2020 RES scenarios for Europe - are Member States well on track for achieving 2020 RES targets? Authors: Gustav Resch, Lukas Liebmann, André Ortner, Sebastian Busch TU VIENNA / EEG Vienna, September 2014 Compiled within the European Intelligent Energy Europe project KEEPONTRACK! (work package 2) www.keepontrack.eu Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE), ALTENER 2020 RES scenarios for Europe –are Member States well on track for achieving 2020 RES targets? Contact details for this report: Gustav Resch Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Energy systems and Electric Drives, Energy Economics Group (EEG) Gusshausstrasse 25 / 370-3 A-1040 Vienna Austria Phone: +43(0)1/58801-370354 Fax: +43(0)1/58801-370397 Email:
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