
Parish News

“The Great Gift of Easter is Hope”

Easter & Holy Week details are inside

St Mary’s services resume in church on 11th April

April 2021

Here with you - Here for you

Printed copies of this magazine are available from St Mary’s church and the B Green Store PARISH OF ST. MARY’S, HERTINGFORDBURY www.hertingfordburystmary.org

Priest in Charge Reverend Alan Stewart - email: [email protected] Not Friday please unless very urgent 01992 582726

Assistant Priest Reverend Bill Church - email: [email protected] 01992 410469 Curate Reverend Wendy Sellers – email: [email protected]

Churchwardens Robin Bishop The Fobury, St. Mary’s Lane, Hertingfordbury SG14 2LD [email protected] 01992 551946 David Gorton 3 The Mill, Hertingfordbury Rd, Hertingfordbury SG14 2SB [email protected] 01992 551430

PCC Secretary Ms Rachel Carter 07378 550871 [email protected]

Treasurer Robin Bishop (address see above) [email protected] 01992 551946

Cheques should be made payable to “St Mary’s Hertingfordbury PCC”

Choirmaster John Roberts 01992 552916

Organist Paul Attridge 01992 627210

Pastoral Visitors Kay Juniper 01992 558321/07776 340932 Helen Bishop 01992 551946

Safeguarding Officer Robin Bishop (address see above) [email protected] 01992 551946 Parish News Editorial & Advertising Philip Juniper 07767 312382 / 01992 558321 [email protected]

This publication was kindly printed by St Andrew’s church One Day Throughout this year of Lockdown, the artist Charlie Mackesy has created several beautiful pen and ink drawings, each depicting different people embracing. Each one is simply titled ‘One Day’. These drawings perfectly evoke that longing within so many of us to embrace our nearest and dearest. They are hopeful images which embody a trust that ‘one day’ we will each have our longed-for reunions. As we approach Easter, I’m reminded of the friends of Jesus from whom he was so violently separated. On that long Saturday between death and resurrection, they waited in fear, holding perhaps to his promise that ‘one day’ they would see their friend again.

Their ‘one day’ came on the third day, when early in the morning a group of women hurried to the tomb in darkness to pay their final respects, and were unexpectedly reunited with their resurrected Lord. The message of Easter is that ‘one day’, despite all appearances to the contrary, Love will win. We don’t need to wait of course for that ‘one day’. Love’s victory begins with this day; with every choice and sacrifice, every loving word, every act of kindness. Every time we choose love over apathy or revenge, we are part of that ‘one day’ we call resurrection. In the leaving and the letting go, let there be this to hold onto at the last; The enduring of love The persisting of hope The remembering of joy The offering of gratitude. (Jan Richardson)

Alan Registers


24 March – Marjorie Waterman

30 March – Sheila Bartlett

Sunday Services at St Mary’s Sung Eucharist 9.15am every Sunday (resume 11th April) Zoom Sunday Service at 10.30am (joining details from Robin Bishop) All Age Service & Young Church (currently suspended)

Zoom Services While services at St Mary’s are temporarily suspended the Zoom services are vital for your worship in the immediate future

Please contact the church office if you'd like to be added to our mailing list and receive the service or meeting invitation details: standrew.@btinternet.com or contact Robin Bishop to be added to the St Mary’s distribution list

Every Wednesday Every Sunday Eucharist 10.30am Sunday Service 10.30am Meditation & Mindfulness 8.00pm Compline 7.00pm

Please note that a recording of the Reading, Sermon and Prayers from the Sunday morning service is now available on the St Mary’s website www.hertingfordburystmary.org

Easter and Returning to our Buildings

A message from Rev Alan

As we look forward to celebrating Easter differently again this year, I’m writing to let you know about our Easter Day services to which you are all very welcome and that we hope you will be able to “attend”

On Easter morning, as the dawn rises, we will gather outside at St Mary’s where we will light the first fire of Easter and share in the Dawn Eucharist at 5.30am. Do remember to wrap up warm and bring a torch. If it’s raining, we’ll go inside. We will follow the usual restrictions so, please do wear a face covering. Numbers are limited, so please book through Eventbrite.

Later that day, our main service will be on Zoom at 10.30am and you’re invited to have a palm cross and a fresh flower to hand, and something to make a noise with! This is a wonderful opportunity for both churches to celebrate together.

I’m delighted to say that the following Sunday (11 April) we will re-open both our church buildings for 9.15am worship at St Mary’s and 10.30am at St Andrew’s. Previous guidelines and restrictions will apply (face covering, social distancing, no singing etc. At present, we have no guidelines for children’s activities, so do watch this space. As before, Sunday Zoom services at 10.30am will continue.

Have a wonderful Easter and I look forward to the day when we can safely meet without restrictions

All services are on ZOOM unless indicated

Sunday 28th March - Palm Sunday Service at 10.30am Monday 29th March - Music and readings for Holy Week at 8pm Tuesday 30th March - A reflective Taize Service for Holy Week at 8pm Wednesday 31st March - A Meditation for Holy Week 8pm Thursday 1st April - Maundy Thursday Eucharist at 8pm

Good Friday (The Last Hour) – Readings and Reflections for Good Friday 2-3pm

Easter Day

Dawn Eucharist with the first fire of Easter Outdoors at St Mary’s at 5.30am

Easter Day Joint Service at 10.30am (Zoom)

Easter Garden at St Mary’s We know that many people like to visit our wonderful church, and this might especially be the case this Easter, when we are closed for services but open for prayer. From 27 March, an Easter garden will start to appear on the green directly in front of the church building. It will start off simple, but hopefully by Easter Day will be beautifully decorated with flowers. The inside of the church will also be decorated with flowers for Easter Day. Do please drop by to visit, reflect and pray. You might even like to leave a flower at the foot of the cross in the Easter garden. The church is open for prayer daily and the plan is to resume services on 11 April.

Thoughts For Holy Week This year’s reflections for Holy Week (from 29 March to Easter Sunday on 4 April) are based around the story of Lazarus and his sisters Martha and Mary. The entire week of Thoughts can be found on our website, or you can pick up a paper copy at the church. Here is an extract from the first day’s thought: The story of Lazarus is one we are all familiar with. It can be read in The Gospel of John Chapter 11 and you might like to read that whole chapter through. Lazarus is the man who died and was raised from the dead on the command of Jesus, foretelling a time in the near future when Jesus, too, would die and be raised at God’s command. On 2 February 2021, Pope Francis added a memorial to the siblings to the General Roman Calendar. This means their day, 29 July, must be observed throughout the Catholic Church. There are a number of reasons for this elevation, but the chief reason is surely because Jesus loved them. They were bound to him by the mutual love which close friends have for one another. Today, why not reflect on your own loving friendships. It may be that you spend some time recalling a friend from long ago. Perhaps it’s a good day to contact a dear friend. It may be that you spend some time with Jesus, our Saviour and our Friend. We hope you will join us as we reflect on this story and travel towards Easter Day.

Rev. Wendy Sellers

Organ Music at St Mary’s

We recently had the happy news that we will return to worship in our church buildings. I will be back playing the organ for services both before and after and maybe the odd hymn.

If there is any music that you would like to hear me play in the service, then please let me know. If I don’t know it, I will endeavour to learn it! I look forward to seeing you soon! Paul Attridge - 07768 629748 or email on [email protected]


A Big Thank You ….

To all our congregation who have been making cakes and delivering them to our two Funeral Directors in Hertford, Austin’s and Powell. It’s a small way that we can express our gratitude for all the work that both companies have done to support and help the bereaved in our community over such a difficult 12 months

To Virginia and Christine for organising and making the Mothering Sunday posies and to those that delivered them within our community

St Mary’s Fellowship Group

We are looking to re-start a St Mary’s study/fellowship group on Zoom. We are able to use the Church Zoom account. Two Tuesday evening meetings were to take place in March. After a break for Easter we will reconvene in April for a series of short (4 – 6 week) study sessions as the year goes on. We will use the first two meetings to get to know each other (especially any newcomers) and also to share plans and expectations for the future, but we will also take a brief look at two colourful Old Testament characters whose stories have a lot to say in an age of troubling cultural change and uncertainty – Daniel and Jonah. Everyone is welcome. It will be our first attempt at a study group on Zoom so it will be a learning experience in every sense. We hope to share questions and ideas at all levels, with no ‘right answers’, just the grace to speak honestly and listen patiently.

Please let Geoff [email protected] or Stephane [email protected] know if you are interested in joining us in this venture so we can send you the ‘Zoom’ invitations and any preparatory information you may need each week. Geoff Oates & Stephane McCarthy


B. Green Store - Your Village Shop

Please follow us on social media Instagram @bgreenstore Facebook @hellobgreenstore

For information on weekly happenings and opening hours visit the website www.bgreenstore.co.uk

Headteacher’s Report

This last month has finally seen us being able to welcome all the children back to school – it was so pleasing to walk around the school on that first Monday morning, hearing the enthusiasm from the children as they settled straight back into their classes and have the school full of energy once again. When we had our first ‘socially distanced’ collective worship together, it was such a happy time of being together and belonging – strange to think the last time we did this was our Living Nativity before the Christmas break.

As we are in this special Church season of Lent, we will be reflecting on our journey through this time with God.

‘You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy." (Psalm 16:11)

Rev. Alan and Tracy were both able to join us for an outdoor Lenten reflection. They led the children through the chronology of Jesus being tempted in the desert for 40 days and nights; the Bible stories we then hear of Jesus’ time being with his friends spreading God’s messages of love, performing miracles and teaching us using parables; to then reaching Palm Sunday through to the events of Good Friday. We are now looking forward to ending our term with an Easter Journey reflection with Rev. Alan, Rev. Wendy and Tracy.

World Book Week and the Masked Reader March brought World Book Day and with our children scattered – some learning remotely at home and others in school - we needed to find a way to celebrate the sheer joy of reading and use it as a way to bring us all closer together. Hertingfordbury’s very own, ‘Masked Reader’, was launched! Each morning and afternoon the children, from Nursery to Year 6, were all sent videos of a member of our school community reading to them, only they were wearing a mask. We had a variety of animals, as well as Kermit and the Queen all read a story. On the Friday afternoon, we had the ‘Big Reveal’ where all children were then sent photographs of the unmasked readers to see if they guessed correctly – who was behind the mask? You might find you recognise one or two!

As well as our Masked Readers, the children sent in a photograph showing their favourite places to read; do click on the link and have a look – as you can see, some of our children were quite imaginative! https://hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school.primarysite.media/

Coming To For the final two weeks of term before the Easter holiday, Reception through to Year 6 are all enjoying studying the same book, “Coming to England” written by Floella Benjamin. It’s a fantastic opportunity for our children to learn about the lives of different communities, especially the Windrush Generation. We’re focusing on special and vivid memories we have, our sense of belonging, how we cope with change and moving and our hopes and fears – in all of this we hope to develop our ability to empathise. As a school, we love to come together through sharing the same book, even if we are still working in our separate bubbles!

From all the children and staff at Hertingfordbury, may you have

the gladness of Easter which is Hope, the promise of Easter which is Peace,

The spirit of Easter which is Love.

St. Mary’s Churchyard Regulations - Easter

We are very conscious that this is a sensitive area – and we are most grateful for the care shown by many people tending graves and memorial plaques – but as Churchwardens we are required to ensure that the regulations laid down by the diocese relating to the churchyard are adhered to. The rules relating to churchyards are very stringent compared to those applying to local authority cemeteries. The full regulations are displayed on one of the noticeboards inside the South Door porch. We would therefore ask that you remember that the placing of the likes of Easter Bunnies, windmills and so on, on graves/plaques is not permitted. Similarly floral remembrances should consist of natural flowers. Also please do not use glass vases or jars as they might be accidentally broken during mowing. Whilst we should be reluctant to do so, we will, if necessary, remove items. We would always be happy to explain our reason for doing so. Please do speak with us if you would like advice about what is permitted.

Tributes should be removed by Ascension Day (Thursday 13th May) at the latest Thank you. David & Robin

Hertingfordbury Cricket Club

We’ve just finished the first major cut of the cricket square this year. All being well it looks like we'll start around late April, & outdoor nets a few weeks earlier. If you're a lapsed player or have just moved to the area and looking for a team, drop us a line. All standards welcome. Enjoyment is our main aim No need to commit full time - if you can only play the odd game we'd still love to hear from you. [email protected] or register at www.hertingfordburycc.co.uk

On 23rd March there was the National Day of Reflection to mark one year since the start of lockdown restrictions due to the Covid pandemic. In the porch at St Mary’s is a tree on which we can tie a yellow ribbon to remember those who have died and to look forward with hope. There are also prayer cards to take away. At 12 noon the church bells were rang after we had observed a one minute silence

Reflect – Support – Hope

God of Love Be with us as we think about all that has changed this year, And help us to trust that you are always with us. Be close to us as we remember those who have died, And help us to trust they are at peace with you. Show us how to reach out to others with kindness and care, So that hope shines out in every heart and home, Amen Holy Week St Mary with St John Hertingfordbury Parish News, April 1879

WhatsApp Groups

If you would like to be part of the St Mary’s Church WhatsApp Group please contact David Gorton on 07544 702241

Hertingfordbury Village WhatsApp Group started more as an information centre but in these restricted times has become much more of a sociable group. For more information please contact Jamie Shawyer


Please note a BHF Defibrillator is housed in a cabinet mounted on the outside wall of the parish room (The Brace Room) at St Mary's Church, St Mary’s Lane, Hertingfordbury

Future of Your Parish News - Reminder Again just a reminder that as we continue for the next few months with a predominantly digital magazine, we would appeal to anyone in the community who cannot access one and who would like a hard copy or knows of a neighbour that would like a hard copy, to contact us. We would then arrange to deliver a copy to their address. In this case please e mail me at [email protected]

We understand that this is a community magazine and are extremely grateful for your support and contributions. Philip Juniper – Editor


The new St Mary's website looks fantastic! Please take a look. Now includes

• Recordings of the Sunday morning service Reading, Sermon & Prayers • Latest Parish News in digital format in full colour

This website will now be a vital communication tool to be able to follow updates on the church and St Mary’s position as a result of the challenges we face with the Coronavirus outbreak. If you wish to contribute in any way please contact Rachel via e mail [email protected]


We bring people together through a shared curiosity for the arts. Normally we would meet on the last Thursday of the month to hear arts related lectures in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere at the Spotlight in Broxbourne. We would meet for coffee at 10am, followed by the lecture at 10.30. Visitors are very welcome. However due to Covid this is all on hold.

Monthly lectures are currently being streamed by Zoom

If you would like more information please go to our website www.theartssocietyeastherts.org.uk Registered Charity no 281752 Member Society of The Arts Society

Chairman – Paul Rochford Vice Chairman – Haidy Blake Councillors – Magda Atkins, Lizzer Bradbury, Jim Coppard, Niki Gordon, Roger Morris, Gary O’Leary, Ruth McDonald

Member of Parliament – Oliver Heald County Councillor – Ken Crofton District Councillor – Linda Haysey

Clerk: Emma Jackson, Clerk to Hertingfordbury Parish Council [email protected]

For all the latest information regarding the Parish Council, who we are, when we meet, latest planning applications and much more, please go to: https://www.hertingfordbury.org.uk

To report an issue with fly tipping, highway fault, overflowing rubbish, street lighting etc, please call East Herts District Council directly on 01279 655261 or go to https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/faultreporting/

Fix My Street app: Is a very handy application which can be downloaded on your mobile to enable reporting faults whilst on the go!


The Parish Council would like to say a big thank you to Mr. Tom Brindley our Clerk over the past couple of years. He had brought with him a wealth of experience and knowledge and he will be greatly missed. We all wish him a happy retirement! We would like to welcome Ms Emma Jackson who has now been appointed to take Tom's place as Clerk to Hertingfordbury Parish Council and started on 15th March 2021.

The Birch Green hedges and trees have now been replanted with fresh pollinating plants full of fruits and berries and a long flowering period. We are all looking forward to seeing them pop with blossom and colour over the next few months as spring arrives.

The Secret Society of Hertford Crafters

The Secret Society of Hertford Crafters was formed by a group of 20 friends with a passion for crafting in January 2017 to create Christmas post box toppers for 27 post boxes in Hertford with the aim of brining a smile to Hertford and fundraising for Isabel Hospice Following on from its successes the Secret Society of Hertford Crafters became a bit more official by writing a constitution, opening a bank account and agreeing to the following objectives for the society: • Bringing joy to Hertford (& now Ware too) • Engendering community spirit • Fundraising for local charities

Funds raised for local charities since SSOHC began:

2017 Post box toppers for Isabel Hospice - £14,108

2018 Poppy waterfall, Hertford Castle for Royal British Legion - £17,430

2018 Post box toppers for Isabel Hospice - £5,685

2019 Enchanted Wonderland in Parliament Square for CHIPS - £17,191

2019 Christmas tree in Salisbury Square for Herts Young Homeless - £13,134

Keyworkers & Covid-19 Heroes, fabric face coverings and Christmas post box toppers for Carers in Herts & Citizens Advice East Herts - £25,860

Grand Total - £93,408

We know that many in our local community are part of this secret society so we cannot possibly name names!! However we would like to express our sincere appreciation for their wonderful work, creativity and fundraising over the past 4 years that has certainly brightened up and benefited our community

The White Horse, Surviving Lockdown and a Spring Re-opening

Well, hopefully we are coming to the end of another National Lockdown and can start getting excited about re-opening your local pub - The White Horse, Hertingfordbury. For the last few months, a reduced team have worked hard to produce and deliver some delicious meals to our customers. It has kept us busy and afloat in these turbulent times and we hugely appreciate all those who have supported us. We are delighted with how it has been going and how resilient and committed our fantastic staff have been over the last year. As well as adapting the menu for takeaway, we have partnered up with GoGetters to help with deliveries.

On Sunday 14th March we offered ‘The Mothering Sunday at Home Menu’ which was a great success. Our Chefs prepared a delicious 3 course meal to give Mums the day off and something for the whole family to enjoy together.

Throughout February we have taken the opportunity to give the venue a lick of paint and spring clean ready for the Great Unlock. We are now busy planning to create a beautiful space on the courtyard for our customers to enjoy from Monday 12th April.

We will make sure there is shelter from any April showers, warmth if needed and plenty of great atmosphere for you to enjoy a drink or/and a meal with friends and family. We cannot wait to welcome you back! In the meantime, keep supporting your Local Pub to keep it open for the village. Take Care, Keep Safe. Best wishes The White Horse, Hertingfordbury x

PS Job Vacancy - We are looking for a Housekeeper / Room Attendant and morning coffee/breakfast Waiter. This is an ideal job for a local person / villager. Start from 12th May. Monday – Saturday 8.00am - 2.30pm. If you would like to know more, please email Taylor at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.

Celebration of Scholarships and Secondary School Success

St Joseph’s In The Park is pleased to report a very successful year for the Year 6 pupils who have gained entrance into a wide range of independent and state senior schools across . Five scholarships were awarded: Eden (Academic, Bishop’s Stortford College & Music, Haileybury); Elaine (Music, High School for Girls); Isla (academic, St Edmund’s College); Kerensa (sports, Mount House). For the third year in a row, the school gained a 100% pass rate for Haileybury which is a great achievement. Children will move on to St Albans High School for Girls, St Edmund’s College, Bishop’s Stortford College, Haileybury, Queenswood, , Mount House, Presdales, Gosfield, Broxbourne, Richard Hale, Chauncy, Chancellor’s and the King’s School, .

Headmaster Douglas Brown congratulated all the pupils. “The staff are very proud of the children’s achievements and recognise all the hard work they have put in this year. I really believe the scholarships awarded demonstrate that as a school we truly add value to all our pupils and offer an all-round education.”

“It is important for the school to provide a great deal more than just exam success. We are proud to be a non-selective school offering a wide and varied curriculum, enhanced by a diverse and complementary extra-curricular programme which is designed to equip children for the modern and changing world. Pupils are encouraged to develop learning habits; such as curiosity, persistence and independence which will stand them in good stead for future careers. The focus of any curriculum should not simply be on attainment, but on producing confident, well-rounded children who are adaptable and can contribute and have a value in society.”

1st Birch Green Brownies We were very excited during March, as one of our Brownies – Gabby – received an Anglia Guiding Star Award and Certificate. This is awarded to members up to the age of 18 in exceptional circumstances based on keeping the Brownie Guide Promise and Law. Gabby really excelled last year when her mother had Covid. The Chief Commissioner of Anglia visited us on Zoom to congratulate Gabby, she said that they gave out very, very few Guiding Star awards and the award was presented by the Hertfordshire County Commissioner.

Gabby receiving her Award and Certificate

We also enrolled two Tweenies that have joined us since lockdown so have never attended a proper Brownie meeting. Charlotte, Ashley, Gabby and Hannah have now achieved the Silver Award and we are very close to some of the girls getting their Gold. If the “Boris Road Map” goes according to plan, hopefully we can look forward to all meeting up again before the end of the summer term. Girlguiding in Hertford District desperately needs some new leaders for Rainbows, Brownies and Guides for when units re open. If you could spare a couple of hours once a week, please register your interest.

The Owls Contact www.girlguiding.orguk/interested to register your daughter (or yourself as a volunteer) for the first time in Girlguiding or for more information e mail [email protected] Church Cleaners We really need people (men or women!) to join our church cleaning rota. It takes a couple of hours every few weeks. We want our beautiful church to always look its best If you can help please contact Virginia on 01992 583560

Churchyard Volunteers Needed Volunteers required for grass cutting Second Saturday of each month, anytime between 9 - 12 noon Reward is a picnic lunch and good company……… and a laugh! Please let David Gorton know if you are able to help

Volunteers needed to open/close St. Mary’s

As part of St. Mary’s commitment to be ‘Here with you, Here for you’ we are pleased that we have been able to keep the church open during the day. However, to do so requires volunteers to open and close the building every day. As a village if we want the church to be open – and I think we do - we need some new volunteers. It is not an onerous task. Please give serious thought to joining the rota and speak to one of the Churchwardens. Thank you for considering this

COURTYARD ARTS CENTRE HERTFORD Gallery - Shop – Creative Classes for all – Outreach - Workshops

Whilst the gallery itself is closed people can still enjoy Courtyards website where we'll be adding new challenges and sharing the work our students, members and tutors are creating during this period.

Hertford Arts Trail begins on 8th April and last for 4 weeks.


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Digital and printed copies in Hertingfordbury & The Greens

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Contact Philip Juniper 07767 312382 – 01992 558321 [email protected]



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Would you like to advertise? 10 issues per year

Digital and printed copies in Hertingfordbury & The Greens Prices and sizes to suit you Contact Philip Juniper – 07767 312382 / 01992 558321 [email protected]

RRTrees Sarah Lamb Jewellery INSURED & QUALIFIED ARBORIST 01992 589218 07714660492 DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL WORK o Tree Surgery Will rethread pearl and bead o Hedge Cutting necklaces o Stump Removal Commissions and other jewellery o Seasoned Logs repairs Free quotation or enquiry? Contact Rowan Raymond-Tarplee www.sarahlambjewellery.co.uk 07792 129669 or e mail [email protected]


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Other troublesome aches & 10 issues per year pains? Prices and sizes to suit you BOA & GOsC Registered Friendly, Effective & Local Contact Philip Juniper 07767 312382 – 01992 558321 Call Alastair on 07917 101851 [email protected] www.hertfordosteopaths.com


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