Mailman may not cometh to your house tomorrow

WASHINGTON (AP) - With * nationwide mail I Botprcoouimed to press lor the processes preview by aten aad tor a time informally with Bolger A source close nksnifhl Wednesday or ceil a strike For the letter carriers •W* »t midaigbt taught, lw p«stil Service uri Us law tar taiUoces where win member*, as thejr have la to the sttnattaa said, "Of substance, nothing really has •" t It tottghl The maUhaidlers unloe has •feat are hardeao! into poatuu tkit appear to make a ttfc east, refuse to accept a tentative agreement Tkate sm«ederDyoi»sM»eU* only alternative te« strike proceaaes are l»« flndtag tuder the wpervtsiM of feoertl The Postal Service, citing the Uw against mail strikes, The rejected agreement called lor lit percent to PocimajUr Geaenl WlUUm F Bolaer repeated ea medutors and. II a settlement is stiU not reached, btmttBg got a court restraining erder Saturday forbidding strikes by creases la wages aad cost-ot bvinj payments over three aatjeaai tetevmoa Staday that k« wotild not return to Ike •Unlit*. the two largest postal unions However, neither the law nor yean This would boost average psetal salaries from the berpMaf taMe {w farther Ulki wit* Us aabas. The wtas, however, have rejected this course, s«yum a court order prevented widespread local walkouts In ltTt. preaeot $11,177 to around Ili.ZM by INI the choice lor Bolger is to renegotiate or lace a strike MetawhiJe, one union preside* u mandated by Us Belger takt plans lor moving the mail Include possibly Despite the seemingly dug-in positions OR both Mas, Members of three unions have voted down a tentative members to call > strike by midiugbt tonight tf tfcere u no asking President Carter to can out troops to handle mall, Bolter coatbwed to predict there wuuld be no strike. "I contract reached July II They are the m.OM-member iWHittuii of bargaining Another union president, wider forbidding some types of mall and allowing private com- think matt ol the postal employees are Uw abiding people American Postal Worker* Union, the UI.Me-member Na- dollar mandate, has a midnight Wednesday deadbae. panis* to deliver first-class letters In normal tunes, the They will certainly carry out the Intent ol the law, and not tional Association of Utter Carrier* and the M.Mft. member "We hive completed our negotiations u Itr u I'm nwllhindlers division ol the Laborers International Union Postal Service has s legal monopoly on first-class concerned . I still am not goiag back to the bargaining strike, la my opmloa," be said tahte," Bolger said There was no sign Sunday ol any give In tie union The APWll has mandated President Emmet Andrews People receiving Social Security or other checks might He was Interviewed on CBS' "Fact the Nattm . Union leaders met on snd oil with federal medi- to get the Postal Service back to the bargaining table by be asked to come to post offices to pick them up, he said The Daily Register VOL.101 NO. 47 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 1978 15CEN1S million means higher fares? ISC probing hole in DOT budget

By MARK MAGYAR dletown, attorneys for the commuter groups, filed their brief June 14, 1978," which led to the M million shortfall, are a county bus routes, anil b\ cutting SI million worth of bus EATONTOWN -AM million shortfall In the Commuter challenging the fare Increase with the State Superior Court's cornerstone of the commuters' appeal service Operating Agency (COA) budget could result in a doubling of Appellate Division today, and requested an accelerated hearing In that two month period, iiw COA's "total anticipated The remaining $4 million was placed' ui B separate i III fare Increases for rail and Interstate bus commuters without timetable so that the court can reach its decision before Oct. 1. deficit" jumped from (7 million to f 14 6 million, as "the esti as "Other modification! i<> larei or service thai maj bi new public hearings, commuter leaders charged yesterday. "II the court does not accelerate its timetable, we'll seek a mates used by the COA in making its determination to Increase indicated by hearings, revised Federal allocation!) o\ Irate Shore Commuters and Commuters' Wives of Mon- stay against the fare increase," Mr D'Amico said "Even If the fares were misstated by at least 108 percent and possibly by as turn of Departmenl resource! " mouth, Ocean and Middlesex Counties asserted that if their court does not grant a stay, it will probably order the state to much as 166 percent, " the brief charges Mr. D'Amii'o noted that the stale Departipont <>i Transpoi appeal does not sop the Oct. 1 fare increase, the COA will Issue receipts to commuters which can be redeemed it the fare The COA was able lo make up 13 li million more ol the $14 II tation declined to divert 10) hinds (nun other srean ol its hugel probablyJtvy a second fare Increase on rtUl and interstate bus Increase is overturned." million deficit by levying a fare increase on intrastatc bus to avert the initial lure Increase, ami pointed oul that part nl tin commuters this fall to make up the projected J4 million deficit. The "large fluctuations in the figures relating to rail needs commuters too (instead ol just rail and Interstate bus cum increased deficit was caused by a $'' •> million roductiun in John D'Amico Jr., Oceanport, and Hire F. Stuart, Mid- and resources and the budget deficit between April 19,1978, and muters), by requriing the counties to pay JMKI.IHNI lor intra anticipated "new federal funding " "if the Mil million listed undei 'Othei Modifications' is nol forthcoming from revised Federal allocations ill a realliji ution In Marlboro of I HIT resources, then it will runic hum an additional fin Plane crash Commuter wires win one round injures 6 Hy MAIIK MAGYAR TRENTON - Louis J. Gamuamni, slate Iransportatlon commissioner, has appointed a "projects manager" foi tin By JULIE MCDONNELL North Jersey Coast Line in response In a series ol requi MARLBORO - Six persons were Injured yesterday Monniouth County legislators and commute! groups when the single-engine Piper airplane In which they were James Schuyler will serve as "project! manager lor tin flying crashed shortly after takeoff at Marlboro Airport. North Jersey Coast Line electrification project and pthet fund The six, all residents of Old Bridge, were taken to facility improvements on that line," Mr Gambacclnl announced Bayshore Community Hospital, Holmdel, by the Morgan- In a letter to the wives of Monmoutrr, Ocean and Middles* ville First Aid Squad shortly after the 11:30 a.m. crash. Counties The six-passenger plane had just become airborne when The Commuters'Wives, Hep .lames.I Howard, D-N , I anil its engine lost power, and it crashed into the wooded area at Sen. S. Thomas C-agliano, H-Monnioulh, asked Mi Gambacclnl the end of the runway, Colts Neck State Police said. three weeks ago to appoint a project! rnanager who could in The owner and pilot of the plane, Michael Weinstein, 37, held responsible for the progress uf all Improvement! t" tin of 11 Macbeth Drive, Old Bridge, was admitted to the North Jersey Coast Line hospital with a broken ankle and arm and facial cuts. Formerly chief engineer of construction and maintenance, His wife Sheila, 36, was also admitted with multiple Mr. Schuyler will continue in his duties us projei t manager [or injuries, including a fractured right leg and spine. Their son both the North Jersey Coast Line and Erle-Lackawanna elei Robert, 11, was treated and released with cuts and a knee triflcation projects, to which he was assigned in early August injury. as well as overseeing fixed facility Improvements on the Ninth Jersey Coast Line Mr. Welnstein's business associate, his wife, and their Both Miriam Kahn ol Kumson. Commuters' Wives Icadei son, were also Injured in the accident. Richard Bober, 42, of and Sen. (iagliano applauded Mr Gambacclnl'i rcsponslvcnes 24 Pressmlll Road, Old Bridge, was admitted to Bayshore on the matter with a fractured spine, right arm, and possible fractured "We never had anyone we could hold accountable lot Ihi skull. His wife Dorothy was admitted with multiple frac- state of repairs on the line hut imw we have in writing that Mi tures, while their son, Michael, was treated and released. Schuyler is responsible." Mrs Kahn said "It's a tremi'ndou! Police did not know the destination of the two families. step" The Federal Aviation Agency has been called in to :v "The appointment shows that ('nimntssiniiei tlambaci Inl I investigate the crash, police said. MARLBORO PLANE CRASH - Onlookers crowd them from Old Bridge, were injured in the crash. very responsive to the needs of the people said Sen ' Marlboro Airport is located in the Morganville section around the wreckage of a six passenger, single- The tail section, which splintered off, is In the a member of the Senate Transportation Committee "Ho •• of the township, off Route 79. engine Piper aircraft, which crashed into woods forefront of the picture; the fuselage is at rear, proven that he's the right guy (or the job State Trooper Richard Dancisin, Colts Neck, is in at the end of the Marlboro Airport runway, short- hidden by dense woods. charge of the state's investigation. ly after takeoff yesterday. Six passengers, all of increase to rail and bus commuters," the In id ilalw Mr. D'Amico said that the COA is nol required to hold publii hearings before ordering a (are increase Under the Oct 1 fare Increase, mil and Interstate bus commuter fares would increase an average "I Mi pen ent, while intrastate bus commuter fares would go up from 19 In 33 The pope is buckling down to business percent. "Considering that the COA was reluctant to Increase ui VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope John Paul I, after pledging to locked in the Borgia Apartments of the Apostolic Palace, the hierarchy. "We wish to preserve the integrity of the great Instate bus commuter fares to begin with, the probability Is overcome "Internal tension" within the Roman Catholic Church new pope will be crowned Sunday But the Vatican has not discipline of the church in the life of priests and of the faithful," that any fare increase lo make up the (4 million shortfall would and to continue the work ol the two predecessors whose names announced whether the coronation Mass will be in St. Peter's he said, and he called for "a strict response to our will." be borne by rail and interstate hu.s commuters," Mr I) Amii n he took, dug into the business of running the church with a Basilica or in the square in front of it, where Pope Paul VI held This and his insistence on doctrinal continuity was in- said heavy schedule of administrative meetings today. his coronation in 1963 terpreted as a clear indication that he would continue Pope The average fare increase for rail and Interslati AU executive positions in the Vatican Curia, the church's Paul's controversial bans on artificial contraception, married commuters would increase from 10 percent In 18 percenl if tin- central bureaucracy, expired automatically with the death of See related story, puge I priests and the ordination ol women Bui he made no direct M million shortfall was included Pope Paul VI Aug 6, and all major decisions were postponed, reference to these issues dividing the church Mr D'Amico and Mr. Stuart charged that Ken Lev) thi except for the election of the new pope. "He's taughl theology, and he wants to keep the church tine deputy attorney general representing the state in the I The new pontiff must reinstate or replace scores of officials to solid theology,' said Cardinal John Carberry of St. Louis A surprise choice who doesn't have an international reputa- to intimidate them from pursuing the appeal and papal aides ranging from the secretary of state, Cardinal "I don't see much change, but he will be very effective at tion, John Paul Is considered by some a conservative but was Jean Villot of France, to the nuns who care for the pope's continuity of program," said Cardinal John Cody of Chicago "Levy asked me 'Do you realize (he consequence] II you termed a "moderate" by Cardinal John Dearden of Detroit. And apartment and prepare his meals. Sw ISC probing page 2 moderation was the keynote of his speech Sunday to the "I do not have the wisdom or the heart of I'opi- John Nor do Many observers believe the 65-year-old pope will reappoint cardinals in which he pledged to carry on the reforms launched I have the preparation and culture ol l'ope Paul," John Paul most ol them, at least temporarily, while he becomes familiar by the 1962-65 Vatican Council and the programs of Pope Paul. told a crowd of 200,000 in SI Peters Square at noon Sunday with the intricate machinery of the Curia. "However, I stand In their place I must try to serve the church His only experience at the Vatican was as a member of the He said the church's first duty Is evangelization. He also I hope you will help me with your prayers." executive board of the Congregation for Sacraments and Divine pledged to go ahead with the movement for Christian reunifica- He also received his first official invitation (or a trip abroad The I nsitle Story Cult. He has spent nearly all his life in the Venice area, as a tion, "without doctrinal ceding but also without hesitation," to Archbishop Rosendo Huesca of I'uebla, Mexico, sent a telegram priest In his native diocese in the Alps, as bishop of Vittorio carry forward "with patience and firmness" the dialogue with asking him to attend a conference of Latin-American bishops TDK VU. VIII I. II Veneto and for the past nine years as Cardinal Albino Lucianl, non-Christians, and lo help peace initiatives in "the turbulent opening (let 12. Cardinal Pablo Munoz Vega of Quito, Kcuador, Chance of showers today and tonight with seme patriarch of Venice. world." said It was too early to say whether the pope would go abroad so clearlngby tomorrow. Complete report on pace i Elected Saturday on the first day of voting by HI cardinals He made clear he gives high priority lo obedience lo the soon after taking over

Hoses are being picked lor show i > The Cosmos win It all Special Poling hearing is scheduled for today The Sweepstakes Krgallalsovrr S

ByMARKGRAVFN today before Superior Court Ronald L. Horan, which regularities" in the original "I'm optimistic," Mr the hearing last Monday, be Bridge Advice 17 DAILY HECISTEB FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP Judge Patrick J. McGann Jr., started Aug. 9, after he refused court court proceeding on Mr McCue said. cause they had not been de- Business 7 PHONE NUMBERS - Alfred Poling Sr., 82-year- according to James McCue, to pay 1535 in fines for littering Pollng's case Judge McGann last week livered from the municipal Classified 14-11 Main (Illlce 542 IIIOII old former Keyport coun- Mr. Pollng's attorney his own yard at 75 Fulton denied a motion by Mr McCue court files Comics .... 17 Toll Free B7U:il)ll Street. cilman, may be released from Judge McGann signed a "If the Judge finds out there seeking an extension of the Mr McCue said that he and Crossword Puzzle.. ... 17 TeHr'rrr SM-HIW the county jail today, depend- writ of habeus corpus, direct- were irregularities in the or- deadline for appealing the sen his lather Vincent McCue had Kdllorlals . ( Classified Dept.,., Ml I7M big on the success of a hearing ing the Sherrif to produce the Judge McGann signed the ginal proceeding, he might re- tence imposed on Mr Poling asked the judge to sign a writ Knlcrtalnmenl S Circulation Depl Ml MM prisoner for a hearing today, of writ of habeus corpus Satur- mand the case fo a new trial, " See PelilK rase, page 2 Horoscope 17 Sports Depl 141 Him SUriy's day, after Mr. McCue and his said James McCue. "He (Mr But Mr McCue was not James McCue said last night equipped with a transcripts at Ufestyle iz-lj MkMltlown Bureau 171-nst Come watch the game with father Vincent convinced him Poling) should be out of jail by Ubslrr Illaarr JJ.tJ Make A Date 5 Freehold llureau ,431 2192 Hippy Hour tonight. 9-11 p.m. Mr. Poling has been serving that there is reason to believe tomorrow for a new trial, if Sal's Tavern Restaurant. Pour man's Spe'in' Steamers Obituaries 4 Long Branch Bureau 42 Avenue of Two Rivers, a 24-day sentence Imposed by that their client has been im- everything goes well," he Soft Crabs are back Serving 9»c Wharf I'ui. Shrewsbury Sperts ill Matehousc Bureau M9'2»2»:i:in M2-1315. Keyport municipal Judge prisoned Illegally due to "ir- added lunch & dinner Ave, Highlands 2 The DfeflyRefgtaler SHREWSBURY NJ MONUA* AUGUST 28 \

SAN CLEMENTE, CAllf (AP) - Former President Carter heads home Uckart M. Nlxaa greeted more tha% 4M Republicans •y TV Associates' Press Sunday fiZl at a GOP fund raising AMI held at U Casa More oi|"JFK early...for battle Pacif ica, his seaside estate More thaa flto.000 was (AP) - The Dallas Morning News said in a raised by the $2W-per person GRAND TETON NA nuclear-powered aircraft ear- copyright story Sunday that at least five people claim to find a formula for peace in that reception, the first political TIONALPAKK, Wyo (AP) - ner He maintains that Con- have met men who identified themselves as Secret Service region event given by the former President Carter, determined gress cut too much money agents in Dealey Plaza just before the assassination of "The president will be talk- chief executive since he re- to win the congressional light from other defense areas to President John F Kennedy The Warren Commission re ing by telephone and perhaps signed from office In August over his embattled energy leg authorize the carrier port on the assassination said none of the 28 Secret Service meeting personally with mem- islation, is ending ins vacation 1174 after the Watergate scan- agents protecting Kennedy was on foot at the scene during As ( aitei was fishing for bers of the Congress on thece two days early and returning dal that time The News said all but one of the encounters were trout, Powell told reporters to Washington on Wednesday (domestic) matters, particu- State Rep. Robert Badham, In the parking lot near the old Texas School Book. De there was no point in continu- larly energy," Powell said R Newport Beach, speaking pository, from which the Warren Commission said Lee White House tnu MCTf ing the vacation if the presi Carter's natural gas legisla- for the United Republican Fi- Harvey Oswald alone fired three shots at the Kennedy tary Jody Powell announced drill had to spend "all day and nance Committee of Orange Sunday that Cartel would tion became endangered when motorcade on Nov. 22, HMJJ Gordon t. Arnold told the News a good portion of the night County, said Nixon limited his shave two days fiom Ins two a group of Democrats and Re- he was moving toward a railroad bridge to shoot movies ol Working on these domestic brief speech mainly to reminis- week western holiday to vvoik publicans, led by Senate Mi- the motorcade when "this guy just walked towards me and concerns " cing about his Orange County said that 1 shouldn't be up there " Arnold, a soldier at the on "some very crucial nority Leader Howard Baker, But, when asked if Carter past, including the early years time, now works for the Dallas Department of Consumer domestic matters that ire H Term , withdrew support for has spent most of his time when he was practicing law In NICE CATCH - Amy Carter holds a nice trout she Affairs He was not called by the Warren Commission and before Congress " the compromise measure. since he arrived here Thurs La Habra landed during a fishing trip to Yellowstone Lake. has not been interviewed by the House Select Committee on Heading the list is delicate The president said Friday day working, Powell replied: Badham said Nixon gave no The first family was on vacation In Wyoming, near Assassinations Arnold said that when he Challenged the natural gas compromise U'gi.s he expects a showdown vote on "No He hasn't been doing indication of plans (or his own Jackson Mole.. man, he showed him a badge and said he was a Secret lation that is the centerpiece of the bill soon after Sept 11. that That is the whole point political future cal Democratic figure and Service agent Arnold said he then went to the "grassy Carter's energy plan The measure to lift federal should have resigned from We have decided — or the Nixon, with his wife, Pat, at publisher of the New York knoll" adjacent to the depository, and "felt" a shot come Powell called I lie hiiii ever price controls from newly dis- public office after the April 15 president decided — he wants his side, greeted the 420 invited Law Journal. from behind him. the measure — in lertoill tTOU\ covered natural gas by 1985 is incident in Washington guests as they arrived at the Brown, who was en route to ble on Capitol Hill - "as dil to go back " opposed by some liberals who "This Is one Isolated inci- estate that once was known as the National Governors Con- ficult as any ili.ii we have Although the president will claim it would drive up gas dent that I've got to match More troubles Tor M«'iii|ilii-> 1 the Western White House ference in Boston, insisted, faced in Congress." He vowed, find Congress out of town when bills and by conservatives with my 2M>dd years service he return!, Powell said C'rter to the city, state and federal "I'm not running for president. MEMPHIS, Tenn (AP) — An economic boycott by "We don't intend to lose " from natural gas-producing ••• will be busy all next week witli government, and to the black No, no." blacks may be called if a white Michigan school adminis- But he said the adniinis- states who want immediate de- COLORADO SPRINGS, a Mideast summit at ('limp community," Richmond said He said that in what is "an trator does not reject the city school superintendent's job, tration also is concerned iboul regulation. Colo. (AP) - Former Presi- David, Md , and needed Thurs- dent GeraM Ferd scored a (7 Richmond and Bernard (ill historic difficult moment, a pe- black leaders told two meetings Sunday "Whatever it a Sept. 7 House vote on over Powell said that if Congress day and Friday to work on In leading the U.S. team to a lard, the former No.2 man in riod of transition," it Is "very takes, we are going to do," said the Hev James Smith, riding Carter's AUK L7 veto of fails to approve the com- 1 domestic legislation that Con- 20-stroke victory In the 16th the city's public school system, difficult to be president.... I'm head of Local 1733 of the American Federation of State, a |37 billion defense sppropi IB promise, the only alternative is grcsl will consider shortly af- Annual World Senior Interna- are seeking the Democratic glad I'm not in that job right County and Municipal Employees "If the white structure tlon bill. to do nothing at all. ter it returns Irom a Labor tional Team Golf cham- nomination in Brooklyn's 14th now." thought they had a problem when the fire and policemen Powell said the admiins "If Congress fails to act .., Day recess Sept. 6 pionships at the Broadmoor Congressional District. Brown noted that "can- went out, Just wait." The naming of William Coats of tration expects lo sustain the it is going to continue the con- Grosse Pointe, Mich., as school superintendent last week veto and then help rewrite the Country Club. They exchanged charges didates from the other 49 The three way summit gressional debate over this states all come to Beverly and Coats' weekend visit to Memphis brought protest bill "to reflect the president'! among Carter, Israeli Prime question, which has gone on The four-man U.S. team yesterday on WNBCTVs HUls or San Francisco looking demonstrations from 17 organizations Black parents pick- views more completely than Minister Menachcm Begin and now (or almost 30 years, and it Saturday posted a 209, the total "Here and Now" program, for funds for their campaigns. eted Coats' arrival at Memphis International Airport and before " Kgyptian President Anwar is going to destroy the hope for of the lowest three scores, to with Gilford saying, "I think (New York Democratic Sen.) his appearance Friday before the Board of Education Carter objects to the MITl Sadat begins Sept 5 and will a national energy policy for finish the two-day cham- Fred could have spared Pat Moynihan was out there Blacks are protesting the naming of Coats over Willie provision of \'i billion for a last Indefinitely in an effort to this country," he declared. pionships with a 422,20 strokes himself and the community Herenton, a black city school administrator and one of six ahead of second-place Austral- and all of us a great deal of recently. And a lot of former finalists for the position ia. Twenty-three teams com- agony by resigning." New Yorkers now live In Cali- peted in the event. fornia " ••• Khcel Met-* long press utrikr ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) McCarthy's urging RIO, III. (AP) - Ed — Fried chicken, baked beans NEW FAIRFIELD, Conn. NEW YORK (AP) - Labor mediator Theodore Kheel (iullstraod is the town barber, and actress Elliabelk Taylor (AP) — Douglas Fairbanks Jr. predicted Sunday that the nearly I bier week old strike that school custodian, hardware were the drawing cards at a , who has appeared in more has shut down' New York's three major dally newspapers man, coffee shop manager, "Sizzling '70's Picnic" to raise than 75 movies, Is looking for a will not beresolved soo n "It'll be some while yet before the grocer and gas station atten- money for the U.S. Senate swan song, but not on film. publishers, because of the pressures of not printing news- pair's suspension dant. He's also a fireman, foot- campaign of Miss Taylor's The actor, renowned for papers, and the employees, because of the pressures of not ball referee, little league coach husband, John Warner. roles in movies like "Gunga getting paid, will so modify their positions that a Joint MIDDLKTOWN - Police lias sent a memo to Harry Lar- and informed the workers that and church board member. Warner was nominated two Din" and "Angels Over Broad- decision on agreement can be reached," he said in an Chief Joseph M McCarthy, rison Jr., director of the Board they would have to have a He used to be the school bus weeks ago to replace Richard way," Is weighing whether lo interview on WCBS-TV's "Public Affairs" program. The yesterday called for the sus oi Freeholders, which supports flagman stationed because the driver, but exchanged jobs Obenshain, killed in an air- make a long-postponed Broad- key to any agreement, he said, is the extent of the guaran- pension of two Monnioutli the claims ol the roadworkers cones were not sufficient to with the custodian to be closer plane crash Aug. 8, and his way debut with a new musical tees provided to striking pressmen The strike began when County road workers involved that they hail done nothing properly direct traffic," said to his other duties In this town wife filled in for him at the revue that Is playing on the the pressmen walked out after management at the New in an altercation with two of wrong, Officer Loigman. of 273 persons. Sunday event while he cam- summer theater circuit, "Out York Post, New York Times and New York Daily News his officers last Tuesday ."Mr. Sweet is head ill safe- The workers replied that it Gullstrand, 3D, first ran the paigned in Dlnwlddie County. on a Limb." posted new working conditions that would have reduced Police have charged ECrneal ty, and he should do something town's barber shop and took was not their job to direct traf- Nearly 700 people showed "I won't make up my mind pressroom staffs. Koane, Patricia Drive, Nep- about thi.s incident, " said over the coffee shop when its fic and used profanity, police up and Miss Taylor spent until October whether the tune, with interfering witli a Chief McCarthy "Is this any owner died. He bought the said. about an hour shaking hands show is strong enough to try to police officer, and Vincent way to run a traffic safety building next door, knocked When Patrolman Pegut in- and chatting with the crowd in take it to Broadway," the 68- Plan largfHl steel mill Uionfriddo, Locust Ave., Ni'p program?" he asked. out the wall and put in a gro- sisted a flagman be stationed, Fort Ward Park. The informal tune, with two counts o( .simple cery store. year-old actor said. ERIE, Pa. (AP) — Andrew Carnegie first dreamed of a The roadworkers are Mr Roane grabbed him by the event was sponsored by the assault and with interference steel mill along Lake Erie more than 75 years ago, but that scheduled to appear in the shoulder and shoved him, In- When the hardware store city's Republican committee. with a police officer, in iminer township's Municipal Court on was In the days when "EPA" were Just letters In the sisting heatedly that he would went bankrupt, he added a ••• MARYSVILLE, Mich. tlon with the incident Sept 14 . police said hardware section. Then he got (AP) - Silvio l.uclanl pre- alphabet and belching smokestacks symbolized economic not direct the traffic and that SOUTHAMPTON, N.Y. The arresting officers, Pa- The incident reportedly oc- a gasoline pump installed out- dicted two years ago his first vitality. Although Carnegie never built the plant, his com Patrolman Pegut should not (AP) - California Gov. Jerry trolman Thomas Peglll and cured alter Patrolman Pegut side. cousin Albino l.uclanl would be pany's successor, U.S. Steel Corp., has proposed the interfere with the work, Of- Brawn came East to campaign Special Officer Roliert Mm went to investigate complaints Gullstrand says his wife, the next pope. The 79-year-old world's largest steel mill for the same 3,000-acre site ficer Loigman said. at an elegant Long Island es- rell, and the two road workers from motorists about the Saadra; his mother, Ratk old retired handyman was straddling the Pennsylvania-Ohio border. U.S. Steel says "Patrolman Pegut told tate, explaining he was acting the facility would integrate for the first time in the U.S. the were all reportedly treated at placement of traffic cones on Larsoa; his mother-in-law, proven right Saturday. Lu- Hoane that he was under ar- "in self defense" because can- newest steelmaklng technology at one site. US Steel's area hospitals for injuries re- New Momuoiitli ltoad, where HatUe Bland; his 16-year old clanl, a World War I veteran of rest for assault and battery, didates from all over the coun- announcement nearly two years ago was welcomed with a ceived in the altercation roadworkers were painting daughter Jeaa Ana; and his 13- the Italian army, was watch- and Uionfriddo interfered with try come to California. chorus of approval The proposed VI •> billion mill was seen "My men were 10(1 percent lines. the arrest by attempting to year-old son, David, help out. ing television in his trailer in a The $100-a-couple fun- mobile home park Saturday as a potential money machine — churning out payrolls that perfectly in the right," as- According to Special 01- free Roane from Pegut's con- "It's a family affair," he draiser Sunday was attended when he heard of his cousin's would boost local economies for miles around serted Chief McCarthy They licei Larrry I.uigman, normal trol," said Officer Loigman. said by about 200 people, including election as pope were assaulted by the county procedure in placing cones on "Morrell arrived and they sub- ••• road workers and I demand a busy road, where only one singer-composer Paul Simon, dued both men," he said. NEW YORK (AP) - U.S. "Oh, my arms and legs Rt'inahiH <>l s<- returned that the county take action lane Is open, is to use a actress Gilda Radner of "Sat- According to Mr. Sweet's Rep. Fred Richmond said yes- were shaking when they said against the workers They flagman. urday Night Live," television HONOLULU (AP) - The remains of 15 U.S. ser- memo, Mr.Roane acceded to terday that the period since his Albino Lucianl was the new should be suspended." When Patrolman I'egut ar- .commentator and author vicemen killed in the Indochina war were returned to U.S. Patrolman Pegut's demand for arrest in April for soliciting pope," Luciani said In an in- Richard T O'Connor, coun- rived on the scene he removed Shana Alexander and local res- soil here Sunday as congressmen accompanying them a flagman, and was grabbed sex from an underage male terview with the Port Huron ty counsel, has rcconi mended the cones because he did not ident Lee Radzlwlll, sister of reported strong overtures from the Vietnam government by the officer and thrown had been the worst time of his Times Herald. "I've been tell- that there be no suspension ol set; a road crew working in the Jacqueline Onassis. for normalizing relations with the United States. against his truck as he turned life. ing people around here that for the workers, based on an in- particular area, but found The event, arranged by Pallbearers from the various military services carried the to radio the request for a But the Democratic con- the last two years, but nobody itial inquiry them sitting in a truck up the Manhattan Borough President IS flag-drapped metal transfer cases oil an Air Force C-141 flagman to a supervisor. gressman from Brooklyn re- would take me seriously. They And Ilichard Sweet, Mon- road. Officer Loigman said. Andrew Stein, was held on the cargo Jet and placed them aboard two Army buses Both Mr. Roane and Mr. jected his September primary never heard of my cousin. Bui mouth County traffic engineer. Officer Pcgul went over lawn at the home of Stein's Glofriddo could not be reached opponent's suggestion that he father, Jerry Finkelstein, a lo- they heard about him today." for comment yesterday. Mr. Roane reportedly sus- ISC probing tained a broken left arm, liga- ment damage to his right arm, (continued) lion Union and the City of Bayonnc challenging the COA's and agravated a back Injury, Racial tensions high while Mr. Glonfriddo reported- win? The state will have no alternative but to cut service,'" Mr decision to discontinue the "Bayonne Shuttle," which carried ly suffered facial cuts and D'Amlco reported. "I turned to (Sen S. Thomas) Gagliano, and 400 daily commuters between Cranford and Bayonne. "We bruises from the incident. said "Then the ball will be In the legislature's court.'" expect the suits to be consolidated because botlt cases question Police say the Injuries were in Mississippi towns John Mortensen, Little Silver, Irate Shore Commuters whether the COA fulfilled its statutory duly to investigate and not reported to them. Patrol- chairman, agreed that the legislature would not permit a determine' the financial results ol Conrall in 1977." JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - man Pegut and Officer Morrell In February, stem from the The Klan has reacted to the discontinuation of service, and referred to Mr. Levy's remark The briet notes that II W lleikner, assistant director of the Racial tension Is simmering in were treated at Riverview Tupelo police department's re- new black activity with in- is "a typical case of Goliath trying to intimidate David." DOT division of commuter services, testified at the Bed Bank three Mississippi towns, with Hospital In Red Bank after the fusal to dismiss two captains creased action of Its own. hearing held by the COA on May 19,197H. "that the fare increase the Ku Klux Klan holding ever sir. D'Amlco and Mr. Stuart said they expected Mr. Levy to Incident, police said who were held responsible by a and all the data on it are based upon estimates." more strident rallies in reac- argue that the COA has made significant strides since Louis J Officer Loigman said that federal judge for beating a "Furthermore." the brief stale.;. "In the absence of an in- tion to well-organized black Gambacctnt took over as stale-transportation commissioner. police would be interviewing black Inmate. Will meet vestigation or audit ol Com ail's historical financial results from boycotts of white merchants. "But we don't feel the court can dismiss our case on the witnesses tomorrow, but the The officers were demoted providing passenger service the IDA has no basis for determin- This weekend, 12 pickets in basis of new Department attitudes," Mr. Stuart said "That's case requires no further In- and transferred to the fire de- ing (1) whether there is any "loss shown" anil (2) whether the a boycott-connected march on Ernston like Colson being born again — it doesn't erase Watergate." vestigation. partment. They eventually re- anticipated deficit Is accurate, reasonable or even real" were arrested, Including four Mr. D'Amlco and Mr. Stuart filed a motion for consolidation Officer Loigman, who is signed, but by that time de- The hearing examiner at the Red Bank hearing recom- Roman Catholic nuns. At a of their appeal with the appeal filed by the United Transporta- chairman of the township's mands for their ouster had Road mended that the COA Investigate charges by the Irate Shore Klan gathering, four Safety Council, asserted that coupled with broader econom- Commuters' Wayne Monteau. Oceanport, that "Conrad's fig- Klansmen were emboldened to TRENTON - State Sena- changes are necessary in road ic demands and the boycott ures are grossly inaccurate and that the COA anil commuters strip off their hoods and reveal tor S. Thomas Gagliano Poling case repair safety procedures. began. are being overcharged." thf brief states themselves as a businessman (R-llth) has announced that a "Instances have been Lexington's boycott, also by (continued) "Because the department did not investigate or audit Con- and three local police officers. meeting to discuss the Ernston by Judge Horan for contempt brought to my attention in the blacks upset over alleged po- rail's figures, the evil which the stale statute was designed to "There's no such thing as Road intersection problem has of habeus corpus, after study- of court' at one of his father's past of hazardous traffic condi- lice brutality and Insufficient prevent goes unchecked, that is, the overcharging of the com- the New South," says Alfred been scheduled with Depart- ing scripts of three hearings hearings. tions created at road repair minority hiring, Is in Its third muters by Conrail." the brief states • "Skip" Robinson, a contractor ment of Transportation of- for Mr Poling, before Judge Donald said that he felt sites being worked on by Mon- month. and veteran civil rights leader ficials. The meeting will take Horan Judge Horan had said things The appeal also challenges the (are increase as "un- mouth County employees," On Saturday, police who heads the United League place at 12:30 p.m. Thursday Mr. McCue said that he and he shouldn't have at his reasonable and unjust in new of the service provided. said Officer Loigman. claimed the marching pickets of Mississippi. "There's more at D.O.T. Headquarters In his father had discovered "Ir- father's hearing, and he re- "When the previous fare HICK use in train fares was ap- Officer Loigman said that were blocking pedestrians on racism in Mississippi In 1978 Trenton. Senator Gagliano regularities" In at least two of membered one Instance In par- proved In December 1975, promises were made to New Jersey private contractors are re- the sidewalks and charged 10 than there was In 1962 " sent a letter to Transportation the hearings, In studying tran- ticular. commuters by the DOT regarding improvements in service," quired under municipal or- people, including the nuns, Commissioner Louis J. Gam- scripts of the hearings they "I made an honest mistake the brief states "At the Unit those promises were made, the dinances to post flagmen when Indeed, the situation Is with disorderly conduct. Two bacclni requesting a meeting received late last week. in confusing my address with DOT had available sufficient fund! from the l%« bond issue to their work Interferes with the strangely reminiscent of Mis- men were charged with threat- with commuters at the Mr. McCue declined to my father's," said Donald Implement promised Improvements flow of traffic. sissippi's racial troubles In the ening an officer and assaulting Ernston Road Intersection. comment on what the Ir- "The judge said: You Polings "In addition, Federal matching funds were available," the "The county , which does 1960s. an officer. The Commissioner relayed the regularities might be. don't know where you live " brief continues "Virtually none of the promised improvements not fall under the provisions of A boycott of white-owned The nuns, members of a information to Assistant Com- Mr. Poling's son, Donald, Donald said he had visited have been made ... Instead, the railroad system of New Jersey the ordinances, has often businesses in Tupelo and Franciscan order that has missioner Russell Mullen who who lives next door to his his father at the Jail Saturday has continued to deter mi,ili- proven to be uncooperative in Okolona, spearheaded by the done social work in the black agreed to the meeting, but In- father in a trailer house, said "He was a little wobbly on The appeal also contends thai the (ale increase should be response to our complaints," United League and punctuated community and actively sup- stead of the on-slte location, to he was unaware of the actions his feel," said Donald, recall- invalidated "because it is not based on credible evidence and said Officer Loigman. by weekly League marches ports the boycott, have been have it in Trenton. taken by the attorneys when ing when his father got up to will not produce additional revenue We are concerned that Mr. and occasional Klan counter- sharply criticized by some res- reached for comment last return to his cell after their The brief challenges Mr lleikneis assumption at the Bed Sweet's reaction reported in rallies, has spawned arrests idents. Seek 2 in assault night. "If pop get's out, we'll conversation Bank hearing that ncleiship will drop only three percent for the newspapers demonstrates and tense confrontations. The nuns said last week throw a party," he said"! "The guard grabbed him each 10 percent fare increase, noting that losses alter the Dec The latest arrests came in more concern for defending that men parked in cars out- TINTON FALLS - The miss my father a lot." and kept him up," said Donald 1975 fare increase ranged from 7 3H percent on the Kne Lexington, a town of 2,700 peo- his employees than for the side their house had insulted manager of the Hilton Inn was His father was stuck half Lackawanna lo between 14 and IS percent cm the North Jersey ple about ISO miles from Donald Poling said that the safety of the motoring public." them and eggs had been reportedly attacked shortly at- way through a letter he was Coast Line Tupelo In the central part of lawyers had "tnsinulated" to Officer Loigman said he in- thrown at their car. The ter 1 a.m. this morning by two writings to Oov Brendan T. the state, where other groups Mm that the transcripts might _ The brief also argues that the COA'S decision to raise lares tended to remind Mr. Sweet harassment prompted a rare white males, who fled the Byrne, Donald said. are leading the boycott, also reveal irregularites. "is contrary lo energy conservation sad environmental protec- that police officers are better news conference by the Rev. scene. Officer Kermit Brown against white-owned stores. Donald recalled that be "His pencil ran out of lion policies," including the prellrtilnaiv draft ol the Slate trained at evalutating traffic Joseph Brunlni, bishop of the is in charge of the investiga- himself had nearly been jailed lead," Donald explained Energy Masler Plan, released in May I97H hazards than roadworkers. The protests, which began Diocese of Jackson. tion SHREWSBURY NJ MONDAY AUGUST 28 1978 I "he Bamberger's says: put issue on ballot Register NEWARK (AP) - B»mberger'» depart Ml meat stores, on* of the strongest proponents of As an alternative to Graves' bill, stale Sen photos by repealing the Sunday closing laws, will ask its Martin Greenberg, D Essen, has proposed leg customers to urge legislators to put the blue (station that would reinstate the blue laws when Carl Forino laws Issue on the November ballot the criminal code goes into effect "We leel we are on very lirm ground." said If the Graves' bill does not come out of the Abbott Gomberg, a Bamberger's senior vice Assembly, there will be no chance "to revise president. "We want to make legislators aware these archaic laws," Gomberg said "All that that consumers want to shop on Sundays ' we are asking is that pople be given a fair The Newark-based retailer, which operates chance to express their opinions M stores In New Jersey and Pennsylvania, will "We've decided to use our resources to try begin asking its customers Thursday ID support and get consumers to encourage their leglsla a referendum proposal sponsored by state Sen tors to support the Craves' bill We are not Frank X. Graves, D-Passaic. The bill cleared asking for help from anyone, but we have the Senate by a 27-7 vote and Is before the informed other stores in the area o( our plans." Assembly he added The blue laws, in effect in Essex, Union, Gomberg said Bamberger's will set up Middlesex, Bergen, Hudson, Passalc, Morris, tables Thursday at each of its stores in the 10 Monmouth, Somerset and Cumberland coun- counties affected by Sunday closings ties, were upheld recently by the state Su- Customers, he added, would be asked to preme Court. send postcards to legislators to show their The Sunday closing laws were repealed In support of the Graves' bill New Jersey's revised penal code. The criminal "Bamberger's Is confident that in any refer code, signed earlier this month by C.ov Bren endudm situation the public will vote to shop cm dan T Byrne, goes into effect in September Sundays." he added Fiesta success? By JULIE WOLF day are from a number of His- tastic Job," Mrs Clayton said dancing by "JUKI picking it LONG BRANCH - There panic organizations represent- The faces of numerous par up." Both young women suld was an Hispanic flavor to the ing different countries," Ms ticlpants In the fiesta showed they coma to the festival every city yesterday, as hundreds of Soto said. she was right. As one of the year "It's great." Miss Illvera people Joined in the 14th an- The Rev. Felix Santana, of bands struck up a catchy tune, said They are both of l'uerlo nual Hispanic Fiesta, on Ocean the First Presbyterian Church several couples began dancing Hican origin and Miss HIVIMU Avenue.. in Asbury Park, said "the fact Hi*- Latin hustle was born in l'uerlo Rlio The visitors, who Included a that different Hispanic or- Another major attraction number of promlnant political gainizations are getting togeth- Although the grassy field was greased pole climbing figures, were treated to lively er as one ethnic group Is very did not provide an ideal dance floor, Maria Collazo, II, of The crowd shouted with music and dancing, a choice of important, amusement as one person »( exotic foods and several enter- "This means that as an Port Monmouth and Rlda Klv- era, IS, of Keyport, sevmed tu ter another slipped down the taining diversions. ethnic group we are maturing pole,unable to reuihthe lop The organlzors of the event, culturally and politically The be having a great time dancing The Spanish Franternlty of fact that four of the five lief together There were pony rides for Monmouth County, said yes- holders are here today In- "1 Just love all kinds of the very young children also terday's turnout was the larg- dicates that the Hispanic vot- dancing," Miss Collazo said and an ethnic dance per est ever. The fiesta Is jointly ing block is becoming impor- She said she had learned Latin formance. sponsored by the fraternity tant," the Rev. Santana said. and the city. Freeholders Harry "We're really pleased with rison, Ernest Kavalek, Jane RAILROAD TIES the crowd, especially the Clayton and Thomas Lynch at- number of young people. One tended the festival. Bruce Coe, re$sure of the main reasons for the Republican congressional can- #3 $5 99 P fiesta is to give the youngsters didate, was present also. 4x6x8 creosote $4.99 The! Spanish Fraternity of Monmouth County sponsored the Hispanic Fiesta in a sense of their culture and Mayor Henry R. Ciof fi and oth- backround," said Alba Soto, er city officials turned out for 6x6x8 creosote $7.49 Long Branch, which among other things featured bands to the music of which some coordinator of the event. the festivities, too. 6x8x8 creosote $9.99 danced the Latin hustle. The band above is Conjunto Ambiente and it is from Newark. Ms. Soto and other Hispanic The notables all praised the leaders said the festival was organizors of the event, saying also evidence of the growing they were impressed with the MONMOUTH BUILDING CENTER unity between different Latin turnout. 777 SHREWSBURY AVENUE, SHREWSBURY Long on people; short on land groups. "The participants to- "I think they've done a fan-

New Jersey has more than belong to a private or munici- beaches. peror Court Judge Harold 7 million residents but only 128 pal beach club. For that reason, the State Kaplan In Toms River. miles of Atlantic shoreline. The beachfront has his- Department of Environmental Those facts have led to a six- torically been considered part" Protection will no longer give The legal battle began in year battle between those who of the public domair. But those public funds to any community 1972 when Neptune, a shore want to use the sea and sand who Uve on and/occupy the that maintains restricted town without a beach, won its and those who own the turf. beaches see it 4n|erently. beaches. suit against Avon-by-the Sea. The sand and turf fight State authorities have not shows no signs of diminishing forced property owners to pro- This Is now being even as another summer challenged in state courts. The ' vide a9(.ess to the sea and sand draws to a close. Despite law- teeg'use much of the shoreline New Jersey Supreme Court Is suits, legislative actions, regu- Is Yandlocked and can only be expected to rule this fall on lations and administrative de- Reached by crossing private public access to the beach in cisions to make the entire At- property. Deal. lantic shoreline available to But the property owners Access to Hay Head, a the general public, portions of; and municipalities who warn the Jersey shore ramain privately held beach and a sunseekers not to trespass do limits to those who do lot h\ more complicated Issue, is in a coastal cg accept millions of dollars in scheduled for a pre-trial con- public aid to protect the ference next month before Su- f Weather: Showers possible

Veiierjfty's high te_- and Delaware Bay (•rrveitM hour period Albany 7S 50 •eratara/ tl n«. Register's Winds southeast to south 10 Albuque 91 59 **»»!» SUUM was U aid the to 20 knots Monday becoming Amorillo ff cdy Put Atlanta « .11 cdy •" "it degrees At > p.m. Ike south to southwest 10 to IS Aim,mi i iy it n U 64 '•eaperatare was 71, the rela- knots Monday night. Weather Birmingham n 7i .09 cdy tive tamMlty 78 per cent aid mostly cloudy with showers Boston 71 » cdy Brownsville n u BtfV the temperature humidity In- and a few thundershowers into Buffalo 71 54 rn your ChorlitnSC If 71 M cdy dex 71. Ovenlgfcl tow tern- Monday night. Visibility 3 to 5 Chicago 13 7? 06 rn peratire was 72 degrees. miles in haze with locally low- Cincinnati M 67 » rn Cleveland It U rn There wu .11 laches of pre- er visibilities in showers and Columbus 17 70 03 rn cipitation ti the M hoars eld Dal Ft. Wlh some fog. Average wave Denver w « cay lag at f a.m. today. There DesMolnes •* 69 1.19 cdy name heights 1 to 3 feet through Mon- were 8 cooling degree days Detroit W 61 rn day. Honolulu I* 77 clr yesterday, 117 for the month to Houslon 91 77 rn indopolli » 70 .12 rn date aid 8M for the season. Jochs'vllle 91 69 clr TIDES Kan's City VI M M cdy Cloudy and the chance of a Lot Vegas 103 6S clr TODAY - High 4:58 p.m. Lltilf Rock 97 71 cdy where it few showers today. Some sun- Los Angeles W 64 clr shine later today, then the pos- and low 11:30 p.m. Louisville 93 71 rn TOMORROW - High 5:30 Memphis 91 71 rn sibility of thunderstorms Mon- Miami " » clr a.m. and 5:51 p.m. and low Milwaukee 17 6S .17 cdy day night Into Tuesday. Lows Mplt-St. P. 77 61 1.65 Cdy Monday night 70 to 75. Highs 11:13 a.m. and —p.m. New Orleans W 77 15 rn For Red Bank and rumson NiwYorh I? 66 rn Norfolk 17 69 cdy counts the most. Monday and Tuesday in the bridge, add two hours; Sea Orlando « 71 clr upper 70s to low 80s. Probabili- Phllod'phia U 74 05 rn ty of showers SO percent Mon- Bright, deduct 10 minutes: Phoenix 104 71 ctr Long Branch, deduct 15 Pittsburgh 13 59 rn THIS WEEK'S day and 40 percent Monday Pllond. Ore 77 53 cdy minutes; Highlands bridge, Reno M 39 clr DINNER SPECIAL on a Central Jersey Bank night. Winds southeast to south Richmond M 71 rn about 10 mph Monday. Ocean add 40 minutes. SI. Louis 93 7} 08 cdy Stuffed WAfHINOTON - Notl«nol WtotlHr SI P. Tampa 94 7S clr water temperatures are in the Salt Lake 13 S4 clr Flounder mid 70s. Marine* forecasts: p#foturti (or 11 hour period, minimum San Olego 71 69 Clr with crabmeal High Interest Savings Book! ttmp*rorur«i tor IMtour p«rlod ond art SonFron 69 M clr with potato Manasaquan to Cape Henlopen ctfltotltn tor M-htvr p«rl»d «n«lnfl f Seattle 71 SI cdy p.m., plui Hr«c«t hlo*.low ond wtolhcr Spokane '5 44 rn Molly Pitcher Salad Washington 17 7ft clr with House Dressing. When your name is on a CJB savings bonk, you'll HI—YMttrtey'tMffi. Rolls. Golden Nugget Cake Lt—YMltntoy't I* w • Prc-Pretlpltoti»ft tor 14 hturs end- get interesting reading... with the highest interest Htff p.m. EOT yettertfay $795 The Daily Register Ollk-Slty c•winlent ovltotk t«r U- rates the law allows us to pay. Make your money Monday through Thw»d«, grow with a regular savings account or investors iwdttM Specials he* UM The Sunday Register Sunday Dlnntrt passbook savings account at Central Jersey Bank Published by The Red Bonk Register from 12 noon Established In 1171 by John H Cook ond Henry Clay and Trust Company. Put your name on a CJB high Main Otficf One Register Plata. Shrewsbury. N J, 07701 8'/)x11 OFFSET \ interest book today.

Branch Offices •;eRt.35,Mldd1ttOwn,N J 07741 XEROX COPIES Monmouth County Courthouse. Freehold, N j 07731 779 Broodwoy, Long Branch, NJ 07740 Storehouse, Trtnlan. NJ 0M35 INSTANT Member o» the Associated Press. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively lo the use of all me local news printed in the newspaper as wall as oil AP news dispatches PRINTING Member ol the American Ntwtpoptr Publishers Association, the Audit Bureau of Circulation, the Ntw Jersey Press Association While You wait CENTRE JERSEY RANK Second Class postage paid at Red Bank, NJ, O7701 ond at Mlddleiown. NJ 07741 Published Sunday through Frldoy. Mall (ubscrlpll»nspovoble In advance. Term Dally Sunday Dally and pc 29 CONVENIENT OFFICES Only Only Sunday 170 Monmolith SliMt Hifkwoy 3$, ltd knit On* Year WJ« »'•» WOO MEMBER FDIC Home delivery by Carrier - Dolly ond Sundov 90ctntso week. Sunday fl*d Bank, 741-9300 (201) 747-2500 MIDDLESEX • MONMOUTH • OCEAN • UNION ^^W^copvof Counter -Dolly IScenis; Sundav Hcents. 4 The LMlyRegfeler SHREWSBURY NJ MONDAY AUGUST 28 19?6

IIIIIIIIIMIUMIIMIIIUIillllllllllMltllUIIIIMIIIiUtlUIIIIIIMIIltlKIII Illlltll Illlllltl •.., Obituaries Time may already tell a good story illlllllllllllMIIIIIIIHIIII llltlllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIM II MIMIIIIIIIII Mrs. Ann K. Carmody VATICAN CITY (AP) - pontifical "we," Pope John tian unity back in the field to be elected Several cardinals and "An unknown " "Only time Paul I told 200.000 persons "The mutual relationship pope on the first day of others cited his firm com- RED BANK -Mrs Ann E Born in Hoboken, Mrs will tell" "Half and half," jamming St Peter's Square among the churches of the balloting was still conclave mitment to stability of doc- Carmody, 10, of 5J Manor Carmody lived in Rumson they said of the new pope of Sunday: "I do not have the various denominations has secret. trine and moral disciplines Drive, die yesterday at Mon before moving here five years the Roman Catholic Church wisdom of heart of Pope made constant and ex- it's a myitery to me, In his speech to the mouth Medical Center, Long ago But he quickly began filling John Nor do I have the prep- traordinary advances," he and to say he's a nice guy cardinals, he declared his in- Branch She was a communicant of the void with simple candor aration and culture of Pope said. Yet the divisions re- doesn't explain the mystery tent to "preserve the integri- St James Roman Catholic and commitments Paul However, I stand in main a "contradiction and a at all," said the Rev. Robert ty" of the church's discipline Ollit- I). Johnson Church,here Shunning the customary their place " scandal." Graham, a church historian and faith, and to get on with Surviving are her husband, Speaking earlier to the He pledged his attention and Vatican expert. completing revision of the FREEHOLD - OUie D T George Carmody, a daugh- cardinals who elected him, "to everything that would fa- Some theorised that the church laws so as to shore up Johnson, 87, of 12 Avenue A, ter, Mrs James Luzier of Fair he reviewed the issues con vor union" without "diluting fact that he had aot served in its principles with the -soli died Saturday at his home Haven, a brother, John Vol- fronting the church and set doctrine" but also "without the Curia, the Vatican bu- darlty and firmness of Born in FrankUnton M.C., lkommer of Fairview; four sis- himself firmly to press on hesitation." reaucracy, was a factor in juridical structures " he had lived here 52 years ters, Mrs Katherine Donohue with reforms launched by Since he became patri- his favor with other bishops Vatican scholars saw lit He retired in ItM as a of Bogota. Mrs Mary the 1M2-S5 Second Vatican arch of Venice in 1M>, it has who have hid their dif- tie chance of any shift in the maintenance worker at the Spellman of Uradell, Mrs Council, carefully but with become a kind of ecumenical ficulties with Curia. controversial bans on John L. Montgomery Medical Helen Ciser of Eatontown and vigor center for meetings of Cath- Some assessments of the artificial contraception, Home, Freehold Township. Mrs. Charlotte Assisi of Jersey He acknowledged the tur- olic officials with Anglicans, new pope weie conflicting. married priests and ordina- He was a trustee of the Sec- City, and two grandchildren bulence of discontent and Pentecostals, Jews and Prot- Cardinal Terepce Cooke of tion of women. ond Baptist Church here grandchildren contention buffeting the estant and Eastern Orthodox New York called him In his speech, the new He was the husband of the The John E Day Funeral church But the church "is representatives of the World "warm, friendly and smil- pope recognized that "con- late Mrs. Ora Brodie Johnson, Home, Red Bank, is in charge safe and secure, though in Council of Churches. ing," a "humble, kind troversy and hostility" have Pope after main who died In H75 ol arrangements the midst of storms," he said At these gatherings. pastoral teachtr who seems surrounded the church In re- Surviving are two sons, Cardinal Albino Luclani to be so open." cent years, and he offered a might bring "fresh energy" Raymond T Johnson at home, confidently Mrs. John demonstrated his support by But Cardintl John Cody special salute and plea to and "vitality" Into the and N. John Johnson of Sum He dedicated himself to "picking up the tab," ac- of Chicago said his Im- young people, many of church and the world. mlt; a daughter, Mrs Clemen Houghton "overcoming internal ten- whom have become alien Perhaps the key sentence tine J. Howard, here; three sion," reinforcing social jus- cording to the Rev Charles pression was of a "very shy T1NTON FALLS - Mrs ated. revealing where the new brothers, Eugene and James tice for the deprived, putting Long, an officer of the Vat- man." Asked about changes Elizabeth D Houghton, 54, of He called them the "hope pope stood came in a refer- Johnson, both of Bryn Mawr, a priority on evangelism, ican Secretariat for Chris- he might make, Cody said: 47 Hope Road, died Saturday of tomorrow" and urged ence to Pope Paul's hard Pa., and Eddie Lee Johnson of working through the synods tian I Hits "I don't see much change, at Community Memorial Hos- work to steady the church Media, Pa , three sisters, Mrs of bishops and pursuing the How Cardinal Luciani but very effective continuity them to learn to "distinguish pital, Toms River. amid the winds of change. Noyreed McKinney, Mrs Lucy Pope as si ml fill ecumenical quest for Chris- emerged so quickly from far of program " good from bad" that they Williams and Mrs Josephine Bom in Red Bank, she had Perry, all of Durham, N.C.; lived in this area all her life five grandchildren, four great- She was a member of the grandchildren, and one great- First Baptist Church of Red greatgrandchild. Bank. Surviving is her husband, The Freeman Funeral Candidates like Bell our only hope? John Houghton; her mother, Home, Freehold, Is in charge Mrs Marian Delatush, here; a of arrangements. son, Robert Houghton, at By MAHK MAGYAR no exaggeration to say that our that Bradley is in the same slate of mayoral nominee Al Cause's recent complaint that capital improvements," Mr. home; five daughters, Mrs society Is becoming more Sovi- camp with the Democratic ad- Nets, incumbent Coun- "Congress has become an is- Larrison said "That's because' J. Nolan Nancy Harrington of Fort TINTON FALLS - As- et ministrations that try to grab cllwomen Elizabeth O. Billings land unto itself." I manage your tax dollars the Leonard Wood, Mo , Mrs. Jean semblyman William F Dnwil. "Human freedom and eco- all the resources they can, and EUen Branin, and Council "Jim Howard says that it's way I manage my business, FAIR HAVEN - Thomas Harleman of South Toms R-Monmouth, warned yester- nomic liberty are virtually in- then throw them at problems hopeful John Garibaldi not wrong to take contribu- and my wife manages my J. Nolan, 63, of 151 Lexington River, Mrs Linda Mullaney of day that only the election of separable, and when our eco- In hope of buying solutions," Bruce G. Coe, who (aces an Huns from the railroad lobby home." Ave., died yesterday at home OrlandoOld , Fla.Fl , MisMi s MiMarilyl n candidates like Jeffrey BelBelll , nomiic libertielibt s diminisdiiihh every MMrr. DwDowdd sai id uphill battle in his quest to and the highway lobby because Born in Mtddletown, Mr and Miss Diane Houghton, the conservative GOP Senate montn because politicianp s in "Bell says'don't elect me unseat seven-term Rep. James both come before his subcom- ||o>iiilal of ft Tine Nolan was a lifelong resident IBIIU in u,.,.a ....._ 4-..«_ i naumi n,,t..

Register photos b Carl For)no

iThird Annual Clearwater Festival weekend winner

CLEARWATER FESTIVAL — Artists and per formers of all kinds — and from all over — showed themselves to their best advantage Friday and Sat urday at the Third Annual Clearwater Festival at Sandy Hook. Clockwise from top are a lite size ragman created by Sandy Zager, East Brunswick; Marie Patterson, Long Branch, admiring copper sculptures created Irvlhg Wiener, Elberon; Ralph Warnick, Toms River ceramist, displaying collec tlon of Imaginative creatures made of clay, Mr. Wiener again, this time as a luggler, and 3 year-old John Gagliano, Mlddletown, making fast friends with a winsome rabbit puppet at another craft ex- hibit. W alt. i wallaby is Mill ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - day night nml took off down Walter the wandering wallaby the Boardwalk toward the is still missing, his mate Is gambling casino. getting worried and his owners He was last seen Saturday are still wondering where hiding under the Boardwalk Walter went. near the Marlborough- Waller, a one-year-old, two- Blenheim Hotel. Meanwhile, foot-high wallaby kangaroo, pier officials said his wallaby escaped from his cage on the mate, Bea, ate very little food Million Dollar Pier on Thurs- during the weekend Escapees caught in Make A Date A paid directory ot corning events for non-profit dr two days ganlzatlons Rates: |2 00 for 3 lines for one day, II 50 each additional line; $300 for two days, I1 25 each additional MATAWAN - Two es- line. (5 for three to five days, |1.50 each additional line, capees Irom the state Psy- |6 00 for 10 days; $2 00 each additional-line. Deadline noon 2 chiatric Hospital In Marlboro days before publication. Call The Daily Register. 542-4000, — one a convicted murderer — ask for the Date Secretary. were apprehended here within 6 the last two days, police re- AUGUST 25-SEPT. I port. Sea Bright Baur Studio, 1020 Ocean Ave., featuring artist of the month Sue Harnichar showing 36 water colors Donald Majercik, 28, and oils now thorugh Labor Day week. Edison, a convicted murderer, AUGUST It was apprehended Friday at Parents Without Partners Bayshorc Chapter 644 10:50 p.m. as he walked north Cocktail Party & Dance, Don Quixote's. HI 34. Matawan. on Route 34 near the Old featuring Prism. Starts 8:30 PM Open to the genual Bridge border, police said. public Information: 566-0170 The second escapee, Joseph Desantis, 257 Main St., AUGUST 31 Mlllburn, was apprehended Peach Festival, Reformed Church, 62 Hance Ave, yesterday at 10:50 pm stroll- Tinton Falls, 5-8 pm Delicious homo-cooked foods, ing down Main St., here, la cafeteria style, featuring Jersey peachi's, cake 4 ice pajamas and an overcoit, po- cream lice said SEPTEMBER 2, 3 Police were alerted to Ma- Spy House Beach, Port Monmouth. Revolutionary War Jerclk's escape reportedly tnly Camp, Reenactment of Shoal Harbor Warfure, Campfollowers Artillery. Kntry fee good both days, 8 to 5, minutes before his. capture, Sat., Sunset Cannon, Sun , Sunrise Cannon, H30 Battle 3 tat Dgggflfc^s taken into PM cuBtody after someone re- ported a "suspicious person" SEPTEMBER 5 walking down Main Street, po- Parents Without Partners Chapter 644 Cocktail Parly k lice said Dance at the Hideaway, 2 Fearey Place, Morgan Dancing, Majercik told police that cash bar & free buffet Starts 8:30 pm Information "he knew he had been had." 566-0170 All members i guests welcome And he got right into the car. SI ITlMKIIt H police said "FRIDAY NIGHT FEVER", an evening of dining and dance PLUS a high fashion extravaganza by New York's Police speculated that De- top designers and models, 7 P.M., Shore Casino, Atlantic santis was going to the train Highlands Benefit MONMOUTH DAY CARE CENTER, station, after he told them he Tickets: »75 couple Reservations: 741-4313 wanted to go to Perth Amboy. Desantis said he left SEPTEMBER J Marlboro hospital because he HELP FIGHT MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Flea Market, Sept 9. Rain date, Sept 16 By Bclford couldn't get a bed, police said. Engine Ladies Auxiliary, Main St., Belford From 9 to 5 WITH THIS SPECIAL OFFER Table space, 15 For reservations call 4951K64 or 787-0H79 From August 28th thru Sept. 4th, tor every pound ot BEEF STICK' Sea Bright Ladles' Auxiliary annual Flea Market, Boro SUMMER SAUSAGE sold, HICKORY FARMS OF OHIO" will contribute 20* parking lot, 10 am.-4 pm Rain date, Sept 16 Space $5 Body there six weeks? to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Information call 842-2100 SEPTEMBER If BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) Meanwhile, the missing Kaufman normally kept in the BUY AND ENJOY BEEF STICK' NOW. St. Agnes I'TA Flea Market, school parking lot, West — For six weeks, while of- man's family reported his dis- car were missing. appearance and a description Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands, 10 AM to 4 I'M ficers searched (or Alvin D LBa OFF Peg. price, any cut piece. Spaces indoor/outdoor |5 Rain or shine 291-3081,291-2679 Kaufman on a missing persons was broadcast of the missing Meehan pastor 300 report, his body lay in thevehicle SEPTEMBER 17 Last week, a deputy ran a AeeUsualaddilionaldiscounUsual additional discountl Craft & Flea Market, Red Bank Hadassah, 15 spaces. trunk of his car at a police of Holy Spirit on whole stick purchase. impoundment yard. routine computer check on the Sears parking lot. Mlddletown, 10-4 p m llobbiest, dealers, Kaufman, a 61-year-old civ- vehicle. ASBURY PARK - The 291-2123 or 671 -3295 Sept 24th rain date il engineer, was last seen on Amiss said that because of Rev John J. Meehan has been SEPTEMBER 2] July 12 when he left work at an a computer breakdown, it was named pastor of the Holy Spir- The Mlddletown Jaycees will hold their 3rd Annual three days before (pi David architectural and engineering it Roman Catholic Parish, ef- Savings on Health Fair at Middletown Shopping Center The fair Is Alumbaugh received a reply to firm where he was chief engi- fective last Friday, the office a whole stick. tree to the public. For information call 787-1888 or 264-4839 his Inquiry, and learned that neer. of communications in Trenton OCTOBER I On July 13. a deputy for the the car al the Impoundment announced yard was the one sought in Organizing Painting Tour to Rutland, Vermont, for a East Baton Rouge Parish week, (230 includes Instruction, transportation, lodging, Sheriff's Department found connection with Kaufman's Formerly pastor • of Our disappearance. meals and critiques. Call 842-1700. Kaufman's car between In- Lady of Perpetual Help Ro- terstate 12 and some railroad The car's trunk was opened man Catholic Church, Maple NOVEMBER 1 MONMOUTH MALL OCEAN COUNTY SEAVIEW SQUARE tracks and had It towed to a Friday and the badly decom- Shade, and associate pastor at Mlddletown Township PR A Local 124 Annual Ball, posed body was discovered Our Lady of Good Counsel Ro- Rt. 35 Eatontown MALL HI 35 1 Rl 66 wrecker's yard. Orel* Hooper Avt. Oct»n Township Shore Casino, Atlantic Highlands. Full course dinner, The car's license plate was He had been killed by a man Catholic Church. Eilontown Tomi Rlvir continuous music, floor show, featuring "The gone, and Sheriff Al Amiss single gunshot behind Ike right Moorestown, Father Meehan Marvelettes" For tickets, see any Mlddletown Township was ordained to the priesthood said the car had not been re- ear. Watch the Jerry Lewis Telethon Labor Day Weekend. Police Officer or call 671-4700 in Trenton in 19S4 ported stolen Amiss said three guns that The Daily Register A $100,000 per penny puzzle V—x / naturiBy mikes the eighl F.stabhsh«Mn 1871R7K8 - Published bv The Red Bank Register •Iy) JACK ANDERSON "' .iiiiMiiiinMiwmHi.u wnm Informed of this, one knowl ^t^. ..r.a ouBted for more A penny saved could be edgeable coin dealer informed ab! |1M,MQ earned, given the right us tbat just one of the ARTHUR Z. KAM1N time and place — and the right WASHINGTON aluminum pennies could com .note A Hint official President and Editor penny mamd as much as 100,000 if a I n ihey would still like to The right time was late SCENE transaction could be arranged recover the missing pennies, Thomas J Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor 1973, the place was Capitol Hill Here's how the six re- but Uiey're not conducting and the penny was anHIIIIIMltHHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIlllHIIHUlllllllllll covered pennies turned up II her investigations. After aluminum model proposed as a One was quietly returned to : ilicujroar over the years, it " SHREWSBURY, NJ MONDAY AUGUST 28 1978 means of easing the copper ficials closed the case the Mint in July, 1975, by mid br highly embarrassing shortage that had developed The reason for sweeping House banking committee an; ore caught holding one that year the Pilfered Pennies Puzzle staffer Orman Fink. "It's quite ANDERSON And bureaucrats are loath to 'Think of it as a resource.' under the rug, of course, was Sixteen of the specially simple," he explained with the penny if he gave il (,mbamss a member of Con- Mint officials' reluctance to "Brooks was passing out back. When told the coin would £. penny-pinching minted coins were handed out risk offending congressional ress even a to members of the House and samples and 1 got one The be destroyed, Holstein, a man one poobahs who oversee their first time she asked me to re-with a taste for Americana Senate banking committees by agency — and who might then-US Mint Director Mary turn it, I did ... I wasn't sticky- declined to turn his penny in UTEST DOPE: A "Lim- prove to have pinched one or fingered,' as you've reported Instead, he quietly deeded ited Xficial Use" cablegram Brooks For a number of rea- two of the valuable coins So sons — opposition from vend- in the past." it over to the Smithsonian In- Iron) the U.S. embassy in Sln- great was the strain on Two more were recovered stitution Mint officials didn't gaptre discloses that narcotics ing machine companies, Brooks, in (act, that it helped aesthetic objections to the that same year from the office learn of Holstein's gift fur shipnents from the Asian city send her, to the hospital with of Sen Joseph Biden, D-Del A months; when they did, they to furope "have significantly flimsy coins and ultimately the nervous exhaustion. evaporation of the copper former staff aide had tossed decided to let the Smithsonian increased." Customs officials shortage — the aluminum pen- Meanwhile, the numismatic them into a drawer and for preserve the coin for posterity thf e are requesting more ny proposal was turned down world buzzed with speculation gotten all about them. Later, dce-snifflng dogs for airport The last of the six slippery sureties At border check But when Brooks asked for on the elusive pennies' where- when the FBI investigation cent-pieces that we know the sample pennies back, only abouts, with experts placing began, she found them with ••Ints, they want to begin an about turned up earlier this efort "similar to Operation In- two were returned the value of the coins at some personal belongings she year, quite by chance Rep. We found out about the astronomical figures When had taken with her and re- ercept conducted a', the U.S.- Thomas Steed, D-Okla, was tlexican border in 1072. This missing 14 pennies three years the FBI closed its files with 12 turned them to the Mint cleaning out his office and ago, and suggested that some of the'coins still missing, the Strangest of all was the fate would entail a 100 pet effort on moving some belongings back all passengers and vehicles." distinguished members of Con- coin pros appraised the re- of the penny Brooks had given to Oklahoma when he came to Charles Holstein, an aide to gress may have purloined the maining pennies at five-figure across two of the pennies In a — Several people have been former Rep. Leonor Sullivan, rare prototypes After we Values little-used drawer. They wer* killed in a motorcycle gang D-Mo broke the story, the FBI was Recently, however, our as- still taped to the letter Brooki war which is raging in Cana- "I carried it in my wallet called in to investigate. sociates Les Whitten and Jack had sent to Steed's office neat da's Quebec Province. In- for a long time," Holstein re- According to Justice De- Mitchell did some digging and ly five years earlier telligence sources believe that called the other day. But when partment documents, the G- discovered that four more of U.S. gangs are trading Belgian he heard of the investigation in Except for the one Holstiin men could account for only the rare coins had been ac- submachine guns to Canadian the summer of 1975, Holstein gave to the Smithsonian, all two of the coins, claiming a counted for, leaving only eight gang members in return for called Brooks and asked her the recovered aluminum jen- recovery value of $50,000 for as potential prizes for wealthy drugs the pair With that, FBI of- collectors. what the Mint intended to do nies have been destroyed. Nils An act intended to demean By JIM BISHOP Illllllllllllll I IIHIIIIIIIIIIKIIIIIIItll car stopped. A man driver re- choked on it. Before they were She was young. The hair fused to help bom, I had covered criminal was dark and straight. The THE Police carried the black bat courts. I saw lopsided faces, smile was timid. She had been and the rubber gloves to hard- confused heads, busted bodies. walking home at night. There ware stores and sporting goods I heard the intimate and insult- had been no sensation of pain. REPORTER marts tor days. Nobody sold Ing questions of defense coun- The girl's next memory was of that brand. Somewhere around sel. / lying on her back In a field 100 •HiiliimmmiHlmiiHimimitHHlliHllHlli Conway there is a sick man Nor do I believe th# psy- yards from the road. She raised. She held her hand up. who feels that It is he who has chiatrists who said thatlthese looked up and saw a ski mask. In the gloom, she smiled been degraded. He failed. men were "temporarily Inte-r The mouth s;wl, "Take through the blood. "If I take Someday soon the surge sane." Most of them, y your clothes off." One side of my clothes off," she said soft- will build up in his head. When serving time, became tem- her face felt warm. She felt it. ly, "will you take yours off?" he feels that he is exploding, he BISHOP porarily insane again vid again. None were sex flenot Blood was coursing from her The ski mask stepped back. will prowl the lanes at night. Her protesUtons of virtue AU of thefn hated women with \ head. The man had a black "Wait a minute," she begged. He may need a murder to as- would bring wry smiles to the fury. In the witness box, every baseball bat He wore heavy Her hand reached to her jeans suage the rage. defense. In time, she would one of them looked neat and Olftt (kUw fim-IMMc rubber gloves. and she began to unzipper Thinking about it, I won-feel that she was on trial. meek — the epitome of the them. The stranger shook his "Take your clothes off." He dered what the prosecutor Hape is a gruesome parody good boy. was shouting. She could head no, no, no. He dropped would have done had the man of love. Who to believe? In scream. The nearest house the bat and gloves and fled. been caught. He would be en- It is a crime which befud- Miami, a hysterical woman ac- dles our courts. Under the Putting waste to use was far away Nor was there The girl sat up and won- titled to counsel. A good law- cused an accomplished judge any reason to believe that dered If her skull had been yer will do what the rapist rules of evidence, it is per- citizens around Conway, N.H., failed to do — humiliate the of rape. One TV station used missible to attack the credibili- The Port Authority of New York prime market for refuse-derived fractured. When she caught the story. The woman ad- will track a female scream her breath, she staggered victim. ty of the plaintiff. The attack is fuels. As we have mentioned previous- mitted that she had never met and New Jersey is considering the late at night. across the field to the road Using her tesUmony, he always merciless. the judge. construction of a network of North ly in these columns, Monmouth Coun- Her enemy was hysteria. She saw headlights. A car would show a jury that she was Police claim that, for every Jersey power plants fueled by re-ty hopes to be a pioneer in supplying Her bleeding head told her not stopped. The girl sighed with delighted to cooperate. She As each of my dtughters rape which comes to their at- cycled garbage. solid wastes to the fort from its to cry. It would do no good She relief. The driver was a wom- was eager for this masked grew, I had to face this ghost. tention, about four are hidden It might never happtn - but modern reclamation center in Tinton had read about rape. It is not a an. man. It was she, not he, who within the breasts of the vic- Alan Sagner, authority chairman, then? In Ume, I totf Virginia tims. And how about those Falls. sexual crime. Rape requires "Please," she said. "A man suggested that they undress. said he has discussed the plan with the Intense hostility. It is not re- attacked me over there." The He did not reach for her zipper Lee, Gayle, Karen and forthright citizens who stop a New Jersey departments of energy Finding new sources of energy is lated to beauty or admiration driver stared In fear at the - she did. Kathleen that, if it, happened, car, and mumble: "I don't and environmental protection, the one of the nation's most pressing prob- nor even desire. bloody face. A jury would be asked not please do not resist Your vir- want to become involved" and Hackensack Meadowlands Develop- lems. Our dependence on oil from The act is intended to de- "No," she said. "I don't to believe that she was trying ginity isn't worth«damn com- hustle off? ment Commission, the Essex County. foreign lands has seen the value of the mean, defile, degrade. "Take want to become involved." to save her Ufe. Her past would pared to your life, There are all kinds of your clothes off." The bat was I gave the advice. And creeps in our midst... Improvement Authority and the cities dollar decline on the world market, The car took off. A second be questioned again and again of Newark and Jersey City. which •is one of the factors that has If the proposal proves to be prevented the United States from halt- feasible, and is accepted by the areas ing the devastating inflation which is involved, Mr. Sagner says it could be threatening our economy. Proposedparkdraws opposition extended to any place in the author- Getting into the energy business Port Monmouth stance whefe non-participants people. Every once In awhile, I ity's 25-mile circle of operation. will be something new for the author- To the Editor: have established a law for par- meet someone who has a rare "We're still not sure it will work," ity, but we hope it is encouraged to We, the Concerned Citizens FROM OUR READERS ticipants? combinaUon of attributes that Mr. Sagner said, "but it has been pursue this proposal. of Middletown Township, con- Since most fatalities In- include intelligence, maturity, Letter* to the editor mutt bt llfntd ond hove me writer 1 complete od tried in other areas—particularly The authority has considerable ex- gratulate Mr. Donald Merker drtli on6 telephone number Thty mull not tRCKd IM wordt Not occtpt curred through motor vehicles ambition and what I admire able or* poetry, endonementi el condldatti lor alllci or tndonemenli il most...courage. I'm talking Switzerland and West Germany— and pertise, and we would like to see it put on his ability to write a fine commercial product! seem to be In the age group of under 25 years old, driving au- about Joe Hawley. proved successful. We feel the idea is to use in solving all of the problems letter about the proposed park in Port Monmouth. tomobiles, why not have them We could use more people valid." that will arise in trying to convert making a daily traffic jam through the residential zones, In public life who have com- Although we do not belong wear helmets also? garbage into an energy resource. through the residential streets will have constant traffic day passion, understanding and Talk about the use of trash and to your organization, we are Somehow theyeatest vehi- of Belford, Port Monmouth kindness. We need people in garbage to replace coal, oil or gas as New Jersey cannot continue to be also taxpayers, and we oppose and night and many of those cle problem on the roads today and East Keansburg. Even If power who will listen to the a dumping ground for refuse from the proposed Port Monmouth using the proposed park will be seems to have escaped jt'ir fuel for electrical generating plants the bridge is replaced, these problems people have and try County Park for the following "freebees" and not the most attention. Heavy truck traffic has been going on for many years, but New York and Pennsylvania. As a residential roads cannot han- reasons: desirable people. has increased more than a 100 there has thus far been little progress matter of fact, it is already finding it dle the traffic. It has been brought to our percent In the last 20 years and I'm tilling about Joe in that area across the nation. difficult to locate areas for landfill It will not be used by the Our important public ser- attention that living next to a along with it an increase In Hawley We ne^nTdre people One federal study of this waste- projects to dump its own trash. local residents, as was stated vices, police, fire companies, public park or in the general fatalities, where trucks were like Joe! at a meeting, but will be used and first aid squads, will be fur-fuel idea already is under way at Let's hope Mr. Sagner's plan can vicinity of a public park usual- concerned, of more than 20 EugeneJ Bannon by outsiders. When Gateway hampered in their duties and ly means the homeowners suf- percent within the last two be started, and that it proves to be a Fort Monmouth, which is converting Park closes at 9:30 a.m. or 10 the people will find it hard to fer harassment, vandalism, years. The fatality rate is 15 its boilers so that it can become a success. a.m., the overflow of people shop, pick up their paper and noise, etc. times higher in truck accidents Today and cars will come to the coun- go to church on Sundays The With the politicians running than In automobile accidents. ty park at Port Monmouth, roads to the beach area, true to form, ruining every- Have you noticed that the fed- State's traffic safety thing they get into, like rail- eral government Is very in history roads, highways, etc., we, the careful In not creating any By The Associated Press Concerned Citizens, believe in In a special ceremony in Trenton the number was 49,500. laws that the truckers et al On this date in 1833, the Proposition 13, which calls for might not like? The truckers, British Parliament banned last week, Gov. Bryne was presented a Winning the citation from the Na- the cutting of overabundant their unions, and their owner special New Jersey license plate, slavery throughout the British tional Safety Council is an indication bureaucracy. We think a good corporations have a tremen- Empire. place to start Is with the Board "SAFE 1," by his director of the state that New Jersey's highways and su- dous lobby working for them in In 1609, English navigator of Chosen Freeholders, who so Motor Vehicle division, John A. Wad- Washington. Please don't hold Henry Hudson discovered Del- perhighways are generally conducive freely spend out hard earned dington. it against the motorcyclist who aware Bay. to safe driving. It's quite an honor to tax dollars wants the right to decide if a In 1828, Russian novelist Mr. Waddington made the presen- helmet should be worn, or not. be thus identified among the 50 states, While our membership Is Leo Tolstoy was born in the tation to call attention to the fact that John Been and we hope it's one which can be only about 2,000 people, I am province of Tula. New Jersey, for the second straight sure that our vote will be felt in bestowed on the Garden State for In 1913, the Palace of Peace year, has achieved a national traffic the next election. Hawley praised — a gift of American In- many years to come. We are opposed to the tak- safety record. AUantic Highlands dustrialist Andrew Carnegie — None of us should feel satisfied, ing of any of the homes belong- was dedicated at the Hague in The director said New Jersey's ing to our residents to make To the Editor: mileage death rate—the number of though, because 1,110 highway deaths When an individual, 20 the Netherlands. the proposed county park. In 1916, Germany declared motor vehicle fatalities per 100 million represent a horrible waste of human Urban Hancock Jr. years old, is a member of his town's First Aid Squad, is ac- war on Romania. 'miles traveled—was 1.2 compared life. That number will only be signifi- tive and concerned about sen- In 1917, ten sufragettes with the national average of 3.4. In cantly reduced when motorists, every Motorcyclist* ior citizens in his community, were arrested as they picketed actual numbers. New Jersey suffered one of us, become truly dedicated to Middletown Is an elected member of the the White House in Washing- 1,110 deaths. Throughout the nation, the cause of safe driving. To the Editor: Board of Education, you would ton. With all due respect to your be forced to conclude he's a In 19H, about 200,000 people editorial "Motorcycle Mad- remarkable young person. I'm — blacks and whites - joined Unnecessary commissions ness" and your evident con- talking about Joe Hawley In a peaceful civil rights rally cern for the motorcyclists' For a young man, without In Washington. Gov. Byrne last week signed two have found reasons to create com- safety, I feel that I must ask any great wealth or political Ten years ago: Vice Presi- the following questions: organization behind him, Joe dent Hubert Humphrey was bills which abolished 14 inactive com- missions to study assorted problems. It seems that In all Jn- has done much good so far in nominated for president by the missions. Among them was the Com- Some of them undoubtedly have been stances where the wearing of his young life, more than many Democratic National Conven- mission on Income Maintenance, valuable, but others\hang on when helmets became , law It was of us who are many years his tion on the first ballot. which probably served a good their usefulness is questionable. We're created by non-motorcyclists. senior. His greatest asset is his One year ago: Syrian Presi legion of loyal friends. purpose, even though we cannot ex- glad that someone HvTrenlon is check- (Does anyone on your editorial dent Hafez Assad said he was staff drive a motorcycle?) In my position as a college ready to sign a peace agree- plain exactly what that was. ing on commissions which completed Doesn't equal rights seem official, I am in direct contact ment ending a state of war Legislatures through the years their missions or arc doinx nothing. 'KU-rlrir kill.' to be overlooked In this In- with hundreds of college age with Israel Custody-accounts BUHY N MONDAY The Daily Ke^fcter 7 for college costs Books that aren't for touching •y SYLVIA POKTKK • iimillMiimmtH You can create your own field "Why no! collect every book published in ('leveland in 1131. ty DAVID H. SARGENT For the first lime in 52 years, individual colicc tors had a chance to bid at auction this past spring for instance' "says Lowry Or Q - I carreitly •»• IN (1) You may specialize in scientific and medi shire* «l Kenptr Grewlk for a Gutenberg Bible, the book of books that rare book collectors covet beyond all others as the YOUR MONEY'S cal papers describing vital discoveries and inven t ud, IN J»y MIg.,« tieienl lions "De Revolutiombus. Ceperntcus (1543). Kltrlrlf, *ad M Seaboard greatest masterpiece of printing in world hislor> SUCCESSFUL II fetched $2 2 million for the General Theological which went from $ll.(HKi in l*K.:t to |4n mm in 11174. is Caul Llat ladustrles Also, now over $100,000 H 1) Smyths report li.i ;ildm>: savtigs arruuats. Series H Seminary of New York, which had owned it. and which put it on the market to raise funds to create WORTH the Atomic Age. published in 1945 is now al (he Bonds, aid rrrllflralrs loUl $1,000 mark about M4.N« Bui I will wed INVESTING an endowment fund for the seminary s library (I) Modern fust editions In addition In addllloul eapllal (or Iw* tjec It was the second example of the work of Faulkner, other hot authors are f Si oil lives: Prabablr t'ollege rduca Johannes Gutenberg (the 15th century inventor of Long MftMWd b) the public, rare book collec- HIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIIIItMMIIIIIIIIIHIIItllll Fitzgerald. John Steinbeck, and Braes! llcminn Unas tar al least two al my moveable type) to have changed hands in 1V7H ting has been viewed in the past as a classical your funds, plus any additions, might prefer to use dividends way. (Hemingway's high school yearbook id Fel) Ikrce daigkters (a«rs 4 la 12), though Early in March, Hans P Kraus. New form of investing, a ncli man's hobby While old will have appreciated signifi and new monies to periodically ruary 1(116, containing his lust published shu \ and ta sappk-menl a small pea York-based rare book dealer, sold his copy to Uw ruins, stamps and art have boomed, rare bonk'. cantly by the time they are "Judgment of Manilou," recently sold for $1.11011 ) stua aid Social Security In re- add more stocks to your Gutenberg Museum in Mainz, West Germany, for have climbed in value at a steady hut UMSec needed portfolio $18 million taculai pad' (3) Press books, Important namti arc DovtH Urrmral — aim H years As far as your (9,000 stock away. Please suggest an In- Q - My late ausbaad This has been one of the richest years ever for Rut now A copy of James .IUWT'S firsl l»ress. Kelmscott Press. The Limited Edition* portfolio is concerned, I would IS stares (aow St rare book Collectors and dealers, with the market edition of "I'lysses," in good Condition, one of 10(1. Club vestment pragram lor me to retain Kemper Growth, Joy follow nw. F.S. Ohio shares) ol Everest I Jinnies ing of such coveted rarities as a 15th century and Mi;necl by Joyce, was auctioned al $III,(IIKI lasl (4) Children's books Lewis Carroll's "Alice In Mfg. (NYSE), and General lilenallMul tar $751 I have a Flemish Book of Hours, a first edition of Murk year against $2,100 in I96H William Kaulkner's Wonderland ' commands fill.000 to I'.'O lido A — Assuming you have Electric (NYSE). They all ap- buyer at $tM. Should I hold or Catesby's "The Natural History of Carolina, Finn first book. "The Marble Fawn." published in 1924. Perfect copies of chldi en's hooks arc 1 ai t adequate life Insurance, good pear to have good long-term wD? KB Calif. da and the Bahama Islands," the earliest known inscribed, sold recently for $6,250 A signed art (5) Books on photography, maps, aliases, aiul health, and a secure job, I prospects. However, book on American birds, with colored illustra- bonk by Chlglll, published as i eccnlly as Die IWIs I9lh century literature in fine condilion command would earmark savings equal Seaboard's (NYSE) possible The brokerage firm of MS Wien & Co., Inc., Jersey City, tions; Ezra Pound's first book, "A l.unir Inrato"; for $35! mm sells for $1.0(1(1 good puces to about hall a year's income merger with Southern Pacillc If you are a neophyte, don't rulei ibis area to (I) Limited and signed art books In addition to (NYSE) fell through and Its N.J. (toU free 800-631-3088) re- plus a large collection of Ernest Hemingway for emergencies. The re- make a quick killing Huy rift beokl and man Chagall, Picasso, ('alder and Dill books draw overall outlook is not too ap- cently quoted a bid price of correspondence. mainder of your $44,000 in sav- Never has interest in this type of Inverting uscripts first for the love of the Items., Ibe pleasure premiums ings could be put into custo- pealing You might consider 14ty for Everest & Jennings replacing it with shares of You may be able to recoup been so acute, reports George Lowry, president el of ownership — and view money making as a in general, if you. an imiUur, ire starting i« dian accounts for your daugh- Swann Galleries, New York, largest specialty corollary, after you've cclucaled yourself on how collect rare books, cmicenli ale on books published ters' educations The accounts American Home Products most of your original invest- ment through them, and I rare book auctioneers in the U.S. The llgnt to collect today, signed books, fust editions, limited rib should name a non-working (NYSE), a growing company would recommend this course increased membership in the industry Inulc as You can collect 111 man) fields paperbacks lions As (in the book itself, put 'I on I hi' shell spouse or bank, etc as custo- prominent in drugs and vari- of action. sociation, the Antiquarian Booksellers Association (the first Penguin Paperback is now worth over clean, don't touch (and certainly don't read') it dian. Doing this would mean ous consumer products. (Mr. Sargent cannot an- of America (ABAA); mushrooming of new $100). mysteries, science, telephone books, direc Kducale yourself You can't K" II alone Head that income from these funds As additional investment swer all mall personally, but dealers; multiplication of book fairs, accelerating tories (the first New York City Directory sold a dealer and auction catalogue! MIMld C0M'»e« Oil would be taxed to your daugh- money becomes available, you will answer all questions pos- auction activity. short while ago for more ih.m $1.1100) rare books Consult a library ters, rather than to you, which could split it between the sible In his column) would allow the accounts to custodian accounts and your grow faster on a net basis retirement portfolio, or put it I suggest putting the money entirely in one or the other, into term savings accounts based on estimated needs. with maturities selected to Also, reinvesting dividends Retail spending may be trend clue mesh with your daughters' and making additional optional Investments (available on all future years in college Long- 1 seems to lie moving lo a post of the above except Joy Mfg.) by CHET CURRIER flation in July, following slight the year. The likely result, it iiiii-i.iiii in tin coming home appliances and home term savings accounts now furnishings will be sffected bj tlon where, fur a while .it lefts! earn over 8% compounded, so will increase growth. Or you NEW YORK (AP) - Econ- declines in the inflation-ad- says, is a recession in 1979 "ol months omists manning the lookout justed figures for the two pre- about average duration ami "Even the. moil optimistic the impending decline in noils it ii" I'liiri'i will lie • con posts for signs of a business vious months. magnitude for the post-World industry spokesmen concede ing activity, although probabl) tfiliutii) tn economic growth " slowdown have sighted Less favorable indications War II period " that new ell sales have passed with ,i lag iiir kind of warning, ol evidence of possible trouble in come from the survey of con- Bankers Trust economists, Hii'ii peak fur this cycle and "In sum," they concluded, course, does not sit well with the area of consumer spend- sumers sponsored by the Con- though they use softer Ian that the pace ol buying will "consumer spending, having many businessmen who feol ing. ference Board, an independent guage, agree that retail sales slacken Uilcr this year — and let the business expansion for that gloomy torecails bin lie Their accounts differ con- business research organiza- are likely to lie "less than ex again in 1979 And buying Ol moil of the past :i'-j years now selffulfilhne, siderably, however, on wheth- tion. Its index of buying plans, er this dark speck on thecalculated from a survey of horizon is likely to become any 5,000 households nationwide, kind of serious navigation haz- dropped last month to its low- ard. est level in more than three After a strong early spring years. showing, retail sales have flat- Merrill Lynch Economics tened out recently, rising by Inc. bases its generally just 0.2 percent in May, 01 negative forecast on the ten- percent in June and 0.2 percent dency of both consumers and in July. businesses lately to accelerate "Consumer spending has their spending in anticipation undergone a discernible of continuing inflation — change over the past few buying to beat expected future months," New York's Bankers price increases. Trust Co. noted. "Buying in advance is by "But whether the consumer definition a temporary activity will continue marking time for and involves borrowing from a while, as has happened on future demand," the firm said several previous occasions "Thus, current strength in since the current business ex- particular areas of spending is pansion began, or whether a unsustainable. Spending in oth- real retrenchment in buying er areas is likely to be re- TESTIMONIAL HANDSHAKE - Francis X. lies in the offing is far from strained by the inflation itself, Shields, right, executive director of the Bayshore certain." which is eating up the purchas- Regional Sewerage Authority clasps the hand of The available data aren't ing power of consumer In- Fred Varlese, left, former mayor of Union Beach. much help in making the pic- come, especially for discre- Nearly 200 supporters attened a testimonial dinner ture clearer. On the plus side, tionary items." for Mr. Varlese at Buck Smith's Restaurant in East government figures showed The firm foresees a sharp Keansburg, held to raise money for expenses he personal income — naturally a slowing of consumer spending, incurred at his trial where he was convicted of central factor In spending leaving businessmen with ex- public expense account cheating. plans — rising faster than in- cess inventories by the end of

The Daily Register's ANNUAL Fall Home Improvement Q17% 771:% SPECIAL SECTION Iimiliil Issue • •_ II •• Annual .•_ • • B CnmiKiuiiiliMlli.iil \JwJLm |§| ^|F Minimum $5,000 Coming Tuesday, Sept. 12th 4 TO 6 YEAR CERTIFICATE % Payable Monlltly ot Quarterly a year Limited Issue Compound- It will soon be time to put away the lawn furniture and start Minimum $2,500 getting your home and grounds ready lor winter. You'll find a 7.90 7.50 great deal ot good advice and ideas plus special merchandise otlerings from area retailers in our upcoming home improvement section. Look for it at your newsstand on Tuesday, September 12 or call 542-4000 for home delivery. Our 6-month certificates PAY 1/4% MORE Advertising Deadline, Sept. than Treasury Bills 81 Commercial Banks for the same term! For full details and a current rate quote, call or visit any office MARINE VIEW MONMOUTH COUNTY'S GREAT HOME NEWSPAPER SAVINGS ONE REGISTER PLAZA • SHREWSBURY • 542.4000 MIDULETOWN • ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS • L1NCROFT PHONt NUMBER FOR ALL OFFICES 671-2400 8 The Drily Register SHREWSBURY NJ MONDAY AUGUST 28 1978 CBS introduces new series /Flying High9

B•>y. JERRILUUYI BUCBII/'BKT met• iID. C*FebruarAK __y. ...k»whenn »u».they. ip**tivlecuvep . nlavwplayedi hbvy Rn^iRosipe i'.rt*>rGrier. swepsweenp hbvy a bulldozerr i-'ii^Easrt IdnJtinlookingy forr "fresh"fresh"" face!^^ LOS ANGELES (AP) - filmed the pilot, are engaged escorting a handcuffed pris- Pat no sooner sits down to a She started modeling in Dallas What has six legs, a 13 week to be married oner, played by Michael lunch of salad and low-fat milk while attending the University option and dies1 In this case, The two-hour pilot program Parks That's the way it goes than she's up playing pitch of Texas Graduate School of it's the three airline stew- airs tonight, and the series be- at Sunwest Airlunes and catch Pat, who calls Business ardesses ol the new CBS series gins its Fnday night run on Pat is wearing a yellow herself a tomboy, has changed "Modeling is hard work," Flying High" 'Sept H serving jacket, which she says into a sloppy green T-shirt and she says "You go home every Pat Klous plays the draw- At the moment, Pal is on "makes me look like a big daf- cutoff bluejeans Returning, night with neckache from hold- ling Texan, Kathy Witt is the the set of an airliner, which fodil" The temperature inside she explains. "In our next ing poses With this you just go girl from the large Italian lam looks like a fuselage split down the sound stage makes you show 1 play the coach ol a home and fall in bed " ily in New Jersey, and Connie the middle Simultaneously, long for the comfort of the boys' softball team I was just Moving into a makeup Sellecca is from the rich, she is jugging two subplots Sahara Desert getting in a little practice " trailer, she adds, "I've never horsey set in Connecticut. One involves a passenger, It's no better outside during "Flying High " is Pats first acted before, but modeling Howard Platt plays the pi- played by Severin Darden. the lunch break, where we sit acting job She was a top gives you the poise you need lot, ('apt Marsh And if we can who had a drink spilled on him in the sun in what looks like a model in New York when pro And I did a lot of commercials, take time out for a social note and has to wear the pilot's scrapyard In fact, the whole ducer Mark Carliner picked so 1 got my camera ex- Connie and Howard, who first shirt The other features a de- studio looks in need ol a clean her for the show He had gone perience 1 wasn't afraid of the camera when we started " Asked if she was selected solely on the basis of her looks, she answers/Mark did have a look in mind. I was picked be- O'Neal takes to climbing cause I'm a Texan He.was looking for a definite look for each girl But Connie had done By JAY SHARBUTT "Kaz'episode He's tried screenwriting before, he said, "but it's must a Movie of the Week' and BEVERLY HILLS, Calif.(AP) - We usually visit a ly been Incomplete It's a funny phenomena that's hap Kathy had been in several fea- saloon here called the Ginger Man to take the waters But pened tures " this time it was to chat with the co-owner about a TV drama "I often thought, I wish things hadn't worked out so "They've changed the in which he climbs a mountain well for me as an actor ' 1 keep working Rut nearly all my scripts and the costumes, so He's Patrick O'Neal, the actor This week, his syndi- old (actor) friends from way back have become producers, it's become a family show," cated "Calloway's Climb" airs in 76 cities. He plays a writers, directors. she says "We no longer wear college professor who finds high trouble while scaling a "But I never stopped long enough to say, Wait a revealing uniforms They were mountain with his wife minute, I want to go over and do those things.' Maybe now, too short and they didn't look He said he'll do three more syndicated drama specials, though" good. Our new uniforms were all set outdoors, this season in addition to playing the head O'Neal, who calls New York home but maintains a designed by a woman, thank of a big law firm in the new CBS series, "Kaz." house here, said his shooting schedule for "Kaz" has given God. They're more fashion- A tall, gray-haired man with a dry, sardonic sense of him the time to now think seriously of having a go at able." humor, O'Neal said he signed for "Climb" upon being directing and writing. She says, "I think the em- promised he could direct the next show He's serious about "I'd definitely call it a part-time job I usually work phasis of the show has changed directing after a long career acting about three days a week," he said, but added that the days 100 per cent Mark hopes peo- A native of Ocala, Fla., he began emoting in TV back in aren't consecutive, which means he doesn't get four days ple don't judge the show by the its so-called "Golden Age" in the early 1950s, and also has off in a row. pilot I don't think they're ex- been acclaimed for his Broadway work and such films as "I have to stay here. I can't go off to Mexico or ploiting us any more. I was in a "A Fine Madness." wherever. So what it leaves me Is time. So to use that time, bikini in the pilot, but it didn't The former student of New York acting gurus Sanford 1 can either open another restaurant or write and direct bother me. The bathing suits I Meisner and Lee Strasberg was asked if he's ever directed something " wear now are one piece." a TV show before But he has no plans to open another restaurant. He just 'FLYING HIGH' — In their Sunwest Airline's uniforms, Kathie Witt, left, as "Some directors I work with say I do it all the time," he recently started the Ginger Man here with actor Carroll ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Pam Bellagio, Pat Klous, bottom, as Marcy Bower, and Connie Sellecca as mused. "But no, not officially, although 1 did it and also O'Connor He also must tend to six other watering holes he CINEMA 291-0148 '1.50 Lisa Benton join Howard Platt who plays airline Capt. March in "Flying wrote when I was in the Air Force." owns back in New York. High." The new romantic comedy series will be aired Fridays on CBS-TV IVININGS tl 7:10 »ND 1M With the prospect of directing civilians now, he also has He wasasked how he became what Broadway colum- MAIINII SUN >11 starting this fall. begun scrivening again, too. He says he's writing one nists used to call a boniface. Television Today 12:00 DAYTIME MOVIES 4:30 I LOVE LUCY (I) CELEBRITY CONCERT (11) A LIBERTY l7l MOVIE ABC NEWS ma Mouskoun' D MOVIE -(COMEDY) ••• 10:00 "June Brlda" 1B4S Belle .1) MOVIE 'Gidgel JOKER'S WILD LET'S MAKE A DEAL • SPECIAL 13 NEWS Ml' U.S. PROFESSIONAL Davis, Robert Montgomery A Man Clllad I si""" ''>"' I EVENING "CAllOWAY'S 7:00 TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS It TWILIGHT ZONE "REVENGE OF THE 1:00 1 CBS NEWS Finals competition Irom the CLIMB" Life, 12:30 RT. 36, MIDDLE RD. (D MOVIE ($ ill 4 HI)'* (Ml NEWS Longwood Cricket Club in IV MOVIE (ADVENTURE] PINK PANTHER" Horn* of the Bnve 5 BRADY BUNCH « NBC NEWS Brookline Massachusetts in. Death, Danger- • HAZLET >t! MOVIE S BRADY BUNCH (E CONCENTRATION eludes both singles and dou ige "A Boy, A Girl and A Dog" the Gltsi Mountain I) MOD SQUAD (II TO TELL THE TRUTH blea play (3 hrs) save a marria 1046 Jerry Hunter. Sharyn 4:00 ifll TODAY IN DELAWARE (I) ABC NEWS 8-30 Molten u CD MOVIE 111 ii ZOOM (I) BOWLING FOR W CALLOWAY'S CLIMB 33 CH> M.A.S.H. Three courageous mountain 12:37 'Th* CouftnoyB ol Cuuon DOLLARS 6:30 Charles finds another way to climbers risk their lives to save CD MOVIE 111) ODD COUPLE Strati' J NBC NEWS annoy Hawkeye.and 6 J with a young man in Yosemile (BIOGRAPHICAL-HISTORIC DICK CAVETT SHOW his obnoxious hafeii of topping their everv story whether the Quest Ruy Aculf. taped at the ai(H)M NEWS "John Paul Jones" 1959 Music Maken Grand Ole Oorv in Nashville subiect be surgical skills-pr Robert Slack. Betle Davis Get together at Arthur Murray's 10:30 Theatres 7:30 alcoholic capacity, (R) 12:40 and learn DISCO. 5 MEHV GRIFFIN 11 BEST OF QR0UCH0 ? WORLD OF SURVIVAL 10:55 '» JOE FRANKLIN SHOW 3uests Joey Bishop, Ro- 1:00 MONMOUTH MONM0U1H j NAME THAT semary Clooney. Michael Chal- tl) MOVIE -(DRAMA) "4 ARTS It., MD ItNt s you fi'i'l 80 TUNE "Highly Dingeroua" 1851 3X2) TOMORROW 141 TOPIC A et. Walter Egen. Mr and Mrs Host Tom Snyder Guest. Clive CENTER 747600O Makes you look so great <4ark Goodman Dane Clark. Menus Qorlng News Documentary Davis, president of Arista The only way to 5 CAROL BURNETT AND fl) TO TELL THE TRUTH 2) CD QD CB S) 9S! NEWS Records (60 mina ) move i FRIENDS •too 5 HOGANS HEROES 1:30 2 (flD FLYING HIGH il $25,000 PYRAMID 11 ODD COUPLE (D MOVIE (ADVENTURE) " Three beautiful girls succeed in * HOLLYWOOD SQUARES I\S> ® DICK CAVETT "Girl Who Knew Too Much " jLHihfyinu lor airline ij> NEWLYWED GAME SHOW I960 Adam West. Nancy Kwan lit) it NEWS stewardess training, become last friends as they manage to Quest Roy Acull, taped al the » NEW 1 Uf i titniliri.ilt ,1 (131 MACNEIL-LEHRER complete the lough course, and Grand Ole Opry in Nashville 1:42 •wlf-vxprt'uiiun fur two REPORT then start getting a taste ol the 11:30 UD MINORITY 1 FREE Admission with Hm 'II rV lull,,/ 8:00 rigors and tun ol the real thing (X) ® CBS LATE MOVIE PERSPECTIVE mtrg) and Htfth/n U) liffl THE JEFFEJISONS Stars Pat Kloua, Connie Sel 'Where Eagles Dare' Stars lilt 1 Paid Adult Admission George la seeing an old Navy lecca and Kathryn Witt CD PRAYER wu farn Richard Burton. Mary Ure 1:00 Ihr buddy, but is il a man or a (Premiere, 2 hrs) CD 3) THE TONIGHT n: Dgn«l woman? (R) NEWS CHA-CHA * • MONDAY NIGHT AT THE SHOW 4i MARCUS WELBV, M.D (1)14) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE MOVIES TOUCH HUSTLE The Best Of Carson* Guests 2:04 MERENauE PRAIRIE Dirty Harry' Stars Clint CD MOVIE -(WESTERN) thaakras SAMBA Thiee young children, oiphanod by Eastwood, Harry John Davidson, Dick Cavett. "Ramrod" 1047 Veronica' TANGOS the dftAlh ol trttir molhai. ail lall in Police detective Harry Callartan Sue Peterson (R. 90 mirts) Like. Joal McCia. 1viflrDi GREASE HUSTLE the hands ol Charles and Caroline defies his superiors, ignores (B (B POLICE STORY _ 2:08 tM WM AltMt WufTay Dine ti • ylrlhur;JS(urray Ingalla (R 2 hrs ) proper procedures and gam Wyatt Earp Syndrome' As an • I' THOUGHT FOR TODAY StBOTIL 230 P.M. FOR Dtaco 1 L»»o. M aw Hwf alon inn. IJ' CROSS WITS bias with innocent lives in hie oflicer tracks down a criminal, _, 2:30 STARRED!*) FEATURES » 7 MONDAY NIGHT eftort to capture a sniper who is his marriage dissolves in favor W NEWS •MCMl MTHODUCTOHr BASEBALL terrorizing a major city (2 of his badge (R) Lt*r» DIKO LATIN > C B 5 13BROAD5T .REDBANK California Angels vs New York 11 HONEYMOONERS Yankees. Chicago While Sox 1111 LIVE FROM WOLF TRAP TAMOOiQMAtE MkMTLE J Q CD MOVIE (MYSTERY) •••• II |\i hMN->LMMnt CALL NOW 741-5858 Vs Kansas City Royals. Pills Pete Seeger and Arlo Gulhrie' 1 PrlMl.. • limi >n. if 1 Pracllct "The Third Man" 1950 Orson 1:30-3:30-5.30-7:30-9:30 a burgh Pirates vs Cincinnati The folk and blues tradition that LIMITID TIMf - ADULT! "Hi < Welles, Joseph Cotlen An Reds (Region will determine binds the two noted musicians American writer arrives in Vien HEAVEN gair.e to be televised in your together is reflected in their / na to take a job with an old area ) performance of American bal- CAN WAIT friend, who he finds has been ALL SEATS $1.50 lads, ragtime, folk and country murdered (115 mma ) "HOUSE CALLS" 2-4-6-8-10 SAVE TO 14% OVER REGULAR MAIL SUBSCRIPTION Walter Mottheau FAYE DUNAWAY At the movies MONDAY DATE NITE MONMOUTHCOUNTY ifcAVIfc* SQUARE CINEMA I- "EYES OF ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP Heoven Can Wall (PGI 1:30. 3 JO. S 30, CINEMA M- 7 30,9 30 LAURA MARS" special student discount SEAVIEW SQUARE CINEMA II- ' JO. 9 JO The Eye) of Laura Wort IR11, 4ATHM0RE CINEMA I- MIDOLEBROOK MOVIES I- Ralurn TheLovtBug(G) 1.? Thr Love Bug (G) ] ». 1.9 Rain Enooo«mant STRATHMORE CINEMA II Slor WOfSlPG) U.9 IS milliner I , I tl, B 41 UAMIDDLETOWN I - RUTGERS PLAIA CINEMA II- AnimotHowlH) ? I 70.9 70 Who HiloplheRoln (R|? li,' is.9 « UA MIDDLETOWN II- MPAA RATINGS «1. 35 t DU1 «OAD OCI»N TOWNSHIf 493-1277 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S GREA T HOME NEWSPAPERS Hooper IPGU.7.9 G General audltncet UA MIDDLETOWN IK - PG- All of*i(p


EAST RUTHERFORD - "We collected guys from all comers of the world and fit them together like a jigsaw puzzle,' Cosmos forward Dennis Tueart said with a crisp British accent Tueart was a big piece in the puzzle the Tampa Bay Rowdies were unable to solve yesterday as the Cosmos methodically rolled to their second straight North Amen can Soccer League crown with a :i I victory in '78 "We have just seen the real Dennis Tueart," Cosmos head coach Eddie Kirmam said of the hustling 29-year-old who scored two of the Cosmos goals "The playoffs really made it (or me,' Tueart smiled "1 think 1 proved to the Americans that 1 can play " Tueart, who came to the Cosmos at the start of this season from Manchester City of England's Kirst Division, had experienced a frustrating regular season due to numer- ous injuries Three hamstring pulls, a bruised shin and a separated shoulder forced him to miss 10 games It all faded when the playoffs began Tueart scored six times and had a hand in 10 of the last 13 Cosmos' post- season tallies "For me, the season was made by the playoffs," Tueart smiled Giorgio Chinaglia was also smiling in a happy, but calm Cosmos locker room It was his header late in the first period that proved to be the game winner "Itwasaprelty good game," he sildV'Yuu couldn't ask AP Phol* for anything more" ' " ' SWEET VICTORY — NASL Champion Cosmos' cap "It was not a hard year, but it was tough Last year's tain Werner Rothrkisses the Soccer Bowl 78 trophy team that won the championship was not as good as Ihis after the Cosmos' 3-1 victory over the Taiupci Bay year's team," he added Rowdies at Giants Stadium. A member of both championship teams, fiery forward Steve Hunt added a sad note to ,> joyous evening when ha confirmed that he would not be back next season "It's a very emotional moment for me," Hunt said quietly as he dropped his head "1 just wanted to leave on a good note I ran my legs off " Sports AP Photo Hunt will be returning to England to play for Coventry while bringing the ball downfield en route to the City in the First Division, a lifelong dream SHREWSBURY N.I MONHAi A1JGUST28 1878 9 THRILL OF THE CHASE-Carlos AltJerto (5) of the 1 Cosmos steps over Rowdie Arsene Auguste (4) as Cosmos victory in the championship yesterday. See 'Cosmos', Page II Leprechaun races with luck of the Irish

By JIM HIM I i.M.WN Electron, easily won the 145 cu. in Hydro Class and was awarded the Mexican Goodwill Trophy. RED BANK—In a thrilling race whose qutcome was in Atlhough finishing third in the Governor's Cup, Rubber doubt until the finish line, Leprechaun, driven by Frank Connol- Ducky, driven by Jim Coan of Springfield, Va . was the winner ly of Northfield, won the Red Bank Grand Prix championship of the National Sweepstakes Trophy in the 280 Hydros. yesterday at the 39th annual National Sweepstakes Regatta held Nudder-Bo won the 280 Hydro race yesterday, but Rubber on the Navesink River Ducky was the winner of the Sweepstakes trophy. This is a Connolly fought off a furious challenge by Chesapeake twoday event, and championship is based on total points. Lady, driven by Paul deVegh of Little Silver, and won the five- Rubber Ducky won the first heat Saturday and was third lap race by only 10 yards. yesterday. ' Both drivers received a big break in the race when Uncle Highupkeep Too, with Jack Sellers of St. Petersburg, Fla. in Norman's Special, driven by Tom Baker of Queenstown, Md., the driver's seat, won the 850 cc Class and this earned him the broke down

f IRIT «AMi .S. picks up number 20, *rlh a*rh» MNkW rfeM • r ktx Mutillll ct 4 0 • 0 Rlchr* H 3 1 2 0 eft r ft M a* r h M Toveroi » SOM Pwhl ct S 1 2 8 JCrutSt 3 8 11 3 118 Foil U 3 110 DRobfU C • • I ft Cat* ft 4 111 Htrndn ct iMO Moreno cf 3 3 11 Berornn lb S I 2 I ReynMt U till Cml| I* 1888 SHndrwilt 4 lift DThomtct 3000 Oowun ct 4* IB Event* 4100 Porker rl 4 2 11 Cooeli 3b SMI Poclork «h 9 0 8 0 Smin u Monmi lb J 4 1 6 Tumor It 4 111 EVolntn rt 4 0 0 0 Clark rl ) l 0 0 Statoeii 10 4 12 3 JCrui rl S0M ftochtc ph 1860 Oat»r B> MMTM C 4*11 WMfetd rt 1 0 I 0 Pert! lb 4011 Ivle lb 1010 Bftonwi II 3 0 8 1 Howe lb 3 10 0 Roberh rl 4 8 1 8 Harrow ph It kiKMr rt 4 ft 1 • Ttrtoct lb 3 0 0 1 Cromori It 4 0 0 0 Dwyer lb ft 0 0 0 r II 4 0 11 Walling II 3 0 10 Robrtwt lb 4 8 0 0 Slnglrtn rl 4 8 1 t Randle 3t> 4 8 8 0 Ptrhlnt lb 3 8 0 1 Carttr c 1 0 0 « HCrui II 7 ft 1 8 lirrok fl 0 0 0 jGonili u 4 0 I 0 Hale It 0 8 0 1 MAdrwi pr 0 1 0 0 Flynn 2b 3 8 2 0 OSmltti U 10 8 0 Parrltn 3b 2 8 8 8 Hill c 4 0 0 0 Ott c 3 10 0 Bothy c 4 8 11 RvJom ct 3 12 0 EMurry lb 3 13 1 but protest tarnishes gold EtplnoM p I 0 I 8 f Gnili lb 2 10 0 Pool 3b 2 0 0 0 LeM»lr u 4 0 I 0 Garner a 3 110 Senior, pr 0 0 0 0 Sianton It 3 0 0 0 LMoy dh 3 0 0 0 KranoJ oh 18 0 0 Almon 3b 3 0 18 Soat*r u 4 12 8 MafflH p 0 0 0 8 DRotonwip a 00 0 Pu|ol» c 8 8 8 8 Meyer lb 10 8 0 DeCnc* 3b 2 10 8 BERLIN (AP) - American swimmers, undisputed masters carry over into Mondays finals DMurry p 8 0 0 0 Raunw p 2 0 0 0 Grimily p 10 8 8 Andrwi 2b 4 0 10 GJockwi p 10 0 0 Lemit««i p 0 0 0 0 wSleln 3b 4 13 0 Mora It 3 8 0 0 Bernard p 8 0 8 8 Blu* p 18 8 0 Ttfculve p 0 0 0 0 p 1 1 I 0 Poiley C 1 8 I t Loo*' Ct 10 0 1 of the World Swimming Championships, picked up their 20th America's latest gold medal in the championships went to TaM II • 4 • TaM Hill RMtiar u 1800 BaMwn ph 10 0 0 Sfcoo«t c 2 0 8 0 the Santa Clara, Calif, Aquamatds, who, performing to (he H*« Vert 000 888 80*-0 TaM Mill TaM » I « 8 Runic p 0 8 0 0 Dempty c 10 10 gold medal and were rated strong contendors in all five events 14M MOM 188 088 1 • •- 1 Wirnl MB BM 818 I- I Alou ph 10 0 0 TeW ItlMl TtW M 4 4 4 set for the final day of competition musu- of Shostakovich, won the team synchronized swimming E-Tenoce. Flynn DP-Mew York 2 %m FffJKltca m IM Me • i Anduiar p 0 0 0 0 Seattle 800 188 188-1 SonOltao 1. LOB—New York 1. San Diego E—Hvrnaon [if - Montreal 2. Sen 0 0 0 0 Mrlimore 188 800 «M-< But a protest lodged by four countries over the quali- championship with 182 300 points * 2&co«2B~Rlchor«t t IBurne3B-Turnarr SSBB - MaM n Franc I wo 1 LOB-Monlreol J, Son Fn Howard ph I 0 0 0 Out owl wfeM wMaMf ran icored Japan took the silver with 1HI 53S points and Canada tiv ton*i S-DTrnxnov EtpinoM, Rotmu cltco 4 IB-Dowwn. Speler. Perei. U DUon p 0 0 0 0 E— Meyer OP~Scattle 2. Boliimoit fications for the men's platform diving made it unclear him SB-Coin S-Grirmley Telai 11 • • 0 " ' 18 * 11 % I i OB Seattle 4, Baltimore? 2B -JCrwi. many points American diver Greg Louganis would be able to ' bronze with 177 910 IP H R ER Bi ! IP H IIRII SO PHI**** 118 8 0 8 0 1 ft- 8 EMurroy, RuJonei Slnglclon Hft-Rey Hew Y*r* Helton 88 1 0 18 8 i 0 » noldi (4). EMurray (2S) V Reynold*, In water polo finals, the Ameru ans. ifHoTllli tfl return to the EiplnoM L,« 13 4 4 2 3 3 Grimily W.16V 10 4 1 I i b-Bothy DP-Houilon 2. t-OB-PH Pailey SF — JCrui. Lopet top ranks of the sport, defeated West (.ei many 6-3 to take fifth OMurroy d Son f routine tiburah 4, Htwiton I. 3B -Milner IB IP H ft ER BB SO Bernard 0 0 0 0 0 Blue L.I* 1 V I 1 4 2 1 3 Cabell HR-Siargell DMf* Mofiiti 2-310001 Tavera*. JCrui SF-Moreno.Moolnion Honey cutl 71111 4 1 Rwnim W.ll 10 t • 0031 HBP- Daws an (by Uollllll 1 I 24 IP M ft ER BB SO fiomo L.IOS 2 3 f > 1 0 0 Italy and Hungary faced off later Sunday to delrimint thi- PB-Ttnoce T-; toh Baltimore gold medal winner SECOND CAME LiHobi 43 3 4 McGregor New Yarft Mwtrtol SM I GJackton W.4 i 3 Brllei W.3 4 Louganis, 18-year-old American amateur t hampton from Kl ah r h bi e* ( h bi Ttkulvt Illl T-2 31 A-i Caih Riven ct 3 0 0 1 » 4 0 0 0 Madlck 7b 3 2 11 MMflM Cajon. Calif, wound up the cvnWi (if a dispute involving a Alston rl 3 8 0 0 MunioRivenn c ct 3 00 1 Ffioift OQO0 Aftdfmlb ||)0( I emngel L.»-U Chicooe Cincinnati decision by American judge It Jackson Smith iftW a haiNlunn 4 0 0 0 Hurlon lb 4 12 0 Dwyer rt 4 2 13 Bonn.sler h W ob r h bi 1 4 j I j Dawion cl 4 110 Clark il 4 1?; Ruhle 0 0 0 0 0 Gron cl S 0 2 0 Hose 3b 4 0 0 0 interrupted preliminary competition in men ! platform diving 4110 N.lll.. __ j i ) } EValnln rt 4 0 0 0 Herndn ct 10 0 1 Anduiar I RSiott 3b 3 2 10 Morgan lb 3 I I I RooTnion c J 0 1 \ pTnliTloTf 4 0 10 Cromorl It 3 0 10 Evom 3b 4 111 Sombllo 1. Bucknr lb 4 2 2 0 Griltey rt 4 0 10 for over an hour GuerreSSI r ii 3 0 0 0 Sooner dh 3 110 ttnowlei p 0 0 0 0 HCrui 3b 0 0 0 I Dlxon 1 Murccr rl ? I I ) Foster It 3 0 0 0 When the sUirni ratiu1. l.ttUgmll ami six of ll»> other 24 TDuncn 2b 3 0 0 0 Denl » 3 0 0 0. Carttr pn 1000 ' ^ Save lekulvekuee <»<> Kingmn It 4 114 Drimn lb 3 0 0 0 I 4 I i) WP-DRobintoDR n 7 Boll Clinei It 0 0 0 0 Bench c 4 0 10 divers had completed their ninth dives The judges derided to PlmaloTb 08 0 0 JJ'4 0 0J 0 Tarn. ._ _ - I V SV A I0.V4/ Trlllo 2b t 0 0 0 Cncpcn it 3 0 10 Gross Jb 10 0 0 3 0 0 0 RMttgr it 4)0 0 DeJesui it 4 1 I 0 Geronm ct 3 0 0 0 repeat the entire ninth round, giving Lougltlll aiuilhtM cliantT Total 11 1 4 1 Total 31 « 8 4 www P • •' » rwi"i P 0 I f I Cltvclond Blocfcwtl c 3 0 0 1 Seover p 3 0 0 0 His second attempt uoosttul lu.s score by H points That Oakland 0 18 0 0 8 8 8 8-1 ""*" (* obr h bl ab r hbi Kruhow p 4 0 10 Smnlo p 0 0 0 0 NwYMt 3 8 8 8 I I 8 1 •- 4 ™' • P 0 0»0 Very/*! it 4 0 0 0 4 0 11 Lum ph 10 0 0 helped him finish in second place will) 541 5(1 points, almost even MollnaBan r 4 0 0 0 Borbon p 0 0 0 8 OB o 3 v o Kuipcr 7b 4 0 10 with veteran F.ast German Olympian Falk Hoffmann with S4I t'.H car^y TB ^r. 'H;-c a My^»7 R£j »?2; *** »„,«,. BBcll lb 3 0 I 0 Squirei lb 4 a i D Tetol 34 7 I Total 38 1 • 1 Thornln lb 4 0 0 0 LJhntn dh 3 2 10 Chicago 188 188 10 1—? •points t'luitt It 3 0 0 0 OP to 2b 4 0 0 0 Cincinnati 001 888 ft* 0-1 * E-Plrtle LOB-Montreal S, Son Blank* dh 10 10 Sdrhlm 3b 3 0 11 I Srinri DP-Chteogo I LOB- Protests over the decision to restart the round wore Lodged IP H ft fft BB SO Francisco I. 2B-Whltfield. Dade rl HI u ii KBeil 3b 12 10 Chicogo 10, Cincinnati i 2B-Buckner 1. (Mi land largo, Dawton, Popl HR-Dwytr Ut, Speed c< 10 2 0 Bailey d 4 2 4 1 by Norway, Canada, Kast Germany and Mexico, ami the L Krukow, Grlltey 3B—Gron HB Moiyan Longtorg d L* 18 S 1 -3 6 5 5 0 4 crorkh" (5T(20j ,Tvlt"(Tp"|WI(IO)SB. sV- OwyeD r Dial c 3 0 10 Caibtrn c 4 0 11 IVJ Kingmon (71) S-Blockwtll IP- technical committee went into session late Sunday to discuss the Heavtrlo 213 2 1 1 Kciingr ii 3 0 11 Blackwtll Niw Yarti TOtOl Mill Total 14*111 IP I CR BB SO matter Hunttr W.9-4 0 Sanderson L.O 7 Cleveland 100 008 88ft-8 Chicogo Gottogc J fn ii.- Chlcoge 881 88ft )l«-4 KrukOW W.6 i t If Louganis" second try is disallowed, his score would drop So've-Goiiage (II) T —1:S5 A- Kn< LOB ClevelandS. Chicago* 2B-Lo Cincinnati to 516.27 — still good enough (or tlie finals The eiglit divers who 40, tn |M FrancllCS John»on. Bovley 3B-Boiley SB-Boiley Seaver L. 11-13 7 Hallckl w.l ft V 6 2 3 0 1 S-BBell Sormlcnto 1 reached the finals will cuny half (Ken points into Monday* Phllooelphlo Lot Anoelei MBP-Popl (By Halickl) T— 2 M A- IP H ft ER BB SO Borbon 1 3 2 7 2 0 1 competition a> r hbi obrhbl «••>»> Clflvoll.._ w I v I . A Ml,OH MtBrld rt 4 4 4 2 Lopei 2b 4 12 0 •_._ PReuschel L,ll 6 I 3* 6 Bowa it 6 2 3 0 RUIMII it 4 0 10 Coillernia Boila Mono* 13 3 In other competition scheduled for tomorrow, the final dli Minneiola 1 Schmdl 3b 113 2 RSmllh rt 4 0 2 1 „„,... . b r h bl Kirn 113 7 of the championships, David McCRpgg of Fort Myers, t-'la . is Luilntfcl II 4 0 2 3 Fergutn rl 0 0 0 0 , ', ' " Slio Burlttn» 6010 Chicago ob r hbi a Powell rt 4 0 10 Bosetll ct S 1 1 0 Morrltn pr 0 0 0 0 Gorvey lb 4 0 0 0 ^ "*"° ™ 6 0 2 0 flrohmr 2to S 0 0 0 Bamgrin W.7 It 5 considered a likely medal winner in the men's nm meter Corow lb 4 0 1) r 3b i I 0 10 0 0 Cty 3b 4 12 0 Bollock rt J 0 I 0 Rice It 5 110 WP-Kflrn, PB-Dlat. T-3:13. Adami dh 3 0 10 Woodi It DBaher It Baylor dh 5 1 2 Yitrtm dh 6 0 4 0 freestyle since he has the yeur's best time in the event — SO 4H 6 0 3 0 Remy pr 0 10 0 Morali dh 10 0 0 Moybry lb 4 0 3 1 Boon* C 3 0 10 Monday ct 40 11 Rudl lb Milwaukee Detroit - 5 0 2 1 Cubbag 3b 3 0 0 0 Howeh pr 0 0 0 0 seconds. JMoriln cl 4 0 0 1 NorfiTpV' 0 0 0 0 ^'^ - oa r h bl ob r h bl Kuilck ph 10 0 0 Volii rt i 0 I 0 , »i 7 1 rt n Y*aa*r r 3 0 11 LondrCK II 2 10 0 Lynn Cl 4*11 Molitur tb 4 0 0 0 LeFlorc ct 4 1 I 0 ( Wolte 3b 0 0 0 0 i winy .11. 4 0 0 0 ChrM»?1000 wV!hp 2000 Downing c SO 10 E.onsrl Hill Money lb S 0 I 0 Whltakr 7b 4 0 7 3 Smatley li 5 0 I 0 Aihby c S 0 1 0 Bruistor p 0000 Dawalll ph 10 0 0 ^holk tb S 0 0 0 GScolt lb S 0 7 0 Ogllvle II 4 0)0 Sloub dh 4010 Lezcano rt 3 0 0 0 JTnmpt lb 4 0 0 0 Wynegar c S 0 1 0 McKay 2b 4 0 0 0 McCrvrphOlOO Hough p 000 0

It's been a great year for Ford, here in America's Toughest Proving Ground. The year oi the fantastic Fairmont and Futura. The gutsy little Fiesta. The legendary Thunderbird. The classic Ford Wagons. Now make a great year even better. Make a great year-.end deal on one of the great Fords of 78...but hurry! Trade-ins may never be as good — and your Ford Dealer's 75th Annual Year-End Deals event ends soon.

75TH ANNUAL YEAR-END DEALS. A GREAT YEAR MADE BETTER. BETTER SEE YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER TODAY. DAY OF ROSES - Laurence J. Toole, Lit- Roses galore to color malltle Sliver, president of the Jersey Shore Rose Society, and Doris By LISA BLANK To register in the artistic design category, partici- Bryan, River Plaza, vice "That which we call a rose pants must contact the society's president Laurence J president, who Is chair- by any other name Toole, IK Azalea Court, Little Silver, by Sept. 6. No man of the Eighth An- would smell as sweet." registration is required in the specimen classes. nual Summer Rose EATONTOWN - Rose galore and their sweet. Iresh Last year some 200 exhibitors participated, exhibiting Show, arrange a bouquet aroma will permeate Monmouth Mall Sept 9, when the more than 500 entries. This year about 45 awards will be in preparation for the Jersey Shore Rose Society will stage its Eighth Annual made in the two categories, with accredited judges from Sept. 9 show at Mon- Summer Rose Show from noon to 8 p.m. the American Rose Society officiating. mouth Mall, noon to 8 The show is billed as one of the outstanding horti- p.m. cultural events ol the Jersey Shore. It will feature exhibits For the first time there will be an educational exhibit by amateurs and the more experienced, from all parts of with literature to help persons improve their rose gardens the state and neighboring states, competing in classes for for either enjoyment or competition. specimen roses and artistic design in arrangements The show is co-sponsored by the society and the Monmouth Mall Merchants Association Rtgltlflf Hall photo Doris Bryan, River Plaza, vice president of the socie- ROSE IS A ROSE ... — Doris Bryan, vice-president ty, is show chairman, assisted by Preston Corderman, of the Jersey Shore Rose Society and chairman of Register staff photos Uttle Silver the eighth annual Summer Rose Show to be held The Jersey Shore Rose Society, an 85-member non- Lifestyle Sept. 9 at Monmouth Mall, examines some fresh, profit organization, is an affiliate of the American Rose fragrant buds at her home in River Plaza. by Carl Forino Society and the Garden Clubs of New Jersey, as well as 12 SHREWSBURY, N J MONDAY, AUGUST 28. 1978 the Royal National Rose Society of Great Britain Be a sport about sporting equipment

DEAR READERS: DEAR HELOISE HINTS FROM HIM It seems as though our country has gone sports crazy, which Instant soups are great, but sometimes something seems DEAR HELOISE: is just fine with me lacking Try adding two teaspoons of instant rice, or one When 1 have people over for parties, we usually end up in HINTS FROM HELOISE teaspoon of onion flakes or two teaspoons of bacon bits, and a the game room, or in warm weather out on the patio. It's nice to see people engaged in athletics and keeping in shake of oregano or parsley flakes. shape I got tired of trying to find enough ashtrays, so now I just came up with the ideal thing for me Try your own combinations,"or add all of them to bouillon. save the tins from pot-pies and they are perfect. This has opened up a whole new world of hints for you Down here in Texas we can buy grapefruit or oranges by the Tomato and pea soups take these additions happily. (Wait five readers. I have received all kinds of questions about care of They don't break or catch fire and you just drop them in the 10- or 15-pound bag It is like the bags that onions come in Good minutes before eating, if you've added instant rice.) sports equipment and sturdy, with a net-like appearance. trash can after emptying. — Dean Velten These additions to bouillon make a cheaper instant soup Most sports equipment is not cheap, and if you are going fo Boy, is it great to stuff everything from scuba mask to fins than those bought by the packet — Judy Benevy DEAR HELOISE: invest good money in it, I know you will want to keep it in the in it, the water drains out and I can just throw it over my best shape possible, for as long as you can shoulder DEAR HELOISE: When painting from a paint can, remove the can wrapper and when finished, tape the wrapper back on the can with This Is an open Invitation to all you sports fans lo share your This is the kind of thing I am looking for. Everyone has their Have you ever marked pleats or tucks on material with pins, transparent adhesive tape. secrets with us and we will share with you own little trick. So please share with us and we will share with just to find, when you go to sew them in. they have fallen out and You will have your color and directions free of paint. — One thing I found out when taking scuba lessons... carrying you — Heloise you are at a loss as to where the tucks go? Grandma equipment to and from class or the water is really a chore. Well, here is one solution! LETTER OF LAUGHTER Simple, yet saves frustration later on... — Heloise Actually going to class wasn't bad, but coming back with DEAR HELOISE: everything wet was difficult That old bag or grocery sack just Use thin slivers of discarded soap to make a line on the I was at a banquet the other evening and heard a young girl THIS COLUMN is written for you... the homemaker. If you doesn't hold up fabric as It will not leave a permanent mark say, "We (women) have to work twice as hard as men and get have a hint or a problem write to Heloise, in care of this Of course, you can buy one of those nilty little bags they sell, half the credit." You can use any color for this as the soap comes off when newspaper. Because of the tremendous volume of mail, Heloise but they run pretty high I looked around for something and Boy, did she gel laughs, but only from the women. - Klin the garment is pressed. - Moretta is your questions in her column whenever possible

ANGEL AWARDS- In- vitations to the First An- 'Charlie's nual Angel Awards Din- ner sponsored by the Monftfouth Center for Vocational Rehabilita- tion are admired by left new Angel to right, Gloria R. pi I ip- By EMILY Wll.KKNS pone, Oceanport, ex- "The littlest angel" sounds like the name of a Christ- ecutive director of the mas special, but it's an apt description of 5'4" Cheryl Monmouth County Of- Ladd, the newest addition lo the cast of TV's popular fice on Aging; Dr. Paul "Charlie's Angels." Bornstein, Interlaken, Like her co-stars. Cheryl is sweet, feminine and girl- Cheryl ladd and chairmen of the din- ish. It's not acting, either This young actress is a natural ner M r's . I r w i n charmer. Cheryl, who says "1 want to do It all" when she talks Spellman, Holmdel, "I've wanted to act since I was a kid." Cheryl told me about her career, has a marvelous marriage to actor seated, and Mrs. Ben "I used to dress up and play make-believe when I was in David Ladd, son of the late famed actor Alan Ladd. "He's Croker, Little Silver. grammar school. 1 was always organizing theatricals and very supportive," Cheryl told me "We met while doing a Mrs. Filippone, Dr. pretending I was a famous star" film together. It was friendship at first sight. We got Bornstein, Mrs. Bernard Now that she is a star, and a popular model too — she married two years later." B. White, Monmouth has a contract for the Wella Balsam conditioner ads — The Ladds have a daughter Jordan, 3, who sometimes Beach, and John j. Cheryl is a little surprised that reality isn't as glamorous goes to work with her famous Mom "I like to have her Reese, Rumson, will be as her youthful daydreams with me," the actress said "She has a late bedtime honored for their sup- IT'S A LONG DAY because we keep her up to have more time with her al port of the organization, "There's nothing glamorous about getting up at 5:30 night" which trains physically, am," she told me, "and then not finishing until 7 p.m It's Not members of Hollywood's Jet set, the Ladds prefer emotionally and socially a long day " quiet parties with a few close friends "1 feel lost in big handicapped residents crowds" Cheryl said of the cocounty for com- A good hour of that time Is spent in makeup while they petitive employment. do her face for the TV cameras and create her hairdo Off- Born Cheryl Stoppelmoor in Huron. SI), the poised young actress remembers that her most embarrassing The Angel Awards din- camera, Cheryl needs very little cosmetic help ner will take place Sept. HOT BEAUTY SK( RKT moment happened in her home town "1 had a job as a car hop and was delivering a tray of 21 in the Channel Club, What's her favorite beauty secret? "A hot bath." Monmouth Beach. Cheryl told me. "Nothing like one for getting you totally 12 giant milkshakes to a station wagon when the wind literally blew them inlo the car and all over everybody. I Cocktails will be at 7 relaxed." p.m. and dinner at 8 She loves traveling and meeting people, "especially did the only possible thing I cried " Figure-watching? It's not a problem for this rising o'clock. Tickets are the friendly ones ' And she does enjoy her fans available at the Mon- "Recently three young fellows visited the set and star... but that's because she cats lighlly. only occasionally giving in to a chocolate bar binge mouth Center tor Voca- brought me flowers." she said, "so 1 invited them inlo my tional Rehabilitation, trailer They couldn't believe I'd do that and told me I was A singer and a dancer who Is now making a name as an 134 Pearl St., Red Bank as nice as they'd though! I'd be 1 guess pcapli' think actress, Cheryl Is just al the beginning of what promises In actresses are different." be a spectacular cairn Summer SHREWSBURY NJ MONDAY AUGUST ?S 1978 The DUfy RegMCT 13 Query on 'kosher' pets weddings \ rung around, or separate again They don't say "ahnrlost" O'Brien-Maresca Dear Ann Landers: I < or "ahnlorce" or "ahndear" picked up a paperback at the - and this time stay apart CARTERET - The marriage of Hiss Eliz took place Aug 12 here in SI Elizabeth Roman because the proper pronuncia- airport recently called "The until he agrees to take ins mar •belli Maresct, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul tion of these words it Catholic Church. Parents of the bridegroom Jewish Connection." by M ANN LANDERS riage vows seriously I'd agree Mareaca, » Martin Place, Middletown, to are Thomas O'Brien of PeUlutna, and Mrs Hirsh Goldberg. In that book to one night wtlh the "guys" "ENi-lose," "ENIorce," and Michael Thomas O'Brle* of PeUluma, Calif, Ruth O'Brien of White Plains, NY there's a very funny bit that (no dolls) every two WWkl, "ENdear " The Rev John Chonko officiated at the was attributed to your column the Toronto Star about a aUy romrs komr laic aid but that should be the limit Your letter will be the last ceremony, which was followed by a reception 1 never miss your part of the kosher cat owned by Kabbi Dear Am, The rorrrii pro about pet peeves pertaining lo in St. James Hall, here. Honor attendants were paper and don't recall seeing Lewis Farrell The cat seemed •MriaUon of February Is a pronunciation They are get Julia Cooper and Linda Maresia, sister of the it The story is so incredible I'd to know the Jewish dietary We Irfcd a trial srparallsi Irmprsl In a Irapol What real ting to be a pain in the phanny bride. She also was attended by her sisters Ann like to hear directly from you laws because he relused to bal II and Robert Maresca a letter about an English setter "Straight Dope on Drugs " For "kosher" cal, so he brought husband wants the advantages "aka-vrlopr?" — Irked In Saa The bride, a graduate of Middletown Town- named Leviticus who kept them home To their amaze- la Barbara each booklet ordered, send a kosher The dog had lived in a of marriage along with the fun ship High School, attended Brookdale Com- ment, the cat proved that the of being single Dear Irk Muyhc the rea dollar bill, plus a long, sell munity College, Lincroft, was self-employed Jewish household the first four rabbi had not exaggerated one son so many intelligent people addressed, stamped envelope before the wedding at O'Brien Associates, Vir- months of Irislile' Not only did bit You have two choices He say "ahnvelope" is because it (2H cents postage) to Ann ginia Beach, Va the dog refuse to eat meat that sign yourself lo a lifetime with is )ust as corit'i-t us "KN Landers, I'O Box \\m. (hi The bridegroom, a graduate of Casa wasn't kosher but his master Tell me, Ann, did this ever a man who will never stop run velooe " cago, Illinois (Mil Grande High School, PeUluma, is an airman m had to put a Yiddish news- appear In your column? If so, the U.S. Navy, serving aboard the USS Saipan paper under the bowl He tried when? - A Skeptic (LHA-2) based in Norfolk, Va The couple both the Chicago Sun-Times ME. AND MRS. MICHAEL T. O BEIKN reside in Virginia Beach. and the Wall Street Journal but Dear Skep: Yes, in Srplem Leviticus couldn't be fooled. ber 197]. You must haw been He wouldn't eat the meat. That out of town letter was signed, "Right Side Gasior-Berbrick Up." Dear Ann Landers: 1 have KEYPORT - St. Joseph's Roman Catholic been married less than a year. Church was the setting here Aug. 12 for the You responded by citing a I wonder how many other marriage of Miss Patricia Ann Berbrick, newspaper Item published in young brides have this prob- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berbrick, 3 lem. My husband seems to Grant St., MaUwan, to Michael Joseph Gaslor Ihlnk he needs two nights of of Ken Gardens, CUffwood. He is the son of Mr. "freedom" every week, lo en- and Mrs. Paul Gasior, Shore Drive, Highlands. )o\ himself with his single A reception was In the Magnolia Inn, MEETING friends. MaUwan Miss Susan Enslee was maid of honor. Also MEMOS I have begged him to Uke attending the bride were Mrs. Paul Gaslor, me with him but he says the Miss Elise Borthwlck and Miss Colleen Col- guys don't like lo have a wife eman. MATAWAN - The URB1«K along. Paul Gasior was best man for his brother. Matawan Junior Woman's I wouldn't mind one night a Ushers were James Berbrick, the bride's Club Is continuing Its monthly week but I think two nights Is brother; Ryan McCreedy and Walter Funk. nespaper recycling drive one too many. Besides, he us« Mr. and Mrs. Gaslor are graduates of Members will be accepting MaUwan Regional High School. She Is a senior newspapers Saturday from 10 at Ann May School of Nursing, Neptune., and is MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL J. GASIOR a.m. to 1 p.m. at the employed by Holmdel Convalescent Center, Strathmore Shopping Center Gold Star Holmdel. The bridegroom is employed by Lily- The couple will reside in Aberdeen after a parking lots, Koute 34, Aber- i Tulip, Division of Ownrs Illinois, Holmdel. honeymoon in the Poconos. deen. Mothers' MILLION THANKS —Joan B. Crcvellng, tight, a member of the staff of FALL SHOWING Century 21 Roger F. Cozens Agency, Fair Haven, hosts a party In hci Hagemann-Walsh EATONTOWN - A coordi- - Momrtouth Beach home for 21 fellow agents In celebration of the $4 million- nated group of ubeat and new honored producers, Mary Evans, Fair Haven, left, Bud Brown, Fair Haven, center, NEW MONMOUTH - St. Mary's Roman blouses, tops, skirts and and Tonl Hillary, Rumson, second from right. With them Is broker Roger Catholic Church was the setting here Aug. 12 slockas in Quiana by Ship V EAST KEANSBURG - Cozens. Jacqule Nettles, Rumson, not pictured, was one of the four %A million for the marriage of Miss Kathleen Walsh, Shore will be shown by pro- District Six, Veterans of For- producers also honored by the real estate agency. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Walsh, 30 fessional models Sept. 7 from 7 eign Wars Commander Carl A Froit Circle, Middletown, to Richard to t p.m. here In the sports- Daniels, Eatontown, and Aux- Hagemann, Aberdeen, son of Mr. and Mrs. wear department at Bam- iliary President Sonya Mc- Robert Hagemann of Yardley, Pa. berger's, mall level, Mon- Carthy, Middletown have ap- Face Falls Fashions Msgr. Robert Bulman officiated at the cere- mouth Mall. All the new fall pointed William C. Clegg, mony. colors will be prented. Ocean Grove, chairman, and Mrs. Rose McCue, Atlantic Honor attendants for the couple were Miss Unafraid! TASTING LUNCHEON Highlands, New Jersey Ladles Linda Barslewski and Thomas L. Mathews. Auxiliary, co-chairman of Dis- The bride, a graduate of Mater Dei High MIDDLETOWN - The Woman's Club of Mlddletown's trict Six Annual Gold Star School, here, Is employed at the Shlkl Japanese Mothers' luncheon. It will take season opens Sept 7 at noon Steakhouse, Middletown. place here Sept. Wat 1:30 p.m. The bridegroom, a graduate of Pennsburg with a Tasting Luncheon In Buck Smith's Restaurant. High School and Clarion State College, is man- hosted by Mrs. John Cray here In the club's meeting place, the ager of Burger King, Trenton. After a wedding The luncheon Is an annual trip to Daytona Beach, Flu . the couple reside Christ Episcopal Church, 92 Kings Hwy. Mrs. Alexander A event conducted by the Dis- MR. AND MRS. RICHARD HAGEMANN In Aberdeen Rose will preside. The pro- trict VFW to honor all the mothers of Monmouth County gram will feature a demon- who have made the supreme Thorne-Dello stration of dry flower arrange- sacrifice of a son, who has ments by Tina Howard of given his life for his country. ASBURY PARK - Miss Linda MmU Dello, Flowers Just For You, Little daughter of Mrs. Madeline Dello, 1502 Sunset Silver. A forthcoming theater Any Gold Star Mother in the Ave, Wanamassa, became the bride of Jeffery party under the arrangements county, who does not receive Thome, son of William Thome, 46 Newman St., of Mrs. Thomas J. Gorman, Is an Invitation by this Friday, East Keansburg, Aug. 13 here In Our Lady of set for Ocl 18 The New York may contact Mr. Clegg. Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church. play is "Chapter Two" by Neil Miss Mary Dello was maid of honor for her Simon. sister, and best man was Gary Randolph, Candia brother-in-law of the bridegroom. The bride, a graduate of Trenton Slate DIAL THE College, Is employed as manager of Hickory Farms, Monmouth Mall, Eatontown CLASSIFIED The bridegroom, a graduate of East Ten- nessee State College, Is employed by the De- TODAY! partment of Health, Old Bridge Township, as a coordinator. 542-1700 After a wedding trip to St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands, the couple reside In Oakhurst. MR. AND MRS. JEFFERY THORNE 24 Hour Service Thompson-Hill The MATAWAN - Miss WUlette Anderson, Theresa ton, Is a graduate of Duval Daily • ALL SKIRTS With a little help from your WUlette Arllne HUI, daughter Carpenter and Mary Mi-Ken- High School, Lanham. Md. The of Mr. and Mrs. Walter I. Hill. na. couple reside in Washington, • ALL VESTS 104 Atlantic Ave., was mar- Michael Nelson was best after a cruise to Bermuda. Register • ALL L.S. SHIRTS friends at Elaine Powers. ried, to Andre Ramon Thomp- man and ushers were Dirk son of Washington, DC. He is Thompson, Robert Butler and • ALL COTTON T.N. Elaine Powers can help you lace Fall unafraid—in the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- Charles Brown. SHIRTS great shape, great style, great spirits Knowing you look ard Melvem of Landover. Md. The bride, a graduate of All First Quality as fabulous as you feel The ceremony took place Matawan Regional High Carl .1. (fuagliu, How? With a personalized program of exercise Aug. 5 here In the Second Bap- School and Flsk University, R.P. custom-tailored to your own special figure needs, your tist Church, with the Rev. Nashville, Tenn , Is a legal sec- 99 Joseph Butts officiating. A re- retary for Spiegle and own special goals ception followed in the Sher- McDiarmid, Watergate Hotel, WATCH OUT With plenty of friendly encouragement and guid- aton Inn, Hazli't Washington 3 FOR SUMMER • ALL PANTS ance from enthusiastic Elaine Powers instructors. Plus Miss Audrey Laverne An- The bridegroom, assistant terrific tips on how to eat sensibly but well. Active- derson was maid of honor and manager of the Howard Uni- AIR POLLUTION • ALL JUMPERS Exercise machines to help you get the most from every bridesmaids were the Misses versity Bookstore, Washing- Another hilard of summer dntrvn mention, (Limited Quantities! minute of exercise And with NO limit on salon •nd thai Is air pollution. ( Mm.tic conditions, limit, All First Quality with increased automobile traffic for much longer visits—so you can come as often as you like! Temko-Seibert periods of time, cause Increased eye Irritation, CLASSIC LITTLE SILVER - Sally Moody, Red Bank conjunctivitis, Ihroal irritation and more frequent complete Clark Seibert, Markham The bride, a former em- •Hacks of bronchitis and asthma. SWEATERS Place, daughter of Mr and ployee of the Monmouth Coun- Patients with respiratory ailments need to be week 13-week program Mrs. F. W. Seibert Jr., Jean ty Library and Brookdale especially cautious during this lime of the year, but Just Pullovers Terrace, Middletown, was Community College, Lincroft. about everyone h subject to irritation of one form or married here July 30," to Is a candidate for a master of j another. Cardigans Call today for an appointment! Leonard Norman Temko, arts degree in European his- YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US All first Quality Cloverdale Circle, Tlnton tory at Monmoulh College, when you need • dellverr. We will deliver Falls. He is the son of the late West Long Branch. promptly without extra churfe. A (real many •EWte Pow> F igurB S«0M 197B Mr. and Mrs. Julius Temko of people rely on us for their health needs. We Mr. Temko, an alumnus of welcome request* for delivery service and charie Scranton,Pa. the Wharton School nf the Uni- account!. Candia Municipal Court Judge versity of Pennsylvania, is • Elaine Powers Donald R. Ambrose officiated president of Bcllaire Elec- Mrmonin) MIMVIM m MXBin (moan notum at the ceremony, which was tronic!, Inc., and account ex- Shrewsbury Pharmacy IMO noun is followed by a reception at the ecutive with the firm of Loeb. (Next to rt» Villaye Mall) Figure Salons THE SHREWSBURY SHOTS home of the bride's parents. Rhoades. Hornblowpr & Co . MNMIIST. 7II-W7J SHRKWHRI RY mODLCTOWN Attending Mr and Mrs Red Bank. I'HKM RIPTION CHEMISTS FREE DEI.IVUM Vfta Mon HlllU Temko were Mrs. Patricia- M After a cruise of the Baltic-. MC 10 0 SHREWSBURY BR1CKTOWN Seibert. Red Bank, sister-in- the couple reside in Tinton Ample run WnJ,' Shrewsbury Shopping Plain Bay ilartxir I'laza Pa* mil 10 r, law of the bride, and Carl Falls 544-1773 255-3350 51 Help Wanted 14 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY NJ MONDAY, AUGUST 28. 1978 SHIPPER/ teClfVEft .perience In shipment*, IOCM 2. Autos For Sole reo To 1175 2. Autos For Sole ACE TEMPORARIES FIAT 134 STATION WAGON IV/4 ) Thomas Ave S4143B7 ShiewiDwry Very good condition, new Irons 5UPERINTEMD€liT ASSISTANT - mission, clutch qulch wlc. mote ofier PIZIA PERSON - EMMfltMl\m To «HH wperlnhmdtnl on dally 2 Autos For Sale U3 U«4 STRAUB BUICK - OPEL MCMiory lull or port time nignts. chorei Sleody work sleody hours. 4 MINE ACRES ol New and Uied Can 411 Call b«tw«r. 9 am II noon hours week Coll for appolnlrT»nl. AMBASSADOR Ml - Four door, FORD 19*9 Econollne Super Von Good running condition Hwr 3S M4 40W Keyport •T35J SP-OO economy. six cylinder 36.000 original . HIHM Uti Call Ul UK MBER - To do |obWng. benefits. 5UPERINTENDANT ASSISTANT ~ len oporimeni compltn AMC MATADOR WH wagon, ill FORD LTD - 1977 Four door vinv con in Monmouth County itiadT work Moivmouth County orta r ot electrical plumbing ond lyllnder, automatic, one owner, top, power (leering/broke*, olr WvS air conditionffd new cart In Coll J"-*fl aporlmenl AM'FM RuntiMcellent t»SQ 741 426S Call 747 4740 after 5 _- McGLOlN BUICK OPEL INC . Sfirtwtbury Ave New Shrewibury PRESSMAN <»'F> -.,"« positio2 JEn ANTIQUE CARS - Two 1941 Auillns FORD LTD - 1971 Convertible Air 741*280 Dciiemc 0 muil Fult 'M W3 11)1. Mon Ihro* one 1941 Armtirona Sldley by Rolli lull power, completely reitored Bet 741 4S94 Royce, all Inrtt tub HJ 71H ofter 14149*0, Ul 7770 TOP TRADE ALLOWANCE Supsrb PRESSERS F time and pail time t Einced SWITCMSOARD OPERATOR - Hi BUICK CENTURY 1V7S Orlglno FORD FAIRLANE IMS - Wllh 19/1 tervite DOWNES PONTIAC. •! Low li ei Main SI . Malowan M* 29*9 shift, full or port time Sttotfy w«rti ownei • engine, good station < or, asking 11U a and dependable only LIHle Silver mile* bell otter 1M AW Cleoners. J41 1701 TOYOTA CtLICA 19/j ST. while can wrm •mi. black vinyl root, automatic PRODUCTION FOREMAN M/F -For TAXI DRIVERS - EapeHtnce or» BUICK 19*7 - Good condlllon Hew jcketi. vinyl tool AM/FM. 61.MU mllei W79S *• * iteei ioc'ituling shop Supervise 10 lo I., red Must be over T5v«rs oW Ape pods, exhaust, muftlei. timing chain, at Limited body To* k MV IHI eilra IS employees, p(»t broke, rolls Iy In person, Yellow Cob Co . 101 Oat etr. Runs good, but needs Mans Wday uied car warronty puntninB welding all types Located lond^ R«d tank mission 1100 (all before 4 » til 4774 in Monmouth County Salary 119.W TELLER TRAINEES BUICK CENTURION Convertible, t-OR0 RANCH WASHINGTON MOTORS Plus prolit shoring, insurance, voct Some cashiering background helptul 1977 At* Ing HAD RUtl Main St Keypoil N i linn holiduvs und many other beneiil! Fee reimbursed Slort 1116 foil evening). 791 1441 5 Auto Help Wanted 1. Help Wonted SI. Help Wonted Se»d resume to Box G JW, The Dolly ACE TEMPORARIES CADILLAC SEDAN DeVllle, 19/4 2640778 Register. Shrewsbury, N J, tfltl TRIUMPH 19/6 !R/ - Red. ll.OOC MJhomoiAve 542 030! Shrewibury air tondllionlng, power ileer Services/Parts 3KKEEPER - REAL ESTAtt SALESPEOPLE - Fully loaded 17*00 milts Four weed Air AM/FM eight 1 MECHANIC TRAVEL AGENCY MANAGER - Ing'btokei. rodlo, outomatK. eight V five six doyi i Salorv plus lor right Individual who Coll 764 4)74 DUNKIN DONUTS Fgr hMwy duty truck, mini have o cylinder 10,000 mile* Good lionipor track Call 1711/49 OLDSMOB1LE 194/ - Trontmtitior Call 6/1 9536 seeks long hours, hord work and tosl Flexible hours Call tuuii urn wtldlns. Coll Ml 7341 CADILLAC SEDAN Seville. 1969 lotion W9V or Hit otter 74/«m TRIUMPH TR / 19/4. four un the and motor. 1140. Bulck, 1*47, trans *th opporlunlty Call Mr Preston, - Full Charge, lor her wanted, no experience necei New brakes, llrcs All AM-f M floor, AM/FM sleieo, o red beouly million and motor. 1)00 147 44/7 OKKEEPER TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS All inquiries held in ry, will train Good starting salary, MECHANIC eight Hack sleieo t'OU Call 791 4916 GEORGE WALL Only Se.Mj miles U495 al Eslale off k- LINCOLNMERCURY Ct*st conllder :• Call Mil Hodder \a vocalioni, pold holidays, unl RbAL filAlt SAHSHtRSON to. 1 MV fees eitra nnsupplied Houriovolioble.9p m VENDING CADILLAC CQUPfc OEVIICE Shrewsbury Ave . at Sytoniore 6 Auto Rent/Lease 1300 Melrued Reoity has Immediate opening 30 day used car warranty 4, five nights a week Apply in loaded €«telle Shrewsbury 747 i400 am, five nighs a wee ppy lor bfiohi. aggressive, reliable as OK~KEEPER MACHINE OPERA l bt 10 7 Md AMUSEMENT nrnwanar mllei RENT A VAN LOW. low ralei Call i\iin only between 10 7p Monday GRAN TORINO 19/3 Four door, uir WASHINGTON MOTORS Take-charge bookkeeper lo Musi be eapcr ienced and obit lo lepalr sociate We will provide buyersy , ad TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS - Marty, TOMS IORO. Hwy 35. Key ttugh Friday Ash lor Mr emm at ning pr i *jm i A( it/tT - Sedan De DeVllle stereo, power ileermu/ brakes, over 16 4 Moin SI Keyporl. N J ndie complete accounting pro all types vending and amusement de verllsllnno onond comple d d locol. union scale port. 164 1600 I Hwy 35. Mlddlelown vice* on location Company supplies loaded, runt good. need< age nileage. 1/700 S41M9] tl Must be experienced In Ihe 474 1 S4S4»» vehicle. Blue Cross. Blue Shield, sick .M. HW '17 7776 GREMLIN 191] 711, manual lie*' 2640778 J a bookkeeping machine, will be REAL ESTATE SALES - One M THUCK MECHANIC - OUtfl •• I IAN I 19*9 Good running condl and vacation pay Salary com Ing. monual brakes, ilandard tran\ 7 Auto Insurance ul'cd tupott ond prepare books out) d les associate needed perleiueand tools necetsary Apply In C AMARU on turn Him necking octouni Will also be DUNKIN DONUTS meniuiale wllh experience Contact 4**4]. power strering/j/brakesl , 17900 mission, Otfcing tltt <•< nr-,i otter Good growth opportunityy Beit work «!son Schwurli inlernalionoOil W Call otter 7 p rn , 6/1 */« wonsiblc (or preparing a financial Mr Brodsnaw. Monday through Fn Irles held in *«ust sell Call Ml 9091 M641S4 ALL ORIVERS AGENCY Now lo unter help wanted, no experience day 776 1140 nu .oliditlOBiTAIIII inquirieinquiries held ir Front SI , Red Bar* N iv/i VOLKSWAGEN Encellenl cated In Aibury Pork We insure oil iement A tew yeors experience pre SRcfHl confidencce APPL \ BHOOK rd Send resume to Box J NI. The eiiary, uniforms supplied, paid IV TECHNICIAN — Experienced In natlt, good con ion Rebuilt engine und drlvtri, low ralei. monthly paymenti. (olion. paid hloliduyi. hours avail MECHANIC - Full lime, doyi, Mon AGENCY. 471-3300 solid slate, goodpoiitlon with eipand HOLSEY PONTIAC lowett down payment, Immediate I D y Register. Shrewsbury, N J day through Friday. Apply in perion rd Ashing II MO Call m 1319 le midnlgtii to 4 am ,three or tour REAL ESTATE SALES - AActive ogen ing company 4/1 I111. RIE 16 M7M0O E A ION TOWN Cardi Coll 774 7073 Chord Rudiuto. kt Si i Muini st ' '. xi ^ gghti o week and noon lo 6 pm. i t Is stostoffl in Little HONDA CIVIC CVCC 1976 M t 1 YPIS1 fc »i)er ienced Port lime < .MAMU 19/1 Musi sell Immediate AUTO INSURANCE OKKEEPER - Part lime, lor in ondad y ththroughrougr h Fridoy Apply Inp pee r itHofd, loin speed Seoon. radio ISMH(, 46.000 ETLECONVER1 BLE 1961 New Doctor s offire Medical background >y In aaoood condlllocodK n Asking ovei t Hi t quote* and blnderi by phone once office Muit have general led n only bbetweee n 10 2 p m MondaMonday MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Busy mile*. 17,700 139 3119 ni |ob, no dent* o 66.001 useful Send resume wllh references, lo .*. to. rait ib* nn. < CALL fOLLFREE HO 177 4703 experience Long Branch area h Fid Ak t M l t doctors office Top tolary Send re HONDA WAGON - I97S. CVCC. new lei WiQ or besi oft 7/70 ewes Box H 311. The Dally Regliler, MOO. usk for Mrs DeRosa sume with references to box H 3M, The UrvTewco.l'cAMASSAAGENCY|NC LATAI I engine, new brakes, two new llrei, M7 699Q COMPUTERIZED QUOTES Shrewsbury. N.J. 07BH. power nlr.l S DfflVERS - Musi hove but Dally Register, Shrewsbury. N.J 777 4100 ^^__ ll Cll uflei i, ANY CAR DRIVER AGE TVPIST'CLERK *indowsd , vinyl tool, 67,000 original OLKSWAGtN BUG ver * Hcentc ond eHptriencc 07701 REAL ESTATE SALES - Quojilled lei on rebuilt engine Excellent con CALL IV 7900 Diverillled duties Some public rtlo n.ii*i U» u. best offer Coll 4vill4J tms ""•"" Coll 791 1100 DUNKIN' DONUTS branch office monoger needed lor ac Ion 1900 Coll «9S •••<> J Kt 10 HARRISON AGENCY MEDICAL SECRETARY - FlM-doy lions Need car Start U and hour (HLVROll 1 VEGA OT 19/3, tl live agency Experience preferred bu HATrS RIDUCEO FOR MANY ISY REAL ESTATE OFFICE Ir orlei (M'F| ond Baker s helper week, specialistlt , MonmoulMlhh MedlcoMedical will lark wilh person who desires ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY lellent condition. Iwo door automatic 0LVO WAGON 1971 - Automatic DRIVERS Check our dlicounti and rd ot Iwo licensed oiiociates For mled Good starting solory, unltorrm I Center Prolesslonol Building, reler monage Excellent commission i 70 Thomas Ave 747-3494 Shrewsbury HHIIII snows i ow mileage Must tel condition low down poymenlt Free quote ire inii,(inmuni ond confidential in upplied. paid vacotions. paid encei Write Box H 1*4. The Dolly Reg rangementi Coll for Inlervlc WAITRESSES'WAITEF(S En MV) 791 1011 after 6pm it MANS - 19/1, two door, air condl after S IM tut I Phoenix Brokerage, 6S Hwy view call Cttrls Benedetto. 6/1 0404 whdays Pleasant working tondIIIoni j isfer. Shrewsbury. N J 07701 CAMASSA AGENCY INC . 277-4100. perienced, benefits Apply Bultonwood • MI VHW i i vl (.A 1974 - Holct Honing, power steeringing,. power t 34. Keyport R WASH HELP - Apply in periun nonce tor advancement Apply . OLKSWAGEN BUS - 1971 Onalno EDICAL - Eye Office RECEPTIONIST TYPIST - LorgeGM Manor, Rf M. Motowon S66^7M bntk. power fteerinu. automatic Good it tug wheel*, lope di'' wner Good condition Aihing IIOSO unlry Sudser Car Wosh. 1900 Hwy i) only between 10 o m and 2 p m., y/Aisistont Need reliable, ci, iiwo » Mickiletown an through Fri Ask tor Mr Hoelling Dealer, live day week, fringe beneMs WAIII RS/WAITRESSES Dinner loitdlllon tftt Call 164 3711 MAVERICK 19/7 Six cylinder, air, S161173 cvtl rrtperwn Solory open Mon 10 Wanted 140 Broadway. West Long Brunch For Interview apply In person. Mon and cocktails Experienced only IHEVROt ET CHCVETTE 1977 - power ifeering. asking WOO Call ARPET INSTALLER HELPER Type resume to Bon J 399. The Ihrough Frl , 9 f McGloln Bulck, 618 OLKSWAGEN BUS 19/4 47,140 orl illy Register, Shrewsbury, N J Cleanup person, bus person, parking Blue, HoiUitHKk. (our speed irons #S 141/ Automotive perience preferred, driver's license Shrewsbury Ave . Tlnlon Foils 1 milei Body, motor. A I condl atlendants Apply in perion, The mission, AM rudlo. low mileage, en •quired 6M4S70 1 RECEPTIONIST Orthodontic office MERCURY COLONY PARK WAGON Red and while U00O 6/14061 DUNKIN DONUTS Shipwreck Inn, Hwy 36, Keqniburg. iHieni > ijiiiiiiiuii rnusl sell 17,100 19/1 full power, olr. excellent condl JUNK CARS WANTED EDICAL ASSISTANT - Full lime, type ril WAITHI ss MI Full lime ttuys 'IV QUO OLKSWAGEN DUG 19/4 Goo lion, 11.700 147 SS*O 741 1079 CASHIER lunler help wanted, no experience uii hove tralnlnoor experience Wllh Please coll 777 1794 Apply In per son between 3 Sp.m ol the dlli New puinl. 44.000 mlle < itNU'iin illi impalu, lour lime, am and p.m hours aval ecessary, will train Good starting ences Coll HI 1515 Ml. WIDGET 1974 74,000 mllei. In 900 or belt otter Call 147 SW9. eve* JUNK CARS WANTED Towedtrec REFRIGERATION TECHNICIAN Pour House, 640 Shrewsbury Ave., Tln- ii ">' hnrdlop, power steering, power Experience preferred Company y, uniforms supplied Paid vaco credibly CNcellenc t ondition AM/FM I bought Experienced or trainee (or dome; lon Falls No phone colls pltote. eight • i Bill. 49S 0611 unts Apply In perion biakes. uir conditioning %*,)•> 671 M69 n k toll bar and more refrigeration service Willing to le WAITRESSES M'W - Full or port (HtVHOlU WAGON 1977 Power Nll at 1*} iim In pm p m Ol KSWAGEN I9AS - Karmann Ghia JUNK CARS PERGAMENT Mon through Frl . noon toAp m Apph NEED 15 a trode In domestic refrigeration b- e Must be experienced Apply In Peering/broke* Asking 13S0 Call tllow convertible (W. Rumion, Monmoulh WMI away free and bought JS & Poole Ave Hail person only, between 10 O.m and ! perienced person musl have own tools, son, Ren Diner, 117 Well Front St.. M7 1414 41 0474 Call Rocco, IV 17S4 Chrytler Plymoulh ASHIER - Part time, per tt , Mon through Frl Aik lor Mr 5TEADY WORKERS cor neceisor\_ Coll /J9 1116, «-S. tutonlown :*i '/-« RESTAURANT PEOPLE - Clom CHEVROlfl IVM impula, two door OLKSWAGEN BUG CONVERTIBLE TOP DOLLAR ar round position Apply in person oefling ol 440 Broadway, West Lon( ITRESSES'WAITERS - Top «a openers, counter, grill, etc. Apply in Coupe, 4S4, very good condition Po< UONTE CARLO 1M1 - Very cleo Mag wheel*. AM and cai&ctte FOR USED CARS irine Lumber. Sea Bright, " lence only A la carte menu. Apply liter 741 0301 person, Big All, Long Branch ifcn, power tifclng ldd v LIPPIN MOTOR CAR CO . INC ough Frl $320 A Week •erson, Sheroton Inn. Hoilei SO 671 MI6 HI JS Suyrevllle^ N J HI i M* Boardwalk OLKSWAGEN BUG 1977 - Good - Apply I . MEN CAN BE CARPENTERS - Aon through Fri Burger Kln< < in VI.M.I i i MONZA - Town MONTE CARLO 19/I - Power slttr eon condition Rebuilt tronimnsion USED AND JUNK CARS WANTED CASHIERS Solely company has several openings REST AUR ANT KITCHEN HELP eflghteri. Mechanics, or almost Otontown. WANTED - Port lime, lull lime. App- • - '. Blown, four cylinder, auli 35: Ing/brakes'windows, AM'FM rodlo wo new tlrei. AM/FM radio tlOOO TOP PRICE PAID xptrienced only need apply C '•" safety division Company spe- 'hlng Army Reserve Op power steering, AM/FM radl il '4! 3017 CALL 741 174) i In lire estlngulshers, fire escape ly In perion, or coll Mr Deep Sondhl, Ducfcel seats,oir. needs body work WA ( HAUF F i UR XERCISE PERSON - For ladles spo iles. IU 1344. VI 0129, 244 M» good tundition Cull /4I 1/7/ Call oiler / p m , 191 9796 i, outomatic heal and smoke de The Hlmayalo Restauront, 656 OLKSWAGEN 1969 With 1973 en WANTED esponsible, experienced, licensed xerclse and dance exercise Instructor Shrewibury Ave., Tlnlon Falls Y TECHNICIAN '— Part-tlmt, I HEVROLeT IMPALA 1961, good WHMANI, ll 19M. four on the (loui or lop natch resort hotel and health •glstered, licensed. Must b« profl- ne Blue i400 A 1 used cart Tap dollar pold reded to fill on Immedial 7411977. AM/FM, vinyl root, only M,1M mile OASIS MOTORS (7011 /ll 710 spa Musi be responsible ond ex- nl In GE X roys. Send resume lo Box Coll 764 1734 after 6 pm acancy ur people work on on averoge ot 35 mofc* Best offer Coll 'II perienced, references necessary, part Five dayia week, full tl ie, /] ulies Include Chaufteurlng our Chli per week. They en|oy good 79. The Daily Register, Shrewsbury, WE NI 1 I) USED CARS Ime or full lime. For oppolniment, shift OLKSWAGEN STATION WAGON live to and from Newark dally oges, no lay offs. loll ot overtime It 07/01 t ci .in, uied cr *m ', H6 - Squareback Excellent cond tup clullur paid MULLER ( lit VWd 11 5MXJ. usV tur Mils Brown 946-4WI addition lo routine trips in Ihe Newarl -ilred. on 14S0 Call *«v rn; LET, Hwy 14. Matawon. S66 M00 XECUTIVE SECRETARY - Morkel etropolitan area, throughaul Ihe day IIPN Small, pieasonI l u bed WASHINGTON MOTORS Wfr BUY USEO CARS AND THUl K umlldoies must reside In the Til ng and sales department, self duller, Ol vii WAGON 1977 Autoniotl ill have own transportation nurilng unit,, lulfulll part time., night shttt, ! Babysitting/Child Rt 1ft & Main St Keyporl, N J SCHWARTZ Chryslyilei r "Plymo ills areo Please respond lo blc lo function wllh minimum super- odlali. AM/FM, all, 64,000 milts, e jil be over II. 11 / Mis Daly, B47 3400 CHHVSLER 1970 Newpoit Cuttom Ked Bi Kit. The Dully Register, Shrewsbury Ion Customer and soles conlact, client condition S7400 &7I 4S3? , 747 0/1!J Die fo work from 6-10:X> p.m Care .', i*n mllei, new tiret Needi tune up 2640778 J 07/01 Equal opportunity em 'osont telephone manner, sleno and ULDSMOBILE CUTLASS 1977 - Ora •mlth own Irantportatlon. Small com 1100 | Thomos Ave 547 0107 Shrtwstiur xcellenl benellls. Everyothcr week "in ni have typing and book mm nidtic lionvniiiiun Good condition WMELAN PONTIAC BUICK OPEL mouth County reiidenli. Send reiun Hjny training and rapid advancemen 764 3464 nd oft. Arnold Waller Nursing Home, keeping skills Single school district -iking t90Q 671 9171 wv ' Freehold to ManiTiouth County Perionnei D CLERK TYPIST nlo monoaemeni training. For In More Classified PLYMOUTH 19/0 SPORT FURY 77 South Laurel Ave . Hailel, N J Saiory negotiable Reply Higlilund- CREDIT PROBLEMS WOW partmenl, Hall ol Record*, Main Si iteresting. diversified position in Re ervlew Call Mr. Jamet, Board ol Education, Highlands. N J Brougham. 61.000 mllei Beit ll URSES AIDE - Full or part time, No aaih ? II you're working, Freehold. N.J OJtn ank Entry level. Start 1105 739-0377 0//37. wilh resume or letter of quoll on Next Page Cull after t p rn , Ml 97S9 3 or 3 11 Small, pleasant nursing und help to oeoett ficed Noo money AGGRESSIVE - Full time reiponslb ACE TEMPORARIES EXPERIENCED PAINTERS llcotions. PLYMOUTH TURY 19H AM/FM Trucks And all Mrs Daly. S47 3400 d i PPoymcnls arranged tla suillt y pcrion, willing lo learn, driver I homos Ave 542 0307 ShrewsOur WANTED - Apply In person between good condlllon HIM Coll llcente o muit Knowledge ol mui URSES AIDE AND ORDERLY — SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS - PER needs Many New u«J Uuallly Used Trailers OOKS Two lor days. 10J, one to S4 p.m., 45 Hendrlckion PI , Fall Business Tars S66I/W nail Inc , 773 Branchport Ave., Loi >. 640 Shrewsbury Ave., Tlnto nd air ihociti, ready lor work Mihllrlown Ave, Allanlic Highlands lors, 79 Monmouth St , Red Bonk .Branch An equal opportunity ei No phone colls, pltoie EXPERIENCED CASHIER - Over 21 DOOOI DART 1964 - Four door, 717 7177, otter tpm part lime Interview W-S p.m. Town SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST — OOK - Plua Person, Walter o NURSE'S AIDE - / 3 shift, full lime ixiwer steering, good condition 1700 or AM'FM eight trek Included 741 107 and Country Inn, Hwy 35 & Broadway Slight bookkeeping, previous ' Waitress Apply In person, Nino's Re Muil be experienced Please call Med best oner UlOSII aftei ) aflei 6pm HEVROLET VAN 1H7 - VI. oulo Keyport perience In Doctors office prefei STOP LOOKING! ouront,71Sffasl"- ittr, Uimo. Ent. 13. fJUDGE CHALLENGER 19/4 twit PON1IAL STATION WAGON - 1V7O matlc, UM Catl ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER - Know it Newman Springs Rd flexible hours avollable Please Send Shrewsbury door. V I. fully equipped, ulr. hardtop, new nulgmotii transmission on »M 4451 edge of accounti payable and EXPERIENCED - Shetl rocker NURSE - RN or LPN charge nurse, Resume lo Box H-313, The Dally Re celvable ond general otflce i topers ond linlshers Pay lop dollar -11 shift, fun lime Experience pre eicelltnl condition W6 36M brakes, tollhtul car. besi otter Ca CHEVROLET TRUCK Aluminum gEKIer. Shrewsbury, N J 07/01 edurei Send reiume to Boi G 300 OMwlTOLOOIIT — LICfUMd. 9 good work In Monmouth County. Col erred Coll tor appointment, OODGE 19// VAN 777 8790 curveitde body, one ton VVM S4 North >950 A MONTH The Dolly Register, Shrewsbury, N. perienced in facials and waxing. •73 1532 or B70 1476. Shrewsbury Manor Nursing Home. SECRETARY Loaded Must sell PONTIAC CATAIINA IVo/. Ion Brldoe Ave, rear of Herti, Rfrd Bank //Ol Coll JoieHe, 7<< Apply In perso 70 Thomas Ave S474307 Shrewsbur //Ol Notional Distributor needs quoll' IU Mum St Maluwun SU 90UO ftEDIKER SHERMAN J.voo HI 1*U Can be seen 8 6 p ni chla. Service Manager Hajlel t between 9 if. lo Van Brackle Rd Holmdel lied people lo re slock displays lor MAT SPORT SPIDER 197S Con DODGE PEUGEOT dallkilly* weekdayswrektlnyv. 474799 Prospect Ave . Lll AUTO MECHANIC - experl SEWING MACHINE Rl M Wall Township 44» ?IOO PART TIME DRIVERS established accounts In your aria. fertlble wllh hardtop Mag wheels, le Silver Market ressory Apply In )fcl,IVEHY PERSON WANTED Part time nights Must have own c_ We have expandedi again 1and need OPERTORS WNTED lupe cteck, 17 SOU miles, live speed. Im RITTINHQUIE TOYOTA PICK UP - 1974, new point Schwoiti r Plymouth, tondllionlng For your Country. Arm Apply In person, Circle Pitta. IS Hw >re driven lo itairi l Sepi. S Experience preferred. Good solar rtioculatr 14.W. HI 7471 days. 147 4*09 LINCOLN MERCURY. Inc spoked w wide mdlulv sky port Reserve Opportunities 7>4 1346 6. Eotontown must applyf INOW In ( W0 Hwy IS miSOO Ocean tw many i-.iu Engine olio emellent 1710179. VM 2*71 '50 MILLION AUTO BODY COMBINATION - special ileekensn e In tin 147 94». It 1 aniwci. W7 4471 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST FIAT 19/7. ISO Sport. 31,000 miles, SHORE MOTORS Call 49*7714 between 10 7. perienced lor Red Bank office. K eimburse permit pir yeor Is. spent on national od SHEETROCKERS WANTED - T( vcriiiing by our clienti Our prod • "ii Mlchelln ladlals. runs well Coll Volvo Triumph Dealer TRUCK INSURANCE Monday Ihrough Saturday •doe of insurance and Medlcold form iood pay Sleody work. Off holidays wages plus benefits. Full-time, ye uct enioyt the benctlls of a total 'H-tuie 1? noon, or after ip ••> 764 4176 Hwy It, Manasquon $71 'SOU FRtE quolei und blnderrii bb

LANDSCAPE GARDENER'S HELPER WANTED - Full-time only, Experience nccnMry. 741-ttSS aO*r i ID p.m. | 1 AWN MAINTENANCE ASSISTANTll BUSINESS DIRECTORY - Excellent pay. experience needed Coll alter 6pm, Ul IT9) LEGAL SECE p required. For Red Bank law office, A DAILY GUIDE Solory open Write to Bo. G 301, The FACTORY AUTHORIZED DotlyReg^ter, Shrewibury, N J 0"0 Of BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS only. Excellent Skills required Hospi tolliotlon McOmber & McOmber DRIVEWAY Esqs Call Elaine. Ul 6500 from 9 1 ADDING MACHINES CONSTRUCTION TOP CAT CLEARANCE LPN~-"~Flve evenings. 3 lo 11 30pm, Four nights, 11 p.m. to 7: JO a m. Alter- TYPEWRITERS ASPHALT CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS PAINTING A nating weekends Good benefits Apply Atllll HS Ty|>rwMlr - Walks, curbs and polios. Free etil DECORATING in person, Westwood Hall Nursing males Coll 671 3J39 ON ALL NEW AND DEMO 1978 MODELS Home, 711 Bolh Ave . Long Branch, or sold, trodfd. repaired conioci Mrs King, 772-5277, between I DISCOUNT prices GVCTPAINT CO. - InterloTtWfor SERPICO'S WW DRIVEWAYS decorating, palnl and spray Ffet estl Asphalt drives, concrete walks and 774 nil on tlm BUoront*e 1J*•""•*. I PN Port or full time, 17 I shili polios Free estimates Our 73rd year Apply ot Garden State Manor. 16 Van ALTERATIONS ART CO PAVING 74I-1S76 Brockle Rd , Hotlmdei LPN - Port WALLY'S PAINTING or full lime, 17 1 shift Apply at Gorden ADDITIONS - Garages, complete MOVING & STORAGE EXPERT CRAFTSMEN NEW78 ZEPHYR Stole Manor. 16 Von Brockle Rd.. homes, remodeling, IS years In this Interiors Our Speciality NEW 78 BOBCAT Holmdel 791 1191. AFTEft 6 P.M area. Call anytime, H7-94M, eves MOVE WITH NICK — For lest. Fret LUNCH HOUR SUPERVISOR Pdti estimates Senior rales, also will DDONS Roog, sdg, ceamic travel. Coll onytlme, 5*6-9194. 3 DR RUNABOUT— Sid 4 speed steel belt, STATION WAGON— SM 4 ^oeed. steel-helled radial time employment, live days per week tile. Complete line of remodeling Call ROOFING A SIDING tires 4cyl p front disc brakes. Imted glass, b I inint (i u PLUMBING A WORN OUT FROM AGE' Call Now Ztphyi'l In slock— Wag apartment complex, full time, U HEATING TOP CAT PRICE 3999 TOP CAT PRICE '4255 perienced Call i47 1099 om, 2 doon. 4-doon, vari- PLUMBING'PROBLEMS' ous colors and equipment MANAGEMENT CARPENTER RETIRED - Seeks Eugene J Patterson Folr Haven TRUCK A AUTO small ond medium tiled lotoi Com '41 9464 License No. 3177 lo choose Irom TRAINEE plete Interior remodeling service Pan RENTAL cling Kitchen coblnets. Room oddl DO YOU KNOW PAINTING & FORD RENT A CAR Prices exclude tax and licensing llontirecreatlon room, retlnUhlrtg HOW bookcases Armstrong chandelier crll DECORATING FAIRWAY FORO Ings. Free advice ona estlmolei Good Daily Weekly Monthly TO CLOSE A workmanship. Call onytlme, 779 H59 in Mrti Call now* tor Iree eitlmalfs SALE 471 S716 I YES? lions, dormers, garage conversion HOUSEPAINIING I am a pointer llnlshed batcmenfs, repairs Free esl wllh nine years enperlence and started ft mates 1*1 7004 GOOD YOUR HIKED? my own business I'm looking for sails I AVIS NO? fled customers to establish u reputation LANDSCAPING LAWN lor quality work ond reasonable prices wi THY HARDER FINE Inferior ond ejtlerlor. For tree esll- GARDEN MAINTENANCE tRenl a Plymojlh I'LL TEACH YOU maies. coll Sol. 9M 440S ot other Itne car FOR INTERVIEW TING CALL AAON-TUES. Carl B. Jones Fully Insured 74.7-0308 10 TO 6 P.M. For Iree estimates call 77» 1131 739 0377 51. BobysltiHMj/ 71. McrctKMdivt SHREWSBURY NJ MONDAY AUGUST 2& fffj The Drily Rt flirte • 15 Child Cart For Sale Nubbin 101 Commercial 31 HdusesFor Sale 152. Boats And CHILD CARE - In my Rentals Accessories 3 LINES BRiOMt - Maul a reot borgoin' RED BANk - lit Brood Si 750 tq ft rick home living room dining room LVMAN - MARO Moiqwit Sooie completely *etorated ottite tpace witr tchen two large bedrooms one tar Dwranoutu lotto" Whoier JohnMtn llAiLE rCIHM - To cart lo, 5 DAYS carpeting Pteiiige >ocoiiolrat, pool pun SHIP S STORE 54 Situations Wanted Ing. carpeting 7)9 917e eves AWNINO-TYPJryyfE J- KJOMVIMOM. For Sole For Sale WO FEMALE - Block Labrador pup BRIGHT - OieanFronl One and J9OM0 davi FLAGSHIP MARINE AWNINO-TYPE - .. three months old Free to iovir, Call 547 "ll Municipal Moilne Batm Female Uwl Lino, itormi ond tcrttni. out MATTRESSES - Seort O Pedlc. ( Mdroom unlit with central a'r and Ul i ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER - >e S42-OS7S »IN I WALKER Atlantic HlOMondt lot tUminuoni. 4»» ono 40.» I! Wettlnghouu. US. food blender, IS heal oppliantet. beoch dub included WANTED - Office tpate appro* BABYSITTING - In my h Queen. 1U Full. MO Never uted Crib, REALTORS me An -Ml. IIQ ooch 141 371? ullc, t p.m Farberware toaster, IS, pultoting Large Starling at USO monlh Call 147 7597 imaieiy KK) ta fl Secielailoi lervlcet J91 5*M age Experienced Wett Loi white. US talker vs 7M IM7. Sh Dayt e ofilht, 17. flor lied with heodbc d an* bedspieod Geneial Red Bank area 741 1549 or BABYSITTING - Dona In my High plnk/whlle bunting. 17 p, Closed M g p,oom m wBi u EMERSON - Air conditioner. MOO HD7_W\JWN londt home Reasonable Meaii n Condominiums Wed and Prl im tpm 9 W CCorlMl IS BTU. US G E elleclrlc range, 17S, Blcyclet/Minl SHADOALAKE VILLAGE - Adult MtDUfcHHANEANUlNfclTfcSfct 1 WANTED II" V bottom aluminun PI™ *" Phllco reliigeraloi MO Good condl .ItV Two bedroom, 7 . path With matching server Enelienl tondi cor lop boat jnd equipment LOVING CARE — Provided for your BEDROOM SET - Bo. tprlngi. mal Bikes ownhouse Golf, tennii, pool ond lake own Houses Ion Asking MM Call 471 6159 between 109 Buildings/Garages 747 1*4* child In my Mlddletown home. River rett, two dressers and nigh" tables E T MAGS - And Formula llrei, IwQ ._ One yeor leoie UK per HAOOW LAKE VILLAGE - RetOlet Plaio oreo Any «got MI-tMt iJTfjr. 142-7173. after 6 p in • ond two ID wheels with M ' tiret. month Nights or weekends call JOVING SALE "A~littteolTol every orlous models LAWIEV AGENCY MATURE WOMAN - Wltiwt to coTe Unllug. will Many vehicle. U00 tor set M4Mf? 1S4 Recreational IEOROOM^ET ~ WMie^Frencti Pro thing Toys, woll plaquet. furniture. month uiui'Jiimiet Security requited lor your child In my home. Infancy ond " new Call Evet . 191 1197 or " •7*3 eves Ul 557V vlntlol. double bed. dretter and vanity SMALL EFFICIENCY APARTMENT 7917144 Vehicles jp Have references _M4-4S1S _ 17S Singer sewing machine, old. In BOY S BIKE - » red & (ieti ollowed 495 uJ'4 CALL TOLL FREE BOO »7 9703 Sotory«5 45 In Rumton. Little Silver, (rapes, blue ond white print. %X on* Walnut cotte* table. MS Three 33 Income Property e lamps, HO eoch Osier Her TWO ROOMS - Ana both turmthed. ll HI LO - Alt metal travel Irtillei F-alr Haven, Long Branch or Llncroft private entrance lovely retidentiai FURNITURE dei. u J*l M79_ _ REAL ESTATE fully e«iulpi>ed tietpt live wulei. elei oreo. near tronutoriotlon Single mule NCOME PROPERTY HIGHLAND IEDROOM SET - Maple. FTvt pec Furniture al a traction above coti Any NEW BEDROOMS - Living roomt. only 747 1771 after 5 .- FOR SALE ILLS- Three apartment*., eoih with (ML. gos nookupt lt0«5 in 6)1' B nome brand available, such at Ben ---"ing. ond dinettes at discount 82 Swimming Pools porote eni'umr Funlaillt view of ll CONTtNCNTAl - All uppllamei __Col^l7J_-09S9 nlnglon Pine, Pennsylvania Houte, n my hom _...j| Factory Call olttr I p m West End $200 eu>i artd rivet Firepiutei Lovely self tontoined 2M13U Drtxel. Heritage, Henredan, Baker. 49S-O07S OL - Distributor, disposing oundi l"0 monthly Im ome Uf 900 BOXES - Corrugoteti.'PoritTng 7op di. pets o k . oil uiiiltiei free Pleaie Call 7*4 5171 Thomosvilie. Century, ond many, ' long, above ground pools * 1410 WILLING - To bobytlt for working lor^^ndusiry^and Moving one many more For more Information, .34 STATE RENTALS Bki 131. Homes For Sole (AVHIM l«7| Hoidtop popup ti OFFICE FURNITURE - Conference with sundeck. fencing, Illler op popup ill mothers oi 11 per hour per child, dally call weekday!, 17 9 p m ! and tli cholrv two detkt, file ED BANK INCOME PROPERTY tleepei. mint condllion include! full installation Asking UK LOW TAX EATONTOWN Supei oil deluie feu BOJTiPRING "AND MATTRE$V~-~f«< t rancher with a beautiful yard on » UU fVonmioufh Rentals 'N OISO Bki iiiwiin IWO tuid togeihri oi sep Cherry today From 13 99 ta yd Installed Choice ot T . enclosed aluminum. Coll 747441] 135 lee 34 Fam Property rolely 'I' 7776 ALL AROUND YARD WORK -L'Tr*n decorotor colors Free shop at home win bedt, CENTURY 71 COZENS Realtors ./ahogony netted (able: cut Gutter*, gor t ld All AN I it HIGHLANDS Hugr 'independenlly Owned ' MOTOR HOMES FOR RtNl alnul Louis XVI, nine piece dlnln F tlt 7 home. two bothi, TWO River Rd Fair ".,,, Prltei hord lo beat CARMT - Bottli green, Hill. FlEREPLACES. den, oarage, eitrat AMATEUR - Two-meter FM tram 741 7AU Coii i;v o<7} ENGLISH CHEF - 31 ngooo<1 747 9414 STATE RENTALS Bkr URNITURE - Moving Bedroom te ' ith th i r F ANT AST IC BROCHURE 27 PLUS ACRES ^jrffi.sf2" "•"""•"• twin, (reei*r, etc Coll weekdays a PACE SETTER - And charger tor the AINNE HAhU 19" - Mini Wliml* ii net in Monmouth County' II 1 you • eat it'i" i CERAMIC MOLDS er 7 p.m , weekendt otter 1pm BARNEGAT - Three bedroom Coionl FARMETTE all eitius 116.000 ou write or can Betsy Ron Agent 164 Silt at Almost New 4U4lf al, heot puld. kldt ok Jutl USO Mon monlh Renials 17* 01W Bkr 135 lee Rt 35. Keypori. N J 07735 Pho .real tubdlvltion uottlblllilet in pr in M-m* PAINT FOR SALE - Factory-freth 13 84 Merchandise URNITURE - Two bedroomi. one BELrVAR OCEAN FRONT HOUSE - 3456 old Neck area 60S at totol aaeai t IS SO llo 210 Lost A Found CHIPPENDALE - Slunt-froni Wanted With deck, three bedroom, available RE 1401 I heovlly wooded Quaint Iwo llO' Mahogany detk, ball and claw leet, Sept It through May 11 U75per month ame it localed on property Call t upler Hie ranch 70 master bedrot FOUND hiiinr owner may hdvi PAINT FOR SALE - Factory Iretti, 13 AAAAAA - LIQUIDATE UNWANTED ddilionai intofmatlon URNITURE - From an Ettote and "•"let 1*5 4737 ulte. I* gueii bedroom, tot mo! din| wilh odeauutr itHiiniuutKin unil puy to IS.SO a gallon. ANTIQUES, JEWELRY, RUCS. FOR PRICE U49.OOO 61 Business wnit . on Sole) Dressers, chests oom. 74 living room 16 iclei far atl 7*1 0410 COFFEE TABLE - CowTtT'i «4nc» ieehole deski. utility cablnett, lone CASH. ii urn. park like selling INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES BIG FARMHOUSE LOST- Gretn Amaion PQIIOI are»ol Opportunities ilyle Pint. US. Itchen table, hi riser crib, child's chlf >IANOSORGANS orobe, ships hatch cocktail table, 159 E Newman Springs Rd MELMED AGENCY fViMin.iMiii. Medltol Cmtei L t>ng Mony used node m», tplnttt, contolet WHELAN ACCOUNTING AND TAX PRACTICE oby furniture, cryilal glassware, t in uprights and grands Most maloi I S6SU 493 M00 Hi ..m i. Reward 170 1)7? WANTED - Or otioclatlon with near a. silver, plftures. pointings, ord " bronds Unlimited rentals from 17 SO JACKSON - Small one bedroo AL GREENE & CO REALTY GROUf» REALTORS LOST Sand colored female tut wilh retirement practitioner Reply BOM 9SS, Dalfy-Sunday" hrow rug, . breokfrontibreakfronti,. dinin" g pe th. Guaranteed lowest prlcet ALL LIONEL TRAINS All bill id 1215 Cll M REALTORS while bib ond IKIWS viimity Uwiuhi Eotl Bruntwlck. N.J. OH) if niturie, etc , etc. RutdlslBoth on Klmball pianos Buy with con Hwy Ji Keyport 7J9 7400 B42-7565 Rd .InOak Hill Answers to fcnond COCKTAIL LOUNGE RESTAURANT fldence with our 10-year parti and la ANTIQUES - Anything old Furniture UY OR SELL Your hume through Reword 671 4O7A eves ur weekendi REGISTER KEYPORT - Beauty- Ihrte bedroom, AND CATERING FACILITIES-Mag br guarontee. china, gloss, dolls, |ewelry, rugs Top n atflliote ol the latgesi real ettote the kldt, lull 1375 Monmoutr nlfklent building with plenty ot park URNISHING ON A LOW BUDGET? FREEHOLD MUSIC CENTER cash paid. Mary Jone Roosevelf, 109 E Ompany In Ihe world- Century 1 37 Lots & Acreage 774 OISO Bkr 13S tee 211 Special Notices i rly Included Doi illi - Check th* USED FURNITURE CEN .Ll_! *7 RENTALS Bkr " fleallort 741 476?. evet 147 5579 llgurlnet, plates, belli Needleworks I 5650 4V3 1600 SLIM Petite lady seeks ioniiidtlbi* drop Good location. Buty highway, Piano Houtt lmbered tuiiestlul gen For FAST RESULTS PORTABLE BIKE - US. gat stove 641 Oteon Av* . Well tnd 777 0792 MiobLETOWN'- Two yeor new Spin OLTS NECK - 1'iitory ranch 01 •ecure dliem Clifrwood orto. SI$.900 full price, Prln Old you know tleman |51671 lo thuriharer • y <' U5, exercise bike, Hi, bathroom sink Level In an Ideal location. Threi anditaped ucrc Formol dlnlna room 138 Mobile Homes clpalt only. Wrlti to: Box C 395. The AT LOW COST NAN "JOHNSON 1 We Are N.J.'S. US; two other links. 115 each; bo bedrooms. 1 •; bathi, I ; cor gorage finer Ihlngt In lite P O Dally Register, Shrewibury, N.J ill Miil.rn den. five bedrooms stools. 145, kitchen chain. BUYS AND BUYS with lorge dining room, kitchen ano OteunpoM, N J 07757 07701. Largest ond Oldest ee botht, central olr. privacy, e phone 4M-0416. From an entire household to a tlngli e«ti[i large fomliy room Avullabl) Mem. Antique furniture, lewilry, ill rt. 1134,900 MERRI-MAKINGS - Cuttom catering Piano Dealer Sepi 1 One or two-year leate option PORTABLEDISHWASHER - Goo ver. Immedlote coih Top dollar nit. 750 gallon 213 Instruction ll for sole, lock, ttock and title is* Mason ord Hamlln, Klmball. Sohmer 1S7S per month plui utilities Twc ondlllon Hardly been used. 1100 Cal •4^1^49. MIDDLE TOWN - Returblihed Color Illon Ideal lor vocation Monmouth St.. Red Bank. 741 $913, I Baldwin, Kawal, Knabe. Everett, Cur- monthi tecurlty and reference! re ling camp I7SO0 " REGISTER ler, Hordmon ond Player planot J7-7OK. Bright living room, tormol dining A NEWV 41 HOUHOUR Muinlriu reul II ilred Coll Manny mornings, 49S 9536 1 QUIre after > p.m. OLD FURNITURE - Antique*, chlno oom, new 1 1. m kitchen, den tale lie entinen g tourte Sepi 1177 tu REFRIGERATOR - 4.5 CU. ft., 33' glonware. ori oblecti and brUa-brac _vtl_, 671-13J6___ 1 LARGE DISPLAY OF ? lomeroom. two llteploiet. '" Monmuujulh n.ii.i.ii. 741 0779 NURSERY SCHOOL — Pre-KIn high, excelienl condition, 160 Alt ile cash for anylhlng and eve EATONTOWN - Five roami pi dcrgartfn Day Care. Located Ii. Classified Ads •edrooms. T 1 bothi, attached Iwo t GRAND PIANOS. desk, solid maple. Hat lop ilyle. 120 Ruicll't, 35 I, Front SI MIDDLE TOWN - Colonial forr both Nice condillon Large loi Ski, Bovthore area. Slate-approved for 70 X0 MAIN STREET garage Central air Near golf club a rvthlrw house. Completely r dld Th atlon IW.WO ng Shea Winduw air Atking 15300 children. Write to BON Q 716. The Dally ASBURY PARK, N.J. 07717 wjnr bedrooms, living roo , dining 547 1917 or 764 751/ Register, Shrewsbury. N.J 0/701 542-1700 7759300 REFRIGERATOR - Frlgldalre, Cop kitche , d bbasent, , plp u GARDEN PARK MOBILE HOMES Toll Free from Matowon Areo DOLLARS - Convert Old Jewelry tc ANDYMAN SPECIAL - To ieti pertone. 17 Cu ft . good condition. 150 pllonces, born and garage on flou ithony Rd . Hatlet Adult Caih. DON PONS JEWELERS Wll Itoti Llvlna room, fireplace, dlnlnr, jOpen dally 9 to 9, SotJ'JJ J loitjSf-Jm ocres completely private 1625 Refer ihopping and N Y bus 63 Money To Loan Buytrom private owners ond estates JUIII three bedroomi, tunporch. ha 566-8100 IUG - Ivory wool, 9x17, |us1 cleaned ernes and security Call Foulkl Pre HAMMOND SOUNDER - Organ. Mini ANTIQUE CLOCKS REPAIRED ANC din heal, convenient Mlddletown lo X Redwood picnic table and beocr ton Agency, osk tot Carul. 671 9494 jtion near Pork way Low taiei MAFU IN TRAILER - 10*40 Kilcher JEWELRY DESIGNED 799 River Rd ' Ing room, bedroom Bathroom, n LOAN BY PHONE! Toll Free from Mtddleiown Areo Fair Haven. N.J 147 6757 NEED A HOME* For Fat) service! Secondary mortgage S <» Trailer on lot with patio Adu SEARS 23" - Color combination r GRAB A PHONE 220 Atlantic Highlands looni' MAJESTIC FINANCE CORP ' LAWLEY AGENCY Park Two mi conditioners Musi te IBM TYPEWRITERS ond itereo. needs work, 1100 747 9434 STATE RENTALS Bkr " U500 Call 495 9359 W Rl V, Howell, oik lor Mr. Ltwlt DANISH - Bookcase with drawers, GENCY REALTOR NOTICE TO IENTAL 11150 p;r mo. REAL ESTATE CALL US TOLL-FREE OCEAN GATE - Quolnl two Story 41 6767 Evil , 147 517 MOBILE HOME INSURANCE PROPIRTY OWNER SEARS - Ken. portable dryer, „ RENTALS twobiflr^orm Kldsok Just 1340 Mon ELUNS HAJtLTON, WEALTOI i HE t quotes mill binders by phone Rt Subdivision ApplKutiun (BOO) 822-8989 JEWELRY - To set I If DESKS. PILES - Tablet, chain, new, 1)25. mouth Renlali 774 01SO Bkr si', lee Member Real Estole Eithange CALL TOLL FREE M0I17970] I uli 17, II 14 IS Hi.- i 77 Ing machine*, typewriter*, ol 147 1700 HigMdiuliirul Muu'il Avrnuet In adu-. Atfuntk Ilighluiuh. New lrlif(l to u.r t'liiiiiiinu Itunui _WJM4 AAA~R~ENTAL~5~E^VKE "NtWTen- jig* living room, dining room, den tklrtlng, ownlngi, etc 117,650 fn ol Ihe Borough ot Atinnin HighluiKh. 3IN I NGTROOW" ^obre7 III"cnair tall dally, never a tee for tenant SHEETS 6~F CORRIJGATED'PAP"E"H- RED BANK - Neat Iwa-bedroom it in kitchen, three extro larg County ol Mon ifh unit Stnlr of Npw Nrttet and breakfront. Excellent cone LADY'S PANTS SUITS ~-~ DretieV Furnished ond unfurnished homes and 1 JOARD - Ideal for Camp, School, home, bring kids, won't lotl. I bedrooms, I , baths, gameroom. base Jersey, for ti|U"uv«l ut u ma|nr ,ui> 71. Merchandise •eporotei, ilie 16, good condllion, 14 apartments. TEICHER AGENCY. RE- kout, Church and Buslnen prelects lmouth Rentals 774 OISO Bki ment, two car gorage. central air. fin CLEARANCE SALE - On ou' huge .11- IS- .i. ..I Ihr Utluve iMfirm nl luillt' ALTORS. W Oceanport Ave , Oceon For Sale DIRf FdPSOlI "iTO N E jote. JVaert, «I!MO 741 5isi Inventory ot uleC mobile homei. tull to be cliviitrd Inlo tlve lots, one nl which able tor otflcet. hunting and IM lodgei would im imtr the present huute s In Ih tVl." BLACK ANO""WHITE TV - SUPPLY CORP. RENTERS ATTENTION! HOME SALES evening or us uion ihetrufln us ii>r Free home delivery, Irregulori. tu vv U Rt 35, South AmbOy, N J mutler l.r lirnr.l Needs work. 130 Aquarium. 20 gallon LIKE NEW - Hospital bed, wilh ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS- Flrit floor I „ B1.t F« W'M _ E XgUXl. - R, a cose, check out our guaronli MELMED AGENCY 701 771 5151 An appluation nnd plui lins been with accessories. MS Elghl-trach tape spring, mattreit and rallt, 1700 apartment, three bedroomi No pets 747 9434 _ STATE RENTALS BI 71 5650 *9i IM tiint in Ihe OflUe ut HIP MI imi ployer and itereo turntable with ipeok y* J References and security rcqulrei' RIVER PLAZA - ert, M0. Full slit crib and mattress, FOUR BEDROOM COLONIAL Clerk of thr Buniugh nf AllunlM ittuii THE USED FURHirrTlRE CEHTER house, Sept t occupancy 1315 pe PORT AU PECK S -The selling fo 140 Real Estate Wanted US Porto-crib ond mattrest, 110, Call Disposable Diapers u^f61T7riCR~61rVAvi~ov'Eir ~- month Lease, reference ond security lunds and Is uvuiltililr foi intpri Hun 197 Shb A Rd Bk hit mint condllion. center hall Colon Or3977,_b«twee^ll^p.n1_ Memorymatlc, excellent condition, I WILLIAM D RYAN, Realtor, 747 1S00 Al Ihe ofoiesuid |iuhlli hrunng, USO Full site box spring ond matlren. AVON - Very nice Iwo-L__ il Excellent lloor plan, large eal I ELLEN S HA7ELTON - Realtor you 'i.,i, "['I" 'i' either in person ur liy ACLEARANCE OF EXOTIC PLANTS Member Real Estale I m Quuil •ring kldt Heal paid. Just 1795 Mon'•' uiiM'.nli lichen overlooks family room wit an uttorney and present uny •. i. ii • ui, - Mutt go, tome Items at '••; price 101 TOP SOTC mouth Rentals 774 0150 Bkr UMII (II lir linn il DRESSERS - SI9.U, cheil of draweri LIVING ROOM —- CCarpeting, Shore BNd_,,_Kjwntburg_7l7;S4M.__ ill os. ISO. Alto larg doort to private patio, Wl,500 Rurmon, »47 3700 I '•••' I r nllilj ll 122.50. kitchen let, 124 SO. seven piece corpe1ting, ISO. Both able 931 3313. 717^712* HI 7MI _ J*}Wb ^"CONDITIONERS -~SO00 BTU • LISTINGS OF BETTER HOMES - \t MIMI I WAN & Ml 1,1 Kill! dinette set. 119. Love wot, UV China ple/areen.. Coll 4 TEA BRIGHT - Oceanfror CAM ASS A AGENCY. Reoltoi 31,000 BTU Slorllng at 198. N«w uted Keantburg Mlddletown Hailel AiloniCtf im AmiliMint closet, 119. Wooden step itooli. 14.7$ TOW nh OUt*. unlur niijif it tw MCMLS. 4 Porker Ave . Little Slive new domoged Over SOD In stock. Will LIVING~ROOM SET - Flv»-plece7ln Holmdel areo THE SMOLKO AGFN By AMI HUH |! MI r,fi«n fi Bath tls 1375 F d ' bedroomi, fireplace, garage. Beaullti 47 9797 Evei 179 6099 d»llver_ond (nttftll. Call ^93177^ eludes iwo couchet, end table, corner CY. 717 0173 August 71 19 VO table, and coffee table. End table and 1Co 40 INYL AND STEEL FENCE - 35.40. "MAVVBUYER'S-NVED LISTINGS AI^~CON^rTlONER ~ S,0M BTU, pine cablne :otfee table have slate tops Couchei BHANO NEW - Two bedroom opart 123.60 Bedroom tulle, with gates 140. Call 9*6 1407 between Call the Kerr Agency, inc 222 Eatontown Seori, ($$. itereo hi fl with eight-track 1179 Wapi are carved ookwood with red velvet ment. working fireplace, 1315. heal in child's chirtarobc. 14V. 636 Rlvi-r Rd , Foir Haven. 741 4477 tope, AM/FM rodlo In Spanlth cabinet. Plono ench settings. All five pieces cuttom mode WALL - Farm house, threebedrooi RECREATIONAL NOTICE 119.50. More ond more 170. electric bats guitar, woodgroln Ruiclll, 35 E " irnlfure Is Spanlth Mediterranean. WAREHOUSE SALES 3 acres Bring kids. Won't last Mon HAZLET - Brand new cutlom built NOTICE IS HEREBY O1VI N hree bedroom ranch Two lull balht, seuled bids will be r, ihr iWtfti jowl jawtlon^WS^ HfrWftj •_ . io plastic covert Well worth 11,500. OF .RAND NEW - Studio oparlm mouth Rentals 7740150 Bkr 115 fee Sept. 1 occupancy, 1775 1715 mont ill tile, loti ot CMtrat Convenient to Boraugti of Euloniown New in-.i , AMP - Rebuilt Martholl 300, Morihall DRYER - 175 Wother, 150 Air com SCANDINAVIAN FURNITURE HMtJnckidjid _C_oli 6714770 oiler J f ronsportatlon to NYC Must tee Un- unlit S 00 P M urevullinu timr on Set* 4*1] cabinet, with coven. Call t* lloner, 145 Colonial kitchen set. U Discontinued and oneot a kind Items Florid ier 150,000 Builder tember 11. ivf* tor 70O0 Irrl ..I ( ur • ~RANGE~ "Three CLIFFWOOD BEACH^-~Twobedr( 52 Boats & «H»11. Con be teen anytime ot 103 Port Ma In a wide variety of pieces. room, garage/shop Available Oct th Rd . Port Monmouth. AT In private home, IMS. all utllltlei 1390 per month plut ulllitles Year s Accessories tt be ANTIQUE - Hickory-shotted VIKING HOUSE cluded_ 513 6405^ ease W?U7_7^_ Bids m ELECTRIC UNDERWOOD"-~TVP- utopovul ii with Ihe envriupr r leal clubs (woodt). 1917. 1176-75. Belt o TV - Mognovox 25' Color Theotre 7113 Hwy. 35 FIBERGLAS GLASTRON - Jut writer, 1100 Royol Standard, manual CLIFFWOOD BEACH I TWO WEST END -~Huge home. FIRL ly labeled "Hid Propotul und m CaltJfl-UW^ Includes phonogruph and AM'FM ra Oafchuni. N.J pointed II h p Johnson motor vn , 135. Good condition Call 791 1741 ode dlo. Good condition. 1700 or best otter 493-4404 bedrooms, utilities paid, 1365 Man PLACE, yard tor kid), oil e*trai. U00 HAZLET MIDDLETOWN AREA LOT l ui ii, o (ertlfled n,r,> ni lint ANTIQUE OAK FURNITURE - 4. od condllion Trailer needt a ntiii 671 4*68 Weekdays and Sail . until 5:30 Wed STATE RENTALS fih< - Will build to lull Bond, fiayublf to thr Hui uugti ol Fulun Area's largest ond finest selection 373 irk 1600 717 0*34 town In thr sum ol nut Irstlhnri Id1 nf p FOUR CRAGAR - SS dcepdlth, wilh ond Frl , until 9. Squankum Yellowbrook "d . i MANS BICYCLE EATONTOWN — Coiy, three room JERSEY SPEED SKIFF 713 en Irimmmml bid Ingdale, next to Howell Pork. two G SO U" ond Iwo r 60 14' llrei Unfurnished Reody loon. 1770 Mon Used once, US . WASHTNG" MACHTNE" "yiify good ne. trailer Included 17900 TheWoyor m..l ( <» 11 r',.-i »-• ii.r MCLAIN. 93. 9371 (7 (Joytt mouth Rentals 774 0150-8kr .-US fee. 104 Winter Rentals rwo WMIII oia. typ. coti w-nw. _ JM04W HAZLET SPLIT - Four bedroomi, 777 4514 rlgtil la te|crl uny und all t,ni-, ot to D BK Fus living room, dining roam, tomily wuiveuny iiiii.M.iuiity II, in,, t,iii thould l. kllchenelte, r. boihs. central Garage Apartment $195bedrooms, kitchen, living room. Avol HOB1E CAT - Full race with al II be In Ilir best Inters .,( il,r Hur rjugh 71. Merchandise 71. Merchandise air, wall-to wall carpeting, many e> 72 Gorage Sales able Ocf 1 lo April 30, USO month trai. trailer wilh tall lube and gru in ill• •.(. For Sale 74141739 _ trai.lM.9O0 Principal! Only Call oiler Mi, Like new condllion. replOLemen Bid Proposals rntiy l> Hied DI For Sale 7 p in , 764 0045 ait over 11.500 Best otter over 17000 dtetcnted lo Ihe Borough Llrrk. 4' Yard Soles SEA BRIGHT -~ Newly carpet* B'oud Streel, Fulonlowri. New !••• .• . LITTLE SILVER - You must see thli 7 An: furnished, efficiency apartments a 07724prior lolhe rnceling. 01 pfttenlta tpocloui three bedroom two bath II' AND 16" "TV - RecTlner, u motel unlit DallyweckJymonth UGHttHNG Sailboat with In perton ul Ihe regular ii.rriir.a ut ronch Living room with lireplace, din holttered chair, white desk, wilh cha ratel Mold wrvice/ail utilities Trad Oiler, i mfiirni condition Reody to Muyut and luunc II ol I 00 I' M uf IM HIGHLANDS - Only 117S. clean Bo Ing room, kitchen, den. tc reined Other household Items Thuri.. Fr. Avc. spot, all utilities free! Call. Winds Moiei, 141 1837 away 1595 Call 741 6740 Council Meeting Rnorn un the above porch, fully expandable allic. park lik. Aug 31. Sept. 1, 9 om. 49 Woodbine 747_9434 tTATl RENTALS Bhr dote telling, convenient lo Iraln,, schools, SPORTCRAFT CABIN CRUISER MARJOtflt l HI i • I i' DISCOUNTS for KEANSBURG - Five-room" opori 105 Summer Rentals am) shopping Atking 194.900 741 33S1, 77 -> Wilh 115 Johnton Wilh troller, in,. I.,.1,1 Clerk ci.fFFwo'b'b •TACM""^-""' ment. Iwo bedrooms. 173S. Heat In after S_p.m radio, accessories In the water Auguti 71 tv uu LQurelhuni Dr. Thuri., Frl., Aug. 31eluded, available Sept. 1. Security re MOUNT POCONO -Four bedroom id reody to ao 764 IH7 Sept. 1,9-3. First left poised VFW fo the LITTLE SILVER quIrtKl^Caii jitter i p.m., ^M-UW^ _ two-bath Chalel Fireplace. Prlva NOTICE end.jherwlghi. A TOUCH OF CLASS! 1979 CONTINENTAL BOATS golf course, tennis courti, beoch an UNIQUE HOME - On two plus ocrei NOTICE IS HEREBY 1,1 Vf N IftOi SENIOR country club Clote to oil retort the following Ordlnanre wot in WASHER - Dry7r7o"ir"condliTonei In a part like telling, solidly con TRUCK LOAD SALE color TV ond more. Sun. to Wed. 103 mss^ ilructed and tpoclout home with ideal traduced and pasted first reodlngui "•• Port Monmouth Rd.. Port Monmoi entertainment center, lour bedroi and 71 V models in stock niretlng ul Ihe Mayor and foumll ut KEANSBURG - Nice clean three 106 Furnished Rooms three full baths, fomliy room hat I ercury dealer CITIZENS rooms, heat paid, no leose 1750 Mon woll lireplace. quarry tile vero Many tustomlied features one TWIN LIGHT MARINE 73 Machinery For Sale ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Small h kind Poftible profesiionai 69 Hwy It Eoil Keaniburg 717 170b al a meeting iff t'jitl budy In br hrld on !5thJinij^7Wo bunki Large cockpll, tlybrldgr MAYOR AMI) COUNCIL Ol ml Clutch Transfers sealer from drums lo tn-mt I power, (rein lluth. dual batleri BU MIIIIOH OF I AT ON TOWN. IN I Ml mochlne. 15,775, Call 717 7403 otter S MINI MANSION tiem. Other extras Well molfitoln*rj COUNTY OF fAONMOIjlM. NEW JIJiJ , IS > 108 Commercial Five tremendous bedrooms, IM In commlitslon 11.150 I l*\ 1757 JFRSt Y, AS FOLLOWS MATAWAN - Ken Gardeni, big one bedroom, 70 gueit bedroom, SECTION I Chapter U.hrrriotrjT and two-bedroom apartments slorti • Rentals V living roor " reserved. Ii hereby amended find sup 77. Pets And Livestock at 1230 Carpeting throughout Air ci place, ll' dim (•lamented us follows llflonlng Loll of parking Swlmmi APPROXIMATELY 40x40 BUM HIM kitchen. CHAPTER H equipped U4U Call 147 9041 AKC DOBERMAN - Male. 11 months >ool ondTennli Courti Your very a - On Hwy 36. Hailel 100 Hwy fro "oH?; t OFF TRACT all shots, trained. 122S Polio Walk to shopping and NYC 136Sf IMPMUVI-Mt-NT1. EGG HARBOR - Sacrllice Coblr muting 513 4010. Open 9 a rr ARTICLE I can nf-nw MELMED AGENCY uK*r, flybridgc, two new Chrysiei LMon to Frt Mil I BEGINNER DOG - Obedience. nine ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - 6SO0 sq t 671 5650 493 UOO 5 hp ertglnet At It, btst oiler »|| ELBERON - Move In! Super ituO N I Short Till* classes, twice weekly, Sept 11-Ocl 9 suitable retail, warehouse, office i ke It Call after 5 ». Sun all day MONMOUTH BEACH - Charming Short lorm tllle for whit h Hn% O| QuolltleO experienced Instructors 13$ 110176 tight rnanufucturiny Air condition? two bedroom Cope Fireplace dinanc:e shall be known Tin OPOF)I 7» -1170. MIDDLETOWN - Yet! Just 1750, ttf HCtlltrrf lof ollorij Please call 291 OSOC Riparian rlghls, quiet street 147.000 3 ULRICHSEN SPORT FISHERMAN I **Af T Improvemenpo t Ortlin nrr uf the CHECK THIS LIST OF MERCHANTS WHO ARE utllltlei, convenlenl to Rl 35 Olal ATTRACTIVE - Modern o'Dce In i Chrylter 710, endoied wheel wheel Hniuuu h ot FF u search center. Red Bank Available DOG TRAINING 747 9434 STATE RENTALS Bkr NfW LISTING Charming cutlot toute, My bridge, outriggers, delude AW in | | II two. Ihree. four rooms or larger unit th chuirs, sleepi five, many eitrat HI I,UL AI IONS OFFERING SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS DAILY Owner Handler Attoclatlon offers obe MODERN APARTMENT Urn ranch In beautiful Oak HIM very at dlencc and show handling clones al 1 ow (tnl Full services 741 vSVS HnMtttly tea worthy Asking 1).7» N 7 General Requirements itportation Best time lo coll befon Irocllve landscaping, three bedroomi VFW Poll. Rt 71. Oakhurtt. For In BEAUTIFUL - Office space. Broi two bothi. den, central olr. basement Where the Planning Rouitl tlr -won. 49S 0416 lertmnet thai oltlroil ininruvrnifnls (ormotlon, Coll 547 7619 or JI2 1749 attached two cor garage Porch plui MEMORY LANE RESTAUWAN• BOAT INSURANCE arre necettarrtecett y tor Ihe proper devt-la|t Excellence tn Food & Service FREE SIAMESE CAT - Chocolote WONMOUTH BEA~CH l«: deck, overlooking very private yord BEAUTY SALONS PHARMACIES Excellent condition Be the iini to tee REE quolei and binders by phon« lent ond utilirallon of Ine protiowd Discounts to Senior Ciltiens Point, beouiilul blue eyei. mole. site bdivistun and Ihe surrounding Hwy 3S.0i.khur*t S3I H94 Itl Asking 191.500 ALL TOLl FREE WO 177 «0l Wj4jT__ otilte ipoce wilh on tile parking Or OSTON WHALEB 40 H P . lay require either 11) thai wch Z Wock lo Brood itreel and HoipifolW CENTURY 71 COZENS. Realtor! oN Iroct improvemenls be Installed ur We Participate Bkr tef mains, vinllary sewert, \turrn Coll now lor free eitlmalei ana We po Iic pale In PAA Pro lu-v Discount to All benior Cltlient dlelown, 350 sq It in professional ilol Excellent tloof plan Large eal Ship's Store itchen overlooks family room wl %fwrrs. (ulvertt, retention boilnv P.M. Horan *7I 57I6«"""S Coll 741 7616 Rt.3SHailel.364USe RED BANK 71 RIVERSIDE AVE building 1165 per monlh 671 loll oiied heorth fireplace and tlldlr mijfiijnirnt\ and street lights, oil in CK RIVERV1EW TOWERS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES Mum doors lo private patio 191,SOO rdonce with Ihr spei flir.atlnn% gov SCHNEIDER b RESTAURANT prmng on trod improveinriiK MCM LUMBER '17-7100 LHASA APSO - Puppies. AKC. cho "THE VERY FINESTIN St , Matawan. Central air conditioning, CAMASSA AGENCY, Realtors, MLS •I 3Cot< Allocation lO'i Discount II you are over 60 RADIATOR WORK 10 ' Di%(i)i(iil on All Food pionihlp bred Show and companic LUXURY HIGH RISE irlvate entrances and laboratory, oil Porker Ave , Little Silver 747 9797 If Ihe Pionning Board determine 190 Sf Hwy 36. Wpsl Keaniburg EXCEPT OUR DAILY SPECIALS Terms available. From 1175 946-31 Overlooking Ihe Novetlnk River it parking Call 566 7671 evet 779 6099 FLAGSHIP MARINE , that Ihe developer may contribute RED BANK RADIATOR WORKS 171 Broadwoy. Long Brunei) 717 3076 ofte^ S RED BANK - Two offices available Municipal Morlne Satin 1 1 < - Storler home Thre tnwnid reuulred off Iraci improve Auto Air Conditioning & Cooling We wont you To help ui keep renlia irpet, heat, heart ol Brood SI , private Atlantic Highlands MRIANNI S I RICNDI > CAFE menlt in lieu ol such improvement* Systems. All Wmoi Auto Repans MILKING GOAT - Fresh 7/6/71 Goo their lowest By maintaining 100% oc rfclng. 360 tq tt Call 741 HI] before CLEANERS 10 • Dmoupit luScmoi Citiiens 291 5600 being Iniialted. th« Planning uourd 10'* Discount to All Senior CHIiens llud service ond odult geete :upancy we are effectively keeping . j m Rocor Company. 41 Monmouth slMitl ullocule the cust ot viid otl trod I»W Front St , R«t Bank. 741 1177 WITH IDENTIFICATION enltlow Studios slur tingga ult 1775., on~ e 11., Red Bonk DUCK BOAT - Sneok Bon. ticV|(n| 177 1775 improvement* In accordance with the BRIGHT INI CLEAN - Laundered? ON CUR LUNCHES & DINNERS t 1340. Iwc c, condition, motor ond Iruiier 6 SKIM SMALL UfcRMAN SHEPHERD TYPE OuiKlurch hereinafter tel larth The im and diy Clenmno center Rl , 36. Pod 149 (Irighlm., W»l End. J79 /980 REO BANK . Brood SI . three VFR - Fiberglat Dinghy, reoionable provrment of a stream ond/or widen Momniium. Food Town Shopping Crn officf e tulles ovalloblble rangini g IIroi Ing ot. or the constn lei 7(7 J«*0 Open vevpn days, I o in one room at 11 IS per monlh to on enlir REO BANK - threee bedroom Colo ENSENAOA70 1975 Fully equipped tu 10 p -.(ritied In the rvuihng time, Tuesday, bculem mder iroftu ..M'kiiu f wilh their powers and duties appiKaliuti ol Mid Jfttry Cable ut tet B. IW'I. ot the Boord ol Education, U iU'Mi' futilitf y ot u'. publu officials, duly licenced out lurlli shull In F i.ntiiui li»l und teventy Miiltrctl Rd , Holmdel, NJ lor o ewofib In Iht a d iiimr''r'. telling ut uuition, ony pub ttOXl per tent tonipteled within III Covered Walkway hove bren post lithtf ot 0 newspaper mogaiinr or putwdunlil Wedncsduy, September |] olhrt publication who In good luilh ceived from MM I'ublU UllltlHl (urn tvil ut 1 00pm prevailing lime ut Ihe office of the Boui d ul i ducolion pa MM HHI'I Drplnoue lo.iiil.c-. muy b* acluol fcnnwledge of lit lulse. deceptive f rdeiul ( iiimiiiiiu. .tin. Addendum* to Ihe speciticuliont bond upon Ihe peitenlogt iftu or mislruding charocler. or without iiuntliitJ brtwrm Ihr site ot tub ui 'mil knuwledgc iriot Ihe p« uvisium ul the tin month', lolk I uhc DHCtnl MUM l>e COmpMMJ Mid jersry II HHluetl Hood ,iii( rn i uiuiN Irani upor Hi ului tilt n» Halmdcl. N i Ollit vubdivmun beors lu »»«• tulul ilryian A person detiring lo lundutl u *ol< Dated August Tt, Iv/I n|.iiii, ol any Improvement, tne i rgulutrd by tint Chapter sholl rnakt> t Borougjti ond tu any lulute develop Augusl 71 li /0 , i" • > i' -..en..,.i. lo be tilt* KI] >i< written application ••<••>••• oath lo Un NOTICE MHII insliiiKt by Ihe Borough I riyi In nit* officer netting forth und i or. lumliui liuu is rtlatdishrif wilhin lltfl Un Wedm-vday. SeplemlHt 71, iv/o Mtf liiininu 'in following Intormalion hundred Irrt (MO it) ol the rmtling ui n (i I.I ut Township Holl. Ciowtordv HJIIdl *e*ugi- futilities tfwll t" I IhriiuriHiriiF undudOit-v, ul lln tytlem All Qpprovoli. lit enses und turner Rood, ur at such olher time ond i>.ceiJ uiion u pr£or1lijri ut de owner ol the goods lo be wld pet mils llHitorr reuuitiil h/ Ihr POIJIK i e us the Board may od|o "pirtmini by Iht (OftenOe ) rule* and 7 A iii •<• npliuri ol Ihe plm e where Utilities Commitslon, the (c-rJrrul reader, the Holmdel ownship - ,1,. ii. i'l t I.IIU1IUIIII .iiii.ii' Commi'iMuri ond lu C g ' ul I filii'ilii*ii Board ol Adjuitrfienl sholl c rnu* Autriii, I Hit tal utilities to I".! P the .iim • , oppluallon in permit a variance from I lit* WuVi vuppiy nnrt ilnlnri.i whrlhci by leove ur sublease und the system, shall br uiMilir Section 'I / CCI which requires each ion latlliliei may be bused on iii. ellntlve ritilr of lermlnullon ol su'h Jersey ( uble. i dwelling in the fr-40A tonr lo have- an >• • ••"' rulciund reuululions govrr ri or i 'it' y acreplunir of (Jrdlnuiue tiy the lOfll ultoiltrd garage for at least two (11 >g Ihe pofllmlap i utility supplying 4 theduletotlhtperiodof limein puny vehicles The appllcanl seeks lo moln li wrlvloo wtilf ri lite sain It to be i miilui till n»i Ihe Borough tlnill huvt n.c luin a une car garage In Ihe ullrr 1 ? All Mumns n-. i i.. rl by thr s A lull undconiplefe tlutemenl ot righl lo insperl all cunslruillon or iti nulivr. Ihe upplicanl seeki On in ility in ad otrjomt wilii ItM '- -icludlng slullutiun worh performed by Mid In Irrprrlalion Irotn the Board ol Adiutl us ot this uiliun sholl lir pui'l tty Cubic In Ihe rust-menls .in i-r. und men! thut he muinlums un ullachrd lo tlw AtunU.lpul Treusurer wtio stidll pcdltiout dispotol ol goods Ihereby und other places ur lands ol Ihr munK ipul private Qurogr which ociommudolrt tot ii lullubledrpOMl'jt y llieir Ilii' tritinnrt m WIIKK Ihe tulr will be ity und tmikr suih olhri insprtllont at ul leutl two l}| vehirlrs in iuiiiiiliiini n |/l ttir impr uvenirnls toi whlili they lire 6 Apiiliiuiil itiu'il tubmit u twom i IIIIIIIIIIJIH r willi the terms of Ihis ton of Ihe Zoning Ordinance ol Ihe Town -ii i.T.ilfil ui iiii|>i II jfinnilv si'r ving tin utllduvlt '.tilling tttui all mirchunditc sent and uthtr i» itinmi previfloni ol ship ut Holmdel The sublect premiset RtfMfwr (ritete »y Carl r*rt4M> MMTW purpotcs unless iu«h irnpiiivt iM-irig tuld Ki Ihe Mile it in tlo< k. being low urr on property loculed ol 11 Ludwoad mrnK ore nol Inliujlril (t ine tlore lion by MiMdi Jer-ry Cable Mmtl br cflr-t EXHIBITING ARTISTS - Jean Townsend of System coordinator of cultural affairs, second from 1 on the IOK niup ol Ihe 1 ownship uf ;. put iiMn which time, .uni Igndt 7 The in. im lo tw employed In .I in tlulindel Documents relating lo this left, helped arrange the art exhibit, which is being '•in be i '••"• 'i Iti the • >|.ii II lift n'l.r 11> niij sm It •iiiir logelher with Ihe wilh fHth'rul i oniinunliolioni Com Locust, Monmouth Art Alliance president, left, and in ovemenl fund ot the muftlupulily mission and Hit I'ublK Ulllilies Com tinifxiM'il < onlent ot ony udverllse nl Ihe HulmilH 1II*II.,III|I ( in shown at Thompson Park through Sept. 17 between H) J The uppuiliotitn«nl ol IOSIS missions rules us to technical slim AAarcy Fitz Maurice of Long Branch and Marion days Irom 9 u m lolNpm MUfri lH b dlld l All opplliallom lor a lken». durds 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. under the aegis of the parks hnliduys, und othrr timrs hy i Degruttola, at right, were among 52 Alliance mem- Uoil iir kr-pt on tile by the Mild llcentc il >i All win s > ulilet. (.onduits mid nirnl system. The artistic quartet are standing beside an • ,iii. • : und o n-nii'i '.linn be kepi by li>luie<, rtQWlrtd i'i Hi'' instullallnn ul Joini Slokrr bers showing art work a! last night's opening at I'lin nl nil n. i ti'.t", ittued upon M,. i, said ,'i, ,,. i"in i,. plated or con by All •.Im. ltd so us nut to umemonobly in abstract landscape by Betty Boyle of Rumson. Ml 4 Attettmenl nul Pin ludrd upplKullun JohnM latettu Thompson Park Visitors Center, Lfncroft. Angela (til L II i-nsr ( rr Any applkani lor fin . piitilu i''i.i i un Ihe high Nothing |l) (till HttlOf] ril lln Augusl II 110.70 I linui.r siioll prrdude Ih* mu pat >t • hettunitfislnili tubmll lo Ihe ways or Ihe use Ihcreut hy public utill Flynn Knox of Interlaken, Monmouth County Parks ity from ostnllng <»>V piopi-Hy bent litenst officer with Ihe upplkulloi lies or other persnrr, or orguriuuiluns llfing Irom Inttnllutlon uf Ony ull II 01 < • i Ire ot 6Ten (IH Mii hovinu Hghls therein 229 Keansburg ,II.II-, (fl in -.ii tit .ii ,i. ui.. in.. ol uny 1 BIDS TRANSPORTATION lion puf%uQfti in i'" |in., ,,i II,, SESECTIONC S tflttlol Lk«ni* tlrrel. sidewalk, ullry, public way or THE KEANSBUHC BUAND OF f t New !••• ••, uti (ul Llcente period The Ilirnse povediiien. im the- l (.1 ION '. Mules Kb'ANSBURG. NEW II w.t » WEEK — By the time he was 11 l»".i known fur a powvrlul Ilinilull V HI fitilll 'imii'i-il lit i" i J • ihit'l.i.f ntSiilp ThrllientcthaK Ihe 11HI- iF.i.jin 11if. . . IIHM i j. atiti lu DAYS BETWEEN THE HOURS OF •..id1,' i iln'p sliull t.. ti.>. i us .. ' lorlh V 00A M AND3 OOP M television commerical lhat "noli'y the Admlnliliulive ••• " ' " , inn...I in only one vjlt detcrlbrd In the years old, Eric Lark wai ;i ic M ut the location numed in Ihe tipplii utloii ul Mid Jersey ' tu. 11 utr set lurtti in |ior I us Uillowv i THL SFALLD BIDS. CLEARLY inn Hi Philadelphia itrtiet ended with the camera dra- gard (o the name, uddi Ihettln MAHKtl) "BID TRANSPORTA Ol i.M|rtlll (i I Goodi Fur ' • No uooils nth basic srrvui' charge uf eighl ilnliuts p0UU. t l TION ARE TO BE IN THE OFFICE matically moving away to i i» npeilencl^nce onruntd patl pertuinuin,n i-1 Mum Miiiic III Ihe pretent Inventory ond lorty livr • • • r. I . .HIM per monlh punk fur Ihe fust uullct In u tlnsle family Oh llll BOARD '.I I RE TAHY ON OR . ul the iissigmr li rjri'.tt ., . ut (Kjcnl thall br utlverllsed or told al a Mile lor HMOHL 3 00 P M , WEDNESDAY, A reveal his wheelchair. which II II. I'liM' I', liirrtiy it'i|iilii (| II dwelling, tin. . i.dtnc includct Ihe ion At 15, "Uttlfl Mouse," Notice ol such imiaiinicnl ur trunslei vetler which ulluws lor urldlllunul '.( PTtMBER IV;B AT THIS TIME thuil be given no lulii Itutri Irn 11UI iidiii be unlawful tt uny perton to tell, t hunnels, odcliKtinul oulii'tt thall be- ul ALL BIDS win BE OPENED PUB who was already in and out Police on Saturday pulled , i'i.. nir.F lit i tinit., 'inn Ihr al oiler, or capote for tale, or udverllse Ihe Kite ul twu dollars n> 001 lor euih I ICLY BY Tilt BOARD Ml HI I A Hi signer, mutt lie made uit|uiiintcd wilh lor suih sulr uny uuodt which urr m>t uullct without u converter. Hie choige AND HEAD ALOUD THLBOARORE of foster homes and Juvenile Lark's body from Ihe ' till Ihe i.unriitlnris nl n(i|it... ui I Ihr Itic rrgulur stoit. ort hund ot Ihe ilure, lot I '/ Radio strviir shull i>. Iwu SERVES THE RIGHT TO HI II i 1 ' i. ..I-.i-i- iiuii-.... i itii, nr to "(j|ii. ni. Fii or to moke any re dollnri IWINI). un iirJullnilon i limgu ANY OH ALL BIDS . institutions, wus second-in- Schuylkill River: Authorities W4Supervluion |.ii MI .inn.'iii' (j. IMIUIlions I r (.in any nul lu tlCffld hwrtity liur dolltirs JI IH L CHMItL command of the Butler and believe he jumped frum the Bit I No tonlraclor. builrlti. DC inuitulncluring, jobber, wholetrilcr. *D SECRETARY • -ii'iix-F or Miivmiini'iiii shull rngugr wurehoute, tloroge building ot frum (US 00) 1/ SO Cainac Streeters. Market Street bridge on ~ uny peisiiiinei In ni>y ot the work tin iiny olher premitev or from any sourer im • i" Ihvsr rules shull be • . • ' ,>l "• tii.i| in/ ifii|>i •, v i-11 •' r.«• i "li *h.ii- ' 'lur niij Ihr tune ul a golnu ni-i.ii only in imiini wilh Ihe Uul at IS. ii crippling gun- Thursday, the day a witness ' they ore (onllnuolly suprr vised by •• mil of butlness ugh trm ti - < m or bid bond, payable lo the troduced ol a nierlino ol Ihr Borough shotgun at one of the po- tually wouldn't need the turance insuring thr Borough and Mid Treasurer of the Township in Ihe prunottd) Irom Hie requirements ul duct the licensed tale Jrrsey Cable wilh respect to ull llabll Council of Shrewsbury on August 74. Lark lived alone in a sev- tlnulopfiioviil unit in H .ini.ii.• • amount ot riot less lhan IIO'.J] percent 1971 .uul /.ill br considered lor Final licemen and when the safety wheelchair. lor mlty ywllh any advrt titlng or holding >fy Im any aVolh. per tonol injury, prop- ul fhe tulul amount Mia Al regulur Inktvcili during uul ImldefilIherelo erty darnugr or other liabliily arising pottage after public tieorlng ul the nth-floor public housing catch wouldn't release, he "I think realistically that oul ol Mid Jeisry Cable's cunsti ui M.ui Cuuni.ll MI. to be field September ihe courte ol construction, bu—' Id) Segrerjalr Non Sole Guods The Township reserves the right to and operallon ol ' II, 1978 uf B IS p m In Ihe municipal project apartment and was Keep any oltier goods sepoiote and e csud reject any or all bids, to waive any ran That's when an officer's was Impossible. He always Ihr following mini building, Brood Street & Sycamore Av tuprrvHIrtg engineer thull tubmll lo apurt from the guods for sole and make s IAIV System informalities where such Informalities mployed by the city in the MM hilhllnillon cleui lo the public enue, ol which time ull persons who 38-caliber slug planted itself said he would get out of that the Borough tnglr>eer D tepuit lltllny arr not detrimental to the best Interest wish to t>c heard will be: given an op hit obitrvullnnt nt Ihr work und<-< if) Cease Business at Conclusion I tlW.OOOOO for bodily Inlury or of Ihe Township The right Is olio re- porlunlly to do so managing director's office, in Lark's back near his token during the tcpurtltia period si'r _ _ale T death lo ony one prison, wlfhin Ihe served to increase or decrease thr wheelchair. He probably just iillrally nufing any deviation (roin'lhr Itie buslm limit, however ol 1W0.0OO 00 lor bodily ujiiunlitlrs specified In the manner des II AN W I AIJHT »lice said But life was not spine. concluded that the fact was rri)ulrementi of final approval on •After I learned that 1 during the nnl reporting petlod Ihr illtlrrrnl none in Ihe same locolion or M-miing .in,. cddel By order ot the Township Adminlv thought, I won't be able to dream being shattered ... clvcwhrre In fhe Borough ol Eaton 245 Union Beach urvrloper thoH uttotnptmv uny ic 3 1U.0O0 0U lot nil Othrr types ul tralur of Iht Township ol Middletown couldn't walk anymore I be- walk," he said after the inci- might have been the trigger. quetl tor acceplonie of public Im •lability Joseph R VUIIO NOTICE TO BIDDERS uruvementt und/or r*lea»> of per SECTION 7 Pcnallle's SECTION • Federul Cutnmunicu Township Administrator NOTICE is hereby given thut came even more bitter," he dent. "I just wanted to roll It's kind of hard to believe he lormance quuronteei with a icrlttkn la) A prison nol complying with lions Commission ttumgrs lu br. I'tirl . August 71 111 00 Sealed Bids wDI be received by Ihe lion by Ihe reiptmtible MlpervlMiig in the Ml duy acudllne shall be sub|eit Imi of IhisConsenl Borough of Union Beuch, for thr lol said several years ago " . I would do something this." fine ol 1100 M per day fur each day ol over and play dead." qlneer attctllna la Ihe (omolrliiiu uf II Is understood lltui should Ihe lowing 1 238 Oceanport ven thought about taking ihr inipi fni'. In I"' tonlormonci • I'i'Kii after sold license hus > > Frdcrcil Cammuniculions im v, WATER SERVICE ME TERS. IWa But Lark, instead took up •vilh Ihe reuulrcmrntt ol linul uti|>r in the evrnt ol ony sprclol clrcuni iu Ihr entenl uny commitments con stances or conditions requiring same 'HUM' 01- MONMDUIII Nf W seq . requires lhat Ihe Issuance ol u lember. 1171, al 1 JO P M , al the Mu lolrelated crimes reported in The other two researchers are Officials in both towns said ainrd in ttie upiilicdllon t-«ceed Feder MM ipui Building. 117 Monmouth Thr Burough ol Union Beach re II H^t ASFOLLOWb rnunldual consent for a coble tele ol Coi Mllll. ( Boulevard, Oceanport, Ntw Jertey. at srrvrs thr right to walvr uny In associated with the Medical they expected to open the vision it iiruhise be adopted In Ihe form nenls, 976 and 1977 in Hamilton, on SFCIION I Oellnilians For Ihe which time you moy appear either In formalities or Irregularities In thr Bids i>urpo>e at Ihis chupler Ihe following nf un Ordinance ond sel forth certain unenforceable person or by ogtnt or attorney and received, and to reject any und ull Beds ario, says a journal published Foundation in Boston, where beaches to swimming Monday. t[•IIIIV phrases, words and theli drr ivu crllerlci which must be incorporulril SECTION 10 Bund I Hi ludgmenl bM th Kons shall hove thr meaning ijivi-n Ihnrin, present ony oblrcllon which you may During Hie life of the trunchlse. have to gronting Ihlt application st ul fhr Bor iy the Center of Alcohol Stud- Dr Wechsler is director of re Although gate attendants herein NOW, THEREFORE, BE (T RE Mnl Jersey Cuble shull piuvldr u per THOMASGREGORY and SOLVE D by Ihe Mayor und Counc il ol lormance bond with sureties lobe up search and Gottlieb is com 10) BOROUGH 4hull tiiwn Ihr Cuc es at Rutgers University and life guards warned visitors tin.' Uarouoh of Fair Huvtn. In the provrdby Ihe Hoiouuh in Kit penal sum CHRYSS1E GREGORY (!••' uugfi ill I ulonlovt'i Robert L Mouro, Esquire. Mury '.ublk. (b) UOKOUGH IHI NM Ol County olMonmoulh. ut follows ol 175.000 00 for The lalthlul uer All but a few of the marital munity health associate. to stay out of the water, hun- Attorney lur Boruugh Clerk Mi t H il Ihe C Ink ol Ihe Horuuuh of SECTION 1 Definitions ininiiHHf ol oil undrduMngs by Mid Thot August 78 m 00 The study also showed sig- dreds of sun worshippers paid E ntonlown Those definitions as set lorlh in Jersry Cabtr us teurrDenteif In Us up pssaults took place within the HMiitiim und unctei Ihe terms ot Ihis August 71 |c) Person shall mr-un any ui't NJb « SA ) are Incorporattd herein ordinante houM'hiild, according i to annificant differences in the 13 in Spring Lake and $2 here ion firm, partnership, corporation, I>V rrlrrrncr 247 Regional Notices (ornoany organltalionor enllly oluny 'ON 7 Ittuance ol Municipal SFCIION II In lieu ol complluncr 239 Red Bank drinking habits of men andto get onto the beach Consent NOTICE article, by Dr Lowell C.erson of kind wilh Ihe terms of N J S 41 iA 76a. it D NOTICE Thr Mayor and Council of fhr hereby provided thul uimplulnts by lo THERE WU L OF A SPECIAL Ul Goods includes ony guuds. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Ihr HcMaster University in Ontar- women More than three times The source of the sewage wares, merchandise, or oilier pioprrty Burough ol Fair Haven following lull cal subscribers to thr 1ii nliiiu %hgli nr>| be NOTICE Ihe offender and victim had "While we have done our tits, Orivnlinrnl ol Energy of Ihe Slato Avenue. R B . N J goods a! o sa'e lo be odvettlsed or held altrctrd thereby You ore hereby nolllied (hot you Nolite is hereby given thai thr II drinking in about 43 Drinking was related to so utmost to prevent water pollu- nul by any tneons to be a going out of New Jrisev. lor o certificate ol ap SECTION!) GREATER RED BANK JAYCEESnoi provul tot o coble television tyttem ore privileged fo be prrsenl ot said el huslnesi sale The licpnsr musl br hearings and prrient any and oil otaiec mode uppllcation to HID New Jrrsey percent nf the cases, while the cial class, the study found A tion, I was angry to have this displayed on Ihe premises and ihe This inumopol t onsenl author net Mid dinuncrt Imunsislrnl wilh Ihis or Deportment ol TronsiiO'lnilori lot unc Jet try Cable lo erect, maintain and tiont which you moy have regarding license number must be.lncluderi In oM dinnnce arr lirrrtiy t r|irnlrd thr gr (inling al said vorlancet I* II passenger smull bus to piuvidg offender iilonc Mad been drink- total of 62 percent of women in situation forced on us," Raffet- uprrnlr n cadle lelevision system and SECTIONI4 fransporlotion lor Ihr (elderly per Us nrifssdiy luctilties and odditiom JOYCE B MAMAR the lower social class were "'A'C'I'MJN 1 (ui Eslablithed bun This (lriliniini r shull lofcl iliiii Secy'Clerk sons) in thr ORtAtf R HID BANK ing in almost the same per to said. nrls trqulsilr Any pi'iMin who hus not Ihrrrlu In along benrolh or over ony upon its pasMigr ond l'"''i it' AMI Aol New Jrrsey hlghwuy und ulhrr putilli placet m Ihr BOROUGH OF RBI) BANK centage of cases either abstainers or infrequent Monmouth County Health brrnfhr owner ol a business oJvritlsrd cording lo law BOARD Or AI) HIMMT NI Any interested prlvntr tronsll or Hurouun ol I nlr Havrn and Including pnralronsil operrjloi', Wlthtl or described in thr application fo< a Thr foregoing ordinuncr wcis in August 71 win drinkers, compapred to 30Department inspectors took htrnir inndet lot oprrtodol ut Irmt ixopriiy r>vrr which Ihr Borough hut troducrd ul o regulur mrrling ul Ihr ore invitpd lo commrnf an Ihis piu The victim alone had been months prlgt lo the date ot the i-usemenl Im thr purpose of Iront Mayor and ( ouncil nf Ihr Borough ol posMf service by sending'n *i • rt , drinking in only 13 percent nf percent in the middle class and water samples to try to de- proposed sale, shall nol br grunle'l a mission and dittnbtilion ol video und Poll Hovtf), N J hrlil Augusl M, I?J|, 242 Shrewsbury tier wilhin Mdoys lo C.ttl"A 11 W vr\ |i license, provided thai ui>on Ittr death ot iiintin impulses in accordance with Ihe ond will come up lot llnal BANK J* • the marital assault CSHS, he 25 percent in the upper social termine the source of the sew- u person doing buiinrsi in IheBotough luws. 'uii'sond rrguiotiont ot Ihe Unit lion and pusvigr ul a requlnr mrr-tlng Borough BOX lit nf Mutes ul Anirru ii. thr Stair of New hiv oi her heirs, deviires. legutres oi ol thr sold governing in«i, i AN EMERGENCY OROINANCF TO WED BANK. N J 0/NI1 reported class age. Jersry. this Ordlnnncr and all other Septrmbrr 11 1?7I. t 8 00 f M nl th,- ATT DAVID W ri AWtf Duiniiiiiirs of Ihe Borough ol (l AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF A PO Among men, abstainers or Munulpol Muililiiig MM Hivn H'l.iri LICE PATROL VEHICLE BY THE ond A survey in Boston showed An overflow at a sewage t (in Kuvrti The use ol ony rosemrnt foil Haven N I al wtiiih lime nnd IIMH I Dl ',l'l { IAI PHOI.HAWi in r luhi ol w(iy or plocn ut lands al Ihr BOROUGH OF SHREWSBURY, NJ. infrequent drinkers accounted treatment plant last weekend fflltl .1 btiw | Mil. l i ull ptrtOfi* ili-Mnnu la be liruul WHEREAS, on emergency has New Jrrsry DrpurtiTirnl that city has about twice as ill iiHility shull lust tie apprtivru hy (K>rson who has held < Ciron will ur uivrn full Oppoi luriiiv nit ten with respect to purchase of Do ol fr(ins(iorl(iliiin r I'solutioii ul Ihr Horough Council many heavy drinkers and half for 34 percent of men in the forced the closing of beaches lulfil heirunder. at the location so MU. W NELSON lur patrol vrhirle. and no adequalr lrjliPorkwciy Avrnur SECTIONJ Ourollon in the apulKallon. withihin one yruyrur past ptuvition wot made tn Ihe *9lt hmlurt * >nlon. New Jrrsry0U7'> lower social class, 20 percent The municipal content gtanted as many abstainers as are in Highlands for two days. riotn iiit> ilutr ul (H'piniilinil i s'i Augusl It \9t 90 tor the oforrsald purpose, ond N J5 herein Is nnn tiiluMvr unit shall br not br granted a l «A t 44 provides lor Ihe creation ol un found nationwide , in the middle class and 16 rmrrgency upprotir lolion for the percent in the upper class 228 Holmdel inn ixisr ubovr menlionrd. and 250 Other Public The heavier drinking is 220 Atlantic Highlands 220 Atlantic Highlands WHEREAS, the totol amount ol 1 NOTICE thought to be th. result of ur The differences in drinking DIAL THE NOTICE OF DECISION emergency appropriations created In Notices luke notice thai on July 79 iv'K. u i hutigr u< mi ml in Ihr sloi TAKE Notict ihuttmttwTJrddav i luding thr mipio[>i iiilion la be crroled NOTICE banlutlon, location, and thebetween the the Bos I JANfcC AiSOLIATES trading us SCINIC WlNt BAH LIQUORS, holder ot of August. \9H. Ihe Zoning Boonl thr study nude III yrar. ago •( Duly •lUtd Zoning Bau«d ul Atf|uslmi nl hot 0 MARA ft CARUSO I An enter grin y uppropt IfltlOfl >" hern tiled in Ihr uiln | cf t>i< I pHrmhlp Allutncysfur JANFC ASSO nnd the tome is hereby madr for Po cnrtling to Dr Harold W Dewomen have been catching up I Ink iimf || iivuilritiii- lit' II'MM-I lion Crytful Brook Prolrssionol Builcltng lice, Mltirllaneous Olner Eipense in MotlM l' wilh men in overall drinking, 'ligliwu.N,, IV I Ulorlluwi i Mini ii '. Burl • Ihr uinounlol t)«00 gg •! rnone, Dr Henry Wechiler and F'nlll AmlMiy N I Register (701; /mitnu Brtnrrt ol Arl|u^tmrnl 7 Thol Ihe statemenl required by including heavy drinking tifoo 'Mr I ii' 'il I InOfH i' ll'i'iirl tins berniilrtl V KI II Neil Gottlieb r A Snuffy Smith Drnrfts the Menare SHREWSBURY NJ MONDAY AUGUST ?8 1978 The UMty Register 17


AWAV FROM HIS ACROSS 29 Time without 52 Hamaand 25 Gaeeoua COLORIN' 1 Tittacon numb* 53 Japanese comb torm traction 32 Biblical saah 26 Football BOOK 5 Ptaoaol praphai 66 Mwcanule team aacrrfica B Mananne establish 27 Lucmeol 1 10 Lack ot Archie merits the MM Tnr 14 MASH Bar 34 Sportagrp 60 "This 28 -bear 16 Notaaoul 36 Woman'ilib oneVa-" 29Sp.nts 15 Oilwit Lat toaa 61 Blood 30 Delicious 17 Postal md 40 Madrid channel 31 Enemy 20 Formicary woman abbt 62 Story 33 Billwd .^ga£g2LL occupant 41 Ulher I 63 Interpret shot 21 Take*to milieu 64 Neat sound 36 Snakes Hi and Lois couit 42 Stair 66 AGerunar 37 Piebald 22 Thoughti 43 Naive horse 23 pool 46 Lechari DOWN 38 Hastens BUT. WHAT ARE Yt WELL,HE'S OETTMe Yoiick 47 Rivarto 1 Household 38 Relation To BE WHEN YOU 6OINQ TO BE ? IT NARROWED DOWN. 24 Store event the Seine tiguie ship phrase 2 Mr. Ladd 44 Worked 6ROIV UP DfTTO?y\OFFICE- 26 Mountain 48 Pikes Peak NO descent by slate »bbi 3 Entrance 46 Phiaseol tope 49 Moatiellv 4 de met Indifier COMMUTING. 6 Yearly once 6 Theater 46 In addition V M wday s Puzzle Solved box seats 48 Ala 7 Digits 49 Love god 1 :-J 1 60 Mentally' i 8 Massachu setts cape sound V 1 i 9 DD 51 Kind of 1 1 | •• • A I H cotton 1 10 Thotaau's * f milieu 52 Present I M 11 Lily plant 53 Glacial - • • i1 1 i' 'ITS EVEN TOO HOTTD COSOMEW 1 i 1 1 • 12 Palm drink ndfltis 1 1 -1 H • I l> 1 1' 1 13 Bonds b4 Pealei 1 f • Mary Worth 1 i M 1 1 1 18 Ait 66 Woids ol I 11 K 1 19 Heckait ol comprehen 1 I •• • - 1 NO IT WAS VES?-" NO DOUBT HE HAD \ MY FRIEND IS AT THE the stage sion Tin Family C.ircu* u> mi • 1 • I f K AN OLD READ ABOUT YOUR MILLION n i f 23 i tun, h part 57 Squealer JENNINGS HOUSE?-• • 1. i • ] 58 Jones WAS THAT ANOTHER HIGH SCHOOL DOLLAR WINDFALL ••OTHERWISE I BELIEVE I'LL RUN DOWN I i • { s 1 I 24 Kitchen CALLER WHO WOULD CLA5SMATE HE WOULDNT HAVE BOTHERED j AND -SAY HELLO lixture 59 Shoshunsan UKE TO SHARE VOUR •IN TOWN TO LOOK. YOU UP/ BEFORE DINNER.' LOTTERY LOOT, FRANK ? ON BUSINESS ANNE.' 1 i

il ffl.V i j iti V S The Wizard of hi • AK/4ZIN&.-W4T P TENNIS BLBOM/ PIAVEP TENNIS ho ] iN/WTMFfc! A UIVlNiS» r* c

Jo %-zr i ! iW ~Tl "But, a little while ago you said you weren't gonna ask me to clean up my room again." Andy Capp

w Tf^ \ r**- ITS OANQEROUS Your horoscope, birthday IF 'E 'ANbCEB BECAUSE I THEM THE chores In a new way. Real- To see what is in store thought or in deed, put WRONG V4AY, ^. mi - MONDAY, AUG 21 ize a new talent. for you tomorrow, find your best fool forward. Let MISSUS — .a Born today, you are TAURUS(Aprll 20-May 20) your birthday and read the others known your rooting parental by nBture. You -• Religious matters cause corresponding paragraph. for them. enjoy most the training of you more concern than you Let your birthday star be CAPRICORNIDec 22- the young. Man or woman, expected. Express your your dally guide. Jin. 11) -• Many surprises you are able to get down on views completely, honest- TUESDAY, AUG. 29 keep you on your toes a youngster's level to ly. instruct, guide or inspire VIRGO(Aug 23-Sept 22) today. A new friend turns him. At the same time, you • Circumstances may lead out to be an old enemy. are able to interact with you in the direction of Reconsider! GEMINI(May21June2O) adults as If the young were public service. Take ad- • Drop everything and go to AQUAHIUSIJin 20-Feb. Blondic the farthest things from vantage of a "break." another's aid today. tl) -- Early morning at- your mind. UBRA(S«pt. 23-Nov. 21) •• Receive directives with an YOUR TOAST IS BURNT YOUR Employ your gift of elo- tempts at gainful en- Service is your measure open mind. Be dutiful. COFFEE IS BITTER ANP XXIB quence to your own best terprise meet with failure. of desirability of an activi- CANCER(Jun«21 July 22| EG6S ARE LIKE RUBBER- r^- interest. Talk yourself into Try again in p.m. hours. ty. If through participa- •- You may be drawn irre- BOO HOO ^-i a good position. tion, you can aid people in sistibly toward the myste- PISCES(F»b 19-March some way, then your in- SCORPIO'Oct. 23-Nov. rious. Take care not to volvement knows no 21) •- A poor morning may 20) •- Your encounter with a overstep the bounds of bounds. If you cannot, then discourage you from loser or two early in the propriety. your interest fades. planned efforts in p.m. . day must not cause you to LEO(July 23-AUQ 22) •• Take stock of your own become discouraged. Skill is essential if you are Also born on this date unpleasant situation. ARIES(March 21-Aprll 19) to succeed in your artistic are. Leo Tolstoy, author; SAQITTARIUS(Nov. 22- - Bring some new life into efforts. Take a leaf from a Charles Boyer, aclor. Dec. 21) -• Whether in your days; approach old child's book in p.m.

West dealer Sheinwold's bridge advice Hasi West vulnerable Doonesbury yourscll competing in tne By Alfred Sheinwold from nothing. Therefore [Cast NORTH Olympics. • 10 H 5 2 /WtMfflAWNE,B.R! An expert defender leads a (Philadelphia expert Norman mr, goopsiB! Ka DAILY QUESTION VMGW low card to indicate a real in- y> resisted the temptation to A/MOST 2,000,000OF m cash boln of thc l0 0 3 TDHIM.MIKB teresl In the suit, but a high or P spades After a pass hy dealer you WUXM6S DOffr TOMEMPHIS. W/GSMNSHAVEfWCKEP • A K Q !) S 4 I DONG IN ASK.. MIKB! ON middling card to suggest a suit before Ihe mice got them, are next, holding: • 10 B 5 2 eLV*uye5' I -rue uAi i r AM a \nc of no great merit. The distmc- RETURNS SIX <9 K 6 O .'I • A K Q !) !i 4 WKST EAST lion was the key to the defense What do you say' • Qi:i • A K !Mi to the Olympic Open Pair Instead. Kast look the king of ANSWKK: Using standard "7 io 8 7 :i <7.I!M! Championship in New Orleans spades and relumed the six of methods, bid one club. The O A !) 8 2 0 J III 4 a few weeks ago. spades. West look the queen hand is much loo slrong lor J *8i; * 3 2 and relumed a spade, allowing Now York expert Kdgar Kap- shuloul bid »l three clubs In SOUTH Kay lo defeat the contract with lan led the eight to indicate no the recent Bridge Olympirs • J 7 the ace and nine great interest in hearts Decla- some players, using a different VAQ5 Al rubber bridge Chagas bidding method, opened wiih rer, Brazilian expert (labnel 0 K Q 7 6 S would have taken his six clubs three clubs on this hand;, Chagas. took the king of hearts • I IO 7 and led dummy's singleton and three hearts before trying (A POCKET GUIDE TO diamond. for a diamond trick. In a pair BRIDGE written by Alfred West Norlh Easl South West look the ace of dia- tournament, however, playing Sheinwold is available fiel Pan 3 * I'ass :i 0 monds and switched to the throe safe may win a hand but never your copy by lending SI 25 to Pass 3 • I'ass :i NT of spades. This low card SUR- wlns a championship ihe Hrd Hank Register, P.O All I'ass YOU COllLP USE gosled that he was leading Hcmcmber to take risks if Box IIKHI. Los Angeles. Calif u 0|icMiiiR load - A COLJPLE OF from something rather than y° wake up somo day and find •MHJ.i-f )


Hectic Itailo

DIP YOU YEAH, BUT YOULL WHAT WAS COOKIE CRUMBS FIX MY HAVE TO STOP EATI WRONG? IN THE CARBURETOR JEEP, SO AWNy SNACK5 BEETLE? 18 The DrilyRegtaler SHREWSBURY N J MONDAY. AUGUST 28 National Smoker Hails Merit 'Enriched Flavor c^arettj scores high marks in five key areas. Can MERIT deliver the flavor of leading high Confirmed: 85% of MERIT smokers say it was tar brands? an "easy switch" from high tar brands. Does MERIT satisfy smokers over a long period Confirmed: Overwhelming majority of MERIT —or are MERIT smokers slipping back to old smokers say their former high tar brands high tar favorites? weren't missed! Read the bottom-line results of new research Confirmed: 9 out of 10 MERIT smokers not conducted with smokers like yourself. considering other brands. MERIT Breakthrough Confirmed First Major Alternative Confirmed: Majority of high tar smokers rate To High Tar Smoking MERIT taste equal to—or better than—leading MERIT has proven conclusively that it not high tar cigarettes tested! Cigarettes having up only delivers the flavor of high tar brands—but to twice the tar. continues to satisfy. Confirmed: Majority of high tar smokers This ability to satisfy over long periods of time confirm taste satisfaction of low tar MERIT. could be the most important evidence to date And in detailed interviews conducted among that MERIT is what it claims to be: The first current MERIT smokers: major alternative to high tar smoking.

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