Case 19514: Amendments to the Halifax MPS and Mainland Halifax
P.O. Box 1749 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3A5 Canada Item No. 11.1 Halifax Regional Council June 19, 2018 July 17, 2018 TO: Mayor Savage Members of Halifax Regional Council Original Signed SUBMITTED BY: Councillor Stephen D. Adams, Chair, Halifax and West Community Council DATE: June 12, 2018 SUBJECT: Case 19514: Amendments to the Halifax Municipal Planning Strategy and Mainland Halifax Land Use By-law and associated development agreements for the former Motherhouse Lands, Bedford Highway, Halifax ORIGIN June 12, 2018 meeting of Halifax and West Community Council, Item 13.1.3. LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY HRM Charter, Part 1, Clause 25(c) – “The powers and duties of a Community Council include recommending to the Council appropriate by-laws, regulations, controls and development standards for the community.” RECOMMENDATION That Halifax Regional Council: 1. Give First Reading to consider the proposed amendments to the Halifax Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Mainland Halifax Land Use By-law (LUB), as set out in Attachments A and B of the staff report dated June 1, 2018, to allow the development of a mixed-use community on the former Motherhouse lands in Halifax, and schedule a public hearing; and 2. Approve the proposed amendments to the Halifax Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Mainland Halifax Land Use By-law (LUB), as set out in Attachments A and B of this report, to allow the development of a mixed-use community on the former Motherhouse lands in Halifax. Case 19514 Council Report - 2 - June 19, 2017 BACKGROUND At the June 12, 2018 meeting, Halifax and West Community Council considered the staff report regarding proposed amendments to the Halifax Regional Municipal Planning Strategy and Mainland Halifax Land Use By-law and associated development agreement for the former Motherhouse lands, Bedford Highway, Halifax.
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