньофонтанська, 19Б, тел.: +38 (068) 908 40 60, е-mail: akvamarus@ ORCID:0000-0001-8608-6789 Веремчук Александр Николаевич, независимый исследователь, 65000, г. Одесса, ул. Среднефонтанская, 19Б, тел.: + 38 (068) 908 40 60, е-mail: akva- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8608-6789


Abstract. The article highlights the influence of the rational and irrational psychotypes on the formation of traditions in the modern society taking into ac- count the features of the postmodern era. Considering the peculiarities of the modern information environment, attention is drawn to the fact that at this stage of the world development the media penetration into all the spheres of life of the society is increasing, their strong influence on the formation of preferences, views, culture, interpretation of the past and images of the future. Which is di- rectly related to concepts such as tradition and communication. In other words, media has become one of the main means by which people master and evaluate the surrounding reality in the social and psychological aspects. Broadcasting ver- satile information helps the media to create a certain picture of the reality. The article reveals modern aspects of the ways of information transmission, defines and reveals the peculiarities of the rational and irrational psychotypes, deter- mines that each type of media not only has its own specificity, but also is more or less perceived by one or another psychotype. Multimedia, such as visual arts of the artistic practices, direct media, is more focused on the irrational percep- tion of information and the corresponding psychotype, and some of the media such as periodicals, radios, blogs, and content sites have a greater focus on the rational perception. It is concluded that in the modern era of the penetration of the new traditions will increase with the penetration and acquisition of a large mass of new digital communication tools and technologies of influence. Namely, the rational beginning in people will lead to the rooting of these traditions in the broad social circles. Those who own and develop new technologies will be lea­ ders in disseminating and defining the development directions. The rapid pace of technology upgrading and development, including in the field of media, requires a deeper study of their impact on the individual. Keywords: tradition, media, psychotypes, rational, irrational, communica- tion, postmodern era. ВПЛИВ ПСИХОТИПУ РАЦІОНАЛА Й ІРРАЦІОНАЛА У ЗАПОЗИЧЕННІ ТА ФОРМУВАННІ ТРАДИЦІЙ В ДОБУ ПОСТСУЧАСНОСТІ: МЕДІЙНИЙ АСПЕКТ Анотація. Висвітлено питання впливу психотипів раціонала й ірраціона- ла на формування традицій в сучасному суспільстві з урахуванням особли- востей епохи постмодерну. Розглядаючи особливості сучасного інформацій- ного середовища, акцентується увага на тому, що на даному етапі розвитку світу все більш зростає проникнення медіа в усі сфери життя суспільства, їх сильний вплив на формування уподобань, поглядів, культури, інтерпретації

87 минулого та образів майбутнього. Що безпосередньо тісно пов’язано з таки- ми поняттям, як традиція та комунікація. Інакше кажучи медіа стали одним з основних засобів, за допомогою якого люди освоюють і оцінюють навколи- шню дійсність в соціальних і психологічних аспектах. Транслюючи різнобіч- ну інформацію, медіа сприяють створенню певної картини дійсності. Роз- крито сучасні аспекти способів передачі інформації, визначено особливості психотипів раціонала та ірраціонала. Доведено, що кожний з видів медіа, не тільки має свою специфіку, а й, більш-менш, сприймається тим чи іншим психотипом. Мультимедіа як художні практики візуального мистецтва, дір- ект-медіа, спрямовані більш на ірраціональне сприйняття інформації та від- повідний психотип, а частина мас-медіа, таких, як періодична преса, радіо, блоги та сайти певного змісту, мають більшу спрямованість на раціональне сприйняття. Зазначено, що в сучасну епоху проникнення нових традицій буде посилюватися разом з проникненням та опануванням широкими ма- сами нових цифрових засобів комунікації, технологій впливу. А саме раціо­ нальний початок в людях сприятиме до вкоріненню цих традицій в широ- ких соціальних колах. Лідерами в розповсюдженні та окресленні напрямів розвитку будуть ті, хто володіє і розробляє нові технології. Стрімкий темп оновлення і розвитку технологій, у тому числі у сфері медіа, вимагає більш глибоко дослідження питань щодо їх впливу на особистість. Ключові слова: традиція, медіа, психотипи, раціональне, ірраціональне, комунікація, епоха постмодерну. ВЛИЯНИЕ ПСИХОТИПОВ РАЦИОНАЛА И ИРРАЦИОНАЛА В ЗАИМСТВОВАНИИ И ФОРМИРОВАНИИ ТРАДИЦИЙ В ЭПОХУ ПОСТСОВРЕМЕННОСТИ: МЕДИЙНЫЙ АСПЕКТ Аннотация. Освещен вопрос влияния психотипов рационала и ирраци- онала на формирование традиций в современном обществе с учетом осо- бенностей эпохи постмодерна. Рассматривая особенности современной ин- формационной среды, акцентируется внимание на том, что на данном этапе развития мира все более растет проникновение медиа во все сферы жизни общества, их сильное влияние на формирование вкусов, взглядов, культу- ры, интерпретации прошлого и образов будущего. Непосредственно тесно связано с такими понятиями, как традиция и коммуникация. Иначе говоря медиа стали одним из основных средств, с помощью которого люди осваи- вают и оценивают окружающую действительность в социальных и психоло- гических аспектах. Транслируя разностороннюю информацию, медиа спо- собствуют созданию определенной картины действительности. Раскрыты современные аспекты способов передачи информации, определены особен- ности психотипов рационала и иррационала. Доказано, что каждый из видов медиа не только имеет свою специфику, но и, более-менее, воспринимается тем или иным психотипом. Мультимедиа как художественные практики ви- зуального искусства директ-медиа направлены больше на иррациональное восприятие информации и соответствующий психотип, а часть масс-медиа,

88 таких, как периодическая печать, радио, блоги и сайты определенного содер- жания, имеют большую направленность на рациональное восприятие. Дела- ется вывод, что в современную эпоху проникновения новых традиций будет усиливаться вместе с проникновением и освоением широкими массами но- вых цифровых средств коммуникации, технологии воздействия. А именно рациональное начало в людях способствует к укоренению этих традиций в широких социальных кругах. Лидерами в распространении и начертании направлений развития будут те, кто владеет и разрабатывает новые техно- логии. Стремительный темп обновления и развития технологий, в том числе в сфере медиа, требует более глубоко исследования вопросовотносительно их влияния на личность. Ключевые слова: традиция, медиа, психотипы, рациональное, иррацио- нальное, коммуникация, эпоха постмодерна.

Formulation of the problem. In a new interaction between innovation world with its rapid development and and tradition. leading digital status, one of the prop- In our opinion, one of the most ac- erties of which is very rapid updat- curate definitions of tradition is con- ing, human nature with its constant tained in A. A. Hritsanov, namely: search for answers to basic questions “Tradition (Latin Traditio — transmis- such as the meaning of life, justice, sion, rendering) is a universal form of etc., because of its inertia, does not fixation, consolidation and selective keep up with science. In a postmodern preservation of the certain elements of era where the truth has ceased to be the socio-cultural experience, as well universal and always ready to be over- as universal mechanism of its transmis- come by another truth, this problem is sion, which provides stable historical- very acute. On the one hand, it forces genetic gravity in the socio-cultural many, those who are not technology- processes. Thus, the Tradition contains savvy, to seek reliance and support in what is transmitted (recognized as im- the traditional way, often by immers- portant and necessary for the normal ing themselves in the archaic practices functioning and development of the so- of the “New Middle Ages”, on the oth- ciety and its subjects a certain amount er, allowing others to implement new of socio-cultural information), and how ideas faster, often in their simplistic this transfer is carried out, that is, the and not deep variant because of lack communicative-translational-transmu- of time, starting from only external tational way of the internal intergen- forms. New technologies, globaliza- erational interaction of people within tion, free access to information have a particular culture (and relevant sub- accelerated the pace of change, even cultures) based on a relatively common in such conservative things as the for- understanding and interpretation of mation of traditions, which creates a the meanings and values accumulated

89 in the past of a given culture (and re­ as G. Lasswell, V. Lippman, J. Baudril- levant subcultures). The tradition pro- lard, E. Dennis, D. Merrill, P. Lazars- vides the reproduction in the systems of feld, R. Merton, B. Berelson studied true (“living”, “direct”) activity of tried the problems of influence of the me- and tested time samples of the past dia on the personality, peculiarities (“dead”, “expressed”) activity, that is, of formation and rooting of the tradi- it determines the present and future by tions. Among domestic specialists in the past, already fulfilled and acting as a this field it is worth mentioning V. Be­ sum of conditions of any socio-cultural rezina, M. Vasylyk, A. Hrabelnikov, activity. Such an understanding of the B. Hrushyn, H. Pocheptsov and others. Tradition makes this concept applica- Outline of the main research mate- ble to virtually any fragment and level rial. The distribution of psychotypes of organization of the socio-cultural ex- was one of the first to be identified perience (both past — cultural heritage, by C. Jung in his work “Psychologi- and present), which sometimes serves cal Types” [2]. But even before Jung, as a basis for identifying the Tradition we can find some typology in Hip- and socio-cultural experience. The lat- pocrates, and Jung himself in his work ter, however, is wrongful, since for in- pointed out that “the existence of two clusion in the system of the Tradition, different types is, in fact, a long-known the socio-cultural experience must be fact, which in one form or another has selectively selected for sustainability long been known to the connoisseurs of and relative mass reproduction in the the human nature and reflected by the structures of the activity” [1]. deep thinkers, in particular Goethe, Drawing on the definition of tradi- by whose powerful intuition this fact tion, I would particularly like to dwell is seen as a general principle of systole on how information is transmitted at and diastole”. Jung in his work identi- the current stage of development and fied four basic mental functions: sen- to point out that the postmodern era sation, thinking, feeling, intuition. “In differs from previous times by increas- the sensation I place all the perception ing the speed and scale of the informa- with the help of the sensory organs; by tion transmission, by recognizing the thinking I mean the function of the in- paramount importance of the availabil- tellectual cognition and the formation ity of information. The media aspect of the logical conclusions; feelings — of the influence of psychotype on the function of the subjective evaluation; I process of borrowing and forming tra- understand intuition as perception by ditions remains poorly understood in means of the unconscious or the per- this context. ception of unconscious meanings” [2]. The purpose of this article is to These four basic functions, combined identify the influence of the media and with extraversion and introversion, the psychotypes of the rational and the yielded eight psychological types. In irrational on the formation of tradi- the same work he defined the rational tions in the modern society. and the irrational, where two of the Analysis of the basic research and functions described above referred to publications. Foreign researchers such the rational, and two to the irratio-

90 nal — the “laws of the mind are those in the social and psychological aspects. laws that designate and regulate the For example, J. Baudrillard speaks of average “correct”, adapted setting. All “the dissolution of television in life and that is consistent with these laws is ra- the dissolution of life in television”, as tional; and, on the contrary, irrational a result of which we are held captive by is everything that does not coincide these simulations, which “form a spiral with them. Thinking and feeling are system that has no beginning and end”. functions of rationality, because the de- The media cease to be a “mirror” of the cisive influence on them has a moment reality, and they themselves become of thinking, reflection. These functions this reality and even something more most fully fulfill their purpose with the than the last [4]. In the scientific litera- fullest possible compliance with the ture the most common definition of the laws of the reason. Irrational functions concept of media is the following: “Me- are those whose purpose is pure per- dia is a broad concept that includes the ception; such are intuition and feelings, totality of information means and tech- because in order to achieve full percep- niques that serve to convey to a partic- tion of everything as much as possible, ular consumer messages (printed word, is to give up everything rational, be- music composition, radio transmission, cause rational implies the exclusion of etc.). in one form or another” [5]. everything unreasonable” [3]. The media include: We also need to keep in mind that 1. Mass media — media (television, Jung himself in 1934 warned that his periodicals, radio, television networks); typology is not a classification of peo- 2. Direct media (new media) — ple, but serves only to organize empiri- communication systems of the infor- cal data. mation transmission (Internet, tele- All this became the basis of the mod- phone, mail); ern typology, whose psychotypes in the 3. Social media — a means of com- present information environment man- munication between the community ifest themselves differently and take groups (social networks, blogs, person- part in the newly created processes. al sites); Considering the peculiarities of the 4. Multimedia — artistic practices of modern information environment, it is the visual art. worth emphasizing that at this stage By transmitting versatile informa- of development of the world, media is tion, media contribute to the creation penetrating into all the spheres of the of a certain picture of the reality. Tele- society, their strong influence on the vision has the greatest ability to focus formation of preferences, views, cul- the recipients on visually perceived by ture, interpretations of the past and im- moving images accompanied by sound ages of the future is increasing. Which information, which “controls our en- is directly related to concepts such as tire culture by passing it through its tradition and communication. In other filters”. It distinguishes individual words, media has become one of the elements from the total mass of the main means by which people master cultural phenomena and gives them and evaluate the surrounding reality special weight, enhances the value of

91 one idea, devalues another, and pola­ about love affect the concept of rela- rizes the entire field of culture. What tionships, love itself, traditions, family has not got into mass communication values, and more. channels in our time has almost no im- Returning to the psychotypes, we pact on the development of the society” can say that in that quantitative flow [6]. Each type of media, not only has its of information and the methods of its own specificity, but is also more or less transfer that are now present, the irra- perceived by one or other psychotype. tional psychotype, as less critical and For example, multimedia, such artistic therefore more prone to new trends, practices of the visual art, some televi- comes to the fore. sion programs, direct-media, are more At the scale of the submission of focused on the irrational perception any information or patterns of behav- of information and the corresponding iour, they are quickly introduced into psychotype, and some media such as everyday life, because of the uncritical- periodicals, radios, blogs, and content ity of the irrationality, and become en- sites have a greater focus on the ratio- trenched in it, and claim the status of a nal perception. “new tradition”, which, in order to con- One important aspect of influencing solidate the tradition in the time in two the perception of reality is the cinema- generations, will become a full-fledged tography. Cinematography in literature tradition. Here comes the first picture is regarded as a form of contemporary of the cinema, which is most easily ab- fine arts and as a means of mass com- sorbed and filled with greater symbol- munication. These two characteristics ism. The leader here is definitely Holly- determine the enormous potential for wood, which brings new patterns. The impact on the individual through the postmodern era is world-wide and can audiovisual channel that underlies any be seen as a period of “clear domination visual communication. It allows to cre- of the European culture” [7]. The post- ate multidimensional images in the modern in turn is associated with the human mind and is realized through loss of the European region’s dominant methods of emotional influence, lin- position in the world economy, politics guistic methods and techniques. It is and culture, which allows against this cinema that has surpassed the depth of background to highlight the power of exposure and reach of the audiences of the Hollywood. theater, literature, painting, photogra- As an example, many Hollywood phy and music. One of the functions of “wedding films” have brought new and the cinema is educational. It influences well-rooted patterns in the wedding society’s attitude to values, traditions, ceremonies — the same dresses for the the institution of marriage, etc. Cin- bridesmaids, wedding dance of the fa- ematography is also the main material ther and the bride, wedding ring for en- for copying role models of behaviour gagement. In the future these patterns, for men and women in the society. It not only because of the influence on influences the borrowing and trans- the irrational aspect of the individual, fer of culture, values and traditions of but also through direct borrowing, be- the other countries. For example, films gan to spread in the mass conscious-

92 ness and determine the wedding man- material production, which is regarded ners. Also included in this series are as the production of symbols or signs such holidays as St. Valentine’s Day [10]. And seeing a certain pattern and and Halloween. rational beginning in the rooting of tra- The rational types, which are mind- ditions, the fact that in a certain way oriented, tend to live with more con- was caused by the desire to move away servative habits that are not inclined to from rigidity and antiquity, it will be- change. In all circumstances, the ratio- come traditional and create a cycle of nals need time to get used to them. But modernity and postmodernity. And over time, they perceive new customs the modern postmodern time, which and already advocate for them and seek T. Vermülen and Robin van den Acker to preserve them, rooting and protect- define as metamodern, and explain it as ing them. So returning to such holidays a global cultural process characterized as Halloween and St. Valentine’s Day, by the wavering (oscillation) between it was to the dissemination and consol- two opposites (modern and postmod- idation of these holidays as traditional ern, for example) and the simultaneity that great efforts were made by the ra- of their use in its eclecticism helps all tionals — restaurateurs and night club these processes to occur [11]. owners, through a rational beginning It should be noted that in the mod- in the desire for additional profit. ern era, with its tendency to move to I. Kalinauskas noted in his writings totalitarianism, traditional mass media that “the irrationals respond to single prevailed, that appealed to a rational events, and the rationals only to fre- beginning. They reflected the logical quent ones. Thus, a single event catch- orientation of the modern era, the lack es the eye of the irrational and is highly of emotionality in its composition. likely to trigger action. For the ratio- In the modern age, in which the nal only regular repetition is accepted social psychology is actively develop- as sufficient for decision making” [8]. ing, the great bias of the media makes On this basis, we can say that, in order an impact on the less critical subcon- to root traditions repetition is of para- scious, affecting the feelings and emo- mount importance. C. Jung himself tions, highlighting the “picture” that wrote that “the human mind is nothing constructs the reality. more than an expression of adaptation A characteristic manifestation of to the average level of events that take this process is the new interactive digi- place, axes in the form of complexes of tal media, which allow you to actively ideas, little by little organized and con- participate and engage in the process, stituting objective values” [9]. and in this active interaction is bet- In this way, traditions are rooted ter to study the recipient, and then in the broad social circles through the more accurately and effectively in- rational beginning in people. Postmod- fluence him. This, in turn, is actively ernism implies the rejection of totality used to promote and sell goods, such and uniformity, the emergence of new as through targeted advertising, and values, motives and incentives that are in the individual orientation of the po- oriented toward culture, rather than litical agitation (the infamous scandal

93 with Cambridge Analitica and Face- tion]. Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo Solomii book related to the theft of personal Pavlychko Osnovy [in Ukrainian]. data of the voters and use them to ma- 5. Chernozubenko, P. Marketingovyy nipulate the voters) [12]. Thus, we see slovar. Marketing [Marketing Dic- an example of the effectiveness of these tionary. Marketing]. www.marketch. ru. Retrieved from http://www.mar- technologies in the form of an unex- pected victory in the presidential race media [in Russian]. in the United States, the country of the 6. Moles, A. (2008). Sotsiodinamika kul- leader of these technologies, in 2016. tury [Sociodynamics of culture]. Mos- Conclusions and prospects for fur- cow: Izd-vo LKI [in Russian]. ther research. From all of the above, 7. Heller, А., Feher, F. (1988). The Post- we can conclude that in the modern modern Political Condition. Cam- era of the penetration of new traditions bridge: Columbia University Press [in will increase, along with the penetra- English]. tion and acquisition of a large mass of 8. Kalinauskas, I. (2013). Reabilitatsiya dushi. Prikosnovenie k drugoy zhizni new digital communication tools and [Rehabilitation of the soul. Touching technologies of influence. Namely, the another life]. Moscow: Vektor [in Rus- rational beginning in people will lead sian]. to the rooting of these traditions in the 9. Jung, C. G. (2007). Struktura psikh- broad social circles. Those who own iki i arkhetipy [The structure of the and develop new technologies will be psyche and archetypes]. Moscow: Ak- leaders in disseminating and defining ademicheskiy proekt [in Russian]. the development directions. The rapid 10. Inozemtsev, V. L. (2010). Postmodern. pace of technology upgrading and de- Nova filosofska entsyklopediia [Post- velopment, including in the field of modern. New philosophical encyclo- pedia]. (Vol. 3). (pp. 296–298). Kyiv: media, requires a deeper study of their Dumka [in Ukrainian]. impact on the individual. 11. Akker, R., Vermeulen, T. (2010). Notes on . Journal of Aes- thetics, 2, 2-7 [in English]. REFERENCES 12. Facebook and Cambridge Analytica 1. Gritsanov, A. A. (2007). Noveyshiy fi- scandal. What do we know? (March losofskiy slovar. Postmodernizm [The 21, 2018). Retrieved latest philosophical dictionary. Post- from modernism]. Minsk: Sovremennyy lit- features-43475612 [in Russian]. erator [in Russian]. 2. Jung, C. G. (1995). Psikhologicheskie СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНИХ tipy [Psychological types]. Moscow: ДЖЕРЕЛ Progress-Univers [in Russian]. 3. Jung, C. G. (1934). Peredmova do Ar- 1. Грицанов А. А. Новейший философ- hentynskoho vydannia “Psykholhich- ский словарь. Постмодернизм: науч. nykh typiv” [Preface to the Argentin- слов. Минск : Современный литера- ean edition of Psychological Types]. тор, 2007. 816 с. Zurich: Kosnacht [in Ukrainian]. 2. Юнг К.-Г. Психологические типы: 4. Baudrillard, J. (2004). Symuliakry i учеб. пособ. Москва : Прогресс- symuliatsiia [Simulacra and simula- Универс, 1995. C. 19–25.

94 3. Юнг К. Г. Передмова до Аргентин- 8. Калинаускас И. Реабилитация ського видання “Психолгічних ти- души. Прикосновение к другой пів”: наук. посіб. Цюріх: Коснахт, жизни : учеб. пособ. Москва : Век- 1934. 150 с. тор, 2013. 700 с. 4. Бодрійяр Ж. Симулякри і симуля- 9. Юнг. К. Г. Структура психики и ар- ція. : наук.посіб. Київ : Видавницт- хетипы: учеб. пособ. Москва : Ака- во Соломії Павличко Основи, 2004. демический проект, 2007. С. 70. 247 с. 10. Іноземцев В. Л. Постмодерн. Нова 5. Чернозубенко П. Маркетинговый філософська енциклопедія. Т. 3: навч. словарь Маркетинг: веб-сайт. [Елек- посіб. Київ : Наукова думка, 2010. троний ресурс]: http://www. marketch. С. 296–298. ru/marketing_dictionary/m/media 11. Akker R. & Vermeulen T. (2010). (дата звернення 02.11.2019р.). Notes on Metamodernism. Journal of 6. Моль А. Социодинамика культуры: Aesthetics. V. 2. P. 2–7. пер. с фр. Москва : Изд-во ЛКИ, 12. Скандал с Facebook и Cambridge Ana­ 2008. 416 с. lytica. Что мы знаем? BBC: веб-сайт. 7. Heller А., Feher F. (1988). The Post- [Електронний ресурс] : https://www. modern Political Condition. Cam- bridg : Columbia University Press. (дата звернення 01.11.2019 р.).

95 UDC: 316.772.4 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-96-106 Ievdokymova Valentyna Vоlоdymyrivna, сandidate of sociological sciences, Associat- ed Professor, Open international university of human development “Ukraine”, 03115, Кyiv, Str. Lvivska, 23, tel.: +38 (050) 440 72 24, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID 0000-0002-0468-613X Євдокимова Валентина Володимирівна, кандидат соціологічних наук, доцент кафедри соціальної роботи та педаго- гіки Інституту соціальних технологій Відкритого міжнародного університету розвитку людини “Україна”, 03115, м. Ки- їв, вул. Львівська, 23, тел.: +38 (050) 440 72 24, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID 0000-0002-0468-613X Евдокимова Валентина Владимировна, кандидат социологических наук, доцент кафедры социальной работы и педагогики Института социальных технологий Открытого международного университета развития человека “Украина”, 03115, г. Киев, ул. Львовская, 23, тел.: +38 (050) 440 72 24, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID 0000-0002-0468-613X


Abstract. The article deals with the basic approaches to the appointment and payment of targeted social assistance in Ukraine. Attention is drawn to the fact that, despite the improvement of targeted social assistance, the effectiveness of their payment remains a problem. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to attempt to improve the principle of social justice in providing targeted social assistance in terms of moral and ethical approaches. Attention is drawn to the principles of practical implementation of targeting, which guides the Ukrainian state in providing social assistance. From a sociological point of view, the disadvantages and advantages of imple- menting the first targeted social program in Ukraine, namely, the implementation of a subsidy program for housing and communal services, which began to ope­ rate since 1995, have been examined. It is emphasized that in Ukraine there are

96 already cases of return of social payments to the budget for the unfair nature of their receipt. Ukrainian scientists, O. S. Bukhtiyarov, O. I. Danylyuk, S. M. Didyk, E. M. Libanova, O. M. Makarova and others are unanimous in that the system of the social payments and benefits in Ukraine needs to be improved in order to achieve social efficiency of the society. The ambiguity is only in how to achieve this improvement. This paper attempts to improve the principle of social justice in providing tar- geted social assistance in terms of moral and ethical approaches. Positive exam- ples of moral, ethical and cultural approaches to self-determination in addressing targeted social assistance have been considered. It is concluded that it is necessary to apply a moral and ethical approach to the citizens who claim to receive targeted social benefits, in particular, at the re- quest of law enforcement agencies. If social behaviour does not meet generally ac- cepted standards of behaviour, it is proposed to replace targeted social assistance with unattractive work for educational purposes, to comply with the principle of social justice and to provide livelihoods. Keywords: targeted social payments, improvements, practical implementa- tion, successful socialization, moral and ethical principles. АРХЕТИПИ ПРИНЦИПІВ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ СПРАВЕДЛИВОСТІ НА ПРИКЛАДІ УДОСКОНАЛЕННЯ АДРЕСНОСТІ СОЦІАЛЬНИХ ВИПЛАТ Анотація. Розглянуто основні підходи до призначення та виплати адрес- ної соціальної допомоги в Україні. Звернено увагу на те, що незважаючи на удосконалення надання адресної соціальної допомоги, ефективність їх виплати залишається проблемою. Розглянуто принцип удосконалення соціальної справедливості при наданні адресної соціальної допомоги з точки зору морально-етичних підходів. Особливої уваги надано принципу практичного впровадження адресно- сті, якими керується українська держава при наданні соціальної допомоги. Визначено з соціологічної точки зору недоліки і переваги впровадження першої адресної соціальної програми в Україні, а саме, впровадження про- грами надання субсидій на житлово-комунальні послуги, яка почала діяти з 1995 р. Окреслено, що в Україні вже існують випадки повернення соціальних ви- плат у бюджет за недобросовісний характер їх отримання. Українські науковці, О. С. Бухтіяров, О. І. Данилюк, С. М. Дідик, Е. М. Лі- банова, О. М. Макарова та ін. Наведено одностайну думку науковців, що си- стему соціальних виплат і допомог в Україні потрібно удосконалювати задля досягнення соціальної ефективності суспільства. Неодностайність лише в тому, яким чином досягати цього удосконален- ня.

97 Розглянуто позитивні приклади морально-етичних та культурних підхо- дів самовизначення щодо оформлення адресної соціальної допомоги. Обґрунтовано необхідність застосування морально-етичного підходу до громадян, які претендують на отримання адресних соціальних допомог, зо- крема, за запитом до правоохоронних органів. Якщо соціальна поведінка не відповідає загальноприйнятим стандартам поведінки, пропонується заміни- ти адресну соціальну допомогу непривабливими для суспільства роботами з виховною метою, метою дотримання принципу соціальної справедливості і надання засобів до існування. Ключові слова: адресні соціальні виплати, удосконалення, практичне впровадження, успішна соціалізація, морально-етичні принципи.

АРХЕТИПЫ ПРИНЦИПОВ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ СПРАВЕДЛИВОСТИ НА ПРИМЕРЕ СОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЯ АДРЕСНОСТИ СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ ВЫПЛАТ Аннотация. Рассмотрены основные подходы к назначению и выплате адресной социальной помощи в Украине. Обращено внимание на то, что несмотря на совершенствование оказания адресной социальной помощи, эффективность их выплаты остается пробле- мой. Рассмотрен принципа усовершенствования социальной справедливости при предоставлении адресной социальной помощи с точки зрения мораль- но-этических подходов. Особое внимание обращено на принципы практического внедрения адресности, которыми руководствуется украинское государство при предо- ставлении социальной помощи. Определены, с социологической точки зрения, недостатки и преимуще- ства внедрения первой адресной социальной программы в Украине, в част- ности, внедрение программы предоставления субсидий на жилищно-комму- нальные услуги, которая начала действовать с 1995 г. Очерчено, что в Украине уже существуют случаи возвращения социаль- ных выплат в бюджет за недобросовестный характер их получения. Высказано единодушное мнение украинских ученых, что систему соци- альных выплат и пособий в Украине нужно совершенствовать для достиже- ния социальной эффективности общества. Неоднозначность только в том, каким образом достигать этого усовер- шенствования. Сделана попытка усовершенствования принципа социальной справед- ливости при предоставлении адресной социальной помощи с точки зрения морально-этических подходов. Рассмотрены положительные примеры морально-этических и культур- ных подходов самоопределения по оформлению адресной социальной по- мощи.

98 Обоснована необходимость применения морально-этического подхода к гражданам, претендующим на получение адресных социальных пособий, в частности, по запросу в правоохранительные органы. Если социальное пове- дение не соответствует общепринятым стандартам, предлагается заменить адресную социальную помощь непривлекательными для общества работами с воспитательной целью, целью соблюдения принципа социальной справед- ливости и предоставления средств к существованию. Ключевые слова: адресные социальные выплаты, совершенствование, практическое внедрение, успешная социализация, морально-этические принципы. Formulation of the problem. The archetypes of the principles of social justice in each country were shaped both by summarizing their own experience and gen- eralizing the positive experiences of other countries. Each country goes through a

long period of formation, becoming and One of the first targeted social pro- development of the social relations. grams in Ukraine was the implementa- Since Independence discussions on tion of a housing and communal servic- transition to targeted social assistance es subsidy program that began in 1995. have been ongoing in the Ukrainian so- A sociological analysis of the quality ciety. of the provision of this service several Despite improvements in targeted years after its introduction has revealed social assistance, the effectiveness of the shortcomings in the Ukrainian ver- their payment remains a problem. sion of receiving it and now there is a Analysis of the recent research and more sophisticated mechanism for re- publications. The Ukrainian scientists ceiving this social assistance, which is such as: E. Libanova, O. Makarov and already more likely to be provided to others consider the fundamental prin- those who need it [2]. ciples of the social policy implementa- The need for improvement of the tion in Ukraine; E. Afonin, V. Bodrov, targeted social assistance mechanism V. Knyazev, S. Popov, Y. Surmin, S. is emphasized by the German experts, Seryohin also systematically consider taking into account their own experi- other components of the state and pub- ence: “With limited budgetary means, it lic administration. is vital that poverty-targeted funds are The practical implementation of not mistaken for poor households, and the principle of targeting in the provi- targeted… [3]” to those who need it. sion of social assistance, in particular, Also, in Ukraine there are already was emphasized by the leadership of cases of return of the social payments the Ministry of Social Policy during to the budget for unfair nature of their the participation in the International receipt by so-called “single mothers” Conference “Universal payments and who are actually married or families payments to families with children” on who have received child care and do February 8, 2019 [1]. not care for her properly and so on.

99 And this underscores the need for a inalienable rights, about the balanced moral and ethical approach to the tar- harmonization of the needs and inter- geted social assistance. ests of the individual, society and hu- A review of the scientific litera- manity” [4]. ture on the subject indicated that the The first step in achieving the prin- authors Bukhtiyarov O. S., Danyly- ciple of social justice in the Ukrainian uk O. I., Didik S. M., Libanova S. M., society was the transition from the cat- Makarova O. M. and others are unani- egorical principle of social assistance to mous in that the system of the social the targeted one. payments and benefits in Ukraine The next step was to eliminate the needs to be improved in order to risks of non-coverage — exclusion achieve social efficiency of the society. and leakage errors — inclusion errors, Formulation of the purposes. How- which made targeting more effective. ever, in the society there is ambiguity At present, there is a need to take in how to achieve improvements in the moral and ethical approaches into ac- system of social benefits and assistance. count when providing targeted social Therefore, the purpose of the article is assistance. to attempt to improve the principle of Since the society is a special and social justice in providing targeted so- extremely complex type of organiza- cial assistance in terms of moral and tion of the social life, the constituent ethical approaches. societies include social institutions Presentation of the main material. and social communities, stable social It is well known that the principle of interactions. The mechanisms of self- social justice is relevant to any coun- regulation of the social system make try and this issue cannot be resolved it possible to maintain its integrity, to once and for all, as social conditions streamline social relations between the and social opportunities are constantly social institutions and social communi- changing. Successful countries are ge­ ties, to reproduce social interactions. nerally countries that have found a fair An important component of the de- balance in implementing the principle velopment of the society is a qualita- of social justice. tive change in the structure of the so- The modern dictionary of ethics ciety, which includes changing the way gives the following definition of jus- of thinking of both individuals and the tice: “Justice — the general correlation people as a whole. of values, benefits among themselves This opinion is shared, in particular, and the concrete distribution of them by the well-known Ukrainian scientists among the individuals, the proper or- Bakumenko V. D., Mykhnenko A. M.: der of human coexistence, which cor- The development of the society “usual- responds to the concept of the essence ly means only those changes that are in of man and his inalienable rights… Tra- the interests of the majority, contribute ditionally, justice is regarded as the or- to improving the quality of life of the der of coexistence of people, which is people and enable them to look more consistent with humanistic ideas about confidently into the future. The overall the nature and essence of man and his mechanism of the social development is

100 the emergence of new needs in different hood may be the targeted social assis- spheres of the public life and the search tance [7]. for opportunities to meet them. New It should be remembered that the needs are constantly arising as a result society and its constituents are a social of the production and other productive system, serving as systemic integrity. activities of the people, and therefore The problems of the social systems associated with the search and inven- and their nature have been studied by tion of new means of work, communica- such prominent scientists as P. Bour- tion, organization of the social life, ex- dieu, E. Giddens, R. Merton, T. Par- panding and deepening the volume of sons, Y. Surmin, and others. the scientific knowledge, complications The Encyclopedic Dictionary of the of forms and mechanisms of human be- Public Administration gives this defi- ings… governance on the basis of demo- nition. The social system: “…is a com- cratic public relations provides the best plex organized, orderly whole made up results in improving the society and ac- of individuals, social communities and celerating its development” [5]. institutions, united by diverse bonds Both Ukrainian researchers, and relationships and of a social nature. S. V. Kudlaenko, and community ini- People who act as social actors play a tiatives, the project “Reforming the major role in such systems. A social system of benefits and privileges in system is formed through a common Ukraine — approximation to European purpose, understanding of the com- standards”, among the factors that im- ponents of this system of its tasks and pede the implementation of targeting functions. Significant role in this sys- programs are misunderstandings of the tem is played by direct and feedback interest groups, including poor people connections, the principle of hierarchy, targeted assistance benefits are per- socio-cultural standards, patterns of ceived as deprivation of benefits. behaviour and more. The social system The order of the Ministry of Health is characterized by a high capacity for of Ukraine approved the forms of an self-organization, active activity and individual program of rehabilitation adaptability. The nature of the social of a disabled person, a disabled child system is due to such factors as the type and the Procedure for their prepara- of civilization, the level of economic, tion [6]. political, social and spiritual-cultural However, social workers are aware development, the manifestation of the of a situation where families with a dis- human activity. The social system — a abled child or a disabled person are not kind of complex systems that have the interested in carrying out an individual following characteristics: polystruc- rehabilitation program because in the tural, multi-functional, multi-variate case of partial or complete recovery of development, that is, they are funda- the limitation of life, social and living mentally multiple, multi-alternative, status, resumption of employment, the characterized by many states; inde- social benefits are reduced. terminacy, stochasticity and self-suffi- There are also examples of criminal ciency; the presence of purpose-setting behaviour by the persons whose liveli- mechanisms, whereby goals, programs,

101 directions of movement are formed; The social security of the society is a flexibility, adaptability, resilience, abil- vital condition for both the individual ity to survive, preserve their identity… and the entire society. The social secu- they are organic systems capable of re- rity of the society is characterized by storing elements, structures, functions; a balanced system of social conditions are characterized by self-development, of the human activity, protection from self-regulation, self-management, self- the influence of the social risks. organization…”. Scholars identify the following ar- In this approach the process of so- eas of the social policy aimed at shap- cialization as a process of becoming ing the social security in the society: a person and gradually assimilating • creating conditions for increas- the requirements of the society, social ing the socio-economic activity of the norms and values, inclusion in the sys- population; tem of the social ties and social rela- • application of the modern motiva- tions necessary for life in a certain so- tional and stimulating mechanisms of ciety becomes crucial. high-performance work; It is known that D. Smelser identi- • ensuring a decent standard of liv- fies three factors necessary for the suc- ing for everyone based on a sound and cessful socialization of the individual: active income policy; • expectations; • introduction of a flexible, dynam- • behaviour change; ic system of remuneration; • desire to meet these expectations. • formation of a dynamic, flexible Therefore, mastering the best ex- system of social protection; amples of the social experience ac- • development and implementation quires a level of personal attitudes and of a new model of social insurance; orientations. • reforming the pension system; For each person the process of so- • reforming the social assistance cialization is very individual and oc- system, strengthening its targeting; curs at all the stages of life, during • improving the social services sys- which the person integrates into the tem; society, acquires a personality trait, as- • providing social support for fami- similates and uses the acquired values lies, women, children, youth; of the culture and behaviour. • creation of conditions for the de- The state is involved in the socia­ velopment of philanthropy, charitable lization of the individual at the institu- activity; tional level. The society also establishes • deep structural reform of the pub- rules and requirements that are integral lic housing policy; to the socialization of the individual. • reforming the public health sys- With the successful coordination of all tem; the efforts, the process of socialization • protection of the citizens as con- of the individual is successful. sumers of services. The successful socialization of each As social policy includes a set of individual ensures the social security measures and is carried out in various of the whole society. directions of development of the social

102 sphere in order to achieve the general purpose of meeting the social needs, welfare and provide social protection balancing the social interests of man, to all without exception to the popula- social groups of the society, achieving tion. social goals, solving social problems, The main functions of the state in forming social values. conducting social policy are: In a broad sense, the social policy is • social rehabilitation of the popu- a system of institutional and supra-in- lation, the content of which is to create stitutional, state and public, social and conditions for a normal life of a person, personal, individual ways and forms of meet his needs in such spheres of the activity aimed at creating conditions public life as work, consumption, fam- for comprehensive self-realization of a ily relations, health care, education, person’s social potential, its essential etc.; capacities, write Skuratovsky V. A., • regulatory, which is the state’s at- Mykhnenko A. M., Makarenko E. M. tempt to stimulate the active activity Current trends in strengthening the of the individual, social groups through social ties and social partnerships with legal, economic, moral levers, as a re- representatives of developed countries sult of which people become capable of of the world give an idea of the inter- self-organization and self-defense; connection of all the sections of the so- • social-protective, which is as- ciety in these countries, in particular in sociated with social guarantees of the matters of social protection. state, ensuring the social rights of the The citizens of the developed world citizens in the event of a decrease in show us other patterns of behaviour. the material standard of living, loss of In successful countries of the world employment, working capacity, aging, to seek social assistance is considered other situations that accompany a per- humiliating and targeted social assis- son from birth to death; tance is usually prescribed after ex- • stabilization-adaptive, accord- hausting all the possible options for ing to which the state must comply self-seeking solutions to their finan- with the principle of the social justice, cial problems. take into account the reaction of the It is this principle that is the moral population, public opinion, maintain and ethical basis for targeted social as- its authority among the population, sistance in developed countries. influence the formation of the social In this context, the archetype of the consciousness, coordinate interests, principle of social justice is the example and regulate conflicts in the society by of one of the founders of the German legal means, ensuring its well-estab- economic miracle, Ludwig Ehrhardt lished development. (1897–1977), who, from his childhood, Therefore, the social policy is a sys- had been mutilated after a serious ill- tem of administrative, regulatory, self- ness. He was injured during the First regulatory ways and forms of activity World War, which led to a deteriora- of the subjects, a set of principles, de- tion of his physical condition and rec- cisions, actions embodied in the social ognition of Ludwig Ehrhardt as unfit programs and social practice with the for physical labour.

103 Unable to engage in business, Lud- In Ukraine, when determining a wig Ehrhardt successfully mastered the person’s right to receive certain target- theoretical foundations of the economy ed social assistance, the moral and ethi- and created the conditions for improv- cal principle of providing it is not taken ing his economic situation throughout into account. All the citizens who are Germany [8]. formally entitled to receive such assis- In developed countries the moral tance receive it. and ethical principle of receiving social Conclusions and prospects for benefits based on self-esteem applies. further research. From the above it This principle operates at the level can be concluded that it would be of self-awareness. A person who is en- necessary to apply a moral and ethical titled to benefits, social benefits, some- approach to all the citizens applying times does not knowingly make these for social benefits, including targeted payments, believing that this limits ones, and when designing such as- his/her ambitions for certain roles in sistance, pay attention to the moral, the society. ethical and cultural component of the This is evidenced by the speeches of applicant for social assistance in or- the European colleagues at the interna- der to restore the principle the social tional conferences. In particular, scien- justice of its provision. In particular, tists from Latvia at the annual confer- on request to law enforcement agen- ences held at the University of Ukraine. cies. If social beha­viour does not meet Similarly, in Ukraine, people with generally accepted standards of be- personal experience of living and work- haviour, it is proposed to replace the ing in developed countries of the world, targeted social assistance with unat- quite often, the above-mentioned ques- tractive educational work, to comply tions of receiving and not receiving with the principle of social justice targeted social benefits are solved on and to provide livelihoods. the basis of self-esteem. Further discussion of the above is- According to the current legislation sues may be a prospect of scientific re- of Ukraine, the title of Hero of Ukraine search. gives the right to receive public utili- ties free of charge without payment for housing and communal services. How- REFERENCES ever, reports from the Labour and So- cial Welfare Offices in the city of Kyiv 1. Kerivnytstvo Minsotspolityky vzialo show that there are cases of self-critical uchast' u Mizhnarodnij konferent- approach to the above issues and the sii “Universal'ni hroshovi vyplaty ta vyplaty sim'iam z dit'my” 8 liutoho right to receive public utilities free of 2019 [The leadership of the Ministry charge, without payment for housing of Social Policy participated in the and communal services, is not enjoyed International Conference "Univer- by all who have the right. sal cash payments and payments to It should be emphasized that the families with children" on February above behaviour in developed coun- 8, 2019] (n.d.). Re- tries is a normal standard of living. trieved from

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106 UDC: 323.232:159.922.27:35 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-107-120 Karpa Marta Ivanovna, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Business Administration of the Institute for Postgraduate Education and Pre-University Training of the Higher Educational Institution “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”, Ivano- Frankivsk, 76000, Str. Shevchenka, 57, Iva- no-Frankivsk Region, tel.: +38 (067) 67 05 777, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8141-4894 Карпа Марта Іванівна, доктор наук з державного управління, до- цент кафедри управління та бізнес-ад- міністрування Інституту післядиплом- ної освіти та довузівської підготовки ДВНЗ “Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника”, Івано-Франківськ, 76000, вул. Шевченка, 57, тел.: +38 067 67 05 777, е-mail: marta. [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8141-4894 Карпа Марта Ивановна, доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры управления и биз- нес-администрирования Института последипломного образования и довузовской подготовки ГВУЗ “Прикарпатский национальный университет имени Василия Сте- фаника”, Ивано-Франковск, 76000, ул. Шевченка, 57, тел.: +38 (067) 67 05 777, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8141-4894


Abstract. The article reveals the archetypal principles of the mass politi- cal consciousness. The mass political consciousness is defined as the subjective reflection of the mass subject of political-administrative relations, public-admin- istrative activity and all related phenomena. It has been established that this is a type of mass consciousness that is formed under the influence of both the events of

107 the political and the administrative environment. Public administration through the tools of government and local government influences the formation of the political consciousness of the population in terms of political memory, culture, thought and sentiments. The paper identifies the shaping elements of the mass political consciousness and analyzes the factors influencing its development. In particular, the following main components of the mass political consciousness at the formative level are analyzed: political knowledge of the society; political per- ception; political evaluation; political readiness. The formative processes of the archetypal foundations of the mass political consciousness occur in the spheres of information, administrative and psychological support of the public adminis- tration. The characteristics of the archetypal foundations of the mass political consciousness are characterized. The archetypal principles of the mass political consciousness are formed by its main elements: political conscious, which takes the form of political programs, theories of the political system, concepts of the political parties, directions of development of the society, etc.; the political un- conscious, manifested in the needs, intuitions, desires of the masses; political sub- conscious. The paper describes the public-administrative aspect in terms of the possible influences on the formation of the mass political consciousness from the standpoint of the division of the formative processes into two phases: passive, that involves the formation of the political memory, political culture, and attuned to the internal mass needs and ideas; active, that involves the development of the evaluative ideas in the mass consciousness, their perception and the political readiness of the mass subject. Keywords: archetype, mass political consciousness, public administration. АРХЕТИПНІ ЗАСАДИ МАСОВОЇ ПОЛІТИЧНОЇ СВІДОМОСТІ: ПУБЛІЧНО-УПРАВЛІНСЬКИЙ АСПЕКТ Анотація. Розкрито архетипні засади масової політичної свідомості. Масову політичну свідомість визначено як суб’єктивне відображення ма- совим суб’єктом політико-управлінських відносин, публічно-управлін- ської діяльності та всіх пов’язаних із ними явищ. З’ясовано, що це один з видів масової свідомості, що формується під впливом як подій політично- го, так і управлінського середовищ. Публічне управління через інструмен- ти державного управління та місцевого самоврядування здійснює вплив на формування політичної свідомості населення у частині формування по- літичної пам’яті, культури, думки та настроїв. Виявлено формотворчі еле- менти масової політичної свідомості та проаналізовано фактори впливу на її розвиток. Зокрема проаналізовані основні складові масової політичної свідомості на формотворчому рівні: політичні знання суспільства; полі- тичне сприйняття; політична оцінка; політична готовність. Формотворчі процеси архетипних засад масової політичної свідомості відбуваються у сферах інформаційного, адміністративного та психологічного забезпечен- ня здійснення публічного управління. Схарактеризовано особливості ар- хетипних засад масової політичної свідомості. Архетипні засади масової

108 політичної свідомості сформовані основними її елементами: політичне свідоме, що набуває форми політичних програм, теорій політичної сис- теми, концепцій політичних партій, напрямів розвитку суспільства та ін.; політичне несвідоме, що виявляється у потребах, інтуїції, бажаннях мас; політичне підсвідоме. Розкрито публічно-управлінський аспект у частині здійснення можливих впливів на формування масової політичної свідо- мості з позиції поділу формотворчих процесів на дві фази: пасивну, яка передбачає формування політичної пам’яті, політичної культури та налаш- тована на внутрішньо масові потреби й уявлення; активну, яка передбачає розвиток оціночних уявлень у масовій свідомості, їх сприйняття та форму- вання політичної готовності масового суб’єкта. Ключові слова: архетип, масова політична свідомість, публічне управ- ління. АРХЕТИПНЫЕ ОСНОВЫ МАССОВОГО ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОГО СОЗНАНИЯ: ПУБЛИЧНО-УПРАВЛЕНЧЕСКИЙ АСПЕКТ Аннотация. Раскрыты архетипные основы массового политического сознания. Массовое политическое сознания определено как субъективное отражение массовым субъектом политико-управленческих отношений, пу- блично-управленческой деятельности и всех связанных с ними явлений. Определено, что это один из видов массового сознания, который формиру- ется под влиянием как событий политического, так и управленческого ха- рактера. Публичное управление с помощью инструментов государственного управления и местного самоуправления оказывает влияние на формирова- ние политического сознания в сфере формирования политической памяти, культуры, мысли и намерений. Выявлены формообразующие элементы мас- сового политического сознания и осуществлен анализ факторов влияния на их развитие. В частности, проанализированы следующие основные состав- ляющие массового политического сознания на формообразующем уровне: политические знания общества; политическое восприятие; политическая оценка; политическая готовность. Формообразующие процессы архетипных основ массового политического сознания происходят в сферах информаци- онного, административного и психологического обеспечения осуществле- ния публичного управления. Охарактеризованы особенности архетипных принципов массового политического сознания. Архетипные основы мас- сового политического сознания сформированы основными его элемента- ми: политическое сознательное, которое принимает форму политических програм, теорий политической системы, концепций политических партий, направлений развития общества и др..; политическое бессознательное, ко- торое проявляется в потребностях, интуиции, желаниях масс; политическое подсознательное. Раскрыт публично-управленческий аспект в части воз- можных воздействий на формирование массового политического сознания с позиции разделения формообразующих процессов на две фазы: пассивную, которая предусматривает формирование политической памяти, политиче-

109 ской культуры и настроена на внутренне массовые потребности и представ- ления; активную, которая предусматривает развитие оценочных представ- лений в массовом сознании, их восприятие и формирование политической готовности массового субъекта. Ключевые слова: архетип, массовое политическое сознание, публичное управления.

Formulation of the problem. The and the society in most administration general scientific problem remains the concepts are related to such factors theoretical and methodological bases as: the effectiveness of government- for studying the influences on the mass administrative structures in managing political consciousness, their system- the social development (D. Easton, atization, the definition of the public- R. Merton, concepts of behaviorist di- administrative relations as formative rection and schools of conflictology in in the systems of influence. They need the political science), availability of to study the practice of the formative the support for certain political pro- influences on the mass political con- cesses by the citizens, their perceptions sciousness in the public administra- and evaluation of the activities of the tion, in particular through the tools political institutions and their political of the public administration and local decisions (G. Almond, K. Levenstein, self-government. The archetypal foun- K. Deutsch). In the scientific commu- dations of the mass political conscious- nity it is believed that those layers of ness are formed in a dynamic relation- the psyche — the mass, the group, the ship with the administrative influences, individual, involved in the implemen- including state, public, political, pub- tation of the political processes can be lic-administrative. Therefore, the iden- described as political psychic, or politi- tification of such influences, the study cal consciousness or political psyche, of their nature, peculiarities will allow or socio-political psyche. Identifying to form such a paradigm of the public and studying the features of certain administration, which would basically components of the political psyche en- be optimized to take into account the hances the interaction of elements of public demand for administrative in- the public administration and society. fluence, in particular in matters of The psyche layers of the mass political forming the public opinion, position, consciousness that emerge in the de- and political sentiments. velopment of the political processes Analysis of the recent publica- in the society are perceived and evalu- tions on the issue and identification ated by the society, are the subject of of the previously unresolved parts research of the political psychology of the common problem. The main for the most part. The authorities and public-administrative aspects in the other institutions are capable of chang- interaction between the government ing the human psyche, forming politi-

110 cal values, influencing interaction with • to reveal the public-administra- other people, etc. The people who exer- tive aspect in terms of the possible in- cise power and subordinate to the au- fluences on the formation of the mass thorities display the psyche qualities, political consciousness. properties only of the politics area [1, Outline of the main research mate- p. 28]. The relations between the public rial. The problem of the administration administration and the society require of the mass political consciousness is a systematic approach, taking into ac- aimed at creating favourable conditions count many factors of the development for avoiding confrontational senti- of the administration paradigm, which ments in the society, political conflicts, is partially revealed by the modern for reconciling the political interests of scholars [2; 3; 4]. For the most part, the the participants of the political activity researchers identify specific objects in in the society, for ensuring the stability the sphere of the public administration of the political system. and public relations in terms of shaping The main elements that influence the public opinion, political sentiment, the formation of the mass political political culture, which are included as consciousness and are subject to influ- components in the concept of the mass ences, including administrative, are the political consciousness [5; 6]. following: Thus, questions of identification and • political conscious, which takes study of the archetypal foundations the form of political programs, theories and shaping the processes of the mass of the political system, concepts of the political consciousness, administrative political parties, directions of develop- influences on its properties, develop- ment of the society, etc .; ment, substantive load remain relevant • political unconscious, manifested questions for the scientists and practi- in the needs, intuitions, desires of the tioners in the political-power, public- masses; administrative, social-psychic spheres • political subconscious. of the coexistence of the power and the Political consciousness — in science society. it is accepted to treat the “political con- The purpose of the article. To ana- sciousness” as its main component. This lyze the notion of the mass political is actually a set of conscious forms of re- consciousness in order to identify the flection of the political life of the society main shaping components of it and pos- within the mass consciousness. Political sible influences of the public adminis- unconscious — treating the unconscious tration on the archetypal principles of as a component of the consciousness the mass political consciousness. To do provokes debate among the researchers. this, the article sets the following tasks: It is believed that including the con- • to identify the shaping elements scious and the unconscious in one con- of the mass political consciousness and cept, one should use a different name factors influencing its development; for it — the mass psyche, for example. • to characterize the peculiarities of Alongside this notion there are similar the archetypal foundations of the mass concepts in psychology, such as “social political consciousness; psyche”, “mass psychic”. In the context

111 of this study, the concept of “mass po- An important issue for research to- litical consciousness” is considered to day is the problem of the correlation be a collection of all the conscious, un- of the conscious, unconscious and sub- conscious and subconscious elements. conscious components in the public- The role of the unconscious in the mass administrative aspect. Having formed a consciousness was drawn by C.G. Jung certain relationship, you can study the [7, p. 22]. The political experience of the administrative influences on these ele- mass subject, he interpreted his politi- ments. In order to understand the pub- cal ideas as a set of archetypes — an un- lic-administrative aspect of the forma- conscious reflection of the reality in the tion of the mass political consciousness form of codes, images, symbols. In his as a psychological and political phe- research the scientist focused primarily nomenon, it is necessary to distinguish on the collective unconscious, ancient a specific subject. In the administration images, symbols that retain collective system such a mass subject is the object ideas, desires. He considers the arche- of influence and administration pro- typal symbols basic in the formation cesses of the administration subsystem of mythology, religion, dreams, art and (public-administrative, party, public). literature. In order to create a popular The mass political consciousness is an idea, a theory, a program one should pay integral part of the public conscious- attention to its archetypal basis, the use ness and is connected with other types of which immediately increases the lev- of consciousness. To delineate the place el of perception of the mass subject. The of the mass consciousness, it is neces- political subconscious is often considered sary to form the division of the subjects an integral part of the unconscious. The (carriers) of consciousness at the fol- mass subconscious, according to Jung, lowing levels (Fig. 1): possesses the psychic energy often used The main characteristics of the mass by the charismatic individuals. The subject as a carrier of the mass politi- mass subject is not able to influence his cal consciousness in the context of this subconscious, because only strong indi- study (in terms of influencing the mass viduals can consciously perceive their political consciousness) can be consid- subconscious and subjugate it. The po- ered: litical mass subconscious is shaped by • constant participation of the mass the subject’s political memory, political subject in the political life of the soci- experience, and political stereotypes. ety; “the mass exists until the goal is Considering this influence, allows to reached” [8, p. 331]; trace the dynamics of the subconscious • perception of the political real- activity. ity through certain “filters”: political


Public Mass Group (collective) Individual consciousness consciousness consciousness consciousness

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the subjects of consciousness in the social structure

112 culture, stereotypes (traditions, politi- factors (their presence and weight de- cal values, norms of the political beha­ pend on the type of the structure, pur- viour, norms of perception, etc.); pose of the isolation of such factors, • existence of a common mass po- specific situations, state of the political litical opinion; situation, needs of the participants of • tendency to form mass move- the political processes, etc.). The main ments; factors that influence the formation of • conservatism about changing the the mass political consciousness are the elements of the political culture, politi- following: cal stereotypes; • state of the political experience • tendency to transform the con- and memory of the society; temporary political values and ideas; • public institutions (public, party, • equality of the participants. state institutions, etc.); Researchers mainly consider large • media activities; groups of people, the major part of the • interpersonal communication that population, certain social groups, and promotes awareness at the group level; the society at large as subjects of the • external environment (national mass consciousness. According to the and cultural characteristics, level of author, the set of typical and atypical so- the economic, social, political and oth- cial entities is the subject of the mass po- er development, specific political and litical consciousness, since it is difficult social situations, etc.); to distinguish a group from the mass. As • level of politicization of the soci- a rule, grouping of the citizens is carried ety (the level of inclusion of the indi- out by certain criteria (the same politi- viduals in the political majority of the cal beliefs, similar solutions to certain society, the state of awareness in the problems, etc.). Sociological surveys society of the political reality); and statistics are the main sources for • state of the political culture as such research. However, it should be a carrier of the political norms, stan- borne in mind that most of the real data dards, stereotypes that affect the mass on the political beliefs in the society, political consciousness, at all levels sentiments, political readiness of the (conscious, unconscious, subconscious, population for certain actions can not etc.); be obtained only through the study of • balance of the political interests questionnaires, polls, etc. Consideration of the mass subject and the real possi- should also be given to the conventions bilities of their satisfaction. Here the of division into groups and the existence following factors interact: objective of atypical groups. The social classes are (real reality) and subjective (political considered to be one of the essential car- perceptions of the citizens and political riers of the political consciousness, and evaluations of the reality); their social characteristics shape and in- • political orientations and ideo­ fluence the consciousness of the certain logy, the line of the political behaviour groups in the society. of the leaders of the region. The formation of the mass political Important components of the mass consciousness is influenced by many political consciousness are political

113 settings in a society characterized by a their perception and political readiness willingness to engage in active politi- of the mass subject) (Fig. 2). cal activity (or vice versa — inaction). Let us consider the main stages of The process of formation of such atti- the formation of the mass political con- tudes and the factors influencing them sciousness. Political knowledge, there- go through several stages in the mass fore, is the stage at which the political political consciousness. Therefore, the memory and political experience are the main components of the mass political main shaping elements. Based on polit- consciousness at the formative level ical experience and memory of histori- can be considered: cal origin, and taking into account the 1) political knowledge of the society reflection of the contemporary political (cognitive element of the mass political phenomena in the mass consciousness, consciousness); the process of forming elements of the 2) political perception; political culture is underway. Political 3) political evaluation (rethinking, values, political attitudes, perceptions, juxtaposition with individual, collec- norms of the political behaviour, tra- tive, mass political experience, stereo- ditions and other political institutions types, etc.); should be considered as elements of the 4) political readiness (tendency to political culture. The political values form political thought, perception of occupy the most important place in this the political setting, readiness for cer- list, since their incorporation allows for tain political behaviour). effective change of the mass political The formation of the mass political consciousness in general. A clear defini- consciousness occurs in two phases: tion of the elements will clearly define passive (which implies the formation of the boundary of the political culture. the political memory, political culture After all, there are cases when differ- and is tuned to the internal mass needs ent socio-cultural, economic and other and ideas) and active (which involves components of the culture were attrib- the formation of the evaluative repre- uted to political culture. The formation sentations in the mass consciousness, of the subject elements of the political

Passive phase Active phase Stages of formation Political Political percep- Political Political of the mass political knowledge tion evaluation readiness consciousness: Main components Political Political culture Political Mass political of the mass political memory Political ideas stereotypes opinion consciousness: Political Mass political Mass political experience sentiments movements Political setting Dominant Rational Emotional (irratio- Rational com- Emotional components component nal) component ponent (irrational) component

Figure 2. Components of the formation of the mass political consciousness.

114 culture is the interaction between the political stereotypes are a set of politi- mass subject and the political system, cal ideas that are formed in the mass or individual elements of it. Thus, po- political consciousness on the basis of litical culture is characterized by evo- political experience and memory, po- lutionary development, although it litical expectations. Their main char- is a long enough process, because it is acteristics are resistance to change, associated with the changes in the an- simplification of the political reality, cient stereotypes of the political con- conservatism and others. A feature of sciousness and behaviour. It can be the political stereotypes is the simpli- interpreted as the code political system fication of the process of perception of the society, because political norms, and appreciation of the political real- values, attitudes, norms of the behav- ity in the consciousness. The political iour, symbols, that is, a set of objective stereotypes are formed at the level of and ideal forms accumulate, store and the masses and large groups, influenc- transmit the political experience, form ing the collective and individual mass the political memory. These are kind of political consciousness. Often manipu- results of the human activity­ related to lators use them as an effective target the functioning of public-administra- for manipulative technologies, evaluat- tive influences. ing them as filters through which the In the context of this study, the process of perception passes. The use political culture emerges as one of of repetition of the words and images the important basic components of creates a stereotypical view that lies in the mass political consciousness that the subconscious. Changing the politi- forms certain stereotypes of the po- cal stereotype is a complex, multi-level litical behaviour based on historical process. The formation of the techno- experience and contemporary politi- logical developments should be carried cal change. The political perception is out at such levels as: by the object of closely linked to the political culture. change — mass, group, collective; by The study of the theoretical aspects the functional content — economic, of the administration of the mass con- political, social; by the technological sciousness implies a mandatory con- content — information, psychological, sideration of the cultural factors. The biological, etc.; by the field of activity sciences such as psychology, socio­ of the distributors — political, social, logy, social and political psychology, military, economic, media, etc. anthropology, which cannot consider The administrative influence on the the activities of the people outside the process of the political stereotype for- cultural context, have a significant in- mation is exercised on: fluence on the research. 1) forming intergroup interaction Political stereotypes and mass po- as a prerequisite for the emergence of a litical sentiment have a major forma- political stereotype; tive influence in the political evalua- 2) increasing differences between tion. The political stereotypes can be the elemental formations in mass; interpreted as integral components of 3) citizens’ desire to reduce the dif- the mass political consciousness. The ferences in a particular group, mass;

115 4) producing political installations main basic components of the political through a variety of media; readiness should be considered — po- 5) formation on the basis of political litical thought, political movement and stereotypes of the political advertising, political settings that reflect the popu- programs of political parties, strategies lation’s inclination to certain political of development of the social, political, behaviour. This is the final active stage economic spheres of the state, etc.; in the cycle of formation of the mass 6) limitation of the number of the political consciousness. The limiting political stereotypes, the use of which factors in the formation of the mass provides high efficiency in shaping political opinion are: certain social and the political attitudes in the mass con- political conditions in the society, ac- sciousness. cessibility and reliability of the infor- The effectiveness of the stereotypes mation. The factors that directly or of thinking is clearly manifested in vot- indirectly influence the process of the ing, when most voters are driven not so mass political opinion formation in the much by their interests or other ratio- context of the activity of the public au- nal motives, but by the typical stereo- thorities are: types of the mass consciousness that • political experience and know­ dominate at this stage. Each particular ledge of the mass subject; group has its own specific set of stereo- • availability and completeness of types. the official information; For the most part, the public au- • available information and psycho- thorities disregard the mass political logical environment; sentiments, which are treated as spe- • state of the political culture in the cial mental states in the society, which society; is a transition from emotional states to • level of development of the demo- forming a clear position (mass politi- cratic institutions; cal thought). The authorities, political • level of the economic develop- parties, various public organizations ment; often resort to attempts to change the • development of the social infra- political sentiment in the society, using structure. information measures, various kinds The methods of influencing the of manipulation, spreading myths, etc. mass political consciousness depend on The purpose of such activity is to man- the competence and forms of the acti­ age the mass political sentiment with vity of both the public institutions and the subsequent change of the political the public officials [10]. As the compe- attitudes, consciousness, and, as a con- tence of a state body is a normatively sequence, the management of the mass fixed set of its powers (rights and du- political behaviour. ties) and legal responsibility, the basis Researchers’ attention is largely of forming the boundaries of the sys- driven by the study of the political tem of influence is the power of all the readiness, which synthesizes the pre- branches of the power [11; 12]. The vious stages (knowledge, perception, author’s approach to the content of the evaluation) and is more measured. The powers of specific public authorities

116 and the competent relations with ot­ the process of forming the elements of her bodies is disclosed. The division of the mass political consciousness does the powers plays an important role in not always take into account the scien- the formation and development of the tific recommendations or conclusions theory of competence of the public au- of the scientific research. As a rule, thorities, which forms the competence only superficial theoretical generaliza- boundaries of the activities, including tions are used, which excludes the sys- the exercise of the administrative influ- tematic consideration of many depth ence. processes. The division of the process Necessary element of the operational of formation into phases (active and administration should be the analysis of passive), the separation of its four main the state of the mass political thought stages conceptually determines the through known basic methods such as place and role of each component of the observation, anonymous questioning, mass political consciousness in only sociological research, etc. The main the general administrative process. It is problem that has not yet been resolved also necessary to take into account the in this process is the isolation of the ob- formative influences of certain subjects jective referent. Because often the opin- of the public administration on the ion of the certain groups, formations is mass political consciousness, the level translated into the opinion of the whole of expediency and needs of the admi­ society. Other problems that are often nistrative influences, the properties of encountered in the context of the popu- the individual elements, the effective- lar political opinion are: ness of implementation. • imitation (the individual chooses Conclusions and prospects for fur- this type of evaluation, behaviour that ther research. is consistent with the behaviour of ot­ 1. The processes of the political per- hers); ception, political evaluation, ideas and • absence of a majority of the re- expectations of the society are reflec­ spondents with a specific opinion on a ted in the political consciousness of the particular issue; citizens, individual political groups, • formulation of the questions and and society as a whole. The mass politi- questionnaires, which often subcon- cal consciousness is defined as the sub- sciously implies certain answers (in- jective reflection by the mass subject clines the respondents to a certain of the political relations, the sphere choice); of the political system and all related • element of the ordering questions phenomena. It is one of many types of of the mass political thought study by the mass consciousness that is shaped certain political or social institutions by the events of both the political and (political parties, scientific institu- the administrative environments. The tions, think tanks, social centers, etc.); public administration through the • lack of reliable information on this tools of government and local govern- issue. ment influences the formation of the In the field of the public administra- political consciousness of the popu- tion it is important to bear in mind that lation in terms of political memory,

117 culture, thought and sentiments. The the influences on the main constituents formative processes take place in the of the mass political consciousness; areas of information, administrative regulation of the life processes of the and psychological support for the pub- group communities; formation of the lic administration. political culture, political thought and 2. The archetypal principles of the other components of the mass political mass political consciousness are formed consciousness. by its main elements: political con- The prospects for further research scious, that takes the form of political are in the plane of the relationship be- programs, theories of the political sys- tween the public authority and the so- tem, concepts of the political parties, ciety, the implementation of the public directions of development of the soci- administration in the context of influ- ety, etc.; political unconscious, mani- encing the mass political consciousness fested in the needs, intuitions, desires and its constituents, the formation of of the masses; political subconscious. competencies of the public authorities The peculiarities of the archetypal and public officials in the context of ex- foundations are revealed in the main ercising possible influences on the mass components of the mass political con- political consciousness. sciousness and they are characterized by: political knowledge of the society; political perception; political evalua- REFERENCES tion; political readiness. 1. Yaremenko, A., Yaremenko, I. (2002). 3. The public-administrative aspect Politychni rushennia ta informatsi- is revealed in the part of realization of ini systemy: poshuk mizh systemnoi the possible influences on the forma- vzaiemodii [Political movements and tion of the mass political consciousness information systems: search between from the point of view of division of systemic interactions]. Visnyk Lvivs- the forming processes into two phases: koho universytetu. Seriia: filosofski nauky — Bulletin of the University of passive (which implies the formation of Lviv. Series: Philosophical Sciences, 4, the political memory, political culture 352–358 [in Ukrainian]. and attuned to the internal mass needs 2. Rebkalo, V. A., Afonin, E. A., Shak- and ideas) and active (which provides hov, V. A., et. al. (2010). Systemni the formation of valuations in the mass chynnyky vzaiemodii polityky i up- consciousness, their perception and ravlinnia [Systemic Factors of Policy- formation of the political readiness of Management Interaction: Sciences. the mass subject). This revealed the development]. V. A. Rebkala, V. A. factors that directly or indirectly influ- Shakhova (Eds.). Kyiv: NADU [in ence the process of the formation of the Ukrainian]. 3. Bazhynova, O. A. (2011). Vzaiemodiia mass political consciousness. The pub- orhaniv publichnoi vlady z hromad- lic-administrative aspect in the forma- skistiu yak chynnyk demokratyzatsii tion of the mass political consciousness derzhavnoho upravlinnia [Interaction is disclosed in the part of identifying of public authorities with the public the problems of determining the sub- as a factor of democratization of pub- ject of the formation; identification of lic administration]. Derzhavne budiv-

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120 UDC 316.27:159.9 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-121-131 Kozhemiakina Oksana Mikolaivna, Ph.D., candidate of philosophical sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Phi- losophy and Political Science Cherkassy State Technological University; 18006, Cher- kasy, Bulvar Shevchenka, 460; тел.: +38 (097) 530 37 24; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7196-4857 Кожем’якіна Оксана Миколаївна, кандидат філософських наук, доцент, доцент кафедри філософських і політич- них наук Черкаського державного техно- логічного університету; 18006, Черкаси, б-р Шевченка, 460; тел.: +38 (097) 530 37 24; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7196-4857 Кожемякина Оксана Николаевна, кандидат философских наук, доцент, до- цент кафедры философских и политических наук Черкасского государственного тех- нологического университета; 18006, Черкассы, б-р Шевченко, 460; тел.: +38 (097) 530 37 24; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7196-4857


Abstract. The article will attempt to outline the conceptual field of postmo­ dern interpretation of the correlation between the traditional and the innovative in the archetypal approach to analyzing social interactions. The author accentu- ates the accord of the theoretical foundations of postmodernism, poststructur- alism and deconstructivism, gives an account of the postmodern practices that demonstrate the ability of individuals and communities to live under conditions of instability, chaos and plurality due to various factors, among which interpen- etration of new and archaic forms of sociality can be found. The archetypal na- ture of traditions in the postmodern narrative practice appears clearly evident in interpretive game stories and numerous outlooks on the “perusals” of the arche- typal images, as well as in deconstructing the traditional methods of introducing archetypes in an ironic dialogue with the near and the distant past.

121 Basing on the theory and methodology of postmodernism, this paper discusses the theories of the alternative self-organization forms that tend to replace modern forms of socialization and rely on the distinctions between social and cultural re- alities. While paying attention to the increasing global contexts of globalization, the research critically reviews the phenomenon of neotribalism, as introduced by M. Maffesoli, based on such prominent postmodern values as contextual sym- pathy, community empathy, inclusive diversity, plural tolerance, eclecticism and conventionality. The author argues that neotribalism is a mere reflection of the true spiritual revolution of the modern information society in terms of building a new network sociality based on the free choice of cultural values and promot- ing a culturally “close-knit” lifestyle. Therefore, postmodernism in the aspect of its neoconservative essence is understood as the returning archaism, which is a source of vital energy and organic mobilizing of the collective energy. Neo-tribes, representing existential networks of “live sociality”, illustrate a creative reincar- nation of the tradition, when vital interests, real desires and personal needs are being conveyed by the collective interactivity ousting at the same time the ob- ligatoriness and impersonality of the ritual and the canon. Keywords: tradition, archetype, postmodernism, neotribalism, glocalization, narrative, the past. ТРАДИЦІЯ ТА АРХЕТИП: ТВОРЧІ ОСНОВИ ПОСТМОДЕРНОЇ ІНТЕРПРЕТАЦІЇ Анотація. Проаналізовано концептуальне поле постмодерної інтерпретації співвідношення традиційного та інноваційного в аналізі соціальних взаємодій з позицій архетипового підходу. Наголошуючи на єдності теоретичних основ постмодернізму, постструктуралізму та деконструктивізму, розглядаються постмодерні практики демонстрації спроможності людини та спільнот жити в умовах нестабільності, хаотичності та плюральності, за рахунок, зокрема, вза- ємопроникнення нових та архаїчних форм соціальності. Архетипна природа традицій в наративній постмодерній практиці яскраво виявляється в інтер- претативних сюжетах-іграх та численних перспективах “прочитань” архетип- них образів, деконструкціях традиційних способів представлення архетипів в іронічному діалозі з близьким та далеким минулим. У межах теоретико-методологічних основ постмодернізму досліджуються теорії альтернативних форм самоорганізації, які приходять на зміну модерним формам соціалізації та базуються на розрізненні соціальної і культурної ре- альності. Звертаючи увагу на посилення глокальних контекстів глобалізації, розкрито, запропонований М. Маффесолі феномен неотрайбалізму, що базу- ється на таких виразних постмодерних цінностях, як контекстуальна симпа- тія, общинна емпатія, інклюзивне розмаїття, плюральна толерантність, еклек- тичність та традиційність Стверджується, що неотрайбалізм є відображенням справжньої духовної революції сучасного інформаційного суспільства в ас- пекті формування нової мережевої соціальності на основі вільного вибору культурних цінностей та пропаганди культурно “близького” способу життя.

122 Відтак постмодернізм в аспекті його неоконсервативної суті розуміється як повернення архаїзму, що є джерелом життєвої сили та органічної мобілізації колективної енергії. Неотрайби як екзистенційні мережі “живої соціальності” ілюструють творче перевтілення традиції, коли обов’язковість та знеособле- ність ритуалу і канону заміняється живим інтересом, реальними бажаннями та особистими потребами, що забезпечується колективною інтерактивністю. Ключові слова: традиція, архетип, постмодернізм, неотрайбалізм, глока- лізація, наратив, минуле. ТРАДИЦИЯ И АРХЕТИП: ТВОРЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ ПОСТМОДЕРНОЙ ИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИИ Аннотация. Проанализировано концептуальное поле постмодернист- ской интерпретации соотношения традиционного и инновационного в ана- лизе социальных взаимодействий на основе архетипного подхода. Подчер- кивая единство теоретических основ постмодернизма, постструктурализма и деконструктивизма, рассматриваются постмодерные практики демонстра- ции способности человека и сообществ жить в условиях нестабильности, хаотичности и плюральности, за счет, в частности, взаимопроникновения новых и архаичных форм социальности. Архетипная природа традиций в нарративной постмодерной практике ярко проявляется в интерпретативных сюжетах-играх и многочисленных перспективах “прочтений” архетипных образов, деконструкциях традиционных способов представления архетипов в ироничном диалоге с близким и далеким прошлым. В рамках теоретико-методологических основ постмодернизма исследу- ются теории альтернативных форм самоорганизации, которые приходят на смену модерным формам социализации и базируются на различении социальной и культурной реальности. Обращая внимание на усиление гло- кальных контекстов глобализации, раскрыт предложенный М. Маффесо- ли феномен неотрайбализма, который базируется на таких выразительных постмодерных ценностях, как контекстуальная симпатия, общинная эмпа- тия, инклюзивное разнообразие, плюральная толерантность, эклектичность и традиционность. Утверждается, что неотрайбализм является отражением подлинной духовной революции современного информационного общества в аспекте формирования новой сетевой социальности на основе свободного выбора культурных ценностей и пропаганды культурно “близкого” образа жизни. Поэтому постмодернизм в аспекте его неоконсервативной сущности понимается как возвращение архаизма, являющегося источником жизнен- ной силы и органической мобилизации коллективной энергии. Неотрайбы как экзистенциальные сети “живой социальности” иллюстрируют творче- ское перевоплощение традиции, когда обязательность и обезличенность ри- туала и канона заменяется живым интересом, реальными желаниями и лич- ными потребностями, что обеспечивается коллективной интерактивностью. Ключевые слова: традиция, архетип, постмодернизм, неотрайбализм, глокализация, нарратив, прошлое.

123 Problem statement. The paradox should be noted that the philosophi- of today, which has been conceptualized cal tradition has an established prac- by numerous authors in the contradic- tice of appealing to metaphorical, es- tions of universalism, progressivism, sayistic and mythological means in an individualism, instrumental activism, overall rational discourse, starting in rationalism, and similar approaches, Plato’s dialogues and proceeding into requires developing new principles to the postmodern era, expressing deep organize social existence, taking into sensory ideas through poetic myth and account the numerous systemic crises symbolic images, demonstrating their and escalating threats of a global na- extraordinary persuasive and interpre- ture (environmental, existential, politi- tative ability. cal, etc.). Thus, the need to identify the Analysis of recent research and deep inner sources and factors of the se- publications. A considerable amount mantically configured ideological forms of literature has been published on the of modernity inspires the author to in- problems of interaction between the vestigate the trends and the features traditional and the innovative in the that determine interaction between contexts of globalization and informa- the traditional and the innovative, the tization, among which we would like implicit and the explicit, considering to mention L.W. Beck, I. Wallerstein, the dynamics and consequences of the Z. Bauman, R. Robertson, M. McLuhan, global and glocal changes in the social A. Giddens, K. Lorenz, S. Žižek, K. Hüb- reality of the post-industrial era, as well ner, who investigate contradictory con- as the ambiguity of democratization, texts of global and glocal processes and liberalization, “flowing” identification, report on significant changes in the so- and similar processes. ciality under modern conditions of tech- The distinct vectors of uncertainty, nologization, informatization, econo- vulnerability, instability, insecurity, ir- mization, mediation and so on. regularity and polarization shape new Surveys on the symbolic and com- opportunities, which have been de- municative nature of archetypes, as well scribed in synergistic and postmodern as on the specifics of their manifestation methodology in particular. On the oth- within social and political reality, such er hand, these opportunities provoke as that conducted by K.G. Jung, M. Eli- new challenges and threats by intro- ade, A. Augustinavičiūtė, K. Pearson, ducing issues of identity formation and M. Mark, S. Krymskyi, E. Afonina, preservation, integration, legitimation O. Donchenko and others, distinguish and many more. The dramatic changes, unconscious intuitive experience that we observe in the various spheres structures in the public consciousness, of modern society, are related to the which are inherited from the previous crisis of previous worldviews and their generations of the mankind, and build transition into the realm of postmod- archetypal typologies focusing on the ern culture. Such changes problema- universal nature of archetypes and tize the past in its diverse contexts and their organic adaptability. interpenetrations of the traditional, Discussions and analyses of trans- the symbolic and the contemporary. It formations, that the social reality un-

124 dergoes in postmodern interpretation, of the 20th century, which also expli- emerged in the works of J.-F. Lyotard, cated the need to find new ways of de- R. Barthes, J. Lacan, J. Baudrillard, velopment under the conditions when M. Maffesoli, J. Derrida, G. Deleuze, the so-called super-foundations of the F. Guattari, J. Kristeva, P.-M. Foucault, Modern Age, namely, the ideas of God, U. Eco, F. Jameson, P. Anderson, P. Ko- Progress, Truth, Author, Subject, and slowski and others, who investigate others were being lost. One of the dis- the post-transformational character tinctive features of postmodernism, of culture and attempt to identify the according to J.-F. Lyotard, is this loss ancient semantic constructs of present of confidence in the metanarratives of sociocultural processes, acquire basic the Modern, when the metanarative ontological foundations under condi- mechanism of knowledge legitima- tions of sociocultural uncertainty, fo- tion becomes unnecessary, and classic cusing on confusion, plurality, blurred benchmarks of optimization, efficiency lines between binary oppositions (re- and effectiveness lead to internal logic al / surreal, rational / irrational, elit- of paradox [2, p. 11-12]. Instead, the ist / mass, high / low, subject / object, Postmodern demonstrates the ability center / periphery). of an individual and the community The parameters mentioned above to live under conditions of instabil- are embodied in the concepts of “hyper- ity, when the emancipatory power and reality” and “simulacrum” by J. Baudril- sensitivity to differences emerges, the lard [1], “narrative” by J.-F. Lyotard [2], ability to withstand incommensurabil- “rhizome” by F. Guattari and G. Deleuze ity increases, which reflects the post- [3], “neotribalism” by M. Maffesoli [4], modern worldviews in terms of recog- “pastiche” by F. Jameson [5] and others. nizing variability, ambiguity, plurality, Until recently, there is a general and chaos. lack of research on determining a con- The unique style of hyper-reflec- ceptual link between traditions and ar- tion, which is based on the combina- chetypes in today’s globalized society. tion of the theoretical foundations of This indicates a need to understand in postmodernism, poststructuralism and greater detail new social identification deconstructivism, and focuses on study- practices of the postmodern era. ing the metamorphoses in the present Therefore, the aim of this research and recognizing their historical asso- will be to concretize the conceptual ciations in culture and nature, while field of the postmodern interpretation demonstrating modifications of the concerning the correlation existing be- cultural tradition and manifesting its tween the traditional and the innova- pluralistic nature. The outlined trends tive through employing the archetypal suggest that postmodernism can be approach to analyze social interactions. defined as neoconservatism, which ex- Research results. The postmod- presses a specifically ironic, formally ern condition has emerged in the form parodic (deprived of the sense of hu- of a literary, critical and philosophi- mor), nostalgic, intellectually actable, cal response to the crisis of social and heuristic, sense generating potential civilizational values in the second half through affirmation of multiplicity and

125 instability in creative interpretations thoughts and actions on an individual of the tradition. level, and structures expectations on In general, the tradition is a means the interpersonal level, thus organizing of accumulating, preserving, and com- and coordinating social interactions, municating social experience (includ- ensuring trust as the foundation of the ing objects, processes and inheritance lifeworld, informing an individual what methods) to the next generations, with to normally expect from others in typi- emphasis on the ethnological features cal situations. The postmodern inter- as essential, relevant, and specifically pretation of the tradition implements national. The etymological basis of the the paradigm of pluralism and internal tradition seen as a “transmitting” ca- transformation into the concept of a pacity reflects the trend to translate specific actable chaos management and the immediacy of the meanings of the transforming it into a conventional living world and the living presence. habitat through actualizing different The tradition as such, as A. Yermo- components, one of which is the arche- lenko has stated, is always connected typal component in the alternate pres- with a certain location (Ort), is deeply ent, that is participating in the current planted directly in its soil (Boden), and trends of molding the socio-cultural only in this area and region. It is close- space and contemporary identification ly related to the human being-here practices. (Dasein), the place where they were Jungian tradition generally de- born and where they are at home (Zu- scribes archetypes and archetypal im- Hause-sein), with the locality which is ages (the old-established analogues of their homeland [6, p. 137]. Localiza- which can be found in numerous philo- tion of the tradition and its capacity sophical systems from Plato to I. Kant, to be reproductively actualized in the G. Hegel, A. Schopenhauer and others) long-term perspective provide an indi- as prototypes of universal mythological vidual with the capacity to incorporate motifs and plots reflecting typical men- life orientations under changing condi- tal properties and characteristic behav- tions through setting meaningful con- ioral reactions and experiences, which texts for oriented interactions with the originate from the universal experience world, with other individuals and with and share universal characteristics. Ar- the self, and through being symbolic chetypes, being deep layers of the col- codes of the communicative determi- lective unconscious, are essentially an- nants of “close-up ethics” and “distant tecedent cognitive schemas of primary ethics”. Due to its considerable adap- images, which acquire concrete sense tive potential, the tradition enhances and contents in real life situations and an individual’s adaptation to changing appropriately activate and direct psy- environmental conditions by offering chic energy, spontaneously organizing tried and tested activities and activat- perception, imagination, memory, ex- ing relevant behavioral patterns at all periences, reactions. Archetypes rep- times. resent collective experience, finding The tradition as such is a stabilizing expression in the tradition, which is social mechanism, which schematizes seen as a way of processing and trans-

126 lating archetypal images by realizing ed, instead, they “enter the internal the fundamental qualities and typical perception as ready-made constructs” traits inherent in certain communities. [8, p. 192]. That is why they should be It is the implicit nature of archetypal regarded as entities that are subject to images and their distinctive narrative their own laws and exist autonomously, character in mythological projections illustrating the trends of eternal return that allows for their postmodern inter- and timelessness, to which each gene­ pretation in the aspect of combining in ration adds its own distinctions and a unique way simultaneous individual formats of embodiment. It is worth implementations of a common repeti- mentioning that K. G. Jung resorts to tive model, inherent in many, taking symbolic terminology and metaphori- into consideration the broader uncon- cal images in an attempt to construc- scious context of collective life organi- tively conceptualize the archetypes, zation. which possess tangible orientational, It is necessary here to clarify that regulatory and structural compo- K. G. Jung did not accept archetypes as nents. Namely, he analyses metaphors specific mythological images or motifs; of channel and invisible axial structure, instead, he interpreted archetypes pri- which take on specific shape only while marily as directed trends of psychic en- acquiring their live content, that in the ergy, idea-forming tendencies, instinc- postmodern tradition is manifested in tive vectors and corresponding forms interpretive game stories and numer- of thinking [7]. The specific content ous outlooks on the “perusals” of the of archetypes manifests itself only in archetypal images, as well as in decon- the individual life, when the personal structing the traditional ways of intro- experience penetrates these forms. At ducing archetypes in an ironic dialogue the same time, K. G. Jung referred ar- with the near and the distant past. chetypal ideas to the immutable prin- J.-F. Lyotard in “The Postmodern ciples of the human spirit, emphasizing Condition” develops the conception their eternal repetition and transfor- of the narrative basis of postmodern- mation, which reveal clear postmodern ism as a “living past”, which is based connotations: “It does not matter how on the conceptualization of society as a long they remain in oblivion, they al- web of linguistic communications and ways return, quite often in a wonder- a number of language games. Exploring fully transformed form and accompa- the nature of social relations from the nied with certain personal quirks or postmodern perspective, the author intellectual distortions ..., they always discusses in great detail the changing reproduce themselves in various new functions of the state, emerging alter- forms, acting as an eternal truth that is native society formats, transferring internally inherent in human nature” some of the functions (regulation, re- [8, p. 120]. production) to machines, and trans- The archetypes of the collective un- forming the political class that becomes conscious bring into being whole com- composite and interactive, while the plexes of ideas. The scholar points out individual is caught in an increasingly that ideas of this nature are not invent- complex and mobile fabric of relations

127 [2, p. 42–45]. In the context of the is- poses to consider the “glocal” contexts sues rising within the creative inter- of revival of the traditions, conceptu- pretational tradition, for J.-F. Lyotard alizing glocalization in terms of the the prefix post- does not express the globalization challenges, the response meaning of direct continuity or linear to globalization, and the process, par- repetitive motion. Instead, it acquires allel to globalization [11]. Considering the meaning of “ana-prosess”, which the increasing pace of globalization in reckons for analysis, anamnesis, ana- certain areas of life, R. Robertson dis- morphoses, that demonstrate today’s cusses the processes and trends within reality incorporating its own meanings a tendency that is quite opposite to through recycling something “obso- globalization, that is, attention to the lete” [9, p. 66]. ethnicity, regionalization, returning to The prominent postmodern spiritual small communities and actualization of state tendency of “returning to the tra- particular values. Therefore, the glocal- dition”, when the past does not only op- ization as one of the effects of globaliza- press or blackmail, but also inspires and tion can be seen as a form of defensive pronounces, finds its original expres- reaction to unification, counteracting sions in various manifestations of mod- “blurring differences”, reducing the ern days, for instance, in “aesthetics­ of complexity of globalization, as well as simulation” by J. Baudrillard, “litera- marginalization or imposed isolation ture of exhaustion” and “literature of (in a destructive aspect). replenishment” by R. Barth, “cultural A prominent example of glocaliza- metamorphoses” by F. Jameson and tion trends through an innovative other scholars. The situation has been method of integrating the conven- timely described by U. Eco, who char- tional and the new in the modern so- acterized the responsiveness and com- cial interactions against a globalizing municative adaptability of postmod- background has been provided by ernism in his well-known expression: M. Maffesoli’s notion of neotribalism, “Hence the past cannot be destroyed who sees the key social facts of a re- because its destruction leads to dumb- newed tradition in bringing the social- ness, it should be rethought: ironically, ity back to the experience of everyday without naivety” [10, p. 469]. There- life, actualizing issues of postmodern fore, appealing to the past does not only identity, network solidarity and cur- serve as an escape from the present, but rent subsidiarity. Neotribalism in itself is rather an entourage localizing the en- is a reflection of the true spiritual revo- vironment of freedom of imagination lution of the modern information soci- and rethinking within intertextuality. ety in the aspect of building a new net- Recognition of the local nature of work sociality based on the free choice identification values and the growing of cultural values and promoting a cul- interest to the past is driven by the de- turally “close-knit” lifestyle. The tribal sire to rediscover cultural foundations myth of modernity illustrates the pro- and to revive the traditional life in the cesses of activating everything that is variety of its forms, its diversity and able to reveal an animal in a human style alternatives. R. Robertson pro- and the tribal in the social [12, p. 189].

128 Such communities demonstrate “en- a new paradigm for social communica- ergy and vital force” in a range of social tion and reducing of the increasingly movements and associations, from en- complex world. Such “symbolic” ways vironmental, feminist, religious, musi- of social interaction demonstrate the cal, sports, sexual, to numerous “micro- tendency of returning to archaic, fun- groups” formed on the basis of various damental values, providing a dynamic interests and preferences, and held bond and horizontal trust through the together by actualized archetypes of a archetypal substrate. Therefore, the Hero, a Friend, an Anime / Animus, a social organization of neo-tribes, which Shadow, a Father and many more, es- represent a “live sociality” corresponds pecially if they are replicated in today’s to the natural capacity of self-creation, media and reinforced in the practices of self-regulation, and self-identification mass events, entertainment and specta- (that is why the number of the mem- cle around a certain neo-totem. bers of such a community should be Exploring the effects of the revival modest, up to several hundreds to of traditional sociality forms in the maintain horizontal interaction, “tac- modern society, in the diversity of nu- tility” and ensure the consensus of joint merous TV shows (based, among other participation), as opposed to the verti- things, on the practice of voyeurism), cal disciplinary mechanisms of classical in fashion and trends (increasing at- institutions, based on the hierarchical tention to everything that is wild and instruments of power, coercion and ethnic expressed by reputable brands) control (which is metaphorically ex- and in urban theatricality, M. Maffeso- pressed in the image of M. Foucault’s li takes notice of the fact that obsolete Panopticon [13]). Alternatively, what festival and carnival practices, based on serves as the regulatory and integrative joint participation, engagement, sen- basis for the “new tribes” is empathic suality, and the return to imagery, are sociability and an activated sense of af- becoming widespread nowadays [12, filiation and empathy, realized through p. 191–192]. It should be noted that a kind of “atmospheric imperative” of carnivalization in the form of thematic the community and fanatic passion, festivals (based on local resource po- which, in its turn, supplies a special en- tential, that includes historical recon- ergy of collectivity. struction, local gastronomic features, Conclusions and further research numerous tourist advantages) becomes prospects. The findings of this re- a significant component of the area’s search suggest that in general post- branding, expressing an appropriate modern poses a challenge to the today’s combination of the place’s power and reality and at the same time it “diagno- the creative revival of the tradition, be- ses” significant changes that are taking coming thus a social viability index. place in the ways the relations between To define the integrative role of a a human and a society are configured, specific tribal emotionality, M. Maffe- acquiring hybrid features of a tech- soli employs the concept of a “selec- no-anthropomorphic character. The tive sociality” [4, p. 127], illustrating a postmodern methodology attempts to methodological tool of compassion as investigate, leastways to describe, the

129 main trends of the changes mentioned emphasize that an archetype displays here through emphasizing the role of tangible signs of being a cultural phe- the tradition in the symbolic maze and nomenon, reflecting the archaic ele- the network of narrative games which ments of the collective unconscious and transform archetypes, through recog- representing original cognitive patterns nizing ideas of repetition and returning and symbolic forms of inner experience, to the basics by focusing on the histori- demonstrating the subordination of the cal contexts of interpretation, through social to the cultural in relativization deconstructing and restructuring by and pluralization of the identity. realizing the naivety of total progres- sivism and by denying the universalism inherent in globalization. REFERENCES Neotribalism as an expression of the 1. Baudrillard, J. (1981). Simulacres et global trends of today is based on the simulation. Paris: Galilée [in French]. prominent postmodern values, such as 2. Lyotard, J.-F. (1998). Sostoyanie post- contextual sympathy, communal em- moderna [The postmodern condition]. pathy, inclusive diversity, tolerance of (N. Shmatko, Trans). Moskow: Alete- pluralism, eclecticism and convention- jya [in Russian]. 3. Deleuze, G., Guattari, F. (2005). A alism (in the sense of deciphering the thousand plateaus. Capitalism and tradition). The latter leads to an inter- Schizophrenia. London: University of pretation of the postmodern identity as Minnesota Press. a live mixture of the old and the new, as 4. Maffesoli, M. (2018). Chas plemen. the past actively present in the diverse Zanepad indy`vidualizmu u post- network of social solidarity. We see it modernomu suspil`stvi [The time of possible to describe Postmodernism as tribes. The decline of individualism an actively enhanced return to the ar- in postmodern society]. (V. Pliushch, chaism, which serves as a source of vital Trans). Kyiv: Vy`d. dim “Ky`yevo- energy and organic mobilization of the Mogy`lyans`ka akademiya” [in Ukrai- nian]. collective energy. Neo-tribes, represent- 5. Jameson, F. (1991). Postmodernism, ing existential networks of “live social- or the cultural logic of late capitalism. ity”, illustrate a creative reincarnation Durham: Duke University press. of the tradition, when vital interests, 6. Ermolenko, A.N. (1994). Etika ot- real desires and personal needs are be- vetstvennosti i social’noe bytie che- ing conveyed by the collective interac- loveka (sovremennaya nemeckaya tivity ousting the obligatoriness and im- prakticheskaya filosofiya) [Ethics of personality of the ritual and the canon. responsibility and social being of man Creative reproduction of archetypes (modern German practical philoso- as spontaneous structures of collective phy)]. Kyiv: Naukova dumka [in Rus- sian]. memory and historical consciousness, 7. Jung, K. G. (2016). Arhetip i simvol that exist in various semantic contexts [Archetype and symbol]. Moskow: of the traditions, illustrates the bond be- Kanon [in Russian]. tween the past and the future, thereby 8. Jung, K. G. (1998). Otvet Iovu [The providing integrity guidelines in the Answer to Job]. Moskow: AST [in face of uncertainty. We would like to Russian].

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131 UDC: 351.851 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-132-141 Koroliuk Kateryna Anatoliivna, student of 3 course of the Department of Science and Sociology, National Aviation University, 03058, Kyiv, Prosp. Kosmonav- ta Komarova, 1, tel.: +38 (068) 791 82 17, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5979-0874 Королюк Катерина Анатоліївна, студентка 3-го курсу кафедри соціології та політології Національного авіаційного університету, 03058, м. Київ, просп. Кос- монавта Комарова, 1, тел.: +38 (068) 791 82 17, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5979-0874 Королюк Екатерина Анатольевна, студентка 3-го курса кафедры социоло- гии и политологии Национального авиа- ционного университета, 03058, г. Киев, ул. Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: +38 (068) 791 82 17, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5979-0874


Annotation. It was known that unity of the nation is a strategic safety plan and productive development of the modern state. In Ukraine, this process is formed gradually. The purpose of the article is to find out how Ukrainian traditions and innovations are combined in the modern approaches to the development of the state as an institute for social development.. The methods of analysis and synthe- sis, document analysis, sign modeling, comparative (synchronous) analysis are used in the work. It was regarded that co-evolutionary stage of state develop- ment and the concept of individual “I” and collective “We” as dominant subjects of social interaction at different stages of one cycle of social development. Changing the traditional concept of governance is being implemented in the program of digitization (“State in a smartphone”) as a means of facilitating the provision of administrative services to the population. What is the level of readi- ness to accept these changes in traditional society? A sense of common and per- sonal responsibility contributes to the development of the collective “We”. It was

132 known trends that confirm positive changes in Ukraine are observed due to the emergence a lot of volunteer movements, crowdfunding platforms, an increasing a number of public organizations in recent years. At the same time, one’s own re- sponsibility for one’s well-being is increased. The more developed the society, the more actively innovations are introduced into the sphere of social relations, sig- nificantly updating them. It has been found that public involvement in the public sector is partly driven by public interest and a growing demand for public sector employment and the pursuit of socially significant professional activity. Based on the analysis, a formula was developed that calculates the collective “We” index. Understanding the necessity of becoming a nation through the convergence of traditions and innovations is an important part in planning the Ukrainian state and social policy. Keywords: co-evolution, transformation, collective “We”, archetypal ap- proach, modern state, tradition, innovation. КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНІ СХЕМИ РОЗВИТКУ СУЧАСНОЇ ДЕРЖАВИ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД): КОНВЕРГЕНЦІЯ ТРАДИЦІЇ ТА ІННОВАЦІЇ Анотація. Зазначено, що єдність нації — це стратегічний план безпеки і продуктивного розвитку сучасної держави, що в Україні формується посту- пово. З’ясовано поєднання традицій та інновацій у сучасних підходах щодо розвитку держави як інституту, що забезпечує суспільний розвиток. Вико- ристано методи аналізу та синтезу, аналізу документів, знакове моделюван- ня, компаративний (синхронний) аналіз. Було розглянуто коеволюційний етап розвитку суспільства та поняття індивідуального “Я” і колективного “Ми” як домінуючих суб’єктів соціальних інтеракцій на різних етапах одно- го циклу суспільного розвитку. Зміна традиційної концепції управління на нову втілюється у програмі діджіталізації (“Держава у смартфоні”) як засіб полегшення надання адміністративних послуг населенню. Який саме рівень готовності сприйняти ці зміни традиційним суспільством? Почуття спільної і особистої відповідальності — сприяє розвитку колективного “Ми”. Пока- зано, що тенденції, які підтверджують позитивні зміни в Україні спостеріга- ються через виникнення багатьох волонтерських рухів, краудфандингових платформ, зростання кількості громадських організацій протягом останніх років. Поряд з тим, зростає власна відповідальність індивіда за своє благо- получчя. Чим розвиненішим є суспільство, тим активніше інновації впрова- джуються у сферу суспільних відносин, значно оновлюючи їх. З’ясовано, що залученість громадян до суспільного сектору частково обумовлена публіч- ним інтересом та тенденцією зростання попиту на зайнятість у публічному секторі і здійснення соціально значущої професійної діяльності. На основі здійсненого аналізу, було розроблено формулу, що прораховує індекс колек- тивного “Ми”. Розуміння необхідності розвитку суспільства шляхом кон- вергенції традицій та інновацій — важлива частина у плануванні державної та соціальної політики України.

133 Ключові слова: коеволюція, трансформація, колективне “Ми”, архетип- ний підхід, сучасна держава, традиція, інновація. КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНЫЕ СХЕМЫ РАЗВИТИЯ СОВРЕМЕННОГО ГОСУДАРСТВА (АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД): КОНВЕРГЕНЦИЯ ТРАДИЦИИ И ИННОВАЦИИ Аннотация. Объединенность нации — это стратегический план безопас- ности и продуктивного развития современного государства, который в Укра- ине формируется постепенно. Определено сочетание украинских традиций и инновации в современных подходах к развитию государства как институ- та, обеспечивающего общественное развитие. Использованы методы анали- за и синтеза, анализа документов, знаковое моделирование, компаративного (синхронного) анализа. Были рассмотрены коэволюционный этап развития общества и понятие индивидуального “Я” и коллективного “Мы” как до- минирующих субъектов социальных интеракций на разных этапах одного цикла общественного развития. Современный украинский монопарламент, как он себя позиционирует, предлагает череду инноваций. Изменение тра- диционной концепции управления на новую воплощается в программе дид- житализации (“Государство в смартфоне”) как средство облегчения предо- ставления административных услуг населению. Какой уровень готовности воспринимать эти изменения традиционным обществом? Чувство общей и личной ответственности — способствует развитию коллективного “Мы”. По- казано, что тенденции, которые подтверждают положительные изменения в Украине наблюдаются из-за возникновения многих волонтерских движе- ний, краудфандинговых платформ, роста числа общественных организаций в последние годы. Вместе с тем повышается собственная ответственность индивида за свое благополучие. Чем более развитым является общество, тем активнее инновации внедряются в сферу общественных отношений, значи- тельно обновляя их. Выяснено, что вовлеченность граждан в общественный сектор частично обусловлена публичным интересом и тенденцией роста спроса на занятость в публичном секторе и осуществления социально зна- чимой профессиональной деятельности. На основе проведенного анализа, была разработана формула, что просчитывает индекс коллективного “Мы”. Понимание необходимости развития общества путем конвергенции тради- ций и инноваций — важная часть в планировании государственной и соци- альной политики Украины. Ключевые слова: коэволюция, трансформация, коллективное “Мы”, ар- хетипический подход, современное государство, традиция, инновация.

Putting up a problem. The unity of the modern state. Despite actual of the nation is a strategic plan for the inequality and exploitation, the na- security and productive development tion is always perceived as a deep and

134 cooperative brotherhood [1, P.24]. The in the processes of development of the sense of common and personal respon- modern state in the information age. sibility is a characteristic feature of The analysis of the last publica- countries with developed democracies. tions. During the research there were These theses are important to apply to- analyzed the works of such domes- day for Ukraine, which is on the way tic authors: O. V. Sushyi, O. A. Don- to transforming the social and political chenko, E. A. Afonin, A. Y. Martynov. consciousness of its people from tradi- Among foreign scientists are: B. Ander- tional character, the question is what it son I. Kishilovska and M. Kishilovsky, will be (transformation). A. Perotti, P. Sztompka, A. Etzioni, The image of supraglobal human Th.Hobbes, J. Locke. becomes urgent, not differentiated na- The purpose of the article: to ex- tional, cultural and religious, open in- plore conceptual schemes of develop- novations and experiment, such that ment of modern states, to find out how can quickly adapt to the new condi- traditions and innovations combine in tions of the changing world. the process of development of public In this work, using the sociological administration. concept of the nation (D. Schnapper), Presentation of the main material we will try to characterize the trend of of the research. According to B. An- combining tradition and innovations dersen the nation is a specific imagines

Table 1 Combination of tradition and innovation in the theoretical understanding of the nation

Traditional understanding Post-modern understanding of the nation of the nation 1. Humanity is naturally divided into 1. The nation became only one of the dominant nations. social communities (socio–cultural types). 2. Each nation has its own distinctive 2. The limits of the identity of nations have be- character. The nation comes first. come extremely blurred. Myths about the origin of nations have not been axioms for a long time. 3. The source of all political power is 3. The source of all political power is economically the nation, the collective as a whole. powerful transnational companies and global rather than a national elite represented by them. 4. For freedom and self–realization, 4. The privileges granted by the nation state people must identify themselves with through citizenship are levelled. the nation. 5. Nations can only realize themselves 5. At the present stage, the Commonwealth of in their own states. Nations realizes its interests in various inter–state associations (for instance, the EU). 6. The devotion of the nation–state is 6. The axiology of the nation ‘s devotion has lost superior to other devotion. its relevance. 7. The strengthening of the nation– 7. The realization of the hedonistic needs of the state is essential for world freedom and greatest number of individuals is the most impor- harmony. tant condition for world freedom and harmony.

135 community is a social construct the over personal interests or the interests members of which do not know each of separate group of people, but often other and do not interact with each does not depend or does not clash with other, but nevertheless view them- them (that is collective “We” is a little selves as one community with common dominating over individual “I”) [11, character, hopes and destiny [1, P. 35]. P. 156]. Already today, the nation cannot be Consequently, increasing the need limited to the territorial or linguistic to work to ensure public interest and community. Perhaps tomorrow it will understanding of the public as a sepa- be some virtual community of users, rate and distinct concept is an impor- say, a certain type of programming. tant new factor in the development of And then its adherents will be able to the modern (national) state. It is only physically stay in different parts of the possible to truly unite people by of- world, however, in a single electronic fering them a certain amount of real network. grounds, values and advantages that The nation as a civic community is would justify inevitably collective edu- an abstract political society, through cation and perhaps require a certain the institution of citizenship goes be- donation from individual citizens for yond specific stereotypes, separate its functioning. devotion and social inequalities of its So, on this basis, we can state the members. All people, irrespective of combination of tradition and innova- historical or ethnic and religious origin tion. On the one hand, globalization and social characteristicsn are citizens. is impossible without building the Before World War I, the nation acted strength and potency of national life as a means of protecting and respecting (and this is a direct function of the what is truly human in man, that is, his national state). On the other hand, independence, the symbol of which is globalization itself has added a fun- equality and freedom. The modern ba- damentally new, previously unknown sis of social ties is questioned. When function to the nation–state. In today nations are created, politics replaces ‘s globalized world, social mobility, the religious or dynastic principle of which has reached a huge scale, the in- uniting people. And in any democratic tensity of communication and inequali- nation, politics creates social problems. ty between countries and people create Innovations in the development of new facts, conditions and foundations modern nations include the fact that of relations between groups and com- the number of new roles and achieved munities of people. There is an active status of citizens, that create a nation, distribution and redistribution of roles, constantly increases to the detriment life opportunities. A comprehensive of their ascribed status. And for cre- comparison of the status of the nation– ation of the nation as community of state in modernist and post–modernist citizens on the specified sociological epoch is depicted in Tables 2, 3. concept, the existence of the present As we can see, in the past nation- civil (public, public) interest is im- alism of the nation–state offered the portant, which not always dominates lower classes status and dignity, educa-

136 Table 2 Conceptual framework for the development of the nation–state in the modern era (elements of tradition)

Possibilities Risks Possibilities Risks of the Globalization of the upper of the upper of the lower lower class class class class • Creation of new • Risk shar- • Positional ben- • The welfare • Liberal social, economic ing with other efits. state, which progressive and political op- citizens. • National pride. makes common nationalism. portunities based • Competition • Citizenship, risks possible. • The national on the determina- for resources depending on na- state created tion of the national and power tionality, regard- a balance of frameworks. within the less of property. interests of all • Protection country. Status or educa- classes, led to against competition tion. the formation from outside. • Political and of an inter– The possibility to social rights. class coalition. use the national • Human dignity. discourse as a kind • Market entry, of cultural “smoke- education, lan- screen,” which is guage skills that intended to hide facilitate mobility. economic exploita- tion. Table 3 Conceptual frameworks for the development of the nation–state in the modern era (elements of innovation)

Possibilities Risks of the Possibilities of Risks of the Globalization of the upper class upper class the lower class lower class The state no longer The State is no Democracy The logic of the The state is no wants to provide longer capable deficit. welfare state longer capable opportunities that of providing National educa- is becoming of provid- individuals consider adequate pro- tion systems are increasingly dif- ing the same themselves safe. tection. becoming less ficult to provide. protection and Global capabilities. useful. Intergeneration- opportunities, Duties to the nation National language al cooperation. that and in the become a bur- becomes less Open borders age of nation– den. Mobile class useful for acquir- destroy the state. members are now ing professional logic of the The collapse looking for eco- skills or mobiliz- welfare state of the inter– nomic opportunities ing. and weaken the class coali- in the world, which ability to share tion and the is beyond national risks among all emergence horizons, and politi- citizens. of defense cal dangers are glo- aggressive balizing. Members nationalism. of these classes seek to optimize the usefulness of their skills and educa- tion.

137 tion and many opportunities. National requisites of crises arise, when the states are currently under consider- very concept of governance begins to able threat. According to A. Renaut, change [5, P. 212]. The economic or- the nation must itself learn to adapt der is transforming in the direction of satisfactorily to the conditions of the expanding the freedom of economical globalizing 21st century. This point of activity [5, P. 145–147]. view brings us back to the archetype The new parliament tries to demon- of “eternal child”, which, by the way, is strate just the change of this concept to always open to a new one and wishes Ukraine, which introduces a program to study. of digitisation or “State in a smart- Patriotic feeling is associated not phone” as a means of facilitating the with the country as a certain culture provision of administrative services and historical nation, but with the to the population. However, will it be state principle of law. People join the possible to implement this reform, con- principles of the rule of law and the trary to the archetype (according to republican structure, excluding any K. Jung) rite Ukrainian, which is ori- reference to territory and a certain his- ented to traditional actions, reproduc- torical or cultural community. In our tion of constant behavioural practices, opinion, a strong economy, achieved at remains an open question. the expense of a common for everyone The draft of the broad masses to element of the economy in the form of modernization may contradict the a national corporation, better strength- interests of the political elite, which ens the sense of group unity, common controls power, then the prerequisites interest and individuality of the nation. are created for the emergence of a new According to M. Moiseev, coevolu- elite, which begins to realize the accu- tion is a harmony between the goals of mulated innovative potential of society mankind and nature [5, P. 122]. Coevo- [5, P. 209]. The coming to power of the lution is a mechanism of change within “Ze” team is due to the actual need to the system. It is a phase change from realize this potential. The movement of the normative period of invasion to the country towards post–industrial the normative period of evolution. An society will be connected with the ar- indicator of the coevolution period is rival of the young Ukrainian genera- a real explosion of individual activity tion in big politics [2, P. 93]. In fact, [5, P. 209]. The individual‘s own re- this process has already taken place. sponsibility for his or her well—being If in society, there has become a dif- is increasing, the need to monitor the ficult way of development of the na- development of social conflicts is in- tion, there is no consolidation and in- creasing, and the quality of innovations tegration joint–effective core “around is gradually becoming a determining something”, then it is replaced by non– factor in social life [5, P. 145]. The po- effective core “against something”, litical system is actively changing, the which becomes a factor of negative entity “I” is surely coming into force. consolidation [7, P. 4]. The lack of at- During the transition period of tention on the part of power institu- cycle development, the historical pre- tions to the population was one of the

138 reasons for the civil protests called The results of Ukraine ‘s 2019 presi- “Euromaidan”. dential election was a clear example Imaginary communities, described of this trend. That is, awareness of the in B.Anderson ‘s work of the same need for the social benefit of the indi- name, form ideas of origin of national- vidual to society contributes to the ism, that is, ideas of formation of collec- development of the economy and civil tive “We”. Nationality is similar to skin society of the state. color, sex, descent and time of birth — The co-revolutionary principle of that is, to those things that cannot “changes within the system” is gradu- be changed [1, P. 180]. This, in fact, ally embodied in the reform of decen- determines the common community tralization of power in Ukraine, which based on language, culture, established began in 2014 and contributed to in- practices of behavior. The concept of creasing the level of collective respon- a multicultural society should take sibility on the ground. This indicates a into account linguistic and legal unity, timely attempt by the state to appreci- smoothing and, if necessary, limiting ate the significant managerial capacity cultural differences [6, P. 66]. of local self–government and the abil- The need for Bellum omnium contra ity to solve problems on the ground. omnes (war of all against all), has dis- The effectiveness of the reform has appeared for a long time, but the “so- been proved in a certain way: accord- cial contract” between Th. Hobbes and ing to the data of the Cabinet of Minis- J. Locke is still taking place. Behind ters of Ukraine in the last 4 years of the it, the role of the state is to ensure its reform, 882 UTCs have been created, main functions — security and regula- bringing together 4,043 communities tion of relations between people, which [10]. will remain unchanged. The state itself In the course of the study, based on is gradually simplified but with the the analysis of the dynamics of social growth of self–organization of society. interactions in Ukrainian society, a As a result of the growth of individual formula was developed with the help activity and responsibility of citizens, of which it is possible to find out the the role of direct democracy (for exam- index of collective “We”: ple, Brexit in the UK, referendums for ()a+ bn independence in Scotland and Catalo- ≈ c nia) will increase. This trend also oc- r curs among other Western European where a — the level of individual ac- countries and the United States. For tivity, b — collective responsibility, example, “Forbes” notes that more n — the number of permanent social graduates of prestigious American edu- connections, r — the level of passivity, cational institutions (Master of Busi- c — the index of collective “We”. ness Administration (MBA) training) Conclusions and prospects for fur- are giving up well–paid jobs in private ther research. It has been found out companies to work in the public sector that the direction of understanding to do something meaningful that will the importance of the idea of collec- have a noticeable impact [4, P. 331]. tive “We” and popularizing the con-

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141 UDC: 330.341.1 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-142-153 Lozinskaya Tamara Nikolaevna, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Management and Administration, Poltava State Agrarian Academy, 36003, Poltava, Str. Scovorody, 1/3, tel.: +38 (099) 956 91 99, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2858-9374 Лозинська Тамара Миколаївна, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, завідувач кафедри публічного управління та адміністрування, Пол- тавська державна аграрна академія, 36003, м. Полтава, вул. Сковороди, 1/3, тел.: +38 (099) 956 91 99, e-mail: tnloz@ ORCID: 0000-0003-2858-9374 Лозинская Тамара Николаевна, доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, заведующий кафедрой пу- бличного управления и администрирования, Полтавская государственная аграрная академия, 36003, г. Полтава, ул. Сковороды, 1/3, тел.: +38 (099) 956 91 99, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2858-9374


Annotation. The article deals with the patterns of manifestation of intra-sys- temic conflicts that accompany the process of creating a state. The study uses an archetypal approach, the essence of which is to discover a common subconscious in tradition, that which conflicts with innovation and thus determines the speci­ fics of creating statehood in any country. From the perspective of system analysis, archetypes are identified as invariants that play a key role in ensuring the stability of the state. Scientific ideas, generalizations and conclusions set forth in the article are based on the results of research by scientists from various fields of science: soci- ology, system analysis, management, economic theory. It was determined that the conflict of tradition and innovation in the creation of the state is a contradiction

142 between the desire to ensure the stability of social life and the orderliness of the state by reconstructing behavioral patterns known from the past and the inherent social system’s ability to change the parameters of its state through the use of new compounds of mechanisms, resources and management technologies. It is emphasized that the development of the state can be ensured only on the basis of a certain economic basis created through the institution of property. The nature of the use of the institution of ownership in different countries or in one country, but at different times can be different, but common in the process of using property is the presence of the archetype of the owner’s psychology. The differences in the demonstration of this archetype in various cultural traditions are most expressively reflected in the customs and rituals of rural life and agri- cultural production, which is due to the historical primacy of land ownership. The consequences of the conflict between the development of productive forces (innovativeness) and the nature of production relations (traditional) in the agri- cultural sector regarding the development of Ukrainian statehood are revealed. The ways of regulating social relations on the basis of combining the tradition of community (collectivism) and market innovation (individualism) are proposed. Keywords: tradition, innovation, archetype, state formation, conflict, public relations. КОНФЛІКТ ТРАДИЦІЙНОСТІ ТА ННОВАЦІЙНОСТІ В ДЕРЖАВОТВОРЕННІ: АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД Анотація: Розглянуто закономірність вияву внутрішньосистемних кон- фліктів, які супроводжують процес будівництва держави. Використано ар- хетипний підхід, сутність якого полягає у виявленні спільного підсвідомого в традиції такого, що вступає в конфлікт з інноваціями і таким чином обу- мовлює специфіку державотворення у будь-якій країні. З позицій системно- го аналізу архетипи ідентифікуються як інваріанти, що відіграють ключову роль у забезпеченні стійкості держави. Наукові положення, узагальнення та висновки, викладені у статті, ґрунтуються на результатах дослідження вчених з різних галузей науки: соціології, системного аналізу, управління, економіч- ної теорії. Визначено, що конфлікт традиційності та інноваційності в держа- вотворенні суперечать між прагненням забезпечити стабільність соціального життя і впорядкованість у державі шляхом відтворення відомих з минулого поведінкових зразків та внутрішньо притаманною соціальній системі здатні- стю змінювати параметри свого стану завдяки використанню нових поєднань механізмів, ресурсів та технологій управління. Підкреслено, що розвиток держави може бути забезпечений лише на ос- нові певного економічного базису, створеного завдяки інституту власності. Характер використання інституту власності в різних країнах або в одній країні, але в різний час, може бути різним, проте спільним у процесі вико- ристання власності є наявність архетипу психології власника. Відмінності вияву даного архетипу в різних культурних традиціях найбільш виразно ві- дображені у звичаях і ритуалах сільського життя і сільськогосподарського

143 виробництва, що обумовлено історичною первинністю власності на землю. Виявлено наслідки конфлікту між розвитком продуктивних сил (інновацій- ність) та характером виробничих відносин (традиційність) в аграрній сфері щодо розвитку української державності. Запропоновано шляхи врегулюван- ня суспільних відносин на основі поєднання традиції общинності (колекти- візму) та ринкових інновацій (індивідуалізму). Ключові слова: традиція, інновація, архетип, державотворення, кон- флікт, суспільні відносини. КОНФЛИКТ ТРАДИЦИОННОСТИ И ИННОВАЦИОННОСТИ В ОБРАЗОВАНИИ ГОСУДАРСТВА: АРХЕТИПНЫЙ ПОДХОД Аннотация. Рассмотрены закономерности проявления внутрисистем- ных конфликтов, которые сопровождают процесс создания государства. Использован архетипный подход, сущность которого заключается в обна- ружении общего подсознательного в традиции такого, что вступает в кон- фликт с инновациями и, таким образом, обусловливает специфику создания государственности любой страны. С позиций системного анализа архети- пы идентифицируются как инварианты, которые играют ключевую роль в обеспечении устойчивости государства. Научные положения, обобщения и выводы, изложенные в статье, базируются на результатах исследования ученых из разных отраслей науки: социологии, системного анализа, управ- ления, экономической теории. Определено, что конфликт традиционности и инновационности в создании государства является противоречием меж- ду стремлением обеспечить стабильность социальной жизни и упорядочен- ность государства путем воссоздания известных с прошлого поведенческих образцов и внутренне присущей социальной системе способностью менять параметры своего состояния благодаря использованию новых соединений механизмов, ресурсов и технологий управления. Подчеркивается, что развитие государства может быть обеспечено лишь на основании определенного экономического базиса, созданного благодаря ин- ституту собственности. Характер использования института собственности в разных странах или в одной стране, но в разное время, может быть разным, но общим в процессе использования собственности является наличие архетипа психологии собственника. Отличия проявления данного архетипа в различ- ных культурных традициях наиболее выразительно отображены в обычаях и ритуалах сельской жизни и сельскохозяйственного производства, что обуслов- лено исторической первичностью собственности на землю. Выявлены послед- ствия конфликта между развитием продуктивных сил (инновационность) и характером производственных отношений (традиционность) в аграрной сфе- ре относительно развития украинской государственности. Предложены пути урегулирования общественных отношений на основании соединения тради- ции общинности (коллективизма) и рыночных инноваций (индивидуализма). Ключевые слова: традиция, инновация, архетип, образование государст- ва, конфликт, общественные отношения.

144 Formulation of the problem. State opers and researchers of the theory of creation — the continuity of changes innovation — A. Amoshi [3], Stiglitz J. in its states and characteristics (struc- [4], J. Schumpeter [5], as well as a ture, forms of government, economic number of publications concerning structure, social structure, cultural en- the study of the dialectical contradic- vironment, etc.) raises questions about tion between tradition and innovation, the regularity, expediency and irre- such as Article I. Tarkan “The relation versibility of these changes. How ag- between tradition and innovation in gressively should Ukraine be deprived the context of globalization” [6]. The of the attributes of the past? Is it nor- contribution of these and other scho­ mally in the development of the state lars to the development of archetype to deny the past tradition (such as col- theory is to systematize the archetypes lectivism), and do such objections to that determine the development of the formation of the tradition of the the Ukrainian cultural and social tra- present complicate? We are seeing a dition; formalization of the process of crisis in the liberal conception of state- transforming innovation into tradition building, but will this crisis be over- (from individual to general) isolation come by turning random innovations of archetypes (invariant) in the deve­ into necessary innovations, or will the lopment of culture and state, which social system face the threat of a return give originality to the national tradi- to totalitarianism? tion. However, the conflict of tradition The answers to these painful ques- and innovation within existing arche- tions can be partly obtained by using types remains a poorly understood an archetypal approach to the study of problem of state formation. the problem of state formation, which The purpose of the article — to will reveal the social invariants that identify the influence of archetypes on are key in the self-organization of such the emergence of the conflict of tradi- a system as the state. tion and innovation in the process of Analysis of recent publications on state formation and to develop propos- the subject. Since the study was in- als for its incorporation in the process terdisciplinary, during its conduct it of state formation in Ukraine. was necessary to get acquainted with Presenting main material. Conflict the latest publications in such areas as as a clash of conflicting interests (from archetype, innovation, public admin- Latin: conflictus — clash) [7] and mis- istration, traditions, which allowed to alignment of goals is more often seen form a methodological basis for study- in the context of specific interaction ing the influence of the dichotomy of between people, which can be divided “tradition — innovation” on state for- into groups by different criteria, in mation in Ukraine. Among the scien- particular as carriers of traditional and tific works that have attracted atten- innovative in public life. Under the tion with their depth and originality, it conflict of tradition and innovation is advisable to name the works of rep- in state-formation, we understand the resentatives of the Ukrainian School contradictions between the desire to en- of Archetype E. Afonina [1; 2], devel- sure the stability of social life and order-

145 liness in the state through the reproduc- public of Ukraine but the Federal Re- tion of past patterns of interaction and public of India is not like the Federal the inherent ability of the social system Republic of Germany. This discrepancy to change the parameters of its state can be explained by the phenomenon of through the use of unexpected configu- refraction of archetypes [1; 2; 9] in the rations of management mechanisms and cultural traditions of countries, the resources. This understanding of the es- sustainability of the traditions them- sence of the specific conflict mentioned selves, and the speed of diffusion of in- is methodologically linked to the con- novations that distorts or rejects tradi- cept of “development” — the movement tions. of the social system in the direction of The state cannot exist outside its complication, growth, acquisition of its economic basis, which is created diversity and accumulation of contin- through the use of property in any form gencies, which subsequently become (private, collective, state, communal). necessary. These data indicate that the nature of Thus, the state as a social system in using the property institute in different its development relies on cultural and countries or in one country, but at dif- social heritage, which is replicated in ferent times may be different, but com- a long-lasting form — tradition, and at mon in the process of using the prop- the same time uses new knowledge and erty is the presence of the archetype of the results of their practical implemen- the owner’s psychology, expressed to a tation to eliminate the accumulated greater or lesser extent. We also see dif- contradictions that can no longer be ferences in the manifestation of this ar- overcome in the traditional ways — in- chetype in different cultural traditions, novation. In terms of systems theory, most clearly reflected in the common the simultaneous existence of tradition rules and rituals of rural life and agri- and innovation creates a “potential dif- cultural production, which is due to ference” [8], which is the source of the the historical primacy of land owner- impulse to ensure a quality transforma- ship. Understanding the psychology tion of the system. The emergence of of the owner as a phenomenon of “col- new knowledge and the production of lective unconscious” [9] is riddled with innovation are also based on past expe- many not only scientific, but fictions, rience, so it is important that tradition in which the authors tried to demon- is able to undergo some renewal and strate, through vivid images, a person’s innovation “has proven to be viable in instinctive desire to possess material traditional culture” [6]. But no matter (“Kaydashev’s Family” by Nechuy- how the traditions are updated, as they Levitsky, “ Hundred thousands “ by move closer together, and no matter Karpenko-Kary, “ Bread “ by Mamin- how fast this process is accelerated in Sibiryak, “ The Silent Don “ by Sholok- a globalized world, we are still seeing hov, “ Gobseck “ by Balzac, etc.). a difference in the state-formation of It is the recognition of the presence different countries, which is based on in the collective consciousness of the similar principles: a democratic repub- owner’s psychology that has become lic of France is not like a democratic re- the most important argument in favor

146 of establishing an institute of private tion of economic freedom within the ownership of land, in particular agri- insignificant extent within the realm cultural land, in Ukraine. Thus, V. Me- of property. The restoration, preser- sel-Veselyak and M. Fedorov back in vation of peasant labor traditions on 1990 insisted that: “Independence, their land without taking into account independence of citizen, revival of the the current technical possibilities of its true owner of the land cannot be wit­ use had a number of negative conse- hout private property” [10]. Unfortu- quences, including the total refusal of nately, during this period, the psycho­ the peasants to conduct their economic logy of the owner took precedence over activities on small private landownings philosophical reflections on the expedi- independently (Fig. 1). ency of maintaining the tradition and As you can see, more than 60 % of the need to maintain innovation in the landowners in Ukraine rent their land creation of Ukraine. And from the very without the technical and technologi- beginning of the introduction of the in- cal capabilities at their disposal and, stitute of private ownership of agricul- at the same time, the owner’s psychol- tural land, a conflict between the state ogy does not allow them to renounce of the productive forces, the availabili- the property. Effort to form Ukrai- ty of modern technological possibilities nian statehood on the basis of petty- for their development and the outdat- bourgeois public relations (note in this ed nature of industrial relations, petty- connection the orientation of state bourgeois in nature, caused the forma- economic policy to support small and

Fig. 1. Allocation of agricultural land by type of ownership and ways of using private agricultural land in Ukraine, 2018, % Source: Created by the author according to the State Geocadastre of Ukraine.

147 medium-sized businesses, in their mass ing ( precision farming system ), Geo- ineffective, and the destruction of large graphic Information System, GIS, industrial complexes, especially those Global Positioning System ( a global that were integrated into the Russian positioning system that allows you to Federation economy) the simultaneous determine the location and speed of desire to integrate the political, social objects anywhere on the Earth ), Vari- and economic systems into the Euro- able Rate Technology, VRT ( the use of pean space is a kind of social cognitive variable rates (doses) of process mate- dissonance, since the current trends rials, in accordance with the character- of state-building I do not meet Euro- istics of the field). In fact, the modern pean and world realities. The arche- agricultural enterprise is the result of a type “landowner — a peasant working conflict between the tradition of land on land” conflicts with the innovations tenure and the innovative nature of of modern land relations and cannot land use, which in Ukrainian realities but hinder the development of a state is mainly carried out on leased land. that declares itself agrarian. It should We can distinguish the main conse- be noted that of all property relations, quences of the impact of the mentioned land ownership relations have under- conflict on the state, namely: gone the most significant changes: la- • depopulation of rural areas due bor, land ownership and ownership of to the separation of landowners from the extracted useful properties of the economic activity in agriculture. Pres- land have ceased to be combined under ervation of the “peasant-landowner” common ownership. archetype is now carried out in an ur- Land ownership, in comparison ban environment where the heirs of with the ownership of technology, capi- the primary landowners, who receive tal and appropriation of useful product, only a small amount of property in- has practically lost its value in the for- come, reside, and in all other aspects mation of newly created value. Inheri- of land tenure they are estranged from tance of land ownership is an archetype the property. The economic basis of the in many countries’ statesmanship, but state becomes shaky; increasingly the tradition of land own- • social stratification in rural com- ership is giving way to new opportuni- munities caused by the transformation ties to produce and control its market of traditional collective farms; the in- circulation through the use of modern dividualization of life in rural commu- information technologies. For an agri- nities and the lack of unifying goals, cultural enterprise, such components which widens the axiological gaps in of industrial capital as machinery and society and does not promote cohesion; technology became more important • transfer of benefits from land own- than land that could be leased. Now ership to land users — large agricultural in Ukraine, as in many other countries holdings, affiliated with foreign proces- with advanced agricultural produc- sors, who sell a significant proportion tion, large agrarian and industrial com- of produced agricultural raw materials panies use a number of technological that are in demand in the relevant mar- innovations, such as: Precision farm- kets; narrowing of the product range of

148 own production in the domestic mar- else”, “enjoy your life”, “poor — means ket; increasing dependence on food im- stupid” and so on. ports and weakening food security of Further deepening of the contradic- the state; tion between the development of pro- • ousting emphasis on simpler pro- ductive forces and industrial relations duction of raw materials with low both in the agricultural sector and in added value, high efficiency and high the economy as a whole becomes a sig- environmental risks; the curtailment of nificant obstacle in achieving the main scientific and technical activities in all goal of innovation — the formation of spheres of economy, the decline of fun- a new content of statehood. In pursuit damental science and, as a consequence, of this goal, traditions and innovations the growing technological dependence must become a cohesiveness that in- of the country and its transformation corporates a system of norms, ideals, into a raw material appendage of the value propositions [11] that best en- European economy; sure the realization of human rights. • formation of a negative attitude in Further deterioration of the economic society to large property and owners, situation of the country (increase in unconditional identification of large external debt, inflation, GDP reduc- property with oligarchic economy and tion, etc.) (Table 1) leads to the finding ease of manipulation on this basis by of management decisions aimed at en- public consciousness in the direction of suring such integrity — preserving the advocating the expediency of nation- traditions of social community and us- alization (Privatbank), elimination of ing its synergy to produce innovations monopoly of regional gas providers and of social development. gas transportation networks, control- In this connection, attention should ling gas transportation (resulting in be drawn to the growing criticism of the three monopolies instead of one) and ideology of liberalism, which defended so on. The dissemination of relevant the priority of economic individualism, stereotypes that can grow into a “rob rejecting the idea of collectivism as ob- what was robbed” tradition is extreme- solete. Liberalism, as the system-form- ly negative for private ownership; ing ideology of Western civilization, is • absolutization of “European” still not fully understood by Ukrainian values as socio-cultural and political society, following the tradition of col- models, which slows down the self- lectivism. Interestingly, scholars of identification of Ukrainians and the liberalism and tradition scholars from restoration of the Ukrainian socio-eth- different sides have come to a similar nic archetype — Ukrainianness loses conclusion about the threshold for the its competitiveness in the mainstream perception of innovation by a society of Westernization. Here, traditional- defined by tradition [6]. According to ity is inferior to borrowed cultural in- I. Tarkan, any ideology or social in- novations, which are rapidly spread- stitute evolves, dogmatizes and sub- ing because of the ease of perception sequently degrades [ibid]. Such cate- of such social settings as: “ every man goricalness in establishing the relation for himself”, “profit is above anything between ideology and economy, which

149 Table 1 Dynamics of key indicators of Ukraine’s economic situation, 2008–2018

Years External debt GDP per person, External debt Balance of the for 1 person, $ mln. USA to GDP per state budget, mln. $ USA person, % $ mln. UAH 2008 2198,1 3891,9 56,5 -12500,7 2009 2245,3 2545,6 88,2 -35517,2 2010 2558,1 2973,9 86,0 -64265,5 2011 2762,4 3570,4 77,4 -23557,6 2012 2963,3 3856,7 76,8 -53445,2 2013 3123,5 4029,9 77,5 -64707,6 2014 2884,5 3010,1 95,8 -78052,8 2015 2771,3 2115,1 131,0 -45167,5 2016 2660,0 2185,6 121,7 -70130,2 2017 2744,0 2639,9 103,9 -47849,6 2018 2713,2 3094,5 87,7 -59247,9 Source: Created by the author according to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (https://index.minfin. was inherent in K. Marx (economy — the tendency for the conflict between basis; politics — superstructure), is not tradition and innovation in Ukraine to traced today, on the contrary, scientists grow, against the background of Fuku- are increasingly asking questions about yama’s well-known study, in which he the degree of influence of ideology on views the current state of liberalism as the functioning of the economy. In any “the final point of the ideological evo- case, in Ukraine there is no direct link lution of mankind”, “the ultimate form between the spread of liberal values of government in human society” [12]. and the development of the economy, We see in vain the growing inefficien- as evidenced by the data in the Table1. cy of liberal-democratic institutions, Such innovation in state-formation as which have been successfully used in liberalism has given rise to the lack of the western post-war countries, and in the rule of law, corruption, as well as Ukraine they have formed institution- the non-transparency of privatization al traps that have yet to be found. and its distributive nature, the crimi- Conclusions and prospects for fur- nalization of economic activity and ther researches. Summarizing the re- the mass export of capital, traditional sults of reflection, we will dare to make for Ukrainian society. Political and a number of observations regarding the economic elites in Ukraine have not consideration of the conflicts of tradi- even tried to limit social obligations tionalism and innovation in manage- that are not inherent in the majority of ment decisions. the population, which generally casts Priority should be given to the doubt on the spread of liberalism in the regulation of land relations, especially country, even as it dominated Europe given the prospect of lifting the mora- in the 1950s. Particularly alarming is torium on transactions with land in the

150 form of sale. Land users should have expand markets, access to resources more rights, and they should also be and technology. From a systematic ap- transferred responsibility for the qua­ proach point of view, the system should lity of the land. The archetype of the be open for energy exchange (informa- landowner will be preserved, but the tion, finances, resources, etc.) and well- tradition of its realization will change ordered, that is, it should be a well-or- and will be limited by the small size of ganized organizational and functional the land. In this regard, the author has structure of the state, otherwise the additional managerial considerations system will be degraded, it may lose its that go beyond the scope of the article. integrity and its parts will be absorbed It is advisable to find opportuni- by others systems. ties to invest in basic science, such as Continued research and further participating in international scien- elaboration of proposals in all areas is tific projects. Otherwise, the economy promising given the need to overcome will have to focus on attracting ever- the acute socio-political crisis. increasing technological innovation. Raw material, the specialization of Ukraine, will play the role of an addi- REFERENCES tional negative factor in the modern- 1. Afonin, E. A., Sushiy, E. V. (2011). ization of the economy as a basis for the Arkhetipika kak novoe nauchnoe development of statehood. It should napravlenie mezhdistsiplinarnykh be noted that there is a moderniza- issledovaniy problem gosudarstven- tion of the tradition of doing business nogo upravleniya [Archetypics as a and business owners are quite ready to new scientific field of interdisciplinary change it further, in cooperation with research of problems of public admi­ scientific institutions, the state and lo- nistration]. Gosudarstvennoe uprav- cal self-government bodies. lenie v XXI veke: traditsii i innovatsii – Public administration in the XXI Given the archetype of community, century: traditions and innovations, 3, it is necessary to promote any mani- 111-122 [in Russian]. festations of civic activity of a creative 2. Donchenko, O. A., Romanenko, Yu. V. nature and to prevent the widening of (2001). Arkhetypy sotsialnoho zhyttia social divisions along the lines: east — i polityka [Archetypes of social life and west; Ukrainian language speakers — politics]. Kyiv: Lybid [in Ukrainian]. Ukrainian language irregularity speak- 3. Amosha, A. M., Zemlyankin, A. I., ers; village — city; owner — non-owner; Pidoricheva, I. Yu. (2015). Sovershenst- rich — poor; right believer — wrong vovanie sistemy upravleniya innovatsi- believer and the like. Processes such yami kak uslovie uskoreniya reform v Ukraine [Improving the innovation as co-operation, clustering, coopera- management system as a condition for tion and association should not only be accelerating reforms in Ukraine]. Eko- governed by legal mechanisms, but also nomika Ukrainy – , receive budget support. 9(638), 49-65 [in Russian]. It is advisable to restore the status 4. Stiglitz, J. (2015). Tsena neravenstva of a transit country, traditional eco- [The Price of Inequality]. Moscow: nomic links and find new partners to Eksmo [in Russian].

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153 UDC: 316.012 : 351 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-154-167 Makarenko Aleksander Sergeevich Professor, Dr. Head of Applied Nonlinear Analysis Department, Institute of Applied System Analisis at National Technikal Uni- versity of Ukraine (Igor Sykorski Kyiv Po- litechnic Institute), 03056, Kyiv, 37, Prosp. Peremohy, 35, tel.: +38 (066 210 25 60, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID 0000-0001-6728-3058 Макаренко Олександр Сергійович професор, доктор, завідувач кафедри прикладного нелінійного аналізу Інсти- туту прикладного системного аналізу Національного технічного університету України (Київський політехнічний ін- ститут Ігоря Сикорського), 03056, Київ, просп. Перемоги, 37, тел.: +38 (066) 210 25 60, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID 0000-0001-6728-3058 Макаренко Александр Сергеевич профессор, доктор, заведующий кафедрой прикладного нелинейного анализа Инсти- тута прикладного системного анализа Национального технического университета Украины (Киевский политехнический институт им. Игоря Сикорского), 03056, Киев, проспект Победы, 37, тел.: +38 (066) 210 25 60, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID 0000-0001-6728-3058


Abstract. A new class of models with associative memory is proposed to study theу phenomena in large social systems. The models have a structure similar to the structure of Hopfield neural network models. Considering the intellectual properties inherent in the subjects of social processes in the proposed concep- tion has recently significantly expanded the range of phenomena the modeling of which becomes possible. The previously proposed methods and models that can be applied to prob- lems of archetypes, sustainable development, transformation and other similar problems are summarized. The internal variables of description of individuals are divided into two classes. The first class includes variables that change relatively

154 quickly in dynamics. The second class includes relatively stable variables, which include perception, archetypes, development patterns, etc. The proposed methodology is also suitable for consideration of global problem of sustainable development. The idea of “economic” and “environmental“ way of society evolution can in fact also be represented as constructs in terms of vari- ables of the second class, that is, as quasi-stable constructs. The transition from “economic” to “environmental” way is carried out through education, media in- fluence and other. In the future, the proposed conception will also be useful for practical tasks of public administration. In particular, considering the ability of subjects to predict situations and make decisions based on these predictions leads to completely new decision properties, the main of which is the possibility of making multiple decisions. At the level of large social system, this leads to emergence of a large number of behaviors of such a system, that is, scenarios. The consequences of such behavior for modeling the decision-making are discussed. Keywords: associative memory, social models, scenarios, mentality, arche- types, multiplicity. ПИТАННЯ МЕНТАЛІТЕТУ У ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЙНИХ ПРОЦЕСАХ ПОСТМОДЕРНІСТСЬКОГО СУСПІЛЬСТВА Анотація. Запропоновано новий клас моделей з властивістю асоціативної пам’яті для вивчення явищ у великих соціальних системах. Моделі мають структуру, подібну до структури нейромережевих моделей Хопфілдовсько- го класу. Врахування у запропонованій концепції інтелектуальних власти- востей, суб’єктів суспільних процесів, дало змогу останнім часом значно розширити коло явищ, моделювання яких стає можливим. Наведено узагальнення запропонованих методик і моделей, які можуть бути застосовані до проблем архитепіки, сталого розвитку, трансформації й інших схожих проблем. Внутрішні змінні опису індивідів розбиваються на два класи. До першого класу належать змінні, що відносно швидко зміню- ються в динаміці. Другий клас включає відносно стабільні змінні, до яких належать уявлення, архетипи, шаблони розвитку і т. п. Запропонована методика також підходить до розгляду глобальної про- блеми сталого розвитку. Ідея “економічного” та “екологічного” шляху ево- люції суспільства насправді також може бути представлена як конструкти в термінах змінних другого класу, тобто як квазістабільні конструкти. Перехід від “економічного” до “екологічного” шляху відбувається через освіту, вплив мас-медіа та ін. У майбутньому запропонована концепція буде також корис- на і для практичних завдань державного управління. Зокрема, врахування можливості суб’єктів будувати прогнози ситуацій та приймати рішення, засновані на цих прогнозах, призводять до абсолют- но нових властивостей рішень, основними з яких є можливість появи ба- гатозначних рішень. На рівні великої суспільної системи це призводить до появи чималої кількості способів поведінки такої системи, тобто сценаріїв

155 розвитку подій. Обговорюються слідства такої поведінки для моделювання процесу прийняття рішень. Ключові слова: асоціативна пам’ять, моделі суспільства, сцeнарій, мен- тальність, архітептіка, багатозначність. ВОПРОСЫ МЕНТАЛИТЕТА В ТРАНСФОРМАЦИОННЫХ ПРОЦЕССАХ ПОСТМОДЕРНИСТСКОГО ОБЩЕСТВА Анотация. Предложен новый класс моделей со свойством ассоциативной памяти для изучения явлений в больших социальных системах. Модели име- ют структуру, сходную со структурой нейросетевых моделей Хопфилдов- ского класса. Учет в предложенной концепции интеллектуальных свойств субъектов общественных процессов позволил значительно расширить круг явлений, моделирование которых становится возможным. Приведены обобщения раньше предложенных методик и моделей, кото- рые могут быть применены к проблемам архитипики, устойчивого развития, трансформации и другим похожим проблемам. Внутренние переменные описания индивидов разбиваются на два класса. К первому классу относят- ся переменные, относительно быстро меняются в динамике. Второй класс включает относительно стабильные переменные, к которым относятся пред- ставления, архетипы, шаблоны развития и т. п. Предложенная методика также подходит к рассмотрению глобальной проблемы устойчивого развития. Идея “экономического” и “экологическо- го” пути эволюции общества на самом деле также может быть представлена как конструкты в терминах переменных второго класса, то есть как квази­ стабильные конструкты. Переход от “экономического” до “экологического” пути происходит через образование, влияние СМИ и прочее. В будущем предложенная концепция будет также полезна и для практических задач го- сударственного управления. В частности, учет возможности субъектов строить прогнозы ситуаций и принимать решения, основанные на этих прогнозах, приводят к совершенно новым свойствам решений, основным из которых является возможность по- явления многозначных решений. На уровне большой общественной систе- мы это приводит к появлению целого множества способов поведения такой системы, т. е. сценариев развития событий. Обсуждаются следствия такого поведения для процессов принятия решений. Ключевые слова: ассоциативная память, модели общества, cцeнарии, ментальность, архитептика, многозначность.

Problem statement. The issues modern conditions, both in theoretical of conscious transformation of large and practical terms. It should be no­ socio-economic-political systems are ted that in the Ukrainian context they becoming increasingly important in are particularly significant in terms of

156 governing the country in conditions of problems associated with under- of great challenges, as well as internal standing the mentality of properties is and external uncertainty. When con- becoming increasingly necessary, even sidering these issues there is a need for in solving the current management adequate understanding and consider- problems for post-industrial society in ation of modern stage of society evolu- postmodernism. tion, namely the postmodern state [1, Considering the existence of society 2]. Put simply, this state is character- archetypes is one of the examples of ized by coexistence of different types such a problem. As it is known, the his- of society subsystems, pluralism of tory of those concepts begins with al- thoughts, rules, morals, stages of deve­ ready classical works of C. Jung [5, 6], lopment, etc. it has gone a long way of development Different concepts, approaches, (e.g., S. Grof [7]) and continues now definitions and methodologies to the [8]. In particular, the Ukrainian School problem of sustainable development, of Archetypes, founded by E. Afonin especially in the global aspect, can be [9, 10], should be noted. Very figura- considered as one of the examples [3, tively, according to these sources, the 4]. Of course, material factors play cru- archetypes include deep constructions cial role in consideration of social sys- in the subconscious (which are often tems: resources, effect of environment, not understood by individuals) that technological wave, infrastructure and are inherent in social communities, many others. very stable and are transmitted from It is obvious that human properties generation to generation. For example, as a thinking being are very important behavioral stereotypes are often such (and perhaps even outstanding). Figu- constructs. It is intuitively clear what ratively speaking it can be called the such constructs are. But it is still very human mentality. In terms of an indi- difficult to formalize, measure, or ap- vidual, these issues are considered by ply them in real-world management. It psychology, neurophysiology, compu- should be noted that approach of psy- tational neuroscience and philosophy. chological tests, including color, deve­ The next very important step is to un- loped by E. Afonin and his colleagues derstand the social systems as groups [11], is one of the interesting approach- of interacting entities. In this case, it is es to the study of these concepts (let’s possible to talk about systems of a large say to the measurement). The prob- number of thinking agents with dif- lems of global sustainable development ferent mental properties. Many issues are another example of problems where have already been considered by vari- mentalities are important [3, 4]. ous disciplines related to society: social Despite the great attention to sus- science, political science, economics, tainable development at all levels — theory of public administration, social from the world leaders to the popu- psychology, cultural studies, theory lation of different countries — it is of management and many others. Ho­ recognized that significant changes wever, it is now becoming increasingly from economic to environmental way clear that quantity, quality and depth are still ahead. We can assume that the

157 main thing in such changes and trans- disciplines have considered different formational processes will be carried society subsystems. The multiple con- out in the future. The change in rules, nections between countries cause the preferences and attitudes of society is emergence of a new object — the whole the main obstacle to sustainable de- World as a unique global system. There velopment. These very concepts are is a long history of development of this related to and based on understand- conception in the economy — World — ing of mental properties of the person. system analysis (I. Wallerstein), in Therefore, the problem of sustainable cultural studies — global culture development requires an adequate un- (R. Robertson), in ecology D. McNair, derstanding of influence of properties L. Brown, D. Odum, as well as concep- of mentality, including archetypes. tion of sustainable development. Purpose of the article. So far, the Civilization in social history. There influence of mentality of individuals is currently no formal description of on processes in society has been largely civilization in the content of M. We- studied using the methods of the hu- ber, A. Toynbee, S. Huntington and manities, that is, intuitively and qualita- many others. However, the concept of tively. At the same time, it is well known civilization, or economic formation, or that increasing use of methods of the regimes, is implicit in all of the above exact sciences, especially mathematics conceptions. There are some models­ and physics, is the mainstream of de- for the World in system dynamics velopment of various sciences. It should (J. Forrester, D. Meadows and their be noted that the author proposed the followers), F. Marchetti, some models aspects of mathematical modeling of of expert type and a few other more lo- society, which allow us to formalize and cal models for local problems (L. Rich- include the issues of mentality and to ardson, V. Weidlich, many models of carry out the modeling, including for- macroeconomics, etc.). However, these mulation of real management plans. models cannot answer all the questions. That is the subject of the proposed Dynamic essence of society. There article. is another basic feature of the state of Analysis of recent research and modern World: its evolutionary na- publications. Consideration of men- ture. In the current context, this causes tal properties of subjects of large social an obvious acceleration of changes, so systems. that now the problems of studying the Some problems and properties of so- essence of global systems have become ciety. more complex. The acceptability of ex- First of all, we will very briefly re- isting theories and models of society call some key properties of society that is therefore in question. For example, should be presented in the proposed there are many economic theories conception and models (a large num- based on equilibrium or quasi-equilib- ber of details and motivations are given rium conceptions (V. Pareto, D. Gayle, in the author’s works [12, 13]). J. Keynes, P. Samuelson, L. Walras, Doctrine of unity of life and abiotic J. Nash, and others). These theories environments. So far, various scientific have had many brilliant achievements,

158 but now when there are too many individual is represented in the psy- changes in the world, they are also in chology of small groups (with some question. The economy now also rec- weights to measure the mutual influ- ognizes the need to consider global ence between individuals), implicitly in changes and ongoing changes in the social psychology — G. Le Bon, C. Jung, economic structures (e.g., J. Foster, G. Tarde, S. Moscovici, in the theory Evolutionary Economics, 1987; many of social compliance of Durkheim and articles in such journals as Metho­ many others. The recognition of influ- duth, Есоnomical Journal and oth- ence of the media is a common phenom- ers). The approach of physical theories enon now. It is to be noted that theory that comes from the synergetic theory of social influence of J. Habermas and of self-organization is one of the main theory of social exchange of G. Homans tools to study the system properties are one of the main theories. (I. Prigozhin, H. Haken, G. Nicolis and The whole/subsystem ratio is also many others). We have many achieve- important property of society. Many ments in applying such conceptions in society subsystems inherit the com- the humanities (e.g, see the description mon properties of society. For example, of the role of nonlinear and chaotic a small village has many common prop- dynamics in the economy: K. Lorenz, erties as to the country as a whole. The J. Schenkman, G. Mosekilde). Howe­ examples are faith, tradition, techno- ver, the difficulties in creating a theory logical wave, creation and many other of this type are still considerable. things. Relationships and property of holo­ Spatial and time scales and hierar- raphicity. There are some basic ele- chical structure of society. As the author ments in the developed society. Namely, suggests, the problems in the heading there are many relationships between of this section can also be considered elements of social systems (not only using the methodology proposed be- in social but also in natural systems). low. The common place now is that Philosophy and theology always have there are many periodic phenomena in an idea of interconnecting all things history. There are many periods in the in the World (without specifying such economy: Kondratiev waves (about influences). However, in global science 50 years), Kuznets cycles (15–20 there are usually more developed con- years) in construction, Cameron cy- ceptions to describe the relationships, cles (150–300) (see works of Glazyev, sometimes even quantitative ones. One Firsov, Marchetta, Schumpeter). The source of the idea of relationships is periodic processes coexist in parallel the sciences of humankind (humani- in social and political life. The most ties): social science, psychology, politi- recognized is clothing trends. The fol- cal science, etc. Almost all well-known lowing example is electoral processes modern sociological theories have as in sustainable societies (such as in the their main idea of different types: so- USA). It is well known that there is cial interactions: T. Parsons, D. Easton, a 16-year cycle in the United States E. Durkheim, social fields — K. Levin. in the public interest in scientific and The environmental influence on the abstract knowledge, or vice versa, in

159 the interest in business and personal It is desirable to be able to describe success (see, for example, works of the concepts such as mentality, faith, A. Schlesinger). The next period in emotion, advantage, etc. The differ- history is a period of global change in ent scientific disciplines mentioned in world history. It is recognized that the previous section have different ap- the leading countries in history were proaches to such problems. But so far, consistently Spain — England — Ger- this description has only been applied many — USA with a period of change to small groups of people, and mainly of 150-300 years. According to L. Gu- in verbal or qualitative content due to milyov, the typical lifetime of nations is the lack of operational methodology approximately 800 years. Much larger for quantitative considerations. historical scales — scales of develop- First of all, we should mention the ment of world religions — are the axis well-known concepts in psychology — of history (with periods of about 2000 personal constructs of J. Kelly and re­ years, according to Jaspers). In addi- pertory grids of Fransella and Bannis- tion to periodic processes, many ape- ter. Such approaches described people riodic (and stochastic) processes have on some (perhaps binary) scales of ad- now been recognized. Such processes vantage: individualism — collectivism, are called chaos and they exist in many reforms — conservation, etc. The sec- areas — financial, economic, weather ond approach is the so-called cognitive forecasts. maps with description of a person us- Another important aspect is the es- ing the direct graph with key concepts sentially hierarchical nature of society. of the type of vertices and relations as The society has (very schematically) chart elements. Such a description of elements and relations between them. the leaders can be found in the works There are many options to connect ele- of Olker, Stilos and Grompos and oth- ments into blocks and levels and con- ers. A new concept of artificial society sider the hierarchy of levels and ele- of artificial agents has recently been ments as integrated object. introduced. There is also some oral Internal image of the world and men- description of the external world in tality of the individual. There are also the humanities. We have to mention many concepts and problems that were the concept of “Weltanschauung” in considered in philosophy, political sci- works of Habermas, the world in works ence and social science, and which do of Chickeland. Among others we can not have adequate analogues in the mention the “mental space” for de- system theory. The examples are re- scribing the mentality of people in the flexivity of society (self-referential works of Fauconnier, and description systems, N. Luhmann), theory of so- of cognition using some language in cial exchange of G. Homans, individual the works of Dijc, social space of Bour- model of the World of J. Habermas or dieu, as well as the concept of three P. Chickeland (see concept of “Weltan- worlds — physical, human and ideas in schauung”), individual constructs of J. the works of K. Popper. The separate Kelly that predict the properties of so- integrated models for the dynamics of ciety and many others. mental parameters can also be applied:

160 neural networks, fuzzy cognitive maps Models. Let’s imagine a society con- or expert systems. sisting of a large number of individu- Scenarios for the future, bifurcation als and let each individual be charac- and decision-making. Such concepts terized by a state vector with a set of can help to discuss the predictability possible values. There are many pos- of historical processes. There are many sibilities to connect the elements into concepts of Philosophy of History. The blocks and levels in such models. In a examples are 1) tendency of deteriora- highly developed society, the individu- tion from the “golden age” to the pres- als have many complex relations. Let’s ent state (Plato, Popper), 2) tendency formalize this. We assume that there of evolution from the poor to the better are relations between the individuals. state (Fukuyama), 3) predictability of In this way, the set of elements and re- history and “social design” (Marxism, lations characterizes the state of soci- B. Banati), 4) unhistoricalness and ety. The analysis of recent models for ubiquitous unpredictability of history environments from the sets of elements (K. Popper); 5) theological approach and relationships shows the similarity (T. Chardin). It should be noted that of such models of society with neural progress is not an absolute conception network models. and depends on the point of view. The The hierarchical systems can be de- examples are Belarus, life of northern scribed in the same way. We can assume tribes and aborigines. first that there are M hierarchical lev- The problems of chance in history, els in the social and economic system role of personality in history, possible with elements at j-th level. Each i-th and impossible ways of historical pro- element at j-th level has a description cess, virtual history and possible sce- with a parameter vector. Some ele- narios of history are the related prob- ments at the selected levels may be in lems. dependencies marked by a set of possi- Statement of basic materials. ble indexes in the dependencies. Many Thus, in the previous sections, the au- elements in a developed society have a thor outlined some concepts related large number of connections at upper to modern society. The analysis of the and lower levels. The other processes problems above and many others led of interest (political, social, educatio­ the author to a new class of models. nal, etc.) have a similar network pre- These models resemble models with sentation and society is a combination associative memory in artificial neural of such networks. networks. The details of models and The relations can be very different motivations for their introduction are in nature. The meaning of relations given in other works [12, 13]. There- can represent the normalization of fore, here we will describe only main economic, informational, management features of simple models and empha- channels, national, family, professional size some points related to the prop- interactions and others. The society is erties of predicting, multiplicity and an evolutionary system with dynamic some quantum and mechanical con- changes over time. Further, for simplic- cepts. ity, we consider only discrete models

161 with moments of time: 0,1,2, ...... , n, ... A critical step in creation of new ... Following the evolutionary nature of models is to take into account the systems, we believe that it is naturally concept of global culture of society to consider the values of parameters at as collection of all material achieve- this point in time as a system input at ments plus spiritual, such as morality, time n and the value at the next (n + 1) ethics, religion, justice and creation. moment (for n = 0, 1, 2,…) as an output. The global culture is also sometimes It should be noted that the set of ele- called the collective memory of soci- ments can change in a developing so- ety. The global culture is a very stable ciety. For example, in the economy, the structure and is the basis of civiliza- list of companies and corporations is tion (A. Toynbee, I. Wallerstein). The constantly changing due to bankrupt- proposed models have the dynamic cies and coalitions. The social, politi- principles that allow us to model the cal and government networks are also behavior of global culture over time. often transformed. This generally leads This is due to the fact that models to changes in the number of elements have the property of associative me­ N (n) and number of hierarchical levels mory. The behavior of historical pro- M (n) at different points in time. cesses resembles the desire for very The author’s models consider soci- stable structures, the so-called points ety as a large complex object created of attraction in the image recognition from many elements with connections. in computer science and neuroscience. Considering the properties of society It is important that many social sub- allows us to select some interesting systems in society also have similar properties and then propose models properties, and this allows us to con- that can mimic the regimes of society. sider the selected submodels. In a strange way, the models resemble In earlier works, the author consi­ the models of brain activity — neural dered a new class of social models as network. The author has been studied a modification of Hopfield neural net- such models since 1992 and has already work models or spin glasses. It is known had some interesting applications. that the dynamics of Hopfield model is We now briefly describe the mo­ derived from consideration of the func- dels. The first step of model develop- tional that is called “energy”. In Hop- ment is to select the model elements field models, the system tends to one and describe them. As the mentality of some stable states with a minimum of the population should be taken into of energy functional. Many of possible account, the individuals with descrip- initial conditions result in a small num- tion of their qualities (mental and ot­ ber of such minimum “energy” states her: economic, demographic and other that are called points of attraction. It parameters) were taken as elements. should be reminded that such a law is These parameters can be evaluated valid only in case of symmetric connec- in some psychological scales, in social tions. science and other humanities (see, for In the simplest case, the model example, the mental spaces of Faucon- takes the form of famous Hopfield nier, set grids of Kelly, etc.). model presented in many publica-

162 tions. In case of hierarchical systems individual has his or her own personal and symmetric connections, there is image of the World. Some of the sim- also a functional — analog of “energy” plest options will be presented in the between different elements and differ- next section, in parallel with descrip- ent levels. tion of the property of predicting. Of Models with internal structure course, there can also be the recursion and mentality. Internal representation with many levels of recursion, as in the of the external world. Considering the theory of reflexive systems of N. Luh- mentality requires consideration of in- mann, G. Soros, S. Lefebvre and others. ternal structures and their inclusion in In our scheme, this can be represented the global hierarchical models. There as a mutual representation of all per- are many approaches to considering sonalities in the internal representa- the mentality. The most natural way is tion of the individual. to consider the model for the internal Internal representation of the exter- structure also in the class of neural net- nal world. Considering the mentality works. The easiest way is to represent requires consideration of internal struc- the image of the World in the brain or tures and their inclusion in the global the individual in the model as a col- hierarchical models. There are many lection of elements and connections approaches to considering the menta­ between elements. In this image of the lity. The most natural way is to consid- world, there is a place to represent the er the model for the internal structure individual directly with personal faith, also in the class of neural networks. The skills, knowledge and advantages. We neural network models were initially imagined some individual with some introduced when studying the brain. perception of structure of the World. First, we can change the basic laws. At This perception is similar to the “pat- the phenomenological level, this can tern” above. The substantially new ef- be implemented by introducing the fect is that the individual can present subdivision of element parameters into himself as one of the elements of the external and internal variables and set- “pattern”. The mental structures of ting separate laws for two parameter other personalities are also represented blocks — external and internal output in the same way. Thus, society as a com- and input parameters. The functions plex system has its own new represen- can be of completely different forms. tation. At the first level of description, For example, the equations for external we have collection of elements con- variables can be in the form of neural nected by links. At the second level of networks combined with differential description, the structure (some image equations for internal variables. Let’s of the world) is added to all elements. make a very important remark that One possible way to consider the allows, in principle, a significant sum- mentality. The laws for elemental dy- mary of the proposed methodology namics should depend on such a rep- and models, including the problems of resentation. To represent the image of archetypes, sustainable development, the external World in the individual transformation and other similar prob- brain: it is very important that each lems. The internal variables should be

163 divided into two classes. The first class new representation. At the first level of includes variables that change relative- description, we have collection of ele- ly quickly in dynamics under the influ- ments connected by links. At the sec- ence of environment and internal state ond level of description, the structure of the individual. In fact, most of the (some image of the world) is added to current economic tasks deal with such all elements. variables (and external factors). The The laws for elemental behavior second class includes relatively stable should depend on such a perception. variables, which include perception, Formally, we can introduce the projec- archetypes, development patterns, etc. tion operators P to represent the image These constructs can also change but of the external world in the individual much slower (for example, at change of brain: it is very important that each several generations). individual has his or her own personal The parameters of the first and sec- image of the World. It should be noted ond classes are just what should be that the influence of the operator P can considered as components of the men- be divided into many local projection tality. One of the most promising ways operators. The equation can then be to consider the mentality is to find the replaced with a more complex one by equation in the neural network class. substituting the self-representation of The easiest way is to represent the im- the individual in the right part of the age of the World in the brain of the dynamic law for elemental dynamic individual or in the model as a collec- change in parameters. Some of the sim- tion of elements and connections be- plest options will be presented below, tween elements. In this image of the in parallel with description of the prop- world, there is a place to represent the erty of predicting. individual directly with personal faith, Some qualitative consequences of skills, knowledge and advantages. It is applying the proposed methodology interesting that the importance of “pic- for modeling large social systems. tures“, “patterns” and others is widely Let’s make a very important remark introduced in the works of G. Durand that allows, in principle, a significant [14]. The schematic perception of the summary of the proposed methodology image of the world of the individual can and models, including the problems of be presented in the proposed scheme. archetypes, sustainable development, The representation of an individual transformation and other similar prob- is important. He has a certain percep- lems. The internal variables should be tion of structure of the World. This divided into two classes. The first class perception is similar to the “pattern” includes variables that change relative- and is represented as networks. The ly quickly in dynamics under the influ- substantially new effect is that the in- ence of environment and internal state dividual can present himself as one of the individual. In fact, most of the of the elements of the “pattern”. The current economic tasks deal with such mental structures of other personalities variables (and external factors). The are also represented in the same way. second class includes relatively stable Thus, society as a complex system has variables, which include perception,

164 archetypes, development patterns, etc. elements in the model should depend These constructs can also change but on the images of the future described much slower (for example, at change of in the internal view. According to [15], several generations). The parameters we call this case hyperincursion. The of the first and second classes are just selection procedure is another impor- what should be considered as compo- tant part of forestalling. nents of the mentality. It should be noted that the proposed As has already been emphasized, the conceptions allow us to move towards second class of variables allows con- an adequate reflection of modern con- sidering the aspects of archetypes. In ceptions of postmodern society, for ex- particular, in the simplest case, they ample, the phenomenon of emergence can be represented through use of col- of simplified crowds of society studied or psychological tests in the proposed by M. Mafussali [16]. models [11] and through introduction The system of equations and its of special parameters (or even one sum- modifications can be the basis for marized parameter). study of many problems with internal The proposed methodology is also and external images of the world. We suitable for consideration of global should emphasize that the right part problem of sustainable development. of the equation depends on the future The idea of “economic” and “envi- values of the state of the element. This ronmental“ way of society evolution form is opposite to the form of delayed can in fact also be represented as con- equations. It is very promising that the structs in terms of variables of the sec- structure of such a system coincides in ond class, that is, as quasi-stable con- structure with caution systems studied structs. Therefore, the transition from by D. DuBois [15]. This entails pos- “economic” to “environmental” way sible similarity in properties. depends on changing the leading con- Conclusions. In the proposed ar- structs of individuals. This will sooner ticle we outlined the part of the ap- or later happen through education, me- proach to process modeling in large dia influence and other. social systems. It was suggested to It can also be assumed that in the fu- include the properties of mentality of ture the proposed conception will also individuals in society, as well as the in- be useful for practical tasks of public dividuals’ property of predicting in a administration. First, the conception rigorous approach. As a result, we ob- can give a qualitative understanding tained some new models considering of influence of various factors (includ- the properties of mentality of individ- ing archtypical) on processes in soci- ual. The possibility of including the ety. Also, with further development archetypical problems in the math- and working out in detail the proposed ematical models is also described. The models, they can become part of state possibilities of applying the concep- decision-making systems. tions to problems of society manage- It is obvious that in decision-mak- ment are also proposed. The approach ing the individuals have predictions useful for application in the economic for the future. In this case, the states of models are proposed.

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167 UDC: 321.01:342.228 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-168-182 Mamontova Ella Victorovna, Doctor of Political sciences, Professor, Pro- fessor of Regional Policy and Public Admin- istration Chair, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration of the NAPA un- der the President of Ukraine, 65009, Odessa, Str. Henuezka, 22, tel.: +38 (050) 336 25 54. [email protected], е-mail: arhitek- [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2761-8217 Мамонтова Елла Вікторівна, доктор політичних наук, професор, про- фесор кафедри регіональної політики та публічного адміністрування; Одесь- кий регіональний інститут державного управління національної академії дер- жавного управління при президентові України, 65009, м. Одеса, вул. Генуезька, 22, тел.: +38 (050)336 25 54, general@, е-mail автора: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2761-8217 Мамонтова Элла Викторовна, доктор политических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры региональной политики та публичного администрирования, Одесский региональный институт государст- венного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при прези- денте Украины, 65009, г. Одесса, ул. Генуэзская, 22, тел.: +38 (050)336 25 54, general@, е-mail автора: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2761-8217


Abstract. The current trend of the modern post-industrial world associated with the symbolization of social and political relations is investigated. Symboliza- tion is interpreted as the transformation into a symbol of any action consciously carried out by its subject. It is shown that the classical approaches to the concep- tualization of the symbol as a component of politics consider it are considered in

168 the coordinates of the traditional political order, built on institutional principles and established ideologems. It is noted that in the era of postmodernity, the place of religion and ideology as the key sources of symbolic production and tools of cre- ation is occupied by a new technique-political social semiosis. Its essence lies in the mechanism of universalization of practices of interpretation of political reality and its phenomena, the consequence of which is the symbolism of political space. The resource potential of sociosemiosis in the situation of post-politics is in- vestigated. Post-politics is defined as a permanent process of deconstruction of reality with the substitution of an entity for its sign, symbol, name, resulting in the autonomization of the symbol. The reasons for this lie not only in the fourth information revolution, with its new communicative practices, but also in the ontological nature of the phenomenon itself. This predetermines the appeal to the primary sources of the phenomenon of symbolization. It is shown that its origin falls on prehistoric times and is caused by such principles of primitive mythological thinking as syncretism, genetics and etiology. The symbol-forming potential of mythological techniques of society management is considered on the example of totemism and fetishism-cult prac- tices of unorganized archaic religions. It is proved that totemism and fetishism are still widely represented in the symbolic landscape of post-politics as their archetypal projections. As a deriva- tive of the ritual, the fetish is directly related to the totem, and together they form the background of the entire subject of political symbolism of identity: from physical and geographical objects, representatives of the world of fauna and flora to architecture, monumentalism and attributes of state sovereignty as objects of worship and collective amulets. Keywords: symbol, symbolization, sociosemiosis, myth, post-politics, totem, totemism, fetish, fetishism, archetypal projection. АРХЕТИПОВІ ПРОЕКЦІЇ АРХАЇЧНИХ ДУХОВНИХ ПРАКТИК НА СИМВОЛІЧНИЙ ЛАНДШАФТ ПОСТПОЛІТИКИ Анотація. Досліджується актуальна тенденція сучасного постіндустрі- ального світу, пов’язана із символізацією суспільно-політичних відносин. Символізація трактується як перетворення на символ будь-якої дії, що сві- домо здійснюється її суб’єктом. Показано, що класичні підходи до концепту- алізації символу як складової політики розглядають його у координатах тра- диційного політичного порядку, побудованого на інституціональних засадах та усталених ідеологемах. Відзначено, що у добу постсучасності місце релігії та ідеології як ключових джерел символічного виробництва та інструментів смислоутворення, займає нова техніка — політичний соціосеміозис. Його сутність полягає у механізмі універсалізації практик інтерпретації політич- ної реальності та її феноменів, наслідком якого виступає символізм політич- ного простору. Досліджується ресурсний потенціал соціосеміозису в ситуації постпо- літики. Посполітика визначається як перманентний процес деконструкції

169 реальності з підміною сутності на її знак, символ, найменування, в резуль- таті чого відбувається автономізація символу. Причини цього криються не тільки у четвертій інформаційній революції, з її новими комунікативними практиками, але й в онтологічному характері самого явища. Це зумовлює звернення до первинних джерел феномену символізації. По- казано, що його виникнення припадає на доісторичні часи та зумовлено таки- ми принципами первісного міфологічного мислення як синкретизм, генетизм та етіологізм. Символотворчий потенціал міфологічних технік управління суспільством розглянуто на прикладі тотемізму та фетишизму — культових практик неорганізованих архаїчних релігій. Доведено, що тотемізм та фетишизм на сьогодні широко представлені у символічному ландшафті постполітики як їх архетипові проекції. Як похід- ний від ритуалу фетиш має безпосереднє відношення до тотему, а разом во- ни складають підоснову усієї предметної політичної символіки ідентичнос- ті: від фізико-географічних об’єктів, репрезентантів світу фауни і флори до архітектури, монументалістики та атрибутів державного суверенітету як предметів культу та колективних оберегів. Ключові слова: символ, символізація, соціосеміозис, міф, постполітика, тотем, тотемізм, фетиш, фетишизм, архетипова проекція. АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЕ ПРОЕКЦИИ АРХАИЧНЫХ ДУХОВНЫХ ПРАКТИК НА СИМВОЛИЧЕСКИЙ ЛАНДШАФТ ПОСТПОЛИТИКИ Аннотация. Исследуется актуальная тенденция современного постинду- стриального мира, связанная с символизацией общественно-политических отношений. Символизация трактуется как превращение в символ любого действия, сознательно осуществляемого его субъектом. Показано, что клас- сические подходы к концептуализации символа как нетъемлемой части политики, рассматривают его в координатах традиционного политическо- го порядка, построенного на институциональных основах и устоявшихся идеологемах. Отмечено, что в эпоху постсовременности место религии и идеологии как ключевых источников символического производства и ин- струментов смыслообразования, занимает новая техника — политический социосемиозис. Его сущность заключается в механизме универсализации практик интерпретации политической реальности и ее феноменов, итогом чего выступает символизм политического пространства. Исследуется ресурсный потенциал социосемиозиса в ситуации постпо- литики, которая определяется как перманентный процесс деконструкции реальности с подменой сущности на ее знак, символ, наименование, в ре- зультате чего происходит автономизация символа. Причины этого кроются не только в четвертой информационной революции с ее новыми коммуника- тивными практиками, но и в онтологическом характере самого явления. Это обусловливает обращение к первичным источникам феномена символиза- ции. Показано, что его возникновение приходится на доисторическую эпоху

170 и обусловлено такими принципами первобытного мифологического мыш- ления как синкретизм, генетизм и етиологизм. Символический потенциал мифологических техник управления обществом рассмотрен на примере то- темизма и фетишизма — культовых практик неорганизованных архаических религий. Доказано, что тотемизм и фетишизм и сегодня широко представлены в символическом ландшафте постполитики в качестве их архетипических проекций. Как производный от ритуала, фетиш имеет непосредственное от- ношение к тотему, а вместе они составляют подоплеку всей предметной по- литической символики идентичности: от физико-географический объектов, репрезентантов мира фауны и флоры до архитектуры, монументалистики и атрибутов государственного суверенитета, как предметов культа и коллек- тивных оберегов. Ключевые слова: символ, символика, социосемиозис, миф, постполити- ка, тотем, тотемизм, фетиш, фетишизм, архетипическая проекция.

Problem statement. Today, the Such a huge creative potential and world expert society is closely watching the ability to give birth to new mean- the paradigm shifts in the worldview of ings, leading to the reformatting of the post-industrial society, which, in par- space of social and power relations, ac- ticular, are associated with the trend of tualize the study of the nature of the symbolization of social and political re- symbol as a phenomenon of political lations, by which we propose to under- reality and an instrument of political stand the transformation into a symbol and managerial influence. After all, un- of any action consciously carried out by der the conditions when as a result of its subject. In the situation of postmo- global transformations there is a weak- dernity of the XXI century, symbols no ening of traditional foundations of longer reflect social reality, but become state regulation of social and political a reality for the community. Thus, the relations, which are mainly institution- formation, fixation and reproduction of al in nature, the appeal to the arsenal of the nation and the state is always based non-traditional resources in politics is on a certain system of symbol forms and an urgent demand of the time. One of symbols, which through the creation of such resources is a symbol. a national symbolic space, through the Analysis of recent research and strengthening of the symbolic capital publications. Of course, the social na- of their own state and through compe- ture of the symbol and its political and tition with the symbolic universes of managerial potential have long been a other cultures, states and geopolitical matter of interest for researchers. Thus, entities, indicate the area of distribution philosophically attempts to compre- and the degree of protection of national hend the symbol as a component of so- and state sovereignty. cio-political existence have gone a long

171 way from archaic attempts to compre- E. Giddens, N. Elias, T. Luckmann, hend this phenomenon in antiquity to A. Schutz). its interpretation in rationalistic and Recent trends have made a sig- aesthetic concepts of Enlightenment nificant impact on the formation of and, in general, do not go beyond the new research approaches aimed at the generally accepted periodization of the study of the symbolic aspect of politics, history of philosophy itself. namely: political and cultural (T. Ar- Since the second half of the XIX nold, A. Wildavsky, M. Edelman, G. El- century the processes of symbol con- lis, L. Ditmer, M. Douglas, J. Kauff- ceptualization, which have already man, V. Radaev, R. Tucker, W. Turner, covered a wide range of research ar- M. Thompson, A. Whitehead) and eas and schools that have developed political-communicative (K. Deutsch, within the framework of sociology, E. Canetti, H. Lasswell, G. Pocheptsov, are becoming more active (P. Blau, F. T önnies). In the context of technolo- G. Bloomer, J. G. Mead, J. Homans, gization of processes of management of T. Shibutani), anthropology (F. Boas, society the symbolic component of the K. Geertz, J. Lubbock, I. Lewis, policy is considered in the works of the B. Malinowski, M. Mead, M. Mauss, foreign (J. Adair, E. Aronson, E. Brack- A. F. Radcliffe-Brown, E. Tylor, ins, G. Atamanchuk, R. Bellah, A. May, Ip. Taine, L. White, J. Fraser), analyti- V. Sergeev, S. Potseluev, J. Pfeffer, cal psychology (S. Freud, E. Fromm, V. Soloviev) and domestic (E. Afonin, K. G. Jung), culturosophy (E. Cas- V. Gorbatenko, F. Kirilyuk, T. Lyapina, sirer, G. Cohen, S. K. Langer, O. Spen- G. Pocheptsov) researchers. gler), hermeneutics (H. G. Gadamer, However, despite the wide range P. Ricoeur), phenomenology (E. Hus- of approaches to the conceptualiza- serl, O. Losev, P. Florensky), tion of the symbol and the symbolic as (U. Eco, J. Lotman, C. W. Morris, Ch. components of politics, all of them, in S. Pierce, F. de Saussure, G. Frege), so- their overwhelming majority, firstly, ciolinguistics, structural functionalism­ are fragmentary, secondly, as a rule, and poststructuralism (R. Barthes, focus on the socio-cultural aspects of M. Foucault, J. Lacan, L. Lévy-Bruhl, the issue, and, thirdly, consider it in the C. Levi-Strauss, E. Ortiga, J. Piaget, coordinates of the traditional political V. Propp, W. Warner), etc. However, order, built on institutional principles the final transfer of the symbol and its and established ideologems. We also socio-power role of categories as a the- add that the request for the study the oretical and methodological meaning resource potential of the character in a from the plane presented by the coordi- situation post-politics remains outside nates “signifier-signified” in the sphere the attention of most researchers, and of the political, occurred within social it describes, among other things, the drama (K. Burke, E. Goffman, H. Dun- shift from substantive to formal, on the can, J. Mccoll), communication studies actual to the virtual, from the essence (J. Deleuze, J.-F. Lyotard, N. Luhmann, of its sign. The result of this permanent J. Habermas) and postmodernism process of deconstruction is the abso- (P. Berger, J. Baudrillard, P. Bourdieu, lutization of what is denoted against

172 the background of desacralization or of their archetypal projections on the the destruction of what is denoted. symbolic landscape of post-politic. In other words, post-political reality Presentation of the main research is characterized with the substitution material. Familiarity with the theore­ of meanings, phenomena, names signs, tical and methodological foundations symbols, names. of the study of the symbol as a deter- In our opinion, the reasons for the minant of social power relations and strengthening of the above trend, its dominance allows us to assert that which in the post-industrial era leads as a subject of thought reflection, the to the autonomization of the symbol, symbol first appears in ancient philo- lie not only in the fourth information sophical discourse. However, proceed- revolution, which gave mankind new ing to the analysis of the nature of the communicative practices and thanks symbol and the identification of its to Internet technologies, digitaliza- social-creative potential, it should be tion, interactive communication, vir- noted that to is not quite accurate ac- tualization, network integration and cept antiquity as a reference point. Af- cooperation made the simple consumer ter all, the history of the phenomenon of information a full participant in the (object, phenomenon) and the history process of its development, a co-au- of the concept (term) are never iden- thor of new meanings and a co-creator tical. From Greek antiquity begins the of new images. Although, of course, history of understanding the symbol without technological progress, which within the European intellectual tra- turned the media with their linear in- dition with its characteristic raciocen- fluence on the audience on the model trism and a system of binary opposi- of the classical author’s discourse of the tions. While the history of the symbol modern era, where the artist and the as a phenomenon and a universal cat- public are separated spatially, in status egory of culture, in particular the cul- and functionally, the mass communica- ture of political and administrative re- tion media with their postmodern “neo lations, goes back to the ancient times folklore” attraction of the audience in of primitive societies. Man moved to the creative process, when it turns in- the rational understanding of concepts to its full active accomplice, the trend only after he had passed the stage of in- of symbolization would not become a tuitive, sensory perception of symbols trend. Nevertheless, we are convinced and signs. that this phenomenon is ontological in This stage is the starting point of a nature, requiring reference to its ori- thousand-year process of evolution of gins and, above all, to the oldest spiri- forms of political organization of soci- tual practices. ety, which, in particular, can be consi­ Purpose of article. This assumption dered in the focus of paradigm changes determines the purpose of this article, of various symbolic systems of the which is to identify the specifics of cult world: mythology, religion, ideology, practices of unorganized archaic reli- sociosemiosis. Assuming that myth be- gions in the context of their symbol- comes historically the first instrument making potential and the designation of structuring social space and the pri-

173 mary source of symbolic production, and-effect relations with precedent we note that the chronological frame- and thus introduces the tools of imita- work of the existence of the mythologi- tion and repetition into the arsenal of cal world covers the longest period of the management of society. Etiologism, human history-from prehistoric times in search of the root causes of the exis- to the fall of the ancient world, which tence of the individual and the world, determines the stages of its develop- reveals to man not only the meaning of ment and variability of forms of sym- life, but also the way of its reproduc- bolic influence. According to the main tion, so that the myth is perceived as a stages of the historical process of state project of the future and sets the vec- formation as a form of political organi- tors of social development. zation of society, we propose to allocate The consequence of the spread of three stages of formation of the society this type of social modeling is the emer- of mythological type: magic (archaic gence in mythological society of the organized society of pre-state era); magical type of the historically first, ar- sacral (ideocratic society of Oriental chetypal for the structure and system- despotism); rational-mystical (com- forming functional load of the symbolic munity of the ancient polis). complex, which we have classified as a It is primitive society, as historically complex of identification. The factors the first type of mythological society, of its formation were as follows: a) fix- that creates a mythological complex, ing the myth of the status of normative which in syncretic visual-verbal sym- necessity; b) appeal to imitation as a bol forms and symbolologies acts as an mechanism of regulation of social in- instrument of comprehension of the teraction; c) the expression and mani- world, its explanation and reproduc- festation of the ideological unity of tion of archetypal signs and images, man and nature, which is inherent in than forms norms and patterns of social the mythological type of perception of behavior. the world in the phenomena of totem- The process of birth in the human ism, fetishism and animism; d) the rec- consciousness of the sign and symbol ognition of magic as the dominant form was the integral part of the formation of semantic and social relationships in of the mythological worldview. In our the mythologized space. opinion, the emergence of the pheno­ Each of these factors gave rise to menon of symbolization is due to such the emergence and structuring of ar- principles of mythological thinking chetypal first forms and first actions, as syncretism, genetics and etiology. which will later be the basis of a sym- Thus, syncretism, which manifests bolic complex of identification, with- itself in the absence of a clear separa- out which the implementation of the tion of object and subject, name and state project is not possible today, thing, space and time, makes them which is proved by the experience of signs of each other, which triggers the many countries, including, unfortu- mechanism of symbolization. Genetics, nately, Ukraine. through the recognition of the origin of The most indicative from the point an object for its essence, replaces cause- of view of revealing the symbol-making

174 potential of mythological techniques a bird, an insect, a plant, then later its of society management are such cult image became sufficient for worship. practices of unorganized archaic reli- And then the totem finally turned into gions as totemism and fetishism. They a symbol, a word, a sound. are based on the ideological unity of Such a system of ideas about the man and nature inherent in primitive connection of the human collective thinking. Really, laws, based on which with its mythical zooantpropomorphic the living world of nature exists, like ancestor-totem is considered one of birth and death, unification in couples the most archaic forms of mythological and bringing up kids, through mecha- consciousness and cult, which received nism imitation were fixed by a primi- the name totemism in the scientific tive man in rites and ritual attributes — literature. It is based on the pheno­ masks, tattoos, cult objects and the menon that L. Lévy-Bruhl [2] and like. At the same time, the sense of re- L. Vygotsky [3] define as participation semblance was perceived as a kinship (from lat. рarticipa-tio, involvement, with a certain animal, plant, natural communion, an attempt to make some- phenomenon, and was the basis of the one an accomplice). Its essence can be process of adoration and giving them explained by the state when members the status of patrons. Thus, objects of of a group (clan, clan, tribe) consider nature gradually acquired the status of the totem to be their direct ancestor totems in the consciousness of primi- and identify themselves with it. tive man, and objects confirming the The order of such totemic kinship kinship of man with the totem become was fixed with the help of prohibition- fetishes. taboo, which first had the purpose of The term “totem” (from “ototeman”, avoiding the harmful consequences of “ot-totem”) came into the scientific incest as sexual relations with mem- lexicon of the North American Ojibwe bers of their totem, which is probably language and literally is translated as punishable by death (C. Levi-Strauss, “belonging to the clan”, “his kind”. In L. Morgan, A. Radcliffe-Brown, other words, a totem is a plant or ani- W. Robertson-Smith, J. Fraser, mal that is supernaturally connected S. Freud et al.). In the future, the with the life of a group or individual [1, mechanism of taboo provided a gradual p. 81]. For primitive man a totem is, transition from the absolute individual above all, a good ancestor, progenitor freedom of the subconscious to the to- and patron. The factual material of nu- tal control of the collective. Another merous anthropological studies (G. At- important consequence of this process kinson, J. Fraser, G. Clark, S. Cole, was that the taboo has become one of D. Raymond, L. Richard, L. Morgan, the most effective means of achieving E. Tylor et al.) convincingly proves that self-control for a man. So, the two main almost every genus bore the name of its taboos of totemism, the prohibition of totem, the choice of which was due to totem killing and the prohibition of in- the physical and geographical nature of cest, played a key role in the birth of the area. And if at first the totem of the morality. Moreover, the taboo becomes group was a real creature — an animal, the first step not only to the establish-

175 ment of a system of moral norms and “Swedish elk”,”Lebanese cedar”, “Es- rules, but also determines the process tonian cornflower”, “Ukrainian vibur- of formation of the entire social organi- num”, “Canadian maple leaf”, “Irish St. zation and an integral system of social Patrick’s clover”, etc. interaction. The symbolic nature of totemism is Of course, most of the peoples eloquently indicated by the list of its gradually lost the totemic representa- social functions, which through their tion, but their influence has been felt archetypal projections remain relevant throughout history. Thus, in ancient to this day. This is: a) the association Greek society myths about centaurs of people around a collectively recog- contain traces of totemism, as well as nized totem (integrative function); stories about the transformation of b) the subordination of the behavior of people into animals. Totemic traits can the group through prohibitions-taboos, be traced in the images of gods and which must adhere to all its members heroes in the beliefs of the indigenous (regulatory function); c) the use of the people of Central and South Ameri- totem during crises, natural disasters, ca. Actual cults of sacred animals are wars, epidemics, disasters (mobiliza- widely known — cows, monkeys, el- tion function); d) demonstration of ephants, crocodiles in India, in which other belonging to a certain group (at- traces of archaic ban on murder are tributive function). clearly reflected. In European culture The symbolic basis is clearly seen there is taboo for violence and destruc- in another archaic spiritual practice-in tion household animals-dogs and cats. the worship of fetishes, or fetishism. The echo of totemism is observed in The term “fetish” (from Portuguese numerous folklore legends about were- word feitico — witchcraft, amulet) was wolves, witches and in the characters introduced into the scientific lexicon of modern cinematic mass culture. of the beginning of the XVIII century Such a fairly common phenomenon by the French researcher C. de Bross- as the presence in the national land- es [4]. However, in spite of the fact scapes of symbolic symbols of totemic that the phenomenon of fetishism is origin can be considered as an echo of quite thoroughly studied (P. Holbach, the totemism of primitive society. And G. W. F. Hegel, O. Comte, J. Lubbock, today a certain animal or plant, in the E. Tylor et al.), it still remains the sub- archetypal image of which the brigh­ ject of acute scientific debate. Despite test features of the national character attempts to abandon the term, due to are concentrated and the spirit of the its vagueness and uncertainty, the fol- nation is fully manifested, often act as lowing understanding is common for its unofficial symbols. Often objects all trends and schools — fetishism (in perceived as symbolic amulets of the French versions of translation-feti­ nation, its patrons, guards, turn from chisme, fetichie, — idol, talisman) — is, powerful totems into well-known un- first of all, the worship of material ob- official symbols of these states. We are jects-fetishes. In our opinion, fetishism well acquainted with the “Gallic cock”, is not a stage of formation of religion, “Russian bear”, “Chinese panda”, and not a psychological mechanism,

176 but a set of cult practices of worship accompany the entire history of man- of inanimate objects, which in their kind. Today, their most common tradi- natural state, or modified in a certain tional varieties are religious symbols way in accordance with the purpose, and precious stones. In a certain sense, constitute the object of worship. In the role of amulets was performed by the process of fetishization, the social the ideological symbolism of totalitar- and cultural functions of an object are ian regimes. Thus, the party ticket of identified with its natural properties or a member of the CPSU was not only with the natural characteristics of the an official document, but also a kind individual. For primitive man, any ob- of guarantee of survival in a situation ject that impressed him could become of state monopoly on power, includ- a fetish. Most often fetishes were either ing spiritual power. Hence, the cult natural objects (stones from the moun- of “party ticket” in the USSR can be tain, which is revered as a cult, pieces considered a vivid evidence of the of wood, animal body parts, grains, and combination of primitive mechanisms the like), or man-made objects that of fetishization with the practices of mimic the object of worship-idols (plas- ideological influence. The arsenal of tic or wall images, and even tattoos). fetishization was significantly reple­ Generalization of the broad factual nished in the XXI century, when, the material presented in the works on an- practice of occultism, astrology, magic, thropology, ethnography and cultural neo-paganism and the like are reani- studies of art history, allows in the con- mated actively in their archetypal pro- text of the subject of our study to clas- jections to counteract the scientism of sify fetishes as object — symbolic (a) information society of knowledge and and symbolic — object (b) ones. technologization of the modern world We propose to describe object-sym- as a whole. bolic fetishes we as the real objects of As to the collective fetish of the ob- the material world, which, as a conse- ject-symbolic order, it acts as a general quence of fetishization, turn into direct and generally accepted specific natu- objects of worship. At this level, such ral object for the whole group (moun- fetish may be the amulet and talisman, tain, river, lake, beautiful big tree and where the amulet (from. lat. amuliri — the like). Often collective fetishes had “to remove”, “to avert”) is a thing that a specialization: individual objects of is endowed with magical properties to worship were intended for the mana­ avert trouble from a person and which gement of time, health, hunting, fish- is able to protect its owner from trou- ing, and the like. The one who played ble and disease, and a talisman (from a leading role in their choice, secured Greek. “telesma” — “dedication”) — is a its authority through it. As a rule, this talisman, which, unlike the amulet, was function was assumed by magicians, hidden from prying eyes, using not to sorcerers, priests — people whose activ- protect against evil forces, but to attract ities were at the origins of the processes good luck. of social differentiation and the forma- Let us note that amulets and talis- tion of a system of relations in the coor- mans in their archetypal projections dinates “management-subordination”.

177 Undoubtedly, the significance of of such symbolic-object fetishes in the role of cult physical and geographi- modern national landscapes are sym- cal objects of national importance in bolic iconic architectural religious and the formation of the identification secular buildings, monuments (Egyp- symbolic complex of each individual tian Pyramids, Acropolis of Athens, nation is an archetypal projection of Roman Colosseum, St. Peter’s Cathe- archaic spiritual practices based on dral in Vatican, Taj Mahal in Agra, An- imitation mechanisms of fetishization. gkor Wat in Cambodia, Brandenburg It is enough to remember what place gate in Berlin, Eiffel tower in Paris, in folklore, poetry, historical narra- Petronas tower in Kuala Lumpur, Burj tive and modern symbolic landscape of Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai, the statue each nation is occupied by natural ob- of liberty in new York, the Christ mon- jects (Ukrainian Dnieper, Polish Vis- ument in Rio de Janeiro, and the like). tula, Indian Ganges, Chinese Huanhe, It is enough to remember what a loud Armenian Ararat, Japanese Fujiyama, resonance was caused by the recent Ukrainian Hoverla, Bulgarian Shypka, fire in Notre Dame de Paris, when the Greek Olympus, Halong Bay in Viet- destruction of the architectural monu- nam, Cape Roka in Portugal and the ment acquired the status of a symbolic like). event and was perceived by the world In contrast to the object-symbolic community as a sign of the “decline of fetishes, the transformation of which Europe”. into objects of worship is carried out In addition, fetishes of the symbo­ according to the scheme “from the lic-object type are closely associated material form to its symbolic compre- with the cult of ancestors, in particular hension”, the symbolic-object group with funeral rites. Even E. Tylor [5] re- of fetishes consists of human works: ferred to the sphere of fetishism fune­ idols. In the literal translation from ral rite, as such. Note that the ancient the Greek idol (еidolon) is “image”, habit of storing parts of the body of the “similarity”. Idolatrous fetishes are deceased or its transformation into a zoomorphic and anthropomorphic “vessel of supernatural forces” for its man-made figures made of natural ma- complete mummification (Egypt, Pe- terials (stones, trees, clay, bones, etc.) ru), as a manifestation of the practice or abstract images. All kinds of idols: of fetishization was suddenly revived idols, pagodas, stone women, block- in the totalitarian cults of the twenti- heads and the like, have a symbolic eth centur (USSR (V. Lenin), Bulga­ nature and are first forms of monumen- ria (T. Zhivkov), China (Mao Zedong), talism — one of the components of the Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh), North Korea block of spatial symbolism, which sub- (Kim Ir Sen)). sequently, in the wake of the process of As we can see, the endowment of ob- institutionalization of power, will take jects with magical properties, their fe- a prominent place among the tools of tishization does not disappear with the its legitimization and resources of in- transformation of mythological society. fluence on socio-political processes of In the following types of social organi- identification. Archetypal projections zation, based on other varieties of sym-

178 bolic and normative forms, it continues dern discourse (R. Barthes, J. Baudril- to be an important part of the political lard, M. Foucault, etc.). and managerial arsenal. Thus, a direct The wide range of application of fe- connection can be traced between the tishization in the practices of political fetishism of the primitive era and the and managerial influence, outlined by religious cult practices of Christianity actual sociological knowledge (suffice (worship of icons, Holy relics), Bud- it to recall in this regard the concept dhism (veneration of sacred “stupas”), of “visualization” by V. V. Benjamin [8, Islam (pilgrimage to Holy places and pp. 235–247],” verbal fetishism of the “black stone”). revolution “by P. Sorokin [9, pp. 151– K. Marx analyzes the phenomenon 153], “political fetishism” by P. Bour- of “commodity fetishism” in the soci- dieu [10, pp. 231–262]), is another evi- ety of the capitalist formation. In his dence in favor of its power potential. It opinion, the self-growth of value leads is no coincidence that the word “cult” to the process of endowing the pro­ is firmly rooted in the lexicon of glo- ducts of production with supernatural balized post-modern society. In order properties. For Marx, fetishism is not for a subject to be influenced — it must so much an element of religious con- be a “cult” one, the one that becomes sciousness but a universal characteris- an object of mass worship because of tic inherent in its various forms [6, pp. outstanding achievements in a certain 458-470]. The philosopher connects sphere of meaning production-culture, fetishism with the fusion of cultural art, science, politics. After all, today and social functions of a thing with its only cult figures are able to conquer, material substrate and introduces the integrate and mobilize the broad mas­ concept of “commodity fetishism”. This ses of the population and manage them. phenomenon, in his opinion, is due to This is how the key mechanism of the anticipation of social relations and post-politics functions, which consists the personification of things. “Com- in the absolutization of the sign and modity fetishism” is the personifica- symbol with the total destruction of tion of things and economic categories, institutions, norms and traditions, as and above all, money. Capital, through a result of which virtual parties and relations of production, is personified politicians-holograms-come to power. in the capitalist, and labour — in the Conclusions and prospects for fur- worker. Thus, through the personifica- ther research. All of the above gives tion of economic relations, the laws of us grounds enough to make some ge­ capitalist production are manifested as neralizations. The real power in society the action and will of individuals and is always the power of the intangible groups [7, p. 80-93]. assests. After all, the social world, of In the twentieth and twenty-first which the subsystem of politics is a centuries, the phenomenon of fetishiza- component, is an extremely multidi- tion of the world of things is treated as mensional space. This space, marked a core characteristic of post-industrial out, constructed and built on the prin- consumer society and is included in the ciple of differentiation, is formed by a subject range of key topics of postmo­ set of acting factors, the possession of

179 which is the key to power in this uni- sis finally turns the political order into verse. Based on the above, the appro- a symbolic order, where network hier- priation of scarce material and intangi- archies of the entities of the world of ble goods, where the latter are defined politics are created through interpreta- as cultural and symbolic resources, as tion techniques. well as the establishment of control This conclusion can be clearly seen over their further distribution in the in the wide presence of archetypal pro- process of social interaction, is a fun- jections of archaic spiritual practices damental source of political power and such as totemism and fetishism in the governance. In other words, the rela- symbolic landscape of post-politics. tions of power in society always tend As a derivative of ritual, the fetish is to be actualized in the relations of sym- directly related to the totem, and to- bolic power, and the symbol becomes a gether they form the background of all key tool in the struggle for a monopoly the subject of political symbolism: from on the legitimate worldview. Thus, re- physical and geographical objects, rep- ferring to the mechanism of implemen- resentatives of the world of fauna and tation of a certain system of values, flora to architecture, monumentalism mythologies and symbols, it is possible and attributes of state sovereignty as to organize a given perception of the objects of worship and collective amu- social world and, therefore, the world lets. itself, and to establish in this world the The unity of man and the cosmos, rules and norms by which social rela- which is the basis of the mythological tions are constructed and reproduced. worldview, give rise to the phenomenon It is extremely important in this regard of animism and its products-totem and that symbolic dominance allows not fetish. Through the system of prohibi- only to exercise control over public tions (taboos), the totem establishes opinion, but also, in the long term, pro- not only the norms of collective coex- vides control of the processes of socia­ istence (group morality), but also sets lization of future generations. the rules of social competitions (games) This observation is clearly reflected that allow a person to join the struggle in the current post-political situation. for symbolic dominance. As a symbolic After all, today religion and ideo­ first form, the totem gave birth to the logy have finally lost the status of key biological symbolism of the object block sources of symbolic production and of the symbolic identification complex- leadership positions in the arsenal of representatives of fauna and flora, who tools of creation. In the era of post- through archetypal projections ac- modernity, their place is gradually and quired the status of patrons of peoples inevitably taken by a new practice- and unofficial symbols of states. political social semiosis. Its essence lies Fetishism as a custom of worship- in the mechanism of universalization of ping material objects gave birth to sev- practices of interpretation of political eral types of symbolism of the subject reality and its phenomena, the result of series. Thus, object-symbolic fetishes which is the symbolism of the political gave rise to physical-geographical space. Thus, the political social semio- symbolism as a component of the ob-

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182 UDC: 351.72:336.14 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-183-192 Marchenko Lyudmila Yuryevna post-graduate student of Personnel Man- agement and Labour Economics Depart- ment, KRI NAPA, Deputy Head of Taxation Administration-Head of Department of Ex- penditures, Administration of State Treasury Service of Ukraine in Kharkiv City, Kharkiv Region, 61051, Kharkiv, Str. Klochkivska, 276-B, tel: +38 (067) 777 47 05, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID:0000-0003-3577-0630 Марченко Людмила Юріївна, аспірант кафедри управління персона- лом та економіки праці ХарРІ НАДУ, заступник начальника управління-на- чальник відділу видатків Управління дер- жавної казначейської служби України у м. Харкові Харківської області, 61051, м. Харків, вул. Клочківська, 276-Б, тел.: +38 (067) 777 47 05, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID:0000-0003-3577-0630 Марченко Людмила Юрьевна, аспирант кафедры управления персоналом и экономики труда ХарРИ НАГУ, заме- ститель начальника управления-начальник отдела расходов Управления Государ- ственной казначейской службы Украины в г. Харькове Харьковской области, 61051, г. Харьков, ул. Клочковская, 276-Б, тел.: +38 (067) 777 47 05, e-mail: marcheluda@ ORCID:0000-0003-3577-0630


Abstract. The article presents the characteristic features of a postmodern so- ciety: the diminishing role of the material production; rapid development of the services and information sector; changing the nature of human activity and the types of resources involved in production; a significant modification of the tradi- tional social structure, and emphasized the importance of the role of archetypes. Archetype as a science and archetypes are seen as a driving force for progress in

183 the modern process of the state formation. The tasks and powers of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine in accordance with the existing legislative acts have been determined. Theoretical approaches to the fulfillment of the functions of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine are generalized. The inclusion of a ser- vice function is justified. The following functions of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine are envisaged to be fixed on the legislation: rulemaking; servicing; ac- counting; control; prophylactic (preventive); informational; administrative. It is noted that in the postmodern society the effectiveness of the functioning of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine depends on the professional, quality staff. It is noted that the person — the employee of the Treasury, who performs the tasks and functions assigned to the Treasury, plays a rather important role in the inter- action with the government, state authorities and local self-government bodies, budgetary institutions, organizations, enterprises, individuals — entrepreneurs and citizens making timely and effective administrative decisions. The neces- sity of the professional training of the civil servants on the basis of competence approach is substantiated. The modern forms of education and educational pro- grams are defined. The author analyzes the procedure for hiring for the Treasury on a competitive basis, certifying the problem in terms of test tasks that are not substantive, but general in nature. It is recommended to approximate the content of the tasks in the tests to the functions performed in the bodies of the Treasury. Keywords: archetypes, State Treasury Service of Ukraine, postmodern soci- ety, subject, functions. ДЕРЖАВНА КАЗНАЧЕЙСЬКА СЛУЖБА УКРАЇНИ ЯК СУБ’ЄКТ НАДАННЯ ПУБЛІЧНИХ ПОСЛУГ В СУЧАСНОМУ — ПОСТМОДЕРНОМУ СУСПІЛЬСТВІ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. Схарактеризовано ознаки постмодернового суспільства: змен- шення ролі матеріального виробництва; стрімкий розвиток сектору послуг та інформації; зміна характеру людської діяльності та типів ресурсів, що залучаються до виробництва; суттєва модифікація традиційної соціальної структури, і наголошено на важливості ролі архетипів. Архетипіка як наука та архетипи розглядаються як рушій прогресу в сучасному процесі держа- вотворення. Визначено завдання та повноваження Державної казначейської служби України відповідно до існуючих законодавчих актів. Узагальнено теоретичні підходи до виконання функцій Державної казначейської служби України. Обґрунтовано включення обслуговуючої функції. Запропоновано закріпити на законодавчому рівні наступні функції Державної казначей- ської служби України: нормотворча; обслуговуюча; облікова; контрольна; профілактична (превентивна); інформаційна; управлінська. Зазначено, що в постмодерному суспільстві ефективність функціонування Державної казначейської служби України залежить від професійного, якісного складу персоналу. Зазначено, що людина — працівник Казначейства, який вико- нує завдання і функції покладені на Казначейство, відіграє досить важливу роль в порядку взаємодії з урядом, органами державної влади та органами

184 місцевого самоврядування, бюджетними установами, організаціями, під- приємствами, фізичними особами — підприємцями та громадянами з метою прийняття своєчасних та ефективних управлінських рішень. Обґрунтована необхідність професійного навчання державних службовців на основі ком- петентнісного підходу. Визначено сучасні форми навчання та освітні програ- ми, за якими відбувається підвищення кваліфікації державних службовців. Проаналізовано процедуру прийняття на роботу до органів Казначейства на конкурсних засадах, яка засвідчує проблему в частині тестових завдань, які мають не предметний, а загальний характер. Рекомендовано наблизити зміст завдань в тестах до виконуваних функцій в органах Казначейства. Ключові слова: архетипи, Державна казначейська служба України, пост- модерне суспільство, суб’єкт, функції. ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ КАЗНАЧЕЙСКАЯ СЛУЖБА УКРАИНЫ КАК СУБЪЕКТ В СОВРЕМЕННОМ — ПОСТМОДЕРНОМ ОБЩЕСТВЕ (АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Охарактеризованы признаки постмодернистского общест- ва: уменьшение роли материального производства; стремительное развитие сектора услуг и информации; изменение характера человеческой деятель- ности и типов ресурсов, привлекаемых к производству; существенная моди- фикация традиционной социальной структуры, и отмечена важность роли архетипов. Архетипика как наука и архетипы рассматриваются как двига- тель прогресса в современном процессе создания государства. Определены задачи и полномочия Государственной казначейской службы Украины в соответствии с существующими законодательными актами. Обобщены те- оретические подходы к выполнению функций Государственной казначей- ской службы Украины. Обосновано включение обслуживающей функции. Предложено закрепить на законодательном уровне следующие функции Государственной казначейской службы Украины: нормотворческая; обслу- живающая; учетная; контрольная; профилактическая (превентивная) ин- формационная; управленческая. Отмечено, что в постмодерном обществе эффективность функционирования Государственной казначейской службы Украины зависит от профессионального, качественного состава персонала. Отмечено, что человек — работник Казначейства, который выполняет зада- чи и функции, возложенные на Казначейство, играет важную роль в поряд- ке взаимодействия с правительством, органами государственной власти и органами местного самоуправления, бюджетными учреждениями, органи- зациями, предприятиями, физическими лицами — предпринимателями и гражданами с целью принятия своевременных и эффективных управлен- ческих решений. Обоснована необходимость профессионального обучения государственных служащих на основе компетентностного подхода. Опреде- лены современные формы обучения и образовательные программы, по ко- торым происходит повышение квалификации государственных служащих. Проанализирована процедура принятия на работу в органы Казначейства на

185 конкурсной основе, отмечена проблема в содержании тестовых заданий, ко- торые носят не предметный, а общий характер. Рекомендуется приблизить содержание заданий в тестах к выполняемым функциям в органах Казна- чейства. Ключевые слова: архетипы, Государственная казначейская служба Укра- ины, постмодерное общество, субъект, функции.

Formulation of the problem: In re- The purpose of the article. The cent years the processes of transforma- systematization of the functions of the tion and reformation have been taking State Treasury as a public service en- place in Ukraine in the public adminis- tity in a postmodern society. The sub- tration bodies, in particular in the bodies stantiation of the new approaches to of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine the quality of the professional training (hereinafter referred to as Treasury bod- of the Treasury employees. ies). The development of a postmodern Outline of the main research ma- society is accompanied by an efficient terial. Postmodernism is a culture of and effective provision of the public ser- a post-industrial, information society, vices, so there is a need to explore new and it goes beyond culture and to one approaches to defining the functions of extent or another manifests itself in all the Treasury bodies. The introduction the spheres of the public life, including of the information technology in a post- economy and politics. modern society actualizes­ the issue of The widespread use of the term professional training for the employees “postmodernism” is celebrated in the of the Treasury bodies. late 1960s to characterize the innova- Analysis of recent research and tions in art, literature, and transforma- publications. Important contribution tion in the socio-economic, technologi- to the development of the theoretical cal, and socio-political spheres [1]. positions of archetype has been made In postmodernism the main prin- by such modern domestic scientists: ciple of development is to obtain the O. Amosov, E. Afonin, N. Havkalova, necessary education, information and V. Omelyanenko, O. Sushiy and others. knowledge in order to master the In turn, the study of issues related high-tech and intellectual technolo- to the functions of the Treasury bo­ gies used by the society. The charac- dies was carried out by a number of teristic features of a post-industrial scientists, namely: I. Yu. Klitenko, society are: the diminishing role of the S. Ya. Kondratyuk, O. I. Prekrasna, material production; rapid develop- V. I. Stoyan, N. I. Sushko, L. I. Strigel ment of the services and information and others. sector; changing the nature of the hu- However, due to the ongoing trans- man activity and the types of resourc- formation processes in the Treasury bod- es involved in production; a signifi- ies, the functions of the Treasury bodies cant modification of the traditional need to be systematized in more detail. social structure. In the post-industrial

186 society interaction between people is of stages in its historical development, also very important. is a rather interesting subject of public In the postmodern society the the- research services in terms of archetypal ory of archetypes plays an important and mythological research. role in the development of the public Historically, the Treasury has per- administration. In the scientific re- formed several functions: responsible search there is a great interest in myth, for preserving the wealth of the state; archetype, their essence and sphere was the place where the payments of the of functioning. They can take on new state were collected and from which the forms, receive new interpretations and state made payments; was responsible explanations, but retain their original (under royal supervision) for coinage; essence. An important factor in shap- and also acted as accounting agency. ing the outlook and further develop- The existence of a separate autho- ment of the nations is archetypes. Ma- rized body in the system of the ex- ny scholars believe that archetypes are ecutive power of the state, which is the same for all of humanity, but under responsible for the development and the influence of the historical circum- implementation of the public financial stances and needs of each nation, they policy, is a regularity for all the epochs are changing. and states. The concepts of “myth”, “archetype” Today the Treasury is the central lie in the same plane and are closely re- executive body, whose activities are di- lated to each other. The myth is the re- rected and coordinated by the Cabinet sult of the collective interaction and a of Ministers of Ukraine through the universal base for creating characters, Minister of Finance and which imple- plots and images; in myth the reality ments the state policy in the areas of has a mythological significance, and treasury servicing of the budgetary time — a cyclical structure; the myth funds, accounting of budget execution. performs cognitive and educational In the course of conducting opera- functions. According to the theory tions with budget funds, the Treasury of C. Jung, archetypes are the vertex acts as a coherent mechanism and per- deep sense connections that form the forms the following tasks: implemen- original, primordial foundations of the tation of the state policy in the areas culture of mankind as a whole and in of treasury servicing of the budgetary relation to individual local historical funds, accounting of the budget execu- cultures, whose community constitutes tion; submission to the Minister of Fi- the world history [2]. The archetype nance of the proposals for ensuring the is the most important concept of the formation of the state policy in these collective unconscious, which is char- areas [3]. acterized by continuous development Treasury in accordance with its and adaptation to the historical period. tasks: In today’s postmodern society the 1. generalizes the practice of apply- State Treasury Service of Ukraine ing the legislation on matters within its (hereinafter referred to as the Trea- competence, develops proposals for im- sury), which has undergone a number provement of the legislative acts, acts

187 of the President of Ukraine and the ary funds; budgetary authority when Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, regu- budgeting; compliance of the budget latory acts of the ministries and sub- managers’ budget with the budge­ mits them to the Minister of Finance tary indicators; the appropriateness of in due course; the budget commitments made by the 2. provides treasury servicing of the spending units of the budget appro- budget funds on the basis of maintain- priations, the passports of the budget ing a single treasury account opened program (in case of application of the with the National Bank (settlement target method in the budget process); and cash servicing of the budget ma­ compliance with the payments made to nagers and recipients; opening and clos- the budget commitments and appro- ing accounts; refunds that have been priations; compliance with the rules mistakenly or excessively budgeted; on operations with budgetary funds budgetary reimbursement of the value in foreign currency; adherence to the added tax; establishment and mainte- procedure of lotteries using electronic nance of a unified register of the bud- systems for accepting payment for lot- get spending units (recipients) and a tery in real time; compliance with the database of the budget spending units budget managers and recipients, other (recipients); registration and account- clients of the requirements of the pro- ing of the budget commitments; mak- curement legislation in terms of avail- ing payments to the budget spending ability, compliance and correctness of units (recipients); uncontested write- the processing of the documents. off of the funds from the state and lo- The above objectives of the Trea- cal budgets or debtors based on a court sury define the main activities of the decision; covers temporary cash gaps in service, but there is no functional sup- the local budgets and the Pension Fund port for its activities. The basis for this of Ukraine; maintains accounting of the is primarily the definition of the Trea- state and local budget execution opera- sury functions, which unfortunately is tions; summarizes and prepares reports uncertain in the legislation. on the implementation of the state, lo- Klitenko I. Yu. considers 7 functions cal, consolidated local and consolidated according to the directions of activity of budgets and reports to the bodies of the bodies of the Treasury and divides legislative, executive power, local fi- them into forms into classical (settle- nancial bodies; draws up consolidated ment-cash, control, accounting, admi­ financial statements on the general fi- nistrative, rulemaking) and neoclassical nancial position and performance of the (stabilization, optimization) [4]. public sector entities and budgets, etc.); In her work Prekrasna O. I. notes 3. carries out, within the powers that with a sufficiently wide variability stipulated by the law, control of ac- in the definition of types of functions counting of the revenues and expen- in the legal literature, most authors are ditures of the state and local budgets, unanimous in allocating such functions drawing up and submission of the bud- of the public authorities as forecasting, getary and financial statements to the planning, organizing, administrating, managers and recipients of the budget- regulating, coordinating, accounting,

188 controlling. As a result of comparing Treasury defined by the Regulations on the basic powers of the Treasury with the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, the above types of functions, 7 func- we can define 7 functions of the Trea- tions were allocated: political, informa- sury: rulemaking; servicing; account- tion, control, rulemaking, accounting, ing; control; prophylactic (preventive); prophylactic (preventive), law en- informational; administrative. forcement [5]. For the first time, we have been In our opinion, the research of asked to consolidate a servicing func- N. I. Sushko, that, according to the re- tion, which is to exercise the following sults of the analysis of the current legis- powers by the Treasury: opening and lation, notes that the Treasury performs closing of accounts for receipts, ex- both special and general administrative penditures, as well as in the electronic functions. She emphasizes that the spe- tax administration system; settlement cial functions of the Treasury are the and cash servicing of the budget funds areas of activity defined by the legisla- managers (recipients); allocation of tion governing the implementation of the budgetary funds between the state the state policy in the areas of treasury budget, local budgets, general and spe- budgeting and accounting and report- cial funds of the budget in accordance ing of their implementation. Function- with the norms of deductions; budget- ing is ensured through the implementa- ary reimbursement of the value added tion of the appropriate processes, which tax; formation and bringing to the include interconnected operations and managers (recipients) of the budgetary are performed in a specific sequence funds of the extracts from the list of the during the performance of the autho­ state budget, extracts from the list of rity by the employees of the structural the state budget by territories, territo- units. In this case, each function is per- rial distribution by intergovernmental formed by the Treasury in accordance transfers and changes thereto; realiza- with the technological regulations for tion of the operations for repayment the implementation of the functional of the credits provided at the expense processes. Currently, the Treasury has of the state and local budgets; mak- developed and approved technological ing appropriate calculations between regulations for the following functions: the state and local budgets, between “Serving the budgets, managers and re- the local budgets, as well as between cipients of the budget funds, other cli- the participants in the budget process ents”; “Administration of the financial and the economic entities; making resources”; “Accounting and Report- payments on behalf of the spending ing” and “Exercising the Authorization units (recipients) of the budget in ac- of the Fund Manager” [6]. cordance with the law, including pay- After considering and analyzing ments related to the fulfillment of the various scientific opinions and ap- obligations undertaken under the state proaches, we systematize the functions and local guarantees; transfer of the in terms of the functions inherent in intergovernmental transfers; conduct- the public authorities. In our opinion, ing operations in foreign currency for in accordance with the powers of the carrying out the expenditures of the

189 spending units (recipients) of the bud- Deputies and Deputies, Officials of the getary funds; repayment and servicing Local Self-Government and Deputies of the national debt, making payments of the Local Councils approved by the related to the fulfillment of the guaran- resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers tee obligations of the state, in national of Ukraine dated 06.02.2019 No. 106 and foreign currencies on behalf of the [7]. There are certain forms of profes- Ministry of Finance; ensuring treasury sional training: preparation (successful servicing of the budget funds during completion by the participants of the the implementation of the projects professional training of the relevant jointly with international financial or- educational and professional program, ganizations; service of the funds of the which is the basis for awarding the de- compulsory state social and pension in- gree of Master’s degree in the special- surance, other clients and the funds of ties required for the professional acti­ the single contribution to the compul- vity in the public service and service sory state social insurance. in the local self-government bodies, in Based on the results of the study, particular in the specialty 281 “Public we propose to detail the powers of the management and administration” of Treasury in accordance with the gener- the field of knowledge “Public man- alized functions and to consolidate at agement and administration”); profes- the legislative level, i.e. to adopt a law sional development (acquisition of new or regulation to fix the functions of the professional training by the partici- Treasury. pants and/or improvement of the pre- In today’s postmodern society, the viously acquired competences within a Treasury is a very active player, and professional activity or field of knowl- therefore the Treasury employee who edge); internships (acquisition of prac- performs the tasks and functions as- tical experience by the participants in signed to the Treasury plays a rather the professional training to complete important role in the interaction with tasks and responsibilities in a profes- the government, state and local au- sional activity or field of knowledge); thorities, budgetary institutions, orga- self-education (self-organized acqui- nizations, budgetary institutions, orga- sition of certain competencies by the nizations, individuals — entrepreneurs participants in the professional train- and citizens in order to make timely ing, including in the course of day-to- and effective administrative decisions. day activities related to the profession- The effectiveness of the Treasury’s al, social or other leisure activities). operation depends on the professional, In our opinion, there is also a prob- quality staff, including administrators. lematic issue regarding the acceptance In recent years all the civil servants, in- and admission to the civil service, in cluding Treasury employees, may exer- particular to the Treasury bodies in the cise their right to professional training part of the competition for the vacant in accordance with the Regulations on position of the public service. For this, the Professional Training System for it is necessary to undergo computer the Civil Servants, Heads of the Lo- testing in the form of a test of 40 ques- cal State Administrations, Their First tions for knowledge of low legislative

190 acts, a list of which is given on the of- nated for better staffing of the State ficial website of the National Agency of Treasury Service of Ukraine. Ukraine for the Civil Service. But these questions are of a general nature and do REFERENCES not reflect the quality of the knowledge obtained for a particular type of activity 1. Romanovskyi, O., Kruhla, N., Vatulia, of each individual of the public service Yu., Vladimyrova, L. (2019). Kons- body. Therefore, we believe it is neces- pekt lektsii z dystsypliny “Filosofiia” sary to develop specialized tests for each [Summary of lectures on "Philoso- civil service body in order to train and phy"]. Smila. Retrieved from https:// recruit more qualified personnel. [in Ukrainian]. Conclusions and prospects for fur- 2. Boichenko, I. (2006). Filosofiia isto- ther research. In the postmodern so- rii [Philosophy of history]. Kharkiv: ciety the theory of archetypes plays an Prapor [in Ukrainian]. important role in the development of 3. Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy the public governance, which is an im- “Pro zatverdzhennia Polozhennia portant factor in shaping the outlook pro Derzhavnu kaznacheisku sluzhbu and further development of the nations. Ukrainy” : vid 15.04.2015 r., № 215 The State Treasury Service of Ukraine [Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers in today’s postmodern society provides of Ukraine “On Approval of the Regu- efficient and effective public service de- lation on the State Treasury Service of Ukraine” from 21.04.2015, № 215]. livery. It should be noted that in view (n.d.). Retrieved of the conducted generalization of the from theoretical approaches of the scientists show/215-2015-%D0%BF [in Ukrai- to the performance of the functions of nian]. the Treasury bodies it is proposed to fix 4. Klitenko, I. Yu. (n.d.). Doslidzhennia the following functions at the legislative rozvytku funktsii Derzhavnoho kazna- level: rulemaking; servicing; account- cheistva Ukrainy v umovakh transfor- ing; control; prophylactic (preventive); matsiinykh protsesiv derzhavnoho up- informational; administrative. The ne- ravlinnia koshtamy [Investigation of cessity to allocate a servicing function is the Development of Functions of the State Treasury of Ukraine in the Con- substantiated. In the postmodern soci- ditions of Transformation Processes of ety the issues regarding the professional State Fund Management]. www.nbuv. training of the Treasury’s employees, Retrieved from http://www. which is inextricably linked to the ef- fective functioning of the Treasury’s Apu/2011_15/10_15_2011.html [in bodies,­ remain relevant, so we have Ukrainian]. covered in more detail the programs for 5. Prekrasna, O. I. (n.d.). Funktsii which employees can undergo training. Derzhavnoi kaznacheiskoi sluzhby In addition, an analysis of the selection Ukrainy [Functions of the State Trea- procedure for the civil service entry into sury Service of Ukraine]. ua. Retrieved from the Treasury bodies was identified, and ua/bitstream/NAU/13824/1/%D0% significant shortcomings were identi- 9F%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1 fied, which were proposed to be elimi-

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192 UDC: 351.851 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-193-206 Marchuk Olena Oleksandrivna, student of the 4 course of the Department of Political Science and Sociology, National Aviation University, 03058, Kyiv, Prosp. Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, tel.: +38 (095) 565 53 11, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7323-1385 Марчук Олена Олександрівна, cтудентка 4-го курсу кафедри соціології та політології Національного авіаційного університету, 03058, м. Київ, просп. Кос- монавта Комарова, 1, тел.: +38 (095) 565 53 11, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7323-1385 Марчук Елена Александровна, студентка 4-го курса кафедры социоло- гии и политологии Национального авиа- ционного университета, 03058, г. Киев, просп. Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: +38 (095) 565 53 11, e-mail: lyssapaxnete@ ORCID: 0000-0001-7323-1385


Abstract. In this article, the process of transformation of social responsibility of the Ukrainian state was analyzed. The main tendencies of the transformation of social responsibility in the globalized world are identified. The basic arche- types of the Ukrainian people that directly or indirectly influence the realiza- tion of social responsibility, namely the archetypes of freedom, land, and poverty, are analyzed. The problem of collective security, which is linked to democracy, has been identified. Representative democracy is in a state of crisis, and direct democracy is being updated with an orientation towards the principles of hu- manism, cultural tolerance and mutual respect. The necessity of an optimal com- bination of liberalism and democracy to ensure the social responsibility of the modern state is determined. The basic aspects of social consciousness that lead

193 to the inactivity of existing state programs are investigated. The unwillingness of a large part of Ukrainians to actively work for the public interest is reflected in the free rider phenomenon, which significantly hinders the development of social responsibility is determined. The main normative documents of Ukraine, which approved the principles of social responsibility, are presented. The necessity to take into account the local specialization of social responsibility has been established. The reason of week European model of social responsibility in the realities of Ukrainian society, that is compliance with archetypes of European countries that differ from our own is defined. The necessity of active participation of the state in the realization of cor- porate social responsibility has been proved. The recommendations on the basis of the regulatory framework and policies of the state in cooperation with business for providing of social resbonsibility are presented. The leading role of corporate social responsibility of business in the implementation of European values in the Ukrainian society is determined. Health care, education, innovation, ATO (Anti- Terrorist operation in the east of the country) and infrastructure are the main areas of corporate social responsibility. Keywords: social responsibility, archetypical approach, collective security, democracy, corporate social responsibility, archetype of freedom. ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЯ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНОСТІ СУЧАСНОЇ ДЕРЖАВИ У БЕЗПЕКОВОМУ КОНТЕКСТІ ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО СВІТУ: АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД Анотація. Проаналізовано процес трансформації соціальної відповідаль- ності Української держави. Визначено основні тенденції трансформації со- ціальної відповідальності у глобалізованому світі. Проаналізовано основні архетипи Українського народу, що прямо чи опосередковано впливають на реалізацію соціальної відповідальності, а саме архетипи свободи, землі та бідності. Визначена проблема колективної безпеки, що полягає у її зв’яз- ку із демократією. Представницька демократія знаходиться у стані кризи, актуалізується пряма демократія з орієнтацією на принципи гуманізму, культурної толерантності та взаємоповаги. Визначена необхідність опти- мального поєднання лібералізму та демократії для забезпечення соціальної відповідальності сучасної держави. Досліджено основні аспекти суспільної свідомості, що призводять до недієвості існуючих державних програм. Ви- значено, що небажання значної частини українців активно працювати для забезпечення суспільного інтересу виявляється у free rider, що суттєво стри- мує розвиток соціальної відповідальності. Представлено основні нормативні документи України, в яких затвердже- но принципи соціальної відповідальності. Встановлена потреба врахування локальної спеціалізації соціальної відповідальності. Виявлена причина не- дієвості європейської моделі соціальної відповідальності у реаліях україн- ського суспільства, що полягає у її відповідності архетипам європейських країн, що відрізняються від властивих українцям. Доведена необхідність

194 активної участі держави у реалізації корпоративної соціальної відповідаль- ності. Представлено рекомендації щодо зміни нормативної бази та політики держави у співпраці з бізнесом для забезпечення соціальної відповідально- сті. Визначено провідну роль корпоративної соціальної відповідальності біз- несу для впровадження європейських цінностей у процеси розвитку україн- ського соціуму. Охорона здоров’я, освіта, інновації, АТО та інфраструктура є основними напрямами реалізації корпоративної соціальної відповідальності в Україні. Ключові слова: соціальна відповідальність, архетипний підхід, колектив- на безпека, демократія, корпоративна соціальна відповідальність, архетип свободи. ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЯ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТИ СОВРЕМЕННОГО ГОСУДАРСТВА В КОНТЕКСТЕ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО МИРА: АРХЕТИПНЫЙ ПОДХОД Аннотация. Проанализирован процесс трансформации социальной от- ветственности Украинского государства. Определены основные тенденции трансформации социальной ответственности в глобализированном мире. Проанализированы основные архетипы Украинского народа, которые пря- мо или опосредованно влияют на реализацию социальной ответственно- сти, а именно архетипы свободы, земли и бедности. Определена проблема коллективной безопасности, которая заключается в ее связи с демократи- ей. Представительская демократия находится в состоянии кризиса, акту- ализируется прямая демократия с ориентацией на принципы гуманизма, культурной толерантности и взаимоуважения. Определена необходимость оптимального сочетания либерализма и демократии для обеспечения соци- альной ответственности современного государства. Исследованы основные аспекты общественного сознания, делающие неэффективными существую- щие государственные программы. Определено, что нежелание значительной части украинцев активно работать для обеспечения общественного интереса проявляется в феномене free rider, который существенно задерживает разви- тие социальной ответственности. Представлены основные нормативные документы Украины, в кото- рых утверждены принципы социальной ответственности. Установлена по- требность учета локальной специализации социальной ответственности. Обнаружена причина неэффективности европейской модели социальной ответственности в реалиях украинского общества, заключающаяся в ее со- ответствии с архетипами европейских стран, которые отличаются от свойст- венных украинцам. Доведена необходимость активного участия государства в реализации корпоративной социальной ответственности. Представлены рекомендации по изменению нормативной базы и политики государства в сотрудничестве с бизнесом для обеспечения социальной ответственности. Определена ведущая роль корпоративной социальной ответственности биз-

195 неса для внедрения европейских ценностей в процессы развития украинско- го социума. Охрана здоровья, образование, инновации, АТО, а также инфра- структура являются основными направлениями реализации корпоративной социальной ответственности в Украине. Ключевые слова: социальная ответственность, архетипный подход, кол- лективная безопасность, демократия, корпоративная социальная ответст- венность, архетип свободы.

Setting a problem. Modern world there were used the results of disser- is an unprecedented example of rapid tation works of Bezrukova O. [1] and transformation and globalization. New Gorbova Yu. [2], which the phenom- data appear every second. Social con- enon of social responsibility using a so- structs are updated with no less speed ciological approach is analyzed in. Also and globality. At the same time, in our the results of research were method- opinion, the issue of social responsi- ologically valuable, showed in the pub- bility and security is still relevant for lications of Shulga M. [3], which con- Ukrainian society. After all, these two siders responsibility in connection with elements that can help our society to freedom. The relationship between the preserve its borders and unite for the state and business on issues of social development of a strong and powerful responsibility was traced in the materi- country. We propose to consider the als of the conference “Public Policy for dynamics of transformation of social Corporate Social Responsibility” [4]. responsibility of the Ukrainian state. Purpose. To analyze the transfor- In our opinion, the current system of mation of the social responsibility of social responsibility of state and pub- the Ukrainian State in the context of lic government demonstrates its inef- the security of global society through ficiency. The state power attempts to an archetypal approach. We believe call on the public authority to act have that the identification of real (not im- a small response, also as well as the posed) archetypes of Ukrainian society public attempts to bring public officials will clearly show if social responsibility to responsibility. is inherent to Ukrainian and will help The analysis of the last publica- to define more clearly the correct and tions. Although the term “social re- erroneous aspects of the modern way of sponsibility” itself shows the nature its updating. and direction of the scientific knowl- Presentation of the main material edge necessary for the research of this of the research. In the context of the process, the sufficient attention was current situation in Ukraine, the ATO, not paid to the problem of social re- the issue of security has been brought sponsibility in sociology, and existing to the fore in the implementation of researches are characterized by a frag- any social interactions and communi- mented analysis of certain aspects of so- cations. Security is a state when the cial responsibility. During the research people can freely choose and execute

196 their strategy of social, economic and social processes can help to identify political development without outside trends in their development in the fu- intervention and pressure [5]. Social ture, as the values embedded in arche- responsibility of both state and people types are realized over a long period is a necessary condition for adequate and form models of social relations in sustainable development, in which all society. three vectors develop harmoniously. The archetype is an image of the In this work we will also focus on the common collective experience of man- social responsibility of an individual kind; it is an unconscious meaning that public manager, as we believe that the changes and becomes conscious and activities of the government begin with perceived, altered by the influence of an individual. individual consciousness, on the sur- “Social responsibility is the degree of face of which it occurs [7]. compliance of actions of social subjects The most significant archetypes of (individuals, social groups, the state) the Ukrainian people are: to mutual requirements, which valid 1) the archetype of the earth — “The legal and other social norms, common earth is our mother, feeds everyone”; interests. Social responsibility is due to the high level of trust to the “mother patterns of social life, specific connec- of the earth” is due to the presence of tions between people and other social fertile black soil and rich natural re- subjects, require to perform certain du- sources, helped Ukrainian to experi- ties from people. Responsibility [...] is ence difficult times; a means of maintaining the integrity of 2) the archetype of personal free- society, social harmony, social justice, dom — “Life has no price, and will is improvement of social relations” [6]. more expensive than life”; the basis of The nature of the activities of each the Ukrainian freedom–loving spirit, individual, and later large groups of which guides their activities; people, is conditioned by the emer- 3) the archetype of the mother — gence of the individual’s personality “Ukraine — mother, everyone has to and social consciousness. As human protect it” — represents the Woman, becoming is too individual process, Ukraine; this archetype defines respect we will focus on public consciousness. for woman and the desire to defend the Public consciousness is an expression Motherland; of social activities of transformation 4) the archetype of destiny — “Hap- of the world and the inclusion social piness and grief made the fate”; prede- and historical process in the system of terminates the dominance of irrational factors. Archetypes most significantly and heroic acts for need and passive in influence personality formation and everyday life; social consciousness, which in turn 5) the archetype of poverty — “A manifests itself in the formation of a beggar can never be bankrupt”; reac- social system of regulation of social tion to robbery and destruction from relations in general, and social respon- nomadic raids, as well as corvee when a sibility in particular. Research of the Ukrainian peasant worked on his land, relationships between archetypes and but was not its owner.

197 The formation and assimilation of resistance even at the cost of one ‘s own archetypes of Ukrainian society took life) [9]. It is worth adding that thanks place in the temporal section. The ter- to the land and individual household ritorial placement of Ukraine, the long work on it, did not require collective absence of its own state and its stay efforts, Ukrainians in their vast major- in other states has led to the modern ity are not ready to fight the environ- state of Ukrainian society. Throughout ment and social problems, to a large Ukraine ‘s history, it has been exposed extent socially marginal, passive, avoid to and focused on two polar vectors: responsibility, do not interfere in the pro–European and pro–Russian. This binding of external problems of their situation has led to certain contradic- family [10; 11]. tions in the character of Ukrainian. Being for a long time part of the Gogol wrote about the Ukrainian: “ Russian Empire and within the USSR Two opposites, two diverse elements the principles of collectivism and patri- faced surprisingly: European caution archate were established to Ukrainian, and Asian carelessness, simplicity and that fundamentally were different from cunning, strong effective beginning and the historically established archetypes prevailing lazy and exhaustion, desire to of the Ukrainian people. And although the development and perfection and to Ukraine has been an independent state be to such who despises perfection” [8]. for 27 years, Ukrainian society is still One of the main archetypes of in a state of crisis of the system of va­ Ukrainian society is the archetype of lues and disorientation. Nowadays, freedom (“Everyone has his own des- the Ukrainian people have chosen the tiny and his own wide way,” He who European orientation of development has lost his freedom has nothing else through radical civil protests. to lose”, “We will put soul and body According to KIIS data for 2017, in for our freedom”). It causes rejection the event of a referendum 49 % of Ukrai- of the authority imposed from outside, nian respondents would vote to join the desire to disassociate itself from so- the European Union, 28 % — against ciety, and also claims hope for its own and 23 % would not decide or take part forces, abilities and mind, its initiative, [12]. So, the trend of rapprochement which is implemented primarily in fa­ with Europe continues. For Ukraine, mily life. The influence itself of the la- European integration means gaining tent archetype of freedom significantly advantages such as creating reliable distinguishes the Ukrainian nation mechanisms of stability, security, in- from others and in times of deep social creasing the pace of modernization, crises causes the transformation of the access to information, increasing the psycho–behavioural reaction of “vita level of science, intensifying coopera- minima” (“delayed” existence, retreat tion in the fight against crime, using “into itself,” avoidance of close con- European funds for economic growth, tact with the world) to “vita maxima attracting investments, etc. et heroica” (adventurous and Cossack European values are basic for the type of reaction: total mobilization of implementation of sustainable deve­ spiritual and material resources, heroic lopment in Ukraine. One of the main

198 values in European countries is re- state power itself, as the guarantor of sponsibility, including social respon- security, the legislative and executive sibility. France may be an example body must change first and spread the for imitation, and in 2017 it passed a principles of social responsibility in law on corporate social responsibility, civil society. obliging companies to analyze risks to The collective security is a basic civi- workers and the environment, intro- lizational value in modern world. At the duce social programs to protect human same time, an important aspect of the rights and freedoms, the environment problem of collective security is its re- [13]. Germany is another state that lationship with democracy. Now there is cooperates with business on issues of reason to note a certain crisis of repre- social responsibility, namely in 2016 sentative democracy in the world and, the government created the project accordingly, the mainstreaming of direct “CSR — Made in Germany,” according democracy (from elite to egalitarianism; to which any product that is produced from dominance of expert knowledge or service provided is guaranteed, cor- into proper consideration and impor- respond to the initiative of corporate tance of “human” knowledge). social responsibility [14]. World civilization was characte­ Now in Ukraine research of social rized by its constant dominance by two responsibility becomes more actual basic principles: rationalism and the due to the exacerbation of the econom- principle of the moral freedom of the ic, social and environmental situation individual. Freedom requires a person caused by the decisions taken earlier to feel part of community, beliefs, and without taking into account the long‒ history (including mythologized). Ac- term consequences. There is transform- cording to A. Perotti, only harmony ing social responsibility in several ways between spirit, freedom and mind can in modern society: protect against the decline of the spirit 1) globalization of responsibility; of freedom — in the lens of an optimis- 2) greening the responsibility of so- tic view of society ‘s ability to combine ciety; rational thinking, freedom and a (new) 3) updating of responsibility to the view of cultural values [15]. future; In recent years there has been re- 4) qualitative change in the nature evaluated the idea that the interests of responsibility, transition from tech- of pluralistic society and civil society nocratic motivation to humanistic, so- should take precedence over interests cially oriented [1]. of the state. In this context, the politi- The level of social responsibility of the cal philosophy is evolving around the state is an indicator of the effectiveness two basic ideas underlying modern ad- of public administration and the degree vanced democracy (see Tabl. 1): of development of a social, democratic 1) ensuring the freedom of the indi- state. It is clear that not only the state, vidual and protecting citizens from ex- but also all citizens before the state and cessive state interference (liberalism); before themselves, should be held ac- 2) ensuring social justice and pro- countable for their activities, but the tecting public interest (democracy).

199 Table 1 Comparison of the axiological content of liberalism and democracy

Liberalism Democracy Freedom Equality Heterogeneity and spontaneity Social integrity Self–confidence and lack of discipline Striving for harmony and unity generated by freedom Comprehensive pluralism Insignificant feeling of pluralism In the center of political attention is individual In the centre of political attention is society as a system

Consequently, in the context of the ing data of the Institute of Sociology growing gap between the very rich and of the National Academy of Sciences the very poor, one of the challenges to of Ukraine for 2014 show that 44 % human development is the solution of of Ukrainian believe that the way their a problem of optimal balance between life will develop mainly depends on ex- liberalism and democracy. It is the solu- ternal circumstances, not on themselves tion to this problem that is closely linked [16]. When it comes to the governance to the question of ensuring the social re- of the state, in 2018, 53,2 % of Ukrai- sponsibility of the modern state. nian respondents believe that they bear Ukrainian sociologist M. Shulga no personal responsibility for who is the believes that social responsibility is President in the country, and therefore the established ability and readiness they do not consider themselves re- of a social subject to realize the con- sponsible for the path of democracy sequences of its actions, its activity, to chosen by him [17]. recognize them as the result of its own The other side of freedom in the conscious free choice and made deci- problem of social responsibility is trust sions. Only there arises responsibility, at all levels of society both to each oth- where there is freedom of expression of er and trust in organizations and au- will of the subject, where the last one thorities. Trust determines the nature has the opportunity and is able to make of social relations, promotes integra- choices, and therefore — to take risks tion and sustainable development of [3]. society, as it is trust that makes it pos- Although freedom is needed for so- sible to apply new organizational forms cially responsible behaviour of a cer- and means, accelerates and simplifies tain subject, less is said about the need the decision–making process and its for responsibility itself. As has already implementation [2]. The issue of trust been clarified, Ukrainian society has is very acute in Ukrainian society, as an archetype of freedom, but this free- the archetypes of land and freedom dom has an individual orientation and inherent in our people are in mistrust exclusion of responsibility not only for of others and attributed only to their external and internal activities of the own forces. Distrust of the Ukrainian state, but also for its own life. Monitor- state and business is also manifested

200 in the social and economic phenome­ pean model will not work due to incom- non of free rider — persons or compa- plete compliance with the challenges nies who/which enjoy advantages for of Ukrainian realities, worldview prin- which they do not pay or which they ciples, archetypes of Ukrainian soci- have not earned [18]. ety. Corporate social responsibility is The principles of social responsibili- understood differently throughout the ty in Ukraine are presented in the Con- world, it depends on cultural and his- stitution of Ukraine (KU) [19] and at torical circumstances and requires lo- the level of codes and laws of Ukraine cally specific and culturally oriented in all spheres (for example, in the con- solutions. The public sector must play a sumer sphere on the quality of pro­ more active role in corporate social re- ducts, regulation of relations between sponsibility, and while it is difficult to producers and sellers, etc.) [20; 21]. achieve partnerships and synergies be- The social responsibility of the state tween business and the state, their co- is realized in two ways: operation is necessary. The state should 1) internal: labor protection, wage take responsibility where companies are stability, work stability, implementa- not ready to participate. The following tion of innovations, appropriate work- recommendations were made: ing conditions, social insurance, gen- 1) ensuring effective management der equality, social dialogue, reduction and organization of business space, of staff turnover, etc. (Constitution of promotes corporate social responsibil- Ukraine; Labour Code; The Economic ity (CSR), namely, the government Code of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine “On should ensure the functioning of laws the Labour Protection Act” and Law and regulatory structures, establish ef- of Ukraine “On the Leave Act” [19; 22; fective mechanisms for the provision of 23; 24; 25]); public services; 2) external: cooperation with local 2) the establishment of a council or communities, promotion of small and agency, to promote the development of medium–sized businesses, reduction CSR and the monitoring of CSR by ac- of corruption, development of civil so- tivities of both the public and private ciety, reduction of risks in the compa- sectors; ny’s activities, environmental protec- 3) clear formulation of business ex- tion, socially responsible investment, pectations on CSR and development etc. (Constitution of Ukraine, Law of of development vectors in accordance Ukraine “On environmental audit,” with expectations; Law of Ukraine “On ensuring sanitary 4) eliminating corruption and pro- and epidemiological well–being of the moting transparency in relations be- population,” Law of Ukraine “On envi- tween government and business, espe- ronmental protection” [19; 26; 27; 28]). cially in the field of natural resources Although Ukraine has introduced such as oil, water resources and minerals; a legal framework to ensure social re- 5) granting tax incentives and other sponsibility, laws often do not work. incentive mechanisms so that com- Ukraine should create its own model of panies see CSR not as a cost, but as a social responsibility because the Euro- benefit;

201 6) creation of CSR strategy and in- Ukraine and helps Ukrainian military, volvement of business in the work of since purchase of military equipment, the government on this strategy; the equipment, finishing with granting 7) focusing on the problem of CSR jobs to veterans of ATO and rehabilita- in small and medium–sized enterprises tion of victims. and how CSR can be implemented in • infrastructure projects: business is countries with low public awareness interested in improving the city, its in- and lack of capital [4]. frastructure, because, for example, the In recent years, a number of quali- contribution to the improvement of tative social changes have been taking highways and the laying of new trans- place in Ukraine. The state has dele- port routes makes the logistics of com- gated part of its responsibilities on the panies cheaper and more efficient [29]. social responsibility of business, which Conclusions. Ukrainian society itself becomes interested in solving seeks social progress, deepening quali- social problems and improving social tative social changes. This requires well–being. Corporate social responsi- concrete actions. Modern plans for bility in Ukraine is implemented in the the development of our society do following areas: not always take into account the pe- • health care: enterprises join with culiarities of the Ukrainian mentality, charitable foundations to help indivi­ considering that we can gradually de- duals who need funds for treatment, velop according to inorganic (secon­ carry out various actions to raise funds dary, based on the experience of other for the purchase of necessary equip- countries) strategies. Of course, it is ment to public hospitals; easy to go through a trodden track, but • educational projects: companies inefficient, because the native Ukrai- cooperate with schools, universities, nian archetypes of land, freedom and create courses and provide grants. mother must be taken into account Thus, they provide themselves with for a working model of social respon- future specialists who improve the sibility, etc. It is necessary gradually qualifications of their employees and to change the public consciousness to help talented Ukrainian youth to study daily public discourse, taking into ac- abroad, and then to realize the acquired count national peculiarities, because knowledge in Ukraine; only dialogue and personal responsibi­ • support for innovation activ- lity of all citizens, including public of- ity: Ukrainian companies offer various ficials and entrepreneurs, can lead to grants for the implementation of inno- positive transformation of democracy vative start–ups offering professional in the country and integration into Ukrainians, as it helps to optimize the European space. Freedom–loving costs, increase the efficiency of the en- and distrustful Ukrainian still difficult terprise or create a new profitable busi- understand the importance and benefit ness. of the social state, socially responsible • ATO help: the Ukrainian busi- business, but thanks to the last, a na- ness quickly reacted to a critical situ- tional model of social responsibility is ation which takes place in the east of formed in Ukraine. Ukrainian business

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206 UDC: 330.341.1:159.9 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-207-220 Omelyanenko Vitalii Anatoliyovych, PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Profes- sor of Business Economics and Administra- tion Department, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, 40002, Sumy, Str. Romenska, 87, tel.: +38 (095) 167 59 52, е-maіl: omvіtalіy@gmaіl. com ORCID: 0000-0003-0713-1444 Омельяненко Віталій Анатолійович, кандидат економічних наук, доцент, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка, 40002, м. Суми, вул. Роменська, 87, тел.: +38 (095) 167 59 52, е-mail: omvitaliy@ ORCID: 0000-0003-0713-1444 Омельяненко Виталий Анатольевич, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры бизнес-экономики и ад- министрирования, Сумской государственный педагогический университет имени А. С. Макаренко, 40002, г. Сумы, ул. Роменская, 87, тел.: +38(095) 167 59 52, е-maіl: omvіtalіy@gmaі ORCID: 0000-0003-0713-1444


Abstract. The history of the modern Ukraine is a period of significant trans- formation of all the spheres of the public life. Geopolitical trends require a pro- found meaningful transformation of all the spheres of the state. In turn, it re- quires the development of appropriate strategies in order to ensure Ukraine’s competitiveness and ensure its subjectivity. This can be done by improving the quality of the public resource management through systemic decisions through an institutional approach. However, in the practice of public administration of Ukraine, these aspects of an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the base of institutional transformations find little practical implementation within the framework of reforms, which leads to the loss of both their innovative poten- tial and existing social capital (psychosocial potential by E. Afonin). Thus, the

207 methodology of developing purposeful changes in the institutional structure as determinants of systemic integrity, solving the problem of assessing the mutual impact of changes in individual institutions, and analyzing the dynamics of the entire institutional structure remain poorly understood. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the archetypal factors of the functioning of macro sys- tems, which need to be paid particular attention in order to find the most effec- tive points of effort (resources) within the framework of applying the concept of institutional and evolutionary trajectories of the systemic innovations. The archetypal methodology to determine the basics of the formation of institutional and evolutionary trajectories of implementation of systemic innovations is con- sidered in the research. The results of the study show that the success factors of reforms as system innovations are related not only to changes in the structures and functions of the institutional mechanism of the state, but above all to social factors. The study shows that the success of the systemic innovations is the cre- ation of a unique environment of change based on a combination of technological and innovation basis, economy and socio-cultural system. It is substantiated that for the ideas and potential of the systemic reforms to turn into real innovations, that is, to be realized in the socio-economic space of the country, a whole range of objective and subjective reasons, in particular cultural “support” of innovation plays a rather important role. Keywords: systemic innovations, archetype, institute, strategy, change, trans- formations. АНАЛІЗ АРХЕТИПНОГО ВИМІРУ ІНСТИТУЦІЙНО-ЕВОЛЮЦІЙНИХ ТРАЄКТОРІЙ ВПРОВАДЖЕННЯ СИСТЕМНИХ ІННОВАЦІЙ1 Анотація. Історія сучасної України є періодом значних трансформа- цій усіх сфер суспільного життя. Тренди геополітики вимагають глибокої змістовної трансформації всіх сфер держави. А вона, в свою чергу, вимагає розробки відповідних стратегій з метою забезпечення конкурентоспромож- ності України та забезпечення суб’єктності. Це можливо реалізувати через підвищення якості управління державними ресурсами на основі системних рішень через інституційний підхід. Однак у практиці публічного управління України зазначені аспекти міждисциплінарного підходу до розуміння бази інституційних трансформацій практично не мають практичного втілення в рамках реформ, що призводить до втрати як їх інноваційного потенціалу, так і наявного соціального капіталу (психосоціальний потенціал за Е. Афоні- ним). Отже, маловивченими залишаються питання методології розробки ці- леспрямованих зміни інституціональної структури як детермінанти систем- ної цілісності, вирішення проблеми оцінки взаємного впливу змін окремих

1 Робота виконувалася за рахунок бюджетних коштів МОН України, наданих на виконання науково-дослідного проекту № 0117U003855 “Інституційно-технологічне проектування інноваційних мереж для системного забезпечення національної безпеки України”

208 інститутів та аналізу динаміки всієї інституціональної структури. Проана- лізовано архетипні фактори функціонування макросистем, на які необхідно звернути особливу увагу для пошуку найбільш ефективних зусиль (ресур- сів) в межах застосування концепції інституційно-еволюційних траєкторій впровадження системних інновацій. Розглянуто архетипну методологію до визначення основ формування інституційно-еволюційних траєкторій впро- вадження системних інновацій. Доведено, що фактори успішності реформ як системних інновацій пов’язані не тільки зі змінами структур та функцій інституціонального механізму держави, а насамперед з соціальними чинни- ками. Визначено, що фактором успішності системних інновацій є створення унікального середовища, що ґрунтується на поєднанні технологічно-іннова- ційного базису, економіки та соціально-культурної системи. Обґрунтовано, що для втілення ідей та потенціалу системних реформ в реальні інновації, тобто реалізації в соціально-економічному просторі країни, необхідний спектр об’єктивних і суб’єктивних причин, зокрема культурна “підтримка” інновацій відіграє досить важливу роль. Ключові слова: системна інновація, архетип, інститут, стратегія, зміни, трансформації. АНАЛИЗ АРХЕТИПНОГО ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ ИНСТИТУЦИОННО-ЭВОЛЮЦИОННЫХ ТРАЕКТОРИЙ ВНЕДРЕНИЯ СИСТЕМНЫХ ИННОВАЦИЙ Аннотация. История современной Украины является периодом значи- тельных трансформаций всех сфер общественной жизни. Тренды геополи- тики требуют глубокой содержательной трансформации всех сфер государ- ства. А она, в свою очередь, требует разработки соответствующих стратегий с целью обеспечения конкурентоспособности Украины и обеспечение субъ- ектности. Это возможно реализовать через повышение качества управления государственными ресурсами на основе системных решений с институцион- ным подходом. Однако в практике публичного управления Украины указан- ные аспекты междисциплинарного подхода к пониманию базы институци- онных трансформаций практически не находит практического воплощения в рамках реформ, которое приводит к потере как их инновационного потенци- ала, так и имеющегося социального капитала (психосоциальный потенциал согласно Э. Афонину). Таким образом, малоизученными остаются вопросы методологии разработки целенаправленных изменений институциональной структуры как детерминанты системной целостности, решения проблемы оценки взаимного влияния изменений отдельных институтов и анализа ди- намики всей институциональной структуры. Проанализированы архетип- ные факторы функционирования макросистем, на которые нужно обращать особое внимание для поиска наиболее эффективных усилий (ресурсов) в рамках применения концепции институционно-эволюционных траекторий внедрения системных инноваций. Рассмотренна архетипная методология определения основ формирования институционно-эволюционных траекто-

209 рий внедрения системных инноваций. Доказано, что факторы успешности реформ как системных инноваций связаны не только с изменениями струк- тур и функций институционального механизма государства, а прежде всего с социальными факторами. Показано, что фактором успешности системных инноваций является создание уникальной среды, которая основана на объ- единении технологически-инновационного базиса, экономики и социаль- но-культурной системы. Обосновано, что для внедрения идей и потенциала системных реформ в реальные инновации, то есть реализации в социаль- но-экономическом пространстве страны, необходим спектр объективных и субъективных причин, в частности культурная “поддержка” инноваций иг- рает довольно важную роль. Ключевые слова: системная инновация, архетип, институт, стратегия, изменения, трансформации.

Formulation of the problem. The operate. Therefore, the question arises history of the modern Ukraine is a pe- of the assessment of these projects in riod of significant transformation of all accordance with the cultural code of the spheres of the public life. If deve­ the Ukrainians, for which we propose lopment presupposes the preservation to consider the archetypal approach of the former quality of the system and its impact on the dynamics of in- while implementing a number of inter- stitutional change. nal changes based on innovation, then Analysis of the recent research and the geopolitical trends require a pro- publications. The systemic aspect of in- found substantive transformation of all novation stems from current concepts the spheres. In turn, it requires the de- of the technosphere as a social environ- velopment of appropriate strategies in ment that is emerging as an infra-in- order to ensure Ukraine’s competitive- dustry. It integrates technologically not ness and ensure its subjectivity. This only various fields of activity, science can be done by improving the quality­ and production of goods and services, of the public resource management but also the sphere of life, complex tech- through systemic decisions through an nological systems of the human activity institutional approach. and socio-cultural life [1]. In today’s context, the government, The innovation gap as a differentia- experts, and scholars are proposing tion of the countries was considered in numerous strategic systemic reform the study [2] as a modification of the projects. However, as the business li­ cultural gap. As the main one in this terature classic, Peter Drucker wrote, study is the conclusion that modern “the culture has the strategy for break- culture is technogenic. This means fast”. The answers to questions about that the values of the modern man and the quality of these projects cannot be society have a technological basis, so said unequivocally unless it is clear in leading are the societies and systems which institutional system they will of their values, set not by traditional

210 but high technology. We can partially An innovation ecosystem is impor- agree with this conclusion, in particu- tant for the implementation of any in- lar regarding the impact of innovation novation, which creates stools or ob- on the public administration change, stacles for innovation. Based on the but we cannot in any way dismiss the institutional approach and according influence of tradition. to the rainforest model [5] we can con- This approach is confirmed by a sider it as a part of two parts — “iron” study [3] that proves that the tradi- and “soft”, where “iron” means the cre- tional culture is the most important ated physical infrastructure (economic condition and prerequisite for inno- potential), under “soft” — a culture vative social development. If tradi- in which new types of behaviour and tion, at its inception, or tradition as social interaction of the people that a fact of culture for a certain period, contribute to development, including is viewed by researchers as cultural innovative, are formed. One of the key innovation, then traditional culture processes in the creation of an ecosys- is either “strengthened” or “weake­ tem is the transition from the “EGO- ned” by changing the socio-cultural system”, where the individual level situation in the society, becoming the plays a crucial role, to the “ECOsys- “engine” or the “brake” of the inno- tem”, when all the levels operate with- vation culture. At the same time, tra- in a framework of trust. ditionalism, which is present in the However, in the practice of public public consciousness and social prac- administration of Ukraine these as- tice, intensifies when the processes pects of the interdisciplinary approach of modernization lead to a significant to understanding the base of institu- deterioration of the socio-cultural en- tional transformations are currently vironment. Accordingly, maximum ef- practically not implemented in the ficiency of transformation can be ob- framework of reforms. This leads to the tained in case of maximum coincidence loss of both their innovative potential of the vectors of innovations and tra- and existing social capital (psychoso- ditions. In our view, this aspect can be cial potential by E. Afonin). considered as an administration task. Thus, the methodology of develop- These aspects should be at the heart ing purposeful changes in the institu- of the institutional triangle-based go­ tional structure as determinants of sys- vernance [4, p. 30]. It consists of three temic integrity, solving the problem of interdependent and interconnected assessing the mutual impact of changes components of the government system in individual economic institutions, that must ensure its proper function- and analyzing the dynamics of the ing: entire institutional structure remain • institutions (establishments, struc- poorly understood. tures, organizations); Therefore, the purpose of this study • processes (“rules of the game”, is to analyze the archetypal factors norms, procedures); of the functioning of macro systems, • people (cadres, civil servants, which need to be paid particular atten- executants, society). tion in order to find the most effective

211 points of effort (resources) within the the allocation, but adaptation efficien- framework of applying the concept of cy, which can be achieved on the basis institutional and evolutionary trajec- of psychosocial resources. Effective po- tories of the systemic innovations. litical and economic systems generate Research methodology. Modern in- flexible institutional structures that novation in solving the problems of pub- can overcome the shocks and changes lic administration is formed as an inter- that are inevitable even with successful disciplinary field of theory and practice development. Note that the formation at the intersection of psychology, soci- of such systems must take into account ology, administration theory, economics the factor of psychosocial development and cultural studies. These approaches resources, for which is indispensable are based on the understanding that the archetypal methodology. one of the most important factors in the For the purposes of institutional search, development and implementa- planning, which involves the predic- tion of the system innovation is people tion, design, formation and control of (society). Quite often the formula 4P different institutions that reflect the (marketing mix) is interpreted in a new integral characteristics of a particular way, and now it stands for “People, Peo- country, we propose to use the concept ple, People & People” [6]. of institutional development strategies The archetypal approach is consis- [10–13], which should take into ac- tent with the approach to managing count the archetypal component. systemic change as a natural-artificial Presentation of the main material. system [7]. This approach is also con- Administration science of the late 19 — sistent with the approach to knowl- early 20 century was characterized edge management. According to it, by the dominance of the neoclassical in the context of development man- direction, which focuses its attention agement, the factor of so-called “tacit on the study of the equilibrium state knowledge”, often including the skills of the economic systems. Therefore, it (competence) and culture inherent in gradually emerged that the application individuals but not aware of them, is of the neoclassical theory produces often ignored. One of the famous sci- ade­quate results only in the analysis of entific aphorisms of M. Polanyi, the the institutional-invariant economic author of the concept of “tacit know­ systems considered in the short-term, ledge” — “We can know more than we but is an unreliable tool for the analy- can tell” — illustrates possible sources sis of the transitive processes characte­ of the psychosocial resources for inno- rized by a change in the institutional vative development of the public ad- structure of the society. This explains ministration. the emergence and development of the North, drawing parallels between institutional direction. technology and institutions, noted the In our study it is appropriate to con- high cost of start-up costs, the effects sider the innovative development as a of training and coordination, and adap- combination of intellectual, resource tive expectations [8–9]. He also noted and institutional changes in the sys- that the key to long-term growth is not tem. These changes create the condi-

212 tions for the accumulation of cumula- 2) systemic innovations are the tive potential capable of mastering the improvement of the organizational latest technologies, creating new prod- and business models, change of the ucts, exploring new markets, increas- thinking and behaviour (quality of ing the real product for consumption, thinking = quality of product = qua­ providing favourable conditions for the lity of life); development of the society. 3) systemic innovations are solu- Effective institutions create incen- tions based on work with the system tives that deliver economic growth. properties and laws of development of In this sense, the institutions and, ac- the complex systems (leverage effect, cordingly, institutional changes can be synergistic effect, laws of harmonious viewed through the prism of savings on and sustainable development, etc.); transaction costs, which, in turn, is the 4) systemic innovations are solu- basis for using the comparative advan- tions that identify the hidden resources tages in the development of the social of the system and activate its internal division of labour, exchange, expansion development potential; of the production capacity and sustain- 5) systemic innovations are solutions able growth. that create favourable conditions for in- The innovation process, as a unity novative activity in the system (imple- of resource-technological and institu- mentation of various innovations). tional aspects of reproduction, presents From these definitions we see the institutional dynamics in the form of possibility and need to move from tra- mutual influence and selection of con- ditional technocratic approaches to ditions for reproduction of goods, as systemic change to approaches aimed well as social conditions for concerted at creating a new base for promoting actions. transformation at all the levels, capable In this context, the context of in- of both taking into account and influ- stitutional and evolutionary trajecto- encing the habits and norms of the so- ries of the systemic innovations should ciety in order to support effective and be considered in order to understand dynamic development. more precisely the nature of the cur- Note that this approach is not a de­ rent trends and tasks of the public ad- finite alternative to the existing ones. ministration. For example, it is consistent with the Based on the study [6] we can dis- ideas of the Wellbeing Economy move- tinguish the following key aspects of ment, whose experts say that “no en- the systemic innovations that allow us tity can make the important changes to determine the role of the psychoso- that are needed. It requires collabora- cial potential of the archetypes: tion and inspiration. And that means 1) systemic innovations are inno- connecting, organizing and enhancing vations that are embedded in a system the work of organizations, groups and and affect its values, culture and per- individuals seeking to build a welfare meate all its subsystems, pushing them economy” [14]. for continuous development and im- These approaches were embodied provement; in the 1990s in the framework of in-

213 novative theories of promoting the need to touch the rocks at the bottom”, high-tech industries and models of the said Dan Xiaoping, forming the ideo­ socio-cultural promotion of innova- logy of “reform and openness” policies. tive development, formed on the basis If, according to Mao Zedong, Con- of theories of the economic cycle and fucius was a “rat crossing the street” socio-economic concepts of the deve­ to be destroyed, Dan Xiaoping used lopment and are practice-oriented. In Confucianism as the “ideological key” these theories the role of innovation as that opened the hearts of the ordinary a leading factor in the dynamics of de- Chinese. Without renouncing Marx- velopment is considered in the follow- ism, the Chinese leader turned to the ing aspects [15, pp. 46–47], which are historical memory of the people be- directly relevant to our study: cause he understood that for hundreds 1) the role of institutes is important of years Confucianism had shaped the in the development of innovation; they Chinese mentality. are interpreted as both a “brake” for In fact “Dan Xiaoping’s brilliant in- innovation and as a way of successful tuition was consonant with the ideas choice (under certain conditions) be- of C. Jung, who as a result of the study tween the alternative solutions; of the human psyche concluded that 2) acknowledges the objective need in the structure of the spiritual world to strengthen the role of the state in of man in addition to the personal un- managing the development (monitor- conscious there is a deeper layer of the ing, planning and forecasting) in coop- psyche — the collective unconscious, eration with relevant stakeholders; possessing a general super-personal na- 3) the availability of practical prob- ture” [16, p. 87]. lems of the innovative motivation of The need to formulate similar ap- different groups of stakeholders. proaches to systemic reforms is due to As an example of two institutional the fact that despite the widespread approaches with diametrically oppo- discourse of these issues in Ukraine, site results and the logic of the system- there is a deepening of negative trends ic reforms we can consider the PRC. To that pose a threat to the national secu- explain the reasons for today’s econom- rity in the strategic perspective. Fig. 1 ic success one has to go back to 1978, shows the dynamics of the reform in- when the country was in crisis (over dex, illustrating their “fading” since 300 million people were living in abso- 2015. lute poverty) after experiments on the At the same time, the experience creation of a commune of the people of the countries that have made “leaps and the cultural revolution. of development” in their time shows Dan Xiaoping decided on a risky that they were made not on the basis but thought-provoking experiment on of copying foreign experience, but on institutional transformation to create a the creation of “organic” models of the market economy. This required a new development. This, in turn, shapes the tool to speak to the people in a clear importance of archetypal methodology, language, and he decided to turn to enabling us to identify the ideas that Confucianism. “To cross the river, you should underpin the systemic reform.

214 The index may be known from -5 to +5, but +2 is seen as a pace of reform Fig. 1. Dynamics of the reform monitoring index [18]

In particular, based on the analy- • the orientation of Ukrainians sis of Khitsyak V. [19], devoted to the to the well-being of the children (for analysis of the conformity of the Ukrai- 32 % of Ukrainians this is the most im- nian folk practices with the economic portant factor in life) to counteract the models of sustainable development, happiness “here and now at all costs” we can draw the following conclusions meets the criteria of the society’s matu- that may underlie the systemic eco- rity and model of sustainable develop- nomic innovations: ment. This feature can form the basis of • the mentality of the Ukrainian as the information campaigns on innova- a farmer corresponds to the tendencies tive policy practices and the benefits of of the innovative food security, on the the sustainable development; basis of which it is expedient to plan • generation bonding, emotional the modernization of this tradition and bonding, transferring traditions as create conditions for the development traits of the Ukrainian culture are of of the urban agro-culture (incentives particular importance in the context of for developers (greenhouses on roofs), sustainable development, in particular opportunities for product exchange in overcoming the inequality and social (local markets), learning about new support. Many researchers believe that agro-technologies (vertical beds, hy- without the involvement of the citi- droponics, etc.)); zens, the government is unable to cope • Ukrainians’ practices in using with a number of tasks. In identifying food scraps for the preparation of or- the benefits of archetypal methodo­ ganic fertilizers or as food for animals logy, it should be noted that the bond- are in line with the global trends in ing of generations not only helps to see greening the economy and continuing changes better, but also to identify the the product life cycle; needs of other groups in the society;

215 • traditions of producing home- from which the system projects and made products in “home manufacto- programs can be implemented. ries” may, in the face of a favourable in- An important aspect of conside­ stitutional environment, in the future ration of the institutional and evolu- be the basis of a boom in the small in- tionary changes is the differentiation of novative businesses; the institutions involved in the trans- • it is the habit of the Ukrainians to formation processes, as well as the di- consider what “people will say” is con- versity of types, forms of organizations sistent with the growing role of the lo- and processes. It should be noted that cal communities and the emergence of a previously almost all the tasks were “locally managed decentralized circular performed by a network of the state in- economy”, the main idea of which is to stitutions from which the “system” was understand everyone’s responsibility in formed. The civil society institutions the sustainable development practices. have been little additions to this system. Thus, based on the logic of the ar- Most elements of the system and the re- chetypal methodology, the systemic re- lationships between them were accessi- forms will be possible if: ble to direct control. In today’s context, 1) a concept of system transforma- the elements that have previously been tion, that includes a clear understand- considered merely as additions play an ing of the interconnection (content) of increasing role in shaping the changes, the social functions and the content of and their real impact is increasing. The the proposed system innovations. You current institutional framework for can use the experience of the other change is no longer a mere system of countries, but overlay on the archety­ institutions. At present, the subjects pal matrix and current realities. and processes in this field are heteroge- This concept should understand neous, diverse, heterochronous and sub- which elements are key in terms of po- ject to different logic, including arche- tential effect and conflict potential, and typal. The role and place of the formal which are secondary. Today, this work institutions is shrinking rapidly, and the is not done due to the lack of some ef- relationships between the various ele- fective think tanks and mechanisms of ments are established situationally. influence. Based on the above, we can distin- 2) you need to track, complement, guish a certain set of objective criteria and respond to changes. Starting sys- for analyzing the quality of the institu- tem innovation is a program. The com- tional and evolutionary trajectory of the petencies required for its implementa- system innovations implementation: tion relate to both rapid and large-scale • progress in the development of thinking skills, practical administra- the key social competences; tion skills (including analytics, deci- • level of achievement of the results sion-making, leadership, etc.), as well needed to continue the implementa- as autonomy in the implementation of tion of the system innovations; the intended. • synthesis of the archetypes and 3) requires a place of social, admi­ the complex of solutions that reflect nistrative and political interaction the essence of the system innovations;

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220 UDC: 379.828:004.9:32 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-221-235 Pielievin Ievgen Yurievich, PhD / candidate of historical sciences, Se- nior Lecturer of the Political Science Depart- ment, Odessa National Polytechnic Univer- sity, 65044, Odesa, Prop. Shevchenko, 1, tel.: +38 (066) 453 91 16 [email protected], e-mail of the author: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5464-3309 Пєлєвін Євген Юрійович, кандидат історичних наук, старший ви- кладач кафедри політології, Одеський на- ціональний політехнічний університет, 65044, м. Одеса, пр. Шевченка, 1, тел.: +38 (066) 453 91 16, [email protected], е-mail автора: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5464-3309 Пелевин Евгений Юрьевич, кандидат исторических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры политологии, Одесский национальный политехнический университет, 65044, г. Одесса, пр. Шевченко, 1, тел.: +38 (066) 453 91 16, opu@opu. ua, е-mail автора: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5464-3309


Abstract. The article analyzes the phenomenon of the digital media art as a mass media communication. The interdependence of the means of artistic expression of the digital art and modern technologies of information transfer and storage is de- termined. This allows us to consider the phenomenon of the digital media art as an integrated part of the mass media communication system, which greatly enhances the potential of the narrative influence. The forms of interaction between the art and politics are examined on the example of reinterpreting the archetypes by the means of the artistic expression. The key role of the organization of the self-iden- tification process for establishing the political control and the place of mass me- dia communication in this process is emphasized. On the example of the computer

221 games the process of transformation of the mass media communication into a self- sufficient object of the art is studied. The computer games are classified according to the tools of the narrative influence. Using the principles of coding theory, it is determined that the virtual space of a computer game, through the interactivity of the gameplay, converts any user messages created in the framework of feedback into simulacrum, that is, renders them meaningless. This allows the computer game to be regarded as an isolated channel of communication. The presence of an iso- lated information channel with one-sided virtual modeling of the social reality, the prototype of which is the modern computer games, allows to revive the ancient practices of the manipulation of the archetypes, but with the capabilities of the 21th century. It is noted that the attempts to use the potential of the phenomenon of the media art as a means of mass media communication for the political purposes are situational in nature and are explained more by the recursive nature of the in- terconnectedness of the art and politics. At present, the political institutions do not consider the virtual reality of the computer game as an effective means of the po- litical control, and computer game itself as a separate mass media communication. Keywords: mass media communication, ideologeme, propaganda, archetypal im- ages, media art, digital art, computer games, political control, synthesis of the arts. ІНТЕРАКТИВНІСТЬ АРХЕТИПНИХ ОБРАЗІВ ЯК ІНСТРУМЕНТ ПОЛІТИЗАЦІЇ СУЧАСНОГО ДИГІТАЛЬНОГО МИСТЕЦТВА Анотація. Проаналізовано феномен дигітального медіамистецтва як за- собу масової комунікації. Визначено взаємозалежність засобів художнього вираження дигітального мистецтва і сучасних технологій передачі і збері- гання інформації. Це дає змогу розглядати феномен дигітального медіамис- тецтва як інтегровану частину системи засобів масової комунікації, що знач- но посилює потенціал наративного впливу. Розглядаються форми взаємодії мистецтва і політики на прикладі переосмислення архетипів за допомогою засобів художнього вираження. Підкреслюється ключова роль організації процесу самоідентифікації для встановлення політичного контролю і місце засобів масової комунікації в цьому процесі. На прикладі комп’ютерних ігор вивчається процес трансформації засобів масової комунікації в самодостат- ній об’єкт мистецтва. Проведено класифікацію комп’ютерних ігор залежно від інструментів наративного впливу. За допомогою принципів теорії коду- вання визначається, що віртуальний простір комп’ютерної гри за допомогою інтерактивності ігрового процесу перетворює будь-які повідомлення корис- тувача, створені в рамках зворотного зв’язку, в симулякри, тобто робить їх беззмістовними. Це дає змогу розглядати комп’ютерну гру як ізольований канал комунікації. Наявність ізольованого інформаційного каналу з одно- стороннім віртуальним моделюванням соціальної реальності, прообразом якого є сучасні комп’ютерні ігри, дають змогу відродити давні практики маніпуляції архетипами, але з можливостями техніки ХХI ст. Зазначаєть- ся, що спроби використання потенціалу феномену медіамистецтва як засобу масової комунікації в політичних цілях носять ситуативний характер і пояс-

222 нюються швидше рекурсивним характером взаємозумовленості мистецтва і політики. Політичні інститути наразі не розглядають віртуальну реаль- ність комп’ютерної гри як ефективний засіб політичного контролю, а саму комп’ютерну гру як окремий засіб масової комунікації. Ключові слова: засоби масової комунікації, ідеологема, пропаганда, ар- хетипічні образи, медіамистецтво, дигітальне мистецтво, комп’ютерні ігри, політичний контроль, синтез мистецтв. ИНТЕРАКТИВНОСТЬ АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИХ ОБРАЗОВ КАК ИНСТРУМЕНТ ПОЛИТИЗАЦИИ СОВРЕМЕННОГО ДИГИТАЛЬНОГО ИСКУССТВА Аннотация. Анализируется феномен дигитального медиаискусства как средства массовой коммуникации. Определяется взаимозависимость средств художественного выражения и современных технологий хранения и передачи информации. Это позволяет рассматривать феномен медиаискус- ства как интегрированную часть системы средств массовой коммуникации, что значительно усиливает потенциал нарративного воздействия. Рассма- триваются формы взаимодействия искусства и политики на примере пере- осмысления архетипов с помощью средств художественного выражения. Подчеркивается ключевая роль организации процесса самоидентификации для установления политического контроля и место средств массовой комму- никации в этом процессе. На примере компьютерных игр изучается процесс трансформации средств массовой коммуникации в самодостаточный объект искусства. Проводится классификация компьютерных игр в зависимости от инструментов нарративного воздействия. С помощью принципов теории кодирования определяется, что виртуальное пространство компьютерной игры посредством интерактивности игрового процесса, превращает любые сообщение пользователя, созданные в рамках обратной связи, в симуля- кры, т. е. обессмысливает их. Это позволяет рассматривать компьютерную игру, как изолированный канал коммуникации. Наличие изолированного информационного канала с односторонним виртуальным моделированием социальной действительности, прообразом которого являются современные компьютерные игры, позволяют возродить древние практики манипуляции архетипами, но с возможностями техники ХХI века. Попытки использова- ния потенциала такого средства массовой коммуникации, как компьютер- ная игра в политических целях носят ситуативный характер и объясняют- ся скорее рекурсивным характером взаимообусловленности искусства и политики. Политические институты пока не рассматривают виртуальную реальность компьютерной игры как эффективное средство политического контроля, а саму компьютерную игру как отдельное средство массовой ком- муникации и разновидность дигитального медиаискусства. Ключевые слова: средства массовой коммуникации, идеологема, про- паганда, архетипические образы, медиаискусство, дигитальное искусство, компьютерные игры, политический контроль, синтез искусств.

223 Formulation of the problem. In the nal periodicals. Among its active deve­ political process the art objects are al- lopers are N. Guernham (considering ways seen as instruments of the politi- new media as a medium and space for cal control and are an effective means the creative industries), J. Aiello (fo- of managing the mass consciousness. cusing on the visual communications The main task of using these tools de- in the contemporary media culture), pends on the formation of appropriate L. Kandy and E. Edmonds (exploring (for the political process) evaluation the creative potential of the interactive judgments in relation to the social re- communications), H. Pocheptsov (dis- ality on the part of the citizens. The tinguishes the semiotic aspect in the key to achieving this goal is to create functioning of the MMC), S. Jones and markers of the political identity by giv- E. Volp (analyze the mechanisms of ing the political meanings of the wide- identification in the social networks), spread archetypal images. and others. Developing this theme, Examples of the use in the political Z. Papacharissi in his work “Network reality of the archetypes transformed Personality: Identity, Community and through the means of artistic expres- Culture in the Space of the Social Net- sion can be found in any kind of art: works” [3] calls the phenomenon of from the painting of ceramics, as the self-identification a key problem for oldest variety of decorative and ap- the effective functioning of the MMC. plied art, and ending with the role of However, due to the fact that the architecture in the culture of totalitari- technical capabilities of the MMC, as anism [1]. a tool for exercising the political con- However, since the 1970s, we have trol, have become available only since been observing the process of forming a the 1990s, this phenomenon is still fundamentally new phenomenon of “art poorly understood: no separate area in politics” or “politics in art”, which of knowledge has been formed, all the is caused by the transformation of the studies are interdisciplinary, the ter- mass media (hereinafter — the media) minological base is not yet clearly de- into mass media communication (here- fined. In particular, little attention has inafter — the MMC) and related to the been paid to the study of the computer development the computer networks games as a means of mass media com- [2]. Unlike the classic communications munication and tools for influencing channels like television, radio, periodi- the political consciousness. cals, New Media exploits a model of en- The purpose of the article. The gaging the users in the very process of purpose of this article is to identify the communication (such as participa- the specifics of the computer games as tory journalism), which fundamentally a kind of contemporary art and to de- changes their place and role in the po- termine on this basis the mechanisms litical process. of the politicization of the digital space. Analysis of the recent research and Outline of the main research mate- publications. These issues have only rial. Based on the essence of the problem recently begun to be widely discussed and the given purpose, it is convenient on the pages of the leading internatio­ to define the typological structure of

224 the MMC within the framework of the message), which closely matches the semiotics and informatics by the follow- basic principles of the semiotics and ing criteria: 1) depending on the form coding theory, the art is a tool for solv- of expression of the essential meaning ing a number of problems: of the message as a phenomenon­ on the a) transforms, by the means of differ- level of consciousness chosen for per- entiation, complex semantic construc- ception; 2) by the method of encoding tions into accessible artistic images; the form of the essence of the phenome- b) creates a single structure of the non of the message; 3) by the method of semantic codes that guarantee the organizing the feedback cycles with the uniqueness of the decoding of the artis- consumer information in accordance tic images by the recipient of the mes- with the environment of communica- sage; tion and decoding of the original mes- c) provides encryption of the seman- sage. Let us consider each of these crite- tic codes to make it impossible to de- ria separately. code a message to a ”stranger”, which, 1. In the context of the first criterion for example, is the basis of the various (dependence of the form of the essence subcultures. (This “inverse” function of the phenomenon of the message on of the art will not be considered­ in this the level of consciousness selected for article.). perception), it can be argued that, as a This coding process can be seen rule, the symbolic-semantic elements from the example of the Hubert Lan- of the public consciousness are used singer’s famous artwork “The Standard to broadcast the archetypal essence of Bearer”, which became the aesthetic the message: ideologems — for the po- and ideological manifesto of the Nazi litical; mythologemes– for the cultural Germany. The archetypal image of consciousness, etc. (See Table 1). the “messiah” is a leader with a flag It should be noted that this aspect indicating the direction or purpose of the problem is fairly well under- shrouded in the armor of the European stood. Of particular interest, within mythologeme of the “Teutonic Knight” the scope of this article, is the work of and actualized, in the contemporary Giorgio Aiello, “Theoretical Achieve- for the artist, in the national political ments of the Critical Visual Analysis: discourse, through the mediation of the Perception, Ideology, Mythology, and political person — Adolf Hitler. And Social Semiotics” [4]. the NSDAP flag, ruling in Germany 2. According to the second criterion since 1933 as a political symbol, serves (the method of encoding the form of as the identity marker for the recipient the essence of the phenomenon of the of the message. (See Fig. 1).

Table 1 Broadcast trajectories of the archetypal essence of the information message

ideologeme  archetype  mythologeme

225 to usher in a new era of the mass art, is indicative in this regard. From the mid-20th century to the advent of the computer networks, the cinema was the dominant type of the art synthesis. The further develop- ment of the technical means of deliver- ing messages has led to the emergence of new ways of syncretic unity of the means of the artistic expression, nowa- days called the media art (New Media Art) or digital art. In the Table 2. the evolution of the classical forms of the art under the in- fluence of the modern media technolo- Fig. 1. Hubert Lansinger’s “The Standard Beare”, 1935 gies is presented. The key influence of the process of The encoding of the meanings is car- the development of the means of com- ried out by the means and techniques munication for the effective exercise of the artistic expression, which are of the political control was formulated classified according to their belonging successfully by H. Pocheptsov: “Every to certain types of arts: fine, spectacu- time the arrival of new media is ac- lar, expressive. The synthesis of the arts companied by the efforts of the state allows you to extend the variability of to “conquer” them, returning to the the unambiguous meaning coding. The existing distribution of the power in synthesis of the arts in this case should the society and the state. Social media be understood as a means of compil- (primarily Twitter) is creating a new ing the means and techniques of the version of the mass media — the so- expression of the artistic image. (For called public journalism. Among the example, literature, music, painting founders of Facebook, in particular, is and graphics all give us theatrical art). the CIA Venture Fund” [5]. Hence, the higher the degree of the 3. According to the third criterion interpenetration of the means of the (a method of organizing the customer artistic expression in the object of art, feedback cycles), the communication the greater the opportunities for influ- environment is formed and the original encing the formation of the evaluative message is decoded. judgments in relation to the social rea­ A key feature of media art is the lity by the recipient of the message. interactivity of the objects of the lat- Thus, the pinnacle of the synthesis ter. This makes it possible to use the of the classical arts is circus, theater feedback cycles themselves as artistic and silent cinema, which still belongs means, sometimes turning them into to the art of fine arts. The release of independent objects of the mass cul- Charlie Chaplin’s “The Great Dicta- ture (for example Instagram). The tor”, the first fully-fledged soundtrack communication of the “author” of the

226 Table 2 The evolution of the classical forms of the art influenced by the modern media technologies

Classification of classical forms of art by F. Hegel:

poetry music painting sculpture architecture

main classical forms of the synthetic art: theater, variety, circus.

Motivational functions of the art

Modern forms of the media art:

main modern forms of the synthetic art: cinema, video games, media.

computer digital architecture digital electronic graphics 3D computer virtual reality literature. music track digital photog- modeling. light system hypertext and procedural raphy animation art 3D printing architecture: audiobook. art rendering “smart city” message and its recipient is understood of the organization of the feedback cy- in the context of the phenomenon of cles in the political reality (See Fig. 2). self-identification, which makes the art By analogy with the synthesis of the an integral part of the MMC. arts, the synthesis of the archetypes al- For the arts as a whole, the problem lows us to improve the perception of of identification is solved in the catego- the essence of the phenomenon of a ries of archetype that take appropriate particular message. forms depending on the function re- The main tools of such synthesis, quired. Thus, to influence the religious and hence the organization of self- consciousness, the archetypes in the identification, were, until the advent of message structure take the form of a radio and television, as the first means mythologemes. In this case, the feed- of media art exclusively, an administra- back cycles are organized as mysteries, tive resource and a holiday [6]. In both carnivals, the sacrament of the Eucha- cases the individual was regarded as rist and others. homo ludens. In the political consciousness, In this regard, the work of Roy As- the archetype is consumed as an ide- cot “Interaction: Art, Research and ologeme: leader, freedom, revolution Creative Practices” [7], in which the and so on. Coronation, inauguration, author examines in detail the process elections, demonstrations are examples of deepening the integration of the art

227 reality. And its most complete digital form is a computer game (hereinafter referred to as CG). Paradoxically, this type of media art, as a channel of com- munication, has the greatest potential to influence the consumer of informa- tion, and at the same time, is the least used means of the political control. The analysis of the CG as a MMC suggests that the politicization of the archetypal images and the use of ideologemes in it is sporadic. In our view, this is ex- plained by the recursive nature of the interdependence of the politics and art. Fig. 2. November 7, 1941, Kuibyshev. Let us consider the CG communica- Demonstration after the parade tion tools as a digital model of the se- mantic space. into the technical infrastructure that Firstly, as a result of the synthesis of supports the consumption of the cul- all the types of media art, the computer ture, is noteworthy. Based on his obser- games allow the use of any artistic in- vations, we conclude that the technical struments of the narrative influence. means of demonstrating the objects of Secondly, the computer game dis- the art and consumption of the mass tinguishes the saturation of the con- culture have come a long evolutionary sumption process. The user spends path: from bonfires and amphitheaters from tens to tens of thousands of hours to television and the Internet. This in the virtual space of the CG. This al- leads to compulsory publicity and to- lows the CG to be regarded as an iso- tal de-identity of the individual. The lated MMC. The key role of isolation social networks related to telephone of the communication channels for the numbers, personal and banking infor- political control is shown, for example, mation require the modern man to be by H. Pocheptsov [9]. homo ludens constantly, transforming Thirdly, the close connection with the behaviour not only of his virtual the social infrastructure (education, personality, but also of the real one. subculture, work) causes the relaying This, in turn, leads to the fact that of a computer-generated political-et­ the modern society no longer makes a hical paradigm into the real world. distinction between them (C. Jones, To analyze the ways of the narrative E. Volp [8]). influence, let us consider the typology The phenomenon of escapism, an of the video games by the main genres. episodic flight into another reality There are types of the CG, such as: ad- with the overflowing information of venture; action; strategy. the social reality, is also being carried The Adventure CG is based on a out today through the digital means. story. Most successful projects in this The inoreality takes the form of virtual genre are built around a finished li­

228 terary work that makes the gameplay boo opportunity to turn the world into interactive. A classic example is the the “worse side” that a player has taken Witcher series from the Polish studio away from is the killing of children (al- CD Project, based on the A. Sapkovsky though in the late 1990s such function- saga “The Witcher”. The game, follow- ality could be observed in a number of ing the writer’s books, exploits the ar- computer games (see Fig. 3). chetypes in the form of mythologemes, The user, deprived of the opportu- but without taking into account the nity to adapt the character behaviour actual political reality. Thus, in con- of his “avatar” to the modern categories trast to the general policy of tolerance of the ethics, remains to conclude: the in the political space of the European main “monster” — this is not a mon- Union, the user is promptly invited to ster of the Slavic mythology, which associate himself with the mutually constantly have to fight in the virtual contradictory archetypes of the “mer- space, but the man, the player. cenary” and the “hero”. Having learned In the Mass Effect series of BioWare from a biological mutation as a child, Studio games the actual ethics are not the protagonist is endowed with super- ignored, but rather used to actualize masculine qualities — not only corpo- the literary archetypes. The personi- real but also behavioural, which is the fication of the protagonist is related basis for the concept of supremasism solely to the behavioural aspects, and as the ideological foundation of the the archetypes of “the hero”, “the cho- semi-sectarian organization to which sen”, “the warrior” stated in the plot the hero belongs. In the virtual space of are purely formal. The main focus of this CG is the fantasy world, outlined the story is the image of the antago- by the aesthetics of the Middle Ages, is nist as an ancient, depersonalized evil, filled with scenes of domestic violence, archetyped as “precursor”, “titanium”. mass executions, and destruction as The integration of the user in the des- a result of the political intrigues. And ignated narrative is achieved by the this world order should be taken as a immersion in a rich gameplay. There- given by the user. Perhaps the only ta- fore, the key archetypes are abstract

Fig. 3. “Kill Counter” category and description of character “Features” in the Fallout 2 computer game (developed by Black Isle Studio)

229 symbols. For example, the “dome” is computer games are interactive ani- represented by the “Normandy” space- mated literature that can hold a user’s craft, which is a haven for the player attention to a broadcast narrative for and his team. The latter should be seen hundreds of hours. as a “family”, where the establishment Another kind of CG is the ac- of the romantic relationships, imitation tion. The action is a CG genre with a of the active social interaction between distinctly entertaining function. En- the crew members is a significant part dowed with a limited plot, requiring of the gameplay and influences the active participation in a rich gameplay, development of the story. The plot is the games of this genre are interactive built around a confrontation between cinema that appeals to the aesthetic the collective “David” and the cosmo- level of the consciousness of the user. gonic “Goliath” that cannot be defea­ The problem of identification of the ted without the help of the procedural- player is solved without complicated ly generated comrades. The gameplay work with the archetypes, but at the details of the space travel between the expense of interactivity of the secon­ star systems form an important part of dary references to their forms. Thus, the gameplay that exploits the “road- Activision’s Call of Duty series puts us to-home” archetype. “The Last Battle” in the ready-made paradigms of World takes place on the ruins of a “lost para- War II, where we grapple with the es- dise” — on Earth, the cradle of the hu- tablished perceptions of the Japanese, man civilization. These archetypes are German, assuming the role of “typical” actualized through the contemporary American or Soviet homeland defend- social and ethical issues such as gender ers (See Figure 4). identification, racism, confrontation of In another part of Call of Duty: the science and religion, forced migra- Black Ops dedicated to the Cold War tion, human rights, the threat of the ar- the player is offered to eliminate Fidel tificial intelligence, and more. Castro during a landing in the Bay of Using a different typological struc- Pigs, try to disrupt North Vietnam’s ture of the archetypes, the adventure “TET Offensive” and participate in

Fig. 4. Call of Duty: World at War. The Vendetta storyline in detail mimics the aesthetics of the Jean-Jacques Anno’s movie “The Enemy at the Gate”

230 a Space Race by blowing up a Union of the gods” (Tiberium Sun), “the end rocket-2 at the Baikonur launch pad. of the history” (Total War: Warham- The aesthetic merits of the CG in this mer, StarCraft), “coming back home” series make the users return to the same (Homeworld). Some computer games storylines and characters over and over offer the user the ability to rewrite the again. history where the plot defines only the Created by the fans of Half-life historical entourage of the gameplay (developer and publisher of Valve) in (Europa Universalis, Civilization). 1999, the modification of the cult game The process of the self-identification has not lost popularity in 20 years. consists of choosing the side of the con- Counter-Strike has evolved into a flict, and then the player himself be- sub-culture of eSports, and Valve has comes the author of a fascinating story. become the world leader in the cyber- The competition in solving math entertainment industry with its digi- puzzles in a single-player (human-com- tal gaming service Steam and billion- puter) game is usually a pre-race train- dollar eSports (The International CG ing session with the other users. It is in Dota 2 Tournament). multiplayer mode that the game gives Strategies: CG genre with the the deepest possible degree of immer- greatest relative freedom of the action sion in the virtual environment of the of the player. It is in the space of the game program of this genre, turning programs in this genre that the neural each match into a “battle of the titans”. network (Dota 2) is trained [10]. Tech- Let us consider the self-identifica- nically, the computer programs of this tion methods for the computer games, genre were the first, representing a sys- depending on the genre: tem of mathematical puzzles — “game The competitive character of the mechanics”. The user, in such a game, gameplay is a key factor in the process takes the place of a “demiurge” or “spir- of identification of the user in the vir- it of the history”, the power of which is tual space, and narration algorithms limited only by the laws of the proce- have the greatest influence. The latter dural generation of the virtual world. are a message sequence related to the The main means of ensuring the game- results of the user operations within play of this type of the CG is the most the game mechanics, expressed in a interactive display of the conditions of form that corresponds to the visualiza- the mathematical problems, the course tion of the aesthetic paradigm of the of their solution and the result of the CG. Combining all the above methods operations. This is achieved through of organizing the user self-identifica- animation, visualization, widespread tion allows to maximize the impact on implementation of the hypertext in the the player’s consciousness. interface. All this eventually led to the The first attempts to unlock the design of interfaces in a separate field potential of the competitive self-iden- of art. tification were the publication of the The plot of the game is to describe updated “ladder tables of the players” the archetypal conflict. As a rule, these where the users competed with each are eternal literary subjects: “the death other in absentia. Today, this mecha-

231 Table 3 Mechanisms of organizing the process of the self-identification in a computer game, depending on the genre

adventure action strategy

story algorithm: organization of the aesthetic competitive nature of the animation and visualization perception: integration into gameplay, that assumes that of the narrative influence the gameplay of the seman- there are parties to the conflict tic code of the mass culture whose choice triggers the pro- accessible to deciphering cess of the self-identification nism has become the cornerstone of the Another important characteristic video game industry, where it has taken of the CG as a mass media commu- the form of a multiplayer online game. nication is the saturation of the con- This article will not address the sumption process. The longest adven- problem of expanding the target au- ture computer games may require up dience of the game by increasing the to 40 hours of the game time to study number of the game mechanics, which the story. What is more, you can find is the primary concern of the develo­ Steam accounts running thousands of pers from a marketing point of view. In hours in a single game. spite of this, the given data is sufficient However, in our opinion, it is pre- to establish the dependence: the more cisely the third specific trait of the variations of the self-identification, CG as a MMC that includes it in the the more hours a person spends in the arsenal of the political influence. The game, and the higher the replayability close connection with the social infra- of the latter. structure allows us to relay the existing The concept of the “perfect game” political and ethical paradigm into the technically implements the phenome- real world. non of the self-identification as follows: At the forefront of the social as- a) competitive moment — obliges the pect of the CG phenomenon are phe- game to be multiplayer, all the player nomena such as targeted advertising, information is stored on the server of various social networking services, the game developer / publisher and ful- marginal public organizations and po- ly controlled by the latter; b) problems litical movements [11]. In general, the of the aesthetic perception — require novelty of this type of art explains the the contemporary CG elements of at lack of sectoral legal regulation of this least augmented reality; c) storytelling media industry. The consequence is the algorithm — must be integrated into possibility of the existence in the vir- the competitive element, so that ev- tual world of the CG archetypal, non- eryone has the opportunity to interfere codified elements of morality, as for the with the “history” of the other players developers and publishers of the CG (from PvP to the open world of Death- self-censorship, embedded in the recur- Standing). sive nature of the art, plays a decisive

232 role in the choice of the storytelling al- The presence of an isolated information gorithm. channel with one-sided virtual model- In this regard, it is important to note ing of the social reality, the prototype that the CG, as a MMC, is an isolated of which is the modern video games, channel of communication. That is, the allow to revive the ancient practices message received by the user may be of manipulation of the archetypes, but retransmitted beyond the game reality with the capabilities of the 21th cen- (screenshots, streams, tournaments), tury. but the virtual reality management Conclusions and prospects for fur- functionality available to the user has ther research. The analysis of the evo- clear limitations in the gameplay pro- lution of the modern political control cedures aimed at receiving messages means, from the standpoint of the pos- by the user himself. Therefore, while sibility of using artistic images of the in the virtual world, the user can only digital media art to encode essential receive messages, rebroadcast, but not values and their unambiguous decod- synthesize their own. That is, the user ing, will allow us to confirm the follow- receives the message, decodes it, but ing. his response-message is a simulator. In its means of the artistic expres- We believe that such a structure of sion, the media art is inseparable from communication is an ideal channel for the modern technical means of trans- propaganda and, accordingly, an effec- mitting the information and becomes tive tool for the political control that an integrated part of the mass media allows the users to be socially perceived communication, which greatly enhanc- in isolation. es the potential of its narrative influ- It is difficult to overestimate the ence. importance of the emergence of such This leads to situations where the a technical infrastructure in the policy mass media communications become information space. This becomes espe- independent objects of art. The com- cially apparent when comparing the puter game, the most ambitious variant CG to the other next generation me- of implementation of this principle, is dia. So, today, the space of the social at the same time both a branch of art networks is not an isolated channel of and a means of mass media communi- communication, even considering the cation. determining influence of the network As a result of the synthesis of the filters on the content of the displayed arts, the computer games have all the information. This toolkit allows the available means of the narrative influ- political entities to track and then ana- ence that accumulate in the properties lyze the nature of the online user acti­ of replayability. From here, the user vity. The ultimate goal is to determine spends thousands of hours in the vir- the nature of the message, which will tual reality, which is organized by just be deliberately uniquely decoded and one digital art object. endorsed by the latter, as could be seen Unlike mass media communication in the run-up to the US (2016) and such as the social networks, the com- Ukraine (2019) election campaigns. puter gaming is an isolated channel of

233 communication that gives the undeni- 6. Huizinga, J. (2014). Homo Ludens: A able benefits of using its space as a pro- Study of the Play-Element in Culture. paganda tool. Mansfield Centre, CT: Martino Pub- Attempts to harness the potential lishing [in English]. of this mass media communication for 7. Ascott, R. (2010). Interacting: art, re- search and the creative practitioner. political purposes are situational in na- UK: Libri Publications Ltd, Faring- ture and are explained more by the re- don [in English]. cursive nature of the interdependence 8. Jones, C., Volpe, E. H. (2010). Orga- of the art and politics. The political in- nizational identification: Extending stitutions have not yet considered the our understanding of social identities virtual reality of the computer game as through social networks. Journal of an effective means of the political con- Organizational Behavior, 32(3), 413- trol, and the computer game itself as a 434 [in English]. separate mass media communication. 9. Pocheptsov, G. G. (2015). Narrativnyy instrumentariyvozdeystviya [Narra- tive toolkit of influence]. Verkhnevol- REFERENCES zhskiy filologicheskiyvestnik – Upper Volga Philological Bulletin, 3, 69-75 1. Ivanov, S. (2001). Arkhitektura v kul- [in Russian]. turotvorchestvetotalitarizma. Filosof- 10. How to Train Your OpenAI Five. sko-esteticheskiy analiz [Architecture (April 15, 2019). Re- in the cultural creation of totalitarian- trieved from ism. Philosophical and aesthetic anal- blog/how-to-train-your-openai-five/ ysis]. Kiev: Stilos [in Russian]. [in English]. 2. Garnham, N. (2005). From cultural 11. Victor, D. (October 9, 2019). Bliz- to creative industries. International zard Sets Off Backlash for Penali­ Journal of Cultural Policy, 11(1), 15- zing Hearthstone Gamer in Hong 29 [in English]. Kong. Re- 3. Papacharissi, Z. (2010). A networked trieved from https://www.nytimes. self: Identity, community, and culture com/2019/10/09/world/asia/bliz- on social network sites. New York: zard-hearthstone-hong-kong.html [in Routledge [in English]. English]. 4. Aiello, G. (2006). Theoretical Ad- 12. Hegel, G. (1938). Lektsii po estetike vances in Critical Visual Analysis: [Lectures on Aesthetics]. (Vols. XII). Perception, Ideology, Mythologies, Moscow: Sotsekgiz [in Russian]. and Social Semiotics. Journal of Visu- 13. Candy, L., Edmonds, E. A. (2011). In- al Literacy, 26(2), 89-102 [in English]. teracting: Art, Researchand the Cre- 5. Pocheptsov, H. (December 23, 2012). ative Practitioner. UK: Libri Publica- Informatsiino-komunikatyvni protse- tions Ltd, Faringdon [in English]. sy v suchasnykh suspilstvakh [Infor- mation and communication processes СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНИХ in modern societies]. ms.detector. ДЖЕРЕЛ media. Retrieved from https:// 1. Иванов С. Архитектура в культуро- tion/informatsiynokomunikativni_ творчестве тоталитаризма. Фило- protsesi_v_suchasnikh_suspilstvakh/ софско-эстетический анализ. Киев: [in Ukrainian]. Стилос, 2001. 167 с.

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235 UDC: 329.001(100) DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-236-251 Plakhtiy Taras Oleksiiovych, independent researcher, 79014, Lviv, Tract Glynianskyi, 36-B, tel.: 38 (050) 317 37 01, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441 Плахтій Тарас Олексійович, незалежний дослідник, 79014, Львів, Тракт Глинянський, 36-Б, тел.: 38 (050) 317 37 01, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441 Плахтий Тарас Алексеевич, независимый исследователь, 79014, Львов, Тракт Глинянский, 36-Б, тел.: 38 (050) 317 37 01, e-mail: taras.plakhtiy@ ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441


Abstract. The necessity of constructing new generation political parties that would be able to carry out traditional activities for them — to effectively and effi- ciently rationally manage the society under conditions of transition from modern to postmodern and in the postmodern itself is substantiated. An interdisciplinary model for analyzing the life of the political organizations, which was created for the purpose of such construction, is presented. It links the emergent qualities of the political organizations at the macro level with the choice of behavioural strategies of their members at the micro level through the interaction of these members within primary groups and party units at the meso level. The model incorporates biological, archetypal, socio-psychological, orga- nizational, and political science approaches with aspects highlighted in each of them that link these approaches into a coherent model based on an archetypal approach. The relationships between the aspects of the different approaches are de- scribed in detail. In particular, the organizational approach determines the type

236 of situations reproduced in the primary groups and party units that affect the course of group dynamics (socio-psychological approach) and actualize the relevant cultural archetypes in the unconscious participants of the interaction (archetypal approach), which, due to their established, their habitual settings, frames, discourses, symbols, values, determine the behavioural choice of the par- ticipants in the interaction, activating or passivating them (biological approach). All this accelerates or slows down to a complete stop the process of oligarchiza- tion of the political parties and determines their viability, efficiency and effective- ness, including their ability to realize their initial goals for a long time (political science approach). The created and presented interdisciplinary model allows to analyze the life of the political organizations at the micro, meso and macro levels at the stage of their construction in order to choose the optimal set of organizational parameters of the structure of these organizations in accordance with the type of external environment in which they should operate. Keywords: postmodern, archetypal approach, new generation political par- ties, organizational approach, law of oligarchization of Michel. ПОЛІТИЧНІ ПАРТІЇ ЯК СУБ’ЄКТИ ТРАДИЦІЙНОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ У ПОСТМОДЕРНОМУ СУСПІЛЬСТВІ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. Обґрунтовано необхідність конструювання політичних партій нового покоління, які були б здатними здійснювати традиційну для них ді- яльність — ефективно та результативно у раціональній площині управляти суспільством в умовах переходу з модерну до постмодерну і у самому пост- модерні. Представлено міждисциплінарну модель для аналізу життєдіяльності політичних організацій, яка була створена з метою здійснення такого кон- струювання. Вона пов’язує емерджентні якості політичних організацій на макрорівні з вибором поведінкових стратегій їхніх членів на мікрорівні че- рез взаємодією цих членів у рамках первинних груп і партійних підрозділів на мезорівні. Модель включає біологічний, архетипний, соціально-психоло- гічний, організаційний і політологічний підходи з виділеними у кожному з них аспектами, які пов’язують ці підходи у цілісну модель на основі архетип- ного підходу. Детально описано зв’язки між аспектами різних підходів. Зокрема органі- заційний підхід визначає тип відтворюваних у первинних групах та партій- них підрозділах ситуацій, які впливають на перебіг групової динаміки (соці- ально-психологічний підхід) та актуалізують відповідні культурні архетипи у несвідомому учасників взаємодії (архетипний підхід), що через сформова- ні на їх основі габітуси, установки, фрейми, дискурси, символи, цінності, ви- значають поведінковий вибір учасників взаємодії, активуючи чи пасивуючи їх (біологічний підхід). Все це прискорює або сповільнює аж до повної зу- пинки процес олігархізації політичних партій і визначає їх життє­здатність,

237 ефективність та результативність, включно зі здатністю реалізовувати про- тягом тривалого часу власні початкові цілі (політологічний підхід). Створена і представлена міждисциплінарна модель дає можливість проа- налізувати життєдіяльність політичних організацій на мікро-, мезо- і макро- рівні на стадії їх конструювання з метою вибору оптимальної сукупності організаційних параметрів будови цих організацій відповідно до типу зо- внішнього середовища, в якому вони мають діяти. Ключові слова: постмодерн, архетипний підхід, політичні партії нового покоління, організаційний підхід, закон олігархізації Міхельса. ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЕ ПАРТИИ КАК СУБЪЕКТЫ ТРАДИЦИОННОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ В ПОСТМОДЕРНОМ ОБЩЕСТВЕ (АРХЕТИПНЫЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Обоснована необходимость конструирования политических партий нового поколения, которые были бы способны осуществлять тра- диционную для них деятельность — эффективно и результативно в рацио- нальной плоскости управлять обществом в условиях перехода из модерна к постмодерну и в самом постмодерне. Представлено междисциплинарную модель для анализа жизнедеятель- ности политических организаций, которая была создана с целью осущест- вления такого конструирования. Она связывает эмерджентные качества политических организаций на макроуровне с выбором поведенческих стра- тегий их членов на микроуровне через взаимодействие этих членов в рамках первичных групп и партийных подразделений на мезоуровне. Модель вклю- чает биологический, архетипический, социально-психологический, органи- зационный и политологический подходы с выделенными в каждом из них аспектами, которые связывают эти подходы в целостную модель на основе архетипного подхода. Подробно описано взаимосвязи между аспектами различных подходов. В частности организационный подход определяет тип воспроизводимых в первичных группах и партийных подразделениях ситуаций, влияющих на ход групповой динамики (социально-психологический подход) и актуа- лизирующих соответствующие культурные архетипы в бессознательном участников взаимодействия (архетипический подход), которые через сло- жившиеся на их основе габитусы, установки, фреймы, дискурсы, символы, ценности, определяют поведенческий выбор участников взаимодействия, активируя или пассивируя их (биологический подход). Все это ускоряет или замедляет до полной остановки процесс олигархизации политических партий и определяет их жизнеспособность, эффективность и результатив- ность, включая способность реализовывать в течение длительного времени собственные первоначальные цели (политологический подход). Созданная и представленная междисциплинарная модель позволяет осу- ществлять анализ жизнедеятельности политических организаций на ми- кро-, мезо- и макроуровне на стадии их конструирования с целью выбора

238 оптимальной совокупности организационных параметров строение этих ор- ганизаций в соответствии с типом внешней среды, в которой они должны действовать. Ключевые слова: постмодерн, архетипический подход, политические партии нового поколения, организационный подход, закон олигархизации Михельса.

Formulation of the problem. The of theoretical and monitoring research modern political science in general of the Ukrainian School of Archetype and partology study in particular, (1992–2018), which uses the author’s study, classify and describe the exist- archetypal methods for diagnosing the ing political organizations, identifying transformational changes in the Ukrai- their types, kinds and defining their nian consciousness. On the basis of qualities, capabilities and effectiveness generalization of the received data and within different political systems in naturally expected abrupt qualitative different countries. changes in the public consciousness, What is clear, however, is that the the authors formulate an optimistic traditional political organizations that forecast of the nearest development. emerged and formed in the modern era At the same time, they emphasize do not cope with their key functions of that today the ability to see and active- managing the societies, countries, and ly shape different variants of events is the global world in the modern era of gaining importance. This, in their view, the transition from modern to post- is an important feature of new social en- modern. gineering. The classical forecasting has Therefore, we see the actual prob- mostly followed trends, and the new lem of not describing the existing ones, post-classical forecasting technology but of constructing new-generation aims to foresee alternatives first. Ac- political parties capable of surviving cordingly, the broader definition of the and acting in a complex turbulent ex- subject field of the social engineering ternal environment with its multipli­ tasks lies in a set of applied sociology city of truths, destruction of meanings approaches focused on the purposeful and values, uneven social development change of the organizational structures of different countries, which causes that define human behaviour and pro- manifestations of postmodernity there, vide social control functions. where neither society nor its political According to the authors, the so- organizations are prepared for it. cial and engineering factors such as Analysis of the recent publications the construction of the political insti- on the issue and identifying unre- tutions, the reception of the principles solved parts of the common problem. of the legal systems of the developed In their monograph [1] the Ukrainian democratic states, the formation of a scientists E. Afonin and A. Martynov new type of culture based on new val- conceptualize the results of many years ues and social priorities are of particu-

239 lar importance in the process of transi- would allow viewing all these pieces tion from one social order to another. from a superhuman height to unravel Thus, the constitution of the politi- the mystery mosaic. There is a single cal institutions, in particular political mechanism for combining the particle parties, through the purposeful change chaos as a whole — communication, in of their organizational structures, which individuals-subjects look not which determine human behaviour and from above, from immense heights, but provide social control functions, is an from each other in the eye, and find un- effective way of addressing the prob- derstanding rather than internal unity lem that we have set at the beginning. on the basis of the project of a super- In his work [2] the Ukrainian phi- personal and timely rational collective losopher Myroslav Popovych, consid- Self. ering modernity and postmodernity In our view, this approach of the notes that rationalism is the charac- postmodernists is a reaction to the teristic feature of the first in the last awareness of the inability of the exist- decades. Since the Enlightenment the ing political organizations to cope with European civilization has been try- the complexity of the modern world, ing to find the answer to the question which is steadily and rapidly increas- of how the society should choose its ing. goals and the role of rationality in their At the same time, the following choice and realization. quote is the key to solving this prob- In the same work the author notes lem. The traditional activities of the that the postmodern categorically re- political parties in the postmodern jects the idea of the hidden meaning of must unite and for a long time keep the human and human history, and that in the dynamic equilibrium particles postmodernists proclaim the end of a of the broken “mirror”, reflecting the whole-rational history and the begin- reality, in order to obtain its holistic ning of something completely new. image, its perception, analysis and un- This, in our opinion, negates the derstanding. Moreover, such political significance and destroys the meaning parties, by organizing in a certain way of the traditional activities of the po- intra-party communication and com- litical parties that arose and formed in munication of the party with the so- the modern times and for the most part ciety, should ensure the formation and relied on static — unchanged, long- support of the holographic brain of the standing ideologies, whose basic foun- organizations, the metaphor of which is dations tried in one way or another, presented in his book [3] by the Ameri- more or less successfully spread, and, can scholar G. Morgan — when every in some places, impose on the societies. particle in the broken “mirror” are Further, Myroslav Popovych, de- capable of reflecting a coherent self- scribing the postmodern, notes that image, and an image of the reality that the “mirror”, that is supposed to reflect is reflected throughout the “mirror”, the reality, is broken into small pieces, whereby the organization acquires the from which one cannot unite the whole ability for continuous self-organization — because there is no project that and self-reproduction.

240 In our work [4] we have shown that ponent of the mentality, which implies the collective subjectivity of the orga- the automatic change of the symbols, nizations, which includes a conscious frames, habits, rituals, etc. and rational collective Self formed in It should be borne in mind the same a certain way, which continuously in- thesis of the same author, who, without teracts with its collective unconscious, diminishing the factor of chance, indi- is a guarantee of the prevention of to- cates an important pattern: in the turn- talitarianism, which, according to My- ing moments of the history new ideas roslav Popovych, try to avoid the ideo- arise only through the selection and logues of the postmodernism. combination of ideas already existing In his work [5] the Russian scien- in the given culture [6]. tist N. Rozov presented a structural We plan to address this problem diagram of the general concept of the at the outset in the context of the ar- dynamic interaction of the mental and chetypal approach developed by the social components, revealing their ba- Ukrainian School of Archetype. In par- sic patterns. ticular, we will rely on the principles of All the social structures are real and archetypal management of the society operate only insofar as they are driven developed by us [7] on the basis of the by the behaviour of the people occupy- “Archetypal Management” developed ing their positions in these structures. by the Ukrainian scientist O. Don- This behaviour is directly governed chenko [8]. by the mental settings, and in general Considering the evolution of the by habits, frames and symbols that are ideas about governance in the context conditioned by the cultural patterns of classical, non-classical and post- passed down from generation to gener- non-classical scientific rationalities, ation, including the deepest and most in his book [9] the Russian scientist inertial — ethnic and civilizational ar- V. Lepsky formed a holistic vision of the chetypes. The new symbols and frames processes of forming the ideas about that emerge can override the old ones management and trends in its develop- and replace them in the process of in- ment in a postmodern world — within tergenerational translation, which is the framework of the corresponding how cultural patterns evolve. There post-non-classical rationality. The au- are also changes in archetypes, which thor considers that, in the context of already means a profound cultural and post-non-classical rationality, unlike civilizational shift. classical and non-classical, control is However, the speed with which this understood not as rigid determina- transition occurs in a context where tion of systems, but as “soft forms of there are a large number of successful management” — the creation of con- developed countries that have already ditions for their development. In fact, made it does not allow us to expect the dominant types of management are the natural course of the processes de- various types of management through scribed by the author. In our opinion the environment. the archetype should be purposefully That is, the political parties, in or- changed as a structure-forming com- der to become effective and efficient

241 in the postmodern era, must integrate their effectiveness and efficiency in the with the society and form one whole, turbulent external environment due to while being separated from it across a the introduction of distributed (parti- fuzzy border. sipative) management in their midst It should be noted that around the and the acquisition of the ability to same time that the idea of the post- adaptively restructure in the process of modern formed, the theory of organi- their activity. zations solved the problem of choosing All this testifies to the possibility of an organizational structure, depending building a new generation of political on the complexity of the external en- parties capable of acting effectively and vironment. Thus, G. Morgan believes efficiently in the postmodern world, car- that the type of environment is the rying out rational targeting on the basis main factor that determines the opti- of broadband processing of increasing mal structure of the organization and flows of information coming from the its other key parameters [3]. The au- external and internal environments. thors of the book [10] prove the same, The purpose of the article is to arguing that in a simple and defined create an interdisciplinary model for external environment, a simple linear analyzing the vitality of the political hierarchical structure with appropriate organizations, linking their emergent (involving forced concessions) com- qualities at the macro level with the petition strategies, with formal com- choice of the behavioural strategies munication systems, with an unbend- of their members at the micro level ing organizational culture, and with through the interaction of these mem- routine tasks for employees would be bers within primary groups and party optimal. Instead, a turbulent exter- units, which can host new generation nal environment requires a shift to a political parties capable of carrying out horizontal structure with appropriate their traditional activities — effective- cooperative competition strategies, an ly and efficiently in the rational plane efficient information exchange system, to govern the society in a transition an adaptive organizational culture and from modern to postmodern and in the delegation of authority. postmodern itself. In his book [11] the American sci- Outline of the main research ma- entist J. Garaedagi, summarizing the terial with full justification of the development of an organizational ap- scientific results. The organizations, proach in the modern world, identified especially political ones, cannot be ade­ two shifts in the organizational para- quately reflected in just one scientific digm that illustrate the transition from approach or discipline. And when it the idea of organization as a mecha- comes to constructing them, you have nistic system without one’s reason to to use and agree on a whole range of organizational systems of a biological different approaches, identifying the model with one reason and, further, relationships between them and check- to organizations — multi-reason so- ing the formulated theses within one cial model systems. Actually, the lat- of them for their simultaneous compli- ter type of organizations have proven ance with all the other approaches.

242 To create an interdisciplinary model level — to determine its most general to analyze the life of the political orga- characteristics and qualities. The di- nizations we have chosen the following rect correlation of these approaches approaches: biological, archetypal, so- with the archetypal approach makes cio-psychological, organizational and it possible to establish the interde- political science. pendence of these characteristics and The choice of this set of approaches qualities with the choice of the mem- for the model creation was made in view bers of the organization of behavioural of the possibility of combining them schemes and strategies in its primary into one whole by identifying their key groups and units. aspects — a kind of nodal points that The interdisciplinary model we connect all of these approaches to each have created to analyze the life of the other. In our view, we have highlighted political organizations is presented in two key aspects of each of these ap- Scheme 1. proaches in order to simplify the pre- One of the most important ap- sentation of the complex and volumi- proaches is the biological approach we nous descriptions of the latter, which, have presented within its biopolitical however, sufficiently adequately rep- [12] and ethological [13] branches. It resent the totality of the relationships includes the following two basic as- between them. pects. The basic approach in this list is, The first aspect is based on the thesis undoubtedly, an archetypal approach about the existence of two fundamen- that binds them all together and is cen- tal mechanisms for the survival of the tral to the relationship between them, populations — confrontation and coop- effectively providing a transition from eration, which ensure the realization of micro level to meso and macro level. its biological purpose — survival. Thus, Thus, the first two approaches — A. Oleskin in [12] notes that in terms biological and archetypal describe the of biopolitics, the social behaviour­ is a organization at the micro level — allow complex interlocking of its two forms: to define and, accordingly, to predict 1) agonistic, including forms of behav- the choice of its members behavioural iour associated with conflicts between schemes and strategies in the process the living organisms, namely aggres- of interaction within the organization. sion, isolation, subordination (as a set The socio-psychological approach of behaviours aimed at stopping ag- allows to describe what is happening gression by another person); 2) non- on the meso level, namely, how, under agonistic (loyal, “friendly”), which in- the influence of what patterns the in- cludes affiliation, cooperation, as well teraction of the members of the orga- as social relief and imitation. nizations in groups occurs, between At the same time, we will consider it groups within units and between dif- obvious that the collective unconscious ferent organizational units. was formed under the influence of the The organizational and political sci- natural need to ensure the realization ence approaches make it possible to of the biological goal of the human ac- describe an organization at the macro tivity — survival, as the ability to self-

243 Scheme 1. An interdisciplinary model for analyzing the life of the political organizations reproduction in time and expansion in the level of intra-group aggression, space within the ecosystem. This leads that is, passivation, by developing rules to the deep interconnectedness of our for the peaceful interaction of the in- biological and mental systems and, ac- dividuals of different ranks: dominant, cordingly, the interconnectedness of the sub-dominant, subordinate [12]. biological and archetypal approaches. Thus, the biological approach al- The second aspect is the biological lows to predict the biological activa- activation and passivation of the mem- tion or passivation of the members of bers of the population in the process the political organizations at the micro of their interaction in small or large level, depending on the level of actual- groups due to the course of a number of ization of a particular mechanism of the relevant neurohumoral reactions in the population survival — confrontation or brain of each of them [13]. The activa- cooperation. tion and passivation are manifested in It should be noted that the biologi- the process of ranking the candidates cal activation and passivation directly for leadership in these groups, result- link the biological approach to the ing in hierarchical structuring of the socio-psychological approach through, biosocial systems. Hierarchies regulate respectively, social facilitation and in- the access of “less valuable” parts (low- hibition. ranking individuals) to the limited The archetypal approach we use sources of resources. Another social and develop [4, 7, 14] is based on the function of the hierarchy is to reduce refinement of the Ukrainian School of

244 Archetype, in particular, on the basis of talitarian (totemic) type of the social the approaches of the Ukrainian scien- life, authoritarian type of the social life, tist O. Donchenko. liberal life style, democratic way of life, In her work [8] the collective psyche which, in a more appropriate format is represented by a formation based for our presentation, correspond to the on an autonomous foundation — the cultural archetypes of consolidation, foundation of archetypes. When one confrontation, competition and coop- enters an archetypal situation, he/she eration. operates according to an internal pat- Using the concepts of cultural ar- tern that is typical for everyone. The chetypes, we mean that each of them archetype, wherever it may appear, represents a set of dichotomies of per- has a powerful driving force that al- sonal archetypes corresponding to it, ways comes from the unconscious. The political myth invariants, etc., which mechanism of activation of the arche- offer different classifications of ar- type occurs through the phenomenon­ chetypes of the unconscious [7] and of libido, that is defined as a common which form the basis around which the life instinct or “psychic energy”. Its frames, discourses, habits, rituals are source is the conflict between the in- formed [5]. It should be understood, fantile instinct and the ethics that can- however, that the cultural archetypes not be avoided. In the presence of a of consolidation and confrontation are suitable situation, certain structures of extremely volatile and are constantly the collective unconscious can be acti- shifting either to confrontation or to vated immediately. The psychological cooperation (voluntary or forced) [14]. mechanism of activation of these struc- Therefore, the first aspect of the tures is one, but the forms of manifes- archetypal approach that establishes tation depend on many factors — the the link between it and the biological situation, the type and kind of group, approach is the cultural archetypes the level of confidence or cognition by formed on the basis of the more ancient the consciousness of the layers of the mechanisms of the survival of the hu- collective psyche, that is, the relation- man populations and identified by us ship between the conscious and the in describing the biological approach. unconscious in the psyche of the indi- The second aspect of the archetypal vidual and the group. The archetype approach is the activation of particu- as a whole image always consists of lar habits, settings, frames, discourses, dichotomies. There are no isolated ar- symbols, values, etc. as a result of the chetypes because one cannot become a activation of a particular cultural ar- person without relationships and rela- chetype by the situations of the inter- tionships with other roles and internal action and their contexts, which are re- hypostasis. produced in the groups and units of the Introducing the concept and de- political organizations. This aspect di- scribing the organizing principles of rectly links the archetypal approach to the fractal archetype of the psychoso- the socio-psychological and organiza- cial evolution, O. Donchenko distin- tional approaches. The first one deter- guishes the following components: to- mines the dependency of the members

245 of the organization on the behaviours framework reproduced by the various and strategies of the interaction situ- organizational party parameters of the ations in which they are located and archetypal situations. their contexts, and the second deter- The socio-psychological approach mines what type of interaction situa- occupies an intermediate place in the tions will be systematically reproduced interconnected set of approaches pre- in the primary groups and units of the sented by us and describes the course organization (more on this below). of group processes at the meso level in Note that these two aspects also the organizations. It is also represented link the archetypal approach to the by two of the most important aspects, political science. They suggest, on the in our opinion. one hand, the viability of the political The first covers the classical or natu­ organizations based on the fact that the ral group dynamics, which includes energy allocated by the party members the set of group effects and processes will be redeemed in internal conflicts that accompany the development of a as a result of the actualization of the typical human group. In a number of cultural archetype of confrontation, or our publications we investigated the accumulated and directed towards the progress of the group dynamics in the realization of the party goals due to the political organizations and in [7] sum- actualization of the cultural archetype marized their results and substantiated of cooperation. On the other hand, they ways of managing it by managing the determine the outcome of the internal situations of interaction of the mem- organizational processes, which, if not bers of the party units created by the designed and implemented preventive organizational tools within the organi- measures, causes the manifestation of zational approach. the law of oligarchization of Michel, The course of group dynamics de- which leads to the oligarchization of termine the reproduction and change of the political organizations. the situations of interaction at the ap- Thus, the archetypal approach al- propriate stages of the group develop- lows to predict the viability of the ment, that determines its relationship organizations depending on the actu- with the archetypal approach, which alization of a cultural archetype — con- updates the relevant archetypes in each frontation or cooperation, which, in situation that determine the behaviour turn, is determined by the appropriate of the participants of the interaction. type of archetypal situations that are The second aspect concerns the constantly reproduced in the primary influence of the interaction situation groups and units of the organization. At and their contexts on the behavioural the same time, the actualization of one choice of the interaction participants or another cultural archetype activates and is based on the results of the re- the corresponding habits, attitudes, search presented in the book [15] frames, discourses, symbols, values, by the famous social psychologists etc., which determine the participants’ L. Ross, R. Nisbett. choice of behavioural patterns and The authors identified and analyzed strategies at the micro level within the in detail three basic principles of the

246 social psychology: strong deterministic tion of the constructed situations of influence on the human behaviour of interaction, it is possible to change the the immediate social situation; influ- course of the classical group dynamics ence on the behaviour of the subjec- by controlling the activation and pas- tive interpretation; dependence of be- sivation of the participants of the inter- haviour on the state of the individual action. psyche and social group as stressed sys- We take the organizational ap- tems. According to these authors, they proach to the macro level through are the basis of the modern social psy- research within the framework of the chology. general parameters of the political or- We see a direct connection of this ganizations that determine their emer- aspect of the socio-psychological ap- gent qualities, which, in turn, through proach with the archetypal approach, the relationships we describe, deter- namely with the actualization of a cer- mine the behavioural choices of their tain cultural archetype with an appro- members at the micro level. Let us also priate situation of interaction, which present it in two aspects. through it activates its corresponding The first of these identifies the habit, settings, frames, discourses, sym- double shift of the organizational par- bols, values that directly determine adigm, presented in his book [11] by the behaviour of the participants of the American scientist J. Garaedagi as the interaction. At the same time, the a transition from organizations — un- actualization of a particular cultural reasonable systems of the mechanistic archetype activates or inactivates the model — to organizations — systems participants at the biological level by with one reason of the biological model triggering the neurohumoral responses and beyond, to organizations — multi- corresponding to it in the brain of each reason systems of the social models. of them. This aspect is also directly re- This aspect directly links the orga- lated to the organizational approach, nizational approach with the politi- namely the reproduction of the typi- cal science, determining what type of cal situations of interaction in primary organization will be viable in today’s groups and political party units, which turbulent, uncertain and fuzzy external are determined by the parameters of its environment with the increasing com- organizational structure. plexity and the flow of rapidly growing Thus, the socio-psychological ap- information in it. That is, in the transi- proach allows to predict the social fa- tion from modern to postmodern. cilitation and inhibition of the mem- The double shift of the organiza- bers of the political organizations on tional paradigm corresponds to the the meso level — in the primary groups double shift of the paradigm of subject- and the triple units depending on the object relations in the context of the typical situations of interaction that evolution of perceptions of manage- are reproduced and changed in them ment, which considers it within the as a result of the group dynamics. By framework of classical, non-classical changing its course with organizational and post-non-classical rationality [9]. tools that allow purposeful reproduc- These two shifts reflect the change in

247 the paradigm of each type of entity — tion strategies, an efficient information from subject as one person to subject — exchange system, an adaptive organi- small group and further, to a subject in zational culture and delegation of au- a large group whose interaction is or- thority. ganized by specific algorithms. This, as In fact, the second aspect specifies well as the relevant type of subjectiv- the first — it determines on what basis ity, is the main political process in the and how the next generation political new generation parties, which directly parties should be built — multi-reason links the organizational approach with social model systems that will be viable, the political science, we have presented effective and efficient in a turbulent in our publication [16]. external environment, thus linking the The second aspect determines the organizational and political approach. choice of a set of organizational param- At the same time, the second aspect eters of a political party, which includes of the organizational approach deter- the organizational structure, organiza- mines the type of the situations repro- tional culture, type of leadership, roles duced in the primary groups and party (tasks) of the employees, approaches to subunits that influence the course of the exchange and distribution of infor- the group dynamics (socio-psycholog- mation, the direction of shift of com- ical approach) and actualize the rele- petition, etc., according to the type of vant cultural archetypes in the uncon- the external environment in which it scious participants of the interaction operates whether this organization will (archetypal approach), based on their operate. habit, settings, frames, discourses, sym- As we noted above, in the 70s and bols, values, etc. determine the behav- 90s of the last century, in parallel with ioural choices of the participants in the the emergence of the concept of post- interaction, activating or passivating modern, a general approach was made them (biological approach). All this ac- in the framework of the theory of or- celerates or slows down to a complete ganization to the choice of parameters stop the process of oligarchization of of the organizational structure in ac- the political parties and determines cordance with the type of the external their viability, efficiency and effective- environment in which the organization ness, including their ability to realize operates. Thus, the authors of the book their initial goals for a long time (po- [10] argue that in a simple and defined litical science approach). external environment, a simple linear The political science approach de- hierarchical structure with appropriate termines the most general dynamic pa- (requiring forced concessions) strate- rameters of the political organizations gies of competition, with formal com- in the time frame at the macro level — it munication systems, with a rigid or- forms an idea of the viability, efficiency ganizational culture and with routine and effectiveness of the political orga- tasks will be most optimal. Instead, a nizations in the external environment turbulent external environment re- in terms of specific political systems quires a shift to a horizontal structure and countries at each stage of their with appropriate cooperative competi- activity (the first aspect). At the same

248 time, the political science approach and the flow of the internal organiza- captures and analyzes the processes of tional processes at all the levels, which the degeneration of political parties as will allow to adjust the individual pa- a result of the Michel oligarchization rameters of the project in the process law with a corresponding change in the of deployment of such an organization. initial goals, the concentration of po­ wer in the leading core when the pub- lic is passivated, and also captures and REFERENCES analyzes the emergence and dynamics 1. Afonin, E., & Martynov A. (2019). of intra-organizational contradictions Ukrainske dyvo: vid depresii do sot- and conflicts (the second aspect). cialnogo optymizmu [Ukrainian mira- The first aspect, as noted above, is cle: From Depression to Social Opti- directly related to the type of organiza- mism]. Kyiv: Kyiv-Mohyla Academy tional paradigm used in the construc- Publishing House [in Ukrainian]. tion and structure of the party, and the 2. Popovich M. (2002). Modern i post- second aspect — to the set of organi- modern: filosofiya i polityka. [Mod- zational parameters of the party that ern and Postmodern: Philosophy and Politics]. Dukh i Litera — Spirit and determine its structure and the flow of Letter, 9–10 [in Ukrainian]. the internal organizational processes. 3. Morgan, G. (1998). Imidzhy orga- Conclusions and prospects for fur- nizatsyi: vosiem modeliei organizat- ther research syonnoho razvitiia [Images of Organi- The created and presented inter- zation]. (N. Lapina, Trans.). Moskov: disciplinary model allows to analyze Vershyna [in Russian]. the life of the political organizations 4. Plakhtiy, T. (2016). Subiektnist orga- at the micro, meso and macro levels at nizatsii v arkhetypnomu vymiri [Sub- the stage of their construction in order jectivity of organizations in archetypal to choose the optimal set of organiza- dimension]. Publichne uriaduvannia: zbirnyk — Public Governance: Col- tional parameters of the structure of lection, 2(3). (pp. 204-216). Kyiv: these organizations in accordance with DP “Vydavnychyi dim “Personal” [in the type of the external environment in Ukrainian]. which they should operate. 5. Rozov, N. S. (2010). Ritualy, instituty On its basis we created a project i resursy: socialnyie osnovy transfor- of a new-generation political party, macyi mentaliteta [Rituals, institu- which is capable of carrying out tradi- tions and resources: social foundations tional activities in the transition from of the transformation of mentality]. modern to postmodern and directly in Cennosti i smysly — Values and mean- postmodern [16] and tested in practice ings, 5 (8), 50-67 [in Russian]. 6. Rozov, N.S. (2017). Konceptualizaciya within the framework of this project svyazi [Conceptualization of Commu- the individual technologies and algo- nication]. Filosofiya i obshchestvo — rithms of the teamwork of the members Philosophy and society, 1 (82), 29-47 of large groups of the party units. [in Russian]. The beginning of construction a 7. Plakhtiy, T. (2014). Organization- party for this project will open the al Tools for Archetypal Manage- prospect of exploring its basic qualities ment of Social Systems. Social Sci-

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251 UDC: 316.4 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-252-263 Ponomarenko Liudmyla Viktorivna, Leading specialist of the International Re- lations Division, Communications Depart- ment, the National Academy for Public Ad- ministration under the President of Ukraine; 04050, Kyiv, Str. Puhachova, 12/2, tel.: (044) 481 21 95, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9999-6335 Пономаренко Людмила Вікторівна, провідний фахівець відділу забезпечен- ня міжнародних зв’язків управління ко- мунікативними зв’язками Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України; 04050, м. Київ, вул. Пугачова, 12/2, тел.: (044) 481 21 95, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9999-6335 Пономаренко Людмила Викторовна, ведущий специалист отдела обеспечения международных связей управления коммуни- кативными связями Национальной академии государственного управления при Пре- зиденте Украины; 04050, г. Киев, ул. Пугачева, 12/2, тел.: (044) 481 21 95, plv_maren@ ORCID: 0000-0001-9999-6335


Abstract. The article deals with the concept of mentality of Ukrainian society, its peculiarities and role in formation of typical life reactions of society, which re- flect the ethno-psychological and socio-cultural features of Ukrainian society. The influence of mentality on development and effectiveness of national and foreign policy implementation, management of internal social processes, cultural develop- ment, etc. is analysed. The examples show the role of historical experience in men- tality formation of Ukrainian society. Separate archetypes are distinguished — toiler, nomad, teacher, victim and war- rior, as those having significant influence on the formation of the Ukrainian men-

252 tality, and through it have a direct impact on the processes of institutionalization in Ukraine, the processes of state-building and nation-building. It is noted that due to the experience of the previous generations of Ukrainians, the behavioural and defensive reactions of the generations of the current ones have been largely formed, as well as certain fears and complexes in the society have been generated. Through the archetype of the toiler the state and prospects for development of labour resources in Ukraine are studied. The nomad archetype explores migra- tion processes in Ukrainian society. The role of the intelligentsia in state-building and nation-building processes is analysed through the prism of the teacher arche- type. In the context of the victim archetype, the peculiarities of the worldview of Ukrainians as representatives of post-colonial society have been studied. And through the archetype of the warrior the most active, passionate part of society and its role in state-building and nation-building are characterized. The diversity of Ukrainian society and the factors that influence it are noted. The elements necessary for the formation of a healthy civil society and the har- monious development of the state and the creation of the nation are identified. The relations between the mentality of the society and the leadership qualities of the top public officials chosen by such society are emphasized. Keywords: mentality, society, archetype, state-building, nation-building. МЕНТАЛЬНІСТЬ УКРАЇНСЬКОГО СУСПІЛЬСТВА ТА ЇЇ ВПЛИВ НА СУЧАСНІ ПРОЦЕСИ ІНСТИТУЦІОНАЛІЗАЦІЇ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. Розглянуто поняття ментальності українського суспільства, її особливості та роль у формуванні типових життєвих реакцій суспільства, що відображають етнопсихологічні та соціокультурні особливості українського соціуму. Проаналізовано вплив ментальності на розробку та ефективність впровадження внутрішньої та зовнішньої політики, керування внутрішніми соціальними процесами, культурним розвитком тощо. На прикладах пока- зано роль історичного досвіду у формуванні ментальності українського су- спільства. Виокремлено окремі архетипи — трудівника, кочівника, вчителя, жертви та воїна як такі, що мали суттєвий вплив на формування української мен- тальності, а через неї мають безпосередній вплив на процеси інституціона- лізації в Україні, процеси державотворення та націєтворення. Відзначено, що через досвід попередніх поколінь українців значною мірою сформовано поведінкові та захисні реакції поколінь нинішніх, а також згенеровано певні страхи й комплекси у суспільстві. Через архетип трудівника розглянуто стан та перспективи розвитку тру- дових ресурсів в Україні. У межах архетипу кочівника досліджено міграцій- ні процеси в українському суспільстві. Роль інтелігенції в державотворчих та націєтворчих процесах проаналізовано через призму архетипу вчителя. У контексті архетипу жертви вивчено особливості світосприйняття україн- ців як представників постколоніального суспільства. А через архетип воїна

253 схарактеризовано найактивнішу, пасіонарну частину суспільства та її роль у розбудові держави та творенні нації. Зазначено строкатість українського суспільства та фактори, які на це впливають. Визначено елементи, необхідні для формування здорового гро- мадянського суспільства та гармонійного розвитку держави, творення нації. Підкреслено зв’язок між ментальністю суспільства та лідерськими якостями перших осіб, яких таке суспільство обирає. Ключові слова: ментальність, суспільство, архетип, державотворення, націєтворення. МЕНТАЛЬНОСТЬ УКРАИНСКОГО ОБЩЕСТВА И ЕЕ ВЛИЯНИЕ НА СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПРОЦЕССЫ ИНСТИТУЦИОНАЛИЗАЦИИ (АРХЕТИПНЫЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Рассмотрено понятие ментальности украинского общества, ее особенности и роль в формировании типичных жизненных реакций об- щества, которые отражают этнопсихологические и социокультурные осо- бенности украинского социума. Проанализировано влияние ментальности на разработку и эффективность внедрения внутренней и внешней полити- ки, управления внутренними социальными процессами, культурным разви- тием и т. д. На примерах показана роль исторического опыта в формирова- нии ментальности украинского общества. Выделены отдельные архетипы — труженика, кочевника, учителя, жер- твы и воина, как имевшие существенное влияние на формирование украин- ской ментальности, а через нее имеют непосредственное влияние на процес- сы институционализации в Украине, процессы формирования государства и нации. Отмечено, что через опыт предыдущих поколений украинцев в значительной степени сформированы поведенческие и защитные реакции поколений нынешних, а также сгенерированы определенные страхи и ком- плексы в обществе. Через архетип труженика рассмотрены состояние и перспективы разви- тия трудовых ресурсов в Украине. В рамках архетипа кочевника исследова- ны миграционные процессы в украинском обществе. Роль интеллигенции в процессах формирования государства и нации проанализирована через при- зму архетипа учителя. В контексте архетипа жертвы изучены особенности мировосприятия украинцев как представителей постколониального обще- ства. А через архетип воина охарактеризована самая активная, пассионарная часть общества и ее роль в развитии государства и создании нации. Отмечена пестрота украинского общества и факторы, которые на это вли- яют. Определены элементы, необходимые для формирования здорового гра- жданского общества и гармоничного развития государства, создания нации. Подчеркнута взаимосвязь между ментальностью общества и лидерскими качествами первых лиц, которых такое общество избирает. Ключевые слова: ментальность, общество, архетип, формирование госу- дарства, формирование нации.

254 Target setting. The concept of men- er variegated character, and which has tality can be characterized as the spe- both positive and negative features. cifics of the perception and interpreta- If we analyse the mentality of Ukrai­ tion of the world, proper for particular nian society, then we can predict further people, nation, social subject, personi- prospects for the development of the fied by certain sociocultural phenom- Ukrainian state in order to avoid mis- ena. Mentality is formed through be- takes that in the past have already led to havioural stereotypes, the specificity the loss of freedom and independence. of forms and methods of their expres- Analysis of basic research and sion, intellectual and emotional reac- publication. National mentality, na- tions based on historical experience, as tional identity and national character well as through archetypes of culture have repeatedly become the subject of and socio-psychological mood of social research by scholars who approached subjects. Mentality forms the typical the study of Ukrainian society from life reactions of society, reflecting the different points of view. The deve­ ethnopsychological and sociocultural lopments in this area in the works by characteristics of certain societies. It is M. Hrushevskyi, D. Dontsov, S. Krym- mentality that unites the material and skyi, V. Lypynskyi are separately dis- spiritual in the life of society [1, p. 369]. tinguished. The mentality of society forms a At the same time, the issues of the kind of scenario that combines histori- formation of national consciousness cal, cultural, traditional, behavioural and mentality of society remain re­ and emotional, conscious and subcon- levant in the processes of state- and scious elements, according to which nation-building in Ukraine. the development of such a society takes The purpose of the article is to place. It is on the basis of the mentality study the mentality of Ukrainian so- of an individual people that its losses ciety and its impact on modern insti- and victories, foreign and domestic tutionalization processes within the policies, economic growth and cultural framework of the archetypal approach. development, state- and nation-build- The statement of basic materi- ing are based. als. Ukrainian society is distinguished Understanding of the mentality of by its traditionalism, conservatism. Ukrainian society plays an important Ukrainians, for the most part, are re- role for development and implementa- luctant to accept changes and reforms, tion of effective policy, management of subconsciously fearing them, often jus- internal social processes, cultural de- tifiably, holding on to long-established velopment etc. social systems and norms. As a result, a The experience of previous genera- certain inertia is inherent in Ukrainian tions of Ukrainians is richly reflected society, expectations of a certain ex- in archetypes that are embedded in ternal stimulus, “thunder” in order to Ukrainian traditions and culture. It “cross oneself”, that is, to take concrete is this experience that plays a leading active actions. role in shaping the mentality of mo­ At some point a very appropriate de- dern Ukrainian society, that has a rath- scription of the Ukrainian society and

255 its mentality was given by Mykola Ho- we can distinguish, in particular, the hol, noting its peculiar inconsistency,­ archetypes of a toiler, nomad, teacher, combination of two opposite colours­ victim and warrior. It is they who form of the spectrum, where they joined the colourful image of modern Ukrain- the “European cautiousness and Asian ian, whose character, although it has carelessness, naivety and cunningness, certain differences depending on the strong active principle and utter lazi- region, but as a whole combines a num- ness and bliss, desire for development ber of traditional archetypes. and perfection — and meanwhile, at- The mentality of any person has cer- tempts to seem as one that neglects the tain scenarios, the expected results — perfection” [2]. from the state, society and themselves. The Ukrainian mentality success- However, the experience of previous fully adapts to the challenges of our generations of Ukrainians not only time, but it is precisely this flexibility forms the behaviour and defensive re- that becomes an obstacle to the effec- action of current generations, but also tiveness of managerial processes in the generates certain fears and complexes state. Inconsistent domestic policy, and in society. Reflection of such a situa- with it political, economic, cultural and tion is a whole series of risky trends for even territorial uncertainties increase the further development of the state the level of anxiety and suspicion in and its institutionalization, which society. over the years become more and more The historical experience, on the threatening. basis of which the Ukrainian men- Ukrainians are traditionally consi­ tality is based, predominately had a dered a hardworking nation. In Ukrain- rather traumatic character — only in ian literature, the archetypal image the last century, Ukrainians have sur- of an industrious Ukrainian peasant, vived two world wars, gaining and los- a grain farmer, and a true master has ing independence, Holodomors, forced been firmly rooted. And even as a hire- collectivization and russification, mass ling, a Ukrainian is usually portrayed repressions, ethnic cleansing etc. Own as a skilled craftsman. The modern av- history taught Ukrainians to beware erage Ukrainian is no longer a farmer. not only of strangers, but also of their However, he is still distinguished by own. Ukrainians who have betrayed professionalism and hard work. not only their people, but also them- Unfortunately, our state is cur- selves are still called mankurts, people rently going through a rather difficult without historical memory [3]. period in the field of labour resources. The formation of the Ukrainian Ukraine remains one of the poor- mentality was greatly influenced by ar- est European countries, where wage chetypes traditional for Ukrainian so- level is one of the lowest in Europe. ciety, which combined the experience At the same time, highly skilled wor­ and patterns of behaviour of previous kers from Ukraine are highly valued in generations. Among the archetypes the countries of the European Union, that are especially relevant for the de- where they are now actively going to velopment of the Ukrainian state today, work, the same as numerous unskilled

256 workers. The lack of European labour businesses of their great-grandfathers- resources is replenished by Ukrainian entrepreneurs, NEPmen, and how the guest workers, while the Ukrainian la- same state scooped out all provisions bour market remains at a loss, as is the from the storerooms of their great- Ukrainian economy as a whole. grandfathers-peasants, grain farmers. The Soviet period of Ukrainian his- The unpredictability of public policy tory also had a negative impact on the puts modern small and medium-sized quality of Ukrainian labour resources, businesses in a vulnerable position. when Ukrainians worked for the state In the situation that is taking place, and not for their own wealth, there- the state does not act as a guarantor of fore the sole “motivation” was only stability, as the protector of the inte­ punitive methods of the state, such as rests for the active part of its popula- dekulakization, forced collectivization, tion, but rather as an unpredictable workdays, lack of passportization of punitive machine that holds back not peasants etc. only the development of its own en- The modern labour market in trepreneurship, but also prevents the Ukraine is a logical continuation of foreign investor from entering the reality already laid down by the pre- Ukrainian market. liminary centuries. While some of the Such negative trends indicate the citizens are ready to work and develop, weakness of the controlling and regu- create their own business and create latory functions of the state. Fear and new jobs, pay taxes to the budget of uncertainty about tomorrow hinder their state, another part of the society the development of Ukrainian business is not interested in this and still hopes and the Ukrainian economy as a whole. to receive a certain guaranteed “iron The issue of labour resources is rice bowl” from the state. And if in the closely related to another threatening Soviet period the income level practi- trend for Ukraine — external labour cally did not distinguish representa- migration. tives of various professions among Due to political, social, economic or themselves, today the situation has ideological factors, many generations changed dramatically. The gap between of Ukrainians decided to leave their the incomes of the rich and the poor is own home in search of a better fate in enormous. Weakness of state control other places, turning to the archetype over the origin of incomes of individual of a nomad — a person who is free to citizens, permissiveness of the oligar- choose his own path and move forward, chy, work “in the shadows” and salaries leaving his previous life in the past. “in envelopes”, manipulations with tax Several waves of Ukrainian emigra- payments generate tension and discon- tion, especially the second — between tent of society. the world wars and the third — after An important role in society is the World War II, had an extremely played by the subconscious fear that negative impact on Ukrainian society. remained in many generations of A part of the most active and produc- Ukrainians, which have not yet for- tive strata of the population was lost: gotten how the state was taking away these were representatives of the intel-

257 ligentsia, church, pro-Ukrainian po- However, along with basic needs — litical figures and military personnel physiological, safety and social, in a who at the time supported the idea of certain layer of society there is a steady Ukrainian independence or as for- demand for meeting higher needs [7]. mer prisoners of war were not needed From the point of view of mass man- to the Soviet command, and ordinary agement, the scenario, where society Ukrainians who were doomed to de- is content with the satisfaction of only struction or emigration only because of basic needs, is much more promising. their nationality. Such a society is much easier to rule. At the same time, over the course of A society interested in learning new the decades of emigration for modern things, in spiritual development and independent Ukraine many brilliant self-improvement, becomes an uncon- scientists, highly qualified specialists trollable force, capable of analysis and and simply able to work people have self-development. The percentage of been lost. Labour migration brings bil- such citizens is always relatively small, lions of dollars for Ukraine annually but they are characterized by great [4]. However, this figure is an indica- activity, passionarity, sufficient to “ig- tor of a catastrophic economic and so- nite” other fellow citizens, to change cial situation in the country, because the political course of the whole coun- it indicates millions of its citizens who try or to protect its independence. could not find work with decent wages In each developed community, there at home and were forced to go to work are certain authorities who, by virtue in other countries [5]. Some of them of their own experience or knowledge, will return to Ukraine, but the rest will are able to significantly influence not be lost for the country. Such prospects only public opinion, but social proces­ hit not only on economic development, ses as a whole. Traditionally, such a role but also on the demographic potential is assigned to representatives of the in- of Ukraine. After all, the Ukrainian na- telligentsia — scientists, researchers, tion is not only rapidly aging, but also inventors, writers, artists, doctors etc. stably demonstrates a negative natural We are talking about the very same ar- population growth [6]. chetype of a teacher, mentor, who, due If for previous generations of mi- to the own experience, is able to share grants, the reasons for going abroad wisdom, to fulfill an advisory func- were more likely to be politically and tion. But today, the consciousness of ideologically motivated, then for mi- Ukrainian society is controlled by me- grants today, financial factors play a dia characters, self-styled one-day ex- leading role. And the loss of a young, perts, bloggers etc. able to work population is disastrous In the age of information technolo- for the state, that has already faced gy, Ukrainian society is accustomed to personnel shortages and a demographic consuming informational “fast food”. crisis. The state does not provide basic The information is presented in a pro­ social needs for social protection, em- fitable, easy for consumption form, that ployment, decent payment for labour does not require analysis or reflection. etc. Modern Ukrainian society is highly

258 emotional, which is easily used in a executioners-chekists, possibly not by hostile information war. The lack of ef- one bullet for two, as the popular myth fective state control over unsystematic, about the murder of Mykola Kulish and often openly hostile, information and Les Kurbas tells, but deprived flows directed to Ukrainian society Ukrainian society of a large share of through the mass media has led to a its thinking, active elite [8]. With their number of systemic defeats of Ukraine hands, the Soviet occupation authority in the informational confrontation changed the course of Ukrainian his- with the enemy. tory forever. The reasons for this situation can The archetype of the teacher to be found by looking again back at some extent echoes the archetype of a Ukrai­nian history, where a glitch in leader, hetman, authority, to which the the worldview of society crept in. Rep- entire nation listens. Unfortunately, resentatives of the intelligentsia have figures like Bohdan Khmelnytsky or long been considered the most think- Ivan Mazepa rarely happen in Ukrai­ ing segment of the population. This is nian history. Most modern hetmans due primarily to the fact that it is a per- cannot keep the hetman’s mace. son of intellectual labour, with a thor- The Ukrainian mentality, still in a ough education and life experience — completely monarchical Europe, re- a teacher, a doctor, a priest, who was jected the principle of continuity of traditionally considered an authority power, focusing on the electoral sys- in Ukrainian society. In the Soviet pe- tem, which provided for the change riod, the attitude towards the so-called of the former hetman, as soon as he intelligentsia was rather dismissive. ceased to be an exponent of the inter- At the same time, representatives of ests of society and its defender. The the Ukrainian intelligentsia, especially same mentality today does not allow artists who, through their own crea- meekly accepting externally imposed tivity, spoke to people in the language patterns of behaviour. As soon as peo- that they understood, were considered ple are disappointed in moral author- hostile, blatantly harmful elements, ity or in a leader, then without further spokesmen of bourgeois nationalism. delay they are thrown off the pedestal. Thinking intelligentsia plays an The search for the Ukrainian hetman is important role not only for the state- an endless process, like a naive faith in building, but also for the creation of a a good master who will quickly restore nation. Not for nothing that in the So- order in the state. However, draconian viet period, the destruction of the in- measures are necessary to restore or- telligentsia as the bearer of the Ukrain- der, which immediately provokes fierce ian mentality occurred especially resistance from those who yesterday harshly and cynically. Only the execu- voted for the above-mentioned restora- tions of the Ukrainian intelligentsia tion of order. It is almost impossible to in the Sandarmokh massif inflicted ir- hear the voice of common sense behind reparable losses on Ukrainian culture, the chorus of marginals and mankurts, the consequences of which are felt to which are crying out now especially this day. In one day, the half-educated loudly.

259 Centuries of colonial oppression, needs to consult with the “elder broth- territorial and cultural occupation left er” on every at least slightly important a significant imprint on the mentality decision, be content with the second of Ukrainian society, awarding it with a roles and silently watch serious inter- large list of complexes and psychologi- national partners solve his problems for cal barriers. Fear of actual destruction him, without being particularly inter- and the fear of taking responsibility ested if such a decision suits the Ukrain- both for oneself and for the fate of one’s ian himself. The gained experience of own country activated the archetype victories does not add confidence to of the victim in the mentality of Ukrai­ such Ukrainian,­ but makes him doubt nian society. A person does not recog- himself even more, be ashamed of own nize oneself as a victim, is not aware of successes and downplay them. As Volo- oneself as such, refuses to see the prob- dymyr Sosiura wrote in the introduc- lem as a whole. Moreover, the victim tion to his “Mazepa” poem, “I sing both justifies the offender. Ukrainians can anger and boundless flour these days also try on the inferiority complex and of sorrow when lackeys go up and the even attribute a peculiar social Stock- slaves are silent ...” [10]. holm syndrome etc. It is otherwise im- But such a kind of insecurities of possible to explain why, after years of part of the Ukrainian society is op- the actual Russian-Ukrainian war and posed by its second part, not struck by the deaths of thousands of military per- the slave mentality. High stakes in the sonnel and civilians, Ukrainians still struggle for their freedom and inde- see a friend and partner in a neighbour- pendence have always inspired Ukrai­ ing state. The number of Ukrainians, nians, activating the warrior archetype who are positive-minded towards Rus- in the public mind. An external threat sia, is up to 57 %. At the same time 77 % has always been the best catalyst for of Ukrainians are positive-minded to- identifying victims and warriors, slaves wards Russians, whom the respondents and heroes in society. obviously perceive separately from the The archetypal warrior is quite aggressor state where they live and capable to resist the enemy not only which they create [9]. on the physical level, but also on the Even after the invasion of Russian mental one — to resist his fears, exter- troops in Ukraine, the occupation of nal infusions and artificial patterns of Ukrainian lands, murders, tortures, behaviour. In modern Ukrainian so- information war, lies and betrayal, ciety, for a long time there has been a Ukrainians are not able to call things confrontation between two worldview by their right names, but continue to systems, two mentalities, one of which naively believe in friendship of peoples is based on the archetype of the victim, and fraternal peoples. and the second — on the warrior ar- No actions of the aggressor are able chetype. And if the carriers of the first to open the eyes of the “mentally shell- definitely miss the past and are eager to shocked” victim. One gets an impres- reunite with their executioner, who is sion that every second ordinary carrier sincerely considered a saviour, then the of Ukrainian mentality just urgently carriers of the warrior’s mentality are

260 ready to take responsibility for the fate politics has led Ukrainian society to of their own country, make decisions begin to lose its national identity. independently and, if necessary, defend A huge number of factors influence themselves in the Donbass heaps or in the worldview of modern Ukrainian, the field of diplomacy, culture, science, including origin, upbringing, educa- sports. The battlefield for every war- tion, region of residence, profession, rior is Ukraine. income level, etc. This is the reason for It happened so historically that diversification in political views, level Ukrainians of different generations of readiness for changes, vision of de- were forced to fight with their neigh- sired goals and ways to achieve them. bours and confront their imperial A successful state is, first and fore- ambitions. This gave rise to a kind of most, a harmonious state, which is cre- mental attitude, as a result of which, ated not only by representatives of the in case of an enemy threat, “grandchil- pro-Ukrainian political elite, but also dren grabbed their grandfather’s sa- by conscious citizens, thinking intel- bre from the wall”. Such reactions are ligentsia, creative artists, a combat- inherent for active, passionate repre- ready army. In every society there are sentatives of society, who are the first farmers and warriors. Society cannot to respond to the challenges that arise consist solely of warriors; someone before society in times of trial. At the must grow bread to feed their army. same time, they are the most vulner- The prosperity of their own strong able, because they pose a direct threat state and the satisfaction of the mate- to their opponents — internal and ex- rial and spiritual needs of its citizens ternal. should be the goal that will truly unite Really interesting and encourag- different layers of the population into a ing for Ukraine is the fact that now single civil society. not only military personnel and vol- And tradition, succession of genera- unteer battalions directly fall into the tions, good reputation, experience and category of defender of Ukraine. That education play an important role here. is, the warrior archetype was activated In the processes of state-building and in the mentality of all citizens, regard- nation-building, in managerial process- less of gender, age, education or mate- es, these factors should be taken into rial wealth, who devoted themselves to account in the first place. It is impos- other types of struggle — volunteering, sible to turn a boor into a gentleman, information resistance, patriotic edu- as they say. Unfortunately, in order to cation etc. understand this simple truth, and the Conclusions. In military combat, voter should be not a representative Ukrainian society has lost a great part of the population, that looks only for of its military elite. The repressive So- “bread and circuses”, but a thinking viet machine has substantially shrunk citizen. The nation receives the leaders the ranks of the Ukrainian intelligent- it deserves. It is not surprising that the sia. Emigration led to losses among population is trying to elect an equal active and able to work layers of the leader, not understanding that for the population. Anti-Ukrainian domestic development of the state and its well-

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263 UDC: 159.923.2-053.6:141.78 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-264-276 Samarska Lada Oleksandrivna, Bachelor student, Stockholm School of Eco- nomics in Riga, Latvia, 1005, Riga, Str., Pat- versmes, 22, Latvia, tel.: +3 (712) 932 15 38 e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1635-6648 Самарська Лада Олександрівна, студентка, Стокгольмська школа еко- номіки у Ризі, Латвія, 1005, Рига, вул. Патверсмес, 22, тел.: +3 (712) 932 15 38; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1635-6648 Самарская Лада Александровна, cтудентка, Стокгольмская школа еко- номики в Риге, Латвия, 1005, г. Рига, ул. Патверсмес, 22, тел.: +3 (712) 932 15 38; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1635-6648 Sas Nataliia Mykolayivna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University; 36003, Poltava, Str. Sobornosti, 40, tel.: +38 (068) 922 32 16; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0308-6092 Сас Наталія Миколаївна, доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, Пол- тавський національний педагогічний уні- верситет імені В. Г. Короленка; 36003, м. Полтава, вул. Соборності, 40, тел.: +38 (068) 922 32 16; e-mail: Sasnat2008@ ORCID: 0000-0003-0308-6092 Сас Наталия Николаевна, доктор педагогических наук, доцент, Полтавский национальный педагогиче- ский университет имени В. Г. Королен- ко; 36003, м. Полтава, ул. Соборности, 40, тел.: +38 (068) 922 32 16; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0308-6092


Abstract. In the article, the authors substantiate the relevance of considering the issue of the formation of new identities in the personality of a young person of the postmodern era (on the example of an exchange student). The most mobile and active are students and school youth, in particular, exchange students. The formation of new identities in the context of studying in non-national countries, in the need to identify and develop the ability to overcome international linguis- tic and interstate barriers, to establish contacts quickly, to successfully adapt to another educational space is possible due to sufficiently complex psychological and behavioral mechanisms. The focus is on such mechanisms of identity change as success in solving problems, behavior in the situation of choice, personal quali- ties. An analysis of the results of the survey revealed that 97,5 % of the partici- pants had to overcome difficulties during their study/stay abroad and 22,3 % indicated that they had not completely overcome them. Most (72,8 %) students preferred a rational approach to problem-solving. However, the specification of emotional feelings revealed their full spectrum: increased anxiety, helplessness, decreased self-esteem, aggression, strong desire to solve the problem as soon as possible, fear to seek help, apathy, excitement to solve the problem, irritation. The results of the survey confirmed the need for purposeful formation of na- tional pride and self-esteem in students, the need to know the world, themselves, make sense of their own lives, the ability to adapt to change and to exist in a multicultural space. Ultimately, this necessitates a change in higher education, change in policies towards higher education. Keywords: postmodern era, formation of new identities, exchange students, successful problem solving, choice behavior, personal qualities. ФОРМУВАННЯ НОВИХ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТЕЙ В ОСОБИСТОСТІ МОЛОДОЇ ЛЮДИНИ ЕПОХИ ПОСТМОДЕРНУ (НА ПРИКЛАДІ СТУДЕНТА/ШКОЛЯРА ЗА ОБМІНОМ) Анотація. Обґрунтовано актуальність питання щодо формування нових ідентичностей в особистості молодої людини епохи постмодерну (на прикла- ді студента/школяра за обміном). Для суспільства постмодерну характерні рухливість, ефективність, різноманітність, особиста активність. Найбільш рухливою й активною є студентська та шкільна молодь, зокрема, студенти/ школярі за обміном. Формування нових ідентичностей в умовах навчання в країни, де вони не є громадянами, в умовах необхідності виявляти і розви- вати у себе здатність долати міжнародні мовні та міждержавні бар’єри, опе- ративно встановлювати контакти, успішно адаптуватися до іншого освіт- нього простору є можливим завдяки достатньо складним психологічним та

265 поведінковим механізмам. У фокусі такі механізми зміни ідентичності, як: успішність вирішення проблем, поведінка в ситуації вибору, особисті яко- сті. Проаналізувавши проведене опитування, виявилося, що 97,5 % учасни- кам довелося долати труднощі під час навчання/проживання за кордоном і 22,3 % зазначили, що не повністю їх подолали. Більшість (72,8 %) студентів під час вирішення проблем віддавали перевагу раціональному підходу. Про- те, конкретизація емоційних почуттів виявила їх повний спектр: підвищене занепокоєння, безпорадність, зниження самооцінки, агресія, сильне бажан- ня вирішити проблему якнайшвидше, страх звернутись за допомогою, апа- тія, азарт вирішити проблему, роздратування. Результати опитування підтвердили необхідність цілеспрямованого фор- мування у студентів/школярів національної та власної гідності, потреби пізнавати світ, себе, мати сенс власного життя, уміння адаптуватися до змін та існувати в полікультурному просторі. Зрештою, зумовлюючи необхід- ність змін у вищій освіті, політики у сфері вищої освіти. Ключові слова: эпоха постмодерну, формування нових ідентичностей, студенти/школярі за обміном, успішність вирішення проблем, поведінка в ситуації вибору, особисті якості. ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ НОВЫХ ИДЕНТИЧНОСТЕЙ В ЛИЧНОСТИ МОЛОДОГО ЧЕЛОВЕКА ЭПОХИ ПОСТМОДЕРНА (НА ПРИМЕРЕ СТУДЕНТА/ШКОЛЬНИКА ПО ОБМЕНУ) Аннотация. Обоснована актуальность вопроса формирования новых идентичностей в личности молодого человека эпохи постмодерна (на при- мере студента / школьника по обмену). Для общества постмодерна харак- терны подвижность, эффективность, разнообразие, личная активность. Наиболее подвижной и активной является студенческая и школьная моло- дежь, в частности, студенты / школьники по обмену. Формирование новых идентичностей в условиях обучения в страны, где они не являются гражда- нами, в условиях необходимости выявлять и развивать у себя способность преодолевать международные языковые и межгосударственные барьеры, оперативно устанавливать контакты, успешно адаптироваться к другому образовательному пространству возможно благодаря достаточно сложным психологическим и поведенческим механизмам. В фокусе такие механизмы изменения идентичности, как: успешность в решении проблем, поведение в ситуации выбора, личные качества. Проанализировав результаты проведен- ного опроса, выявлено, что 97,5 % участникам пришлось преодолевать труд- ности при обучении / проживания за границей и 22,3 % отметили, что не вполне их преодолели. Большинство (72,8 %) студентов при решении про- блем предпочитали рациональный подход. Однако, конкретизация эмоцио- нальных чувств обнаружила их полный спектр: повышенное беспокойство, беспомощность, снижение самооценки, агрессия, сильное желание решить проблему как можно быстрее, страх обратиться за помощью, апатия, азарт решить проблему, раздражение.

266 Результаты опроса подтвердили необходимость целенаправленного формирования у студентов / школьников национального и собственного достоинства, потребности познавать мир, себя, осмысленно относиться к собственной жизни, умение адаптироваться к изменениям и жить в поли- культурном пространстве. В конечном итоге — необходимость изменений в высшем образовании, политики в сфере высшего образования. Ключевые слова: эпоха постмодерна, формирование новых идентично- стей, студенты / школьники по обмену, успешность решения проблем, пове- дение в ситуации выбора, личные качества.

Articulation of the issue. The issue and their estimated number in 2020 of formation of new identities in the will reach 5,8 million [3]. personality of a young person of the Under the influence of new socio- postmodern era seems extremely re­ economic, legal, and living conditions, levant due to the characteristics of the every young person changes their iden- era, age characteristics of youth, the tity. At the same time, the reverse effect content of the concept of identity, and is exercised: “... identities respond to a due to the importance of maintaining, social structure by supporting, modify- further development of identity in the ing, or even radically transforming it.” direction necessary for progressive so- [4, С.264]. In particular, creating the cial development. need for change in higher education, Contemporary postmodern society, policies in the field of higher education. in contrast to premodern and modern “Identification Syndrome” [5] ma­ societies [1], is characterized by ex- nifests itself in the form of new mecha- treme mobility. The new “narratives” nisms of socio-group identities and mo- of postmodernism are as follows: per- tivates the authors for research. formance — the variability of events, Analysis of recent publications on situationism; simulacrum (creative the issue and identifying unresolved montage of simulated reality); effi- parts of the common problem. In ciency (not truth); language and com- the researches of E. Afonin, Z. Bova, munication as sources of legitimation M. Kozlovets, O. Kolisnyk, O. Litvin- of knowledge; the relevance of tasks chuk, L. Muzychenko, T. Potapchuk, belonging to the category “here and M. Chutori, partial questions of the in- now” [2]. Freedom, diversity, toler- vestigated problem are revealed: ance and the view of a society where • peculiarities of identity forma- “everyone is an author and an actor” tion in postmodernity, interconnec- are considered to be the values of tion of individual identities and social postmodernism. structures — E. Afonin [4], M. Chuto- The most mobile group is the youth. ra [1]; Thus, according to UNESCO, in 2010, • socio-psychological and age- 3.6 million students completed higher specific features of identity forma- education outside their home country, tion in the student age — Z. Bova [6],

267 L. Muzychenko [73], T. Potapchuk [8], traditions, behaviors and the need to S. Revenko [9] ; adhere to the values, norms and rules • the influence of sociocultural con- of the host country; the necessity of ad- texts on identity formation — O. Kole- justing their routine to a new model or snik [5], M. Kozlovets [10], O. Litvin- finding acceptable substitutes; build- chuk [11], Ya. Kotenko [12]. ing an alternative to the permanent The authors note that a change in and habitual image of the self (includ- the identity in the postmodern society ing the level of one’s own educational occurs: aspirations and limitations). • under the influence of the de- Thus, the sense of forming a young valuation of traditional values, a sharp person’s identity while studying change in the pace of life, a significant abroad is to find their own self-aware- division of generations, the accelera- ness, self-esteem, identity in new living tion of alienation processes [4]; and learning conditions. • mixing of values, traditions, The purpose of the article. The norms, different cultures, so identity formation of new identities in the formation is a complex and crisis phe- personality of a young person of the nomenon of M. Chutora [1]. postmo­dern era (on the example of an Regarding Ukrainian youth, the for- exchange student) has not been the mation of a young person’s identity com- subject of special scientific research, bines traditional Ukrainian (as opposed which has motivated scientific curios- to Soviet) and pan-European civiliza- ity. The focus is on such mechanisms tional identity [13]. A new, modern sys- as success in solving problems, behav- tem of national values is being formed, ior in the situation of choice, personal as well as new, modern pragmatic and qualities. realistic guidelines for activities that Outline of the main research mate- will form the basis of national identity rial with full justification of scientific of Ukrainian citizens in the future. results. The philosophical theories of In our view, the formation of new pragmatism and personalism influ- identities in exchange students de- ence and expand the methodology of serves particular attention. modern science and education. At By “exchange students,” we mean the heart of pragmatism are the views the social phenomenon, status, and of American thinkers W. James [15], process of gaining knowledge and skills J. Dewey [2], and C. Pierce [16]. The in a non-national institution of study main purpose of philosophy, science, and we characterize their social feeling education, according to the arguments as a marginal state [14]. of W. James, J. Dewey and C. Pierce, The social status, social well-being of is to find a path that leads to success. a young exchange student can be termed Yes, C. Pierce believes that the truth of “marginal”, “migrant”, “homo zwischens” knowledge, ideas, and concepts is veri- (from ger. Zwischen — between). fied by the degree of their usefulness. The social feeling of a student According to U. James, this is realized abroad is characterized by a marginal on the basis of experience, facts, suc- state: the influence of another culture, cess. J. Dewey argues that an impor-

268 tant criterion is the ability to resolve sponsibility, the right and creative op- problematic situations. That is con- portunities to overcome the problems cepts, ideas, and theories are genuine of nature and society [18, p. 127–133]. if they become profitable, fruitfully V. Kremen emphasizes that in socio- work in vital circumstances, lead to the historical terms, postmodernism re- achievement of pragmatic goals [2]. produces the “uncontrolled growth of N. Vyatkina, reconstructing the complexity”, the global crisis of human theoretical constructs of pragmatism relations with nature and society. The on the theory of truth, knowledge and new “narratives” of postmodernism life values with a projection on mo­ are performance — the variability of dern philosophy of education, quotes events, situationism; simulacrum (cre- B. Russell’s conclusion about two va- ative montage of simulated reality); rieties of cognition: first, knowledge of efficiency (not truth); language and facts, and second, knowledge of com- communication as sources of legiti- mon connections between the facts. mation of knowledge; the relevance of Another distinction is closely related to tasks belonging to the category “here this distinction, namely: there is a cog- and now” [2]. Freedom, diversity, to­ nition that can be described as a “reflec- lerance and the view of a society where tion” and a cognition consisting of the “everyone is an author and an actor” ability to act intelligently [17]. These are considered to be the values of post- two types of cognition (according to modernism. N. Vyatkina) subsequently give rise to In the conditions of rapid change two different philosophies of education, of environment, high risk, uncertainty, two methodologies, two approaches to the objective necessity of the formation teaching and learning. In our view, un- of new models of social behavior, con- derstanding cognition as an “ability to struction of personal value system and act intelligently” is important in the identification structures is actualized context of the problem under study. (G. Andreeva [19], O. Sovetova [20]). The subject of the works of the phi- Researchers point out that the ability losopher E. Munier is a person, who is to easily change identity structures is primarily characterized by such traits no longer a pathology, but a factor in as social mobility, initiative, freedom, the norm: constant social variability responsibility, and morality [18]. The with necessity forms a subject who eas- highest value of a person is his a priori ily changes roles and their respective productive activity, ability to improve. identities. In evaluating a postmodern The world of things emerges as a pro­ person who builds their “open identity duct of the objectivity of a person’s project,” only the element of personal immanent capacities, as a real embodi- creativity varies: whether they create ment of his infinite creative potential. this project, so to speak, “in the image E. Mounier returned European philo- and likeness” of a contradictory be- sophical thought to the mainstream ing, or do these particular features of of the individual as a phenomenon of everyday life make them seek and/or culture, a conscious subject of history, produce new content that becomes the who has a sense of social and moral re- basis of identity.

269 The works of R. Henvey and to establish effective connections with M. Botkin substantiate the impor- others [21; 24]. Personal features that, tance of forming in youth the ability according to experts, will contribute to make informed choices. According to the acquisition of new competencies to R. Henvey, education is one of the are: “open consciousness”, a keen sense most important principles designed of the new, the ability to “catch, per- to help each person enter the world, ceive new” [26]; the ability to respond harmoniously fit into the system of re- to mental and physical challenges lationships at the cultural, social, eco- [3]. For example, to live in a world of nomic and other levels of modern life. nanoseconds, nanometers [27], virtual M. Botkin’s main thesis is the need for worlds [3], etc. Some of the abilities of the transition of each individual from a successful person of the future nowa- unconscious adaptation to the world to days are attributed to super abilities: in positions of active and reasonable soci- particular, the ability to adequately be- ality, conscious foresight and personal have in situations of endless stress and involvement. In this case, the concept time pressure [26], the ability to think of “prediction” appears in Botkin’s re- outside the box and rules [21], the abi­ search as a broad requirement for suc- lity to respond mentally and physically cessful resolution of new situations to challenges [3]. that have not been previously encoun- The formation of new identities tered in the life of an individual, pre- of “exchange students”, “foreign stu- dicting events and their consequences, dents”, “international students”, “mo- the relationship of the latter with the bile” students, “foreign participants present and future, personal initiative in the educational process” in terms in identifying alternatives and accept- of gaining knowledge and skills by a ing responsibility for one or another student in an institution of a foreign decision [19]. Involvement means the country is possible through sufficiently capacity for active collaboration, dia- complex psychological and behavioral logue, understanding and empathy. mechanisms. An online survey of stu- Based on the analysis of publications dents studying abroad this year was by contemporary authors: analysts conducted in January and February of of professional competencies (N. En- this year. The analysis of the characte­ na [21], A. Goldman [22]), scholars ristics of behavioral strategies revealed (O. Kudryavtsev, U. Kruger [23]), re- the following issues in solving prob- view publications (e.g., Live journal lems: 97,5 % of the survey participants [24] ), the report of the Club of Rome had to overcome difficulties while (December 2017) [25] on the success of studying/living abroad and 22,3 % in- the acquisition of new competences in dicated that they had not completely the future, we have discovered the fol- overcome them. lowing. All authors emphasize the im- Despite the fact that the majority portance of social competences: social (72,8 %) of students preferred a ratio- intelligence [27], the ability to quickly nal approach to solving problems, the establish relationships [3], social com- specification of emotional feelings re- petence within the Self-concept [23], vealed their full spectrum: heightened

270 anxiety — 54,3 %; helplessness — 37 %; for solving delicate situations during decrease in self-esteem — 24,7 %; ag- study and stay abroad: diplomacy and gression — 13,6 %; a strong desire to communication; change in attitude to- solve the problem as soon as possible — wards problems — 3,6 %. 56,8 %; fear of seeking help — 22,2 %; When asked the question “What apathy — 18,5 %; excitement to solve hindered success in solving the prob- the problem — 12,3 %; annoyance — lem?”, 35,8 % of the respondents re- 38,3 %. The excessive number of calls, plied: “... pessimistic thoughts about the need for an immediate response, my own achievements”. The answers obviously led to different coping strate- meant culture shock, revaluation of gies: constructive and destructive. The values, lack of familiar surroundings, results of the survey show that the par- the need to start from scratch. The ticipants of the international exchange strategies of “finger-pointing,” “avoid- programs are quite communicative, ing,” “procrastination,” indicated by adapt quickly, seeking support from the 17,3 %, 45,7 %, and 42 % of the respon- host family and friends in the country dents respectively are non-construc- of exchange. Relatives from the home tive. It is well known that there are country remain a significant source of inversely proportional dependencies support. Please note that only 3,6 % of between the use of avoidance, distrac- participants asked other exchange stu- tion, emotional response, aggressive re- dents for assistance. The explanation is sponse, and successful problem-solving evident, students who are experiencing strategies. In an unfamiliar environ- the marginal state and are having iden- ment, selection of these behavioral re- tical problems do not want to turn to actions can have extremely negative each other for support and may not be consequences. Especially essential are able to provide it either. self-regulation skills, which are lack- According to the participants, the ing. following factors led them to succeed The need to adapt to the new en- in solving the problem: analysis of the vironment, change behavioral stereo- task — 37 %; planning and problem types, evaluative judgments led to a solving — 54,3 %; accepting respon- situation of total choice. The moral sibility for the results of solving the choice (the decision between good and problem — 58 %; “Social distraction” — evil) or the option of alternatives was 14,8 %; “Seeking social support” — indicated by 48,1 % and 51,9 %, respec- 18,5 %. The results indicate that ex- tively. Among the problems that had change students mostly use successful to be solved, 42 % of the respondents coping strategies. Participating in an noted structured (with known cause exchange program is a great success and effect) problems. 60,5 % of the sur- for a teenager. Participation in qualify- vey participants reported unstructured ing rounds, preparation for study, and (with unknown possible consequenc- the stay in another country positively es) problems that required a solution. influences the selection of successful Of the selection criteria used by the behavioral strategies. The following survey participants, 64,2 % choose the factors were offered as success factors best option; 19,8 % avoid the worst;

271 13,6 % — select the option with the need to identify and develop the ability lowest risk; 1,2 % — choose the most to overcome language and interstate predictable option; 1,2 % — act depend- barriers, quickly establish contacts, ing on the situation. It is noted that successfully adapt to another educa- the most predictable option is selected tional space leads to a decrease in the as a criterion by only 1,2 % of respon- distinction of “fellows” and “outsiders” dents, which indicates the influence of and an increase in the need for self- the emotional component of choice. affirmation and self-development. In Choosing in a new cultural and social our view, the choice is being made in environment is similar to choosing un- favor of individuals capable of living in der extreme conditions, with time, re- marginal states. “Zwischens”, from an sources, and information constraints. ontological point of view, is a person Thus, in our view, it is vital to prepare who is permanently in a state of alter- for actions similar to extreme ones, and native, who is in a “between” situation it is important to develop appropriate (revaluation of values, reorientation of skills. goals, etc.); in the context of the out- The survey found that students par- lined problem — in a situation of per- ticipating in exchange programs tend manent updating of one’s own know­ to choose effective coping strategies to ledge, skills... solve problems, and if they do, try to These results convince us about choose the best option. The results of the relevance and perspective of the the survey confirmed the need for pur- research topic; affirm the need for pur- poseful formation of successful behav- poseful formation of students’ natio­ ior of exchange students, which neces- nal and self-esteem, the need to know sitates consideration of the theoretical the world, themselves, make sense of foundations of the issue. their own lives, the ability to adapt to Conclusions and prospects for fur- change and to exist in a multicultural ther research. Summarizing all of the space, after all — an individual who not above, it should be noted that the forma- only won’t lose himself in many cul- tion of new identities of “exchange stu- tural worlds, but will form its unique dents”, “foreign students”, “international­ socio-cultural identity. students”, “mobile” students, “foreign participants in the educational process” REFERENCES in terms of gaining knowledge and skills by a student in an institution of a foreign 1. Chutora, M. (2013). Osoblyvosti for- country is possible through sufficiently muvannia identychnosti v postmo­ complex psychological and behavioral derni [Features of identity formation mechanisms. Particularly important in in the postmodern]. Derzhava i sus- pilstvo — State and society, 2, 400-403 the learning process is the preservation [in Ukrainian]. of balance between native and other cul- 2. Kremen, V. H., Ilin, V. V. (2005). tures, not opposing them, but establish- Prahmatyzm [Pragmatism]. Filoso- ing connections (Z. Bova) [6]. fiia: myslyteli, idei, kontseptsii — Phi- Obviously, overcoming crisis and losophy: thinkers, ideas, concepts. (pp. conflict situations in the context of the 296-310). Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

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276 UDC 351.851:005.332.3 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-277-285 Semenets-Orlova Inna Andriivna, Dr. of Public Administration, Associate Рrofessor of the Department of Political Science and Sociology, National Aviation University, 03058, Kyiv, Str. Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, tel: (044) 406 71 53, e-mail [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426 Семенець-Орлова Інна Андріївна, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент кафедри соціології та політології Національного авіаційного університе- ту, 03058, м. Київ, вул. Космонавта Ко- марова, 1, тел.: (044) 406 71 53, e-mail: [email protected]. ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426 Семенец-Орлова Инна Андреевна, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, доцент кафедры социологии и политологии Национального авиационного уни- верситета, 03058, г. Киев, ул. Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: (044) 406 71 53, e-mail: [email protected]. ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426


Abstract. The conducted study concluded that good governance concept focuses on the worker’s management approach and also include broad joint practices in problem-solving processes, joint activities and delegation of au - thority. Participation and “negotiations with organized networks of interest” are vital to properly address problems in a democracy. The context of democracy makes thousands of conscious decentralized experiments, allows new models of political decision-making and new forms of development to be tested. Partly delegating of the policy-making function to “problem-solving specialists” (experts), the state places additional responsibilities on them to establish a permanent dialogue with society and to promote its further development towards self–determination and self–organization.

277 The article compares the content of the definitions of “transformation leader- ship” and “transactional leadership”, comparing the characteristics of these types of leadership. Effective leadership, including in the public sector, is increasingly linked to the formation of an intense collective mind (intense collective intel- ligence) and simultaneously with the creation of a caring and supportive culture in the organization; it is increasingly worth of using situations of leadership prac- tices, that is, adapting the form of leadership to the nature of the problem that needs to be solved is important. The concept of value-oriented public management from the point of view of strategy approach is analyzed. Both practitioners and scientists are increas- ingly interested in the idea of public value as a way of understanding govern- ment performance, informing policy making and building service delivery. The further development of the study of “knowledge organization” was obtained. The special potential of transformation leadership in the Ukrainian society is emphasized. Key words: public management, value-oriented public management, transfor- mational leadership, transactional leadership, distributive knowledge. ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЙНЕ ЛІДЕРСТВО ТА ЦІННІСНО- ОРІЄНТОВАНЕ ПУБЛІЧНЕ УПРАВЛІННЯ: СУЧАСНІ ПІДХОДИ Анотація. Проаналізовано роль трансформаційного лідерства в сучасній системі публічного управління. Зазначено, що широкі учасницькі практики у процесах вирішення проблем, спільна діяльність та делегування повно- важень, властиві концепції good governance, є високорелеватними змісту трансформаційного лідерства. Наголошено, що для належного вирішення проблем в умовах демократії життєво необхідними є участь та забезпечення “переговорів з організовани- ми мережами інтересів”. Контекст демократії уможливлює тисячі свідомих децентралізованих експериментів, що дають змогу апробувати нові моделі політичного прийняття рішень і нові форми розвитку. Частково делегую- чи функцію вироблення політики “фахівцям з вирішення проблем” (екс- пертам), держава покладає на них додаткові обов’язки щодо встановлення постійного діалогу із суспільством і сприяння його подальшому розвитку у напрямі самокерованості та самоорганізації. Здійснено порівняння змісту трансформаційного та трансакційного лі- дерства, співставлені їх основні характеристики. Ефективне лідерство, в тому числі у публічному секторі, все більше пов’язане з формуванням ін- тенсивного колективного розуму (intense collective intelligence). З’ясовано, що сучасна публічна політика позначає врегулювання тих аспек- тів людської діяльності, які вимагають спільних громадських дій. Проаналізо- вано поняття ціннісно-орієнтованого публічного управління з точки зору під- ходу стратегемності. Наголошено на тому, що трансформаційне лідерство може сприяти нарощенню інституційної спроможності органів публічної служби.

278 Ключові слова: публічне управління, ціннісно-орієнтоване публічне управління, трансформаційне лідерство, трансакційне лідерство, дистрибу- тивне знання. ТРАНСФОРМАЦИОННОЕ ЛИДЕРСТВО И ЦЕННОСТНО- ОРИЕНТИРОВАННОЕ ПУБЛИЧНОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ: СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПОДХОДЫ Аннотация. Проанализирована роль трансформационного лидерства в современной системе публичного управления. Отмечено, что совместные практики в процессах решения проблем, сов- местная деятельность и делегирование полномочий високорелеватные со- держанию трансформационного лидерства. Отмечено, что для решения проблем в условиях демократии — жизненно необходимые участие и обеспечение “переговоров с организованными сетя- ми интересов”. Контекст демократии позволяет апробировать новые модели политического принятия решений и новые формы развития. Частично деле- гируя функцию выработки политики “специалистам по решению проблем” (экспертам), государство возлагает на них дополнительные обязанности по установлению постоянного диалога с обществом и содействие его дальней- шего развития в направлении саморегулируемости и самоорганизации. Проведено сравнение содержания трансформационного и трансакцион- ного лидерства, сопоставлены их основные характеристики. Эффективное лидерство, в том числе в публичном секторе, все больше связано с формиро- ванием интенсивного коллективного разума (intense collective intelligence). Выяснено, что современная публичная политика обозначает урегулирова- ния тех аспектов человеческой деятельности, которые требуют совместных общественных действий. Проанализированы понятия ценностно-ориенти- рованного публичного управления с точки зрения подхода стратегемности. Отмечено, что трансформационное лидерство может помочь наращиванию институционального потенциала органов публичной службы перед новыми вызовами. Ключевые слова: публичное управление, ценностно-ориентированное общественное управление, трансформационное лидерство, транзакционное лидерство, дистрибутивное знание.

Problem settings. In the 21st cen- plexity of problems of social develop- tury the system of public management ment causes the need for rapid response should increase the ability to respond to by public authorities, and it is difficult to a number of conflicting challenges. Fur- associate with the time-consuming wide ther development of democracy causes public discourses of certain questions. an increasing number of participatory Modern information technologies practices, on the other hand, the com- make it possible to provide numerous

279 administrative services in an automat- opening of the Internet research por- ed mode. This simplifies the work of tal, according to the results of moni- public administration bodies in a cer- toring studies (63,635 civil employ- tain way. On the other hand, modern eers in Ukraine were interviewed), it information capabilities create repre- can be stated that the state of profes- sentations of the situation of “high-ex- sional ethos of employees is currently pertise” of the position of each citizen, generally blurred. On the one hand, who, using the feeling of simultaneous it does not correspond to the Soviet presence online with politicians, ex- bureaucratic system and the homoge- perts, scientists, claims equal report- neous nature of the employees of that ing of his “protoexpertise” position on era. On the other hand, the democrat- issues requiring narrow knowledge, to ic model of public service has not yet the general public. developed although there is reason In our view,.transformational lead- to speak of a certain hete­rogeneity ership is a factor that can help to build and heterogeneity of this profession- the institutional capacity of public ser- al group. For example, an increase in vice bodies to face new challenges. negative attitudes towards corrupt The analysis of recent publications benefits and the receipt of gifts is the on the issues. The problem of transfor- positive development of public em- mation leadership and value-oriented ployeer now. Although, on the other public management became the sub- hand, there is a persistent gender im- ject of works by foreigners (I. Adi­ balance. Responders define a woman zes, W. Bennis, M. Weber, S. Covey, less desirable in public service than G. Minsberg, V. Pareto, F. Fidler) man. We can approve that we do not and ukrainian scientists (E. Afonin, have now sufficient working models R. Voitovich, I. Degtyareva, M. Logu- for truly democratic management sys- nova, S. Nestulya, T. Novachenko). In tems that meet the needs of employees this paper, the problem of leadership in terms of decision — making autono- will be considered in terms of a new my and self–government. concept of transformational leadership According to A. Zamulin, educated in the context of a value-oriented pub- people come in modern organizations lic management approach. to replace the employees aimed at car- The purpose of the article is to ana- rying out orders come down “from lyze the value concept of public gover- above,” highly [1]. Often, many sub- nance within the paradigm of transfor- ordinates know more about the activi- mational leadership. ties of companies, they possess better Presentation of the main research analytical technologies and concepts material. Despite the fact that Ukrai- than their leaders. In such a situation, nian society, among other things, is on “smart leaders realize the existence the threshold of the fourth industrial of this paradox of status, and effec- revolution, the management systems tive leaders liberate and mobilize the of our reality correspond more to the knowledge of their subordinates”. industrial era. As O. Balakireva noted The knowledge economy requires a in her speech on November 29 at the new style of leadership.

280 Polish experts treat public service 3) real relations with people (forma- bodies as the knowledge organizations, tion of capital relations); the main purpose of which is to pro- 4) objective life achievements [2, duce intangible goods. The value of p. 326]. such benefits is tied to creativity and The nature of the work of the public initiative, beginning with motivat- sector will be interesting for dedicated ed people [2, p. 319]. Therefore, the people who focus on public interest. characteristic of successful knowled­ Constantly strengthen the value founda- ge organizations is based on the con- tions of the world view of public employ- tent of the most active knowledge eers, related to the request of citizens workers the opportunity to build a for virtue, ethics, patriotism, moral im- career full of meaning. The public sec- putability, responsibility, humanism, a tor provides people with the greatest culture of complicity of public employ- opportunity for meaningful creativity eers, their common participation and and influence. It is also about the true training in a culture of democracy will pleasure of intangible rewards (re- be important in order for such specia­ spect, inspiration, contributing to the lists to become more. realization of their own ideas about Public policy should become a space good life), which the public service for the education of the general public, provides, and about the assessment of and the practical implementation of employees of their life honestly and policy should be public learning based holistically. on the values of participation [3]. Their The needs of the domestic civil ser- result is the formation of a so-called vant are the manifestation of activities “good citizen” corresponding to the re- in the following areas: alities of the system of “good (proper) • to coordinate the way of life with governance” (GoodGovernance). In a realities of public sector; liberal democracy, the “space of public • to cultivate in itself interest in peo- policy” is more populated, so the role of ple; debates about the goals and means of • to be permanently hardworking; making public policy is necessary. • to develop the natural inquisitive- Public policy focuses on what ness [2, p. 319]. J. Dewey defined it as society and its Full professional life of a public ser- problems. The term “public” refers to vant, his initiative and integrity and those aspects of human activity that the workplace depend to a large extent require state or public regulation, inter- on the following conditions: vention, or at least common public ac- 1) state of sweating — ability to be tions [4, p. 23]. The public sector, un- completely given to interesting profes- like the private sector, is characterized sional activity (specialists who enjoy by complex and more ambiguous tasks, immersion in new ideas can find great a considerable number of problems internal motivation to work in the field with the implementation of solutions, for a long time); connected with stricter standards of 2) content with meaning, that is, the commitment and legality [4, p. 28]. But need to be part of something “bigger”; the public sector employs more people

281 with a wider range of motivation and tested. Partly delegating of the policy- there are clearly more opportunities to making function to “problem-solving respond to the problems of justice, that specialists” (experts), the state places is, to act in the interests of society. additional responsibilities on them to The development of public policy is establish a permanent dialogue with the result of gradual knowledge by soci- society and to promote its further de- ety of itself, learning from its own expe- velopment towards self–determination rience. Policy-making is more success- and self–organization. ful if it is related to specific contexts In a democratic country, the role (e.g. historical), and the policy-making of a policy analyst expert is similar to process itself should reflect high social carrying out “policy analysis as advice,” justice and enhance human dignity and such a goal requires political, moral freedom. imagination, objective assessment, and a In many sectors of politics, the pro- capacity for empathy [5]. cess of implementing real communica- Both practitioners and scientists tion of citizens is neglected in favor of are increasingly interested in the idea management control, which simplifies of public value as a way of understand- decision-making. In such a case, how- ing government performance, inform- ever, political accountability and the ing policy making and building service need for consensus are offset. It is often delivery. argued that the public is not interested Transactional leadership was built in participating. Usually, this is pos- on the basis of machine logic, transfor- sible in cases of negative experience, mational — on the basis of bio-logic. It when the initiative of social activity is therefore a Personal Organization- for a number of reasons worked against Fit (POF) approach in this context the essence of human behavior. Reduc- [6, p. 114]. The results of the research, ing inequalities in policymaking will based on a survey of 205 Israeli local lead to more motivated and thoughtful government personnel, showed that citizenship. within the POF, orientation toward On this basis, not only the profes- high efficiency, transparency, inno- sionalism of management personnel, but vation and orientation towards the also the value basis of this professional- achievement of the organization are ism is important. Value judgments pro- positively related to satisfaction from vide content with judgment of reality work, organizational commitment and just as a ship’s course gives meaning to the climate of service, as reported by compass readings. these public employees. Participation and “negotiations The good governance concept also with organized networks of interest” focuses on the worker’s management are vital to properly address problems approach. These include broad joint in a democracy. The context of democ- practices in problem-solving processes, racy makes thousands of conscious de- joint activities and delegation of au- centralized experiments, allows new thority [7]. According to Liang, there models of political decision-making is a general shift in modern leadership and new forms of development to be concepts from outstanding single lea­

282 ders in collective leadership; leadership inspiring. The workers themselves will is no longer associated with individuals be distinguished by a number of cha­ at the top of the hierarchy, but rather racteristics obtained in a self-managing becomes more distributed (distribu- environment (self-managing environ- tional) among all managers, including ment). line managers; effective leadership, in- Collective leadership involves an cluding in the public sector, is increas- approach of extensive use of the expert ingly linked to the formation of an knowledge of workers, and therefore intense collective mind (intense collec- large-scale activity of leaders aimed at tive intelligence) and simultaneously formation and development of special with the creation of a caring and sup- behavioural skills and qualities among portive culture in the organization; it is members of their teams, which are ba- increasingly worth of using situations sic for acquisition of knowledge in a of leadership practices, that is, adapt- dynamic knowledge society. Such lead- ing the form of leadership to the nature ers can be labeled as “leaders who en- of the problem that needs to be solved dow knowledge”. Such leaders encour- is important [6, p. 117]. age the development of special features Leadership begins to depend more among staff that enable them to learn heavily on the characteristics and and work effectively with knowledge. expectations of interacting subjects. This type of leaders is characterized by Now its subtype of collective (orga- high reliability in the eyes of its follo­ nizational) leadership is formed at the wers, that increases the positive effect basis of transformational leadership. of using power status. So far, we cannot talk about their cer- The most important factor is the tain forma­lity [8], but rather about a intellectual connection between the new category of transitional leader- leader and followers, the leadership ship [9]. strategy of the future, in the context Conclusions. The approach of “lea­ of the public authority body will reli- dership development within” is anoth- ably be highly intelligent in response er expressed trend in leadership devel- to the requests of the knowledge soci- opment of recent decades. This trend ety. Therefore, now the manager does is evident in the search by workers for not show intellectual dominance in the organization of its appointment, the organization, but will be one of the maximum development of personal the intellectual workers who largely spiritual abilities, the development of equally possess expert knowledge in the ability to lead on the basis of per- the organization. The leader’s ability sonal growth and the achievement of to build the intellectual capacity of the authenticity of its existence. In the organization through psychologi- such a case, followers will perceive the cal factors, in particular to ensure ap- leader on the basis of reference power, propriate conditions for joint activ- based on respect for and capture of the ity and collective work will highlight leader, psychological identification him. Perhaps then we will have reason with the leader, will identify the leader to talk about semi-latent/semi-virtual as honest, competent and capable of leadership.

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285 UDC: 316.0 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-286-296 Sudakov Volodymyr Ivanovich, Professor, Doctor of Sociological Science, Head of the Theory and History of Sociology dpt., Faculty of Sociology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. 01601, Kyiv, Str. Volodymyrska, 58, tel.: +38 (067) 502 86 48 e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2032-1093 Судаков Володимир Іванович, доктор соціологічних наук, професор, за- відувач кафедрою теорії та історії соці- ології факультету соціології Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка, 01601, м. Київ, вул. Володи- мирська, 58, тел.: +38 (067) 502 86 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2032-1093 Судаков Владимир Иванович, доктор социологических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой теории и истории социологии факультета социологии Киевского национального университета имени Тараса Шевченко. Украина, 01601, г. Киев, ул. Владимирская, 58, тел.: +38 (067) 502 86 48, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2032-1093


Abstract. The conceptual argumentation that the processes of the cultural globalization are important stimuli for development of scientific studies of the contemporary culture and its functional and technological peculiarities is pre- sented in the article. It is underlined that the cultural development of the human civilization has always been stimulated by the influence оf different subcultures. Therefore the specialized scientific investigations, which are oriented to the sub- stantiation of the archetypal status of culture and subculture as the determina- tive factors of social actions and social management today, are very important. It is proved that active use of such concepts as “global culture”, “multiculturalism”,

286 “transculturalism”, “intercultural communication”, “cultural capital”, “subcul- tural capital”, “subcultural lifestyle” by scholars now is the positive factor for the creation of scientific programs for analysis of the ontological specifics of the archetypes of culture and subculture in the context of globalization, virtualiza- tion and individualization of social life. Attention is paid to the contradictions of the conflict interpretation of subculture as the culture of social minority” that is caused by such social phenomena as social alienation, marginalization and poverty. The author defines the archetype of subculture as the multifunctional social phenomenon that emerges and reproduces itself in society as the attribu- tive consequence of the cultural differentiation. It is argued that the significant innovative problem of the social management is the elaboration of the effective technologies for social control over different forms of activities of subcultural groups that emerge as critical human attitudes to the existing social order and as the creative values of the progressive social constructivism. Key words: culture, subculture, archetypes of culture and subculture, global culture, multiculturalism, transculturalism, intercultural communication, cul- tural capital, subcultural capital, subcultural lifestyle, social management. АРХЕТИПИ КУЛЬТУРИ ТА СУБКУЛЬТУРИ ЯК ДЕТЕРМІНАНТИ СОЦІАЛЬНИХ ДІЙ ТА СОЦІАЛЬНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ Анотація. Аргументовано, що процеси глобалізації культури є важливим стимулом розвитку наукових досліджень сучасної культури, її функціональ- ної та технологічної специфіки. Підкреслено, що культурний розвиток люд- ської цивілізації завжди реально обумовлювався впливом різних субкультур. Саме тому особливе значення мають спеціалізовані наукові дослідження, спрямовані на обґрунтування архетипного статусу культури та субкультури як детермінант соціальних дій та соціального управління. Надано докази ак- тивного використання вченими таких понять, як “глобальна культура”, “муль- тикультуралізм”, “транскультуралізм”, “міжкультурна комунікація” “культур- ний капітал”, “субкультурний капітал”, “субкультурний життєвий стиль” є позитивним чинником розробки інноваційних наукових програм аналізу он- тологічної специфіки архетипів культури та субкультури в контексті тенден- цій глобалізації, віртуалізації та індивідуалізації суспільного життя. Визна- чено суперечності конфліктологічної інтерпретації субкультури як “культури соціальної меншості”, поява якої спричинена такими соціальними явищами як соціальне відчуження, маргіналізація та бідність. Автор визначає архетип субкультури як поліфункціональне соціальне явище, що виникає та відтво- рюється у суспільстві як атрибутивний наслідок культурної диференціації. Аргументовано, що важливою інноваційною проблемою соціального менедж- менту є розробка технологій ефективного соціального контролю різних форм активності субкультурних груп, приймаючи до уваги ту обставину, що ця ак- тивність демонструє як критичне ставлення людей до існуючого соціального порядку, так і є виразом креативних цінностей соціального конструктивізму.

287 Ключові слова: культура, субкультура, архетипи культури та субкуль- тури, глобальна культура, транскультуралізм, міжкультурна комунікація, культурний капітал, субкультурний капітал, субкультурний життєвий стиль, соціальне управління. АРХЕТИПЫ КУЛЬТУРЫ И СУБКУЛЬТУРЫ КАК ДЕТЕРМИНАНТЫ СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ ДЕЙСТВИЙ И СОЦИАЛЬНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ Аннотация. Аргументировано, что процессы глобализации культуры яв- ляются важным стимулом развития научных исследований современной культуры, ее функциональной и технологичекской специфики. Подчерк- нуто, что культурное развитие человеческой цивилизации всегда реально было обусловлено определенным влиянием различных субкультур. Именно поэтому особую значимость приобретают специализированные научные ис- следования, направленые на обоснование архетипного статуса культуры и субкультуры как детерминант социальных действий и социального управ- ления. Представлены доказательства, что активное использование учеными таких понятий, как “глобальная культура”, “мультикультурализм”, “транс- культурализм”, “интеркультурная коммуникация”, “культурный капитал”, “субкультурный капитал”, “субкультурный жизненный стиль” являются по- зитивным фактором разработки инновационных научных програм анализа онтологической специфики архетипов культуры и субкультуры в контексте тенденций глобализации, виртуализации и индивидуализации обществен- ной жизни. В статье обращено внимание на противоречия конфликтологи- ческой интепретации субкультуры как “культуры социального меншинст- ва”, возникновение которой обусловлено такими социальными явлениями как социальное отчуждение, маргинализация и бедность. Автор определяет архетип субкультуры как полифункциональное социальное явление, кото- рое возникает и воспроизводится в обшестве как атрибутивное последствие культурной дифференциации. Аргументировано, что актуальной инноваци- онной проблемой социального управления является разработка технологий эффективного социального контроля различных форм активности субкуль- турных груп, принимая во внимание то обстоятельство, что эта активность демонстрирует как критическое отношение людей к существующему соци- альному порядку, так и является выражением креативных ценностей соци- ального конструктивизма. Ключевые слова: культура, субкультура, архетипы культуры и субкуль- туры, глобальная культура, транскультурализм, интеркультурная коммуни- кация, культурный капитал, субкультурный капитал, субкультурный жиз- ненный стиль, социальное управление.

Problem statement. It is well- cial sciences the most significant in known, that in the contemporary so- theoretical and practical dimensions

288 have become fundamental and applied the contemporary scientific discourse research that is related to the study of of such concepts as “global culture”, the innovative tendencies of sociocul- “multiculturalism”, “transcultural- tural changes, cultural differentiation ism”, “intercultural communication”, and technological potential of human “cultural capital”, “subcultural capi- culture. Obviously, the newest pro- tal”, “subcultural lifestyle” stimulates cesses of the globalization of culture scholars to provide analytical studies significantly complicate the task of sci- the problem of ontological specifics of entific understanding as the phenom- the archetypes of culture and subcul- ena of the contemporary culture and ture under the context of the tenden- its functional and technological pecu- cies of globalization, virtualization and liarities. Therefore, the vast majority of individualization of social life. So the scholars underline the need to clarify purpose that the author tries to achieve the content of the category “culture” in this article is to develop analytical as the fundamental concept of social approach in order to create the stimu- philosophy and social theory because lating conceptual argumentation for the popular understanding of culture further research of this problem. as a complex of human achievements Analysis of the recent researches during the entire period of the histori- and publications. The study of the cal human development is excessively main research directions of the social abstract. Firstly, such understanding phenomena of culture and subculture does not explain the general structural in contemporary social sciences evi- characteristics of the human culture dently reflects the certain cognitive and also the dynamics of its historical difficulties that are connected with the changes, which occurred under the in- correct identification of the cognitive fluence of different subcultures. Sec- status of the concepts of “culture” and ondly, one should also pay attention to “subculture”. Therefore it is reasonable the important fact that human culture to indicate that the scholars today in always has been formed and developed their works [1, 2, 3] emphasize the im- as the pragmatic system of social ma­ portance of studying the new trends of nagement, which has been used by the the cultural changes, which reflect the power elite in the certain ways to oth- growing role of cultural practices in the er people. It should be noted that the global development of mankind. That various scientific attempts to define is why the research efforts of scientists the attributive ontological features of are aimed at substantiating the arche- culture as the set of cultural universals typal status of culture and subculture cannot be recognized today as a sig- as the determinative factors of social nificant contribution to the develop- actions and social management [4, 5, ment of the special research programs, 6]. An important scientific direction which propose to study the culture as a is the study of the creative potential of social phenomenon and as the process subcultures as fundamental ontological that determines the sense of ‘social ac- stimulus for progressive social changes tions by the individual and collective [7, 8, 9, 10]. At the same time Ukrai- actors of social life. Introduction to nian sociologists in their works [11, 12,

289 13, 14, 15] have underlined the need to functional role of knowledge, symbols develop innovative technologies of so- and beliefs, as well as norms “that go­ cial management, since the spontane- vern everyday conduct” [4, p. 86]. ous processes of cultural changes were It is obvious that other scholars are the real moving force in increasing so- not satisfied with the overall perspec- cial tensions and conflict interactions. tive of such a research strategy. Thus, Presenting main material. First of Cr. Calhoun, D. Light, and S.Keller all, it should be noted that the gener- propose a more “narrow” general defini- al content of contemporary studies of tion of culture by identifying its attrib- cultural issues reflects the situation of utive components as cultural univer- the need to create new fundamental sals: “Culture is the language, norms, theories of culture and cultural deve­ values, beliefs, knowledge, and symbols lopment. Many scholars rightly draw that make up a way of life. It is the an attention to this fact, emphasizing that understanding of how to act that peo- the concept of “culture” in the latest in- ple share with one another in any stable terpretations is a concept that captures self-reproducing group”[5, p. 7]. only the most important attributive It is important to emphasize that qualities and qualities that are inher- this definition also clearly captures the ent in social life and human behavior. archetypal social status of the concept “Sociologists and anthropologists use of culture. At the same time, it should “culture” as a collective noun for the be noted that a certain advantage of symbolic and leaned, non-biological such a more “narrow” interpretation aspects of human society including of the content of this concept is that language, customs and convention by these scientists propose to study the which human behavior can be distin- social ontological characteristics of guished from that of other primates” culture under the context of elucidat- [1, p. 99]. ing its connection with other attribu- According to K. Kammeyer, tive properties of social life, which are G. Ritzer and N. Yetman, in defining denoted by three such known concepts the concept of “culture” it is important such as: “social action”, “functional in- to take into account the archetypal so- tegration” and “power”. I believe that cial status of this concept, which signi- this research strategy should be recog- fies the most important conditions for nized as promising for further develop- the collective life of people. “Culture is ment, as it generally facilitates speciali­ the entire complex of ideas and mate- zed differentiated study of 1) cultural rial objects that the people of a society integration, 2) cultural diversity and (or group) have created and adopted subcultures, 3) cultural reproduction, for carrying out the necessary tasks of 4) cultural and media communication, collective life” [4, p. 85]. Scientists be- 5) internationalization and globaliza- lieve that this definition contributes to tion culture [5, p. 86]. the further development of innovative The similar view is also formulated studies of the different forms of human by G. Bechmann, who defines culture behaviors and as the phenomena of cul- as a reflexive form of human experience tural relativism and ethnocentrism, the [6, c. 109–117]. This scholar argues that

290 the concept of culture has a reflexive gressive changes in the existing system meaning and it is based on comparison. of social interactions. [6, c. 111–112]. “Culture is something that defines peo- Obviously, this interpretation of ple’s lifestyles, and it creates precondi- the functional orientation of the con- tions for comparison. That is, culture is temporary culture also indicates to what makes it possible to compare what the specific attributive property of the cannot be compared: a way of life. At the culture — its competitive character. same time, the observation horizon is It is known that under the context of expanding both regionally and nation- globalization, the competition between ally, providing, above all, the historical cultures significantly increases, and depth of the differences. Culture as a this process has been explained in dif- reflexive form creates a distance to eve­ ferent ways in the sociological theo- rything non-native in the society, but at ries of global modernization and global the same time it allows to approach this dependence. However, I consider that society to a foreign culture rather as dis- G. Bechmann, paying attention to the tant and remote” [6, c. 111]. phenomena of competitiveness of the It is noteworthy that G. Bechmann contemporary cultures, underesti- tries to avoid a purely formal descrip- mates the important fact that the cul- tion of the social functions of the con- ture as the embodiment of the produc- temporary culture, which, according to tive tendencies of social and historical his opinion, has the single functional practice is the significant resource for orientation, which should be indicated the legitimation and technologization in three dimensions: of the systems of individual and col- • firstly, culture is very important lective social actions and social claims, for the formation and development of which are the important source for the a human individual as a personality; emergence and existence of various it is a system of conventional customs subcultures. in a particular society that is different Focusing on the identification of the from the customs of other societies and epistemological features of the subcul- cultures; ture category, it is important to empha- • secondly, culture is a significant size the need to overcome the simpli- virtue that indicates the difference be- fied interpretations of the subculture tween culture and the simple everyday in the specific ontological sense – as existence of people; in this expression “culture of a social minority”, the emer- culture demonstrates itself as a purifi- gence of which is caused by such social cation of life and denotes their social phenomena as social alienation, mar- division into “high culture” and “mass ginalization and poverty. culture”; P. Williams draws attention to this • thirdly, culture divides society in- fact in monograph “Subcultural The- to historical epochs — it allows people, ory. Traditions and Concepts”[7]. In who are looking at the past, to have this work the author proves that con- opportunity to define the factors of temporary scholars are no longer sat- progress in human relations towards isfied with the image of a society with the nature and also to evaluate the pro- a particular dominant culture with

291 different dysfunctional subcultural 2. How do subcultures emerge and elements. Today the developed socie­ why do people participate? ties are rather a set of different social 3. How do subcultures resist the groups whose members do not wish to “mainstream” of society and are they speak about subcultures. According to successful? Williams, the concept of “subculture” 4. Who are the participants in sub- reflects not only a certain system of hu- cultural practices? manitarian values of non-conformism, 5. Who are the “authentic” partici- resistance, protest, freedom of choice, pants and who are the “posers”? self-expression, which usually charac- 6. How does society react to subcul- terize people’s critical attitude to the tures? existing social order. It is also impor- 7. Have subcultures gone virtual tant to keep in mind that this concept and global? is a specific expression of the values of 8. What happens to subcultures as the progressive social constructivism. they “grow up”? Therefore, the prospects for developing Obviously, the attention of scientists a scientific subcultural theory should to further scientific study of these prob- be connected with a creative under- lems in order to identify the new func- standing of the following questions: tional characteristics of modern subcul- “What is and what isn’t subcultural? tures requires the use of the cognitive In other words, where are the bounda­ potential of some important concepts. ries of subcultures, and where do they Thus, J.Lewis points to the importance start and end? And how can we find of a wider use of the concept of “trans- answers to such questions” [7, p. 6]. culturalism”, which as methodological It should be noted that R. Heienfler instrument can explain certain modes in her work [8] emphasizes the creative of growth of global influence of the vari- ability of subcultures to formulate al- ous subcultural social movements [2]. ternative views of people in relation to K. Sorrels believes that in order to ex- the established way of life. The pres- plain the regimes of such movements, it ence of such alternative views determi- is useful to choose the concept of “in- nates the need for “a careful study and tercultural communication” [3]. The a better understanding of the motiva- effective use of the cognitive potential tions, thoughts and practices of sub- of these concepts, as demonstrated by cultural groups” [8, p 3]. In this work, V. Lapina’s work [11], contributes to the the author has made a scientific argu- understanding of the tendency of global mentation for the importance of taking spread of subcultural practices of such into account a wider range of concep- cultural and ideological phenomenon as tual problems, the specialized study of consumerism. which will help to determine the epis- British scholar S. Thornton pro- temological principles of subcultural poses to introduce into the scientific analysis. She identifies and analyzes circulation the concept of “subcultural the content of the following 8 funda- capital”. She argues that this concept mental problems: has important cognitive sense for the 1. What are subcultures? studies of the process of internalization

292 of cultural norms, which determines logy of transculturalism allows us to the creative potential of different sub- identify the differences among human- cultures [9, pp. 200–208]. ist, antihumanist and post-humanist Developing this position, D. Heb- technologies [2, p. 22]. The choice and dige in his monograph “Subculture: The the effective use of these technologies Meaning of Style (new accents)” [10] depends on the scientific validity of the underlines that any culture of the class empirical data and also the scientific society in some way is oriented to the evaluations that reflect as the current ideal of “aesthetic perfection”. A variety state and the possible destructive con- of practical ways of ontologization this sequences of social tension and protest ideal gives rise to different “subcultural activity of the different social groups. lifestyles” that can have both functional It should be noted that in the sci- and dysfunctional manifestations. It is entific works of Ukrainian sociologists noteworthy that the scholar recog- also have been emphasized the need for nizes the functional significance of the the development of innovative technol- subcultural styles as an important at- ogies of social management, since spon- tribute feature of social life. Therefore, taneous processes of cultural change as he considers, the various counter- were actually factors of the increasing cultures today are the inappropriate social tension, conflict interactions and scientific subject-matter to be regarded communications. Therefore, evaluat- as subcultures because of the social lo- ing the results of the recent research, it cality of these counter-cultures, which should be noted that important fields of reflects the specific value challenge of the scientific work are: 1) the identifi- the youth groups as a small part of the cation of the peculiarities of activity of middle-class [10, p. 2–7]. the youth subcultural groups in the ci­ As I believe, these suggestions gen- ties of Ukraine [12]; 2) the development erally point to the importance of the of the conceptual model and empirical scientific conceptual understanding of indicators of cultural determinants of subculture as an archetypal multifunc- social tension and protest behavior in tional phenomenon of social life that the regions of Ukraine [13]; 3) the ana­ constantly reproduce itself in societies lysis of the process of transformation of (as socio-historical systems of different social actions by the subcultural groups types) due to the process of differentia- in Ukrainian society[14]; 4) the iden- tion of cultural practices of the individ- tification and characterization of dys- ual and collective actors of social life. functional social consequences that are At the same time, it should be noted connected with the low effectiveness of that at present the issue of developing the democratic reforms in Ukraine [15]. technologies for managing influence to Conclusions and the prospects for the social activity of the subcultural further researches. groups is important not only for sci- 1. The processes of globalization of entific researchs but also for the mod- culture are an important stimulus for ernization of the regulative functions the development of the scientific re- of the political institutions. So J. Lewis search of the contemporary culture, believes that the use of the methodo­ its functional and technological pe-

293 culiarities. The cultural development ary of Sociology. (3rd ed.). (p. 99). Lon- of the human civilization has always don: Pinguine books Ltd [in English]. been stimulated by the influence of 2. Lewis, J. (2002). From Culturalism to different subcultures. The new trends Transculturalism. Iowa Journal of Cul- in cultural changes today indicate the tural Studies, 1, 14-32 [in English]. 3. Sorrels, K. (2013). Intercultural com- growing role of cultural practices as munication, Globalization and Social the organization factors of social order Justice. Thousand Oaks, California: in different societies. Therefore specia­ Sage publ. [in English]. lized scientific investigations are very 4. Kammeyer, K., Ritzer, G., Yetman, N. important today, which are oriented (1997). Sociology: experiencing to the substantiation of the archetypal changing societies. Boston: Allyn & status of culture and subculture as the Bacon [in English]. determinative factors of social actions 5. Kelhoun, C., Light, D., Keller, S. and social management. (1994). Sociology. (6th ed.). New 2. The active use by scholars such York: Mc Graw Hill [in English]. 6. Bekhmann, G. (2010). Sovremennoe concepts as “global culture”, “multicul- obshchestvo: obshchestvo riska, infor- turalism”, “transculturalism”, “intercul- matsionnoe obshchestvo, obshchestvo tural communication”, “cultural capi- znaniy [Modern society: risk society, in- tal”, “subcultural capital”, “subcultural formation society, knowledge society]. lifestyle” now is the positive factor for (A. Yu. Antokolskiy, G. V. Gorokhovyy, the creation of scientific programs for D. V. Efremenko, V. V. Kaganchuk, analysis of the ontological specifics of S. V. Mesyats, Trans). (2nd ed.). Mos- the archetypes of culture and subcul- cow: Logos [in Russian]. ture under the context of the tendencies 7. Williams, P. (2011). Subcultural The- of globalization, virtualization and indi- ory. Traditions and Concepts. Cam- brige: Polity Press [in English]. vidualization of social life. 8. Haenfler, R. (2014). Subcultures: The 3. The important innovative prob- basics. New York: Routlege [in Eng- lem of social management is the devel- lish]. opment of technologies for the effective 9. Thornton, S. (1997). The Sociologic of social control over the various forms of Subcultural Capital. The Subcultures activities of the subcultural groups. But Reader. K. Geldner and S. Thornton it is useful to understand that these ac- (Eds.). (pp. 200-212). London; New tivities demonstrate both the critical York: Routlege [in English]. attitude of people to the existing social 10. Hebdige D. (2002). Subculture: The order and is an expression of the values​​ Meaning of Style (new accents). Lon- don: Routlege [in English]. of the progressive social constructivism 11. Lapina, V. V. (2018). The archetype of which stimulates the humanistic trends consumption and its contradictions in the contemporary social life. in the contemporary European space of economic and social interactions. Public management, 4(14), 159–170 REFERENCES [in English]. 12. Gran, D. S. (2016). Sub/kultury: pro- 1. Abercombie, N., Hill, S., Turner, B. test, kommunikatsiya ili obretenie se- (1994). Culture. The Pinguine Diction- bya? [Sub/culture: protest, communi-

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295 UDC : 35.08 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-296-307 Fedotova Tatiana Anatoliivna, Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Oles Honchar Dnipro National University; 49010, Dnipro, Prosp. Gagarinа, 72, tel.: +38 (050) 732 21 02; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9529-3429 Федотова Тетяна Анатоліївна, доцент, кандидат економічних наук, до- цент, Дніпровський національний універ- ситет ім. О. Гончара; 49010 Дніпро, про- сп. Гагаріна, 72, тел.: +38 (050) 732 21 02; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9529-3429 Федотова Татьяна Анатольевна, доцент, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, Днепровский национальный уни- верситет им. О. Гончара; 49010, Днепр, просп. Гагарина, 72, тел.: +38 (050) 732 21 02; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9529-3429


Abstract. Studying the deep, archetypal manifestations of a person, contri­ butes to the knowledge and mastery of the nature of global change, sets the pre- requisites for the development and implementation of adequate modern effective public administration practices. The reconstruction of archetypes is a relevant and promising approach that helps to interpret certain socio-political processes of the present by transforming the symbols of the past. The problem of the human factor in management is connected with the desire of a person for a specific goal and their achievement. In this regard, it is important to find out the main components of the manager’s activities: motives, goals, acti­ vity planning, processing of current information, prompt decision-making and action, verification of results and correction of actions. Formation of an innova- tion-oriented domestic system of management training is an urgent need of mod- ern society. An important and integral part of this system is universities, which

296 offer students a cycle of management courses. The ultimate goal of management training should be to develop strategic thinking, the ability to think creatively and the ability to work from a broader perspective. Management actions require judicious use of human resources in management, and carelessness in them can lead to escalation (exacerbation) of conflicts, turnover, reduction of efficiency and level of complexity, etc. Modernity needs public figures of a new generation, managers who are able not only to deal with the constituents of the political arena and to make effective decisions, but also to give an adequate assessment of themselves. This means that there is an answer to the question of who and what I am, what my purpose is. Depending on the answers provided and their further implementation, the ma­ nager’s reflection in society is formed. It is a complex, multifaceted process that also requires appropriate professional education (training) and does not bypass the use of archetypal management. Keywords: archetypes, archetypal approach, public management, manage- ment, training, education, management traditions. ТРАДИЦІЯ Й ІННОВАЦІЯ У ПІДГОТОВЦІ КАДРІВ ДЛЯ ПУБЛІЧНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ (АРХЕТИПНИЙ ПІДХІД) Анотація. Вивчення глибинних, архетипових виявів особи, сприяє пі- знанню й оволодінню природою глобальних змін, закладає передумови для розробки і впровадження адекватних сучасності ефективних практик дер- жавного управління. Реконструкція архетипів є актуальним і перспектив- ним підходом, який допомагає шляхом трансформації символів минулого тлумачити певні суспільно-політичні процеси сучасності. Проблема людського чинника в управлінні пов’язана з прагненням люди- ни до певної мети і її досягнення. У зв’язку з цим, важливим є з’ясування ос- новних складових діяльності управлінця: мотивів, мети, планування діяль- ності, опрацювання поточної інформації, оперативного ухвалення рішень і дії, перевірки результатів і корекції дій. Формування інноваційно-орієнто- ваної вітчизняної системи підготовки управлінських кадрів є невідкладною потребою сучасного суспільства. Важливою і невід’ємною складовою цієї системи є ВНЗ, які пропонують студентам цикл курсів управлінського на- пряму. Кінцевою метою підготовки управлінських кадрів мають стати фор- мування стратегічного мислення, здібності мислити творчо і можливості працювати в ширшій перспективі. Управлінські дії потребують розумного використання людських ресурсів в управлінні, а недбале ставлення до них може спричинити ескалацію (загострення) конфліктів, плинність кадрів, зниження ефективності, рівня замотивованості тощо. Сучасність потребує публічних діячів нового покоління, управлінців, які здатні не лише розібратися із складовими політичної арени і при- ймати ефективні рішення, а і дати адекватну оцінку собі. Це означає, що є відповідь на питання, хто і який я, яка моя мета. Залежно від наданих відповідей і подальшої їх реалізації і формується відображення управлінця

297 в суспільстві. Це складний, багатогранний процес, який вимагає і відповід- ної професійної освіти (навчання) і не обходить застосування архетипного менеджменту. Ключові слова: архетипи, архетипний підхід, публічне управління, управлінські кадри, підготовка кадрів, система освіти, традиції управління. ТРАДИЦИЯ И ИННОВАЦИЯ В ПОДГОТОВКЕ КАДРОВ ДЛЯ ПУБЛИЧНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ (АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДХОД) Аннотация. Изучение глубинных, архетипных проявлений личности, способствует познанию и овладению природой глобальных изменений, за- кладывает предпосылки для разработки и внедрения адекватных современ- ности эффективных практик государственного управления. Реконструкция архетипов является актуальным и перспективным подходом, который по- могает путем трансформации символов прошлого толковать определенные общественно-политические процессы современности. Проблема человеческого фактора в управлении связана со стремлени- ем человека к определенной цели и ее достижению. В связи с этим важным является выяснение основных составляющих деятельности управленца: мотивов, целей, планирование деятельности, обработка текущей информа- ции, оперативного принятия решений и действия, проверки результатов и коррекции действий. Формирование инновационно-ориентированной отечественной системы подготовки управленческих кадров является неот- ложной потребностью современного общества. Важной и неотъемлемой со- ставной этой системы являются вузы, которые предлагают студентам цикл курсов управленческого направления. Конечной целью подготовки управ- ленческих кадров должно стать формирование стратегического мышления, способности мыслить творчески и возможности работать в более широкой перспективе. Управленческие действия требуют разумного использования человеческих ресурсов в управлении, а небрежное отношение к ним может привести к эскалации (обострению) конфликтов, текучести кадров, сниже- нию эффективности и уровня мотивированности и т. д. Современность требует публичных деятелей нового поколения, управ- ленцев, которые способны не только разобраться с составляющими поли- тической арены и принимать эффективные решения, а и дать адекватную оценку себе. Это означает, что есть ответ на вопрос, кто и какой я, какова моя цель и роль. В зависимости от полученных ответов и последующей их реа- лизации и формируется восприятие управленца в обществе. Это сложный, многогранный процесс, который требует соответствующего профессиональ- ного образования (обучения) и не обходится без применения архетипного менеджмента. Ключевые слова: архетипы, архетипический подход, публичное управ- ление, управленческие кадры, подготовка кадров, система образования, тра- диции управления.

298 Formulation of the problem. Re- work in particular was considered by cently, the concept and practice of man- such scientists as R. Ackoff, I. Ansoff, agement of changes has become very G Becker, P. Drucker, G. Mintzberg, popular among various organizations. E. Toffler, A. Chandler, T. Schulz. Changes have become our constant Among Ukrainian scientists who paid companions, so the ability to manage attention to this issue, S. I. Bandur, change is an objective requirement of V. F. Besedin, D. P. Goddess, I. K. Bon- the time, a vital necessity in order to dar, A. S. Galchinsky, V. M. Geyets, survive, adapt to new conditions and M. I. Nizhny, A. M. Kolot, Yu. M. Kras- try to move to a new qualitative level nov, E. M. Libanova, I. I. Lukinov, of development of our country. E. G. Panchenko, N. G. Chumachenko, One of the priority is the reform in A. A. Chukhno and others should be the field of public administration. So, mentioned. In accordance with a re- for example, with the adoption of the search strategy, the role of the mana- Law of Ukraine “On Public Service” gerial elite in society and the develop- [1], the number of civil servants was ment economy was considered by such significantly reduced, and employees of Russian researchers as M. Afanasyev, foster care appeared; there is a distri- G. Ashin, A. Gaman-Golutvinova, bution of civil servants (categories “A”, S. Glazyev, Yu. Levada, E. Okhotsky, “B” and “C”); there is a gradual tran- V. Ledyaev, T. Zaslavskaya and others. sition to greater publicity, openness, Scientists raised the issue of archetypes and professionalism of the civil service; of public administration, but almost no The necessity of introducing personnel attention was paid to training person- management services is emphasized, as nel for this area [2]. well as the fact that the future of effec- These scholars and other research- tive public service is in the hands of ers have paid much attention to solving strong, intelligent, professional leaders the problem of training personnel for who are endowed not only with cha- public administration, but this prob- risma, but also skillfully mastered with lem remains unresolved. In addition, new managerial approaches. significant changes in this area and Today, one of the key tasks faced the administrative reform, which are be- entire sphere of public service, the elec- ing implemented in almost all sectors tion of leaders in such areas of reform in and sectors of the national economy, order to act right, and the managers of require rethinking and reforming the various levels of public administration system of proposed measures. are faced the task of doing these things The purpose of the article. The ar- correctly, in particular, to understand ticle is devoted to proving the need to the essence of the changes, their need abandon the traditional forms of train- and to be able to manage them . ing managerial personnel for the public Analysis of recent publications administration sphere and an innova- on issues and identification of pre- tive approach to assessing the compe- viously unresolved parts of a com- tencies of managerial personnel, taking mon problem. The issue of staff- into consideration the archetypical ing and the specificity of managerial paradigm.

299 Statement of the main research ma- • the ability to adapt their leader- terial. Archetypes, according to Jung’s ship style and management approach- theory, are universal inborn mental es, taking into consideration various structures that build up the content of production conditions and microcli- the collective unconscious. Archetypes mate in the organization [4, p. 57]. make people perceive events, react and These features of the activities of respond to them in a very specific way. modern management employees initi- Archetypes are unconscious. The pro- ate the implementation of the basic cess of awareness of these innate pat- general management functions in the terns is the essence of individualiza- daily working process. tion of the person, which leads to the Young managers, falling into the formation of a mature attitude towards mythological trap of public service, oneself and the world, the construction build their actions and relationships on of harmonious relationships with other illusory material, they expect the im- people, overcoming crisis conditions possible from life. The sense of reality [3]. Archetypes create an archetypical is destroyed, replaced by mythological image, attracting to certain variants of images. The danger of such a replace- the universal experience of the world ment also lies in the fact that a person for people and actions from universal is distracted from the understanding templates. Archetypes have the prop- that perfection is achieved in life sup- erties of matrices, “mental instincts.” plying effort and training, overcoming The entire individual psyche, all per- difficulties, gaining experience. The sonal experiences can be interpreted myth takes away from the reality of using archetypical forms. everyday life, including financial diffi- According to many followers of culties, and the need to be engaged in C. Jung, an understanding of the com- self-development, continuous self-im- plexity of socio-historical experience provement, work overtime, with career and cultural values ​​of society through development, all these items are the the archetypical component is a funda- urgent problems, especially in today’s mental point for an adequate percep- crises. Difficulties are to be overcome tion of the discourse of any constant with the help of mutual understand- practices of our time. Management ing, respect for each other’s interests, activity always involves the initiative otherwise disappointment and further and creativity of subjects and objects professional burnout are inevitable. of management. The qualities of managerial staff, The modern concept of the cate­ such as professional competence, the gory “managerial personnel” reflects ability to make effective decisions and the main features of their activities, ensure their implementation, mastery namely: of modern technologies, the desire to • the need for high qualifications, improve themselves and career deve­ initiative and independence of manag- lopment, depend on the dynamism and ers; successful development of the managed • personal formation with a clearly sphere. New realities require managers defined goal, aspirations and beliefs; at all levels of public administration to

300 be able to find innovative solutions, to cial training in the field of management defend their views, to be flexible, com- and, accordingly, conduct management municative, and highly qualified spe- activities, guided by intuition and the cialists. method of samples, without using mod- It should be emphasized that the ern knowledge in the field of manage- main function of such a system should ment [6]. Therefore, it is necessary to be thorough training of managers, attach special importance to the train- and not the professional development ing of the existing management team, of managers. This will allow to realize since the development of innovation- conceptual uniformity in understand- oriented management in the country ing the goals and objectives of training, is impossible without leaders who have to achieve a synergistic effect, having modern knowledge of the effective de- got the results from the study of indi- velopment and adoption of managerial vidual organizational and managerial decisions. disciplines, while this combined pro- Continuous professional training of cess will lead to a qualitatively new managerial personnel should become knowledge system regarding manage- one of the priority areas of personnel ment theory and practice, supplying policy and should be carried out with resources for further economic growth the aim of increasing the efficiency and in the country [5]. quality of labor, constant growth in Features of the modern organiza- the level of professionalism, mastery of tion of training management personnel new management methods and skills in in the field of public administration are an innovation-oriented economy. reasoned by the fact that such training Over the course of all labor activity, has certain differences from traditional in accordance with the periodicity es- academic education. Since the mana­ tablished for each category of persons, gement personnel training system is professional development should be not just the acquisition of new know­ carried out in order to update the theo- ledge, acquaintance with new informa- retical and practical knowledge and tion and technological capabilities and skills of managers and specialists in ac- solutions, first of all, it is the creation cordance with the constantly growing of a sustainable management compe- requirements of state educational stan- tency system. This system consists of dards and management development attitudes and values, taking into con- features. sideration modern theoretical concepts Being based on the goals, this pro- of management, practical skills, which cess should include the following types are to contribute to the efficiency of of training: management through optimal manage- • short-term thematic training on a ment decisions, increase labor produc- specific type of activity (introduction tivity, increase labor efficiency, achieve of new technologies, solving economic sustainable development and economic and other issues); growth. • thematic and problematic seminars It should be noted that many mo­ on scientific, technical, technological, dern managers have not received spe- socio-economic and other problems;

301 • Long-term training of managers In general, the training of manage- and specialists for an in-depth study of ment personnel should be aimed at urgent problems of science, engineer- solving the following problems: ing, technology, socio-economic and • preparation for the effective solu- other problems in the profile of profes- tion of new tasks that will need to be sional activity; fulfilled in the near future; • internship to consolidate profes- • deepening knowledge in the field sional knowledge in practice, obtained of management and developing mana- as a result of theoretical training, to gerial skills necessary for effective study best practices and to realize the practical application in solving daily possibility of moving to senior posi- tasks; tions; • rethinking of old experience, the • vocational training, the purpose formation of new approaches to work, of which is to obtain additional know­ new attitudes that can ensure success ledge, skills and abilities by managers in changing conditions; and specialists in programs that include • the development of the leaders` the study of individual subjects, sec- statements that contribute to the in- tions of science, engineering and tech- crease of: individual labor efficiency, nology, necessary for the implementa- productive interaction with subordi- tion of new professional activities. nates and the successful achievement The next step in the system of con- of the goals of the definite units and the tinuing professional education is the management body as a whole. annual training of managerial person- The management training system nel in order to familiarize them with should be based on the following prin- new equipment and advanced tech- ciples: nologies, effective methods of analysis, 1. The content of the training should rule-making and personnel manage- correspond to the objectives of the gov- ment, etc. erning body. A lot of problems arise due The form of preparation of manage- to the fact that the outdated amount of rial personnel is based on the purpose knowledge that managers have is not and content of the activity programs: able to solve complex issues in an ever- with separation from work (full-time), changing environment effectively. without separation from work (corre- 2. The content of management train- spondence, evening), with partial sepa- ing should be closely related to the na- ration from work (full-time and part- ture of the functioning and structure time), in the form of self-education, of the management body. Today, it is external studies. common practice to define a set of re- Training is aimed at the develop- quirements for managers, which is used ment of skills necessary for managers in the selection and appointment on to effectively carry out their duties the basis of their “managerial compe- in the future. In practice, systematic tencies.” These requirements should training programs are most often used be closely related to the providing the to prepare managers for career ad- continuing education, since the deve­ vancement [2]. lopment of managerial competencies

302 leads to an increase of the quality of gerial potential capable of ensuring the management and the level of competi- development of effective management tiveness. in all sectors and spheres of the natio­ 3. The managerial staff in the field of nal economy. public administration should be able to In the regional state administration, solve not only organizational problems, the diagnosis “Management of changes but also know deeply and understand in public authorities” was carried out. the foundations of such disciplines as The survey involved both government economics, management, the basics of officials and their leaders. Accord- law, finance and marketing. The experi- ing to the age criterion, respondents ence of foreign countries indicates that were grouped into 4 groups: up to 30 the achievement of high results and years old, up to 40 years old, up to 49 the effectiveness of the implementa- years old, from 50 years old and above. tion of public administration functions The questionnaire asked questions is largely determined by the organiza- about how respondents understand tional culture of managers, their ability the changes, how they relate to them, to form a desire inside the team to be having highlighted the reasons for re- a real team, the ability to mobilize the sistance to changes, which qualities efforts of each employee to achieve and should the leader possess and which set goals professionally. approaches are most successful from 4. The focus of the managerial staff the point of view of change manage- on the constant updating of their ment [7]. knowledge and competencies. The vast majority of respondents In many post-Soviet countries the (70 %) were unable to give at least final idea about main factors which some definition or present their own ensure effective management in a understanding of the concept of post-industrial economy such as the “changes in public authorities”. 30 % of reform of the management structure, respondents consider changes as an im- a significant increase in the social and petus to a specific action. About 80 % functional competence of managerial of the people who took part in the sur- personnel, and the ability to adapt the vey are positive about the changes and strategy to rapidly changing environ- only 20 % have an ambivalent attitude mental conditions, ability to inspire towards them, depending on the con- subordinates, ability to recognize and sequences. develop creative potential of employ- Most often, respondents chose the ees, a private initiative and nuchkist following as reasons for resistance to in decision-making has not been ac- changes: complished yet. While the processes of • Concerns about losses due to European integration cover more and changes; more spheres of life, a quality manage- • lack of resources and time to ment education should play a leading implement changes (by the way, this role in these areas. The strategic goal of reason was chosen by employees with training managerial personnel should intensive workload and a high level of be based on the formation of a mana- responsibility);

303 • lack of information on the intro- tioning correctness in everything pro- duced changes; vides rise to an imperative, which the • resistance imposed from the out- environment must follow. The arche- side; type can manifest itself with different • a threat to social relations that strengths and in different ways — from were established at work: 8 % of re- the usual desire for dominance to the spondents said that they do not resist imposition of an “only right” point of change, but take it for granted (these view and hypertrophic uncompromis- were people, mostly from 50 years old, ingness. If such a woman leader iden- they have been working in government tifies herself with Mother Earth and bodies for more than 20 years). Mother Nature, especially grave con- While being asked what a leader sequences arise. The archetypes of the should be for effective implementation Old Sage and Great Mother produce and change management, almost 60 % ideas of greatness [8]. of respondents believe that a leader Analyzing the aspects that con- should be a good manager; 30 % believe tribute to the process of introducing that a leader should be a leader, and on- changes in terms of their effectiveness ly 10 % — that a leader should combine and “painlessness” for participants, it is both leadership qualities and be a good worth noting that the most significant manager. points among the respondents were: the The most successful approaches to provision of certain guarantees (for ex- change management are considered ample, maintaining a job, wages, social to be such parts of managerial process status, etc. ), involvement in the pro- as assistance, support and motivation, cess of change, the presence of a strong information and communication, par- and competent leader who implements ticipation and interest, that is, soft, the changes, as well as support and mo- democratic methods. Respondents do tivation provided by leader. not consider such methods as coopta- An analysis of the results having ob- tion and manipulation, explicit and tained during the diagnosis “Manage- implicit coercion effective. However, ment of changes in public authorities” the method of negotiations and agree- demonstrated certain patterns in the ments, which also did not find its sup- choice of answer options for a particu- porters among the respondents, in our lar age category of respondents. For opinion, would be useful, in particular, example, civil servants over 40 years for managers and employees who are of age prefer certain guarantees upon aimed at cooperating on a partnership change; respondents under 35 years basis, and do not take the principle of old want to be involved in the pro- hierarchy as a basis, strict submission. cess of change and be able to influence For example, the archetype of the the final results. Questionnaire par- Great Mother belongs to the female ar- ticipants up to 30 years old, as a rule, chetypes . Most often there is a desire chose not one, but several aspects and to influence other people, employees at emphasized the desire to be active par- work. Lack of ability to find a compro- ticipants in the changes, the need of a mise and confidence in their unques- strong and competent leader, as well

304 as support and motivation provided by ment, prevent professional emotional leader in implementing the changes. burnout, improve the microclimate in So, taking into consideration all organizations and promote better in- mentioned above, we came to the con- teraction between managers and em- clusion that the concept of change ployees, between employees of various remains quite vague and unclear for organizations and institutions. At the many respondents, although 80 % con- moment, such training programs in this sciously or intuitively take changes regional state administration have not positively, noting the effect of novelty been conducted. and an impetus to actions in them. This The advancement of Ukrainian so- is due to the low level of awareness of ciety is impossible without high spiri- changes and change management in tuality, morality and professionalism as general. the elite becomes incapable of fulfilling Today, in order to provide success- its function of a “guide” for a better, ful preparation and implementation worthy future. In this regard, states- of changes, an important task is to men should act in the forefront of the teach managers in government bodies revival of domestic traditions and ac- to understand the essence of changes, tivate the archetypes of collegiality, their basic properties, to contribute to kind, faith, hope, love, kindness and a the formation of leadership forward- patriotic spirit [11]. ness for changes, to learn to master Conclusions and prospects for fur- the methods, forms of change manage- ther research. In the context of the ment, resistance management, etc. [9]. transformation of political, economic In turn, the task of managers is to in- and social relations in modern Ukraine, volve this knowledge into practice and the issues of training new staff of go­ pass it to their employees so that the vernment and political figures are of latter learn to apply it on an individual particular importance. The current level [10]. At the same time, drastic training systems, both in form and in measures should not be taken, because content, do not always correspond to the experience of China shows that the the needs of society. At present, the sys- millennial traditions of governing the tem of training managerial personnel country contribute to unlocking the largely does not correspond to social potential for global leadership of this realities; it is imperfect and fragmented. country. The archetypical approach contains a For this, it would be advisable to powerful potential for targeted impact develop appropriate educational pro- on the training of qualified personnel grams, trainings and introduce the using a system of levers and methods practice of their implementation among for regulating the quality of training leaders and employees of public au- of specialists for government. It is ad- thorities. Carrying out such events will visable to carry out further studies in allow employees of these authorities to the aspect of determining the develop- gain knowledge and skills in manag- ment criteria for workers in the public ing change, will help reduce stress and administration sphere according to the conflicts in the professional environ- main groups of archetypes.

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307 UDC: 316.77; 316.74:001 DOI: 2224-2020-1(21)-308-319 Chernykh Gennady Andreevich, Candidate of Sociology, Assistant Professor, Department of Sector Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Taras Shevchenko National Uni- versity of Kyiv, 03680, Kyiv, prosp. Glush- kova, 4-d, tel.: +38 (068) 199 64 85, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8440-0711 Черних Геннадій Андрійович, кандидат соціологічних наук, асистент кафедри галузевої соціології факульте- ту соціології Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка; Україна, 03680, м. Київ, просп. Глушко- ва, 4-д, тел.: +38 (068) 199 64 85, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8440-0711 Черных Геннадий Андреевич, кандидат социологических наук, ассистент кафедры отраслевой социологии факуль- тета социологии Киевского национального университета имени Тараса Шевченко, 03680, г. Киев, ул. Глушкова, 4-д, тел.: +380 (68) 199 64 85, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8440-0711


Abstract. The specificity of the development of the research traditions of the cognitive linguistics and sociolinguistics is considered in the article. The prob- lems of understanding everyday language at the present stage of the science de- velopment are substantiated. The current state of the development of the eth- nomethodological approach, the role of non-verbal communications in everyday communication is analyzed. The author substantiates the nature of the social ac- tion, peculiarities of functioning and interaction of the social actors through sym- bols and meanings. The author analyzes the developed models of the communica- tion interaction by W. Schramm, D. McQuail, J. Grunig, T. Hunt, Y. Habermas,

308 N. Luman. The content of one of the key concepts of the sociolinguistics — “lin- guistic situation”, which is defined as a set of forms of existence of the language (languages, regional koine, territorial and social dialects) is revealed. The author notes that special attention is paid in the contemporary sociolinguistics to the question of the connection and interaction of the language and culture. The fea- tures of the development of the cognitive linguistics as a linguistic trend, which considers the functioning of the language as a kind of cognitive, that is, knowing, activity, and examines the cognitive mechanisms and structures of the human consciousness through linguistic phenomena. The author confirms the basic hy- pothesis of the cognitive science that the thinking processes can be interpreted as processes of processing and transformation of the mental representations. The author draws on the ideas of the main proponent and representative of the cogni- tive sociology — American sociologist Aaron Cicourel. Also — substantiates the content of the works of the French sociologist J. Padioleau and the concepts of sociolinguistics A. Meiller, F. Boas, E. Sapir, V. Mathesius, B. Gavranek, J. Vachek and others, who made a significant contribution to the identification of the role of the social factors in the development of the languages and demonstrated the link between the language and the social processes and the social role of the literary language. Keywords: language, social interaction, cognitive sociology, sociolinguistics, communication, social actions, symbols, meaning, linguistic situation. ДОСЛІДНИЦЬКІ ТРАДИЦІЇ КОГНІТИВНОЇ СОЦІОЛОГІЇ ТА СОЦІОЛІНГВІСТИКИ — МОВА ТА ЗНАЧЕННЯ У СОЦІАЛЬНІЙ ВЗАЄМОДІЇ Анотація. Розглянуто специфіку розвитку дослідницьких тради- цій когнітивної лінгвістики та соціолінгвістики. Визначено пробле- ми розуміння буденної мови на сучасному етапі розвитку науки. Проа- налізовано сучасний стан розвитку етнометодологічного підходу, ролі невербальних комунікацій у повсякденному спілкуванні. Обґрунтовано природу соціальної дії, особливості функціонування та взаємодії соціальних акторів за допомогою символів і значень. Розглянуто моделі комунікацій- ної взаємодії У. Шрама, Д. Маккуейла, Дж. Груніга, Т. Ханта, Ю. Габермаса, Н. Лумана. Розкрито зміст одного з ключових понять соціолінгвістики – “мовна ситуація”, яке визначається як сукупність форм існування мови (мов, регіональних койне, територіальних і соціальних діалектів). Особливу увагу приділено в сучасній соціолінгвістиці питанню про зв’язок і взаємо- дію мови і культури. Також розглянуто особливості розвитку когнітивної лінгвістики як мовознавчого напряму щодо функціонування мови як різ- новиду когнітивної, тобто пізнавальної, діяльності, а когнітивні механізми та структури людської свідомості — через мовні явища. Доведено основну гіпотезу когнітивної науки, що мисленнєві процеси можна трактувати як процеси оброблення та перетворення ментальних репрезентацій. Зазначено ідеї основного прихильника та представника когнітивної соціології — аме-

309 риканського соціолога Аарона Сікурела. Також обґрунтовується зміст праць французького соціолога Ж. Подьоло та концепції соціолінгвістики А. Мейє, Ф. Боаса, Е. Сепіра, В. Матезиуса, Б. Гавранека, Й. Вахека та ін., які зробили істотний внесок у виявлення ролі соціальних чинників у розвитку мови та продемонстрували зв’язок мови із соціальними процесами, а також соціаль- ну роль літературної мови. Ключові слова: мова, соціальна взаємодія, когнітивна соціологія, со- ціолінгвістика, комунікація, соціальні дії, символи, значення, мовна си - туація. ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКИЕ ТРАДИЦИИ КОГНИТИВНОЙ СОЦИОЛОГИИ И СОЦИОЛИНГВИСТИКИ — ЯЗЫК И ЗНАЧЕНИЕ В СОЦИАЛЬНОМ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИИ Аннотация. Рассматрена специфика развития исследовательских тради- ций когнитивной лингвистики и социолингвистики. Обозначены проблемы понимания обыденного языка на современном этапе развития науки. Ана- лизируется современное состояние этнометодологического подхода, роли невербальных коммуникаций в повседневном общении. Обоснованы при- рода социального действия, особенности функционирования и взаимодей- ствия социальных акторов с помощью символов и значений. Автор анализи- рует разработаные модели коммуникационного взаимодействия В. Шрама, Д. Маккуейла, Дж. Грунига, Т. Ханта, Ю. Хабермаса, Н. Лумана. Раскрыто содержание одного из ключевых понятий социолингвистики — “языковая ситуация”, которое определяется как совокупность форм существования языка (языков, региональных койне, территориальных и социальных ди- алектов). Особое внимание в современной социолингвистике уделается вопросу о связи и взаимодействии языка с культурой. Также рассмотрены особенности развития когнитивной лингвистики как языковедческого на- правления, которое рассматривает функционирование языка как разновид- ность когнитивного, то есть познавательной деятельности, а когнитивные механизмы и структура человеческого сознания — через языковые явления. Подтверждается основная гипотеза когнитивной науки, что мыслительные процессы можно трактовать как процессы обработки и превращения мен- тальных репрезентаций. Рассмотренны идеи основного сторонника и пред- ставителя когнитивной социологии — американского социолога Аарона Сикурела. Также обосновано содержание работ французского социолога Ж. Подьоло и концепции социолингвистики А. Мейе, Ф. Боаса, Э. Сепира, В. Матезиуса, Б. Гавранека, И. Вахека и других, которые внесли существен- ный вклад в выявление роли социальных факторов в развитии языка, проде- монстрировали связь языка с социальными процессами и социальную роль литературного языка. Ключевые слова: язык, социальное взаимодействие, когнитивная соци- ология, социолингвистика, коммуникация, социальные действия, символы, значение, языковая ситуация.

310 Formulation of the problem. This the senses and meanings of this object- study analyzes the problem of develop- subject research. ing such important scientific areas of In our view, the postmodern world the language research as: is different from the modern world in Formation and development of the that modernity is the world to which everyday communication practices in all the humanity must come, and post- the structure of the contemporary cul- modernity is the world in which hu- tural transformations; manity can move to a new milestone Determination of the linguistic sit- of the social development. Therefore, uation and processes of interaction be- for the researchers of the social world tween the language and culture; the task is to predict the possibilities Interpreting the mechanisms of the of shaping the modern world for all the cognitive language rethinking through mankind and the features of the deve­ the sociolinguistic analysis and cogni- lopment of the postmodern reality. tive sociology. Based on the principles of the mod- At the present stage of the scientific ern language research, the contempo- knowledge of language, as an integral rary postmodern development tenden- part of people’s cultural development, cies are expanded by interpretations of the scholars have not yet reached a con- the senses and meanings. New social sensus on the study of the language in and theoretical constructs are being the general theory. All this is expressed constructed, which do not always be- in the pluralism of thoughts, ideas and come part of the scientific revolution determinations of the definitions in the and social reality, and only with the modern multiparadigmal space of sci- passage of time do they become insti- ence. The features of the cultural diver- tutionalized in the science and life. sity, national approaches, and schools Analysis of the recent research and that are linked to the language stud- publications. The fundamentals of the ies create the basis for endless analysis sociological research in the USSR were and empirical rethinking of the pheno­ laid in the 20-30’s and 20th century, the menon. Which in turn complicates the works of the Soviet scientists L. P. Yaku- very process of researching, reflecting binsky, V.V. Vinohradov, B. A. Larin, and understanding the socio-cultural V.M. Zhirmunsky, H. A. Shor, M. V. Ser- changes that occur in the everyday hiyevsky, E. D. Polivanov, who studied communicative practices. For exam- the language as a social phenomenon ple, at this stage in the development on the basis of Marxist understanding of the cognitive sociology and socio- of the language as a social phenomenon linguistics, the emphasis of research and historical and materialistic prin- has shifted than at the beginning of ciples of the analysis of the social rela- the emergence of these scientific lines tions. Basic ideas for the contemporary of the language research. After all, the sociolinguistics were also prepared by tremendous changes that have taken the works of the representatives of the place over 100 years of the social de- sociological field in the French linguis- velopment and scientific formation — tics (A. Maye), who made a significant form quite different determinants of contribution to the identification of the

311 role of the social factors in the language veloped in the USSR and some other development; the works of the Ameri- countries relied primarily on the his- can ethno-linguists who developed the torical materialism and private theo- ideas of F. Boas and E. Sapir in con- ries of the Marxist sociology — the nection with the linguistic and socio- theory of the social structure of the so- cultural systems; the works of the rep- ciety, the theory of the social systems, resentatives of the Prague Linguistic the sociology of the personality, etc. School — V. Mathesius, B. Gavranek, However, it should be noted that I. Vakhek, who demonstrated the con- sociology views the communication nection of the language with the social as a socially conditioned type of the processes and the social role of the liter- human activity. Psychology examines ary language; the research by the Ger- the process of establishing and deve­ man scholars, especially T. Frings and loping contacts between the people the Leipzig school he founded, which for the purpose of sharing information. substantiated the socio-historical ap- Linguists present the communication proach to language and the need to process as an actualization of the com- include the social dimension in dialec- municative function of the language tology; the original works in the field in particular linguistic situations. The of linguistic situation and culture of main element of the language commu- speech of the Japanese school of the nication is the mechanism by which the “linguistic existence”. process of transmission and perception In the 1960’s and 1970’s the inter- of the information is translated into a est in the sociological problems of the socially significant result of personal language grew in connection with, on and mass influence. In the sociolinguis- the one hand, the needs of the modern tic aspect it is necessary to study first society, for which the problems of the of all the peculiarities of the language language policy and other practical as- functioning in the context of the mass pects of the sociolinguistics became in- social communication. creasingly relevant, and, on the other, Here in the foreground, for our the critique of the structural linguistics study, comes the concept of “linguistic with the desire to overcome the limited situation”, which we interpret as a set immanent approach to language and to of forms of existence of the language penetrate more deeply into the nature (languages, regional koine, territorial of the language as a social phenomenon. and social dialects). Which, in turn, The sociolinguistic trends devel- defines different methodological ap- oped by the scientists from different proaches to the study of the language countries are characterized by differ- and values in the social interaction. ent methodological orientations. Some With the changing of the linguistic sit- areas of the foreign sociolinguistics (for uation — the culture changes, which in example, in the USA) focus on the be- turn changes the language and meaning haviourist model of linguistic behav- itself. With globalization new condi- iour, symbolic-interactionist theory of tions for the language development are the social interaction, phenomenologi- being created. There is an increasing cal sociology. The sociolinguistics de- amount of borrowing along the lines

312 of the cultural information dissemina- of the classical cybernetics, which im- tion, the so-called sharing mechanisms, plies tight control over the behaviour of and feedback, which is important in to- the system, which eliminates all the un- day’s cultural and informational space. necessary interconnections [1]. Cultural diffusion is increasingly oc- Obviously, various communication curring — the spatial spread of the cul- models are constructed by function, tural achievements of one society into content, form, goals and objectives. another. With the development of the The following models of communica- cultural dynamics — there is a deve­ tion find practical application in the lopment of the modern world, and the integrative systems today: intensity of these dynamics in the mo­ 1. The authoritarian model, de- dern world is striking in scale. The ex- scribed by W. Schramm and D. Mc- plosion of the information — the rapid Quail, is based on the maximum restric- increase in the number of publications tion on freedom of the information and or the volume of data and the resulting tight administrative and managerial effect — has become the driving force control over media activity [2, P. 148]. behind the culture of the intellectuals 2. The bilateral asymmetric model of the modern world. For the five pre- is one of the four models proposed by vious years the humanity has produced J. Grunig and T. Hunt that emerged more information than ever before. In in the 1920s of the 20th century, incor- our opinion, it significantly compli- porating feedback that preserves the cates the possibilities of the critical power of the communicator over the study of the language and values in communication, which creates a cer- the social interaction — at the present tain asymmetry [3]. stage of the scientific development. 3. The bilateral symmetric model — The modern field of study of the originated in the 60–70s of the 20th language and communication is based century, described by J. Grunig and on different approaches, F. V. Sharkov T. Hunt [3], it states that the sym- identifies several approaches [1]. The metry is achieved by a balanced rela- first methodological approach is based tionship between the recipient and the on the classical positivist methodol- sender of the message. ogy of the subject-object dispositions. 4. The non-classical methodo­ It is represented by the concepts of logy — based on a cognitive model of the structural functionalism, systemic the subject-object relations about an approach, informational society, tech- object. The author of this methodol- nological determinism, computer fu- ogy, the German philosopher Y. Haber- turology, etc. The ontology of the so- mas, prefers the positive science in the cial communications in this approach study of the social subjects. As a tool is based on systemic connections and for realizing people’s practical inter- functions. The communication techno­ ests, he views interpersonal “interac- logies have the task of constructing the tions” (communication) as a way of desired image of the subject and certain emancipation, liberation from all kinds social connections in the system. This of influence (politics, economics, etc.) approach is comparable to the principle and coercion. Y. Habermas distinguish-

313 es “true” communications from “false” flection of communication in the social communications, trying to justify the systems on a global scale — in their tra- “technical rationality” of transferring ditional sense. the technical means and methods to Formulation of the purposes the interpersonal communications [4, (goal) of the article. Therefore, based p. 115]. on a meaningful analysis of the above The post-non-classical approach — theoretical principles, the goal of this based on the works of N. Luman, it article is to substantively systematize reduces the nature of the social to the the problems that exist in the struc- subject-subject relations, excluding ture of understanding of the cognitive objectivity. The society is regarded sociology and sociolinguistics. And the as a network of communications, and analysis of the reflection in the scientif- communications have the opportu- ic discourse of the traditional contra- nity to self-describe the society and dictions of the language research and its self-reproduction (principles of the meaning in the social interaction. self-referentiality and autopoiesis of To meet this goal, we set out to N. Luman). The communication in analyze the ideas of the cognitive so- this case appears as an active self-or- ciology of the American sociologist ganized environment, where the sim- A. Cicourel, J. Padioleau, and the tra- plest social-communication systems ditional approaches of the sociolinguis- are formed through mutual coordina- tic direction of research. Based on the tion of the actions and experiences of analysis of the works of A. Cicourel — the participants of the communication. we found: The society covers all the actions that 1. There are three stages to the con- can be compared to each other in the struction of the social reality by the communication. Action is understood people (subjects). The first stage is the as a true element of the social system, subjective organization and classifica- which is produced and perceived in it tion of “empiricism” (experience) in in relation (communication) with ot­ the simple (elementary) acts of “speak- her actions-events [5]. ing”, the second stage is the manifesta- However, as we have already not- tion of the “theoretical concepts”, the ed, in the sociological discourse of the third stage is related to the subjective language analysis and communication analysis of the conversation or text. interaction there is a tradition of a plu- 2. The main concepts for the cogni- ral infinite world of models: starting tive sociology are: with the Aristotle’s model (“Speaker- • methods of interpretation, “aim- Speech-Audience”) and ending with ing to connect the ideas of phenom- the M. McLuhan’s theory of commu- enology and ethnomethodology and to nication. All these models can be rela- relate them to works relating to the use tively reduced to macro and micro level of language, memory and attention, or analysis. Macro-level communication in general to everything related to the models (theories) are much lesser than field of information processing; micro-level analysis. Which speaks to • interactional competence, “which the complexity of the fundamental re- helps to clarify the relationship be-

314 tween the cognitive processes, the cognitive dimension of the social ac- emergence of contexts, and accounting tion. In this connection, among others, dictionaries”. one can call the works of Jean Padiole- 3. A. Cicourel as a whole remained au or Bernard Conen, which, however, far from overcoming the interactionist raise issues more characteristic of the approach and establishing new forms cognitive sciences (including, in par- of communication with the macroso- ticular, the biological, psychological, cial aspects of the reality. Reflecting on linguistic sciences, as well as the sci- a common tradition — the one we gave ence of the artificial intelligence). But you earlier. given the nature of the dialogue that 4. The sociological analysis also Jean Padioleau and Bernard Conen extends to the field of the non-verbal engage in with the cognitive sciences, communication (through the study of one might ask whether we are at risk the language of the deaf), which is not when, for example, trying to establish reducible to the model of the verbal points of contact with ethology, to fall communication. A. Cicourel reveals into naturalism that tries to build the the fact that the actors and researchers social sciences in the image of natural in their cognitive activity are forced to sciences? This question remains open rely on the common methods of inter- for further study. pretation. A researcher “can make his The French sociologist J. Padioleau observations objective only if he ex- tried to solve one of the most difficult plains the peculiarities of the methods social problems, the problem of the so- of interpretation and its dependence cial order, using a cognitive approach. on them, that is, if his research activi- In his view, the nature of the social ac- ties are complete”. Thus, the pursuit of tion is cognitive, and the social actor is the scientific objectivity in the social a “sociological, cognitive” person who sciences implies a need for sociological creates his or her social representations reflexivity. Finally, the question arises through symbols and meanings. Under about the connection with macrosocial a symbol he means that “represents an- aspects, since it is about “explicating other thing: the symbol takes the place the role of the knowledge and context of another object, replaces it or evokes in the study of the social structure”. a memory of it” [8]. In particular, through the procedures The collective interdependence of of “acquiring a social structure” in the the actions of the people, according to course of socialization [6, p. 36-38]. Padioleau, is conditioned by mutual ex- 5. According to A. Cicourel, “the pectations. Collective actions involve representatives of microsociology can the consent of the partners regarding not be limited to the study of the social the rules of the decision making. Ho­ interaction as a local and self-sufficient wever, from a cognitive perspective, product, just as the theorists of macro- the consensus does not come down to sociology can not ignore the micropro- a simple agreement between the indi- cesses” [7]. viduals. It arises in the coordination of In the mid-80s in France one could the mutual perception by the social ac- observe an increased interest in the tors in relation to a particular subject.

315 Cognitive sociology, therefore, to explain the social and political phe- helps to define the interesting tradition nomena based on linguistic facts, the of theoretically constructing a combi- sociology elucidates the functional nation of the macro and micro world- nature of the language in the society. views of the language, symbols and The need for isolation of the socio- meanings. Although this area of science linguistics in the system of linguistic has not acquired universal institution- disciplines was caused not only by the alization, and is not particularly popu- internal factors of generalization and lar in the scientific world (rather than systematization of the aspects of com- cognitive psychology), it is important munication between the language and in interpreting the traditional views of society, but also by external factors — the language and meaning in the social above all, by the process of decoloni- interaction. In our view, cognitive so- zation and the creation of numerous ciology needs more in-depth reflection independent states, which needed to and thorough analysis in order to de- resolve its urgent issues and relations velop the social sciences in a postmod- with other languages within the inde- ern outlook. After all, based on our re- pendent states. search, we confirm the basic hypothesis The term “sociolinguistics” was in- of the cognitive science that thinking troduced in 1952 by the American so- processes can be interpreted as pro- ciologist H. Curry. The official date of cesses of processing and transformation origin of this industry is 1963, in which of the mental representations, which is the Committee on Sociolinguistics was a kind of tradition of the analysis. formed in the United States. In the Another important area of the 70’s courses in sociolinguistics were of- language analysis is sociolinguistics, ficially included in the programs of the which studies the impact of the social American universities. phenomena and processes on the emer- The forerunner of the sociolinguis- gence, development, social and func- tics was the sociological trend in lin- tional differentiation and functioning guistics. In it, the language was con- of the languages, as well as the reverse sidered primarily as a means of the effect of the language on the society. communication and human activity in The object of the sociolinguistics is the society, taking into account social the language in the aspect of social dif- status and the role of the individual; ferentiation, and the subject is the func- it eclectically combined the method- tioning of the language “in the social ologically diverse ideas of the Enlight- context”, that is, the functioning of the enment philosophy, the psychological language(s) in the structure of the social direction of the linguistics, Marxist relations and functions of the society. philosophy, the philosophy of positi­ Sociolinguistics originated in the vism, but its task was clearly aimed at field of linguistics, sociology, social the social nature of the language, its psychology and ethnography in the communicative function, the relation- second half of the 20th century. ship of the language and the society, Unlike the non-linguistic branch of the language and the socially engaged the sociology of language, which aims individual.

316 Representatives of the sociologi- collective, the social functions of the cal direction of linguistics (France — language, its forms of existence in the A. Maye, F. Bruno; Switzerland — S. Bal- society, the social differentiation of the ly, A. Seche; United Kingdom — J. Fors, languages depending on the diversity USA — U. Wittney, E. Sepir, B. Worf; of the social strata (stratification) and Czech Republic — V. Mathezius, social situations (situational), bilin- USSR — L. Shcherba, L. Yakubinsky, gualism, pollinguism, linguistic mix- E. Polivanov, V. Zhirmundsky, B. Larin, ing, linguistic policy, norms, linguistic M. Marr, G. Vinokur) investigated the construction. place and role of the language in the so- There are the following sociolin- ciety, functional stratification of the lan- guistic directions: guage, communication of the languages 1) macro-sociolinguistics, which and cultures, the functioning of the studies the linguistic situations in the language in different social situations, states, regions, groups, analyzes the lan- the connection between the language, guage contacts and their consequences, society and personality; explained the observes the language conflicts and causes of the language changes and the language changes depending on the evolution of the languages by the social social changes, explores the social dif- factors, in particular, the differentiation ferentiation of the national languages, of the languages — the displacement of bilingualism, normalization and codifi- the peoples, the unification — the wars, cation of the language, language policy the evolution of the language — the and construction; complication of the social relations, the 2) micro-sociolinguistics, which fo- sound changes — the pragmatic needs cuses on individual speech or speech of of the society as a convenience of pro- the micro-groups, the rules and norms nunciation. of its implementation, on the acquisi- Researchers distinguish three tion of communicative competence and trends in the modern sociolinguistics: its effective use, in relation of the indi- 1) the first is focused on sociology viduals to the language [10]. (examines the norms of the language Therefore, in the context of the de- use, the goal of choosing the language velopment of the sociolinguistics, we options, diglossia, bilingualism, the can again see the tradition of separating theory of gyrus codes from various so- the macro and micro-levels of research, cial determinants), without mentioning the so-called me- 2) the second focuses on linguistics so-level. Which emphasizes the form of and examines the heterogeneity of the the general scientific theorizing in the language system in terms of social set- contemporary sociological discourse. tings, as well as the relationship of the In most cases, such binaries are caused language changes to social conditions; by the nature of the scientific­ knowl- 3) the third has ethnographic and edge, the cognitive methods of inquiry methodological orientation [9]. that follow from the tradition of ob- The main vectors of the sociolin- jectivist and subjectivist socio-philo- guistic research are the problems of sophical directions. Nominalism and the linguistic situation, the language realism build a tradition of learning the

317 language and meaning as a form of rep- to distinguish the synergistic models resentation of micro (individual devel- of the plural interpretations. Which in opment) and macro (collective devel- turn substantiates the general tenden- opment). In our view, only a synthesis cies and traditions of further study of of these two worldviews and traditions the language and meanings. can lead to a profound change in the The prospect of further research is traditional analysis in the postmodern determined at the root of the traditions scientific discourse. of the socio-philosophical theorizing, Conclusions and prospects for fur- which deliberately creates all the condi- ther research. 1. Cognitive sociology tions for the diversity of the models of and sociolinguistics are elements of studies of the macro and micro-levels the traditional scientific analysis of the of the social reality. Allows you to find language and meanings, senses that are endless forms of interpretation and re- built on the knowledge of macro and flection on the object and subject under micro-levels of the social reality. 2. The the study. Important for the develop- modern sociological interpretations of ment of the scientific methodology are the language in the models and theories the study of language and meanings of the communication interaction are in the information society in the face based on the ideologies of the classical of the rapid changes and the spread of and non-classical research methodol- various forms of mass communication ogy. The basis is the positivist direction produced by the information and com- of the study, which speaks about the munication technologies. The modern complexity of the fundamental reflec- tradition should be guided by the futur- tion of the communication in the so- ological basis of the study of linguistic cial systems at the global postmodern cultural codes both in the information level — in their traditional sense. 3. The space of communication between the language as a social phenomenon has individuals and in the measurement of traditionally been associated with a the social interactions caused by the de- multi-paradigmatic scientific system velopment of globalization. In our view, of explanations for its meanings, which the researchers need to come to a con- are interpreted through such connec- sensus (as noted by Y. Habermas in his tions in the social reality as: language theory of communicative action) of the and society; language and personality; use of the cognitive sociology and so- language and culture; language and ciolinguistics, and to bring it to life by ethnicity; language — territorial and forming new postmodern traditions and social dialects; language and wars; and models of the social reality research. other. Which reflects a certain “linguis- tic situation” — the tradition of the sci- REFERENCES entific study of its forms and meanings. The study of the traditional views on 1. Sharkov, F.I. (2017). Kommunikologi- language and meaning allows us to es- ya: osnovyi teorii kommunikatsii tablish what is particularly important [Communicology: the basics of com- in understanding these phenomena — munication theory]. Moscow: Dash- a sociological reflection that allows us kov and Co [in Russian].

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