Property of the Watertown Historical Society

XTown VmnVllltftmet ff1W|r e Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community in LitMield County

VOL. SO, NO. 1 Subscription Price $6.00 Per Year PUCE U CENTS JANUARY it vm -Million Sewer Project Hearing Scheduled Jan. 26 Two public hearings in as diverse a nature as one can im- Mounting Fires Repair agine have been called by the 9 Town Council to fathom the reaction to appropriations of Costs Shrink FDAccount more than $3 million The 1975-78 fiscal year U«mly out, explaining the mechanical The Park and Recreation Com- REELECTED TO THEIR 18th and 17th consecutive terms, slightly better than four months innards of several pumper mission It asking for $18,000 to respectively, Tuesday were Fire Chief Avery W. Lamphler, left, old, but it already appears the trucks were ruined by alt from repair Crestbrook Park golf and Deputy Chief Charles Judd, Jr. Action took place at the 82nd Fire Department s repair and basement-pumping procedures course machinery. That ap- Annual Meeting of toe Watertown Volunteer Fire Department service account budget for its 11 Another truck's transmission propraition will go before the held at fire headquarters, Main St. vehicles will go into the red (Continued on Page 2) public at 7:30 p.m on Monday, again by September. Jan, 26 in the high school But that's netting new, accor- auditorium Firemen Pick Lamphier ding to Fire Chief and Marshal Winter Wonderland An hour later, at 890, comes Avery W. Lamphier, who has Cost Town 117,000 the big one - $3 million for watched the repair bills surge Department of Environmental For 18th Straight Term over the yearly amount allocated Protection ordered sanitary For Pay, Materials sewer line interceptor involving Robert Ashley, Lieutenant, in that account for five straight The holiday snow and ice Avery W, Lamphier was years. nearly eight miles of pipe. The reelected Chief of the Watertown Udder No 2; William Donston, which nicely decorated the coun- DEP issued an order in 1971 for Volunteer Fire Department Captain, and Henry Church, "We've been hit extremely tryside in time for Christmas the town and the Watertown Fire Tuesdpy, at the 82nd annual Lieutenant, Engine No. 1; hard with repairs," the 18-year- chopped about $17,000 out of the District to install the line to meeting and dinner held at the Anthony Langlais, Captain, and chief said last week ai he town's mow removal budget. abate pollution. Fire House, Main St. It will be Charles Mitchell, Lieutenant, reviewed the sad statistics. For Town Manager Paul Smith told Town Manager Paul Smith the Chief's 18th consecutive Engine No. 2; David Alexander, the first fiscal quarter (Sept. 1- the Town Council Monday 2,408 said the town must appropriate term in the port. Captain, and Steve Labech, Nov 30, 1975), the department manhours were expended during the entire sum, which ranges Lieutenant, Engine No. 3; chalked up 19,544 in repair costs, the month of December at a cost between $2.8 and $3 million Also reelected, to his 17th term more than half the $10,500 as Deputy Chief, was Charles Robert Porter, Captain, and of $16,901 50 This includes State and federal grants would Martin Christopher, Lieutenant, allocated by the Town Council regular and overtime pay for the reimburse $1.43 million, but the Judd, Jr. Robert Ashley was for the entire year. reelected secretary and Oris Engine No, 4; Douglas Halllwell, highway crew and approximate- town will have to make up the Salvatore treasurer. Captain, and Craig Lamphier, The Council set aside $9,500 in ly a dozen CETA personnel, and balance of $1,440,000, Lieutenant, Engine No 5; Clif- the repair account for 1974-75, material. Of that. $810,000 would be There were 99 active and 21 ford Williams, Captain, and but the final tabulation for ser- Of the $9,263,84 charged recovered through assessments veteran firemen present for the Arthur Schmid, Lieutenant, vice and parts reached $15,1S». against the snow removal budget to the affected property owners, dinner and meeting. Engine No. 8; James DeMarest, Similarly, there were cost for services, $8,582 23 was for and the remaining $830,000 Others elected or reelected are Captain, and Louis Hardt, overruns between 1970 and 1974. regular pay and $681.61 for over- through a general benefit assess- as follows: Joseph Campbell, Lieutenant, Engine No ?; and The repair bills, with the Coun- time duty, men! on the town. Captain, and Vincent Banda, Kenneth Sailer, Captain, and cil allocation in parenthesis, Materials expenditures came The project, commonly Lieutenant, Ladder No. 1; Michael Donofrio, Lieutenant, were $10,806 ($3,500) in 70-71, $*,- to $7,386 50, with $3,866 50 need- referred to as the Hamilton George DeMarest, Captain, and Engine No. 8. 342 (13,500) in 71-73, $9,370 ($4,- ed to spread 1,850 cubic yards of Avenue Area Interceptor, will 500) in 77-73, and $10,965 ($7,500) sand, and $3,520.00 for 220 cubic send an interceptor up from Mat- in 73-74. yards of road salt. toon Road on the Waterbury line The September flood was The snow removal account for along Steele Brook as far as J.W. Hashing Reelected responsible for much of the re- 1975-76 has a $56,000 budget to Edgewood Road, Trunk and By Nurserymen*s Assn, cent damage, the chief pointed work with. (Continued on Page 201 Reelection of its entire slate of now ranks third among the officers, headed by President segments of the state's James W. Hosking of Water- agriculture and may in time pass town's J. S. Hoiking Nursery (Continued on Page 20> featured the Nth annual meeting of the Connecticut Nurserymen's Association (CNA) recently at Ramada Inn in North Haven, Dec. Building Other officers are Lewis J, Gray, Verkade's Nursery, Estimates Only Canterbury, vice-president; Robert S. Bird, Bristol $138,849 Nurseries, Inc., Bristol, secretary, and Raymond E. The winter lull in building ae- Heser, Clinton Nurseries, Clin- tivity continued through ton, treasurer. December as only 50 permits Directors, all renamed, are were issued for the month by Paul R. Young, Young's Building Inspector Robert Kon- Nurseries, Inc., Wilton; Leon tout's office, at an estimated Zapadka, Woodland Gardens, value of $138,849. Total fees Manchester, and Edgar L, collected amounted to $1,010. Vaughn, Jr., Vaughn's The monthly summary is as Nurseries, Orange. follows: superstructures for one- State Commissioner of family dwellings, two, $54,809; Agriculture George M. Wilber, foundations for one-family Colebreok, was the featured dwellings, five, $10,000; residen- speaker, maintaining, in a talk tial additions. •Iterations, or entitled "Connecticut renovations, five, $10,380; two- Agriculture - Today and car garages, three, $11,300; Tomorrow", that farming in all plumbing, sis, $13,530; heating, its forms still makes a multi- five, $12,850; aluminum sidings, million dollar contribution to the two, $5,200; non-residential ad- Connecticut economy. He ditions, alterations, renovations, REELECTED AS PRESIDENT of the Connecticut Nurserymen's Assn., James W. Hosking, right of pointed out that environmental four, $4,400; electrical, $16, $16,- Hosking's Nursery, Watertown, is shown presenting a certificate of commendation to Dr. Paul E. horticulture, including nursery, 380; fire Job, one, $500; and Waggoner, director of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven and Windsor. The florist and forest operations, demolition, one, no value. award, given at the Association's 6Mh annual meeting, recognized the station,'* 100th anniversary Pags 2Property Town Times (Watertown , ofConn.) , theJanuary 8,197Watertown1 Historical Society still have January and February ing if three vehicles could be the chief laid, according to Banking Crater Mounting Fires tO fO," transferred to OakvtUe, the ef- Waterbury Fire Department Another problem, unan- ficiency of the department will salary figures. Now Ottering (Continued From Page 1) ticipated yean ago, ii the chang- increase. Until then, a dangerous On the brighter side, Chief Personal Checkingwatertownhistoricalsociety.orghad to be completely taken apart ing octane rating of W-test gas- situation will exist, he added Lamphier reported the new and reassembled when the oline, Chief Lamphier noted. The firmly. ladder truck has responded to vehicle's bottom half became Continuing on the topic of over 40 alarms in its half-year of Savings banks throughout older trucks, of which there are submerged in fee rising water. several, ire made to ran on » department fiscal eipenditurea, service to date, and "more than Connecticut are now able to offer toe chief, sternly critized the exceeds our expectations." The personal checking accounts as a Chief Lamphier estimates he per cent octane, and Engine No, 5 bad to be overhauled several reasoning of those who con- |M,QM vehicle, purchased three result of state legislation which has a little over f3,M0 left in the years ago with revenue sharing repair account for the next eight months ago as a consequence, a tinually clamor for a reduction became effective on December of the department's budget, es- funds, costs double Oat today, he 31, 1975. Senate bill 1640, passed months, a figure arrived at after 11,600 opense. Town Manager Paul Smith told pecially in the men at fires ac- said. He estimates * JO to 30-year in May of 1973, authorized the department was socked Witt life span for the truck, used a $1,444 repair bill in December the Town Council last month the count, or even in the number of mutual savings banks and state personnel. mainly (or chimney fires so far, chartered savings and loans to following "a freak accident." heads have to be constantly ground down to increase com- "What more do they want offer personal checking ac- It happened In November when from us?" he wondered aloud, counts, thereby expanding the pression at 1900 a snot. The an alarm was called in from the Council opted to continue repair- mentioning the 100 volunteers WESTBURY range of banking services that Winnemaug Estates section of still receive only 12 a fire, and can be offered by the thrift in- ing Engine No. 2, a 1,250 £PM THRIFT town, he recalled. Truck No. 4, a Mack pumper, in place of Install- two years ago voted down a stitutions of Connecticut. This 54,000-pound tanker, swerved off proposal to jack the rate up to $3. SHOP opportunity to offer personal ing a newdienel. the road to avoid colliding with a Mr. Smith waned eventually, He said he believes many checking is a result of a long loaded school bus that puled out BAG SALE! though, the engine "win go," and townspeople think Watertown All tfae clothes you can fit legislative battle by Connecticut in front. has a regular paid fire depart- mutual savings banks to obtain a diesel replacement plus In One Bag The driver of the fire truck had automatic transmission will ring ment, and that may be the basis demand deposit privileges. for many of the complaints. Among the savings banks now to downshift Immediately during the cash register to the tune of plus tax offering personal checking ac- the maneuver, the chief said, 113,500. Of the 1128,000 yearly budget, counts is The Banking Center, and the life-saving measure tore Observed Chief Lampher: some $54,000 is allocated for men Jan. 14-1110 a,n, - I p.m. the fifth largest savings bank in out the drive train. Parts alone "It's been a real bad year for at fires. That would only be Connecticut, which has been rang up a bill of 91,001. buck repairs. enough to pay for four regular 711 Mala St., Wttertown promoting The Bonus Check ac- He indicated, though, it was a On another front, he said the personnel on a full time scale, count since November. Accor- fair trade, since the incident department feels It is "caught in ding to Edward J. Holcomb, could have culminated into a a squeeze" over the fire substa- president of The Banking Center, horrible disaster, tion controversy. "Public reaction to the "All we want is a plain, sim- " We're going to hold where we nie., basic Station — with no availability of personal checking can," the chief said looking to Eff ®REDKEN° accounts at our bank has been rills'" he asserted, mentioning WE RETAIL CENTER the future, but cautioned "If we extremely favorable." He added get hit with a bad rash of fires in the Wolk property at Davis and that, "As consumer oriented the spring, we'll be in trouble in Evelyn Streets is suitable. He banks, our business has always that account again!" added he is sympathetic with the been directed toward the per- Council's intent of looking for a sonal banking needs of in- And alarm figures to date have possible town-owned or cheaper REPAIR dividuals and families, The abili- not been conducive to saving parcel of land for the substation, ty to offer checking accounts will money. Since September, 361 and any site in that area would now permit savings banks to runs have been made as of Jan, appear to be okay by department provide their customers with a 2, and the first quarter total of standards, total range of personal financial 272 "was the highest we've ever However, he remarked the HAIRCUTS services," had," Anytime an engine leaves substation delay is aggravating a the fire house to respond to an serious condition at the present MONTY'S HAIRDRESSERS Mr. Holcomb continued that alarm constitutes a run, the recent adoption of checking fire house on Main Street, where First quarttr run totals for the trucks have to be jockied about 161 • Watwt«wn Av»., Watwbury - Wwtweml Shopping Ctnttt accounts by mutual savings 1973-74 and 1874-75 fiscal years Salon Heuru Tuai., Wad., Sot. 9-6; Thun. & M, 9-1 banks provides consumers with a to fit them in the cramped were 260 and 247 respectively, quarters. wider choice in selecting a retail Chief Lamphier reported.and the bank offering the convenience of "It's like a Chinese checkers 89 tabulated from the end of game," the chief observed, say- 756-7216 one stop banking. Savings banks November to Jan, 2 were also will continue to offer higher the highest two-month total ever rates of interest on savings as for a second quarter, "and we permitted by law.

A pessimist considers the span Range & Fuel OU of life a bridge of sithi. BARffiAULTS Why do more doctors Town Manager 600 MAIN St., OAKVILLE Agency Pick Tel. 2743284 or 274.1220 than ever before Town Manager Paul Smith is among 30 Waterbury area and Litchfieid County residents recently named to the of directors for the Northwest Con- BINGO recommend Myadec ? sortium for Health Systems Every Monday Night Agency Development in Region at 7:30 p.m. The 30 residents were nominated by some 20 health, medical, educational, and plan- Our Lady of Loreto Church Myadec is a high-potency vitamin ning institutions around the area Waterbury, Conn. formula with minerals. Intact, for the now regional agency, which will coordinate and direct (corner of Bunker H1U Myadec contains 9 important most of the health services in the & Ardsley Rds.) vitamins and 6 minerals-an ideal northwest part of the State. formulation for active people on the go. That's why physicians and ^CE^L*¥* frmwrrmrm wwrmM^r* pharmacists recommend Myadec davidson'f more than ever before. If you want a high-potency vitamin formula with minerals—recommended by many doctors and pharmacists- stop in today and buy some Myadec SALE capsules or easy-to-take tablets. Reductions of COUPON - DRUG CITY® GOOD THRU 1-13-76 25% - 50% •DRKSB&.5.MH) MYADEC long & short 130 capsules list *8,86 • SKIRTS - long & short Limit one coupon Per Customer • COATS - long & shod • ROBES . Lorn, & short • PANTS - polytifif & WM! • Pantsuits DRUG cur Selection of Jerseys, Sweaters, Blouses, & Sleepwear WATERTOWN PLAZA 274-5425 LITCHFIELD • WATIRTOWN. THOMASTQN 1161 MAIN ST. WATERTOWN TownTtflMi (Watertown, Coon), January I, MW Pagt S Council unanimously approved. American Airlines Kiwi CommissionersProperty, Pete ofr Christian theo WatertownThe son of Mr. and Mrs. Jame s HistoricalTravelers See SocietySpeakers Bureau will be present Christiano, 446 Buckingham Mexico Tonight to lead the entertaining Police Meet Is Watertown's Street, OakviUc Peter JamM program, aimed ipeciflcally at was born at 5:49 a.m. New The land south of the border, those planning to take a vacation In Session watertownhistoricalsociety.orgBicentennial Baby Year's Day in Witerbury Mexico, wiD be featured tonight in Mexico. But all armchair About II people showed up at Peter James Christiano, a Hospital, the first born of the (Thursday) as the Park and travelers are welcome to attend Monday night's open bearing week-oW today (Thursday), was year in the Waterbury area. He Recreation Department holds its Ski films are on the agenda for called by the Police Commission named the official Bicentennial weighed in at six pounds and nine third in a serin of Travel Show- February's show, and the Virgin to discuss the new department baby of Watertewn Monday in a ounces. times at the Watertown Library Islands and a packing regulations now being drawn up, proclamation by Town Council The Christianos have a 2-year- at 7:30 Admission is free. demonstration are on tab for "We were quite impressed Chairman Everard Day. The old daughter, Rebecca. A representative from the March. with the reception we received,1' commented Commission Chair- man Armand Mark-Anthony 00 the session. He said around IS police officers attended. The commission reviewed its priorities concerning job classifications, a merit system and organizational setup, Mr. Mark-Anthony said, and listened to feedback from the officers. A manual containing the new regulations is slated to be published the beginning of next month, and another meeting between the police and Commis- sion is being planned for that time, the chairman added. The last commission came un- der fire from some of the depart- ment personnel in the fall over promotion in 1975 and 1974. Basket Fund Reaches $1,500 The Welfare Department dis- tributed 100 Christmas food baskets during the holidays to the town's needy, Mrs, Janice Horton, assistant welfare direc- tor, reported Monday. Approximately $1,500 was donated to the fund through con- tributions, although the depart- ment had a set a goal of $2,000. "We're stBl hoping people will Now you can have a get on the bandwagon," Mrs. Horton said, explaining con- tributions may still be sent in to the Welfare Departmint in care FREE of Mrs. Horton, Town Hall Annex, Main Street, Wateriown, Two families participated in the gift sending program, and PERSONAL CHECKING Mrs. Horton reported it was very meaningful and very successful to those parties, In 1974, a half dozen families participated. ACCOUNT Calcium Chloride Rock Salt • Grit Dry Sand where your savings H.S, COE CO, 45 Freight St. .Waterbnry earn the most! 754.8177 THINK ABOUT IT, A FREE PERSONAL CHECKING HAPPY TRAVELING Witt ACCOUNT AT THOMASTON SAVINGS. NOW YOU MARJORIE O. LYNCH CAN HAVE THIS SAVINGS BANK HANDLE THE TWO SERVICES YOU NEED MOST. YOUR SAVINGS ARE MUM iVaterbury SAFE, INSURED AND READILY ACCESSIBLE. AND Travel YOUR CHECKING IS JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE'S. Agency BLTON BUT BETTER. BETTER BECAUSE OF WHAT WE'RE HOTEL DOING FOR YOUR SAVINGS. DROP BY THOMASTON SAVINGS BANK AND MAKE A DEPOSIT. IN YOUR SHmar Line offers ROUND TRIP FUG!\ Tor PERSONAL CHECKING ACCOUNT. passengers on their popular FAIRSEA cruises to Mexican Available at our offices in Ports between January 10 aad Thomaston, Watertown and Harwintoo March 13rd! People will JUMP at THIS BARGAIN so HOP TO IT (pun!). Spa« wlU book quickly — Come to and talk to us about the FREE AIR and FREE TRANSFERS for the ship's pier and air- port! Of coarse, you do pay for the cruise. It really is a peat offer. The Parker Tour program brochures are here so, a word to the wise, book motor coach travel early during this Bicentennial Year. The famous and MOST POPULAR Tauck Tour brochures are also here for most areas too. The southwest, northwest, etc, will be in later this month. Meanwhile, yon can book for those interesting spots along the Eastern seaboard now. Plan for Wllllamsburg, Washington, Mississippi, New Orleans, Florida NOW. P.3. That air destination Is California on the Sitmar offer for their cruises. Member F.D.I.C. Page CTo#nTimea (Watertown, Conn), January 8,1976 Property of the Watertown Historical Society1 State National Banking Centers available for ••IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IMI nent waves to hair coloring have said, not pinning down any one ting, hah conditioning, scalp Mr Biker commented, "Mate been taught. particular hair style as his treatments, and hair piece fit- Has Ml Noon National Valley ana offices. customer transactions M hours a Town Times, Inc. However, there's always room favorite, "Each person Is ting. On Friday and Saturday, a Mr. Baker commented, "State day, seven days a week. FABRIC INVENTORY Published Weekly to learn, Roger frequently different, and you like to do what manicurist is on the scene. Saturday Hoars National li opening Its Water- town Office on Saturdays to ac- Second class postage paid at Watertown, Conn, attends seminars conducted by would be most attractive on Employed as hairdressers art The State National Bank of Ice Folliei Trip Office located in the George Building, 678 Main Street, Watertown hairstyling institutes, and has them, I like it all." commodate Its customers who Sylvia Griffin, Carol Yurltch, Connecticut's Watertown OfftM, cannot get to the bank easily dur- A trip to the Ice Folhes In New % For news or information call 274-6721. Address mail to TOWN even taken courses from Clairol But all you see is not all you Ann Lorton, Christine Lamy, located in the Ten Acre Shopping TIMES, Box S3, Oakvllle, or Box 1, Watertown, Conn in New York where he can learn get per chance you walk In to the ing the week. In addition to the Haven has been scheduled by the Susan Murrican, Chris Luden, Mall on Straits Turnpike, If open Watertown OfQce, the Amonia Park and Recreation Depart- William E, Simmons, Kditor & Publisher the latest techniques and effects petite plaza salon, Roger credits and Rae Datelle. Virginia 10-25-50 OFF for banking business from 9 a.m. Thomas Valuckas, Editorial Assistant the atmosphere, as well as the Office, located in {fee Downtown ment for Friday, Feb. 6. A bus of hair coloring, etc. His only Palmer is the shampoo girl, and to 12 noon on Saturdays, it wit for the 7:30 p.m. show will leave Patricia Dwyer & Trudy Pearson previous experience in hair- talent on hand, as major reasons Winnie Rykowski is the recep- Mall on Main and Tremont announced Dec 31 by Winthrop Streets, is also open from 9 a.m. Dfland Field at 5:4S p.m. HOMEMAKERS WORKSHOP Sales Representatives dressing was at Jonathan's Coif- for the success of Daveluy's. tionist, D, Biker, vice president in Ethel Lawton, Office Manager fures, of Watertown, where he "We can have a good time, and to 12 noon on Saturdays," Reservations may be made by IM Daveluy's is open Monday charge of Naugatuck VaDey area Mr Baker stated both of these calling the Recreation of floe at Illll Illtll Illlllllllllllllllllllllltlllllttlll worked until he opened his own still do good work," he assured offices. Ms* IM MM** IM business. with a smile. through Wednesday from 9 a.m. offices nave 24-hour BanKey 274-5411, Oct. SI. Roger likes meeting the varie- Among the services offered at to 5 p.m.; Thursday and Friday ty of people who come to his Daveluy's are permanent wav- from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; and on place, and has formulated some ing, hair coloring (including high Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Senior definite impressions over the fashion coloring), frosting, citizen discounts are available limes years on them and hairstyling in streaking, blonde on blonde ton- on all services Monday through general. ing, carefree blow style hair cut- Thursday. He said it helps if a customer fli comes in with a notion of what she wants done to her hair, but the worst thing that can happen is for someone to bring in a pic- TRoop ture, invariably of a high-class model, and say "I want to look like this!" "It's okay if you have nice hair Daveluy^s Coiffures to work with," he noted, "and Troop 1776 met at Miss Sarah's in Garnsey-towne some will have a permanent where they helped her father to fill the ice house, The Behind every career goal there hairdresser's school, and I liked wave, but don't want to spend is that desire to accomplish it, so I kept on with it," the any money on it." Or a customer ice OD the pond was frozen to a good 18" thickness, and something special. For an out- slender, brown-haired owner ex- might be ferociously stubborn the day dry and windy to prevent the ice cakes melting standing athlete, it may be to plained. That encompassed some and insist on a particular style, and sticking together on the way to the ice house. win a gold medal in the Olym- 2,000 hours of training, part- and Roger said a hairdresser While Miss Sarah's father and brothers cut and hauled pics; for a playwright, scripting time, over a two-year period at will normally comply with the die ice, the girls shoveled out the old top layer of saw* a Broadway smash might be the the Kayula Institute of Hair request "if put up against the DRUG CITY dream of a lifetime. Desip in Waterbury, now Sam- wall." But that didn't leave out dust from the stone ice house, then as the blocks of ice Things are no different for a pieri's, \ trying to change the customer's were laid ID, each was covered with clean sawdust, It LOW, LOW EVERYDAY PRICES! hairdresser. In the world of The instruction involved lear- mind, he added. was a day's work with time out for a noon dinner hairstyling, creating an exciting ning basic sets, haircuts, - He mentioned if a person com- prepared by Sarah's mother and Mrs, W., troop leader, and attractive style for a woman curls, "on a dummy" Roger es into his salon with an open that draws national acclaim and recalls, and loads of bookwoEk n^mLfefcliat, is a good sign, who said the service rendered will meet one require- attention would be the hair* where the student had to study ""beettEwthey're putting their ment of the troop's Winter chores badge. BRING dresser's piece de resistance. bones, muscles, nerves, and eoBfidence in*you". Roger said The Timid SBMI AWMSTOI CLASSIC YOUR "I'd love to get the chance to body chemistry — "the whole this is in part the essence of the do something that was famous," body, really." hairdressing business — the HOLIDAY PHOTOS VITAMIN mused Roger Daveluy of Dwelling on the chemistry chance to use your own HERE FOR Daveluy's Coiffures at the topic a bit, he said he didn't know knowledge and creativity. EXPERT SFK-UH-NO, Watertown Plaza. "It would be a for sure why they had to study Observed the owner: "Every DEVELOPING good feeling to get recopized that area, but surmised "they hairdresser has a different RUNNIN' GUNS YOU, for something like that," just want you to be able to technique and a different way of Ui' BUT TTi More specifically, Roger was recognize any disorder of the doing it." AWFULLY Poft thinking about "the Mia Farrow scalp." Asked what he meant by "nice THE COUPON • DRUG OTY« - Good Thra ESALE cut" created for the actress by Most of the trainees find the hair," Roger replied that COUPON • DRUG crrY* stylist Vidal Sassoon, and how it bookword aspect of the instruc- category includes hair that is became a popular and sought- tion the hardest to master, easy to manage, possesses "NEW" after style among women Roger stated, but even a natural wave and has texture LAVORIS through a heavy advertising and straight-A student needs to have and body. The last two terms are promotional campaign. But he creativity in his blood and a lik- somewhat nebulous to all but the Mouthwash observed the larger hairstyling ing for the work. hairdresser, for only they have ANTI- PERSPIRANT institutes have better oppor- Roger's wife, Joanne, is half the wisdom to know for sure. Large 14 oz. size tunities to present their way through her training course And on the different styles Hudson*'s regularly creations to the public through at Sampieri's, and is Interested themselves, Roger sees the low priced 100% DL- mass media advertising — a in obtaining a hairdresser's heavily teased and bouffant Alpha Tocopheryl E's wholly reasonable conclusion, license too. shapes gradually falling by the "I have my own way of Following a six-week training wayside, being replaced by a [SAVE 86'[ of guaranteed quality '1.061 ...guaranteed potency styling," Roger said In a confi- period, the students are "put on softer, more natural look. Long, Limit One Coupon PPer Customer dent tone without the slightest the floor" as Roger said to work straight hair, he said, is not as Limit One Cnnmn Per Customer are now on sale at big hint of disappointment, "but I'm on real people.,The expertise of popular as it used to be, and "it's discounts. not big enough to push it." the student will depend on how a more carefree look now." No matter though, because for well the lessons are mastered Color effects on hair are also a the time being, Roger Daveluy is and upon his or her own creativi- fashionable technique enjoyed TSMFTATION To kin Come in content with just being Roger ty, because by now, the fun- today. MR, MiLQUGTQAST IS COUPON . DRUG CITY*. Good Thm 1-13-7* . ON - DRUG CTT¥». Good 1%p« 1iH«]l| Daveluy, a successful local damentals ranging from perma- "I like the whole field," Roger Tb RES 1ST hairstylist whose face hasn't "FRUIT of the LOOM^H appeared on TV speaking words VICKS NYQUIL N0W& in French accents. Daveluy's Coiffures opened at NIGHTTIME COLDS MEDICINE KNITTING YARN its present location at 1151 Main LARGE 6 ei, tiie SAVE! St., in the plaza, in November of Thanks to Lt.Maury,(|SN 1972, after it had been located for Reg, Price SALE lO •'%• 18 months in the George Mfg. list 1.10 V Building, where the Town Times you can reach London EW0I.U. 100 Cap,, $2,59 $1,90 *T mm office is now. Roger bought out a UMIT 4 ikoint pm coupo hairstylist who worked out of Btl E200I.U. TOO Cap,, $ 4,39 $2,99 that spot up until then. with your finger. E400..U. too Cop,. $ 7,69 $4,99 A graduate of Watertown High OM Per with no particular career plans E600I.U. 100 Cap,. $11.49 $7.89 in the mid-80's, Roger said he Because of Li. Matthew Maury's historic studies of the ocean's Copyright O !t?S Hudisn PrurmMiulirjl Corporation, worked for his fattier awhile A nubildury of GadMKi Induiln.i (Ray Daveluy, as in restaurant floors, you can now cross the Atlantic Ocean, By phone. Several attempts were made to link America to Europe with a and pizza) and eventually decid- transatlantic telegraphic cable, but not until this most distinguished ed to go into a field of his own. Navy scientist laid the route was it finally accomplished COUPON . DRUG CTTV. Good lire 1-13-71 »UPON • DRUG CITY* -Good Ttn l-l>Wi|fl "I started going part-time to a Now, as the United States celebrates its Bicentennial, the Navy hom is proud to salute Lt. Maury as one of the many Navy men who helped mold the course of history VICKS FORMULA! the But there's more history to be made, and maybe you can make S FURNITURE it In the U.S. Navy, If you'd like the full story about careers and 44-D COUGH V HHL Hair Control opportunities available in the Navy, just send us the coupon below ^ CANDIES STRIPPING and lOOIV G|ANT n „ ijltj see your Navy recruiter, or call toll free 800-841=8000 (in Georgia, MIXTURE 3«.*• REFINISHING 800-342-S855) reg. or Extra Held Maybe what you do in the Navy today will become history to- "FRESH EVERY WEEK" morrow. $ GIFTS - CAMERAS •2.09 dip n/trip Build your future on a proud tradition. WINES & LIQUORS 1.09 j SAVE 9T M.S9 lilt I SAVE 80*1 PLANTS & ACCESSORIES « DEPOT ST., r C«pt. H C Atkvood it.U.S. Navivyy PQ!§ 1.18 V OP TgfJlTV WATERTOWN, Sft l £M ' INFORMATIORM N CENTER Limit One Coupon Per Customer APPUANCIS - TOYS Limit One Coupon Per Customer P»lh«, i§@m zMinsr 4000, N.V, 10SOS M CONN, Srt'ihi*' t0SlulW.mV tu|ure °n a Proud tradition! Pleasse tell me more HALLMARK CARDS & SUPPLIES aboul lht opportunities awiiting me In today s Navy (GJ !' " Mama '"'•< " Middle ~~~ "" LO-,1 • Management (mivM the Right to DAILY 9 - 5 ArMrftBL limit Qvantltitf open 7 days SATURDAY 9 • 4 .Zitu WATERTOWN PLAZA • Coupon Specials good while Supply laiti 8 a.m. — 10 p.m. CLOSED SUN, & MON. Due of Hifth .Phone_ monlh/day/yeor area ttde/nymbif Daily including Sunday Yean of Education 1161 MAIN ST. WATERTOWN PHONE 274-6303 274-5425 Page CTo#nTimea (Watertown, Conn), January 8,1976 1 State National Banking Centers available for ••IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IMI nent waves to hair coloring have said, not pinning down any one ting, hah conditioning, scalp Property Mofr Bike rthe commented Watertown, "Mate Historical Society been taught. particular hair style as his treatments, and hair piece fit- Has Ml Noon National Valley ana offices. customer transactions M hours a Town Times, Inc. However, there's always room favorite, "Each person Is ting. On Friday and Saturday, a Mr. Baker commented, "State day, seven days a week. FABRIC INVENTORY Published Weekly to learn, Roger frequently different, and you like to do what manicurist is on the scene. Saturday Hoars National li opening Its Water- town Office on Saturdays to ac- Second class postage paid at Watertown, Conn, attends seminars conducted by would be most attractive on Employed as hairdressers art The State National Bank watertownhistoricalsociety.orgof Ice Folliei Trip Office located in the George Building, 678 Main Street, Watertown hairstyling institutes, and has them, I like it all." commodate Its customers who Sylvia Griffin, Carol Yurltch, Connecticut's Watertown OfftM, cannot get to the bank easily dur- A trip to the Ice Folhes In New % For news or information call 274-6721. Address mail to TOWN even taken courses from Clairol But all you see is not all you Ann Lorton, Christine Lamy, located in the Ten Acre Shopping TIMES, Box S3, Oakvllle, or Box 1, Watertown, Conn in New York where he can learn get per chance you walk In to the ing the week. In addition to the Haven has been scheduled by the Susan Murrican, Chris Luden, Mall on Straits Turnpike, If open Watertown OfQce, the Amonia Park and Recreation Depart- William E, Simmons, Kditor & Publisher the latest techniques and effects petite plaza salon, Roger credits and Rae Datelle. Virginia 10-25-50 OFF for banking business from 9 a.m. Thomas Valuckas, Editorial Assistant the atmosphere, as well as the Office, located in {fee Downtown ment for Friday, Feb. 6. A bus of hair coloring, etc. His only Palmer is the shampoo girl, and to 12 noon on Saturdays, it wit for the 7:30 p.m. show will leave Patricia Dwyer & Trudy Pearson previous experience in hair- talent on hand, as major reasons Winnie Rykowski is the recep- Mall on Main and Tremont announced Dec 31 by Winthrop Streets, is also open from 9 a.m. Dfland Field at 5:4S p.m. HOMEMAKERS WORKSHOP Sales Representatives dressing was at Jonathan's Coif- for the success of Daveluy's. tionist, D, Biker, vice president in Ethel Lawton, Office Manager fures, of Watertown, where he "We can have a good time, and to 12 noon on Saturdays," Reservations may be made by IM Daveluy's is open Monday charge of Naugatuck VaDey area Mr Baker stated both of these calling the Recreation of floe at Illll Illtll Illlllllllllllllllllllllltlllllttlll worked until he opened his own still do good work," he assured offices. Ms* IM MM** IM business. with a smile. through Wednesday from 9 a.m. offices nave 24-hour BanKey 274-5411, Oct. SI. Roger likes meeting the varie- Among the services offered at to 5 p.m.; Thursday and Friday ty of people who come to his Daveluy's are permanent wav- from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; and on place, and has formulated some ing, hair coloring (including high Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Senior definite impressions over the fashion coloring), frosting, citizen discounts are available limes years on them and hairstyling in streaking, blonde on blonde ton- on all services Monday through general. ing, carefree blow style hair cut- Thursday. He said it helps if a customer fli comes in with a notion of what she wants done to her hair, but the worst thing that can happen is for someone to bring in a pic- TRoop ture, invariably of a high-class model, and say "I want to look like this!" "It's okay if you have nice hair Daveluy^s Coiffures to work with," he noted, "and Troop 1776 met at Miss Sarah's in Garnsey-towne some will have a permanent where they helped her father to fill the ice house, The Behind every career goal there hairdresser's school, and I liked wave, but don't want to spend is that desire to accomplish it, so I kept on with it," the any money on it." Or a customer ice OD the pond was frozen to a good 18" thickness, and something special. For an out- slender, brown-haired owner ex- might be ferociously stubborn the day dry and windy to prevent the ice cakes melting standing athlete, it may be to plained. That encompassed some and insist on a particular style, and sticking together on the way to the ice house. win a gold medal in the Olym- 2,000 hours of training, part- and Roger said a hairdresser While Miss Sarah's father and brothers cut and hauled pics; for a playwright, scripting time, over a two-year period at will normally comply with the die ice, the girls shoveled out the old top layer of saw* a Broadway smash might be the the Kayula Institute of Hair request "if put up against the DRUG CITY dream of a lifetime. Desip in Waterbury, now Sam- wall." But that didn't leave out dust from the stone ice house, then as the blocks of ice Things are no different for a pieri's, \ trying to change the customer's were laid ID, each was covered with clean sawdust, It LOW, LOW EVERYDAY PRICES! hairdresser. In the world of The instruction involved lear- mind, he added. was a day's work with time out for a noon dinner hairstyling, creating an exciting ning basic sets, haircuts, pin- He mentioned if a person com- prepared by Sarah's mother and Mrs, W., troop leader, and attractive style for a woman curls, "on a dummy" Roger es into his salon with an open that draws national acclaim and recalls, and loads of bookwoEk n^mLfefcliat, is a good sign, who said the service rendered will meet one require- attention would be the hair* where the student had to study ""beettEwthey're putting their ment of the troop's Winter chores badge. BRING dresser's piece de resistance. bones, muscles, nerves, and eoBfidence in*you". Roger said The Timid SBMI AWMSTOI CLASSIC YOUR "I'd love to get the chance to body chemistry — "the whole this is in part the essence of the do something that was famous," body, really." hairdressing business — the HOLIDAY PHOTOS VITAMIN mused Roger Daveluy of Dwelling on the chemistry chance to use your own HERE FOR Daveluy's Coiffures at the topic a bit, he said he didn't know knowledge and creativity. EXPERT SFK-UH-NO, Watertown Plaza. "It would be a for sure why they had to study Observed the owner: "Every DEVELOPING good feeling to get recopized that area, but surmised "they hairdresser has a different RUNNIN' GUNS YOU, for something like that," just want you to be able to technique and a different way of Ui' BUT TTi More specifically, Roger was recognize any disorder of the doing it." AWFULLY Poft thinking about "the Mia Farrow scalp." Asked what he meant by "nice THE COUPON • DRUG OTY« - Good Thra ESALE cut" created for the actress by Most of the trainees find the hair," Roger replied that COUPON • DRUG crrY* stylist Vidal Sassoon, and how it bookword aspect of the instruc- category includes hair that is became a popular and sought- tion the hardest to master, easy to manage, possesses "NEW" after style among women Roger stated, but even a natural wave and has texture LAVORIS through a heavy advertising and straight-A student needs to have and body. The last two terms are promotional campaign. But he creativity in his blood and a lik- somewhat nebulous to all but the Mouthwash observed the larger hairstyling ing for the work. hairdresser, for only they have ANTI- PERSPIRANT institutes have better oppor- Roger's wife, Joanne, is half the wisdom to know for sure. Large 14 oz. size tunities to present their way through her training course And on the different styles Hudson*'s regularly creations to the public through at Sampieri's, and is Interested themselves, Roger sees the low priced 100% DL- mass media advertising — a in obtaining a hairdresser's heavily teased and bouffant Alpha Tocopheryl E's wholly reasonable conclusion, license too. shapes gradually falling by the "I have my own way of Following a six-week training wayside, being replaced by a [SAVE 86'[ of guaranteed quality '1.061 ...guaranteed potency styling," Roger said In a confi- period, the students are "put on softer, more natural look. Long, Limit One Coupon PPer Customer dent tone without the slightest the floor" as Roger said to work straight hair, he said, is not as Limit One Cnnmn Per Customer are now on sale at big hint of disappointment, "but I'm on real people.,The expertise of popular as it used to be, and "it's discounts. not big enough to push it." the student will depend on how a more carefree look now." No matter though, because for well the lessons are mastered Color effects on hair are also a the time being, Roger Daveluy is and upon his or her own creativi- fashionable technique enjoyed TSMFTATION To kin Come in content with just being Roger ty, because by now, the fun- today. MR, MiLQUGTQAST IS COUPON . DRUG CITY*. Good Thm 1-13-7* . ON - DRUG CTT¥». Good 1%p« 1iH«]l| Daveluy, a successful local damentals ranging from perma- "I like the whole field," Roger Tb RES 1ST hairstylist whose face hasn't "FRUIT of the LOOM^H appeared on TV speaking words VICKS NYQUIL N0W& in French accents. Daveluy's Coiffures opened at NIGHTTIME COLDS MEDICINE KNITTING YARN its present location at 1151 Main LARGE 6 ei, tiie SAVE! St., in the plaza, in November of Thanks to Lt.Maury,(|SN 1972, after it had been located for Reg, Price SALE lO •'%• 18 months in the George Mfg. list 1.10 V Building, where the Town Times you can reach London EW0I.U. 100 Cap,, $2,59 $1,90 *T mm office is now. Roger bought out a UMIT 4 ikoint pm coupo hairstylist who worked out of Btl E200I.U. TOO Cap,, $ 4,39 $2,99 that spot up until then. with your finger. E400..U. too Cop,. $ 7,69 $4,99 A graduate of Watertown High OM Per with no particular career plans E600I.U. 100 Cap,. $11.49 $7.89 in the mid-80's, Roger said he Because of Li. Matthew Maury's historic studies of the ocean's Copyright O !t?S Hudisn PrurmMiulirjl Corporation, worked for his fattier awhile A nubildury of GadMKi Induiln.i (Ray Daveluy, as in restaurant floors, you can now cross the Atlantic Ocean, By phone. Several attempts were made to link America to Europe with a and pizza) and eventually decid- transatlantic telegraphic cable, but not until this most distinguished ed to go into a field of his own. Navy scientist laid the route was it finally accomplished COUPON . DRUG CTTV. Good lire 1-13-71 »UPON • DRUG CITY* -Good Ttn l-l>Wi|fl "I started going part-time to a Now, as the United States celebrates its Bicentennial, the Navy hom is proud to salute Lt. Maury as one of the many Navy men who helped mold the course of history VICKS FORMULA! the But there's more history to be made, and maybe you can make S FURNITURE it In the U.S. Navy, If you'd like the full story about careers and 44-D COUGH V HHL Hair Control opportunities available in the Navy, just send us the coupon below ^ CANDIES STRIPPING and lOOIV G|ANT n „ ijltj see your Navy recruiter, or call toll free 800-841=8000 (in Georgia, MIXTURE 3«.*• REFINISHING 800-342-S855) reg. or Extra Held Maybe what you do in the Navy today will become history to- "FRESH EVERY WEEK" morrow. $ GIFTS - CAMERAS •2.09 dip n/trip Build your future on a proud tradition. WINES & LIQUORS 1.09 j SAVE 9T M.S9 lilt I SAVE 80*1 PLANTS & ACCESSORIES « DEPOT ST., r C«pt. H C Atkvood it.U.S. Navivyy PQ!§ 1.18 V OP TgfJlTV WATERTOWN, Sft l £M ' INFORMATIORM N CENTER Limit One Coupon Per Customer APPUANCIS - TOYS Limit One Coupon Per Customer P»lh«, i§@m zMinsr 4000, N.V, 10SOS M CONN, Srt'ihi*' t0SlulW.mV tu|ure °n a Proud tradition! Pleasse tell me more HALLMARK CARDS & SUPPLIES aboul lht opportunities awiiting me In today s Navy (GJ !' " Mama '"'•< " Middle ~~~ "" LO-,1 • Management (mivM the Right to DAILY 9 - 5 ArMrftBL limit Qvantltitf open 7 days SATURDAY 9 • 4 .Zitu WATERTOWN PLAZA • Coupon Specials good while Supply laiti 8 a.m. — 10 p.m. CLOSED SUN, & MON. Due of Hifth .Phone_ monlh/day/yeor area ttde/nymbif Daily including Sunday Yean of Education 1161 MAIN ST. WATERTOWN PHONE 274-6303 274-5425 Page 8 TowPropertyn Tunes (Watwtown, Com,) of, Januar they 8,197 6Watertown Historical Society Marsha Guinea Mrs, Loveland NYC, Qrcm Trips ' The regular monthly trip to Named Loan Assoe, watertownhistoricalsociety.orgBicentennial New York City's Radio City Music Hall ana will be held on Manager At Plaza Program Speaker Wednesday, Jan. 14. A bus will Marsha P. Guinea, assistant Frederick deF. Camp, Chair- leave Deland Field at 8:30 a.m., manager of the Naugatuck man of the Bicentennial Com- and depart from the Music Hall ELEMENTARY Valley Mall office of Firit mittee of the First at 7 p.m. for the return trip SCHOOL LUNCH Federal Savings and Loan Congregational Church has an- home. Association of Wattrbury, has nounced that Marion Loveland THe Park and Recreation been named manager of the has been selected to give the Department also has scheduled a Waterbury Shopping Plaza office first of two historical lectures on trip to the New Haven Coliseum of the Association, The nsw of- Sunday, Jan, 18 at 7 p.m. in on Friday, Jan, 9, to see the flet, located at tht comer of Fellowship HaU of the church, Moscow Circus. Bus leaves Chase and Wigwam Avenues, Mra. Loveland, Associate Deland at 5:45 p.m. Professor of English at Mat- tatuck College, will be speaking Nurses' Courses on John Trumbull, the first Karen Dundas, Nursing minister of this church (1739- Program Chairman for the 1785) and his son John, the Waterbury Area Rid Crois JANUARY 1071 celebrated poet and author of Chapter, has announced that a 'M'FingaT, the famous satirical Red Cross Cardio-Pulmonary poem directed against the Resusitation Course for nurses tfcrNgk the coirtety of enemies of American liberty. and nursing students will be Mrs. Loveland's interest in the given on Jan, 14,15 and 16 from 7 Trumbulls goes back to her to 10 p.m. at the Middlebury MARCH'S PHAWWCY college days — even before she Congregational Church. Reser- WED, JAN. 14 came to Watertown In 1941. She vations may be made by calling MON. JAN, 12 . JAN. 13 uses John Trumbull's poetry in a the Red Cross at 795-1137, highly popular course in Himlmrter oa Bu telMO Sexta Feira QHif TMMdCNMliM American humor which traces Frt the development of American lismcnwk lulia Sexto Feira will meet Friday, ORH flfndndBlMf humor from the Puritans to the Jan. 9, at 3 p.m. at the home of OIMMI ftrtl* Otto* MlMd Frtll C^> ud present day comic writers and Milk M1U pMHt taltr MM. Robert Lyman, Scott Ave. CooUa Mri/Foster Woods will present MUk Mif ilbveland taught English her paper/ entitled "Pioneers in Watertown's public schools Alas,'5 '•* for 25 years before going to Mat- tatuck in 1969 where she tea< THURS. JAN. 15 FBI. JAN. 16 MON. JAN. 19 Marsha P, Guinea composition, Ajwi Waterburyi opened Jan. 8 accor- literature, reading aW speed She was acting chairman of ding to Harold W. Smith, presi- MMlLwf Fnukw toNMM dent of First Ftdtral. English department4970-71 N Mi brad Cm Mrs, Guinea has been named Outstanding^Educator (Nationwide) in 1973, MkhtaMCik* MUk employed by First Federal sine* Milk 1967 as a teller, as a senior teller, Following the lecture ilKoriitd Dealer For and in administrative duties. She refreshments reminescent of was promoted to Assistant this period of our history * JACOBSEN MOWERS Manager of the Naugatuck (wassail bowl, etc.) will be serv- & TRACTORS Valley Mall office of First ed. There is no charge for the ' HAHN • iCUPSE M0W1R5 THURS, JAN. 22 Federal in April, 1975, program, which is open to the ' BRIGGS & STRATTON ENGINES TUBS. JAN. 20 WED, JAN. II A graduate of Water town High public. • ARIENS MOWERS & BLOWERS School, Mrs, Guinea is attending > LAUSEN . TECUMSEH ENGINES HtHWNkMM Goursis at the Institute df Pinan. Pythian Sisters STIML 4 HOMIUTI CHAINSAW! SnctntChMM i M rial Education, She resides in Friendship Temple, No. 28, UlLMM AROf N SUPPLIES & F6RTIUZER! wttkmHM Gitate Watertown with her husband, Pythian Sisters, wiU hold its DrMttf CHTM Sttcki POWER EQUIPMENT RENTALS OmieCike James. regular meeting on Tuesday, FiNANCiNG AVAIUILI MUk Mitt Jan. 13, at S p.m. In the Masonic WATIRTOWN Dinner-Theatre Hall, 175 Main St. with Mrs. Florence Byrnes presiding. 274.6434 Trip Scheduled Columbian Lodge, No. 12, Openings still remain for the Knights of Fythiang, will meet at CLIP AND SAVE Park and Recreation the same time and place, The of- Department's dinner-theatre fleers are in charge of 1376 Main St., Wsttrtewn trip to the Chateau de Ville in refreshments. East Windsor on Wednesday, MARCH'S Jan, 28., where the live musical Stephen R. Rubenstein, M.D. "My Fair Lady" will be OAKVILLE presented, announces A bus will leave Watertown at PHARMACY 10 a.m. and return at ap- the opening off his office for proximately 5 p.m. A full course the practice of Intermit Medicine Francis R. Kaminski, Prop lunch is included in the fare. In- 308 Main St., Oakville formation and reservations can at be obtained by calling the recreation office at 274-5411, 70 Hcminway Park Road Ext, 221, Witertown, Connecticut Free Prescription Base all your opinlon« on fact, by appointment Delivery 274-2398 Available in tUs rtftson and good judgnunt. ana at MARCH'S PHARMACY FW. JAN. 23 MON, JAN. 26 TUBS, JAN. 27

VtfitiMtldip Toutul Cketw SutwM ToMed Gtn« S^ul Uoromwle Idliu BMdtMBittw PMrHUvM vOORBUSIER Milk WED. JAN. 28 THURS. JAN. 29 PRI. JAN. 30

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OffkM Si rving Wattrtury, Chwhirt, Wattrtown, OakvUk, Pnnpiet, Wolcett, and Btthtl, Page Property8 Town Timss (Watertown ,of Com,) , theJanuary 8,197Watertown8 Historical Society Bel1 Chrlit Episcopal Friday Jan 9 - Mass 11 Chok Concert at First m am ;TiJflfo» Church Hall, 7:30 Ctareh, WateAury. torAAR P Sunday, Jan. 11 — HoJy Com- p.m, raetnni, 3 p.m. watertownhistoricalsociety.orgmunion, 8 a.m.; Holy Commu- nion and Church School 10:15 Saturday, Jan. 10 — a.m.; Adult and high school Confessions. 4 to 5 and 7:45 to study, 11:15 a.m.; Lay Readers' 8:11 p.m.; Low Man for deceas- Area Bloodmobile AH Saints Episcopal vice, 11 AM.: English Service, Service at Convalariuni, 1 p.m.; ed members of the Glroux Fami- ir !hur§day. JIB. 8 — Vsitry, 7:30 p.m. Lay Reader!1 Service fitly, § p.m.; Mass, 7 p.m. The Waterbury Area Chapter 7:S0 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 14 — Italian Whitewood Manor, 1:30 p.m.; today, Jan. 11 — Low Man Red Cross Bloodmobile will be Friday, J«n. 9 - Vestry dtaner Service, 7:30 p.m. Junior Youth Fellowship, 130 for Joseph Marpltts, 8:15 p.m.; visiting the auditorium at St. at rectory. p.m.; Senior Youth Fellowship, 4 First Anniversary Low Mass for Mary's Hospital, 56 Franklin St., Saturday, Jan. 10 - Early Friendi (Quaker) Meeting p.m.; Service of Prayer tod Mary Ebbs. 8:30 am.; Miss, Waterbury, on Tuesday, Jan. 13, Communion Glass, 10 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 14 — Meeting for Praise, 7:30 p.m. 10:45 a.m.; An Anniversary Low from 10:10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 11 - Holy Com- Worship, 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. U - Morning Mass for Andrew Fttlp, 12 Noon; Low Miss for James Kane, i munion, 8 a.m.; Holy Commu- Prayer and Holy Communion, hf ifliMtt nion and Sermon, 9:15 a.m. ml&Uebury Baptist 8:45 a.m.; A. A., 10:30 a.m.; p.m. Monday, Jan, 12 - Girl Scouto, Sunday, Jan. 11 — Church Junior Girl Scouts, 3:15 p.m.; CALL753-WM 6 p.m. School, 9:45 a.m.; Morning Youth Choir, 6:30 p.m.; Flrit CngregiittMHd ZELLO'S Tuesday, Jan. 18 — Tramae- Worship, 11 a.m.; Youth groups, Ecumenical Council. St. John's Friday, Jan fi - P M PUgrim tional Analysis, Parish KaU. 1*3 5:45 p.m.; Evening Service, 7 Church, 7:30 p.m. Fellowship and advisors leave tmiummm p.m. p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 13 — Morning church for weekend retreat at Wednesday, Jan. 14 — Tuesday, Jan. 13 — Christian Prayer and Holy Communion, Silver Lake, 6:30 p.m. MMfMtr Door QMtati Episcopal Church women, 10 Service Brigade, 7 p.m. 8:45 a.m.; Bible Study, 8.45 Sunday, Jan. 11 — Church a.m.; Holy Communion, 11 a.m.; Wednesday, Jan. 14 - Mid- a.m.; Al Anon, 10 a.m.; Confir- School, 9:30 a.m.; Worship Ser- Choir, ? p.m.; Adult discussion week Service, 7 p.m. mation study, S p.m.; Vestry, vice, 10.30 a.m. No Youth Bell group, 8 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Choir or Pilgrim Fellowship. BBS Christian Science Wednesday, Jan. 14 - Morning Monday, Jan. 12 — Men's Fix- Holmes & Mitchell Ave«. Prayer, 8:40 a.m.; Holy Comnju- It Fellowship, 9 a.m.; Reading St. Mary Magdalen Waterbury nion and Healing Service, 9:30 Group, Trumbull House, 9:30 THE BIG Thursday, Jan. 8 ~ Mass, 7 Sunday, Jan. 11 — Sunday a.m.; Junior Choir, 3:15 p.m.; a.m. Three books by May COOKIE a.m. School, 10:45 a.m. Prayer Group, 7:30 p.m.; Senior Angelou to be discussed. Brow- Friday, Jan. 9 — Mass, 8am. Wednesday, Jan. 14 — Choir, 7:45 p.m. nies, 3:15 p.m.; Cadette Girl WWHTH1 Saturday, Jan. 10 — Low Mass Meeting, Including testimonies Thursday, Jan. II - Morning Scouts, 7 p.m. for Domenic Pariello, 8 a.m.; of Christian Service healing, 8 Prayer and Holy Communion, Tuesday, Jan, II — All Boards, SMALL High Man for members of tht p.m. 8:45 a.m.; Adult study group, 10 Fellowship hall, 7:30 p.m., Adult KB — TOWN TASTE! LaPorta Family, 8:10 a.m.; a.m.; Boy Scouts, 7 p.m.; Holy Bell Choir, 7:45 p.m. Confessions, 11:45 a.m. to 12:15, Trinity Lutheran Communion and bible study, 7:50 Wednesday, Jan. 14 - Ortra SmyViMtt... Distributer 3:30 to4:8 0 and after the 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 8 - Viet- p.m. as usual. Boy Scouts, 7:30 p.m. Mass; Masses, 5 and 7 p.m. I74-S7J? Wat.rtown, Ct. namese Resettlement Com- ,i •• ... Thunday, Jan. 16 - Youth Sunday, Jan. 11 — Masses, mittee, 7:30 p.m. . St John's 7:15,8:45,10,11:15 a.m.and4:30 Saturday, Jan. Iff- Seventh rsday, Jan. 8 - Mass, 11 p.m. Grade ConfirmatioS Class, 9:30 Monday, Jan. 12 - Fariih a.m. **««.>•:•••• DYNAMIC 25 Library open, 7 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 11 - Church $]25 School, 9 a.m.; Worship Service, WASHMOBILE *1 Evangel A. of G. 10:30 a.m. " MATTY'S Friday, Jan. 9 — Christ Am- Tuesday, Jan. 13 — Church Completely Automatic bassador's Youth meeting, 7;30 Council, 7:30 p.m, Asphalt Paving Co, p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 14 — Junior Choir, 8:30 p.m.; Senior Choir, • Water and Sewer CAR WASH Saturday, Jan. 10 — Prayer Wax & Wheels Included meeting, 7 a.m. 7:30 p.m.; Sunday School staff, Connections 7:30 p.m. HOW OPEN Sunday, Jan. 11 — Church • Septic Tank System* School for all ages, 9:45 a.m.; Worship Service and Children's United Methodist InstalM M0N. • SAT. 8:30-5 Service, 11 a.m.; Evangelistic Sunday, Jan, 11 — Church • Drainage Problem* SUN. 8:30-2 Service, 7 p.m. School, 9 a.m.; Service of Corrected Wednesday, Jan. 14 — Worship, 10:30 a.m. 2 Washmobiles to serve you - 3 minute car wash Midweek Service of Prayer and Monday, Jan. 12 — Girt Scouts, 274.3636 274-3544 Bible study, 7:80 p.m. 3 p.m.; Ruth Circle, 7:30 p.m. Echo Lake Rd. Watertown Wednesday, Jan. 14 — Junior Full Gospel Assembly Choir, 6 p.m.; Senior Choir, 7 Of BakviUe p.m. 22 Linden Street Thursday, Jan. 15 — Family Sunday, Jan. li — Service and Night covered dish supper, 6:15 School, 10 a.m.; Worship Ser- p.m. VALERIE'S OF ROOT & BOYD INC. Insurance Underwriters Since 18S3 WATERTOWN GENEEAL INSURANCE CHILDREN'S SHOP REAL ESTATE WATERTOWN; 449 Main St. 2744591 WATERBURY; 411 Meadow St. (over Nathan Hale Bulck) Clearance Sale 756-7251 SAVINGS ON REGULAR FIRST QUALITY and FRESH FASHIONS Today's Wedding Ring for Tomorrow. Minimum Savings Forever. ArtCarved wedding rings reflect " 25% your iovt. Your fashion sense. Your way of life. COLONNADE A contemporary look that says VIBMIifl and as the two of you, now and forever. Unsurpassed in styling High and craftsmanship. as 70%>l Select your matching wedding rings from our complete ArtCarved collection. ADDITIONAL DAILY SUPER VALUES!


From the makers of Lenox China 4 Crystal JACKETS - DRESSES - SLACKS - BLOUSES - SWEATERS - SHIRTS - PANT SUITS 64? Main St., Watertown EMU'S JEWELERS 274-60?? master charge Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9:30-5:30 709 WAIN ST. WATERTOWN Fri. 9:30-8:30 p.m. 274-1988 Property of the Watertown TowHistoricaln Times (Watertown, Conn.) Society, January 8,1*76 Ptg t 9 FffiEOFTS at all offices of nRSTFEDERALSWNGS to ooiobnto th$ Brand Opining of MRS. DONNA DARSH, left, a patron at City National Bank, did the honors Monday in the fimt of tour weekly drawings at the bank's Watertown office In connection with the institution'i our How Branch offict, current savings and premium program. Winner of a tran&tor radio is Mrs, Marianne Law, Plungia Rd, whose name Mn, $t Ch$$$ 4 Wiptam Av$s* Watorbury Darsh drew. AM sting is Mr«. Elizabeth Norseworthy of the (Staff Photo) Gladys Hubbard's Scout Pack 55 Works Displayed Holds Party At library Cub Scout Pack 55 had its an- nual Christmas party on Dec. 19, A new exhibit of paintings by with Scoutmaster Eoit and Gladys F. Hubbard now appears Webelos Scott Ba claw ski. Jay at the Watertown Library and Coon, Danny Dwyer, Richard may be viewed during January. MaJaguitti, and Winston Rost Mrs. Hubbard has had one- performing the opening woman shows in Westchtster ceremony. County, N,Y. as well as In A Christmas play was Connecticut. She has won many presented by Judy Musselman's awards for her paintings in both and Barbara Touponse's Den No. areai. 1, with assistance from Denise Attributing her waterdolor Kenny. The Cub Scouts par- know-how to Edgar A. Whitney, ticipating were Eric nationally known watercolor in- Descoteaux, Jack Marti, John structor, she also has studied and Scott Musselman, Anthony with Al Schmidt, William Santoli, and George Touponse, MacLean, Claudt Croney, Ed- Webelo awards presented yard Johnson and Elizabeth were; Athlete, Robert Dwyer Welsh, Currently Mrs. Hubbard and Herman Reiss; Athlete and is Viee-President of the Water- Aquanaut, Scott Baclawski; town Art League and a member Citizen and Aquanaut, Jay Coon; of the Brush and Pencil Club of and Athlete and Citizen, Danny Heritage Village, Kent Art Dwyer, Winston Post, and Peter Assoe, Washington Art Assoc. Thompson. Th«M fifu art FREE whin you d«pow 1100 or mert in i cm bt uitd to k«p hoi foods hot and reid foodi roid and the Society of Creative Arts, N* oi nittini uviitfi account. GiMt for tvffydiy md p*uy urn* Ntwtown, i, Sheafftr Pen and Pencil Set That |(fU aif FREE ohtn you dtpoiil I&.000 ur more in Thu »in txtt ptioMlly tint Ml with i pu»h button mtch- a nrw or nuuni u»in|» tccoynl Eileen Shannon vincent o. palladino •nitm ballpoint ptn, canridif p*n and ptntii wt b. Ceramic Pot md Saucer Hinging Planter i. Americin Touriiter Tote Big rial •stale broker Thu hmdy bi| hat npprr pocket! It rumn in i beautiful To Wed Jan, 31 In I beautiful brown |l*zt to ihow off your favorite plant brown and mMlurflo" i M' t" i 13" You'll b# proud uf to iti fullnt idviMitf Mr. and Mrs, William R. Shan- 2744942 7534111 c. LoBoy Cindiehoider non. Scott Avenue, announce the j. Sunbeim Grandfather's Clock Thu 5" candlt stand u a decorator'i dream Comn be«rf Thu minuturt Umtpwce. hu J bright rmbuiKd |i>ld

C.OODfYEAR * * THESE FREE GIFTS ARE AVAILABLE AT AMY OFFICE! * * Money mult r§main on dipoii! 14 months RETREAD

DOOR PRIZES AT THE NEW "FIRST" OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF CHASE AND WIGWAM AVENUES • ONLY. ^ "FIRST" PRIZE COLOR TELEVISION SET A SAVINGS ^ SIX SICOND PRIZES FM/AM CLOCK RADIOS ^ Simply fill m (his coupon, and Bring it to the niw Fifsi Federil o'f'co at Chale and Wigwam 735-14 775-15 Avinuts m WiUrbury psfori tht drawing! — weeks of January 5, 12 ind 19 Nime _

$3Q00 Address. for Towr. _ State SEE TOM TODAY FOR THE BEST BUYS m TOWN! ALL PRICES INCLUDE F.E.T. FREE MOUNTING & BALANCING OPEN FOR GAS 7 DAYS A WEEK •First Federal Savings* OWNED BY Men, • Fri. 8-8 AND LOAN ASSOCiATION OF WATIRBURY ^* TED & TOM TRAUB Sat. • Sun. 8-5 Mlyjiluch VilHyMlll.Wlltfttury • Ml Ltoimwitlh Si , Wllirbyry • 156 Mim jl . yyntflawn • Chw h Wijwuti A.n , Wiltrbutv

f * j' -^, «* — ^ *•,**•* • •* J

Page 10 Town Times (Watertown, Conn,), January 8,1878 Property of the Watertown Historical SocietyWM called upon t o make only Young Skaters two saves in the one-tided con- Eagles, Hearts, Cross Bout Newtown test. It was a bad afternoon for the Send Cagers On Slide Newtown hockey teams at The Taft School's Mays Rink on Dee, Holy Cross sank 58 per cut of Kennedy (6865) and Sacred 28, as the Watertown Pee Wets its shots in the first half, connec- Heart (5840) during December, roared to an 6-1 win over New* ting on 21-of-M from the field, In Perrin, a 64 center, led WHS in town, and the Squirts posted a 5-0 • LESSONS • SALES building up a 4&-14 halftime lead both contests with 20 and 11 shutout over the same op- • SERVICE • RENTALS gnd were never headed in an points, respectively. ponents. easy, 9742, decision over the The Orange and White travel Jim Stone single handedly an- visiting Indians last Saturday. to Naugatuck tomorrow (Fri- nihilated the Newtown Pee Wees ARIAS LARGEST The win boosted the NVL day) In a return match with the by scoring seven goals and SELECTION Of pacesetters record to 6-0 in the Greyhounds, who beat the In- assisting on Dave Sweet's tally, league and 6-3 overall. Water- dians 84-68 three weeks ago, A Brad Kinsley recorded three PIANOS & ORGANS town, meanwhile, fell to 2-5 on home game against Crosby also assists and Dirk Jameison added the season (1-5) in the NVL) and is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. one, Watertown goalie Jim suffered its fifth straight defeat. 13. Tap-off for both varsity con- Lynch turned back seven of eight LARGE SHEET The Crusaders were led in the tests is at 8 p.m. Newtown shots, while his team- MUSIC DIPT, scoring parade by co-captains mates fired 37 blasts on the Clay Johnson (22 points) and Bob visitors1 goal. Teachers Welcome AUtn (17). George York tallied Tankers Troy Collier, George Sloss, seven points for coach Nick Mot- Steve Kelly, Brian Beccia, and 274-1556 to's club, followed by Dave Yur- MICHAEL D, CLONEY, of Win Two Oakvtlle had been promoted John Ring each scored for the II AIM DM - ii «3. WMrtM tin and Dana Perrin with six Squirts, while goalie Jay Coon each. The Indians were without The unbeatern Watertown from production-controller to the services of Al Dwyer, who High swimmers ran their foreman of the. winding missed the game with an Illness. season's record to 4-0 with a pair Department at Anaconda Watertown previously dropped of wins the past two weeks, Metal Hose, Waterbury. He a pair of NVL fravs against beating Platt of Meriden 10840 presently is attending Quin- on Dec, 23, and NVL foe Kennedy nipiac College part time and 92-78 Monday afternoon at the will graduate in May with a FOR MEN & WOMEN AT SENSATIONAL Frank M. Reinhold pool. B.S. Degree in Accounting. WHS Skaters He resides with his wife, MNEY SAVING PRICES Senior tri-captain Fred Schell Roseanne, and two daughters Rip Lee, 7-0, captured a brace of events at 129 Buckingham St. against each team, taking the 50 BEST QUALITY end LOW PRICES - Up To MX Off and 100-yard freestyle events. He In Fourth Win also combined with Mike Galullo, Robert Kontout, and Properly Fitted C/ofhts by Expert Tailort 4 Dctifntri, Taking advantage of home ice, Ken Quirke in the 200-yard KAY'S HARDWARE Watertown High stretched its medley relay event, against 407 Main St., Wattrtown winning skein to three games as Kennedy, the team posting a Til. 274-1038 CLOSED TUES,.SAT. the varsity skaters bombed Lee winning time of 1:55.8. of New Haven, 7-0, at Taft School & Quality Before Priit MONDAYS 9iOQ.5i45 last Saturday, Other winners against the CompltttUntof nwaeiNfi *•* strati The icemen broke a three- Eagles were Gary Lavado in the Hordart - Houstware fM WM MM tfOMN W odbwy, Coon. 04791 game losing streak on Dec. 23 100-yd, butterfly (1:05,8) Jeff Gifts - Paint D when Colin Chilson powered in Meyers in the 200-yd. individual Repairing. Ra*edaling and Rtlirting of any o( your garinanit, Keys - RtRtfll Sirvkt three goals and high-scoring medley (2:27.2), and Galullo in (not nacattorily purcrn»d haft) center Bryan McCleary added the 100-yd. backstroke (1:05,3). another in a 4-3 victory over NorwiDt. Coach Russ Davey's tankers McCleary and Bob Thurston will swim at home against staked Watertown to an early Crosby on Saturday, Jan. 10 at lead against Cheshire on Dec, 27, 7:30 p.m., and against St. Paul's and after two goals by the on Tuesday, Jan. 13, at 3:30 p.m. visitors tied the count 2-2 at the end of regulation time, tallied MDDING INVITATIONS the game-winner 43 seconds into 100 for l8.95 overtime for the Mason's most exciting win. F»r All Ymr [Math* NMOI ifirmbys In the romp over Lee, RAY'S PRINT SHOP REFINISHINO PRODUCTS, INC. McCleary tallied twice for M 1AMFORD AVI, OAKVIILI Watertown and teammates Dan 274.3103 Mahoney, Dave Bennett, Dave Carpino, Bob Thurston, and Tips on Furniture Repair and Care Chilson scored one each. Goalie By Homer A. Formby, Master Antique Restorer ' have worked as a refinisher spe- Steve Fusco and Jeff Beauchamp combined for 15 PAINTS cializing in the care and restoration of saves, white Lee's John Raccio at Ik FACTORY STORE fine furniture and antiques for twen- turned away 40 of 47 attempts. ty-eight years. Prior to that I worked Coach Mike Aiken's charges In my father's shop as an apprentice, hit the road for three games beginning tonight (Thursday) fjUJTY I am a third generation refinisher, with a 7:30 p.m. face-off against manufactured by: I have been associated with fine West Haven, Watertown, now 4- 5, meets Cheshire on Saturday, [EELER & LONG. INC. and exotic woods and antiques all of Jan. 10, at 8 p.m., and St. Mary's 816 Echo Lake Rd . Wotertewn my tiff. The thing that impressed me of Greenwich at the Greenwich the most, besides the beauty and craft- Rink on Thursday, Jan, 15, at TeL 2744701 7:30 p.m. manship of restoration, was - IT WAS Hours: 8-5; Sal. 8-12 HARD WORKIi I kept thinking "there must be an easier and better way" - TRAVER'S TEXACO THERE WAS! Finally, after yean of experiment- can help bring back ing with various formulas and chemi- cals I developed a refinishing liquid your car's lost control that gets down to the original finish - IN SECONDS! Par safer and much more pleasant with expert front end to work with than any of the "old" methods, my system does not "strip" alignment and repair. the wood as the paint and varnish re* mover! did. It does not burn the skin, WANT TO RIFINISH WITHOUT: damage the wood, raise the grain, or Perhaps worn shock remove the wood fillers used by the absorbers are caus- ancient craftsmen. It does not create • Sanding ing your car's un- •Stripping unpleasant odors. It may be used stable ride. And quickly and efficiently by the "DOIT- unsafe stops. Play YQURSEI.FER" and professional a- it smart—and safe— •Staining •Sealing like. by letting us check your car's shocks. Today, NOW AVAILAPIE AT: IWATERTOWN BUILDING SUPPLY CO.,INCJ TRAVER'S TEXACO STATION Telephone: 274.2555 909 MAIN ST. WATERTOWN 274-5178 Use Your LUMBER — BUILDING SUPPLIES — MILLWORK TEXACO, MASTER CHARGE & BANK AMERICABD HARDWARE — PAINTS — RENTALS 5ft Echo tak« Read Wat«rtown, Coon. OftFf S Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown TtatM (Wttertown .Society Com.), Juwary 8, vm Page 11 Ibu work hard your money. So we have to work hard for your money. These are the your money gets when you save at City Natio 'ank And you get them free.

To qualify, open a savings account with us. Or, add to your existing account. We know the value of money, We hive six savings plans to give you more for your money. And we pay thu highest interest rates on savings that we are allowed by law,

S«vingiP1«n Interest** DtKaji"'*

ffcoive pnuil Rile leld Regulir 5.00% 5.20% Preferred 9W*yt 5.50% 5.73% 150 Preferred lytm 6.00% 6.27% 150 Preferred 2'/ijeirt 6,50% 6,81% 150 Preferred 4ye«rT 7.25% 7.62% 11,000 Preferred 6-yeirt i.m. 7,90% 11,000

Interest cofrfeunded continuously and credited monthly "Your uvingf imms ii confmunM centinunuly ind credited nmiNy from dly of defOHMadiyafwiihitriwiliilaf^ii your ttniuni mnin open In the mJ of Iht inrtfnt |wnil ml rfiRiiw >nnu»l yxU a nmnl when inlWK! mfliins un itfusii (or ant vfu rtyuluiuiupmhihii prt'inaiunf wilMnwalsmi preftrml rrtMirif^ untri* IN1 faiiM^f int^rFM i* ffdiictd fn rh*' rFjjijIir «vinj fid S ns?nfhs tnlefFS! i^ fartriffd

Your savings account earns you a free checking account. No limit on the numlK*r of checks you write. No monthly service charge. No strings. Your savings account earns you a City Te!ler-24Card, This gives you the priceless convenience of Uiiikiii^ at UJUI UJIIUTIILIIL!.', 2 1 hums a Jay, 365 days a year Like we said, we work hard for your money. In a lot of ways. And that's not just a lot of words.

We want your )usiness

sure we act that way. CITY

fikifk.^ must tvifum m ilqmftsf (iir j nunmiuni NATIONAL of niisiitlliH ) Or for a S^OOO'deposit pu can choose this special premium: BANK A four-hour course in Chinese Cooking and an 80-page Chinese cook book, Member f DIG • Federal Reserve System "You Don't Have To Be Chinese To Cook Great Chinese Food!'

Grand Prize 3 Second Prizes 6 Third Pn^ Plus weekly pri7« )n «ch 2V Magnivox Color TV with Capehart AM/FM Stereo Radios Capehart AM/FM Electronic afice for each of tour weeks Odyssey Game Digital dock Radios Capehart Solid State Sweepstakes AM/FM Portable Radios From December 29 to January 23,1976, there will be a (one awarded Sweepstakes open to anyone who comes into any of in each office, our 31 offices. No deposit required —you don't even have each week). to have a City National account. Page 12 TowPropertyn Times (Watertown, Conn.) of, Januar they 8,197 Watertown6 Historical Society luncheons slated at The Pirates' iu-uay rionaa House in Savannah, Ga,, and Rocky Mount, N.C. Overnight accommodations will be in watertownhistoricalsociety.orgFlorence, S.G., and at Pentagon In February City, Washington, DC. A tour of the nation's capital and lunch in A iO-day extravaganza below a restaurant along the Potomac the Mason-Dlxon line, including River conclude the 10-days's fare a day's visit to Disney World in before the short Jaunt home, Orlanda, Fla., has been arranged with arrival in Connecticut by by the Park and Recreation early evening on Feb. 22. Department through Kaplan Tours of New London. The tour price for singles, Kaplan Tours has scheduled doubles, or triples include the five such southern excursions, motorcoach transportation, nine and Recreation Director Donald nights lodging and 10 meals, ad- Stepanek reported tickets are missions as mentioned in the available locally for the Friday, tour itinerary, baggage handling Feb. 13-Sunday, Feb. 22 trip. If (one suitcase per person), and enough tickets an sold hen, Mr. all necessary dps. Stepanek said, the tour bus will More information on the trip pick up participating townspeo- and the price package may be ple in Watertown on Feb. IS obtained by calling 2744411, Ext. before continuing southward. 221, Stop and sights along the way include Wilmington, Del.; Rich- mond, Va.; Santee, S.C.; and FAMILY CYCLE CENTER three days in Orlando. The tour rate Includes admission to The "Home Of Hondo" Disney World on Feb. 18, SALIS - PARTS - SIRVICi transportation within the grounds, and tickets for eight at- HOURS: tractions in the Magic Kingdom DAILY - 12 . 5:30 Theme Park. WATERBURVS NEW MAYOR, Edward D. Beigon, Jr., cut the ribbon Saturday to formally open the First The Succeeding three days in- SATURDAY - 9-2 Federal Savings and Loan Association's new office at the comer of Chase and Wigwam Aves., near the Water- clude visits to Cypress Gardens 'Pleasing You, Pleases Us! bury Plata. Pictured, left to right, are: Henry T, Moeckel, Architect; Harold W. Smith, President; Mayor with a water cruise, Sea World, Bergin; Robert J. Oris, of Henry T. Moeckel Associates; Mn, Marsha Guinea, of Watertown, office manager; St. Augustine, Daytona Beach, 140 HOMER ST. and Allen R. Peterson, of Carl 0, Peterson, Inc., contractor. and Ponce de Leon's Fountain of WATtRIURY, CONN, Youth. 757-7130 has New Bank Branch system for fast customer ser- vice. Office hours will be from 10 Three Age Groups Opens In City a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Bowl In Wednesday and Friday; 10 a.m. YOU LIKE First Federal Savings and to 7 p.m. Thursday; and 10 a.m. Keith Longley (244) and Jenny Loan Association opened a new to 1 p.m. Saturday. The drive-up Dayton (209) were the top | YOU CAN GET SOME WITH A branch office in Water-bury on windows will open earlier. scorers in the 12 and 13-year-old Saturday, at the corner of Chase Henry T. Moeckel is the age group of the special One-Day CHIMNEY HEAT RECLAIMER and Wigwam avenues near the architect and Carl G. Peterson, Bowling Tournament held at the SEE IT IN ACTION AT Waterbury plaza. Inc., is the contractor for the Blue Ribbon Lanes on Friday, First Federal has total new building, which features a Jan. 2. fHi ENERGY resources of more than 9170 free-standing chimney on the million and serves 35,000 savings Finishing second in the same outside and an interior designed age group were Art Hinkelman STORE, INC. accounts and over 10,000 home in red, white and blue to loans. The new office will (222) and Pam Church (188), (NIAR MILANO'S IN THE celebrate the bicentennial year. while Tom Galullo (209) and provide improved services to its The time and temperature dis- WATiRBURY PLAZA) many customers in the area and Karen Longley (186) placed play shows the temperature in third. to the growing community in the both Fahrenheit and Celsius, and Reclaims Heat northern section of Waterbury. Normally Lost ample parking is available. Otter results were as follows: WE HAVf POlYSTYRfNE INSUUTION Mrs. Marsha Guinea will be 10 and Il-year-oldi, boys — Up The Chimney. the manager of the new office - IOARD AND GRANULES - Frank Gustafson (179), Roger THE SUPERIOR INSULATOR Beat rising fuel costs and help which has four teller stations coniBfVB energy Our recliimer Kong, Ax Chiller Boivin (170), and Dave Brelve IT IS FIRE RETARDANT AND NON-TOXIC and two drive-up windows, all of (168); girls - Debbie Rinaldi warms your cellar gnd makes which will be tied into First Are Nite Flicks (147), Kathy Hinkelman (138), your home cozier Safe and easy Federal's on-line computer and Kathy Harrington (111). to instil! Completely automatic King Kong takes a bow and RENT A BLOWER TO INSULATE returns for an encore The 9 and under age group: YOUR ATTIC AND SIDE WALLS appearance at the Friday, Jan. 9, boys - Andy Longley (194), Dan- EVENINGS AND Flicks Nite performance at 7:30 ny Boivin (182), and Darren AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS! WEEKENDS ONLY p.m. at the Watertown Library, Palmieri (no score given); girls 753-3476 - 274-5718 RIGHT Main Street, The original, uncut - Raelea Rinaldi (138), Wendy Lukos (119), and Brenda version of the mighty ape also 216 CHASE AVI, |WATiRSURY PLAZA WATIRBURY, CONN. stars Fay Wray, Harrington (111), NOW. Also on the agenda is the spine- tingling chiller thriller "Straight.Jacket," starring Joan pay less for Crawford. The Robert Bloch sparkling story, produced by William Cas- tle, includes George Kennedy, eon Diane Baker, Leif Erickson, I Howard St. John, and a shiny ax you will stop smoking carpet! in co-starring roles. th Absolutely no one under 16 will I be admitted unless accompanied on february 25 by an adult. Admission is free. At SmokEnders, you'll smoke as much as you like until you've learned to quit calmly and I comfortably..forever free of tht desire to smoke. You will quit painlessly, WITHOUT scare tee- tics, willpower, hypnosis, or "climbing the walls." Like tens of thousands Internationally you Mn, Perkins' will become a relaxed non-smoker, totally indifferent to cigarettes, Old Fathionid I Come to a Free Introductory Session near you.,,and bring your cigarettes. In a few weeks you HARD CANDY won't need them anymore. 771 Weedbury Rd. I FREE INTRODUCTORY SESSION SAVE Watertown 274-1202 FREE Op#n Dally 9-5 Sunday* 19-6 FREE • STEAM CLEANING LOCATION EXPLANATORY SEMINAR SEMINAR I STARTS LOCATION EXPLANATORY SESSION • iURPlT KARE SESSION STARTS Monday SHAMPOOING WATERBURY WATMU Monday THOMASTON Tucidiy Ju, 12 OF Jin, 11 I Harten Houie UCkiltl J«n. tt Teh • UPHOISTWY Ju, 11 1:00 p.m Seal! Rd. Bill Ml l:Mp,m. WatertowB Rd. 1:N p.m. UBsgond SHAMPOOING J-JEMINWAY

Customers Booking I TORRINGTON TOH2-MJ Wtdncday ARTLETT SOUTHINGTON Monday Wfdncid.y Appointnwnls now for YMCA Jan. 12 Tote YukM Pttltr Ina JIB, 14 or J*B, tt Karpai tf High St. 8:00 p.m. •BMIMGCd 13 M.ln SI. Ju, 11 1:00 p.m. any dots during this 8:00 p.m. I ytor will '>•» tiigilt far this ,„ iol dit- Tueiday count. PLAINVILLE PLt-Ht Tutiday BRISTOL BSJ-M7 Thuriday Ju. 11 or Jao. » JIB. IS or ThuniUv Holiday Inn HnpiMl I «M New Britain Avt, liN p.m. Bnwiter Hold Ju. a Ju, tl Coil Us For Dafaili NYLON AND I;M p.m. 8:00 p.m. iM p.m. 757-8200 POLYESTER Illchlleld TUMday I NAUQATUCK WcdBHday Ftnt Cong. Church To to Jsn. 13 rorlupiti* Club Ju. 14 To be PROFESSIONAL SEWING THREADS •ODOUDCtd OB tkc Oreea 1:00 p.m. 111 Rtbbcr Avc, !:M p.m. UMuctd CARPET CLEANING I by smokiMnders A WATERTOWN "the easy way to quit smoking" I Results! INDUSTRY SINCE For information about meetings in other artas, call or write: 1888 I 580 Washington Street, Canton, MA 02021 1-800-226-9726 Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Ttmet (Watertowp, Conn) Society, Jinmry 8, tfW P^ t 13 Buc*tn|feam St TVre win be bcome Tax Form &Kh funds are returned by the from his or her malting address. GtrdeiCUb entertainment and Federal government to State and Authority to ask toe new refreshments. watertownhistoricalsociety.orglocal general-purpose questions is provided is Section Tot Watertown Garden dub Questions Aid FOT governments infer terms of 4017 A of the Internal Revenue will meet tonight (Thursday) at Revenue Sharing Federal revenue sharing law. Code, 1 o'clock at the Thomaston The amount each government Savings Bank meeting room, Individual Internal Revenue receives it based, In part, on The information from the Main St Mr Smith V Smith's Service (IRS) taxpayer returns population god per capita In- residence questions will be used Greenhouses. Wins ted, will Mrs. Mary Krause, Merrimac for UTS Include questions en come estimates made by the byy the Bureau of the Census to speak on House Plants. St. OikvlUe, has returned from residence intended to provide an Bureau of the Census, U. S. make Mennial population and Omaha, Neb,, where she visited accurate basis for equitable dis- Deportment of Commerce. per capita income estimates Senior Citizens durtng tilt Christmas holiday* tribution of general revenue needed to tasur* that States aid with her BOB. A/lc Kenoeth A sharing funds, according to the At new questions on the in- communities receive the The Oakville Area Senior Krause, stationed at Oftatt Air Office of Revenue Sharing come tax form arc designed to amounts of general revenue Ctttsem wfll meet Wednesday. Force Base, They were the (ORS) of the U. S. Treasury identify the taxpayer's legal sharing funds to which they are Jan. 14, at 1 p.m. at the Union guests of Major and Mrs. Donald Department residence, which may differ Congregational Church Hall, Landau, Beflvkw, Neb,

Op«i My 10 ft I THE TW tM f - M. m S CARPET Corner of Echo lake Rd. 4 Porter St WATERTOWN, CONN. ""WE'RE OUT TO FLOOR YOU" GREAT

NYLON TWIST two font SCULPTURED COMMERCIAL green 3 colors CARPET 1 roll SHAG $ $ $ 2 rolls - Brown & Black 3.99 rag rtg. 3.99 3.49 rtg. $ sq,yd. sq,yd. 4.99 sq. yd. . yd.

SSVE! 30 • 70 DEPT. REGULAR NOW Blue Sculptured Shag Nylon 12x10 $104.00 t Blue it Beige Plaid Nylon 12x22' 270.00 ison Green Velvet Plush Nylon 12X171 288,00 m.m Gold Shag Nylon 12x16 147 00 84.00 Beige & Brown Shag Nylon 12x13' 162 00 10.00 Rust Velvet Plush Nylon 12x14 228 00 133 00 Light Blue Splush Nylon 12x9" 11700 85.00 Orange A Green Commercial Nylon 12x14' 140.00 (IN Brown & Gold Kitchen Carpet Nylon 12x22' 240.00 135.10 Green Sculptured Nylon 12x23' 256.00 115,00 Brown & Beige Sculp. Shag Nylon 12x20 243.00 inn Orange & Brown Commercial Nylon 9x6" 56.00 11.00 Orange Miny Shag Nylon 12x22 270.00 ISO 00 Black St Brown Shag Nylon 12x24* 264.00 115.00 Green Tip Shear Nylon 12312 192.00 MOO White & Gold Splush Nylon 12x16* 220.00 132 00 Brown & Orange Shag Nylon 12x10' 98.00 §6.00 Black & Red Print Nylon 12x24 256.00 144.00 Orange & Green Commercial Nylon 12x16' 1&4.00 88.00 Candy Stripe Commercial Nylon 12x9' 91.00 39 00 Orange & Gold Commercial Nylon 12x7' 63.00 27.00 Orange b Red Shag Nylon 12x17* 184.00 92 00 Orange Splush Nylon 12x12 144.00 MM Orange Commercial Nylon 12x24' 264.00 148.00 Green Sculptured Nylon 12x29 324 00 189.00 Mint Green Shag Nylon 12x24 384.(JO 112.00 Brown & Orange Commercial Nylon 12x21' 203 00 129,00 White Tip Shear Nylon 12x21 280,00 112.00 Green & Orange Commercial Nylon 12x15' 140.00 60.00 Green Shag Nylon 12x12' 153.00 85.00 Green & White Sculp. Shag Nylon 12x21" 26100 174.00 (ALL REMNANTS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE) MANY MORE CARPETWINYl REMNANTS TO CHOOSE FROMl

CARPETING • DRAPERIES - LINOLEUM - TILES CERAMICS PageProperty 14 Town Times (Watertown of, Cora.) the, January Watertown8,1976 Historical Society by Mrs. Donald Maclean and 0-W Dram Corps Orchestra's Mrs. Peter Carolan, lie ant performance it "Celebration Took Three watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWomen's League tl.S.A." and will be held at Kennedy High Auditorium Sit,, Medals Sunday Meets Monday Jin. 24, at 2 p.m. The first general membership Toe purpose of the Women's Three members of the meeting of the Women's League League is toprovid e financial OakviUe-Watertown Drum Corps of the Waterbury Symphony support for the Waterbury were medal winners Sunday Orchestra for 1078 will be held Symphony and its programs, and when the Corps traveled to North Monday, Jan. 12 at 7:45 p.m. also contribute to theHaven to compete In the winter hosted by Mrs. Charles educational, cultural and Individual Duet and Quartet Marshall, Ravenwood Dr., musical development of the Contest sponsored by the North Mlddlebury. youth and adults in the area. In> Haven Drum Corps. Nicolai Sikorsky, a member of formation on the League, or any Karen Blum received a fourth the Waterbury Symphony of the above activities can be hid place medal in the Junior Orchestra string section, will be by contacting the clubpresident, Female Individual Glockenspiel the pest speaker. Mr. Sikorsky Mrs. Brian Barnes Green Hill dass. A third place medal was also is a member of the Hartford Rd., Middlebury awarded to Joseph Gabris in the Symphony Orchestra string sec- Junior Male Individual Trumpet tion, concert master of the category. Wallingford Symphony, and Homemakers Donna RomanieUo, competing twice won national honors in the The Watertown-Homemakers against 47 hopefuls in the Junior "Federated Women's Club of Club will meet Wednesday, Jan. Female Individual Flag contest, America" competition. A 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the Watertown earned a fourth place award for graduate of Hartt in Hartford, Library. her efforts. where he received bis master's Mrs. Alice Seymour will speak degree in music, Mr. Sikprsky on plans for the Watertown Nighthawks Game also studied violin under Iwan Bicentennial. Mrs. Seymour is Galanien and Rafel Bronstien. co-chairman of the Float Com- Plenty of tickfts still are He is a recipient of a master's mittee. available for the Friday Jan. 16, degree in Arts and Lit. from the Dessert will be served after AHL hockey game at the New BRAZIUAN PIANISTS Jose Alperto Kaplan and Gerardo University of the Americas in the business session by hostesses Haven Coliseum between the Parente will present a concert on Monday, Jan. 12, at 8 p.m. in Mexico. His topic will be the Brigitte Tscheppe, Odette Sirois, New Haven Nighthawks and Taft School's Bingham Auditorium. Ths program Is presented make up of a symphony and Carol Gillett. If there are Nova Scotia Voyagiurs, Recrea- free as part of the cultural exchange between the State of Paraiba orchestra as compared to other any questions call Mrs. Robert tion Director Donald Stepanek in Brazil and the Stats of Connecticut, Under the sponsorship of types of orchestration. Garreston, president 274-5808, or announced this week. tht Alfred Hart Series at Taft. Prof. Kaplan is ;4 left and Prof. Mrs. Brian Barnes, president, Mrs. Jane Montaguila, 274-6220. Game time is 7:30 p.m. A bus Parents, right. will conduct the business ses- will leave Deland Field at 6 p.m. sion. Many topics will be ,.,,, Price package for the trip and covered, as the League his a . _ . »y prices, snow little reservatjoni can be obtained by number of upcoming projects ... respect for the laws of gravity. calling 2M-5411, Ext. 221. Brazilian Piano Duo To Not the least to be " Arthur Fiedler's Tribute igimiHtnisoHmniiitmiinninniii present Concert At Taft Anderson" to be pr Waterbury, April 3 under the co- IVA MAE'S YARNS Taft School will present a con- third visit to the United States. sponsorship of the Waterbury HERITAGE VILLAGE, SOUTHIURY, CONN. cert by two Brazilian pianists, Parente and Kaplan have per- Symphony Orchestra Board, 167 CHURCH ST., NAUGATUCK, CONN, chaired by Mrs, John Fa vat a, Jose Alberto Kaplan and Gerar- formed as a piano duo since 1972, 264-4131 - 729-7V82 do Parents on Monday, Jan. 12 at presenting their work in the ma- and the Women's League of the 8 p.m. in the School's Bingham jor centers of Brazil, often in WSO, chaired by Mrs. Malcom Needlepoint Auditorium. Tht program is original scores and Todt. Mrs. Robert Dexter and CREWEL presented free to the public as a arrangements. This is their first Mrs. Joseph Calabrese will part of the cultural exchange visit to the United States as a report on the League's Spring YARNS between the Stats of Paraiba in piano duet. benefit, an Art Auction to be held Braril, and the State of Connec- Feb. 28 at 8 p.m. at the Saint The program presented by Margaret-McTernan School. A RUGS ticut. Prof. Kaplan and Prof. Parente Jose Alberto Kaplan, born in continuing report on the Young Brother's Knitting Machines is of Brazilian music and is spon- People's Cdttcerts will be made Rosario, Argentina, studied in sored by the Alfred Hart Series IIM1II 6l3tf •IBigtiSTTtSiSIISfiBaeSfvt MM iDkk Dmtflf SBr IS 00 0 Buenos Aires with Ruwein at Taft, Erlich, and later in Geneva with Nikita da Magaloff and in Vienna with Wladyslaw Kedra. He has toured Europe and South Monthly DAR America presenting the music of Meeting Today Braril and presently is coor- dinator of the Performing Arts The regular monthly meeting Department of the Federal of Sarah Whitman Trumbull "ON THE VILLAGE GREEN" University in Paraiba. Chapter, DAR, will be held today INCOME PLANNING Gerardo Parente, a native of (Thursday), at 2 p.m. at the Ceara, in the Northeast of home of Mrs. Dudley Atwood, 55 PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS Brazil, studied at the Alberto Steele Brook Road. Nipomuceno Conservatory of "Women of the American STOCKS BONDS MUTUAL FUNDS Music with Inah Albano and Revolution" will be the program HERITAGE VlLLAU! FINANCIAL CENTER Esther Salgado Studart. He talk given by Mrs. John T, SOUTHBURY, CONNECTICUT 06488 TiLEPHQNf 264.6611 recently completed a tour ofMiller, Delegates to the State Brazil sponsored by the National and national conferences will bt ARTHUR THOMAS, JR. Manager EDWARD H. MITCHAM, JR. Arts Council, and has elected. represented his country at the Hostesses assisting Mrs, International Chamber Music Atwood will be Mrs. Harold Festival at the University of San Hosking, Mrs. Seymour Smith, Marco, Lima, Peru. This is his and Miss Inez L. B. Clough. KWK KOIN WASH How to talk THE ONLY COMPLETE FABRIC CABE CENTER IN THIS AREA your way • Self Service • coin operated waihers Double • Triple & Giant Load 2 Cycle Dryeri • Coin

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At last, we can take care of all your banking needs right here... that's real convenience! WOODBURIJ Woodbury — One Sherman Hill Rd., (at Rte. 6 and Rte. 64) Southbury — Heritage Village Center Bethlehem — Main Street. South of The Green SAVINGS Telephone 263-2111 for any office • Member F.D.I.C. BANK Pagi 1Property6 Town Ttats (Watertown ,of Conn.) the, January Watertown8,1976 Historical Society Activity Calendar Of Connecticut Bicentennial Events fanuary Millord Cntmanycomrnemoraling 8:1X1 prisoners with smal poi who were left by Brash on MJIord s short Eels Siewe Houwand cemtieiy Sponsored by Millard ARBC TIME 2pm

Jflfl. I" DCC, 31,1976 Njwingiori Knos» Yeuf Town Slide Show Newington Town Hall Sponsored by Newnnften Ltagut of Women Volers

4 Woodbury Parade. Ceremony and Memorial (or Common Dedication West ol Mam St Sponsored by Wnsdbury ARBC

Hartlard Eihibit — Tw) Hundred Yean Ago — Connecneui in the Amencan Revolution Anilaets manujcriprs documents. pamting% eli from the Stale Library s tollecrion TIME Men , Fn ') a m — 5 p m , Sal t a m — I p m

rJan.^Feb.6,1976 Greenwich Enhihiloloidphnlu* prints rnapsinddotynwnU. E«hibilHallufCr«emaeh Closed Sundays TIME 9am — 9pm 10 Newingiori Nswingion Choral Club Cuncm. Toum Hall Sporuered by Newinaton ARBC 10-30 N^w Havs-n tshibu ! The Allair ' Yolv Umwnilv Aim ArnmcanCulluralCenlsi Sponsoif d by Nrw H*v»n ARBC

Hsmd»n Hnvniimmal Prayntflriiflkiisi Anib^ssaiiiir Hisiayrflril 'IV*' Dlxwell Av» Himden 13 (X) pel p*f»n Sponsored by Hjinilfn Wunwn "I Club TIME M'lin- I pm * Eitfoii ikalmj Party Sponvmed by 4 H CluB*

12-16 S* ^iiujton AM iintt Wnnrty Iht-rn*; Lciiiit'Ht Sp*j!iM3rt'd l^w Nrw<'*yti«i AHbi Jan,!3 Feb.29,!976 Hrtnhinl huhihtlof AmvWiinl)rv»lr

H,wf(i!d Cimii'il Bmhiwll AmtUmum HanfuiilSvmphiirn TIMK si', pm

Nt-wingidO Hrtrnbliny Ht^*1 (iiifiii-M Chih ^t*n,,ir^if.iiinn

16.I7.&18 Htnliji'piirt Cmm CMM»'IUII)O W.ijun I'liiM

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Miltiml ASdiultlriCiinlimlBUI MUM, .imluiiiiiii|s1 ('hurt h >i(Chn»l Cunyr^gdliiindl SjniimnJ hi Millnrd ARBC TIMK 7 |j MI # N>>UI>JII I (wuwi.ii .:>l I..itk Anu'iii,m n'litjl'iii in IlnHil Hrainard [uuiuata!

Hi-liiriB..,| 'hgii-h K»("hUii h K.I I .i-lni, H.-rr.-.tiM,,, i, HMr .Mnpri, # N,i»ii.|iiii, P,irk .incl R«ci^lu)n Spim

S,»ii,.lt..i-. ARBC

•il h. N,,ivi.|l. i

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1 Mi, !.,.,' I h, Mi;l|,t,,'.!, 1 ,.|.|,.j -,|,, , ..illd.l,..!.-..,,!,!, |..ii,, ill, |.|,I|-|..,.|, K, •.iiii,|.,i!,|||i,||,..|.i.|'l|1- 111,11 n\Viinh,|ii,!!hi' H,,,,,il, . h.,,..ih... ••• ,.,,ji.i» i,| i. .A,MI!I\ ,111,1 lln Uli.l KIA.II HnjWiiml Hiijimcn! il(!.ii» V>,ihhl ol Alntimi'l I1ML Mpm * M.I--'' •> I i.iv. ii. Tfi, i.iii' nl ,i Ht'H'luliriimn. 'inlili.-r '•i l.,«. ()li vrjiml ( si ^pnnunfl l>i Kndi'lil ARBC TIMt 7 til

RidytMil M.IV KinyufC'inujfi'^ Kidiji'lu.,i|,.m M.i *J IKI.i,|ull> >l IKKIudnil. srniui rilufns Sptirnored K RuSafhk'Ui AHBC HMh S p m

LIlifiytuM BicrnlennidlBail biaflordhpi^dway Hit' Hi! ^!rt[{(,fiiSpM!i,j5 Atimn^innfhrtrq*:1 SponsorHhy JuntnrWnffli'n sCluh

'!NU. ij'i,, i..:N # ^aiiiiiylufiJ iiiiriiU'! irti,ti, L,iii,llt.iiir M.iiHJf Jill ^pomored by b( John ^Episcopal Church. Yalewille and Wslllnglord ARBC TIME Npn,

Ian 001,1976 Burlmyton Tour!, ol SchinarSfnanii Mill, hrsr ,,|».|,iii,l in I Th< SpunsiHml hy UurlingtOn ARBC

thru Dec 31,1976 Ciroton Am«iCan Revolution anil Manlime HiMory CANWAM* ill ilocumwilanes Sponsored by Grulon Pubke Library

thru July 31.1976 TerryMlh Terryvtlle ofllM ol Thumasioi! Saviiiys Bank - hnunK displayi reialvd to ABieriean Revolution TIME Saturdays and Sundays. 'Jsm to :i p m

thru June 26,1976 Hurtord American Cinema Irmi IH44 I'i7h AtheneumTheaw.MAlrwneymSquawNo Fe(, 11 50 Sponswed bv Wsdiwonh Aiheneuni

thru Jan.4,1976 Norwich Americwi Crahs eihibil The Stoiei Memoiial Muswm and Convtts. An Galbry. 108 Cresttni Si, Noiwch Frti Academy Cimpu* Spontored by Stain Memorial Museum TIME Daly. 9am lo 4 p m , Sal & Sun . 2 p rn to 5 B m MaiHoid Five paintinji of the Revolutioii - John Trumbull Wadiwonh Ailwrwum. 600 Main Si. Hartford Clostd Monday Conetbuiion TIME U am is4pm

American Issues Forum. topKi lor January Working in Amtrica

Jan II —17 The American Work Ethic # jjn 18 — 24 Organuason ol Ihe Laboi Force (il Ihi-Ldbiir Force + Jan 21 —31 The vVellare Slaie Providing a Livelihood iConnecticut Town Hint* (WatoKVwn, COOP), Jtnoary 8, tiffi P^e 17 Property of the Watertown Historicalspend time with young person o n Society•lated for Sunday, Jgn . S, at 7 a "oat to OM" basis, p.m. Mother* may be any aft Volunteer TEACHER*AIDE8: Help they choOK BETHLEHEM NEWS needed in a number of morning Recreation Director Donald watertownhistoricalsociety.orgNow programs. Stepanek announced If the two By Pail JohMM tournaments an successful, a As you gently put away the Kids Vi. Adults combined family affair tourna- tinsel and colored llghU toe ment will be scheduled for Charles and Loretta Girouard, Bonds posted to insure comple- gifts and wrappings, tne wi-eath In Recreation February Information on tour- who serve as chairmen of a com- tion of roads la two land sob- and tree, do MM pot aw*y the nament fees can be obtained by mittee of Bethlehem Grange dividons are due to be reduced spirit of giving This spirit to Bowling Tourneys calUng 1744411, Ext, SI. which erects decorations each at a meeting of the Planning give freely and joyfully is needed Christmas on the town green as a Commission Tuesday eve In the all year long by many communi- Boys and girls have a chance LAURETA ZIBELL community service project, Town Office Building The out- ty agencies that need volunteers to display their bowling skilli for together with many other standing 110,000 bond covering Continue to give during 11*76, by their parents, and vice versa, at residents, have been saddened the road in the Daviiton Hllli volunteering to help others a pair of tournaments scheduled by the disappearance from the subdivision on Route 61 i» due to Call the Voluntary Action by the Park and Recreation Creche of two camels ... The be reduced to $6,000, with the Center of tne United Way of the Department this month at the animals are valued at ap- remaining balance to continue u Central Naugatuck Valley, Inc., Blue Ribbon Lanes. a maintenance bond to cover any proximately $150 each, and are 163 WoodUvm Terrace, 757-9665. A Father-Son Tournament will part of a set of 19 figures in the repair expense required for the Monday thru Friday, 1:00 a.m. to road In a period of one year from be held on Sunday, Jan. 11, begin- Creche ...The display has been 4:00 p.m. ning at 7 p.m. The father can be accumulated through gifts of date of its acceptance as a public highway ... the other bond any age, but the youngster must residents and of organizations, TELEPHONE be 13 years of age or younger. and represents more than $2,000 reduction is slated to be to Vin- OPPORTUNITIES: Assistance cent Kaeerguls, from 110,000 to Similar rules apply for the in the donated funds expended to needed for Crisis Phone Line and Mother-Daughter tournament make the town center more at- M.5OO, for a road in the Cedar service to the elderiy. Training tractive to folks visiting the Estates development on courses will be in January, M ( 96 Sal. 84 penalties which are now com- government ... Appointments puted at one per cent per month are not required, and folks ,,, Tax Collector Mrs. Helen wishing to discuss matters with Woodward is to be at the town of- the staff member are asked to be fice building each Saturday in present during the office hours January from 9 a.m. until 12 ... Naming of members of their noon to receive tax payments ... town committees are among Remittances may also be mailed items of business for both to the collector at her home, political partiei, both of whom with a stamped return envelope have set a date of January 21 for to be included if the taxpayer holding of caucuses. desires a receipt... A story tell- SEMI-ANNUAL SALE ing hour for pre-schoolers con- ducted at the Bethlehem Library Maria Zebora, daughter of Mr. HEELS originally to $40 — now $11.90 under PTO sponsorship has prov- and Mrs, Alberta Zebora, 63 ed successful and is being con- Lockwood Dr., has completed FIATS originally to $23 — now $13,90 tinued during 1976 ... Next requirements tor the degree of program will be on January 17 Bachelor of Fine Arts at the BOOTS originally to $55 — now $35,90 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the College of William and Mary, library ... Folks wishing to help WHiiamsburg, Va. Miss Zebora with the program or to obtain in- is a graduate of Notre Dame ACCESSORIES up to 30% off formation may contact Michele Academy and attended Em- Taylor at 286-7052, manuel College in Boston. NOW IN PROGRESS TOM'S POWER EQUIPMENT (formerly White's Power Mower) Tuesday - Saturday 10 A.M. . 5 P.M. 263.4007 SALES & SERVICE NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Middle • Quarter Rt«. 6 A 64 Woodbury, Connecticut • NEW and USED SNOWBLOWERS at TREMENDOUS SAVINGS • CHAIN SAWS SHARPENED and REPAIRED 274.2213 CLEARANCE „ TOM DEMERS. OWNER 690 Main St., OakvUIe SALE y ATTHI Scalloped Chicken WIG MART COLONIAL PLAZA-THOMASTON AVE,=WATER§URY Some call it Chicken Supreme. Traditionally generous por- NOW tions of large pieces of chicken. The smooth cream sauce SUPER LEN6TNS •«*»».* FlUff IACK$ mmgm topped with toasted bread crumbs. The heat-and-serve, labor- $ saving convenience of Tranquillity Scalloped Chicken. CURLliS MTdtti $10i$15 CHINA DOU mm 15 Available in 2-serving, 4-serving or 8-serving containers. PLUS SUff R VALUE With -or- Without Broccoli. $ We invite you to visit our Farm Kitchen and Salesroom, ELURA 5°° WIG TABLE TIVIRON TRANQUILLITY FARM DOZENS TO CHOOSE FROM!! Rt, 84 at Tranquillity Rd., Middlebury EVERY WIG IN STOCK REDUCED Tel, 758-2965 HUMAN 00 00 (just Vi mile east of Lake Qaaitapang Park) HAIR WIGLETS-* ^ Page 18 Town Tunes (Watertown, Conn.), Januaty 8,1676 his marks a little lacking from Propertywha t ofthe schoo thel of his choic Watertowne re- Red Machine Historical Society SPEAKING OF quires. Mattatuck presents an oppor- Nips Unknowns {Swimmer Of The Week\ tunity to mate up these kinds of grades and improve all around. Fred Scbell, am of Mr. and 1975-76 team, he currently holds SPORTS watertownhistoricalsociety.orgInNNBL Upset Mrs, Frederick Schell of Water- four individual and one team By BobPolmer Marshall and Beeman have town, a senior at Watertown record at Watertown, and if three years of eligibility at Placing five players in double High, is swimming in his fourth again expected to participate in Louisville and Akron, respec- figures, the fig Red Machine season on the varsity team under the NVL Championship*. tively, and because they were rolled to its fourth straight vic- One of the great duckpin good football players and coach Russ Davey. He has When asked what swimming tory with an 83-79 upset win over studied swimming techniques means to him, be responded "It bowlers of all time will be students as well, it's all being the previously unbeaten honored at the Oakville VFW paid for, fellows. under Springfield College coach has given me something to strive Unknowns in Sunday, Jan. 4, ac- Charles Silvia for two summers at and to do my best in, and Saturday night, I'm referring to It looks like this might be the tion in the No-Name Basketball Bill Tato, affectionately known year for Coach Russ Davey and at tte Pine Knoll Swim School in helped me nuke a lot of friends. League. Springfield, I also hope Oat it will assist me along the bowling trail as Wee hjs Watertown High swimmers The Over the Hill Gang set a Willie. to give Watertown its first Fred has participated in the in getting Into the college of my league scoring mark with a 110- choice." Tato was once a member of Naugatuck Valley Leapt title of 42 verdict over the Village the famous Connecticut Blue any kind. While at Watertown High, he Package Raiders, and the Has- has been involved in yearbook Ribbons, the No, I ranked team However, there's one tough Beens reached the .500 plateau in the nation and was a standout obstacle standing in the way, and activities, the junior variety with a 60-50 decision over show and the senior class play. bowler with the Chase Metal that's Torrington High School, winless Chasse's Mean Machine. Works Teams for several Coach Newell Porch and his Red After graduation, Fred plans to The Big Red rode the 25-point study mechanical engineering. decades. Raiders have been knocking off performance of its pivotman, Bill competed in every tourna- one opponent after another, and Steve Brown and key defensive ment of note ever held and for the Raiders have their tights set steals in the fourth period by many years was manager of the on the title too. RogerOuellette to its stunning JOHN G, O'NEILL Oakville Bowling Alleys. For a Watertown's latest win was upset. Ouellette chipped In with good many of his retirement over Kennedy Monday night, 14 points, and temmates Nick FUNERAL HOME years, Tato was a school cross- with Freddie Schell winning the Moffo (13), Bob KuUkauskas (13) 741 Main St., OtkvUle iin gg gguar d mainlainily around the 50 and 100-yard freestyle? to lead and Ed Rice (10) rounded out Its PHONE 2744m Pololk SchooShll area. the Indians to their 92-78 win. top scorers, Larry Mathews led the losers Speaking of bowling, the Turnovers Cost and was game high scorer with record breaking performance of 26 markers. Ted O'Neill added Florida Express Sal Geraci at St. Joseph's Lanes Watertown Girls 22 Moving van now looding last Saturday night was The Has-Beens led at all the something to behold. for all point! in Florida 32-27 Decision period stops enroute to its vic- Our own van! jMrienally Geraci set a new world's mark tory over Chasse's, Dick Fenn for a six-game duckpin set with a Wamogo Regional outscored Fred Schell handle your move all ih« Watertown 11-2 in the final stan- topped the winners with 16 way. Chock our rafo*. tremendous score of 1039. The points. George Herman and Dan State Trials and State Finals total was 20 pins better than the za wiping out a four-point deficit each year he has been swim- fcoo oifimaroi. Call 757. after three periods to beat the Simons scored 14 apiece for the 1019 record set only last August Has-Beens, while Tom Mango ming. In his freshman year, he •070. by Bill Price of Stratford while WHS girls' varsity basketball helped the Wntertown 400-yd. Daisy Moving & Storage team, 32-27, on Jan. 2 in Water- paced Chasse's with 24. on the Pro Tour in Baltimore. Mango became the first player freestyle relay team finish sixth 1*1 I. M.. it,. Geraci's three best games of town. in Class M of the NVL Cham- The loss dropped coach Marie to score 100 points for the season 211, 186 and ISO totaled 887 for a when he canned a 20-foot shot pionships. 198.9 average. He "slipped" to Sampson's club to 3-5 for the season. The Indians broke a late in the final period. As a sophomore he finished se- INSURANCE 157, 1S3, and 142 in his other In the nightcap, 53 field goals cond in both the 200-yd. and 500- three games which gave the three-game losing streak on Dec. RIAL 1ST ATI 30 with a 86-18 victory over and four foul shots added up to a yd, freestyle events in the cham- veteran Waterburian a 173.2 whopping 110 points for the pionships, and was a member of average for the entire set. Bill Shepaug after successive dum- pings by Kennedy (39-23), Gang. Ray Cwlek emerged as the third place WHS 400-yd. J.ANDRE FOURNIERl Tato and everyone else who's high-man with 31 points. Joe freestyle relay team in the finals 133MainSi.,Oalivillo familiar with duckpins realizes Naugatuck (28-26), and Thomaston (48-21). Romano (24) and Dave Pope (23) of Class M action. what kind of super bowling that In Fred's junior year, he went 274-2569 Wamogo held Watertown to were other big contributors for was. the once-beaten Gang. Bob to the Class L Championships of Geraci, only a few days before, two free throws by Nancy Acker- the NVL Finals and won the 100- man and Linda Sklanka in the Tamulonis poured in 16 points for LISTINGS WANTED bowled a 523 set in the IRA the Raiders. yd. freestyle. A tri-captain of the League at PeriUo's. He's one of final eight minutes to clinch the win over the hosts after trailing The Sunday, Jan. 11 slate will the few bowlers in the area ever pit the Can (5-1) against the Big to roll 500 or better for three 2$.2l entering the last period. "They (Wamogo) were press- Red Machine (4-2) at 1: IS p.m. in games. In fact he has several to the feature matchup; the Has- his credit. ing, and they picked off a few passes," coach Sampson said, Beens (3-3) vs. the Village Don Stepanek, town Recrea- Raiders (1-5) at 2:30; and the tion Director, has bus trips citing Watertown turnovers near APtZZA the end of the game as a key to Unknowns (5-1) vs. Chasse's (0- planned to the New Haven 6) at 3:45. "Made with Goodness"" Nighthawks - Nova Scotia the loss. The Indians led 11-6 hockey game Jan. 16 and the after one period, and by 14-12 at iso Echo lake u. Taki Out 274.882? Boston Celtics • New Orleans the half. OWYAA Annual NBA game In Hartford March 9. Miss Aekerman topped Water- Restaurant 274-8042 Anyone interested can call Don town with eight points, and Meeting Jan, 14 Storting of 4 P.M. • 7 days a week at his office. Diane Zubik followed with five. Tina Lemay and Miss Sklanka The Oakville-Watertown lull* tut ord«rt «f urvtd in out krfi dining room. I'd love to see the boxing chipped in with four points Youth Athletic Association will FatilHIti far lorg* gravp pint portiii. match between the two women apiece, Wamogo's M. Nodine meet Wednesday, Jan. 14, at 7:30 fighters at the Armory this was high scorer with 10 markers, p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Make Your \<\vl Birthday A Saturday but another assignment Miss Foster added eight. Hall, 1175 Main St. will prevent that. Watertown, 1-3 in the NVL, This will constitute the annual P%%%a Party! In fact, the whole card looks will meet Wllby away tomorrow meeting, at which members will like one of the best the Water- (Friday) at 3:30 p.m., and be elected to the Executive ALSO SERVING GRINDERS bury Boring Club has been able Shepaug away on Tuesday, Jan, Board and vacancies filled on the to lineup in the past year. 13, at 3:15 p.m. Games against Board of Directors. The most exciting bout of the Crosby (Tuesday) and thf Alum- night could be the match ni (Saturday) are also scheduled between Dana McCarthy of for this week. Bristol and Billy Duquette of Brockton, Mass. McCarthy always comes out Oakville PTO WATERTOWN'S slugging and he and Duquette staged a battle royal that ended The Oakville PTO will hold its in a draw at Boston two weeks January meeting on Wednesday, ago. Jan. 14, at 7:30 p.m. at South BICENTENNIAL School. Featured speaker will be The fact that quarterback Rick Diana Visek, of the Beeman and offensive guard Transcendental Meditation CALENDAR Steve Marshall, a pair of Mat- Center in Cheshire. tatuck Community College foot- Refreshments will be served and ball players the past two years, door prizes awarded. 12 original have siped letters of intent with major universities, should en- artist's sketches courage more local football- minded athletes to enroll at Mal- ta tuck. I WATERTOWN Large blocks Often upon graduation from high school, a young man finds AUTO BODY for dates. *!••«••• iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2744626 ENGINEERED * Free Estimates SINTERINGS * Collision Experts * Auto Body Painting AND i * Auto Glass GET YOURS NOW PLASTICS, INC. * Wrecker Service available al A * 30 years experience * Reasonable Priets Hosking's Red Barn Gift Shop WATERTOWN KNIGHT ST. Bicentennial General Store Post Ofiic© Drug Store INDUSTRY WATERTOWN March's Oakville Pharmacy Pepperidge Tree Card Shop nmmimiiiiiiiimiiimfflMiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiHiMir Salt Boi Pandora's Box -nrf* *¥ Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Timei (Watertown ,Society Com.), January 8,187 8 P*e 19 DOG GROOMING: A! smaB NOW AT WATERTOWN Com- hwtds, CaU t74-W6 nwnity Federal Credit Union, LEGAL NOTICE ooe-year certificate of deporit at watertownhistoricalsociety.orgERNIES Aim BODY WORK seven per cent per $1,000. 0M of tot most completely (Penalty for _rly withdrawal). CLASSIFIED equipped Mot k Body ftops la ttato of Connecticut Connecticut. Wheel Alignment Court of Probate B'S SEWING MACHINE Diitrict of WateftOire and Balancing repairs. All makes. CaU 274-Q17Q 14! Merita Raid or 17«l«0. Jam—nr S, 1V7I WaKrkvy NOTICE OF HEARING PEGGY PARKER'S PARTY ALL CLASSIFIEDS MUST BE PAID VI ADVANCE LOOKING FOR CLOCKS and Estate of JOSEPH KIRBY. In- pocket watches, broken eases saod«i_Ms and desserts are Just competent. Tuesday BOOB to the deadline for cUiiifled advertUIng. and movements. Call Phfl Dunn ddldoui. Freshly made. 7M- 4703 Petitioner, Oeraldlne K Rates: $1.00 minimum charge tor the lint If words, plus anytime, 274-1931 Magnuson, Con*ervatrix, 114 $.30 per line for each additional line beyond the minimum Lighthouse Road, Woodbury, (approi. four words per line). All classifieds art carried CARPENTER AND MASON W4L OIL Burner Service - AU Coaa, WORK, reasonable. Building and typeion_Ullationjofboller»4 Date of Hearing, January 1«, in the Water-Oak Shoppers Guide M well as Town Times, furnaces, gas or oil. 24-bour atno additional ctorge. repairing. Free sUmate. Tel. \m, at 1:1$ AM, at the Probate repair jervjee. I7440M, Paul Court, Town Hall DeForest St., wium Grant, Proprietor Rain Want_lEYELET TOOLMAKER. Se- Watertown, Conn. WILL DO ALTERATIONS and Upon the application of the n-p ff—iea MBdshtftopMiMtorMptritne- sewing for women and children TYPING DONE in my home. petitioner pmyinf that the be CaUi74-f?U. p ~^^S^!!^^ «* Class A townaker of tool Experienced legal, busti and authorisethridd to MU the life use to HELP WANTED! IWut» for Jay^t and set up. Competitive commercial secretary. LOST: City National Bank Book certain real estate owned by the part-tiiM erlb and Janitorial wig,, „$ btntflu; fwTwo*. ReaaoBaMe rates. Call J74-U74 Incompetent, as per application duties. Morning bows. Call Leo ing conditloni, ihift bonus. Stan* No. ilOOOllM. Payment applied for, on file more fully appears, J, Hamd, tee., 274-WM. jjrt four-day work week with IT IS ORDERED THAT Said ™~%"™™"™"™" T"™"" ovirtime available. Apply at MECHANICS SPECIAL IBM application he beard and deter- MICROBIOLpGBT - Outstan- Consolidated Tube FabrieaUni LOST: City National Bank Book Corvair, $80 or best offer. CaU mined at the Court of Probate at ding area flrm, within com- Corp., Hunttagton Ave., Water- No. 4*000684-8. Payment applied I744_7. the date, time and place In- muting distance, seeks a B.S. In bury Ct for. Microbiology or a Biology major - ":'- v ^ SMIL'S JEWELERS dicated above. 7t» Mali St By Order of the Court, wito«mtalniumrf onei course in EXPERIENCED general fac- ATWOODS INS. AGENCY bacteriology. Prfftr M! year^ei- | i WatertowB W 1 toPy6 1ne p (oP 9 eni mti Complete insurance service. Expert watch repairing Carey R. Geghan P^ ,« fl^J&W^i*- W OP " "!* Must have experience John B. Atwood, 40 DeForest St., guaranteed workmanship, Judge WMtfftSUI ARCHPl ?;?U1 ' WelIP°t SlHht press wort hand Watertown, next to the Town TT 14.71 L* , S^, weraW of ««l«ted work. Ei- Hall. 2744711. WINTER CLEAN-UP: LeavH, Main, 75M1U, ceiled _ag conditionB, com- wor REWEAVING AND MONO- gutters, snowblowing, sidewalks AMT immrMAN M*Hi..m I^Utlve wages with shift and in- cleared, CaU 274-4171. ASST. FOREMAN - Medium cattae g^^ „}„ w ^^11 GRAMMING: Start a club and JOHN 0'lAI AGENCY get your clothes FREE, We also llf fiMMMfttM U. NtlWttVI sized screw machini manufac- ^fa Fourfay wWr. Apply carry tennis dresses and turer in Witerbury seeks a Q Consolidated Tulbe sweaters. Phone Davidson's Seidu Delphlans supervisor to set up, operato, Fabricating Corp., 7M.701B, • PHI 4 INTMKiM STiTWS B Dress Shop, 274-2222, The Seidu Delphian Society fOI NOMI _• lUSiNBS repair and maintain Browne k - will meet Tuesday, Jan. 13, at Sharp Screw machines. PAINTING, interior and «*i- BALDWIN & WURLITZER 230 p.m at the home of Mrs Minimum of 3-5 years ex- terior. Professional paperhang- perience required. Fee Paid to mg Call Ed Miehaud, 274-8879: Pianos It Organs WilUam C. Cleveland, 71 Candee $13,000. Call G.H, Snow at __ SPIOTTI MUSIC SCHOOL Hill Road. UNr/SEARCH, 111 West Main, SKIN DISORDERS? Try Toco- 10 Acre Mall • Straits Tpke. TEO TIETZ, JR. 274-1556 -171-4333 755-0111. Dtrm Vitamin E cream, 1M0IU TRUCKING Lessons on all instruments, per tube. Drug Gift of Water- ut Id Wsodbuiy SHOP SUPT. - Local area firm town. FOR SALE: 5 HP roto tiller, YOU CALL, WE MAUL like new; One desk with chair; leeks experienced superinten- ANYTIMi. ANY PLACE dent with a strong tool and die WOOD STOVES, Handmade Whirlpool elec, dryer. Call 274- CRUSHED STONf background. Will supervise Watertown products, built to 8418 between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. GRAVEL LOAM SAND machinists in manufacturing last. Call 274-1164. BULLDOZING FOR SALE: Late 1974 Impala 4- special tools. Excellent fringes —„______._.__,__._.__ REASONABLE RAIES dr, red Chevy, 25,000 miles. With and working conditions. Fee FOR SALE; Outside pill with You re Always Ahead AC, radio and snow tires. $3,- Paid to $18,000. Call Q.H. Snow rotisserie, $10; Oak end table, When You Csi! ltd at UNI/SEARCH, 111 West refinished, $S0; Swimming pool, 200. Daytime, 274-5478. After 5, Join the Payroll Saving* Plan, Main, 755-0111. worth $600, asking $250; Milk 274-5042. ————————————— can, $15; Two Oak commodes, MOTOR DESIGNER - Area all refinished, $75; New Pine manufacturer, within easy com- night table, asking $60; Pine coat muting distance, seeks electrical rack, aU refinished, $50; Air con- engineer with a minimum of 2 ditloner, large enough for The Learning Center years experience in design and business or home, worth $500, development. Fee Paid to $18,- asking $200; B&W Polaroid (formerly Children's House) 000. For further details call or camera, new $75; New Window BETHLEHEM send resume to G.H. Snow at fan, $20; Magic Chef broiler with UNI/SEARCH, 111 West Main, rotisserie, worth $100, asking Education based on the insights of Montessori, 755-0111. $50; Antique iron pot from ' — " " Georgia, priceless, $75. Call 274- Piaget, and the British Infant school for PERSONNEL ASSISTANT - 9119, children 2Vz - 5. Area manufacturer has an ex* ———______cellent level position for a WOMAN WOULD LIKE to care 9:00 - 11:45 a.m. Monday - Thursday college grad in a career in per- for young child, full or part time Directresses: sonnel. Initial duties will include Call 274*5142. Marian Grioux and Patricia Plouffe some receptionist work as well ______as some light typing but com- ARC REGISTERED Doberman pany plans to develop individual Pinschers, bred for tempera- FOR INFORMATION RE. FEBRUARY selected in all facets of per- ment and confirmation sonnel work. Fee Paid to $9,300. (ROSEVALE blood lines), reds REGISTRATION, CALL 266-7974 Call or send resume to G.H. and blacks. Reservations being OPEN HOUSE Snow at UNI/SEARCH, 111 West taken. Master Charge accepted. Main, 755-0111, Call after 5;30 p.m. or all day January 25 2-5 p.m. ______weekends, 274-3784. Snow date: February 1 COUTURIER SEWING WANTED TO RENT: Five-room AND ALTERATIONS TO house with garage. CaU 274-3874. FIT, REPAIRS & ——-— ALTERATIONS TO P.J. CERAMICS, 333 Rockdale I FATHFR fJABMFNTQ A Ave- Oakville. Evening classes, qPFriAI TV rvfl I Mi. Greenware for sale. Flreing srCLiAL 1 Y, CALL 474- 274-8554 WANTED donfl 4150, ______•______•_-_ TONY'S PAINT SERVICE EXPERIENCED COOK wanted Interior, exterior, wallpapering, CARRIERS for 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. shift. WiU CaU 274-4578 work with other kitchen per- ———• ____ to deliver the sonnel. To start middle of J&S LEATHER EXPRESS. January. Excellent working con- Custom leather goods and ditions. Apply in person to Dieti- repairs, 667 Main St., Water- WATER-OAK SHOPPERS GUIDE clan at Glendale Health Care town. Call Jim Pazera, 274-2679. Substitutes Needed All Areas Naugatuck, between!a.m. tmdS 0LD THINGS WANTED. Top p.m., Monday-Friday. P"cef paid for one item or Routes now open in Riverside-Tower Rd. area : houseful. Check cellar, attic or and toe Polk School area. MAINTENANCE MACHINIST SSb^" M3-_f ^ Clip and »md Coupon Below to: TOWN TIMES P.O. Box 1, Watertown. 067* experienced in presses and _^ib^ilt,??__

eyelet machines. Good working JUST ARR1VED AT Chintz 'N conditions, stable local sub- Prlnts of Newtowri) an enormous sidiary of N.Y.S.E company. number o( Decorator Slipcover, Competitive wages, full benefit Drapery & Upholstery Fabrics NAME PHONE schedule. Overtime available, at enormous savings. S. Main St. Excellent opportunity with good (Route 25) Newtown, Conn. ADDRESS AGE ., future for right person. Apply in . person at Consolidated Tube DOG GROOMING, all breeds. Fabricating Corp. Interview Trim for pet or show. Pick up before or after day shift can be an(j delivery Weekdays 264- arranged by phone at 766-7018. go84 3,, V 4 i • Page 20 PropertyTown Times (Watertown, Conn.)of, Januar they 8,187 Watertown8 Historical Society 111,000 fpr a Jacobsoo ieven- one of his agency's centconUl place medal tor malci in the in- $3-Million Sewer gang (airway mower, to be J.W. Hosting mtdjtk. dividual glockenspiel competi- (Continued From Page 1) suppUed by McGovern Co, of (Continued From Page 1) More than 150 persoM attend- tion. Together be and Lori street lines will branch out into Windsowatertownhistoricalsociety.orgr Locks. dairy and poultry divUlons to ed the meeting. VanBuren took second place In the Hamilton Avenue area. Crestbrook Superintendent become the leader. the glockenspiel doet contest Robert McCarthy was on hand Dr. Guatav A. L Mehlquist, Owf» rehearsals have remm- Total pipeage, including house rofesaor of floriculture in the Potter Again connections (about 6,000 feet), Monday night to explain be es- ed on Wednesday! at Judaoo timates 118,000 is needed to G'ollege of Agriculture and Places First School, from «:» to 9 p.m. adds up to 42,312 feet, just over Natural Resources, University eight mites. repair the present, delapidated Thirty-one Drum Corps golf course equipment for the up- of Connecticut, Starrs, received The Water and Sewer Authori- the association's highest in- members took part in their (U, HACK 4 SON, INC, ty, which forwarded the request coming Mann, He said the new respective competition Jacobson could save about $5,000 dividual annual recognition, the to the Council, hopes to have toe CNA award of merit, for his categories in North Haven last local financing completed by tot in repairs to the MM Ford trailer weekend. This was the latest In- and the older seven-gang fairway development of new varieties of end of toe month so construction rhododendron and other ser- dividual, Duet and Quartet eon- can begin sometime in June, mower, and $1,200 in labor to run test, the two pieces. vices. Dr. Mehlqulst to president Completion of the project is of toe Connecticut Horticultural Scott Potter took the first slated for July, 1977. Bids are ei- The Council agreed to put a Society and active In other pected to go out on the |200 guaranteed returnable organizations. specifications in the spring, deposit on the Jacobson in A certificate of commendation Mr. Smith pointed out at Mon- Deetmber, but Mr. Powell, who day's Council meeting any effect was presented to the Connecticut made the motion, said he has had Agricultural Experiment Sta- toe interceptor would have on second thoughts about purchas- Steele Brook flooding problems tion, New Haven and Windsor, in ing the mower. recognition of its 100th anniver- Isnllliis will be purely coincidental, since "It just doesn't seem to be sary. It was received by Dr, Paul it is not a flood control plan, but there'll be 111,000 available in rather a pollution project. Plans E. Waggoner, station director, the budget," he told the rest of who in turn five the association materialized for the interceptor the Council. a few years ago when toe Fire Councilman William Muccino District's pollution control plant asked the park superintendent Telephone became overloaded. what the alternatives were if toe Answering to find out about After the public hearing, toe new mower was not purchased. Service professional proposal has to go to a townwide Mr. McCarthy replied "The Mimeographing furniture cleaning? referendum, and it was here toe alternative is that if you don't 274-8805 entire package fell into disfavor Yoursatiifactlon is assured keep up the course, it will start CONNECTICUT1 with some of the Councilman. to lose money....There's no way whtn our professionally trained Vice Chairman Raymond to take care of Crestbrook with Service Bureau ServictMister hom§ cart experts Powell said when toe property the equipment we have now." clean your furniture. The owners along the line route He said golf course equipment SirvlciMaster method of realize toe assessment is $33 a is specifically designed for soil removal protects foot, toe whole area might be up course use only, and very few the finest fabrics, in arms. Anyone with a large equipment companies make restores color and tract of land, he added may be suitable models. Mr. McCarthy brightness. Our forced to pay upward to $5,000 on deemed the Jacobson mower the home cleaning toe frontage. only type that will do the job for all your He observed if public reation specialists will effectively at Crestbrook, thus residential or also clean your at the hearing is heavily against down the ideas of ren- the sanitary line, the town would commercial needs carpets, walls, and ting the machinery or putting the floors-even your be heading for "a dead referen- specifications out to bid. dum" at a cost of $1,500. PAR GLASS entire riouse! isn't Colleague Theresa Mitchell said The Council figured the repair now at this your day to call from past experiences, toe town expense account will add up to ServictMaster for would have to keep holding toe $18,000 with or without the new 117 Icho Lake Road an tstimati? Look in referendum over and over gain Jacobson, and dediced to lump Watertown 274-2151 the Yellow Pages under until it is passed. Mr. Powell the entire allocation proposal "Furniture Cleaning," replied the idea "is throwing into one hearing instead of call- away money." ing a separate one for the mower and another one for the $7,000 R. P. ROMANIELLO i - the one io call lor 8 household spot Mr. Smith remarked, Tfi A4TO ... or a spotless house however, many people in toe repair balance. Plumbing, Hating 1 affected area have been clamor- Mr. Smith suggested the town ing for a sewer line, and he didn't issue $6,000-a-year serial notes Faocst, Sink, SorviceWASTER of WATERBURY, INC. think they would oppose the plan. over the next three years to Toilet (tipairs U Chase River Road, Waterbury cover the appropration after He warned the State would most Hwt N» l,0M Mm fewifcMf tfc. ihitwl StttM «ri CMMII likely institute legal action Council Chairman Everard Day Wotir Hiattn against the town if no referen- suggested using a borrowing con- Drains 1 Stwin dum were held, and toe non- cept because Crestbrook is a Cltflftd action could also jeopardize the revenue producing venture. The pant money. motion will go before the public The interceptor in Watertown on Jan. 26. If accepted, a 24 HR, EMERGENCY will be installed along Main referendum date will be set up. Street between Knight Street SERVICE 2744714 and Edgewood Avenue. Roads and streets tabbed for trunk lines and connections are Knight Street, Trumbull Street, Belden Street, Edgewood Avenue, Lockwood Drive, Shannon Avenue, Center Street, a short portion of Orchard Lane, INTERIORS ) Middlebury Road between 8 Main South, Woodbury Prospect Street and Old Army Mobil Super Traction 78 Road, Circuit Avenue, Grand- Designer of Distinctive Interiors view Avenue, Neill Drive, and For Homei, Professional, and Commercial Interiors Series 78 Bias-Ply Deerfield Lane along toe brook, Construction— Also up for hearing will be toe Custom Made 4 Plits Polyester $18,000 for Crestbrook Park Draperies ... Slipcovers ... Upholstery machinery repairs, although the Fine Furnitme and Accessories proposal had a more difficult * Wide, deep snow-biting cleats.t time of getting the Council's Monday - Friday 11-4 263.2606 blessing. Come in or call for an appointment * Bias-ply construction resists The top item in toe figure is impact breaks and punctures. * Cured to resist tread cracking and to hold true road shape. COMING SOON - A MUSICAL EVENT!!* * Prepared to accept studs. SUGGISTED OftkLIR SIZES •XCiil LISTPRICIS SALE PRICES 200 YEARS Of AMERICAN MUSK) 7 TAXES •LACK WHITE BLACK WHITE Performed by 200 WATERTOWH HIGH SCHOOL MUSICIANS £ A7B-13 $1.76 $33,95 $36.95 $26 §29 B78-13 1.84 37,95 — 29 THE WATERTOWN BICENTENNIAL J C78-14 2.04 40.95 — 29 CONCERT OF AMERICAN MUSIC *76 J E78-14 2,27 41.96 — 29 F7B-14 2.40 38.96 42.95 26 29 Watertown High School Music Department G78-14 2,66 42.95 45.95 26 99 Ftaturiv THE WATERTOWN HIGH SCHOOL BAND H78-T4 2,77 48.95 — 31 Robert M-Pettinicchi, Conductor 560.16 1.79 34,96 37.95 26 29 THE WATERTOWN HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT CHOffi G78-15 2,60 43.95 46,95 26 29 Chari« L Collier, Conductor H78-15 2.83 49.95 — 31 • 3 EVENING CONCERTS FEB. 26,27,28 8:00 p.m.' Watertown High School Auditorium Armand's Fuel Co. TICKETS ON SMI SOON - ALL SEATS *2" h 131 DAVIS ST. OAKVnAE 274-2538 Proceed! to the Watertown Bicentennial Council *« |Open:.Mon.-Fri. 7 a,m. • 5 p.m. Sat, 7 a.m. -1 p,m.