e-Bulletin Agripreneur A Virtual Experience Sharing Platform

Volume-VIII Issue–X January- 2017

Kaushal Vikas Se Krishi Vikas

The Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare organized one day National Skill Development Workshop on “Kaushal Vi- kas Se Krishi Vikas” on 05th January 2017 at A.P. Shinde Symposium Hall, NASC Complex, Pusa, New Delhi. The stakeholders from National Insti- tutes, ICAR, Private Agribusiness companies, National Training & Research Institutes and farmers participated in the workshop. In the Inaugural Ad- dress, Shri. Radha Mohan Singh, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, GOI, specified that, “Employment opportunities have been gener- ated for the skilled youth in the fields of agri-warehousing, cold chains, sup- ply chains, dairy, poultry, meat, fisheries, horticulture, agricultural mechani- zation as well as micro-irrigation”. Two Agripreneurs trained under Agri- Clinics and Agri-Business centers Scheme were invited to the workshop. Sh. Adesh Kumar, Agripreneur from Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, shared his ex- perience and his success as an Agripreneur in the Agriculture sector. Sh. Adesh Kumar is involved in production and marketing of bio-products. In addition, he is actively involved in creation of awareness regarding use of bio-products in crop production. Sh. Adesh has created 1500 jobs for rural youth in Agriculture through his initiative. Smt. Sunila Jakhar from Karnal, Haryana, briefed about her skills developed in Apiary. Smt. Sunila is in- volved in manufacturing of Bee-hives and consultancy on Apiary. Smt. Sunila has trained around 100 rural women in Apiary and about 400 farmers from 30 are benefited through consultancy. Smt Sunila extended employment to 40 rural youth from her . Sh. Deepak Mendiratta, Nodal Officer, Jubilant Agricultural and Rural Development Society, Mo- radabad, Uttar Pradesh shared his experiences in implementing the training under Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centers scheme. Sh. Mendiratta ar- ticulated that the idea to hire a Mobile Van for trainees is highly effective, as it enabled the trainees to experience live demonstrations on different crops.

National Institute of Agricul- Department of Agriculture Co-operation, National Bank For Agriculture tural Extension Management FM, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers & Rural Development Welfare.

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Agri technologies technologies in Agriculture. MANAGE extends best - companies companies displayed their technologies through stalls. - Harvest Green at Home Green Harvest science science Pvt. Ltd. Plot No.101/B, Phase Business Centers scheme since 2006. Agricultural Develop- 2006. Agricultural since scheme Centers Business - - January 2017 at Baramati, Pune, Maharashtra. The exhibition exhibition The Maharashtra. 2017 Pune, at Baramati, January

nd less gardening helps me to grow my food and I am looking for- 22 - -

th 19 “KRUSHIK” enabling Agripreneurs with high “KRUSHIK”Agripreneurs enabling

22 Jan 2017 in 110 acre area. main The theme of the wasexhibition live -

Clinics and Agri and Clinics - Navaratana Navaratana Crop exposed exposed to different high wishes. visited visited the exhibition. Agripreneurs trained under the Business Centers scheme at Krishi Agri Vigyan Kendra worked as volunteers and got groups. groups. Technology information was displayed though boards, sessions of scien- tists and group discussion of farmers were arranged. More than 2 lakh farmers There were 17 machinery and irrigation companies demonstrating their machinery. machinery. their demonstrating companies and irrigation 17 machinery were There Around 32 different types of animal breeds were displayed through the animal show. There were value addition food stalls represented by women self demonstration of crops. by A demonstration displayed 91 were total demonstrations various crop companies and 102 Agri was was held at Agricultural Development Trust’s Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baramati from 19 companies, andcompanies, social and institutions came together ideas knowledge, exchanged and 2nd The expertise. edition of 2017 KRUSHIK held from ment Trust’s Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baramati had organized a 3 days event named event a days 3 organized had Baramati Kendra, Vigyan Krishi Trust’s ment “Krushik Expo”, where farmers, Government officials, agri with with MANAGE, Hyderabad to impart the training under the centrally sponsored Agri Agricultural Agricultural Development Trust’s Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baramati is associated 4065143358, 4065143358, M:+919010111139, email:[email protected], www.navaratnacropscience.com tact tact pally, Ranga Reddy package package on soil ward to start said gardening” one of the participants. For more details con- please Company, Company, covered the complete package of practices on Soil Less Gardening and Indoor plantation. “I keep hearing urban agriculture helps one can grow our own food to eat healthy, avoid pesticides and chemicals etc. This one day complete State, State, India. participants Twenty from Hyderabad participated in the seminar. Dr. Sciences Crop Navaratna of President Vice (Agronomist), Rao Sekhara Chandra G. one day and at one seminar Home on Gardening” Organic, Urban, “ Terrace Advance RangaTelangana District, Reddy Cherlapally, Ltd., Pvt. Sciences Crop Navaratana our our own backyard means we can produce fruits and vegetables the chemical urbanand too. in the of importance an way Keeping money, view save agriculture, has taken a by initiative been who Mrs. organized (Agripreneur) M. Reddy Saritha security in security times of crises or shortage. food Vegetables have specially a short pro- some cycle; can duction within inbe harvested 60 planning. of food days Growing Urban agriculture is playing an important role in contributing to household food Agri-Exhibition Seminar

Bee Buzzing Success Women Agripreneur

Tejas Apiary, is popular around Jind area in Haryana, and offers bee keeping training to farmer, rural youth and women as well as honey manufacturing and sale in the brand name of APIS honey. Mrs. Sunila Jakhar (40) who has a doctoral degree in (Agronomy) from Jind, Haryana and is the founder of ‘Tejas Apiary’ argues that, “Bees play an important and irreplaceable role as pollinators in the environment. Honeybees are the most efficient polli- nators not only vital for honey production, they also cause manifold increase is crop produc- tivity through pollination. Pollination can significantly increase the yields of fruits and vege-

tables”. Three years ago, Mrs. Sunila took up two month residential training course under Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centers (AC&ABC) Scheme at Indian Society of Agribusi- ness Professional (ISAP) Kearnal, Haryana. During training, she visited an established Api- ary, and found that, the cost to start beekeeping business is not particularly high as com- pared to many small business. Besides, one can harvest the honey within six week. Mrs. Sunila has a dreamed herself as well-known honey-maker. ‘Tejas Apiary’ is a registered beekeeping unit involved in Bee boxes manufacturing, honey processing and training center. Tejas apiary has trained more than 400 farmers from 30 villages, and grouped farmers? in 20 Farmers Interest Group which have registered for Beekeeper. “As part of our operations, we meet farmers in rural areas and provide them with bee boxes and free training. Then, Mrs. Sunila Jakhar once they start bee-keeping, we buy back the honey at a pre-determined price. Ours is a not- W/o. Net Ram, # 148/19, Hanuman Nagar, for-profit outfit, and we generate income by selling this honey to retailers under our own Narwana, Jind vill.,Haryana - 16126 brand Apis,” says Mrs. Sunila. Tejas Apiary has an annual turnover of over Rs.60 lakh and Mobile: +919671349444 has created employment for 40 skilled persons from the Jind area. Mrs. Sunila’s message to email: [email protected] budding agripreneurs, “Be like Bee, hardworking bee is able to collect honey also from bitter flowers”.

Smart Farming enabling Smart Living

Farm mechanization creates unemployment. The myth has been broken and it has SocialEntrepreneur been observed that, agricultural mechanization besides increasing production and productivity, also generates income and employment opportunities. state is facing labour shortage. To overcome this problem, I decided to train the farming community in farm mechanization and precision farming. Smart farm machines can help farmers to boost farm output, raise farmers’ income, and promote sustainability in farming”, said Shri Ramachandran Pillai (59) a retired Agriculture Officer from State Department of Agriculture Kerala. Shri Pillai was trained under the Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centres Scheme at Kerala Agricultural Uni- versity, Trissur, Kerala. Soon after training, Shri Pillai submitted a detailed project report to

State Bank of , branch, Kerala. After a long struggle, he could convince the bank officials and get finance of Rs.20 /-lakh. Shri Pillai established “CTDS Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Center”, at Pattazhy a remote village in , 40 kms from the Dis- trict Headquarters, an area predominantly inhabited by small and marginal farmers. The train- ing center is associated with Central Travancore Development Society, a Non-Governmental Organisation functioning in the area. The firm is run as single proprietorship, managed by Shri C. Ramachandran Pillai with the help of 11 skilled persons. Enabling with mobile input ser- vices, Shri Pillai is providing on-campus and off-campus agri-consultancy services on quality Shri C. Ramachandran Pillai agri-inputs, package of practices on crops, soil and water testing, plant protection with special CTDS Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business emphasis on vegetable and , precision farming, landscaping, tree rejuvenation etc. Center, Pattazhy Village, Almost 1150 farmers from 14 villages have been trained in the center and have adopted Tq, Kollam District, Kerala-691522, mechanized farming. Shri Pillai is earning net profit of Rs. 60,000/- per month. email: [email protected] Mobile : +91 9447300907 InnovativeStory Turning Seaweeds into Plant Growth Regulators

Haridas Shivaji Kumbhar, Sangli, Maharashtra Plant growth regulators have been used as a tool to obtain vegetative and productive growth for many years. Today, there are many fascinating and innovative ways to manufacturing plant growth regulators. Plant growth regulators are now being used as seed soaks, bulb dips, media sprays and

controlled residue. Shri Haridas Shiwaji Kambhar (34) residing at Sangli, Maharashtra developed a unique PGR product and branded as “MULTIEXCEL” a total crop solution and vital for soil health treatment. For over seven years, Mr. Haridas searched in understanding how to ensure sustainable harvest seaweed culture into high-value nutrients for plants. MULTIEXCEL is developed from the mixture of extract from Ascophyllum Nodosum, Sargassum and Laminaria based seaweeds. The compositions of the product are Soluble Potash, K2O (16.00% min) and Organic matter (50.00 % min). The product is used as plant growth regulator and crop bio- stimulant. More than 1500 farmers from two of Maharashtra have used the product and revealed that the yield has increased by 30%. Drench- ing is the most common method of applying plant growth regulators. Drench applications usually provide longer lasting, more uniform control of plant height than spray applications and typically use a larger, more diluted vol- ume of solution than sprays, said Haridas. Mr Haridas Kambhar is available at Akshara Agro, Post-Yelavi, Tq. Tasgaon, Dist, Sangli, Maharashtra state. e-mail- [email protected] Mobile; +91 9860075009. Cost Efficacy Rs. 9000/- per acre for all types of crops.

www.agriclinics.net is the portal providing information about Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centres Scheme. The portal gives updates on eligibility criteria, training institutes, training progress, handholding activities, finance options and subsidy to the prospective Agripreneurs. The website also provides information on details of estab- lished Agriventures, pending projects, relevant schemes etc., and other information useful for State governments, Agricultural Universities, Banks, Training Institutes and Agripreneurs.

Centre for Agri-entrepreneurship Development (CAD) National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, India E-mail : [email protected] Website: www.agriclinics.net

“Agripreneur” is published by Mrs. V. Usha Rani, IAS, Director General, MANAGE Editor in Chief: Mrs. V. Usha Rani, IAS, Director General, MANAGE Editors: Dr. Saravanan Raj, Director (Agril. Extn.)/(CAD) Associate Editors: Dr. Lakshmi Murthy & Mrs. Jyoti Sahare

Editorial team acknowledges graphic design by Shri Bh. Chakradhar Rao and Shri P.Srinivas , CAD

For further queries, please contact: [email protected]